Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Mele Kalikimaka: a mere tweak

I don't think the song of today, namely Mele Kalikimaka, needs any intro, if not that it's literally the Hawaiian language adaptation of "Merry Christmas". Today we have a Latin version of it. The following has been sitting in IAFI ever since it was first posted in February, and has been lying around in my translation notes for over a year now. So at some point in August 2021 I listened to Scorpiō Mārtiānus's Latin version of Mele Kalikimaka and was like, what is this random Greek phrase in the middle of this Latin text? And why feminine? So on 26/8 at an unknown time between 2 and 2:29, I come up with the following fully Latin opening

Mele Kalikimaka tibi augurō/nūntiō
Havajānō djē Nātālītjō

I then do two lines of Wasurenaide Latin, and then leave this as is for 4 days. On 30/8 at 16:49 I take it out again and, through «... ita dīcō (perh. sīc dīcō)» (16:49), «ita dīcimus/dīcitur» (16:49, ditched because no rhyme), «tibi dīcō», I finally come to «tibi dīcō ego» (16:56), thus making the final Latin version:

Melē Kalīkīmākā tibi dīcō ego
Havajānō djē Nātālītjō

[Yeah, final until it's not. Not sure what made me think this was better, but "tibi auguro" sounds better to me now, 21/12/22 0:10, and is what I ended up writing in the text below and singing when I recorded this on 20/12/22 between 13 and 14, so that will be my final version.]
Then I think, maybe I should keep the Greek, but make it masculine instead of ἀγαθὴ φίλη. After all, mixing Latin and Greek isn't unknown in classical times. So sometime between 31/8 16:52 and 29/8 18:40, I think of ἀγαθὲ σὺ φίλε, which by those 16:52 turns into ἀγαθέ γε φίλε, this giving the two Greek alternatives:

Melē Kalīkīmākā, ἀγαθέ γε φίλε / ἀγαθὴ φίλη
Havajānō Nātālītjō djē

«mi amīce cāre» from 31/8/21 17:00 gets ditched because it doesn't rhyme.
This is where we leave IAFI, and come to the present, where there is just one thing: misremembering this, I sang «Diesque perfelices» in the closing, but it's actually «Diesque tam felices». I like my version better, so at 21:25 on 19/12/22 I decide to implement it, and at 21:26 I limit this to the below pure Latin version. Yes, I will be giving three versions below: original with female addressee, mixed with Greek and with male addressee, and pure Latin with ungendered addressee. Also, as I typed in the lyrics below, the whole song is to a "tu", and suddenly the closing is "vōbīs", that makes no sense, so I'll switch it to "tibī" in my version.
Wow, I always knew the lyrics wrong! I thought it was "great and bright" and "is a wise way"!
Let's see this!

Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say
On a bright Hawaiian Christmas day
That's the island greeting that we send to you
From the land where palm trees sway
Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright
The sun to shine by day and all the stars at night
Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way
To say Merry Christmas to you

Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way
To say Merry Christmas, a very merry Christmas,
A very merry merry merry Christmas to you
Melē Kalīkīmākā, ἀγαθὴ φίλη,
Hāvājānō Nātālīcjō djē.
Est salūs quam citō multam nūntiō
Tibi lītore palmātō.
Scīmus hīc Nātālem fore lūcidum,
Splendentem sōlem tum noctem stēllārum.
Melē Kalīkīmākā, Hāvājānē
Optāmus hōrās faustās tibī.

Melē Kalīkīmākā, Hāvājānē
Optāmus hōrās faustās, diēsque tam fēlīcēs,
Optāmusque hōrās faustās vōbīs!
Melē Kalīkīmākā, ἀγαθέ γε φίλε,
Hāvājānō Nātālīcjō djē.
Est salūs quam citō multam nūntiō
Tibi lītore palmātō.
Scīmus hīc Nātālem fore lūcidum,
Splendentem sōlem tum noctem stēllārum.
Melē Kalīkīmākā, Hāvājānē
Optāmus hōrās faustās tibī.

Melē Kalīkīmākā, Hāvājānē
Optāmus hōrās faustās, diēsque tam fēlīcēs,
Optāmusque hōrās faustās vōbīs!
Melē Kalīkīmākā tibī augurō
Hāvājānō djē Nātālīcjō.
Est salūs quam citō multam nūntiō
Tibi lītore palmātō.
Scīmus hīc Nātālem fore lūcidum,
Splendentem sōlem tum noctem stēllārum.
Melē Kalīkīmākā, Hāvājānē
Optāmus hōrās faustās tibī.

Melē Kalīkīmākā, Hāvājānē
Optāmus hōrās faustās, diēsque tam fēlīcēs,
Optāmusque hōrās faustās tibī!

Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Que vivas

Y hoy tenemos… ¿un post en Español? ¡Qué si! Tenemos una canción de cumpleaños griega, Να ζήσεις, que da su título a este post. La he traducida al Español y al Portugués. Miramos lo que dice el post de las traducciones incompletas o inéditas: 「6/11/22 1:52 I translate the first half of this into Spanish, then at 1:54, not sure the Spanish works (I think the main doubt was "canudo", then again, that was a doubt for Portuguese too), I turn it into Portuguese. Unless I'm much mistaken, "canudo" is grey-haired in Spanish and doesn't exist in Portuguese, so I guess I should discard the latter and continue the former. [Primera mitad en Español como abajo con "(?)" al lado de "canuda", primera mitad en Portugués «Para muitos anos / Que possas viver / E velh* e canud*(?) / Te possas volver». Then at 15:08-15:19 on 18/11/22, as a time-filler since I don't know what to do because with COVID I don't want to force myself but I don't feel like doing anything, I make up my mind and work on these, and finish both: [como abajo, con una diferéncia que voy a describir luego]」, lo que es decir「el 6/11/22 a las 1:52 traduco la primera mitad de esta canción al Español, después, a las 1:54, no siendo cierto que el Español funcione (creo que la duda mayor habia sido "canudo", pero bueno, esto era una duda para el Portugués también), la transformo al Portugués. Si no me equivoco, "canudo" signífica "con cabellos grises" en Español y no existe en Portugués, entonces supongo que tendria que descartar el secundo y continuar el primero. [Primera mitad en Español como abajo con "(?)" al lado de "canuda", primera mitad en Portugués «Para muitos anos / Que possas viver / E velh* e canud*(?) / Te possas volver». Después, a las 15:08-15:19 del 18/11/22, como "llene-tiempo" porque no se qué hacer porque con el COVID no quiero forzarme pero no tiengo ganas de hacer nada, me decido a trabajar sobre estas traducciones, y termino las dos: [como abajo, Portugués y Español, con una diferéncia que voy a describir luego]」. La diferéncia es que la segunda mitad tiene «Que vivas aqui,» y «Que possas devir». Esto sólo era porque no estaba seguro che "volverse" en Portugués podese significar "devenir" como en Español. Como lo verifiqué el 5/12/22, súbito mudé estos versos.
Tiengo que reportar las correcciones de mi correctriz MdH, que las hizo el 8/12/22 a las 22:35-22:36: "Por muchos años" (no "Para" – la versión musical es miya y de las 22:38), y "canosa", no "canuda" que es obsoleto.
Bueno, ¡vémola!

Να ζήσεις, ω <όνομα>,
Και χρόνια πολλά,
Μεγάλος/η να γίνεις
Με άσπρα μαλλιά.
Παντού να σκορπίσεις
Της γνώσης το φως,
Και όλοι να λένε·
"Να, ένας/μία σοφός!".

Que por muchos años
Tú puedas vivir,
Y viejo/a y canoso/a
Puedas devenir.
Difunde en el mundo
La luz del saber,
Y que todos digan:
"Qué sábio/a que es!".
Na zí̱sës, ō <ónoma>,
Kä khrónia pollá,
Megálos/i̱ na gínës
Me áspra malliá.
Pantoý na skorpísës
Ti̱s gnṓsës to fōs,
Kä ólö na léne:
"Na, énas/mía sofós!".

Para muitos anos
Que possas viver,
E velho/a e grisalho/a
Te possas volver.
Espalha no mundo
A luz do saber,
E que todos digam:
"Que sabio/a ele/a é!".

Saturday, 3 December 2022

Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity)

Yes, we have a post in English today :). It's about a Portuguese song translated to Greek. The song is Balada da caridade. Quoting IAFI, 「25/10/22 I think of that song, try and fail with Italian, deem it impossible, and switch to Greek. 20:01-20:09 chorus, then pre-chorus 20:23 and 20:46, resulting in: [chorus and pre-chorus of original below]. 4:32 «Αν, μπορώντας, σήμερα, / Αχ, δεν μεταβόλησα», then as I disciuss it with Kika I do verse 1 the next day 16:22-16:36, then verse 2 16:48-16:57. The original versions are: [see below original tab]. After Kika corrections and some more work, at 20:00 on 26/10 I send in the following recap: [basically the below final version]. The only change from there is the start of verse 2 [«Το σφύριγμα του ανέμου / Σαν νυχτερινό ‘ναι μέλος,» in the recap], which becomes «Ο αέρας που σφυρίζει / Σαν ωδή με νανουρίζει OR Στη νυχτιά με νανουρίζει» within the afternoon of 27/10. Actually, the «Αν, μπορώντας, σήμερα, / Αχ, τα χέρια σταύρωσα;» had the Αν, μπορώντας coming from «I did not intervene», which was completely changed in meaning when the idiom "cross the arms" was implemented. I could make the second of those lines into Αχ, δε τον βοήθησα, thought up 12/11/22 15:40, but I don't know if it's worth it. Nah, let's leave it as is.」 The choice between Σαν ωδή με νανουρίζει and Στη νυχτιά με νανουρίζει is made on recording day (3/12/22), not sure when. On that day, as I cut the recording, I also realize « Την ακούει με αγωνία·» should have Τον because it refers to the wind which is masculine. Again, not sure when, but definitely between 14:07 and 14:31. About the last remark in the IAFI quote, on 20/1/23 at 8:35 I think of «Αν εχθές και σήμερα» and then «Αν και χθες και σήμερα», which I decided to implement below. Let's see the song! I wonder what column-filler I will do…
Welp, 22/1/23 10:46 outside the church I start an Italian version with the chorus, starting verse 1 at 10:57 once back home, and some more at 11:16. I report it below in its partial version, to complete it when it becomes complete. As I put it in, 19:36 on 25/1/23, I do the first two lines of the pre-ref. At 19:37 I add the "ho" in the last line of the chorus. Verse 2 line 2, 19:38. I finally take it up again at 19:34-19:51 on 5/4/23, leaving only the penultimate two lines of verse one undone, and I deal with those at 1:04 the following night. I leave below the incomplete IAFI version because I changed it a lot on 5/4. As I place it here that night, «La mia notte va allietando,» becomes the below at 1:10.
On 5/4/23 I'm like, «怎么能够 / 来<>地休眠啊», oh whoops, I've started a Chinese version! I come back to it and, at 9:55-10:15, 11:05-11:15, 11:23, 11:32-11:35, and 12:19, I complete it as below.

Para mim
A chuva no telhado
É cantiga de ninar
Mas o pobre meu irmão…
Para ele a chuva fria
Vai entrando em seu barraco
E faz lama pelo chão

Como posso
Ter sono sossegado
Se no dia que passou
Os meus braços eu cruzei?

Como posso ser feliz
Se ao pobre meu irmão
Eu fechei meu coração
Meu amor eu recusei?

Como posso ser feliz
Se ao pobre meu irmão
Eu fechei meu coração
Meu amor eu recusei?

Para mim
O vento que assovia
É noturna melodia
Mas o pobre meu irmão
Ouve o vento angustiado
Pois o vento, esse malvado
Lhe desmancha o barracão

Como posso
Ter sono sossegado
Se no dia que passou
Os meus braços eu cruzei?

Como posso ser feliz
Se ao pobre meu irmão
Eu fechei meu coração
Meu amor eu recusei?

Como posso ser feliz
Se ao pobre meu irmão
Eu fechei meu coração
Meu amor eu recusei?
Για εμένα
Στην οροφή η βροχή 'ναι
Σαν νανούρισμα γλυκό,
Μα ο φτωχός μου αδελφός...
Η βροχή, αχ, έτσι κρύα
Του πηγαίνει στην καλύβα,
Και λασπάζει ο έδαφος!

Πώς να κοιμάμαι
Απόψε στη γαλήνη
Αν, όταν μπορούσα εχθές,
Αχ, δεν μεσολάβησα;

Πώς να 'μαι χαρούμενος
Αν στον (με τον?) αδελφό μου εγώ
Την καρδιάν μου κλείστηκα
Την αγάπη μου αρνήθηκα

Πώς να 'μαι χαρούμενος
Αν στον (με τον?) αδελφό μου εγώ
Την καρδιάν μου κλείστηκα
Την αγάπη μου αρνήθηκα

Για εμένα
Του άνεμου η σφυρίκτρα
Είναι σαν ωδή της νύχτας,
Μα ο φτωχός μου αδελφός
Την ακούει με αγωνία·
Την καλύβα με κακία
Καταστρέφει ο άνεμος!

Πώς να κοιμάμαι
Απόψε στη γαλήνη
Αν, όταν μπορούσα εχθές,
Αχ, δεν μεσολάβησα;

Πώς να 'μαι χαρούμενος
Αν στον (με τον?) αδελφό μου εγώ
Την καρδιάν μου κλείστηκα
Την αγάπη μου αρνήθηκα

Πώς να 'μαι χαρούμενος
Αν στον (με τον?) αδελφό μου εγώ
Την καρδιάν μου κλείστηκα
Την αγάπη μου αρνήθηκα
Για εμένα
Στην οροφή η βροχή 'ναι
Σαν νανούρισμα γλυκό,
Μα ο φτωχός μου αδελφός...
Η βροχή, που ‘ν’ έτσι κρύα,
Αχ, του πέφτει στην καλύβα,
Και λασπώνει τ’ έδαφος!

Πώς να κοιμάμαι
Απόψε στη γαλήνη
Αν και χθες και σήμερα,
Αχ, τα χέρια σταύρωσα;

Πώς να 'μαι χαρούμενος
Αν στον φτωχό μου αδελφό
Την καρδιάν μου έκλεισα,
Την αγάπη μου αρνήθηκα;

Πώς να 'μαι χαρούμενος
Αν στον φτωχό μου αδελφό
Την καρδιάν μου έκλεισα,
Την αγάπη μου αρνήθηκα;

Για εμένα
Ο αέρας που σφυρίζει
Σαν ωδή με νανουρίζει,
Μα ο φτωχός μου αδελφός
Τον ακούει με αγωνία·
Την καλύβα με κακία
Καταστρέφει ο άνεμος!

Πώς να κοιμάμαι
Απόψε στη γαλήνη
Αν και χθες και σήμερα,
Αχ, τα χέρια σταύρωσα;

Πώς να 'μαι χαρούμενος
Αν στον φτωχό μου αδελφό
Την καρδιάν μου έκλεισα,
Την αγάπη μου αρνήθηκα;

Πώς να 'μαι χαρούμενος
Αν στον φτωχό μου αδελφό
Την καρδιάν μου έκλεισα,
Την αγάπη μου αρνήθηκα;








Se per me
La pioggia sopra il tetto
Una ninnananna è,

E faz lama pelo chão

Come posso
Godermi il mio riposo,

Os meus braços eu cruzei?

Come posso lieto star
Se al mio fratello povero
Il mio cuore chiuso io ho
E ho negato il mïo amor?

Come posso lieto star
Se al mio fratello povero
Il mio cuore chiuso io ho
E ho negato il mïo amor?

Se per me
Il vento che fischietta

Lhe desmancha o barracão

Come posso
Godermi il mio riposo,

Os meus braços eu cruzei?

Come posso lieto star
Se al mio fratello povero
Il mio cuore chiuso io ho
E ho negato il mïo amor?

Come posso lieto star
Se al mio fratello povero
Il mio cuore chiuso io ho
E ho negato il mïo amor?
Se per me
La pioggia sopra il tetto
Una ninnananna è,
Al povero fratello mio
Questa pioggia sì gelata
Nella baracca gli è entrata
E del fango in terra fa.

Come posso
Godermi il mio riposo,
Se nel dì passato io
Sono stato a guardar?

Come mai potrò gioir
Se al mio fratello povero
Il mio cuore chiuso io ho,
E non l'ho voluto amar?

Come mai potrò gioir
Se al mio fratello povero
Il mio cuore chiuso io ho,
E non l'ho voluto amar?

Se per me
Il vēnto, fischiando,
Questa notte va allietando,
Il povero fratello mio
Con angoscia lui lo sente,
Perché il vento prepotente
La baracca gli disfà!

Come posso
Godermi il mio riposo,
Se nel dì passato io
Sono stato a guardar?

Come mai potrò gioir
Se al mio fratello povero
Il mio cuore chiuso io ho,
E non l'ho voluto amar?

Come mai potrò gioir
Se al mio fratello povero
Il mio cuore chiuso io ho,
E non l'ho voluto amar?
Gia eména
Sti̱n orofí̱ i̱ vrokhí̱ 'nä
San nanoýrisma glykó,
Ma o ftōkhós moy adelfós…
I̱ vrokhí, akh, étsi krýa,
Toy pi̱gä́në sti̱n kalýva,
Kä laspázë t' édafos!

Pṓs na kömámä
Apópse sti̱ galí̱ni̱
An, ótan mporoýsa ekhthés,
Akh, den mesolávi̱sa?

Pṓs na 'mä kharoýmenos
An ston (me ton?) adelfó moy egṓ
Ti̱n kardiá moy klë́sti̱ka,
Ti̱n agápi̱ moy arní̱thi̱ka?

Pṓs na 'mä kharoýmenos
An ston (me ton?) adelfó moy egṓ
Ti̱n kardiá moy klë́sti̱ka,
Ti̱n agápi̱ moy arní̱thi̱ka?

Gia eména
Toy ánemoy i̱ sfyríktra
Ë́nä san ōdí̱ ti̱s nýkhtas,
Ma o ftōkhós moy adelfós
Ti̱n akoýë me agōnía:
Ti̱n kalýva me kakía
Katastréfë o ánemos!

Pṓs na kömámä
Apópse sti̱ galí̱ni̱
An, ótan mporoýsa ekhthés,
Akh, den mesolávi̱sa?

Pṓs na 'mä kharoýmenos
An ston (me ton?) adelfó moy egṓ
Ti̱n kardiá moy klë́sti̱ka,
Ti̱n agápi̱ moy arní̱thi̱ka?

Pṓs na 'mä kharoýmenos
An ston (me ton?) adelfó moy egṓ
Ti̱n kardiá moy klë́sti̱ka,
Ti̱n agápi̱ moy arní̱thi̱ka?
Gia eména
Gia eména
Sti̱n orofí̱ i̱ vrokhí̃ 'nä
San nanoýrisma glykó,
Ma o ftōkhós moy adelfós…
I̱ vrokhí, poy 'n' étsi krýa,
Akh, toy péftë sti̱n kalýva,
Kä laspṓnë t' édafos!

Pṓs na kömámä
Apópse sti̱ galí̱ni̱
An kä khthes kä sí̱mera,
Akh, ta khéria stáv̆rōsa?

Pṓs na 'mä kharoýmenos
An ston ftōkhó moy adelfó
Ti̱n kardiá moy éklësa,
Ti̱n agápi̱ moy arní̱thi̱ka?

Pṓs na 'mä kharoýmenos
An ston ftōkhó moy adelfó
Ti̱n kardiá moy éklësa,
Ti̱n agápi̱ moy arní̱thi̱ka?

Gia eména
O aéras poy sfyrízë
San ōdí̱ me nanoyrízë,
Ma o ftōkhós moy adelfós
Ton akoýë me agōnía:
Ti̱n kalýva me kakía
Katastréfë o ánemos!

Pṓs na kömámä
Apópse sti̱ galí̱ni̱
An kä khthes kä sí̱mera,
Akh, ta khéria stáv̆rōsa?

Pṓs na 'mä kharoýmenos
An ston ftōkhó moy adelfó
Ti̱n kardiá moy éklësa,
Ti̱n agápi̱ moy arní̱thi̱ka?

Pṓs na 'mä kharoýmenos
An ston ftōkhó moy adelfó
Ti̱n kardiá moy éklësa,
Ti̱n agápi̱ moy arní̱thi̱ka?

Wèile wǒ
Zài wūdǐng shàng de yǔshēng
Hǎoxiàng yī shǒu cuīmiánqǔ
Dàn wǒ pínqióng de xiōngdì. . .
Bīngbīng-lěnglěng de yǔshuǐ lái
Rù jìn tā de wōpéng lǐ, āi,
Bǎ tǔdì biànchéng lànní!

[Fùgē qián]
Wǒ zěn nénggòu
Lái píngjìng de shuìjiào a
Rúguǒ zài yǐ guò de tiān
Wǒ méi bāngzhù dé yīdiǎn?

Wǒ zěn nénggòu lái kuàilè
Rúguǒ xiàng pínqióng de xiōngdì
Wǒ bǎ nèixīn lái guānbì
Yě méiyǒu yīdiǎn xīnténg?

Wǒ zěn nénggòu lái kuàilè
Rúguǒ xiàng pínqióng de xiōngdì
Wǒ bǎ nèixīn lái guānbì
Yě méiyǒu yīdiǎn xīnténg?

Wèile wǒ
Nà yèfēng chuī lái chuī qù
Hǎoxiàng yè lǐ de xuánlǜ
Dàn wǒ pínqióng de xiōngdì. . .
Tīng dào fēng jiù biàndé kǔnǎo
Yīnwèi nà xié'è de fēng jiào
Tā de wōpéng lái dǎodì

[Fùgē qián]
Wǒ zěn nénggòu
Lái píngjìng de shuìjiào a
Rúguǒ zài yǐ guò de tiān
Wǒ méi bāngzhù dé yīdiǎn?

Wǒ zěn nénggòu lái kuàilè
Rúguǒ xiàng pínqióng de xiōngdì
Wǒ bǎ nèixīn lái guānbì
Yě méiyǒu yīdiǎn xīnténg?

Wǒ zěn nénggòu lái kuàilè
Rúguǒ xiàng pínqióng de xiōngdì
Wǒ bǎ nèixīn lái guānbì
Yě méiyǒu yīdiǎn xīnténg?