Saturday, 12 August 2017

Thank you for your deep love

Today I bring you one of the most beautiful Chinese songs I know of. It is a Min song I bumped into when I was (I think) in my first year of University, so between Sep 2012 and June 2013. More precise limits for the "bumping" will be given by the dates of the translations. I recorded and uploaded to YT the original and the Czech Slovak and English versions, I give the link for reference.
  1. There is, in fact, a Mandarinization of it, which I include here as the "Original" Mandarin version, which appears in a file dated C20130718-1555-M20130822-1519, meaning it was made within 22/8/13, and then in a file dated C20130822-1125-M20130901-1541 the line 但是我了解 becomes 但是我明白, so the correction happened within 1/9/13, and in another file dated C20130901-2035-M20170603-1246 站在这舞台 becomes 住在这舞台, so God knows when that change was made, but probably far from when I made the second Mandarin version, since that version ignores said change;
  2. I translated it into Slovak when I met this half-Slovak girl who studied Physics at my Uni. This requires quite a bit of history and versions:
    1. The first mention of this girl is in my 11/2/14 diary entry, which starts from 6/1/14 and proceeds to narrate over a month; the first version I can find is in a video from 20/1/14 15:44, where we find the original version below – well, almost; the original below is from the caption of my posting of the video, where the following differences appear w.r.t. the video:
      • mi čeliť -> ma čeliť;
      • miesto mňa -> miesto mna;
      • Ja ne znám -> Ja ne zném;
    2. «She made some corrections to the translation», states the old version of this post; unfortunately, there is no clear record of such corrections, since the only changes to this version are those that lead us to the "first correction" version below; these come from a round of comments posted by me on the video (which I'd posted to Fb on 20/1/14) on 22/1/14 10:32-10:39, and applied in the "first correction" version below, which is copypasted from yet another comment of mine, from 22/1/14 21:04;
    3. Then I have this Fb note, which I quoted in several other posts, which appears to have been posted on 12/5/17 and got its first comment on 13/5/17 0:26; this has the "note version" below, which is a weird hybrid of original and corrections, as if some corrections had somehow been lost;
    4. This is probably what I showed to this Slovak girl I met on 30/7/17; she presumably suggested the following corrections, found in the 30/7/17 14:51 posted by me to the note:
      • Pamätam sa (staccato);
      • cestu è femm., quindi moju;
      • *skrytý non due ý;
      • *mi, non ma;
      • *ti non ťa;
      • *nestále;
      • *čakanie non čekanie;
      • "đakujem ti, že" (note the comma);
      • Meglio "po celý život";
      • *všetok: všetko è avv., všetok è agg.;
      • "vieš ty, že ecc.";
      however, it seems the note itself contains more corrections, as, besides the one I made myself as I assimilated on 11/8/17, which is smutný -> smutní "using the plural […] for genericity", there are the following that appear in a corrected version on the note:
      • ma -> mňa;
      • bývať -> byvaš;
      • ja vidim ne -> ja ich viem;
      • ja chápam -> chápem, že;
      • teplá -> teplé;
      With these, we almost end up with the final version below; the last change started out as ja ich viem -> ja ne znám, already suggested in the note; however, Wiktionary gives me poznať, not znať, for the sense of "to know" we have here in Slovak (curiously it gives me znám for Czech), so on 19/11/21 at 1:07 I opt for "Ja ich poznám"; ah yes, because ne and ich can be synonyms, but ne is also the negation, so I prefer to avoid the ambiguity, especially because it caused a miscorrection in the Czech (see below); for completeness's sake, let me list the changes from "first correction" to final:
      • skrýtý -> skrytý;
      • ma čeliť -> mi čeliť;
      • mna -> mňa;
      • nestály -> nestále;
      • Ja ich viem -> Ja ich poznám;
      • smutný -> smutní;
      • The very old «Ďakujem ťa za bývať so mnou» left in first correction in the second iteration of that line;
      • celoživotné -> po celý život;
      • všetko -> všetok;
    5. The last thing to point out here is that there is a part which was never translated musically; this is because that part is never repeated in the video, and I planned to translate just enough so that I could use one repetition for the Slovak and leave the rest in the original; there is, however, a literal Slovak translation for that, and between the original version and the note it changed a bit; so the original of that is in the first two versions, while from "note version" on we have the changed version; [Welp, it seems that edit was to make it musical, cfr. the old version of this post saying «Also, around 13:07 [of 27/10/18] I decided to complete the Slovak version, since I was lacking only one line»;]
  3. On the same day (11/8/17) that I assimilated the second round of Slovak corrections, I decided to Czech-ify the translation, yielding the original version below; on 13/8/17 at 0:02, my corrector sent a corrected version; to get from there to what was originally on the blog, we have the following changes:
    • Někdy -> Niěkdy, probable typo, will undo;
    • «Byl jsi skutečně něžný» deleted its jsi, undatable change;
    • The "pretože" in the original Czech was misinterpreted as "Prestože", which I fixed at 0:17 on 13/8/17;
    • "ne znám" was misread as "neznám", whereas I had it here as "ně znám", undatable change;
    All of those changes were made within my YT video, which was uploaded 1/11/17; I will spare you the list of errors I made in there; yeah, all the differences between blog and video are errors IMO;
  4. On that same 11/8/17, I also translated it into English, though the translation came almost instantly and felt like half-known-by-heart, so I strongly suspect it dates far further back in time than just yesterday; for some reason, my video has "I knew" instead of "I know";
  5. And then on the 26/10/18, around 2:40 am, I made a complete Italian translation, which was added the next day (27/10) around 13:00;
  6. On 1/1/19 I started a Vietnamese version (2 lines), 2 more lines on the 3rd, and the rest on the 22nd; well, that didn't include the 千言万语 part, which I dumped into Google 23/9/24 11:[15:46,16:09] to post my translation to LT, changed Ruan->Anhin (24/9/24 10:47:04), turned bạn->em in l. 3 of at 14:43:17 on 25/9/24, and deleted của from before em in l. 3 of (25/9/24 14:45:11), and then deemed fine; as I record this on 11/1/25, I realize that "this" in Vietnamese goes after the noun, thus at 17:07 I fix «này vũ-đài» to «vũ-đài này»; I also realize the autotranslation of the last part fell victim to 阮 and Mandarin (curiously not giving me Nguyen), so I change Ruan to Anh at 17:10;
  7. 13/2/20 dead of night, 4 lines translated to French; next day around 10, finish verse; around midday, chorus; then on 10/5/23 at 23:02, after seeing this version in the post, I start from l. 1 and remake the first four, fearing there may be no rhymes in the post version: «Je m' souviens d' mon voyage, / Et que mes pas, / Même dans tempête et vents, / Ne craignaient pas.»; surprisingly, l. 4 is also the same, l. 2 I prefer in the post version, whereas l. 3, which in the post was «Dans la pluie, dans le vent,», I decided to implement with a slight tweak from 1:33 on 12/5/23; given the translation of that part into Vietnamese, as a column filler, I translate the 千言万语 part to French on 28/9/24 at 18:25-18:28;
  8. The Vietnamese then went through the following editing-time changes:
    • hiếu ý -> hiếu rằng, 26/1/25 19:39;
    • với anh (add that acute accent!), 19:50, treating this as typo fix;
    • ngài -> ngày, 20:14, also typo fix;
    • Một câu muôn -> Một câu được, 20:29;
    • Mãi-mãi được ben anh -> Mãi-mãi đi cùng anh, [20:12:43,20:13:20;
    I may also eventually review/remake the French, since the way it's phrased it seems the addressee is now no longer present, which doesn't seem to be the feeling in the original;
  9. Finally, the Mandarin final version was done on my birthday, 24/3/19, around 3:15.
With all of that said, here we go. As always, the Min spelling and transliteration is as described here. Note that many of the translations are partial, in the sense that one part is left out, so that I can sing a part in Min, the same part in any translation, and then end with the final part in Min. Said left-out part reads «千言万语一句话来表明。 / 有你的鼓励关怀, / 阮会认真为将来。», or «We manifest a thousand words with one sentence. / With your hug and encouragement, / I can face my future seriously.». Enjoy!






Tshim-tshim ê ài

Siūnn-khí kiânn-kuè ê lōo:
Gún ê kha-pōo,
Sui-liân king-kuè hong-hōo,
M̄ kiann siok-bo̍k,
In-uī khǹg tsāi sim tiong
Sī lí ê tshiò-iông
Puê gún bīn-tuì khùn-lân kah kan-khóo.
Kau-hōo sî-kan thè gún lâi an-pâi
Tshiùnn-tshut tshim-tshim ê ài.

Kám-siā lí liam tsāi tse bú-tāi,
M̄-kuán khí-khí-lo̍h-lo̍h,
Lí ê tsîng gún lóng tsāi.
Ū sî-tsūn lân bián sim-thâu sng,
Siū-tio̍h miā-ūn lâi tsóo-gāi,
Tān-sī gún liáu-kái
Sī un-luán ê kî-thāi.
Kám-siā lí liam tsāi tse bú-tāi,
Tuì gún tsin-sim thiànn-thàng,
Puê-phuānn it-sing ê ài.
Siong-sìn it-tīng ē ū tsı̍t kang
It-tshè siong-pi lóng sîng khang.
Lí kám tsāi
Kám-siā lí tshim-tshim ê ài.

sı̍t kù uē lâi piáu-bîng.
Ū lí ê kó-lē kuan-huâi,
Gún ē līn-tsin uî tsiong-lâi.

Kám-siā lí liam tsāi tse bú-tāi,
Tuì gún tsin-sim thiànn-thàng,
Puê-phuānn it-sing ê ài.
Siong-sìn it-tīng ē ū tsı̍t kang
It-tshè siong-pi lóng sîng khang.
Lí kám tsāi
Kám-siā lí tshim-tshim ê ài.
Lí kám tsāi
Kám-siā lí tshim-tshim ê ài.

1 注意:闽语的人称代词 闽语有七个人称代替:「我 | guá」,就是「我」;「你 | lí」,就是「你」;「伊 | i」,就是「他、她、它」;「阮 | guán / gún」,意思是「我们、不包括你」;「咱」,就是「咱们」,意思是「我们、也包括你」;「恁 | lín」,就是「你们」;「亻因 | in」,就是「他们」。在歌曲里常常只有一个我和一个你而没有别人,所以「阮」常常跟「我」一样、「咱」常常跟「你我」一样。

1 Note: Min personal pronouns
Min has 7 personal pronoun:「我 | guá」, that is "I";「你 | lí」, that is "thou", or "you (singular)";「伊 | i」, that is "he, she, it";「阮 | guán / gún」, meaning "we, not including you";「咱」, meaning "we, including you";「恁 | lín」, that is "ye", or "you (plural)";「亻因 | in」, that is "they". In songs, there is often an "I" and a "you" and no-one else, so 「阮」 is often the same as "I", and「咱」 is often the same as "we two", "the two of us".

Deep love

I remember my road,
And how my steps,
Though they went through the storm,
Feared no loneliness,
Because hidd’n in my heart
‘Twas always your smile
With me to face all hardships and pains.
I leave it to time to take my place
And sing of your deep love.

Thank you for standing on this stage,
With their ups and downs,
I know all of your feelings.
Sometimes it’s hard to not feel sad,
When there’s fate that comes at us,
But I understand
This is a warm warm wait.
Thank you for standing on this stage,
Being really tender,
Spending all your life with me.
I know there’ll surely be a day
When all sadness will just go.
Do you know
I’m thankful for your deep love?

Hlbokú lásku

Pamätámsa na môj cestu,
Kroky moje
Hoci išli skrz búrku
Nebáli sa samoty,
Pretože skrýtý v srdci
Bol úsmev tvoj
Ktorý pomáhal ma čeliť bolesti.
Nechám času spievať miesto ma
Hlbokú lásku.

Ďakujem ťa za bývať so mnou.
City tvoje nestály,
Ja vidím ne.
Niekedy je to ťažké nebyť smutný,
Keď osud je proti nám,
Ale ja chápam
Je teplá čekanie.
Ďakujem ťa za bývať so mnou.
Bol naozaj nežný,
So mnou celoživotné.
Verím určite bude deň
Keď všetko smútok zmizne.
Vidíš ty
Ďakujem pre tvoju lásku.

Jedna veta
Ukazuje tisíc slov.
S odvahou a staroslivosťou tvojimi
Budem vážne do budúcnosti
Hlbokú lásku

Pamätám sa na moju cestu,
Kroky moje
Hoci išli skrz búrku
Nebáli sa samoty,
Pretože skrýtý v srdci
Bol úsmev tvoj
Ktorý pomáhal ma čeliť bolesti.
Nechám času spievať miesto mna
Hlbokú lásku.

Ďakujem ti že bývaš so mnou.
City tvoje nestály,
Ja ich viem.
Niekedy je to ťažké nebyť smutný,
Keď osud je proti nám,
Ale chápem že
Je to teplé čakanie.
Ďakujem ťa za bývať so mnou.
Bol naozaj nežný,
So mnou celoživotné.
Verím určite bude deň
Keď všetko smútok zmizne.
Vieš ty
Že ďakujem pre tvoju lásku.

Jedna veta
Ukazuje tisíc slov.
S odvahou a staroslivosťou tvojimi
Budem vážne do budúcnosti
Hlbokú lásku

Pamätámsa na môj cestu,
Kroky moje
Hoci išli skrz búrku
Nebáli sa samoty,
Pretože skrýtý v srdci
Bol úsmev tvoj
Ktorý pomáhal ma čeliť bolesti.
Nechám času spievať miesto ma
Hlbokú lásku.

Ďakujem ťa za bývať so mnou.
City tvoje nestály,
Ja vidím ne.
Niekedy je to ťažké nebyť smutný,
Keď osud je proti nám,
Ale ja chápam
Je teplá čekanie.
Ďakujem ťa za bývať so mnou.
Bol naozaj nežný,
So mnou celoživotné.
Verím určite bude deň
Keď všetko smútok zmizne.
Vidíš ty
Ďakujem pre tvoju lásku.

Jedna veta
Ukazuje tisíc slov.
S odvahou a objavením tvojími
Budem vážne do budúcnosti
Hlbokú lásku

Pamätam sa na moju cestu,
Kroky moje
Hoci išli skrz búrku
Nebáli sa samoty,
Pretože skrytý v srdci
Bol úsmev tvoj
Ktorý pomáhal mi čeliť bolesti.
Nechám času spievať miesto mňa
Hlbokú lásku.

Ďakujem ti, že byvaš so mnou.
City tvoje nestále,
Ja ich poznám.
Niekedy je to ťažké nebyť smutní,
Keď osud je proti nám,
Ale chápem, že
Je to teplé čakanie.
Ďakujem ti, že byvaš so mnou.
Bol naozaj nežný,
So mnou po celý život.
Verím určite bude deň
Keď všetok smútok zmizne.
Vieš ty,
Že ďakujem pre tvoju lásku?

Jedna veta
Ukazuje tisíc slov.
S odvahou a objavením tvojími
Budem vážne do budúcnosti



Nhớ đường mà anh đã đi
Bước-đi anh
Dù-cho đi xuyên bão-táp
Không ngại sự cô-độc
Tại-vì giấu trong lòng anh
Luôn-luôn cười em
Giúp anh đối-mặt khuôn-nan với gian-khổ
Bàn-giao thời-gian thế anh tổ-chức
Hát-hò tình-yêu sâu-sắc

Cám-ơn em đứng ở vũ-đài này
Bất-chấp khởi-khởi rớt-rớt
Anh quen-biết mọi cảm-xúc em
Thỉnh-thoảng khó-khăn không đau-lòng
Hễ số-mệnh trở-ngại
Nhưng-mà anh hiểu ý
Là sự chờ-đợi ấm-lòng
Cám-ơn em đứng ở vũ-đài này
Với anh thật-sự chu-đáo
Mãi-mãi được ben anh
Tin-tưởng nhất-định sẽ có một ngày
Mà mọi sự buồn-rầu biến-mất
Em biết không
Rằng cám-ơn tình-yêu sâu-sắc em

Hàng ngàn lời-nói
Một câu muốn bày-tỏ.
Với sự khuyến-khích và quan-tâm em,
Anh sẽ nghiêm-túc về tương-lai.
Nhớ đường mà anh đã đi
Bước-đi anh
Dù-cho đi xuyên bão-táp
Không ngại sự cô-độc
Tại-vì giấu trong lòng anh
Luôn-luôn cười em
Giúp anh đối-mặt khuôn-nan với gian-khổ
Bàn-giao thời-gian thế anh tổ-chức
Hát-hò tình-yêu sâu-sắc

Cám-ơn em đứng ở vũ-đài này
Bất-chấp khởi-khởi rớt-rớt
Anh quen-biết mọi cảm-xúc em
Thỉnh-thoảng khó-khăn không đau-lòng
Hễ số-mệnh trở-ngại
Nhưng-mà anh hiểu rằng
Là sự chờ-đợi ấm-lòng
Cám-ơn em đứng ở vũ-đài này
Với anh thật-sự chu-đáo
Mãi-mãi đi cùng anh
Tin-tưởng nhất-định sẽ có một ngày
Mà mọi sự buồn-rầu biến-mất
Em biết không
Rằng cám-ơn tình-yêu sâu-sắc em

Hàng ngàn lời-nói
Một câu muốn bày-tỏ.
Với sự khuyến-khích và quan-tâm em,
Anh sẽ nghiêm-túc về tương-lai.
Amore profondo

Nel mio lungo cammin
Di star sola
Anche nelle tempeste
Non ho temuto mai
Perché qui nel mio cuor
C'è il tuo sorriso
Che mi accompagna tra pene e dolori
Tempo, canta tu al posto mio
'Sto amore profondo

Grazie a te che sei qui con me
Pur con alti e bassi
So che mi vuoi bene
Quando la sorte è contro noi
È difficile gioir
Ma l'attesa ognor
È piena di calor
Grazie a te che sei qui con me
Con sincero affetto
Starai con me per sempre
Son certa: un giorno arriverà
Che il dolore sparirà
Sai tu che
Son grata del tuo amore?

Una frase
Dice mille parole
Col tuo sostegno ed abbraccio
Posso viver seriamente
Hlubokou lásku

Pamatuju na moji cestu,
Kroky moje
Ačkoli šli skrz bouřku
Nebáli se samoty,
Pretože skrytý v srdci
Byl úsměv tvůj
Který vodil mi čelit bolesti.
Nechám času zpívat namísto mne
Hlubokou lásku.

Děkuju ti, že byvaš se mnou.
City tvoje nestále,
Ja ně znám.
Niěkdy je to těžké nebýt smutní,
Když osud je proti nám,
Ale chápu že
Je to teplé čekanie.
Děkuju ti, že byvaš se mnou.
Byl skutečně nežný,
Se mnou po celý život.
Věřím určitě bude deň
Když všechen smutek zmizi.
Vidíš ty,
Že děkuju pre tvoju lásku?

Hlubokou lásku

Pamatuju na moji cestu,
Kroky moje
Ačkoli šly skrz bouřku
Nebály se samoty,
Protože skrytý v srdci
Byl úsměv tvůj
Který vodil mě čelit bolesti.
Nechám času zpívat namísto mne
Hlubokou lásku.

Děkuju ti, že byvaš se mnou.
City tvoje nestále,
Ja ně znám.
Niěkdy je to těžké nebýt smutní,
Když osud je proti nám,
Ale chápu že
Je to teplé čekání.
Děkuju ti, že byvaš se mnou.
Byl skutečně nežný,
Se mnou po celý život.
Věřím určitě bude deň
Když všechen smutek zmizi.
Vidíš ty,
Že děkuju za tvoju lásku?

Xiǎngqǐ zǒuguò de lù
Wǒ de jiǎobù
Suīrán jīngguò fēngyǔ
Bù pà jìmò
Yīnwèi cáng zài xīnzhōng
Shì nǐ de xiàoróng
Péi wǒ miàn duì kùnnàn yǔ jiānkǔ
Jiù ràng shíjiān jiào wǒ lái ānpái
Chàng chū shēnshēn de ài

Gǎnxiè nǐ zhù zài zhè wǔtái
Bùguǎn qǐqǐluòluò
Nǐ de qíng wǒ dū zhī
Yǒu shíhòu nán miǎn xīntóu suān
Shòuzhe mìngyùn lái zǔ'ài
Dànshì wǒ míngbái
Shì wēnnuǎn de qídài
Gǎnxiè nǐ zhù zài zhè wǔtái
Duì wǒ zhēnxīn téngtòng
Péibàn yīshēng de ài
Xiāngxìn yīdìng huì yǒu yī tiān
Yīqiè shāngbēi dōu chéng kōng
Nǐ zhī fǒu
Gǎnxiè nǐ shēnshēn de ài
Xiǎngqǐ zǒuguò de lù
Wǒ de jiǎobù
Suīrán jīngguò fēngyǔ
Bù pà gūdú
Yīnwèi cáng zài xīn zhōng
Shì nǐ de xiàoróng
Péi wǒ miànduì kùnnán hé jiānkǔ
Jiāo gěi shíjiān tì wǒ lái ānpái
Chàng chū shēnshēn de ài

Gǎnxiè nǐ zhàn zài zhè wǔtái
Bùguǎn qǐqǐluòluò
Nǐ de qíng wǒ dōu zhī
Yǒu shíhòu nán miǎn xīntóu suān
Shòuzhe mìngyùn lái zǔ'ài
Dànshì wǒ míngbái
Shì wēnnuǎn de qídài
Gǎnxiè nǐ zhàn zài zhè wǔtái
Duì wǒ zhēnxīn téngtòng
Péibàn yīshēng de ài
Xiāngxìn yīdìng huì yǒu yī rì
Yīqiè shāng bēi dōu xiāoshī
Nǐ zhī fǒu
Gǎnxiè nǐ shēn shēn de ài

Qiānyán wàn yǔ
Yī jù huà lái biǎomíng
Yǒu nǐ de gǔlì guānhuái
Wǒ huì rènzhēn wèi jiānglái

Je m'souviens d'mon voyage:
Toujours mes pas,
Même dans tempêtes et vents,
Ne craignaient pas,
Car, dans mon coeur caché,
Ton sourire c'était
Qui m'accompaignait en toute difficulté.
C'est au temps que j'vais cette tâche laisser
Cet amour profond de chanter

À toi merci qu’avec moi t’étais
Avec leurs hauts et bais,
Tout tes sentiments je connaissais.
Il est pas facile d’n’être pas triste
Si l’destin est contre toi
Mais j’comprends que j’ai
L’cœur chaud en attendant
À toi merci qu’avec moi t’étais
Avec moi toujours,
Toute ta vie tu m’as aimé(e)
Un jour certainment il y aura
Qu’toute tristesse disparaîtra…
Sais-tu que
J’remercie que tu m’as aimé(e)?

Millions de mots
Dits par une phrase seulement.
Si tu m'soutiens et m'embrasses,
J'peux vivre sérieusement.

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