Tuesday, 4 June 2019

The power of love

As we saw two posts ago, love can work wonders, and this is what today's Hokkien song 爱情的力量 | Ài-tsîng ê li̍k-liōng, "The power of love", is all about. I met with it during the Easter holidays of 2012 and translated it to English soon after that. Once again, after this fucking restart for no reason that lost almost all of the edit to this which I had almost completed, there is a bit of a complication to this song.
  1. I translated it to English during English class on 16/4/12, between Tsí-ū lí and Wàng bù liǎo, giving the original version, reported exactly as it is in the notebook, corrections and all;
  2. Then, as per the big introduction I will soon edit into The history of my translations, I lost the translation and remade it on 26/7, writing it by hand on what is presumably a printout of the 28/7/12 11:01 file's part for Chinese; I'm pretty sure that is the file I printed on 25/7 to write translations on, and the 28/7 edit is to add Japanese songs at the end; this gives us the 2012 remake;
  3. Then I presumably recovered the translation and drew inspiration from it only to change «too» to «as well» in l. 4; the first file the translation appears in (the left-hand version) is from 18/8/12 15:27, giving us almost the 2012-2018 remake, we have just the changes I listed in the old intro to this post: «"Drop the fight" was because the captions had a character for the "koh" in "koh-tsai" that meant "stop", I fixed that somewhere between 21:16 of 18/8/12 and 3/9/12 13:25. While writing this draft on Sep 5 2018, I realized that, with my horrible Min back in the days, I had mistranslated a couple of lines, and changed «Not just future’ll be changèd / All laugh at you, no way t’ go» to «Not just your future will be changed / All laugh at you that there's no point» around 18»;
  4. Then, «on 24/6/21 at 13:05 I think I may better rework the whole thing, and start at 13:06 by changing «Get out courage, fight again!» to «Be a brave man, fight again!». At 1:01 of 27/6/21, I then start continuing, after a substantial update to this intro. I change the «grieves for lovẻ» lines at 1:02, the madness line at 1:03, «Not just your future will be changed / All laugh at you that there's no point» at 1:19, «Who has no ideals? / Who has not a pain?» at 1:19 (about 1/2min after the previous change), and «Feeling in the heart sorrow» at 1:20»; this gives us the final version below;
  5. Finally, to not have to choose between splitting the many translations over two columns or having to re-center the English, I translated this to Italian between 12:08 and 12:11 of 20/2/22; as I record it on 17/9/22, at 12:44 I realize «Non cambia solo il futuro, / Ma che importa se tutti ridono di te?» doesn't really fit the tune, so I make the below version; at 0:32 the following night, I abolish «Anche un eroe per amore può penar» to keep the partial repetition of the previous line in this one; eevn later that night, at 1:22, I change «Chi non sogna mai? / Chi non soffre mai?» to the current form.
By the way, the song also has a Mandarin version which I bumped into in summer 2017 while looking for the video to put in the Chinese song post. Anyways, let's see our song!

Love has such great might
Even a pawn a hero can become
Heroes as well can for love get to grievesorrow find
For love get to grievesorrow find
For love madness find
Not just future’ll be changèd
All laugh at you, no way t’ go
Who has no ideals?
" has not a pain?
Feeling in the heart sorrow
Get out courage, drop the fight!
Love has such great might
Even [a] pawn a hero can become
Love has such great might
Heroes too can for love get to grieve
For love get to grieve
For love madness fin[d]
Not just future’ll be changèd
All laugh at you, no way t’ go
Who has no ideals?
Who has not a pain?
Feeling in the heart sorrow
Get out courage, drop the fight!
Love has such great might
Even a pawn a hero can become
Love has such great might
Heroes as well can for love get to grieve
For love get to grieve
For love madness find
Not just your future will be changèd
All laugh at you that there's no point!
Who has no ideals?
Who has not a pain?
Feeling in the heart sorrow
Get out courage, fight again!
Love has such great might
Even a pawn a hero can become,
Love has such great might
Even a hero sometimes grieves for love.
Sometimes grieves for love,
Turns all mad for love,
Your life will change, but not just that:
There's no point in others' laughs!
Who can have no goals?
Who can have no toils?
Though in your heart you feel pain,
Be a brave man, fight again!
Ài-tsîng--ê li̍k-liōng
Sió tsut-á ū-sî iā ē piàn ing-hiông
Ài-tsîng--ê li̍k-liōng
Ing-hiông iā ē uī tsîng lâi pi-siong
Uī tsîng lâi pi-siong
Uī tsîng lâi huán-siông
Put-tān tsiân-tôo siū íng-hióng
Lâng-lâng tshiò lí bô-lōo-iōng
Siánn-lâng bô lí-sióng
Siánn-lâng bô khóo-thiong
Lím-tio̍h thòng-khóo tsāi sim tiong
Thê-tshut ióng-khì koh-tsài tshiong

Forte è inver l'amor:
Perfino un fante eroe può diventar!
Forte è inver l'amor:
Anche un eroe può per amor penar!
Per amor penar,
E pazzo diventar.
Non cambia solo il futuro,
Che importa se tutti ridon di te?
Chi è che non sogna mai?
Chi è che non soffre mai?
Pur con dolore grande in cuore,
Lotta ancor, coraggiō, dài!

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