Monday, 14 January 2019

Come, make me happy

We keep on our company request theme with Schubert's Ständchen, which I heard at a singer's concert in Feb 2018 (IIRC) and thought of translating to Chinese, did so on May 7 2018, and then added Czech in for the heck of it, and that went on with back and forth via Whatsapp for correction through May 5, 6, 7, 8, and 17, and produced two versions, one with male singer and female addressee, and one the other way round. I present the former (as this is a Lied intended for a tenor, I believe), and add brackets to show the differences. Let me now give some more insight into the complcated history of the Czech version, which is all mixed because I did one verse, sent it in, corrections came, in the meantime I did another, etc. I read through my WA chat with my corrector and assembled the following history. Note that the "middle versions" and the original version I give below never existed as such, and were assembled to edit this post to include this history and to show intermediate steps of each verse.
  1. Verse 1 wasmade 4/5/18 17:26, with «Tobĕ skrze noc» corrected to the below version by 17:54;
    1. By 18:20, the first half was in its middle 1 and middle 2 version;
    2. By 18:50 it had morphed into «Snažně prosí písňe moje / Tiše v lesa tebe», which immediately got "v noci" at 18:51, thus becoming the final version;
    3. The rest never changed;
  2. Verse 2 is from 4/5 20:45;
    1. Line 1 and line 4 were perfect;
    2. Line 2 got to its middle 1 version on 5/5 at 14:06;
    3. At 14:07, line 3 became «zrádce Ďábelského odposlechu», then in the 18:26 recap we have «Zrádcova ďábelského odposlechu», the middle 1 form;
    4. We then "realize" (mistakenly) there is a missing case agreement and we should have Zradcoveho, which makes the line waaaaay too long; we quickly realize that this was BS, so back to zrádcova we go;
    5. We have a stray suggestion of vyslyšet (probably for line 3) at 19:43, which seems to have been disregarded;
    6. Another suggestion puts slechu in line 3 at 19:44;
    7. Then, světle->svitu is suggested for line 2 at 19:43 after vyslyšet, replacing světlo with the literary svit, as in middle 2;
    8. Back in line 3, at 13:38 on 7/5 we get a tentative «Zradcova poslechu z pekla», and at 13:39 a more assertive «Zradcova slechu pekelneho», which is the middle 2 version;
    9. By 14:17 I realize that we moved from fiendly to hellish, which is not the same, so at 14:20 she moves me to zlého, which is final;
    10. However, I want to put that svitu in; in fact, for stress issues, I'll make line 2 from «V měsičním světle» into «Ve svitu měsičním», a change conceived at 0:50 on 23/11/21;
  3. Verse 3 is from 6/5 23:29;
    1. Line 4 was brought to its middle 1 2 and final versions at 12:20 on 7/5, though the "prosí tobě" error lingered in that line via copypaste all the way to the blog post, but was fixed in my video of the translations;
    2. Line 3, after some thought, was corrected to "tóny stříbrné lítosti" at 12:29 on 7/5, after which she added "the s is not needed" (la s non serve);
    3. At 13:11 we have, for problems of stress vs. strong beats, «S tóny té stříbrné lítosti», which I sorta rejected because of a "long vocalization on the r", which was probably in my head due to forgetting "pro mě", hence this being implemented in the middle 1 version;
    4. Line 1 then gets fixed at 13:40, a fix I decided to not implement in middle 1 but only in middle 2;
    5. After a few meaning doubts and an intermediate «Tebe prosí pro mě» (middle 2) from 13:47, line 4 becomes its final form at 14:01;
    6. There is also the idea of "místo mě" just afterwards, but I guess I rejected it;
    7. At this point in assembling the story, I had realized the way the words were placed in the tune placed an apparent stress on the -o- of lítosti, which is wrong; I wanted to «implement in the final version another version of L3»; however, I then realized I coudl «just fit it to the tune differently from the video, note by note: S to o ny stři br ne e e li to sti [te] be pro sí za mě, where [te] is an added note w.r.t. the original tune;
    8. Of course, I fixed the tobě mistake of line 2 in the blog version;
  4. Verse 4 was made at 14:45 on 7/5/18… except I didn't quite understand the German of L1, so at 15:54 I finally get the below "original" line 1 in the place of the "Chápou […]" I had before;
    1. The middle 1 version of line 1 comes in at 16:09;
    2. At 7:17 the next day, I get to the middle 2 and final version of the line, reinstating chapou since we have "they understand", not "they know";
    3. At 10:04 she suggests «dotknou se každého měkkého srdce tóny ze stříbra», which I have tentatively split into two lines in middle 1;
    4. I then turn it to middle 2 and final at 10:42;
  5. Verse 5 was started with l. 1 at 17:40 on 7/5/18, but then I had to stop for physiotherapy, and only got around to complete the original at 7:31 the next day, with a doubt on «čiň mě sťastného» vs. «čiň mě sťastným» at 7:41;
    1. At 10:57 we have «Nech abych dojal i duši tvou», which is middle 1, middle 2, and final;
    2. At 11:06 she suggests čiň->učiň (middle 1), which is imperfective to perfective;
    3. By 12:10 we have agreed that imperfective is fine too, so middle 2 has that;
    4. «Ať jsem sťastný», the final version, was her suggestion from 17/5/18 at 20:51; well, she suggested the feminine form sťastná, and that led me to produce two versions, one for male singer and female addressee, the other vice versa; modulo the doubtful chvějíc in the female to male version, the M2F version was recapped at 21:04, the F2M at 21:06 on 17/5/18.
I hope that was followable. My video also mis-sings měkkého as měhkého in the second iteration of l. 4 of verse 4. Let's see this!

Leise flehen meine Lieder
Durch die Nacht zu dir;
In den stillen Hain hernieder,
Liebchen, komm zu mir!

Flüsternd schlanke Wipfel rauschen
In des Mondes Licht;
Des Verräters feindlich Lauschen
Fürchte, Holde, nicht.

Hörst die Nachtigallen schlagen?
Ach! sie flehen dich,
Mit der Töne süßen Klagen
Flehen sie für mich.

Sie verstehn des Busens Sehnen,
Kennen Liebesschmerz,
Rühren mit den Silbertönen
Jedes weiche Herz.

Laß auch dir die Brust bewegen,
Liebchen, höre mich!
Bebend harr’ ich dir entgegen!
Komm, beglücke mich!





Písňe mé tiché prosazují
Skrze noc tebe
Do tichého lesa, milá,
Přijdi ke mně!

Šeptající vrcholky stromů šustí
V měsíce světle.
Zrádce ďábelský odposlech,
Spanilá, neboj se!

Slyšíš slavíky třepetající?
Ah! Snažně prosí tobě,
S tóny stříbrných stížností pro
Mě prosí tobě.

Srdce mého touhu chapou
Znají lásky bolest
Pohnou s tóny stříbrnými
Každé měkké srdce

Nech mě nitro tvé dojímat
Milá, poslyš mě.
Chvěje se čekám na tebe,
Přijdi, čiň mě šťastného!
Tiše prosí písňe moje
Skrze noc tebe
Do tichého lesa, milá,
Přijdi ke mně!

Šeptající vrcholky stromů šustí
V měsíčním světle.
Zrádcova Ďábelského odposlechu,
Spanilá, neboj se!

Slyšíš slavíky třepetající?
Ah! Snažně prosí tebe,
S tóny té stříbrné lítosti
Prosí tebe.

Znají touhu mého/mojeho srdce
Znají lásky bolest
Dotknou se každého měkkého srdce
Tóny ze stříbra

Nech abych dojal i duši tvou
Milá, poslyš mě.
Chvěje se čekám na tebe,
Přijdi, učiň mě šťastným!
Tiše prosí písňe moje
Skrze noc tebe
Do tichého lesa, milá,
Přijdi ke mně!

Šeptající vrcholky stromů šustí
V měsíčním svitu.
Zrádcova slechu pekelneho,
Spanilá, neboj se!

Slyšíš třepetající slavíky?
Ah! Snažně prosí tebe,
S tóny stříbrné lítosti
Tebe prosí pro mě.

Chapou touhu mého srdce
Znají lásky bolest
S tóny ze stříbra dotknou se
Každého měkkého srdce

Nech abych dojal i duši tvou
Milá, poslyš mě.
Chvěje se čekám na tebe,
Přijdi, čiň mě šťastným!
Snažně prosí písňe moje
Tiše v noci tebe.
Do tichého lesa, milá[milý],
Přijdi ke mně!

Šeptající vrcholky stromů šustí
Ve svitu měsičním.
Zrádcova zlého odposlechu,
Spanilá[Spanilý], neboj se!

Slyšíš třepetající slavíky?
Ah! Snažně prosí tebe,
S tóny stříbrné lítosti
Tebe prosí za mě.

Chapou touhu mého srdce,
Znají lásky bolest
S tóny ze stříbra dotknou se
Každého měkkého srdce

Nech abych dojal[dojala] i duši tvou
Milá[Milý], poslyš mě.
Chvěje[Chvějíc?] se čekám na tebe,
Ať jsem šťastný[sťastná]!

Wǒ de gēqǔ fēi tōng xiāoyè
Wèile qǐqiú nǐ
Qīn'ài, qǐng lái zhè piàn línzi,
Qǐng lái wǒ zhèlǐ.

Yuèguāng xià miáotiáo shùwěidǐng
Gūnóngzhe ěryǔ
Yōuměi, bié pà nà bèipànzhě
De wàn'è tōutīng.

Tīng dào yèyīng de piāodòng ma?
A! Dōu qǐqiú nǐ,
Yòng tiánmì bèitàn de yīnfú
Wèi wǒ qǐqiú nǐ.

Tāmen míngbái xiōngkǒu de kěwàng,
Rènshì ài de tòng,
Měi tiáo ruǎn de xīn bèi yínsè
De yīnfù gǎndòng.

Ràng nǐ xiōngkǒu yě bèi gǎndòng,
Qīn'ài, tīng dào wǒ!
Wǒ chàndǒuzhe zài děngdài nǐ!
Ràng wǒ kuàilè ó!

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