Monday, 26 February 2018

So many stars

We stick to our night-time theme today with this very recently translated Hakka song by Anton Xie, the founder of the Hakka Verse Facebook group. On Jan 3 2018 (which is yesterday for me writing now), I recorded it with the intention of whatsapping the Hakka wa group, but then I found out WhatsApp wouldn't let me send it as an attachment because it either wasn't in the right place (and I tried 3 different wrong places) or couldn't be seen.
  1. So I decided to try my hands at a Romagnolo version, and it came out pretty good. I started late in the 3/1/18 evening, and finished by 00:13 apart from the last two lines, which I then translated in bed and sent to myself at «9:09 in the mornin'»: ah the joys of Pirate English Facebook :). Also, there were two differences between the original and the below: «A-m pẽs-la nẽca li? / A-m pẽs-a-l nẽca lò?» for l. 6, probably changed by me before finishing the English (see below, also on 4/1/18 when I drafted the post it was already changed at the first copypasting), and guãẓ in place göt, which was probably corrected by dad. The change is made in the post draft on 8/1/18 at 23:33/34, so that's an upper bound, and 4/1/18 is a lower one. I'd guess 8/1 is when I sat dad down for corrections, but I also kind of remember that happening in the mountains and am pretty sure we came back to the plains before 8/1.
  2. That ~midnight between 3/1 and 4/1/18 is also where I lay out the basics of the English version, which was written down the following morning (that is this morning). More specifically, it seems I did the Romagnolo with those differences mentioned above, then that last part later, then English with missing «Can you there as well them see?», then changed l. 6 of the Romagnolo, then completed the English.
  3. Finally, on 14/1/22, as I figure out the dates of a few translations including these ones (I thought I'd translated it to English back when I met it shortly before Xmas 2014, but that was incorrect), I decide to translate it to Chinese, and do so between 14:41 and 14:47, with a tweak the next day at 19:37 as I put the pieces of it together.
  4. Then on 7/10/23 I realize I haven't made any Romagnolo videos since 2/1/22, so I decide it's time to remedy. A couple days later I consult the index by languages, and choose this song for the next video. But three translations in one video is too many, so I decide to leave Chinese for another video. To complement that video, I decide to do the Greek. I start it at 1:59 on 11/10/23, and by 2:06 I have the first section, recapped and tweaked at 2:25. Then I do the rest of the translation, 2:27-2:36. On 19/12/23, Kika basically approves it, simply saying that using Έξω is more normal than over-formal Εκτός.
    There are then two tweaks to the part «Την φίλη μου σκέφτομαι: / Δεν ξέρω αν με σκέφτεται.». Firstly, on 3/2/24, as I walk on the walls of Pisa, I sing the translation (up to where I remember it), and at 16:27 I think the first of these two lines should probably be «Αγάπη, σε σκέφτομαι», for more literality. Then, on 10/2/24 as I prepare to record, I change it to «Αγάπη, σε σκέφτομαι, / Δεν ξέρω αν με σκέφτεσαι.» at 12:44. I guess I never realized, on 3/2, that I had σκέφτεται there.
The spelling, as always, is as described here for Hakka, and here for Romagnolo. Let's get into it!




Stanòt u-j è tãnti stël

Mo guêrda 'ch bëla nòt,
U-j è tãnti 'd ch'al stël,
Me qua fura a zir
Cun 'e vēt ch'u-m bêṣa al göt.
A pẽs a te, mi amôr:
A-m pẽs-t-a nẽca te?
Guêrda quãnti stël:
A-gl-j ë-i nẽch alè da te?

Tòtt 'e mònd l'è tra nô du,
A-n-s putẽn avdéṙ.
I nòst pinsìr i è 'csè divìrs,
I-n pò 'ndêṙ d'acörd.



Δες τον καλόν καιρό,
Και τ'αστρα τόσο πολλά!
Έξω περπατώ
Κι ο αγέρας με φιλά.
Αγάπη, σε σκέφτομαι,
Δεν ξέρω αν με σκέφτεσαι.
Τ'αστρα 'ναι πολλά,
Πες: κι εκεί 'σύ τα κοιτάς?

Εμείς, τόσο ξεχωριστοί,
Δεν θά 'μαστε μαζί.
Οι σκέψεις μας διαφέρουνε,
Δε θα συμφωνήσουμε.
Kin-pu-yà àn to sen

Kin-pu-yà thien-shî tshiâng
Khòn thien táng àn to sen
Ngâi ngòi-pòi lî hâng
Tshiu-fung liông-liông tsim nga mièn
Sióng tó nga sim-òi nyîn
N̂g ti hân sióng tó mô
Thien táng àn to sen
Nyî ûn ya yìu khòn tó mô

Ńg-tsiu-tshit-hói lióng lî-khoi
Yên-fùn khîu n̂g lôi
Thien kak-lî thì kài sii-sióng
Yún-yén hȧp n̂g lôi

Tonight there's so many stars

Tonight the sky is clear,
So many stars I see.
As I walk out here,
There's a cool wind kissing me.
I think of you, my love:
Do you still think of me?
There's so many stars:
Can you there as well them see?

All the world's between us two,
We can't together be.
Thoughts as far as sky and earth
Never can agree.

Jīn wǎnshàng tiānqì qíng,
Kàn tiān shàng hěn duō xīng,
Wǒ zài wàimiàn zǒu,
Qiūfēng qīngqīng qīnwěn wǒ
Xiǎng dào xīn'ài de rén
Bù zhī hái xiǎng wǒ ma.
Tiān shàng hěn duō xīng,
Nǐ nàr yěyǒu kàn dào ma?

Wǔ zhōu qī hǎi lái fēnkāi,
Yuánfèn qiú bù dào,
Tiān gélí dì de sīxiǎng
Yǒng zǔhé bùliǎo.

Des ton kalón käró,
Kä t' ástra tóso pollá!
Éxō perpatṓ
Ki o agéras me filá.
Agápi̱, se skéftomä,
Den xérō an me skéftesä.
T'ástra 'nä pollá,
Pes: ki ekë́ 'sý ta kötás?

Emë́s, tóso xekhōriastö́,
Den thá 'maste mazí.
Ö sképsës mas diaféroyne,
De tha symfōní̱soyme.

Saturday, 17 February 2018

A sad moon

We join our moonlight theme with some of the sadness from the parting songs before this theme started and get "With how sad steps, o moon", a sonnet by Sir Philip Sydney (finally a poem I can understand in the original, you will say :) ), which I translated into a sonnet in Italian. I actually have two translations of it:
  1. The first one, quoting the old intro to this post, «appears in a file created 13/12/10 16:10 and edited same day 16:20, and the academic year seems about right, so without digging into my notebooks to see if I wrote the translation on the English notebook and then copied it onto the computer, I'd guess that is the date of translation and perhaps even the time of translation. My corpus of translations of others' poems says between 30/11 and 14/12, so we agree». To be precise, the original version, as per below with its superscripts, appears annotated on a sheet with the English text. A bunch of margin, top, and bottom notes, if you will.
    This sheet has, on its back, both some notes from 30/11, and a version of the translation which is the reworked below, except for a 14/12 change annotated on l. 8, which originally didn't get into the blog and turned «Tuo stato scopronmi, ch’in esso sono» to «Scopronmi 'l stato tuo, ché in esso sono». Right after said version, the date 14/12 is to be found. Thus, that version dates to between 30/11 and 14/12.
    In fact, With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the skies.doc, created 13/12/10 16:10 and edited 13/12/10 16:20, has the reworked version aside from «Tuo stato scopronmi», so basically aside from the 14/12 change;
    As for the original one, the sheet was definitely given within 30/11, and I doubt it was given in the previous lesson, i.e. 9/11, because the notes from that lesson seem to have nothing to do with it. I would not, however, assume it was done in class. Anyway, the year is definitely HS4, so Nov/Dec 2010, since there is another schoolyear of notes before this sheet.
  2. The remake below is from much later, from a time when I decided the original one was terrible and needed remaking. Specifically, I started with l. 1 on 30/12/21 at 22:00, then only got around to continuing around 3am on 4/2/22 and the following morning 12:15-12:22, getting two quatrains done, and then I completed the translation the following night, between 0:33-0:50. An alternative line is «Una che ami l'amor, spregia poi lei», I'm not totally convinced whether or not to include that "poi".
Let's see it!

With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the skies,
How silently, and with how wan a face!
What, may it be that even in heav’nly place
That busy archer his sharp arrow tries?

Sure, if that long-with-love-acquainted eyes
Can judge of love, thou feel’st a lovers case;
I read it in thy looks: thy languished grace,
To me that feel the like, thy state descries.

Then, ev’n of fellowship, O Moon, tell me,
Is constant love deemed there but want of wit?
Are beauties there as proud as here they be?
Do they above love to be loved, and yet

Those lovers scorn whom that love doth possess?
Do they call virtue there ungratefulness?
Che tristi passi, o Luna, sono i tuoii tuoï sono,
Mentre, in silenzio e pallida, 'n ciel sali!
Forse ch’anche ne’ lochi celestiali
Le frecce dell’arcer lanciate sono?

Certo, s’occhi che a lungo in amor sono
Lo san veder, come amante sali;
Lo leggo 'n la tua cera: grazie tali => ’N tua cera il leggo:
Tuo stato dice a me, ch’in esso sono.    [le tue languide ali
                 OR Scopronmi 'l stato tuo, …
E allor, compagna mia, Luna, tu dimmi, o Luna,
L’amor costante è la follia creduto?
Beltà superbe là son com’ qua ognuna?
Amano il loro amore da lor posseduto,

Gl’amanti sprezzan che possiedel'Amore?
Ingratitudin com’ virtù là siede?
Che tristi passi, o Luna, i tuoï sono,
Mentre, in silenzio e pallida, in ciel sali!
Forse ch’anche ne’ lochi celestiali
Le frecce dell’arcer lanciate sono?

Certo, s’occhi che a lungo in amor sono
Lo san conoscer, come amante sali;
’N tua cera il leggo: le tue languide ali
Scopronmi 'l stato tuo, ché in esso sono.

E allor, compagna mia, tu dimmi, o Luna,
L’amor costante è là follia creduto?
Beltà superbe là son com’ qua ognuna?
Amano amore da lor posseduto,

Gl’amanti sprezzan che l’amor possiede?
Ingratitudin com’ virtù là siede?
Con che tristezza, o Luna, in cielo sali!
Sei silenziosa, e un viso pallido hai!
Forse Cupido lancia acuti strali
Anche nei ciel' per cui tu or muta vai?

Se chi conosce le pene amorali
Riconosce l'amor, in cuor tu l'hai.
Me lo dice il languor delle tue ali:
Così come io sto, anche tu stai.

Dimmi, compagna Luna: là ove sei,
Vedon come follia la fedeltà?
Le belle, son superbe come qua?
Una che ami l'amore, spregia lei

Chi da cotale amore è posseduto?
L'ingrato è là virtuoso ritenuto?

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder?

Keeping the moonlight theme, which will accompany us for a number of posts, we have 3 Sappho quotes today.
  • The first one, translated in May/June/July 2010 to Latin Italian and English, and some time later into Romagnolo; more precisely:
    1. The English was made on 26/5/10, with the only difference from below being the missing comma after "face" in l. 2, which gets added within 25/7/10; there was also the alternate ending «With waves of silver light doth make all full / Our earth down here.», the older «the moon so beautiful», and the scrapped line start «With silver» which was turned to «With light doth make»;
    2. The Italian is from 20/5/10, in the middle of translating stanza 3 of the Ode to Anactoria into Latin, in the form «Le stelle intorno alla->a quella luna bella / Presto nascondonsi allor che quella, / Argentea, la nostra terra bella / Di luce riempie/inonda.», which becomes the version below already by 30/5/10;
    3. The Latin is from… within 22/5/10, can't say more because the diary doesn't have it, the 22/5 printout and the 30/5 file have it with «C’ īllă tērrām lūcĕ pŏtīssĭmē ār-/gēntĕ’ ĭnūndăt.», which gets fixed to the below version in the 16/8/10 file, i.e. between 26/7 and 16/8; actually, since the Hymn to Aphrodite was started on 28/4 and I'm pretty sure that was the very first Sappho translation I ever did, this must be from after that;
    4. A file from Sep 2010 contains the original Romagnolo version, dating it to 23/9-25/9 via its name, and to 24/9 judging by the order of the stuff in it which is actually dated; the diary has the manuscript dating itself to «Noctu in lect p 0:00 forsit inter 23 et 24/9» (At night in bed after midnight, perhaps between 23 and 24/9/10), and then reports it at the end of 23/9, thus placing it between 23 and 24/9 in the night;
      l. 2 was modified from nascònd to arpõna per dad's suggestion on 19/11/10;
      this translation was then lost on the computer; I remembered it, save for l. 3, so I recompleted it on Jul 18 2017, thus replacing «Quând, pína, lòm d’argént piò tânt la-s dôna» with «Quãnd che, pìna, su luṣ d'arzẽt», then changed to the below version;
    this fragment is a single Sapphic stanza. The first two lines are uncontroversial. Line 3 looks like ὄπποτα πλήθησι μάλιστα λάμπει in one manuscript and like my text in the other one. L. 4 has only γᾶν left. It is usually integrated with ἐπὶ παῖσαν, leaving ἀργυρία in the middle of an otherwise lost l. 5. That adjective comes from someone saying that "Sappho says the moon is silver and because of this hides the stars around it", which evidently refers to this stanza. Since ἀργυρία fills the lacuna perfectly, I thought of inserting it there, and interpreting πλήθοισα as "filling" (cfr. the πλήθησι in manuscript (ii)), with "is" implied. Edmonds decides to amend λάμπῃ to λάμπησ', «when, full and silver, it more than ever enlightens the earth». Another possibility, of course, but mine is, IMO, supported by manuscript (ii).
    EDIT The problem with my interpretation is that πλήθω is almost always intransitive, so my idea doesn't work. Plus, the αἶψ' in l. 2 is an emendation by Bergk which, while I see where he's coming from, is contra all the manuscripts, which have ἄψ. I will keep that emendation here and in the editions, except the Italian one and later ones.
    Filling the column next to Romagnolo, we have a German barbarous meter translation from 5/3/21 around 19.
  • The other two texts are uncontroversial quotes… well, the second one has two small doubts (see below). This fragment was translated to Latin, with an extra comma ending l. 1, on 28/7/10 as per diary. The Italian is from within 16/8/10 (or->ora and auna->aduna changed within 6/9/10), and the English is from between 16/8/10 and 6/9/10, in the below form. There's also an annotation on SP3 (the printout from between 23/8 and 6/9) which changes l. 1 of the Latin to the updated form below. This annotation was subsequently ignored by all files and printouts.
  • The other one is the intruder: I honestly have no clue why I pictured these Cretan women dancing in the moonlight when no such hint is in the text. But whatever, I'll put it here anyway. The two doubts are ὤρχηντ'/ὤρχεντ' and πόας/ποίας, which do not alter the translation, and a dispute about the authorship: Bergk says «Sapphonis haud dubie sunt versus» (these are undoubtedly lines by Sappho), Lobel-Page and Campbell place them in the "incerti auctoris" (uncertain author) section, and I have no clue why to do either :). This fragment was translated to Italian and English between 16/8/10 and 2/11/10, the English being as below, the Italian having «Danzavan le Cretesi donne coi lor piè» for l. 1. The Italian gets fixed and the Latin gets made between 13/11/10 and 5/1/11.
The Sapphic stanza is rendered in the usual meter, with the usual rhyme scheme. The other fragments are one in ––uu–u–x–x and one in x–uu––uu–u–x, rendered as ––uu–u–u–u and triakaidekasyllabics respectively, with scheme AABBCC…. Let's get into them!

Ἄστερες μὲν ἀμφὶ κάλαν σελάνναν
Αἶψ’ ἀπυκρύπτοισι φάεννον εἶδος,
Ὄπποτα πλήθοισα μάλιστα λάμπῃ
ἀργυρία γᾶν.

Le stelle attorno͜ a quella luna bella
Presto nascondonsi allorché quella,
Argentëa, la nostra terra bella
Di luce͜ inonda.

Al stël atôran a ch’la bëla lõna
Prëst la luṣ 'd la su fàẓa agli arpõna,
Quând che piò tânta luṣ d’arzẽt la-s dõna
P’r ‘e nòstar mònd.
Pūlchrăm īll’ āstrī prŏpĕ lūnăm īpsī
Lūmĭnōs’ ĭmāgĭnĕm ābcĕlānt su͞am,
C’ īllă tērrām lūcĕ pŏtīssĭm’ ārgēn-
tōquĕ ĭnūndăt.

The stars around the moon most beautiful
Do quickly hide their face, as she, be͜ing full,
With light doth make our earth down here all full
By silver waves.

Um den schönen Mond ihr Gesicht verdecken
Und ihr Licht noch wieder die Sterne, wie er
Voll und silberfarben, mit Strahlen Lichtes
Füllet die Erde.

Πλήρης μὲν ἐφαίνετ’ ἀ σελάν‹ν›α·
αἲ δ’ ὠς περὶ βῶμον ἐστάθησαν

Piena͜ ora si mostra͜ in ciel la luna;
Ciò͜ intorno͜ all’altare quelle͜ aduna.

Κρῆσσαί νύ ποτ’ ὦδ’ ἐμμελέως πόδεσσιν
ὤρχεντ’ ἀπάλοισ’ ἀμφ’ ἐρόεντα βῶμον
ποίας τέρεν ἄνθος μάλακον μάτεισαι.

Danzavan le Cretesi͜ in ritmo co͜i lor piè
Teneri ’ntorno͜ all’ara͜ amabile così
Pestando d’erba͜ il molle fiore tenero.
Cūm plēnă tĕtēndĭt ōră lūnă
Īllǣ tŭm ĭērĕ cīrcŭm ārăm.
Āppārŭĭt ūtquĕ plēnă lūnă
Īllǣ tŭm ĭērĕ cīrcŭm ārăm.

In the sky full moon there was by then,
And they went around the altar then.

Crētǣ sălĭēbānt pĕdĕ fēmĭn’ ōlīm
Mōll’ cārmĭnĕ cīrc’ ārăm ǎmābĭlēm, flōs
Hērbǣ tĕnĕrūm mōllĕquĕ cōmprĭmēntēs.

Women in Crete did dance in rhythm right around
Th’ lovely͜ altar with their tender feet thus to the ground
The tender flow’r and soft of grass a-crushing down.

Saturday, 10 February 2018

The moon has set

From sunset to moonset, today we look at a short poem by Sappho, a quote from Hephaestio's Handbook on Meters starting with "The moon has set". This is Bergk 58, Edmonds 111, Campbell 168B, Lobel-Page curiously doesn't have it. Translated presumably in summer/fall/early winter 2010, the text presents no controversies except for a psilosis on ὥρα which is only absent in Bergk, the meter is x–uu–u–x, rendered in Italian and English as u–uu–u–u with alternating rhymes. I also want to advertise the IMO real nice Edmonds translation, which is in tetrasyllabics with rhymes ABCABC. A PDF from Sep 24 2012 mentions a change, dated "14/9", which turns «Alone my sadnèss I fight» to its current form. I had previously missed the change and only implemented it here on 16/5/21 at 23:15. 14/10/24 15:57, and «The Pleiadès too» changes to «The Pleiads have too», then «The Pleiads as well». Let's go!

Δέδυκε μὲν ἀ σελάννα
καὶ Πληίαδες· μέσαι δὲ
νύκτες, παρὰ δ’ ἔρχετ’ ὤρα·
ἔγω δὲ μόνα κατεύδω.

La luna è tramontata,
Le Pleiadi pure;͜ e mezza
La notte s’è già volata;
Son sola͜ e non ho dolcezza.
Nūnc ōccĭdĭt īllă lūnă
Ēt Plēĭădēsquĕ; nōxquĕ
Mēdi͞ast, ĕt ăbīvĭt hōră;
Āc sōlă iăce͞o ĕg’ īpsă.

The moon has alrè͞ady set,
The Pleiads as well; the night
Is half-gone away; in bed
My sadness alone I fight.

The moon has set,
The Pleiads too,
Midnight is nigh;
Time passes on
And passes, yet
Alone I lie.

Monday, 5 February 2018

I think of you at sunset

More parting grief, this time on the background of sunset with 日头太阳落山想 | nyit-thêu lȯk-san sióng tó nyî, "The sun sets, I think of you", a Hakka song met back in summer 2012 (it first appears in Firefox session 7 from 12/5/12, session 6 being from 10/5, so actually earlier than summer) and incompletely and wrongly translated back then (which first appears in a file from 3/9/12 13:25 and doesn't appear in a file from 18/8/12 21:16, with the song appearing in a lyrics file from 25/8/12 10:51 which is thus probably a date by which the translation stil didn't exist; the incomplete and incorrect attempt at translating this, along with the incomplete characterification, will be at the bottom of the post; I found its manuscript, which is missing "very" in "For me very…" and everything from "It was not me who chose to part" to "I… want". It also has "I now send my Goodbye", and "Now… me" with the initial "Does" added later), tackled on Hakka Verse in this autumn and reworked on Dec 19 2017, 19 days before writing this draft (besides the Hakka transliteration which will be done tomorrow). Hakka spelling as usual. Let's go!

@ 从来认识

* 可能分明


# 可能你(的)爷嫒父母


* (跟@的最后两行)

# (第一次“好想
@ Tshiûng-lôi ngâi nyìn-shit nyî
Tshoi nga sim lí tùi nyî
Tsò-mài àn mô liông-sim
Piòng-thet ngâi tshit-ka lî
Yi-kim ngâi tsài sióng nyî
Lióng-sâ lî-khoi kài nyit-tsíi
Nyit-thêu lȯk-san
Tiam sióng tó nyî

* Khó-nên ngî n̂g fun-mîn
Tshoi nga sim lí tùi nyî
Ngâi mô sióng tó nyî vòi
Tùi ngâi àn kiak pièn-sim
Yi-kim ngâi tsài sióng nyî
Lióng-sâ lî-khoi kài nyit-tsíi
Muk-cip lîu chut
Mô-nyîn hiáu ti

# Khó-nén nya kài yâ-oi
N̂g hén tshit-ka liên-òi
Ap-pet tshit-ka lióng-sâ lî-khoi
Ngâi ya hân tsài sióng nyî
Yi-kim hì tèu pàn hói
Yún-kíu òi sióng nyî
Mô àn fài

Kin-pu-nyit ngâi thon-tshîn
Hó-lí-lí tsò lîu-lòng
Lîu hì ki nyên
Ngâi yit cón sióng
Nyî n̂g-mó tsài sióng ngâi
Yi-kim sùng nyî Kut-pai
Nya kài nyîn
Kim-hà fûng tó ngâi

* (Kak @ kài tsùi-hèu lióng hâng)

# (Thì-yit tshìi "Nyî ya n̂g-mó sióng ngâi"
thòi-thài "Nyî n̂g-mó tsài sióng ngâi")

I have always known you
In my heart I tell you
"Why did you so cruelly
Leave me here on my own?"
I think of you again
On the day that we did part
As the sun sets I think of you

Maybe you don't understand
In my heart I tell you
"I did not think you would
Change your mind just this fast"
I think of you again
On the day that we did part
I have cried,
No-one knows how much

Maybe your parents did
Not want you to love me
And they forced you to part with me
And I still think of you
I am deep in that sea
Never will stop,
It's not so bad

My heart's broken today
I have wandered this place
Some years passed,
I think of you once more
Don't think of me again
Now I send you goodbye
Your new he
Will come meet me now

@ 从来啀认识你
Co mai an 无两心
Piong het 啀自家理

* Kho nen 你唔fun min
对雅很kiak pien sin
目cip 流出

# Kho nen 你嘅ja 爱
啀ja 恨再想你
如今去teu pan hoi
Jun kiu 爱想你

今不日啀thon chin
Ho li li co 流浪
啀一?con 想
今暇fung to 啀

* (with the last two lines of @)

# (with “你ja 唔无想啀”
instead of “你唔无再想啀” the first time)

@ Cónglái ái rènshi nǐ
Zài yǎ xīnlǐ duì nǐ
Co mai an wú liǎng xīn
Piong het ái zìjiā lǐ
Rújīn ái zài xiǎng nǐ
Liǎngzhě líkāi de rìzi
Rìtóu luòshān
Cháng xiǎng dào nǐ

* Kho nen nǐ wú fun min
Zài yǎ xīnlǐ duì nǐ
Ái wǔ xiǎng dào nǐ wāi
Duì yǎ hěn kiak pien sin
Rújīn ái zài xiǎng nǐ
Liǎngzhě líkāi de rìzi
Mù cip liúchū
Wúrén xiǎo zhī

# Kho nen nǐ kǎi ja ài
Wú hèn zìjiā liàn’ài
Yǒu bié zìjiā liǎngzhě líkāi
Ái ja hèn zài xiǎng nǐ
Rújīn qù teu pan hoi
Jun kiu àixiǎng nǐ
Wú ān fai

Jīn bù rì ái thon chin
Ho li li co liúlàng
Liú qù jī (???) nián
Ái yī? con xiǎng
Nǐ wú wú zài xiǎng ái
Rújīn sòng nǐ Goodbye
Nǐ kǎi rén
Jīnxiá fung to ái

* (with the last two lines of @)

# (With “nǐ ja wú wú xiǎng ái”
instead of “nǐ wú wú zài xiǎng ái” the first time)
@ Chung-loi ngai nyin-sit nyi
Choi nga sim li tui nyi
Co mai an mo liong sim
Piong het ngai cit-ka li
Ji-kin ngai cai siong nyi
Liong-sa li-khoi kai nyit-ci
Nyit-theu lok-san
Tiam siong to nyi

* Kho nen nyi ng fun min
Choi nga sim li tui nyi
Ngai mo siong to nyi boi
Tui nga an kiak pien sin
Ji-kin ngai cai siong nyi
Liong-sa li-khoi kai nyit-ci
Muk-cip liu-chut
Mo-nyin hiau ti

# Kho nen nyia kai ja oi
Ng hen chit-ka lian-oi
A pet chit-ka liong-sa li-khoi
Ngai ja han cai siong nyi
Ji-kin hi teu pan hoi
Jun kiu oi-siong nyi
Mo an fai

Kin pu nyit ngai thon chin
Ho li li co liu long
Liu hi ki nyien
Ngai jit con siong
Nyi ng mo cai siong ngai
Ji-kin sung nyi Good-bye
Nyia kai nyin
Kin-ha fung to ngai

* (with the last two lines of @)

# (with “Nyi ja ng mo siong ngai”
instead of “Nyi ng mo cai siong ngai” the first time)

@ I have always known you
In my heart I’ve for you
… we’re not two
… I myself think
Now I want you again
On the same day we did part
The sun rises,
I think of you

* …
In my heart I’ve for you
I do not want your words
For me very …
Now I want you again
On the same day we did part
My tears have flown
None knows how much

Do not hate my own love
It was not me who chose to part
I hate still loving you
Now …
… I love you

Now no day I …

Flowed a few years
I … want
You don’t want me again
I now send you Goodbye
And your man
Does now … me

* (with the last two lines of @)

# (the change in the Chinese text
does not influence the translation)

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Leaving no traces

Talking about parting grief and in particular partners suddenly disappearing, we have 落山风 | lo̍h-suann-hong, "Wind down the mountains", a Min song I met back in summer 2012 and translated (very poorly considering I had no Min dictionary back then) shortly after finding it, and retranslated recently, in the afternoon of Dec 19 2017. I translated it:
  1. To English, with a manuscript found on the printout of the 28/7 file and dated to 11/8/12 by the intro; the differences between this and the mistranslation on the left below are:
    1. «I of course remecall my past», which after starting a "remember" realizes it won't fit and ends up with the below version;
    2. «close» in place of «soft» in l. 4, which gets "fixed" by the 18/8/12 file;
    3. «Came and went wiṯ no sign», which also gets changed in the 18/8 file;
    4. The line «You want to go without leaving a thing», and was only translated on 16/8 as per mega-intro;
    5. «Listen to m Show þt U hear me, please», which interestingly starts like the newer version, then can't figure out how to end it and slips into the older one;
    6. «Where will I droppin’ nostalgia go?».
    Writing this draft on Jan 7 2018, I concluded that 那是, translated "of course" on character basis, was actually 若是, "if", adapted to the tune as "every time" (unfortunately I lost the screenshots from this period, and from 17/12 all the way to like March, so I cannot be more precise); 15:04 17/4/21 «Adding sadness to my heart» becomes what it is now; «the result of this, plus a revision I cannot date but which was probably done while drafting the post, is the left-hand revised version», well now I can date it! It's in the self-chat; more specifically, 19/12/17 16:25 we have the whole revised text, with «Cruel man cruel man poktsinglong / ??» in place of ll. 7-8 and «…» in place of the first three lines, then at 16:29 we get l. 8 and at 16:31 we finish off l. 7;
    It is from these messages that FTN20 seems to start its rework:
    1. This is shown in a screenshot from 0:30:25 on 26/12/17;
    2. By 0:31:25, we have the FTN20 version below up to the poktsinglong line, where "poktsinglong ??" is selected and ready to be retouched; same situation 3 seconds later;
    3. At 0:31:38, we're about to linebreak before "Ah wind from the mounts";
    4. By 13:33:51 we're at the next rework in the note, so that's it I guess.
    But wait, what about ll. 1-2? Ah, drafting date. So FTN20 is the famous "revision I cannot date".
  2. To English again, as a rhyming remake, starting with ll. 1-2 «Reminiscing of my past / Makes my heart grow sad fast» on 3/5/22 at 19:55 (but previous versions of these lines were at 19:39 and 19:41), then completing it on 7/5/22 between 3:19 and 3:47; this gives the version on the right side; well, almost: after realizing that Loh-suann-hong is the standard name for monsoons that blow at sunset in Taiwan, I decided to implement that in the English version; I only got around to doing that on 23/8/22, changing «wind that down mountains blows» to the below version at 12:15, then «Feelings cold like wind that down mountains blows» to «My heart feels as though a monsoon in it blows» at 12:17 and to the below version at 12:18;
  3. To Chinese, 3/5/22 19:48-19:52, with a tweak the following day;
  4. To Italian at 20:55-21:04 and 21:11-21:17 of 12/5/22, completing the two "Bô-tsîng lâng" couplets at 21:55 and with a tweak that night at 2:58; the choice between «Nel mio cuor un vento impetuoso ho» and the below version is made at 1:22 on 27/8/22; both lines were present, one below the other, screwing up the lineup;
  5. To French with two lines at 22:33 on 12/5/22, one of which tweaked at 2:52 that night, and the rest at 13:12-13:22 on 13/5/22, with a tweak at 13:19 on 14/5/22.
The Min spelling is as in this post. Let's go!


啊~ 黄昏的落山风
I of course recall my past
Adding sadness to my heart
For you I have lost my smile
Feeling soft as wind from the mounts at dusk

Cruel man cruel man lucky heart
Came and went with no marks
Cruel man cruel man stingy love
You want to go without leaving a thing
Ah… wind from the mounts at dusk
Show that you hear me, please,
Where will I, dropping nostalgia, go?
I of course recall my past,
Adding sadness to my heart
For you I have lost my smile
My heart feels like wind from the mounts at dusk

Cruel man cruel man changed your heart
Came and went with no trace
Cruel man cruel man insensitive man
You're going without talking at all
Ah… wind from the mounts at dusk
Listen to me now, please
What use would being nostalgic be?
Every time I recall my past,
It brings sadness to my heart
For you I have lost my smile
My heart feels like wind from the mounts at dusk

Cruel man cruel man changed your heart
Came and went with no trace
Cruel man cruel man insensitive man
You're going without talking at all
Ah… wind from the mounts at dusk
Listen to me now, please
What use would being nostalgic be?



Se il passato vado a ricordar,
La mia tristezza sento aumentar.
Grazie a te sorrider più non so.
Dal dolor il cuor devastato ho.

Sei crudel, sei crudel, mutevole cuor!
Vieni e vai senza niente lasciar!
Sei crudel, sei crudel, fragile amor!
Senza dir niente or te ne vuoi andar!
Ah.... Vento devasta-cuor!
Ascoltami parlar:
La nostalgia per me cosa può far?
Óng-sū ná-sī tsài huê-sióng
Ka-thiam sim lāi ê pi-siong
Uī lí sit-khì-liáu tshiò-iông
Sim-tsîng tshin-tshiūnn hông-hun ê lo̍h-suann-hong

Bô-tsîng lâng bô-tsîng lâng sim hiau hiông
Lâi bû íng khì bû tsong
Bô-tsîng lâng bô-tsîng lâng po̍k-tsîng lông
Beh tsáu tsuân bô lâi tsham-siông
Ah… hông-hun ê lo̍h-suann-hong
Tshiánn lí tiō thiann guá kóng
Koh-tsài liû-luân ū siánn lōo-iōng

Reminiscing of my past
Always makes my heart grow sad fast.
You've made my smiles no more last.
I feel like a monsoon in my heart blows.

Cruel man cruel man, you changed fast!
Came out the blue, left naught to last.
Cruel man cruel man, fickle man:
Without talking, away you ran!
Ah… Monsoon that downwards blows
Please, listen to my words:
Such remembering for me no use now knows!

Wǎngshì rúguǒ zài huíxiǎng
Jiātiān xīn lǐ de bēishāng
Wèi nǐ shīqùle xiàoróng
Xīnqíng hǎoxiàng huánghūn de luòshānfēng

Wúqíng rén wúqíng rén
Túrán biànxīn
Wú zōng qù, wú yǐng lái
Wúqíng rén wúqíng rén
Hǎo bóqíng
Bìng wèi tánlùn yào líkāi
A~ huánghūn de luòshān fēng
Qǐng nǐ jiù tīng dào wǒ,
Zài liúlián huì yǒu shénme jiéguǒ?

Si d'mon passé j'me souviens,
Une grande tristesse dans le cœur me vient.
Pour toi comment sourire j'ai oublié.
Par un vent d'peine mon cœur est dévasté.

T'es cruel, t'es cruel, cœur changeant!
Venu et allé sans rien laisser!
T'es cruel, t'es cruel, amour inconstant!
Sans rien dire, tu t'en veux aller!
Ah... Mon cœur est dévasté!
Écoute c'que j'veux te dire:
La nostalgie à quoi peut-elle me servir?