Saturday, 14 April 2018

Who am I without you?

Yet another assertion of love today, though this time it is done by describing the solitude and inconsistency that parting causes in the singer. Today's song is a Cantonese song titled 明日我是谁 | Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4, or "Who will I be tomorrow?". This was met, again, sometime between Easter and summer 2012, and translated:
  1. To English that summer shortly after 6/8, definitely within 18 August 2012 at 20:55, giving the original version below, which appears in the 18/8 file save for the alternate version, which seems to not appear in any file; actually, the earliest version is the third of four translations in the diary, between the 6/8/12 and 20/8/12 entries, and has the following differences with this "original version" below:
    • «Leaving may well» in place of «Parting may well»;
    • «with it goes [recte: went]»;
    • «Does «Who'm I» in place of «Who am I» count?
    the mega-intro dates all those translations to 6/8/12; since then, the following changes have taken place:
    1. Writing this draft on March 20 2018, around 15:21, I changed "As though I left and / With me carried" into "As though I put down / And a-picked up", following this Stack Exchange post; always following that, around 15:24 I changed "And ev'ry dream with it goes" to "Which follows me in all dreams"; finally, around 15:27, I created the English "Alternative", and the draft was ready, with the Blog original version from below;
    2. On 1/11/20 at 16:00 I go «WTH is this English version»? Like, «But in the end tonight it’s / Your words, o my darling.»? How did I even get that? And I fix it; I noticed it as I did my Hindi version;
    3. 22:05 8/11/20 «And we left all / The fears that we had.» gets its fix, and «A blessing phrase» becomes «This is my wish» before settling on «I wish you this»;
    4. In the evening of 20/11/20 I make some more revisions:
      • At 19:06, the «a-picked» becomes «I picked up», because that archaism sounds awful;
      • By the same minute, the «big hole» becomes a «huge void», and those presents with "tomorrow" become futures;
      • 19:07, and «I wish you this: / You need not again cry» becomes «This is my wish: / May you need not again cry», or so says the blog, though there wasn't an edit at that time; the supposedly changed version is actually found in a screenshot from 1:25:39 the following night, and by 1:26:06 we actually have the current version «I wish you this: / May you not need to cry again», so I don't know what happened there; I'm guessing these are changes from the recording session, and this one got changed again before being implemented; except the lyrics I was reading while recording have «This is my wish: / May you not need to cry again», and the video matches that;
      • By the same minute we have «Where that I tomorrow may go» for the penultimate line;
      These changes lead us to the current version, which almost matches the video;
  2. Then to Czech much more recently to fill the empty column; storytime!
    1. Between 14 and 15 on February 4 2018, I make the original version, which I then send to my corrector on 20/4/18 at 23:20;
    2. On Sep 10 I received and metabolized and commented corrections:
      • snadný -> snadné;
      • Ale když říkám -> Ale když to říkam;
      • prázdnota -> prázdnotu;
      • Kdysi představili si osud sjedotilo nas -> Kdysi jsme si představovali, že osud nás spojil/sjednotil, which I then make into "Jsme si představovali že osud nás spojil" at 16:56;
      • Tajně opustili olbavy naše -> Tajně jsme opustili naše obavy;
      • v konci -> na konci;
      • políbím tě v ústech (earlier "políbím ústa tvá") -> Políbím ti ústa;
      • Minulost nakonec minulost -> Minulost nakonec je minulost;
      • Nemusíme opět sejít se -> Nemusíme se opět sejít; this correction somehow got lost between back then and the video, so I had the old version as up-to-date and recorded that, but now on 9/11/21 as I trace back this story I will reimplement it on the blog;
      • Kdo budeš milovat? -> Koho budeš milovat?;
      • Ve hromu a sněhu: she comments «"V bouřce" (tempesta) è meglio no? E pioggia è "v dešti"»; at 16:56 I go with "Ve hromu a krup";
      • Ne sleduj mě -> Nesleduj mě;
    3. On Sep 22 I received replies to the comments, which made the changes to "Představovali jsme si, že […]" and "Hromy a kroupy", and applied the corrections; this led to the intermediate version below; a residual question remains, so there will probably be another edit here;
    4. Welp, on 8/11/20 I open this to add a bunch of translations, and… WTH? A residual question? Well, that probably ain't gettin' an answer since I haven't heard from my corrector in like forever… more tweaks!
      • «Říkám ahoj nemusíš plakat opět» needs a fix, besides a linebreak;
      • «Přeji ti teď», «Přeji ti já», «Já ti přeji»… first one's good;
      • «Ať nepláčeš opět» is from 22:26; all from 22:46 8/11/20;
    5. On 11/11/20, I make some tweaks:
      • First of all, "Minulost nakonec je minulost" is waaaay to long for the tune, so at 11:00 I drop the nakonec, at 11:03 I unconvincedly mimic the English with "Minulost musi byt' minulost" (or is it byt?), and at 11:07 I settle for "Minulost jen je minulost", "The past is just the past";
      • At 10:59 I had already substituted "Tajně jsme opustili" with "Ignorovali jsme";
      • «Představovali / Jsme si osud nás spojil» seems to mean "we presented each other», with "si" not even being correct (isn't it "se", like "rozejit se" and "sejit se"?), so I make it «Jsme věřili / Si osud nás spojil», but of course the "si" is not "that", but I figure out it must be že only at 16:05 on 21/11/20 while editing my video; at some point the nás moves to after spojil, apparently after the video;
      • Not sure when, but "Hromy a kroupy" becomes "V hromu a kroupách"; since this version is found all the way back on 22/9/18 at 16:42 in a draft save for this post, I'm assuming this is another lost correction (alongside the sticking of ne to sleduj in the last line and the "Nemusíme se opět sejít" and the fix of the misspelling "olbavy"), and that šněhu -> kroupách is just snow->hail, with a plural I cannot justify; 9/11/21 15:31, I'm going to put "Hromy a kroupy" back in;
      with that, we're at the final version below;
  3. Anyway, the new translations; I made a Hindi version in three pieces between 11:24 and 17:03 on 1/11/20, and sent it to ATajuddin 10m later; she gave a couple corrections the next day and the one after that, i.e. 2/11 and 3/11;
  4. The night after 3/11/20, between 2:23 and 2:38, I make the Italian version; the alternative form is from 22:10 8/11/20; somewhere between 14:01 and 14:22 on 21/11/20, as I record my video, I truncate the "lontano" in "Guardando lontano da sol men vo";
  5. Finally, between 19:48 and 19:58 on 8/11/20, I get the French version done; «Qui me suivit» changes to «Qui me va suivre» at 22:17 on 8/11/20; the alternative is from 22:28; recording the video, I opt for «va me suivre» instead of «me va suivre», and I also pronounce the e's I marked with overdots;
  6. Finally? No; Not yet; planning to include it in my CD, I come here to choose between the Italian and the English translation, and meh; Italian is better for now, but neither has rhymes, so maybe I remake the English with them and it comes out better? And on 20/12/23 at 21:48-22:23, with a tweak 10mins later, I do so, and do end up including this Remake into the CD.
Let's see this song!


# 曾亦幻想

* 明日你是谁?

Parting may well
Be a simple small word
Each time, saying it,
I want to cry
As though I left
And with me carried
Just a big hole
And ev’ry dream
With it goes.

# Once we dreamt that
We were born to be two
And we left all
The fears that we had.
But in the end tonight
It's your words, o my darling,
I, cruel, in the end say “See ya”.

* Who’re you tomorrow?
Who am I tomorrow?
The past must be the past
You need not say we’ll meet
Who’re you tomorrow?
Who will be your love?
A blessing phrase:
You need not again cry.
Alone I look far and walk in
Thunder snow and hail
Where will I tomorrow go?
Don’t you follow.




1Alternative: Wherever I tomorrow will go,
Parting may well
Be a simple small word
Each time, saying it,
I want to cry
As though I put down
And a-picked up
Just a big hole
Which follows me
In all dreams.

# Once we dreamt that
We were born to be two
And we left all
The fears that we had.
But in the end tonight
It's your words, o my darling,
I, cruel, in the end say “See ya”.

* Who’re you tomorrow?
Who am I tomorrow?
The past must be the past
You need not say we’ll meet
Who’re you tomorrow?
Who will be your love?
A blessing phrase:
You need not again cry.
Alone I look far and walk in
Thunder snow and hail
Where will I tomorrow go?1
Don’t you follow.



Where will I tomorrow go?
Don’t you follow.

1Alternative: Wherever I tomorrow will go,
Parting may well
Be a simple small word
Each time, saying it,
I want to cry
As though I put down
And I picked up
Just a huge void
Which follows me
In all dreams.

# Once we dreamt that
We were born to be two
We ignored all
The doubts that we had.
But in the end tonight
Your darling lips I'm kissing,
I, cruel, in the end say “See ya”.

* Who’ll you be tomorrow?
Who'll I be tomorrow?
The past must be the past
You need not say we’ll meet
Who’ll you be tomorrow?
Who will be your love?
I wish you this:
May you not need to cry again.
Alone I look far and walk in
Thunder snow and hail
Where that I tomorrow may go,1
Don’t you follow.



Where that I tomorrow may go,
Don’t you follow.

1Alternative: Where will I tomorrow go?
Saying "breakup"
Seems to be so easy,
Going through one
Brings tears consistently:
Your past and future
Both seem empty,
And that empty
Will follow you
In every dream.

# "We were born to
Be together": thus thought we,
As we kept
Many doubts secretly.
And in the end tonight
I kiss your lips so gently,
And bid you my goodbye so cruelly...

* Who will you now be?
Who will I now be?
What's past will not come back:
Why should we once more meet?
Who will you now be?
Who will your love be?
My wish for thee:
May you never in tears be.
I look forward and walk, all lonely,
Storms, winds, hail rage free.
What will my destinastion now be?
Don't come with me...



What will my destinastion now be?
Don't come with me...

संबंध तोड़ना:
जैसे कोई सरल शब्द,
हर बार जब कहता हूँ,
तो रोता हूँ,
शून्यता कोई
मैं रखता
और उठाता हूँ,
जो सपनों में
साथ देता।

# हम सोचते थे
कि जनम ही से युगल थे,
सारे चिंताएं को
हटाते थे,
मगर अज रात अंत में
चूमता तेरा मुं को,
मैं अंत में क्रूरता से अलविदा कहता।

* कल की तू है कौन?
कल का मैं हूँ कौन?
अतीत ही तो अतीत,
मिलने की ज़रुरत न है।
कल की तू है कौन?
प्यार करेगी किस से?
ना रोए तू:
यह मेरी कामना।
दूर देखता अकेला जाता हूँ
गरज और हिमपात में।
जहाँ मैं जाऊँगा कल
तू ना आना।



जहाँ मैं जाऊँगा कल
तू ना आना।

Sì, lasciarsi è
Solo una parola,
Eppur dirla
Fa sempre piangere,
Come se mettessi giù
E prendessi
In mano un vuoto
Che in sogno ti

Ci credevamo
Nati per stare insieme,
Ogni dubbio
Non lo affrontavam,
Ma infin stasera
Io ti bacio sulle labbra
E crudelmente dico addïo.

Chi sarai domani?
Chi sarò domani?
Il passato non c'è più,
Rivederci non dobbiam.
Domani chi sarai?
Chi amerāi?
Questo è il mio augurio:
Che tu non debba pianger più.
Guardando lontan, da sol men vo,
Tuona e nevica.
Dove io domani andrò,1
Non seguirmi.



Dove io domani andrò,1
Non seguirmi.

1Oppure: Dove andrò domani io?
Lei4-bit6 jaa5-heoi2
Si6 gaan2-daan1 dik1 jat1-geoi3
Mui5 ci3 syut3-ceot1
Pin1-jiu1/3 saa2 ngaan5-leoi6
Zau6-zoeng6 zoi6 fong3-haa5/6
Jaa5 zoi6 daam1-hei2
Jat1-pin3 hung1/3-heoi1
Mui5 jat1 go3 mung6
Jaa5 bun6-ceoi4

# Cang4 jik6 waan6 soeng2
Si6 tin1-sa(a)ng1 dik1 jat1-deoi3
Ngam3-ngam3 fong3-hoi1
Soeng2 gwo3 dik1 gu3-leoi6
Daan6-si6 zoi6 zeoi3-hau6 ze5 je6
Can1 jat1 can1 nei5 dik1 zeoi2
Ngo5 zung1-jyu1/4 han2-sam1 dik1 syut3 zoi3-wui246

* Ming4-jat6 nei5 si6 seoi4?
Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4
Gwo3-heoi2/3 zung1 seoi1 gwo3-heoi2/3
Bat1 bit1 zoi3 syut3 gung1/6-zeoi6
Ming4-jat6 nei5 si6 seoi4?
Nei5 wui246 ngoi3-zoek3/6 seoi4
Zuk1-fuk1 jat1-geoi3:
Nei5 bat1 bit1 zoi3 dik1 leoi6
Duk6-zi6 mong6 ze5 jyun5-fong1 bou6-heoi2/3
Leoi4-din6 bing1 syut3 leoi5
Ming5-jat6 ngo5 zau2 dou3 ho4/6-fong1
Nei5 mok6 zoi3 zeoi1



Ming5-jat6 ngo5 zau2 dou3 ho4/6-fong1
Nei5 mok6 zoi3 zeoi1
"Rozejít se"
Možná snasdý říci
Ale když říkám
Vždy roním slzy
Jakoby položil bych
A zvedl bych
Která sleduje mě
V každém snu

Kdysi představili
Si osud sjedotilo nas
Tajně opustili
Olbavy naše
Ale v konci dnes večer
Políbím tě v ústech
A krutě tobě říkám ahoj.

Zítra kdo budeš?
Zítra kdo budu?
Minulost nakonec minulost
Nemusíme opět sejít se
Zítra kdo budeš?
Kdo budeš milovat?
Říkám ahoj
Nemusíš plakat opět
Sám zírám daleko a chodím
Ve hromu a sněhu
Kamkoli já zítra budu chodit
Ne sleduj mě.



Kamkoli já zítra budu chodit,1
Ne sleduj mě.

1Alternative: Zítra já kam budu chodit?
"Rozejít se"
Možná snasdé říci
Ale když to říkám
Vždy roním slzy
Jakoby položil bych
A zvedl bych
Která sleduje mě
V každém snu

Jsme si, že osud nás spojil,
Tajně jsme opustili
Naše obavy
Ale na konci dnes večer
Políbím ti ústa
A krutě tobě říkám ahoj.

Zítra kdo budeš?
Zítra kdo budu?
Minulost nakonec je minulost
Nemusíme se opět sejít
Zítra kdo budeš?
Koho budeš milovat?
Říkám ahoj
Nemusíš plakat opět
Sám zírám daleko a chodím
Hromy a kroupy
Kamkoli já zítra budu chodit
Nesleduj mě.



Kamkoli já zítra budu chodit,1
Nesleduj mě.

1Alternative: Zítra já kam budu chodit?
"Rozejít se"
Možná snasdé říci
Ale když to říkám
Vždy roním slzy
Jakoby položil bych
A zvedl bych
Která sleduje mě
V každém snu

# Jsme věřili
Že osud spojil nás
Ignorovali jsme
Naše obavy
Ale na konci dnes večer
Políbím ti ústa
A krutě tobě říkám ahoj.

* Zítra kdo budeš?
Zítra kdo budu?
Minulost jen je minulost
Nemusíme se opět sejít
Zítra kdo budeš?
Koho budeš milovat?
Přeji ti teď:
Ať nepláčeš opět
Sám zírám daleko a chodím
Hromy a kroupy
Kamkoli já zítra budu chodit,1
Nesleduj mě.



Kamkoli já zítra budu chodit,1
Nesleduj mě.

1Alternative: Zítra já kam budu chodit?

Sańbańdh' toṛnā:
Jaise koī saral' shabd',
Har' bār' jab käh'tā hūṃ',
To rotā hūm,
Śūnyatā koī
Maiṅ rakh'tā
Aur' uțhātā hūm
Jo sapnoṅ meṅ
Sāth' detā.

# Ham soc'te the
Ki janm hī se yugal' the
Sāre cińtāeṅ ko
Haṭāte the.
Magar' āj' rātǝ ańt meṅ
Cūm'tā terā muńh' ko,
Maiṅ ańt meṅ krūr'tā se al'vidā käh'tā.

* Kal' kī tū hai kaun'?
Kal' kā maiṅ hūṁ kaun'?
Atīt' hī to atīt',
Mil'ne kī zarurat' na hai.
Kal' kī tū hai kaun'?
Pyār' karegī kis' se?
Nā roe tū:
Yäh' merī kām'nā.
Dūr' dekh'tā akelā jātā hūṁ
Garaj' aur' him'pāt' meṅ.
Jahāṃ maiṅ jāūṁgā kal,
Tū nā ānā.



Jahāṃ maiṅ jāūṁgā kal,
Tū nā ānā.

Oui, se laisser
C'est un mot très simple,
Mais chaque fois, quand je l'dis,
Toujours je pleure,
Comme si j'posais
Et je prenais
Seulment un grand vide
Qui va me suivre
En chaque rêve.

On pensait que
L'on était un couple né,
Toutes nos doutės,
Nous les ignorions,
Mais à la fin, ce soir,
En t'embrassant les lèvres,
Moi cruellement je te dis "Adieu",

Demain tu s'ras qui?
Demain je s'rais qui?
Le passé c'est passé,
On doit plus se rencontrer.
Demain tu s'ras qui?
Tu aimeras qui?
Voilà mon souhait:
Que pleurer tu ne doivės plus.
Tout seul je regarde loin et j'm'en vais
Par tonnerre et neige.
Où que je m'en aillė demain,
Ne me suis plus!



Où que je m'en aille demain,1
Ne me suis plus!

1Ou: Où vais-je m'en aller demain?

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