Saturday, 5 May 2018

Different nostalgia: daughter is far away

We change type of nostalgia today: form nostalgia for youth, pining for a far-away daughter. This closes our series of Sappho posts with the fourth and last post. We have two poems today:
  1. We start with a quote by Hephaestio, who quoted this 3-line passage to exemplify trochaic meters; it is Bergk 87, Edmonds 130, Lobel-Page 132, Campbell 132; from the Paracritical Note I gather that I first saw these lines as trochaic lines, and to reach this I wanted a synaeresis in χρυσίοισιν turning ίοι into a single syllable; then I read about Hephaestio's analysis (probably on Campbell, and I give you the image of this fragment in Campbell to avoid having to copy the quote text), which gives l. 1 as –u–x–u– || –u–x–u–x, l. 2 as –u–x–u–x || x–u–x–x, and l. 3 as –u–x–u–xx || –u–x–x; at that point, ll. 1&3 fit the analysis perfectly; l. 2, however, did not; I had for some reason already integrated Κλεῦις (from Edmonds), so to reach the analysis in question I proposed to add μοι after the name; adding a syllable after the name is also Campbell's proposal, perhaps another thing may be better; in any case, I then read Edmonds' idea that Hephaestio read Κλέευις or Κλέειϊς, and just followed Edmonds' Κλεῦις; by the way, Bergk has yet another take on that name: Κλᾶις; I don't know what I did about the meters in the translations; it seems I only imitated the original well in Italian, and the rest of the translations are merely trochaic meters;
  2. We end with a poem from two papyri, which probably has holes between the two parts and in the middle of part 2; I discuss the papyri at the transcriptions post, and that is where the notation comes from; I also report the older version of the text below, which first appeared in the 5/1/11 file; note that:
    • The integration of l. 5 first appears in the 7/5/11 "new in Sappho" file;
    • The μέγαν->μέγα in l. 2 is blog-time;
    • In l. 7, the 9/6 file actually has προφανεστέροις, and the change back to προφανεστέραις is blog-time; a similar situation happens in l. 8 with ἐπαρτίαις vs. ἐπαρτίαν in the 9/6 file;
    • The two lines with the word μιτράναν are «[μ]ί̣τραν‹αν› δ’ ἀρτίως κλ[uu–ux» and «μίτραν‹αν›· ἀλλὰ τῶι Μιτυληνάωι» respectively in the file, and the changes are blog-time, I assume; I'm too lazy to check :);
    • OK, screw it, here are the last two tercets in the file's form: «[. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ].[. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] / †παισ̣απ̣ειον† ἔχην πο[λιν] / αἰ κε̣[ν] ἦ̣ ποικίλας κ[uu–ux / / ταύτα̣ς τᾶς Κλεανακτίδ[ᾱν] / φύγας λ̣α̣ῖ{σ}α πόλῑς ἔχει / μνάματ’· ο̣ἴδε γὰρ αἶνα διέρρυ̣ε̣[ν]»; the only non-blog-time change in this line is πο[λιν]->πο[λις] from the uncertainly-dated fragments file which is presumably either 25/6 or 14/7;
    • All other changes (modulo possibly changes to the bracketing and underdotting, and any underlines which all definitely first appeared on the blog, and the switch from BA-style lacuna marking "– ^ ^" to my style "–uu"/"–ux", which seems to have happened in the 17/5 fragments file) only appear in the 9/6/11 fragments file, and were dealt with on 2/6/11 as per diary;
    be it noted that the indications of missing strophae probably also are a blog-time addition, and that the version below is actually copypasted from the 9/1/11 file, since the 5/1 file is a PDF that doesn't copypaste well (e.g. «[�]μμεναι μ�λα το�το . [ ^ ]» is how l. 5 gets copypasted from that file); the meter is gl||gl||cr+gl, that is two glyconics and a line made from a cretic and a glyconic, aka xx–uu–ux || xx–uu–ux || –u–|xx–uu–ux, and I imitated that with rhymes interspersed in English and Italian, and kept it in Latin.
Let's see these poems!

Ἔστι μοι κάλα πάϊς, || χρυσίοισιν ἀνθέμοισιν
ἐμφέρη‹ν› ἔχοισα μόρφαν, || Κλεῦις ἀγαπάτα,
ἀντί τᾶς ἔγω οὐδὲ Λυδίαν || παῖσαν οὐδ' ἔρανναν.
[Λέσβον ἐσλάβοιμί κεν… ]

Ho͜ una figlia splendida, || simile͜ a dorato fiore
Ella ha una gran beltà, || Cle͜ide del mi͜o cuore,
Per le͜i ’n cambio tutta Lidïa || i͜o non [prenderèi]
Né la cara [Lesbo… ]

[. . ].θος· ἀ γάρ μ᾽ ἐγέννα[τ᾽ ἔφα ποτά·

[σ]φᾶς ἐπ᾽ ἀλικίας μέγ[αν
[κ]όσμον αἴ τις ἔχη φόβα‹ι›ς
[π]ορφύρωι κατελιξαμέν[α πλόκωι

[ἔ]μμεναι μάλα τοῦτο . [ ^ ] 5
[ἀ]λλ᾽ ἀ ξανθοτέρα‹ι›ς ἔχη[ις]
[τ]α‹ὶ›ς κόμα‹ι›ς δάιδος προφ[ανεστέραις]

[σ]τεφάνοισιν ἐπαρτία[ις
[ἀ]νθέων ἐριθαλέων
[μ]ίτρα· ‹τ›ὰν δ᾽ ἀρτίως Κλ[έϊ – ^ ^ ] 10

ποικίλαν ἀπὺ Σαρδίω[ν
οἶα] Μαονίας πόλεις
[ – ^ – ^ ^ – ^ ^ – ^ ^ ]

[Στρῶφαί τινες δύνανται τῇδε ἀπολωλεκέσθαι.]

σοὶ δ᾽ ἔγω, Κλέϊ, ποικίλαν
οὐκ ἔχω· πόθεν ἔσσεται
μίτρα ν‹ῦ›ν; ἀλλὰ τῶι Μ‹υ›τ‹ι›ληνάωι

[Στρῶφαί τινες δύνανται τῇδε ἀπολωλεκέσθαι.]

[. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ].[. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]
+παισαπειον+ ἔχην πολ[ις]
αἰ κε[.]η ποικίλας κ. . .[

ταύτας τᾶς Κλεανακτίδ[αν]
φύγας +αλις α πολις ἔχει+ 5
μνάματ᾽ [ο]ἴδε γὰρ αἶνα διέρρυε[ν]
] . θος· ἂ γάρ με γέννα̣[τ' ἔφα ποτά·

σ]φ̣ᾶς ἐπ' ἀλικίας μέγα
κ]όσμ̣ο̣ν αἴ τις ἔχη φόβαι[ς
π̣ορφ̣ύρῳ κατελιξαμέ[να πλόκῳ

ἔ̣μμεναι μάλα τοῦτο δ̣ή 5
λλ' ἀ ξα̣νθοτέρα‹ι›ς ἔχη
τ̣α‹ὶ›ς κόμα‹ι›ς δάϊδος, προ[φανεστέραις

σ]τεφάν̣οισιν ἐπαρτία[ις
ἀν]θέων ἐριθαλέων
μ]ι̣τράναν δ' ἀρτίως κλ[ 10

π]οικίλαν ἀπὺ Σαρδίω[ν
] Μ̣αονίας πόλεις

[Στρῶφαί τινες δύνανται τῇδε ἀπολωλεκέσθαι.]

Σοὶ δ' ἔγω, Κλέϊ, ποικίλαν
οὐκ ἔχω πόθεν ἔσσεται
μιτράν‹αν› ἀλλὰ τῷ Μ‹υ›τ‹ι›ληνάῳ

[Στρῶφαί τινες δύνανται τῇδε ἀπολωλεκέσθαι.]

] . [
†παι . απειον† ἔχην πό[λις
αἴ κε̣[ν] ἦ ποικίλας κ . . [

Ταύτας τᾶς Κλεανακτίδα
φύγας ‹λα›ῖ{σ}α πόλῑς ἔχει 5
μνάματ' οἴδε γὰρ αἶνα διέρρυε

–] e chi gener[ò]mmi [mi disse͜ un dì:] 3

“Nel [m]i͜o tempo ͜[or]namento fu
Grande se͜ una [ghirlanda] tu
Su͜i cape͜[i] che͜ involv[e͜a]li purpure’͜ avei, 6

Grande͜ invero assa͜i; però
Chi͜ i capelli di torci͜a pi͜ù
Bi͜ondi͜ ave͜a, addicen[za] maggi͜or vede͜a 9

In [c]orone di floridi
[F]i͜ori,͜ [assa͜i ben] vis[ibili;
Poco fa po͜i [g]hirlanda [u–x] da 12

Sard[i, v]ari͜a ne’ suo͜i color,
–u–] di Mëonïa le città; 15

[Alcune strofe possono essere andate perdute qui.]

Cle͜ide, dove trovar per te
Tal ghirlanda sgargi͜ante͜ a me
Noto no è; però͜ al Mitilenïo 18

[Alcune strofe possono essere andate perdute qui.]

xx–u] aver ci[ttà]
Se si può ricche [–uu–ux] 21

D’esta delle Cleanattid[i]
Fuga l’urbe͜ ha memorïe
Brutte: ché fece[r] lor spreco͜ orribile 24
Pūlchră fīlĭāst mĭhī, || flōrĭbūs quĭd’ a͞urĕīs
Fōrmăm ēst quǣ pār, || mĭhī Clĕīs cārīssĭmă,
Īpsǎ pr’ e͞a nēc Lȳdĭām || tōtăm ha͞udquĕ cārăm
[Lēsbŭm āccĭpi͞am mĭhī… ]

I do have a pretty daughter, || t’ golden flow’rs she has
Comparable indeed a beauty, || Clei͜s, who my love has,
I would not [exchange] for her || all Lydia, nor darling
[Lesbos, not at all… ]

–u] ōlīm mātē[r] mĕă [dīxĭt hǣc:

M]ĕō tēmpŏrĕ māgn’ ĕrăt
[D]ĕcūs sī quĭ’ cŏmā[s] hăbē-
bāt [cŏrōn’] īntū[s] pūrpŭrĕā quĭdĕm;

Blōndi͞orēs [tă]mĕn īllă quǣ
Tǣdǣ lūcĕ cŏmās hăbē-
bāt, tŭm āpt’ ĕrăt [vīs]ĭbĭ[li͞orĭbŭs

C]ŏrōnīs bĕnĕ [f]lōrŭm ēx-
flōrēnti͞um; [uu–ux]
Āntĕhāc pa͞ulūm Sārdĭbŭ[s] ābs [ux

C]ŏrōnām [uu d]īvĭtĕm
Ūrbēs Mǣŏnĭǣ [ux
–u– xx–uu–ux

[Strophæ aliquot possunt hic perditæ esse.]

Āc tĭbī, Clĕĭ, dīvĭtĕm
Nēscĭ’ ūndĕ fŏrīt cŏrō-
nām quĭdēm nūnc; tămēn Mĭty̆lēnĭō 18

[Strophæ aliquot possunt hic perditæ esse.]

Ūr[bēs –u] hăbērĕ [x]
Sī lĭce͞a[t] dīvĭtēs [uu–ux]

Īstīūs Clĕănāctĭd[ŭm]
Fūgǣ ūrbs mĕmŏri͞as habĕt
Māl’; ĭ’ hōrrĭbĭl’ ābs mălĕ iēct’ hăbēnt

–u] she who bega[t] me [once said to me:

“[’]Twas great [or]nament, in [m]y days,
If a [garland] of purple blaze
Someone’s hai[r] did surroun[d] and did not leave bare, 6

It indeed very much was so;
But if somebody’s hair’s blond glow
Than a torch brighter was, she was ap[t] to scorch 9

Eyes with eye-[striking] blossoming
F]lowers’ [g]arlands, yea, that’s the thing;
Recently [g]arland [–uu–ux

x] from Sardis, in colour rich,
x] Mæonïa’s cities [x
–u– xx–uu–ux 15

[Some stanzas may have been lost here.]

Rich in colour, o Cleis, for thee
Such a garland where’er may be
I don’t know; but to that Mithylenian [x 18

[Some stanzas may have been lost here.]

xx–u] to cit[ies] have,
If we ma[y], rich ones [–uu–ux 21

Of the daughte[rs] of Cleanax’s flight
Our city have only might
Memories bad: of their dreadful wast[e ux 24

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