Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Sappho comparative numbering table

This is exactly what the title says: a huge table that compares the numbering of Sappho fragments in Bergk, Edmonds, Lobel-Page, Voigt, Campbell, safopoemas, my files, the All of Sappho post, and the Chinese poetic Sappho post. A couple comments on how the table is structured.
  • First of all, the columns.
    1. Column 1 is Lobel-Page, that is it contains the number given to a fragment in the edition by Lobel-Page. A couple of comments on that.
      • Firstly, sometimes many fragments are under the same numbers, with additional letters or numbers to separate them. In those cases, I keep the multi-fragment number and add the extra letters and/or numbers after it, in round brackets (), like the edition does.
      • There are cases where a single number is assigned to a collection of quotations of other authors about Sappho, or even where a number plus extras (cfr. above) is thus used. In those cases, I count the quote I'm referring to and add the number after a period. So for example, Lobel-Page 202 is a collection of six quotations, which are numbered as 202.1, 202.2, and so on up to 202.6.
      • In the case of 214, I decided to use a different notation for some reason, maybe because it's something like the mishmashes of safopoemas and The Complete Poems of Sappho, so instead of 214.1 and so on you have 214[1] and so on, with square brackets.
      • In some cases, I split fragments into parts for easier comparisons with other sources. In those cases, you either have a specific indication of "l. <number>" or "col. <number>" or "in/outside cruces", or the dot notation from two items above, as happens for fragment 22, which has two parts, 22.1 and 22.2.
      • In some of the above cases, other sources have the same fragment as Lobel-Page, so I either use the notation of inclusion (see below) or add an extra row for the fragment as a whole, marking the sources that split the fragment as not having the whole.
      • I mark quotations of other authors speaking about Sappho out of which Lobel-Page hasn't extracted a Sappho fragment as "raw quote".
      • Sometimes I dig up things from the critical notes, and write it down in the cell for the dug-up thing.
      • Sometimes there are fragments that other editions ascribe to Sappho while the Lobel-Page one assigns them to Alcaeus. In those cases, the LP column will read "Alc. <number>".
      • In before anyone comments "You forgot LP 89" and/or "You forgot LP inc. 9", no I haven't, they are EMPTY SPOTS. Because apparently having empty spots while not following another edition's numbering is a thing that makes sense now.
      • Note that LP 87(19) is actually split into (a) and (b) but I decided to ignore that because (I guess) I missed the letters on first pass and I couldn't be bothered to change a billion ROS numbers to split the two parts on second pass.
    2. Column 2 is the Voigt numbers.
      • The same warnings apply as to Lobel-Page, with the difference that, in case of "extras" in the number (see warning 2 above), Voigt doesn't use brackets, and neither do I.
      • Moreover, in some cases, the number itself contains a capital letter, whereas the extras are always lowercase letters.
      • Also, IIRC, there are two numbers missing in the testimonia of Voigt (≥194), one of which is "vacat", and one of which, 263, has merely a reference to someone's work and no quotation.
    3. Column 3 is Campbell.
      • The same warnings apply.
      • He uses brackets for "extras" like Lobel-Page, but has the capital letters as Voigt, and in some fragments near the end he uses the letter extras of Voigt, wrapped in brackets.
      • Also, he skips some numbers because he uses Lobel-Page numbers (mostly) but omits certain fragments because (I assume) they are too holey for any meaningful translation.
      • I also list the testimonia, which are quotations of other authors speaking about Sappho and her poetry. These are reported as T<number>, where the number is the one they have. Indeed, the testimonia are numbered separately from the fragments.
    4. Column 4 is Edmonds.
      • Multi-fragment numbers don't exist in his edition, but there are raw quotes (cfr. above).
      • There are also "e.g."s. In fragments marked that way, he takes a raw quotation, and reconstructs a fragment out of it in whatever meter he wants, or continues an existing fragment with what he thinks may have followed.
      • He also omits many fragments despite having them, but since he has no "standard" numbering to follow, that doesn't show as happens in Campbell.
      • I don't think I scoured his Alcaeus part, but if I found anything in this table among his Alcaeus fragments, it will be marked as in the other editions.
      • I also categorized the quotations in his "Life of Sappho" section. Unfortunately, the only numbers available were page numbers, so for those fragments, I use the notation "L., p. <number>, <number2>", where "L" stands for "Life (of Sappho)", number is the number of the page the fragment at hand appears on, and number2 is the number it occupies on the page. For example, "L., p. 158, 2" is the second quotation on p. 158. Note that, if a quotation overflows the page, it is counted only for the page it starts on, and will not count as number one on the page it ends on. Luckily, no page is filled by a part of a quotation, so this counting method doesn't skip any page numbers (well, save for odd ones which have the translations).
    5. Column 5 is Bergk. The same warnings mostly happen here, except he doesn't have multi-fragment numbers.
    6. Column 6 is Bibliotheca Augustana.
      • To number the fragments here, I write the book number in roman style, then a dot, then the number in the book, which is counted manually. For example, "IV.10" is fragment 10 of book 4.
      • The site has an Ἐξ ἀδήλων βιβλίων section, i.e. a section collecting fragments that cannot be assigned to any book. Since the link treats the section as book 10, but it isn't really a book, I denote it as «"X"». So for example, the fifth unassigned fragment is «"X".5».
      • This site also uses "extras" at times, which I copy in my numbering.
      • Every fragment number is clickable, and opens the book the fragment is found in.
    7. Column 7 is In that case, a checkmark will indicate the presence of the fragment (with a link to the fragment attached to it), a fancy x the absence of a fragment, and a clickable inclusion symbol the fact that a fragment is included in one of the reported fragments.
    8. Column 8 is "the doc", a word document called SaffoComm1.doc containing an anthology with commentary in Italian. The same notations are used as for, but the document is no longer available, so no links can be provided.
    9. Column 9 is Sean B. Palmer's "The Complete Poems of Sappho".
      • When a fragment appears under its Lobel-Page number (whether it be in the format "Lobel-Page <number>", "L-P <number>", or "<number>LP"), I fill the cell with a checkmark.
      • When a fragment doesn't appear, I fill the cell with a "fancy x".
      • When a fragment appears with a wrong Lobel-Page number, or an otherwise wrong number, I wrap it with «».
      • When a fragment is spliced but under the right Lobel-Page (or other) number, I wrap the number in <>.
      • Then there are the mishmashes, two of them, where several distinct fragments are smashed together with no diacritics and no link between each other. In those cases, I report whatever number the mishmash appears under, and specify its position in the mishmash by a number. For example, the sixth fragment in the mishmash reported as Wharton 12 will be «"Wharton 12"[6]».
      • If a fragment is reported with a non-Lobel-Page number, I report it in the cell.
    10. Column 10 gives the coordinates of the fragments on my blog.
      • When a fragment is given a title, or is posted alone, the title of the fragment or post is reported for the link.
      • When a fragment is posted with others and no title is given, the number of the fragment in the post is given for the link.
      • When a fragment hasn't yet been posted and isn't in the post "The rest of Sappho", the title of the post is given, and a number or title follows. This is now mostly obsolete, but I leave it just in case I missed a missing link both in the 9/5/19 update and in the checkup. Warn me if you see any.
      • When a fragment belongs in "The rest of Sappho", it is marked as "ROS <number>.<letter>.<roman number>, where the number, letter, and roman number are the coordinates on that post (see the post to understand this). I will not put links on those: you already have the link here.
    11. Columns 11 and 12 are, respectively, the numbers of the fragments on All of Sappho and Chinese poetic Sappho.
      • The general warnings below still hold.
      • There was only one multi-fragment number, which closed book IV of the first link and the ionic a maiore group of the second one, and had been assigned three fragments to avoid changing a billion numbers in those posts. It has since gone, so there shouldn't be any multi-fragment numbers here
      • Many fragments haven't yet been placed in those posts, but are to be placed, and are denoted with TBA, "To Be Assigned". UPDATE: This has since become obsolete, the only fragments yet to be placed being the fusions which would refer to the final table which doesn't have a column for the editions.
      • Any other editions of Sappho I may have on this blog share the numbering with the Chinese one. For example, there is the Greek edition Σαπφούς ἄπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta.
    12. Column 13 is the number of the fragments in my files, that is the Sappho file and the Paracritical Note. It's time to tell the story of my files' numbers.
      • I first copied all the fragments from Wikisource with the Wikisource numbers.
      • Then, I realized there were more fragments, and that some fragments kept distinct in Greek Wikisource were to be combined.
      • So I added extra "re-<number>-and-<other number>" and "re-<number>-and-more" fragments.
      • What was completely ignored by Greek Wikisource but still translatable I included in the file under letter numbers, like the milk poem (Lobel-Page 21), which is fragment k. And then I ran out of letters, and so restarted, prepending an a, getting "numbers" like aa, ab, and so on, and then ba, and up to bl, which you won't see here (I think) because it's included in LP 31 and is the first papyrus transcribed here.
      • And of course, there are the untranslatables, numbered separately. I must say that the distinction between translatable and untranslatable is more or less random, though it carries over to the blog because why not.
    13. Column 14 has the safopoemas numbers.
      • There are cases where some fragments are also included in another one. This is the case of the Ostrakon Florentinum fragment, for which cfr. below. In those cases, the rows for those fragments have their numbers, plus the notice of the inclusion. This occurs because safopoemas follows a 1937 French edition of Sappho which was published before several sources, and what was not in that edition is reported separately at the end.
      • There is a case in which the same fragment is reported twice, for some reason, and thus the row has two numbers.
      • There are two cases where safopoemas does the IMO pretty dumb and unjustified thing of compressing all the UTLs they know of in a book into a single number without even signalling they are from different fragments, except via fragment numbers at the start of each fragment and || at the end of each fragment. More precisely, fr. 40 is a smashing of P.Oxy. 1231 fragments, and fr. 88 is a smashing of P.Oxy. 1787 fragments. In those cases, I add square-bracketed numbers. So safopoemas 40[1] would be the first bit of the compacting of P.Oxy. 1231 UTLs that is safopoemas 40.
    14. Column 15 has the numbers of the edition by Παναγής Λεκατσάς (Paagís Lekatsás), a Modern Greek edition from around 1937. Remember that, while I use Roman numbers for books, "A" for fragments from uncertain books, and inc. for fragments of uncertain author, he numbers books with Greek letters.
    15. Column 16 lists the sources of the fragments. Where some sources weren't available to some editions, they are in round brackets (). In apparently only one case, square brackets indicate sources that were excluded by other sources found later than some (actually, all) the editions (and even my files): in Lobel-Page 26, the P.Sapph. Obbink addition excludes the integration with the Etymologicum Magnum quote, which is therefore in []s. Sources more recent than my files are in (())s (i.e. double round brackets).
    16. You may think I've forgotten a column: after all, I had Greek Wikisource as a source too back in the days. Well, the Greek Wikisource column is the my files column, where there are numbers or titles, and doesn't have fragments that don't have either. Any exceptions are (or should be) warned about in the relevant cells of the "my files" column.
  • Now for some general notational warnings.
    • When I don't have a number for a reference, I write "–" when I believe the fragment is simply not in the reference, and "?" where I'm surprised I can't find it. This isn't valid for those columns where I said above that the absence of a fragment is denoted by a fancy x.
    • In cases where extra sources considerably altered a fragment's length, or merged previously different fragments, I don't put all the numbers in the same cell, but put "–" and have extra lines for the separate piece, which will display "⊆<number>" for sources that have the merged version. There are also cases where different editions don't agree to whether two papyrus fragments should or should not be joined. In those cases, I will split the joiners' entries into separate rows, and perhaps add extra rows for the full fragments. Let me give some examples of this.
      1. Bergk didn't have the Ostrakon Florentinum which gave us the Idyll with Aphrodite, but had the three quotations as three distinct fragments, so the row for the idyll will have "–" under Bergk, and then there will be three extra rows for the quotes, which will show e.g. "⊆LP2" for Lobel-Page, given that the Ostrakon + quotes poem is Lobel-Page 2.
      2. Lobel-Page and others join the Gongyla poem with another fragment which goes on top of Gongyla. Since the Lobel-Page number for the combination happens to be 22, I will use 22.1 for the top part and 22.2 for Gongyla.
      3. Let's now address Sappho 44. Now, the first thing we had was a corrupted excerpt which was Bergk 72 and allowed the reconstruction of the word ποτήρια, and the single-word μύρρα. Then the P.Oxy. 1232 came up, but there was no reason to make a single poem out of these, so Edmonds has his 66 split into essentially three poems, and safopoemas has letters to mark them off, giving 56A, 56B, and 56C. Then P.Oxy. 2076 joined 1232 fr. 2 with 1232 fr. 1 col. iii, and since col. ii was from the same fragment (and probably by considerations of original height of the scroll), the whole thing was made into a poem with lacunas, which is what Lobel-Page, Voigt, Campbell, Bibliotheca Augustana, and I do. So in the table, the Lobel-Page 44 row has no Edmonds or Bergk or safopoemas, because those have their three separate rows for Edmonds and safopoemas, and Bergk has a row for Bergk 72. And obviously the single word will have its Bergk row, possibly a number for Edmonds, and an integration note for the rest (safopoemas excluded, of course).
      4. Let me now also address LP 78. First of all, we have Bergk 80, a lone quoted couplet. Edmonds 118 reworks that slightly. Then, P.Oxy. 1787 frr. 1 + 2 + 1a come up, and a bunch of new lines get their endings. Fr. 2 is thrown in only because of that couplet, whose second line started with the four letters legible in the first line of that scrap. Since the scrap appeared to have a coronis after that line, the resulting combination was split into LP 78, ending with the couplet, and LP with the remaining two lines. This is what happens in LP and Campbell. Then, in 2003 more or less, Cologne papyri created a mess with that division. Indeed, a part of LP 78 was found on those papyri, ending two lines before the couplet, and starting a bunch of lines after the start of P.Oxy. 1788 fr. 1, which caused LP 78 to be split into three. Given that the part after the one found on the Cologne papyri is very short, and that the apparent coronis may in fact be a paragraphos, I joined that part with LP 79. Also, there are extra lines on Cologne that weren't on Oxy, both before and after LP 78+79. The parts after it were deemed not Sappho as the dialect appears not to be Aeolic and the meter also appears non-Aeolic, but the parts before could well be Sappho. So on my blog I have "P.Oxy. lines" split into three (pre-Cologne, Cologne, post-Cologne) witu blank lines, and "Cologne extras". Then in the all-Sappho posts I have the Cologne-and-Oxy part, the pre-Cologne Oxy part, the post-Cologne Oxy part, and the Cologne extras, each with its own number. Then there is safopoemas, which clearly doesn't have Cologne, but keeps LP 78 and 79 together in one single fragment.
    • I'm not as nitpicky with testimonia as with fragments, since each edition has its own cut for the common quotation (that is, starts, ends, and cuts bits out of, the quote as it pleases), but I do have at least one case, a Campbell testimonium from Horace, where one testimonium is made up of two Edmonds Life of Sappho extracts, so the corresponding row for Campbell has no Edmonds number, and the Edmonds rows are marked as included in the Campbell testimonium.
  • I have not included a column for this Italian anthology, because going through each and every row of this humongous table to add it is just too long a task. I have, however, made a smaller table with Italian anthology vs. Lobel-Page vs. blog coordinates, which will be after the bigger one. The all-Sappho posts have a separate group for the fusions, and the different restorations from that anthology may or may not end up as alternate versions of the matching poems.
  • I also will not include a column for the renumbering that will occur in the Italian edition I plan to make, where I will finally get rid of the BS distinction of translatable-ἀμετάφραστον. The titles will be the same as in the other editions, so use those. I may or may not add a mini-table at the end for number correspondences between the editions.

Lobel-Page Voigt Campbell Edmonds Bergk Biblio-theca Augus-tana Aoidoi .org doc TCPOS On this blog All of Sappho Chinese poetic Sappho My files safo-poemas Lekatsas Source
1 1 1 1 1 I.1 𐄂 Ode to Aphrodite 1 1 Ύμνος προς την Αφροδίτην 1 I.1 Diogenes of Halicarnassus (+ P.Oxy. 2288)
2 2 2.1 I.5 𐄂 Idyll with Aphrodite 2 2 4 209 Ostrakon florentinum + Hermogenes Walz. III + Athenaeus XI + Crameri Anecdota
3 3 3 35 I.29 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 8 13 13 g 23 I.23 P.Berol. 5006 p. 9, side a + P.Oxy. 424
4 4 4 34 I.30 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.H.viii 38 38 h 24 I.24 P.Berol. 5006 p. 9, side b
5 5 5 36 I.31 𐄂 𐄂 Cypris and Nereids 4 4 Κύπρι καὶ Νηρήϊδες 25 I.25 P.Oxy. 7 (+ P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 6 (+ P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 3 col. ii + fr. 5) )
6(a) ⊆6 I.15a 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP6 ⊆ROS 2.C.i ⊆270 ⊆270 UTL 1 P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 1(a)
6(b) ⊆6 6(b) I.15b 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP6 ⊆ROS 2.C.i ⊆270 ⊆270 UTL 2 215 P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 1(b)
7 7 7 I.16 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.i 285 285 UTL 3 P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 2
8 8 8 I.17 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.ii 286 286 UTL 4 P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 3
9 9 9 I.18 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.iii 287 287 UTL 5 P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 4 ((+ P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 1))
10 OMISSUM I.19 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 1.J.xxiv 14 14 UTL 6 P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 5 ((+P.Sapph. Obbink))
11 OMISSUM I.20 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.i 236 236 UTL 7 P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 7
12 12 I.21 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.ii 237 237 UTL 8 P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 8
13 OMISSUM I.22 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.i 173 173 UTL 9 P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 10
14 OMISSUM I.23 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.ii 174 174 UTL 10 P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 11
15(a) 15a ⊆15 I.32 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP15 The curse ⊆5 ⊆5 ⊆i 40[1] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 3
15(b) 15b ⊆15 37 I.32 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP15 The curse, ROS 5.C.i for Edmonds version ⊆5 ⊆5 ⊆i 26 I.26 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 1 col. i
16 16 16 I.33 𐄂 𐄂 Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth 16 16 I.27 Apollonius De Syntaxi + PSI 123 + P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 1 col. i + col. ii + fr. 36 + P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 2 ((+ P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 2a col. i + col. ii + fr. 2b col. i + Apollonius de Pronominibus + Etymology-cum mag-num))
17 17 17 40 I.34 𐄂 𐄂 Divine Hera 3 3 Πότνια Ἥρα 28 I.28 PSI 123 + P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 1 col. ii (+ P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 3 + P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 9 (+ P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 2a col. ii + fr. 2b col. i) )
18 18 18 ? I.35 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 2.D.lxix ⊆353 ⊆353 UTL 11 29 I.29 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 1 col. ii
19 19 19 ? I.36 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.iv 288 288 UTL 12 30 I.30 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 2
20 20 20 41 (e.g.) I.37 𐄂 𐄂 Prayer to avert stormy journeys 6 6 j 31 I.31 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 9 (+ P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 4A)
21 21 21 42 I.38 𐄂 𐄂 I would marry, but I'm old 22 22 k 32 I.32 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 10 + Apollonius De Pronominibus
22.1 22.1 22.1 I.39 𐄂 𐄂 Diehl 33 ROS 2.D.v 289 289 UTL 13 33 I.33 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 12
22.2 22.2 22.2 45 I.44 𐄂 𐄂 Diehl 36 Gongyla, ROS 5.B.i for Edmonds version 10 10 Κέλομαι σε, Γογγύλα 36 I.36 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 15
23 23 23 44 I.43 𐄂 𐄂 Ode to a beautiful woman 15 15 m 35 I.35 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 14
24(a) ⊆24a ⊆24(a) 43 I.40 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ LP 24(a) Remember: we did those things too⊆ROS 7 23 23 l 34 I.34 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 13
24(b) 24c 24(b) I.41 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.iii 238 238 UTL 14 40[4] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 17
24(c) 24d 24(c) I.42 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.iv 239 239 UTL 15 40[9] + 40[12] P.Oxy. 1231 frr. 22 + 25
25 25 I.48 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.v 240 240 UTL 16 40[5] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 18
26 26 26 I.45 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 3 11 11 re-12B-and-15 37 I.37 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 16 + Apollo-nius De Pro-nominibus [+ Etymologicum Magnum] ((+ P.Sapph. Obbink))
27 27 27 I.46 𐄂 𐄂 You were also a tender young child 18 18 n I.38 P.Oxy. 1231 frr. 50-54 (50 being used with the revised transcription taking the new fragments into account, thus not matching Edmonds 46) + P.Oxy. 2166(a) frr. 5a+5b
28(a) 28a I.49 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 290 290 UTL 17 40[8] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 21
28(b) 28b I.50 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.iii 175 175 UTL 18 40[13] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 26
28(c) 28c I.51 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.iv 176 176 UTL 19 40[9] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 27
29(1) OMISSUM I.52(1) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.v 177 177 UTL 20 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 4
29(2) 29a I.52(2) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.vii 291 291 UTL 21 40[2] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 5
29(3) OMISSUM I.52(3) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 241 241 UTL 22 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 6
29(4) OMISSUM I.52(4) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.vii 242 242 UTL 23 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 7
29(5) 29b I.52(5) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.viii 292 292 UTL 24 40[3] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 11
29(6a) 29c 29(6a) I.52(6a) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.ix 293 293 UTL 25 40[6] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 19 (+ P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 4B)
29(6b) OMISSUM I.52(6b) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 178 178 UTL 26 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 6B
29(7) OMISSUM I.52(7) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.viii 243 243 UTL 27 40[7] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 20
29(8) 29d I.52(8) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.x 294 294 UTL 28 40[10] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 23
29(9) 29e I.52(9) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xi 295 295 UTL 29 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 28
29(10) OMISSUM I.52(10) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xii 296 296 UTL 30 40[14] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 30
29(11) OMISSUM I.52(11) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.ix 244 244 UTL 31 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 31
29(12) OMISSUM I.52(12) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.x 245 245 UTL 32 40[15] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 35
29(13) OMISSUM I.52(13) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.vii 179 179 UTL 33 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 38
29(14) OMISSUM I.52(14) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xi 246 246 UTL 34 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 41
29(15) OMISSUM I.52(15) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xii 247 247 UTL 35 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 43
29(16) OMISSUM I.52(16) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xiii 248 248 UTL 36 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 44
29(17) OMISSUM I.52(17) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.viii 180 180 UTL 37 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 45
29(18) OMISSUM I.52(18) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.ix 181 181 UTL 38 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 48
29(19) OMISSUM I.52(19) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.x 182 182 UTL 39 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 49
29(20) 29f I.52(20) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xiv 249 249 UTL 40 40[21] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 55
29(21) OMISSUM I.52(21) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xi 183 183 UTL 41 P.Oxy. 1231 frr. 29 + 42 + P.Oxy. 2081(c) fr. 1
29(22) 29g I.52(22) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xiii 297 297 UTL 42 P.Oxy. 2081(c) fr. 2
29(23) OMISSUM I.52(23) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xiv 298 298 UTL 43 P.Oxy. 2081(c) fr. 3
29(24) 29h 29(24) I.52(24) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xv 299 299 UTL 44 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 1
29(25a) ⊆24a ⊆24(a) I.52(25a) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xvi⊆ROS 7 300⊆23 v. 2 300⊆23 v. 2 UTL 45 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 7
29(25b) 24b I.52(25b) 𐄂 𐄂 ✓⊆LP25a ROS 2.A.xii 184 184 UTL 46 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 7B
29(26) OMISSUM I.52(26) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xiii 185 185 UTL 49 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 8
29(27) OMISSUM I.52(27) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xiv 186 186 UTL 50 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 9
29(28) OMISSUM I.52(28) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xv 187 187 UTL 51 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 10
29(29) 29i I.52(29) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xvii 301 301 UTL 52 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 11
29(30) OMISSUM I.52(30) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xviii 302 302 UTL 53 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 12
29(31) OMISSUM I.52(31) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xvi 188 188 UTL 54 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 13
29(32) OMISSUM I.52(32) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xvii 189 189 UTL 55 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 14
29(33) OMISSUM I.52(33) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xviii 190 190 UTL 56 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 15
29(34) OMISSUM I.52(34) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xix 303 303 UTL 57 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 16
29(35) OMISSUM I.52(35) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xv 250 250 UTL 58 P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 17
30 30 30 47 (e.g.) I.47 𐄂 𐄂 Let's sing for the couple!, ROS 5.A.i for Edmonds version 31 (has Edmonds version too) 31 (has Edmonds version too) o 39 I.39 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 56 (+ P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 6A)
31 31 31 2 2 I.2 𐄂 Ode to Anactoria 9 9 2 2 I.2 Longinus on Sublime + Apollonius De Pronominibus (+ P.S.I. omaggio all'XI congresso di papirologia aka PSI XV 1470)
32 32 32 10 11 I.9 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 2 25 25 10 21 I.14 Apollonius De Pronominibus
33 33 33 9 10 I.8 𐄂 𐄂 Prayer 7 7 9 22 I.9 Apollonius De Syntaxi
34 34 34 3 3 I.4 𐄂 𐄂 The stars and the moon (Poem 1) 24 24 3 3 I.3 Eustath. II + Julianus Epistulae XIX
35 35 35 5 7 I.6 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 4 26 26 6 6 I.6 Strabo I
36 36 36 23 27 I.27 𐄂 𐄂 ✓ = "Wharton 12"[4] ROS 1.H.vii 33 33 e 14 I.18 Etymologicum Magnum + Etymologicum Gud. + Etymologicum Genuinum
37.1 37.1 37.1 17 I.13.1 𐄂 𐄂 "Wharton 12"[6] = LP37 l. 1 ROS 1.H.v l. 1 29.1 29.1 17.1 10 I.19 Vetus Etymologicum Magnum
37.2 37.2 37.2 18 20 I.13.2 𐄂 𐄂 LP37 ll. 2-3 ROS 1.H.v rest 29.2 29.2 17.2 11 I.11 Etymologicum Magnum
38 38 38 27 115 I.26 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.G.i 37 37 d 20 I.22 Etymologicum Magnum
39 39 39 20 22 I.24 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.C.vii 30 30 19 13 I.10 Scholiast on Aristophanes, Peace
40 ⊆40 40 7 8 I.7 𐄂 𐄂 Libation ⊆19 ⊆19 ⊆7 16 I.15 Apollonius De Pronominibus
41 41 41 14 17 I.11 𐄂 𐄂 Unchanging opinion 17 17 14 19 I.13 Apollonius De Pronominibus
42 42 42 16 19 I.12 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 32 32 b 8 I.8 Scholiast on Pindar's Pythicae I
43 43 43 65 (e.g.) II.14 𐄂 𐄂 Morn is nigh 46 59 t 55 II.1 P.Oxy. 1232 fr. 1 col. i
44 44 44 II.15 𐄂 𐄂 Hector and Andromacha 47 60 Ἕκτωρ καὶ Ἀνδρομάχη II.2 P.Oxy. 1232 fr. 1 col. ii + col. iii + fr. 2 (+ P.Oxy. 2076 col. ii) + Athenaeus XI (+ Hesychius = Voigt 169A)
45 45 45 50 26 II.4 𐄂 𐄂 ✓ = «Bergk 24» = "Wharton 12"[8] ROS 1.G.v 21 21 q 50 II.3 Apollonius De Pronominibus
46 outside cruces 46 outside cruces 46 outside cruces 56 56 II.2 outside cruces 𐄂 𐄂 LP46 outside cruces ROS 1.C.ii 49 56 50 54 II.4 Herodianus περὶ μοναδικῶν λέξεων (On Anomalous Words)
46 within cruces 46 within cruces 46 within cruces 57 82 II.2 within cruces 𐄂 𐄂 LP46 within cruces ROS 1.J.vii, 5.C.ii for the Edmonds version 50 57 Herodianus περὶ μοναδικῶν λέξεων (On Anomalous Words)
47 47 47 54 (e.g.) 44 II.10 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 5, ROS 5.A.ii for Edmonds version 41 52 42 44 II.5 Maximus Tyrius XXIV
48 48 48 ⊆89 ? II.8 𐄂 Poem 2 ⊆42 ⊆53 ⊆48 46 II.6 Julianus Epistulae LX
49 l. 1 49 l. 1 49 l. 1 48 l. 1 37 II.1 l. 1 𐄂 𐄂 Cox 31⊆LP49 I loved you, Atthis, l. 1 40 l. 1 51 l. 1 33 l. 1 41 II.7 l. 1 Hephaestio + Plotius
49 l. 2 49 l. 2 49 l. 2 48 l. 3 38 II.1 l. 2 𐄂 𐄂 Cox 32⊆LP49 I loved you, Atthis, l. 2 40 l. 2 51 l. 2 33 l. 2 42 II.7 l. 2 Plutarchus Amatorius (Dialogue on Love) + Scholiast on Pindar's second Pythian + Maximus Tyrius XXIV
50 50 50 58 102 II.9 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 9, ROS 5.C.iii for Edmonds version 48 61 101 48 II.8 Galenus Protr. (Exhortation on Learning)
51 51 51 52 40 II.6 𐄂 𐄂 ✓ = "Wharton 12"[5] Poem 4 43 54 36 45 II.9 Chrysippus περὶ ἀποφατικῶν (On Negatives) / Aristaenet[ius?] Epistles I
52 52 52 53 15 II.7 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 1, ROS 5.C.iv for Edmonds version 44 55 37 51 II.11 Herodianus περὶ μοναδικῶν λέξεων (On Anomalous Words)
53 53 53 68 69 III.2 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.D.i 57 73 65 60 III.1 Argumentum Theocriti XXVIII
54 54 54 69 68 III.1 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 6 56 72 64 61 III.2 Pollux Vocabolarium X
55 55 55 71 73 III.3 𐄂 Poem 1 60 76 68 63 III.3 Stobaeus IV + Plutarchus Pracc. Conj. Fin. + Aristides T. II
56 56 56 72 74 III.5 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 2 59 75 69 64 III.5 Chrysippus περὶ ἀποφατικῶν (On Negatives)
57 57 57 98 75 III.6 𐄂 Poem 2 61 77 70 65 III.6 Athenaeus I + Eustathius + Philemon
58 58 58 IV.3 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 2, P.Oxy. lines ⊆79 ``⊆''75 IV.1 P.Oxy. 1787 frr. 1 + 2 + L.Σ.μ. IV 1 (not in safopoemas, hence the ``'' marking) + Athenaeus XV
59 59 IV.4 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 2, P.Oxy. lines, part 3 ⊆79 ⊆101 ⊆75 IV.1A P.Oxy. 1787 frr. 1 last line + 2 ll. 2-4
60 60 60 IV.23 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.H.ii 76 98 x 87 IV.2 P.Halle 3 = P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 44
61 61 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 275 275 IV.3A P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 3 col. ii ll. 1-2
62 62 62 IV.5 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.ii 271 271 UTL 59 76 IV.4 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 3 col. ii ll. 3-14
63 63 63 IV.6 𐄂 𐄂 "✓" ROS 2.C.iii 272 272 UTL 60 77 IV.5 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 3 col. ii ll. 15-24
64(a) 64a 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxxvi 321 321 P.Oxy. 1787 frr. 17 + L.Σ.μ. IV 6(a)
64(b) 64b 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxxvii 322 322 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. L.Σ.μ. IV 6(b)
65 65 65 IV.7 𐄂 𐄂 "✓" ROS 2.D.xx 304 304 UTL 61 78 IV.6 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 4
66(a) 66a 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxxviii 323 323 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. L.Σ.μ. IV 7A(a)
66(b) 66b 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xix 191 191 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. L.Σ.μ. IV 7A(b)
66(c) 66c 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xx 192 192 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. L.Σ.μ. IV 7A(c)
67(a) 67a 67(a) IV.8 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxi 305 305 UTL 62 79 IV.7(a) P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 5
67(b) 67b 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxxix 324 324 88[6] IV.7(b) P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 18
68(a) 68a 68(a) IV.10 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxii 306 306 UTL 63 81 IV.8(a) P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 7 + L.Σ.μ. IV 9 + P.Oxy. XXI add. p. 135
68(b) 68b 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xl 325 325 88[7] IV.8(b) P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 19
69 69 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xli 326 326 88[10] IV.9A P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 32
70 70 70 IV.15 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxvi 310 310 UTL 68 84 IV.9 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 13
71 71 71 IV.9 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 4 71 93 w 80 IV.10 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 6 + P.Oxy. XXI add. p. 135
72 72 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xlii 327 327 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 28
73(a) 73a 73(a) IV.13 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxv 309 309 UTL 66 83 IV.11 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 11
73(b) 73b 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxi 193 193 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. L.Σ.μ. IV 13
74(a) 74a 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xx 255 255 P.Oxy. 1787 frr. L.Σ.μ. IV 14(a) + 16
74(b) 74b 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxi 256 256 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. L.Σ.μ. IV 14(b)
74(c) 74c 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxii 194 194 P.Oxy. XIX add. p. 135
74(d) 74d 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxiii 195 195 P.Oxy. XIX add. p. 135
75(a) 75a 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxii 257 257 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 29
75(b) 75b 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxiii 258 258 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. L.Σ.μ. IV 15(a)
75(c) 75c 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxiv 259 259 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. L.Σ.μ. IV 15(b) + P.Oxy. XXI add. p. 136
76 76 IV.14 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xvi 251 251 UTL 67 88[3] P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 12
77(a) 77(a) IV.18 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxviii 312 312 UTL 71 88[8] P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 26
77(b) 77(b) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xliii 328 328 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 27
77(c) 77(c) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxiv 196 196 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. L.Σ.μ. IV 17(c)
78 78 IV.12 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxiv 308 308 UTL 65 88[2] P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 10
79 79 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lii 336 336 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. L.Σ.μ. IV 19
80 80 IV.17 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxvii 311 311 UTL 70 88[5] P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 15
81(a) ⊆81 ⊆81 IV.19 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxv 260 260 ⊆85 IV.12(a) P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 33
81(b) ⊆81 ⊆81 117 79 IV.19 𐄂 𐄂 LP 82"="LP81 ROS 1.E.i, ROS 5.C.v for Edmonds version 69 91 78 ⊆85 IV.12(b) Athenaeus XV
82(a) 82a 82(a) 115 78 l. 1 IV.1 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.E.iv 72 94 76 72 l. 1 IV.13(a) Hephaestio + Herodian Περὶ Κλίσεων Ὀνομάτων apud Aldi Thes[ei?] Cornucop[ia] + Etymologicum Magnum + Maximus Tyrius XXIV
82(b) 82b IV.1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.vii 276 276 86 IV.13(b) P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 34
83 83 IV.20 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxix 313 313 UTL 72 88[11] P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 36
84 84 84 IV.21 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 314 314 UTL 73 218 P.Oxy. 1787 frr. 37 + 41
85(a1) 85a 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.viii 277 277 88[14] P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 40
85(a2) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊊ROS 2.A.xxv ⊊197 ⊊197 P.Oxy. XXI add. p. 136
85(a3) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊋ROS 2.A.xxvi, ⊋part of ROS 2.A.xxv ⊋198, ⊋part of 197 ⊋198, ⊋part of 197 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 35
85(b) 85b 85(b) IV.22 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxxi 315 315 UTL 74 88[13] (this only has ll. 1-2, and 216 only has l. 2) P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 38
85(c) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxvi 261 261 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. L.Σ.μ. IV 25(d)
86 86 86 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xliv 329 329 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 1
87(1) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxvii + ROS 2.A.xxviii 199+200 199+200 P.Oxy. 1787 frr. 21 + 31
87(2) 87a IV.16 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xvii 252 252 UTL 69 88[4] P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 14
87(3) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxix 201 201 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 20
87(4) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 202 202 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 22
87(5) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxxi 203 203 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 23
87(6) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxvii 262 262 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 24
87(7) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxxii 204 204 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 25 + P.Oxy. XXI add. p. 135
87(8) 87b 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxviii 263 263 88[9] P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 30
87(9) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxxiii 205 205 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 39
87(10) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxxiv 206 206 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 42
87(11) 87c 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxix 264 264 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 43
87(12) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxxv 207 207 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 2
87(13) 87d 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxxvi 208 208 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 3
87(14) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxxvii 209 209 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 4
87(15) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxxviii 210 210 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 5
87(16) 87e 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xxxix 211 211 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 6
87(17) 87f 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xl 212 212 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 7
87(18) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xli 213 213 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 8
87(19) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xlii 214 214 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 9
87(20) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xliii 215 215 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 10
87(21) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xliv 216 216 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 11
87(22) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xlv 217 217 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 12
87(23) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xlvi 218 218 P.Oxy. 2166(d) fr. 13
88(a) 88a 88(a) IV.24 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 2.D.xxxii ⊆316 ⊆316 ⊆UTL 75 ⊆214 P.Oxy. 2290 frr. 1a + 1b
88(b) 88b 88(b) IV.24 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 2.D.xxxii ⊆316 ⊆316 ⊆UTL 75 P.Oxy. 2290 fr. 2
90(1) col. i OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xlvii 219 219 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 1(a1) col. i
90(1) col. ii 90a col. ii 90(1a) col. ii 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xlv 330 330 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 1(a1) col. ii + fr. 1(a2) + fr. 1(b) col. i
90(1) col. iii 90a col. iii 90(1a) col. iii 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xlvi 331 331 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 1(b) col. ii
90(2) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 265 265 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 2
90(3) 90b 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xlvii 332 332 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 3
90(4) 90c 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xlviii 333 333 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 4
90(5) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xlviii 220 220 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 5
90(6) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.xlix 221 221 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 6
90(7) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.l 222 222 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 7
90(8) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 223 223 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 8
90(9) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxxi 266 266 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 9
90(10a) 90d 90(10a) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xlix 334 334 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 10(a)
90(10b) 90e 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.lii 224 224 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 10(b)
90(11) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.liii 225 225 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 11
90(12) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxxii 267 267 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 12
90(13) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.liv 226 226 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 13
90(14) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 227 227 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 14
90(15) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.lvi 228 228 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 15
90(16) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.lvii 229 229 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 16
90(17) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.lviii 230 230 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 17
91 91 91 116 78 l. 2 IV.2 𐄂 𐄂 "✓" ROS 1.E.ii 70 92 v 72 l. 2 IV.15 Hephaestio + Choeroboscus quoting Hephaestio + Hesychius
92 92 92 82 V.11 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.iv, ROS 5.B.ii for Edmonds version 273 273 UTL 76 92 P.Berol. 9722 fol. 1
93 93 84 (e.g.) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.ix, ROS 5.A.iii for Edmonds version 278 278 94 P.Berol. 9722 fol. 3
94 94 94 83 V.12 𐄂 𐄂 I want to have died 81 82 Τεθνάκην δ' ἀδόλως θέλω 93 V.1 P.Berol. 9722 fol. 2 + Athenaeus XV
95 95 95 85 (e.g.) V.13 𐄂 I wish to visit the underworld, ROS 5.A.iv for Edmonds version 82 83 ad 95 V.2 P.Berol. 9722 fol. 4
96 96 96 V.14 𐄂 𐄂 O Atthis! 83 84 Ἄτθι, σοὶ κἄμ' Ἀνακτορία φίλα (Greek Wikisource title Ἀριγνώτα) V.3 P.Berol. 9722 fol. 5
97 97 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.x 279 279 P.Berol. 9722 fol. 5 verso, ed. Zuntz
98(a) 98a 98(a) V.15 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP 98 Poem 2 ⊆84 ⊆85 ⊆ae ⊆210 P.Haun. 301 (ed. 1941)
98(b) 98b 98(b) V.15 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP 98 Poem 2 ⊆84 ⊆85 ⊆ae ⊆210 P.Mediol. (ed. Vogliano 1939)
99 col. i ll. 1-9 Alc. 303Aa 99(a) V.31 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 2.D.xxxiii ⊆317 ⊆317 ⊆UTL 78 P.Oxy. 2291 col. i ll. 1-9
99 col. i ll. 10-24 Alc. 303Ab 99(b) V.31 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 2.D.xxxiii ⊆317 ⊆317 ⊆UTL 78 P.Oxy. 2291 col. i ll. 10-24
99 col. ii Alc. 303Ac 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxxiii 268 268 P.Oxy. 2291 col. ii
100 100 100 105 5 V.1 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.C.iii 86 163 y 102 V.4 Pollux VII
101 101 101 87 50 V.16 𐄂 𐄂 101LP ROS 1.C.viii 85 81 44 90 V.5 Athenaeus IX
102 102 102 135 91 VII.1 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.H.iii 87 120 90 104 VII.1 Hephaestio + Etymologicum Magnum + Etymologicum Gud[iaum?] + Zonaras
103 103 103 VIII.1 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.ii 77 99 al 213 (with commentary before and after cut out) P.Oxy. 2294
214[1] fragmentis addenda 103Ca 214[1] VIII.3[1] 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xviii = ROS (OOPS) 253 253 "⊆"UTL 80 P.Oxy. 2357 fr. 1
214[2] fragmentis addenda 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.liii 337 337 P.Oxy. 2357 fr. 2
214[3] fragmentis addenda 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.lx 232 232 P.Oxy. 2357 fr. 3
214[4] fragmentis addenda 103Cb 214[4] VIII.3[2] 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xix 254 254 "⊆"UTL 80 P.Oxy. 2357 fr. 4
214[5] fragmentis addenda 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.lxi 233 233 P.Oxy. 2357 fr. 5
104(a) 104a 104(a) 149 IX.7 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.xv 92 135 95 121 VIII.1 Etymologicum Magnum + Etymologicum Gud[ianum?] + Scholiast on Euripides, Orestes + Crameri Anecdota II + Demetrius De Elocutione CLXI
104(b) 104b 104(b) 32 – (Sources mentioned in critical note to Bergk 96) IX.23 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.I.v 128 154 at 9 I.17 Himerius Orationes XIII 9 + III 17
105(a) 105a 105(a) 150 94 IX.2 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.v 90 133 93 112 VIII.2 Scholiast on Hermogenes T. VIII
105(b) (raw quote) Hidden in TEST section of 105a + 218 105(b) (raw quote) Men-tioned in foot-note 2 to En-glish for pre-vious row «Et maxime huc pertinet» in critical note to previous row 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.i Himerius Orationes I 16
105(c) 105b 105(c) 151 95 IX.4 𐄂 𐄂 ROS, ROS for Edmonds version 91 134 94 113 VIII.3 Demetrius De Elocutione CVI
106 106 106 ⊆148 ⊆93 IX.1 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.iv ⊆89 ⊆132 92 111 ⊆VIII.8 Demetrius De Elocutione CXLVI + Eustathius
107 107 107 159 103 II.13 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.iii 95 138 102 114 VIII.4 Apollonius De Conjunctionibus (in Bekker's Anecdotes) + Scholiast on Dion[ysius] Thrac[is]
108 108 108 157 (e.g.) Hidden in critical note to fr. 94 IX.3 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.i, ROS 5.A.v for Edmonds version 98 141 am 211 VIII.5 Himerius Orationes I 19 (and imitation in Theocritus XVIII l. 38)
109 109 109 153 98 IX.9 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.viii 125 152 an 123 VIII.6 Crameri Anecdota I
110(a) 110 110(a) 154.1 ll. 1-3 99 IX.11 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 The porter 93 136 98 118 VIII.7 Hephaestio
110(b) (raw quote) Hidden in TEST section of 101 110(b) (raw quote) 154.2 (raw quote) Mentioned in critical note to previous row 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.ii Demetrius De Elocutione CLXVII
111 111 111 ⊆148 ⊆93 IX.10 𐄂 𐄂 Hymenaeum ⊆89 ⊆132 91 110 ⊆VIII.8 Hephaestio + Demetrius De Elocutione CXLVIII
112 112 112 IX.15 𐄂 𐄂 O happy bridegroom 94 137 99 Hephaestio + Choricius
113 113 113 163 107 IX.18 𐄂 𐄂 Another maiden 103 146 106 120 VIII.10 Dionysius De Compositione Verborum XXV
114 114 114 164 110 IX.20 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.vii, ROS 5.C.vii for Edmonds version 97 140 109 109 VIII.11 Demetrius De Elocutione CXL
115 115 115 161 105 IX.14 𐄂 𐄂 To whom shall I compare thee? 96 139 104 117 VIII.13 Hephaestio
116 116 116 162 106 IX.16 𐄂 𐄂 Be happy 99 142 ap 107 VIII.14 Servius in Vergilium Georgicon I
117 117 117 160 104 IX.17 𐄂 𐄂 O happy wife, ROS 5.C.viii for Edmonds version 104 147 103 119 VIII.15 Hephaestio
118 118 118 80 70 V.20 𐄂 𐄂 Sing to me, o lyre 162 46 45 103 A.1 Hermogenes Id.
119 119 119 131 116 "X".18 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 139 117 bf 143 A.2 Scholiast on Aristophanes, Plutarchus
120 120 120 74 77 V.25 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 7 68 80 af 69 A.4 Etymologicum Magnum
121 121 121 99 49 V.17 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 12 165 47 75 67 A.5 Stobaeus LXXI
122 122 122 107 (e.g.) 121 (raw quote) V.28 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.I.iv, ROS for Edmonds version 168 128 ai 126 A.6 Athenaeus XII
123 123 123 19 21 I.14 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.E.x 34 34 18 12 I.16 Ammonius
124 124 124 127 84 "X".20 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.D.iv 140 123 bg 146 A.7 Hephaestio
125 125 125 67 33 V.18 𐄂 𐄂 Weaving garlands 118 45 73 70 A.8 Scholiast on Aristophanes, Thesmoph.
126 126 126 128 85 IX.25 𐄂 May you sleep 102 145 83 147 A.9 Etymologicum Magnum + Etymologicum Genuinum
127 127 127 129 86 "X".19 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.D.iii 119 115 84 142 A.10 Hephaestio
128 128 128 101 65 V.6 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.D.ii 88 114 60 157 A.11 Hephaestio
129 l. 1 129a 129(a) 124 24 "X".10 𐄂 𐄂 Wharton 21 = LP 129 l. 1 Poem 1 ⊆12 ⊆12 bb⊆re-c-and-bb 91(?) I.12(b) Apollonius De Pronominibus
129 l. 2 129b 129(b) 22 25 I.25 𐄂 𐄂 Wharton 22 = LP 129 l. 2 Poem 1 ⊆12 ⊆12 c⊆re-c-and-bb 15 I.12(a) Apollonius De Pronominibus
130 ⊆130 130 ⊆81 ⊆43 "X".1 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 2 ⊆55 ⊆50 40 97 ⊆A.12 Hephaestio
131 ⊆130 131 ⊆81 ⊆43 "X".1 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 2 ⊆55 ⊆50 41 98 ⊆A.12 Hephaestio
132 132 132 130 87 "X".17 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 1 166 119 85 141 A.13 Hephaestio
133 l. 1 133 l. 1 133(a) 125 63 "X".8 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP133 ⊆ROS 1.E.v ⊆164 ⊆126 ⊆re-59 154 A.14 Hephaestio
133 l. 2 133 l. 2 133(b) 126 64 "X".8 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP133 ⊆ROS 1.E.v ⊆164 ⊆126 59⊆re-59 155 A.15 Hephaestio
134 134 134 123 88 V.3 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.F.ii, ROS 5.C.ix for Edmonds version 120 121 87 156 A.16 Hephaestio
135 135 135 122 89 V.2 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 121 122 z 153 A.17 Hephaestio
136 136 136 138 42 IX.8 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.I.i 54 87 39 131 A.18 Scholiast on Sophocles, Electra + Suda
137 137 137 "X".13 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.H.i 106 40 28 Aristoteles Rhetoric I
138 138 138 120 18 "X".16 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 1, ROS 5.C.x for Edmonds version 107 41 29 161 A.20 Athenaeus XIII
139 139 139 "X".23 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 5 171 131 bj 217 A.21 P.Oxy. 1356 fol. 4A l. 16
140(a) 140 140(a) 103 67 V.24 𐄂 𐄂 'Lobel-Page 140?' (and again he thinks 140a is l. 1 and 140b is l. 2) Adonis is dying 66 90 62 152 A.22(a) Hephaestio
140(b) TEST section of 140 + 214 140(b) 104 Hidden in critical note to 67 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.iii A.22(c) Pausanias IX 29
141 141 146 57 IX.26 𐄂 𐄂 Even Gods celebrate marriages 105 148 51 A.23 Athenaeus X + II + XI + V + Macrobius Sat[urnalia] V + Eustathius Od[es]
142 142 142 140 35 IX.6 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 2 111 104 31 128 A.24 Athenaeus XIII
143 143 143 139 34 IX.5 𐄂 ROS 1.C.i 110 103 30 127 A.25 Athenaeus II + Eustathius
144 144 144 55 53 "X".7 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.E.viii 135 158 az 58 A.26 Choeroboscus
145 145 145 78 114 V.30 𐄂 𐄂 ✓ = "Wharton 12"[11] = "Bergk 15"[2] Poem 13 124 151 ak 137 A.27 Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius I + Etymologicum Magnum
146 146 146 106 113 II.12 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.I.ii 112 65 s 132 A.28 Diogenian Περὶ παροιμιῶν (On Proverbs) et al.
147 147 147 76 36 III.4 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 3 52 63 32 43 A.29 Diogenes Chrysostomus Orationes XXXVII
148 148 148 100 83 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 10, ROS 5.C.xi for Edmonds version 74 96 ac 73=159 Scholiast on Pindar's Olympics II + on Pindar's Pythics V
149 149 149 141 48 IX.12 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.F.iii 126 86 ao 135 A.31 Apollonius De Pronominibus
150 150 150 108 = L., p. 162, 1 61 V.26 𐄂 𐄂 ✓ = "Wharton 12"[12] ⊇ "Bergk 15"[3] (which stops at μοισοπόλων) Poem 3 75 97 ag 101 A.32 Maximus Tyrius XXIV
151 151 151 141A 47 V.23 𐄂 𐄂 ✓ = "Wharton 12"[3] ROS 1.F.i, ROS 5.C.xii for Edmonds version 67 89 57 59 A.33 Etymologicum Magnum
152 152 152 21 23 "X".6 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.ix 134 157 ay 57 A.34 Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius I
153 153 153 102 66 V.7 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.I.vii 122 149 ab 158 A.35 Attilius Fortunatus
154 154 154 112 59 V.4 𐄂 Full moon (Poem 2) 116 110 53 150 A.36 Hephaestio
155 155 155 121 13 "X".15 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.xiv 138 116 be 162 A.37 Maximus Tyrius XXIV
156 l. 1 156 l. 1 156.1 l. 1 59 ⊆122 (raw quote) "X".2 𐄂 𐄂 LP156 l. 1 ⊆ROS 1.B.iii ⊆130 ⊆66 ⊆av 100 A.38 l. 1 Demetrius De Elocutione CLXII
156 l. 2 156 l. 2 156.1 l. 2 60 ⊆122 (raw quote) "X".2 𐄂 𐄂 LP156 l. 2 ⊆ROS 1.B.iii ⊆130 ⊆66 ⊆av 139 A.38 l. 2 Demetrius De Elocutione CLXII
157 157 157 177 146 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.i 364 364 186 A.39 Etymologicum Magnum
158 158 158 137 31 IX.13 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 6 161 118 27 134 A.40 Plutarchus De Cohibenda Ira (Περὶ Ἀοργησίας)
159 159 159 75 131 (raw quote) V.27 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.E.vii, ROS 5.C.xiii for Edmonds version 65 69 ah 71 A.41 Maximus Tyrius XXIV
160 160 160 12 12 I.10 𐄂 ROS 27 27 11 (ἔμαισι τέρπνα) & 11B (ἔμαις τέρποισα) 7 I.7 Athenaeus XII
161 161 161 IX.19 𐄂 𐄂 Keep your guard on her 100 143 aq 115 VIII.16 P.Bouriant 8 fr. 3 col. vi ll. 91 ss.
162 162 162 132 160 (raw quote) "X".22 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.F.iv 141 124 bi 144 A.42 Etymologicum Magnum + Apollonius De Syntaxi
163 163 163 29 (e.g.) 125 (raw quote) "X".11 𐄂 𐄂 My only care, ROS 5.A.vii for Edmonds version 137 160 bc 178 A.43 Julianus Epistulae XVII + Theodorus Hyrtacenus Epistulae XV
164 164 164 79 117 V.29 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.G.ii 123 150 aj 138 A.44 Apollonius De Pronominibus
165 165 165 26 111 I.3 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.G.iii 35 35 a 18 I.20 Apollonius De Pronominibus
166 166 166 97 62 V.22 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 3, ROS 5.C.xiv for Edmonds version 64 68 56 ⊆62 A.45 Etymologicum Magnum + Zouar. + Athenaeus II + Eustathius
167 167 167 62 112 "X".3 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.B.ii 131 156 aw 136⊆62 A.46 Athenaeus II
168 168 168 25 I.28 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.x 36 36 f 133 A.22(b) Mar[ius?] Plot[ius?] Sacerd[os?] III
169 169 169 183 ⊆151 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.ii 369 369 ⊆192 Scholiast on Homer, Iliad XV
170 170 170 (raw quote) 166 (raw quote) 129 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.iii 379 379 173 (raw quote) Strabo XIII
171 171 171 173 142 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.iv 360 360 181 Bekker's Anecdota
172 172⊆219 172 ⊆28 ⊆124 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.v 380 380 ⊆182 Maximus Tyrius XXIV
173 173 173 (raw quote) 174 143 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 361 361 183 Etymologicum Magnum + Bekker's Anecdota
174 174 174 (raw quote) 175 144 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.vii 362 362 184 Etymologicum Magnum + Orion
175 175 175 176 145 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.viii 363 363 185 Apollonius De Adverbiis in Bekker's Anecdota + Etymologicum Magnum + Etymologicum Gudianum
176 176 176 (raw quote) 178 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.ix 381(a) 381(a) 187 Athenaeus IV
177 177 177 179 147 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.x 365 365 188 Pollux VII
178 168A 178 (raw quote) = 168A 95 52 V.21 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.B.i 113 44 47 168 inc. 1 Etymologicum Magnum + Zenobius III + Suda
179 179 179 (raw quote) 180 148 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xi 366 366 189 Phrynicius in Bekker's Anecdota
180 180 180 (raw quote) 181 (raw quote) 149 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xii 367 367 190 Hesychius
181 181 181 182 150 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xiii 368 368 191 Cramer's Anecdota
182 182 182 In pre-quote to 183 ⊆151 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xiv 388 388 ⊆192 Scholiast on Homer Iliad XV
183 =̃ Alc. 412 183 =̃ Alc. 412 183 =̃ Alc. 412 In critical note to 54 into which it's integrated Alc. 131 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xv 370 370 193 Eustathius II
184 184 184 (raw quote) 184 (raw quote) 153 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xvi 371 371 194 Choeroboscus in Bekker's Anecdota
185 185 185.1 30 (e.g.) ⊆128 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xvii, ROS 5.A.viii for Edmonds version ⊆382 ⊆382 195 Philostratus Imagg. II
186 186 186 185 154 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xviii 372 372 196 Johannes Alexandrus
187 187 187 186 156 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xix 373 373 197 Cramer's Anecdota
188 188 188 ⊆28 ⊆124 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xx 377 377 ⊆182 Maximus Tyrius XXIV
189 189 189 (raw quote) 187 157 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xxi 374 374 198 Phrynicius
190 190 190 188 158 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xxii 375 375 199 Scholiast on Homer Iliad III
191 191 191 (raw quote) 64 (e.g.) 127 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xxiii, ROS 5.A.ix for Edmonds version 383 383 171 (raw quote) Pollux VI
192 192 192 191 (e.g.) 161 (raw quote) IX.24 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.xiii 129 155 au 202 Pollux VI
193 (raw quote) V55 TEST (IV).2 193 (raw quote) 11 (e.g.) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.iv, ROS 5.A.x for e.g. version 389 389 Aristides Orationes XXVIII
194 (raw quote) 194 (raw quote) 194 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.v Himerus Orationes I
195 (raw quote) 195 (raw quote) 195 (raw quote) 165 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS Demetrius De Elocutione CLXVI
196 (raw quote) 196 (raw quote) 196 (raw quote) 90 (e.g.) 126 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.vii, ROS 5.A.xi for Edmonds version 390 390 179 Aristides Orationes XVIII
197 (raw quote) 197 (raw quote) 197 (raw quote) 84A (e.g.) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.viii, ROS 5.A.xii for Edmonds version 392 392 172 Libanius Orationes XII
198.1 (raw quote) 198a (raw quote) 198.1 (raw quote) 31.1 (e.g.) 130.1 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.ix, ROS 5.A.xiii for Edmonds version 393 393 164 (raw quote) Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius III
198.2 (raw quote) 198b (raw quote) 198.2 (raw quote) 31.2 (raw quote) 130.2 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.x Scholiast on Theocritus XIII
198.3 (raw quote) 198c (raw quote) 198.3 (raw quote) 31.3 (raw quote) 130.3 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xi Pausanias IX
199 (raw quote) 199 (raw quote) 199 (raw quote) 167 (raw quote) 132 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xii 165 (raw quote) Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius IV
200 (raw quote) 200 (raw quote) 200 (raw quote) 33 (e.g.) 133 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xiii, ROS 5.A.xiv for Edmonds version 394 394 163 (raw quote) Scholiast on Hesiod ἔργα καὶ ἡμέραι LXXIV
201 (raw quote) 201 (raw quote) 201 (raw quote) 91 (e.g.) 81 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.viii, ROS 5.A.xv for Edmonds version 170 (raw quote) Aristotle Rhetorics II
202.1 (raw quote) 254a (raw quote) 202.1 (raw quote) L., p. 140, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xiv Herodotus II
202.2 (raw quote) 254b (raw quote) 202.2 (raw quote) L., p. 140, 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xv Strabo XVII
202.3 (raw quote) 254c (raw quote) 202.3 (raw quote) ⊆L., p. 148, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xvi 174 (raw quote) Athenaeus XIII
202.4 (raw quote) 254d (raw quote) 202.4 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xvii Photius Ῥοδώπιδος ἀνάθημα
202.5 (raw quote) 254f (raw quote) 202.5 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xviii App[endix?] Prov. IV
202.6 (raw quote) ⊆252 ⊆T1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 4.xix P.Oxy. 1800
203.1 (raw quote) 203a (raw quote) 203.1 (raw quote) L., p. 142, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xx 169 (raw quote) Athenaeus X
203.2 (raw quote) 203c (raw quote) 203.2 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxi Scholiast on Homer Iliad XX
203.3 (raw quote) ⊆252 (raw quote) ⊆T1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 4.xix P.Oxy. 1800
204.1 (raw quote) 204a (raw quote) 204.1 (raw quote) 110 (e.g.) 135.2 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxii, ROS 5.A.xvi for Edmonds version 395 395 175 Scholiast on Pindar's Pythians IV
204.2 (raw quote) 204b (raw quote) 204.2 (raw quote) 109 (e.g.) 135.1 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxiii, ROS 5.A.xvii for Edmonds version 396 396 Pausanias VIII
205 (raw quote) 205.1 (raw quote) 205 (raw quote) 168 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxiv 129 (raw quote) Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae XX
206 (raw quote) 206 (raw quote) 206 (raw quote) 169 (raw quote) 136 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxv 167 Servius in Vergilii Aeneiden VI
207 (raw quote) 207 (raw quote) 207 (raw quote) 170 (raw quote) 137 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxvi 166 Servius in Vergilii Eclogam VI
208 (raw quote) 208 (raw quote) 208 (raw quote) 172 (raw quote) 139 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxvii 177 (raw quote) Himerius Orationes XIII
209 (raw quote) 209 (raw quote) 209 (raw quote) 92 (e.g.) 140 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxviii, ROS 5.A.xviii for Edmonds version 397 397 180 (raw quote) Eustathius Epistulae XLII
210.1 (raw quote) 210(II.1) (raw quote) 210.1 (raw quote) 159 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 210LP ROS 4.xxix ⊆ ROS 3.xxiv Photius θάψος (is this a lexicon?)
210.2(a) (raw quote) 210(I cod. K) (raw quote) 210.2(a) (raw quote in critical note) 189 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS ⊆ ROS 3.xxiv 376 376 200 Scholiast on Theocritus II cod. K
210.2(b) (raw quote) 210(I codd. UEA) (raw quote) 210.2(b) (raw quote in critical note) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxxi ⊆ ROS 3.xxiv Scholiast on Theocritus II codd. U E A
211(a) (raw quote) 211a.1 (raw quote) 211(a) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 211LP has title of this ROS 4.xxxii Palaeph. De Incredibilibus XLVIII
211(b.i) (raw quote) 211c1 (raw quote) 211(b.i) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxxiii Aelian[us] V.H. XII
211(b.ii) (raw quote) 211c2 (raw quote) 211(b.ii) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxxiv Athenaeus II
211(b.iii) (raw quote) 211c4 (raw quote) 211(b.iii) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxxv Comes Natalis Mythol[ogia] V
211(c) (raw quote) 211b (raw quote) 211(c) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxxvi Pliny the Elder Naturalis Historia XXII
212 (raw quote) 212 (raw quote) 212 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxxvii Comes Natalis Mythol[ogia] VII
213 213 213 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.liv 338 338 P.Oxy. 2292
inc. 1 inc. 1 inc. 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.ix 146 70 Scholiast on Homer Iliad XII
inc. 2 inc. 2 inc. 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.x 147 164 Etymologicum Magnum
inc. 3 inc. 3 inc. 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.xi 148 165 Apollonius Dyscolus De Pronominibus
inc. 4 inc. 4 inc. 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.xii 149 71 Cr[ameri] A[necdota] O.
inc. 5 l. 1 inc. 5a inc. 5(a) 51 39 II.5 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 11 51 62 r 52 Herodianus Π[ερὶ] Μ[οναδικῶν] Λ[έξεων]
inc. 5 l. 2 inc. 5b inc. 5(b) 93 45 "X".5 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.H.iv, ROS 5.C.xv for Edmonds version 133 64 ax 53 Herodianus Π[ερὶ] Μ[οναδικῶν] Λ[έξεων]
inc. 5 l. 3 inc. 5c inc. 5(c) 96 46 "X".4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.C.iv, ROS 5.C.xvi for Edmonds version 63 67 55 99 Herodianus Π[ερὶ] Μ[οναδικῶν] Λ[έξεων]
inc. 6 inc. 6 inc. 6 Alc. 28 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.xiii 150 166 Cr[ameri] A[necdota] O.
inc. 7 OMISSUM inc. 7 Alc. 101 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xxv 384 384 Hesychius
inc. 8 Alc. 349c inc. 8 = Alc. 349(d) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.xiv 151 167 Etymologicum Magnum
inc. 10 inc. 10 inc. 10 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.xv 109 43 Herodianus Π[ερὶ] Μ[οναδικῶν] Λ[έξεων]
inc. 11 inc. 11 inc. 11 73 76 III.7 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.E.iii 58 74 u 66 inc. 3 Herodian Περὶ Κλίσεων Ὀνομάτων apud Aldi Thes[ei?] Cornucop[ia]
inc. 12 inc. 12 inc. 12 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.xvi 152 167 Cr[ameri] A[necdota] O.
inc. 13 ⊆40 inc. 13 8 9 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP40 Libation ⊆19 ⊆19 ⊆7 17 I.21 Apollonius De Pronominibus
inc. 14 inc. 14 inc. 14 v1 28 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 1.J.ii 142 161 Cr[ameri] A[necdota] O.
inc. 15 (2 raw quotes) inc. 15 (a+b, raw quotes) inc. 15 (2 raw quotes) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 1.J.xviii 114 105 Zenobius V & Scholiast on Ael. Aristid[es]
inc. 16 inc. 16 inc. 16 114 60 V.9 𐄂 An intruder? (Poem 3) 115 109 54 151 inc. 4 Hephaestio
inc. 17 ⊆inc. 21 ⊆inc. 17,21 "X".12 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 1.C.v ⊆169 ⊆129 ⊆bd Hephaestio + Etymologicum Magnum
inc. 18 l. 1 inc. 18 l. 1 inc. 18(b) 113A 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 1.J.i ⊆117 ⊆111 P.Oxy. 220
inc. 18 l. 2 inc. 18 l. 2 inc. 18(c) 113B 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 1.J.i ⊆117 ⊆111 P.Oxy. 220
inc. 19 inc. 19 inc. 19 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.xviii 153 168 Apollonius De Conjunctionibus
inc. 20 inc. 20 inc. 20 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.xix 154 169 Zonar.
inc. 21 ⊆inc. 21 ⊆inc. 17,21 "X".12 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 1.C.v ⊆169 ⊆129 ⊆bd Hephaestio + Etymologicum Magnum
inc. 22 inc. 22 inc. 22 Alc. 53 90 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.iv 144 112 Hephaestio
inc. 23 inc. 23 inc. 23 24 (e.g.) "X".9 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 5, ROS 5.A.xix for Edmonds version 136 159 ba 145 inc. 7 Philodemus De Pietate (plus/in some papyrus?)
inc. 24 l. 1 117Ba inc. 24(a) ⊆136 108 IX.21 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.xi, Edmonds version ⊆ ROS 5.C.xvii 101 144 ar ⊆116 inc. 9 l. 1 Marius Plotius Sacerd[os?] III
inc. 24 l. 2 117Bb inc. 24(b) ⊆136 109 IX.22 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.A.xii, Edmonds version ⊆ ROS 5.C.xvii 127 153 as ⊆116 inc. 9 l. 2 Mar[ius?] Plot[ius?] Sacerd[os?] III
inc. 25 inc. 25 inc. 25 142 41 II.11 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Sappho fragment here 53 88 38 130 inc. 8 Scholiast on Theocritus I + Etymologicum Magnum + Zonaras
inc. 26 103B inc. 26 = 103B VIII.2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxxiv 318 318 UTL 79 P.Oxy. 2308
inc. 27(1) inc. 27 inc. 27 "X".24 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.H.ix 39 39 bk P.Vindob. 29777 fr. 1 recto
inc. 27(2) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.lix 231 231 P.Vindob. 29777 fr. 1 verso
inc. 27(3) OMISSUM 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.l 335 335 P.Vindob. 29777 fr. 2
6 LP6 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.i 270 270 P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 1(a) + 1(b)
24a 24(a) I.40 𐄂 𐄂 LP 24(a) ROS 7 23 v. 2 23 v. 2 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 13 + P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 7a
40 I.7 𐄂 𐄂 LP40 Libation, ROS 5.C.xviii for Edmonds version 19 19 7 Apollonius De Pronominibus
Alc. 304 col. i 44Aa 44A(a) V.19 col. i 𐄂 𐄂 "✓" Poem 1 45 58 96 P.Fouad. 239
Alc. 304 col. ii 44Ab 44A(b) V.19 col. ii 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.v 274 274 UTL 77 P.Fouad. 239
81 81 IV.19 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 85 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 33 + Athenaeus XV
Alc. 347(b) 101A Alc. 347(b) 94 ⊆Alc. 39 V.5 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.I.iii, ROS 5.C.xix for Edmonds version 167 127 aa 206 Demetrius De Elocutione
103Aa col. i 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxxv(a) 319 319 PCair. Mediol. 7
103Aa col. ii "X".14 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxxv(b) 320 320 UTL 81 PCair. Mediol. 7
103Ab "X".14 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 339 339 PCair. Mediol. 7
117A 117A nr. 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.v 145 162 Hesychius
130 81 43 "X".1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 But now you hate me… (Poem 2) 55 50 A.12 Hephaestio
133 133 "X".8 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.E.v 164 127 re-59 Hephaestio
49 49 49 48 II.1 𐄂 𐄂 I loved you, Atthis, ROS 5.C.xx for Edmonds version 40 51 33 II.7 Hephaestio + Plotius (l. 1) + Plutarchus Amatorius (Dialogue on Love) + Scholiast on Pindar's second Pythian + Maximus Tyrius XXIV (l. 3 Edmonds, l. 2 others) + Terentiaus Maurus De Metris VI (reconstructed l. 2 of Edmonds)
156 156 156.1 122 (raw quote) "X".2 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.B.iii 130 66 av A.38 Demetrius De Elocutione CLXII
168B 168B 111 58 V.10 𐄂 Diehl 94 The moon has set 163 125 52 74 inc. 2 Hephaestio
168C 168C 133 "X".21 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 1.E.ix ⊆170 ⊆130 ⊆bh 148 inc. 5 Demetrius De Elocutione
169A 169A ⊆66 (cfr. critical note) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xxvi 385 385 Hesychius
194A (raw quote) 117A nr. 1 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxxviii Michaelis italici Or[atio] ad Michaelem Oxeitem
203b (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xxxix Eustathius
205.2 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xl Ael[ianus] V[aria?] H[istorica?] XII
210(II.2) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xli Hesychius
210(II.3) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xlii Hesychius
210(II.4) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xliii Hesychius
211a.2 (raw quote) T23 L., p. 150, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xliv Strabo X
211a.3 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xlv Alciphr[astes?] Epistulae I
211a.4 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xlvi Plu[tarchus] Prov. I
211a.5 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xlvii Schol[iasta] Berol[inensis] in Lib[ani] Ep[istulas] CCLVII
211a.6 (raw quote) T3 L., p. 146, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xlviii Suda
211a.7 (raw quote) L., p. 150, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xlix Servius in Aeneiden III
211a.8 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.l Luc. DMort. IX
211a.9 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS Scholiasta in eiusdem DMeretr. XII
211a.10 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lii Hesychius
213Aa (raw quote) 213A(a) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.liii P.Oxy. 2506 fr. 8
213Ab (raw quote) 213A(b) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.liv P.Oxy. 2506 fr. 42(a)
213Ac (raw quote) 213A(c) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS P.Oxy. 2506 fr. 43 col. ii
213Ad (raw quote) 213A(d) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lvi P.Oxy. 2506 fr. 44 col. ii
213Ae (raw quote) 213A(e) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lvii P.Oxy. 2506 fr. 45
213Af (raw quote) 213A(f) (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lviii P.Oxy. 2506 fr. 47
213Ag 213A(g) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lix P.Oxy. 2506 frr. 48 col. ii + 49
213Ah T14 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lx P.Oxy. 2506 fr. 48 col. iii
213Ai 213A(i) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxi P.Oxy. 2506 fr. 59
213Ak 213A(k) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxii P.Oxy. 2506 fr. 60
213B 213B "X".25 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Ode to Anactoria ⊆9 ⊆9 bl PSI omaggio all'XI congresso di papirologia
215 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxiii Pausanias IX
216 (raw quote) 171 (raw quote) 138 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxv 176 (raw quote) Philostratus Epistulae L!
217 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxvi Philostratus Imagg. II
219 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxvii Maximus Tyrius XVIII ss. + XXIV
220 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxviii Himerius Orationes XVII
221 (raw quote) T50 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxix Himerius Orationes XXVIII
222 (raw quote) T47 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxx Men[ander] Rh[etorica] II
223 (raw quote) T21 L., p. 156, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxi Philostratus Vita Apollonii I
224 (raw quote) T18 L., p. 156, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxii Horatius Carmina II
225 (raw quote) T51 L., p. 166, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxiii Horatius Carmina IV
226.1 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxiv Scholiasta metr. Pi. P. I
226.2 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxv Sacerd. Gramm. VI
226.3 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxvi Apollonius De Pronominibus
⊆30 226.4 (raw quote), also in TEST of 30 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxvii ⊆I.39 Book 1 colophon on P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 56.
227.1 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxviii Hephaestio
227.2 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxix Herodianus II
227.3 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxx Apollonius De Pronominibus
227.4 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxxi Athenaeus XI
227.5 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxxii AB I
227.6 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxxiii Eren. CVII
In critical note to 44 227.7 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxxiv ⊆II.2 Book 2 colophon merged from P.Oxy. 1232 fr. 1 col. ii (ϹΑΠΦ / Μ€Λω..) and P.Oxy. 2076 (ϹΑΠΦΟ[ / Β).
228.1 (raw quote) T30 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxxv Hephaestio
228.2 (raw quote) L., p. 180, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxxvi Hephaestio
229 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxxvii Hephaestio
230.1 (raw quote) T31 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxxviii Caesius Bassus De Metris VI
230.2 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.lxxxix Mar[ius] Victorin[us] gramm. VI
231.1 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xc Fortun[atus] Gramm. VI
231.2 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xci Pollux VII
231.3 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xcii Athenaeus IX
232 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xciii Hephaestio
233 (raw quote) T32 L., p. 178, 6 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xciv 105 (raw quote) Photius Biliotheca CLXI
234.1 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xcv Servius Georgicon I
234.2 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xcvi D. H[ermogenes?] Rh[etorica?] IV
234.3 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xcvii P.Oxy. 2294
235 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xcviii Suda
236 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.xcix Hephaestio
237 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.c D[ionysius] H[alicarnasseus De] Comp[ositione Verborum] XIX
238 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS Fortun[atus] gramm[atica] VI
239 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cii Mar[ius] Victorin. gramm[atica] VI
240 (raw quote) L., p. 180, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.ciii Scholiasta B in Hephaestio
242 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.civ Mar[ius] Victorin. gramm[atica] VI
243 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS Servius gramm[atica] IV
244 (raw quote) T22 L., p. 148, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cvi Seneca Epistulae LXXXVIII
245 (raw quote) T41 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cvii Strabo XIII
246 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cviii Aristox[enus] fr. 81 Wehrli = Plu[tarchus] De Mus[is? ica?] 1136e
247 (raw quote) T38 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cix Menaechm[i by Plautus?] fr. 5 Müll[er] = Athenaeus XIV
248 (raw quote) T40 L., p. 178, 5 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS Suda
249 (raw quote) T6 L., p. 142, 6 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxi Eusebius Chronicon Ol. XLV
250 (raw quote) T8 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxii Athenaeus XIII
251 (raw quote) T5 L., p. 142, 5 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxiii Marm. Par. Ep. 36
252 (raw quote) T1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxiv P.Oxy. 1800 fr. 1
253 (raw quote) T2 L., p. 144, 5 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxv Suda
254e (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxvi Suda
254g (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxvii Tz. Proll. Com.
255 (raw quote) L., p. 142, 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxviii Scholiast on Plato Phaedrus
256 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxix Ael[ianus?] VH XII
257 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxx Suda
258 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxi Maximus Tyrius XVIII
259 (raw quote) L., p. 160, 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxii Scholiasta Luc. Im. XVIII
260a (raw quote) T34 L., p. 166, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxiii Horatius Epistulae I
260b (raw quote) T17.1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxiv Porphyrio on Horatius Epistulae I
260c (raw quote) T17.2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxv Scholiasta Dion[ysius?] Lat. ad l.
261 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxvi Ovidius Amores III
262 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxvii Tatian. Or. ad Graec. XXXIII
264 (raw quote) T7 L., p. 142, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxviii Strabo XIII
inc. 25A inc. 25A 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.xx Etymologicum Genuinum + Etymologicum Magnum
inc. 25B inc. 25B 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.xxi Etymologicum Magnum
inc. 25C.1&2 inc. 25C 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.xxii = ROS 4.cxxix is 25C.1, ROS 4.cxxx is 25C.2 Eustathius on Iliad II + Scholiast on Ar. Vestp = Photius XXXII
inc. 25C.3-5 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Placed in numerical order at ROS 4.cxxxi-cxxxiii Cratin. fr. 236 K + two Hesychius entries
Alc. 253 inc. 28 Alc. 253 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lvi 340 340 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 2
Alc. 254 inc. 29 Alc. 254 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lvii 341 341 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 3
Alc. 255 inc. 30 Alc. 255 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lviii 342 342 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 4
Alc. 256(a) inc. 31a Alc. 256 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lix 343 343 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 5(a)
Alc. 256(b) inc. 31b 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.lxii 234 234 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 5(b)
Alc. 257 inc. 32 Alc. 257 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lx 344 344 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 6
Alc. 258 inc. 33 Alc. 258 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lxi 345 345 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 7
Alc. 259(a) col. ii inc. 34a Alc. 259(a) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.xi 280 280 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 8(a) col. ii
Alc. 259(a) col. i 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.xii 281 281 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 8(a) col. i
Alc. 259(b) inc. 34b 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.A.lxiii 235 235 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 8(b)
Alc. 261(b) col. i inc. 35 Alc. 261(b) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lxii 346 346 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 10(b) col. i
Alc. 261(b) col. ii inc. 36a 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.xiii 282 282 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 10(b) col. ii
Alc. 262 inc. 36b 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.xiv 283 283 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 11
Alc. 263 inc. 37 Alc. 263 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lxiii 347 347 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 12
Alc. 264 inc. 38 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lxiv 348 348 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 13
Alc. 265 inc. 39 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.B.xxxiv 269 269 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 14
Alc. 266 inc. 40 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lxv 349 349 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 15
Alc. 268 inc. 41 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lxvi 350 350 P.Oxy. 2299 fr. 17
Alc. 267 & 269-282 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Mentioned at end of ROS 2.D P.Oxy. 2299 frr. 16 + 18-25 + 26(a) + 26(b) + 27-31
inc. 42 inc. 42 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lxvii 351 351 P.Oxy. 2378 fr. a
inc. 42 TEST 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxxiv P.Oxy. 2378 fr. b
T4 L., p. 146, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxxv Aelianus V[aria?] H[istorica?] XII
T9 L., p. 140, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxxvi Herodotus II
T10 L., p. 140, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxxvii Aelianus quoted by Stobaeus Flor. III
T11 L., p. 158, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxxviii Pollux Vocabularium IX
T12 L., p. 142, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxxxix Strabo XIII
T13 L., p. 144, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxl Ovidius Heroides XV
T15 ⊆L., p. 148, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxli Athenaeus XIII
T16 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxlii Ovidius Heroides XV
T19 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxliii Ovidius Heroides XV
⊆219 T20 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxliv Maximus Tyrius XVIII
T24 L., p. 170, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxlv Cicero In Verrem
T25 L., p. 152, 4a 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxlvi Athenaeus X
T26 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxlvii Athenaeus XI
T27 L., p. 158, 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxlviii Anthologia Palatina VII
T28 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxlix Anthologia Palatina VII
T33 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS Marius Victorinus gramm. VI
T35 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cli Anthologia Palatina IX
T36 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clii Dionysius Halicarnasseus De Composition Verborum XIX
T37 L., p. 178, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cliii Plutarchus De Musica XVI
T39 L., 176, 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cliv Athenaeus XIV
T42 L., p. 172, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clv Dionisius Halicarnasseus Demosthenes XL
T43 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clvi Anthologia Palatina IV
T44 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clvii Ovidius Heroides XV
T45 L., p. 172, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clviii Demetrius De Elocutione CXXXII
T46 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clix Menander Rhetorica IX
T48 L., p. 164, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clx Apuleius Apologia IX
T49 ~L., p. 146, 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxi Ovidius Tristia II
T52 L., 178, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxii Themistocles Orationes XIII
T53 L., p. 168, 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxiii Aulus Gellius Noctes Atticae XIX
T54 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxiv Plutarchus Mul[iebres] Virt[utes]
T55 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxv Anthologia Palatina V
T56 L., p. 166, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxvi Catullus XXXV
T57 L., p. 164, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxvii Anthologia Palatina VII
T58 L., p. 162, 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxviii Anthologia Palatina VII
T59 L., p. 174, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxix Anthologia Palatina IX
T60 L., p. 162, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxx Anthologia Palatina IX
T61 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxi Tzetzes Περὶ Πινδάρου Μετρῶν
⊆2 ⊆2 2.2 (raw quote) 4 4 I.5 𐄂 Bergk 4⊆LP2 Idyll with Aphrodite ⊆2 ⊆2 ⊆4 4⊆209 I.4 Hermogenes
⊆2 ⊆2 2.3 6 6 I.5 𐄂 «Bergk 5»⊆LP2 Idyll with Aphrodite ⊆2 ⊆2 ⊆4 5"⊆"209 I.5 Athenaeus XI
15 I.32 𐄂 𐄂 LP15 The curse 5 5 i P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 3 + fr. 1 col. i
22 22 22 𐄂 𐄂 P.Oxy. 1231 frr. 12 + 15
129 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 1 12 12 re-c-and-bb Apollonius De Pronominibus
⊆141 ⊆141 141(a) ⊆146 ⊆57 IX.26 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP141 Even Gods celebrate marriages ⊆105 ⊆148 ⊆51 124 ⊆A.23 Athenaeus X + II + V + Eustathius Od[es]
⊆141 ⊆141 141(b) ⊆146 ⊆57 IX.26 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP141 Even Gods celebrate marriages ⊆105 ⊆148 ⊆51 125 ⊆A.23 Athenaeus XI + Macrobius Sat[urnalia] V
156.2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 125 ⊆A.38 Demetrius De Elocutione
185.2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xxvii ⊆382 ⊆382 Philostratus Imagg. II + Aristaenetus "Love letters" I
213C 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.C.xv 284 284 P.Mich. inv. 3498r
214A 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxii P.Oxy. 2637
214B 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.lxviii 352 352 P.Colon. 5860
214C 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxiii P.Colon. inv. 8
157D 143 118 𐄂 𐄂 157D The girl Aethopia 158 106 118 203 Anthologia Palatina VI
158D 144 119 𐄂 𐄂 158D Timas 159 107 119 204 Anthologia Palatina VII
159D 145 120 𐄂 𐄂 159D Pelagon the fisher 160 108 120 205 Anthologia Palatina VII
⊆250 (raw quote) ⊆T8 L., p. 144, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 4.cxii Hermesianax quoted by Athenaeus XIII
⊆250 (raw quote) ⊆T8 L., p. 144, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 4.cxii Athenaeus XIII
L., p. 144, 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxiv Scholiast on Pindar
L., p. 146, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxv Athenaeus XIII
L., p. 152, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxvi Suda
L., p. 152, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxvii Athenaeus II
L., p. 152, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxviii Ovidius Heroides XV
L., p. 152, 4b 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxix Athenaeus XIII
L., p. 152, 4c 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxx Athenaeus VIII
⊆250 (raw quote) ⊆T8 L., p. 152, 4d 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxii Athenaeus XIII
L., p. 154, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxxi Maximus Tyrius XXIV
⊆T19 L., p. 154, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxliii Ovidius Heroides XV
⊆T19 L., p. 158, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxliii Ovidius Heroides XV
L., p. 158, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxxi Aristoteles Rhetorica
L., p. 158, 5 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxiii Plato Phaedrus
L., p. 160, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxxiv Maximus Tyrius XXIV
L., p. 160, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxxv Ovidius Heroides XV
L., p. 160, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxxvi Lucianus Imagines XVIII
L., p. 160, 5 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxxvii Porphyrio on Horatius Sat. II
L., p. 162, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxxviii Athologia Palatina VII
L., p. 164, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.clxxxix Athologia Palatina IX
L., p. 164, 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxc Anthologia Palatina IX
L., p. 166, 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxci Anthologia Palatina VII
L., p. 166, 5 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxcii Anthologia Palatina XVII
L., p. 166, 6 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxciii Plutarchus Pythici Oraculi VI
L., p. 168, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxciv Plutarchus Symposion VII
L., p. 168, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxcv Plutarchus Amatorius XVIII
L., p. 168, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxcvi Plutarchus Symposion V
L., p. 170, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxcvii Lucianus Amores
L., p. 170, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxcviii Lucianus Merc. Cond.
L., p. 174, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cxcix Himerius Orationes I
L., p. 176, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS Julianus Epistulae XXX
L., p. 176, 2 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cci Pausanias I 25
L., p. 176, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.ccii Athenaeus XIII
L., p. 178, 3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cciii Athenaeus XIV
L., p. 178, 4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.cciv Athenaeus XIII
L., p. 180, 1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.ccv Hephaestio
1a 𐄂 𐄂 "Wharton 12"[1] ROS 4.ccvi From a book Sappho is holding in the image on a vase
⊆26 ⊆26 ⊆26 13 14 I.45 𐄂 𐄂 Wharton 12 = "Wharton 12"[9] ⊆ LP 26 Poem 3, ⊆Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth ⊆11 vers. 1, ⊆16 vers. 3 ⊆11 vers. 1, ⊆16 vers. 3 12 (μάλιστα σίννονται) & 12B (μάλιστα πάντων δηὖτε σίνονται) ⊆re-12B-and-15 ⊆37 Etymologicum Magnum
⊆26 ⊆26 ⊆26 15 92 I.45 𐄂 𐄂 Bergk 15 = "Wharton 12"[10] = "Bergk 15"[1] ⊆ LP 26 Poem 3, ⊆Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth ⊆11, ⊆16 vers. 3 ⊆11, ⊆16 vers. 3 12⊆re-12B-and-15 ⊆37 Etymologicum Magnum
28 124 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 182 Maximus Tyrius XXIV
⊆16 ⊆16 ⊆16 38 I.33 𐄂 𐄂 Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth ⊆16 ⊆16 16 (with 2166(a)) & 16B (without) & re-16 (with and with safopoemas fourth verse) 27 ⊆I.27 Apollonius De Syntaxi + P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 1 col. i (+ P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 2)
⊆16 ⊆16 ⊆16 39 I.33 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth ⊆16 ⊆16 Hidden in Paracritical Note ⊆I.27 PSI 123 + P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 1 col. ii
46 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 5.B.iii 18 v. Edmonds 18 v. Edmonds 38 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 50, Grenfell-Hunt published transcription, which doesn't match Lobel-Page &co. 27
49 𐄂 𐄂 «Bergk 23» = "Wharton 12"[7] ROS 1.G.iv 20 20 p 49 Apollonius De Pronominibus
Critical note to 156 Within TEST of 156 156.3 61 (e.g.) 123 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 172 172 140 Gregorius on Hermogenes Rhetorica VII
Critical note to 44 l. 30 In TEST (IV) of 44 Second comparandum of 44 63 155 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xxviii 386 386 In Crit of II.2 right after "Col. ii" Bekker's Anecdota
⊆44 ⊆44 ⊆44 66[1] II.15 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Hector and Andromacha ⊆47 ⊆60 ⊆Ἕκτωρ καὶ Ἀνδρομάχη 56A ⊆II.2 P.Oxy. 1232 fr. 1 col. ii + Athenaeus XI
⊆44 ⊆44 ⊆44 66[2] II.15 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Hector and Andromacha ⊆47 ⊆60 ⊆Ἕκτωρ καὶ Ἀνδρομάχη 56B ⊆II.2 P.Oxy. 1232 fr. 2
⊆44 ⊆44 ⊆44 66[3] II.15 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Hector and Andromacha ⊆47 ⊆60 ⊆Ἕκτωρ καὶ Ἀνδρομάχη 56C ⊆II.2 P.Oxy. 1232 fr. 1 col. iii (+ Bekker's Anecdota)
Alc. 349(b) Alc. 349c Alc. 349(b) 70 71 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.J.iii 143 78 68 III.4 Priscus Iust. Grammatica
In critical note of 147 In TEST of 147 In critical note of 147 77 (e.g.) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.ccvii, ROS 5.A.xx for Edmonds version 398 398 Diogenes Chrysostomus XXXVII
⊆96 ⊆96 ⊆96 86 V.14 𐄂 ⊆LP96 O Atthis! ⊆83 ⊆84 ⊆Ἄτθι, σοὶ κἄμ' Ἀνακτορία φίλα (Greek Wikisource title Ἀριγνώτα) 96 ⊆V.3 P.Berol. 9722 fol. 5
87 with e.g. reconstruction in critical note 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 5.A.xxi 85 v. Edmonds 85 v. Edmonds Athenaeus IX + Edmonds e.g. madness
88 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 3.xxix 378 378 Hesychius
89 ? II.8 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 2, ROS 5.C.xxi for Edmonds version 42 53 48 Julianus Epistulae LX
⊆58 ⊆58 ⊆58 118 80 IV.3 𐄂 𐄂 Beautiful gifts of the Muses, P.Oxy. lines, part 3; ROS 5.B.iv for Edmonds version ⊆79 ⊆101 ⊆79 ⊆75 ⊆IV.1 Athenaeus XV
⊆137 ⊆137 ⊆137 119 32 "X".13 𐄂 𐄂 Cox 26⊆LP137 ⊆ROS 1.H.i ⊆106 ⊆40 ⊆28 160b A.19(b) Aristoteles Rhetoric I
⊆137 ⊆137 ⊆137 In pre-quote of 119 "X".13 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP137 ⊆ROS 1.H.i ⊆106 ⊆40 ⊆28 160a A.19(a) Aristoteles Rhetoric I
134 "X".21 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 1.E.ix ⊆170 ⊆130 ⊆bh 149 In Crit of inc. 5 Aristoteles Ethica Nichomachaea + Hesychius
inc. 24 136 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 5.C.xvii for Edmonds version 101 v. Edmonds 144 v. Edmonds 116 inc. 9 Marius Plotius Sacerd[os?] III
147 (e.g.) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 5.A.xxii for Edmonds version 399 399 Himerius Orationes I 20
148 93 IX.1 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 89 132 A.8 Hephaestio + Demetrius De Elocutione CXLVIII (ll. 1-4 E, 1-2 SP) + Demetrius De Elocutione CXLVI + Eustathius (ll. 5-6 E, 3 SP) (lines counted without counting the ὐμήναον lines)
⊆Alc. 304 col. i ⊆44Aa ⊆44A(a) 152 97 V.19 col. i 𐄂 𐄂 <Lobel-Page (Alcaeus) 304> Poem 1 ⊆45 ⊆58 ⊆96 122 A.3 Cramer Anecdota
154 (e.g.) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 5.A.xxiii 93 136 Hephaestio (ll. 1-3 = LP 110(a)) + Edmonds e.g. madness (ll. 4-6)
154.3 Mentioned in critical note to 99 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.ccvi Synaesius Epistulae III
112 ll. 1-2 112 ll. 1-2 112 ll. 1-2 155 100 IX.15 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP 112 O happy bridegroom ⊆94 ⊆137 ⊆99 106 VIII.9 Hephaestio
112 l. 4 112 l. 4 112 l. 4 156 101 IX.15 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP 112 O happy bridegroom, ROS 5.C.xxii for Edmonds version ⊆94 ⊆137 ⊆99 108 l. 2 VIII.12 l. 2 Hephaestio
112 ll. 3-5 112 ll. 3-5 112 ll. 3-5 158 IX.15 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP 112 O happy bridegroom, 5.C.xxiii for Edmonds version ⊆94 ⊆137 ⊆99 108 VIII.12 Hephaestio
⊆58 ⊆58 ⊆58 190⊆80 ⊆70 (says critical note) IV.3 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP 58 Beautiful gifts of the Muses 381(b)⊆73 381(b)⊆95 ⊆79 201 Orion XXVIII
⊆16 ⊆16 ⊆16 ⊆38 16 I.33 𐄂 𐄂 «Bergk 13» Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth ⊆16 ⊆16 ⊆16 ⊆27 ⊆I.27 Apollonius De Syntaxi
⊆2 ⊆2 ⊆2.1 29 I.5 𐄂 ⊆LP2 Idyll with Aphrodite ⊆2 ⊆2 ⊆4 ⊆209 Crameri Anecdota
⊆250 (raw quote) ⊆T8 30 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Apparent captatio benevolentiae 8 8 26 208 Athenaeus XIII
⊆94 ⊆94 ⊆94 ⊆83 51 V.12 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP94 I want to have died ⊆81 ⊆82 46⊆Τεθνάκην δ' ἀδόλως θέλω ⊆93 Probably in a book V Crit Athenaeus XV
54 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.B.iv 132 48 Cramer's Anecdota
⊆94 ⊆94 ⊆94 ⊆83 55 V.12 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP94 I want to have died ⊆81 ⊆82 46⊆Τεθνάκην δ' ἀδόλως θέλω ⊆93 Probably in a book V Crit Athenaeus XV
⊆44 ⊆44 ⊆44 ⊆66[1] 72 II.15 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Hector and Andromacha ⊆47 ⊆60 ⊆Ἕκτωρ καὶ Ἀνδρομάχη ⊆56A In Crit of II.2 Athenaeus XI
78 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 72 Hephaestio + Herodian Περὶ Κλίσεων Ὀνομάτων apud Aldi Thes[ei?] Cornucop[ia] + Etymologicum Magnum + Maximus Tyrius XXIV = LP 82(a) + LP 91
⊆104(a) ⊆104a ⊆104(a) ⊆149 96 IX.7 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP104a ⊆ROS 1.A.xv ⊆92 ⊆135 ⊆95 ⊆121 ⊆VIII.1 Etymologicum Magnum + Etymologicum Gud[ianum?] + Scholiast on Euripides, Orestes + Crameri Anecdota II + Demetrius De Elocutione CLXI
128 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Philostratus Imagines II + Aristaenetus I
134 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.ccix Pausanias I 2
⊆136 ⊆136 ⊆136 ⊆138 141 (raw quote) ⊆42 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP136 ROS 387 387 ⊆39 ⊆131 ⊆A.18 Suda
151 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 192 (kinda raw quote) Scholiasta Homerus XIV
IV.11 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxiii 307 307 UTL 64 82 IV.14 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 9
IV.24 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxxii 316 316 UTL 75 214 (a spectacularly garbled rendition) P.Oxy. 2290 frr. 1a + 1b + 2
148 l. 1 148 l. 1 148 l. 1 100 ll. 1-2 83 l. 1 V.8 𐄂 𐄂 LP148 l. 1 Poem 10, l. 1 74 l. 1 96 l. 1 ac l. 1 73=159 A.30 Scholiast on Pindar's Olympics II + on Pindar's Pythics V
V.15 𐄂 𐄂 LP 98 Poem 2 84 85 ae 210 P.Haun. 301 (ed. 1941) + P.Mediol. (ed. Vogliano 1939)
99 col. i V.31 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.D.xxxiii(a) (ll. 1-9) + (b) (rest) 317(a) (ll. 1-9) + (b) (rest) 317(a) (ll. 1-9) + (b) (rest) UTL 78 P.Oxy. 2291 col. i
inc. 21 inc. 17,21 "X".12 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.C.v 169 129 bd Hephaestio + Etymologicum Magnum
"X".21 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 1.E.ix 170 130 bh Demetrius De Elocutione (l. 1) + Aristoteles Ethica Nichomachaea (l. 2)
"⊆"58 "⊆"58 "⊆"58 IV.3 𐄂 LP58 Beautiful gifts of the Muses, P.Oxy. lines, part 2 73 95 ⊆79 ⊆75 "⊆"IV.1 P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 1 ll. 10-21 (+ P.Köln inv. 21351 frr. 1 ll. 9-12 + 1a + 2 ll. 1-9 + P.Köln inv. 21376 ll. 1-4, which is not in those sources that have "")
110(a) l. 1 110 l. 1 110(a) l. 1 154 l. 1 99 l. 1 IX.11 l. 1 𐄂 𐄂 LP110a The porter, l. 1 93 l. 1 136 l. 1 98 l. 1 118 l. 1 VIII.7 l. 1 Hephaestio
110(a) ll. 2-3 110 ll. 2-3 110(a) ll. 2-3 154 ll. 2-3 99 ll. 2-3 IX.11 ll. 2-3 𐄂 𐄂 LP110b The porter, ll. 2-3 93 ll. 2-3 136 ll. 2-3 98 ll. 2-3 118 ll. 2-3 VIII.7 ll. 2-3 Hephaestio
⊆90(1) col. iii ⊆90a col. iii ⊆90(1a) col. iii 𐄂 𐄂 "Wharton 12"[2]: [ε] γω το καλλος επιτ[μεζον] ⊆ROS 2.D.xlvi ⊆331 ⊆331 P.Oxy. 2293 fr. 1(b) col. ii
⊆21 ⊆21 ⊆21 ⊆42 Alc. 12 I.38 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP21 I would marry, but I'm old ⊆22 ⊆22 ⊆k ⊆32 ⊆I.32 Apollonius De Pronominibus
⊆inc. 15 (raw quote) inc. 15a (raw quote) ⊆inc. 15 (raw quote) Alc. 107 (raw quote) 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS 1.J.xvii ⊆114 ⊆105 Zenobius V & Scholiast on Ael. Aristid[es]
"⊆"58 "⊆"58 "⊆"58 "⊆"IV.3 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Beautiful gifts of the Muses, P.Oxy. lines, part 1 78 100 ⊆79 ``⊆''75 "⊆"IV.1 P.Oxy. 1787 frr. 1 ll. 1-9 + 2a (which all the «"⊆"» sources do not have) + L.Σ.μ. IV 1 (which safopoemas does not have, hence the ``⊆'' mark)
58 ll. 23-26 + 59 58 ll. 23-26 + 59 ⊇58 ll. 23-26 IV.3 ll. 23-26 + IV.4 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Beautiful gifts of the Muses, P.Oxy. lines, part 3 79 101 ⊆79 ⊆75 1 ll. 23-26 + 1A P.Oxy. 1787 frr. 1 ll. 23-26 + fr. 2 + Athenaeus XV
𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Beautiful gifts of the Muses, Köln extras 80 102 ⊆75 P.Köln inv. 21351 fr. 1 ll. 1-8
⊆24(c) ⊆24d ⊆24(c) I.42 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP24(c) ⊆ROS 2.B.iv ⊆239 ⊆239 ⊆UTL 15 40[9] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 22
𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.E.i 355 355 40[11] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 24
⊆24(c) ⊆24d ⊆24(c) I.42 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP24(c) ⊆ROS 2.B.iv ⊆239 ⊆239 ⊆UTL 15 40[12] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 25
𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.E.ii 356 356 40[16] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 37
𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.E.iii 357 357 40[17] P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 39
⊆27 ⊆27 ⊆27 I.46 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP27 You were also a tender young child ⊆18 ⊆18 ⊆n 40[18] ⊆I.38 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 51
⊆27 ⊆27 ⊆27 I.46 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP27 You were also a tender young child ⊆18 ⊆18 ⊆n 40[19] ⊆I.38 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 52
⊆27 ⊆27 ⊆27 I.46 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP27 You were also a tender young child ⊆18 ⊆18 ⊆n 40[20] ⊆I.38 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 53
⊆89 ? II.8 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Poem 2 ⊆42 ⊆53 ⊆48 47 II.10 Julianus Epistulae LX
𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 62 Etymologicum Magnum + Zouar. + Athenaeus II + Eustathius (giving LP 166) + Athenaeus II (giving LP 167)
𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 Beautiful gifts of the muses, P.Oxy. lines, all three parts. 75 P.Oxy. 1787 frr. 1 + 2 + 2a + L.Σ.μ. IV 1 + Athenaeus XV (+ P.Köln inv. 21351 frr. 1 ll. 9-12 + 1a + 2 ll. 1-9 + P.Köln inv. 21376 ll. 1-4)
𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.E.iv 358 358 88[1] P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 8
⊆84 ⊆84 ⊆84 IV.21 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆ROS ⊆314 ⊆314 ⊆UTL 73 88[12] P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 37
𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 4.ccx 89 A possible colophon on P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 45, which is probably among those Lobel ascribed to Pindar.
Second source for 91 Probably in Crit of 135 Probably in Crit of 135 In Crit of 135 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 ROS 2.E.v 359 359 207 Hesychius
⊆96 ⊆96 ⊆96 V.14 𐄂 𐄂 ⊆LP96 O Atthis! ⊆83 ⊆84 ⊆Ἄτθι, σοὶ κἄμ' Ἀνακτορία φίλα (Greek Wikisource title Ἀριγνώτα) 212 ⊆V.3 P.Berol. 9722 fol. 5
ROS 2.D.lxix 353 353 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 1 col. ii + P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 3 col. i
ROS 2.D.lxx 354 354 P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 4
ROS 1.J.xxiii 157 113 inc. 6 P.Oxy. 220
End of transcriptions post 11 last version 11 last version P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 4 + P.Sapph. Obbbink + P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 16 + Apollonius De Pronominibus

Italian anthology Lobel-Page Blog coordinates
1 1 Hymn to Aphrodite
2 2 Idyll with Aphrodite
3 3 Poem 8
4 4 ROS 1.H.vii
5 5 Cypris and Nereids
6 6(a)+6(b) ROS 2.C.i
7 7 ROS 2.D.i
9 9 ROS 2.D.iii
9a ⊇10 ROS 1.J.xxiv
15 15(a)+15(b) The curse
16 ⊆16 Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth,
before the "end of poem" in the GC version
16a ⊆16 Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth,
after the "end of poem" in the GC version
17 17 Divine Hera
18 18 ⊆ROS 2.D.lxix
19 19 ROS 2.D.iv
20 20 A prayer to avoid stormy journeys
21 21 I would marry, but I'm old
22 22 ROS 2.D.v + Gongyla
23 23 Ode to a beautiful woman
24a 24(a) + 29(25a) Remember: we did those things too
+ ROS 2.D.xvi = ROS 7
25 25 ROS 2.B.v
26 26 Poem 3
27 27 You were also a tender young child
30 30 Let's sing for the couple!
31 31 Ode to Anactoria
32 32 Poem 2
33 33 Prayer
34 34 The stars and the moon (Poem 1)
35 35 Poem 4
36 36 ROS 1.H.vii
37 37 ROS 1.H.v
38 38 ROS 1.G.i
39 39 ROS 1.C.vii
36 36 ROS 1.H.vii
40 40 + inc. 13 Libation
41 41 Unchanging opinion
42 42 ROS
43 43 Morn is nigh
44 44 Hector and Andromacha
44A a Alc. 304 col. i Poem 1
44A b Alc. 304 col. ii ROS 2.C.v
46 46 ROS 1.C.ii + ROS 1.J.vii
47 47 Poem 5
48 48 Poem 2
49 49 I loved you, Atthis
50 50 Poem 9
51 51 Poem 4
52 52 Poem 1
53 53 ROS 1.D.i
54 54 Poem 6
55 55 Poem 1
56 56 Poem 2
57 57 Poem 2
58a 58 ll. 1-10 Poem 2, P.Oxy. lines, part 1, minus P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 2a
58b P.Köln lines
58c 58 ll. 11-22 Poem 2, P.Oxy. lines, part 2
58d 58 ll. 23-26 Poem 2, P.Oxy. lines, part 3
62+71, 8 62 + 71 l. 8 + 87(14) l. 4 ROS 2.C.2 + Poem 4 l. 8 + ROS 2.A.xxxvii =
= ROS 6.A.i
63+87 (13) 63 + 87(13) ROS 2.C.iii + ROS 2.A.xxxvi = ROS 6.A.ii
67a⊆87+60+65 67(a) ROS 2.D.xxi⊆
68a+70+75a 68(a) + 70 + 75(a) ROS 2.D.xxii + ROS 2.D.xxvi + ROS 2.B.xxii =
= ROS 6.A.iii
68b+69 68(b) + 69 ROS 2.D.xl + 2.D.xli = ROS 6.A.iv
71 + 61 + 87(14) 71 ll. 1-7 + 61 + 87(14) l. 2 Poem 4, ll. 1-7 + ROS + ROS 2.A.xxxvii l. 2 =
= ROS 6.A.v
73a 73(a) ROS 2.D.xxv
76 76 ROS 2.B.xvi
81 81(a) + 81(b) ROS 2.B.xxv + ROS 1.E.i
82a 82(a) ROS 1.E.iv
84 84 ROS
86+60+65⊇67a 86 + 60 + 65 + 67(a) + 66(c)
+ P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 3 col. i
ROS 2.D.xliv + ROS 1.H.ii + ROS 2.D.xx
+ 2.D.xxi + 2.A.xx + two unidentified line ends =
88 88(a) + 88(b) ROS 2.D.xxxii
90 90(1) coll. i-ii ROS 2.A.xlvii + ROS 2.D.xlv
90a 90(1) col. iii ROS 2.D.xlvi
90b 90(3) ROS 2.D.xlvii
90c 90(4) ROS 2.D.xlviii
90d 90(10a) ROS 2.D.xlix
90e 90(10b) ROS 2.A.liii
91 91 ROS 1.E.ii
92 92 ROS 2.C.iv
94 94 I want to have died
95 95 I wish to visit the underworld
96 96 O Atthis!
98a 98(a) Poem 2
98b 98(b) Poem 2
99a 99 col. i ll. 1-9 ⊆ROS 2.D.xxxii
99b 99 col. i rest + col. ii ll. 1-3 ⊆ROS 2.D.xxxii
101 101 ROS 1.C.vii
101a Alc. 347(b) ROS 1.I.iii
102 102 ROS 1.H.iii
103 103 ROS 1.A.ii
103b inc. 26 ROS 2.D.xxxiv
103c a 214[1] ROS 2.B.xviii
103c b 214[4] ROS 2.B.xix
104a 104(a) ROS 1.A.xv
104b 104(b) ROS 1.I.v
105a 105(a) ROS 1.A.v
105b 105(c) ROS
106 106 ROS 1.A.iv
107 107 ROS 1.A.iii
108 108 ROS 1.A.i
109 109 ROS 1.A.viii
110 110(a) The porter
111 111 Hymenaeum
112 112 O happy bridegroom
113 113 Another maiden
114 114 ROS 1.A.vii
115 115 To whom shall I compare thee?
116 116 Be happy
117 117 O happy wife
118 118 Sing to me, o lyre
119 119 ROS
120 120 Poem 7
121 121 Poem 12
122 122 ROS 1.I.iv
123 123 ROS 1.E.x
124 124 ROS 1.D.iv
125 125 Weaving garlands
126 126 May you sleep
127 127 ROS 1.D.iii
128 128 ROS 1.D.ii
129a 129 l. 1 Poem 2
129b 129 l. 2 Poem 2
130 130 + 131 Poem 2
132 132 Poem 1
133 133 ROS 1.E.v
134 134 ROS 1.F.ii
135 135 ROS
136 136 ROS 1.I.i
137 137 ROS 1.H.i
138 138 Poem 1
140 140 Mourning song
141 141 Even gods celebrate marriages
142 142 Poem 2
144 144 ROS 1.E.vii
145 145 Poem 13
146 146 ROS 1.I.ii
147 147 Poem 3
148 148 Poem 10
149 149 ROS 1.F.iii
150 150 Poem 3
151 151 ROS 1.F.i
152 152 ROS 1.A.ix
153 153 ROS 1.I.vii
154 154 Full moon
155 155 ROS 1.A.xiv
156 156 ROS 1.B.iii
157 157 ROS 1.3.i
158 158 Poem 6
159 159 ROS 1.E.vii
160 160 ROS
161 161 Keep your guard on her
162 162 ROS 1.F.iv
163 163 My only care
164 164 ROS 1.G.ii
166 166 Poem 3
167 167 ROS 1.B.ii
168 168 ROS 1.A.x
168a 178 ROS 1.B.i
168b The moon has set
168c ROS 1.E.ix l. 1
169a ROS 3.xxvi
172 172 ROS 3.v
176 176 ROS 1.B.ii
167 167 ROS 3.ix
185 185 ROS 3.xvii
188 188 ROS 3.xx
190 190 ROS 3.xxii
192 192 ROS 1.A.xiii
Inc. auct. 11 inc. 11 ROS 1.E.iii
Inc. auct. 16 inc. 16 An intruder? (Poem 3)

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