Saturday, 17 August 2019


Again, no link to the previous post… except maybe love. After all, today's Portuguese song Aconteceu, "It happened", is a love song like last post's Piel Canela. That's a link right? Anyways…
  1. I translated this to Chinese shortly before 17/10/16, I think; well…
    • I actually translated it within 1/10/16, as evidenced by the fact this note contains the translation (in the below original version) and has a comment from 1/10/16 12:16 asking my then-corrector what he thought about it; I have a list of notes, presumably in order of last edit date, which puts this note between notes containing a translation from 29/8/16 and three from 2017, so assuming that order matches the translations we have a very small time window for this translation;
      Unfortunately I didn't send it to my corrector except via this note, and notes now display a last edit date with no year (in this case "last edited March 14") which isn't very helpful because what if I edited it later for whatever reason? And did I really wait so many months between making the note and asking for comments? I would actually assume I finished the translation on 1/10 and commented as soon as I posted the note, TBH;
      Actually, the note version isn't the original, as per the tabs below; indeed, the self-chat has a message from 30/9/16 17:14, where the original version is found with a few missing linebreaks and the typos 张大张得; another message from 17:23 gives the change of l. 4 to the Fb note version;
    • On 17/10/16 at 17:00, my corrector replied to my email, proposing the "corrections" version below, suggesting the four options 真发生了/就这么发生了/突如其来/乍然而现 for the title, and then choosing the one shown below, the only one not to fit the tune :);
    • I then elaborated the corrections to fit the tune in a reply from the same day at 22:57, and the result was the "corrected" version below;
    • In the evening of 7/9/18, I had a few comments, and thus made some changes to that version, leading to the final version below, modulo the much later last comment below:
      1. The line "Sem un sino pra tocar" was «也没有任何预警» in the revised version and «也没有一点铃声» in the original. Literally, it means "Without a bell ringing". Now, is that supposed to mean an alarm bell (hence the 预警, "warning") or a church bell announcing a wedding? I probably hadn't thought of this back then, and right now I think this is the way to go, so I'll try rendering that in Chinese.
      2. 悄然 is a literary word that can mean both "sorrowfully" and "softly". The latter is the meaning here. Can we find another word with that meaning that doesn't create the ambiguity? There is no sorrow at all in mansinho after all… I originally had 悄悄, and the single version of that doubled adjective seems to also mean "anxious", which is extraneous here. From "mild" I find 温和, «mild, gentle, soft», and that's what I'm going with.
      3. No idea why my original 长大 was substituted with 升温, which should mean "get warm" (character by character it's raise-warm), whereas my English had "grew". In any case, given "espalhar" means "to spread" (an Italian relative, "spagliamento", refers to water from a river overflow spreading on the ground), I will use a verb found in a song by dear old Wang Jie, and render the line as 也有流传流得慢慢.
      4. Which also includes the fact that "devagarinho" is the superlative of "devagar", "slowly", so there isn't an idea of "gradually" in there, which is what 逐渐 gives if Wiktionary must be trusted. Can we avoid a doubled adjective perhaps? Yep, we got 慢速.
      5. In the drama line, my original translation was «但是没有内心戏啊». The corrected version, «没有剧本的剧情», besides not fitting the tune by being one syllable short, is pretty explicitly referencing plays, aka dramas, because it says "There wasn't the storyline of a play". The word "drama" in Portuguese, I'm sure, can be used to refer to a play, but also to just refer to dramatic events, that is in a psychological sense, and that is the use made here IMO. I should look "dramma", the Italian cognate, up in my Italian-Chinese dictionary to see what comes up, but 内心戏, "psychological play", is a pretty good guess here IMHO. Actually, I just looked up "dramma" on the Wiktionary, and "predicament" came up, which sounds like a good choice, and is translated to 困境. I guess I need to find a way to fit that to the tune, because 内心戏 with 3 syllables already required a hole-filler exclamative particle, and 困境 only has two syllables. Let's see what I can pull off.
      6. And now for the bed line. First of all, what does "fazer a cama" mean in Portuguese? "Make the bed", literally. But what about the context? I mean, a bed is totally out of place here, so I think there should be a metaphorical sense to this expression, but which? I can't find anything for Portuguese directly, but if I take the Spanish calque, it also has the sense of «Preparar el terreno en sentido figurado para algún propósito que se tenga en mente» (prepare the terrain in a figurative sense for an intention that one has on their mind), which fits the context and also resonates with what I was guessing for the meaning of this. So how do I say that in Chinese? Probably not «只有时间来做床啊». "Pave the way" is kind of the same, and it appears to be 铺路, so I'll go with that for the moment, but maybe I can find something better with the help of Quora or Stack Exchange. We will see.
      7. Also, "Without the earth having stars" is definitely a reference to the star at Jesus's birth, but no way that can be transparent in Chinese;
      8. Finally, on 9/12/20 I realize 突如其来 means "sudden(ly)", which isn't really in line with the song, so, going through 就有发生,曾来发生,意外而现, I eventually make it 未经宣布.
    Finally, while captioning the video on 10/7/22 at 16:19, I change 到底->最后, because that stupid dàodǐ, which is used only in question as I realized way later than this translation, is still in it.
  2. Then, on 12/7/19, I looked at the spoiler in the index a little, and Aconteceu came under my eyes, and I thought, «Why don't I make another version as a column-filler?». And I started almost right away, completing it the following morning: a French version. Sorry English speakers, the literal translation is walking the plank :).
  3. Then on 29/11/20 in the evening I simultaneously start translating it to English, Sicilian, and Hindi. The first two are complete within the evening. This item will be used to relate changes to the English version. 8/4/23 15:38, as I cut or caption the video with these last three translations, I change «That the novels and our mem'ries» to «That our novels and our mem'ries».
  4. This one relates anything that happens in the Sicilian. Somewhere between the start of the translation, in the evening (21:30 to be precise) of 29/11/20, and the addition of these three translations to the post, on 8/12/20 at 19:15, succidiu became succiṙiu. I suspect I did it during the addition. At any rate, the line «E succidiu/succiṙiu» was then changed to «Nni succiṙiu» on 26/10/21 at 3:53.
  5. The third one, aka the Hindi one, starts with half the first part, then the second half is done in the dead of night, and the second part is done the next day around 13. The drama line proves problematic in Hindi because all the translations I find of "drama" appear to be eminently theatrical, but on 9/12/20 my corrector dispels this myth with «Don't do drama» = «Nātak na karo», so at 12:36 I translate that last line.
  6. But wait! There's more! Specifically, we have the Latin next. Let's hear IAFI: 「 On 23/2/23 at 23:16-17 I go Accidit -> Accidit hoc -> Accessit hoc -> Hoc accidit -> Verō accidit, then the next day around 19:20 I finish the first four lines:」. After completing the Spanish and near-completing the Greek before dinner, I finally get to this one after dinner at 22:23 on 9/5/23, and complete it within 22:57. Still waiting for Calcagno's comments on it (#IambicPentameter). 1/2/24 22:09 I think «Hoc accidit, Sic accidit, Ita accidit, o Accessit hoc/sic?», and I guess I'll wait for Calcagno's comment on the matter, but I'd choose the Vero accidit I never remembered about bach then :);
    Now, the Blog version originally had some vowel quantities marked incorrectly: histōrjīs memōrja mȳthistōrjæ (three os are short), mūndō (u is short); it also had two choices to be made, namely speciente/tuente and sōlum/ūnum; on recording day, I fixed those, and some vowel quantities led to fixes; firstly, the choices were made respectively at 11:51:03 and at 11:46:54, choosing tuente and ūnum; the fix of memoria and mȳthistorjæ and historjīs (with their os) led to me undoing the semiconsonantification of those j, all between 11:44:13 and 11:44:45; the last desemiconsonantification was that of grātjās, where the j was just pointless; finally, at 11:46:42 I made, or at least formalized, the change adfuit->adfvit, for ease of singing.
  7. «The night after starting the previous, at 0:19, I think of Έτυχε αυτό, then at 0:21 I find Συνέβηκε due to thinking Έτυχε may be too AG. The next evening I come up with Τίποτα δεν τ' ήγγειλε at 19:23 and Και κανείς δεν το περίμενε -> Κι αν κανείς ... at 19:25, and then I send this to Kika at 0:38. The following day, thus 25/2, she replies just before 13 proposing Τίποτα δεν τ’ ανήγγειλε, Τίποτα δεν το πρόβλεψε, Τίποτα δεν τό ‘δειξε, because aggéllō in MG is formal. I'll go with the middle option, thus reaching: / / Συνέβηκε, / Κι αν κανείς δεν το περίμενε. / Συνέβηκε, / Τίποτα δεν το πρόβλεψε.», says IAFI, probably with the same first four lines as below, but I'm too lazy to check. Shortly after completing the Spanish, on 9/5/23 at 18:24, I come back to this and almost complete it within 19:19, sending it to Kika at 19:38. Here are the differences between that version and the one below, modulo any post-10/5/23 Ki-corrections:
    • «Χωρίς να ο κόσμος ευχαριστεί, / Χωρίς να ένα ρόδο ανθεί/ανθίζει», which Kika immediately (i.e. that night at 0:10) points out is ungrammatical, since the "na" must be right before the verb; the next morning I try «Δίχως ο κόσμος ν' ευχαριστεί, Δίχως ρόδο να ανθεί,» at 11:38, «Δίχως/Χωρίς ν’ ευχαριστεί ο κόσμος, / Χωρίς ν’ ανθίζει ένα ρόδο,» at 11:40, and «Χωρίς ο κόσμος ν’ ευχαριστήσει, / Δίχως ένα ρόδο ν’ ανθήσει OR Ένα ρόδο χωρίς ν’ ανθήσει» at 11:45; at 15:48, in her full reply, Kika suggests the version below;
    • «Ήταν με τις ιστορίες», which Kika corrects to «Ήταν από τις ιστορίες» in her full reply, and I elide that day at 16:00;
    • «που οι μνήμες / Να διηγούνται συνηθίσανε» as a better-rhyming alternative, but Kika prefers the singular one, possibly because the Portuguese has the singular;
    • «Αργοπόρησε, έμεινε», again, full reply;
    • «Και γι' αυτό δεν ήταν δράμα», again, full reply;
    • Missing penultimate line, since I didn't know how to render "fez a cama", and again, full reply; the first version «Του χρόνου τα υφάδια γερά» doesn't fit the tune much; replacing χρόνου with καιρού (idea from 16:33) helps a ton, and was approved by Kika at 10:48 on 11/5/23.
    Adding it in, I realize I lost the louvor-amor rhyme in the last section, but Σαν σε κάθε αγάπης βαθύ (10/5/23 23:55) doesn't convince me. I think I'll leave the rhymes in the last three lines, and the καλωσορίσει-ανθίσει-ωδή near-rhyming triple.
  8. But of course, since I've mentioned a Spanish version, we're not done yet. IAFI only has «9/4/23 17:22 I translate the first line in three ways: Y se pasó -> Así pasó / Pasó así». I end up choosing the middle version when, on 9/5/23, I decide to complete this, and do so between 18:13 and 18:24. The alternate titular line «Pasado se ha» is from this morning (10/5/23) at 11:48. On 2/10/24 at 10:27, MdH responds to my multi-option translation by choosing Así pasó, given as option 1, and en el cielo, given as option 2. No further change. I nailed it :). So that's what you have in the MdH version, and the alternate version is just the other options.
Let's see!

Quando a gente não esperava
Sem um sino pra tocar
Diferente das histórias
Que os romances e a memória
Têm costume de contar

Sem que o chão tivesse estrelas
Sem um raio de luar
O nosso amor
Foi chegando de mansinho
Se espalhou devagarinho
Foi ficando até ficar

Sem que o mundo agradecesse
Sem que rosas florescessem
Sem um canto de louvor
Sem que houvesse nenhum drama
Só o tempo fez a cama
Como em todo grande amor

拖延去, 到底停留.


拖延去, 到底停留.








It came to pass
People then did not expect it
It came to pass
And there did not ring a bell
It came to pass
It was diff'rent from the stories
That our novels and our mem'ries
Have the habit tō tell

It came to pass
Not a single star was shining
It came to pass
The moon did not send a ray
This love of ours
It came to us very slowly
It kept growing very meekly
It kept ling'ring till it stayed

It came to pass
But the world no thanks was giving,
There was not a rose a-blooming
There was not a song of praise
It came to pass
But there was no drama coming
Only time the scene was setting
As with any love that stays

वह बीता है
लोग न इंतज़र करते थे
वह बीता है
घंटे बजते नहीं थे
वह बीता है
अलग था कहानियों से
जो यादें और कथाएँ
अभ्यसत हैं सुनाने के

वह बीता है
फ़लक में न थे ताराएँ
वह बीता है
चांद की किरण न था
हमारा प्यार
धीरे से वह आया है
ख़ामोशी में वह बढ़ा है
देर किया, हम से रहा

वह बीता है
जग न शुक्रिया करता था
एक गुलाप भी न खिलता था
न थे गाने तरीफ़ के
वह बीता है
कोई नाटक ना करता था
काल ही मार्ग प्रशस्त करता था
जैसे हर महा प्यार में

Hoc accidit,
Ā nemine exspectātum.
Hoc accidit,
Nihilō adnuntjātum.
Hoc accidit,
Differēbat ab historiīs
Quās memoria et mȳthistoriæ
Narrandi habent ūsum

Hoc accidit,
Astera haud erant in cælō
Hoc accidit,
Lūna non micābat tum
Amor noster
Mītiter is ad nōs vēnit
Inde lēntē in nōbīs crēvit,
Dēmum mānsit nōbīscum

Hoc accidit,
Nōn agente mūndō grātiās
Nec tuente flōridās rosās
Nec laudante ullō cantōre
Hoc accidit,
Neque adfvit drāma ullum,
Scænam fēcit tempus ūnum
Sīcut ōmnī māgnō amōre

Κι αν κανείς δεν το περίμενε.
Τίποτα δεν το πρόβλεψε.
Ήταν απ' τις ιστορίες
Διαφορετικό, που η μνήμη
Να διηγείται συνήθισε

Στον ουρανό δεν ήταν αστέρια,
Κι η σελήνη δεν έφεγγε
Η αγάπη μας
Ήρθε προς μας μ' ησυχία,
Και μεγάλωσε μ' ηρεμία,
Και σιγά σιγά έμεινε.

Πριν ο κόσμος το καλωσορίσει,
Δίχως ένα ρόδο ν’ανθίσει,
Και χωρίς επαίνου ωδή.
Έτσι, απλά και φυσικά,
Του καιρού τα υφάδια γερά,
Σαν σε κάθε αγάπη βαθειά.
Il s'est passé
Quand les gens ne l'attendaient pas,
Il s'est passé
Y avait pas d'cloches qui sonnaient,
Il s'est passé,
C'était diff'rent des histoires
Qu'les romances et la memoire
Ont l'habitude de conter.

Il s’est passé,
La terre n'avait pas d'étoiles,
Il s’est passé,
Y avait pas d'rayons lunaires:
Ce notre amour
Très doucement il est venu,
Ainsi lentement il est cru,
Il s'attarda jusqu'à rester.

Il s’est passé,
Sans que l'monde remerciât,
Sans qu'une seule rose fleurît,
Sans aucun chant de louange.
Il s’est passé
Sans qu'il eusse pas de drame,
Seul le temps accrût la flamme,
Comme en tous les grands amours.
Zhēn yǒu fāshēng,
Rénmen bù děngdài de shíhou,
Zhēn yǒu fāshēng,
Yě méi yǒu líng de shēngyīn,
Zhēn yǒu fāshēng,
Yě yǒu gēn xiǎoshuō hé jìyì
Dōu xíguàn gēn wǒmen sùshuō
De gùshìmen bù yīyàng.

Zhēn yǒu fāshēng,
Tǔdì méi yǒu xīngxīng de guāng,
Zhēn yǒu fāshēng,
Tǔdì yě méi yǒu yuèguāng,
Wǒmen de ài
Dàole wǒmen dào de qiāoqiāo,
Yě yǒu zhǎngdà zhǎng de mànman,
Tuōyán qù, dàodǐ tíngliú.

Zhēn yǒu fāshēng
Shìjiè yě méi yǒu lái gǎnxiè,
Méiguǐ yĕ méi yǒu lái kāihuā,
Yě méi yǒu zànměi de gē.
Zhēn yǒu fāshēng
Dànshì méi yǒu nèixīnxì a,
Zhǐ yǒu shíjiān lái zuò chuáng a,
Jiùxiàng měi yī ge dà ài.
Zhēn yǒu fāshēng,
Rénmen bù děngdài de shíhou,
Zhēn yǒu fāshēng,
Yě méi yǒu yī diǎn língshēng,
Zhēn yǒu fāshēng,
Yě yǒu gēn xiǎoshuō hé jìyì
Dōu xíguàn xiàng wǒmen sùshuō
De gùshìmen bù yīyàng.

Zhēn yǒu fāshēng,
Tǔdì méi yǒu xīngxīng de guāng,
Zhēn yǒu fāshēng,
Yě méi yǒu yī sī yuèguāng,
Wǒmen de ài
Dàole wǒmen dào de qiāoqiāo,
Yě yǒu zhǎngdà zhǎng de mànman,
Tuōyán qù, dàodǐ tíngliú.

Zhēn yǒu fāshēng
Shìjiè yě méi yǒu lái gǎnxiè,
Méiguǐ yĕ méi yǒu lái kāihuā,
Yě méi yǒu zànměi de gē.
Zhēn yǒu fāshēng
Dànshì méi yǒu nèixīnxì a,
Zhǐ yǒu shíjiān lái zuò chuáng a,
Jiùxiàng měi yī ge dà ài.
Jiù zhème fāshēngle,
Wǒ dōu wèi céng qídài;
Jiù zhème fāshēngle,
Méi yǒu rènhé yùjǐng;
Jiù zhème fāshēngle,
Yě bùtóng yú gùshì lǐ,
Nà xiē tónghuà hé yùyán
Cháng gàosù wǒmen de.

Jiù zhème fāshēngle,
Zài méi yǒu xīngxīng de dàdì
Jiù zhème fāshēngle,
Yě méi yǒu yī sī yuèguāng.
Wǒmen de ài
Qiǎorán ér zhì,
Zhújiàn shēngwēn
Zhídào yǒngyuǎn

Jiù zhème fāshēngle
Méi yǒu gǎn'ēn de shìjiè;
Méi yǒu shèngkāi de méiguī;
Yě méiyǒu zànměi de sònggē.
Jiù zhème fāshēngle,
Méi yǒu jùběn de jùqíng
Zhǐ yǒu shíjiān de jiànzhèng
Yī rú suǒyǒu wěidà de ài
Rénrén yě dōu wèi céng yùqí,
Yě méiyǒu rènhé yùjǐng,
Yěyǒu bù tóng yú gùshì lǐ,
Nàxiē xiǎoshuō he tōnghuà dōu
Xíguàn gàosù wǒmen de.

Zài méiyǒu xīngxīng de dàdì,
Yě méiyǒu yīsī yuèguāng,
Wǒmen de ài
Dàole wǒmen dào dé qiǎorán,
Yě yǒu shēngwēn shēng dé zhújiàn,
Dàodǐ biànde yǒnghéng a.

Yě méi yǒu gǎn'ēn de shìjiè,
Yě méi yǒu shèngkāi de méiguī,
Yě méi zànměi de sònggē.
Yī rú suǒyǒu dà de ài.
Wèi jīng xuānbù,
Rénrén yě dōu wèi céng yùqí,
Wèi jīng xuānbù,
Méiyǒu yī zhǐ líng tōnggào,
Wèi jīng xuānbù,
Yě yǒu bù tóng yú gùshì lǐ,
Nà xiē xiǎoshuō he tónghuà dōu
Xíguàn gàosù wǒmen de.

Wèi jīng xuānbù,
Zài méi yǒu xīngxīng de dàdì,
Wèi jīng xuānbù,
Yě méi yǒu yī sī yuèguāng,
Wǒmen de ài
Dàole wǒmen dào de wēnhé,
Yě yǒu liúchuán liú de mànsù,
Zuìhòu biànde yǒnghéng a.

Wèi jīng xuānbù,
Yě méi yǒu gǎn'ēn de shìjiè,
Yě méi yǒu shèngkāi de méiguī,
Yě méi zànměi de sònggē.
Wèi jīng xuānbù,
Dànshì cónglái méiyǒu kùnjìng,
Zhǐyǒu shíjiān lái pūlù wa,
Yīrú suǒyǒu dà de ài.

Nni succiṙiu
Quannu a ggenti n'u spittava
Nni succiṙiu
Senza campani pi sunà
Nni succiṙiu
Fu diversu di li storii
Ca i rumanzi e la memoria
Stannu sempri a řaccuntà

Nni succiṙiu
Senza stiđđi đđa ntô çielu
Nni succiṙiu
Senza a luna p'ađđumà
Stu nostřu amuri
Vinni moltu lentamenti
S'accrisciu sicretamenti
S'addimurau fin'a řistà

Nni succiṙiu
Senza ca u munnu řingriazziassi
Senza na řosa ca çiurissi
Senza canti ludaturi
Nni succiṙiu
Senza drammi, senza pena,
Solu u tempu fici a scena
Comu in tutti i ranni amuri

Våḫ bītā hai
Log' na ińtazār' kar'te the
Våḫ bītā hai
Ghańṭe baj'te nahīṅ the
Våḫ bītā hai
Alag' thā kahāniyoṅ se
Jo yādeṅ aur' kathāeṃ
Abhyast' haiṅ sunāne ke

Våḫ bītā hai
Falak' meṅ na the tārāeṃ
Våḫ bītā hai
Cāńdǝ kī kiraṇ na thā
Hamārā pyār'
Dhīre se våḫ āyā hai
Xāmośī meṅ våḫ baṛhā hai
Der' kiyā, ham' se rahā

Våḫ bītā hai
Jag' na śukriyā kartā thā
Ek' gulāp' bhī na khil'tā thā
Na the gāne tarīf' ke
Våḫ bītā hai
Koī nāṭak' nā kar'tā thā
Kāl' hī mārg' praśast' kar'tā thā
Jaise har' mahā pyār' meṅ
Así pasó
Cuando nadie lo esperaba,
Así pasó
Sin campanas para sonar,
Así pasó
Diferente de las histórias
Que romances y memória
Tienen costumbre de contar.

Así pasó
Sin estrellas en el cielo
Así pasó
Y no hubo luz lunar,*
Sí, nuestro amor
El se vino dulcemente,
Se extendió muy lentamente,
Demoró hasta restar.

Así pasó
Sin que el mundo agradeciese,
Sin que rosas floreciesen,
Sin cantos de adoración
Así pasó
Sin que hubiese ningun drama,
Solo el tiempo hizo la cama,
Como en cada grande amor
Pasado se ha
Cuando nadie lo esperaba,
Pasado se ha
Sin campanas para sonar,
Pasado se ha
Diferente de las histórias
Que romances y memória
Tienen costumbre de contar.

Pasado se ha
Sin estrellas sobre tierra
Pasado se ha
No hubo luna para brillar,
Sí, nuestro amor
El se vino dulcemente,
Se extendió muy lentamente,
Demoró hasta restar.

Pasado se ha
Sin que el mundo agradeciese,
Sin que rosas floreciesen,
Sin cantos de adoración
Pasado se ha
Sin que hubiese ningun drama,
Solo el tiempo hizo la cama,
Como en cada grande amor

Ki an kanë́s den to perímene.
Típota den to próvlepse.
Í̱tan ap' tis istoríes
Diaforetikó, poy i̱ mní̱mi̱
Na dii̱gë́tä synéthi̱se

Ston oyranó den í̱tan astéria,
Ki i̱ selí̱ni̱ den éfegge
I̱ agápi̱ mas
Í̱rthe pros mas m' i̱sykhía,
Kä megálōse m' i̱remía,
Kä sigá sigá émëne.

Prim o kósmos to kalōsorísë,
Díkhōs éna ródo n'anthísë,
Kä khōrís epä́noy ōdí̱.
Étsi, aplá kä fysiká,
Toy käroý ta yfádia gerá,
San se káthe agápi̱ vathëá.

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