Speaking of heartbreak, in today's Min Nan song 爱人仔佗位去 | Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì, "Where did you go, my darling?", we have a poor girl spending her nights alone, broken-hearted, and drunk, because her S.O. broke up with her. This is the one song I translated to the most languages, so nowhere more than here is it appropriate to refer you to my spelling and transliteration post.
I met this around Sep 2012, then completely forgot about it, then it popped up from the depths of my computer as I dug up songs for this post. I loved it, learnt it, and translated it:
Will I make more translations? I don't know. In the meantime, welp, let's see 'em!
I met this around Sep 2012, then completely forgot about it, then it popped up from the depths of my computer as I dug up songs for this post. I loved it, learnt it, and translated it:
- [EL-1] First to Greek as I went on holiday to Corfu, and that was Jun 18 2018; this has quite the story, and quite a few versions:
- The very first version was the one that I made in transliteration on the plane to Corfu, using Google offline translation as a source of vocab; that is the "Original" version, dated 18/6/18 21:53-22:15;
- A few tweaks get made both later that night and the following morning, leading to the "WBF" version ("wannabe final", as it is marked in my translations note); this is where Quora question 1 comes into play, fixing my infinitive which doesn't exist in Modern Greek, and possibly inspiring the change in l. 2 via the deleted anonymous answer that I don't even have a notification email for; besides this one, the most notable change is in the last line;
- A bunch more tweaks and reworks get us to the "recap" version, which was recapped 22/6/18 20:28; one such tweak, probably corroborated by Quora question 2, is turning l. third-to-last into «καρδιά μου είναι σπασμένη» on 21/6/18 at 9:26, and then the present form;
- At 17:20 on 14/7/18, I send a version with a few changes from "recap" to a Greek friend who, at 10:18 the next day, replies with the corrections «χειμώνα είναι ψυχρό» -> «χειμώνας ειναι ψυχρός» and «δεν έχει τίποτα γευση» -> «δεν έχει καμία γευση», which I promptly apply, thus getting the version recorded in my video; from there to the next version "2018 final" I report, we have one small change in l. 1, that is that, on 12/11/18 in the early afternoon, I started to think of changing the first line of the Greek to better match all the other versions, and at 16:48 I settled the issue, and χειμόνας εἰναι ψυχρός was changed; between Σ᾽τούτο and Σ᾽αυτό, I chose the latter because Google didn't like the former and suggested to un-elide the Σ' :); but that is actually ungrammatical, so after a couple of versions conceived at 23:15 of 13/7/21 and at the following 24:47, on 14/7/21, upon coming here to edit one of them in, I settle for the straightforward fix Σ' αυτόν τον ψυχρόν χειμώνα at 15:21; while recording in the afternoon/evening of Sat 17/7/21, I apply a couple changes:
- Σ' αυτόν τον ψυχρόν χειμώνα -> Στην ψύχρα του χειμώνα;
- Και με καρδιά σπασμένη -> Με την καρδιά σπασμένη;
- Ο άνεμος φυσά -> Κι ο άνεμος φυσά;
- We then have the remade versions, for which see below;
- [RGN] Then into Romagnolo so I had at least one translation into an actually known language, and that was Jun 22-23 2018; I have no idea why it still had fraghêř at 16:00 on 14/7/21 when it had changed to ingãnêř since ages ago, but I've now fixed it;
- [FR] Then into French as a column filler, keeping almost all the original rhymes, and that was Jun 22-23 2018 again, so the Romagnolo and French translations were in progress simultaneously, though Romagnolo started on 22 afternoon and ended on 23 morning while French was evening to evening IIRC; on 11/10/18 at 17:33 I thought of changing "mes" to "ces" in the last line; on 4/7/21 at 6:34, I get corrections on lyricstranslate, all of which I implement after discussing a couple with the corrector; I also make my own tweaks, namely:
- «Chérie/Mon cher, enfin où es-tu allé(e)?» at 1:13 on 5/7/21, to avoid the ambiguity of "amour" as referring to the beloved vs. to love itself; original "Amour, enfin où es-tu allé(e)?";
- «Dans mes nuits désolées» right after the one above, then modified to «Seule en nuits désolées» somewhere between 10 and 12:04 the next day while getting into the sea for a swim, still pending comments from the corrector; original had "solitaires" in place of "désolées";
- «Aimé(e)» instead of «Chérie/Mon cher» at 1:14 on 5/7/21, which is also still pending;
- «J'me peux seulment soûler» at 1:20 on 5/7/21, then corrected by the corrector into «J'peux seulement me soûler» at 10:06; original "Je peux seul me soûler";
- [EN-1] Then in the morning of 14/11/18 I thought I wanted to translated this to English, and did so; one small tweak happened on 18/11/10 at 00:02, and another one at 0:07 on 23/11;
- [DE] Then I thought it would leave a centered text, so I had a column to fill. Maybe Spanish, maybe German? And I went for German, starting around 23 on 15/11/18 and ending the next day around 10; one small tweak happened at 11:05 on 19/11/18, and a grammatical correction later that day {I assume this is «ohne mich du würdest sterben» -> «[…] du sterben würdest», which is found in a 4/12/18 audio].
- [IT-1] In the meantime, though, I got Italian started too, in fact I did the whole translation between 1 and 2 am; at 16:06 on 14/7/21, I think of how to get rhymes in here, and get one by changing «Perché tu non sei qui con me» to its present form; maybe this will become a remake eventually, Idk, I have to merenda and work now :);
- [ES-1] But then the column problem was still there, so I recovered the Spanish idea, and that took less than 1/2h between 16:40 and 17:05 on 16/11/18. Yep, 4 translations in 3 days, that's a lot :). A tweak was made to the Spanish around 22 on 18/11/18, one more at 00:07; at 18:04 on 5/7/21 I get corrections on this on lyricstranslate, namely:
- Porque al mi lado tu no estás → Porque a mi lado tú no estás
- Y yo estoy sol → Y yo estoy solo
- Adonde has ido, mi amor? → ¿A dónde has ido, mi amor?
- Si querías siempre engañarme → Si siempre quisiste engañarme
- Porque me dejabas esperar? → ¿por qué me dejabas esperar?
- Porque jurabas → Por qué jurabas
- Que sin mi serias muerto → Que sin mí estarías muerto
- [HI-1] And then, just for funsies, I spent one hour of 23/11/18 (~23-~00) translating the first two lines into Hindi; given the time consumption, that will last forever, but eventually I will complete it, I swear :); three more lines done between 16 and 17 the next day; by 26/11 I had three more lines, by the following day at 15 the first half was done, and later that day (27/11) I completed the translation. Then I had tweaks to do, and those were over by 00:34 on 28/11; after asking three different Indian friends, I finally found a fourth one, namely ATajuddin, who was actually willing to correct the Hindi version; corrections came on 14/2/20, I metabolized them between the late evening and the following day, and the final version was ready by around 14:00 on 16/2/20; I also decided the gender option was becoming unreadable, so I give three tabs: original, revised F to M (female singer, male addressee), revised M to F (vice versa). Plus the two of the retranslation (see below).
- [FA-1] In the meantime, at 17:46 on 27/11 I translated the first line into Persian, and at 1:11 am on 28/11 I had the second line too; so yeah, Hindi is over, Persian is the new Hindi :); and with three lines on the 11, two on the 12, the rest of the first half on the 13, and the other half on the 14, we are ready to post this; on 22/11/19 I was sent a corrected version, I discussed the corrections on 1/12/19 with my Iranian friend who'd made them (more on that here for Facebook users), and the fixed version below was born, and I added it here on 2/12/19 between 16 and 17:13 (making sure all transliterations were correct was a long job, especially when I wanted to include as many stress marks as possible); as per this comment from "22h" before 13:03 on 27/4/21, my friend probably confused "miss" and "lose", as his «از دستت داده ام | az dastat dâde-am» means «I have lost you», not «I miss you», which is actually «Delam barât tang šodé», as I had originally written. So at 15:28 on 26/4/21 I send myself a reminder to revert to that.
- [RU] I then started the Russian on the evening of 2/2/19, and got to the "one year" line, then continued the following day and got to the first line of the second half in the afternoon, and finished in the evening; one tweak «way earlier» than 12/2 later, we reach the below "original" version; on 20/2 I sent it to my Russian colleagues, and corrections were sent in, and a rephrasing suggestion for the last line, which I accepted; then on 14/8/20, as I fix the transliterations of the Hindi, I notice но в нём нет всука hardly fits the tune, and add a "nakhodžú" to the picture: 18:12/13;
- [JA] As for the Japanese, I did it all in the middle of a lesson where I was half asleep, between 10 and 11 on 26/2/19, with a tweak the next day's afternoon; for some reason, I forgot to write an intro about these two when I added them, and this probably happened long before the checkup day (16/7/19) when I realized it; whoops :)!
- [ZH] And then, on 30/8/19 around 0:40, I translated it to Mandarin, with two small tweaks around 11:25 the following morning; then again, (阿)亲人 means relative, so maybe 爱人啊 is better: 11:30; or really 爱人你, half a minute later; between 22:39 and 22:42 on 14/2 I saw 离 explained as 完 on the twblg dictionary, so I thought I'd gloss it as 尽 in the ruby glosses below and fix the 离 of the Mandarin translation to that; the next day at 10:26 I also thought of changing 因你已不在我怀里 to 因在我身边再没你;
- [ID] On 30/6/20 at 20:26 I start translating this to Indonesian (because there aren't already enough translations :) ); I do two lines; I continue on 3/7/20, doing the rest of the first half between 19:09 and 19:16, and finishing it between 22:12 and 22:21;
- [SQ-1] To fill the column next to it, Albanian; first line 4/7/20 20:40, 22:34-23:18 the next day I finish the first half, and I complete the translation between the following 1:11 and 1:33; I have it corrected by my advisor who speaks the language at the end of a Skype call in the morning of 8/7/20; I include stress marks purely for my convenience; those are also an object of correction because Google mis-stresses some words; on 30/11/20 at 11:34 I fix «Sepse nuk je me mūa» to its present form, fixing the më to me at 11:37;
- [HI-2] In a bout of craziness, on 15/11/20 between 22:03 and 23:02 I retranslate this to Hindi with rhymes, then one tweak that day and another the following, and we have the below; 21/11/20 20:13 I drop the hai on "Tū dūr gayā/gaī hai"; in the morning of 27/7/21, I improve «Tū jo mujh'se chal' rahī thī, / Kyūṃ mujh'ko ińtazār' kar'vātī? / Kyūṃ käh' rahī thī / Kî mere binā mar' jāegī?» to its current form, so it fits the tune better; NB «rateṅ->ratoṅ and dil' merā ṭūṭā se -> dil' mere ṭūṭe se in Hindi fixed, 17/7/21 15:26», as per the FB posts post;
- [EL-2] At 4:53 on 29/6/21, in the dead of night, a file starts up in my mind: I must remake the Greek translation so it fits better; I get stuck on "we broke up", and at 5:07 decide I'll just leave the rest for the following morning+; so, between 13:27 and 13:53, I finish the "remake 1 original" version; a very long series of changes between around 9 on 7/7/21 and around 0:15 on 10/7/21, some by my own initiative, some because of Flora 40 fixes, bring this to the "remake 1 fixed" version; a Flora 40 fix comes in for l. 1, formerly Ψυχρό 'ναι το καιρό, at 11:01 on 13/7/21: «ΨΥΧΡΟΣ Ο ΚΑΙΡΟΣ/ ΚΑΝΕΙ ΨΥΧΡΑ»; I figure out how to fit it to the tune at 11:26, but the last version stays in my mind, as can be seen from remake 3;
- [SQ-2] The following night at 3:01, I remake a couple lines of the Albanian, to fit the tune better, and at 3:03 decide to remake it entirely; I redo a few more lines around 4:30, then decide it's sleeptime; between 18:16 and 18:46, I finish the remake;
- [ES-2] Going with the flow, on 2/7/21 between 4:17 and little after 4:41 I remake the Spanish; "Día y noche en ganas" and "Ya hace un año que sola estoy" get fixed resp. 11/7/21 19:08 and 13/7/21 10:43, and the resulting "Día y noche con ganas" gets fixed to "Día y noche me faltas" at 8:02 on 15/7/21, and to the present form the same day at 9:06; Quora finally gives me corrections, and I implement them; will verify if "no para ya" is fine; it is fine, but I decided to make it different; at 11:06 I had «Y aún no para de llover» and the current l. 5, and at 11:11 I had the current l. 2 too; I assume the versions «Y de llover no para más» and «Porque al mi lado ya no estás» were corrected by Quora into the current ones, or maybe I just preferred the current ones; not sure if the alternation between «Con el corazón partido» and «Con corazón partido» was intentional, but I'll remove it;
- [FA-2] And the next evening, in many takes and overflowing to 0:04 and with a tweak at 11:05 the next day giving l. 4 of the second half its current form, I remake the Persian; Mina Parsaei then provides corrections in a Quora comment at "7h ago" from 7:59 of 4/7/21, and I get around to implementing them at 23:55 that day, after writing my long reply;
- [EL-3] Finally (or maybe not), it happens at 9:32 on 7/7/21, as I'm on the navetta going to the sea, that I try to sing the Greek remake from memory, and completely deform the second half of the first section, so I decide to keep that as another singable rhyming version and, after a long series of things, some made while swimming, some while sunbathing, some in more normal conditions, some of my own initiative and some because of Flora 40, at 12:22 on 9/7/21 the remake 2 version is finally ready; actually, one last change was made on 11/7/21 at about 9:25, of which I'm not sure; I'd like to bring back πλευρά into l. 5; I have a couple options:
- Γιατί δε σ' έχω στην πλευρά, where I implied a μου and I'm not sure if that is fine;
- Στην πλευρά μου δε σ' έχω [or δεν είσαι] πια, which should be linguistically perfect, but the strong beat falls on pley instead of rá;
- Στην μου πλευρά δε σ' έχω [or δεν είσαι] πια, the straightforward fix to the above, which also has a nice internal rhyme πλευρά-πια, but I'm not sure I can put moy in that place, especially since Σπασμένη, η μου καρδιά got corrected to Σπασμένη μου η καρδιά;
- Δεν είσαι [or Δε σ' έχω] στην πλευρά μου πια, where I'm not sure if that placement of the complement between the verb and pia is OK;
- [EL-4] But that is not it, oh no; you know that "kánë psykhrá"? Well, that is the start for the (hopefully) last remake of this translation; this was done mostly between 0:54 and 1:26 on 14/7/21, with a couple tweaks around 11-11:30 the next morning; I really hope καρδιά can be used as "cuore" in Italian to refer to one's belovèd; This Quora question and a few ideas of mine lead to the present version; one thing to note is that it wasn't ψυχρά but ψύχρα, a fem. sing. noun; the move from έτος to χρόνος for "year" was recommended by Quora; finally, on 2/8/22 Kika on YT indirectly points out that «Αγάπη μου που ν' έχεις πάει» needs to be «Αγάπη μου που νά'χεις πάει», so time to fix that;
- [IT-2] Then, between 17:36 and 19:36 on 14/7/21, I remake the Italian too; the last line had an alternate version «La notte per passar!»;
- [EN-2] The same day around 23:15 I remake the first half of the English version, and the next day around 16:15 I finish the job;
- [SQ-3] The same day, between 11:24 and 12:33, I remake the Albanian again, to get more rhymes in; I actually get almost all of them (two lines deliberately rhyme different, and the "Chinese rhymes" where the rhyming syllable is a single unstressed one I didn't bother with); I then ask Quora for input about the result, and Arbër Kosova provides corrections in the evening, so that, at this point, the translation is OK in his eyes; Astrit Ismaili intervenes in the morning of 17/7/21 to fix "e ftoht'" to "i ftoht'" in l. 1; as I fix that here, I also fix «Në dimrin ky e ftoht'» to «Në dímër ky i ftoht'» in remake 1 and «Në dimrin e ftohtë» in the original; this gender error is a long-standing thing for me apparently; and actually that remake 1 form is still incorrect, which I fix in my second 17/7/21 edit to this post; the fix pij->pi was suggested by a comment dated 16/7/21, and was implemented in the 17:39 revision of the LT translation, thus between that time and 12:27; the same revision did away with the "t' më ke shku" which was importing an independent subjunctive use from Greek into Albanian where it didn't work; the previous revision did away with the original «ah, ku m' ke ti shků», which was in the 15/07/2021 15:47 LT version;
- [LA] And then, under the inspiration of Scorpiō Mārtiānus on Youtube, I decide to make my own Latin translations with rhymes and respecting syllable quantities, and what other song could pop into my mind if not this? So, on 25/8/21 at 11:01-11:11, I do the first 6 lines, the same afternoon at 17:42-17:51 I finish the first half, then on 29/8/21 at 23:20-23:33 I finish the translation;
- [SCN] And then of course there's a column to fill, so Sicilian it is! On 29/8/21 I start at 23:48, and at 0:01, so 13mins later, I'm all done.
Will I make more translations? I don't know. In the meantime, welp, let's see 'em!
冷吱吱的冬天 窗外的雨水落袂离 手捧一杯酒 啉着无滋无味 因为你无伫阮1身边 北风阵阵吹起 咱分开已经有一年 放我一个人 孤单日夜相思 爱人仔到底佗位去 你若存心对我欺骗 当初何必叫我等你 又何必对天咒诅 无我你会死 我的心已经碎 只有借酒嘛醉 度过寂寞暗暝 1 注意 (dialect note):闽语的人称代词 闽语有七个人称代替: 「我 | guá」,就是「我」; 「你 | lí」,就是「你」; 「伊 | i」,就是「他、她、它」; 「阮 | guán / gún」,意思是 「我们、不包括你」;「咱」, 就是「咱们」,意思是 「我们、也包括你」; 「恁 | lín」,就是「你们」; 「亻因 | in」,就是「他们」。 在歌曲里常常只有一个我 和一个你而没有别人, 所以「阮」常常跟「我」 一样、「咱」常常跟「你我」一样。
Χειμώνα είναι ψυχρό
Βροχή δε σταματεί πέφτειν Το κρασί που πίνω Δεν έχει τίπτα γεύση 'πειδή δεν είσαι στην πλευρά μου Και άνεμος φυσεί Εσύ ήδη πριν δυο χρόνια Άφησας μ' εδώ Λείπειν σου όλη την ώραν Που πήγες, αγαπητέ/αγαπημένε μου; 'πιτήδες απάτησάς μου Γιατί μ' έκανες να σε περιμένω; Γιατί εορκίζου Πως θα 'ποθνήσκεις χωρίς εμένα; Κραδιά μου είναι ραγισμένη Μπορώ μόνο να μεθύσκω Στης νύκτες αθύμας μου
χειμώνα είναι ψυχρό
αδιάκοπα πέφτει η βροχή το κρασί που πίνω δεν έχει τίποτα γεύση 'πειδή δεν είσαι στην πλευρά μου και άνεμος φύσει εσύ ήδη πρίν δύο χρόνια άφησες μ' εδώ λείπειν σε όλη την ώραν που πήγες, ώ αγαπητέ; 'πίτηδες 'ξαπάτησες μου Γιατί μ' έκανες να σε περιμένω; γιατί ορκιζόσουν πώς θα 'ποθνήσκεις χωρίς εμένα; καρδιά μου είναι ραγισμένη Μπορώ μόνο να μεθώ σε νύχτες μοναξιάς
Χειμώνα είναι ψυχρό
Αδιάκοπα πέφτει η βροχή Το κρασί που πίνω Δεν έχει τίποτα γεύση Επειδή δεν είσαι στην πλευρά μου Και άνεμος φυσά Και ήδη ένα χρόνιο πριν Με άφησες και Μου λείπεις όλη την ώραν· Που πήγες, ώ αγαπητέ; Επίτηδες εξαπάτησες μου Γιατί μ' έκανες να σε περιμένω; Γιατί ορκιζόσουν Πως θα πεθάνεις χωρίς εμένα; Και με καρδιά σπασμένη Και πίνω και μεθώ Σε νύχτες μοναξιάς
Σ' αυτόν τον ψυχρόν χειμώνα
Αδιάκοπα πέφτει η βροχή Το κρασί που πίνω Δεν έχει καμία γεύση Επειδή δεν είσαι στην πλευρά μου Και άνεμος φυσά Και ήδη ένα έτος πριν Με άφησες Και μου λείπεις όλη την ώρα. Που πήγες ω αγαπητέ? Επίτηδες μ'απάτησες Γιατί μ'έκανες να σε περιμένω? Γιατί ορκιζόσουν Πως θα πεθάνεις χωρίς εμένα? Και με καρδιά σπασμένη Και πίνω και μεθώ Σε νύχτες μοναξιάς
Ψυχρό 'ναι το καιρό,
Πέφτει η βροχή αδιάκοπα, Δεν έχει γεύση Το κρασί που πίνω, Γιατί με μένα δεν σ' έχω πια. Ο άνεμος φυσά, Ήδη ένα έτος πέρασε Αφού με άφησες, Και μου λείπεις πάντα· Αγαπητέ/ή μου, πού να 'σαι; Εσύ αν μ' απατούσες, Να σε περιμένω γιατί μ' έκανες; "Η μοναξιά με σφάζει!" Γιατί μου έλεγες; Σπασμένη, η μου καρδιά Σε το κρασί βουτά, Πάντα σε μοναξιά.
Ψυχρός είν' ο καιρός,
Πέφτει η βροχή αδιάκοπα, Δεν έχει γεύση Το κρασί που πίνω, Γιατί με μένα δεν σ' έχω πια. Ο άνεμος φυσά, Ήδη ένα έτος πέρασε Αφού με άφησες, Και μου λείπεις πάντα· Αγαπητέ μου, πού να 'σαι; Εσύ αν μ' απατούσες, Να σε περιμένω γιατί μ' έκανες; "Η μοναξιά με σφάζει!" Γιατί μου έλεγες; Σπασμένη μου η καρδιά Σ' αυτό το κρασί βουτά, Μονάχη στην νυχτιά. Εσύ αν μ' απατούσες, Να σε περιμένω γιατί μ' έκανες; "Η μοναξιά με σφάζει!" Γιατί μου έλεγες; Σπασμένη μου η καρδιά Στο αλκοόλ βουτά, Μονάχη στην νυχτιά.
Ψυχρός είν' ο καιρός,
Πέφτει η βροχή αδιάκοπα, Δεν έχει γεύση Το κρασί που πίνω· Στο πλάι μου δεν είσαι πια Ο άνεμος φυσά, Ήδη ένας χρόνιος πέρασε... Σ'αυτήν την μοναξιά Μου λείπεις πάντα· Αγάπη μου, συ πού να 'σαι; Απατώντας με, να σε περιμένω Εσύ γιατί μ' έκανες; "Με σφάζει η μοναξιά!" Γιατί μου έλεγες; Σπασμένη μου η ψυχή Βουτάει στο κρασί, Στην νύχτα μοναχή Απατώντας με, να σε περιμένω Εσύ γιατί μ' έκανες; "Με σφάζει η μοναξιά!" Γιατί μου έλεγες; Και την καρδούλα μου Την πνίγει η λύπη του, Μόνη/Μόνος μου 'μαι παντού!
Να, έχει παγωνιά,
Πέφτει η βροχή αδιάκοπα, Δεν έχει γεύση πια Ποτό κανένα· Στο πλάι μου δεν είσαι πια. Ο άνεμος φυσά, Ήδη έναν χρόνον πέρασα Σ' αυτήν την μοναξιά, Μου λείπεις πάντα· Αγάπη μου, πού νά 'χεις πάει; Αν με απατούσες, Περιμένοντας γιατί έμενα; Γιατί έλεγες; Πως θα σε σφάζει η μοναξιά; Σπασμένη μου η καρδία Μες στο κρασί βουτά, Μονάχη στη νυχτιά! 't al sët sìdar 'd l'invéran La piùva la-n smètt 'd avnì zò, A bév 'd 'e vẽ Parò 'd amôr u-n-n à brìsul, Parchè t-a-n-ji si tè cun mè. 'E sòppia nẽch 'e vẽt, L'è zà un ãnn 'd 'e pu ch't-m-é lasê(da) Què da par mè A pinsêř dè e nòt a tè: Amôr, dì-m, indô' sit ãndê[da]? S't-a-m é sèmp'r avlù ingãnêř, Parchè a-m ìv-t-a da fêṙ tni da stêř? Parch' ìv-t-a da zurêṙ Che sẽza mè 't murìva? E mi cör l'è sciupê A pòss sôl stê' 'què a béṙ Da par mè tòtta nòt.
The winter's freezing cold
The rain is falling endlessly This cup of wine I hold Has lost all its taste 'Cause you're no longer at my side The north wind starts to blow We've broken up one year ago You left me all alone Day and night pining Where have you gone my darling love? If you were deliberately deceiving Why did you make me wait? Why did you swear you'd die If I was not with you? With my heart broken so, All I can do is get drunk In these so lonely nights
The winter's freezing cold, Out there, the rainfall won't subside. I feel no taste at all In what I'm drinking, 'Cause you're no longer by my side. The north wind starts to blow, We've broken up a year ago. You left me all alone Day and night pining: My darling love, where did you go? Oh why did you keep me waiting If you wanted but to deceive? Why did you swear you'd die If I should ever leave? My heart is torn in pain, I can but drink… in vain: Alone I still remain!
Nel gelo invernal, La pioggia non si ferma più. Il vin che bevo Non ha nessun sapore, Perché con me non ci sei tu. Il vento s'alza già, Ci siam lasciati un anno fa, Sono rimasta/o Sola/o a pensarti sempre: Dove sei andato/a, amore mio? Perché mi hai fatta/o aspettar Se mi volevi sempre ingannar? Perché giuravi Di morire senza me? Spezzato s'è il mio cuor, Posso soltanto ber, Tutta la notte sola/sol. Perché mi hai fatta/o aspettar Se mi volevi sempre ingannar? Perché giuravi Di morire senza me? Spezzato s'è il mio cuor, Posso soltanto ber, Tutta la notte sola/sol.
Nel gelo invernal, Altro che piovere non fa, Sapore più non ha Bevanda alcuna, Ché m'hai lasciata/o sola/o qua. Il vento s'alza già, Ci siam lasciati un anno fa. Ti penso giorno e notte, O mia vita: Amor, dove hai voluto andar? Perché m'hai fatta/o aspettar Se mi volevi solo ingannar? "Senza te muoio!" Perché continuavi a giurar? Distrutta ho l'anima, Mi so solo ubriacar Da sola/o non so star! Se da sempre m'hai ingannata/o, Perché mai atteso/a io t'ho? Perché giuravi: "Senza te io morirò!"? Il cuore a pezzi ho, E più che ber non so, Tutta notte sola/o sto!
शिशिर की ठंड में
बारिश अनंत गिर रही है शराब जो मैं पीता कोई स्वाद नहीं रखता क्योंकि तुम मेरा साथ में नहीं हो। हवा बहती है एक साल पहले संबंध तोड़ लिए हैं तुमने मैं छोड़ा/छोड़ी हूँ और मैं तुम्हें याद करता हूँ ओह प्रिय/प्रियी तुम किधर गए/गाईं हो? अगर मुझे धोखा दे [रहे थे]/[रहीं थीं] तुमने मुझे इन्तज़ार क्यूँ [करते थे]/[करतीं थीं]? क्यूँ कसम खाते/खातीं कि तुम मेरे बिना मर जाओगे? मेरी दिल टूटा हुआ है केवल पी सकती/सकता हूं अकेलापन की रात में
शिशिर की ठंड में
बारिश अनंत गिर रही है शराब जो मैं पीती बेस्वाद लगती है क्योंकि तुम मेरा साथ नहीं हो। हवा बह रही है यूँ एक साल पहले संबंध तोड़ लिए हैं तुमने मुझे छोड़ दिया है और मुझे तुमहारि याद आी रही है ओह प्रिय तुम किधर गए हो? अगर मुझे धोखा दे रहे थे क्यूँ तुम मुझेसे इन्तज़ार करवाते थे क्यूँ कसम खाते थे कि तुम मेरे बिना मर जाओगे? मेरा दिल टूटा हुआ है केवल पी सकती हूं अकेलापन के रातों में
शिशिर की ठंड में
बारिश अनंत गिर रही है शराब जो मैं पीता बेस्वाद लगती है क्योंकि तुम मेरा साथ नहीं हो। हवा बह रही है यूँ एक साल पहले संबंध तोड़ ली हैं तुमने मुझे छोड़ दी है और मुझे तुमहारि याद आी रही है ओह प्रियी तुम किधर गाईं हो? अगर मुझे धोखा दे रहीं थीं क्यूँ तुम मुझेसे इन्तज़ार करवातीं थीं? क्यूँ कसम खातीं थीं कि तुम मेरे बिना मर जाओगी? मेरा दिल टूटा हुआ है केवल पी सकता हूं अकेलापन के रातों में
शिशिर शीत ही यहाँ
मेंह बाहर अनंत ही गिर रहा शराब का ग्लास बिलकुल बेस्वाद ही लगता क्यूँकि मैं अब तेरे बिना पवन शीत बह रहा एक साल पहले संबंध अंत किया तू दूर गया, मुझसे केवल एक हाफ़िज़ा ओ प्रीतम तू अब है कहाँ? तू जो मुझसे छल रहा, क्यूँ मुझको इंतज़ार करवाता? क्यूँ कह रहा था "तेरे बिन मर जाऊँगा"? दिल मेरे टूटे से डूबती मदिरा में यह अकेलापन में
शिशिर शीत ही यहाँ
मेंह बाहर अनंत ही गिर रहा शराब का ग्लास बिलकुल बेस्वाद ही लगता क्यूँकि मैं अब तेरे बिना पवन शीत बह रहा, एक साल पहले संबंध अंत किया तू दूर गई, मुझसे केवल एक हाफ़िज़ा: ओ प्रिया तू अब है कहाँ? तू जो मुझसे छल रही, क्यूँ मुझको इंतज़ार करवाती? क्यूँ कह रही थी "तेरे बिन मर जाऊँगी"? दिल मेरे टूटे से डूबता मदिरा में यह अकेलापन में
در زمستان سرد
باران سقوط میکند بدون وقفه شراب که مینوشم هیچ سلیقه میدارد زیرا در طرف من نیستی شمالی باد می وزد یک سال پیش تفکیک کرده ایم تنها می هستم روز و شب دلم برات تنگ شده دلدار کجا رفتهای؟ اگر من را فریب می دادی چرا من را صبر می کناني؟ چرا سوگند می خوردی که بدون من می میری؟ قلبم شکسته است ميتوان فقت مست شدب در شبهای تنهايی
در زمستان سرد
باران سقوط میکند بدون وقفه شراب که مینوشم دیگر هیچ مزهای ندارد زیرا در بر من نیستی باد شمالی میوزد یک سال است که با هم نیستیم تنهايم گذاشته اي روز و شب دلم برات تنگ شده کجا رفتههای دلدار من؟ اگر مرا فریب میدادی چرا مرا به انتظار گذاشتی؟ چرا سوگند میخوردی که میمیری اگر من نباشم قلبم شکسته است تنها مست می شوم در شبهاه تنهایی
در زمستان سرد
بدہن پایان میبارد شرابم دیگر هیچ مزهای ندارد زیرا در کنارم نیستی باد سرد میوزد یک سال است که با من نیستی مرا گذاشتهای دلم برات تنگه: دلدارم، تو کجا رفتهای؟ میخواستی فریبم بدی، چرا باعث انتظارم شدی؟ چرا سوگندت میشد بی تو میمیرم»؟» دلم شکسته است تنها مست میشوم در شبهاه تنهایی
Во хо́лоде зимы́
Дождь не перестаёт па́дать Пыю́ вино́ Но у нём нет вку́са Ибо ты не при мне Ду́ет се́верньıй ве́тер Одноѓо́ го́да тому́ наза́д расстава́лись Меня́ оста́вил(а) Тоску́ющую/Тоску́ющоѓо всегда́ Куда́ шëл/шла ми́льıй/ми́лая? Е́сли обма́ньıвал(а) меня́ Тьı заче́м дела́л(а) меня́ ждать? Заче́м кляся́/кляла́сь Что тьı умрëш без меня́? С разби́той се́рдцем мое́й Я то́лько могу́ напива́ться В ноча́х одино́чества
Во хо́лоде зимы́
Дождь не перестаёт идти́ Пыю́ вино́ Но в нём не находжу́ вку́са Так как ты не пéредо мной Ду́ет се́верньıй ве́тер Мьı год наза́д расста́лись Меня́ оста́вил(а) Тоску́ющую/Тоску́ющоѓо всегда́ Куда́ шëл/шла ми́льıй/ми́лая? Е́сли ты меня́ обманыва́л(а) Заче́м я тебя́ жда́л(а)? Заче́м клялся/кляла́сь Что тьı умрëш без меня́? С разбитым се́рдцем мои́м Я то́лько могу́ напива́ться Одинóкими ночáми 寒い冬には 雨が降り続ける 飲む酒は 丸で味無い 君が側に居なく 北風が吹く 一年前別れた 孤独に日夜 憧れてる 恋人は何処へ行った 僕を騙してた時 何故待たした? 何故僕が居なく 死ぬと誓った? 失恋してる 只酔えるよ 孤独の夜に 寒冷的冬天里 窗外的小雨下不尽 手捧一杯酒 喝着无滋无味 因在我身边再没你 北风阵阵吹起 你有一年跟我分离 留我一个人 孤单日夜相思你 爱人你到底去哪里? 如果存心对我欺骗 当初何必叫我等你? 又何必对天咒诅 没我你死去? 我的心已经碎 只有喝酒到醉 度过寂寞夜里 Musim sangat dingin Hujan tak berhenti jatuh Anggur yang kuminum Serba hambar Karena kau tak bersamaku Dan angin meniup Satu tahun putus cinta Kau meninggalkan ku Hari dan malam merindukan Sayang, ke mana kau pergi? Jika ingin menipuku Kok buatku menunggumu? Kok bersumpah Kaukan meninggal tanpaku? Hatiku putuslah Hanya bisa minum Di malam yang sepi Hīc frigdō hībērnō, Pluviam infīnītam videō. Vīnum bibō Saporque abest omnīnō, Quia mēcum tē nunc nōn habeō Vīs magna est nunc ventō Jam dēfuīstī mī tōtō annō: Mē relīquistī tū, Sempre tē dēsīderō. Ō cāre/a, tū īvistī quō? Sī mē fallere tū volēbās Opperiēbar quārē tē ego? Quārē dīcēbās «Mē occīdit sōlitūdō!»? Hōc corculō fractō Multum vīnum bibō Semper mēcum'st sōlitūdō! |
Líng-ki-ki ê tang-thinn Thang guā ê hōo-tsuí lo̍h buē lī Tshiú phâng tsi̍t pue tsiú Lim-tio̍h bô-tsu-bô-bī In-uī lí bô tī gún sin-pinn Pak hong tsūn-tsūn tshue khí Lán hun-khui í-king ū tsi̍t nî Pàng guá tsi̍t ê lâng Koo-tuann li̍t-iā siunn-si Ài-lîn-á tàu-té tó-uī khì Lí ná tsûn-sim tuì guá khi-phiàn Tong-tshoo hô-pit kiò guá tán lí Iū hô-pit tuì thinn tsiù-tsuā Bô guá lí ē sí Guá ê sim í-king tshuì Tsí-ū tsioh tsiú mā tsuì Tōo-kuè siok-bo̍k àm-mî
Xëmṓna ë́nä psykhró
Vrokhí̱ de stamatë́ péftën To krasí pou pínō Den ékhë típta géf̆si̱ 'pëdí̱ den ë́sä sti̱n plev̆rá moy Kä ánemos fysë́ Esý í̱di̱ prin dyo khrónia Áfi̱sas m' edṓ Lë́pën soy óli̱ ti̱n ṓran Poy pí̱ges, agapi̱té/agapi̱méne moy? 'pití̱des apáti̱sás moy Giatí m' ékanes na se periménō? Giatí eorkízoy Pōs tha 'pothní̱skës khōrís eména? Kradiá moy ë́nä ragisméni̱ Mporṓ móno na methýskō Sti̱s nýktes athýmas moy
Xëmṓna ë́nä psykhró
Adiákopa péftë i̱ vrokhí̱ To krasí pou pínō Den ékhë típota géf̆si̱ 'pëdí̱ den ë́sä sti̱n plev̆rá moy Kä ánemos fýsë Esý í̱di̱ prin dyo khrónia Áfi̱ses m' edṓ Lë́pën se óli̱ ti̱n ṓran Poy pí̱ges, ō agapi̱té? 'pití̱des 'xapáti̱ses moy Giatí m' ékanes na se periménō? Giatí orkizósoyn Pōs tha 'pothní̱skës khōrís eména? Kradiá moy ë́nä ragisméni̱ Mporṓ móno na methṓ Se nýkhtes monaxiás
Xëmṓna ë́nä psykhró
Adiákopa péftë i̱ vrokhí̱ To krasí pou pínō Den ékhë típota géf̆si̱ Epëdí̱ den ë́sä sti̱n plev̆rá moy Kä ánemos fysá Kä í̱di̱ éna khrónio prin Me áfi̱ses kä Moy lë́pës óli̱ ti̱n ṓran: Poy pí̱ges, ō agapi̱té? Epití̱des exapáti̱ses moy Giatí m' ékanes na se periménō? Giatí orkizósoyn Pōs tha pethánës khōrís eména? Kä me kardiá spasméni̱ Kä pínō kä methṓ Se nýkhtes monaxiás
S' ay̆tón ton psykhrón khëmóna
Adiákopa péftë́ i̱ vrokhí̱ To krasí pu píno Den ékhë kamía géy̆si Epëdí̱ den ë́sä sti̱ bley̆rá mu Kã ánemos fysá Kä í̱di̱ éna étos prin Me áfi̱ses Kä mu lë́pës óli̱ ti̱n ōra. Pu pí̱ges ō agapi̱té? Epíti̱des m'apáti̱ses Gjatí m'ékanes na se periménō? Gjatí orkizósun Pōs tha pethánës khōrís eména? Kä me kardiá spasméni̱ Kä píno kä methṓ Se nýkhtes monaxiás
Psykhró 'nä to käró,
Péftë i̱ brokhí̱ adiákopa, Den ékhë géf̆si̱ To krasí poy pínō, Giatí me ména den s' ékhō pia. O ánemos fysá, Í̱di̱ éna étos pérase Afoý me áfi̱ses, Kä moy lë́pës pánta: Agapi̱té/í̱ moy, poý na 'sä? Esý an m' apatoýses, Na se periménō giatí m' ékanes? "I̱ monaxiá me sfázë!" Giatí moy éleges? Spasméni̱, i̱ moy kardiá Se to krasí voytá, Pánta se monaxiá.
Psykhrós ë́n' o kärós,
Péftë i̱ brokhí̱ adiákopa, Den ékhë géf̆si̱ To krasí poy pínō, Giatí me ména den s' ékhō pia. O ánemos fysá, Í̱di̱ éna étos pérase Afoý me áfi̱ses, Kä moy lë́pës pánta: Agapi̱té moy, poý na 'sä? Esý an m' apatoýses, Na se periménō giatí m' ékanes? "I̱ monaxiá me sfázë!" Giatí moy éleges? Spasméni̱ moy i̱ kardiá S' af̆tó to krasí voytá, Monákhi̱ sti̱n nykhtiá. Esý an m' apatoýses, Na se periménō giatí m' ékanes? "I̱ monaxiá me sfázë!" Giatí moy éleges? Spasméni̱ moy i̱ kardiá Sto alkoól voytá, Monákhi̱ sti̱n nykhtiá.
Psykhrós ë́n' o kärós,
Péftë i̱ brokhí̱ adiákopa, Den ékhë géf̆si̱ To krasí poy pínō: Sto plái moy den ë́sä pia. O ánemos fysá, Í̱di̱ éna khrónio pérase… S' af̆tí̱n ti̱n monaxiá Moy lë́pës pánta: Agápi̱ moy, sy poý na 'sä? Apatṓntas me, na se periménō Esý giatí m' ékanes? "Me sfázë i̱ monaxiá!" Giatí moy éleges? Spasméni̱ moy i̱ psykhí̱ Voytáë sto krasí, Sti̱n nýkhta monakhí̱ Apatṓntas me, na se periménō Esý giatí m' ékanes? "Me sfázë i̱ monaxiá!" Giatí moy éleges? Kä ti̱n kardoýla moy Ti̱n pnígë i̱ lýpi̱ toy, Móni̱/Mónos moy 'mä pantoý!
Na, ékhë pagōniá,
Péftë i̱ brokhí̱ adiákopa, Den ékhë géf̆si̱ pia Potó kanéna: Sto plái moy den ë́sä pia. O ánemos fysá, Í̱di̱ énan khrónon pérasa S' af̆tí̱n ti̱n monaxiá, Moy lë́pës pánta: Agápi̱ moy, poý ná 'khës páë? An me apatoýses, Periménontas giatí émena? Giatí éleges? Pōs tha se sfázë i̱ monaxiá? Spasméni̱ moy i̱ kardiá̱ Mes sto krasí voytá, Monákhi̱ sti̱n nykhtiá! En cet hiver glacé La pluie ne cesse pas de tomber Le goût du vin que j' bois S'en est tout allé Car tu n'es pas à mes côtés. Le vent il s'est levé Ça fait un an qu'on s'est quittés Je suis restée toute seule Jour et nuit, à toi penser : Mon cher, enfin, où es-tu allé ? Pourquoi m'avoir fait attendre Si tu voulais juste me leurrer ? Tu s'rais pas mort sans moi : Pourquoi tu le jurais ? Mon cœur, il est blessé J'peux seulement me soûler Seule en nuits désolées Der Winter ist so kalt, Der unaufhörliche Regen fällt Es gibt keinen Geschmack Im Wein den ich trinke Da du auf meiner Seite nicht bist Der nördliche Wind bläst Seit einem Jahr haben wir Schluss gemacht Und jetzt bin ich allein An dich immer denkend Liebchen wohin bist du gegangen? Wenn du mich immer täuschen wolltest, Warum lasstest du mich denn warten? Warum schwörtest du dass Ohne mich du sterben würdest? Jeztz ist mein Herz gebrochen, Ich kann nur mich betrinken Durch Nächte Einsamkeit.
En el glacial invierno
La lluvia no para de caer Yo bebo vino Pero no tiene sabor Porque a mi lado tu no estás. Y sopla el viento Hace un año de que rompimos Y yo estoy sola Y día y noche me faltas ¿A dónde has ido, mi amor? Si siempre querías engañarme ¿Por qué me dejabas esperar? ¿Por qué jurabas Que sin mí te habrias muerto? Con el corazón partido Solo puedo emborracharme En noches de soledad. Si siempre querías engañarme ¿Por qué me dejabas esperar? ¿Por qué jurabas Que sin te habrias muerto? Con el corazón partido Solo puedo emborracharme En noches de soledad.
Hace un frío glacial,
No para nunca de llover. Mi vino ya no tiene Más sabor, Porque aquí no te dejas ver. El viento sopla fuerte, Ya desde un año sola estoy, Me has dejado aquí, Siempre me faltas: Cariño, ¿dónde estás tú hoy? Si querías engañarne, ¿Porque me has dejado esperar? ¿Porque has jurado Que sin mí te ibas a morir? Con el corazón partido, Me hundo en este vino En noches de soledad. Si querías engañarne, ¿Porque me has dejado esperar? ¿Porque has jurado Que sin mi te ibas a morir? Con el corazón partido, Me hundo en este vino En noches de soledad.
Šišir’ kī thańḍ’ meṅ
Bhāriš’ anańt’ gir’ rahī hai Šarāb’ jo maiṅ pītā Koī svā nahīṅ rakh’tā Kyoṅki tum’ merā sāth’ meṅ nahīṅ ho Havā bäh’tī hai Ek’ sāl’ päh’le sańbańdh’ toṛ’ lie haiṅ. Tum’ne maiṅ choṛā/choṛī hūṃ Aur mauṅ tum’hẽ yād' kar’tā hūṃ Oh priy'/priyī tum kidhar gae/gaīṅ ho? Agar’ mujhe dhokhā de [rahe the]/[rahīṅ thīṅ] Tum'ne mujhe intazār kyūṃ [kar'te the]/[kar’tīṅ thīṅ]? Kyūṃ kasam' khāte/khātīṅ Ki tum' mere binā mar' jāoge? Merī dil’ ṭūṭā hūā hai Keval’ pī sak’tī/sak’tā hūṃ Akelāpan’ kī rāt meṅ
Šišir’ kī thańḍ’ mẽ
Bāriš’ anańt’ gir’ rahī hai Šarāb’ jo maiṅ pītī Besvād’ lag’tī hai Kyo̊ṅki tum’ merā sāth’ nahīṅ ho Havā bäh’ rahī hai yūṃ Ek’ sāl’ päh’le sańbańdh’ toṛ’ lie haiṅ Tum’ne mujhe choṛ’ diyā hai Aur mujhe tum’hārī yād' ā rahī hai Oh priy' tum kidhar gae ho? Agar’ mujhe dhokhā de rahe the Kyūṅ tum mujhe intazār kar’vāte the Kyūṅ kasam' khāte the Ki tum' mere binā mar' jāoge Merā dil’ ṭūṭā hūā hai Keval’ pī sak’tī hūṃ Akelāpan’ ke rātoṅ meṅ
Šišir’ kī thańḍ’ meṅ
Bāriš’ anańt’ gir’ rahī hai Šarāb’ jo maiṅ pītā Besvād’ lag’tī hai Kyo̊ṅki tum’ merā sāth’ nahīṅ ho Havā bäh’ rahī hai yūṃ Ek’ sāl’ päh’le sańbańdh’ toṛ’ lī haiṅ Tum’ne mujhe choṛ’ dī hai Aur mujhe tum’hārī yād' ā rahī hai Oh priyī tum kidhar gaīṅ ho? Agar’ mujhe dhokhā de rahīṅ thīṅ Kyūṅ tum mujhe intazār kar’vātīṅ thīṅ Kyūṅ kasam' khātīṅ thīṅ Ki tum' mere binā mar' jāogīṅ Merā dil’ ṭūṭā hūā hai Keval’ pī sak’tā hūṃ Akelāpan’ ke rātoṅ meṅ
Śiśir' śīt' hī yahāṃ,
Meṅh' bāhar' anańt' hī gir' rahā, Śarāb' kā glās' Bil'kul' besvād' hī lagtā, Kyūṃkî maiṅ ab tere binā. Pavan' śīt' bäh' rahā, Ek' sāl päh'le sańbańdh' ańt' kiyā… Tū dūr gayā, Mujh'se keval' ek' hāfizā: O prītam' tū ab hai kahāṃ? Tū jo mujh'se chal' rahā, Kyūṃ mujh'ko ińtazār' kar'vātā? Kyūṃ käh' rahā thā, "Tere bin' mar' jāūṃgā"? Dil' mere ṭūṭe se Ḍūbtī madirā meṅ Yäh' akelāpan' meṅ.
Śiśir' śīt' hī yahāṃ,
Meṅh' bāhar' anańt' hī gir' rahā, Śarāb' kā glās' Bil'kul' besvād' hī lagtā, Kyūṃkî maiṅ ab tere binā. Pavan' śīt' bäh' rahā, Ek' sāl päh'le sańbańdh' ańt' kiyā… Tū dūr gaī, Mujh'se keval' ek' hāfizā: O priyā tū ab hai kahāṃ? Tū jo mujh'se chal' rahī, Kyūṃ mujh'ko ińtazār' kar'vātī? Kyūṃ käh' rahī thī "Tere bin' mar' jāūṃgī? Dil' mere ṭūṭe se Ḍūbtā madirā meṅ Yäh' akelāpan' meṅ.
Dar zemestân sard
Bârấn soğūṭ mī-kónad bedūn-e vağfë Šarấb kë mī-nū́šam Hīč salīğë mī-dârad Zīrâ dar taraf man nīstī Šomâl-ī bâd mī-vazad Yek sâl pīš tafkīk kardë́-'īm Tanhâ mī-hastam Rūz va šab delam barất tang šodë́ Deldấr kojâ raftë́-'ī? 'Ágar man râ farīb mī́-dâdī Čérâ man râ sabr mī-konânī? Čérâ sowgand mī́-xōrdī Kë bedūn-e man mī́-mīrī? Ğalbam šekastë́ 'ast Mī́-tavânam fağat mast šodán Dar šab-hâ-ë tanhâyi
Dar zemestân sard
Bârấn soğūṭ mī-kónad bedūn-e vağfë Šarấb kë mī-nū́šam Dīgar hīč mazë-’ī na-dârad Zīrâ dar bar man nīstī Bâd šomâl-ī mī-vazad Yek sâl ast kë bâ ham nīstīm Tanhâ-yam gozâštë́-'ī Rūz va šab delam barất tang šodë́ Kojâ raftë́-'ī deldâr man? 'Ágar marâ farīb mī́-dâdī Čerâ marâ bë 'enteẓấr gozấšti? Čerâ sowgand mī́-xōrdī Kë mī́-mīrī 'ágar man nabâšam? Ğalbam šekastë́ 'ast Tanhâ mast mī́-šavam Dar šab-hâ-ë tanhâyi
Dar zemestân-e sard
Bedûn-e pâyân mî-bârad Šarâb-am dîgar Hîč mazë-’î na-dârad Zirâ dar kenâr-am nîstî Bâd-e sard mî-vazad Yek sâl 'ast kë bâ man nîstî Marâ gozâštë-'î Del-am barâ-t tang-ë: Deldâr-am, tô kojâ raftë-’î? Mî-xẃâstî farîb-am bed-î, Čerâ bâ`es̱ ‘enteẓâr-am šodî? Čerâ sôgand-at mî-šod «Bî tô mî-mîram»? Del-am šekastë 'ast Tanhâ mast mî-šavam Dar šab-hâ-ë tanhâyî
Vo khólodĵe zimý
Dožd' nĵe pĵerĵestaĵót pádat' Pyĵú vinó No u nĵom nĵet vsúka Íbo ty nĵe pri mnĵe Dúĵet sĵévĵernyj vĵétĵer Odnoǵó góda tomú nazád rasstális' Mĵenĵá ostávil(a) Toskúĵuśuĵu/Toskúĵuśoǵo vsĵegdá Kudá šǒl/šla mílyj/mílaĵa? Ĵésli obmanyvál(a) mĵenĵá Ty začĵém dĵelál(a) mĵenĵá ždat'? Začĵém klĵasĵá/klĵalǎ́s' Ćto ty umprĵóš bĵez mĵenĵá? S razbítoj sĵérdcĵem moĵéj Ĵa tól'ko mogú napivát'sǎ V nočákh odinóčestva
Vo khólodĵe zimý
Dožd' nĵe pĵerĵestaĵót idtí Pyĵú vinó No v nĵom nĵe nakhodžú vsúka Tak kak ty nĵe pĵérĵedo mnoj Dúĵet sĵévĵernyj vĵétĵer My god nazád rasstális' Mĵenĵá ostávil(a) Toskúĵuśuĵu/Toskúĵuśoǵo vsĵegdá Kudá šǒl/šla mílyj/mílaĵa? Ĵésli ty mĵenĵá obmanyvál(a) Začĵém ĵa tĵebĵa ždál(a)? Začĵém klĵasĵá/klĵalǎ́s' Ćto ty umprĵóš bĵez mĵenĵá? S rasbítym sĵérdcĵem moím Ĵa tól'ko mogú napivát'sǎ Odinókimi nočámi Samui fuyu ni wa Ame ga furitsudzukeru Nomu sake wa Marude aji nai Kimi ga soba ni inaku Kitakaze ga fuku Ichinen mae wakareta Kodoku ni nichiya Akogareteru Koibito wa doko e itta? Boku wo damashiteta toki Naze matashita? Naze boku ga inaku Shinu to chikatta? Shitsuren shiteru Tada yoeru yo Kodoku no yoru ni Hánlěng de dōngtiān lǐ Chuāng wài de xiǎoyǔ xià bù jìn Shǒu pěng yī bēi jiǔ Hēzhe wú zī wú wèi Yīn zài wǒ shēnbiān zài méi nǐ Běi fēng zhènzhèn chuī qǐ Nǐ yǒu yī nián gēn wǒ fēnlí Liú wǒ yī gè rén Gūdān rìyè xiāngsī nǐ Àirén nǐ dàodǐ qù nǎlǐ? Rúguǒ cúnxīn duì wǒ qīpiàn Dāngchū hébì jiào wǒ děng nǐ? Yòu hébì duì tiān zhòuzǔ Méi wǒ nǐ sǐqù? Wǒ de xīn yǐjīng suì Zhǐyǒu hējiǔ dào zuì Dùguò jìmò yèlǐ
Në dímrin i ftōhtë
Shíu së ndálë të bjérë Véra që po pij Fáre nuk ka shíje Sépse s'je me mūa Dhe éra po fryn Një vit më párë u ndámë Më ke lëshúar të vétëm, Më mungón gjithmónë Në ç’vend ke shkúar, i/e dáshur? Në́se dóje të më mashtrón Ti pse më bë́je të pres në fillím? Pse betóheshe Se kíshe për të vdékur pā múa? Zë́mra íme ë́shtë e thyér Dhe mund vétëm të pij Në nétë e vetmúar
Në dímër k'të të ftoht'
Të bjérë shíu kurr' nuk ndal Dhe fare nuk ka shije Vera që pij un' Sépse s'je me mua k'tu Éra e veriór po fryn Një vit më párë jémi ndar' Më ke lëshúar vet, Më mungón gjithmónë I dáshur, ku je shkúar ti? Në́se dóje me m' mashtrů Ti pse me t' prit' më bë́je n' fillím? Ti pse betóheshe «Pa ty un' kam me dek'»? Me zémrën e thyér Un' vetëm mund me deh' Tër' nátën në vetmín'
Ky dimër ësht' i ftoht'
K'tu shiu nuk don me pushů, Dhe fare nuk ka shije Vera që po pi, Sepse më nuk je me mů. Po fryn një er' e ftoht' Një vit më parë m' le ti mů, M' ke lënë vetëm Dhe me mall' gjithmonë: I dashur, ti ku më ke shků? Pse më bëje me t' prit' ty Nëse ti doje veç me m' mashtrů Ti pse betoheshe Që ke me dek' pa mů? Ma fike shpirtin tim, Un' vetëm mund me pi, Tër' natën vet ashtu! Ntô friđđu mmernu, A chiova nun abbaca cchiù, Nun tèni cchiù sapuri Chistu vinu, Picchì cu mmia nun ci si' tu. Suscia u ventu friddu, È 'n annu ca su' sula/sulu iù. Tu mmi lassasti E notti e jornu ti penzu: Amuri, aunni jisti tu? Si mmi vulevi ingannari, Picchì mi ficisti aspittari? "Da sulu/sula iù moru!": Picchì avevi accussì a giurari? È rruttu u cori mè, Pi mmia sulu u vinu nc'è, A notti vòta è! |
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