Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Alone in a rainy night

We continue our moonlight theme (sort of) with a Chinese song called "I", that is 我 | Wǒ. This starts with "I walk alone in a rainy night", hence the placement in this moonlight series (though there isn't much moonlight probably), and is pervaded by solitude and grief, which makes it the turning point which ends the moonlight theme. I met it sometime in 2012. I translated it:
  1. To English on 5/3/12, during English class, on the English notebook, in the below original version; by the time the 28/7/12 file from 11:01 was done, this was in its middle form; all changes from Middle to Final are listed below;
  2. To Japanese, ditto; though the abundance of unknown characters suggests that maybe the complete version, given as original below, was completed at home after that lecture, and definitely before the next one which is from 8/3; the 28/7/12 file brings the changes «mainichi» -> «maihi, maihi» and «itsumo» -> «zutto»; between the 18/8 file and the 3/9/12 13:25 file, we get to the below 3/9/12 version; all other changes are listed below;
  3. To Italian… the English notebook on 5/3/12 has English, then a somewhat holey version of the first 3 sections of Japanese, then the first verse of the Italian in the "q" version below, then the whole of Japanese; the rest of the Italian is on the same date but in the Science notebook, in the "q" version below; note the following three things:
    • The change in l. 6 of chorus 1 was made after finishing that chorus;
    • In l. 2 of verse 2, the upper form "non finisce mai" is from later, more precisely 7/3;
    • The last two couplets of chorus 2 were translated in reverse order, i.e. ll. 7-8 then ll. 5-6;
    The first complete appearance of the Italian is in the 18/8/12 15:27 file, where the differences from the below version, all dated below, are:
    • «Non so se è» vs. «Non so se sia»;
    • «in sogno o no» vs. «Nei miei sogni o no»;
    • «come scudo ai sogni miei» vs. «che proteggo i sogni miei»;
    • «se gli altri parlano»;
    • «chi ricordo ancor» vs. «chi scordar non so»;
    • The lack of «Negli occhi» before «sempre avrò»;
  4. To French, ditto but on 13/3/12, in the original version below; the first appearance in the files is in the 5/8/12 19:26 file, where it differs from the below final version in the following:
    • «Ce nuit», changed to «cette nuit» cfr. below;
    • «M’escondr’ où y a personne», which becomes «me cacher où n'y a personne» in the 18/8/12 15:27 file;
    • «Pour une rue infinie», which becomes «Sur» in that same 18/8 file;
    • «Ceux qui m’ sont en ment», changed to cfr. below;
    • «Personne veut écouter» is right in the 5/8 file but gets a «n'» before «veut» in the 18/8 file, and then gets retweaked as per below;
    • «trouver amour» and «à maison», both provided with an extra article as per below;
  5. To Czech on 31/1/18 between 9 and 10:30 to fill the column to the right of the French; this version received a number of corrections, with some back and forth between me and my corrector on Sep 10 and Sep 21 2018; more specifically:
    1. The original version below is the one from 31/1;
    2. On 10/9 at 15:27, a long corrections message reached me; this contained some corrections with two options, so I applied one set of options in the "corrected 1" version below…
    3. …and the other set in the "corrected 2" version;
    4. On 10/9 at 16:13, I metabolized the corrections, applying some, making the necessary option choices, and making some changes of my own, resulting in the "reworked" version;
    5. Add the changed Ve den každý -> Ve každý den (22/9/18 8:04 correction), and we get the 10/9/18 15:28 version which, with the two changes below, becomes the blog version;
    6. However, this is a partial regression, as some corrections get lost; so for the final version, I will take the reworked version, apply the change «ty, které» -> «ni, kterou», which is a revamping of které->kterou from 1:01 on 21/11/21, as well as change «ja v žalu hraně» to «jsem ve hraně žalu», which happened again on 21/11/21 but at 0:59, with the 0:58 intermediate version «jsem v žalu hraně», and that's it; well, plus reinstating the netrpělý, changed from netrpěla either after or while putting together the then-future blog version on 22/9/18, and implementing the double negation "Nikdo nevidel", done at 1:33 on 21/11/21;
    Now, there is still a line that my corrector didn't approve, which is precisely the one changed at 0:59, where she proposed, at 8:04 on 10/9/18, the version «Srdce se mi pomalu lomí», which doesn't fit the tune at all and literally means «My heart is slowly breaking» (pretty sure she meant "zlomí" there though, as lomí seems to mean "divide" more than "break");
  6. To Ukrainian the same day between 12 and 12:30 'cause why not; this version received like two corrections around Easter 2018;
  7. Sometime in Jan 19 I found Anton Xie's Hakka version, and it is included below;
  8. Then to Italian again, with rhymes; let me quote IAFI about that one: 「On 23/4/22 shortly before 3:15, I retranslate l. 2 of verse 1 and the first two of chorus 1 of this song. Later that day, shortly after 15:35 while making the recap of this, I add two more lines to v. 1, meaning I finish it with l. 1 which is taken from the old version. In a break from work on 11/8/22, seeing the intertwining up to chorus 1 that was here, I think I want to complete chorus 1, so at 15:12 I come up with «Io non mi curo di cosa si dice di me» then changed to «[…] quel che si dice di me», then start with «Di non soffrir...» and end up with «Non soffrir più il mio unico desiderio è!», then changed to «il mio sol desiderio»; at 23:13 I come back to this and do «Io sol vorrei => Io spero sol di dolor non più aver!», which then turns to «Io spero sol di non aver dolor per me => che non ci sia dolor per me!» at 23:16» and the version below at 23:17.. / / Di notte, sol, sotto la pioggia vo, / È pioggia o pianto? Dirlo io non so. / Ed ogni dì penso: «Piangerò / Stanotte nei miei sogni o no?». / / Io i miei sogni li proteggo sol da me, / Voglio solo star dove nessun altro c'è. / Io non mi curo di quel che si dice di me, / Io spero sol che niente più addolori me!」; on 11/10/22 I finally take this into my hands and finish it, from 19:27 to 19:38 with a tweak at 3:27 the following night; back then, I had «La via su cui io sto», but at 12:54 on 18/5/24, as I recorded Chinese, Italian remake, French remake, and Hakka, I decided to change that to «la strada su cui sto»;
  9. On 24/10/23 at 14:46 I start a Japanese remake with «Ame no yo / Hitori de iku/yuku,»; I complete it on 29/10/23 at 9:14-9:20 + 9:37-9:47 + 9:52-9:53 + 10:00-10:14, with tweaks the following evening;
  10. 29/10/23 10:25 I start an English remake; I continue till 10:34, then 10:45-10:47 + 13:25-13:50 + 19:25-19:32, and with that it's complete;
  11. After those two, I kinda have the song in mind, so on 3/11/23 at 10:00-11:02, with very heavy usage of a rhyme dictionary because OMG it's hard to get all those rhymes, the density I pulled off is just crazy… anyway I remake the French with rhymes, and I tweak it at 1:14 the following night as I put it here, realizing also that what I wrote as "remmené" was meant to be "ramené".
On 13/8/19, to record the Ukrainian, Czech, and Japanese versions into a video, I made some changes to the translations:
  • "Kono yume mamoru" in the chorus gets a "wo";
  • "Tanin ga hanasu kamawanai" is probably ungrammatical, and anyways it gets a "mono wo" in the middle;
  • "Wasurenai jin wasuretai" swaps jin with hito ga;
  • "Kono me de zutto mizu" swaps mizu with namida ga aru and shoves the rest into the first 4 notes which become 6;
  • "Ai boku ni doko da toitakunai" gets "to" after "da";
  • The last line of the Czech swaps zvykl with zvyklý by symmetry with the line two lines above;
  • The last line of the Ukrainian changes "do domu ity odýn" to its present form.
These all date to the morning, then I did some Sappho, then lunch, then recording, and by 15/16 I was done recording. Uploading took forever because editing did. Also, I noticed a typo in the Ukrainian transliteration: dorózi, not doróhi. Made me make a mistake in the video.
The time has now come (1/9/19) to think of recording the other three versions.
  • Let me change "I'll cry or not" to "I'm gonna cry", to end on "cry" and not "not".
  • Also, "Io me ne frego se gli altri parlano" is both a horrible translation and one that doesn't agree with music very much, considering "frego" would have a pause in between its syllables. 14:59, time to think about fixing that.
  • 15:00, "chi ricordo ancor" isn't really correct, "chi scordar non posso" has an extra note, OK done, "chi non so scordar " is another option, but I prefer the one I put below.
  • "Le lacrime sempre avrò" is a bit non-literal, maybe I can make it more literal. 15:07 done.
  • In the meantime, "Io solo son come scudo ai sogni miei" was changed at 15:03.
Also, in the French, "à maison" nope, article, same for "trouver amour", and "personne n' veut écouter" has no need for that unhearable and barely pronounceable "n'". Finally, "ceux qui m' sont en ment" has the same problem of the corresponding Italian, 15:09 let's fix this.
Second round of fixes:
  • "Those I ain't forgot" is not as literal as can be.
  • Make the question in l. 3 of chorus 2 a direct one so "can I find" avoids the cluster of "I can find" which would make it hard to tell from "I can't find".
  • "Non so se è pioggia" needs a subjunctive.
  • Pluralize "in sogno" in l. 4.
  • "Ceux que" is homophonous to "ce que", make it "celle que", since the "rén" is probably his ex. Btw, make "those I can't forget" "the one I can't forget". Too late for the other versions, but fix "které" to "kterou" and "kotryx" to the half-guessed "kotru".
Two last tweaks while recording: "ce nuit" is ungrammatical, and I wonder how I didn't correct it before, and "nei sogni" is a bit strange and much better as "nei miei sogni". And at 16:15, after finishing the recording, I have the changes made. And sometime while editing, a last tweak: "what the others all do say" made into "what the others have to say".
As I caption the video, I realize a mistranslation: 眼泪已干没人看见 means "My tears have dried up and no-one sees it", not "No-one has seen my tears run dry". So I have to fix this, and will call this "Yanlei fix" in the tabs below. I do this in the night between 24 and 25/5/24, in this order:
  1. Czech at 1:02-1:06;
  2. Ukrainian at 1:08-1:10;
  3. English at 1:14;
  4. Japanese at 1:22-1:25;
  5. French at 1:33;
  6. Italian at 1:33-1:34.
Let's read these translations!




Alone, I walk
At night under the rain,
I can not tell
If it’s rain or tears.
Each day, each day,
I do wonder if
Tonight, in dreams,
I'll cry or not.

I am alone
In protecting all my dreams,
I only hope
To hide where nobody is.
I do not care
If the others something say,
I only hope
Not to suffer other wounds.

Alone, I walk
A long way Ihe must end,
Wish to forget
Those I ain't forgot.
Each night, each night,
Heartbreak beingis so close,
My tears all dried
No-one has seen.

I wish not speak,
Just ’cause no-one wants to hear,
I’ve got used to
Listening to what I say.
I wish not ask
In what place I can find love,
I’ve got used to
Bringing myself home alone.
Alone, I walk
At night under the rain,
I cannot tell
If it’s rain or tears.
Each day, each day
I do wonder if
That night, in dreams,
I’ll cry or not.

I am alone
In protecting all my dreams,
I only hope
To hide where nobody is.
I do not care
What the others all do say,
I only hope
Not to suffer other wounds.

Alone, I walk
Along an endless road,
Wish to forget
Those I ain’t forgot.
Each night, each night,
Heartbreak is so close,
My tears all dried
No-one has seen.

I wish not speak,
Just ’cause no-one wants to hear,
I’ve got used to
Listening to what I say.
I wish not ask
In what place I can find love,
I’ve got used to
Bringing myself home alone.
Alone, I walk
At night under the rain,
I cannot tell
If it’s rain or tears.
Each day, each day
I do wonder if
That night, in dreams,
I’m gonna cry.

I am alone
In protecting all my dreams,
I only hope
To hide where nobody is.
I do not care
What the others have to say,
I only hope
Not to suffer other wounds.

Alone, I walk
Along an endless road,
Wish to forget
The one I can't forgot.
Each night, each night,
Heartbreak is so close,
My tears all dried
No-one has seen.

I wish not speak,
Just ’cause no-one wants to hear,
I’ve got used to
Listening to what I say.
I wish not ask
"In what place can I find love?",
I’ve got used to
Bringing myself home alone.
It's night, rain falls,
I'm walking all alone,
I can't be sure
If it's tears or rain.
Each day, each day
This for me is unknown:
At night, in dreams,
Will I cry again?

I must protect
All my dreams here all alone,
I only hope
I'll keep hiding on my own.
I do not care
What all others have to say
I only hope
Grief will always stay away

Alone I walk
This road's infinity,
Of her will I
Forever have memory?
Each night, each night,
Heartbreak is so near:
In my two eyes
There'll always be a tear!

I wish not speak:
No-one's listening to me!
I have grown used
To listening to what I say
I wish not ask
Where can I find love for me:
I have grown used
To going home alone each day!
It's night, rain falls,
I'm walking all alone,
I can't be sure
If it's tears or rain.
Each day, each day
This for me is unknown:
At night, in dreams,
Will I cry again?

I must protect
All my dreams here all alone,
I only hope
I'll keep hiding on my own.
I do not care
What all others have to say
I only hope
Grief will always stay away

Alone I walk
This road's infinity,
Of her will I
Forever have memory?
Each night, each night,
Heartbreak is so near,
Yet no-one sees:
I'm out of tears!

I wish not speak:
No-one's listening to me!
I have grown used
To listening to what I say
I wish not ask
Where can I find love for me:
I have grown used
To going home alone each day!




今夜こんや ゆめ

このゆめ まも
ただ 一人ひとりひそむ。
ただ 傷付きずつけない!

じん わすれたい。

あい ぼく
今夜こんや ゆめ

ただ 一人ひとりひそむ。
ただ 傷付きずつけない!


あい ぼく







Tout seul je suis
Dans une nuit de pluie.
Est-ce pluie? Est-ce larmes?
Je ne le sais pas.
Chaque jour, chaque jour,
Je démande à moi: “Cette nuit en rêves
Vais-je pleurer?”

Moi, je suis seul
À protéger tous mes rêves,
Moi, seul j’espère
M'escondre où il y a personne
Moi, si queles gens -> Moi me préoccupe pas
Disent quelque chose, … -> si les gens disent quelque chose,
Moi, seul j’espère
De pouvoir ne plus souffrir!
     [At which point the next-to-last couplet gets its final form]

Tout seul je vais
Sur une rue infinie,
J’ veux oublier
Ceux qui m'sont en ment.
Chaque nuit, chaque nuit,
Mon cœur presque se romp,
Mes larmes séchées
Personne n’a vues.

Moi, j’ veux pas dire
Car personne veux écouter,
Moi, j’ai habitude
D’écouter moi même parler.
Moi, j’ veux pas dir
“Où peux-je trouver amour?”,
Moi, j’ai habitude
D’emm’ner moi même à maison!
Tout seul, je vais
Dans une nuit de pluie.
Est-ce pluie? Est-ce larmes?
Je ne le sais pas.
Chaque jour, chaque jour,
Je demande à moi:
“Cette nuit, en rêves,
Vais-je pleurer?”

Moi, je suis seul
À protéger tous mes rêves,
Moi, seul j’espère
Me cacher où n’y a personne.
Moi, si les gens
Disent quelque chose, bien, je m’en
Moi, seul j’espère     [fiche!
De pouvoir ne plus souffrir!

Tout seul, je vais
Sur une rue infinie,
J’ veux oublier
Celle que j' peux pas oublier.
Chaque nuit, chaque nuit,
Mon cœur presque se rompt;
Mes larmes séchées
Personne n’a vues.

Moi, j’ veux pas dire
Car personne veut écouter,
Moi, j’ai habitude
D’écouter moi même parler.
Moi, j’ veux pas dire
“Où peux-je trouver l'amour?”,
Moi, j’ai habitude
D’emm’ner moi même à la maison!
Tout seul, cette nuit
Je marche sous la pluie,
Ce ciel pleure-t-il?
Le dire m'est difficile.
Chaque jour, chaque jour,
J'me demande toujours
Si en mon rêver
Cette nuit j'vais pleurer.

Moi, j'suis resté
Seul mes rêves à protéger,
Moi, bien j'espère
Trouver un cachement solitaire.
Moi, je m'en fiche
D'ce que tous les autres disent,
Moi, bien j'espère
Qu'mes blessures ne soyent plus ouvertes.

Tout seul, j'm'en vais,
Ma rue, sans fin elle est,
J'aim'rais oublier
Celle que j' peux pas oublier.
Chaque nuit, chaque nuit,
Un coeur blessé je suis,
Mes larmes jamais
Ne vont se sécher!

Moi, j'veux pas parler,
Car personne ne veut m'écouter
Moi toujours j'ai
Ma voix moi-même écouté.
Moi, j'ne veux pas
Chercher de l'amour pour moi,
Moi, toujours j'ai
Moi-même à la maison ramené!
Один ходжу
В дощовий ночі
Єсть дощ? Єсть сльози?
Я не розрізняю.
Ве дню кожім
Запитую себе:
"Ве ночі, ве мріях,
Буду плакати?"

Я самітий
Захищаю мрії мої
Тілки сподіваюсь
Критися в пустельнім куту
Мені все одно
Що всі інші говорять
Тільки сподіваюсь
Могти не страждати знову

Один ходжу
В дорозі незліченній
Хочу забути
Котру не можу забути
Ве ночі кожім
Ве серденьки краю
Сльози мої сушені
Бачив нихто

Нехочу говорити
Бо нихто хоче слухати
Я звикнув
Говорити се собою
Нехочу запитати
Де можу знайти любовь
Я свикнув
Іди до дому один
Один ходжу
В дощовий ночі
Єсть дощ? Єсть сльози?
Я не розрізняю.
Ве дню кожім
Запитую себе:
"Ве ночі, ве мріях,
Буду плакати?"

Я самітий
Захищаю мрії мої
Тілки сподіваюсь
Критися в пустельнім куту
Мені все одно
Що всі інші говорять
Тільки сподіваюсь
Могти не страждати знову

Один ходжу
В дорозі незліченній
Хочу забути
Котру не можу забути
Ве ночі кожім
Ве серденьки краю
Нихто не бачить
Що в мене не сльози

Нехочу говорити
Бо нихто хоче слухати
Я звикнув
Говорити се собою
Нехочу запитати
Де можу знайти любовь
Я свикнув
Іди до дому один









Dúzì zǒu zài
Xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ.
Shì yǔ? Shì lèi?
Wǒ yě fēn bù qīng.
Měi tiān, měi tiān
Dōu huì wèn zìjǐ
“Jīnyè mèng lǐ
Huì bù huì kū?”.

Wǒ yī gè rén
Dúzì shǒuzhe wǒ de mèng,
Wǒ zhǐ xīwàng
Duǒ zài wúrén de jiǎoluò.
Wǒ bù zàihu
Biérén dōu zài shuō shénme,
Wǒ zhǐ xīwàng
Nénggòu bù zài shòu shānghài.

Dúzì zǒu zài
Zǒu bù wán de cháng lù,
Xiǎngyào wàngjì
Wàng bù liǎo de rén.
Měi yè, měi yè,
Xīnsuì de biānyuán,
Yǎnlèi yǐ gàn
Méirén kànjiàn.

Wǒ bù xiǎng shuō,
Zhǐ yīn shuí yě bù xiǎng tīng,
Wǒ yǐ xíguàn
Zìjǐ shuō gěi zìjǐ tīng.
Wǒ bù xiǎng wèn
Nǎlǐ cái néng zhǎodào ài,
Wǒ yǐ xíguàn
Zìjǐ dài zìjǐ huí jiā.

Da sol Di notte, sol, sotto la pioggia vo,
Non so se è pioggia o lacrime.
In ogni dì mi chiedopenso: “in sogno iopiangerò
Stanotte in sogno o no?”.

Io solo son
Come scudo ai sogni miei,
Io spero solsol vo’ star
In un angolo da sol.
Io se qualcosa
Gli altri dicon, me ne -> men frego,
Io spero sol
Di poter non più soffrir.

Vo sol per via
Che devo terminarnon finisce mai,
E vo’ scordar
quelli che ri Chi scordar non so.
Mi spezzo il cuor
Ogni notte, sì,
Le lacrime
Sempre avrò.

Io non vo’ dir,
Ché nessun vuole ascoltar,
Io a parlar
A me stesso avvezzo son.
Io domandar
“Dove trovo amor?” non vo’,
Io a tornar
Solo a casa avvezzo son.
Di notte, sol,
Sotto la pioggia vo,
Non so se sia
Pioggia o lacrime.
In ogni dì
Penso: “Piangerò
Nei miei sogni o no?”.

Io solo son
Che proteggo i sogni miei,
Io sol vo’ star
In un angolo da sol.
Io me ne frego
Di quel che la gente dice,
Io spero sol
Di poter non più soffrir.

Vo sol per via
Che non finisce mai,
E vo’ scordar
Chi scordar non so.
Mi spezzo il cuor
Ogni notte, sì,
Le lacrime
Negli occhi sempre avrò.

Io non vo’ dir,
Ché nessun vuole ascoltar,
Io a parlar
A me stesso avvezzo son.
Io domandar
“Dove trovo amor?” non vo’,
Io a tornar
Solo a casa avvezzo son.
Di notte, sol,
Sotto la pioggia vo,
È pioggia o pianto?
Dirlo io non so.
Ed ogni dì
Penso: «Piangerò
Stanotte nei
Miei sogni o no?».

Io i miei sogni
Li proteggo sol da me,
Voglio solo star
Dove nessun altro c'è.
Io non mi curo
Di quel che si dice di me,
Io spero sol
Che niente più addolori me!

Non par finir
La strada su cui sto,
Scordar vorrei
Chi scordar non so.
La notte sempre
Mi s'infrange il cuor,
Chissà se mai
Gli occhi asciutti avrò…

Io non vo' dir
Ché nessun vuole ascoltar,
So che da sol
Finisco sempre per parlar.
Io non chiederò
Dove trovo amor per me,
So che ritorno
Sempre a casa mia da me!
Di notte, sol,
Sotto la pioggia vo,
È pioggia o pianto?
Dirlo io non so.
Ed ogni dì
Penso: «Piangerò
Stanotte nei
Miei sogni o no?».

Io i miei sogni
Li proteggo sol da me,
Voglio solo star
Dove nessun altro c'è.
Io non mi curo
Di quel che si dice di me,
Io spero sol
Che niente più addolori me!

Non par finir
La strada su cui sto,
Scordar vorrei
Chi scordar non so.
La notte sempre
Mi s'infrange il cuor,
Nessun vede che
Io lacrime più non ho!

Io non vo' dir
Ché nessun vuole ascoltar,
So che da sol
Finisco sempre per parlar.
Io non chiederò
Dove trovo amor per me,
So che ritorno
Sempre a casa mia da me!

Hitori de
Ame no yoru ni –
Ame? Naki? –
Shirazu yuku.
"Kon'ya yume ni
Naku no?"

Hitori de
Kono yume mamoru
To kibô
Tada hitori hisomu.
Tanin ga
Hanasu kamawanai
To kibô
Tada kizutsukenai!

Hitori de
Mugen no michi ni
Jin wasuretai.
Mai yo, mai yo,
Kokoro oru,
Kono me de
Itsumo mizu.

Ittaku nai:
Mainin kikitaku nai.
Jibun no
Kêchô ni nareta.
Ai boku ni
Doko da toitaku nai.
Hitori de
Ie iku nareta!
Hitor de
Ame no yoru ni –
Ame ga namida? –
Shirazu yuku.
Maihi, maihi
"Kon'ya yume ni
Naku no?"

Hitori de
Kono yume mamoru
To kibô
Tada hitori hisomu.
Tanin ga
Hanasu kamawanai
To kibô
Tada kizutsukenai!

Hitori de
Mugen no michi ni
Jin wasuretai.
Mai yo, mai yo,
Kokoro oru,
Kono me de
Zutto mizu.

Ittaku nai:
Mainin kikitaku nai.
Jibun no
Kêchô ni nareta.
Ai boku ni
Doko da toitaku nai.
Hitori de
Ie iku nareta!
Hitori de
Ame no yoru ni
–Ame ga namida?–
Shirazu yuku
Maihi, maihi
"Kon'ya yume ni
Naku no?"

Hitori de
Kono yume wo mamoru
To kibô
Tada hitori hisomu
Tanin ga
Hanasu mono wo kamawanai
To kibô
Tada kizutsukenai

Hitori de
Mugen no michi ni,
Hito ga wasuretai
Maiyo, maiyo,
Kokoro oru,
Kono me de zutto
Namida ga aru

Ittaku nai:
Mainin kikitaku nai
Jibun no
Kêchô ni nareta
Ai boku ni
Doko da to toitaku nai
Hitori de
Ie iku nareta
Ame no yo
Hitori de yuku,
Sora ga naku
To omotteru
Shiritai yo:
Boku wa kon'ya
Yume ni naku no?

Hitori de
Mamoru, kono yume wo,
Kono kibô wa
Hitori ni naru koto
Tanin ga iu mono
Kono kibô wa
Kurushiminai koto

Hitori de
Nagamichi de yuku
Hito ga wasuretai
Maiyo, maiyo
Hotondo shôshin suru
Namida ga
Mô kawakanai

Kikitaku nai
Hito ni iitaku nai
Jibun ni hanasu
Koto ni nareta
Boku no tame ni
Koi ga sagashitaku nai
Itsumo hitori de
Ie ni kaetta
Ame no yo
Hitori de yuku,
Sora ga naku
To omotteru
Shiritai yo:
Boku wa kon'ya
Yume ni naku no?

Hitori de
Mamoru, kono yume wo,
Kono kibô wa
Hitori ni naru koto
Tanin ga iu mono
Kono kibô wa
Kurushiminai koto

Hitori de
Nagamichi de yuku
Hito ga wasuretai
Maiyo, maiyo
Hotondo shôshin suru
Mohaya nakenai

Kikitaku nai
Hito ni iitaku nai
Jibun ni hanasu
Koto ni nareta
Boku no tame ni
Koi ga sagashitaku nai
Itsumo hitori de
Ie ni kaetta
Ja sám chodím
Ve deštivé noci
Jest déšť? Jest slzy?
Ne odlišuji
Ve dnem každém
Ptám se sebe:
"V noci, ve snech,
Budu plakat?"

Ja osamělý
Chráním mojé sny
Použe doufám
Skrýt se v opuštěném rohu
Ja ne starám
Se ostatní co řeknou
Použe doufám
Moci ne trpět opět

Ja sám chodím
V cestě nekonečné
Chci zapomenout
Které nemohu zapomenout
V každé noci
Ja v žalu hraně
Slzy mé sušené
Nikdo viděl

Ja nechci mluvit
Protože nikdo/ježto(?) chce slyšet
Ja jsem zvykl
Si mluvit použe se sebou
Ja nechci ptát
Se lásku kde mohu najít
Ja jsem zvykl
Si chodit do domu sám
Ja sám chodím
Ve deštivé noci
Jest déšť? Jest slzy?
Každý den
Ptám se sebe:
"V noci, ve snech,
Budu plakat?"

Ja osamělý
Chráním mojé sny
Doufám pouze
Skrýt se v opuštěném rohu
Ja se ne starám
O tom, co řeknou ostatní
Doufám pouze
Jen netrpět opět

Ja sám chodím
V cestě nekonečné
Chci zapomenout
Co nemohu zapomenout
V každé noci
Ja v žalu hraně
Slzy mé otřené
Nikdo viděl

Ja nechci mluvit
Protože nikdo nechce slyšet
Ja jsem zvyklý
Si mluvit použe se sebou
Ja si nechci ptát
Kde mohu najít lásku
Ja jsem zvyklý
Chodit sám domů
Ja sám chodím
Ve deštivé noci
Jest déšť? Jest slzy?
Každý den
Ptám se sebe:
"V noci, ve snech,
Budu plakat?"

Ja osamělý
Chráním mojé sny
Přeji si jen
Skrýt se v opuštěném rohu
Nezajímá mě
Názor/myšlenka ostatních
Přeji si jen
Abych netrpěla

Ja sám chodím
V cestě nekonečné
Chci zapomenout
Co nemohu zapomenout
V každé noci
Ja v žalu hraně
Slzy mé otřené
Nikdo viděl

Ja nechci mluvit
Protože nikdo nechce poslouchat
Ja jsem si zvykl
Si mluvit použe se sebou
Já se neptám sebe
Kde mohu najít lásku
Ja jsem si zvykl
Chodit sám domů
Ja sám chodím
Ve deštivé noci
Jest déšť? Jest slzy?
Ve den každý
Ptám se sebe:
"V noci, ve snech,
Budu plakat?"

Ja osamělý
Chráním moje sny
Jen přeji si
Skrýt se v opuštěném rohu
Ja se nestarám
O tom, co řeknou ostatní
Jen přeji si,
Abych netrpěla

Ja sám chodí
V cestě nekonečné
Chci zapomenout
Ty, které nemohu zapomenout
V každé noci
Ja v žalu hraně
Slzy mé otřené
Nikdo viděl

Ja nechci mluvit
Protože nikdo nechce slyšet
Ja jsem zvyklý
Mluvit použe se sebou
Ja si nechci ptát
Kde mohu najít lásku
Ja jsem zvyklý
Chodit domů samotný
Ja sám chodím
Ve deštivé noci
Jest déšť? Jest slzy?
Ve každý den
Ptám se sebe:
"V noci, ve snech,
Budu plakat?"

Ja osamělý
Chráním moje sny
Jen přeji si
Skrýt se v opuštěném rohu
Ja se nestarám
Ostatní co řeknou
Jen přeji se
Abych netrpělý!

Ja sám chodím
V cestě nekonečné
Chci zapomenout
Ty kterou nemohu zapomenout
V každé noci
Ja v žalu hraně
Slzy mé otřené
Nikdo viděl

Ja nechci mluvit
Protože nikdo nechce slyšet
Ja jsem zvyklý
Mluvit použe se sebou
Ja si nechci ptát
Lásku kde mohu najít
Ja jsem zvyklý
Si chodit domů samotný
Ja sám chodím
Ve deštivé noci
Jest déšť? Jest slzy?
Ve den každý
Ptám se sebe:
"V noci, ve snech,
Budu plakat?"

Ja osamělý
Chráním moje sny
Jen přeji si
Skrýt se v opuštěném rohu
Ja se nestarám
O tom, co řeknou ostatní
Jen přeji si,
Abych netrpělý!

Ja sám chodím
V cestě nekonečné
Chci zapomenout
Ni, kterou nemohu zapomenout
V každé noci
Jsem ve hraně žalu
Slzy mé otřené
Nikdo neviděl

Ja nechci mluvit
Protože nikdo nechce slyšet
Ja jsem zvyklý
Mluvit použe se sebou
Ja si nechci ptát
Kde mohu najít lásku
Ja jsem zvyklý
Chodit domů samotný
Ja sám chodím
Ve deštivé noci
Jest déšť? Jest slzy?
Ve den každý
Ptám se sebe:
"V noci, ve snech,
Budu plakat?"

Ja osamělý
Chráním moje sny
Jen přeji si
Skrýt se v opuštěném rohu
Ja se nestarám
O tom, co řeknou ostatní
Jen přeji si,
Abych netrpělý!

Ja sám chodím
V cestě nekonečné
Chci zapomenout
Ni, kterou nemohu zapomenout
V každé noci
Jsem ve hraně žalu
Nikdo nevidi
Že už nemám slzy

Ja nechci mluvit
Protože nikdo nechce slyšet
Ja jsem zvyklý
Mluvit použe se sebou
Ja si nechci ptát
Kde mohu najít lásku
Ja jsem zvyklý
Chodit domů samotný
Odýn xodžú
V dośóvyj nočí –
Ĵest' doś? Ĵest sl'ózy?
Ĵa ne rozriznĵáĵu.
Ve dnĵu kožím
Zapytuĵú sebé:
"Ve nóči, ve mríĵax
Búdu plakáty?"

Ĵa samítyj
Zaxyśáĵu mríĭ moǐ́,
Tíl'ky spodiváĵus'
Krýtysĵa v pustél'nim kútu.
Mení vse odnó
Śo vsi ínši hovorĵat',
Tíl'ky spodiváĵus'
Móhty ne straždáty znóvu.

Odýn xodžú
V dorózi nezličénnij,
Xočú zabúty
Kótru ne možú zabúty
Ve nóči kožím
Ve serdén'ky kráĵu,
Sl'ózy moǐ́ sušéni
Báčyv nyxtó.

Nexóču hovorýty
Bo nyxtó xóče sluxáty,
Ĵa zvyknúv
Hovorýty se sobóĵu.
Nexóču zapytáty
De móžu znájty lĵubóv',
Ĵa zvyknúv
Ídy do dómu odýn.
Odýn xodžú
V dośóvyj nočí –
Ĵest' doś? Ĵest sl'ózy?
Ĵa ne rozriznĵáĵu.
Ve dnĵu kožím
Zapytuĵú sebé:
"Ve nóči, ve mríĵax
Búdu plakáty?"

Ĵa samítyj
Zaxyśáĵu mríĭ moǐ́,
Tíl'ky spodiváĵus'
Krýtysĵa v pustél'nim kútu.
Mení vse odnó
Śo vsi ínši hovorĵat',
Tíl'ky spodiváĵus'
Móhty ne straždáty znóvu.

Odýn xodžú
V dorózi nezličénnij,
Xočú zabúty
Kótru ne možú zabúty
Ve nóči kožím
Ve serdén'ky kráĵu,
Nyxtó ne báčyt'
Ščo u mene ne sl'ózy.

Nexóču hovorýty
Bo nyxtó xóče sluxáty,
Ĵa zvyknúv
Hovorýty se sobóĵu.
Nexóču zapytáty
De móžu znájty lĵubóv',
Ĵa zvyknúv
Ídy do dómu odýn.

Tshìi-ka hâng tshoi
Lȯk-shúi kài àm-pu li
Hè shúi hè lùi
Ngâi ya khòn m tshin
Tshìi-ka tiam-tiam
Mùn tshìi-ka mui nyit
Mùng tú vòi m
Vòi lîu muk-cip

* Ngâi tan-sâ-nyîn
Tshìi-ka còng-tén nga kài mùng
Ngâi tshiàng hi-mòng
Tó tshoi mô-nyîn kài kok-lȯk
Ngâi m òi ti
Phėt-nyîn kài kóng ngâi mak-kài
Ngâi tshiàng hi-mòng
M vòi fan sim-thùng tó ngâi

Tshìi-ka hâng tshoi
Hâng m ciu kài thài lù
Sióng-òi mông-kì
Mông m hẹt kài nyîn
Mui yà mui yà
Sim-sui kài tsùi tshám
Muk-cip yí tsau
Mô lîu tsiak-yáng

# Ngâi m sióng kóng
Yin-vùi ya mô nyîn òi thàng
Ngâi yí-kin kwàn
Hẹt tshìi-ka kóng tshìi-ka thàng
Ngâi m sióng mùn
Vùi-tit càng chim tet tó òi
Ngâi yí-kin kwàn
Thẹt tshìi-ka tài tshìi-ka cón



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