Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Swedish religious hymn

As the title says, today we have a Swedish religious hymn, Gud som haver barnen kär, God who love your children. This came to me via a cassette of Swedish religious hymns my dad brought back from Sweden long ago.
  1. I translated it to English on 12/1/20, two lines in the morning, the rest in the evening.
  2. Then I have the Italian translation into hendecasyllabics with rhyme scheme AABCBC. So, as per IAFI, «12/11/23 10:38, in the middle of Mass, I randomly translate l. 4 of this to Italian, following it with a rhyming translation of l. 6. I don't know why I did this, but I remember thinking of playing this on the organ since the rites after communion were taking a silent moment since I'd stopped playing the communion hymn. Why I went from Tue mani to Sue mani when the original is Guds händer, I have no clue. Undoing that now, 14:59/15:00 on 19/11/23. And right after that at 15:00 I do l. 5, to complete a tercet. And at 15:02 I do l. 3, for the rhyme, changing ch'io to io soon after typing it here. Here's an intertwining:

    ^Gud som haver barnen kär,^
    ^Se till mig som liten är.^
    Ovunque io in questo mondo sia,
    La mia letizia sta nelle Sue mani
    La letizia sen viene e sen va via,
    Tu, Padre, sempre insieme a noi rimani.

    I finally get around to completing this on 16/8/24 at 0:32-0:34: «O Padre che ai bambini vuoi sì bene,» (0:32), «O Dio che tanto bene ai bimbi vuoi,» (0:33), «O Dio che ami ogni tuo bambino, / Guarda ma qui, che sono piccolino:» (0:33), «O Dio, che vuoi sì bene a ogni bambino, -> Tu che vuoi bene a ogni bambino,» (0:34).
Oh look, this thing has its own English Wikipedia article! Let's see!

Gud som haver barnen kär,
se till mig som liten är.
Vart jag mig i världen vänder
står min lycka i Guds händer.
Lyckan kommer, lyckan går,
Du förbliver, Fader vår.

O Dio, Tu che vuoi bene a ogni bambino,
Guarda ma qui, che sono piccolino:
Ovunque io in questo mondo sia,
La mia letizia sta nelle Sue mani
La letizia sen viene e sen va via,
Tu, Padre, sempre insieme a noi rimani.
God, who hold your children dear,
Look at me so little here,
Wheree'er in this world I'm landed,
All my joy by God is handed.
Joy will come and go away,
Father, you will always stay.

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