Last time we had Sappho's nostalgia for her daughter, so keeping on the theme of children, we have four children's song today.
The first three, Tingelingelinge tåget går (Ding ding ding the train goes), Mors lilla olle (Mother's little Olle) and Trasiga Trasse (name of a doll, note that "trasig" means "tattered, ragged"), are Swedish, while the last one, 世上只有妈妈好 | Shì shàng zhǐ yǒu māma hǎo (Only mama is the best in the world), is Chinese.
The Chinese one I met sometime in my first year of studying Chinese, that is between Oct 2011 and Sep 2012, and translated shortly afterwards into English. Well, actually, the song first appears in Session 13 from 18/6/12, session 12 being from 3/6, but the mega-intro tells me I only translated it on 28/8/12, so shortly, not really. At any rate, the first version I can find is the one from the 3/9/12 file, which is the below except for the changes discussed in a second.
Then on 30/5/19 around 3:45am I finally got around to making a new translation: Italian. I did most of it, leaving out only like one line. I made a version the following morning around 9:30, then one more past midnight, but I was unsure exactly what was up with the grass (we're talking about l. 6), so I asked on Quora, a couple answers came in, I read the first one, and… FACEPALM. What a blunder, oh my gosh! So the 的s in ll. 2 and 6 are not genitive markers (think English 's), but relative clause markers.
Which means my translations «Havin’ ma’s kid’s like havin’ gold» and «Not havin’ ma’s kid’s like havin’ grass», and the Italian «Bimbo, di mamma sei il tesor» and «È triste lei se con lei non stai» are totally bogus. So between 2:02 and 2:04 I fixed the English and the Italian, and I also had to adjust the «Gioia dove avrai?» to the new rhyme.
Finally, the line «A child with a mom like a treasure is» changed to the below form, for rhyming purposes, on 4/5/12 17:02.
The Swedish ones are a longer story. I met with them in my childhood, on a tape my dad brought back from Sweden. The tape was called Älskade Barnvisor (Beloved Children-Songs), and was a nursery rhyme tape. I never understood a word of them until, when a Danish friend of my brother's came to stay at our place for a week before my brother's concert in the Milan conservatory, the tape came back to my mind, and I searched for and translated all the texts of the songs. That was in Feb 2017 (1 year and 2 months ago approximately), and I chose these three to translate them to Chinese only. By the way, I translated Mors lilla Olle first, then Tingelingelinge, then Trasiga Trasse. «Those translations are found in this Fb note last edited "March 14" (presumably Pi Day 2017), and they were the versions below, modulo typos and the change 他有车把在后面的自行车。 -> 有一辆把在后面的自行车。 in the last one, first recorded in the very first saved draft of this post, from 9/4/18 at 9:00. All the songs were translated to English in a literal non-singable fashion, and it is those translations that I will place in this post», yeah no. We can do much better. First off, that March 14 is bullshit, and 2021. Idk why Fb does that shit with old notes. Anyway:
So let's see these songs, shall we?
The first three, Tingelingelinge tåget går (Ding ding ding the train goes), Mors lilla olle (Mother's little Olle) and Trasiga Trasse (name of a doll, note that "trasig" means "tattered, ragged"), are Swedish, while the last one, 世上只有妈妈好 | Shì shàng zhǐ yǒu māma hǎo (Only mama is the best in the world), is Chinese.
The Chinese one I met sometime in my first year of studying Chinese, that is between Oct 2011 and Sep 2012, and translated shortly afterwards into English. Well, actually, the song first appears in Session 13 from 18/6/12, session 12 being from 3/6, but the mega-intro tells me I only translated it on 28/8/12, so shortly, not really. At any rate, the first version I can find is the one from the 3/9/12 file, which is the below except for the changes discussed in a second.
Then on 30/5/19 around 3:45am I finally got around to making a new translation: Italian. I did most of it, leaving out only like one line. I made a version the following morning around 9:30, then one more past midnight, but I was unsure exactly what was up with the grass (we're talking about l. 6), so I asked on Quora, a couple answers came in, I read the first one, and… FACEPALM. What a blunder, oh my gosh! So the 的s in ll. 2 and 6 are not genitive markers (think English 's), but relative clause markers.
Which means my translations «Havin’ ma’s kid’s like havin’ gold» and «Not havin’ ma’s kid’s like havin’ grass», and the Italian «Bimbo, di mamma sei il tesor» and «È triste lei se con lei non stai» are totally bogus. So between 2:02 and 2:04 I fixed the English and the Italian, and I also had to adjust the «Gioia dove avrai?» to the new rhyme.
Finally, the line «A child with a mom like a treasure is» changed to the below form, for rhyming purposes, on 4/5/12 17:02.
The Swedish ones are a longer story. I met with them in my childhood, on a tape my dad brought back from Sweden. The tape was called Älskade Barnvisor (Beloved Children-Songs), and was a nursery rhyme tape. I never understood a word of them until, when a Danish friend of my brother's came to stay at our place for a week before my brother's concert in the Milan conservatory, the tape came back to my mind, and I searched for and translated all the texts of the songs. That was in Feb 2017 (1 year and 2 months ago approximately), and I chose these three to translate them to Chinese only. By the way, I translated Mors lilla Olle first, then Tingelingelinge, then Trasiga Trasse. «Those translations are found in this Fb note last edited "March 14" (presumably Pi Day 2017), and they were the versions below, modulo typos and the change 他有车把在后面的自行车。 -> 有一辆把在后面的自行车。 in the last one, first recorded in the very first saved draft of this post, from 9/4/18 at 9:00. All the songs were translated to English in a literal non-singable fashion, and it is those translations that I will place in this post», yeah no. We can do much better. First off, that March 14 is bullshit, and 2021. Idk why Fb does that shit with old notes. Anyway:
- Mors lilla Olle first appears in the self-chage; specifically:
- Verse 4 appears 21/2/17 9:43 with l. 2 «熊来跑走现在结束玩了» (seen fixed in 11:21:08 21/2/17 screenshot from 21/2/17), l. 3 with "ta" spelled 他, and no punctuation;
- Verse 1 appears at 10:07 with l. 4 as «我去不该这么孤单的过» and again rather lacking punctuation;
- Verse 2 appears at 10:26 with l. 1 as «吱吱吱谁藏在那?» and reduced punctuation;
- Verse 3, minus the last line, appears at 11:10;
- 21/2/17 11:10:50 screenshot shows title being spelled as blog; well, it started as 妈妈的欧洲 and is about to get that zhou fixed :);
- 11:14:17 is presumably just copypasting the messages;
- 11:14:32, verse 4 gets cut from the start;
- 11:14:44, verse 1 correctly linebroken;
- 11:15:03 everything correctly linebroken, <> added for V3L3, verse 4 pasted back in;
- 11:15:15 first two verses probs about to be modified;
- 11:19:54 we're back at verse 3 and we see a punctuation change being made, I guess this is when I fixed the punctuation? Verse 4 still all in one line;
- 11:21:05 verse 4 is getting linebreaks and punctuation, but the last two lines are still untouched; verse 3 is now complete in note form;
- 11:21:08 the -er of wánrliǎo is being added in;
- Coming to Tingelingelinge, here's the screenshot history:
- 21/2/17 11:25:43 we see 叮啊叮啊叮啊火车去 in the note;
- 11:26:15 叮啊叮啊叮啊火车来 qu jin da shi jie a [suggestion 区仅大世界啊, but of course the intended meaning was 去进大世界啊];
- 11:26:41 叮啊叮啊叮啊火车来 / 去进大世界啊, / 由医院就可上来; note that l. 2 is an older version;
- 11:36:45, l. 2 is still 去进大世界啊,, l. 3 is fixed to 有一元就可上来, l. 4 is missing, and we have «看…看…: / 他现在买个车票
- 11:39:10 changes 个车票 to 张车票;
- 11:40:52, l. 2 gets edited to hui qu guo wu zhou a [suggestion 回去过梧州啊]; 11:41:00, 会去 guo wu zhou a [suggestion 国五周啊];
- 11:51:29 & 11:51:32, l. 2 is 会去过五洲啊,, l. 4 is there as 跟我们来旅游啊。, and the end is «他现在买张车票 / 《》 / 《》», so the last two lines are missing;
- Note has this in blog form save for a typo in l. 7, which reads 就上如火车里;
- Finally, Trasiga trasse;
- 21/2/17 12:30:15 xie po huai [suggestion 些破坏]; i.e. we have the title;
- 12:30:45: [谢破坏] 曾有个玩偶,ta ming jiao xie po huai [suggestion 他命胶鞋破坏]; i.e. l. 2;
- 12:35:41, first verse is in blog form, the chorus is missing, and verse 2 is started, with l. 2 «ta you che ba zai hou mian di zi xing che [suggestion 他有车把在后面的自行车]; iv. 12:37:01, the chorus is still missing, but V2L2 is 他有车把在后面的自行车。, l. 3 following as «ta xiang qian qi a [suggestion 他想牵起啊]»; 12:37:07 fixing the suggestion, we're choosing the qi character and the right one is line 2 char 4;
- 12:39:52, chorus still missing, V2L2 still unchanged, but verse 2 is now complete; 12:40:33 shows from 五分到十点他就来去影院 line to end of verse 2 exactly as above;
- 12:40:40 wa ba da [suggestion 挖吧嗒]: we're doing the chorus; 12:41:44 & 12:41:46: spelling chosen for 哇吧打,哇吧打,哇帕帕。; verse 2 is blog save for l. 2, as it was before;
- 12:48:24 shows from V2L3 to V3L2, in blog form save for V3L2 having the classifier 个 in place of 支;
- 12:48:29 changes precisely that classifier;
- 12:49:06 adds «you yi ri da feng lai dai zou xiao po huai» to what we previously had, with suggestion 又易日大风来带走小破坏]; that's V3L3, and the screenshot from 12:50:18, last for the note, shows it spelled right;
- V3L4 is in the note in blog form; again, I have no screenshots, but I assume it was done between this and switching to math at like 13:17;
- As for V2L2, «the change 他有车把在后面的自行车。 -> 有一辆把在后面的自行车。 in the last one, first recorded in the very first saved draft of this post, from 9/4/18 at 9:00», as mentioned above; I will eventually look into the screenshots from back then, so as to see if I copypasted from the note or had an intermediate file.
So let's see these songs, shall we?
Tingelingelinge, tåget går Uti vida världen Den som femti öre har Får följa med på färden. Se (…), se (…) Nu köper han biljetten Och nu stiger han på Och tåget kan gå 叮啊叮啊叮啊火车来, 会去过五洲啊, 有一元就可上来 跟我们来旅游啊。 看…,看…: 他现在买张车票, 就上入火车里, 火车就能去。 Mors lilla Olle i skogen gick, rosor på kinden och solsken i blick. Läpparna små utav bär äro blå. – Bara jag slapp att så ensam här gå. Brummelibrum, vem lufsar där? Buskarna knaka’, en hund visst det är. Lurvig är pälsen, men Olle blir glad. – Å, en kamrat, det var bra, se god dag! Klappar så björnen med händer små, räcker fram korgen, – Se där, smaka på! Nalle han slukar mest allt vad där är. – Hör du, jag tror att du tycker om bär. Mor fick nu se dem, gav till ett skri. Björnen sprang bort, nu är leken förbi. – Å, varför skrämde du undan min vän? Mor lilla, be honom komma igen. – Å, varför skrämde du undan min vän? Mor lilla, be honom komma igen. 妈妈的欧乐进森林去, 玫瑰在脸颊,阳光在眼里, 伸出小唇,带蓝色的野果, «我却不该这么孤单地过»。 吱吱吱:谁乱堆在那? 衬套在咿着:一定是狗啊。 外衣毛茸茸,但欧乐愉快 啊是朋友:很好的天已来 用小手将那只熊来拍, 篮子伸出:«请看看,趣味,来»。 熊就几乎什么都来吞下, «你就很喜欢这些野果啊!» 妈妈一看到就来尖叫, 熊来跑走:现在结束玩儿了。 «为何吓唬我朋友让牠去? 请妈妈请他再回到这里»。 Trasiga Trasse hette en docka Han hade en klocka som alltid gick fel. Fem över tio så gick han på bio tio över fem ja då gick han hem. Wabada, wabada, wa pa pa. Wabada, wabada, wa pa pa. Trasiga Trasse hette en docka Han hade en cykel där styret är bak. Styrte han framåt så rullar han bakåt in på en gård och upp på ett tak. Wabada, wabada, wa pa pa. Wabada, wabada, wa pa pa. Trasiga Trasse hette en docka han hade ett rött prickigt stort paraply. En dag kom vinden och tog lilla Trasse han for med näsan mot himmelens sky. Wabada, wabada, wa pa pa. Wabada, wabada, wa pa pa. 曾有个玩偶,他名叫谢破坏, 他又一个总都错的时钟啊。 五分到十点他就来去影院, 十分到五点他就来回家。 哇吧打,哇吧打,哇帕帕。 哇吧打,哇吧打,哇帕帕。 曾有个玩偶,他名叫谢破坏, 有一辆把在后面的自行车。 他向前骑啊,就像后面滚动, 滚入农场,也滚上屋顶。 哇吧打,哇吧打,哇帕帕。 哇吧打,哇吧打,哇帕帕。 曾有个玩偶,他名叫谢破坏 他有支红色圆点的大雨伞。 有一日大风来带走小破坏, 他就来飞翔,鼻子往天上。 哇吧打,哇吧打,哇帕帕。 哇吧打,哇吧打,哇帕帕。 世上只有妈妈好 有妈的孩子像个宝 投进妈妈的怀抱 幸福享不了 没有妈妈最苦恼 没妈的孩子像根草 离开妈妈的怀抱 幸福哪里找 幸福哪里找 [所有多两次] Only mama’s best in the world A child with a mom is like silver and gold Dive into mama’s warm hold Happiness you’ll hold Without mama grief you’ll hold A child without mom is like trampled grass If you leave mama’s warm hold Where will happiness hold? [all again twice] Ὠς δὲ πάϊς πεδὰ μάτερα πεπτερύγωμαι. Sì come bimbo͜ io verso la mamma men volo. |
Ding ding ding the train goes Out in the wide world He who has 50 cents Is allowed to follow [us] on the joruney. See (name), see (name) Now he buys the ticket And now he comes up (onto the train) And the train can go Dīng a dīng a dīng a huǒchē lái, Huì qùguò wǔzhōu a, Yǒu yī yuán jiù kě shànglái Gēn wǒmen lái lǚyóu a. Kàn…, kàn…: Tā xiànzài mǎi zhāng chēpiào, Jiù shàng rù huǒchē lǐ, Huǒchē jiù néng qù. Mother’s little Olle went into the forest, Roses on the cheeks and sunshine in the eyes. The small lips out, the berries are blue, – Only I should not have to go here so alone. Brummelibrum, who lumbers there? The bushes creak, it’s surely a dog. Shabby is the coat, but Olle becomes happy. – Oh, a comrade, that’s good, see a god day! [He] pats the bear with small hands, Stretches out the basket, – See there, taste! The teddy bear, he devours almost all there is. – Listen, I think you enjoy berries. Mother now got to see them, gave out a scream, The bear ran away, now the game is over. Oh, why did you scare my friend away? Little mother, ask him to come again. – Oh, why did you scare my friend away? Mor lilla, be honom komma igen. Māmā de Ōulè jìn sēnlín qù, Méiguī zài liǎnjiá, yángguāng zài yǎn lǐ, Shēnchū xiǎo chún, dài lánsè de yěguǒ, «Wǒ què bù gāi zhème gūdān de guò». Zhī zhī zhī: shéi luàn duī zài nà? Chèntào zài yīzhe: yīdìng shì gǒu a. Wàiyī máoróngrōng, dàn Ōulè yúkuài: «A, shì péngyǒu: hěn hǎo de tiān yǐ lái!» Yòng xiǎoshǒu jiāng nà zhī xióng lái pāi, Lánzi shēnchū: «Qǐng kàn kàn, qùwèi, lái». Xióng jiù jīhū shénme dōu lái tūnxià, «Nǐ jiù hěn xǐhuān zhè xiē yěguǒ a!» Māmā yī kàn dào jiù lái jiānjiào, Xióng lái pǎo zǒu: xiànzài jiéshù wánr liǎo. «Wèihé xiàhǔ wǒ péngyǒu ràng tā qù? Qǐng māmā qǐng tā zài huí dào zhèlǐ». Trasiga Trasse, a doll was called, He had a clock that always went wrong. 5 to 10 so he went to the movies, 10 to 5 yeah then he went home. Wabada, wabada, wa pa pa. Wabada, wabada, wa pa pa. Trasiga Trasse, a doll was called, He had a bike where the handlebar is back. He rode forward so he rolled back Into a farm and up to a roof. Wabada, wabada, wa pa pa. Wabada, wabada, wa pa pa. Trasiga Trasse, a doll was called, He had a red spotted big umbrella. One day there came the wind and took little Trasse He went with the nose to the sky. Wabada, wabada, wa pa pa. Wabada, wabada, wa pa pa. Céng yǒu gè wán'ǒu, tā míng jiào Xiè Pòhuài, Tā yòu yī gè zǒng dōu cuò de shízhōng a. Wǔ fēn dào shí diǎn tā jiù lái qù yǐngyuàn, Shí fēn dào wǔ diǎn tā jiù lái huí jiā. Wabadǎ, wabadǎ, wapàpà. Wabadǎ, wabadǎ, wapàpà. Céng yǒu gè wán'ǒu, tā míng jiào Xiè Pòhuài, Yǒu yī liàng bǎ zài hòumiàn de zìxíngchē. Tā xiàng qián qí a, jiù xiàng hòumiàn gǔndòng, Gǔn rù nóngchǎng, yě gǔn shàng wūdǐng. Wabadǎ, wabadǎ, wapàpà. Wabadǎ, wabadǎ, wapàpà. Céng yǒu gè wán'ǒu, tā míng jiào Xiè Pòhuài Tā yǒu zhī hóngsè yuándiǎn de dà yǔsǎn. Yǒu yī rì dàfēng lái dài zǒu xiǎo Pòhuài, Tā jiù lái fēixiáng, bízi wǎng tiānshàng. Wabadǎ, wabadǎ, wapàpà. Wabadǎ, wabadǎ, wapàpà. Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māmā hǎo Yǒu mā de háizi xiàng gè bǎo Tóujìn māmā de huáibào Xìngfú xiǎng bù liǎo Méi yǒu māmā zuì kǔnǎo Méi mā de háizi xiàng gēn cǎo Líkāi māmā de huáibào Xìngfú nǎlǐ zhǎo Xìngfú nǎlǐ zhǎo [Suǒyǒu duō liǎng cì] Sol la mamma è la miglior Un bimbo colla mamma è come un tesor Se ti tuffi nel suo calor Gioia avrai ognor Senza mamma c'è grande dolor Un bimbo senza mamma com'erba è Se tu lasci il suo calor Dov'è la gioia per te? [tutto di nuovo due volte] Pārvŭlŭs ūtquĕ pŭērcŭlŭ' mātr' ădĕ' ālīs. Just like a small little child do I fly to my mommy. |
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