Saturday 19 May 2018

As if I had gone back to when I was a girl

Keeping on the children theme, we go from Italian only to a plethora of translations with 少女の頃に戻った見たいに (Shoujo no koro ni modotta mitai ni, As if I had gone back to when I was a child). I met this with Detective Conan movies (it's the ending credits theme of one) before I even started Japanese, it stayed in my mind and I dug it up within 31/10/11 at 12:45. Note that that was just the cut-up version in the movie, which skips the part from Itsumo hakusen fumihazushite all the way to Kumotte shimau wa. The first record of the complete version is in Firefox session 33, dated 4/9/12, with the previous session being from 2/9.
And this is one of the songs I completely botched because of a combo of "translation laziness" on my part ("Hey, that's what it says, I have no idea what it means, but I keep it like that"), and terrible online translations (Animelyrics, I'm looking at you). Thus, nav-tabs, please! We have the old-ass versions, which are terrible translations, and the remakes, whatever state they currently may be in, which also add a Greek version and probably don't bother with the Conlang.
I translated it:
  1. To Italian as soon as I dug it up, and in fact by the 22/9/11 20:52 file I had the Italian translation done, and probably the full analysis in some other file; actually, the diary tells me that on 14/9/11 I downloaded the second Detective Conan movie and watched it after dinner, and the song here is the credits soundtrack of the movie, so presumably I translated it after that date, and, per the diary, days 17-19 of September were Chinese days (along with schoolwork), so the translation must have happened on day 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, or 22; well, that was only the shortened version, which cuts from the first verse-section to the last one, skipping the white line section and the cloudy heart section and all that's in between; it also had some differences from the below:
    • «Ho sempre atteso una mano calda così», changed within 5/8/12 at 19:26 and no sooner than the other changes below;
    • «Mi abbracceraï dolcemente», which was changed within 28/7/12 at 11:01;
    • «Oh quanto io ti amo!», which was changed within 28/7/12 at 11:01;
    • «Tu solo, amore, verrai da me» as an alternate version for the repetition of the chorus, ditched by 28/7/12 11:01;
    it finally had this alternate version: «Ti prego, tu vieni, amore mio, da me, / Ed abbracciami dolcemente: / Oh quanto io ti amo! / Amor mio, ti amo davver!»; alternate version aside, this is the situation till 18/8/12 20:55, then in the 8/9/12 13:27 file we find the complete blog version; well, the file has no comma after "Bianca"; we then have a IAFI quote: "In the dead of night on 8/11/21, I decide to start remaking the Italian and Neapolitan versions of this song. I start with one line of Italian, first «In quel mio sogno ricorrente», then «In questo sogno ricorrente mio», then I do the corresponding Neapolitan, all at 2:49, then I undo the Italian edit at 2:50, and at 2:53 I come up with the final version, reconstructed at 2:58 as «Io spesso faccio questo sogno in cui»"; why is this not in another item? Well, because I never finished this remake, since I then found out what is in the other tab and made a translation of THAT with rhymes; the "final" version will not be applied, because, as I observe 19:13 23/7/22, "kurikaeshi" means "recurrent", basically, so I'll keep the second version and substitute it to the current «Nel sogno che faccio spessissimo»;
  2. To Neapolitan:
    • On 1/8/12 by a suggestion from Dad, as recorded in the diary, which says I did the part from «Love cannot follow a regular rhythm» to the end of the song first, and then the first section, and all that was corrected the next day; apart from missing accents, missing or extra phonosyntactic doublings, and non-reduced vowels, the changes from 1/8 to the 8/9 file are «'N su chistu» -> «Ncopp'a 'nu», «calda» -> «caura», «Dint’ ’o core ross’accà!» -> «Dint’a ’o corė rossȯ ccà!», probably due to the intervention of my Neapolitan friend on 2/8; I'm actually surprised there aren't more changes honestly;
    • Actually, there is a file "tradd_napolet.doc" with the incomplete translation that has the original/blog version aside from "’Ncopp’a ’stu còmmȯdȯ divanȯ", which in the blog version is "’Ncopp’a ’nu còmmȯdȯ divanȯ"; it is created 4/8/12 15:18 and edited 5/8/12 12:54;
    • Just like the Italian, it was only completed within the 8/9/12 13:27 file, which has the original blog version four times; note that this file repeats the chorus twice and, in the first iteration, has the line «I' tė vòjjȯ bbèn' assajė!», which is lost to the elimination of the repetition in the blog [or so I thought];
    • We then continue with the Versioni_finali file from 13/8/14 (created 15:14 and edited 15:55), where the part which the blog had in Italian gets translated as «Mmė piaci accussì tantȯ / Tantȯ tantȯ tu mmė piaci»;
    • Then we have the complicated question of this Fb note, which gives us the final version below (modulo the next item); now, this appears to have been published on 27/11/12 at 19:36, assuming the saved version I have gives me the publishing timestamp and not the editing timestamp; said saved version is from 16/12/18 at 18:57, and reports a number of changes which were probably due to corrections by the corrector; the weird thing is that those didn't end up in Versioni_finali, but some corrections to Time after time made earlier than that publishing date are not in the note, which instead sticks to the original version;
    • We finally have a couple changes from 16/12/20, implemented in version 2 below, which are «Accussì piccirilla,» -> «Assaje piccirilla» (18:36) and «e ppoi, / Tènnėrȯ, / Mė tėrrajė dint’a li bbraccė» -> «e ppojė, / Tènnėrȯ, / Mė tėrrajė rint’a li bbraccė», which on 13/11/21 at 17:31 makes me think of changing all dint' to rint';
    There is, to end this, an IAFI quote: "As said above, in the middle of the Italian, I do the Neapolitan line «Dint'a 'stu suonno ca rritorna» at 2:49, then at 2:55 I change it to «Dint'a 'stu suonno ca ritorna a mme»". This stays here as a tweak, because the Neapolitan is of course getting remade in the other tab; the older l. 1 was «
  3. There is also a single line translated in the latest conlang created by me, the first line, which in the language reads «Dzã ṁaẏal de ĺarèkxe óṅń», IPA /dzã: ʘaǃal de ǁarɛkxe o:ǀn̩ /, where I hopefully got that syllabic n right, guessing the diacritic; the translation into that language of the Mandarin song at Why can I not move you? was done entirely on 29/8/12, and I assume this single line came between that and the English etc., so no later than 1/9, because by then I must have abandoned it; maybe one day I will finish this translation;
  4. Then we have English, which the diary records as being from 1/9/12 (Sat) in its 2/9 (Sun) entry; the 8/9 (Sat) file reports the same version four times, and it's the blog version; I assume it was originally the cut-up version and then on 2/9 it was completed? I mean, by 8/9 it was complete;
  5. Then Chinese, right after the English says the diary; same situation as the English version; session 118 from 10/3/13, the previous one being 5/3/13, has an alternate version 与你同在, but I don't want to implement it, I'll keep… I'll make it from 与你一起 to 和你一起, 5/3/22 16:46;
  6. Then Romanian, right after the Chinese, says the diary;
    • The 8/9 file has 4 identical versions, which are the original version below, but then there is the series of rumenica_corrigenda files;
    • The first of these, from 9/10/12 at 21:51, only corrects «care ești regulat» to have «este»; it also has the famous repetition, generating the line «Oh iubirea, cât te iubesc!»; this remains the situation in the second file, from 14/10/12 at 14:24; the shift from second to third file is made in annotations to a printout of the second one, which:
      1. Also annotate some Japanese lines, presumably for a music fit check;
      2. Fix mâna->mână, which didn't end up in file 3;
      3. Don't add the macrons on «înclīna» or on «Ō mūiēre dulce»;
      4. End the latter's section with «Oh de tine foarte îmi place»;
      5. Only annotate chorus 2 part 1 with către->la and mâna->mână, again not in file 3;
      6. Don't put the diæresis on tăï in the other part;
      7. Make the ending «Eu foarte te iubesc, / Oh cât foarte eu te iubesc!»;
    • The third file, from 15/10/12 at 17:25, gives us the changes that lead to the second version given below; the fourth file, from 15/10/12 at 18:35, doesn't change anything; a printout of this file has annotations written by my corrector which bring the text to the final version below, save for:
      1. Alternative «Voi plânge» to «Vreau să plâng»;
      2. «De tine foart-mi place»;
      3. «Ește și lume care nu se înțelege»;
      4. «Devine norosă la sfârșit»;
      5. «Țïi în brațele tăle», with alternate start «Să mă»;
      6. «împreuna cu tine»;
      The title is given as «Sfârșitului credite a doilea film: "Că și cum eu eram mai devenita o fetiță"» in the file, and corrected to "eu aș deveni";
    • Then we have an intruder, Rumenica registranda, from 18/10/12 alle 18:17, which changes «Eu acum voi să plâng cu o voce tare!» to «Vreau să plâng acum cu o voce tare!»;
    • The video from 20/10/12 at 13:26 corrects pot to poate; for whatever reason, the fifth and last file of the series, from 29/10/12 at 18:57, doesn't have this song;
    • Then we have the facebook note, which gives the blog version aside from the errors "părul mei", "ești", "pot", "comfortabilă", "o mână", and "mângaïe" (only the first time) in the blog; this is because, on Aug 15 2018, I implemented the note's corrections here then, though this was already posted; the note appears to have been published on 12/11/12 at 18:46, and is anyway saved as a doc from 18/11/12 at 22:45;
  7. Then German, shortly afterwards; this was corrected on 7/9/12 by friends that came over on 6/9, as can be somewhat laboriously reconstructed from the convoluted references of the diary, so that the 8/9 file has three identical versions which give the original below, and one different one which is what ended up on the blog originally and the final version below;
  8. Finally into Danish, between the German one and "correction evening", where Danish was chosen because those friends lived in Denmark and spoke Danish too, and indeed on 7/9 the Danish was also corrected; the 8/9 file surprisingly gives 4 different versions here, so I suppose I gave it a round of corrections of my own, then the mother corrected it, and then she passed me to her daughter, who had grown up in Denmark and thus spoke better Danish than the mother; indeed, I believe I did the translation on 6/9 in the evening, then on 7/9 in the morning I corrected it, and in the evening there were the two corrections; all 4 versions are given below.
All of these need fixes and will get a remake once I have time, because there is a mistranslation and a part I'm not sure I fully understand. That said, let's see!


何時いつ白線はくせん みはずして
何故なぜ? わけいのに

おさない 少女しょうじょころ


どんなに情熱じょうねつ かたむけても





Lovin’ラビン youユー あなたと…

In questo sogno ricorrente mio,
Tento di aprire gli occhi miei
E sento che il mio cuore accelera
Il battito di molto

Sempre andadomene via dalla riga
Bianca, io sono proprio qua
Perché? Pur se non c’è ragione
Io voglio urlare le mie lacrime

Come se fossi tornata una piccola
Bambina, come anni fa,
Con tanto amor
Accarezza i capelli miei:
Sempre ho atteso una mano calda così
Come la tua!

Tu solo amore puoi far di me
Una donna
Tenera; su fallo, ti prego
Mi piaci così tanto
Così tanto piaci a me

Che importa quanto s’inclina il nostro amor
C’è anche la gente che non si capisce
In tali giorni il mio cuore
Finisce nuvoloso

L’amore non potrà seguire mai
Un ritmo regolare, no.
Così su un comodo divano
M’addormentai un’altra volta ancor.

Come se fossi tornata ragazzina – oh,
Quel tempo mi manca, sì! –
Con tanto amor
Accarezza i capelli miei:
Sempre ho atteso una mano calda così
Come la tua!

Tu solo, amore mio, verrai da me,
E poi
Dolcemente mi abbracceraï:
Oh quanto ti amo!
Amor mio, ti amo davver!

Tu solo, amore mio, verrai da me,
E poi
Dolcemente mi abbracceraï:
Oh quanto ti amo!
Nel mio cuore rosso qui!

Lovin’ you insieme a te…

Inside this dream I have so often,
I try to open up my eyes,
And notice that my heart is speeding up
Its beating a lot.

Although I’m always running away far
From this white line, I am right here
But why? There is no reason at all
But I still want to cry my tears out loud

Af if I had gone back to that so childish time
When I was a little girl
I’ve always been
Waiting for a hand as warm as yours
That’s so lovingly gently stroking my hair
Time and again!

You only, my darling, can make me
A gentle woman; so do it,
I like you oh so much
I like you oh so much

No matter how our love may be tilted
There’s people that don’t understand each other
On days just like this one my heart
Becomes all cloudy

Love cannot ever get to follow
A rhythm regular and smooth.
And on a confortable sofa
I ended up asleep another time.

Af if I had gone back to that nostalgic time
When I was a little girl
I’ve always been
Waiting for a hand as warm as yours
That’s so lovingly gently stroking my hair
Time and again!

O darling, you only will come to me,
And then
You will hold me in your so warm arms.
O how much I love you
O how much I love you

O darling, you only will come to me,
And then
You will hold me in your so warm arms.
O how much I love you
Within my red heart right here!

Lovin’ you… here and with you…










Lovin’you 和你一起…

In diesėm Traum den ich oft träumė,
Als ich die Aug’n öffnėn vẹrsuchė,
Ich stellė, dass mein Hẹrz sẹhr schnell geht
Als es mir dann schlägt, fẹst.

Immėr aus diesėr weißėr Liniė
Hẹrausrẹnnėnd, ich bin da
Warum? Obwohl es keinė Ursachė gibt,
Jetzt möcht’ ich mit lautė Stimmė weinėn doch!

Als ob ich wärė nach jenė Zeit wann ich doch
Ein kleines Mädchen war,
Immėr hab’ ich
Doch ẹrwartėt einė Hand die so
Wie deinė Hand warmė und zärtlichė
Meinė Haarė streicht.

O Liebėr, nur du wirst mich einė
Frau machėn könnėn doch.
O wie ich dich doch mag
O wie ich dich viel viel mag.

Es kommt nicht an wieviel Lieben kippen wird,
’S gibt auch Leute die sie nicht verstehen.
Auf Tagen so wie dieser mein Herz
Am Ende bewölkt wird.

Doch wirklich nie kann Liebė gehėn
Folgėnd ein regėlmäßig Takt.
Und auf einėm bėhaglich Sofa
Bin ich noch einmal wiedėr eingeschlafėn.

Als ob ich wärė nach jenė nostalgischė Zeit
Dẹr Jungėnd zurückgėkehrt,
Immėr hab’ ich
Doch ẹrwartėt einė Hand die so
Wie deinė Hand warmė und zärtlichė
Meinė Haarė streicht.

O Liebėr, nur du wirst nach mir um mich
In die wärmėn Armėn zu haltėn.
O wie ich dich liebė
Hier in meinėm rotėm Hẹrz.

Lovin’ you zusammėn mit dir…
In diesėm Traum den ich oft träumė,
Als ich die Aug’n zu öffnėn vẹrsuchė,
Stellė ich fẹst, dass mein Hẹrz rast,
Es schlägt sẹhr schnell.

Immėr von diesėr weißėr Liniė
Weglaufėnd, bin ich doch da
Warum? Obwohl es keinė Ursachė gibt,
Jetzt möcht’ ich mit lautẹr Stimmė weinėn doch!

Als ob ich in die Zeit zurückgėkehrt wärė,
Als ich noch klein war,
Immėr hab’ ich
Auf einė Hand gėwartėt die so
Warm und zärtlich wie deinė Hand
Meinė Haarė streicht.

O Liebėr, nur du wirst mich zu einẹr
Frau machėn könnėn.
O wie ich dich doch mag
O wie ich dich sẹhr mag.

Es kommt nicht an wieviel Lieben kippen wird,
’S gibt auch Leute die sie nicht verstehen.
An Tagėn so wie diesėm wird mein Hẹrz
Am Endė bėwölkt.

Liebė kann nie einėm Rhythmus sanft
Und regėlmäßigėn folgėn.
Und auf einėm bėhaglichėn Sofa
Bin ich wiedėr einmal eingėschlafėn.

Als ob ich in jenė nostalgischė Zeit
Dẹr Jungėnd zurückgėkehrt wärė,
Immėr hab’ ich
Auf einė Hand gėwartėt die so
Warm und zärtlich wie deinė Hand
Meinė Haarė streicht.

O Liebėr, nur du wirst zu mir kommėn
Um mich
Zärtlich in deinėn Armėn zu haltėn.
O wie ich dich liebė
O wie ich liebė dich

O Liebėr, nur du wirst zu mir kommėn
Um mich
Zärtlich in deinėn Armėn zu haltėn.
O wie ich dich liebė
Hier in meinėm rotėm Hẹrz.

Lovin’ you zusammėn mit dir…
Kurikaeshi miru yume ni
Me ga samete miru to
Mune no dôki ga hayai
Koto ni kidzuku

Itsumo hakusen fumihazushite
Hashiru watashi ga iru
Naze? Wake mo nai no ni
Koe wo agete nakitaku naru

Osanai shôjo no koro ni
Modotta mitai ni
Kami wo nadete kureru
Sonna atatakai te wo itsumo
Matte ita

Anata dake wa watashi wo
Hito ni shite kureru
Totemo daisuki yo
Totemo daisuki yo

Donna ni jônetsu katamukete mo
Wakariaenai hito mo iru
Sona hi wa kokoro ga
Kumotte shimau wa

Koi wa kisokutadashii
Rizumu wo kizamanai
Kokochiii sofā de
Mata nemutte shimatta

Natsukashii shôjo no koro ni
Modotta mitai ni
Kami wo nadete kureru
Sonna atatakai te wo itsumo
Matte ita

Anata dake wa watashi wo
Tsutsumikonde kureru
Totemo aishiteru
Totemo aishiteru

Anata dake wa watashi wo
Tsutsumikonde kureru
Totemo aishiteru
Akai hāto de

Lovin' you anata to…
Dint’ a ’stu suonn’ ’e ttante vvotė,
Cercȯ d’aprì chist’uocchė ccà,
E ssèntȯ ca ’stu cor’è rrapidȯ
A bbattėrė assajė.

Ïȯ sto ccà e vvadȯ sèmpė
Via dȧ ’sta rigȧ biancȧ ccà
Pėcché? Raggiònė nun ce sta, ma
I’ vòjj’ urlà mèntrė ch’a chiagnė sto

Commė s’i’ ffussė turnata a essė nénna
Accussì piccirilla,
Tu, tènnėrȯ,
Accarezzȧ ’sti capillė ccà:
Aggiȯ sèmp’aspėttà ’na manȯ pė’ mme,
Caura accussì!

O càrȯmȯ, tu ssolȯ puo’ ffà dde me
’Na donna
Tènnėra; e fallȯ, ttė prègȯ
Mi piaci così tanto
Così tanto piaci a me

Che ccòsa ’mpuorta si s’inclina ’o nostro ammòrė
Ce sta ’nca gèntė ca nun zė capiscė
Li iuornė commė chistu ’o còrėmȯ
Se ffacė nuvolosȯ

L’ammòrė nun pò sseguì mmajė
’Nu rritmȯ bbèll’e rregulà.
’Ncopp’a ’nu còmmȯdȯ divanȯ
Mė so’ addormutȧ ’n’atȧ vota ccà.

Commė s’i’ ffussė turnata a essė nénna – oh,
Ca ggrannė la nustalgia! –
Tu, tènnėrȯ,
Accarezzȧ ’sti capillė ccà:
Aggiȯ sèmp’aspėttà ’na manȯ pė’ mme,
Caura accussì!

O càrȯmȯ, tu ssolȯ vvėrraj’e ppoi,
Mė tėrrajė dint’a li bbraccė.
Te vvo’ bbèn’ assajė
I' tė vòjjȯ bbèn' assajė!

O càrȯmȯ, tu ssolȯ vvėrraj’e ppoi,
Mė tėrrajė dint’a li bbraccė.
Te vvo’ bbèn’ assajė
Dint’a ’o corė rossȯ ccà!

Lovin’ you inzèm’a ttė…
Rint'a 'stu suonnȯ ca ritorn' a mme
Cercȯ d’aprì chist’uocchė ccà,
E ssèntȯ ca mmė sbattė comm'a cché
'Stu corė 'nd''o piéttȯ.

Ïȯ sto ccà e vvadȯ sèmpė
Vïȧ dȧ chistȧ rrigȧ biancȧ
Pėcché? Raggiònė nun ce sta, ma
Mèntrė ca sto a cchiagnė vojjȯ fortė urlà.

Commė s’i’ ffussė turnata a essė nénnȧ
Assajė piccirilla,
Tu, tènnėrȯ,
Accarezzȧ ’sti capillė ccà:
Aggiȯ sèmp’aspėttà ’na manȯ pė’ mme,
Caura accussì!

O càrȯ, surtantȯ tu puo’ ffà dde me
’Na ronna
Tènnėra; e fallȯ, ttė prègȯ!
Mmė piaci accussì tantȯ!
Tantȯ tantȯ tu mmė piaci!

Che ccė nė ’mpuorta si s’inclina ’o nostr'ammòrė
Ce sta ’nca gèntė ca nun zė capiscė
Li iuornė commė chistu ’o còrė
Se ffacė scurȯ scurȯ

L’ammòrė nun pò sseguì mmajė
’Nu rritmȯ bbèll’e rregulà.
’Ncopp’a ’nu còmmȯdȯ divanȯ
Mė so’ addormutȧ ’n’atȧ vota ccà.

Commė s’i’ ffussė turnata a essė nénna – oh,
Ca ggrannė la nustalgia! –
Tu, tènnėrȯ,
Accarezzȧ ’sti capillė ccà:
Aggiȯ sèmp’aspėttà ’na manȯ pė’ mme,
Caura accussì!

O càrȯmȯ, tu ssolȯ vvėrraj’e ppojė,
Mė tėrrajė rint’a li bbraccė.
Te vvo’ bbèn’ assajė
I' tė vòjjȯ bbèn' assajė!

O càrȯmȯ, tu ssolȯ vvėrraj’e ppojė,
Mė tėrrajė rint’a li bbraccė.
Te vvo’ bbèn’ assajė
Rint’a ’o corė rossȯ ccà!

Lovin’ you inzèm’a ttė…
În visul care visez des, când
Încerc să deschid ochii mei,
Observ că cordul meu repede
Foarte batând procede.

Mereu de liniele albă alergând
De aici, eu sunt aici.
De ce? Chiar dacă n-am un motiv,
Eu acum voi să plâng cu voce tare!

Că și cum eu eram întors către timpul
De când eram a fetiță,
Mereu am
Așteptat o mâna ca a ta
Care caldă și dulce mângaie
Pării mei.

Iubirea, tu numai poți să mă
Ai să faci
O muiere dulce.
O cât de tine place îmi
O cât place îmi de tine

Ești indifferent cât iubirea s-înclină,
Sunt dacă lume care nu se înțeleg.
În zilele ca această cordul meu
Devine noros din sfârșitul.

Iubirea nu pot s-urmărească
Un ritm care ești regulat.
Asupra unei canapele
Confortabile din nou mi-am adormit.

Că și cum eu eram întors către timpul
Nostalgic tineretului,
Mereu am
Așteptat o mâna ca a ta
Care caldă și dulce mângaie
Pării mei.

Iubirea, tu numai ai să vii și
Ții mă în brațele tăi.
Oh cât eu te iubesc
Întru cordul roșu meu.

Lovin’ you împreuna cu tine…
În visul care visez des, când
Încerc să deschid ochii mei,
Observ că cordul meü repede
Foarte batând procede.

Mereu de linïele albă aïci
Alērgând, eu sunt aici.
De ce? Chiar dacă n-am un motiv,
Eu acum voi să plâng cu o voce tare!

Că și cum eu eram întors la tīmpul
De când eram o fetiță,
Mereü am
Așteptat o mâna ca a ta
Care caldă și dulce mângaïe
Părïi mei.

Iubirea, tu numai poți să mă
Ai să fāci
Ō mūiēre dulce.
De tine foarte place-mi
Oh de tine foarte-mi place

Este indifferent cât iubirea s-înclīnă,
Sunt dacă lume care nu se înțeleg.
În zilele ca această cordul meu
Devine noros din sfârșitul.

Iubirea nu pot s-urmărească
Un ritm care este regulat.
Asupra unei canapele
Confortabile din nou mi-am adormit.

Că și cum eu eram întors la tīmpul
Nostalgic tineretului,
Mereü am
Așteptat o mâna ca a ta
Care caldă și dulce mângaïe
Părïi mei.

Iubirea, tu numai ai să vii și
Ții mă în brațele tăi.
Eu foarte tine iubesc!
Oh eu foarte tine iubesc!

Iubirea, tu numai ai să vii și
Țïi mă în brațele tăï.
Eu foarte tine iubesc
Întru cordul roșu meu!

Lovin’ you împreuna cu tine…
În visul care îl fac des, când
Încerc să deschid ochii mei,
Observ că inima mea repede
Foarte batând procede.

Mereü de la linea albă̄ aici
Alērgând, eu sūnt āici.
De ce? Chiar dacă n-am un motiv,
Vreau să plâng acum cu o voce tare!

Că și cum eu m-am î̄ntors la tīmpul
De când eram o fetiță,
Mereü am
Așteptat o mână ca a ta
Care caldă și dulce mângâïe
Părūl meu.

Iubire, tu nūmaï poți să faci
Din mine
Ō mūiēre dulce.
De tine foarte place îmi
Oh de tine foarte-mi place

Este indifferent cât iubirea s-înclīnă,
Este și lume care nu s-înțelēge.
În zilele ca această inima mea
Devine noroasă la sfârșitul.

Iubirea nu poate s-urmărească
Un ritm care este regulat.
Asupra unei canapele
Confortabilă din nou m-am adormit.

Că șī cum eu m-am întors la tīmpul
Nostalgic al tineretului,
Mereü am
Așteptat o mână ca a ta
Care caldă și dulce mângâïe
Părūl meu.

Iubire, tu numai ai să vii și
Ai să mă ții în brațele tele.
Eu foarte mult te iubesc
Oh eu foarte mult te iubesc

Iubire, tu numai ai să vii și
Ai să mă ții în brațele tele.
Eu foarte mult te iubesc
Întru cordul roșu meu.

Lovin’ you cu tine împreuna…

Zài wǒ chángcháng kànjiàn de mèngjìng lǐ,
Chángshì dǎkāi yǎnjīng shírì,
Chájué dào wǒ de xīn de dòngjì shì
Zài biàn chéng hěn kuàijié de.

Suīrán wǒ zǒng zài cóng báisè de xiànlù
Bàn zǒu, zhǐshì wǒ zài zhèlǐ
Wèihé? Suīrán méiyǒu gè lǐyóu
Zhǐshì wǒ xiǎng yào jiān jiàozhe kūqì

Jiùxiàng wǒ céng huí dào yòuxiǎo de shàonǚ
De nà gè shíhou yīyàng,
Bǎ wēnróu de
Zài bǎ wǒ de tóufǎ fǔmō de
Jiùxiàng nǐ de yīyàng wēnnuǎn de gè shǒu
Yòng céng děngdài

Ó qīn’ài, zhǐyǒu nǐ nénggòu bǎ wǒ
Biàn wèi
Wēnróu de yī nǚzǐ
Wǒ hěn duōme de xǐhuan nǐ
Wǒ hěn duōme de xǐhuan nǐ

Wúlùn wǒmen de ài duōme nénggòu qīngxié
Yǒu lián wúfǎ míngbái bǐcǐ de rén yě dū
Wǒ xīn zài jiù xiàng jīntiān de rì
Huì biàn chéng quándōu yīn tiān

Àiqíng zàiyě dōu wúfǎ zūnxún
Yǒu guīlǜ de yī gè jiézòu.
Wǒ yòu zài shūshì de shāfā shàng
Dàotóulái zài yī cì céngjīng shuìzháo.

Jiùxiàng wǒ céng huí dào shàonǚ de huáijiù
De nà gè shíhou yīyàng,
Bǎ wēnróu de
Zài bǎ wǒ de tóufǎ fǔmō de
Jiùxiàng nǐ de yīyàng wēnnuǎn de gè shǒu
Yòng céng děngdài.

Ó zhǐyǒu qīn’ài de nǐ huì bǎ wǒ
Pínghuǎn de
Rù nǐ de nuǎn de shǒubì bàoyōng.
Wǒ hěn zhēn de zài àizhe nǐ
Wǒ hěn zhēn de zài àizhe nǐ

Ó zhǐyǒu qīn’ài de nǐ huì bǎ wǒ
Pínghuǎn de
Rù nǐ de nuǎn de shǒubì bàoyōng.
Wǒ hěn zhēn de zài àizhe nǐ
Zài wǒ de hóngsè de xīn.

Lovin’ you hé nǐ yīqǐ...
I drømmen som jeg drømmer ofte,
Når jeg forsøger at åbne øjnene,
Da jeg bemærker, at mit hjertet
Slår virkelig meget hurtigt

Mens altid løber fra linjen hvide,
Alligevel jeg vær her.
Hvortor? Selvom ej det er et grund,
Nu jeg vil med en høj stemme at græde!

Som var jeg var vendt tilbage til når jeg var
En lille barnlig pige,
Jag altid har
Ventet en hånd så varm som din
Som så blidt og så kærligt kærtegner
Mit håret!

Du bare, min elskede, vil kunne
Mig en blid person.
Jeg virkelig kan lide dig
Jeg virkelig kan lide dig

Det ej ankommer hvordan kærligheden vipper,
Det er også folk som ej forstårs.
I døgn som denne, mit hertjet
Vil blive overskyet

Kærlighed altid ej vil følge
En regelmæssig rytme.
Og på en komfortabel sofa
Jeg igen faldt i søvn på enden.

Som var jeg var vendt tilbage til den ti
Nostalgisk ungdommens,
Jag altid har
Ventet en hånd så varm som din
Som så blidt og så kærligt kærtegner
Mit håret!

Du bare, min elskede, vil komme
Til mig
Og beholde mig in armene.
Jeg virkelig elsker dig
Jeg virkelig elsker dig

Lovin’ you… her og med dig…
I drømmen som jeg drømmer ofte,
Når jeg forsøger at åbne øjnene,
Da jeg bemærker, at mit hjerte
Slår virkelig meget hurtigere.

Mens jeg altid løber fra den hvide linje,
Er jeg alligevel her.
Hvortor? Selvom det er ingen grund,
Nu jeg vil med en høj stemme græde!

Som om jeg var vendt tilbage til når jeg var
En lille barnlig pige,
Altid har jeg
Ventet på en hånd så varm som din
Som så blidt og så kærligt kærtegner
Mit hår!

Du, min elskede, vil kunne
Mig til en blid person.
Jeg kan virkelig lide dig
Jeg kan virkelig lide dig

Det ankommer ikke hvordan kærligheden vipper,
Det er findes også folk som ikke forstår hinanden.
I døgn som denne, mit hertje
Vil blive overskyet

Kærligheden vil aldrig følge
En regelmæssig rytme.
Og på en komfortabel sofa
Faldt jeg igen i søvn en anden gang.

Som var jeg var vendt tilbage til den nostalgiske
Tid af mit barndom,
Altid har jeg
Ventet på en hånd så varm som din
Som så blidt og så kærligt kærtegner
Mit hår!

Du, min elskede, vil komme
Til mig
Og holde mig in armene.
Jeg elsker dig virkelig
Jeg elsker dig virkelig

Lovin’ you… her og med dig…
I drømmėn som jeg drømmėr oftė,
Når jẹg forsøgėr at åbnė øjnėnė,
Da jẹg bemærkėr, at mit hjẹrtė
Mẹgęt hurtigẹrė slår.

Mẹns jẹg altid løbėr fra den hvidė linjė,
Ẹr jẹg alligėvėl hẹr.
Hvorfor? Selvom der ẹr ingėn grund,
Nu vil jẹg med en høj stemmė grædė!

Som om jẹg var vendt tilbagė til når jẹg var
En lillė barnlig pigė,
Altid har jẹg
Ventėt på en hånd så varm som din
Som så blidt og så kærligt kærtẹgnėr
Mit hår!

Kun dig du, min elskėdė, vil kunnė
Mig til en blid pẹrson.
Jẹg kan virkėlig lidė dig
Jẹg kan virkėlig lidė dig

Det ankommėr ikkė hvordan kærlighėdėn vippėr,
Det findės også folk som ikkė forstås.
I døgn som dettė, mit hjẹrtė
Vil blivė ovẹrskyėt

Den kærlighėd vil aldrig følgė
En regėlmæssig rytmė.
Og på en komfortabėl sofa
Faldt jẹg igėn i søvn en andėn gang.

Som var jẹg var vendt tilbagė til den savnėdė
Tid af mit barndom,
Altid har jẹg
Ventėt på en hånd så varm som din
Som så blidt og så kærligt kærtẹgnėr
Mit hår!

Kun dig du, min elskede, vil kommė
Til mig
Og holdė mig in armėnė.
Jẹg elskėr dig virkėlig
Virkėlig elskėr jẹg dig

Lovin’ you… hẹr og med dig…
I drømmėn som jeg drømmėr oftė,
Når jẹg forsøgėr at åbnė øjnėnė,
Da jẹg bemærkėr, at mit hjẹrtė
Mẹgęt hurtigẹrė slår.

Mẹns jẹg altid løbėr fra den hvidė linjė,
Ẹr jẹg alligėvėl hẹr.
Hvorfor? Selvom der ẹr ingėn grund,
Nu vil jẹg med en høj stemmė grædė!

Som om jẹg var vendt tilbagė til når jẹg var
En lillė barnlig pigė,
Altid har jẹg
Ventėt på en hånd så varm som din
Som så blidt og så kærligt kærtẹgnėr
Mit hår!

Kun dig du, min elskėdė, vil kunnė
Mig til en blid pẹrson.
Jẹg kan virkėlig lidė dig
Jẹg kan virkėlig lidė dig

Det ankommėr ikkė hvordan kærlighėdėn vippėr,
Det findės også folk som ikkė forstås.
I døgn som dettė, mit hjẹrtė
Vil blivė ovẹrskyėt

Den kærlighėd vil aldrig følgė
En regėlmæssig rytmė.
Og på en komfortabėl sofa
Faldt jẹg igėn i søvn en andėn gang.

Som var jẹg var vendt tilbagė til den savnėdė
Tid af mit barndom,
Altid har jẹg
Ventėt på en hånd så varm som din
Som så blidt og så kærligt kærtẹgnėr
Mit hår!

Kun dig du, min elskede, vil kommė
Til mig
Og holdė mig in armėnė.
Jẹg elskėr dig virkėlig
Virkėlig elskėr jẹg dig

Kun dig du, min elskede, vil kommė
Til mig
Og holdė mig in armėnė.
Jẹg elskėr dig virkėlig
I hjertet rødt mit

Lovin’ you… hẹr og med dig…
New translations:
  1. The first one I started to remake is the Italian version, for which I quote IAFI: "8/7/22 2:40 I have the song in mind and randomly come up with «L'amore un ritmo regolare / Non potrà proprio mai scandir». Then at 18:52 and 18:53 of 11/7 I complete the section as «L'amore un ritmo regolare / Non potrà battere giammai. / Così su un comodo divano => sul comodo / Un'altra volta ancor mi addormentai.» OR «L'amore un ritmo regolare / Non potrà proprio mai scandir. / Così sul comodo divano / Un'altra volta ho finito per dormir.».
    Then at 2:13-2:14 on 13/7/22 I do «Se da 'sto sogno ricorrente mio / Cercando di svegliarmi sto», which then becomes «Quando dal sogno ricorrente mio / Di risvegliarmi cērco» at 8:11 of 16/7/22, «Quandl io cerco di svegliārmi / Dal sogno ricorrente mïo» at 8:26/27 of the same day, and finally at 11:59 the same day «Quando io provo a svegliarmi / Dal sogno ricorrente mïo,»"; alright, and then I have since completed it;
    more precisely, the section discussed heretofore gets completed (from scratch, actually) at 1:07 on 22/7/22; the next section is done the next morning, mostly while going to the beach shortly before 9, with the final line at first recovered and then remade at 21:34; the last "verse" section is done 21:55-21:58; the two "choruses" are done 23:14-23:38; one last tweak is done to l. 1 of "verse" 2 at 10:46 on 23/7, putting the complete remake together;
    we then have "Amore mio" in the first "chorus" becoming just "amore" at 21:49 on 23/7/22, and "impegno" turning to "impegni" (indicative to subjunctive) in the next section at 21:50; in completing the English on 2/11/23, I realized a minor mistranslation in the "cloudy heart" section, so as I came here to implement the remake, at 1:14 on 4/11/23, I fixed «In giorni simili» to «Quand'io con loro sto» in the Italian; last tweak: 9/1/24 13:21, just before starting on the Neapolitan remake, «Venga a accarezzar» -> «Possa accarezzar»;
  2. Then we have Neapolitan, where for now we just have one section («11/7/22 19:01 I semi-recover the following», said IAFI); I left a bunch of stuff in though I'll probably try for a remake; I changed "còrė" to "còrėmȯ" in the second half of "verse" 3 at 22:23 23/7/22; IAFI actually also says «With some more recovering, since I don't plan on rhymes necessarily, but also with a 25/7/22 tweak for rhyme (this started at 19:15 with «<'Stu divan' è commodo> assaje / I' 'n'ata vota me sò addormuta ccà!» and ended with the below at 19:20), and the 23/10/22 21:32 first line, and l. 2 being from 28/12/22 19:13 and sounding not quite right, here is what I have so far», with what is presented being the recovery of the two choruses, the ending section, and the Konna hi wa section, with two changes (listed below), plus the first two lines «Quann''a 'stu suonne ca rritorna a mme / Ïo mme cerco ri sscetà»; the two changes are:
    • 'o còrė -> 'o còrėmȯ;
    • 'nu còmmȯdȯ divanȯ -> 'stu còmmȯdȯ divanȯ -> 'stu divanȯ còmmȯdȯ assàjė;
    Then it continues: «But apparently I forgot about those first two lines, because 10/12/23 11:03 I remake them identical, except for «rritorna a mme» being just its first word and ri->re. The former is then rolled back 11/12/23 17:41, along with completing the first four lines, well except the end of l. 4 which is from 17:42. With addunno->adduno from 17:43, here is the result:

    Quann' 'a 'stu suonne ca rritorna a mme
    Ïo mme cerco ri sscetà,
    M'adduno ca me sbatte comm'a cché
    'O core 'nd'o pietto ccà.

    Would "'O coremȯ" be fine in l. 4? I think at 0:27 on 12/12/23 as I put this here. I also suspect, at 0:28, that it should be rituorna, not ritorna.»; that is all for now;
    Until 9/1/24, that is; on that day, unwilling as ever to work, at 13:22/23, I remake Anata…hito ni shite kureru, then at 13:24-13:27 I remake the shôjo sections, forgetting about the natsukashii/osanai difference but that probably wouldn't affect the translation, then 13:28 Totemo daisuki yo and 13:30 the Anata…tsutsumikonde kureru, 13:33 Itsumo hakusen … watashi ga iru and 13:41-13:43 the remainder of that section, and finally 13:45-13:54 the remaining section; so goodbye to the weird recovery-newstuff mix, and welcome whole remake; last two tweaks: 12/1/24 22:25 commė si i' -> commė si iȯ at start of natsukashii and osanai sections, and 15/1/24 22:17 'mpignà -> sfurzà in l. 2 of the jônetsu section;
  3. Then we have the Greek, a novelty, started 21/7/22 17:44 with l. 1, then l. 2 at 18:53, then 20:59-21:03 I finish the section, 21:18 little tweak, 21:20-21:36 the last "verse", then 22:00-22:18 the third one, and the second one 22:27-22:51, the first two lines of the "choruses" 0:18-0:19 22/7/22, the rest (aside from «Anata dake we … Tsutsumikonde kureru») in a series of sporadic bits 0:37-1:32 and a series of bits concentrated around 11:30 in the car, then I put every bit together and make some tweaks between say 16 and 16:27, and complete the thing 16:40-17:01, at which poimt I send it to Kika at 17:09, we have some back and forth until, the next morning at 11:27, I finally send in the below version, save for the last line which is from 14:16; at 22:35, since I've decided the comfortable sofa in "verse" 4 is the singer's, I change that line from Και σ' έναν καναπέ άνετο -> Σ' αυτόν τον καναπέ άνετο at 22:35;
  4. Finally, I was almost forgetting I remade two lines of English at 0:15 on 22/7/22, later changing «And running hasty through my life» to the below version for a rhyme at 22:54 on 23/7/22; let's see if I can recover anything else… yes, at 21:55 I recovered the first "chorus", though I don't really like the second half, because no rhymes will be needed unless I decide otherwise, then I recovered half of "verse" 3, all of "verse" 4, and basically everything else, tweaking the "comfortable sofa" line at 21:57, the "hold me in your arms" line at 21:57, and the "red heart" line at 21:58; this led to the below partial non-rhyming version; then I decided I would indeed make rhymes, and I basically threw all of that out the window, and did the whole thing from scratch in two bouts, one between 23:51 of 1/11/23 and 0:40 of 2/11/23, the other on 2/11/23 at 23:11-23:38;
    The first section comes out as:

    I try to wake up from recurring dreams,
    And always notice that it seems
    That those dreams touch my heart and make it beat
    At speeds that no heart can beat...

    As I remake the Chinese in the airport on 26/3/24, I think up a couple of tweaks, which would make it:

    When I wake up from my recurring dreams,
    I always notice that it seems
    That those dreams touch my heart and make it beat
    At speeds no heart can ever beat...

    3/4/24 14:20 I'm keeping only the second tweak, in the last line;
  5. Completely ignoring any recovered parts, on 26/3/24 I finally get around to remaking the Romanian; I do almost two sections 0:12-0:30, then 9:44-10:22 I get to the point where only the "choruses" are missing, then at 11:05-11:31 I think I complete the job, except I forget the "Anata dake wa watashi wo sotto tsutsumikondekureru" section, which I realize on 1/4/24 as I put the translation together, so at 18:26-27 I complete the job;
  6. Actually, I recovered one line of Chinese at 22:09 23/7/22, the last one; nothing else, because I definitely want the rhymes there; and then I remake the whole thing on 26/3/24, partly at 13:10-13:17 while waiting to check in, partly at 13:23-13:27 at the security bag scans, and partly at the gate of my flight to Modica at 13:36-15:10; and that recovered line I completely ignore, although I do end up only having one different word from the recovered version, namely yǔ instead of hé; but I still will drop this to below the Romanian;
    3/4/24 14:58 I WA «Che mi dici della traduzione Giapponese-Rumeno nella scheda "good news"?» to a Romanian friend; she replies at 19:37 with two corrections: foarte bătând procede -> bătând forate procede, which surprises me because Ancuța didn't object there but which I accept, and Îmi părul mângâie -> Îmi mângâie părul, which I can't accept as is because of the near-rhymes, but Părul îmi mângâie or Mie părul mângâie are fine;
  7. As well as a bit of German, chose to recover the parts that weren't mistranslated around 22:14-22:17 23/7/22 as I don't plan on trying for rhymes, and at 22:16 I changed "bewölkt" to "sehr bewölkt" and then to "ganz bewölkt"; well well, considering I then remade section 1 on 2/4/24 at 13:05-13:08 to have near-rhymes, I don't think I'll be keeping any of that; hence why this drops to the bottom of the list :).
German and Danish have blanks for the unrecoverable unremade parts. The German will probably be wholly remade, not sure what I'll do about Danish. Maybe one day I will also do the Conlang translation. That said, let's see!


何時いつ白線はくせん みはずして
何故なぜ? わけいのに



どんなに情熱じょうねつ かたむけても





Lovin’ラビン youユー

Quando dal sogno ricorrente che ho
Io gli occhi miei provo ad aprir,
Che il mio cuore batte rapido
Mi trovo a scoprir.

Eccomi qui, spericolata ognor,
Sempre di fretta a correre.
Perché, pur se un motivo non ce l'ho,
Ïo voglio alzare la voce e piangere?

Come se io
Tornata fossi piccola,
Alla fanciullezza mia,
Da sempre io
Una mano calda spero di trovar,
Che con la tua dolcezza la testa mia
Possa accarezzar!

Tu sōlo da ne verrai,
Ē di me
Una donna dolce farāi.
Mi piaci così tānto!
Quanto piaci a me, mio amor!

C'è gente con cui io mai non mi capirò,
Per quanto mi impegni per capīr.
Quand'io con loro sto, il mïo cuor
Di nubi si va a riēmpīr.

L'amore un ritmo regolare
Non potrà proprio mai scandir.
Così sul comodo divano
Un'altra volta ho finito per dormir.

Come se io
Tornata fossi piccola –
Oh che grande nostalgia! –,
Da sempre io
Una mano calda spero di trovar,
Che con la tua dolcezza la testa mia
Possa accarezzar!

Tu sōlo mi prenderai,
E dōlce
Tra le braccia mi stringerāi.
Ti amo così tānto!
Quanto t'amo, mio amor!

Tu sōlo mi prenderai,
E dōlce
Tra le braccia mi stringerāi.
Ti amo così tānto
Nel mio grande, rosso cuor!

Lovin’ you
Con te, mio amor…

Απ' τ' επαναλαμβανόμεν' όνειρο
Αν δοκιμάζω να ξυπνώ,
Πως ο παλμός μου είναι γρήγορος
Παρατηρώ τότ' εγώ.

Τρέχοντας πάντα απερίσκεπτα
Και βιαστικά, εγώ 'μ' εδώ.
Γιατί, κι αν δεν υπάρχει λόγος,
Τώρα θέλω να κλαίω μεγαλόφωνα;

Λες κι αν εγώ
Είχα γυρίσει στον καιρό
Που ήμουν κορίτσι νεαρό,
Αχ, πάντα εγώ
Περίμενα ένα χέρι που
Να μου χαϊδεύεῑ τα μαλλιά, απαλό και θερμό
Σαν το χέρι σου!

Εσύ μόνος μπορείς
Να με κάνεις
Μια γυναίκα τρυφερή!
Μ'αρέσεις πολύ πολύ!
Αχ, μ' αρέσεις τόσο πολύ!

Με όλες τις προσπάθειες στον κόσμο, εγώ
Να καταλάβω κάποια άτομα δεν μπορώ.
Σε τέτοιες μέρες μου γίν' η καρδιά
Γεμάτη με σύννεφα.

Η αγάπη δεν μπορεί να χτυπά
Μ' έναν κανονικό ρυθμό
Σ' αυτόν τον καναπέ άνετο
Με πήρε ο ύπνος πάλι τελικά.

Λες κι αν εγώ
Είχα γυρίσει στον καιρό
Παιδικό και νοσταλγικό,
Αχ, πάντα εγώ
Περίμενα ένα χέρι που
Να μου χαϊδεύεῑ τα μαλλιά, απαλό και θερμό
Σαν το χέρι σου!

Στα μπράτσα σου μόνος εσύ
Θᾱ με κρατάς τρυφερά!
Αχ, σε αγαπώ πολύ!
Αχ, σε αγαπώ πολύ!

Στα μπράτσα σου μόνος εσύ
Θᾱ με κρατάς τρυφερά!
Αχ, σε αγαπώ πολύ
Στην καρδιά μου την κὀκκινη!

Lovin' you…
Εγώ κι εσύ…

Here I am, always playing risky,
And running through life hastily.

Af if I had
Gone back to that so childish time
When I was a little girl
I’ve always been
Waiting for a hand as warm as yours
That’s so lovingly gently stroking my hair
Time and again!

You only,
My darling, can make me
A gentle woman; so do it,
I like you oh so much
I like you oh so much


On days just like this one my heart
Becomes all cloudy

Love cannot ever get to follow
A rhythm regular and smooth.
And on my confortable sofa
I ended up asleep another time.

Af if I had
Gone back to that nostalgic time
When I was a little girl
I’ve always been
Waiting for a hand as warm as yours
That’s so lovingly gently stroking my hair
Time and again!

O darling,
You only will come to me,
And then
You will hōld me in your arms.
O how much I love you
O how much I love you

O darling,
You only will come to me,
And then
You will hold me in your so warm arms.
O how much I love you
In my red heart full of love!

Lovin’ you…
Here and with you…
I try to wake up from recurring dreams,
And always notice that it seems
That those dreams touch my heart and make it beat
At speeds no heart can ever beat…

Here I am, always playing risky,
Running around so carelessly.
Then why, without a reason to cry,
Do I want to scream, raising my voice up high?

As if once more
I'd gone back to that time of yore
When I was so young and pure,
Please come to me
Stroke my hair with your hand tenderly:
Such a hand I have always been waiting for,
So soft and warm!

You are the man, the only man
Who ever can
Make me
A tender woman be...
Oh how much I lōve you!
Oh how much I lōve you!

There are some people I just cannot get,
No matter how hard I may try.
On days when I'm with them, my heart will get
All clouded up by and by.

Love by a regular beat cannot go:
It alternates 'tween fast and slow.
Thus on this comfy sofa of mine
I ended up asleep another time.

As if once more
I'd gone back to that time of yore
Which I with nostalgia recall,
Please come to me
Stroke my hair with your hand tenderly:
Such a hand I have always been waiting for,
So soft and warm!

You are the one, the only one
Who'll come to me
And then
Hug me tight, so warmly, so softly...
Oh how much I'm in love with you!
Oh how much I'm in love with you!

You are the one, the only one
Who'll come to me
And then
Hug me tight, so warmly, so softly...
Oh how much I'm in love with you!
In my red heart there's just you!

Lovin' you...
With you...



- 啊我这么充满怀旧!-




- 啊我这么充满怀旧!-



Lovin’ you

Când dintru visul care-l fac des
Să mă deștept eu încerc,
Observ că inima mea repede
Batând foarte procede.

Eu care nu trec pe trecerile nicicând,
Și mereu mereu alerg trecând,
De ce, chiar dacă n-am un motiv,
Plângând cu o voce tare vreau să țip?

Că și cum mi-am
Întors la copilaria mea
- Ah, m-umplu de nostalgie! -
Mereü am
Așteptat o mână ca a ta
Care caldă și dûlce
Mie părul mângâie

Pe bune am să numai de
Fiu făcut o muiere dulce.
Îmi place de tine foãrte,
Oh de tine foarte-mi place!

În zilele în care sunt cu mine lume
Și oricât de mult am ne sforța, pe bune
Ne nu potem să ne-nțelegem,
Inima de nori mi se umple.

Iubirea un ritm care este regulat
Nicicând nu-l a urmărit.
Și eu asupra această canapea
Confortabilă din nou mi-am adormit.

Că și cum la
Tineretul meu întors mi-am
- Ah, m-umplu de nostalgie! -
Mereü am
Așteptat o mână ca a ta
Care caldă și dūlce
Mie părul mângâie

Tu numai,
Iubirea, ai să vii și
Să mă ții în brațēle!
Eu foarte mult te iubesc,
Oh eu foarte mult te iubesc!

Tu numai,
Iubirea, ai să vii și
Să mă ții în brațēle!
Eu foarte mult te iubesc,
În cordul roșu fragile!

Lovin’ you
Cu tine împreuna…
Kurikaeshi miru yume ni
Me ga samete miru to
Mune no dôki ga hayai
Koto ni kidzuku

Itsumo hakusen fumihazushite
Hashiru watashi ga iru.
Naze, wake mo nai no ni,
Koe wo agete nakitaku naru?

Shôjo no koro ni
Modotta mitai ni
Kami wo nadete kureru
Sonna atatakai te wo itsumo
Matte ita

Dake wa watashi wo
Hito ni shite kureru
Totemo daisuki yo
Totemo daisuki yo

Donna ni jônetsu katamukete mo
Wakariaenai hito mo iru
Sona hi wa kokoro ga
Kumotte shimau wa

Koi wa kisokutadashii
Rizumu wo kizamanai
Kokochiii sofā de
Mata nemutte shimatta

Shôjo no koro ni
Modotta mitai ni
Kami wo nadete kureru
Sonna atatakai te wo itsumo
Matte ita

Dake wa watashi wo
Tsutsumikonde kureru
Totemo aishiteru
Totemo aishiteru

Dake wa watashi wo
Tsutsumikonde kureru
Totemo aishiteru
Akai hāto de

Lovin' you
Anata to…

Quann' 'a 'stu suonne ca rrit(u)orna a mme
Ïo mme cerco ri sscetà,
M'adduno ca me sbatte comm'a cché
'O core(mȯ?) 'nd'o pietto ccà.

Eccu, sto ccà, sèmpė spėriculātȧ,
Sèmpė de prèssa sto a vulà.
Pecché, purȯ si raggiònė nun ce sta,
Tra li lacrimi 'a vvócė vòjjȯ aizà?

Commė si iȯ
Fussė turnatȧ nénnȧ
Assajė piccirillȧ,
Da sèmpė iȯ
'Na mano caura sper' 'e truvà
Ca c''a rucizza toja venga a ccarezzà
A capa miȧ.

O carȯmȯ,
Surtantȯ tu a mme verraje,
E dde me
'Na ronna doce faraje.
Mmė piaci accussì tantȯ!
Tantȯ tantȯ tu mmė piaci!

Ce stannȯ perzònė ca nun pozzȯ capì,
Pe qquantȯ me pozza sfurzà.
E scurȯ scurȯ teng' 'o còrė i'
Si cu ìssė aggi'a stà.

L’ammòrė nun pò sseguì mmajė
’Nu rritmȯ bbèll’e rregulà.
’Ncopp’a ’stu divanȯ còmmȯdȯ assajė
Mė so’ addormutȧ ’n’atȧ vota ccà.

Commė si iȯ
Fussė turnatȧ nénnȧ
Assajė piccirillȧ,
Da sèmpė iȯ
'Na mano caura sper' 'e truvà
Ca c''a rucizza toja venga a ccarezzà
A capa miȧ.

O càrȯmȯ,
Surtantȯ tu verràjė,
E, docė,
Rint'a li tojė braccė mė tėrràjė
Te vvo’ bbèn’ assajė
I' tė vòjjȯ bbèn' assajė!

O càrȯmȯ,
Surtantȯ tu verràjė,
E, docė,
Rint'a li tojė braccė mė tėrràjė
Te vvo’ bbèn’ assajė
Rint’a ’o corė rossȯ ccà!

Lovin’ you
Inzèm’a ttė…

Ap' t' epanalamvanómen' ónëro
An dokimázō na xypnṓ,
Pōs o palmós moy ë́nä grí̱goros
Parati̱rṓ tót' egṓ.

Trékhontas pánta aperískepta
Kä viastiká, egṓ 'm' edṓ.
Giatí, ki an den ypárkhë lógos,
Tṓra thélō na klä́ō megalófōna?

Les ki an egṓ
Ë́kha gyrísë ston käró
Poy í̱moyn korítsi nearó,
Akh, pánta egṓ
Perímena éna khéri poy
Na moy khaidév̆ë ta malliá, apaló kä thermó
San to khéri soy!

Esý mónos mporë́s
Na me kánës
Mia gynä́ka tryferí̱!
M' arésës polý polý!
Akh, m' arésës tóso polý!

Me óles tis prospátëes ston kósmo, egṓ
Na katalávō kápöa átoma den mporṓ.
Se tétöes méres moy gín' i̱ kardiá
Gemáti̱ me sýnnefa.

I̱ agápi̱ den mporë́ na khtypá
M' énan kanonikó rythmó
S' af̆tón ton kanapé áneto
Me pí̱re o ýpnos páli teliká.

Les ki an egṓ
Ë́kha gyrísë ston käró
Pädikó kä nostalgikó,
Akh, pánta egṓ
Perímena éna khéri poy
Na moy khaidév̆ë ta malliá, apaló kä thermó
San to khéri soy!

Sta mprátsa soy mónos esý
Thā me kratás tryferá!
Akh, se agapṓ polý!
Akh, se agapṓ polý!

Sta mprátsa soy mónos esý
Thā me kratás tryferá!
Akh, se agapṓ polý!
Sti̱n kardiá moy ti̱n kókkini̱!

Lovin' you…
Egṓ ki esý…

Als ich aus meinen wiederkehrenden
Träumen aufzuwachen vêrsuche,
Dann immer stell' ich fest, dass mein Herz
Doch wirkligh sehr schnell schlägt.


[Recovered parts:]
Als ob ich in
Die Zeit zurückgėkehrt wärė,
Als ich noch klein war,
Immėr hab’ ich
Auf einė Hand gėwartėt die so
Warm und zärtlich wie deinė Hand
Meinė Haarė streicht.

O Liebėr,
Nur du wirst mich zu einẹr
Frau machėn könnėn.
O wie ich dich doch mag
O wie ich dich sẹhr mag.


An Tagėn so wie diesėm wird mein Hẹrz
Am Endė ganz bėwölkt.

Liebė kann nie einėm Rhythmus sanft
Und regėlmäßigėn folgėn.
Und auf einėm bėhaglichėn Sofa
Bin ich wiedėr einmal eingėschlafėn.

Als ob ich in
Jenė nostalgischė Zeit
Dẹr Jungėnd zurückgėkehrt wärė,
Immėr hab’ ich
Auf einė Hand gėwartėt die so
Warm und zärtlich wie deinė Hand
Meinė Haarė streicht.

O Liebėr,
Nur du wirst zu mir kommėn
Um mich
Zärtlich in deinėn Armėn zu haltėn.
O wie ich dich liebė
O wie ich liebė dich

O Liebėr,
Nur du wirst zu mir kommėn
Um mich
Zärtlich in deinėn Armėn zu haltėn.
O wie ich dich liebė
Hier in meinėm rotėm Hẹrz.

Lovin’ you
Zusammėn mit dir…

Dāng cóng wǒ chángcháng jiàn de nà chǎng mèng
Wǒ chángshì kāiyǎn ér xǐnglái,
Wǒ zǒng jìngfú "Wǒ de xīn zěnme néng
Lái tiào de zhème kuài? ".

Wǒ zài bānmǎxiàn shàng zǒng dōu bù zǒu
Děi guò jiētóu jiù zǒng pǎobù
Wèihé suīrán méi yǒu ge lǐyóu
Wǒ xiǎngyào tígāo shēngyīn jiù lái tíkū

Hǎoxiàng wǒ yǒu
Huí dào értóng de shíhòu
- A wǒ zhème chōngmǎn huáijiù! -
Wǒ zǒng dōu
Zài děngdài yī gè wēnnuǎn de shǒu
Lái jiù xiàng nǐ de shǒu qīngqīng de fǔmō
Wǒ de tóu

A zhǐyǒu
Qīn'ài de nǐ cái nénggòu
Jiāng wǒ
Biànchéng yī gè wēnróu de nǚ
Wǒ duōmede xǐhuān nǐ
Wǒ duōmede xǐhuān nǐ

Wǒ yǒushí jiāng gēn wǒ yīqǐ de rénmen
Wúlùn rúhé dōu bù míngbái.
Zài zhèyàng de shíhòu wǒ zhōngjiù
Yǒu hǎo duō yún zài xīnhǎi.

Liàn'ài de jiézòu yǒng bù pínfán,
Yǒu shí píngdàn, yǒu shí měimiào.
Wǒ zài wǒ shūfú de shāfā shàng
Dàotóulái zài yī cì lái shuìzháo.

Hǎoxiàng wǒ yǒu
Huí dào shàonǚ de shíhòu
- A wǒ zhème chōngmǎn huáijiù! -
Wǒ zǒng dōu
Zài děngdài yī gè wēnnuǎn de shǒu
Lái jiù xiàng nǐ de shǒu qīngqīng de fǔmō
Wǒ de tóu

A zhǐyǒu
Qīn'ài de nǐ cái nénggòu
Qīngqīng de
Yǒng wǒ rù nǐ de huáibào lǐ
A wǒ duōmede ài nǐ
A wǒ duōmede ài nǐ

A zhǐyǒu
Qīn'ài de nǐ cái nénggòu
Qīngqīng de
Yǒng wǒ rù nǐ de huáibào lǐ
A wǒ duōmede ài nǐ
Zài wǒ hóngsè de xīn lǐ

Lovin’ you
Yǔ nǐ yīqǐ…



Som om jẹg var
Vendt tilbagė til når jẹg var
En lillė barnlig pigė,
Altid har jẹg
Ventėt på en hånd så varm som din
Som så blidt og så kærligt kærtẹgnėr
Mit hår!

Kun dig du,
Min elskėdė, vil kunnė
Mig til en blid pẹrson.
Jẹg kan virkėlig lidė dig
Jẹg kan virkėlig lidė dig


I døgn som dettė, mit hjẹrtė
Vil blivė ovẹrskyėt

Den kærlighėd vil aldrig følgė
En regėlmæssig rytmė.
Og på en komfortabėl sofa
Faldt jẹg igėn i søvn en andėn gang.

Som var jẹg var
Vendt tilbagė til den savnėdė
Tid af mit barndom,
Altid har jẹg
Ventėt på en hånd så varm som din
Som så blidt og så kærligt kærtẹgnėr
Mit hår!

Kun dig du,
Min elskede, vil kommė
Til mig
Og holdė mig in armėnė.
Jẹg elskėr dig virkėlig
Virkėlig elskėr jẹg dig

Kun dig du,
Min elskede, vil kommė
Til mig
Og holdė mig in armėnė.
Jẹg elskėr dig virkėlig
I hjertet rødt mit

Lovin’ you…
Hẹr og med dig…

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