Today we have two songs which are language versions of one another. The original one is in Chinese, it was sung by a popular singer in China, Deng Lijun (aka Teresa Teng), and is quite well-known over there. It is titled 月亮代表我的心 | Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn, or "The moon manifests my heart". I translated it to English and French soon after I met it, which was in 2012 when I was finishing High School. Little before this one, I met its Indonesian version, which comes first in this post since I met it first, which is titled Bulan menjadi saksi, or "The moon bears witness [to me]". I translated this one:
So let's see these translations, shall we?
- Into Chinese back then;
- The earliest record is in a 29/6/12 11:32 Google file, which contains the below original version; this is in session 16, where session 15 is 23/6/12;
- An 11/9/12 21:12 file reports the corrected version below, which doesn't quite fit the tune;
- A 5/10/12 19:35 (created 17:48) file reports my comments to those corrections; unfortunately, it doesn't make a corrected singable version, so I will do that myself now (19/11/21 dead of night); this gives us "reworked 1"…
- … and "reworked 2", because the rework included changes in and of itself;
- However, in the 8/5/13 22:08 file, we revert back to the original version, except for a couple changes, which gives us the "2013 summer" version; this is presumably what I originally had for the blog;
- But then there is a pdf of a preview of this post which shows the Blog version, and is from 25/12/17 14:31; I assume the changes that get us to this version were made as I wrote that post; from screenshots, I can tell you that:
- 我的爱是真->爱你的真正 was done by 14:18:46 on 25/12/17;
- 我是否喜欢你 had 喜欢 highlighted, ready to be changed, on 25/12/17 at 14:27:18;
- Finally, looking at this awful mess of a history on 19/11/21 in the dead of night, when I wanted to make a history edit for this thinking it would be quick but this thing said YOU WISH, I decide to remake it from scratch, and will do so in the morning; I actually start in the dead of night with one or two lines, make another one soon after waking up, and then complete it at 14:17, with the odd lines of the chorus changed at 14:25 from the rework 2 version; an interesting coincidence is how, recalling the first two lines of this remake on 8/12/22 at 8:30, I re-remade the line 我是否爱着你 exactly as it is below;
- To Italian also back then:
- The first version is found in the English notebook on 29/5, before the Chinese-English translation of this post; it is the "en q" version given below; after doing both the Chinese-English here and the one at this post, I change the line «Rinfresca il cuore mio» to «Rende fresco il cuore mio», a change which was lost to the notebook, and which I will not implement now;
- The first record in files is from the 18/8/12 15:27 file, where the previous file is 5/8/12 19:26; any and all changes from there to the final version below are discussed in the rest of this sublist;
note that the title line is also found in the 28/7/12 11:01 file, and only the title line; I will not count that as the beginning of a retranslation, because it was just the title, which needed a translation for the page; the retranslation would probably have happened when I made that file on 25/7; it was certainly never completed, or there would either be a manuscript on the printout or a mention of it in the mega-intro, neither of which exist;
I have this alternate version «Puro santo e ver / È il mio amor per te» in mind, which I cannot date at all besides noting I wondered about it at 15:24 on 4/1/22, and which is found nowhere but in my mind (and here now that I've mentioned it); - I will assume that the changes «Tu mi domandi spesso se» -> «Tu spesso mi domandi se» and «Io ti prometto che il mio amor» -> «Prometto a te che il mio amor» are exclusive to this separate file containing original, Italian, Chinese, Albanian, and Zulu; indeed, this file is from 7/10/13 18:10, and the previous record for this translation is from 18/8/13 12:04 and has the older version, and the next record is from 25/12/17 at 14:31 and still has the older version; I will implement the newer versions below though; on 23/8/22, just after getting in the shower (must have been around 11:30), I change «Ho amore verso te» and «Ho affetto verso te» to their below forms; spesso->ora is the last tweak for now, and is from 25/8/22 3:06/07; the male-singer version «Tu sei l'unica / Che il mio affetto ha» is from recording day, i.e. 17/9/22 13:01, as I recorded Italian and Albanian;
- To Albanian in Autumn 2013 (and then again in 2022);
- The earliest record of this translation is a Google file from 6/10/13 10:24, which gives the original version below; the diary suggests that the day before, Saturday 5/10/13, was indeed the date I made the translation;
- The following Monday, 7/10/13, I have my Albanian friend correct this, so that at 16:10 we have a file with Italian Chinese Albanian and Zulu, and the Albanian version is identical to the version originally posted here, which is the final version below;
- I then decide to make a rhyming remake in the night between 22 and 23/8/22; at 2:35 I do a first little bit, then I go on the next morning, on and off, from 10:43 to 11:01, at which point I have 9 lines, where the differences from below are «Ti shpesh vjen me m'» and «Një pikë un' të du», which will be changed as the last two changes, and the alternate «Hëna m'ësh dëshmitar mu», which I decide to ditch later that day; I finish the whole translation that day at 14:22-15:04, and fix ll. 1 and 3 at 14:06-08 of 25/8/22;
- Then, as I edit it in the night between 24 and 25/9/22, I realize I made a lot of mistakes, and these are so many and so stupid I want to keep them in a spare version, so the corrections made 0:20-0:36 will be applied in an extra version; on 6/10/22, I change «Të shenjt' të dëlir'» to «Të shenjt' e të dëlir' / t'dëlir'» at 2:55 and then «Të shenjt' e të d'lir'(?)» at 2:56, thinking about «Të shenjt' edhe t'd'lir'» as well at 2:56 but rejecting it as excessive, since we have t-d-l all in one go;
- Finally, «Ty të premtoj» becomes «Un' ty t' premtoj» at 15:10 on 6/3/23.
- «Into Zulu in Spring 2015»… or so I thought; the 7/10/14 file mentioned above gives us the blog Zulu version, so that never went through any change; why I had an association between spring 2015 and this translation is anybody's guess; maybe I submitted this to my Zulu corrector in that period?
- To Romagnolo Dialect in these days, precisely partly in a December night between the 8th and the 20th, partly on Dec 24, and partly on Dec 25th 2017, the day I'm writing this draft; I have looked at the self-chat, and the only info is from 25/12/17:
- In a message from 1:58, we see the blog version except for:
- «'E mi amôr l'è vér, / <>» at ll. 4-5;
- Forgetting "cmènd" in l. 7;
- The missing ' at the beginning of l. 8;
- Some missing diacritics that aren't on the phone keyboard;
- L. 12 ending with a period;
- «U-m va l'ênma a rinfrischê.» for l. 14;
- The rest replaced by "Ecc";
- Same day at 13:31, «'E mi amôr par te / L'è sinzìr e bõ»;
- Same day at 13:33, «L'è sinzìr e sãt.»;
- At 14:02, it looks like I was summing everything up from computer and fixing diacritics; we see the blog version up to the chorus (now completed), except for still forgetting cmènd on l. 7, missing the ' to start l. 8, and ending l. 12 with a period;
- Same day at 14:04, we see the last part in blog form except for «Mo a-t prumètt»; btw, the linebreaking is different in all messages in that the first two lines of each verse are in a single line, but in this message the last line is (probably accidentally) split after the first word;
- Same day at 14:04, the first line of the last bit is fixed to blog form, apart from missing the apostrophe before -t;
- In a message from 1:58, we see the blog version except for:
- Finally, to Spanish to fill that column, on Dec 25th 2017 between 15:05 and 15:17; I tweak it twice at 11:58 on 4/11/23, right as I record it, but I miss one thing to be fixed, which I catch at 22:03; this results in the lines «Me rinfrescan la alma» and «Jamás se finirá» becoming what they are now, with the former fixing "la alma" in the morning and "rinfrescan" in the evening;
- Not quite though: while doing a big note check, I discovered a forgotten Japanese translation; this was done on 21/3/19 between 23:38 and 23:45+ except the "refrain" and first half of the last part, which were done the following morning within 10:05; why I had «Tsuki wa risshou suru» is a mystery, but on 18/7/20, adding the translation, I make that «Tsuki wa shounin da»;
- There are then two more recent translations; the first one is into Hakka, started in the shower on 23/8/22 shortly before 11:43; well, those parts were mostly ditched and remade, in two bouts, one at 15:32-15:42 of 25/8/22, which I stopped because I decided I wanted to first reunite the already-finished Min (see below) for inspiration, and then the second one once that was done, so at 0:45-1:05 on 26/8/22, with 1:07 being the posting time for this translation on HV; as I romanize this in the post, I change 拥抱 yúng-phò into 攬够 nám kèu;
- Then we have the Min, for now the final one (but a Greek one may be on the way), started just after the Hakka one and finished 0:18-0:52 on 24/8/22, with some tweaks coming in within 0:42 of 26/8;
- But then the Greek comes up, for which I quote IAFI: 「15/9/22 16:25, I don't feel like working, so I start translating this with «'σύ μου ρωτάς -> Ρωτάς 'σύ μου -> Ρωτάς μου εσύ. The following night at 1:22 I do «Ρωτάς εσύ / Σε μένα <>», then at 1:23 «Αν σ' αγαπώ εγώ» and «Αν σε στέργω εγώ», then I complete the preivous line as «Σε μένα εδώ» at 1:23, then the "stergo" line isn't fully so I keep going: «Εάν σε στέργω εγώ», 1:24, «Εάν σ' ερώμ' εγώ», 1:28, «Αν σε λατερύω εγώ / Αν σ'ερωτεύτηκ' εγώ», 1:32. Then the following morning I comment on this answer by Kika with the following partial intertwining and a question on how to keep the cinta/sayang distinction: «Ρωτάς εσύ // Σε μένα εδώ // Αν σ' αγαπώ εγώ // <Cintaku tulus // Suci dan murni // Bulan menjadi saksi> // // Ρωτάς εσύ // Σε μένα εδώ // Εάν σε στέργω εγώ / Εάν σ' ερώμ' εγώ / Αν σε λατερύω εγώ / Αν σ'ερωτεύτηκ' εγώ». Her reply comes in at 14:04: «Just as I thought, you need the distinction for a translation. What we have here : “cinta” for sexual love, therefore the Greek verb would be “ερώμαι”, but, being AG, we can't use it in modern translation; you could use instead “σε λατρεύω” or “είμ’ ερωτευμένος” or “σ’έχω ερωτευθεί”, or “σ’ερωτευτηκα εγώ (or ‘γώ) “. // // “Sayang” is the caring, nurturing, paternal love, therefore the modern greek verb would be : “σ’αγαπώ”, or “νοιώθω στοργή (για σένα) “ or “νοιάζομαι (για σένα)”. “Στέργω” in AG means “feel love”(paternal) but in MG it means acquiesce in, reluctantly consent to. // // In general, you can use “αγαπώ” for all kinds of love, but if you have in the song both meanings and have to do the distinction, then you could say : for “cinta” σε λατρεύω or σ’ερωτεύτηκα, while for “sayang” σ’αγαπώ, or σε νοιάζομαι or νοιώθω στοργή.». This leads to the following full intertwining, assembled for IAFI at 23:47-23:48:30 on 17/9/22 and then expanded with the 23:50 titular line [Η σελήνη μαρτυρεί.]:」, except the intertwining has NOT applied Kika's comment; so I notice that on 5/10/22, so at 22:17/18 I add a couple lines, and by 22:19 I have the intertwining «Ρωτάς εσύ / Σε μένα εδώ / Αν σε λατερύω εγώ / Η αγάπη μου / Είν' αληθινή, / Η σελήνη μαρτυρεί. / / Ρωτάς εσύ / Σε μένα εδώ / Αν σ' αγαπώ εγώ / <Hanyalah engkau / Yang kusayangi > / Η σελήνη μαρτυρεί. / / <Pelukan yang hangat / Menjejukkan jiwaku / Kecupan yang mesra / Meluluhkan hatiku / / Kuberjanji / Kepadamu / Cintaku abadi: / Sampai kiamat / Tak kan berubah> / Η σελήνη μαρτυρεί.». I then continue it 22:19/20-22:36, completing it. I send it in to Kika, and at 10:16/17 on the next day she replies, suggesting δροσίζει in place of κρυώνει, which I accept, and ώς την στερνή πνοή, an alternative I don't accept because it turns "Until Judgement day" to a clear "until [my] last breath" whereas the original "until the end" was more ambiguous.
- We start with the English translation:
- It is also found in the English notebook, right after the Indonesian-Italian one, on 29/5/12; the only difference between that version and version "Me" below is the scrapped beginning «Has» for the line that is currently «Made miss you up till now»;
- On Jan 24 2018, Anton Xie watched my Youtube video with the translations of the Chinese song, and thought he'd go ahead and make his own English and French versions, and sent them to me; I decided to include them here; apparently he did two rounds of revisions, hence versions AX1…
- … and AX2 below;
- But then, as I went to record it, I realized it was "shaky", so I gave it a few tweaks: 16/12/23 11:57-58, then 12:04, and one last one after recording, at 12:58;
- Coming to the French version, it is found manuscripted on the printout of the 28/7/12 file, and the mega-intro dates that, which is version "Me" below, to 10/8/12; the AX version is by Ånton Xiè, cfr. the English for the dating; this one only has one AX revision, plus my own tweaks on recording day 16/12/23, at 11:59-12:02;
- I posted this on 24/2/18, posted the Facebook page update, and tagged Anton; he replied «Hakka version?»; I said «Not made»; so he posted his own version on 24/2/18 ~12:04, and I added it today, 25/2/18, starting ~17:01, at the end of the post.
So let's see these translations, shall we?
Bulan Menjadi Saksi Kau bertanya Kepadaku Cintakah padamu Cintaku tulus Suci dan murni Bulan menjadi saksi Kau bertanya Kepadaku Sayang kah padamu Hanya lah engkau Yang kusayangi Bulan menjadi saksi Pelukan yang hangat Menyejukkan jiwaku Kecupan yang mesra Meluluhkan hatiku Ku berjanji Kepadamu Cintaku abadi Sampai kiamat Takkan berubah Bulan menjadi saksi
你常常来 为了问我 我是否恋爱你 我的爱是真 純粋和无猜 月亮为我变证人 你常常来 为了问我 我是否慈爱你 你是我所有 已慈爱的人 月亮为我变证人 暖和的个拥抱 让我的精神冷漠 温柔的个接吻 让我的内心粉碎 我今承诺 为你我会 到永远恋爱你 直到了末日 没有会变为 月亮为我变证人
你问 我 我是否爱着你 我的爱真诚 神圣和纯真 月亮可为我见证 你问 我 是否对你有情 你是我(的)唯一 为我爱的人 月亮可为我见证 一个温暖拥抱 冷却了我的心 一个温柔的吻 让我的心破碎 我向你 承诺 我会爱你到永远 直到世界末日 都不回改变 月亮可为我见证
你常常来 为了问我 我是否爱着你 我的爱真诚 神圣和纯真 月亮可为我见证 你常常来 为了问我 是否对你有情 你是我唯一 为我爱的人 月亮可为我见证 一个温暖拥抱 已经冷却我的心 一个温柔的吻 已经打碎我的心 如今向你 承诺我会 到永远爱着你 到世界末日 都不会改变 月亮可为我见证
你常常来 为了问我 我是否爱着你 我的爱真诚 神圣和纯洁 月亮可为我见证 你常常来 为了问我 我是否爱惜你 你是我唯一 为我爱的人 月亮可为我见证 一个温暖拥抱 冷却了我的灵魂 一个温柔的吻 打碎了我的内心 如今向你 承诺我会 到永远爱着你 到世界末日 都不会改变 月亮可为我见证
你常常来 为了问我 我是否恋爱你 我的爱是真 純粋和无猜 月亮为我变证人 你常常来 为了问我 我是否喜欢你 你是我所有 已喜欢的人 月亮为我变证人 暖和的个拥抱 让我的精神冷漠 温柔的个接吻 让我的内心粉碎 我今为你 承诺我会 到永远恋爱你 直到了末日 没有会变为 月亮为我变证人
你常常来 为了问我 我是否恋爱你 爱你得真正 純粋和无猜 月亮为我变证人 你常常来 为了问我 我是否珍惜你 你是我所有 已珍惜的人 月亮为我变证人 暖和的个拥抱 让我的精神冷漠 温柔的个接吻 让我的内心粉碎 我今为你 承诺我会 到永远恋爱你 直到了末日 没有会变为 月亮为我变证人
你常常来 向我问问 我是否爱着你 爱你得真诚 神圣和纯洁 月亮就为我见证 你常常来 向我问问 我是否珍惜你 你是我唯一, 我只珍惜你 月亮就为我见证 温暖一个拥抱 冷却了我的灵魂 温柔的一个吻 打碎了我的内心 我现在来 向你承诺 我爱你到永远 直到末日都 爱你得不变 月亮就为我见证
Hëna është dëshmitar
Ju shpesh vjen të Më pyesë Nëse dua ju: Dashuria ime Është sinqertë, Hëna është dëshmitar. Ju shpesh vjen të Më pyesë Nëse dëshiroj ju: Je i unik që Kam dëshiruar, Hëna është dëshmitar. Përqafim i nxehtë, Ai freskon shpirtin tim; Një puthje e afërm, Dobëson thelbin tim Premtoj ju se Dashuria Ime është përjetshëm Deri në Fundin e Botës Do të nuk ndryshojë Hëna është dëshmitar.
Hëna është dëshmitar
Ti shpesh vjen të Më pyesësh Nëse të dua: Dashuria ime Është sinqertë, Hëna është dëshmitar. Ti shpesh vjen të Më pyesësh Nëse të dëshiroj: Je i vemti që Kam dëshiruar, Hëna është dëshmitar. Një përqafim i nxehtë, Më freskon shpirtin tim; Një puthje e afërm, Më dubëson thelbin tim Të premtoj se Dashuria Ime është përjetshëm Deri në Fundin e Botës Nuk do të ndryshojë Hëna është dëshmitar.
Hëna ësh dëshmitar për mu
Ti tash vjen me m' Pyet' nëse Un' veç një pikë të du N'zëmra kam dashni E shenjt' e dëlir', Hëna ësh dëshmitar për mu Ti tash vjen me m' Pyet' nëse Të kam né zemrën un' Vetëm ty të kam, Të tjer'/tjera un' s'i kam, Hëna ësh dëshmitar për mu Një përqafim i ngroht' Shpirtin tem e qetëson Kur ëmbëlsisht ti m' puth, Zemrën tem e dobëson Ty të premtoj: Si tash t' dash'noj, N' përjet' kom me t' dash'nu! Bota muj me mbaru, Nuk kom me ndryshu! Hëna ësh dëshmitar për mu
Hëna ësh dëshmitar për mu
Ti tash vjen me m' Pyet' nëse Un' veç një pikë të du N' zemër kam dashni Të shenjt' e të d'lir', Hëna ësh dëshmitar për mu Ti tash vjen me m' Pyet' nëse Të kam në zemrën un' Vetëm ty të kam, Të tjer'/tjera un' s'i kam, Hëna ësh dëshmitar për mu Një përqafim i ngroht' Shpirtin tem e qetëson Kur ëmbëlsisht ti m' puth, Zemrën tem e dobëson Un' ty t' premtoj: Si tash t' dash'noj, N' përjet' kom me t' dash'nu! Bota muj m'u mbaru, Nuk kom me ndryshu! Hëna ësh dëshmitar për mu Lõna, di-j-a-l nẽca te T-a-m cmènd s' l'è véra Ch'a-t vòi bẽ, S' a sẽt amôr par te: 'E mi amôr par te L'è sinẓìr e sãt, Lõna, di-j-a-l nẽca te! T-a-m cmènd si me '-T vòi bẽ da bõ, S' l'è véra ch'a-t vòi bẽ: A-n vòi brìṣul bẽ A inciõn êt' che te, Lõna, di-j-a-l nẽca te! Un chêld abràẓ 'd i tu U-m va l'ãnma a rinfraschê. Õ 'd i tu dulẓ baṣẽ U-m sfa sèmpar tòtt 'e cör E me '-t prumètt Ch' 'e mi amôr U-n a mai da finì: Par l'etarnitê U-n a da cãmbiêṙ, Lõna, di-j-a-l nẽca te. 月は証人だ 「愛して いるか?」と 君が尋ねる: 僕の愛 誠実だよ、 月は証人だ 「恋して いるか?」と 君が尋ねる: 君だけが 大好きだ 月は証人だ 熱い抱擁 精神を冷やす 親密なキス 心を溶かす 誓うよ: この恋 はいつまでも; 末日まで 変わらない 月は証人だ 月光做吾个证人 汝今下来 佮涯问问 系涯一点爱汝 真心爱着汝, 纯粹爱着汝, 月光做吾个证人 汝今下来 佮涯问问 系一点珍惜汝 在吾心肚里 净有一只汝 月光做吾个证人 温暖来攬够汝 就冷却了吾心灵 亲亲来唚唚汝 就融化了吾个心 涯今下来 对汝发誓 涯永都会爱汝: 直到了末日 涯毋爱变心 月光做吾个证人 月娘为我做证见 你这阵来 对我询问 敢一点仔爱你 真心爱着你, 纯粹爱着你, 月娘为我做证见 你这阵来 对我询问 敢一点仔宝惜你 伫我的内心 只有一个你 月娘为我做证见 温暖来拥抱你 我灵魂就感秋凊 亲亲来唚喙你 就融化了我的心 对你许诺: 我来共你 心爱直到末日 对你的爱意 永远袂改变 月娘为我做证见 Η σελήνη μαρτυρεί. Ρωτάς εσύ Σε μένα εδώ Αν σε λατερύω εγώ Η αγάπη μου Είν' αληθινή, Η σελήνη μαρτυρεί. Ρωτάς εσύ Σε μένα εδώ Αν σ' αγαπώ εγώ Αυτή που αγαπώ Είσαι μόνο εσύ, Η σελήνη μαρτυρεί. Μια αγκαλιά θερμή Μου δροσίζει την ψυχή. Κι ενδόμυχα φιλιά Μου την λιώνουν την καρδιά. Υπόσχομαι· Η αγάπη αυτή Αιώνϊα θα ζει· Δε θα αλλάζει αυτή Μέχρι την τελευτή, Η σελήνη μαρτυρεί. 邓丽君的“月亮代表我的心” 你问我爱你有多深 我爱你有几分 我的情也真 我的爱也真 月亮代表我的心 你问我爱你有多深 我爱你有几分 我的情不移 我的爱不变 月亮代表我的心 * 轻轻的一个吻 已经打动我的心 深深的一段情 叫我思念到如今 # 你问我爱你有多深 我爱你有几分 你去想一想 你去看一看 月亮代表我的心 Repeat * # #
Teresa Teng’s “The moon speaks for my heart”
You ask how deeply I love you, If I love you at all. My affection’s true Like my love for you, And the moon speaks for my heart. You ask how deeply I love you, If I love you at all. My affection stays, My love does not change, And the moon speaks for my heart. * A single gentle kiss Has already moved my heart. And such a deep deep love Made me miss you up till now. # You ask how deeply I love you, If I love you at all. You just have a think, You just have a look: For the moon speaks for my heart.
Teresa Teng's "You shall read this on the moon"
You ask how deep is my love for you How much do I love you All my heart is true All my love is too You shall read this on the moon You ask how deep is my love for you How much do I love you My heart does not swerve My love does not change You shall read this on the moon * A silent gentle kiss Has blown my heart away And such a deep deep love Made me miss you till this day # You ask how deep is my love for you How much do I love you You just have a thought You just take a look You shall read this on the moon
Teresa Teng's "It's all written on the moon"
You ask how deep is my love for you How much do I love you All my heart is true All my love is too It's all written on the moon You ask how deep is my love for you How much do I love you My heart does not swerve My love does not change It's all written on the moon * A silent gentle kiss Seemed to blow my heart away And such sweet deep deep love Made me miss you till this day # You ask how deep is my love for you How much do I love you You just have a thought You just take a look It's all written on the moon
Teresa Teng's "It's all written on the moon"
You ask how deeply I love you How much I do love you My affection's true And my love is too It's all written on the moon You ask how deeply I love you How fondly I love you My heart does not swerve My love does not change It's all written on the moon * A silent gentle kiss Seems to blow my heart away And such sweet deep deep love Makes me miss you till this day You ask how deeply I love you How I do love you You just have a thought You just take a look It's all written on the moon 汝问涯爱汝有多深 涯爱汝有几分 吾个情也真 吾个爱也真 月光代表吾个心 汝问涯爱汝有多深 涯爱汝有几分 吾个情无移 吾个爱无变 月光代表吾个心 轻轻个唚一下 已经打动吾个心 深深个一段情 喊涯心焦汝到今 汝问涯爱汝有多深 涯爱汝有几分 汝去想下想 汝去看下看 月光代表吾个心 |
Testimon la luna m’è
Tu mi domandi Spesso se L'amor mio è per te Il mio amore è Santo puro e ver: Testimon la luna m’è Tu mi domandi Spesso se Ho cura o no di te Tu sei l’unico Di cui cura ho: Testimon la luna m’è Un caldo abbraccio tuo Rinfresca il cuore mio Un tener bacio tuo Io ti prometto Che il mio amor Amore eterno è Per l’eternità Mai non cambierà: Testimon la luna m’è
Testimon la luna m’è
Tu ora mi Domandi se Io ho amor per te Il mio amore è Santo puro e ver: Testimon la luna m’è Tu ora mi Domandi se Io ho affetto per te Tu sei l’unico/a Per cui affetto ho / Che il mio affetto ha: Testimon la luna m’è Un caldo abbraccio tuo Mi rinfresca l’anima Un dolce bacio tuo Il mio cuore scioglier fa Prometto a te Che il mio amor Per sempre ci sarà Per l’eternità Mai non cambierà: Testimon la luna m’è
Yuèliàng wèi wǒ biàn zhèngrén
Nǐ chángcháng lái Wèile wèn wǒ Wǒ shìfǒu liàn'ài nǐ Wǒ de ài shì zhēn Chúncuì hé wú cāi Yuèliàng wèi wǒ biàn zhèngrén Nǐ chángcháng lái Wèile wèn wǒ Wǒ shìfǒu cí'ài nǐ Nǐ shì wǒ suǒyǒu Yǐ cí'ài de rén Yuèliàng wèi wǒ biàn zhèngrén Nuǎnhuo de gè yǒngbào Ràng wǒ de jīngshén lěngmò Wēnróu de gè jiēwěn Ràng wǒ de nèixīn fěnsuì Wǒ jīn chéngnuò Wèi nǐ wǒ huì Ddào yǒngyuǎn liàn'ài nǐ Zhídàole mòrì Méiyǒu huì biàn wèi Yuèliàng wèi wǒ biàn zhèngrén
Yuèliàng kě wéi wǒ jiànzhèng
Nǐ wèn Wǒ Wǒ shìfǒu àizhe nǐ Wǒ de ài zhēnchéng Shénshèng hé chúnzhēn Yuèliàng kě wéi wǒ jiànzhèng Nǐ wèn Wǒ Shìfǒu duì nǐ yǒuqíng Nǐ shì wǒ (de) wéiyī Wèi wǒ ài de rén Yuèliàng kě wéi wǒ jiànzhèng Yī gè wēnnuǎn yǒngbào Lěngquèle wǒ de xīn Yī gè wēnróu de wěn Ràng wǒ de xīn pòsuì Wǒ xiàng nǐ Chéngnuò Wǒ huì ài nǐ dào yǒngyuǎn Zhídào shìjiè mòrì Dōu bù huí gǎibiàn Yuèliàng kě wéi wǒ jiànzhèng
Yuèliàng kě wéi wǒ jiànzhèng
Nǐ chángcháng lái Wèile wèn wǒ Wǒ shìfǒu àizhe nǐ Wǒ de ài zhēnchéng Shénshèng hé chúnzhēn Yuèliàng kě wéi wǒ jiànzhèng Nǐ chángcháng lái Wèile wèn wǒ Shìfǒu duì nǐ yǒuqíng Nǐ shì wǒ wéiyī Wèi wǒ ài de rén Yuèliàng kě wéi wǒ jiànzhèng Yī gè wēnnuǎn yǒngbào Yǐjīng lěngquè wǒ de xīn Yī gè wēnróu de wěn Yǐjīng dǎsuì wǒ de xīn Rújīn xiàng nǐ Chéngnuò wǒ huì Dào yǒngyuǎn àizhe nǐ Dào shìjiè mòrì Dōu bù huì gǎibiàn Yuèliàng kě wéi wǒ jiànzhèng
Yuèliàng kě wéi wǒ jiànzhèng
Nǐ chángcháng lái Wèile wèn wǒ Wǒ shìfǒu àizhe nǐ Wǒ de ài zhēnchéng Shénshèng hé chúnjié Yuèliàng kě wéi wǒ jiànzhèng Nǐ chángcháng lái Wèile wèn wǒ Wǒ shìfǒu àixī nǐ Nǐ shì wǒ wéiyī Wèi wǒ ài de rén Yuèliàng kě wéi wǒ jiànzhèng Yī gè wēnnuǎn yǒngbào Lěngquèle wǒ de línghún Yī gè wēnróu de wěn Dǎsuìle wǒ de nèixīn Rújīn xiàng nǐ Chéngnuò wǒ huì Dào yǒngyuǎn àizhe nǐ Dào shìjiè mòrì Dōu bù huì gǎibiàn Yuèliàng kě wéi wǒ jiànzhèng
Yuèliàng wèi wǒ biàn zhèngrén
Nǐ chángcháng lái Wèile wèn wǒ Wǒ shìfǒu liàn'ài nǐ Ài nǐ de zhēnzhèng Chúncuì hé wú cāi Yuèliàng wèi wǒ biàn zhèngrén Nǐ chángcháng lái Wèile wèn wǒ Wǒ shìfǒu xǐhuan nǐ Nǐ shì wǒ suǒyǒu Yǐ xǐhuan de rén Yuèliàng wèi wǒ biàn zhèngrén Nuǎnhuo de gè yǒngbào Ràng wǒ de jīngshén lěngmò Wēnróu de gè jiēwěn Ràng wǒ de nèixīn fěnsuì Wǒ jīn wèi nǐ Chéngnuò wǒ huì Dào yǒngyuǎn liàn'ài nǐ Zhídàole mòrì Méiyǒu huì biànwèi Yuèliàng wèi wǒ biàn zhèngrén
Yuèliàng wèi wǒ biàn zhèngrén
Nǐ chángcháng lái Wèile wèn wǒ Wǒ shìfǒu liàn'ài nǐ Ài nǐ de zhēnzhèng Chúncuì hé wú cāi Yuèliàng wèi wǒ biàn zhèngrén Nǐ chángcháng lái Wèile wèn wǒ Wǒ shìfǒu zhēnxì nǐ Nǐ shì wǒ suǒyǒu Yǐ zhēnxì de rén Yuèliàng wèi wǒ biàn zhèngrén Nuǎnhuo de gè yǒngbào Ràng wǒ de jīngshén lěngmò Wēnróu de gè jiēwěn Ràng wǒ de nèixīn fěnsuì Wǒ jīn wèi nǐ Chéngnuò wǒ huì Dào yǒngyuǎn liàn'ài nǐ Zhídàole mòrì Méiyǒu huì biàn wèi Yuèliàng wèi wǒ biàn zhèngrén
Yuèliàng jiù wèi wǒ jiànzhèng
Nǐ chángcháng lái Xiàng wǒ wèn wèn Wǒ shìfǒu àizhe nǐ Ài nǐ dé zhēnchéng Shénshèng hé chúnjié Yuèliàng jiù wèi wǒ jiànzhèng Nǐ chángcháng lái Xiàng wǒ wèn wèn Wǒ shìfǒu zhēnxī nǐ Nǐ shì wǒ wéiyī, Wǒ zhǐ zhēnxī nǐ Yuèliàng jiù wèi wǒ jiànzhèng Wēnnuǎn yī gè yǒngbào Lěngquèle wǒ de línghún Wēnróu de yī gè wěn Dǎsuìle wǒ de nèixīn Wǒ xiànzài lái Xiàng nǐ chéngnuò Wǒ ài nǐ dào yǒngyuǎn Zhídào mòrì dōu Ài nǐ dé bù biàn Yuèliàng jiù wèi wǒ jiànzhèng Inyanga ngufakazi Nina kaning’ Ungibuza Uma ngikuthanda Uthando lwami Uqoth' uncwele Inyanga ngufakazi Nina kaning’ Ungibuza Uma ngikuthanda Engiwuthanda Nguwena yodwa Inyanga ngufakazi Ingon’ efudumele Ipholis’ umoya yam’ Ukwanga emnene Kudal’ anginamandla Futh’ unginembis’: Uthando Lwami kunaphakade Esigcinweni somhlaba Aluzuguquka Inyanga ngufakazi Mi testigo la luna es. Mi amor, tu me Preguntas si Te quiero de verdad: Mi amor puro y Verdadero es, Mi testigo la luna es. Mi amor, tu me Preguntas si Te amo de verdad: Eres sólo tu Que yo amo, Mi testigo la luna es. Tus abrazos de calor Me refrescan el alma. Tus besos de amor Me derriten el corazón. Yo te prometo Que mi amor Jamás no se finirá: Por la eternidad No se cambiará, Mi testigo la luna es. Tsuki wa shônin da. «Aishite Iru ka?» to Kimi ga tazuneru: Boku no ai Sêjitsu da yo, Tsuki wa shônin da. «Koishite Iru ka?» to Kimi ga tazuneru: Kimi dake ga Daisuki da, Tsuki wa shônin da. Atsui hôyô Sêshin wo hiyasu. Shinmitsuna kisu Kokoro wo tokasu. Chigau yo: Kono koi Wa itsu made mo: Matsujitsu made Kawaranai, Tsuki wa shônin da. Nyėt-kwong tsò nga kài cìn-nyîn Nyî kin-hà lôi Kak ngâi mùn-mùn Hè ngâi yit tiám òi nyî Cin-sim òi tó nyî, Shûn-tshùi òi tó nyî, Nyėt-kwong tsò nga kài cìn-nyîn Nyî kin-hà lôi Kak ngâi mùn-mùn Hè yit tiám cin-sit nyî Tshoi nga sim tú-lí Tshiàng yìu yit cak nyî Nyėt-kwong tsò nga kài cìn-nyîn Vun-non lôi nám kèu nyî Tshìu láng-khiok-liáu nga sim-lîn Tshin-tshin lôi tsim-tsim nyî Tshìu yûng-fà-liáu nga kài sim Ngâi kin-hà lôi Tùi nyî fat-shì Ngâi yún tu vòi òi nyî: Chit-tò-liáu mȧt-nyit Ngâi m òi pièn-sim Nyėt-kwong tsò nga kài cìn-nyîn Gue̍h-niû uī guá tsò tsìng-kìnn Lí tsit-tsūn lâi Tuì guá sûn-mn̄g Kám tsi̍t-tiám-á ài lí Tsin-sim ài-tio̍h lí, Sûn-tshùi ài-tio̍h lí, Gue̍h-niû uī guá tsò tsìng-kìnn Lí tsit-tsūn lâi Tuì guá sûn-mn̄g Kám tsi̍t-tiám-á pó-sioh lí Tī guá--ê lāi-sim Tsí-ū tsi̍t ê lí Gue̍h-niû uī guá tsò tsìng-kìnn Un-luán lâi iòng-phāu lí Guá lîng-hûn tio̍h kám tshiu-tshìn Tshin-thin lâi tsim-tshuì lí Tio̍h iông-huà-liáu guá--ê sim Tuì lí hú-lo̍k: Guá lâi kā lí Sim-ài ti̍t-kàu boa̍t-li̍t Tuì lí--ê ài-ì Íng-uán buē kué-pìnn Gue̍h-niû uī guá tsò tsìng-kìnn I̱ selí̱ni̱ martyrë́ Rōtás esý Se ména edṓ An se latrév̆ō egṓ I̱ agápi̱ moy Ë́n' ali̱thi̱ní̱, I̱ selí̱ni̱ martyrë́. Rōtás esý Se ména edṓ An s' agapṓ egṓ Af̆tí̱ poy agapṓ Ë́sä móno esý, I̱ selí̱ni̱ martyrë́. Μια αγκαλιά θερμή Μου δροσίζει την ψυχή. Κι ενδόμυχα φιλιά Μου την λιώνουν την καρδιά. Ypóskhomä: I̱ agápi̱ af̆tí̱ Äṓnïa tha zë: De tha allázë af̆tí̱ Mékhri ti̱n telef̆tí̱, I̱ selí̱ni̱ martyrë́. Dèng Lìjūn de “Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn” Nǐ wèn wǒ ài nǐ yǒu duō shēn Wǒ ài nǐ yǒu jǐ fēn Wǒ de qíng yě zhēn Wǒ de ài yě zhēn Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn Nǐ wèn wǒ ài nǐ yǒu duō shēn Wǒ ài nǐ yǒu jǐfēn Wǒ de qíng bù yí Wǒ de ài bù biàn Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn * Qīng qīng de yīgè wěn Yǐjīng dǎdòng wǒ de xīn Shēn shēn de yīduàn qíng Jiào wǒ sīniàn dào rújīn # Nǐ wèn wǒ ài nǐ yǒu duō shēn Wǒ ài nǐ yǒu jǐ fēn Nǐ qù xiǎng yī xiǎng Nǐ qù kàn yī kàn Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn Repeat * # #
"La lune éclaire à mon cœur", par Teresa Teng
Tu me demandes combien je t’aime, Beaucoup ou seul un peu. Ce que j’ sens, c’est vrai, Mon amour, c’est vrai : La lune éclaire à mon cœur. Tu me demandes combien je t’aime, Beaucoup ou seul un peu. Ce que j’ sens, c’est ferme, Mon amour ne change : La lune éclaire à mon cœur. * Un douce baiser d’amour Déjà fait battre mon cœur. Un très profond amour T’a fait désiré pour moi. # Tu me demandes combien je t’aime, Beaucoup ou seul un peu. Pense-y donc un peu, Et regarde un peu : La lune éclaire à mon cœur.
"Car c'est écrit sur la lune", par Teresa Teng
Tu me demandes combien je t’aime, Meilleur ou seul un peu. Tout mon coeur est sûr Comme tout mon amour Car c'est écrit sur la lune Tu me demandes combien je t’aime, Meilleur ou seul un peu. Tout mon coeur est ferme, Mon amour ne bouges Car c'est écrit sur la lune * Un doux baiser d’amour Déjà fait battre mon cœur. Un très profond amour T’a faite désirée pour moi. # Tu me demandes combien je t’aime, Meilleur ou seul un peu. Pense-y donc un peu, Et regarde ce soir Car c'est écrit sur la lune
"Car c'est écrit sur la lune", par Teresa Teng
Tu me demandes combien je t’aime, Beaucoup ou seul un peu. Mon coeur, il est sûr Commė mon amour: C'est tout écrit sur la lune Tu me demandes combien je t’aime, Beaucoup ou seul un peu. Mon coeur est tout ferme, Mon amour ne bouge pas C'est tout écrit sur la lune * Un doux baiser d’amour Fait battre mon cœur déjà. Un très profond amour T’a faite désirée pour moi. # Tu me demandes combien je t’aime, Beaucoup ou seul un peu. Pense-y donc un peu, Et regarde ce soir Car c'est écrit sur la lune Nyî mùn ngâi òi nyî yìu to chim Ngâi òi nyî yìu kí fun Nga kài tshîn ya cin Nga kài òi ya cin Nyiėt-kwong thòi-piáu nga kài sim Nyî mùn ngâi òi nyî yìu to chim Ngâi òi nyî yìu kí fun Nga kài tshîn mô yî Nga kài òi mô pièn Nyiėt-kwong thòi-piáu nga kài sim Khiang-khiang kài tsim yit-hà Yí-kin tá-thung nga kài sim Chim-chim kài yit thon chin Hàm ngâi sim-tsiau nyî tèu kin Nyî mùn ngâi òi nyî yìu to chim Ngâi òi nyî yìu kí fun Nyî hì sióng hà sióng Nyî hì khòn hà khòn Nyiėt-kwong thòi-piáu nga kài sim |
You're welcome :).