Friday, 25 December 2020

White Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! Today I give you White Christmas, a very well-known Christmas carol, which I translated into Chinese on 2/12/20, partly around 10:20, partly around 13:40. Will I fill the column with another translation? Only time will tell. Then around 18 on 14/12/20 I change «我在梦到白色耶诞», «有孩子希望», «跟我每一个耶诞卡», and «愿你的耶诞都白色的» to their current form. On 16/12/20 in the morning I realize the 白圣诞 I'd taken from this video (lyrics and translation here) was actually 雪白圣诞, so I change my «我正在梦到白圣诞» to its current form. Let's see it!

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
Just like the ones I used to know,
Where the treetops glisten,
And children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write.
May your days be merry and bright,
And may all your Christmases be white!

Wǒ zài mèng dào xuébái Shèngdàn
Mèng dào céng rènshí de fēngjǐng
Nǎr yǒu shùdǐng shǎnguāng,
Yǒu xiǎohái xīwàng
Tīng dào xuě zhōng de mǎlíng
Wǒ zài mèng dào xuébái Shèngdàn
Gēn wǒ měi yī zhāng Shèngdànkǎ
Zhù nǐ huó dé xìngfú kuàilè,
Zhù nǐ de Shèngdàn dōu biàn báisè.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Io ne soffro

Eh già, ho deciso di farla in Italiano l'intro per questa canzone albanese tradotto in romagnolo. Titolo E vúaj (non "e vwaj", "e vuuuuuaj"), "Ne soffro", tradotta nel cuore della notte tra l'11 e il 12/12/20, precisamente tra le 2:01 e le 2:27, con piccole modifiche la mattina seguente intorno alle 11:45. Poi 14/12/20 13:46 il ritornello «Quãt mêl ch'u-m fa a mè» assume la forma attuale. Non so quando, ma entro il 18/12 il «noooo!» nell'ultima riga della seconda strofa è stato rimosso. Per decifrarla sono partito da qui, traduzione piena di errori e ortografia decisamente meno che stellare, e mi sono aiutato coi miei soliti metodi e con tutto quanto emerso da questa domanda e le sue risposte. Un paio di commenti:
  • Il video usa il passato "gjeta" al v. 4, ma io preferisco il presente "gjej", e così ho tradotto.
  • Ai vv. 12-13 il sito dice «Thjesht jam ajo / Ty të un^ t^ ndjek nga pas» (Sono semplicemente quella che ti seguirà da dietro), ma questo, oltre ad avere un ordine delle parole che mi sembra decisamente strano (caso mai dovrebbe essere «Thjesht jam ajo / Unë ty të ndiek nga pas»), chiaramente non corrisponde al video, e in effetti il suggerimento emerso dalla domanda di «Thjesht fryma jote / Të më ndjek nga pas», che ho accolto, somiglia assai di più al video.
  • Falë suppongo sia il passato semplice aka aoristo di fal, qui usato come "donare, regalare", non come "perdonare", come pensa il sito che mi ha dato il testo.
  • "S'e di" può essere sia "non lo so" che "non lo sai" che "non lo sa", io ho scelto "non lo sai" ai vv. 9-10 perché mi sembra la cosa più sensata nel contesto.
  • Mi chiedo se si possa leggere «Nuk ka më puthje më as dedikim» come un dativo di possesso alla latina, quindi «Nuk ka (Non v'ha, Non c'è) më (per me) puthje (bacio) më (più), as (né) dedikim (dedizione)»; Aurel su Quora dice di no, e in effetti è una spiegazione un po' fantasiosa, ma altrimenti come si spiega questa strana frase? È solo un "hodgepodge" di parole che dà vagamente un senso? O è una ripetizione di më per enfasi? Boh… Beh Aurel ha fatto una domanda in proposito sull'"Angolo Albanese" (Albanian Corner), vediamo cosa ne esce.
  • Fra l'altro forse ka dovrebbe essere ke, «Non hai più bacio né dedizione (per me)»? Bah, forse no.
  • E poi dedikim per me è dedizione qui, non dedica, se no dedica de che? Dedizione nel senso di fedeltà, o anche di vicinanza, quindi questo non la bacia più e si sta allontanando da lei.
Bom, vediamola!

Aromën tënde
ununë nuk e ndjej,
ZgjoemZgjohem sërish,
Po ty më nuk të gjej.
Nuk ka më puthje,
Më as dedikim,
O Zot!
Sa shumshumë e vuaj,
Jo, s' e di!
Jo, s' e di!
Nuk të kërkoj asgjë,
VeçVetëm të kem pranpranë
Thjesht fryma jote
Të më ndjek nga pas
Thjesht nga pas…

*E vuaj unë,
Vuaj unë
Vuaj unë
Vuaj unë
Vuaj unë
Vuaj unë
Vuaj unë
Vuaj unë
I just wanna make you happy
I just wanna make you happy
I just wanna make you happy
Ooooh yes
I just wanna make you happy
I just wanna make you happy

Nëse mëndonmendon
Pa mu më mirmirë do t jesh,
Ty të uroj,
Por vendin tënd asnjë s' do t zejzëj:
S' do t mundem,
Dot të dua tjetër,
Sepse ti më falëfale tjetër jetjetë,
Tjetër jetjetë
Nuk gjej fuqi
Unë ty të të harroj,
Nuk kam më force,
Nuk dua më të ekzistoj.
S' dua, jooo!

'EIl tu parfòmmprofumo
ora a-n-'enon lo sẽtsento piò,
A-mMi dèstsveglio incôradi nuovo,
Ma te ora a-n-tnon ti trövtrovo piò.
T-a-n-u-mNon mi béṣbaci piò,
Nò, t-a-nnon sisei piò 'e/lail/la mi,
O SgnôrSignore!
QuãtQuanto ch'u-mmi fa mêlmale,
No, t-a-nnon sai mìghmica!
T-a-nnon sai mìghmica!
A-n-tNon ti cmãnddomando pure gnitniente,
SôlSolo t stëgache tu stia quèqui cun mè!
SôlSolo, sôlSolo ch' 'eil tu rispìr
U-mMi vègnavenga drìdietro!
Vègnavenga drìdietro

*QuãtQuanto ch'u-mmi fa stêṙstare mêlmale,
U-mmi fa stêṙstare mêlmale,
U-mmi fa stêṙstare mêlmale,
U-mmi fa stêṙstare mêlmale,
U-mmi fa stêṙstare mêlmale,
U-mmi fa stêṙstare mêlmale,
U-mmi fa stêṙstare mêlmale,
U-mmi fa stêṙstare mêlmale,
I just wanna make you happy
I just wanna make you happy
I just wanna make you happy
Ooooh yes
I just wanna make you happy
I just wanna make you happy

Se t pẽspensi che ẓẽẓasenza
t pùpuoi stéṙstare mèjmeglio,
A sòSono cuntẽtcontento par tè,
Ma a 'eal tù pòst a-n vòinon voglio inciõnessuno:
AvlìVoler bẽbene a 'n êtar/êtraaltro/a,
A-n sòNon sono bõ/bõnacapace,
Parchè t-m émi hai dato 'na vida növa
Vida növa
La förẓa par scurdê'-tscordarti,
A-n-laNon la trövtrovo mìghmica
A-n òNon ho piò förẓ',
A-n vòiNon volgio piò rèss'r-iesserci qua 'nt 'enel mònd!
A-n-'e vòiNon lo voglio!


Saturday, 28 November 2020

Only a night

Today we have an Albanian song, Vetëm një nat' – and as I look for the video I find another video with an extra verse, wonder what that says… –, which gives this post its title. I met this as I googled vetëm vs. vetem in the context of corrections to the Albanian version here, and then I worked on it a hell of a lot, and many Quora questions and answers later, I have lyrics and a translation, and I decided to make a Min version and an English version. The former was made between 23/11/20 and 24/11, with a tweak on 25/11, the latter entirely on 25/11/20. The parts in English were always left untranslated. I lost the distinction between "standard" Albanian and dialect parts. The apostrophes mark ë's that are left unpronounced in singing. The ɨ is because ndal would be present and the past, which is what I'd expect based on context, would be ndali, but there's no i in the singing. 27/11/20 14:32 drafting this I see «快来改变, / 咱的这段歹运» doesn't fit the tune too well, so I tweak it. 14:46 same goes for «我曾想欲坐 / 真济的飞机». Also, 双人 is an adjective, so it's not right in there, fixed 15:01. No idea why I switched from pò-tí to tsûn-sú 遵守 in chorus 2 where the former was required for the rhyme. Fixing it 15:35. [I suppose fixing «承诺保持啊» to its current form in chorus 1 was done on the same date.]
UPDATE I then investigated the extra verse, and decided to translate it too, and mingle the two versions. I did the translation into English on 4/12/20 between 21:43 and 22:03, and the Min one on 5/12/20 between 19:59 and 20:19. I decided to assign it to the lady, which in the first version is Alida. Adding verse two in, I change 在恁生活 to start with 伫 at 12:45. Let's see it!

U ndamndamë pa fjalfjalë,
U ndamndamë pa fjalfjalë,
Ashtu në heshtje
Dhe koha u ndalndali,
U ndalndali dhe koha
Për një prekje.
UnUnë edhe ti
Ishim të ri
Edhe nuk dinim
Për dashurindashurinë,
Për dashurindashurinë
Që na përkiste.
Malli m ka marrmarrë,
Më ka marrmarrë malli
MePër të ta n’gjudëgjuar zâninzërin,
Ta them një fjalfjalë
t ledhatoj
Ashtu e heshtur,
Ti i dhe kuptim
Jetës time,
Zemër më falfalë
Falma mua
Që të lashlashë vetëm

#Vetëm një natnatë
Vetëm një natnatë
T i kthejmkthejmë kujtimet
Vetëm një natnatë
Vetëm një natnatë
T i mbajmmbajmë premtimet
Vetëm një natnatë
Vetëm një natnatë
Ne si dikur
Vetëm një natnatë
Vetëm një natnatë
Vetëm një natnatë
Zemër ununë dhe ti prapprapë
*UnUnë dhe ti prapprapë, mm,
Vetëm një natnatë
Vetëm një natnatë
UnUnë dhe ti prapprapë
Zemër ununë dhe ti prapprapë
Vetëm një natnatë
Vetëm një natnatë
Jej je, jej je, jej je

@You been missin' me,
I been missin' you,
Tell me what to do,
Tell me what to do,
You been missin' me,
I been missin' you,
Fati jonynë i keq
Tash ka me ndryshupër të ndryshuar
I been missin' you,
I been missin' you,
ShumShumë aviona
Për ty kisha ndrrundërruar,
I been missin' you,
I been missin' you,
VeçVetëm një natnatë bashkbashkë
Ne mepër të e kalukaluar

Vetëm një natnatë
Vetëm një natnatë
T i ndajmndajmë kujtimet,
Vetëm një natnatë
Vetëm një natnatë
T i mbajmmbajmë premtimet
Vetëm një natnatë
Vetëm një natnatë
Ne si dikur
Vetëm një natnatë
UnUnë dhe ti prapprapë
UnUnë dhe ti prapprapë
Zemër ununë dhe ti prapprapë

Zemër, të kam,
Zemër, të kam
Akoma në mendjen,
Edhe pse u ndamndamë,
Për ty e kam
Ktëkëtë dedikim,
Për ty e kam.
Ti je gjithçka
Që unë dua,
Ti je gjithçka,
Edhe më shumshumë
Nga dashuria e jote
Dua të marr,
Në çdo sekondsekondë
Të jetës tënde
I joti ununë jam,
I joti ununë jam,
Zëmrën ma more,
I joti ununë jam,
Ti e pushtove
Qenien time.
Zemrën më fal,
Falma mua
Që të lashlashë vetëm


We are money makers
We are money makers
You know the mad thing
They call us undertakers
We are money makers
We are money makers
Never stop lovin'
Always sensin' papers
Pick up the phone girl,
I wanna see you
Later, later, yay,
Pick up the phone girl,
I wanna see you
Later, later, yay,


Alida *, GBMC @ – je!)


*做伙一起, mm,
又阁再次做伙一起, ooo
Yay yeah, yay yeah, yay yeah

@You been missin' me,
I been missin' you,
Tell me what to do,
Tell me what to do,
You been missin' me,
I been missin' you,
I been missin' you,
I been missin' you,
I been missin' you,
I been missin' you,




We are money makers
We are money makers
You know the mad thing
They call us undertakers
We are money makers
We are money makers
Never stop lovin'
Always sensin' papers
Pick up the phone girl,
I wanna see you
Later, later, yay,
Pick up the phone girl,
I wanna see you
Later, later, yay,


Alida *, GBMC @ – je!)
U ndam' pa fjal'
We split up without words,
In silence,
And even time,
Even time stopped
Just for a soft touch.
Me and you
Were you and di'n't know
What to do then
For great love bloomed,
Great love was blooming
In our hearts then.
And now I pine,
And now I miss
Listėning to your voice,
One word I say:
That to caress you
Thus in silence,
Slowly, I pray.
'Twas you
Who gave me meaning in life.
Darling, forgive me,
Please forgive me
For breaking with you.

#Only a night,
Only a night,
To change the mem'ries
Only a night,
Only a night,
To keep the promise
Only a night,
Only a night,
Just like before.
Only a night,
Only a night,
Only a night,
Dear, me and you once more.
*With you once more, mm,
Only a night,
Only a night,
With you once more, mm,
Dear, me and you once more, ooo
Only a night,
Only a night,
Yay yeah, yay yeah, yay yeah.

@You been missin' me,
I been missin' you,
Tell me what to do,
Tell me what to do,
You been missin' me,
I been missin' you,
We'll be changing our
Ill fate very soon.
I been missin' you,
I been missin' you,
Many planes I'd have
Changed for you
I been missin' you,
I been missin' you,
Just a night
To spend right by you.

Only a night,
Only a night,
To split the mem'ries
Only a night,
Only a night,
To keep the promise
Only a night,
Only a night,
Just like before.
Only a night,
With you once more,
With you once more,
Dear, me and you once more.

I think of you,
You are still in my mind,
Oh darling,
Though I'm not with you,
This dedication,
It is for you,
It is for you.
Ev'rything I have ever wanted,
All of it is you.
Although I want
To get some more
Of your sweet love,
More love from you.
In ev'ry second
Of your whole life,
To you I belong,
To you I belong,
My heart you've taken,
To you I belong.
Yōū have conquered
All my being.
Darling, forgive me,
Please forgive me
For breaking with you.


We are money makers
We are money makers
You know the mad thing
They call us undertakers
We are money makers
We are money makers
Never stop lovin'
Always sensin' papers
Pick up the phone girl,
I wanna see you
Later, later, yay,
Pick up the phone girl,
I wanna see you
Later, later, yay,


Alida *, GBMC @ – je!)

Hun-khui bô-siann
Hun-khui bô-siann
Lán tsi̍t kì bô kóng
Sî-kan iā tiānn
Sî-kan iā tiānn
Ūi-tio̍h tsi̍t tsūn phòng
Lí-guá, tshin-ài,
Nn̄g lâng tsin siàu-liân
Ūi hit tuān ài
Ūi sio̍k-û lán
--ê hit tuān ài-tsîng
Hiān-sî su-liām,
Hiān-sî su-liām
Thiann-tio̍h lí--ê siann-im,
Tsi̍t sû kóng--ah
Siūnn-beh án-ne
Bô-siann ài-hú lí
Bān-bān m̄ kuánn
Lí kā ì-bī
Kau-hōo guá lîn-sing
Tshiánn guân-liōng guá
Tshin-ài, guân-liōng
Guá kā lí hun-khui

#Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Kì-tî kái-tsō--ah
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Pó-tî sîng-lo̍k--ah
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Tshin-tshiūnn óng-sî
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Iū-koh kā lí tsò-hué
*Kā lí tsò-hué, mm,
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Kā lí tsò-hué
Iū-koh kā lí tsò-hué, ooo
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Yay yeah, yay yeah, yay yeah

@You been missin' me,
I been missin' you,
Tell me what to do,
Tell me what to do,
You been missin' me,
I been missin' you,
Khuài lâi kái-piàn--ah,
Lán tsit tuānn pháinn-ūn
I been missin' you,
I been missin' you,
Tsn̂g siūnn-beh tsō tsin
Tsè--ê hui-ki
I been missin' you,
I been missin' you,
Ūi-tio̍h tsi̍t ing
Kā lí it-khí

Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Kì-tî keh-lī--ah
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Sîng-lo̍k pó-tî--ah
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Tshin-tshiūnn óng-sî
Tsí-ū tsi̍t ing
Kā lí tsò-hué
Kā lí tsò-hué
Iū-koh kā lí tsò-hué, ooo

Tshin-ài, guá iáu
Tshin-ài, guá iáu-koh
Ū lí tī sim-sîn,
Sui-liân lí bô,
Lí tsài bô tsia,
Tān guá tsit siú kua
Iáu hiòng lí tshiùnn
Guá siūnn-beh lâi
Tshē--tio̍h--ê tshuân-pōo
Lóng tsí-sī lí
Iā siūnn-beh tshîng lí
Tik-kàu khah tsè ài-tsîng,
Tsi̍t tiám ài-tsîng,
Tī lín sing-ua̍h
--ê múi tsi̍t biáu--ah
Guá sio̍k-u lí
Guá sio̍k-u lí
Lí ū thê gún--ê sim
Guá sio̍k-u lí
Lí ū pûu-hiak
Guá sōo-ū--ê tsûn-tsāi
Tshiánn guân-liōng guá
Tshin-ài, guân-liōng
Guá kā lí hun-khui


We are money makers
We are money makers
You know the mad thing
They call us undertakers
We are money makers
We are money makers
Never stop lovin'
Always sensin' papers
Pick up the phone girl,
I wanna see you
Later, later, yay,
Pick up the phone girl,
I wanna see you
Later, later, yay,


Alida *, GBMC @ – je!)

Saturday, 7 November 2020

Home is following my thoughts

Today we continue with ATajuddin's poems. We have two English ones combined, one titled "Home: an illusion" giving us sections 1 and 4, the other titled "A long journey" giving us the rest. The combination was conceived by me 8/10 or very early 9/10/20, set to music by me (with slight text alterations) on 31/10/20 in the evening, with tweaks on 1/11 and 4/11, and then translated to Chinese starting in the evening of 3/11/20 and going on into the following night, with a tweak (tàiyáng chūxiàn -> tàiyáng lái) as I wrote this draft on 7/11 at 17:27, and another one (zhēn ài wǒ -> zhēn ài nǐ) slightly earlier. At 17:40, I realize I confused 小儿子 with 小孩子, so I fix that. To fill the column, I give the original on the left, and a literal rendition of the Chinese translation on the right. Recording this on 7/11/20 at around 19:40 I change 山顶->高山 and 它们上床之前->上床的时候之前. Let's see it!

Home: an illusion.
Those who love us truly, become our home.
Not the dirt or the rain,
Just the feeling of being loved,
Being treasured and cared for.

A dream has set me on a long long journey:
Wish I knew that I should go so far, so far away,
Where loneliness would be
                [the only jewel to adorn me,
This solitude would be
                [the only feather in my cap.

My thoughts set out ev'ry morning.
When the sun comes to bid me goodbye,
«Until tomorrow», it says:
«Let the moon play your muse tonight».

Just like a little child thinks
                [that the moon follows him,
Thus home is following my thoughts:
Not the bricks or the wood,
Just beautiful,
                [beautiful memories of loved ones,
The meek remembering of them,
                [of them, who are my home.

I see them sparkle as the sun sets,
These mountains gazing at my window.
Before going to their beds,
The little birds sing the last song of the day:
«Until tomorrow», they sing:
«Let the bright stars above
    [be your guests tonight».





Home is just an illusion:
The people who truly love you become home.
It's not ground, it's not rainwater,
It's feeling that people love you,
Treasure you and care for you.

A dream has sent me to go on a long journey:
Wish I knew I would go this far,
[And] this loneliness would be
                [the only jewel to adorn me,
[And] only this solitude
                [would make me feel proud.

My thoughts every morning set out.
When the sun bids me goodbye,
«Until tomorrow», he says,
«Let the moon be your muse».

Just like a little child
                [imagines that the moon follows him,
My home thus follows my thought:
It's not bricks, it's not wood,
Just good memories,
                [memories about loved people,
Meekly remembering those people,
                [the people who make up my home.

At the time of sunset I watch them glitter,
The mountaintops that gaze at my window.
Before they go to bed,
The little birds sing the song of the ending day.
«Until tomorrow», they sing
«Let the bright stars
                [be your guests tonight».

Jiā zhǐ shì huànxiǎng:
Zhēn'ài nǐ de rénmen jiù biàn chéng jiā.
Bù shì tǔ, bù shì yǔshuǐ,
Jiù shì gǎndào rén cí'ài nǐ,
Zhēnzhòng nǐ érqiě zàihū nǐ.

Gè mèng yǒu sòng wǒ qù hěn cháng de lǚxíng:
Yuàn wǒ céng zhīdào wǒ jiù yào qù zhème yáoyuǎn,
Zhè zhǒng jìmò jiù shì diǎnzhuì wǒ de wéiyī de zhūbǎo,
Zhǐyǒu zhè zhǒng gūdān lái ràng wǒ yǐn yǐ wéi háo.

Wǒ sīxiǎng měitiān zǎoshang dòngshēn.
Dāng tàiyáng lái xiàng wǒ gàobié,
«Zhídào míngtiān», tā gàosù wǒ,
«Qǐng ràng yuèliang zuò nǐ de móu sī».

Hǎoxiàng xiǎo háizi lái xiǎngxiàng yuèliàng gēnsuí tā,
Wǒ jiā zhèyàng bànsuí wǒ sīxiǎng:
Bù shì zhuāntóu, bù shì mùtou,
Zhǐshì hǎo huíyì, guānyú xīn'ài de rén de huíyì,
Qiāngōng de jìdé nà xiē rén, zǔchéng wǒjiā de rén.

Rìluò zhī shí wǒ kàn tāmen shǎnyào,
Wàng zhù wǒ de chuāngkǒu de gāoshān.
Shàngchuáng de shíhòu zhīqián,
Xiǎo niǎo lái chàng rì zǐ jiéshù de gēqǔ.
«Zhídào míngtiān», tāmen chàng,
«Qǐng ràng míngxīng jīnyè zuò nǐ de kèrén».

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Love - când ko

Today we have a weird one. This is a combination of an Urdu poem and half an English poem, both by ATajuddin, the same author as May the mirror not hide her and The pen of God, a combination operated by me which I recently set to music. As a translation, I have the languages swapped. The setting to music and the translation happened between 22:38 and 0:15 of 14/10/20, with some tweaks the next day between 12:56 and 13:48. In fact, the music started a bit earlier, with the chorus set to music in the evening of 13/10. The title of the combination is the same as the post, când ko (چاند کو) meaning "to the moon". While working on the collection of my friend ATajuddin's poems I'm curating, I stumbled upon a correction she made to my interpretation, and realized I mistranslated the line «Maybe you are giving me peace even more, even more than him», which in the original actually says «Maybe your vision is giving him peace too». That was on 18/10/20 in the evening, the next day at 11:15 I set out to straighten the score. Well, make that 11:56, because Avid link would not sign in until I restarted, and I was freeing up space on my HD. Anyway, at 11:57 I have «Maybe your vision is gīving peace tō him too», then at 11:57 still I change the end to «to him as well», and the present form is chosen by 11:58. Score below, just for clarity. Also, prob. at 14:33 on 17/10/20, I changed netritv to sarbarâhî in the Urdu translation part, because netritv is not findable in any Urdu dictionary, while sarbarâhî is, and the latter also fits the tune better. Let's see it!

کچھ اندھیرا ضروری ہے،
کچھ تیرا دیدار بھی ضروری ہے.

دیدار نا جس کا ہو سکے،
وو بھی تجھے دیکھ رہا ہے،
میری نگاہے بھی تجھ پر،
اس کی نگاہے بھی تجھ پر،
وو مجھے تجھ میں ڈھونڈ رہا ہے
شاید میں بھی اس سے تجھ میں ہی ڈھونڈ رہا.


There is a veil on the mirror,
Only with love will you see
The true heart of your beloved.
If there is true love,
All veils will fall,
The mirror will open the door,
The door will open,
Door that leads you to her heart.


روشن تو اس کا بھی سونا آسمان کر رہا ہے،
روشن میرا بھی فلک تو کر رہا ہے،
دیدار تیرا شاید اس سے بھی سکون دے رہا ہے۔
تو اکیلے ایک ہی، ایک ہی تو چاند ہے،
اس کے فلک کا بھی اور میرے فلک کا چراغ ہے!


A little darkness is important,
A glimpse of you is important too.

May you be no-one else's vision.
He too is now looking at you.
My own eyes are also on you,
His own eyes are also on you,
He is a-looking for me inside you,
Maybe I too now am a-looking to find him in you.


درپں پر ایک پردہ ہے،
کیول پیار سے دیکھے گا
تمہاری پریتم کے سچے دل کو۔
اگر سچا پیار ھے،
پردے گریں گے۔
درپں دوار کو کھولے گا،
دوار جو اس کے دل کو سربراہی کرتا ھے۔

Now you are making even his deserted sky shine,
You are making even my skydome shine,
Maybe your vision is giving peace to him as well.
You alone are indeed a moon,
Are indeed a moon,
Both of his skydome and of my skydome
                                        [you are the bright lamp.
Kucẖ 'andẖěrâ ẑarŭrî ḥê̱,
Kucẖ těrâ dîdâr bẖî ẑarŭrî ḥê̱.

Dîdâr nâ jis kâ ḥô sakê.
Vô bẖî tujẖê děkẖ raḥâ ḥê̱.
Měrî nigâḥê bẖî tujẖ par,
'Us kî nigâḥê bẖî tujẖ par,
Vô mujẖê tujẖ měṅ ḍẖûnḍ raḥâ ḥê̱,
Šâyad mě̱ṅ bẖî 'us sê tujẖ měṅ ḥî ḍẖûnḍ raḥâ.


There is a veil on the mirror,
Only with love will you see
The true heart of your beloved.
If there is true love,
All veils will fall,
The mirror will open the door,
The door will open,
Door that leads you to her heart.


Rôšan tû 'us kâ bẖî sûnâ 'âsmân kar raḥâ ḥê̱,
Rôšan měrâ bhî falak tû kar raḥâ ḥê̱.
Dîdâr těrâ šâyad 'us sê bẖî sukûn dê raḥâ ḥê̱.
Tû 'akělê 'ěk ḥî, 'ěk ḥî tô când ḥê̱,
'Us kê falak kâ bẖî 'ô̱r měrê falak kâ cirâğ ḥê̱.


A little darkness is important,
A glimpse of you is important too.

May you be no-one else's vision.
He too is now looking at you.
My own eyes are also on you,
His own eyes are also on you,
He is a-looking for me inside you,
Maybe I too now am a-looking to find him in you.


Darpaṇ par 'ěk pardāĥ ḥê̱,
Kěval pyâr sê děkḫê gâ
Tumḥârî prîtam kê saccê dil kô.
'Agar saccâ pyâr ḥê̱,
Pardê girěṅ gê.
Darpaṇ dvâr kô kḫôlê gâ,
Dvâr jô 'us kê dil kô sarbarâhî kartâ ḥê̱.

Now you are making even his deserted sky shine,
You are making even my skydome shine,
Maybe your vision is giving peace to him as well.
You alone are indeed a moon,
Are indeed a moon,
Both of his skydome and of my skydome
                                        [you are the bright lamp.

Saturday, 3 October 2020

The pen of God

Today we have an Urdu poem, رب کی قلم | Rab kî qalam, which titles the post and was authored by ATajuddin, also the author of May the mirror not hide her, and set to music by me. The musication was complete within Sat 26/9/20, the translation was complete within 28/9, a few tune tweaks and chord tweaks were made within 2/10, the day of writing this draft. But am I right that «我天主的荣耀里多宋诗写» sounds like «I write many poems of praise in the glory of God»? Let's make that «Wǒ de Tiānzhǔ». 23:58 2/10. Let's see it!

رب نے توجھے قلم دیا هے، ظلم نہ لکھ!
قلم سے تو تقدیر نہ لکه سکے تو تکلیف نہ لکھ!
خطاكار نہ بن، سلسلای رنج نہ لکھ!
عشق نہ سہھی، بوفای کی داستان نہ لکه!
رب نے کرم جو کیا ھے،
!میرے رب کی شان وچ قسیدے لکھ

Rab nê tŭjḫê qalam diyâ ḥê̱, żŭlm naĥ likḫ!
Qalam sê tû taqdîr naĥ likḫ sakê, tô taklîf naĥ likḫ!
Xaṫâkâr naĥ ban, silsilâ-ẹ̌ ranj naĥ likḫ!
`Išq naĥ saḥî, bevafâî kî dâstân naĥ likḫ!
Rab nê karam jô kiyâ ḥê̱,
Měrê Rab kî šân vic qasîdê likḫ!

Tiānzhǔ bǎ gāngbǐ gěi nǐ le, yāpò bié xiě!
Rúguǒ yòng gāngbǐ bù huì xiě qián dìng, tòngkǔ yě bié xiě!
Bùyào zuò huàishì, bēikǔ de xìliè bié xiě!
Méi jīngguò ài, bèipàn yíxīn de gùshì bié xiě!
Tiānzhǔ duì nǐ ruò yòng ēnhuì,
Wǒ de Tiānzhǔ de róngyào lǐ duō sòng shī xiě!

God has given you a pen, don't write oppression!
Not being able to write destiny with the pen, so don't write hardships!
Don't become an oppressor, don't write a succession of grief!
[If you] haven't gone through love, don't write a story of betrayal!
If God has given [you] a blessing,
Write poems of praise in my God's glory!

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

La notte che ho visto le stelle

Oggi canzone di Chieffo, La notte che ho visto le stelle, tradotta in cinese, ritornello e fine ultima strofa (ultime due righe) nel pomeriggio dell'1/9/20, e poi terminata la sera del 6, con notevoli modifiche a quanto già fatto per fare le rime. 12/9/20 alle 9:57 cambio «我就不再想要睡觉» e «为了明白而为了看到» alle loro forme attuali. Vediamo!

Aspetto che passi la notte
Notte lunga da passare
E sento il mio cuore che batte
E non smette di sognare

Vorrei ritornare bambino
Nella casa di mio padre
Le storie davanti al camino
E la voce di mia madre

La notte che ho visto le stelle
Non volevo più dormire
Volevo salire là in alto
Per vedere e per capire

Ascolto il silenzio dei campi
Dove sta dormendo il grano
Il giorno fu pieno di lampi
Ma ora il tuono è gia lontano

Vorrei ritornare bambino
Nella casa di mio padre
Le storie davanti al camino
E la voce di mia madre


La luna nasconde i suoi occhi
Come donna innamorata
Il fiume l'aspetta nell'acqua
E una notte l'ha baciata

Vorrei ritornare bambino
E guardare ancora il fuoco
La stora più grande è il destino
Che si svela a poco a poco










Wǒ zhèngzài děngzhe yèjiān guòqù
Jiùshì mànman guò de yè a
Tīng dào wǒ de xīntiào jìxù
Gǎn dào nèixīn bù tíng mèng a

Wǒ yuànyì zài biànde háizi a
Huí dào fùqīn de fángwū li
Nuǎnlú qián zài tīng dào gùshì a
Yě tīng dào wǒ mǔqīn de shēngyīn

Wǒ kàn dào xīngxīng de nà yèlǐ
Wǒ jiù bù zài xiǎngyào shuìmián
Wǒ dāngshí jiù xiǎngyào shàng tiān qù
Wèile míngbái ér wéile kànjiàn

Wǒ tīng dào tiányě nà shēng chénmò
Nàlǐ xiǎomài zhèngzài shuìmián
Jīntiān jiù yǒu chōngmǎn shǎndiàn ó
Rújīn léishēng yǐjīng yáoyuǎn

Wǒ yuànyì zài biànde háizi a
Huí dào fùqīn de fángwū li
Nuǎnlú qián zài tīng dào gùshì a
Yě tīng dào wǒ mǔqīn de shēngyīn


Tiān shàng de yuèliàng zhèng cáng yǎnjīng
Jiùxiàng àishàng de nǚrén a
Shuǐ li yǒu héliú děngdào tā ne
Yǒu rì jiāng tā yǒu qīnwěn a

Wǒ yuànyì zài biànde háizi a
Érqiě rèhuǒ zàicì níngshì
Yī diǎn yī dī zhàomiàn de yùnmìng
Tā jiù shì zuì wěidà de gùshì


Tuesday, 1 September 2020

My brothers

And today we close the blog with this beautiful Mandarin song which I kept for last because it seemed like a great goodbye to my followers. It is 我的好兄弟 | Wǒ de hǎo xiōngdì, which I met sometime in Spring 2013, later than April 18, and translated within that year's early June [5/5 in fact, as evidenced by a Facebook note containing the translation that was last edited on that date. There was then a change from «Bitter hearts 'cause you speak to me» to «Pain in their hearts 'cause you tell me» at 15:50 on 28/1/22 and then to «Bitter hearts 'cause you're telling me» at 2:10 that night, in which night «Let me sing a song for you» changed to «Let me for you sing a song» at 3:16]. With this song, the done material is over, so I will stop posting twice a week because I won't have stuff to post. I do have a couple drafts yet unposted, one of them about the heritage of the Romagnol side of my family, one is an Italian edition of Sappho yet to get the fragments rearranged for it, one is this crazy project of turning Sappho into Chinese songs to arouse curiosity, if I ever do that I'll upload the songs to Youku and see what happens, and one yet unmade about the three attempts at constructing a language which I did back in middle to high school, so those will get posted sooner or later, but I'm out of translations, so unless I make new ones (which is entirely possible), all that is left is to finish the Indonesian songs post, the Chinese songs post, the All of Sappho post and the Chinese poetic Sappho post, and do the Japanese songs post which, as of 11/9/18 14:20 as I write this intro, is yet to be started. And on 25/8/19 the situation hasn't changed. I'd like to add that, if I do do new translations, I will stick to posting on Tuesdays and Saturdays, whereas other posts will be posted as soon as they are ready, just like other "OOP" (out of program) posts have been. And on 12/2/20 the situation of the unmade stuff is unchanged, except there's the "crazy project" and the Italian edition that I just added, and a Korean songs post I plan on doing. How, in all that, I completely forgot about the Modern G Sappho edition, I have no clue. In any case, as of finally posting this on 1/9/20, the situation is pretty much the same, save for the Indonesian songs post being, I believe, as finished as I can make it (that song with unfindable lyrics needs outside help). So this is essentially my goodbye. It has been a lot of work to post these translations, and a lot of fun to make them. I wish y'all well. But let's see the song, shall we?



像一杯酒      像一首老歌


Zài nǐ huīhuáng de shíkè
Ràng wǒ wèi nǐ chàng shǒu gē
Wǒ de hǎo xiōngdì
Xīn li yǒu kǔ nǐ duì wǒ shuō
Qiánfāng de lù yīqǐ zǒu
Nǎpà shì hé yě yīqǐ guò
Kǔ diǎn lèi diǎn
Yòu néng suàn shénme

Zài nǐ xūyào wǒ de shíhou
Wǒ lái péi nǐ yīqǐ dùguò
Wǒ de hǎo xiōngdì
Xīn li yǒu kǔ nǐ duì wǒ shuō
Rénshēng nán de qǐqǐ-luòluò
Háishì yào jiānqiáng de shēnghuó
Kūguò xiàoguò
Zhìshǎo nǐ hái yǒu wǒ

Péngyǒu de qíngyì ya
Bǐ tiān hái gāo bǐ dì hái liáokuò
Nà xiē suìyuè wǒmen yīdìng huì jìde
Péngyǒu de qíngyì ya
Wǒmen jīnshēng zuì dà de nándé
Xiàng yī bēi jiǔ      xiàng yī shǒu lǎo gē

Suǒyǒu cóng kāishǐ, ránhòu *

Xiàng yī bēi jiǔ
Xiàng yī shǒu lǎo gē

In your moments of splendour
Let me for you sing a song
My dear brothers feel
Bitter hearts 'cause you're telling me:
Let's together walk any road
Even rivers together cross
Pain and tiredness,
Can they matter now?

In the times when you will need me
I will spend my time with you
My dear brothers feel
Bitter hearts 'cause you're telling me:
Do you want changing difficulties
Or do you want to strongly live?
Laughing, crying,
At least you'll still have me

* Because friendship's
Higher than the Heavens, vaster than the Earth
We will certainly remember those few years
Because friendship is
The greatest rarity in our whole lives
Like a full glass      like an old old song

All from the start, then from *

Like a full glass
like an old old song

Saturday, 29 August 2020

Your heart

Today we have another song with no ties to the surrounding posts. It's a Hakka song, it's undatable number 4, it comes from a video that I downloaded and was since removed from Youtube, it's titled 你(的)心 | Nyia kài sim, and it gives this post its title. On 4/10/19 around 18:20 I finally picked it up and started an English translation, and by 18:26 I was done, except for correcting "Can face all things carefully" at 18:53. I don't think I'll produce a column filler for this one. I basically translated it just as an excuse to put it back on Youtube for the Chinese songs post. Here it comes!



Mui yit tshìi tò-cón
Tan-sâ ku-tan cung kien-khiông
Mui yit tshìi tshìu-sòn sim án kèu
Ya mô kiàu chut-lôi
Ngâi ya ti nyî yit-chıt
Yìu yit cak sim tshìu nên-kèu
Tài ngâi hì lî-khoi a-lî

Mô sióng tó kî-teu
Tsúng yìu án tsiang kài òi-tshîn
Ngâi khòn tó mui nyit kài nyit-thêu
Ya vòi òi lȯk-san
Ngâi ya ti nyî yit-chıt
Yìu yit cak sim tshìu nên-kèu
Tài ngâi hì pun ngâi fon-hí

Ngâi cung-yi khòn tó
Só-yìu li-sióng kài kiet-kwó
Chì-tó nga kài sim
Nên-kèu òi hà-hì
Ngâi cung-yi cin-cin
Yùng-sim yùng-yì lôi mièn-tùi
Hà-pùi vòi yìu nyî
Tshìu hâng tó yén lî

Every time I go
Back to being strong alone,
Every time, my heart's had enough,
But I still do not cry.
I do know that, if you have a heart,
You always can
Brīng me away from here.

Haven't thought that they
Always had such a great love.
I see that the sun of each day’s
Always bound to set.
I do know that, if you have a heart,
You always can
Bring me away and make me happy.

I now finally
Look at all my ideal outcomes,
I know my heart
Can keep on with its love.
I now finally
Can face things with all my heart,
In the next life
You'll sure go far away!

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Dammi un pochino di cielo

Oggi ennesima canzone greca (dovrebbe essere l'ultima, ma non si sa mai), Δώσε μου λιγάκι ουρανό | Dṓse moy ligáki oyranó, lo stesso titolo di questo post. L'ho tradotta in italiano, dopo mesi che stava tra i "plan", il 9/8/20 tra le 15:46 e le 16:04 – rapido rapido, eh già. Vediamola!

Τώρα που φεύγεις
Από μένα και σε χάνω
Ένα σου λέω,
Μην αλλάξεις ουρανό
Σημάδια άφηνε
Στα σύννεφα απάνω,
Γιατί δεν πρέπει να
Χαθούμε εμείς οι δυο.
Σημάδια άφηνε
Στα σύννεφα απάνω,
Γιατί δεν πρέπει να
Χαθούμε εμείς οι δυο.

*Δώσε μου λιγάκι ουρανό,
Πάρε με μαζί στο πέταγμά σου,
Μάθε με κι εμένα να πετώ,
Να μην έχω ανάγκη τα φτερά σου.

Κι αν κάτι άλλο
Την καρδιά σου έχει πάρει,
Ένα σου λέω
Μην αλλάξεις ουρανό
θα 'ρχονται νύχτες
Που θα ψάχνεις το φεγγάρι,
Και το δικό μου
Τελευταίο σ’ αγαπώ.
θα 'ρχονται νύχτες
Που θα ψάχνεις το φεγγάρι,
Και το δικό μου
Τελευταίο σ’ αγαπώ.

Όλοι! * (και μένα)

* (και μένα)

Ora che fuggi
Da me e ti perdo,
Una [cosa] ti dico,
Non cambiare cielo
Lascia segni
Sulle nuvole in alto
Perché non è necessario che
Ci perdiamo noi due.
Lascia segni
Sulle nuvole in alto
Perché non è necessario che
Ci perdiamo noi due.

*Dammi un pochino di cielo,
Prendimi con te nel tuo volo,
Insegnami anche a me a volare,
Perché non abbia bisogno delle tue ali.

E se qualcos'altro
Il tuo cuore ha preso,
Una [cosa] ti dico,
Non cambiare cielo
Verranno notti
Che cercherai la luna,
E nel mio stesso
Ultimo [momento] ti amo.
Verranno notti
Che cercherai la luna,
E nel mio stesso
Ultimo [momento] ti amo.

Tutti! *

Tṓra poy fév̆gës
Apó ména kä se khánō
Éna soy léō,
Mi̱n alláxës oyranó
Si̱mádia áfi̱ne
Sta sýnnefa apánō,
Giatí den prépë na
Khathoýme emë́s ö dyo.
Si̱mádia áfi̱ne
Sta sýnnefa apánō,
Giatí den prépë na
Khathoýme emë́s ö dyo.

*Dṓse moy ligáki oyranó,
Páre me mazí sto pétagmá soy,
Máthe me ki eména na petṓ,
Na mi̱n ékhō anágki̱ ta fterá soy.

Ki an káti állo
Ti̱n kardiá soy ékhë párë,
Éna soy léō,
Mi̱n alláxës oyranó
Tha 'rkhontä nýkhtes
Poy tha psákhnës to feggári,
Kä to dikó moy
Telef̆tä́o s' agapṓ.
Tha 'rkhontä nýkhtes
Poy tha psákhnës to feggári,
Kä to dikó moy
Telef̆tä́o s' agapṓ.

Ólö! * (kä ména)

* (kä ména)

Or che ti perdo
E da me lontano fuggi,
Ti dico solo:
Il tuo cielo non cambiar.
Lascia dei segni là,
Su in alto, sulle nubi,
Perderci entrambi,
Noi non lo dobbiamo far.
Lascia dei segni là,
Su in alto, sulle nubi,
Perderci entrambi,
Noi non lo dobbiamo far.

*Un pochin di cielo donami,
Portami con te, voliamo insieme,
Anche a me a volare insegnami
Perché non mi servan le ali tüe.

Se qualcos’altro
T’ha saputo il cuor via portare,
Ti dico solo:
Il tuo cielo non cambiar.
Verranno notti che
La luna avrai a cercare
Fino al mio ultimo
Respir io t’ho ad amar.
Verranno notti che
La luna avrai a cercare
Fino al mio ultimo
Respir io t’ho ad amar.

Tutti! *


Saturday, 22 August 2020

The cranes

Russian song today like last time, Журавли | Žuravlĵí is the title, and the same as this post's. The text I give is my mashup of three versions, there will probably be a post on Deciphering unknown languages with Michele Gorini about this song. Where there are options, the left one is for female singer to male addressee, the right one is the opposite. I doubt any other pair would have been conceivable when it was written. I translated it first to Italian, on 10/8/20 between 11:01 and 13:46 save for the last two lines of verse 1 done at 14:26, and then to English, hence the post's language, between 12:20 and 12:35 the following day, save for the second half of verse 2 done around 15:50. The Italian had original/alternate versions «Nel mattino il richiamo triste sento delle gru» and «Presto presto» instead of «Molto presto». Let's see it!

Се́рым у́тром крик печа́льный
Слы́шу в не́бе журавле́й.
Всё проща́ясь улета́ют
Ста́ей из родны́х поле́й.
По́мнишь их встре́чать весно́ю
Вме́сте шли к реке́ с тобо́ю?
Как же случи́лось, не зна̇ю,
В путь журавле́й провожа́ю
Я одна́ / Я оди́н.

Ско́ро бе́лой пелено́ю
скро́ет снег просто́р поле́й.
Но верну́тся к нам весно́ю
Сно́ва ста́и журавле́й.
Я хочу́, что ты за мно́ю
Был/Бы́ла и ле́том и зимо́ю
что́бы в любо́е нена́стье
мы берегли̇ на́ше сча́стье,
ми́лый мой / Ми́лая.

Giorno grigio, il richiamo
Triste sento delle gru
Salutando volan via
Dai campi natìi nel ciel lassù
In primavera al ruscello
– Ricordi? – A incontrarle corremmo.
Non so come sia capitato,
Con lor nessuno è restato
Se non io

Molto presto un bianco manto
Di neve i campi coprirà
In primavera torneranno
Gli stormi di gru di nuovo qua
Voglio che con me in eterno
Tu resti, in estate e in inverno
E in qualsiasi tempo ci troviamo
Noi la nostra gioia proteggiamo,
Caro mio / Cara mia
Sĵérym útrom krik pĵećál'nyj
Slýšu v nĵébĵe žuravlĵéj.
Vsĵo prośáĵas' ulĵetáĵut
Stáĵej iz rodnýkh polĵéj.
Pómniš' ikh vstrĵéćat' vĵesnóĵu
Vmĵéstĵe šli k rĵekĵé s tobóĵu?
Kak že slućílos', nĵe znáĵu,
V put' žuravlĵéj provožáĵu
Ĵa odná / Ĵa odín.

Skóro bĵéloj pĵelĵenóĵu
Skróĵet snĵeg prostór polĵéj.
No vĵernútsĵa k nam vĵesnóĵu
Snóva stái žuravlĵéj.
Ĵa khoćú, čto ty za mnóĵu
Byl/Býla i lĵétom i zimóĵu
Čtóby v lĵubóĵe nĵenást'ĵe
My bĵerĵeglí našĵe sćást'ĵe,
Mílyj moj / Mílaĵa.

This grey morning the sad calling
Of the cranes in the sky I hear
They bid goodbye as they fly off
From their native fields so dear
In springtime – do you recall? – we
Went to the creek to them all meet
Don't know how this came into being
But on their way I now see ‘em
On my own

Soon a mantle of white snowflakes
Will on all the fields be lain
And in springtime there will come back
The flocks of cranes to us again
I wish you'll be at my side here
Through winter and summer, oh my dear,
So that through any bad weather
We'll guard our joy together,
Me and you.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Il pero

*Oh-oh. Non ho la bozza. Vabbeh, posto dopo. Oh mamma, pure l'Hard Disk saturo? Vabbeh, attaccherò la bozza a mezzogiorno :).* Oggi altra canzone russa, грушица | grúšitsa, "perino/peretto/perello/peruccio" o il diminutivo/vezzeggiativo che preferite, o anche "piccolo pero". O magari "Il pero". COmunque l'ho tradotta in Italiano il 13/8/20 tra le 18:09 e le 18:16 – rapido rapido eh :)? Bon, vediamola! Certo che 'sta storia che i testi online mi dànno зорька ясная "camion luminoso" quando зорка è "stella" mi fa alquanto strano…

Гру́шица кудря́вая.
Ой, ты кучеря́вая.
Ты стои́шь зелёная,

Все тобо́й любу́ются —
Ре́ченька широ́кая,
Зо́рка я́сная и я,

Да́леко уе́хал мой
Синегла́зый дорого́й.
Се́рдце ско́рой встре́чи ждёт
И о нём поёт.

Где ты, милый, где ты мой,
Синегла́зый дорого́й?
Гру́шица в саду́ цветёт,
На́шей встре́чи ждёт.

Pero rigoglioso,
Oh, tu dai rami riccioluti,
Tu sorgi, verde,

Tutti ti ammirano –
Il fiumicello largo,
La stella brillante, e io,
La sola.

Lontano è andato il mio
Caro dagli occhi blu.
Il [mio] cuore aspetta di vederlo presto,
E di lui canta:

Deve sei tu, dove sei, mio
Caro dagli occhi blu?
Il pero è in fiore nel giardino,
Il nostro incontro attende.
Grúšitsa kudrĵávaĵa,
Oj, ty kućĵerĵávaĵa,
Ty stoíš zĵelĵónaĵa,

Vsĵe tobój lĵubúĵutsĵa –
Rĵéćĵen'ka širókaĵa,
Zórka ĵásnaĵa, i ĵa,

Dálĵeko uĵékhal moj
Sinĵeglázyj dorogój,
Sĵérdtsĵe skóroj vstrĵéći ždĵot,
I o nĵom poĵót:

Gdĵe ty, mílyj, gdĵe ty, moj
Sinĵeglázyj dorogój?
Grúšitsa v sadú tsvĵetĵót,
Nášĵej vstrĵéći ždĵot.

Pero pien di riccioli,
Che rigoglioso sei così,
Verdeggiante sōrgi
E maëstoso, sì.

Tutti ti ammirano:
Cè quel fiume lārgo,
C'è questo astro fulgido,
E io che sola sto.

Il mio amor lontano andò,
Lui dall'occhio ceruleo,
Incontrarlo brama il mio cuor,
Di lui canta ognor:

«Dove sei, amāto,
Tu d'occhio ceruleo?
Il pero in giardino attende, in fior,
Di vederti ancor!».

Sunday, 16 August 2020

On spelling and transliteration

When you write a blog on translations of songs between languages, spelling and transliteration issues will definitely come to bite. Let me comment on the spelling/transliteration I use for each language I've worked with.
  1. Languages with standard orthographies in the Latin alphabet: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, Swedish, Indonesian, Xhosa, Zulu, Haitian Creole, Latin, Venetian, Friulian, Occitan, Middle English, Swahili, Finnish, Albanian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Vietnamese, Turkish, Irish, Romanian, Danish, Hungarian, Lingála; for these, there isn't really much of an issue; just a couple special mentions: for Vietnamese, I decided to link syllables of single words with dashes, whereas the normal orthography is to separate all syllables with spaces (so I write "cô-bé" for "girl" while it's normally written "co bé"), and for Irish I use both the standard and my own creation, which was conceived to be easier for me to crack, but I don't really remember exactly how it was supposed to work; oh, and in Indonesian I try to mark all /e/ as é to distinguish them from schwas, which the standard orthography doesn't do; and I try to mark tones and the e/ɛ and o/ɔ distinctions in Lingála, which isn't always done;
  2. Languages spelled with the Latin alphabet for which I either know of no standard, or of multiple competing standards: Romagnolo, Neapolitan, Sicilian, Mende; let's look at these one by one:
    1. For Romagnolo, I'm transcribing a specific variety, and I devised my own orthography; there is a standard orthography, but I don't know how it works; judging by a dictionary I consult, I'm really not too far off, the main difference between me and it being it's transcribing a dialect with /e/ and /e:/~/ej distinct, so it uses ē for the long vowel / diphthong and é for the short one, whereas I, not having the short vowel, just use é for the diphthing;
    2. For Sicilian, I know of two ways to spell autoctonous sounds, but I decided to devise my own conventions;
    3. For Neapolitan, there are three conventions regarding the spelling of the schwa sound: Neapolitan proper spells schwas as what they were before vowel reduction; Abruzzese dialects (as well as the San Benedetto del Tronto dialect, and perhaps others as well) use e for the schwa; Facebook illiterate dialect speakers don't write the schwa at all; as for me, I usually stick to whatever convention the dialect I'm working with uses, perhaps marking schwas with some diacritic; I guess it's typically using overdotted non-reduced vowels in Neapolitan proper, and ë or ė for other "nap-code" dialects;
    4. For Mende, there are distinct conventions as regards: vowel lengthe, either using macrons or doubling vowels; and e/ɛ and o/ɔ, where these symbols are used sometimes, the distinction is sometimes ignored, and sometimes you find ẹ/e (or e/ẹ?) and o/ọ (or viceversa), and then there is o̱ which I assumed was I-don't-recall-which of these sounds; I use e/ɛ, o/ɔ, and macrons;
  3. Languages with a standard orthography that uses a non-Latin alphabet: Russian, Ukrainian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Modern and Ancient Greek, Korean, Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Bulgarian, Hebrew; for the native orthography, no issue; for the transliteration, as with any transliteration, I strive for back-transliteratability as well as phonetic transparency; let's discuss each language:
    1. My romanization of Russian is a modification of some "standard" systems; here's how I transliterate each Ciryllic letter:
      Ĵe ĵe
      Ĵo ĵo

      Kh kh
      Ts ts
      Ćć (except when
      it's pronounced š,
      in which case it's Čč)
      Ĵu ĵu
      Ĵa ĵa

      So there is one case where I privileged phonetic transparency over back-transliteratability: the choice not to use c for the ts sound; note that the ĵ has a circumflex, which was placed there specifically to have back-transliteratability; I originally used carons instead, but ě́ and similar didn't render well in the captions for this video (or was it the title?), so I switched; NOTE: I was checking up transliteration explanations when I went «Oh, so I use ` for the tvĵórdyj znak?», so I may have transliterated that differently or not at all in some places;
    2. I honestly haven't put much thought into how I transliterate Ukranian;
    3. For Mandarin, the native orthography is well-standardized, and the transliteration I use is Pinyin; there may be some oscillation on whether I mark "neutered" tones as neuter or as what the character's root tone is, for example 个 is gè, but is often pronounced ge; I suspect I normally mark that because Google does, and I fix Google's Pinyin when I transliterate stuff here rather than transliterating from scratch; spaces are mostly placed according to dictionary words, save for what I do with aspect particles guò le zhe, which I usually stick only to verbs; I use dashes for doubled verbs and adjectives, I think, and perhaps for some other 4-char phrases too;
    4. For Cantonese, the orthography is well-established, and the transliteration is Jyutping with tone numbers and dashes for syllable division within words; when I worked on my first Cantonese song, I was transliterating with Wiktionary which uses Yale, then I discovered CantoDict, a much more complete (at least at the time) dictionary using Jyutping; the switch may have left hybrids in my old file, so some transliterations may still be hybrids;
    5. For Japanese, the orthography is… fuzzy; I probably tend to over-kanji-ize, since I use furigana on every kanji, though this trend may have reduced in recent times; the romanization is Hepburn in any case, modulo using ou and ei as distinct from ō and ē which are reserved for おお and ええ and not applied to おう and えい; I wonder if I've ever attempted to distinguish ou and ei pronounced ō and ē from those pronounced ou and ei;
    6. For Modern and Ancient Greek, the orthography is well-established (except for some Modern words like μαντήλι/μαντίλι, though I believe the rule is now no eta in loanwords? In any case, in the specific example, I used the eta because my lyrics used it); as for transliteration, again, a compromise between back-transliterability and phonetic transparency; I'm too lazy to make another table, so here's the Greek alphabet as transliterated for Modern Greek: a-b-g-d-e-z-i̱-th-i-k-l-m-n-x-o-p-r-s-t-y-f-kh-ps-ō, but then you have αι ει οι υι = ä ë ö ÿ and αυ ευ = ay̆ ey̆ or af̆/av̆ ef̆/ev̆, and that should be all; as for Ancient, a-b-g-d-e-z-ē-th-i-k-l-m-n-x-o-p-r-s-t-y-ph-kh-ps-ō;
    7. For Korean, I use the Wiktionary's Revised transliterations; I don't really take cases of non-phonetic Hangul into account, but I haven't really thought much about this anyway;
    8. For Arabic, the standard transliteration is just outright stupid; I means, are you seriously having us distinguish LEFT AND RIGHT QUOTES? You gotta be kidding me, right? Since ayn sounds kind of like a nonstandard pronunciation of r I've heard in Italy, I decided that ř would be ayn (I mean, řayn), so the apostrophe is definitely 'ālif; for a few more remarks, I'll quote this post:
      The transliteration scheme is my own. In particular, I differ from the "standard" transliteration in the following respects: I use ŕ for the left-quote transliterating ŕayn (ع), because using left-quote and right-quote for two different sounds dounds like complete madness to me, and because the sound of ŕayn sounds like a particular kind of "r moscia" (nonstandard pronunciation of the Italian phoneme /r/); I prefer using th and dh to ṯ and ḏ for the dental fricatives (ث and ذ), because it is quicker to type and easier to read; I use gh for ghayn (غ), for similar reasongs to th and dh; I guess I did not have to think about what to do with kha (خ), but either kh or x are fine: x is IPA, kh is just as easy to type and read; standard probably has ḵ, which I doff for the same reasongs as ṯ and ḏ; should ta-ha, dal-ha or kaf-ha ever occur, to avoid confusion with tha, dhal and kha, I'd use t.h, d.h and k.h respectively; I doffed š for šin in favor of sh, with the same solution to sin-ha combinations, for the same reasons.
      And then I promptly forget about everything said above in my other Arabic post Problems, where the romanization is compatible with the following table:

    9. For Hindi, I use the Devanagari standard orthography as a reference for back-transliteratability; now, Hindi has this perfect system which could be fully phonetic… and then it decides to not use it as such; more specifically, it mutes a bunch of schwas, and virtually regularly turns "aha" into /ɛh(ɛ)/, like in the word पहले, which looks like "pahale" but is actually "peh(e)le", and "ahu" and "uha" into /ɔhɔ/, as in बहुत "bahut", pronounced "bohot"; for back-transliteratability, I use ä for /e/s that are spelled a, å and ů for a and u pronounced o (so "båhůt", "můhåbbat"), and ' to indicate mute schwas, so the word from before is "päh'le"; then it happens that some normally-muted schwas resurface in singing, in which case I use a literal schwa, ǝ; for example, एक looks like eka, but is actually pronounced ek', except in "ekǝ din" found in this video; I use ai and au for ऐ and औ, as is standard; then there is the matter of anusvāra and candrabindu; normally, these are nasalizing diacritics: put one on इ i, and it becomes nasalized; in that case, I use ṅ for the anusvāra and ṃ for the candrabindu; for example, the verb "to be" (honā) conjugates हूँ, है, है, हैं, हो, हैं, a.k.a. hūṃ, hai, hai, haiṅ, ho, haiṅ; then there's words like चांद or संबंध, which look like cāṅd' and saṅbaṅdh', but where the anusvāras are pronounced as nasals that assimilate to the next consonant; I use ń in those cases, so cāńd' and sańbańdh'; I don't know if candrabindus can do that, but if they can and I ever find one that does, I'll definitely use ḿ; I believe that's all; note that this was conceived over a long time, so there may be leftover errors that I missed when correcting posts – especially in the one I haven't corrected yet [as of the last edit to this post, I wonder if by 1/7/21 I had done that…]; this also means that the same word in Hindi or Urdu spelling would be transliterated differently;
    10. Speaking of, let's deal with the ABSOLUTE MESS that the Urdu script is; let's make a table of letters, transliterations, and letter names:
      ', â
      baṛî hê
      huttî hê

      ؤ ,ئ ,إ/أ
      ṅ, ṇ
      w, û, ô, ô̱, ŭ
      ḥ, ĥ
      y, î, ě, ě̱, ẹ̌, ĭ?
      ê, ê̱
      '', ŷ, ŵ
      nûn ğunnaĥ
      gôl ḥê
      cḫôṭî ḥê
      dô cašmî ḥê
      cḫôṭî yê
      baṛî yê
      'alif hamzaĥ,
      yê hamzaĥ,
      wâŵo hamzaĥ

      If you're going «What the heck?!», that's exactly what I thought; a few remarks:
      • First of all, ẃ is probably ONLY in the names ṡẃâd and ẑẃâd, because there is a w in the pronunciation, but it is not written; and I thought the consonants were the strong point of Urdu…;
      • Next up, yes, s̱ê and sîn and ṡẃâd, as well as zê and ẕâl and ẑẃâd and żôê, as well as tê and ṫôê, are pronounced exactly the same; they are purely etymological distinction for Arabic terms;
      • ḫ just indicates the aspiration of the previous consonant;
      • As for baṛî hê and cḫôṭî ḥê, they are pronounced the same, except when the latter is silent, in which case I write ĥ;
      • Nûn ğunnaĥ was apparently created to nasalize vowels, hence my ṅ, the same as for the anusvār' in Hindi; they even created ڻ for the retroflex nasal ṇ, it would seem; and then I find दर्पण darpaṇ' spelled with a nûn ğunnaĥ; like WTF? So I guess they ditched the specific character, and used nûn ğunnaĥ for ṇ too, hence my double transliteration; also, I think medial and initial forms of nûn ğunnaĥ and of plain nûn coincide?
      • For `ě̱n, I always make it a silent `; some argue it represents vowels in some places, but I bet it's only ever found in (ultimately) Arabic loans, where it was an actual /ʕ/, hence my `;
      • And speaking of vowels, they are a complete mess; so, 'alif is used either as etymological, in which case I use ', or to represent a long a (the आ ā of Hindi), in which case I use â; I haven't developed a convention for 'alif madda (whatever that is spelled like), i.e. آ, but I guess it would have to be 'â;
      • Wâŵo is either w, its root sound, or used to represent the sounds ओ o and औ au and उ u and ऊ ū of Hindi, which I render respectively as ô, ô̱ (note the underline), ŭ, and û; because not writing short vowels was bad enough, now we hacve some of them written and some not, and I think there are also some unwritten ऊ ū, and am pretty sure some ओ o and औ au aren't written either;
      • Yê is the biggest mess of all; well, *"the yê's are"; so, yê is of couirse used for y, and for long ई ī, which I render y and î respectively; all good there; then you have ए e and ऐ ai in Hindustani, right? What do you do for those? Apparently they created baṛî yê ad hoc… and then restricted it to word end; yes, you heard that right; they create a glyph for two sounds, and then restrict it to the end of words, and use, guess what, yê (I mean cḫôṭî yê) for those same sounds in other positions; like, seriously? Anyway, when ě = ए e spelled with cḫôṭî yê, ê = ए e spelled with baṛî yê, ě̱ = ऐ ai spelled with cḫôṭî yê, ê̱ = ऐ ai spelled with baṛî yê, and then since I'm crazy I decided I would specify when something is an ezafe (you know that Persian grammar construct which Urdu borrowed? Yeah, that one), and went with ẹ̌; that is AFAIK pronounced as Hindi ए e, never ऐ ai, and that is a blessing because I couldn't render such a difference, that would be too many diacritics; finally, as with w, I suppose y could also happen to write short इ i at times, which is why I have "ĭ?";
      • Then we have the hamza carriers, which are their consonant representations with a circumflex, except for 'alif hamzaĥ where apostrophe-circumflex '̂ would look terrible, so I just gave up some degree of back-transliteratability – or did I? You judge if '' can be mistaken for double 'alif; actually, I think that's disallowed, and the madda ˜ was invented in Arabic just to avoid that combo; btw, WTH is up with the keyboard layout that doesn't have any of these except for ŷ, which it has on layer 1? I don't think a lone hamzaĥ is allowed in Urdu, so that is not a problem luckily;
      • I may have to come back to this because apparently ezafe can also be written with heh (see Persian below), but I haven't seen that yet in Urdu.
    11. For Persian, I don't exactly remember what conventions I developed; looking at this video, it seems I used ë for /e/ "written as heh" (including ezafes, transliterated -e when unwritten), separated plural marker hâ with a dash, used ř for ayn, č for če, ǧ for qaf, ' for alif (except for when I used ʔ instead, as in ʔAgë), š for shin, â for "long a", x for kh, ẃ for the mute w in bexẃâd which is pronounced bexâd, ṣ for ṣad (as opposed to s for sin), presumably underdots for all unmentioned emphatics, and ḥ for ḥe, and marked all written vowels with macrons (except of course for â);
      That was my original comment; I have since decided to actually develop a scheme to apply to posts and translations from after 1/7/21; this will transliterate the letters as follows:

      When I use ë, it means "vowel e spelled with he"; note that ezafes, progressive(?) mî's, and possessives are separated with dashes, so mî-konî, beh-et, etc;
    12. For Bulgarian, I didn't put much thought into it, I probably followed Wiktionary; look at this post and infer what you can;
    13. For Hebrew, I have two systems: one fully back-transliteratable, and one less cluttered and more readable; let's see a table of the transliterations of letters in the first system, make a couple remarks, and then see what changes in the second system:
      If dageshes were used more often, most pairs of transliterations would be no dagesh / dagesh, the exception being s/sh whcih depends on the also-omitted top dot; yod and vav are often used to mark vowels, hence the multiple transliterations, the ogonek showing the vowel in question is marked; I also separate articles from nouns and conjunctions and prepositions from whatever follows them with dashes, so you see things like l-i for "in me", shel-i for "of me" (=my, mine), and ḥa-kavód for "the respect"; the transcription was made a bit carelessly at times, but it should drop the ogoneks (ǫ ų į ę), the ḥ (meaning ḥeḥ is effectively not transliterated in the transcription), and the ' and ` (so 'alef and `ayn are also untransliterated); I will make sure that is all the differences;
  4. Languages without a standard orthography or a standard script: Min Nan, Hakka, Teochew; I've covered all of these in this post.