Today we have a Russian song, Вечерний звон | Vĵećĵérnij zvon (other version), as per post title, met through the CL songbook, and translated on 7/7/20 between 21:47 and 22:42 while watching "Speed" on TV. On the left, literal translation, on the right, singable translation. At 19:50 and 19:54 on 10/10/20, preparing for recording I changed respectively «Of many not living today» + «In this crude world» and «I too remain, / And above me a tune of pain / Down in the dale the wind will spread» to their present forms. Not liking «above me high» that much, but I can't do better. Let's see!
Вечерний звон, вечерний звон! Как много дум наводит он О юных днях в краю родном, Где я любил, где отчий дом. И как я, с ним навек простя́сь Там слышал звон в последний раз! Уже не зреть мне светлых дней Весны обманчивой моей! И скольких нет теперь в живых Тогда весёлых, молодых! И крепок их могильный сон; Не слышен им вечерний звон. Лежать и мне в земле сырой! Напев унывный надо мной В долине ветер разнесёт; Другой певец по ней пройдёт. И уж не я, а будет он В раздумье петь вечерний звон! Evening bell-chime, evening bell-chime! How much thought it brings [to me] About the youthful days in [my] native land, Where I loved, where the paternal house [was]. And how I, bidding them goodbye for ever[,] There heard the bell-chime for the last time! [It is] no longer for me to see the bright days Of my deceptive spring! And the many that are now not among the living [And were] then merry [and] youthful! And strong [is] their sepulchral sleep; The evening bell [is] not audible to them. [It is] also for me to rest in the damp world[,] A melancholic tune above me In the valley the wind will scatter; Another singer after him will pass by. And still not me, but he will Sing in meditation, the evening bell! |
Vĵećĵérnij zvon, vĵećĵérnij zvon! Kak mnógo dum navódit on O ĵúnykh dnĵákh v kráĵu rodnóm Gdĵe ĵa lĵubíl, gdĵe ótćij dom. I kak ĵa, s nim navĵék prostĵás' Tam slýšal zvon v poslĵédnij raz! Užĵé nĵe zrĵet' mnĵe svĵétlykh dnĵéj Vesný obmánćivoj moĵéj! I skól'kikh nĵet tĵepĵér' v živýkh Togdá vêsĵólykh, molodýkh I krĵépok ikh mogíl'nyj son; Nĵe slýšĵen im vĵećĵérnij zvon. Lĵežát' i mnĵe v zĵemlĵé syrój! Napĵév ulývnyj nádo mnoj V dolínĵe vĵétĵer raznĵesĵót; Drugój pĵevĵéts po nĵej projdĵót. I už nĵe ĵa, a búdĵet on V razdúm'ĵe pĵet' vĵećĵérnij zvon! Evèning bell, that ev'ning bell, How many tales that it doth tell. My father's home it brings to mind Where I have loved, which is behind. Parting from them for evermore: Then I last heard the bell of yore. Ne'er shall I see those bright old days Those of my spring with lies ablaze. Of many not alive today Who were then young, who were then gay: They lie in deep sepulchral sleep That from their ears the bell doth keep. In this grey world I shall lie, A tune of pain above me high Throughout the dale the wind will spread, Another singer behind it will tread That thoughtful song will not be mine, 'Twill be the bell, without decline. |