Today we shift to the sad side of love, where the love is one-way and the one in love gets ever sadder. We have 越吻越伤心 | Jyut6 man5 jyut6 soeng1-sam1, "The more I kiss the sadder I am", a Cantonese song met sometime between Christmas 2012 and Easter 2013 and translated to English way later in the evening of Jan 11 2018, with a couple tweaks the next day. Let's see it!
越吻越伤心 仍然糊涂是我过份 明明知道彼此不再情深 何必追问远近 郑: 问你哪个配搭 穿起使我最陪衬 蘇: 但你冷冷两眼 似看着无聊闲人 郑: 问你哪一出好戏 最近会冷人提提神 蘇: 但换来连场沉默 如像跟我嬉笑不再吸引 郑: 问你我喝醉了 可不可对我吻吻 蘇: 但你碰碰嘴角 动作像瞭瞭途人 郑: 问你会否因工作 太累两目完全无神 蘇: 而你似强制 內心的抖震 一个后一个:越吻越伤心 郑: 明明无余地再过问 明明知道衷心一吻 蘇:Mm 合(两个旋律): 会有更亲厚质感 一个后一个:越吻越伤心 郑: 仍然糊涂是我过份 蘇:OH BABY 郑:明明知道彼此不再情深 合(两个旋律):何必追问远近 郑: 问你距我太远 可不可以坐更近 蘇: 但你似听见了 某个极无聊奇闻 郑: 问你有否想起 你我是哪样成为情人 蘇: 但换来连埸沈默 如像早觉得我不再吸引 郑: 问你那晚见我 怎么湿透了发鬓 蘇: 但你似觉得我 问错问题如傻人 郑: 问到你跟他相处 背后那段缠绵传闻 蘇: 而你却窃笑 像偷偷兴奋 合(两个旋律): 越吻越伤心 明明无余地再过问 明明知道衷心一吻 会有更亲厚质感 越吻越伤心 仍然糊涂是我过份 明明知道彼此不再情深 蘇: 无谓再三逼近 |
Jyut6 man5 jyut6 soeng1-sam1 Jing4-jin4 wu4-tou4 si6 ngo5 gwo3-fan1 Ming4-ming4 zi1-dou6 bei2-ci2 bat1 zoi3 cing4-sam1 Ho4-bit1 zeoi1-man6 jyun5-kan5 Zeng6: Man6 nei5 naa5 go3 pui3-daap3 Cyun1-hei2 si2/3 ngo5 zeoi3 pui4-can3 Sou1: Daan6 nei5 laang5-laang5 loeng5 ngaan5 Ci5 hon1/3-zoek3/6 mou4-liu4 haan4-jan4 Zeng6: Man6 nei5 naa5 jat1 ceot1 hou2/3 hei3 Zeoi3-gan6 wui2/4/6 ling4/6 jan4 tai4-tai4 san1/4 Sou1: Daan6 wun6 loi4 lin4 coeng4 cam4-mak6 Jyu4-zoeng6 gan1 ngo5 hei1 siu3 bat1 zoi3 kap1-jan5 Zeng6: Man6 nei5 ngo5 hot3-zeoi3-liu5 Ho2 bat1 ho2 deoi3 ngo5 man5-man5 Sou1: Daan6 nei5 pung3-pung3 zeoi2-gok3 Dung6-zok3 zoeng6 liu4/5-liu4/5 tou4 jan4 Zeng6: Man6 nei5 wui2/4/6 fau2 jan1 gung1-zok3 Taai3 leoi4/5/6 loeng5 muk6 jyun4-cyun4 mou4 san4 Sou1: Ji4 nei5 ci5 koeng4/5-zai3 Noi6-sam1 dik1 dau2-zan3 Jat1 go3 hau6 jat1 go3: Jyut6 man5 jyut6 soeng1-sam1 Zeng6: Ming4-ming4 mou4 jyu4-dei zoi3 gwo3-man6 Ming4-ming4 zi1-dou6 cung1-sam1 jat1 man5 Sou1: Mm Gap3/hap6 (leong5 go3 syun3-leot6): Wui2/4/6 jau5/6 gang4 can1 hau5 zat1-gam2 Jat1 go3 hau6 jat1 go3: Jyut6 man5 jyut6 soeng1-sam1 Zeng6: Jing4-jin4 wu4-tou4 si6 ngo5 gwo3-ban1 Sou1: OH BABY Zeng6: Ming4-ming4 zi1-dou6 bei2-ci2 bat1 zoi3 cing4-sam1 Gap3/hap6 (leong5 go3 syun3-leot6): Ho4-bit1 zeoi1-man6 jyun5-kan5 Zeng6: Man6 nei5 keoi5 ngo5 taai3 jyun5 Ho2 bat1 ho2-ji co5 gang3 kan5 Sou1: Daan6 nei5 ci5 teng1-gin3-liu5 Mau5 go3 gik6 mou4-liu4 kei4-man4 Zeng6: Man6 nei5 jau5/6 fau2 soeng2-hei2 Nei5 ngo5 si6 naa5-joeng6 sing4-wai4 cing4-jan4 Sou1: Daan6 wun6 loi4 lin4 coeng4 cam4-mak6 Jyu4 zoeng6 zou2 gok3-dak1 ngo5 bat1 zoi3 kap1-jan5 Zeng6: Man6 nei5 naa5 maan5 gin3 ngo5 Zam2-mo1 sap1-tau3-liu5 faat3-ban3 Sou1: Daan6 nei5 ci5 gok3-dak1 ngo5 Man6 co3 man6-tai4 jyu4 so4-jan4 Zeng6: Man6 dou3 nei5 gan1 taa1 soeng1-cyu2 Bui3 hau6 naa5 dyun6 cin4-min4 cyun4-man4 Sou1: Ji4 nei5 koek3 sit3 siu3 Zoeng6 tau1-tau1 hing1-fan5 Gap3/hap6 (leong5 go3 syun3-leot6): Jyut6 man5 jyut6 soeng1-sam1 Ming4-ming4 mou4 jyu4-dei zoi3 gwo3-man6 Ming4-ming4 zi1-dou6 cung1-sam1 jat1 man5 Wui2/4/6 jau5/6 gang4 can1 hau5 zat1-gam2 Jyut6 man5 jyut6 soeng1-sam1 Jing4-jin4 wu4-tou4 si6 ngo5 gwo3-ban1 Zeng6: Ming4-ming4 zi1-dou6 bei2-ci2 bat1 zoi3 cing4-sam1 Sou1: Mou4-wai6 zoi3 saam1/3 bik1-gan6 |
Kisses make me sad
The confusion's I'm persistent
I know well we won't be in love again
Why should I keep coming close?
I ask which is the outfit
With best-matching top and bottom
But your ice-cold eyes
Seem to look at a boring man
I ask you which recent play
Is most refreshing in your eyes
But then the stage turns silent
As if laughing with me ain't interesting
We're both drunk, I ask you
If you can give me a kiss
But you touch my mouth
As if to tease a passerby
I ask you if work ever tires you
So your eyes are tot'lly void
You seem to shake
With force in your heart
One after the other: Kisses make me sad
I know you'll never be int'rested
I know that a heartfelt kiss from you
Su: Mm
Together (two tunes):
Will feel much more like true love
One after the other: Kisses make me sad
The confusion's I'm persistent
Zheng: I know well we won't be in love again
Together (two tunes): Why should I keep coming close?
I ask if, since you're so far,
You could come sit a little nearer
You seem to have heard
A very boring anecdote
I ask if you still remember
How we got together then
But then the stage turns silent
As if you thought I'm not interesting
I ask you how your hair got drenched
That night you came to see me
You seem to think I'm asking
The wrong question like a fool
I ask you about that rumor
That you met him b'hind my back
You snigger as
If secretly excited
Together (two tunes):
Kisses make me sad
I know you'll ne'er be interested
I know that a heartfelt kiss from you
Will feel much more like true love
Kisses make me sad
The confusion's I'm persistent
I know well we won't be in love again
It's pointless to keep coming close
The confusion's I'm persistent
I know well we won't be in love again
Why should I keep coming close?
I ask which is the outfit
With best-matching top and bottom
But your ice-cold eyes
Seem to look at a boring man
I ask you which recent play
Is most refreshing in your eyes
But then the stage turns silent
As if laughing with me ain't interesting
We're both drunk, I ask you
If you can give me a kiss
But you touch my mouth
As if to tease a passerby
I ask you if work ever tires you
So your eyes are tot'lly void
You seem to shake
With force in your heart
One after the other: Kisses make me sad
I know you'll never be int'rested
I know that a heartfelt kiss from you
Su: Mm
Together (two tunes):
Will feel much more like true love
One after the other: Kisses make me sad
The confusion's I'm persistent
Zheng: I know well we won't be in love again
Together (two tunes): Why should I keep coming close?
I ask if, since you're so far,
You could come sit a little nearer
You seem to have heard
A very boring anecdote
I ask if you still remember
How we got together then
But then the stage turns silent
As if you thought I'm not interesting
I ask you how your hair got drenched
That night you came to see me
You seem to think I'm asking
The wrong question like a fool
I ask you about that rumor
That you met him b'hind my back
You snigger as
If secretly excited
Together (two tunes):
Kisses make me sad
I know you'll ne'er be interested
I know that a heartfelt kiss from you
Will feel much more like true love
Kisses make me sad
The confusion's I'm persistent
I know well we won't be in love again
It's pointless to keep coming close
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