Monday, 5 February 2018

I think of you at sunset

More parting grief, this time on the background of sunset with 日头太阳落山想 | nyit-thêu lȯk-san sióng tó nyî, "The sun sets, I think of you", a Hakka song met back in summer 2012 (it first appears in Firefox session 7 from 12/5/12, session 6 being from 10/5, so actually earlier than summer) and incompletely and wrongly translated back then (which first appears in a file from 3/9/12 13:25 and doesn't appear in a file from 18/8/12 21:16, with the song appearing in a lyrics file from 25/8/12 10:51 which is thus probably a date by which the translation stil didn't exist; the incomplete and incorrect attempt at translating this, along with the incomplete characterification, will be at the bottom of the post; I found its manuscript, which is missing "very" in "For me very…" and everything from "It was not me who chose to part" to "I… want". It also has "I now send my Goodbye", and "Now… me" with the initial "Does" added later), tackled on Hakka Verse in this autumn and reworked on Dec 19 2017, 19 days before writing this draft (besides the Hakka transliteration which will be done tomorrow). Hakka spelling as usual. Let's go!

@ 从来认识

* 可能分明


# 可能你(的)爷嫒父母


* (跟@的最后两行)

# (第一次“好想
@ Tshiûng-lôi ngâi nyìn-shit nyî
Tshoi nga sim lí tùi nyî
Tsò-mài àn mô liông-sim
Piòng-thet ngâi tshit-ka lî
Yi-kim ngâi tsài sióng nyî
Lióng-sâ lî-khoi kài nyit-tsíi
Nyit-thêu lȯk-san
Tiam sióng tó nyî

* Khó-nên ngî n̂g fun-mîn
Tshoi nga sim lí tùi nyî
Ngâi mô sióng tó nyî vòi
Tùi ngâi àn kiak pièn-sim
Yi-kim ngâi tsài sióng nyî
Lióng-sâ lî-khoi kài nyit-tsíi
Muk-cip lîu chut
Mô-nyîn hiáu ti

# Khó-nén nya kài yâ-oi
N̂g hén tshit-ka liên-òi
Ap-pet tshit-ka lióng-sâ lî-khoi
Ngâi ya hân tsài sióng nyî
Yi-kim hì tèu pàn hói
Yún-kíu òi sióng nyî
Mô àn fài

Kin-pu-nyit ngâi thon-tshîn
Hó-lí-lí tsò lîu-lòng
Lîu hì ki nyên
Ngâi yit cón sióng
Nyî n̂g-mó tsài sióng ngâi
Yi-kim sùng nyî Kut-pai
Nya kài nyîn
Kim-hà fûng tó ngâi

* (Kak @ kài tsùi-hèu lióng hâng)

# (Thì-yit tshìi "Nyî ya n̂g-mó sióng ngâi"
thòi-thài "Nyî n̂g-mó tsài sióng ngâi")

I have always known you
In my heart I tell you
"Why did you so cruelly
Leave me here on my own?"
I think of you again
On the day that we did part
As the sun sets I think of you

Maybe you don't understand
In my heart I tell you
"I did not think you would
Change your mind just this fast"
I think of you again
On the day that we did part
I have cried,
No-one knows how much

Maybe your parents did
Not want you to love me
And they forced you to part with me
And I still think of you
I am deep in that sea
Never will stop,
It's not so bad

My heart's broken today
I have wandered this place
Some years passed,
I think of you once more
Don't think of me again
Now I send you goodbye
Your new he
Will come meet me now

@ 从来啀认识你
Co mai an 无两心
Piong het 啀自家理

* Kho nen 你唔fun min
对雅很kiak pien sin
目cip 流出

# Kho nen 你嘅ja 爱
啀ja 恨再想你
如今去teu pan hoi
Jun kiu 爱想你

今不日啀thon chin
Ho li li co 流浪
啀一?con 想
今暇fung to 啀

* (with the last two lines of @)

# (with “你ja 唔无想啀”
instead of “你唔无再想啀” the first time)

@ Cónglái ái rènshi nǐ
Zài yǎ xīnlǐ duì nǐ
Co mai an wú liǎng xīn
Piong het ái zìjiā lǐ
Rújīn ái zài xiǎng nǐ
Liǎngzhě líkāi de rìzi
Rìtóu luòshān
Cháng xiǎng dào nǐ

* Kho nen nǐ wú fun min
Zài yǎ xīnlǐ duì nǐ
Ái wǔ xiǎng dào nǐ wāi
Duì yǎ hěn kiak pien sin
Rújīn ái zài xiǎng nǐ
Liǎngzhě líkāi de rìzi
Mù cip liúchū
Wúrén xiǎo zhī

# Kho nen nǐ kǎi ja ài
Wú hèn zìjiā liàn’ài
Yǒu bié zìjiā liǎngzhě líkāi
Ái ja hèn zài xiǎng nǐ
Rújīn qù teu pan hoi
Jun kiu àixiǎng nǐ
Wú ān fai

Jīn bù rì ái thon chin
Ho li li co liúlàng
Liú qù jī (???) nián
Ái yī? con xiǎng
Nǐ wú wú zài xiǎng ái
Rújīn sòng nǐ Goodbye
Nǐ kǎi rén
Jīnxiá fung to ái

* (with the last two lines of @)

# (With “nǐ ja wú wú xiǎng ái”
instead of “nǐ wú wú zài xiǎng ái” the first time)
@ Chung-loi ngai nyin-sit nyi
Choi nga sim li tui nyi
Co mai an mo liong sim
Piong het ngai cit-ka li
Ji-kin ngai cai siong nyi
Liong-sa li-khoi kai nyit-ci
Nyit-theu lok-san
Tiam siong to nyi

* Kho nen nyi ng fun min
Choi nga sim li tui nyi
Ngai mo siong to nyi boi
Tui nga an kiak pien sin
Ji-kin ngai cai siong nyi
Liong-sa li-khoi kai nyit-ci
Muk-cip liu-chut
Mo-nyin hiau ti

# Kho nen nyia kai ja oi
Ng hen chit-ka lian-oi
A pet chit-ka liong-sa li-khoi
Ngai ja han cai siong nyi
Ji-kin hi teu pan hoi
Jun kiu oi-siong nyi
Mo an fai

Kin pu nyit ngai thon chin
Ho li li co liu long
Liu hi ki nyien
Ngai jit con siong
Nyi ng mo cai siong ngai
Ji-kin sung nyi Good-bye
Nyia kai nyin
Kin-ha fung to ngai

* (with the last two lines of @)

# (with “Nyi ja ng mo siong ngai”
instead of “Nyi ng mo cai siong ngai” the first time)

@ I have always known you
In my heart I’ve for you
… we’re not two
… I myself think
Now I want you again
On the same day we did part
The sun rises,
I think of you

* …
In my heart I’ve for you
I do not want your words
For me very …
Now I want you again
On the same day we did part
My tears have flown
None knows how much

Do not hate my own love
It was not me who chose to part
I hate still loving you
Now …
… I love you

Now no day I …

Flowed a few years
I … want
You don’t want me again
I now send you Goodbye
And your man
Does now … me

* (with the last two lines of @)

# (the change in the Chinese text
does not influence the translation)

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