Friday, 5 January 2024

Gentle Annie

Today we have an English song, Gentle Annie (no, not this one), which means I don't need to translate IAFI :).

As I think of what to put on my CD, when I ever get to record it, I think of this as a potential English song for the CD, so I translate the titular line. It is 1:28 on 13/5/23, and the translation reads «Dolce Annina». Then on 31/5/23 I take this up again, and between 22:10 and 22:29, looking up the lyrics somewhere along the way, I complete the job as recapped below for IAFI. Note the intermediate version «Come al sole la rugiada / Del mattin» and «E il mio amor per te vivrà / Fino alla fin». Also, I'd forgotten two lines apparently, the last of the penultimate stanza. Now that I've recapped everything at 22:40 on 5/6/23, it's time to think about those. And by 22:45 the start «Tu sei il fior tra tutti i fiori, / Sei il canto degli uccelli, / Sei il riso dei bambini / Lì a giocar. / Sei mia gioia e mia speranza, / Sei la mia ragion di vita,» somewhat walks the plank :). At 23:13 on 5/1/23, I see «Ed i mar saranno vuoti», and I'm like, with all the extra notes in that stanza, surely that truncation of "mari" is pointless :)? Also, it's not «La grazia tua m'ha vinto», but rather «La dolcezza», as I think at 23:14.

Alright, let's see this!

Fair and lovely Annie,
Your gentle ways have won me.
You bring peace and joy and laughter
Where you go the sunshine follows,
You're a breath of spring in winter
And my heart and soul
Are always in your care.

Gentle Annie, gentle Annie,
My heart and soul
Are always in your care.

When you touch me with your fingers,
My cares and worries vanish
Like the morning dew
Before the rising sun,
When your eyes tell me you love me,
Then my soul is filled with wonder
And my love for you will live
When life is done.

Gentle Annie, gentle Annie,
My love for you
Will live when life is done.

You're the flower among the flowers,
You're the birdsong in the morning,
You're the laughter of the children
At their play.
You're my hope and joy and wisdom,
You're my reason just for living,
You're my treasure,
You're my very night and day.

Gentle Annie, gentle Annie,
You're my treasure,
You're my very night and day.

When the mountains all come tumbling
And the earth has stopped its turning,
When the winds don't blow
And stars refuse to shine,
When the moon has left the heavens,
And the seven seas are empty,
I will still have gentle Annie
On my mind.

Gentle Annie, gentle Annie,
I will still have gentle Annie
On my mind.
Bella e dolce Annina,
La dolcezza tua m'ha vinto,
Ogni giorno porti gioia
Ovunque vai.
Dove vai, ti segue il sole,
Primavera sei in inverno,
Nel mio cuore e nella mente
Mia tu stai.

Dolce Annina, Dolce Annina,
Nel mio cuore e nella mente
Mia tu stai.

Se mi tocchi colle tue dita,
Ogni mio pensier svanisce
Come la rugiada
Sotto il sole fa.
I tuoi sguardi innamorati
Mi fan pieno di stupore,
E il mio amor per te
Giammai non morirà.

Dolce Annina, Dolce Annina,
Il mio amor per te
Giammai non morirà.

Tu sei il fior tra tutti i fiori,
Sei il riso dei bambini,
Sei il canto degli uccelli
Sei mia gioia e mia speranza,
Sei la mia ragion di vita,
Sei il mio giorno e la mia notte,
Il mio tesor.

Dolce Annina, Dolce Annina,
Sei il mio giorno e la mia notte,
Il mio tesor.

Quando i monti crolleranno
E non girerà più la terra,
Coi venti fermi,
E le stelle spente là nel blu,
Quando in ciel non ci sarà luna
Ed i mari saranno vuoti,
Dolce Annina, in mente ancor
Mi sarai tu

Dolce Annina, Dolce Annina,
Dolce Annina, in mente ancor
Mi sarai tu

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