Friday 26 October 2040

Blog index

So uh, this thing. This chronological index of all the translations on the blog, which took me over 2 years and is still not done, not only because of new translations to come, and which will also eventually get all the channel's videos listed with the translations (which I originally decided not to do). More precisely, each entry will have one of the following marks:
  1. @BBR: It is an HS5 badslation into Chinese or Japanese, and thus will be (or has been) featured in an episode of "Beginner Chinese and Japanese badslations";
  2. @BR: It is a badslation, and thus will be (or has been) featured in an episode of "Reviewing old badslations";
  3. @NRR: It is a translation of a Sappho poem, but does not keep the rhythm of the original meter; the series "Reviewing non-rhythmic translations" is dedicated to this category of translations;
  4. @Cl: Planned for (or featured in) an episode of "Mick Gorro and the Classics";
  5. @Ψ: Planned for (or featured in) an episode of "Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία";
  6. @Sic: Planned for (or featured in) an episode of "Saffu in Siçilianu";
  7. @Ch: Planned for (or featured in) an episode of "長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō";
  8. @TP: Stands for "translation performance" and means it will get, or has gotten, a video on the channel singing the translation;
  9. @Pit: Will be, or has been, discussed, and maybe performed, in an episode of "The pitfalls of Japanese songs"; in other words, it is a badslation from Japanese where the badness is at least partly due to grossly misunderstanding the original;
  10. @PC: Planned for (or featured in) an episode of "Mick Gorro and a few poems outside the Classics";
  11. @BR, @NRR: Will be, or has been, featured in both series, or in a crossover;
  12. @BR/@NRR: Will be featured in either series, I haven't yet decided on which;
  13. @NV: No video;
  14. @MV: May get a video.
The last one will be replaced once the decision is made, and so will the third-to-last one. The penultimate one is permanent. All others will get a video link once the video comes out, and the link text will be the timestamp range the translation is found at.
At first glance, it may seem that this task is simple, if perhaps time-consuming. Just sort all translations by "when they were made". How hard can that be, right? Well, you have no idea what a titanic feat this is. Let me give you a sense of this:
  1. Just listing all the translations is not only long, but complicated; a bunch of the translations here have multiple versions, so… which count, and which don't? When I make a change to a translation, do I have to count it as another translation? At the other end, what if I decide to completely remake a translation, as happened with a bunch of those at Lonely nights of heartbreak? Where do you draw the line? I decided that, if going from version A to version B is a series of changes that were conceived as improvements to version A, then the two count as a single translations; if instead I consciously decided to remake a translation, because I felt it needed serious improvements like getting rhymes in (typical reason for remakes in the post linked to before), then they're distinct translations, and merit distinct entries here;
  2. Then there are those translations that have multiple versions only differing in the genders of the singer and addressee, which I decided to count only as one translation, even in the case of Sorgi, luna, where the original text changes for this gender thing;
  3. But the listing problems don't end here, because there is another one: split timelines; there are several instances where I have a translation, with a timeline of changes, then I make some more changes, then I lose those changes and another timeline opens, and then I find the changes again; case in point: the Sappho poems I worked on in the tesina; well, only two of them: the Hymn to Aphrodite and Dearest Offspring, which is such a freaking mess it gets its own explicatory item in this list; in the Hymn, you have a timeline of files from back in the third-fourth year of High School, more specifically May 2010 to August 2011, then you have the tesina, which is June-July 2012, and then the files from 2017 and the original blog posts lost the changes made in the tesina and make their own changes, and finally I recover the tesina changes and make a final version, and in the meantime the text has changed (because it's Sappho, and texts of Sappho are always a mess); so… how many translations? Well, there's one for the 2010-2011 timeline, one (version 1.5) for some tweaks only found in the Paracritical Note, one for the tesina files, one for the other timeline which loses the tesina changes, and finally one for the final version that takes the best of both… and then the text changes cause yet another version!
  4. The other poem mentioned in the previous item is such a behemothly mess it needs its own item here; we have 8 different versions of the text, which all technically started being translated at the same time, since the first stanza doesn't change, but then they came into existence at very different times, so I don't feel it's right to consider them started all at once; what I do for that is:
    1. Those that I translated wholly in the summer of 2010 are placed there, with starting order given by which version of stanza 2 I translated first; thank God I have the diary to tell me this; so this takes care of GW and Oxy/GW, with the further caveat that I did stanza 1 Latin earlier than the rest, and only put GW there because it was the version I had at the time, since I only found Oxy/GW in June/July whereas that Latin stanza is from May;
    2. TCPOS was met no later than 6/8 and I was looking at it in August because I have another save of it on 30/8; the translations of these versions are only in SPN; SD32 and SD35-36 give indications for the writing of the part of SPN1 which contains these translations, and assuming they were made specifically for the writing of said parts, I have placed these translations as between 7/8 and 15/8/10, as per the indications; since the Oxy/GW+TCPOS text only came into existence in blog times, that's where it will go;
    3. safopoemas, on the other hand, first appears… 27/8/09? WTF are these metadata? Anyway, later in August, and then only in Sep; thing is, while SPN1/2 from Sep does include a mention of the retranslation of stanza 4, which is the element that should date the safopoemas versions, it leaves the translations out; so were they actually done in Sep? I think not; otherwise OS20, containing only the Italian retranslation, and dated 20/12, has no reason to exist; so I decided to date those retranslations to OS20 for the Italian, and to SPN3, the first apparance of all 3 versions, for the other two languages;
    4. The tesina version goes into HS5, which is the tesina time (will be dated to its first appearance in the tesina);
    5. The PGC version obviously goes in blog time;
  5. Then we have the problem of defining the phrase "when it was made"; you see, many of the translations here are not points in time, but whole timespans; plus, some of them get tweaked years after they are complete; so what do we take as the date of a translation? When it was started? When it was first completed? When I made the last tweak to it? I planned to do all three, but since the starting point index alone took years on end, I am no longer planning to do the other two; and yes, they would all be different, were I to actually make them; let's see at least one case where each pair differs:
    1. Start date vs. first completion date: well, that's easy, I just posted Eccoti, a translation started in 2015 and only just completed last Friday, 26/11/21; how many translations were completely made while that one was still incomplete, but not unbegun, just lost to a random file and forgotten about?
    2. Start date vs. last tweak: there are a bunch of translations which were begun in 2012 or even 2011 but the last tweak is only recorded in 2013; since I have a file from 17/9, any translation of As if I had gone back to when I was a girl (except the Italian and Neapolitan ones) were started and fully completed in September 2012, before 17/9, so they would switch places with those translations when moving from start date to last tweak;
    3. First completion date vs. last tweak: I'm fairly certain that the translation at Più bella di un angelo was fully handled within Christmas 2019 and only started in 2019; by contrast, the first Hindi translation at Lonely nights of heartbreak was started and completed in 2018, but only corrected in February 2020 when I finally met @ATaj who was willing to correct it; so again, different orders in the two indices;
  6. But what is quite possibly the biggest problems is that a whole bunch of translations here do NOT have a precise date associated, but only a vague memory of the school year they were done in; so how the heck do I order those? Well:
    1. Sometimes the memories are tied to specific months, or maybe even days;
    2. There is a diary I kept from the second year of High School up to 2018 which sometimes comes in clutch and gives a precise date for a translation; in fact, for some Sappho translations, it even gives a history of the edits;
    3. For Chinese songs, there are the emails I wrote to and received from my correctors which will help in dating (or in finding new split timelines…); a list is given below;
    4. Sometimes I have files with dates in their names containing exactly what I translated in the day in the file name; e.g. the file of the pieces of Sappho I translated on 17/6/11;
    5. Within a certain time period, I used to, from time to time, save all the tabs I had open on Firefox, and this means I have some Google translate files where I see some of my translations "parked"; those have metadata, so the translation must have been made between the session the file is found in and the previous one, giving me a timespan for it;
    6. A bunch of translations were made during English class, meaning they were written on the notebook, which has the dates;
    7. But the most important source of information is the many, many, maaaaaaaaaaany old versions of files that I have, and their metadata; again, a few lists are given below; there are a few observation on the metadata:
      1. First off, I have no idea how metadata can be edited, so "wrong" metadata cannot come from there;
      2. A file downloaded from the internet, if it is not a saved page, will often have metadata either of when it was downloaded, or of when it was created; luckily, most downloaded files I use will come from emails they are attached to, so I will use the timestamps of the emails instead; if I find them already downloaded, the timestamps still give an upper bound for whatever they contain, but they cannot be treated as an "about that time" kind of dating information;
      3. Some files I have are dated to 1970, before I was born; the explanation for those is that the clock on my computer had reset and I hadn't bothered to fix it; that dating info is obviously useless; luckily there is only like one instance where such a file should give me info;
      4. Finally:
        • There are a couple files that are obviously one year back; as in, they describe Chinese in Christmas holidays, are dated Jan 2011, but I only started Chinese in Aug 2011, and in fact what they recount is definitely from Christmas 2011;
        • There are three files dated 23/3/11 which date their contents to May and definitely aren't from previous years;
        • There are three files dated 28/3/11 whose contents are dated to July 2011 by the diary;
        • There are the S18 files below, dated 28/3/11, but whose contents include a translation the Paracritical Note dates to August; wwwell… that's a bit more complicated, see the relevant item, which is S18;
        In those cases, I have no idea what happened, but of course I am forced to assume it's only those that are obviously wrong that are in this group; the only thing I can think of is that I had to reset the clock and, since the year had just changed, I set the wrong year by mistake, and then realized it after the metadata had been set; this obviously only addresses the first bullet.
I now want to list all the posts I won't be dealing with here:
  1. First off, obviously, all the index stuff: Blog index, Index by languages, Posts on the blog's Facebook page;
  2. Then we have Incompleta ac forsan inedita, aka the incomplete translations post; I will only list translations found outside IAFI (and a few other posts, see below) here, whether complete or not; this was not originally the idea, but then I started having incomplete translations in posts, and leaving them out felt wrong I guess; anyway, I'm not starting to flood this index with the 80+ incomplete IAFI translations;
  3. I will not list the Mandarinizations of Mandarinizations: half-way between a translation and the original, on one side because they are not translations, and on the other because they are virtually impossible to date;
  4. I will not list the translations in the Spanish and Greek editions of Sappho, namely Safo: Poemas and Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, because they are non-metrical, and way too many to drown this index with; I do have a couple translations of prose in here (only Helen's Encomium for now, but eventually a long Eusebius passage, maybe some more Greek prose, and probably some prose from my poem collection), but an edition of Sappho would flood the index; I already have a system in place to hide the translations from Chinese, Italian, and German edition, because I cannot not include those, but even they would drown the index, and will not be all listed btw;
  5. I will eventually list the translations of the Chinese edition of Sappho Chinese Poetic Sappho, the Italian edition Saffo in metrica barbara, and the German "near-edition" Sappho auf barbarische Metern, which will be launched at some point; I am lagging behind on getting the Italian edition's index done and its translations listed here, and when the German near-edition comes out, the same may occur; I will eventually have an up-to-date list of those two's translations, with the same limitations as for the Chinese editions (see further); as for the Chinese edition, which would actually contain an LTA because of the translation in FTN22, which I only found there when I tried to "implement" that note into the index, I have a project to figure out their history and add them, but only for those fragments where the translations can actually be called metrical (without which constraint I'd already be at 96 translations); so for example all the glossemata will not be listed here;
  6. Comments on my Sappho sources, The history of my translations, and the various Unfinished non-work projects (Aug-Dec 2023, Jan-Jun 2024, Jul-Dec 2024);
  7. Posts discussing spelling and transliteration: On my spelling and transliteration of Min, Hakka, and Teochew | 关于我写而拼写闽语和客话和潮州话的方法, Ortografia Siculo-Calabra, Sulla mia ortografia del dialetto Romagnolo di Russi, On spelling and transliteration;
  8. Big song lists: All the Chinese songs I have met, All the Indonesian songs I have met and, when I make them, the Japanese and the Korean equivalents of these two; [WIP]Despacito: a ton of versions which, besides being incomplete, only contains literal translations and translations that are already in other posts;
  9. Other Sappho stuff: A few papyri transcribed which conrtains no artistic translations, and Sappho Comparative Numbering Table;
  10. The post Shipping Sappho overseas (or over Eurasia) contains a bunch of what are technically Chinese translations of Sappho; I will consider those as independent works with inspiration from Sappho, rather than placing the translation of each fragment separately when many songs contain multiple fragments; I will, however, place the translations of those songs into other languages;
  11. Anything related to video intros, which I have started posting with those at Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene; I will eventually post all of the intros that have meter, but will not include them here, although they do count as translations; I may or may not create a separate index for those, in another post, which will then (hopefully, if I remember) be linked to in this item; although, since it won't be listed, it should at least get to an item just below this one :);
  12. Anything with no translations, like The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in music and Woe in far-away lands;
In the spoiler below, a few lists of files and emails I will refer to in the index in narrating the history of the translations. Some of these lists are evolutions of a single file. In such cases, I use the label "[RES]" to mark "residues" of a file, i.e. things that first appear in a certain file and can thus only be dated to between that file's and the previous file's date. Some translations are residues of certain files but other files help date them further back. Those are called PRES: pseudo-residues.

There are a number of translations that never made it to the blog until I dug them up while seeking info for this index. I decided to not only mark them all as LT (lost translation), but to categorize them as follows:
  • LTA: Translations lost to notebooks or files that I had completely forgotten about making;
  • LTB: Translations I knew I had done, either because of memory or because of an index, which I only found during blog archaeology;
  • LTC: Mandarinizations and translations born from mandarinizations;
  • LTD: Older versions of known translations whose remaking I had completely forgotten about;
  • LTE: Lost updates to known translations (whether in their final form or in an older form);
  • LTF: Translations I had previously decided not to post;
  • LTG: Translations remade because they were forgotten;
  • LTH: Other lost translations.
That being said, I originally set up the division of the list into school years, where high school years start in September, Uni years start in October, and PhD years start in November. Then I decided to split the years at the day school began, so as to put SPN1, one of the files in the above spoiler, wholly in HS3 instead of half HS3 half HS4, so in the end:
  1. Undateables: these are translations I have no way of dating, so I have isolated them at the top; I had previously tucked them away in the lists above, but felt they had to be highlighted somehow;
  2. HS1 and prior = Up to Sep X 2008 (I do not need to know precisely what X is);
  3. HS2 = Sep X+1 2008 – Sep 13 2009;
  4. HS3 = Sep 14 2009 - Sep 12 2010;
  5. HS4 = Sep 14 2010 - Sep 11 2011;
  6. HS5 = Sep 12 2011 - Jul 9 2012 (stops at my final exam, which can be placed on 9/7 by the diary);
  7. PreU = Jul 10 2012 - Sep 30 2012 (Pre-Uni);
  8. U1 = Oct 1 2012 - Sep 30 2013;
  9. U2 = Oct 1 2013 - Sep 30 2014;
  10. U3 = Oct 1 2014 - Oct 4 2015;
  11. U4 = Oct 5 2015 - Oct 3 2016;
  12. U5 = Oct 4 2016 - Sep 27 2017 (since next year is all thesis or vacation and the thesis started in Jun 2017, it seems sensible to put the end of this year at the date of the last exam);
  13. U6 = Sep 28 2017 - Mar 22 2018 (ends with my graduation);
  14. PhDS = Mar 23 2018 - Nov 4 2018 (PhD Search);
  15. PhD1 = Nov 5 2018 – Oct 31 2019 (from now on the years are split by month because it's all thesis work and I have no way to figure out when the first lecture of each year was);
  16. PhD2 = Nov 1 2019 – Oct 31 2020;
  17. PhD3 = Nov 1 2020 – Oct 31 2021;
  18. PhD4 = Nov 1 2021 – Oct 31 2022;
  19. PhD5 = Nov 1 2022 – Sep 21 2023 (ends with my graduation);
  20. PDS = Sep 22 2023 – Jan 31 2024;
  21. PD1 = Feb 1 2024 – Jan 31 2024 (current year).
I will also add that for now I only order the translations from the first two years, so as for this to be a short task. [I have since edited this tab multiple times, adding a lot of translations. I will not keep an edit log within this tab.] I will give the title of the post the translations appear in, with the link under it, followed by the text being translated, the source and target languages, and a brief history of the translations.
Since the HS3-HS4 Sappho translations are very inaccurately dated for the most part, and are so many they drown out anything else, I decided to implement a button that toggles them. I decided to not have it toggle anything past HS4 or before HS3, as well as anything that isn't translated to Latin Italian or English.

Let's go!

HS1 and prior

  1. The Ancient Greek translation at Vinni la primmavera is utterly impossible for me to date, so I will not list it; there may be further additions to this item;
  2. Same goes for the translation at Mele Kalikimaka: a mere tweak;
  3. Same for the Cutugno translation at L'Italiano, which I can only place within 30/5/15 since this was posted on that date;
  4. The non-musical translation of Ridi, sol mio, because that was partly before the Ancient Greek text even started being written, and partly was actually Ancient Greek - Italian, so it's literally undatable because it's not one thing;
  5. All of Ånton Xiè's translations, since he cannot provide me with dates for them; here is their list:
    1. Waiting till my heartbreak | Chinese - Hakka (Ånton Xiè, @@TP) | song: Děng nǐ děng dào wǒ xīntòng (Year 2 song 6); I probably found this translation via this comment posted 26/8/17
    2. The sound of silence (translated by Ånton Xiè) | English - Hakka (Anton, @@TP) | song: The sound of silence; as per the post, probably met on 13/7/17; FTN21 has something about it;
    3. Amore mio lontano | Indonesian - Hakka (Ånton Xiè, tweaked by me, @@TP) | song: Ling ling ling (Year 1 song 3); the post dates the translation to 14/1/18, probably because of this post from that date, which may be the meeting point for this translation
    4. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | Chinese - Hakka (Anton) | song: Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 27) | @TP: 6:29-7:58; I met this translation on 24/2/18 when he posted it after I said I hadn't made my own;
    5. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion | Chinese - Hakka (Ånton Xiè, I took care of the multiple voices, @@TP) | song: Nǐ shì wǒ xiōngkǒu yǒngyuǎn de tòng (Year 2 song 17); the earliest record of this translation I can find is this post from 6/1/17
    6. Alone in a rainy night | Chinese - Hakka (Anton) | @TP: 7:40-9:24 (rec. 18/5/24) | song: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16); the post says I found it somewhere in Jan 2019, and I find the text in a file created 23/1 and edited 24/1, together with the song from two items down; I assume I either found both on 23/1, or found one on 23/1 and one on 24/1;
    7. When will you come back? | Chinese - Hakka (Ånton Xiè, @@TP) | song: Hérì jūn zài lái (Year 2 song 25); probably first met on 18/6/16, since the email for this post is read, then obtained from the translator on 16/9/18; the newest version was sent to me later the same day;
    8. Fool love | Chinese - Hakka (Ånton Xiè, @@TP) | song: Yú Ài (Year 2 song 24); cfr. two items above, probably met 23/1 or 24/1/19;
    9. Really love you | Chinese - Hakka (Ånton Xiè, @@TP) | song: Wǒ shì zhēnde àishàng nǐ (Year 2 song 11); the post reports seeing this «at some point between May 7 and May 9 2019»;
    10. Our moving world | Chinese - Hakka (Ånton Xiè, @@TP) | song: Xiǎosǎ zǒu yī huí (Year 2 song 16); I presumably met this translation on 27/6/18, when seeing it triggered a tweak in my English version (cfr. post);
    11. Who will love me? | Chinese - Hakka (Ånton Xiè, modified when getting made into a video by Idk who) | @TP: 5:33-7:37 (rec. 4/6/22) | song: Shéi lái ài wǒ (Year 2 song 44); probably met on 17/1/19 via this post;
  6. Ave Maria, splendore del mattino | song: Ave Maria, splendore del mattino | Italian-Spanish (non mia) | @TP: 4:34-4:55 (verse 2, rec. 9/12/23) | I came across this version at a friend's wedding in mid-March 2022, but actually it was uploaded to Youtube on 26/2/2020;
  7. Nulla ti turbi | song: Nada te turbe | Spanish - Italian (Spartito) (@@NV) | Came from a score;
  8. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | Sicilian - Italian (@@TP) | "I cosi beđđi s'hann'a talïari" | Deemed it too silly to even write it down, kept it in my memory for ages, then I made a Chinese and Hakka version, so I had to post this, and I have no idea when it was made, except it was probs after 2017;
  9. Un po' di indovinelli | A bunch of riddles | Romagnolo - Italian (@@TP) | Riddle "Te ta-l é, me a-l ò" | Undatable because it was so straightforward I didn't bother even writing it down when I made it;
  10. I ragazzi giù in pianura | Modern Greek - Italian (Left side in both versiones, @@NV) | song: Ta pädiá kátō ston kámpo | Not mine, found in a movie;

    HS1 and prior

  1. A few little songs of mine | song: Für Alena (21:14-22:15) | English - Italian | @TP: 22:15-23:17 (rec. 2016 or something) | Betw. 25/12/06 and 1/1/07, may have been altered unknowingly in bed at night betw. 25 and 26/12/09 | I apparently composed English, Italian, and tune all in bed one night between Xmas 2006 and New Year's Day 2007, meaning this is in year 3 of Middle School;
  2. A few little songs of mine | song: My love for you (35:35-38:02) | English - Italian (hendecasyllabics) (@@NV) | Start 26/11/07, compl. and twk. 21/2/22 | Both the text and the translation were written somewhere between 26/11/07 and the following Xmas, making them HS1; a certain section (see post) seems to have been added, in both original and translation, later, within 16/8/2008, along with a tweak to the translation; a non-scanning line was fixed between 3/8/13 and 17/8/13, and another section was originally skipped and only translated on 21/2/22 around 1:00;
  3. A few last poems | First few lines of the Geste of Robyn Hode | Middle English - English (@@PC) | Ll. 1-36 betw. 1/4 and 7/4/2008, other lines 11/5/2009, first part twk. summer 2012 | In HS1 we watched a Robin Hood movie for English, and the prof. had us do some Robin Hood-related research; I stumbled on this and translated 36 lines, rather badly; I found it again on 11/5/2009 and translated a few more, but then I lost that part and, in 2012, when I was collecting all my translations of poems, I only tweaked the first part; the second part came to light when I found a mention of translating part of this in the 11/5/2009 diary, at which point, after a double take and checking the metadata, I found files from 2008 and 2009, and noticed the extra part in the latter, which wasn't on the blog; I added that part to the post on 30/4/22;
  4. Una versione… poetica | Menander, Theophoroumene, fr. 1 | Ancient Greek iambic trimeters to Latin awfully non-scanning hexameters (@@BR) | Betw. Jan and Jun 2008, twk. 27/3/23 | This unfortunately only appears in files dated 1/1/1970, a date when I wasn't even born; it was the last of a series of Ancient Greek - Latin translations of passages given by the textbook, all made while self-studying Ancient Greek in 2008 before 13/6, which is when I created the file for my first conlang (which never got past the alphabet and the conjugation of the verb "to be"); I know I did all of the conlang things in England, and the Ancient Greek translations before going there; being the last of a series of translations, which I assume to be spread somewhat evenly across the studying period, I would assume it was sometime in May, or at most late April, hence why I put it as number 2; the fact that (some of) the other translations are in a file created 14/4/2008 12:41 and edited 16/6/2008 20:20 doesn't really tell us much, because that edit date is useless as I was already in England by then, and the creation date may be moved forwards by me writing the translations by hand first and then copying them; it is true that my memory suggests I was writing them on computer quite early on, but that is very imprecise and memories from 13.5 years ago are hardly trustworthy;
  5. HS2

  6. Tre favole di Fedro | Phaedrus, Fabulae, I, 10: The wolf, the fox, and the monkey-judge | Latin iambic trimeters to Ancient Greek very non-scanning hexameters (@@BR) | Prob. 8/1/09, twk. in blog times within 29/1/18 | The diary is a bit messy on this; first, it tells me I translated "fabulam" (a fable) on 8/1/09, then another one on 11/1, where I interrupted "Εὐμενείᾳ assecutus" (having reached that word), which means we're talking about the next one), and yet another one netween 12 and 15/1; then, on 28/6/09, it tells me «metrica posita in traduct[iones] Græce fabularum aliquot Phædri» (having put the meter into/onto the translation of some fables by Phædrus); that would lead me to assume that I metricified all three on 28/6 in the order I had originally translated them; however, I have a file created 24/12/08 and modified 16/1/09 that reports all the Latin - Ancient Greek translations I made in that period, including the very much poetic (if badly inmetrical) translations of Phaedrus, with differences from the post's versions as listed by the post; so… what is going on? Well, it's probably "put the meter onto" that was meant; what does that mean? That I marked down the metrical scansion on 28/6, and probably nothing more; so when did I make the changes? Well, in the entry for 16/9/09, the diary says «P. “Paperissima” supere’et Græcizo, interrumpens ad IV II fabulæ versum systhematis duobus versibus ad cart parandam […]. Systhemo inde alqt versus» (After [watching] Paperissima I go upstairs and do Greek, stopping at l. 4 of the second fable to [prepare] the schoolbag, having fixed two lines […]. I then fix a few lines), so I assume that's when I made the changes; the one problem is that, from the fourth line of fable two up, there are actually 3 lines that were changed, but maybe I just fixed one of them after the interruption, or simply much later? In fact, the first two, which are the last two of this fable, seem to only have been fixed in the post, so I'm missing a tweak, it would seem; oh well; no way I can find out what that was… gonna have to assume I randomly saw something to fix in a later line before methodically checking up to l. 4 of fable 2; since the two fixes to this fable are presumably from blog times, I wrote thus, and added within 29/1/18 because a post save from that date shows the fixes;
  7. Tre favole di Fedro | Phaedrus, Fabulae, I, 15: The donkey and the old shepherd | Latin iambic trimeters to Ancient Greek very non-scanning hexameters (@@BR) | 11/1/09, twk. prob. 16/9/09 poss. 28/6/09 | Cfr. above; the diary dates the original version of this to 11/1;
  8. Tre favole di Fedro | Phaedrus, Fabulae, I, 31: The hawk and the doves | Latin iambic trimeters to Ancient Greek very non-scanning hexameters (@@BR) | Prob. 12-15/1/09, twk. prob. 16/9/09 poss. 28/6/09 | Cfr. above; the diary probably dates the original version of this to 12-15/1;
  9. Don’t leave me, Lela | song: Lela | Galician - Portuguese | @TP: 1:17-3:06 (mixed with original, rec. 11/3/23) | Btw. 27/3/09 and 17/6/09 twk. 11-12/3/23 | A file containing the translation, alongside the following three, is created 27/3/2009 15:16 and edited 17/6/2009 18:04; I suppose the creation date is more or less when I made the first two were attempts at spellchecking (I didn't know it was Galician, so I tried Portuguese first, because everyone thought it was Spanish and I was like NO WAY, then Spanish), but the diary has nothing to say about this on the specific date or any date except for the editing date, will read more in that neighborhood; one would almost assume that everything about these four translations happened on the editing date, but then the creation date and the specific words of the diary wouldn't really make sense; I was «pretty sure I did the other two on the same day», but considering the diary for the editing date mentions me «finishing Lela on the computer» and printing it, I suppose it was an incorrect certainty; the file I have actually reads "Y" in the Portuguese, whoops; wait though: 24/6 says «Terminata ea adiuntisque ad “Lela” notam Anglice et transcriptione IPA texti Portuguesi» (Having finished [playing Mozart's sonata XVI] and having added to "Lela" the English note and the IPA transcription of the Portuguese text), meaning that Portuguese and Spanish were done within 24/6; but the editing date is 17/6, and neither of these things are in my extant file, so… yeah, useless mention;
  10. Don’t leave me, Lela | song: Lela | Galician - Spanish | @TP: 3:06-4:53 (mixed with Italian, rec. 11/3/23) | Btw. 27/3/09 and 17/6/09 twk. 11-12/3/23 | See previous;
  11. Don’t leave me, Lela | song: Lela | Galician - English (original) (@@TP) | Btw. 27/3/09 and 17/6/09 | See two ago; assuming this comes before Italian because of how they are laid out in the file; diary doesn't specify on the edit date; will read from creation to edit to see what it mentions;
  12. Don’t leave me, Lela | song: Lela | Galician - Italian | @TP: 3:06-4:53 (mixed with Spanish, rec. 11/3/23) | Btw. 27/3/09 and 17/6/09 twk. 11/3/23 | See three ago and previous;
  13. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | G. Chaucer's Balade de bon conseyl | Middle English - English (@@PC) | 24/6/09 twk. 14/6/23 | Diary of that day records me doing «II stanzas ``Ballade de Bon Conseyl''», then some other stuff, then the rest of the translation after lunch;
  14. Romeo and Juliet | Romeo and Juliet, act II scene II, ll. 1-32, aka Balcony Speech | English to Italian (hendecasyllabics) (@@PC) | 25/6/09 | All of these five translations are in a file created 25/6/2009 11:35 and edited the same day at 17:59, so I will assume they were all made in that timeframe, for the purpose of ordering them relative to the Balade above; 25/6 diary only mentions me starting one part in the morning, interrupting because I don't know a word, and finishing it before dinner, and then doesn't mention the others on the 26 or the 27, will keep reading; probably all done within the operation, which was on 7/7;
  15. Romeo and Juliet | Romeo and Juliet, act II scene II, ll. 44-47, aka "What's in a name?" | English to Italian (@@PC) | 25/6/09? | See above;
  16. Romeo and Juliet | Romeo and Juliet, act II, Scene III, ll. 17-22, aka "Vice and virtue" | English to Italian (@@PC) | 25/6/09? | See above; a tweak happened to this one on 9/5/21;
  17. Romeo and Juliet | Romeo and Juliet, act II, Scene III, ll. 27-30, aka "Two such opposèd kings" | English to Italian (@@PC) | 25/6/09? | See above;
  18. Romeo and Juliet | Romeo and Juliet, act V scene III, ll. 308-309, aka the final couplet | English to Italian (hendecasyllabics) (@@PC) | 25/6/09? | See above;
  19. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 1 | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - Latin "poor" elegiac couplets (Original) [LTD] (@@Cl) | Betw. 28/7/09 and 11/8/09, prob. within 30/7 | I did these as a part of my enormous Herodotus body done as a training ground to hop onto Homer; I can definitely put them before 11/8/09, since that is the date of a file containing them all in Latin; assuming I went through my huge file's texts in the order of the file, translating them as I went, since the diary of 28/7 says I finished working on the text before the Thermopylæ one, then these translations are from after 28/7; as for the end, well, the 30/7 diary says I finished the Thermopylæ stuff on that day, but there is one other case of translations that were originally made literal and then given a meter (Phædrus just above), and the diary further on mentions turning a "Latreek" (Latin / Ancient Greek, i.e. Latin translation which is super-literal from Ancient Greek) translation into actual Latin, so the 30/7 is slightly iffy;
  20. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 2 | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - Latin "poor" elegiac couplets (Original) [LTD] (@@Cl) | Betw. 11/7/09 and 11/8/09 | See above;
  21. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 3 | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - Latin "poor" elegiac couplets (Original) [LTD] (@@Cl) | Betw. 11/7/09 and 11/8/09, twk. probs. around 7/9/09 | See above; the tweak is a recent discovery and is found at the top of a page of the 7/9 diary; this doesn't mean it's from 7/9, and unfortunately the diary doesn't mention it; in fact, I attributed it to this thing and not the remakes simply because those are from two diary notebooks ahead;
  22. Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene (history up to 23/1/24 found at Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles) | Homer, Iliad, Book 1, ll. 1-7 (prooemium) as musicated by me (2:07-3:07) | Ancient Greek hexameters to Latin very non-scanning hexameters | @Cl: 3:07-4:07 (rec. 27/1/24) | Start and compl. betw. 12/8/09 and 8/9/09, twk. betw. 3/2 and 5/2/10, then a couple dates after that, then 22-24/7/12 and 16/8/12, and 29/3/23 for Pestis | 12/8 marks the point where I move from the Herodotus and co. file to the Homer prose translations file; on 8/9 I brought my summertime Ancient Greek shenanigans to a professor from my school; the Feb 2010 tweaks are in a file created 3/2 and edited 5/2, and the original version is in a file edited 3/2 anyway; a file edited 6/2 does some things to the opening, but those are ignored in the next version, which is from 23/7; the file with the changes of these translations has a bunch of unknown-date edits, two or three explicit yearless dates, and then gives the other range, and is last edited 16/8; the very last tweak is from 29/3/23, i.e. yesterday;
  23. Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles | Homer, Iliad, Book 1, ll. 7-53, aka Pestis (2:27-8:43) | Ancient Greek hexameters to Latin very non-scanning hexameters | @Cl: 8:43-14:58 (rec. 1/6/24) | Start and compl. betw. 12/8/09 and 8/9/09, twk. betw. 3/2 and 5/2/10, then a couple dates after that, then 22-24/7/12 and 16/8/12, and 29/3/23 for Pestis | 12/8 marks the point where I move from the Herodotus and co. file to the Homer prose translations file; on 8/9 I brought my summertime Ancient Greek shenanigans to a professor from my school; the Feb 2010 tweaks are in a file created 3/2 and edited 5/2, and the original version is in a file edited 3/2 anyway; a file edited 6/2 does some things to the opening, but those are ignored in the next version, which is from 23/7; the file with the changes of these translations has a bunch of unknown-date edits, two or three explicit yearless dates, and then gives the other range, and is last edited 16/8; the very last tweak is from 29/3/23, aside from the 1/6/24 tweaks (i.e. recording-day tweaks);
  24. A truce is established | Homer, Iliad, Book 3, ll. 15-76 | Ancient Greek hexameters to Latin very non-scanning hexameters (@@Cl, possibly) | Start and compl. betw. 12/8/09 and 8/9/09, twk. betw. 3/2 and 5/2/10, then a couple dates after that, then 22-24/7/12 and 16/8/12, then one line had a back-and-forth between 3/9 and 21/9/12 | Ditto to above, plus the files from 17/8, 3/9, 21/9, and 24/9 showing the rogue line's evolution;
  25. HS3

  26. Barbarizzando Catullo | Carmen 5 (Vivamus mea Lesbia) as musicated by me (0:59-2:11) | Latin - Italian | @Cl: 2:11-3:20 (rec. 12/1/24) | Start and compl. betw. 23/9 and 22/10/09 (probs. after 20/10), twk. (within and) on 26/10/09, then within Xmas 2009, then betw. 4/7 and 9/7/11, then 29/6/22, 4/1/24, 9/1/24, and night betw. 19 and 20/1/24 | Earliest version appears in 21/10/09 diary in the middle of (or around) a Philosophy class, a strange placement for a Catullus translation; either it was made then, or when I updated the diary the next morning during English, or during the Catullus lecture from 21/10 or as I studied Catullus the day before, or less likely even earlier; definitely no sooner than 23/9 because that is where the lessons on the poem started; considering 20/10 features a diary update, I find it really unlikely that it was actually made before said update, but I will read backwards; for now I can say that:
    • 24/9-27/9 29/9 1/10, 4-5/10 8-11/10 and 15-19/10 seem to have no occasions for the translations; 26/9 has nothing but is noteworthy because it mentions a lost translation that, if I can't find it on the HS3 Italian notebook (which is currently in an unknown location), is actually forever lost; since the diary says "provençal poem", I'm betting it's Farai un vers de dreit nien; 29/9 is also noteworthy because it mentions us reading "Bernartzi poema" (Bernard de Ventadorn's poem) in class, which I'm pretty sure was the second Provençal poem we did in Italian class, making the lost translation forcibly the one I guessed; it's weird that the 23/9 lecture isn't mentioned in the diary as Catullus but as "Lat", and it's one of the three (23/9 30/9 7/10) about this poem; other lectures in my list: 20/10 21/10 [24/10 or 1/11] 18/11 25/11 9/12 and 16/12, the others are past 1/1;
    • 23/9 has a Catullus lecture, the first, I believe, definitely the first for this poem;
    • 28/9 only has a Latin literature lesson as a possible occasion, however unlikely;
    • 30/9 has a Catullus lecture and nothing else;
    • 2/10 has a Latin literature lesson, and 3/10 has a Latin lesson;
    • 6/10 has "Cat", i.e. study of Catullus, probably in preparation for the lecture on the next day;
    • 7/10, 12/10, and 14/10 have a Catullus lecture;
    • 13/10 and 20/10 have Catullus study, again presumably in preparation for the following days' lectures;
    • 21/10 has a lecture, but the translation appears before it in the diary;
    There are also situations where I do "Latin" at home, but I'd assume that's not Catullus, also because those I remember involve others, and I'd assume I'd study Catullus on my own, at least in the beginning; then we have the tweaks from the 24/11 self-sent file containing 30/9/09 notes, which turned up on the old HD with metadata 26/10/09; then the "oppure" alternate version in the printout sellotaped in the middle of 18/11 notes, another file that shows up on the old HD with a metadatum of 26/10/09; then the tweaks that seem to have been done in the summa, thus between 4/7 and 9/7/11, one or two last tweaks from 2022, and a batch of improvements for the recording;
  27. Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia) | Encomium on Helen by Gorgias | Ancient Greek - Latin (originale and pre-tedesco mia) (@@NV) | Start 2/12 compl. 12/12/09 twk. within 15/12/09 | Started on 2-3/12/09 (says diary) and finished on 12/12/09 (says metadata of file), modified later, which moves from originale to pre-tedesco mia;
  28. Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia) | Encomium on Helen by Gorgias | Ancient Greek - Italian (pre-tedesco mia) (@@NV) | 13-15/12/09, poss. twk. within 15/12 | Diary says that, by 15/12, I printed the Italian and Latin translations, so at least this one had to be complete by then; 13/12 and 19/12 are the metadata of the file this translation comes from; wait a second: the file is created 15/12/09 15:35 and last edited 19/12/09 18:57? Yeah, there's another one last edited 15, which probably matches «stampo trad lat et it» from 15/12 diary, which has only one small change from the 15/12-18/12 one; I'm pretty sure that, as I translated this into Italian, I also fixed the Latin;
  29. Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia) | Encomium on Helen by Gorgias | Ancient Greek - Latin (pre-tedesco BD) (@@NV) | Betw. 13/12 and 18/12/09 | First diary mention of the two different texts is on 13/12, and on 18/12 it says I finish writing down the differences, which I assume means I had the full comparison ready, with the different versions all translated to Latin and Italian; the translations of the BD text in the post are put together by replacing the snippets from the comparisons into the translation of "my" text, which I believe is Wikisource's (or was back then);
  30. Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia) | Encomium on Helen by Gorgias | Ancient Greek - Italian (pre-tedesco BD) (@@NV) | Betw. 13/12 and 18/12/09 | Cfr. above;
  31. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 1 | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - Latin elegiac couplets (Remake) (@@Cl) | Night betw. 26 and 27/12/09 | I remade these within 28/12/09, presumably to improve the meter; the 26/12/09 diary has manuscripts for this and the following; both were started in bed in the night between 26/12 and 27/12, and the following was ultimated the next afternoon;
  32. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 2 | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - Latin elegiac couplets (Remake) (@@Cl) | Start in night of above, compl. 27/12/09 | See above;
  33. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 3 | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - Latin elegiac couplets (Remake, @@Cl) | Within 28/12/09, prob. over holidays | See above; the diary doesn't mention this one, but 28/12 seems to still be an upper bound;
  34. Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene (history up to 23/1/24 found at The man of many skills and the Sirens) | Homer, Odyssey, I, 1-10 as musicated by me (5:15-6:41) | Greek hexameters to Latin hexameters | @Cl: 6:42-8:06 (rec. 27/1/24) | Start 3/2, compl. prob. 6/2/10, twk. a couple dates, then 22-24/7/12 and 16/8/12 | There is a file last edited 3/2/10 14:26 which has only two lines of this opening; the 3/2 diary confirms this: «In schl mtrcm. Adiuvans Eddyn de Phys Laudibus inceptis pervenio. Inde Lat, philos, gym. Ambulans traduco primos duos versus Odysseæ» (I go to school with mom. Helping Eddy [a classmate] with Physics I get to the morning prayer when it's already started. Then Latin, Philosophy, P.E. While walking, I translate the first two lines of the Odyssey); this translation doesn't seem to have been completed until at least 5/2/10 18:41, and then appears complete in a 6/2/10 22:37 file; in effect, the 5/2 mentions that I "prepare the texts to be translated" and translate them to prose except for a few unknown words, which I deal with the following day, and 6/2 goes «Domi termino traductiones poetice» (at home I finish the poetic translations), so that's it; the rest of the dates are from the same file as the HS2 Homer translations;
  35. A couple translations of Troubadour poems| Bernart de Ventadorn, Chantars no pot gaire valer, stanza 1 | Occitan - Italian (@@PC) | 4/2 or 5/2/10;
  36. Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene (history up to 23/1/24 found at The man of many skills and the Sirens) | Homer, Odyssey, XII, 184-191 as musicated by me (9:39-10:47) | Greek hexameters to Latin hexameters | @Cl: 10:48-11:56 (rec. 27/1/24) | Prob. 6/2/10, twk. a couple dates, then 22-24/7/12 and 16/8/12 and 27-28/1/24 | This first appears in a 6/2/10 22:37 file, so I assume it was made between then and the previous Odyssey file, which is the 5/2/10 18:41 one mentioned above, since that one has none of it; cfr. two items above for 5/2 and 6/2 diary; fun fact: I planned to set this and the two openings to music, according to the filename; for the tweaks, cfr. two items above; the rest of the dates are from the same files as the HS2 Homer translations, except that the final tweak was dated by the post itself; well, I meant the next-to-final, because the final two are from blog times :);
  37. A couple translations of Troubadour poems | Bernart de Ventadorn, Chantars no pot gaire valer, stanza 1 | Occitan - English (@@PC) | 14/2/10, with a tweak (a correction of a mistranslation) on 12/4/10;
  38. Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia) | Encomium on Helen by Gorgias | Ancient Greek - Latin (final) (@@NV) | 6/3/10 | Diary of that date says «Encomium paro ut in Germanicam vertam linguam» (I prepare the Encomium to translate it to German), so I assume all the mixing of my text and BD's text leading to this translation's text, and the corresponding mixing of the translations, was done on 6/3/10, both for Latin and Italian; I keep Latin first because that's what happens in the files, and I doubt I'd have mixed the Italian and then gone back for the Latin;
  39. Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia) | Encomium on Helen by Gorgias | Ancient Greek - Italian (final) (@@NV) | 6/3/10 | Cfr. above;
  40. Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia) | Encomium on Helen by Gorgias | Ancient Greek - German (@@NV) | Start 31/3/10, cont. 1/4, 6/4, 10/4, 15/4, compl. 16/4 | Diary info:
    • 31/3 diary says «Domi Encomium Helenæ in Germanicam linguam verter'incipio et prosequor donec, ab hurlante matre vocatus, cogor docciam facere. Inde paragrapho terminato ceno […] Clavilizo, inde p. Striscia vertere prosequor usqu'ad ~22:10» (At home I start to translate Helen's Encomium to German and I continue until, having been called by a shouting mother, I'm forced to shower. Then, having finished the paragraph, I have dinner […] I play piano, then after Striscia I continue to translate until about 22:30);
    • 1/4: «P. colat. ad Tonanin. Alqt folios prendo et in eis prius sonettum tripliciter caudatum, inde traductionem partis ex Gorgiæ Helenæ Encomio in Germanicam linguam scribo. [...] sub pluvia adimus machinam. In qua rediens vertere prosequor» (After breakfast off to Tonani [my homeopathic doctor, ndT]. I take a few sheets and I write on them first the three-cauda sonnet [my Easter wishes for my crush, ndT], then the translation of part of Gorgias' Encomium into German. […] we get to the car under the rain. In the car, going back [home], I continue to translate); et voilà my memory; this was why I tended to place the translation before Easter (4/4) and was surprised to find a 10/4 file where it was incomplete;
    • 6/4: «Inde supereo et prosequor traductionem Encomii etiam cum parentes ad Missam eunt, qua intersunt - ut mi dicit mater - nostrûm amicûm multi» (Then I go upstairs and continue the translation of the Encomium even as my parents go to Mass, where - as mom tells me - many of our friends are);
    • 10/4: «dimidiataque phrase ex encomio traducta» (and having translated half a sentence of the Encomium); and IIRC we do indeed find a partially translated sentence in those 10/4 files;
    • 15/4: «Domi non clavilizo, ut velit mater, sed encomium traducere prosequor» (At home I don't play piano, as mom would like, but I continue to translate the Encomium);
    • 16/4: «Inde exeunt parentes. Ego encomium traducere termino, fragmenta Sapphi in Word incollo, cart paro et in lect» (Then my parents go out. I finish translating the Encomium, paste Sappho's fragments into Word, prepare the schoolbag and [go] to bed) – SD3; which confirms that this translation was wholly done before any Sappho work;
    Funnily enough, those files are called «Encomio el, lat, it, fr, de, es», which means that I was planning to make a French and Spanish version too; evidently time was scarce;
  41. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C/SF 1) | Ancient Greek - Latin (hymn in versions 1-3) (@@BR) | St. 1 28/4/10 (SD6), stt. 2 and 6 no sooner than 9/5/10 (SD8), st. 3 night betw. 9/5/10 and 10/5/10 in bed (SD7), compl. and twk. within 22/5/09, then betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10, then within 2/11/10 (at least part of which was from 8/9/10, cfr. SD1.xxv "Cantonata 1"), then betw. 9/1/11 and 1/2/11 | Dates of stanzas as per diary; stanzas 2 and 6 appear on a printout of poems which, as per SD8, was probably printed early on 9/5/10, and 6 appears on side A and 2 on side B, so it would seem 6 was translated before 2; SD4 says that, on 17/4, I was still looking up meters, so no way would I have translated anything any earlier, and SD5, while apparently saying I started this translation on 18/4, probably actually means I was deciphering the Hymn then, and only later would I make the poetic translation; the other dates are SP1 (of which the remaining part of version 1 is a residue), S5, S7, and S11; note how the Cantonata also proposes a correction to the misinterpretation's translation, "si quand'alioque" instead of "si quand'et aliunde", besides translating the correct interpretation as "si tempor'alioque";
  42. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C/SF 1) | Ancient Greek - Italian (hymn in versions 1-3) (@@BR) | 12/5/10 (SD9), twk. within 22/5/10, then either betw. 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10, then within 16/8/10, then within 2/11/10 (at least part of which was from 8/9/10, cfr. SD1.xxv "Cantonata 1") | Diary, then SP1, S3 with manuscript in SP2 (and 16/7-24/7 I was on no-Sappho vacation as per SD1.xv), S5, S7;
  43. Ridi, sol mio | song: Γέλα, ἥλιέ μου (Gélā, hḗlié moy) (by me, 1:12-11:59) | Ancient Greek - Italian (musical) | @TP: 12:06-21:50 (rec. probs. 20 & 27/2/21) | Start 15/5 compl. 26/5/10 twk. 27/5/11 | Partly on 15/5/10 and partly on 26/5, so that's the "first complete version" date, whereas the last tweak is on a 4-voice score dated 27/5/11;
  44. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Sappho 31 (E 2 LP 31 C 31 SF 2) | Ancient Greek - Latin (Original, @@BR) | Last line "long before" 18/5/10 (SD10), ll. 1-4.5 19/5/10 (SD11), ll. 5.5 + twk.(5) and 6-9 + half of 11 20/5/10 at school (SD12), ll. 11-12 + twk.(7-8) 20/5/10 evening (SD12), l. 10 night betw. 20 and 21/5/10 (SD12), compl. 21/5/10 morning (SD13), ll. 7-9 11 17 twk. betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10, ll. 7-8 twk. then on 8/9/10, l. 2 twk. betw. 13/11/10 and 5/1/11, l. 14 twk. betw. 13/6 and 15/6/12 and 17/8/24 | So, SD10-13 date everything except the tweaks, where the ll. 7-9 etc. tweak is found in S5, the ll. 7-8 tweak is in the SPN1 extract written into SD1.xxv, and the l. 14 tweak is from T11; the "long before" of SD10 is impossible to date, so I ignore that line and treat this as started in the night between 19/5 and 20/5/10; that line was also changed in SPN1, in an extract which follows the 7/8 one delimited bby SD32 and one placed on 15/8/10 by SD35; the same extract also mentions the ll. 7-8 tweak and a matching Ancient Greek one, both of which were only implemented much later (the Ancient Greek one all the way into blog times);
  45. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Sappho 31 (E 2 LP 31 C 31 SF 2) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@BR) | Stanzas 1-2 20/5/10 (SD12), stanza 3 night betw. 21 and 22/5/10 in bed (SD14), rest 22/5/10 (SD14), ll. 7 12 16 twk. betw. 30/5/10 and 4/7/10 (probs. 26/6/10 cfr. SD1.xii), ll. 5 17 twk. betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10, ll. 14-16 twk. betw. 13/6 and 15/6/12 | SD12 has two versions from 22/5/10 for the first two stanzas which look like the result of making the first version, then some more Latin, then rethinking it, then some more Latin and the next item; SD14 just completes the translation as per diary versions, noting that stanza 3 was done "approximately" as reported "yesterday in bed"; then SP1 has what the post calls "22/5 final" version, the ll. 7 12 16 tweak is from S(P)2 (the latter two being annotated in SP1), the ll. 5 17 tweak is from S5, and the last tweak is from T11;
  46. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 3 LP 34 C 34 SF 3 (The stars and the moon) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@NRR) | 20/5/10 (SD12) | SD12 has a manuscript as per above, which, with tweaks happening in it, leads to the SP1 version;
  47. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho E 31 (title of SF 16 and 16b) (0:30-0:36, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin ("title", original) | @TP+BR: 9:10-9:16 + 10:34-12:31 (rec. 21/8/24) | 21/5/10 (SD13) | This is Edmonds reconstructing a line out of someone stating Sappho called Eros the offspring of Gaia and Oyranos; I mistook it as the title of Sappho 16 back then, and SD13 dates the Latin version to this day, while going to bed;
  48. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF 16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (GW) | @BR: 25:38-34:12 (rec. 6/9/24) | Stanza 1 22/5/10 (SD14), stanza 2 31/7 (SD28), stanza 3 start 31/7 (SD28) twk. and compl. 6/8 (SD31), stanzas 4-5 6/8 (SD31), poss. twk. within 16/8/10 | Stanzas 1 and 2 are dated by diary (well, technically SD14 gives the first 2.5 lines of stanza 1 as "I composed", so earlier than reported, but I think probably still on 22/5; also, l. 1 was originally «Quidam equitum peditumve dicunt» and the current version is an SP1 print residue), where on 31/7 we have stanza 2 in Oxy/GW version then GW version, then a bunch of Italian and English; the other stanzas are not in the diary, but 6/8 diary (SD31) says «I copy and finish the translations of» this poem, so I did those stanzas in this occasion; they appear in S5, where everything is in its final form;
  49. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 3 LP 34 C 34 SF 3 (The stars and the moon) | Ancient Greek - Latin – [RES] (@@Sic) | Within 22/5/10, twk. betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 | SP1 residue tweaked in S5;
  50. Sappho: two divine epiphanies | Sappho 2, aka Idyll with Aphrodite (E 4+6, LP 2, C 2 SF 4) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Start within 22/5/10, l. 1 of first complete stanza night betw. 22/5 and 23/5 (SD14), rest of first complete stanza night betw. 23 and 24/5/10 (SD15), rest of following stanza betw. then and 30/5/10 with first line twk. betw. 4/7 and 15/7/10 or maybe on 25/7/10 (S3 residue manuscripted on SP2, cfr. also SD1.xii), following stanza night betw. 7 and 8/7/10 after change of Italian of previous stanza (SD23), last stanza within 25/7 twk. betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10, twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 (probs Xmas holidays) | Start (aka super-holey first stanza) is SP1 residue, that single line is dated by SD14 and is what dates SP1, the rest of that stanza is dated by SD15, without a manuscript, and both it and the following stanza are in S1 and manuscripted in SP1; S1 apparently has tweaks too; then we have SD23 telling us that, after going to bed, I tweak the second complete stanza of the Italian and translate the third complete stanza to Latin; the last stanza is an S3 residue, and the tweaks are from S5 and S9;
  51. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 5 LP 35 C 35 SF 6 | Ancient Greek - Latin – [RES] (@@NRR) | Betw. 8/5 and 22/5/10 twk. betw. 13/11/10 and 5/1/11 | Appears in diary in the form «Aut te -> Teve Cyprus et Paphus aut/et Panormus» on a printed sheet with a bunch of fragments, with the change to «Teve Cyprus et Paphu' vel Panormus» later ignored; unfortunately, all I know about this sheet is that I "had it for a few days already and used it to do translations" as per SD15; the 8/5 bound is because this was for translations in class and, on 8/5, I did part of the Hymn to Aphrodite in class, which wasn't included on the sheet and is thus assumed to have been completed before the printing of this; of course, this is then an SP1 residue, hence the placement in this index; the "et" is from the Ancient Greek reading Ἤ σε Κύπρος καὶ Πάφος ἢ Πάνορμος, which was changed, along with updating all the translations, in S9
  52. Love and grief | Sappho E 15 LP 26 part 2 C 26 part 2 SF 15 (fragment 15 at end) | Ancient Greek - Italian [LTF, RES] | @TR: 5:12-5:20 (rec. 3/8/24, translation review) | Within 22/5/10 | SP1 residue;
  53. Love and grief | Sappho E 15 LP 26 part 2 C 26 part 2 SF 15 (fragment 15 at end) | Ancient Greek - Latin [LTF, RES] | @Ψ: 24:53-24:57 (rec. 3/8/24, part of the performance of the whole LP 26 Latin) | Within 22/5/10 | SP1 residue;
  54. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C/SF 1) | Ancient Greek - English (hymn in versions 1-3) (@@BR) | 25/5/10 (SD16), twk. either betw. 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10, then betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10, then within 2/11/10 (at least part of which was from 8/9/10, cfr. SD1.xxv "Cantonata 1") | Date as per SD16, which reports the {} version of version 0 in the post, where the non-{} version is from the tops and bottoms of diary pages before and on that day; tweaks annotated on SP2 and found in S3 (and 16/7-24/7 I was on no-Sappho vacation as per SD1.xv), then in S5 and S7;
  55. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Sappho 31 (E 2 LP 31 C 31 SF 2) | Ancient Greek - English (@@BR) | 26/5/10 (SD17), last line twk. betw. 27/7/10 and 16/8/10, l. 15 twk. betw. 13/6/12 and 15/6/12 | SD17 dates the full thing to 26/5/10, with a version where the last line and l. 15 are different (besides trivialities like no accents on lovèly or thoroughlỳ and the deleted comma in the line «There comes no voice,:»); the former gets fixed in S5, the latter only in T11; the pagetop/pagebottom version actually shows «So sweet youa voice», meaning I probably was going for "your voice";
  56. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 3 LP 34 C 34 SF 3 (The stars and the moon) | Ancient Greek - English (@@NRR) | 26/5/10 as per SD17, which has this right after the previous item; note what the intro says, where the alternate ending is the only thing from the diary version, where the rest is from the pagetop version; also, the diary version gives "faces";
  57. Sappho: two divine epiphanies | Sappho 2, aka Idyll with Aphrodite (E 4+6, LP 2, C 2 SF 4) | Ancient Greek - English (@@BR) | 2 complete stanzas 26/5/10 (SD17), other two 28/5/10 (SD18 - I assume I wrote them directly into OS1?), twk. within 30/5/10, then betw. 25/7 and 26/7 (S4), then betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 (probs. Xmas holidays) | The dates 26/5 and 28/5 are those of the respective SD entries; the tweaks are from S1, S4, and S9, which is where the incomplete stanza finally gets its space in this version (and the Italian); between S4 and S5, l. 3 of the first complete stanza goes from "wherein here altars are" to "wherein there altars are", and I believe the first version was just a typo;
  58. Sappho: two divine epiphanies | Sappho 2, aka Idyll with Aphrodite (E 4+6, LP 2, C 2 SF 4) | Ancient Greek - Italian – [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 22/5/10 and 30/5/10 (prob. within 28/5), twk. within then, stanza 2 remade night betw. 7/7 and 8/7/10 (SD23, otherwise S3 residue manuscripted on SP2), rest then twk. betw. 25 and 26/7, and finally betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 (probs. Xmas holidays) | S1 residue manuscripted in SP1, tweaks happen from SP1 to S1; given SD19 place Gongyla work on 29-30/5, I feel it's likely I made this translation within 28/5; diary gives the tweak to stanza 2 for that night between 7/7 and 8/7; stanza 4 is tweaked in S4; the incomplete stanza, not considered for the numbers in this history, first appears in S9;
  59. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 5 LP 35 C 35 SF 6 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@NRR) | Betw. 22/5 and 30/5/10 (prob. within 28/5) twk. betw. 13/11/10 and 5/1/11 | S1 residue found manuscripted on SP1; given SD19 place Gongyla work on 29-30/5, I feel it's likely I made this translation within 28/5; as the Latin, it had "e" in place of the first "o", like the "et" in place of the first "aut" of the Latin; the change was made in S9;
  60. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13 SF 7 (libation) | Ancient Greek - Italian (original) (@@NRR) [LTA, RES] | Betw. 22/5/10 and 30/5/10 (prob. within 28/5) | Manuscripted on SP1, S1 residue; given SD19 place Gongyla work on 29-30/5, I feel it's likely I made this translation within 28/5;
  61. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13 SF 7 (libation) | Ancient Greek - Latin (original) (@@NRR) [LTA, RES] | Betw. 22/5/10 and 30/5/10 | Manuscripted on SP1, S1 residue; given SD19 place Gongyla work on 29-30/5, I feel it's likely I made this translation within 28/5;
  62. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - Latin elegiac couplets (Remake 2) (@@Cl) [LTA] | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 1 | Either very late 7/6 or 8/6/10, or possibly the night after that | From noteblock with poems of mine, between something "7/6 noctu in lecto" and "8/6 noctu in lecto" (noctu in lecto = in the night between that day and the following, in bed);
  63. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - Latin elegiac couplets (Remake 2) (@@Cl) [LTA] | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 2 | Either very late 7/6 or 8/6/10, or possibly the night after that | Ditto to above;
  64. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - Latin elegiac couplets (Remake 2) (@@Cl) [LTA] | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 3 | Either very late 7/6 or 8/6/10, or possibly the night after that | Ditto to above;
  65. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 5 LP 35 C 35 SF 6 | Ancient Greek - English – [RES] (@@NRR) | Betw. 25/5 and 27/6/10, probs. either 3 or 5-6/6, or after 11/6/10, twk. betw. 13/11/10 and 5/1/11 | S(P)2 residue; after 25/5 because the first English translation of Sappho I'm sure was the Hymn, which was done on 25/5 (see above); it's unfortunate that S1 has no English versions, because I bet it would be there, but with S1 having no English and the diary (AFAIC remember) not mentioning it, I must place it over here; as with the others, it originally had "and" for the first "or", which is a change from S9; for the "within 27/6" part, cfr. fragment 12 below; same "probs." ranges as the next fragment;
  66. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13 SF 7 (libation) | Ancient Greek - English (original) (@@NRR) [LTA, RES] | Betw. 25/5/10 and 27/6/10, probs. either 3 or 5-6/6, or after 11/6/10 | S(P)2 residue, cfr. fragment 12 below for explanation of 27/6 and previous item for explanation of 25/5, as for the rest, well, SD20 and SD21 say Gongyla on up 2/6 and then 4/6, then 7-11 was the Learning week, where as per SD1.v I probably didn't do any Sappho, because it wasn't on the noteblock, and at home I'd probably have worked on the LW stuff with the computer;
  67. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 9 LP 33 C 33 SF 9 (prayer) | Ancient Greek - Italian (manuscript and original) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 30/5/10 and 27/6/10, probs. either 3 or 5-6/6, or after 11/6/10 | S(P)2 residue manuscripted in SP1 (between the two we have "O Afrodite corona dorata" -> "O Afrodite d'oro incoronata"), cfr. above;
  68. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 9 LP 33 C 33 SF 9 (prayer) | Ancient Greek - Latin (manuscript and original) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 30/5/10 and 27/6/10, probs. either 3 or 5-6/6, or after 11/6/10 | S(P)2 residue manuscripted in SP1 (where S(P)2 adds the «m'» before "habuissem"), cfr. above;
  69. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 10 LP 32 C 32 SF 10 (fragment 2) | Ancient Greek - Italian (original) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 30/5/10 and 27/6/10, probs. either 3 or 5-6/6, or after 11/6/10 | S(P)2 residue manuscripted on SP1, probably done before the vacanzina hence before 27/6;
  70. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 10 LP 32 C 32 SF 10 (fragment 2) | Ancient Greek - Latin (original) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 30/5/10 and 27/6/10, probs. either 3 or 5-6/6, or after 11/6/10 | S(P)2 residue manuscripted on SP1, probably done before the vacanzina hence before 27/6;
  71. The rest of Sappho | (LP 160 E 12 C 160 SF 11) | Ancient Greek - Italian (version 1) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 30/5/10 and 27/6/10, probs. either 3 or 5-6/6, or after 11/6/10 | S(P)2 residue manuscripted on SP1; see fragment 12 below for why it's within 27/6/10;
  72. The rest of Sappho | (LP 160 E 12 C 160 SF 11) | Ancient Greek - Latin (version 1) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 30/5/10 and 27/6/10, probs. either 3 or 5-6/6, or after 11/6/10 | S(P)2 residue manuscripted on SP1; see fragment 12 below for why it's within 27/6/10;
  73. Love and grief | Sappho E 13 LP 26 part 1 (kinda) C 26 part 1 (kinda) SF 12 | Ancient Greek - Italian (fragment 12 at end) [LTF, RES] | @BR: 4:27-5:01 (rec. 3/8/24) | Betw. 30/5/10 and 27/6/10, probs. either 3 or 5-6/6, or after 11/6/10 | S(P)2 residue; since 27/6-2/7 is the CL vacation (SD1.xii), where I almost certainly didn't do any Sappho, and 3/7 is detailedly told by the diary as not having any Sappho, I assume this and the next are from after the vacation; manuscripted on SP1; the manuscript forgets to elide "mi fan";
  74. Love and grief | Sappho E 13 LP 26 part 1 (kinda) C 26 part 1 (kinda) SF 12 | Ancient Greek - Latin (fragment 12 at end) [LTF, RES] | @R: 7:50-7:56 (rec. 3/8/24, translation reading) | Betw. 30/5/10 and 27/6/10 | Ditto to above;
  75. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.viii aka SF PN | Ancient Greek - Italian v1 (@@NRR) ["RES"] | Betw. 22/5/10 and 26/6/10 (probs. not 29/5 or 31/5-2/6 or 4/6, or 7-11/6 or 19-23/6) | This appears only in the SPN, and manuscripted with Ancient Greek, Italian v1, and Latin at the back of SP1; I am thus treating Italian v1 and Latin as SP2 residues; for the 26/6 date, see the item above; for the other restrictions, SD19-21 and SD1.v and SD1.x;
  76. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.viii aka SF PN | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@BR) ["RES"] | Betw. 22/5/10 and 26/6/10 (probs. not 29/5 or 31/5-2/6 or 4/6, or 7-11/6 or 19-23/6) | This appears only in the SPN, and manuscripted with Ancient Greek, Italian v1, and Latin at the back of SP1; I am thus treating Italian v1 and Latin as SP2 residues; cfr. above for the other restrictions;
  77. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion | Sappho E 14 LP 41 C 41 SF 14 | Ancient Greek - Italian (manuscript) (@@NRR) ["RES"] | Betw. 22/5/10 and 4/7/10 | SP1 residue which I assume to have been missed when updating the file to form S(P)2; treating it as SP2 residue but with date range spanning from SP1 to SP2 because I don't know that the manuscript wasn't pre-S1;
  78. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion | Sappho E 14 LP 41 C 41 SF 14 | Ancient Greek - Latin (manuscript) (@@Ψ) ["RES"] | Betw. 30/5/10 and 4/7/10 | Ditto to previous;
  79. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Second single line | Italian - English (@@TP) [LTA] | 1/7/10 | As per diary, both single lines were composed on that day, fitting them to the "po po po po po po po" tune, upon getting back from Switzerland to Brianza and being assaulted by the heat; this translation also happened at that time;
  80. Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction | Sappho E 45 LP 22 part 2 C 22 part 2 SF 8 | Ancient Greek - Italian (vulgate, @@NRR) | 9/7/10 per diary, first appearance is in blog form in S3 so 25/7/10 | SD24 says that, as I travelled by train to Russi, «I translate [this poem] to Italian in my thought»; no idea if there were any tweaks from there to when it appears in S3;
  81. Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction | Sappho E 45 LP 22 part 2 C 22 part 2 SF 8 | Ancient Greek - Latin (vulgate) [RES] (@@BR) | Either betw. 4/7/10 and 16/7/10 or on 25/7, twk. betw. 26/7 and 16/8/10 | Manuscripted on SP2, thus after 4/7; S3 residue, thus within 25/7; 16/7-25/7 was basically a seaside vacation (SD1.xv), with 25/7 involving some Sappho work (which is where this translation gets copied into S3); the diary of said vacation is pretty detailed and leaves little room for imagining Sappho translations during it; two differences are found in S3, which are fixed in S5 from 16/8;
  82. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 9 LP 33 C 33 SF 9 (prayer) | Ancient Greek - English (original) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 4/7/10 and 25/7/10 | S3 residue;
  83. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 10 LP 32 C 32 SF 10 | Ancient Greek - English (fragment 2, original) [RES] (@@NRR) | Either betw. 4/7/10 and 16/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S3 residue not on SP2, hence between 4/7 and 25/7, but 16/7-24/7 is the Otranto vacation so no Sappho there I wouldn't think;
  84. The rest of Sappho | (LP 160 E 12 C 160 SF 11) | Ancient Greek - English (version 1) [RES] (@@BR) | Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S3 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10;
  85. The rest of Sappho | (LP 160 E 12 C 160 SF 11b) | Ancient Greek - Italian (version 2) [RES] (@@BR) | Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S3 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10;
  86. The rest of Sappho | (LP 160 E 12 C 160 SF 11b) | Ancient Greek - English (version 2) [RES] (@@BR) | Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S3 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10;
  87. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 140 LP 142 C 142 SF 31 | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Sic) [RES] | Either betw. 4/7/10 and 16/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S3 residue manuscripted on SP2;
  88. The rest of Sappho | (LP 160 E 12 C 160 SF 11b) | Ancient Greek - Latin (version 2) [RES] (@@BR) | Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S3 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10;
  89. Love and grief | Sappho E 13 LP 26 part 1 (kinda) C 26 part 1 (kinda) SF 12 | Ancient Greek - English (fragment 12 at end) [LTF, RES] | @BR: 5:46-6:33 (rec. 3/8/24) | Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S3 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10;
  90. Love and grief | Sappho E 13 (kinda) LP 26 part 1 C 26 part 1 SF 12b | Ancient Greek - Italian (fragment 12B at end) [LTF, RES] | @BR: 4:27-5:01 (rec. 3/8/24) | Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S3 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10;
  91. Love and grief | Sappho E 13 (kinda) LP 26 part 1 C 26 part 1 SF 12b | Ancient Greek - English (fragment 12B at end) [LTF, RES] | @BR: 5:46-6:33 (rec. 3/8/24) | Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S3 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10;
  92. Love and grief | Sappho E 13 (kinda) LP 26 part 1 C 26 part 1 SF 12b | Ancient Greek - Latin (fragment 12B at end) [LTF, RES] | @Ψ: 24:22-24:30 (rec. 3/8/24, part of the performance of the whole LP 26 Latin) | Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10, twk. 3/9/22 | S3 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10; the tweak is going from maxume to maxime, probably by copypaste accident, as I included this into the post on 3/9/22 (or so says the Fb posts post, there is no post save for this weirdly enough);
  93. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion | Sappho E 14 LP 41 C 41 SF 14 | Ancient Greek - Italian (blog) [RES] (@@NRR) | Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S3 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10;
  94. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion | Sappho E 14 LP 41 C 41 SF 14 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@NRR) | Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S3 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10;
  95. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion | Ancient Greek - Latin (original and blog) [RES] (@@Ψ) | Sappho E 14 LP 41 C 41 SF 14 | Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10, twk. betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 | S3 not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10, tweak is S5 residue;
  96. Love and grief | Sappho E 15 LP 26 part 2 C 26 part 2 SF 15 | Ancient Greek - English (fragment 15 at end) [LTF, RES] | @TR: 6:33-6:45 (rec. 3/8/24) | Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S3 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10;
  97. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.i (LPC 137 SF 28 not E) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Start either 25/7/10 or following night, compl. 27/7/10, twk. betw. then and 16/8/10 and then betw. 1/2/11 and 17/5/11 | S4 residue; appears in said file with «loqui, nunc impedior» (comma placed differently), no translation for the second line attributed to Sappho, and «cupidus t'esses» in place of «cupidus fores»; SD25 dates "3 lines" of this to 25/7 in bed, and SD26 dates the last one partly to 26/7 in bed and partly to "cras", i.e. 27/7; it is unclear which 3 lines were done on 25/7 and when the others were done; S(P)2 has nothing, and the same is true of S3, whereas S4 has all but the second line of the Sappho part, so all of that must be from either 25/7 after the S3 edit, the night after, or 26/7 before the S4 edit; by S5 it's in blog form except for «cupidus t'esses», which gets fixed in S12; none of the OS files has anything about that change;
  98. …lover, not so much | W. Shakespeare, My mistress’s eyes | English - Italian (@@PC) | 27 and 29/7/10, as per post;
  99. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 112 LP 154 C 154 SF 53 | Ancient Greek - Latin (Full moon, blog, @@BR) | 28/7/10 as per SD27, loses comma in S5 thus within 16/8/10;
  100. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF 16b – 1:57:04-1:58:44, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (Oxy/GW) | @BR: 1:16:50-1:36:19 (rec. 21/8/24) | Stanza 1 techn. 22/5/10 (SD14), stanza 2 31/7 (SD28), stanza 6 4/8 (SD30), rest poss. 6/8 (SD31), everything compl. 6/8/10 and twk. within 16/8 | 22/5 31/7 4/8 dates given by diary, 6/8 diary (SD31) says I «copied and completed» the tranlsations of this poem, S5 has final versions; I don't put this as 22/5 because the text of this version was only settled in July, or anyway definitely after May;
  101. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF 16b – 1:57:04-1:58:44, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Oxy/GW) | @BR: 1:36:19-1:47:25 (rec. 21/8/24) | 31/7/10 as per SD28, twk. within 15/8/10 (S5) probs. on 6/8/10 (SD31), then within 5/1/11 (S9), then in 2012 within 20/5 probs. after 19/5 (T1) | S9 changes «Che pei mortali» -> «Lor pei mortali» on l. 23, and «E figlia» -> «E bimba» in l. 14; T1 changes «Chi in tutto onor di Troia cancellò,» -> «Chi ogni onore a Troia cancellò,», thus completing the shift from S5 to Final version; the Original version is from the manuscript, and differs from S5 only on ll. 3 13 15 22;
  102. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF 16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (GW) | @BR: 35:30-43:07 (rec. 6/9/24) | Mostly 31/7/10 (SD28), compl. 1/8 (SD29), twk. within 5/1/11 | So the common parts with the previous were of course done on 31/7, ll. 12 and 19-20 were translated first in the previous version then in this item's version, which is why I place this after the previous, this item's version of stanza 2 is from 1/8, hence why compl. 1/8; analogous tweaks to the ones from the previous happened in S9, hence within 13/11/10 and 5/1/11, but in fact probs. after 22/12/10 since it's in no OS file before OS11; tweaks may have happened on 6/8/10, suggests SD31;
  103. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF 16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English (GW) | @BR: 48:05-51:55 (rec. 6/9/24) | Stanzas 1-4 31/7/10 (SD28), rest 1/8/10 (SD29) | Dates as per diary, where we see stanza 1, stanza 2 in GW form then Oxy form, stanza 3 started in GW then Oxy l. 12 was done first in Oxy then in GW form, then stanza 4, then we pass from 31/7 to 1/8 and we see stanza 5, first in Oxy then in GW form; tweaks on 6/8/10 possibly, says SD31;
  104. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF 16b – 1:57:04-1:58:44, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English (Oxy/GW) | @BR: 1:48:42-1:56:32 (rec. 21/8/24) | Stanzas 1-4 31/7/10 (SD28), rest 1/8/10 (SD29), twk. within 16/8/10 | See previous item, add in that stanza 6 was translated last of all and prompted a change from «Fighting in shields» to «With shields in fight» in stanza 5; tweaks possibly on 6/8, as per SD31;
  105. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 140 LP 142 C 142 SF 31 | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@BR) | 6/8/10, poss. twk. within 16/8/10 | Dated by SD31 (happens between the completions of Sappho 16 and the next item) but not reported, first appears in S5;
  106. I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… | Sappho E 48 LP 49 C 49 SF 33 | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | 6/8/10 poss. twk. within 16/8/10, l. 2 11/9/19 ≤4:38 | Ditto to above;
  107. Un frammento di vita quotidiana: graffito pompeiano | A Pompeiian graffiti | Latin - Ancient Greek (@@Cl) | 8/8/2010 as per post;
  108. A cover for Sappho translations (also at Hymn to Aphrodite) | song: Cover of my Sappho fragments file (3:01-3:16) (older version) | Ancient Greek - English (Original) | @TP: 3:52-4:08 (rec. 1/2/24) | 14/8/10 | Originally completed on 9/8/10 (SD33) as «Γράψαι ἤθελες, γ’ ἐθέλω λαβέσθαι / Νῦν ἐγ’ ἐμαύτῳ», this was translated to English on 14/8/10 (SD34) in blog form (passing through "fragments" instead of "poems"), producing the Ancient Greek original now given in the post (still SD34);
  109. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C/SF 1) | Ancient Greek - Latin (version 1.5) (@@BR) [LTE, RES] | One edit betw. 7/8 and 14/8/10, the other 21/8/10 | This is just the implementation onto the S(P)2+annotations version of the hymn of two edits mentioned in SPN1; the first one is in an extract from between the SD32 one (7/8) and the part about Sappho 16, which by SD34 (14/8) was already being written; the other one is from the SPN1 extract of SD1.xxv; as said below, I believe that extract was written on 21/8/10; I cannot assume the S5 version as the basis, because it contains a Latin modification which is not present in the edit from the extract, and this edit is prior to this extract, noted earlier on SPN1; so I can only assume I was either remembering it, or reading it from SP2, the printout then active, with its annotations; it is likely that this translation never existed, as the two edits are separated by a long stretch of SPN1, and the first edit's extract also mentions edits that basically bring us to the S5 version; by now it is in fact sure that this translation never existed, because another change from SPN1, which is given as a correction to a mistranslation of a misinterpretation, was made on 8/9/10 in the diary SPN1 extract and I decided to add it onto 1.5, because I didn't want to make another middle version;
  110. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.i (LPC 137 SF 28 not E) | Ancient Greek - Italian (original) (@@BR) [LTA] | Night betw. 14/8 and 15/8/10 twk. following morning | Dated by SD34;
  111. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.i (LPC 137 SF 28 not E) | Ancient Greek - Italian (remake, @@BR) | 15/8/10, ll. 1-2 twk. within 16/8/10 | Dated by SD35, tweak is S5 residue;
  112. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 "SF" PN-16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (GW+TCPOS) [RES] | @BR: 35:30-43:07 (rec. 6/9/24) | Betw. 8/8/10 and 15/8/10, probs. either 10 14 or 15 | SPN1 was started on 7/8 as per SD32, with a part wholly about the text of the Hymn to Aphrodite, and allegedly (as per SD35) "finished" on 15/8; I assume this refers to the part that could possibly have been written at that time, which includes these translations (this one and the next 5); now, these are SPN-only, so I cannot date them more precisely; I'm assuming I wrote them into the note directly as I wrote this part, otherwise they'd be a residue of a 13/9/10 file; this particular one appears in SPN1 exactly as in the post; of course, the placing of these 6 with respect to the neighboring one is due to the order they appear in in the diary; the only other diary mentions of SPN1 are in SD1.xvii (10/8) and SD34 (14/8), which gets to someplace in the middle of the discussion of these Sappho 16 fragments, hence the other possible dates;
  113. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 "SF" PN-16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English (GW+TCPOS) [RES] | @BR: 48:05-51:55 (rec. 6/9/24) | Betw. 7/8/10 and 15/8/10, probs. either 14 or 15 | Cfr. above; the SPN1 version has a comma after "man" in l. 7, which seems to have been SPN-exclusive and never appeared on the blog or on the tesina; so you could say the loss of that comma is a T1 change;
  114. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 "SF" PN-16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (GW+TCPOS) [RES] | @BR: 25:38-34:12 (rec. 6/9/24) | Betw. 7/8/10 and 15/8/10, probs. either 14 or 15 | Cfr. above;
  115. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 "SF" PN-16b – 1:57:04-1:58:44, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Oxy/GW+TCPOS) [RES] | @BR: 1:16:50-1:36:19 (rec. 21/8/24) | Betw. 7/8/10 and 15/8/10, probs. either 14 or 15 | Cfr. above; a few tweaks happened in its non-TCPOS equivalent which were never implemented in this one, except for the one in l. 9, which is «Chi in tutto onor di Troia cancellò,» in SPN1, and was changed to its current form only in blog times, not sure when, and T1 made the change in the non-TCPOS analogue, and that was implemented in the TCPOS version presumably in the edits of 16-18/1/22;
  116. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 "SF" PN-16b – 1:57:04-1:58:44, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English (Oxy/GW+TCPOS) [RES] | @BR: 1:48:42-1:56:32 (rec. 21/8/24) | Betw. 7/8/10 and 15/8/10, probs. either 14 or 15 | Cfr. above;
  117. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 "SF" PN-16b – 1:57:04-1:58:44, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (Oxy/GW+TCPOS) [RES] | @BR: 1:36:19-1:47:25 (rec. 21/8/24) | Betw. 7/8/10 and 15/8/10, probs. either 14 or 15 | Cfr. above;
  118. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 137 LP 158 C 158 SF 27 | 15/8/10 | Ancient Greek - Italian (Infinitive, @@NRR) | Dated by SD35: «After dinner I translate fr. 27 [current poem] and only to English fr. 28 [three below]»; weirdly enough, the manuscript is on a printed sheet from the previous diary notebook, but since the diary there is in pen, as is another translation on the sheet for which the sheet was printed, while the manuscript is in pencil just like the diary around 15/8, I assume the sheet was sellotaped to its current home after 15/8, or anyway that on 15/8 I went back to that sheet for whatever reason; manuscript is blog version; order of versions in this index is based on manuscript; I placed it after the 15/8 SPN1 extract as the diary does not mention SPN work after dinner;
  119. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 137 LP 158 C 158 SF 27 | Ancient Greek - English (Infinitive, original, @@NRR) | 15/8/10 | Dated by SD35 (cfr. above); l. 1 initially had «overtaking», and l. 2 is written as «I stopped ofast-barking tongue's noise's a big part»;
  120. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 137 LP 158 C 158 SF 27 | Ancient Greek - Latin (Infinitive, @@Ψ) | 15/8/10 | Dated by SD35 (cfr. above); the manuscript reads the following mess: «Plente mih'ira corda / Corda replent'ira retinuisse / Linguam Præcipitanter linguam / Inmeditata latrantem linguam»;
  121. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.i (LPC 137 SF 28 not E) | Ancient Greek - English – RES (@@NRR) | 15/8/10 poss. twk. within 16/8/10 | Dated, but not reported, by SD35, otherwise S5 residue;
  122. An apparent captatio benevolentiæ (Sappho?) | C test. 8 SF 26 (cfr. Greek Wikisource Απόσπασμα 26) | Ancient Greek - Italian A (@@BR) | Night betw. 15/8 and 16/8/10 | SD35;
  123. An apparent captatio benevolentiæ (Sappho?) | C test. 8 SF 26 (cfr. Greek Wikisource Απόσπασμα 26) | Ancient Greek - Romagnolo (@@BR) [LTA] | Just after the previous, as per SD35;
  124. An apparent captatio benevolentiæ (Sappho?) | C test. 8 SF 26 (cfr. Greek Wikisource Απόσπασμα 26) | Ancient Greek - Italian B (@@BR) | 16/8/10 morning, twk. same day then betw. 13/11/10 and 5/1/11 | SD36, tweak in S5 and S9; speaking of S5, the text of this fragment gets Aeolicized in it; however, κεῖνον is forgotten, and ἀγαυός becomes ἀγαῦος instead of ἄγαυος; the former is fixed in S9, the latter only in S12, no OSs;
  125. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13 SF 7 | Ancient Greek - Italian (libation, intermediate) (@@NRR) [LTA, RES] | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 | S5 residue, just like its text;
  126. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13 SF 7 | Ancient Greek - English (libation, intermediate) (@@NRR) [LTA, RES] | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 | S5 residue, just like its text;
  127. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13 SF 7 | Ancient Greek - Latin (libation, intermediate) (@@NRR) [LTA, RES] | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 | S5 residue, just like its text;
  128. Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction | Sappho E 45 LP 22 part 2 C 22 part 2 SF 8 | Ancient Greek - English (vulgate) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 | S5 residue; SP3 fixes "the dress" to "th'dress", but I won't count that as a tweak because it's probably a typo fix since the line without the elision doesn't scan;
  129. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 9 LP 33 C 33 SF 9 | Ancient Greek - Italian (prayer, intermediate and final) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7 and 16/8/10, and then betw. 25/6 and 28/8/11 | S5 residue in its completed text, and its tweaked translation; tweaked in S19;
  130. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 9 LP 33 C 33 SF 9 | Ancient Greek - English (prayer, intermediate and final) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10, twk. 8/9/10, forgetting to delete a word which was eliminated within 5/1/11, then finally betw. 25/6 and 28/8/11 | S5 residue in its completed text, and its tweaked translation; tweaked in SD1.xxv on 8/9, a change that got hybridised with the older version in S7, the undeleted word was dealt with in S9, at which point l. 2 read «If that wonderful fate just were mine own», and the final version of that line is an S19 residue;
  131. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 9 LP 33 C 33 SF 9 | Ancient Greek - Latin (prayer, intermediate and final) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7 and 16/8/10 | S5 residue in its completed text, and its tweaked translation;
  132. The rest of Sappho | (LP 160 E 12 C 160 SF 11 annotation) | Ancient Greek - Italian (version 3) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 probs. within 15/8 | S5 residue; it's basically an annotation first found in S5; probably within 15/8 because on that day SD35 says "I continue to translate", which I assume would probably mean that I did small translations in numerical order, and then I reached SF26 and started skipping, going to SF28 and SF27 which are explicitly mentioned;
  133. The rest of Sappho | (LP 160 E 12 C 160 SF 11 annotation) | Ancient Greek - English (version 3) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 probs. within 15/8 | S5 residue, cfr. above for more;
  134. The rest of Sappho | (LP 160 E 12 C 160 SF 11 annotation) | Ancient Greek - Latin (version 3) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 probs. within 15/8 | S5 residue, cfr. above for more;
  135. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.v (LP 37 E 17+18 C 37 SF 17) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 probs. within 15/8 twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S5 residue, again SD35 seems to indicate it's from within 15/8 cfr. version 3 Italian; the abandonment of the text ἐπιπλάζοντες ἄμοι in favor of ἐπιπλάζοντ' ἄνεμοι is also an S5 residue; the change from "ogne cura" to "ogni cura" is an S9 residue not on SP5;
  136. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.v (LP 37 E 17+18 C 37 SF 17) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 probs. within 15/8 | S5 residue, cfr. above for more;
  137. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.v (LP 37 E 17+18 C 37 SF 17) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 probs. within 15/8 | S5 residue, cfr. above for more; SP3 annotates this in a way that seems to make it "Auferant curas eum et cadentem" in l. 2 (see pic), but then scratches the annotations out;
  138. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.x (LP 123 E 19 C 123 SF 18) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@NRR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 probs. within 15/8 | S5 residue, cfr. above for more;
  139. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.x (LP 123 E 19 C 123 SF 18) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@NRR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 probs. within 15/8 | S5 residue, cfr. above for more;
  140. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.x (LP 123 E 19 C 123 SF 18) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 probs. within 15/8 | S5 residue, cfr. above for more;
  141. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.vii (LP 39 E 20 C 39 SF 19) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 probs. within 15/8 | S5 residue, cfr. above for more;
  142. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.vii (LP 39 E 20 C 39 SF 19) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 probs. within 15/8, twk. betw. 6/9/10 and 2/11/10 | S5 residue, cfr. above for more; tweaked in S7, where the "hid he's feet" gets corrected;
  143. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.vii (LP 39 E 20 C 39 SF 19) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 probs. within 15/8, twk. within 21/8/10, then on 8/9/10 | S5 residue, cfr. above for more; in S5 we read «Lydi-/um opu' pulchrum», which S6 corrects to Lydi-/or' opu' pulchrum», and SP3 (dated between 23/8 and 6/9) then annotates to the final «Lydi-/æ opu' pulchrum»; this last form is found in the SPN1 extract written on 8/9/10 into SD1.xxv;
  144. An apparent captatio benevolentiæ (Sappho?) | C test. 8 SF 26 (cfr. Greek Wikisource Απόσπασμα 26) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 | S5 residue;
  145. An apparent captatio benevolentiæ (Sappho?) | C test. 8 SF 26 (cfr. Greek Wikisource Απόσπασμα 26) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 | S5 residue;
  146. I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… | Sappho E 48 LP 49 C 49 SF 33 | Ancient Greek - English (Original) [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10, l. 2 18/8/24 23:39 | S5 residue;
  147. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 112 LP 154 C 154 SF 53 | Ancient Greek - Italian (Full moon) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 twk. then within 6/9/10 | S5 residue as «Piena or si mostra in ciel la luna; / Ciò intorno all’altare quelle auna.», which S6 turns to «Piena ora si mostra […]», and SP3-print turns into «[…] aduna»;
  148. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.v (LP 133 E 125+126 C 133(a)+(b) SF re-59) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | L. 2 betw. 26/7/10 and 16/8/10 twk. 10/9/10, l. 1 betw. 1/2/11 and 8/2/11 | L. 2 in the form «Saffo, perché Afrodite di molte gioie...?» is an S5 residue tweaked to the blog form in the SD1.xxvii extract of SPN1; l. 1 only appears in S9 in the Ancient Greek, is manuscripted in SP6 as «Andromeda assai bell'affare ha fatto» but absent from both OS16 and S11, and appears in blog form in OS17;
  149. I want to have died | Sappho 94 (E 83 LP 94 C 94 SF 88/89) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Old title betw. 25/7/10 and 16/8/10, new title betw. 16/8 and 21/8/10, cont. and twk. on 23/8/10 and within 6/9/10, then on 10/9/10 twk. within 2/11/10, then cont. within 13/11/10, then within 2/12/10, then within 9/12/10, compl. probs. within 17/12 def. within 5/1/11, twk. betw. June 2017 and 29/1/18 | The older form of the title, «Ac mori quidem exhio», is an S5 residue; a more recent title «Mōrtŭ’ ēssĕ quĭd’ ēxhĭō» is an S6 residue, whilst 7 lines after it appear in SP3, where the lines 2-4 are printed, so within 6/9; at least part of these lines must be from 23/8/10, as per SD41; lines 5-9 are instead S7 residues, manuscripted on SP3 with the alternate forms «Ō mē, quām mălă pāssǣ nōs,» (turns to blog version in S8), »Dixiqu' ips' ego hæcc' ei» (fixed in S7, hence "twk. within 2/11"), «Sīvĕ nōn, ĕgŏ tē vŏlō,», and «Qu’ ōblīsērĭ’, rĕcūlt’ hăbe͞as», and are dated to 10/9/10 by SD1.xxvii; S8 only fixes the one line, and adds another line after those from S7; there is a whole fricking mess of manuscripts, OS7 overlays, more manuscripts, OS8 overlays, an extra page, and finally SP5, which is fully explained in the post; 17/12 is a likely date for SP5, as per SP5's item; in SP5, there are only 2-3 things that are not blog, all but one of which are fixed in S9, and the last one first appears fixed in a post save from 29/1/18, and I have no idea when I drafted this thing;
  150. The joys of friendship | Sappho E 120 LP 138 C 138 SF 29 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | There begins here a long list of S6/SD37 residues, where SD37 says "I translate up to fr. 36", and this is 29; the SP3 version, the first recorded one, is the same as the post;
  151. The joys of friendship | Sappho E 120 LP 138 C 138 SF 29 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10, then betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S6/SD37 residue, ditto to above, then tweaked in S9;
  152. The joys of friendship | Sappho E 120 LP 138 C 138 SF 29 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | S6/SD37 residue, ditto to above;
  153. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.i (LP 143 E 139 C 143 SF 30) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@NRR) | 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Another S6/SD37 residue found on SP3 the same as on the blog;
  154. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.i (LP 143 E 139 C 143 SF 30) | Ancient Greek - English (Original) [RES] (@@NRR) | 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Another S6/SD37 residue found on SP3 the same as on the blog;
  155. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.i (LP 143 E 139 C 143 SF 30) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Sic) | Probs. 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Another S6/SD37 residue found on SP3 the same as on the blog; the difference with the others is that this one is found at the end of SP2, in two versions (cfr. post), and may have been missed because it was in the middle of something completely unrelated to Sappho that had ended up on the back of SP2;
  156. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 140 LP 142 C 142 SF 31 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Sic) | 16 or 17/8/10, poss. twk within 21/8/10 | Another S6/SD37 residue;
  157. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 76 LP 147 C 147 SF 32 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Yet another SD37/S6 residue appearing on SP3 as on the blog;
  158. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 76 LP 147 C 147 SF 32 | Ancient Greek - English (Original) [RES] (@@BR) | 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Yet another SD37/S6 residue appearing on SP3 as on the blog;
  159. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 76 LP 147 C 147 SF 32 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Yet another SD37/S6 residue appearing on SP3 as on the blog;
  160. I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… | Sappho E 48 LP 49 C 49 SF 33 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | 16 or 17/8/10, twk. betw. 10/8/11 and 28/8/11, l. 2 18/8/24 23:36 | SD37/S6 residue, the tweak, i.e. adding "t'" in l. 2, is an S19 residue;
  161. Love and grief | Sappho E 52 LP 51 C 51 SF 36 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10, twk. 25/12/17 | Another SD37/S6 residue, the tweak is dated by the post;
  162. Love and grief | Sappho E 52 LP 51 C 51 SF 36 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - English (Original) [RES] | @Sic: 4:23-4:30 (rec. 24/8/24) | 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10, twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | Another SD37/S6 residue, the tweak is an S9 residue not in OS10 so Christmas holidays;
  163. Love and grief | Sappho E 52 LP 51 C 51 SF 36 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Latin (Original) [RES] (@@BR) | 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Another SD37/S6 residue, this time the SP3 form is on the blog;
  164. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 53 LP 52 C 52 SF 37 | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S6/SD37 residue, though the diary says "scribo", so apparently it's from earlier? Idk; anyway the tweak, which changes the original «Io non oso toccare colle düe braccia il ciel», is an S9 residue not in OS10 so Xmas holidays; the text change δοκίμοιμ'->δοκίμωμ' is instead an S6 residue;
  165. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 53 LP 52 C 52 SF 37 | Ancient Greek - English (@@Sic) | 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S6/SD37 residue, though the diary says "scribo", so apparently it's from earlier? Idk; anyway the tweak, which changes the original «I dare not try to touch with my two little arms the sky», is an S9 residue not in OS10 so Xmas holidays; the text change δοκίμοιμ'->δοκίμωμ' is instead an S6 residue;
  166. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 53 LP 52 C 52 SF 37 | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@NRR) | 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S6/SD37 residue, though the diary says "scribo", so apparently it's from earlier? Idk; the text change δοκίμοιμ'->δοκίμωμ' is also an S6 residue;
  167. Children’s songs! | Sappho E 142 LP inc. 25 C inc. 25 SF 38 | Ancient Greek - English (@@BR) | Night betw. 17 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | SD37 says I did this in bed on 17/8 before the Italian, and S6 has it in blog form;
  168. Children’s songs! | Sappho E 142 LP inc. 25 C inc. 25 SF 38 | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Night betw. 17 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | SD37 says I did this in bed on 17/8 after the English, and S6 has it in blog form;
  169. Children’s songs! | Sappho E 142 LP inc. 25 C inc. 25 SF 38 | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Ψ) | 18/8/10 | SD38 reports this in blog form;
  170. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.1 (LP 136 E 138 C 136 SF 39) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | SD38/S6 residue in blog form, assuming SD38 is implying I did everything up to fr. 45, not just fr. 45;
  171. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.1 (LP 136 E 138 C 136 SF 39) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 16 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Ditto to above;
  172. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.1 (LP 136 E 138 C 136 SF 39) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Ditto to above;
  173. I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… | Sappho E 81 LP 130+131 C 130+131 SF 40-41 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | SD38/S6 residue in blog form (with the above caveat); well, aside from the cosmetic changes «'il» -> «'l», found in S9 and not before, and infincibile->invincibile, which is an SP5 residue;
  174. I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… | Sappho E 81 LP 130+131 C 130+131 SF 40-41 | Ancient Greek - English (Original) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Ditto to two above;
  175. I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… | Sappho E 81 LP 130+131 C 130+131 SF 40-41 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] | @Ψ: 6:07-6:32 | Betw. 16 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10, twk. betw. 23/8/10 and 2/11/10 | SD38/S6 residue in blog form (with the caveat from two above), save for «Odisti, volitas ad e' Andromedanque nunc», changed in S7;
  176. Love and grief | Sappho E 54 LP 47 C 47 SF 42 (7:10-7:20, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Ditto to two above;
  177. Love and grief | Sappho E 54 LP 47 C 47 SF 42 (7:10-7:20, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] | @Ψ: 7:39-7:50 (rec. 1/7/23) | Betw. 16 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Ditto to above;
  178. Love and grief | Sappho E 54 LP 47 C 47 SF 42 (7:10-7:20, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Ditto to above;
  179. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.viii (LP 101 E 87 C 101 SF 44) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10, twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | SD38/S6 residue in blog form (with the same old caveat), aside from «dei Cangoni» and «Che un dì», changed to «de' Cangoni» in both l. 1 and l. 4 and to «Ch'un dì» in l. 3, all in S9 (not OSs, not SP5); all translations originally had the equivalent of Καγγόνων in cruces, which were removed on 8/10/18 (save for l. 4 of Italian where I forgot to and only did that today 30/9/23);
  180. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.viii (LP 101 E 87 C 101 SF 44) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Ditto to two above;
  181. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.viii (LP 101 E 87 C 101 SF 44) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16 and 18/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10 | Ditto to two above;
  182. Sing to me, o lyre | Sappho E 80 LP 118 C 118 SF 45 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | 21/8/10, twk. betw. 2/12 and 9/12/10 | SD38's "After fr. 45" would date it to 18/8; thing is, the SPN1 extract from SD1.xxv, when combined with SD39, clearly put the discussion of the text at 19/8 at the earliest, so 18/8 must have been referred to the older version of the text; the translation of that day was lost, but since the text changed, this translation cannot be considered from that date, and since SD1.xix tells us that on 21/8 I looked at Campbell, thus echoing the SPN1 extract, I assume the discussion happened on 21/8; this is confirmed by the final text being in S6, which has the form «O mia lira, a me, orsù, / Cose dive ora cantami», whose blog form appears in print on SP5 but is not found in OS7;
  183. Sing to me, o lyre | Sappho E 80 LP 118 C 118 SF 45 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | 21/8/10, twk. twice betw. 23/8/10 and 2/11/10 and once betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | See above for date; S6 has the form «O my lyre, now please to me / Stuff divine if you now could sing», and SP3 annotates «Please, some godly stuff start to sing», where l. 2 becomes «Some divine little melodỳ» in S7, and l. 1 gets its "sing" in S9, no OS, no SP5;
  184. Sing to me, o lyre | Sappho E 80 LP 118 C 118 SF 45 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | 21/8/10 | See two above for date; appears in blog form on S6;
  185. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C/SF 1) | Ancient Greek - Italian (version 1.5) [LTE] (@@BR) | 21/8/10 | Ditto to Latin of this above;
  186. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C/SF 1) | Ancient Greek - English (version 1.5) [LTE] (@@BR) | 21/8/10 | Ditto to above;
  187. Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction | Sappho E 45 LP 22 part 2 C 22 part 2 "SF" PN-8 | Ancient Greek - Italian (Campbell, @@NRR) | 21/8/10 | This is found right after the SPN1 extract from SD1.xxv; it is my assumption that this was written in the morning of 21/8/10, as I looked at Campbell; this justifies the date, and also the placement relative to the surrounding items; the three versions of this appear after that extract as they are on the blog;
  188. Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction | Sappho E 45 LP 22 part 2 C 22 part 2 "SF" PN-8 | Ancient Greek - English (Campbell, @@BR) | 21/8/10 | Ditto to above;
  189. Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction | Sappho E 45 LP 22 part 2 C 22 part 2 "SF" PN-8 | Ancient Greek - Latin (Campbell, @@BR) | 21/8/10 | Ditto to above;
  190. I want to have died | SF 46 (Athenaeus quote integrated into Sappho 94 translated separately) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 16/8/10 and 21/8/10 | S6 residue in blog form;
  191. I want to have died | SF 46 (Athenaeus quote integrated into Sappho 94 translated separately) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16/8/10 and 21/8/10 | S6 residue in blog form;
  192. I want to have died | SF 46 (Athenaeus quote integrated into Sappho 94 translated separately) | Ancient Greek - Latin (original) [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 16/8/10 and 21/8/10 | S6 residue in blog form;
  193. The rest of Sappho | 1.B.i (LP 178 E 95 C 178 SF 47) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16/8/23 and 21/8/23 | S6 residue in blog form;
  194. The rest of Sappho | 1.B.i (LP 178 E 95 C 178 SF 47) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 16/8/23 and 21/8/23 | S6 residue in blog form;
  195. The rest of Sappho | 1.B.i (LP 178 E 95 C 178 SF 47) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16/8/23 and 21/8/23 | S6 residue in blog form;
  196. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho E 31 (title of SF 16) (0:30-0:36, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian ("title", original) [RES] | @BR: 9:17-9:23 + 10:34-11:10 (rec. 21/8/24) | Betw. 16/8 and 21/8/10 | S6 residue found neither in the ≤15/8 SPN1 extracts nor in S5; since this title wasn't in the note, if I made it on the 15th or 16th, I definitely would have put it into S5, where it is not found;
  197. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho E 31 (title of SF 16) (0:30-0:36, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English ("title", original) [RES] | @BR: 9:23-9:29 + 10:34-11:10 (rec. 21/8/24) | Betw. 16/8 and 21/8/10 | S6 residue found neither in the ≤15/8 SPN1 extracts nor in S5; since this title wasn't in the note, if I made it on the 15th or 16th, I definitely would have put it into S5, where it is not found;
  198. The joys of friendship | Sappho E 89 LP 48 C 48 SF 48 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 16/8/10 and 21/8/10 | S6 residue in blog form, save for the missing <> which are added in SP5;
  199. The joys of friendship | Sappho E 89 LP 48 C 48 SF 48 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16/8/10 and 21/8/10 | S6 residue in blog form, save for the typo "Dow" for "Down", fixed in SP3 print, the missing <> which are added in SP5 (well aside from "<you>" which is a blog addition);
  200. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.iv (LP 106 E 148 ll. 5+7 C 106 SF 92) | Ancient Greek - Latin (original) [LTA, RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16/8 and 21/8/10, twk. within 6/9/10, then within 2/11/10 | S6 has «Perrochus ut cum aœdus Lesbius extgernisque…», SP3 prints that as «Maior et ut cum aœdus […]», S7 makes that «Maiorqu', ut cum aœdus […]»; the final version, which is in a separate item, is dated to 6/12/10 by its manuscript on SP4;
  201. The joys of friendship | Sappho E 89 LP 48 C 48 SF 48 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | 22/8/10, poss. twk. within the next day | SP3-print residue in blog form, save for the missing <> which are added in SP5; dated by SD40;
  202. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.ii (LP 46 outside cruces E 56 C 46 outside cruces SF 50) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/8/10 and 23/8/10 poss. twk. within 6/9/10 twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 then on 18/8/23 0:45 | SD41/SP3-print residue in blog form save for «Su molle materasso», changed to «Su materasso morbido» in S9 and to the current form as per post;
  203. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.ii (LP 46 outside cruces E 56 C 46 outside cruces SF 50) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 21/8/10 and 23/8/10 poss. twk. within 6/9/10 twk. betw. 23/8/10 and 2/11/10 then on 5/10/18 at 00:41 | SD41/SP3-print residue as «x And I on a soft mattress / Down my limbs now am going to lie.», changed to «x And on a soft mattress I / Down my limbs now am going to lie.» in S7 and to the current form as per post;
  204. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.ii (LP 46 outside cruces E 56 C 46 outside cruces SF 50) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/8/10 and 23/8/10 poss. twk. within 6/9/10 twk. betw. 23/8/10 and 2/11/10 then on 18/8/23 0:45 | SD41/SP3-print residue in blog form save for the S7 change "molle" -> "mollem", possibly a typo fix;
  205. Even gods celebrate marriages | Sappho E 146 LP 141 C 141(a)+(b) SF 51 | Ancient Greek - Italian (blog) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 21 and 23/8/10 poss. twk. within 6/9/10, twk. within 2/11/10 "then 2/10/23 night" | SD41/SP3-print residue where some SP3 annotations are taken up in S7 and two commas were accepted in blog times;
  206. Even gods celebrate marriages | Sappho E 146 LP 141 C 141(a)+(b) SF 51 | Ancient Greek - English (blog) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 21 and 23/8/10 poss. twk. within 6/9/10 | SD41/SP3-print residue in blog form;
  207. Even gods celebrate marriages | Sappho E 146 LP 141 C 141(a)+(b) SF 51 | Ancient Greek - Latin (blog) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 21 and 23/8/10 poss. twk. within 6/9/10, twk. 29/1/18 14:50 "then 2/10/23 night" | SD41/SP3-print residue both SP3 annotations (āmbrōsĭǣ' and Bibend' adori'̣ exabant -- which is presumably going to Bibend' i' exorabant)are rejected in S7, one was accepted in blog times, and one tweak was made in a buried edit to the post on 29/1/18;
  208. The moon has set | Midnight Poem (Sappho E 111 C 168B SF 52) | Ancient Greek - Italian – [RES] | @Ψ: 1:26-1:43 (rec. 17/4/21) | Betw. 21/8/10 and 23/8/10 poss. twk. within 6/9/10 twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | SD41/SP3-print residue in blog form save for "pur" -> "pure", a change from S9;
  209. The moon has set | Midnight Poem (Sappho E 111 C 168B SF 52) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Sic) | Betw. 21/8/10 and 23/8/10 poss. twk. within 6/9/10 twk. betw. 14/9/12 | SD41/SP3-print residue in blog form save for "Alone my sadnèss I fight", changed to "My sadness alone I fight" on "14/9" as per a 24/9/12 file;
  210. The moon has set | Midnight Poem (Sappho E 111 C 168B SF 52) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 21/8/10 and 23/8/10 poss. twk. within 6/9/101 | SD41/SP3-print residue in blog form;
  211. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.iv (LP 106 E 148 ll. 5+7 C 106 SF 92) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/8/10 and 23/8/10, twk. within 5/1/11 | SP3-print residue with the elision "quand'agli", which is turned to a synecphonesis in S9 (no sign of this in SP5);
  212. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.iv (LP 106 E 148 ll. 5+7 C 106 SF 92) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 21/8/10 and 23/8/10, rwk. 21/12/10 | SP3-print residue;
  213. A few little songs of mine | My love for you (35:35-38:02) | English - Italian (singable) | @TP: 41:41-44:04 (rec. 26/3/22; also, 47:52-50:34 incomplete version rec. 2017) | Start 29/8/10, compl. and twk. 21/2/22 | Verse 1 and chorus 29/8/10, the rest except one section (see post) 26/9/10, the missing section 21/2/22 0:49-0:50;
  214. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 128 LP 126 C 126 SF 83 | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Ψ) | 6/9/10 | Dated by SD42, is also manuscripted on SP3 in a tidied-up form and dates SP3 to within 6/9; it is in blog form on SP3, and in eventually-blog form in the diary;
  215. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 10 LP 32 C 32 SF 10 | Ancient Greek - Italian (fragment 2, remake, @@BR) | 8/9/10 twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | Found in excerpt of SPN1 handwritten on diary, remake inspired by realizing a mistake precisely on 8/9 as I wrote that excerpt, see SD1.xxv; tweak happens in S9 and no trace of it is found on S7, S8, or any OS file before S9, so I assume it's post-OS10 and OS10 is 21/12/10;
  216. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 10 LP 32 C 32 SF 10 | Ancient Greek - English (fragment 2, remake, @@NRR) | 8/9/10 | Found in excerpt of SPN1 handwritten on diary, remake inspired by realizing a mistake precisely on 8/9 as I wrote that excerpt, see SD1.xxv;
  217. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.viii aka SF PN | Ancient Greek - Italian v2 (@@NRR) | 8/9/10 | Same diary SPN1 extract as the previous, see SD1.xxv;
  218. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.viii aka SF PN | Ancient Greek - English (@@NRR) | 8/9/10 | Same diary SPN1 extract as the previous;
  219. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 137 LP 158 C 158 SF 27 | Ancient Greek - Latin (Imperative) [LTA] (@@NRR) | 8/9/10 | The SPN1 extract in SD1.xxv, written into the diary on 8/9/10, mentions this version of the Ancient Greek, and then gives corrections to apply to the Infinitive version's translations to translate the Imperative one; the order I list them in here is the same as the corrections are given;
  220. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 137 LP 158 C 158 SF 27 | Ancient Greek - Italian (Imperative) [LTA] (@@NRR) | 8/9/10 | The SPN1 extract in SD1.xxv, written into the diary on 8/9/10, mentions this version of the Ancient Greek, and then gives corrections to apply to the Infinitive version's translations to translate the Imperative one; the order I list them in here is the same as the corrections are given;
  221. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 137 LP 158 C 158 SF 27 | Ancient Greek - English (Imperative, original) [LTA] (@@NRR) | 8/9/10 twk. within 12/9/10 then on 16/9/23 | The SPN1 extract in SD1.xxv, written into the diary on 8/9/10, mentions this version of the Ancient Greek, and then gives corrections to apply to the Infinitive version's translations to translate the Imperative one; the order I list them in here is the same as the corrections are given; the tweak from within 12/9 is seen already in SPN1, and indeed it is SPN1 that dates it, by mistakenly (or not) reporting the full translation of this with a slight difference in each line; the re-tweak of l. 2 from 16/9/23 is another version of that first part of l. 2;
  222. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 112 LP 154 C 154 SF 53 | Ancient Greek - Latin (Full moon, updated) [LTE] (@@BR) | 8/9/10 | The change from blog to updated is annotated on SP3, and is found both produced and rejected in the SPN1 extract from 8/9/10 written into SD1.xxv;
  223. Even gods celebrate marriages | Sappho E 146 LP 141 C 141(a)+(b) SF 51 | Ancient Greek - Latin (blog, @@BR) | 9/9/10 | SD1.xxvi dates it and gives it piece by piece (line by line); of course, some of it is recycled, but it's from a different text with a different meter (even though l. 3 is recycled though it doesn't scan with the new meter…);
  224. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 114 LP inc. 16 C inc. 16 SF 54 | Ancient Greek - Italian (intruder) [RES] (@@NRR) | 10/9/10 | SD43 offers a manuscript which, with a bit of a mess, reaches the blog form; a tidied-up manuscript is found on SP3; curiously, S7 miscopies and gets «Danzavan le Cretesi donne» instead of «Danzavan le Cretesi in ritmo», which is only fixed in S9; should I count that as a tweak that S7 made and S9 undid?
  225. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 103, C 140(a) SF 62 (mourning song) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | 10/9/10 | Dated by SD1.xxvii, during which day I assume I manuscripted it on SP3, in blog form though starting l. 2 as «Percuotiamoci, donne» and then fixing and completing the blog form; present in S7;
  226. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 103, C 140(a) SF 62 (mourning song) | Ancient Greek - English (Original, @@BR) | 10/9/10 twk. within 2/11/10 | Dated by SD1.xxvii, during which day I assume I manuscripted it on SP3; present in S7 in blog form (including the semicolon after a-dying, which is the "twk. within 2/11); the manuscript is almost in blog form, unsure between «and rend your clothes» and «rend your nice clothes» in l. 2, hence why I say "possibly tweaked", because that choice was made within S7;
  227. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 114 LP inc. 16 C inc. 16 SF 54 | Ancient Greek - English (intruder) [RES] (@@BR) | 10/9/10 twk. within 2/11/10 | SD1.xxvii has a manuscript which eventually reaches blog form, save for l. 2 which is «The lovely altar, with their feed thus to the ground»; the manuscript on SP3 shows the tweak, which is otherwise an S7 residue;
  228. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.iv (LP inc. 5 l. 3 E 96 C inc. 5(c) SF 55) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | 10/9/10 | SD1.xxvii dates it, I assume I manuscripted it on SP3 as I wrote that diary extract;
  229. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.iv (LP inc. 5 l. 3 E 96 C inc. 5(c) SF 55) | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ) | 10/9/10 | SD1.xxvii dates it, I assume I manuscripted it on SP3 as I wrote that diary extract;
  230. The rest of Sappho | 1.F.i (LP 151 E 141A C 151 SF 57) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@BR) | 10/9/10 (SD1.xxvii) | Diary aside, it's manuscripted in SP3, gains the final period in S7, and is there in blog form;
  231. The rest of Sappho | 1.F.i (LP 151 E 141A C 151 SF 57) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@BR) | 10/9/10 (SD1.xxvii) | Diary aside, it's manuscripted in SP3, capitalizes "notte" in S7, and is there in blog form;
  232. The rest of Sappho | 1.F.i (LP 151 E 141A C 151 SF 57) | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ) | 10/9/10 (SD1.xxvii) twk. within 2/11/10 | Diary aside, it's manuscripted in SP3, changes dark-eyed to black-eyed in S7, and is there in blog form;
  233. The rest of Sappho | 1.D.ii (LP 128 E 101 C 128 SF 60) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@NRR) | 10/9/10 (SD1.xxvii) | Date is from diary, translation is otherwise manuscripted on SP3 in S7 form, aka blog form;
  234. The rest of Sappho | 1.D.ii (LP 128 E 101 C 128 SF 60) | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ) | 10/9/10 (SD1.xxvii) | Date is from diary, translation is otherwise manuscripted on SP3, modulo punctuation, in S7 form, aka blog form;
  235. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 69 LP 54 C 54 SF 64 | Ancient Greek - Latin (original, @@NRR) | 10/9/10 (SD1.xxvi) | In the SPN1 extract the fragment gets discussed and translated to Latin; the manuscript form on SP3 is the same as S7, save for clamydem, which should be chlamydem and had an afterthought h in the manuscript; there's also the final period which is an S7 introduction;
  236. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13 SF 7 | Ancient Greek - Latin (libation, final) [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 16/8/10 and 12/9/10, poss. twk. within 2/11/10 | S7 residue referenced in the SPN1 extract from SD1.xxix, which is after the 10/9 one of SD1.xxvii;
  237. Even gods celebrate marriages | Sappho E 146 LP 141 C 141(a)+(b) SF 51 | Ancient Greek - English (SPN) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 11/9/10 and 13/9/10 | So, SD1.xxvi doesn't have this translation, so it's not from 9/9/10; however, it's found in SPN1, so it's from within 13/9; why is it in HS3? Because; I really have no strong argument here; that assumption from SD1.xxix is to be challenged, since it's clear that copying that 9/9 extract involved making the full translations appear in SPN1 and making the English one on the fly; so Idk when it was made, but since the chance of 13/9 when the range is 11-13 is lower than it being before 13, I go with that :);
  238. HS4

  239. A few last poems | Final couplet of Shakespeare's Sonnet 12 | English - Italian (@@PC) | Either 16 or 17/9/10; diary doesn't mention this, so I cannot say more; placing this before the next few because it may have happened on 16/9;
  240. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 3 | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - Italian rhyming hendecasyllabics (@@Cl) | 17/9/10 | Diary has three lines of this done in the morning of 17/9/10 and the rest (along with the next two items) done that afternoon with alternate line «Megistia: alle Termopili morì», fixed to the present version in the night between 18/9 and 19/9;
  241. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 1 | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - Italian rhyming hendecasyllabics (@@Cl) | 17/9/10 | Diary has this as done in the afternoon of 17/9; note that the "Qui" at the beginning of l. 1 was a last addition after writing the rest of the line;
  242. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 2 | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - Italian rhyming hendecasyllabics (@@Cl) | 17/9/10 | See above;
  243. A cover for Sappho translations (also at Hymn to Aphrodite) | song: Cover of my Sappho fragments file (3:01-3:16) (older version) | 17/9/10 | Ancient Greek - Italian (Original) | @TP: 3:36-3:51 (rec. 1/2/24) | Date given in Corpus of poetry by me (where it is an intruder, like the English version); placed it after the previous three because the diary only says «pransus, p. cartones off facio, interim traductiones terminant» (after lunch, after the cartoons I do my homework, finishing the translations in the meantime», so they're supposed to be after the 14-15 cartoons, whereas the 17/9 file with the cover translation is dated to 17:02 for its last edit, which seems like it would be rather far from lunch and cartoons; unfortunately the diary mentions no merenda, otherwise if these translations were finished before that then certainly that would be before 17:02; considering the cover is also found in the CorPoM, the corpus of my poetry, which is said to have been updated after the homework («Sæpe pseudodormivi philosophizans, ergo iaceo alqd nil faciens, inde CorPoM», i.e. I often pseudo-slept as I studied philosophy, so I lie down a bit doing nothing, then [update the] CorPoM), it seems plausible that I did the epigrams while doing HW, and the cover while updating CorPoM, which was updated 17:44;
  244. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 144, C 158D SF 119 (Timad epigram) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@BR) | Start night betw. 13 and 14/9/10, ll. 1-2 compl. 27/10 save for one word in l. 2 from 28/10, twk. from 29/10/10 lost but recovered 12/6/22, compl. within 2/11/10, twk. within 11/11/10 | Start as per diary, ll. 1-2 etc. as per q.poem, completion is SP3 manuscript and S7 residue, with l. 4 in the form «Cǣdērē căpĭtīs pūlchrăm ămīcǣ cŏmăm» which is then fixed in an annotation on SP3 dated "3/11 gymn" (3/11/10 during PE class) and printed into SP4, which thus has the blog form except for the tweak from 29/10 which was recovered from the q.poem on 12/6/22;
  245. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? (also found at here, at least temporarily) | Sappho E 3 LP 34 C 34 SF 3 (stars and moon) | Ancient Greek - Romagnolo (@@NRR) | Prob. 24/9/10, twk. 19/11/10, l. 3 remade 16 or 17 or 18/7/17 | Found in file called "composita_23-25.9", dated 2010, marked therein as noctu, so it's either the night between 22 and 23, or any up to the one between 25 and 26; I guess I can place it in the 23-24 night, given it's between something started 24/9 and something started 24/9;
    diary has manuscript dating itself to «Noctu in lect p 0:00 forsit inter 23 et 24/9» (At night in bed after midnight, perhaps between 23 and 24/9/10), and then reports it at the end of 23/9, prefaced with «In lecto haud prosequor at, cogitans exercere dialectum Sappho vertens, cogito id utile solum ut aviæ Sappho communicem. Ergo pauca vertere statuo, quæ ei possunt interesse, ut forsit» (In bed I don't continue [doing Idk what] but, thinking of exercising my dialect [i.e. Romagnol] by translating Sappho, I think that is only useful to communicate Sappho to my grandmother [who speaks Romagnolo as her native language; why not to grandpa as well?]. Therefore I decided to translate few [fragments], which can interest her, like perhaps [this fragment]);
    the lost line «Quând, pína, lòm d’argẽt piò tânt la-s dôna» doesn't make the blog translation a remake; I will edit the original of that line in; the date for that line's remake is provided by FTN22;
    nascònd was replaced with arpõna based on dad's suggestion on 19/11/10, as per diary «[…] in parco, inde rediens patri dico versionem romagnolicam fragmenti III Sapphus: / / Al stëll atôran a ch'la bëla lôna / Prëst la lus d'la su fàza al nascònd / Quând, pína, piò tânt lòm d'argênt la-s dôna / Pr''e nòstar mònd. / / Qui cum "nascònd" audit, "agl'arpôna" suggerit» (in the park [of Giussano for some event], then coming back I tell dad the Romagnolo translation of Sappho's fr. 3 [this one] [insert Romagnolo version], and he, upon hearing "nascònd", suggests "agl'arpôna"); actually, I wasn't immediately on board, because I thought of the rhyme scheme, but then I realized the usual rhyme scheme of these things is AAAB, so arpôna rhymes with the other two hendecasyllabics as usual, whereas originally I'd rhymed nascònd with the short final line; I believe that whole thought process occurred that night;
  246. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C/SF 1) | Ancient Greek - French (@@BR) | Stanzas 1-4 1/10/10, stanzas 5-7 11/1/2011, twk. 12/1/11 evening, then twk. betw. 16/8/2012 and 3/9/2012, minor tweaks in blog times | So this is a bit of a mess; the initial version, aka version 3, has a detailed history in OS15:
    • It starts with 4 undated stanzas, but the metadata say the file is created on 1/10/10 at 16:19, and the diary confirms the date with «P. lit lat 4 strophas hymni ad Aphroditem in Gallicam verto liguam. ~6 ceno» (After Latin literature HW, I translate 4 stanzas of the Hymn to Aphrodite to French. I dine around 6»;
    • The rest is placed on 11;
    • 12/1/2011 is only mentioned as a source of evening tweaks;
    The last two items are probably copied from q.poem, see the German translation several entries below; a file created 16/8/12 and edited 3/9/12, which is a corpus of translations of other poets by me, and is the same as the 24/9/12 file the post mentions, has variants of stanzas 3-5 coinciding with version 5, and then version 6 only does a couple cosmetic tweaks: remove the final comma from l. 14, and fix Vien to Viens in l. 25; as for version 4, it seems to be a bad attempt at applying these changes to version 3, which is confirmed by annotations on a PDF which basically get us to that version, modulo a couple typo fixes (and one diacritic fix in the German); these annotations were made 16:48-16:53 6/6/17;
  247. Fragments of the Divine Comedy | Writing on the door of Hell (Inferno 3 1-9) | Italian - English (@@PC) | 3/10/10 twk. 23/8/19 and 9/5/21 | Dated to 3/10/10 as per diary reporting the writing and even the edit Factor=>Maker, made in the provess of writing it; the former date of 7/1/11 was due to a file from that date having the history, but no dates within the file; tweaked on 23/8/19 and 9/5/21;
  248. Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta | Aeneid book I l. 33 | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Betw. 13/10 and 20/10/10 | Most likely made as soon as I met the line while studying the Aeneid in school; I have a file with the line in it which was last edited 19/10/10 16:40 which are notes to the text, so I assume the translation dates to a neighborhood of that date; in fact, the manuscript is on a sheet sellotaped between the notes of 13/10 and those of 20/10, so I'm assuming that time range; at any rate, all Vergil translations are listed in a 15/1/11 13:09 "index versionum poeticarum" (index of poetic translations), and the only one marked as "facienda" (to be made) is the opening, so by 15/1 both the others were done;
  249. Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta | Aeneid book IV ll. 15-19 | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Betw. 20/10 and 9/11/10, prob. within 27/10 | This is found in a 9/11/10 21:02 file; assuming I didn't randomly find the passage in the book and translate it, since the notes about the passage are dated 20/10/10, I place it after 20/10; since the manuscript is found on a sheet where notes dated 27/10 are about lines after this passage, I assume I made the translation in the interim;
  250. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13 SF 7 | Ancient Greek - Italian (libation, final) [RES] (@@NRR) | Betw. 23/8/10 and 2/11/10 | S7 residue, but cfr. following item;
  251. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13 SF 7 | Ancient Greek - English (libation, final) [RES] (@@NRR) | Betw. 23/8/10 and 2/11/10, twk. betw. 13/11/10 and 5/1/11 | S7 residue with S9 tweak, too bad there is no trace of it in the OS files; while the text change leading to this is mentioned in SPN1, and is thus from within 12/9, the translation is not explicitly mentioned; it is, however, IMHO likely it did already exist;
  252. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 10 LP 32 C 32 SF 10 | Ancient Greek - Latin (fragment 2, remake) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 8/9/10 and 2/11/10 | Unfortunately missing in excerpt of SPN1 handwritten on 8/9/10 diary where the other remakes are, so it's an S7 residue; since all remakes are inspired by catching a mistake on 8/9, it's from after that date;
  253. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 112 LP 154 C 154 SF 53 (Full moon) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 16/8/10 and 6/9/10, probs. within 30/8/10 (SD1.xxiii) and not on 25 or 26/8/10 (SD1.xx) | SP3-print residue;
  254. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 97 LP 166 C 166 SF 56 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 23/9/10 and 2/11/10 twk. betw. 22/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S7 residue manuscripted in blog form on SP3, except for "di fiori", which turns to "da fiori" in S9, no OS, no SP;
  255. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 97 LP 166 C 166 SF 56 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Sic) | Betw. 23/9/10 and 2/11/10 twk. betw. 22/12/10 and 5/1/11 then 7/10/22 | S7 residue manuscripted in blog form on SP3, except for "find an egg indeed", which turns to "an egg indeed find" in S9, no OS, no SP, and to its current "indeed find an egg" on 7/10/22 as per post;
  256. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.v (LP 133 E 125+126 C 133(a)+(b) SF re-59) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | L. 2 betw. 16/8 and 2/11/10, l. 1 betw. 1/2 and 8/2/11 | L. 2 is an S7 residue manuscripted on SP3, l. 1 is an OS17 manuscripted on SP6 in the form «Andromeda has a quite good bargain made,»;
  257. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.v (LP 133 E 125+126 C 133(a)+(b) SF re-59) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | L. 2 endpoint words betw. 23/8 and 2/11/10 rest betw. 2/12/10 and 9/12/10 twk. within 21/12/10, l. 1 betw. 17/3 and 26/4/11 | L. 2 appears, with only the first and last words, as an S7 residue, basically a transliteration, then appears printed on SP5 (as well as in OS7) as «Sappho, eam plurigaudi' Aphroditen / Quid», and in blog form in OS10 and manuscripted on SP5; l. 1 is an OS22 manuscripted on SP6 in the form «Āc gēssĭt Āndrŏmĕdā nĕgōti͞um pūlchrŭm,»;
  258. The rest of Sappho | 1.D.ii (LP 128 E 101 C 128 SF 60) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Ψ) | Betw. 23/9/10 and 2/11/10 | S7 residue manuscripted on SP3, which only changes punctuation in S7 and is blog otherwise;
  259. The rest of Sappho | 1.D.iii (LP 127 E 129 C 127 SF 84) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Ψ) | Betw. 23/9/10 and 2/11/10 | S7 residue manuscripted in blog form on SP3;
  260. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 143, C 157D SF 118 (Aithopia epigram) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Start after 23/8/10, twk. and compl. within 2/11/10, twk. within 3/11/10, then betw. 3/11 and 12/11/10 (poss. on 12/11) then betw. 2/12/10 and 5/1/11 | This is an S7 residue, but only ll. 1-2 are manuscripted on SP3, meaning the rest is an S7 residue period, and even the second of these lines gets tweaked in S7; the tweak within 3/11 is Di Saünaïadé -> il Saünaïadé, found in S7b and on SP4 print; the tweak within 12/11 is found in epitaffi.doc, a file dedicated to these epigrams and the Thermopylae epigrams, which is dated to 12/11 because, as the diary says, I tweaked some of the epigram translations after completing them on the 11th; then we have two final tweaks in S9 not found on SP5;
  261. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 143, C 157D SF 118 (Aithopia epigram) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 23/8/10 and 2/11/10 twk. within 12/11/10 (probs. close to 2/11 but after 3/11, poss. also on 12/11) | S7 residue tweaked in SP4, a tweak reflected in "epitaffi.doc" (see item above for the dating of this file), hence the 12/11; Latin adds comma after ant' and period at end in S7 vs. SP3;
  262. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 144, C 158D SF 119 (Timad epigram) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 23/8/10 and 2/11/10 twk. within 2/11/10, then betw. 13/11 and 2/12/10 | S7 residue manuscripted on SP3, l. 4(+) is «con spada di fresco affilata / Chioma graziosa dalle coetane͞e tutt’ebbe tagliata.» in SP3, «con spade di fresco affilate / Chiome graziose delle coetanee tutt’ebbe tagliate.» in S7, and then appears as «con spade di fresco affilate / Chiome graziose le sue coetanee tutt’ebber tagliate.» in OS7, as manuscripted and overlayed on SP4;
  263. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 144, C 158D SF 119 (Timad epigram) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 23/8/10 and 2/11/10 twk. within 2/11/10 then blog-time | S7 residue manuscripted on SP3, l. 3 gets a comma after "dying" in blog times; the change «th’ pretty hair that she carried / With freshly-sharpened blade all from her head fall off made.» -> «th’ pretty hair that they carried / With freshly-sharpened blade all from their heads fall off made.» is from SP3 manuscript to S7, as are the change honoured->honored and the remotion of l. 2's final punctuation;
  264. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 145, C 159D SF 120 (Pelagon epigram) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 23/8/10 and 2/11/10 twk. within 2/11/10 | S7 residue manuscripted on SP3, going Rete->Reti from SP3 to S7;
  265. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 145, C 159D SF 120 (Pelagon epigram) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 23/8/10 and 2/11/10 | S7 residue not manuscripted on SP3;
  266. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 103, C 140(a) SF 62 (mourning song) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Sic) | L. 1 betw. 23/8/10 and 2/11/10, l. 2 betw. 2/12/10 and 30/12/10 (probs. after 21/12) twk. 21/8/21 | L. 1 is an S7 residue manuscripted on SP3; l. 2 is an S9 residue not found on SP5, thus after 2/12/10, but before 5/1/11 because S9; SPN4 antedates that line to before 30/12; the tweak is from blog times;
  267. A cover for Sappho translations (also at Hymn to Aphrodite) | song: Cover of my Sappho fragments file (3:01-3:16) (older version) | Ancient Greek - Latin (Original) | @TP: 3:18-3:33 (rec. 1/2/24) | 2 or 3/11/10 twk. betw. 7 and 17/5/11 | Poem notebook says «3/11 ante comp traduxi Latine strophan copertinæ fragmentorum Sapphus» (On 3/11 in front of the computer I translated the [Sapphic] stanza of the cover of the fragments of Sappho into Latin); this is quite strange because a) OS3 is from 2/11 and has the translation, b) there is a manuscript to this translation, which I'm surprised by since I'd expect "ante computatrum" to mean I wrote it directly on computer, not manuscripted it; my guess would be to trust the metadatum, because I could easily have been confused when I wrote into the poem notebook since it was already in the past (traduxi, not traduco); although the next thing I wrote there is from ≤5/11, so Idk; the tweak is an S12 residue;
  268. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 143, C 157D SF 118 (Aithopia epigram) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 3/11/10 and 11/11/10 poss. twk. on 12/11/10 | "epitaffi.doc" residue manuscripted on SP4, cfr. the other translations of these epigrams for this file;
  269. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 145, C 159D SF 120 (Pelagon epigram) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 3/11/10 and 11/11/10 poss. twk. on 12/11/10 | "epitaffi.doc" residue manuscripted on SP4, cfr. the other translations of these epigrams for this file;
  270. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 97 LP 166 C 166 SF 56 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Sic) | Betw. 23/9/10 and 2/11/10 twk. betw. 22/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S8 residue manuscripted in blog form on SP4, except for «In loc'aliquo» for l. 4, fixed in S8 where it is blog, aside from tupo foribu' which is fixed in S9, no OS, no SP; well, this also appears in OS7 in S8 form;
  271. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 99 LP 121 C 121 SF 75 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 3/11 and 13/11/10, twk. betw. 21/12 and 5/1/11 then 20/8/24 18:23 | S8 residue manuscripted on SP4, tweak is S9 residue not found in OS10, and then there's blog-time tweaks;
  272. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 99 LP 121 C 121 SF 75 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 3/11 and 13/11/10 | S8 residue;
  273. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 99 LP 121 C 121 SF 75 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 3/11 and 13/11/10 | S8 residue manuscripted on SP4;
  274. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 118 LP 58 C 58 SF 79 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 3 and 13/11/10, twk. within 5/1/11 and after 21/12 (probs. Xmas holidays 2010-2011), then in blog times | S8 residue manuscripted on SP4, tweaked in S9 and in blog times;
  275. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 118 LP 58 C 58 SF 79 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Start betw. 3 and 13/11/10, twk. and compl. within 19/11, twk. within 5/1/11 and after 21/12/10 (probs Xmas holidays), then in blog time | Start is S8 residue manuscripted on SP4, rest is also manuscripted there (save for three lines in the 17/11 entry of the diary), 19/11 diary entry says the English translation is done on that day and then remarks «quod demum adrelinquere possum», i.e. that I can finally abandon the fragment, meaning the translations were all done by then; no OS has them because they ended up printed in the extra pages of SP4 and then in SP5, to then get tweaked in S9 and in blog times;
  276. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 128 LP 126 C 126 SF 83 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 3 and 13/11/10 | SP4-print residue in blog form;
  277. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 128 LP 126 C 126 SF 83 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (Original, @@BR) | Betw. 3 and 13/11/10 | SP4-print residue in blog form;
  278. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 118 LP 58 C 58 SF 79 | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ+Sic) | 19/11, twk. within 5/1 and after 21/12/10 (probs. Xmas holidays '10-'11), then within 17/6/11, then in blog time | 19/11/10 entry of diary says «Traducto Anglice ῎Υμμες πεδὰ Μοίσαν, quod demum abrelinquere possum» (Having at last translated [this fragment], which I can finally abandon), hence the translation date; otherwise SP4 extra pages / SP5 residue; tweaked in S9, S12, and blog times;
  279. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Catullus, LI | Latin - Ancient Greek (@@Cl) | 17/11/10 | Dated by poem notebook from the time;
  280. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Catullus, LI | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | 21/11/10, twk. within 28/8/11 prob. on that day, twk. 1/8/22 and 24/12/22 | Diary on 26/11/10 says «copiai traductionem Græcam et Italicam (quam Lunædie […] feci) Catulli carminis "Ille mi par esse deo videtur"» (I copied the Greek and Italian translation (which I made on Monday […]) of Catullus's poem "Ille mi par esse deo videtur"), 26/11 was a Sat, so Monday was 21/11; poem notebook says «traduco, exeunte et terminato incontro de OD, Italice Catulli “Ille mi par esse deo videtur”» (I translate, during the end of and after the meeting about the [school's] Open Day, Catullus's poem "Ille mi par esse deo videtur" into Italian); the tweak was probably made upon inserting this poem into the Sappho fragments file, which was done on 28/8/11 according to the Paracritical Note; l. 14 was tweaked on 24/12/22
  281. Fragments of the Divine Comedy | Paradise XV, ll. 28-30 | Latin - Italian (@@PC) | 29/11/10 | First tercet, dated as per post (and explicit dating of Dante notebook);
  282. Fragments of the Divine Comedy | Purgatory II, l. 46 | Latin - Italian (@@PC) | Probs. 29/11/10, def. betw. then and 21/12/10, twk. 26/9/21 | It is uncertain whether this was done before or after the previous one, because it appears in the Dante notebook on top of a page within 29/11, right next to the previous one, but higher than it; the lesson after 29/11 is 21/12; I'll just assume this and the previous were both done on 29/11, otherwise I have no way of knowing how to arrange it w.r.t. Sydney and Spenser below; in effect, I have no reason to assume otherwise, since the bracket that marks the previous item as 29/11 probably extends to the whole pagetop, and besides, I don't see how I could have ended up handling that notebook except in class, since there was no need to study for 14/12 IIRC;
  283. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Catullus, LI | Latin - English (@@Cl) | 30/11/10 | Poem notebook says «29/11 noctu in lecto [verto anglice Catulli carmen dequo supra]» (on 29/11 at night in bed [I translate the above-mentioned Catullus poem into English]); given that the diary typically includes a night within the day before it, I assume the same holds for the poem notebook, hence why I date this to 30/11; why the 7/1/11 diary says I finished the translation, Idk; maybe it was incomplete on 30/11? I will eventually come back to implement the version in the notebook, which is omitted in the copied version but I have the paper original;
  284. A sad moon | Sir Philip Sidney, With how sad steps o moon | English - Italian (original, @@PC) | Between 30/11/10 and 14/12/10, twk. 14/12/10 | Dated as per post; English notebook has it annotated on and below the original text, then printed out, and then 14/12 starts; btw, there is a change dated 14/12; in fact, a file from 16:20 on 13/12 has this translation without the 14/12 change and maybe with one other difference from the blog form (see post), and is probably the source of the printout; I'd assume it's done pretty much just after 30/11, if not during class; since it is annotated around the printout and the printout also has class notes around it, I will assume the two were done during the same class;
  285. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 161 LP 115 C 115 SF 104 | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Night betw. 9/12 and 10/12/10, twk. within 21/12/10 then within 5/1/11 | The poem notebook, on the date given, tells us I composed «A che ben, caro sposo, i' t'assomiglio? / Ad un tener germoglio i' t'assomiglio», then «Molto bene a germoglio i' t'assomiglio», noting a "problema metricum" in this version; l. 2 gets fixed in OS10; for l. 1, the form «Chi io ben, caro sposo, a te rassomiglio? / Delicato germoglio ben ti rassomiglio.» is an OS10 residue, and gets "fixed" in S9; note the SP5 manuscript «「A」 che ben, caro sposo, i' ti' rassomiglio? / 「Mo」lto bene a germolle germog…», where 「」 means I can't see that part because it's hidden by the stapling;
  286. I want to have died | Sappho 94 (E 83 LP 94 C 94 SF 88) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Start betw. 13/11/10 and 2/12/10, compl. and twk. probs. within 17/12/10 def. within 21/12/10, twk. within 5/1/11, then betw. June 2017 and 29/1/18, then on 17/9/21 | The first 12 lines are OS7 residues manuscripted on SP4; the rest is also manuscripted on SP4, has the mess of the extra page, and finally is found complete on SP5, hence the 17/12 and 21/12, with one or two annotations there, and then some S9 tweaks, and finally one tweak between the drafting of the post and the post save of 29/1/18 and a last tweak on 17/9/21;
  287. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 36 LP 5 C 5 SF 110 | Ancient Greek - Italian (HS4) [RES] (@@BR) | Stanza 1 betw. 13/11 and 2/12/10, twk. and compl. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 (probs. strictly after 30/12/10) | Stanza 1 is an OS7 residue manuscripted on SP4 with "compite" as the last word; the rest is an S9 residue manuscripted on SP5, where "compite" is annotated to "avverate"; it is not in OS10, thus post-21/12; also, as per SPN4, the discussion of the text was done after 30/12, in the files OS12-OS13;
  288. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.iv (LP 106 E 148 ll. 5+7 C 106 SF 92) | Ancient Greek - Latin (revision, @@BR) | 6/12/10 twk. 20/10/23 | OS10 residue, but it's manuscripted on SP4 with date 6/12 beside it, and with two versions, «Is superans, ut ad externosquid' ut externis cum Lesbiu' cantor…»;
  289. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF re-16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (GW+safopoemas, original) | @BR: 35:30-43:07 (rec. 6/9/24) | Within 20/12/10 twk. within 22/12 | So, this is announced in SPN1/2… but left out! Essentially this amounts to a retranslation of stanza 4 to be incorporated in the GW translations from above, and that retranslation has its first version in OS9 (where it ended with «Così Anattoria lontana il cuore / M’ va a ricordare»; note that the post calls OS9 gungumu.doc, as its filename goes), and its final version in SPN3; SPN1/2 first presents the new text of the stanza, and says «As for the translations, here they are: [blank]»; it's unclear whether, at the time of SPN1/2, the translations were yet unmade, or were made but for some reason I didn't include them, perhaps because the duplicate that eventually became SPN3 was for whatever reason made just before including said translations; the other intermediate OSs and the files don't tell us anything, because this thing was always tucked away in the Paragritical Note until S9 first includes it in the files, and the "sapphus nova" only deal with stuff from the files;
  290. Memory and being remembered | Edmond Spenser, One day I wrote her name upon the strand | English - Italian (@@PC) | Between 14/12 and 21/12/10 | Dated as per post; English notebook unfortunately doesn't give us anything, since those are the dates of two English classes, and on 14/12 we met the poem and on 21/12 the poem was translated already; since the first written version appears before the printed notes of 14/12, and after then there is a printout of it with annotations, I'd guess the translation is from max 16/12; for the sake of ordering, I will go with the assumption this is from 14/12, even though the class notes that I had for Sidney aren't a thing for this translation, which isn't even annotated around the original; also, last tweak 26/9/21 1:21;
  291. O Atthis! | Sappho E 86 LP 96 C 96 SF 97 | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | 6 lines on 16/12/10, up to l. 33 on 21/12, compl. within the following day, twk. within 20/5/12 (prob. after 19/5/12) and 29/8/21 | A poem sheet has the manuscript of ll. 1-6 in blog form, right before a 16/12 thing, and the previous sheet also ends on a 16/12 thing; another manuscript of these lines is found on SP5, same form except l. 6 is changed from «e gioiva in tuo cantare» to «e gioia 'n t'udir cantare», a change I neglected or just forgot about; the other side of the same sheet says «21/12 a Tonani rediens verto cuncta vertibilia poetice fragmenti “Αριγνώτα” Italice et ultimum versum reconstruere Græce termino.» (on 21/12 coming back from Tonani [my homeopathic doctor living near Bergamo while I was in Brianza] I translate to Italian all that is poetically translatable of [this fragment] and I finish reconstructing the last line of Greek); whatever I wrote this on is not available to me at the moment (probably buried in a bunch of sheets I will eventually go through, or just forgotten in the closet), but OS10 (21/12) has the first 30 lines, and I'll assume there was no change between this journey and the file; I assume either I wrote them on something, or just did them in my mind and wrote them directly OS10; I'd go with the former though, because otherwise I'd probably have dated them in OS10; at any rate, they are in the current form save for lines 6 (fixed in T1), 19 (fixed on blog), 20 (fixed on blog), and 30, which presumably just has a forgotten word; OS11 completes the translation with the inmetricality of l. 33 mentioned in the post's trivia, which seems to have been resolved in T1, but was a bogus text part so I removed it on the blog on 29/8/21;
  292. I want to have died | Sappho 94 (E 83 LP 94 C 94 SF 88) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Start betw. 2/12/10 and probs. 17/12/10 def. 21/12/10, compl. and twk. within 5/1/11 | SP4 has manuscript of first few lines, then says "done up to line 27", then the extra page has ll. 1-27 with very few differences, and the manuscript of the last tercet; all of that has to be considered SP5 residue, however, because that is the only thing we have bounds for, hence the 17/12 and 21/12; SP5 leaves only one difference from the blog version, which is fixed in S9;
  293. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.iv (LP 82(a) E 115 C 82(a) SF 76) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 2/12/10 and 21/12/10 twk. 30/9-1/10/22 | SP5 residue (thus before 21/12) manuscripted in SP4 but with no overlay; now, the 2/12 diary says «adjorno traductiones Sapphus» (I update the translations of Sappho), which I interpret to refer to a "bricolage" job tied to OS7; indeed, the overlays of SP4 coincide with the translations in OS7, save for the extra inserted pages added to update the translations of Beautiful gifts of the muses, so I'm assuming OS7 is a complete update of the Sappho translations done up to 2/12, and since this is not there and has no overlay, this must be from past 2/12; the placement relative to the next item is due to said item not being in SP5 while this is; the placement w.r.t. the previous item is completely arbitrary, perhaps subconsciously guided by grouping Sappho with Sappho; the notebook of my poems apparently contains fragments inserted into it someday in December, maybe that will help me place this; hope to find it…
  294. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 160 LP 117 C 117 SF 103 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 13/11 (prob. 20/12) and 21/12/10 twk. within 5/1/11 | The form «O lieta sposa» is an OS10 residue, and gets "fixed" in S9;
  295. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.xv (LP 104(a) C 149 LP 104(a) SF 95) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@BR) | 21/12/10 twk. the next day | A poem sheet says «21/12 ad lect iens» (21/12 going to bed) followed by manuscript of this translation, in OS11 form save for "ha disperso" -> "disperse"; OS11 is blog for Ancient Greek and Italian; speaking of the text:
    • It starts out as «Ἔσπερε, πάντα φέρηις, ὄσα φαίνολις ἐσκέδας' αὔως, / φέρηις ὄιν, / φέρηις αἶγα, φέρηις ἄπυ μάτερι παῖδα.» in S1;
    • It changes its four ηι to ῃ in S(P)2;
    • OS5 has it as «Έσπερε πάντα φέρων όσα φαίνολις εσχέδασ' αύως / φέρρες όϊν, φέρες αίγα, φέρες (δ') άπυ μάτερι παίδα.» as rectified from safopoemas's «/έσπερε πάντα φέρων δσα φαΐνολις ¿σχίδασ' αδως φέρ-ρες δϊν, φέπες αίγα, φέρες (δ') α"πυ μάτερι παΐδα.», then has BA(?)'s «Ἔσπερε, πάντα φέρηις, ὄσα φαίνολις ἐσκέδασ’ Αὔως, / φέρηις ὄιν, / φέρηις αἶφα, φέρηις ἄπυ μάτερι παῖδα.», Cox's «Cox: Ϝέσπερε, πάντα φέρων, ὄσα φαίνολισ ἐσκέδασ᾽ αγωσ, / φέρεισ οἴν, φέρεισ αἶγα, φέρεισ ἄπυ ματέρι παῖδα.», and Campbell's «Ἔσπερε, πάντα φέρων, ὄσα φαίνολις ἐσκέδασ' Αὔως, / †φέρεις ὄιν, φέρεις† αἶγα, φέρεις ἄπυ μάτερι παῖδα.»;
    • It gains a (δ') before the last two words in OS6; its absence in OS4 and the OS6 fragmenta discutienda table is perplexing;
    • OS10 has the same as OS11 aside from l. 1 ending in comma rather than high dot;
    • By OS11, it's in blog form;
  296. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF re-16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English (GW+safopoemas, original) | @BR: 48:05-51:55 (rec. 6/9/24) | Within 22/12 | So, this is announced in SPN1/2… but left out! Essentially this amounts to a retranslation of stanza 4 to be incorporated in the GW translations from above, and that retranslation first appears in SPN3; SPN1/2 first presents the new text of the stanza, and says «As for the translations, here they are: [blank]»; it's unclear whether, at the time of SPN1/2, the translations were yet unmade, or were made but for some reason I didn't include them, perhaps because the duplicate that eventually became SPN3 was for whatever reason made just before including said translations; the intermediate OSs and the files don't tell us anything, because this thing was always tucked away in the Paragritical Note until S9 first includes it in the files, and the "sapphus nova" only deal with stuff from the files;
  297. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF re-16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (GW+safopoemas) | @BR: 25:38-34:12 (rec. 6/9/24) | Within 22/12 | SPN3 residue, cfr. previous item for more;
  298. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.i (LP 81(b) E 117 C part of 81 SF 78) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@BR) | 28/12/10 twk. within 5/1/11 | A poem sheet says «Illa nocte [28/12] It et Lat verto “Sỳ dĕ̀ stĕphánŏiś”» (That night [between 28/12 and 29/12] I translate [this fragment] to Italian and Latin); the original forms are both based on SP5 manuscripts; the Italian is fixed to blog form in S9, the Latin there still has two differences, one fixed on 18/9/21 as per post, and one in a post edit from the next day;
  299. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.i (LP 81(b) E 117 C part of 81 SF 78) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@BR) | 28/12/10 twk. within 5/1/11 | A poem sheet says «Illa nocte [28/12] It et Lat verto “Sỳ dĕ̀ stĕphánŏiś”» (That night [between 28/12 and 29/12] I translate [this fragment] to Italian and Latin); the original forms are both based on SP5 manuscripts; the Italian is fixed to blog form in S9, the Latin there still has two differences, one fixed on 18/9/21 as per post, and one in a post edit from the next day;
  300. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 72 LP 56 C 56 SF 69 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@NRR) | Made and twk. betw. 2/12/10 and 30/12/10 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5 and not found in OS7, but SPN says that by 30/12 anything before SF 90 that wasn't the Latin translations of SF 69 and 70 was done;
  301. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 72 LP 56 C 56 SF 69 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (Original, @@BR) | Made and twk. betw. 2/12/10 and 30/12/10 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5 and not found in OS7, but SPN says that by 30/12 anything before SF 90 that wasn't the Latin translations of SF 69 and 70 was done;
  302. Love and grief | Sappho E 98 LP 57 C 57 SF 70 | Ancient Greek - Italian ("Rustic woman" reconstruction A, @@NRR) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 30/12/10 poss. twk. within 5/1/11 | S9 residue, manuscripted on SP5 as «Qual rustica donna affascina -> il cuor t'affascina, / 'Na rustica veste indossando pesisma» (last line = blog), and not found in OS10, but SPN says that by 30/12 anything before SF 90 that wasn't the Latin translations of SF 69 and 70 was done;
  303. Love and grief | Sappho E 98 LP 57 C 57 SF 70 | Ancient Greek - English ("Rustic woman" reconstruction A, @@BR) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 30/12/10 poss. twk. within 5/1/11 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5 (with no h on the Oh) and not found in OS10, but SPN says that by 30/12 anything before SF 90 that wasn't the Latin translations of SF 69 and 70 was done;
  304. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 67 LP 125 C 125 SF 73 | Ancient Greek - Italian (original) [RES] (@@NRR) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 30/12/10 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5, never tweaked until the remake; before 30/12 because of SPN4 saying that, by then, everything up to SF90 was translated except SF69 and SF70 were lacking the Latin, and this is SF73;
  305. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 67 LP 125 C 125 SF 73 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] | @TP: 3:08-3:16 (rec. 4/6/23) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 30/12/10, twk. 18/5/23 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5, never tweaked until blog times; before 30/12 because of SPN4 saying that, by then, everything up to SF90 was translated except SF69 and SF70 were lacking the Latin, and this is SF73;
  306. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 67 LP 125 C 125 SF 73 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] | @TP: 3:25-3:34 (rec. 4/6/23) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 30/12/10 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5; before 30/12 because of SPN4 saying that, by then, everything up to SF90 was translated except SF69 and SF70 were lacking the Latin, and this is SF73;
  307. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.iii (LP 102 E 135 C 102 SF 90) (4:38-4:52, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 30/12/10 twk. 18/4/24 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5; before 30/12 because of SPN4 (see previous item);
  308. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.iii (LP 102 E 135 C 102 SF 90) (4:38-4:52, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (Old final, @@BR) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 30/12/10 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5; before 30/12 because of SPN4 (see two items above);
  309. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.iii (LP 102 E 135 C 102 SF 90) (4:38-4:52, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (Manuscript and Old final, @@Ψ) | Made and twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 30/12/10 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5 in a different version (hence "twk."); before 30/12 because of SPN4 (see two items above);
  310. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 152 LP Alc. 304 C 44A SF 96 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12 and 30/12/10 poss. twk. within 5/1/11, twk. 17/9/21 13:5 | S9 residue not in OS10, before 30/12 because of the SPN whatever number comment;
  311. Sappho: two divine epiphanies | E 40 LP 17 C 17 SF 111 | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@BR) | 31/12/10 twk. within 5/1/11 | Manuscripted in SP5, dated by the digitized poem notebook's integration to the paper version with the diary confirming two stanzas on 31/12 and leaving the margin for the rest to be done in bed that night, tweaked to blog form in S9;
  312. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E "155,156"+158 LP 112 C 112 SF 99 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue; ll. 1-4, with some differences, are manuscripted on SP5, where l. 5 is still unintegrated, hence the missing translation I suppose;
  313. O Atthis! | Sappho E 86 LP 96 C 96 SF 97 | Ancient Greek - English (@@BR) | Ll. 1-6 night betw. 5/1/11 and 6/1/11, rest within 9/1/11 | The first lines are dated to that night by a poem sheet, but curiously appear in S9 in blog form; the rest is an S10 residue in blog form;
  314. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 114 LP inc. 16 C inc. 16 SF 54 | Ancient Greek - Latin (intruder) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 13/11/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue;
  315. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.iv (LP 82(a) E 115 C 82(a) SF 76) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 9/12/10 and 5/1/11, twk. 4/9/22 | S9 residue (thus before 5/1/11) manuscripted on SP5 residue (thus after 9/12); doesn't appear in OS files;
  316. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.iv (LP 82(a) E 115 C 82(a) SF 76) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 9/12/10 and 5/1/11 | Ditto to above;
  317. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 72 LP 56 C 56 SF 69 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Made and twk. betw. 30/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5 and not found in OS7, but SPN says that by 30/12 anything before SF 90 that wasn't the Latin translations of SF 69 and 70 was done;
  318. Love and grief | Sappho E 98 LP 57 C 57 SF 70 | Ancient Greek - Latin ("Rustic woman" reconstruction A, @@Ψ) | Betw. 30/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5 and not found in OS10, but SPN says that on 30/12 the Latin translations of SF 69 and 70 weren't done;
  319. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 148 (part 1) LP 111 C 111 SF 91 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Made and twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11, twk. betw. 9/1/11 and 1/2/11 and on 30/10/17 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5, first tweak is OS16/S11 residue annotated on SP6;
  320. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 148 (part 1) LP 111 C 111 SF 91 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Made and twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11, twk. 30/10/17 | S9 residue manuscripted on SP5;
  321. O Atthis! | Sappho E 86 LP 96 C 96 SF 97 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (Old translation, @@BR) | Ll. 1-6 betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 twk. in that period, ll. 26-end betw. 5/1 and 1/2/11, rest 10-11/2/11 twk. within 14/2, twk. betw. 22/6/12 and 27/6/12, then 19/9/21, 25/9/21, and 6/10/21, and 2/1/24 | First lines are S9 residue manuscripted on SP5, the second part is S11 residue perhaps manuscripted on poem notebook or poem noteblock (haven't bothered to check), the rest is found on the poem noteblock and then possibly tweaked in OS19, the other tweaks are in T1 and in blog times;
  322. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 154 ll. 1-3 (4-6 invented) LP 110a C 110(a) SF 98 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11, twk. 8/2 or 9/2/11, then betw. 7/5 and 17/5/11, then betw. 25/6 and 28/8/11, then 12/9/22 and 17/9/22 | S9 residue not found in OS10, the tweaks are from OS18, S12, S19, and blog times, and all change l. 2 save for the apostrophe added to L. 3 in S12;
  323. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 154 ll. 1-3 (4-6 invented) LP 110a C 110(a) SF 98 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 twk. 17/9/21 | S9 residue not found in OS10, l. 2 changed in blog times;
  324. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 161 LP 115 C 115 SF 104 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue in blog form, manuscripted on SP5 as «T'whom, o my lovèd bridegroom, can I well compare thee? / To a delicate sapling I willsure well compare thee.», and not found in OS10;
  325. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 161 LP 115 C 115 SF 104 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue in blog form, with l. 1 manuscripted on SP5 as «Cui te, sponse amate, canam bene parem?», and not found in OS10;
  326. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 163 LP 113 C 113 SF 106 | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 twk. betw. 1/2/11 and 8/2/11 | S9 residue not found in OS10 and manuscripted on SP5; as a residue, it has the original form [Tu si’ lieto,͜ o fortunato:], which gets fixed in OS17;
  327. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 36 LP 5 C 5 SF 110 | Ancient Greek - English (HS4) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 (probs. after 30/12/10) | S9 residue not in OS10; as per SPN4, the discussion of the text was done after 30/12;
  328. Hector and Andromacha | Sappho 44 (E 63+66, LP 44, C 44 SF 121) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Lacunas and part 2 l. 1 partial betw. 30/12/10 and 5/1/11, part 1 l. 4 and l. 5 partial betw. 8/1/11 and 9/1/11, lines before betw. 1/2/11 and 8/2/11, compl. betw. 7/5 and 17/5/11, poss. twk. in blog times, def. on 3/1/24 | These are residues of S9, S10 (not in OS14), OS17, S12, possible tweaks in blog times will be left to the post to narrate, if there are any;
  329. The rest of Sappho | (LP 42 E 16 C 42 SF b) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (original, @@Ψ) | Betw. 9/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue not in SP5 (even the fragment wasn't there);
  330. Love and grief | Sappho E 122 LP 129 l. 2 C 129(b) SF c | Ancient Greek - Italian (fragment c) [LTF,RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 13/11/10 (probs 21/12/10) and 5/1/11 | S9 residue not found in any OS;
  331. Love and grief | Sappho E 122 LP 129 l. 2 C 129(b) SF c | Ancient Greek - English (fragment c) [LTF,RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 13/11/10 (probs 21/12/10) and 5/1/11 | S9 residue not found in any OS;
  332. Love and grief | Sappho E 122 LP 129 l. 2 C 129(b) SF c | Ancient Greek - Latin (fragment c) [LTF,RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 13/11/10 (probs 21/12/10) and 5/1/11 | S9 residue not found in any OS;
  333. Love and grief | Sappho E 13+15 LP 26 C 26 SF re-12B-and-15 (23:12-24:11, rec. 3/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (combo 2) | @BR: 12:24-13:42 + 14:52-15:01 (rec. 3/8/24) | Start betw. 9/12/10 and 5/1/11, compl. betw. 14/2 and 17/3/11 | The retranslations of SF 12B and 15 included in here are S9 residues, while the rest is an OS21 residue manuscripted on SP6 in OS21 form save for «–u–x a' quali –u–x», which is fixed to «–u– a' quali u–u–x» already on the manuscript;
  334. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 100 LP 148 C 148 SF ac | Ancient Greek - Italian (Untweaked) [RES] (@@BR) | L. 1 betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11, rest betw. 9/1 and 1/2/11 | L. 1 S9 residue, rest is manuscripted and overlayed in SP6 and an S11 residue;
  335. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.v (LP 104(b) E 32 C 104(b) SF at) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue with no manuscript or OS occurrence, presumably done during the Xmas holidays, also because the fragments with letters in place of numbers were probably only added to the file during those holidays;
  336. Love and grief | Sappho E 124 LP 129 l. 1 C 129(a) SF bb | Ancient Greek - Italian (fragment bb) [LTF,RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue not found in any OS;
  337. Love and grief | Sappho E 124 LP 129 l. 1 C 129(a) SF bb | Ancient Greek - English (fragment bb) [LTF,RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue not found in any OS;
  338. Love and grief | Sappho E 124 LP 129 l. 1 C 129(a) SF bb | Ancient Greek - Latin (fragment bb) [LTF,RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue not found in any OS;
  339. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | Sappho E 29 LP 163 C 163 SF bc | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue not found in any OS;
  340. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | Sappho E 29 LP 163 C 163 SF bc | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue not found in any OS;
  341. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | Sappho E 29 LP 163 C 163 SF bc | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | S9 residue not found in any OS;
  342. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Sappho C 213B SF bl (extra papyrus from UPDATE 2) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11, twk. 2/9/21 14:44 | Text and translations are S9 residues, with the Italian in the original version but with "sembra" in place of "sembro"; the tweak is from blog times; now let me address the text of the commentary; S9 doesn't integrate ἴλ[ιγγος or τ[άδε, with consequent noncompletion of the translations; OS16/S11, so between 8/1 and 1/2, complete not τ[άδε, but t[ῇδε, translated i[llic c[olà and t[here; OS17 from 8/2 is what gives us τ[άδε and its translations; as for ἴλ[ιγγος, it is an S18 residue manuscripted on SP7, translations included (Italian not on SP7, English "þe spinniŋ");
  343. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Sappho C 213B SF bl (extra papyrus from UPDATE 2) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | Text and translations are S9 residues, modulo the comments on the commentary given above;
  344. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Sappho C 213B SF bl (extra papyrus from UPDATE 2) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | Text and translations are S9 residues, modulo the comments on the commentary given above;
  345. Sappho: two divine epiphanies | E 40 LP 17 C 17 SF 111 (@@NRR) | Ancient Greek - English | 7/1/11 twk. within 9/1/11 then btw. 1/2/11 and 17/5/11 and on 19/9/21 | A "poem sheet" sellotaped to the notebook has stanza 1 of this, then "Hist studens franciæ incept[um] / 7/1 / Eo die f.poem. II stampans 12:30" (started while studying the history of France / on 7/1 / That day while printing two poem sheets at 12:30), then stanza 2 of this, so those two stanzas must be 7/1 or "eo die" wouldn't make sense, and the previous thing being dated to 5/1 has no bearing on this; it continues with "Ipso die in lecto, reconstructa postridie mane" (Same day in bed, reconstructed the following morning), then the rest of the manuscript, and concludes with "Alqd et scribens ~13:05 recons[truxi]" (I also reconstructed a bit as I wrote this at about 13:05); the S10 version only differs from the final one in two places: one is fixed in S12, the other fix was dated by the post;
  346. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 152 LP Alc. 304 C 44A SF 96 | Ancient Greek - English (@@Sic) | Ll. 1-4 night betw. 9 and 10/1/11, compl. betw. 9/1 and 1/2/11 twk. 17/9/21 13:58 and 29/8/21 at 12:49 | Completion is S11 residue, alongside some tweaks to that part in the manuscript which is found on SP6; other tweaks as per post;
  347. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C/SF 1) | Ancient Greek - German (@@BR) | 12/1/2011 twk. betw. 16/8/2012 and 3/9/2012, minor tweaks in blog times | Ditto to above, except the history places this all on 12/1/11; more specifically, the q.poem (as well as OS15) has:
    • Stanzas 5-6 of French (several entries above);
    • L. 1 of this in the form «Untödliche Aphrodite riches Thron,»;
    • Ll. 1-2 of last stanza of French;
    • L. 1 of this as «U. Aphr. mit richem Thron»;
    • Last two lines of French;
    • L. 1 of next entry;
    All that as 11/1 in lct, so 11/1/11 in bed, meaning the following night; the precise history reflects this, but unfortunately reports the whole rest of the French before any date, and the metadata of 1/10/10 seem unbelievable to me – but the diary confirms them; it then says that there were French tweaks in the following evening, and completes the German, with tweaks and the completion of stanza 1 on 12/1, l. 5 «afterwards in bed», and the rest on 13/1, between ~17:18 and the evening;
  348. O Atthis! | Sappho E 86 LP 96 C 96 SF 97 | Ancient Greek - German (first two tercets only) (@@TP) | L. 1 11/1/11, ll. 2-3 25/1/11, ll. 4-6 within 28/8/11 | The first line is manuscripted on the poem notebook and dated there, the rest of the tercet is found on the poem noteblock and dated there (cfr. previous entry), both parts being reported in OS15; the other tercet is just not found; I looked through the whole noteblock, and came back empty-handed; I looked for old files, and the oldest record I can find is S19, hence "within 28/8/11"; I'm assuming this was either completed near the completion of tercet 1, or near the point where I put it into the S files, which is Aug 2011, because coming back to this random-ass tercet with all the stuff I had going seems like something that's either close to when the tercet was done, so that it's still in memory, or is triggered by seeing it in the file for the German and French Hymn; the absence of a manuscript, if it's not an artefact of me missing it in the noteblock (my handwriting is messy and there's all sorts of stuff on that noteblock), suggests I either wrote it on some other support (one of the printouts? One of the many loose sheets I have yet to analyse (common meter)? A random-ass sheet stuck in some place upstairs which I will probably never find? A random notebook?), or directly into a file that was then lost to the famous broken Hard Disk;
  349. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 36 LP 5 C 5 SF 110 | Ancient Greek - English (HS4, @@BR) | Stanza 1 13/1/11, compl. 19-21/1/11, twk. within | Stanza 1 «13/1 hora historiæ» (13/1 during history class, thus in the morning), the rest is from 19-20/1 till the night betwen 20 and 21, as described in the post; the HS4 form is an S11/OS16 residue;
  350. Partner’s beautiful… | W. Shakespeare, Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? | English - Italian (@@PC) | 13 and 21/1/2011 | Dated as per post; for the placement relative to the previous, note that the start of this translation is «13/1 nct in lct et prius lct adiens», so 13/1 going to bed and then in bed perhaps going on into the night;
  351. Fragments of the Divine Comedy | Paradise VII, ll. 1-3 | Latin - Italian (@@PC) | 22/1/11, rw. 26/8/12 and 10/8/18 | Second tercet, explicitly dated by Dante notebook on top of the first page of that day, then reworked 26/8/12 and 10/8/18; who knows what started first, this one or the following translation;
  352. Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta | Opening of the Aeneid | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | 22 23 and 25/1/11 twk. 23/5/24 | Dated by a file containing the history of this translation;
  353. Fragments of the Divine Comedy | Inferno 1 1-12 | Italian - English (@@PC) | Start 30/1/11, compl. 6/2/11 | «I have a file dating part of this to 29/1 and part to 6/2, so where does the 29/11 come from? I mean, OK, there are translations from 29/11, but they are of another group than this one! Why would I think they should be from the same period? No idea… at any rate, it's also in my "quaternum poematum" (poem notebook) in the middle of Jan 2011 stuff, so no doubt, 29/1», and then you realize that this q.poem. actually places it on 30/1, because it says 29/1, then proceeds with stuff, then says "postridie" (the next day), and then has this translation;
  354. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 58 LP 50 C 50 SF 101 | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@BR) | Night betw. 31/1/11 and 1/2/11 except last two words the following morning, punct. twk. 1/2/11 | Manuscripted on the t.poem as «Visu, pulcher i’ qu’ unum adest, ita sol’ erit; / Qui bonu’st quoque, pulcher erit statim etiam is.», dated to "31/1 nct in lct" (night between 31/1 and 1/2/11 in bed), except for the last two words of l. 2, dated "postridie mane scribens" (the next day in the morning while writing [the composed parts]); the change from ; to , at the end of l. 1 is an OS16/S11 residue;
  355. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 148 (part 1) LP 111 C 111 SF 91 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (Pre-blog and Blog, @@BR) | Betw. 9/1 and 1/2/11 twk. 30/10/17 | OS16/S11 residue manuscripted on SP6, showing that even the English originally had "Hymenæum" for the refrain, and was then modified to "O Hymenæum" the second time it was written (i.e. l. 2 of the manuscript has no "O" while l. 4 does);
  356. Hector and Andromacha | Sappho 44 (E 63+66, LP 44, C 44 SF 121) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Lac. 1 and part 1 ll. 1-12 betw. 9/1/11 and 1/2/11, rest up to part 2 l. 8 within 8/2/11, lines before betw. 1/2/11 and 8/2/11, compl. 8/2 or 9/2/11, twk. betw. 7/5 and 17/5/11 and then in blog times | These are residues of S11, OS17 (which lists the part 2 bit and then the whole of part 1), OS18, S12 (minimal punctuation tweak), and the blog-time tweaks are left to the post;
  357. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 35 LP 3 C 3 SF g (Edmonds version) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | L. 1 prob. 1/2/11 def. betw. 9/1/11 and that, rest 16/4/11, twk. betw. 10/6 and 11/6/11 then on 20/9/21 | The first line "Esse daturum" is a weird thing; it appears in S11 from 1/2/11, but doesn't appear either in S10 from 9/1/11 or in OS16 from 1/2/11; the main-line Sappho files place it clearly; its absence from OS16 suggests to me that I did it in the file after I made OS16; the timestamps are even weirder, since OS16 was modified 14:54 and S11 was modified at 14:52; the rest is dated by the diary, and was presumably written directly on SP6 where its manuscript is found; a small tweak (tuos amicos -> tuos amicosqu') was made between S14 (10/6) and S15 (11/6), and then undone on the blog on 20/9/21;
  358. A few last poems | Ellens dritter Gesang verse 1 (aka Schubert's Ave Maria, text by Adam Storck, music by Franz Schubert) | German - Italian (@@PC) | 6/2/11, tweak 21/2/11;
  359. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E "155,156"+158 LP 112 C 112 SF 99 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (Original, @@BR) | Betw. 1 and 8/2/11 twk. 17/8/21 13:40 | OS17 residue;
  360. The rest of Sappho | (LP 42 E 16 C 42 SF b) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Sic) | Betw. 1/2 and 8/2/11 | OS17 residue not in S11 manuscripted on SP6 with ei instead of OS17's eis (probably a mistake);
  361. The rest of Sappho | (LP 42 E 16 C 42 SF b) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Sic) | Made and twk. betw. 1/2 and 8/2/11 | OS17 residue not in S11 manuscripted on SP6 with "were turned" instead of OS17's "did turn";
  362. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 35 LP 3 C 3 SF g (Edmonds version) | Ancient Greek - Italian – RES (older mid-post translation, @@BR) | L. 1 betw. 1/2/11 and 8/2/11, rest 10/3/11 twk. within 17/3/11 then on 2/10/22 and 16/5/23 | L. 1 "Ch'egli darà" is a residue of OS17, thus placed between 1/2/11 (S11/OS16) and 8/2/11 (OS17); the rest is found in the poem noteblock and dated by it, so that's where the manuscript is from; it is from right after I deciphered the fragment, btw; any old-time tweaks made to this appear in OS21, and were thus made within the date of that (17/3); the other two tweaks are blog-time stuff;
  363. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 35 LP 3 C 3 SF g (Edmonds version) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | L. 1 betw. 1/2/11 and 8/2/11, first complete stanza 16/4/11, rest within 26/4/11, twk. 20/9/21 and 16/5/23 | L. 1 "–u will give" is a residue like the l. 1 of the Italian above; stanza 1 is dated by the diary to after I completed the Latin; actually, there's probably also two lines of the next stanzas done then, since they are manuscripted on SP6 as the first stanza is; the rest is in OS22, in blog form save for the tweak made on the blog on 20/9/21 after its twin done to the Latin and the 16/5/23 tweak;
  364. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 154 ll. 1-3 (4-6 invented) LP 110a C 110(a) SF 98 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | 8/2/11 or 9/2/11, twk. 17/9/21 | OS18 residue tweaked in blog times;
  365. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E "155,156"+158 LP 112 C 112 SF 99 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | 8 or 9/2/11 twk. 17/9/23 17:38-39 | OS18 residue;
  366. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 100 LP 148 C 148 SF ac | Ancient Greek - English (Lost) [LTG] (@@BR) | 10/2/11 per poem noteblock;
  367. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 100 LP 148 C 148 SF ac | Ancient Greek - Italian (tweaked) [LTE] (@@Ψ) | The tweak to l. 2 is from just after the previous item;
  368. Sappho: two divine epiphanies | E 40 LP 17 C 17 SF 111 | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@BR) | 14/2/11 twk. within the next day then on 4/9/21 and 25/9/21 | OS20 residue absent in OS19, so between 14/2 and 15/2; the SP6 manuscript would put it on 14/1/11, with the first two lines «Inter exitum ad oratorium prænotandum cenamque» (between going out to reserve the oratorio [for my birthday party] and dinner), three more lines «in doccia» (under the shower), and the rest «His scriptis a ~21:40» (having written this and starting around 21:40); the problem is that the "exitum" of the first two lines is dated to 14/2 by the diary, and making the first two lines about a month after the rest makes no sense; since moreover we have OS19 from 14/2 15:44, OS18 from 9/2, OS17 from 8/2, OS16 from 1/2, and even S11 from the same date, none of which have any trace of this, I'm assuming I wrote "1" instead of "2", and this is all from 14/2; OS19 was done just before the exitum, I suppose; at any rate, by OS20 we have the blog version, save for a typo and a change; the former is fixed in a 25/9/21 edit to the post, and the latter in a 4/9/21 edit;
  369. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 152 LP Alc. 304 C 44A SF 96 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 9/2 and 14/2/11 | OS19 residue with typo "cacumibe" only fixed in the post;
  370. Contrast: Donne’s reaction to parting | J. Donne, Valediction | English - Italian, sextains of enneasyllabics (@@PC) | Dated to 28/2/11 by a self-sent email;
  371. Contrast: Donne’s reaction to parting | J. Donne, Valediction | English - Italian, quatrains of hendecasyllabics (@@PC) | Dated to 1-2/3/11 as per post; English notebook has variant, will edit it in and update this item if needed;
  372. Hector and Andromacha | Sappho 44 (E 63+66, LP 44, C 44 SF 121) | Ancient Greek - English (@@BR) | Part 1 ll. 8-12 night betw. 2/3 and 3/3/11, part 1 ll. 13-17 and partial 18 night betw. 3/3 and 4/3, rest betw. 7/5 and 17/5/11, twk. in blog times | The dated parts are dated by SE9, the rest is an S12 residue, blog-time tweaks will be left to the post to narrate, if there are any;
  373. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 37 LP 15 C 15 SF i | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 14/2/11 and 17/3/11 | OS21 residue not on OS19 but manuscripted on SP6;
  374. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 37 LP 15 C 15 SF i | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 14/2/11 and 17/3/11, twk. 5/10/24 1:18 | OS21 residue not on OS19 but manuscripted on SP6;
  375. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 37 LP 15 C 15 SF i | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 14/2/11 and 17/3/11 | OS21 residue not on OS19 but manuscripted on SP6;
  376. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.v (LP 104(b) E 32 C 104(b) SF at) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 16/2/11 and 17/3/11 | OS21 residue manuscripted on SP6 in the form «Omnium pulcherrimus astrûm» and fixed to blog form in OS21, no occurrence in the tacuinum poematum;
  377. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.v (LP 104(b) E 32 C 104(b) SF at) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 14/2/11 and 17/3/11 | OS21 residue manuscripted on SP6 in blog form, no occurrence in the tacuinum poematum;
  378. Love and grief | Sappho E 13+15 LP 26 C 26 SF re-12B-and-15 (23:12-24:11, rec. 3/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English (original version) [RES] | @BR: 17:58-18:14 + 19:05-20:56 (rec. 3/8/24) | Betw. 14/2 and 17/3/11 twk. betw. 24/5 and 10/6/11 | OS21 residue with last line in given form (the original one is from the times of fr. 12B at post end), except for «I love most, me harm, and make me bleed», an inmetrical line which gets fixed in S15; manuscripted on SP6 in OS21 form, except l. 1 is missing and the fr. 12B and fr. 15 parts are "copy" with the modification to the first one;
  379. Love and grief | Sappho E 13+15 LP 26 C 26 SF re-12B-and-15 (23:12-24:11, rec. 3/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (original version) [RES] | @Ψ: 24:16-25:17 (rec. 3/8/24) | Betw. 14/2 and 17/3/11 | OS21 residue manuscripted on SP6 in OS21 form, except "Maxime" in l. 3 (fixed to Maxume in OS21) and the apparently missing omnium of the same line;
  380. Another poem by Donne | J. Donne, Batter my heart (religious sonnet) | English - Italian "pseudo-sonnet" (@@PC) | 23-24/3/11;
  381. Un paio di classicate accoppiate a caso | Ovid, Metamorphoses, I 1-4 | Latin - Italian [LTB] (@@Cl) | 1/4/11 | Glued to the Latin literature notebook between the notes of 1/4 and 2/4/2011, thus made in the afternoon of 1/4 (since there is no mauscript of it in the notebook, and I assume I would have made it in that class and not in another);
  382. Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta | Horace, Epistulæ, book I, 8 | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | 6-7/4/11, twk. btw. 25/5/11 and 21/9/12, then 7/7/22 | A full history of this dates it to 6-7/4/11, placing its completion before the start of the next one; there are a couple subjunctives that were indicatives all the way to 25/5/11 17:43 but up till no later than 21/9/12 14:57; twk. 14/12/23;
  383. Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta | Horace, Odes, book II, 10 | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Stanzas 1-2 7/4/11 twk. prob. betw. 14/4 and 28/4/11, rest prob. betw. 14/4 and 28/4 def. within 25/5/11, twk. btw. June 2011 21/9/12 | The 7/4/11 16:58 "index versionum poeticarum" lists it as neither facienda nor complenda nor terminanda nor anything of the likes, but I can date only the first two stanzas to that day, and the second one is different from the blog version; in fact, a printout sellotaped to the notebook between 14/4 and 28/4 has the older second stanza and no rest of the poem, which suggests the manuscript on said printout is from after 14/4, and probably within 28/4 since I bet by then we were done with the poem; one could make the case that the printout ended up there to avoid being in the middle of 7/4; there was a tweak anywhere past 25/5/11 17:43, given the version in a file with that timestamp has a line that is different from the blog version; a collection of translations last edited 21/9/12 14:57 has the tweak; the tweak is not found in what is the last printout from that year, so I assume it dates to after the end of the lessons, which I conveniently put in June; the 17/4/11 diary does say «Cum inde abeunt omnes sursum versiones ultimas Sall. et Hor. et Aug comparo et stampatis termino app Ah copiare» (then as everyone's leaving, upstairs, I prepare the last translations of Sallust and Horace and Augustine and, having printed them, I finish copying the Art history notes), but I'm not sure what this refers to; I'd guess it refers to the printout where a bunch of this translation gets manuscripted, thus postdating the manuscript to after 17/4, but the mention of Sallust and Augustine seems to suggest they may have been prose translations? Or maybe it's both, the Sallust-Augustine duo going into one notebook and the Horace being what I said and going into another notebook?
  384. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 42 LP 21 C 21 SF k | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/3/11 and 21/4/11 twk. 1/5/22 | Appears in blog form in OS22 (26/4, preceded by OS21 from 17/3), tweaked in blog times; OS23 lists it as to be translated to English and Latin and it's created on 21/4, so by 21/4 this was done;
  385. A prayer to avert stormy journeys | Sappho E 41 LP 20 C 20 SF j | Ancient Greek - Italian (original) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 17/3 and 26/4/11, twk. betw. 9/6 and 10/6/11, then 20/9/21 and 8/10/21 | OS22 residue in blog form save for three lines: «[Tema d’] venti [f]orti li na͜uti [serra:» changed 8/10/21, «[Ch’i’ ’n tempesta non] debba [ma͜i] salpare» changed 20/9/21, and «Se però nello scor]rente corteo [marino», which loses its però in S15;
  386. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 51 LP inc. 5 v. 2 C inc. 5(a) SF r | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/3 and 25/4/11 | OS22/OS23 residue, i.e. an OS22 residue which OS23 in its very first page (which should be dated to its creation date of 25/4) doesn't even mention;
  387. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 51 LP inc. 5 v. 2 C inc. 5(a) SF r | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/3 and 25/4/11 | OS22/OS23 residue, i.e. an OS22 residue which OS23 in its very first page (which should be dated to its creation date of 25/4) doesn't even mention;
  388. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 51 LP inc. 5 v. 2 C inc. 5(a) SF r | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/3 and 25/4/11 | OS22/OS23 residue, i.e. an OS22 residue which OS23 in its very first page (which should be dated to its creation date of 25/4) doesn't even mention; the SP6 manuscript reads «Sed nolisne tu gloriare velis t' anulo tuo»;
  389. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.xiv (LP 155 E 121 C 155 SF be) (incomplete text) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/3/11 and 26/4/11 | S12/OS22 residue not manuscripted on SP6;
  390. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.xiv (LP 155 E 121 C 155 SF be) (incomplete text) | Ancient Greek - English (@@BR) | Betw. 17/3/11 and 26/4/11 | S12/OS22 residue not manuscripted on SP6;
  391. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.xiv (LP 155 E 121 C 155 SF be) (incomplete text) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/3/11 and 26/4/11 | S12/OS22 residue not manuscripted on SP6;
  392. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.viii (LP 144 E 55 C 144 SF az) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Night betw. 27/4/11 and 28/4/11, twk. that night | SE4 residue; curiously OS24 starts exactly with the fragment reported after this one by SE4, which also includes the Donne translation just below; this is also in SE4, but the order here is due to the tacuinum poematum, which also tells me that this was originally translated as «Having Gorgo been satisfied / Well», and the been-well switch happened after I did the next 3 items;
  393. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.viii (LP 144 E 55 C 144 SF az) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Night betw. 27/4/11 and 28/4/11 | SE4 residue found in tacuinum poematum; cfr. above for order;
  394. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.viii (LP 144 E 55 C 144 SF az) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Night betw. 27/4/11 and 28/4/11 | SE4 residue found in tacuinum poematum; cfr. above for order;
  395. A prayer to avert stormy journeys | Sappho E 41 LP 20 C 20 SF j | Ancient Greek - English (@@BR) | Night betw. 27/4/11 and 28/4/11, twk. within 28/4, compl. and twk. within 7/5/11 | From tacuinum poematum, completed (for the complete stanzas) and tweaked in SE4, completed and tweaked in OS24;
  396. Another poem by Donne | J. Donne, Batter my heart (religious sonnet) | English - Italian sonnet (@@PC) | 28/4/11 | For ordering w.r.t. other stuff from SE4, I follow SE4's order;
  397. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 78 LP 145 C 145 SF ak | 28 or 29/4/11 | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Ψ) | Dated by folia poematum to "28/4 in lct just after the second and third quatrains of the previous item, which means I made it in the night between 28/4 and 29/4 while I lay in bed;
  398. Let’s sing for the couple! | Sappho E 47 LP 30 C 30 SF o | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@BR) | 1/5 at night, around 2:00, while going to the beatification of Pope John 2; only one difference from the blog version, the line «Sen di viola; tu con i => daï non sposati», fixed by OS24 (7/5);
  399. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 43 LP 24(a) C 24(a) Sf l | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@BR) | Original version just after the previous, blog version within 7/5/11 (OS24), except for «[Quel che quasi vecchie s]i ha in pensiero» which gets fixed between 24/5 (S13) and 9/6 (S14);
  400. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.iv (LP 122 E 107 e.g. C 122 SF ai) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 26/4/11 and 4/5/11, twk. betw. 17/5 and 24/5 | OS24 residue not listed as to-be-made in OS23, so between that file's date and the previous OS file's, i.e. OS22's; tweak "legentem"->"quæ legit" is OS28/S13 residue;
  401. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 42 LP 21 C 21 SF k | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 1/5/11 and 4/5/11, as it appears in blog form in OS24; OS23 lists the fragment as «k en e lat (Ai dĕ́ mŏi gálaktŏś ĕpábŏl’ ẽskĕ)», which was presumably the status on 21/4, but then adds «F vertendum lat», removing the English; this file was last edited 4/5/11;
  402. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 43 LP 24(a) C 24(a) SF l | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (Without P.Oxy. 2166(a)7a, @@BR) | Betw. 26/4/11 and 4/5/11, twk. betw. 24/5 and 9/6/11 then in blog times | OS24 residue, OS23 in its very first list shows it only to be translated to Italian and English (vertendum it en); l. 2 originally «Quǣ sĕnēctūtēm prŏpĕ m]ēmĭnīssĕ», changed in S14, and "ista" in l. 3 changed to "illa"… well, the post says «The Latin originally had īstă in l. 3, but then on 20/9/21 at 19:37 I realized it didn't really fit, and presumably changed it to īllă, a change that was definitely on my mind on 25/9/21 at 1:16/17 as I typed this sentence»;
  403. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.iii (LP inc. 11 E 73 C inc. 11 SF u) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Ψ) | Betw. 26/4 and 4/5/11 | OS24/S12 residue in blog form, last list in OS23 shows it as to be translated to English and Italian but not Latin, so by that file's date (4/5) the Latin was done; p. 1 of the file lists the Latin as to be done, but the file is created on 26/4, so maybe that wouldn't help me even if I could date each page…; the SP7 manuscript starts with cursivelocem which is then replaced by cursicelerrimam;
  404. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.iii (LP inc. 11 E 73 C inc. 11 SF u) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Betw. 4/5 and 7/5/11 | OS24/S12 residue in blog form, last list in OS23 shows it as to be translated to English and Italian but not Latin, so by that file's date (4/5) English and Italian weren't done; the manuscript on SP7 is also in blog form;
  405. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.iii (LP inc. 11 E 73 C inc. 11 SF u) | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ) | Betw. 4/5 and 7/5/11, twk. same range, twk. undone on 26/1/24 | See previous; both S12 and the manuscript on SP7 add the «t'» w.r.t. the OS24 form (where it reads «I taught Hero», not «I taught t' Hero»); no idea why I did that, but I rejected this on 26/1/24 at 16:03;
  406. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 100 LP 148 C 148 SF ac | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 4/5/11 and 7/5/11 | OS24 residue which OS23 lists as yet to be made;
  407. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 78 LP 145 C 145 SF ak | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (Original, @@BR) | Betw. 26/4 and 4/5/11 poss. twk. within 7/5 | Ditto to above;
  408. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 78 LP 145 C 145 SF ak | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (Original, @@Ψ) | Betw. 26/4 and 4/5/11 poss. twk. within 7/5 | OS23/OS24 residue, i.e. OS23 says that it was done within its end date of 4/5, and OS24 has it in blog form, but it isn't in OS22 from 26/4, hence the dates;
  409. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.iii (LP 100 E 105 C 100 SF y) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 28/4/11 and 7/5/11 | OS24 residue not in SE4;
  410. The rest of Sappho | (LP 135 E 122 C 135 SF z) | Ancient Greek [RES] (@@NRR) | Betw. 28/4/11 and 7/5/11 | Ditto to above;
  411. The rest of Sappho | (LP 135 E 122 C 135 SF z) | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ) | Betw. 28/4/11 and 7/5/11, twk. betw. 23/3/13 and 17/6/17 probs. close to 17/6/17 | Ditto to above; originally with an elided "th' swallow", inmetrical, probably typo, fixed in S22, and I'm guessing that the change happened in a review of all fragments when the blog was open;
  412. The rest of Sappho | (LP 135 E 122 C 135 SF z) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@BR) | Betw. 28/4/11 and 7/5/11 | Ditto to above;
  413. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.iii (LP Alc. 347(b) E 94 C Alc. 347(b) SF aa) | Ancient Greek - Italian (untweaked) [RES] (@@BR/@@Ψ) | Betw. 4/5/11 and 7/5/11 | OS24 residue specifically mentioned as untranslated (in fact, to be understood) by OS23; manuscripted on SP6 in blog form, originally with "cadendo" subsequently overwritten with the blog's "volando", with overlay tweaking it;
  414. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho LP 71 C 71 SF w | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | First two lines and last line betw. 28/4/11 and 7/5/11, compl. 16/6/11, twk. within 25/6/11 | Ll. 1-2 and last one are OS24 residues not found in SE4, the completion is from OS30=OS32, but with the variant «Ămīcĭt[ĭām –uu] Lēctā'st tĭbĭ Pēnthĭlēăm», which gets fixed in OS35 aka S18;
  415. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.v (LP incc. 21+17 not in E C incc. 21+17 SF bd) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | L. 1 betw. 28/4 and 7/5/11, l. 2 betw. 9/6 and 10/6/11 | L. 1 OS24 residue, l. 2 S15 residue manuscripted on SP7;
  416. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 43 LP 24(a) C 24(a) SF l | Ancient Greek - English (@@BR) | Night betw. 12/5 and 13/5/11, twk. betw. 24/5/11 and 9/6/11 | Dated by SE7, which dates all its contents to that night; tweak «Near old age, c]onsider [what you can't do;» -> «Till old age, t]hink of [what you wish to do» is S14 residue;
  417. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF re-16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (GW+safopoemas, pre-tesina) | @BR: 44:19-47:55 + 1:00:13-1:02:00 (rec. 6/9/24) | Stanza 6 night betw. 11/5 and 12/5/11, rest betw. 7/5 and 17/5/11 | Stanza 6 is in OS26, which is nothing but the end of SE7, hence the dating; the rest is due to the fact it's an S12 residue not found in OS24; I was previously mystified by stanza 6 being in here, because GW versions usually don't have it, but this safopoemas integration dragged it along apparently :);
  418. John Milton: another lost translation | John Milton, Sonnet 19 | English - Italian [LTA] (@@PC) | Night, either btw. 15 and 16/5 or btw. 16 and 17/5/11 | «16/5 nct», says the English notebook where this is found, i.e. 16/5 at night; not sure if it means the night after 16/5, or before it (i.e. the night between 16 and 17 or between 15 and 16); it appears just before the 17/5 notes, but the previous lesson is way earlier; since the diary usually includes a night within the day before it, i.e. includes a day's bedtime and pre-sleep time within that day regardless of whether or not midnight has passed, I think we can safely assume this is from the night between 16/5 and 17/5;
  419. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 42 LP 21 C 21 SF k | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Sic) | 17/5/11 | Thus dated by folia poematum, any tweak that may have happened to it happened within that day as S12 has the blog form; aside from the typos mănērbet (fixed in SP7 annotation) and ̄ʼllūstrīs, that is, both of which are fixed in S15;
  420. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.v (LP 105(a) E 150 C 105(a) SF 93) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 7/5/11 and 17/5/11 | S12 residue not found in any OS file; at this point I assume the "frammenti mancanti" files only include fragments with letters in place of numbers, and this was a numbered one;
  421. The rest of Sappho | (LP 105(c) E 151 C 105(c) SF 94) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 7/5/11 and 17/5/11 | S12 residue, ditto to above;
  422. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 163 LP 113 C 113 SF 106 | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 7/5/11 and 17/5/11 | S12 residue, see above;
  423. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 163 LP 113 C 113 SF 106 | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 7/5/11 and 17/5/11 | S12 residue, see above;
  424. A prayer to avert stormy journeys | Sappho E 41 LP 20 C 20 SF j | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Sic) | Betw. 7/5/11 and 17/5/11, twk. night betw. 24/6 and 25/6/23 and night betw. 30/6/23 and 1/7/23 | S12 residue manuscripted in manuscript form on SP6, with missing -a on "nauta" only added in S15 and the ipsĕ->ipsă manuscript tweak lost but recovered night betw. 30/6/23 and 1/7/23, which is also when I made a tweak and implemented another one from night betw. 24/6 and 25/6/23;
  425. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.iii (LP 100 E 105 C 100 SF y) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 7/5/11 and 17/5/11 | S12 residue;
  426. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.iii (LP Alc. 347(b) E 94 C Alc. 347(b) SF aa) | Ancient Greek - Italian (tweaked) [RES,LTE] (@@BR) | Betw. 7/5/11 and 17/5/11 | The tweak appears in the overlay of SP6, which comes from OS24, so it must be done after OS24, hence after 7/5; 17/5 is the date of S12, which is an email attachment sent to mom for printing, i.e. must be SP7, and since when SP7 appeared SP6 ceased to be active, this tweak happened before S12/SP7;
  427. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.iii (LP Alc. 347(b) E 94 C Alc. 347(b) SF aa) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 7/5/11 and 17/5/11 | S12 residue; has typo "flam" instead of "flame" which only gets fixed in S22; manuscripted in blog form on SP6;
  428. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.iii (LP Alc. 347(b) E 94 C Alc. 347(b) SF aa) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 7/5/11 and 17/5/11 | S12 residue; manuscripted on SP6, in blog form save for «Nitet ac per aerasolum» and «struidulumoalûmquid'alum»;
  429. I wish to visit the underworld | E 85 LP 95 C 95 SF ad | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Ll. 3-12 betw. 7/5/11 and 17/5/11, rest betw. 17/5/11 and 24/5/11, twk. 4/9/21 | First bit is S12 residue, second bit is OS28/S13 residue, the tweak is "rore" -> "rore multo", dated by blog, and it's werid I never did that back then, since the line was inmetrical before this tweak;
  430. The rest of Sappho | 1.F.iv (LP 162 E 132 C 162 SF bi) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 7/5 and 17/5/11 | S12 residue not found in OS24 and marked as to-be-done in all translations in OS23;
  431. The rest of Sappho | 1.F.iv (LP 162 E 132 C 162 SF bi) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 7/5 and 17/5/11 | S12 residue not found in OS24 and marked as to-be-done in all translations in OS23;
  432. The rest of Sappho | 1.F.iv (LP 162 E 132 C 162 SF bi) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 7/5 and 17/5/11 twk. betw. 17/5 and 24/5/11 | S12 residue not found in OS24 and marked as to-be-done in all translations in OS23; tweak "quibusnam usa oclis" -> "quibusnam oclis usa" is S13 residue;
  433. Love and grief | Sappho E 124+122 LP 129 C 129(a)+(b) SF re-c-and-bb | Ancient Greek - Italian (poem 1) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 1/2/11 and 17/5/11 | S12 residue not found in any OS; OS23 should contain all the untranslated fragments at 4/5/11, and doesn't mention this or its components; OS24, a "new in Sappho" OS file from 3 days later, doesn't contain the combo either; my guess is that the combo was thought up and translated on the spot, directly into the main-line file; or maybe I didn't consider the combo a fragment? But no, I did call it "fragment re-c-and-bb"; I guess I'll have to scour diary and SPN files to see what comes up; if for some reason I didn't deem it worthy of going into OS23 "missing fragments", then it's from post-7/5 as per OS24;
  434. Love and grief | Sappho E 124+122 LP 129 C 129(a)+(b) SF re-c-and-bb | Ancient Greek - English (poem 1) – [RES] (also @@Sic) | @TP: 4:26-4:48 (rec. 1/7/23) | Betw. 1/2/11 and 17/5/11 | Ditto to above;
  435. Love and grief | Sappho E 124+122 LP 129 C 129(a)+(b) SF re-c-and-bb | Ancient Greek - Latin (poem 1) – RES | @TP: 4:03-4:24 (rec. 1/7/23) | Betw. 1/2/11 and 17/5/11 | Ditto to above;
  436. Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta | Horace, Odes, book I, 11 (aka Carpe Diem) | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | 24/5/11 twk. next day | A "23/3/11 18:00" file with glitched metadata, within itself, dates the whole thing to 24/5, which is definitely 2011; indeed, a 25/5/11 email sent 16:19 dates this to «24/5 vespere [bisciolina]19-19:30:» ("bisciolina" = ~ = approximately), and then gives the tweak «Quanto men puoi t'affida al più avante.» => «Quanto men puoi t'affida a quel più avante.» prefaced by «His scriptis computatro in pausa ab Autocad 25/5 cogito mutare:» (Having written these things [i.e. the chronicle of the rest of the translation's history] on the computer during a break from Autocad [a drawing software we were using as part of school in that period] on 25/5 I think to change:);
  437. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.ii (LP 91 E 116 C 91 SF v) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (Original, @@BR) | Betw. 17/5/11 and 24/5/11 | S13 residue;
  438. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.iii (LP 100 E 105 C 100 SF y) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/5 and 24/5/11 | OS28/S13 residue;
  439. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 100 LP 148 C 148 SF ac | Ancient Greek - English (Blog) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 17/5 and 24/5/11 | OS28/S13 residue;
  440. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | E 108 LP 150 C 150 SF ag | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/5 and 24/5/11 | S13 residue not in OS27, forms the entirety of OS29, which is thus useless since S13 predates it;
  441. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.vii (LP 159 E 75 C 159 SF ah) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/5/11 and 24/5/11 | OS28/S13 residue;
  442. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.vii (LP 159 E 75 C 159 SF ah) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/5/11 and 24/5/11 | OS28/S13 residue;
  443. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.viii (LP 109 E 153 C 109 SF an) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/5/11 and 24/5/11 | OS29/S13 residue;
  444. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.viii (LP 109 E 153 C 109 SF an) | Ancient Greek - English (original) [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 17/5/11 and 24/5/11 | OS29/S13 residue;
  445. The rest of Sappho | 1.F.iii (LP 149 E 141 C 149 SF ao) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/5/11 and 24/5/11 | S13 residue;
  446. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.ix (Not in LP E 133+134 C 168C+missing SF bh) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/5/11 and 24/5/11 | OS29/S13 residue;
  447. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho LP 71 C 71 SF w | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (Final, @@BR) | Betw. 24/5/11 and 9/6/11 | OS28/S14 residue, as are both the integration of τὰν before φιλότατα and the change ἄηδοι->ἄηται;
  448. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.ii (LPC 60 not E SF x) | Ancient Greek - Italian (final) [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 24/5/11 and 9/6/11 | OS28/S14 residue manuscripted on SP7, and honestly I have no idea how the OS31 version wanted to be an upgrade to this;
  449. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 74 LP 120 C 120 SF af | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 24/5 and 9/6/11 | OS28/S14 residue;
  450. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 74 LP 120 C 120 SF af | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Sic) | Betw. 24/5 and 9/6/11 | OS28/S14 residue;
  451. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | E 108 LP 150 C 150 SF ag | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 24/5 and 9/6/11 | OS28/S14 residue;
  452. Different nostalgia: daughter is far away | Sappho LP 98(a)+(b) C 98(a)+(b) SF ae | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | L. 3 betw. 9/6/11 and 10/6/11, ll. 4-6 and half 7 betw. 9/6 and 16/6, ll. 7-11 16/6/11, compl. 17/6/11 | L. 3, the first one containing some text, is an OS29/S15 residue; ll. 4-6 and "Grande invero assai" from l. 7 are in OS30=OS32 marked as "older" (veterius); what I dated to 16 and 17 is respectively in OS30=OS32 and OS33=OS34;
  453. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.ii (LP 103 C 103 E missing SF al) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 9/6 and 10/6/11 | OS29/S15 residue manuscripted on SP7, as are three commas in the Ancient Greek: after θεμένα τὰν, after φόβαισι, and after βυβλίου; the integration of the nu in λύραν, as well as the reading ]ς ἀίοισα in place of ]σαιοισα, are S12, and more specifically OS21, residues, while the integration ἐπιγεγρα[μμένοι is an OS28 residue, and that of ἐς ὄργαν is an S19 residue;
  454. The rest of Sappho | 1.F.iii (LP 149 E 141 C 149 SF ao) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 9/6 and 10/6/11 | OS29/S15 residue manuscripted on SP7;
  455. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.ix (Not in LP E 133+134 C 168C+missing SF bh) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (Original, @@BR) | 9/6 or 10/6/11 | OS29/S15 residue manuscripted on SP7 in the partial form «S'adorna or la terra / Ché 'l servo»;
  456. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.iv (LP inc. 5 l. 2 E 93 C inc. 5(b) SF ax) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 9/6 and 10/6/11 | OS29/S14 residue manuscripted on SP7 with variant "ne l'anima";
  457. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.iv (LP inc. 5 l. 2 E 93 C inc. 5(b) SF ax) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 9/6 and 10/6/11 | OS29/S15 residue | Betw. 9/6 and 10/6/11 | OS29/S15 residue manuscripted on SP7 in the form "Aljam', haud ull' animo devenit ull' animo meo";
  458. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.iv (LP inc. 5 l. 2 E 93 C inc. 5(b) SF ax) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@BR) | Betw. 9/6 and 10/6/11 | OS29/S15 residue | Betw. 9/6 and 10/6/11 | OS29/S15 residue;
  459. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho LP 139 C 139 SF bj | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (@@ΒΡ) | 9/6/11 or 10/6/11 | OS29/S15 residue manuscripted on SP7;
  460. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho LP 71 C 71 SF w | Ancient Greek - Italian [LTD,RES] (Old, @@BR) | Betw. 24/5/11 and 14/6/11 | OS31 residue manuscripted on SP7 with «canta, e con dolce canti» instead of «canta, e canti colla dolce» and «qualche dolce canto» as line-final; this is definitely from before 14/6, but I only have it in OS31 and as a manuscript; OS31 is apparently duplicated from OS27, which didn't have the translation yet, so I assume the translation is post-OS27 and pre-OS31, but I can't date it more precisely; I guess I just forgot to update OS31 to the newer version from S15;
  461. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.ii (LPC 60 not E SF x) | Ancient Greek - Italian (OS31) [LTE,RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 24/5/11 and 9/6/11 | OS31 residue; since the manuscript matches the final version, and only OS31 has this, I think it was supposed to be an update to the now final version which I then lost; how I thought this was better, I have no idea;
  462. Ciàpa la galéina | Ciàpa la galéina (group dance) | Romagnolo - Lombard [LTA] (@@TP) | 15/6/11, as per post;
  463. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.ix (Not in LP E 133+134 C 168C+missing SF bh) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/6/11 and 25/6/11 | OS35 residue manuscripted on SP7 (where l. 1 ends with a period);
  464. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho LP 139 C 139 SF bj | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/6/11 and 25/6/11 | OS35 residue again manuscripted on SP7, S18 for some reason only has its first syllable; for SPN11's sayings, see below; for the order w.r.t. the next item, I follow that of OS35, which is also why this is below the previous item;
  465. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho LP 139 C 139 SF bj | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 17/6/11 and 25/6/11, twk. in drafting post | OS35 residue manuscripted on SP7 in its early form «And m[ay] the Gods who [sheds] no tea[rs very] quickly [pra]ise» appears in S18, current version stems from a tweak made on 24/3/18 shortly after 14 as I drafted the post (screenshots docent); SPN11 would place this in the morning of 10/8/11, but that appears to be misguided, and I'm assuming I filled the wrong hole, so to speak, i.e. I was looking at S17 to reconstruct the dates of the last translations, and saw this hole instead of the hole of 1.E.ii Latin and English, and just assumed this hole was filled 10/8/11;
  466. Barbarizzando Catullo | Carmen 109 "Iucundum mea vita" | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Btw. 4/7/11 and 8/7/21 | There is a file with it and all other Catullus things dated 28/3/11, but the metadata are wrong; indeed, that file is a copy of the "summa auctorum", which the diary reports as entirely made in July 2011, in particular giving the Catullus part of it as done on 4/7 and 6-8/7;
    since the Catullus notebook has no trace of any translation but the one that is still placed in HS3, I'm assuming making that part of the summa included making the translations, and that I made them in the order they appear in the summa, so the non-lost ones first, and then the lost one (carmen 70) while including the notes in the summa; in effect, those notes suggest that this placing is correct, because they have additions to them that weren't in the notebook, and have this Carmen 70 translation and a modification to the HS3 translation;
    given these translations appear in the very beginning of the Catullus part, and the "supportive chant" is dated to "5/7 a letto" (5/7 in bed), thus likely the night between 5 and 6, it seems reasonable to assume I made these before the chant; the lost one is further in the summa, so I place it after the chant;
    the diary seems to suggest 5/7 was 100% math and no Catullus, so splitting the 12 pages of summa over the remaining 3 days one gets 4 pages a day, which makes the Carmen 70 translation fall right in the middle of 6/7; the first page and a half of the summa is the other translations, which are expected to have taken a longer average typing time, but I'd still place that translation on the 6th, just nearer to the end of the day;
  467. Barbarizzando Catullo | Carmen 72 "Dicebas quondam" | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Btw. 4/7/11 and 8/7/11 | Cfr. above;
  468. Barbarizzando Catullo | Carmen 85 "Odi et amo" | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Btw. 4/7/11 and 8/7/11 | Cfr. above;
  469. Barbarizzando Catullo | Carmen 76 "Si qua recordanti" | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Btw. 4/7/11 and 8/7/11 | Cfr. above;
  470. Barbarizzando Catullo | Carmen 101 "Multas per gentes" | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Btw. 4/7/11 and 8/7/11 | Cfr. above;
  471. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | "Supportive chant" (coretto da tifo) | Italian - English [LTA] (@@TP) | 5/7/11, as per post referencing diary;
  472. Barbarizzando Catullo | Carmen 70 | Latin - Italian [LTA] (@@Cl) | Btw. 4/7/11 and 8/7/11, probs. 6/7/11 | This was found as a lost translation in the middle of the notes for Carmen 72 above in the summa (cfr. above), given as a comparandum; cfr. above for the placement and the "probs." part; I am pretty sure this is what got me to Callimachus 25 (cfr. this other post), whence I stole the word τάλαινα for my own song over the Christmas holidays;
  473. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.ii (LP 91 E 116 C 91 SF v) | Ancient Greek - Latin [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 25/6 and 28/8/11, probs. 10/8/11 | S19 residue; see LP 139 Latin and English for the 10/8 date;
  474. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.ii (LP 91 E 116 C 91 SF v) | Ancient Greek - English [RES] (@@Ψ) | Betw. 25/6 and 28/8/11, probs. 10/8/11 | S19 residue; see LP 139 Latin and English for the 10/8 date;
  475. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho LP 71 C 71 SF w | Ancient Greek - English (@@BR) | 10/8/11 morning as per SPN11, manuscripted on SP7 with variant line ending "and I won't let you";
  476. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.ii (LPC 60 not E SF x) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Ψ) | 10/8/11 morning as per SPN11 | Assuming these translations dated by SPN11's last paragraph are listed in the order they were made – except for the very first one, the only one of these to appear in S18 and the reason S18 is dated to 10/8/11; manuscripted on SP7 with alternate line endings «consiliumque comple», «ad corqu'iterum»;
  477. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.ii (LPC 60 not E SF x) | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ) | 10/8/11 morning as per SPN11 | Cfr. above; manuscript version manuscripted on SP7;
  478. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.iv (LP 122 E 107 e.g. C 122 SF ai) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@BR) | 10/8/11 morning as per SPN11, manuscripted on SP7;
  479. The rest of Sappho | 1.I.iv (LP 122 E 107 e.g. C 122 SF ai) | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ) | 10/8/11 morning as per SPN11, manuscripted on SP7;
  480. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.ii (LP 103 C 103 E missing SF al) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Ψ) | 27/8/11 before dinner, as per SPN11;
  481. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.ii (LP 103 C 103 E missing SF al) | Ancient Greek - English (@@BR) | 27/8/11 before dinner, as per SPN11; partially manuscripted on SP7; an unspecified number of lines from the beginning were translated on 10/8, but unfortunately the translations were forgotten, so there won't be an item for this on 10/8;
  482. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.v (LP incc. 21+17 not in E C incc. 21+17 SF bd) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@BR) | 27/8/11 before dinner, as per SPN11;
  483. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.v (LP incc. 21+17 not in E C incc. 21+17 SF bd) | Ancient Greek - English (@@BR) | 27/8/11 before dinner, as per SPN11;
  484. I wish to visit the underworld | E 85 LP 95 C 95 SF ad | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@BR) | 27/8/11 before dinner, as per SPN11;
  485. I wish to visit the underworld | E 85 LP 95 C 95 SF ad | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ) | 27/8/11 before dinner, as per SPN11;
  486. Different nostalgia: daughter is far away | Sappho LP 98(a)+(b) C 98(a)+(b) SF ae | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Ψ) | 27/8/11 before dinner, as per SPN11;
  487. Different nostalgia: daughter is far away | Sappho LP 98(a)+(b) C 98(a)+(b) SF ae | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ) | 27-28/8/11 | Started… well, earlier than that probably, as the first line came so instantly (says SPN11) that it seemed to have been translated earlier, but in any case, up to l. 12 this was translated in bed in the night between 27/8 and 28/8, and the rest was done on 28/8;
  488. HS5

  489. Everlasting | song: Everlasting | Japanese - Italian (Originali, @@Pit) | 14/9/11, twk. betw. 31/10/11 and 28/7/12, then betw. 5/8 and 18/8/12, then night betw. 15 and 16/7/22 | 14/9/11 diary says «Verba musicæ tipicæ Conanis verto, et rhythmicam versionem italicam siglæ et eorum verborum facio» (I translate the words of the typical music of Detective Conan, and make a musical Italian translation of the end credits song and of those words – those words are the next item), so here's the date; first recorded in ZHJA2; ZHJA7 is the last file with the song until ZHJA19, and in ZHJA19 we have a tweak happening; two more tweaks happen in ZHJA23, annotated on a printout of part of ZHJA19; since some ZHJA files have this song and the next two before all Chinese songs, that's the order I'll keep;
  490. Se sei con me | song: Kimi ga ireba | Japanese - Italian (@@Pit) | 14/9/11 twk. within 22/9 then within 25/9, compl. 29/11, twk. betw. 31/10/11 and 28/7/12 | Dated by diary as per above for verse 1, and verse 2 is dated to 29/11/11 by the diary of that date saying «Ultimam partem ex “Kimi ga ireba” verto» (I translate the last part of "Kimi ga ireba"); tweaks happen in ZHJA2, ZHJA3, ZHJA19;
  491. Ti voglio rivedere! | song: Aitai yo | Japanese - Italian (song 1, @@Pit) | Start betw. 14/9/11 and 22/9/11, presumably not 17-19/9, compl. 20/8/12 | First verse first recorded in ZHJA2, and placed after the previous two; diary only mentions Chinese for 17-19/9, hence why this translation is probably not done on those days; the completion is dated to 20/8/12 by the mega-intro;
  492. Do I really have nothing? | song: Shìfǒu wǒ zhēnde yīwúsuǒyǒu? (Year 1 song 3) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | Compl. within 19/9/11, twk that Oct and Nov and betw. 5/8/12 and 18/8/12 | Earliest record in file ZHJA1, tweaks in emails ZHJ1 and ZHJ3, as well as in ZHJA23; the mega-intro I announced various times which I will definitely put into The history of my translations sooner or later, doesn't help me order the two translations of this, so I will use the order they appear in in the old files, i.e. English then Italian;
  493. Do I really have nothing? | song: Shìfǒu wǒ zhēnde yīwúsuǒyǒu? (Year 1 song 3) | Chinese - Italian (@@TP) | Compl. within 19/9/11, twk that Oct and Nov and betw. 5/8/12 and 18/8/12 | Ditto to English;
  494. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - Italian (horridous oldity, @@Pit) | Start betw. 14/9 and 22/9/11, twk. betw. 31/10/11 and 28/7/12 then betw. 2/8/12 and 5/8/12, compl. and twk. within 8/9/12, twk. night betw. 7 and 8/11/21 | So, this was originally translated in a cut-up version as used for the end credits of Detective Conan movie number 4 (IIRC), and this part was translated within ZHJA2; tweaks happened in ZHJA19 and ZHJA22, then the completion happened, together with the last tweaks, in a 8/9/12 file dedicated to the many translations of this song;
  495. Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge | Giacomo Leopardi: L’infinito | Italian - English (@@PC) | Btw. 20/9 and 22/9/11 | Added to 20/9/11 English notes in printed version found before 22/9/11 notes;
  496. Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge | Giacomo Leopardi: Alla luna | Italian - English (@@PC) | Def. no sooner than Sep 2011, twk. 27/8/12 | After the previous and within 15/10/11, probably close (like, super-close, like, within at most 3 days from it) to the previous, I assume, for the sake of ordering; tweaked 27/8/12;
  497. A few last poems | London by Blake | English - Italian (@@PC) | Start 22/9/11, compl. 8/5/12 | First failed attempt on 22/9/11 during English class, then apparently verses 2 and 4 on 22/1/12 and verse 1 on 8/5/12; not sure how to confirm or disprove this fact given by (I assume) my collection of translations of poems;
  498. Barbarizzando Lucrezio | De rerum natura, I, 1-43 ("Proemio") | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Start 23/9/11, compl. and twk. 2/1/12 | First line on 23/9/11 during Lucrece class, two more lines and a word within that afternoon, tweak and up to l. 27 within 21/10, completed 2/1/12 (with a tweak to the new part), more rejected tweaks within 19/4/12;
  499. No greater pain in the world | Non è dolor nel mondo | Italian - English (@@PC/BR) | Start 28/9/11, compl. within 31/8/12 | First verse translated on 28/9/11 (diary docet), rest only within 31/8/12;
  500. Happy Birthday da lontano | song: Happī Bāsudei | Japanese - Italian [RES] (@@Pit) | Start betw. 22/9/11 and 30/11/11, twk. within 28/7/12 and betw. 5/8/12 and 18/8/12, then compl. and possibly twk. within 17/9/12 | ZHJA2 has a literal translation; ZHJA3 doesn't have the song; earliest record of translation ZHJA4; tweaked in ZHJA19 and ZHJA23; this is still the cut-up version used as the credits for Detective Conan movie 1, the completion only happens in ZHJA30; I'm treating it as a ZHJA30 residue except for the fact that file places it before the following Chinese song;
  501. Ocean | song: Dàhǎi (Year 1 song 4) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | Def. betw. surrounding two Chinese songs and within 24/10/11, prob. 28-30/9/11, twk. 25-28/7/12 and 23/12/21 | The order of the songs in the 2011 files clearly places this between My future is no dream below and Do I really have nothing? above; the diary mentions "a new Chinese song" for 28 and 30/9/11; it was sent in in email ZHJ1, so it was translated within 24/10/11; it was tweaked that autumn/winter, then the following summer in ZHJA19, and finally on 23/12/21;
  502. My future is no dream | song: Wǒ de wèilái bù shì mèng (Year 1 song 5) | Chinese - English | @TP: 4:26-6:16 (rec. 18/9/21 | Start no sooner than 15/10/11, compl. 24/10, twk. Oct-Nov & Aug, then 20/6/21, 10/9/18, 18/9/21, 27-28/11/21 | The diary mentions me "starting" this song on 15/10, so I couldn't have translated any of it before then; in email ZHJ1 from 24/10 we have the first recorded complete version; the files are a mess and make tweaks either in Oct-Nov 2011 or later in Aug 2012; then we have tweaks with explicit dates from blog times;
  503. My future is no dream | song: Wǒ de wèilái bù shì mèng (Year 1 song 5) | Chinese - Latin (Original) [LTG] (@@NV) | Shortly after the previous, as per mega-intro;
  504. Even God cries | song: Shàngdì yě kūqì (Year 1 song 6) | Chinese - Italian | @TP: 3:30-5:07 (rec. Sep 2012) | 24/10/11, twk Oct-Nov, within July, Aug | Made during Science class on 24/10/11, tweaked in ZHJA4, ZHJA8, ZHJA9, ZHJA19, and ZHJA23;
  505. Even God cries | song: Shàngdì yě kūqì (Year 1 song 6) | Chinese - English | @TP: 1:48-3:30 (rec. Sep 2012) | 24/10/11, twk. Oct-Nov, within July, Aug | Ditto to Italian, order is based on mega-intro and on the order they appear in in the Science notebook;
  506. Heartache | song: Xīntòng (Mandarin) (year 1 song 7) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 24/10/11, twk. same day, then within 31/10/11, then 25/11/11, then 25/7/12, finally between 8 and 9/4/19, and even on 17/1 and 21/1/23 | Made in Science class on 24/10/11 and tweaked in email ZHJ1, then file ZHJA5, file ZHJA8, then on 25/7 on the printout of the Chinese part of ZHJA19, and finally in the night between 8 and 9/4/19; these last tweaks are in FTN40;
  507. Signore delle cime | song: Signore delle cime | Italian - Chinese (@@TP, @@BBR) | Within 31/10/11, corrected probs 3/11/11 and then twk. within 9/11/11 and on 17/9/18 | First record in ZHJA4, diary says 3/11 is when the corrector came over so we probably corrected it then, email ZHJ8 has further tweaks, and the last one is on 17/9/18;
  508. Signore delle cime | song: Signore delle cime | Italian - English (Original, @@TP/BR) | Within 31/10/11 | Earliest record, again ZHJA4, assuming it was done after the Chinese to help the corrector who didn't speak Italian; since it's not in ZHJ1, I assume it was after the previous (and also because of the order in files); ZHJA4 has no trace of the next, hence the order;
  509. Lone star | song: Gū xīng (Year 1 song 8) | Chinese - English (@@BR) | Start within 31/10/11, compl. 26/11, twk. within 27/11, twk. 25/7, tweaks lost and others made within 18/8/12, twk. betw. 8/5/13 and 9/7/13, then 13/4/19, then 23/4/22 twk. recovery | The first two lines first appear in email ZHJ7 from 31/10/11; this email is from later on 31/10/11 than ZHJA4, where this song doesn't appear, so I'd assume 31/10/11 is the starting date for this thing; maybe I did these two lines just for the email; the completion dates to 26/11/11 and was done during English class; tweaks happened within the 27/11 file ZHJA9, then some were annotated on the printout of ZHJA19 on 25/7 but seem to have been lost by the ZHJA23 file of 18/8, which did tweaks of its own; one of those printout tweaks was recovered 23/4/22, and a tweak occurred in ZHJA33, thus between 8/5 and 9/7/13, and a final one (save for the 23/4/22 recovery) was made on 13/4/19;
  510. Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies | Hú Shì: Liǎng gè huáng húdié | Chinese 5+5-syllable lines - French same meter (@@PC) | 24/11/11 during English class, rwk. betw. 19/12/11 and 31/12, and then on 16/8/18;
  511. Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies | Hú Shì: Liǎng gè huáng húdié | Chinese 5+5-syllable lines - English same meter (@@PC) | 24/11/11 during English class right after the previous, rwk. betw. 19/12/11 and 31/12, and then on 16/8/18;
  512. Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies | Hú Shì: Bìng zhōng dé tā shū | Chinese - English (@@PC) | 24/11/11 during English class right after the previous, rwk. betw. 19/12/11 and 31/12, and then on 16/8/18;
  513. Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies | Hú Shì: Liǎng gè huáng húdié | Chinese 5+5-syllable lines - hendecasyllabics (@@PC) | Betw. 12/11/11 and 9/12/11, prob. betw. 24/11 and 25/11 after the previous, rwk. same as previous | This first appears in ZHJA12 (attachment to ZHJ11), hence why it's from within 9/12/11; if it were from before 12/11, it would presumably be in ZHJ9, which it isn't; as for why prob. betw. 24/11 and 25/11, well, the non-Italian translations are all from 24/11, and on 25/11 the diary states I start work on the next song, so I'd expect the Italian translations to come after the English translations, given by that time I'd already decided to go with English not Italian, and to come before starting work on a new song; if I don't make these assumptions, ordering is impossible;
  514. Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies | Hú Shì: Bìng zhōng dé tā shū | Chinese - Italian (@@PC) | Ditto to previous;
  515. A life has fallen into the darkness | song: Soeng6-dai3 jaa5 huk1-jap1 (Year 1 song 9) | Cantonese - English (@@TP) | 26/11/11, twk. within 9/12/12 and in Xmas holidays within 31/12 then twk. and tweaks lost within 28/7/12 then twk. within 5/8/12 and betw. 8/5/13 and 9/7/13 | Translation made during English class on 26/11/11, then tweaked in ZHJ11, one more tweak in ZHJA15 or ZHJA16, then ZHJA19 loses the changes and makes one of its own, then ZHJA22 makes the change of ZHJA15/16 again, and then the last changes happen in ZHJA33;
  516. Cold sun | song: Lěnglěng de tàiyáng (Year 1 song 10) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 28/11/11 twk. 2/12 and betw. 8/5/13 and 9/7/13 | Done during English class on 28/11/11, tweaked in a 2/12 file dedicated to the song (but probably earlier than 2/12, since they are found on a printout of said file which has rúcǐ dì in place of rúcǐ de, which is what is found in the file and annotated on the printout), then in ZHJA33, thus between its date of 9/7/13 and the latest date of ZHJA32's many incarnations, i.e. 8/5/13;
  517. In our world | song: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11) | Chinese - Italian | @TP: 5:48-6:49 (rec. 27/3/21), older version 2:36-3:40 (rec. ≤14/2/13) | 5/12/11 twk. within 9/12/11 then 19/12/20 and 27/12/20 | Found in the 5/12/11 English class before the below English, in a version that becomes almost the blog version in email ZHJ11, and then gets tweaked, as per the post, on 19/12/20 and 27/12/20;
  518. In our world | song: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11) | Chinese - English | @TP: 4:49-5:48 (rec. 27/3/21), older version 1:29-2:36 (rec. ≤14/2/13) | 5/12/11 twk. 6/12 and within 9/12, then 27/12/20 | Again, English class 5/12, tweak ZHJ11, then tweak 27/12/20;
  519. Realizzerai ogni sogno | song: Anata ga iru kara | Japanese - Italian (vecchiume incompleto) | @TP: 16:12-19:35 (also @@Pit) | 15/12/12 twk. within 17/12, within 31/12, within 28/7/12 | Diary from that day says «Ja song vert It e 2a trv testo», «I translate a Japanese song to Italian and find the text of another one», I assume the second one would be Time after time; earliest record of this is in the English notebook under the date 16/12; tweaks appear in ZHJA18, an unlisted file from 1:53 on 31/12/11, and ZHJA19;
  520. Realizzerai ogni sogno | song: Anata ga iru kara | Japanese - Chinese (original, vecchiume incompleto, @@Pit, @@BBR) | Within 17/12/11 probs. after the previous, twk. and corr. within 31/12/11, twk. 9/12/20 | First recorded in ZHJA18, from which I'm taking the order of Chinese English and French; I put the Italian first because it's the earliest recorded; tweaks appear in the unlisted file mentioned in the previous item and in ZHJA15, then one was done in blog times;
  521. Realizzerai ogni sogno | song: Anata ga iru kara | Japanese - English (vecchiume incompleto, @@Pit) | Probably 17/12/11, twk. betw. 4/1 and 28/7/12 then betw. 17/9/12 and 17/3/13 | Again appears in ZHJA18, tweaked between ZHJA16 and ZHJA19, and between ZHJA30 and the attachment to X11; there is also a 17/12/11 12:46 email with an attachment with no English;
  522. Realizzerai ogni sogno | song: Anata ga iru kara | Japanese - French (vecchiume incompleto, @@Pit) | Probably 17/12/11, twk. betw. 4/1/12 and 28/7/12 | Again appears in ZHJA18, is absent from the unlisted file mentioned in the item for the Italian version, is unchanged in ZHJA15 and ZHJA16, and tweaked in ZHJA19; note also the 17/12/11 12:46 email with no French;
  523. Heartache | song: Sam1-tung3 (Cantonese) (Year 1 song 12) | Cantonese - English (@@TP) | Betw. 7/12/11 and 23/12/11, twk. 30/4/12 then betw. 8/5/13 and 9/7/13 | This is a bit of a complicated thing; the earliest record is in file ZHJA15, from 31/12/11; however, the todo list for Christmas starts at 23/12, and never explicitly mentions the song, so I will assume the translation was done by then; a literal translation of the song is in both email ZHJ11 from 9/12, and in files started 6/12 and 7/12, so I assume the musical translation wasn't done until after decoding the song, which happened no sooner than 7/12; email ZHJ23 from 10/5/12 then shows us a modified version following edits to the original text, which I originally had in a mistyped form; the mega-intro says «il 30/4, dopo aver sistemato la versione cantonese di Xīntòng» (on 30/4, after fixing the Cantonese version of Xīntòng); a 30/4 file has the first record of the fixed text, and FTN1, which is dated to 30/4/12 11:04 by the saved version, has both the unfixed and fixed translations; one last tweak was made in file ZHJA33, thus between 9/7/13 (date of ZHJA33) and 8/5/13 (date of previous file); ZHJA15 reports this song after the Japanese one, so I'm assuming I translated this one musically after that one, though the deciphering happened way earlier;
  524. Barbarizzando Lucrezio | De rerum natura, I, I, 62-79 ("Elogio") | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Prob. 27/12/11, def. within 28/12 and after 28/10, twk. 2/1/12 | Lessons on this were between 28/10/11 and 9/12, in fact within 25/11 since 2/12 featured a test on this, a 28/12 version of the epitoma has the translation, the diary reports the update of the epitoma (after the half of it that was done by 23/12, which I think only includes the first Lucrece passage) on 27/12, getting to a point in the next passage, so I'm assuming both this passage and the first some lines of the next were done on 27/12; the first two lines of this were modified on 2/1/12;
  525. Barbarizzando Lucrezio | De rerum natura, I, I, 80-101 ("Superstizioni") | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Prob. start. 27/12, def. no sooner than 9/12, cont. 28/12 and compl. within 13/4 prob. on it | As per above, 27/12 sees ll. 80-88 of this passage, probably; 28/12 sees this as translated up to l. 94, and then the next date we have is 13/4, where it's complete; I'd assume 13/4 was the date of another update of the epitoma, otherwise it would be within the date the lessons on this ended, which was ≤17/2;
  526. Time after time | song: Time after time - Hana mau machi de | Japanese - Italian (orrido vecchiume, @@Pit) | @TP: 16:13-19:35 (rec. 10/12/22) | 28/12/11, twk. within 10/2/12, then within 11/7/12, then betw. 18/8/12 and 17/9/12 | Dated by diary and placed before the next one; first record is ZHJA14; the 10/2/12 version of ZHJA14 that I unfortunately didn't include in the list has a bunch of tweaks; an 11/7/12 13:40 file dedicated to the song has a tweak; not sure why it's not in ZHJA; the last tweak happened in ZHJA30;
  527. Cartello stradale di luce lunare | song: Tsukiakari no michishirube | Japanese - Italian (Orrido vecchiume, @@Pit) | @TP: 8:47-12:30 (rec. 4/7/17) | 28/12/11 twk. within 28/7/12 then 6/6/19 and 11/7/17 | Dated by diary, was done in two pieces because one was done while traveling to Dorga, right after the previous, and the other one was done after getting there, once I realized a part was missing; earliest record ZHJA17; tweaks occur in ZHJA19, then in blog times;
  528. How do I know you love me? | song: Ngo5 jyu4-ho4 zi1-dou3 nei5 ngoi3 ngo5 (Year 1 song 13) | Cantonese - English (@@TP) | 11/1/12, mod. 25/7/12, twk. betw. 8/5/13 and 9/7/13 | This was done in Science class on 11/1/12, then copied and modified on the printout of Chinese ZHJA19 on 25/7/12 (as per intro), and finally tweaked in ZHJA33, hence that date range;
  529. How do I know you love me? | song: Wǒ rúhé zhīdào nǐ ài wǒ? (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 14) | Chinese - English (Sci q and Sci q 2) [LTE] (@@TP) | Start 11/1/12, compl. 25/1/12 | This is a split timeline; the beginning of both this version and the version placed in July are 11/1/12 in Science class after the above item, but then this gets fixed and completed during Science class on 25/1/12, changes that get lost in the other one;
  530. A night of moonlight | song: Still for your love | Japanese - Italian (horridous oldity, @@Pit) | 16/1/12, lost tweaks and partial completion 18/1/12, twk. and compl. betw. 5/8/12 and 18/8/12, and 11/4/22 4:27 | So I started this, doing most of it, in Science class on 16/1, then on 18/1 I did a few edits, which boil down to three lines, and translated an extra line, but I don't want to make a lost translation and split timeline because of so little, so I join this with the tweaks and completion of ZHJA23, hence the date range; the 11/4/22 tweak was originally thought as either a tweak to the lost tweaks version or a remake start, but now I've implemented it in the final version at 0:19 on 20/6/23;
  531. A night of moonlight | song: Still for your love (the English section) | English - Italian - LTG (horridous oldity, @@Pit) | 16/1/12 during Science class, just after the above;
  532. A night of moonlight | song: Still for your love (the English section) | English - Japanese – LTG (horridous oldity, @@Pit, @@BBR) | 18/1/12 during Science class, after the tweaks and edits mentioned two items above;
  533. If you really care | song: Rúguǒ nǐ zhēnde zàihu wǒ (Year 1 song 15) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 23/1/12, twk. 26/7, betw. 25/7 and 5/8, then betw. 17/12/12 and 17/3/13, then betw. 8/5/13 and 9/7/13, finally on 28/1/18 | This was done during Science class on 23/1/12; there is a manuscript from 26/7 of this on the printout of ZHJA19, but I see only one change from the Science class version to that one that gets reverted, so I assume the manuscript was editing the class version; the 5/8 file ZHJA22 tweaks further, leaving only 4 changes to be made, which were made some between ZHJA30 and ZHJA31 (this is basically the same as ZHJA32 and as the attachment of mail X11, some between ZHJA32 and ZHJA33, and one on 28/1/18;
  534. Anywhere | song: Anywhere | English - Chinese (@@TP, @@BBR) | Start 27/1, cont. 1/2, part. corr. 2/2, compl. 26/7, twk. within 18/8, then 15/8/18, then 31/10/22 and 26/11/22 | Started during Lucrece class on 27/1 and continued on 1/2 to translate the chorus and two lines of verse 1, which were sent in on 18/2 in ZHJ16 after a tweak, and corrections came in on 19/2 in ZHJA17; then I completed this in a manuscript on the printout of ZHJA19, which the mega-intro dates to 26/7; ZHJA23 then contains all the later tweaks, except for the last one on 15/8/18;
  535. Un petalo di fiore | song: Hitohira no hanabira | Japanese - Italian (with revision, not remake, @@Pit) | 7-8/2/12 twk. 8/6/19 | 7/2 diary says «verto hitohira no hanabira – quod cras terminabo» (I translate [this song], which I will finish tomorrow», earliest record is in ZHJA22 strangely enough, tweaks were made 8/6/19;
  536. Oltre le lacrime | song: Namida no mukô | Japanese - Italian (@@TP) | Probs. 16/2/12, def. within 18/8/12, twk. within 17/9/12, then night betw. 20 and 21/10/22 | 16/2 diary mentions 泪のムコウ, the title of this song, which I take to be an indication that I translated this song on that day; earliest record ZHJA23, tweak in ZHJA30;
  537. Alone in a rainy night | song: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16) | Chinese - English (original) | @TP: 4:08-5:55 (rec. 1/9/19) | 5/3/12 twk. within 28/7, then 1/9/19 | During English class on 5/3/12, tweaked in ZHJA19 and ZHJA23 and then on 1/9/19 preparing for recording;
  538. Alone in a rainy night | song: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16) | Chinese - Japanese (original) | @TP: 3:56-5:41 (rec. 13/8/19; also @@BBR) | 5/3/12 twk. within 28/7, then betw. 18/8 and 3/9/12, then 13/8/19 | 5/3/12 during English class, tweaked in ZHJA19 and ZHJA28, then on 13/8/19;
  539. Alone in a rainy night | song: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16) | Chinese - Italian (original) | @TP: 5:55-7:39 (rec. 1/9/19) | 5/3/12 twk. within 18/8/12 then 1/9/19 | English class again, continued during Science class the same day 5/3/12, then tweaked in ZHJA23 and on 1/9/19;
  540. Heart addiction | song: Sam1 jan5 (Year 1 song 17) | Cantonese - English (@@TP) | Betw. 5/2/12 and 8/3/12, probs. after 6/3, twk. 26/7/12, betw. 5/8 and 18/8/12, 29/4/21 | Mega-intro says I met the song on 5/2 and the translation was present on 8/3, I'm assuming after 6/3 which is when my corrector came to my house and commented on my understanding of it; a correction is manuscripted on the printout of ZHJA19 which the mega-intro explicitly dates to 26/7/12; then we have tweaks in ZHJA23 and one made on 29/4/21;
  541. More than words | song: More than words | 9/3, corr. 12/3 twk. within 18/8 | English - Chinese (@@TP, @@BBR) | Started during Lucrece class on 9/3/12, tweaked and completed during English class on the same day, and sent in in ZHJ19; corrections came on 12/3 in ZHJ20, then any other edits were within 18/8, and appear in ZHJA23;
  542. Easter 1916, Yeats surprise | Easter 1916, by W.B. Yeats | English - Italian [LTA] (@@PC) | Btw. 10/3 and 12/3/12, twk. within 28/4/12 | Original found between the notes from 10/3 and 12/3/12 in the English notebook, with an annotated tweak found in a 28/4 file, probably made close to the original translation;
  543. Alone in a rainy night | song: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16) | Chinese - French (original) | @TP: 7:39-9:24 (rec. 1/9/19) | 13/3/12 twk. within 5/8 and within 18/8, then 1/9/19 | During English class on 13/3/12, tweaked in ZHA22 and ZHJA23, then on 1/9/19;
  544. We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing | song: Sempre cantiam al rifiorir del giorno (2:27-3:58) | Italian - Chinese (@@TP, @@BBR) | Within 17/3, corr. 19/3, rwk. 19/6, twk. 18/8, twk. 8/8/24 15:40 and 18/8/24 0:15 | The first record of this is in mail ZHJ21; I'm assuming it was made around that day, since there is no reason that I would have held back on sending it in; the mega-intro only sorta places it after More than words, which is from 9/3; corrections to this came in on 19/3 (ZHJ22), and were only implemented in ZHJ28 (19/6), then the 18/8 file ZHJA23 first shows the translation in its final form;
  545. Saying you love me is a torture: let’s part | song: Shuō nǐ ài wǒ (Year 1 song 18) | Chinese - English (horridous oldity, @@BR) | Def. within 19/3/12 prob. 18 or 19, twk. 24/5/12, within 5/8/12, on 9/8/12, within 18/8/12, 5/8/18, 12/4/20 | Appears after diary entries in 19/3/12 Science notebook, right after the 18/3 entry says I worked on the song, so it's definitely within 19/3, since it was written down then, and probably either on the 19 or on the 18; tweaked 24/5/12 duting English class; ZHJA22 from 5/8 shows tweaks, then we have the 9/8/12 manuscript on the printout of ZHJA19, which tweaks some more, more is done in ZHJA23, and finally we have tweaks on 5/8/18 and 12/4/20;
  546. Heart addiction | song: Sam1 jan5 (Year 1 song 17) | Cantonese - Italian (@@TP) | Night betw. 20/3 and 21/3/12 | Well, I think I remember making it on my last Munich night, which was between 21 and 22, but the mega-intro says otherwise, and I'm pretty sure I never hand-wrote anything from after that night in my diary, whereas this translation is found in the diary, so between 20/3 and 21/3 be it;
  547. The role of history (alias I chose to leave you, but let’s give it the same title) | song: Gùshi de jiàosè (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 19) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 30/3 twk. within 18/8 | Done during English class on 30/3/12, tweaked within 18/8, or more specifically in ZHJA23;
  548. The role of history (alias I chose to leave you, but let’s give it the same title) | song: Gu3-si6 dik1 gok3-sik1 (Cantonese) (Year 1 song 20) | Cantonese - English (@@TP) | 30/3 twk. within 18/8 | Done during English class on 30/3/12 after the previous, tweaked within 18/8, or more specifically in ZHJA23;
  549. Only you | song: Zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 1 song 21) | Chinese - English (original) | @TP: 3:05-5:11 (rec. 9/4/22) | 2/4/12, twk. within 25/7 and then betw. 8/5/13 and 9/7/13 and then on 9/4/22 | Done during English class on 2/4/12, then tweaked in the printout of ZHJA19 which dates to 25/7/12, then a couple tweaks between ZHJA32 and ZHJA33, and finally on 9/4/22;
  550. Barbarizzando Lucrezio | De rerum natura, II, 1-22 ("Felicità") | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Either betw. 17/2 and 7/3, or on 13/4/12 | The first record is in an autorecovery save of the epitoma on 13/4, the lessons on the passage were between 17/2 and 7/3;
  551. Barbarizzando Lucrezio | De rerum natura, III, 1054-1076 ("Peso") | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | Start def. after 7/3/12 and within 13/4, compl. and twk. within 19/4, also twk. 3/5/12 | The autorecovery save of the previous item has up to l. 1066, with that line having a different word; there are more tweaks and the completion of the translation within 19/4, and finally one last tweak on 3/5;
  552. Just you | song: Tsí-ū lí (Year 1 song 22) | Min - English (@@TP) | 16/4/12 rwk. 19/8/18 | During English class 16/4/12, reworked 19/8/18 after actually understanding the Min;
  553. The power of love | Min - English (original) – LTG | song: Ài-tsîng--ê li̍k-liōng (Year 1 song 23) | 16/4/12 during English class;
  554. Cannot forget | song: Wàng bù liǎo (Bù pà shān gāo) (Year 1 song 24) | Chinese - English (original) [LTG] | @TP: 3:26-3:52 (rec. 19/2/22) | 16/4/12 during English class;
  555. ‘O surdato ‘nnamurato | song: 'O surdato 'nnammurato | Neapolitan - Chinese (original+, @@BBR) | 30/4/12 corr. 18/6/12 twk. within 18/8 and 21-22/3/19 | Made in FTN2 dated 30/4/12, after tweaking the translation of Cantonese Heartache (FTN1), as per mega-intro; corrections came in in ZHJ26 on 18/6/12, and were only implemented in files in ZHJA23, where some tweaks lead to the present version;
  556. Your tomorrow won’t have me | song: Nǐ de míngtiān bù zài yǒu wǒ (Year 1 song 33) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | Chorus either around 10/5 or around 18/6/12 or 25/7/12, compl. 9/8 twk. within 18/8, one undone 20/4/22 | The chorus is deciphered in ZHJ23 from 10/5/12; unfortunately, the musical translation thereof is only found in ZHJA19, in the 25/7/12 printout, so I have to assume something; I guess I did the translation shortly after 10/5, for the sake of this index, but it could have been made around the time of ZHJ26 which corrected the decipherment, or perhaps directly into ZHJA19, thus on 25/7/12; we then have the manuscript on the printout of ZHJA19, dating itself to 9/8 and having some tweaks happening in ZHJA23, one of which was reverted on 20/4/22;
  557. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C/SF 1) | Ancient Greek - Latin (versions 4a-5a, @@BR) | "Start" 19 or 20/5/12, "compl." betw. 22/6 and 27/6/12 | Technically started in April 2010, but we're considering the tesina versions, which appear with tesina tweaks in T1, created 19/5 and edited 20/5, hence the "start" date; as for the "completion" date, the last tweak is in T14, so between the edit dates of T13 (22/6) and T14 (27/6); assuming Latin-Italian-English, i.e. the edits to the translations were made in the order the translations appeared in;
  558. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C/SF 1) | Ancient Greek - Italian (versions 4a-5a, @@BR) | "Start" 19 or 20/5/12, "compl." betw. 22/6 and 27/6/12 | See above;
  559. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C/SF 1) | Ancient Greek - English (versions 4a-5a, @@BR) | "Start" 19 or 20/5/12, "compl." betw. 22/6 and 27/6/12 | See above;
  560. Yet more heartache | song: Xīntòng (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 25) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 21/5/12 twk. 1/3/13, 1/7/19, 12/11/21 | During English class on 21/5/12, tweaks happen on 1/3/13 as dated by a Facebook post, and then on 1/7/19 and 12/11/21;
  561. Yet more heartache | song: Sim-thùng (0:47-2:04) (Year 1 song 41) | Hakka - English (terrible partial version) [LTG] (@@NV) | Start 22/5/12 compl. 9-10/1/22 | This was partially translated during English class 22/5/12, then lost and only dug back up in 2022, thus completed on 9-10/1/22;
  562. What should I do? | song: Wǒ gāi zěnme zuò (Year 1 song 26) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | Start 24/5/12, compl. 25/5, twk. betw. 5/8 and 18/8, and betw. 17/9/12 and 17/3/13 | This was started during English class on 24/5, before the tweak to "Saying you love me is a torture", with an early version of the chorus; the following day, again during English class, we have tweaks and completion; next up, ZHJA23 shows tweaks, meaning they happened between 5/8 (date of ZHJA22) and 18/8 (date of ZHJA23); the remaining differences persist until ZHJA30 (17/9/12) and get fixed in ZHJA31, thus between the first near-identical incarnation of that file, which is the attachment to mail X11, from 17/3/13;
  563. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Italian | @TP: 2:39-4:04 (rec. prob. 18/9/22) | 29/5/12 twk. within 18/8/12 and then around 7/10/13, then 25/8/22 and 17/9/22 | Done during English class on 29/5/12, tweaked in ZHJA23 and then in files with 4 translations from Indonesian, which are dated 7/10/13, so within and around that date;
  564. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 27) | Chinese - English (Me) | @TP: 2:58-4:37 (rec. 30/12/17) | 29/5/12 | Done during English class right after the previous, sided with it in fact;
  565. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) | song: Gàosu wǒ nǐ bù ài wǒ (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 28) | Chinese - English (original, @@TP?) | 29/5/12, twk. betw. 5/8 and 18/8 | Translation during English class, tweaks in ZHJA23;
  566. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) | song: Katakan tak cinta aku (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 2) | Indonesian - Italian (@@TP) | 30/5/12, twk. within 28/6/12 | During science class, tweaked in file last edited 28/6 10:14;
  567. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) | song: Katakan tak cinta aku (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 2) | Indonesian - English (@@TP) | 30/5/12, twk. within 28/7/12 | Right after the previous, same class, tweaked in ZHJA19;
  568. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) | song: Katakan tak cinta aku (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 2) | Indonesian - Chinese (@@TP, @@BBR) | Start 30/5/12, compl. within 18/6, twk. within 28/6, after that but lost, then within 28/7, rwk. within 11/9 | The starting version during Science class, right after the previous, lacked a lot of words; the version found in a 18/6/12 Google file from Session 13 (the previous one being from 3/6) fills in the holes and I think makes a couple tweaks; the 28/6 file mentioned for the English version has its own round of tweaks; then we have the printout of it, annotated with 4 changes, of which 3 are lost in ZHJA19 while the last one was probably remade for musical reasons; not splitting the timeline for these 3; an 11/9/12 file has a corrected version, though I cannot figure out what email the corrections came from; in fact, I seem to never have sent this in;
  569. Alceo?! | Alcaeus Voigt 69 | Ancient Greek - Italian [LTA] (@@Cl) | Btw. 20/5 and 3/6/12, twk. betw. 22 and 27/6 | First made in T3, thus between 20/5/12 and 3/6/12, tweaked in T14, thus between 22 and 27/6/12; assuming they were translated in the order they appear in in the tesina, which is what I made them for, and that they were translated aroun 3/6, otherwise I don't know how to order them w.r.t. those end-of-May translations that we just saw;
  570. Alceo?! | Alcaeus Voigt 70 | Ancient Greek - Italian [LTA] (@@Cl) | Btw. 20/5 and 3/6/12 | Same as above minus tweaks;
  571. Alceo?! | Alcaeus Voigt 119 | Ancient Greek - Italian [LTA] (@@Cl) | Btw. 20/5 and 3/6/12 | Same as above;
  572. Alceo?! | Alcaeus Voigt 129 | Ancient Greek - Italian [LTA] (@@Cl) | Betw. 20/5 and 3/6/12, twk. within 13/6 | Same as above, tweaked in T7, thus within 13/6/12;
  573. Alceo?! | Alcaeus Voigt 332 | Betw. 20/5 and 13/6/12 | Ancient Greek - Italian [LTA] (@@Cl) | Same as two above;
  574. Alceo?! | Alcaeus Voigt 130b | Ancient Greek - Italian [LTA] (@@Cl) | Betw. 20/5 and 3/6/12, twk. within 13/6/12 | Same as two above;
  575. Amore mio lontano | song: Ling ling ling (Year 1 song 3) | Indonesian - Italian (horrible incomplete thing) [LTG] (@@NV) | Written on a printout of a "fixed" Google translation of the song placed after 31/5 in the English notebook; now, the first appearance of such a thing in the Sessions is def. after 3/6, hence why after Alcaeus; as for why before the other tesina things, well, the printout has a file last edited 28/6 as its back, which I suppose was printed near its last edit date; I'll assume it was made earlier in the time frame, just for the sake of ordering;
  576. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF re-16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English (GW+safopoemas English remake) [LTA] | @BR: 1:02:01-1:08:40 (rec. 6/9/24) | Betw. 22/6 and 27/6/12 | Made in T14;
  577. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF re-16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (tesina) [LTA] | @BR: 1:12:19-1:12:50 (rec. 6/9/24) | 27/6/12 | This is the consequence of a change in the original text, producing a version not matching any other translations and coming to light in T16; it probably amounted to a combination of old translations, but new text, new item here; items, in fact, with the assumption I did the combinations in the order Latin, Italian, English, as per the order I always show them in in my files;
  578. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF re-16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (tesina) [LTA] | @BR: 1:12:55-1:13:17 (rec. 6/9/24) | 27/6/12 | See above;
  579. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF re-16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English (tesina) [LTA] | @BR: 1:13:17-1:14:21 (rec. 6/9/24) | 27/6/12 | See above;
  580. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Chinese (original, @@BBR) | Betw. 23/6 and 29/6/12 | First recorded in Session 16 from 29/6/12, the previous one being from 13/6; any corrections are from other versions, since this has a split timeline; since I have to place it somewhere w.r.t. the previous ones, I place it after work on the tesina was over, which is with T17 on 27/6; T18 is discounted because A) it reverts to the state of T1, and B) it's from 19/12/12, way past the exam the tesina was for;
  581. Time after time | song: Time after time - Hana mau machi de | Japanese - Romanian (orrido vecchiume, @@Pit) | Start within 29/6/12, twk. and compl. within 2/7/12, twk. within 11/7/12 then betw. 28/7 and 5/8 then betw. 18/8 and 17/9, then a bunch of tweaks in Oct-Nov 2012 | There is a weird pair of files from 29/6 and 2/7, one containing a partial version and one containing a complete version; can't quite figure out why I called them weird; the 11/7 date is because of the file dedicated to this song that I mentioned in the Italian item; then we have tweaks in ZHJA22 and ZHJA30, and then a bunch of tweaks when I had this corrected in Uni by a Romanian friend (cfr. FTN3);
  582. Just you | song: Tsí-ū lí (Year 1 song 22) | Min - Czech (@@TP) | Within (probs. on) 6/7/2 twk. within 16/7/12 rwk. within 25/12/17 and 20-22/5/17 | During a break from studying from High School finals; I would have expected a somewhat earlier date since that's super-close to the finals, which were on 9/7 as per the entry two below this one; then again, the study for the oral exam seems to have started on 26/6 or maybe 27/6, so not that surprising that I went on so long before doing those translations, especially considering Ikanaide was popping up around that time too; anyway, I did this one then the Croatian one below, which are found in a 6/7/12 file from FF session 18; I had both corrected within 16/7/12, but never metabolized the Czech corrections until 2017; 16/7/12 is the home of one tweak, and of the corrections that were metabolized late; now, as you can guess from those dates, the reworking is a mess; it seems, according to 2017 files, to have happened between 2/12 and 25/12/17, except there is an interaction between my corrector and me which dates to 20-22/5/17 and seems to start from a reworked version, which corrects the mistranslation and metabolizes the corrections (which were a literal English - Czech translation taken from my English version); the old version of the post, with no possibility of verification, stated that the first rework was within 18/5/17, which would make sense; at any rate, I may remake all of these translations to be less literal and more musical; we will see; this also appears on FTN16, but I won't go into that :);
  583. Just you | song: Tsí-ū lí (Year 1 song 22) | Min - Croatian (@@TP) | Cfr. above; the corrector simply approved the 16/7 version, adding that «Non parlo più la mia lingua» (I don't speak my language anymore), so make of that approval what you will :); in fact, that approval is mentioned in the diary part mentioned above, so it happened within 11/7 too; also FTN16, but that probably has no tweaks to give us;
  584. A few last poems | Correspondances by Baudelaire (link in French) | French - Chinese [RES] (@@PC, @@BBR) | Prob. betw. 5/7 and 9/7/12, rw. 10/9/12 | Earliest version in a file created 5/7/12 and last edited 9/7/12, I assume it was made in that timeframe; after all, I was busy with school finals up till then; the exam itself was on 9/7, and indeed the diary says that the afternoon of the exam «Poi a casa e tutto il tempo Cinese, tra la traduzione di Correspondances con metro e rima in Cinese e la copiatura dei subs di Time After Time in un video trovato cercando una base per cantarci sopra in rumeno evitando di suonare la chitarra che non ci riesco per il mal di braccia» (Then [I go] home and [do] Chinese all the time, between the translation of Correspondances with meter and rhyme in Chinese and the copying of the captions of Time after Time in a video found looking for a base to sing the Romanian version over it while avoiding to play the guitar since I can't pull that off because of sore arms»; sent in with English on 9/7, hence why 10/7 is excluded as an exam date; 11/7 is the date where I wrote that diary quote; the translation of this entry was then correct-reworked on 10/9/12;
  585. A few last poems | Correspondances by Baudelaire (link in French) | French - English [RES] (@@PC) | Prob. betw. 5/7 and 9/7/12 | See the previous entry; assuming I started with Chinese and then did English for my corrector; treating both as 9/7 residues of that 9/7 file;
  586. PreU

  587. Two anthems | Chinese anthem: Yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 25/7/12 (or HS1?), twk. 5/8 undone 18/8 | So, the manuscript on the printout of ZHJA19 is clearly dated to 25/7/12 by the mega-intro, but… this intro also states I adapted the translation to the tune way back when, in an unspecified time which IIRC was in HS1 (definitely within then), so… is the current version the one from the time, or did I forget that version and make a new one on 25/7? Who knows… at any rate, ZHJA22 from 5/8 curiously modifies one line with ZHJA23 on 18/8 editing it back; could that be a double translation that ended up having just one different line?
  588. Two anthems | Chinese anthem: Yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ | Chinese - French (@@TP) | 25/7/12 twk. within 18/8/12 | This is another manuscript on the printout of ZHJA19 dated to 25/7 by the mega-intro, with tweaks in ZHJA23;
  589. Ocean | song: Dàhǎi (Year 1 song 4) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | 25/7/12, poss. twk. within 18/8 | This is manuscripted on the printout, thus done on 25/7/12 as per the mega-intro; then it first appears in ZHJA23, so any edits there are within 18/8; and that is it;
  590. My future is no dream | song: Wǒ de wèilái bù shì mèng (Year 1 song 5) | Chinese - Latin (Middle+Final) | @TP: 6:16-8:09 (rec. 18/9/21) | 25/7/12, as per intro, twk. 20/6/21; the earlier translation from Oct 2011 was lost to the files and only recovered much later;
  591. Heartache | song: Xīntòng (Mandarin) (year 1 song 7) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | Start prob. 25/7/12, compl. 25/7/12, twk. 5/4/22 | So, the starting point is just the "Adieu" lines, which appear in ZHJA19; the mega-intro states I printed this file on 25/7/12, so those lines were done within then; I'm assuming they were done on that day, because the idea of column-fillers was only first implemented in there, and my guess is that, as I made the file, I made the blank column for the French translation, and was like, "Hey, these lines are a simple Adieu, let's just put that in", and there; what is sure is that the 25/7 printout has the manuscript of the French, which, according to the mega-intro, was also done on 25/7; finally, there is a tweak from 5/4/22, very recent;
  592. Lone star | song: Gū xīng (Year 1 song 8) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | 25/7/12, twk. within 18/8/12, then within 8/5/13 and 9/7/13, then on 13/4/19 | Manuscripted on the printout of ZHJA19 on 25/7/12, then tweaked in ZHJA23 so within 18/8/12; analogous tweaks to the English version's ones then happened in ZHJA33, thus between 8/5 and 9/7/13, and on 13/4/19;
  593. Cold sun | song: Lěnglěng de tàiyáng (Year 1 song 10) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | 25/7/12 twk. betw. 5/8 and 18/8/12 then betw. 8/5/13 and 9/7/13 | Manuscript on the printout of ZHJA19 dated to 25/7/12 by the mega-intro, then tweaked in ZHJA23, thus between 5/8 and 18/8/12, and finally in ZHJA33, thus between its own date and the date of the latest incarnation of ZHJA32;
  594. How do I know you love me? | song: Wǒ rúhé zhīdào nǐ ài wǒ? (Mandarin) | Chinese - English (All but Sci q 2, @@TP) (Year 1 song 14) | Fixed from 11/1 version on 25/7/12, twk. betw. then and 5/8/12 | Sci q is 11/1/12, I place this here because the loss of the 25/1 stuff was operated on 25/7/12 in the printout of Chinese ZHJA19, where other edits were made; the last tweaks were made in ZHJA22, hence within 5/8/12;
  595. How do I know you love me? | song: Wǒ rúhé zhīdào nǐ ài wǒ? (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 14) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | Prob. 25/7/12 poss. 26/7/12, twk. betw. 5/8/12 and 18/8/12 | This was made on the printout of Chinese ZHJA19, presumably after the English above, and then first digitized and tweaked into ZHJA23 from 18/8; the printout says "Dào zhèli 25/7" after the Pinyin of this song, so does that include the translations or not? I say it does;
  596. If you really care | song: Rúguǒ nǐ zhēnde zàihu wǒ (Year 1 song 15) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | 26/7 twk. within 18/8 then betw. 8/5/13 and 9/7/13 then on 28/1/18 | Manuscripted on the 25/7 printout of ZHJA19, dated to 26/7 by the mega-intro; tweaked in ZHJA23, then between ZHJA32 and ZHJA33, and then on 28/1/18;
  597. Anywhere | song: Anywhere | English - French (@@TP) | 26/7 twk. within 18/8 | Another manuscript on the printout of ZHJA19 dated by the mega-intro and tweaked within file ZHJA23;
  598. Heart addiction | song: Sam1 jan5 (Year 1 song 17) | Cantonese - Japanese (@@BBR) | 26/7/12, twk. within 18/8 then within 3/9/12 | Manuscript on printout of ZHJA23 dated by intro, then tweaks in ZHJA23 and ZHJA28;
  599. More than words | song: More than words | English - Japanese (@@BBR) | 26/7 twk. within 18/8 | Mega-intro dates this, manuscripted on the printout of ZHJA19, to 26/7, and any edits to it appear in ZHJA23 so they were done by 18/8; the order of these manuscripts is based on ZHJA19, except when the mega-intro says I skipped something;
  600. We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing | song: Sempre cantiam al rifiorir del giorno (2:27-3:58) | Italian - English | @TP: 3:58-5:31 | 26/7 twk. within 18/8, then within 17/9, then 20/4/22 | This was made manuscripted on the printout of ZHJA19 and is dated to 26/7 by the mega-intro; the 18/8/12 file ZHJA23 then makes some changes and loses one, then the 17/9 file ZHJA29 makes one last change, save for the reinstating of the lost tweak from the manuscript on 20/4/22;
  601. The power of love | song: Ài-tsîng--ê li̍k-liōng (Year 1 song 23) | Min - English (2012 remake and 2012-2018 remake, @@BR) | 26/7/12 twk. betw. 5/8/12 and 18/8/12 and then within 3/9/12 and on 5/9/18 | Manuscript on printout of ZHJA19 which the mega-intro dates to 26/7/12, explicitly acknowledging this as a remake, hence the separation; I'm counting the tweaks in ZHJA23 and ZHJA28 and those from 5/9/18 during the drafting of this post as tweaks to this remake, because the difference between the original and the manuscript is only one tiny change;
  602. Time after time | song: Time after time - Hana mau machi de | Japanese - Chinese (orrido vecchiume) [RES] (@@Pit, @@BBR) | Within 28/7/12, assuming after 26/7 | ZHJA19 residue; this is either undatably older than the period when this file was made, or dates to the Japanese phase of the file, hence after 26/7;
  603. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - Neapolitan (horridous oldity, @@Pit) | Started 1/8/12 twk. 2/8/12 (quoth diary), compl. betw. 5/8/12 and 8/9/12 (files dedicated to this), twk. within 13/8/14, some tweaks were in FTN4 from 27/11/12 note but seem to have been lost, then twk. 16/12/20, night betw. 7 and 8/11/21, and 13/11/21;
  604. Time after time | song: Time after time - Hana mau machi de | Japanese - Neapolitan (orrido vecchiume, @@Pit) | Start betw. 1 and 2/8/12, compl. betw. 5/8 and 20/8, twk. within 13/8/14 then 16/12/20 and 19/2/22 | Started after the previous and a part was corrected together with the previous on 2/8 as per diary; the completion is mentioned as happening in Dorga, thus 3/8 or later, but is only mentioned in the 20/8 diary entry, so who knows when I did it; in fact, a file edited 5/8/12 still has the incomplete one, almost in Blog form; edits were made within 13/8/14, which is the next record of this translation; finally, two tweaks in blog times; some middle step in this mess is represented in FTN4;
  605. ‘O surdato ‘nnamurato | song: 'O surdato 'nnammurato | Neapolitan - Italian [RES] | @TP: 3:29-5:56 (rec. 2/7/22) | Betw. 25/7/12 and 5/8/12, probs. after 3/8/12 | ZHJA22 residue with no printout manuscript; AFAICT, 25-26/7 was the Chinese section of the 25-28/7 period, then there was Japanese, and then I was off to the CL vacation in Corvara, which ended with a trip to Dorga on 3/8/12, so I guess this translation is from after 3/8; twk. 2-3/7/22;
  606. Cannot forget | song: Wàng bù liǎo (Bù pà shān gāo) (Year 1 song 24) | Chinese - English (2012 remake) [RES] | Partial @TP: 3:52-4:05 (rec. 19/2/22) | Betw. 3/8/12 and 5/8/12 | ZHJA22 residue, so between 28/7 and 5/8, not manuscripted so not on 25 or 26, 27-28 were Japanese days and then there was the CL holiday up to 3/8;
  607. Questa sera è Party Night | song: Bibara bibara | Japanese - Italian (@@TP) | Betw. 3/8 and 5/8/12, twk. within 18/8/12 and then while drafting | Mega-intro says between 3 and 5, but this is also a ZHJA22 reidue, and definitely follows the previous item in the file; tweak in ZHJA23 and then in blog times but with no written date;
  608. Why do I cry? | song: Wèihé liúlèi (Year 1 song 29) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 6/8 twk. within 18/8/12 | Written in diary after 6/8 entry as first of a group, mega-intro says done on 6/8, tweaked in ZHJA23 thus within 18/8/12;
  609. A secret I can’t tell | song: Buē-sái kóng--ê pì-bi̍t (Min Nan) (Year 1 song 30) | Min - English (mistranslation, @@BR) | 6/8/12 twk. within 18/8/12 | Found in diary between 6/8 and 20/8/12 entries, mega-intro says 6/8, tweaks in ZHJA23;
  610. Who am I without you? | song: Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 (Year 1 song 31) | Cantonese - English (original) | @TP: 4:15-5:42 (rec. 21/11/20) | 6/8/12 twk. within 18/8/12 then on 18/8/12, 20/3/18, 1/11/20, 8/11/20, 20/11/20 | Again made in the diary and dated by mega-intro to 6/8, tweaked in ZHJA23 and then on all those dates;
  611. ‘Tis you | song: Shì nǐ shì nǐ shì nǐ (Year 1 song 32) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 6/8/12 twk. within 18/8/12 and night betw. 21 and 22/12/23 | Dated by mega-intro, last of a sequence in the diary, tweaked in ZHJA23;
  612. Your tomorrow won’t have me | song: Nǐ de míngtiān bù zài yǒu wǒ (Year 1 song 33) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | 9/8 twk. within 18/8, one undone 20/4/22 | Manuscript on the 25/7 printout of ZHJA19, dated to 9/8 in the manuscript, then we have the ZHJA23 tweaks, one of which I reverted on 20/4/22; since I'd skipped this on 26/7, I assume I did it before all the other 9/8 manuscripts; the mega-intro doesn't mention this for 9/8, but since it does mention a range of songs that all come after this in the printout, I'm assuming this was done before all of those;
  613. Saying you love me is a torture: let’s part | song: Shuō nǐ ài wǒ (Year 1 song 18) | Chinese - French (horridous oldity, @@BR) | 9/8/12, twk. 12/4/20 | Another manuscript on the printout of ZHJA19, which the mega-intro dates to 9/8/12; tweaked in ZHJA23 and on 12/4/20;
  614. Only you (original) | song: Zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 1 song 21) | Chinese - Italian | @TP: 5:11-7:15 (rec. 9/4/22) | 9/8/12 twk. within 18/8 (one tweak undone 20/4/22), and then twk. 9/4/22 | Another manuscript on ZHJA19 printout, mega-intro says 9/8, tweaks happened in ZHJA23 but one of them, which was actually a loss of tweak, was undone on 20/4/22, and another tweak happened on recording day 9/4/22;
  615. More heartache | song: Sim-thiànn (Year 1 song 37) | Min - English | @TP: 1:56-2:54 (rec. 2/10/17) | 9/8/12, twk. within 18/8/12 and betw. 9/7/13, and 9/8/13, then wihtin 2/10/17 | Manuscript on printout of ZHJA19 dated to 9/8 by mega-intro, tweaked in ZHJA23 and in ZHJA34 (thus between 9/7 date of ZHJA33 and 9/8 date of ZHJA34), and then vastly tweaked in 2017, presumably while drafting this post thus within 22/8 (probs. on that day), definitely within 2/10/17, where the final version is uploaded to Youtube;
  616. The role of history (alias I chose to leave you, but let’s give it the same title) | song: Gùshi de jiàosè (Mandarin) | Chinese - Japanese (@@BBR) | 9/8 twk. within 18/8 | Planned French until ZHJA22, then ZHJA23 does the Japanese, tweaking the manuscript on the printout of ZHJA19, a manuscript the mega-intro dates to 9/8;
  617. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) | song: Katakan tak cinta aku (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 2) | Indonesian - Japanese (original, @@BR) | 10/8/12, twk. within 18/8 | Manuscripted on the printout of ZHJA19, dated as per mega-intro; tweaks made in ZHJA23;
  618. Cannot forget | song: Wàng bù liǎo (Bù pà shān gāo) (Year 1 song 24) | Chinese - Japanese (original) | @TP: 2:57-3:26 (rec. 19/2/22) | 10/8/12 | «Feci nipponice in computatro» (did this in Japanese on the computer), as is read on the "manuscript" on the ZHJA19 printout; this action is dated to 10/8 by the mega-intro;
  619. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 27) | Chinese - French (Me) | @TP: 4:37-6:13 (rec. 30/12/17) | 10/8/12 | Manuscripted on the printout of ZHJA19 and dated by the mega-intro to 10/8/12;
  620. Leaving no traces | song: Lo̍h-suann-hong (Year 1 song 34) | Min - English (original, @@BR) | 10/8, one line 16/8, twk. within 18/8/12, then heavily on 19/12/16, then on 7/1/18 and 17/4/21 | Manuscripted on the printout of ZHJA19 on 10/8/12 (post says 11/8 but it's wrong, the intro doesn't list all songs, it goes in groups and I mis-assigned this one to the 11/8 group apparently), except one line, which I couldn't understand, and left lying around; it appears in the todo for 12/8, and then the mega-intro says I did it on 16/8; tweaks appear in the 18/8 file ZHJA23; 19/12/17 is a (series of) self-chat message(s) which may have been meant as a remake, I can't tell; then, a couple tweaks happen in blog times;
  621. I have nothing | song: Jat1-mou4-so2-jau5 (Year 1 song 38) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 10/8/12, twk. betw. 5/8 and 18/8/12, then betw. 9/7/13 and 9/8/13 | Manuscript on printout of ZHJA19 dated by mega-intro, tweaks in ZHJA23 and ZHJA34;
  622. Why do I cry? | song: Wèihé liúlèi (Year 1 song 29) | Chinese - Japanese (@@BBR) | 10/8/12 twk. within 18/8 and within 3/9/12 | Now, mega-intro says it was done on 10/8, but the printout says it was skipped on 10/8, so what happened? I assume this was first skipped, then eventually actually made; in any case, within 12/8 I had done it, since the mega-intro's todo from that day doesn't have this; tweaks happened in ZHJA23, thus within 18/8, and in ZHJA28, thus within 3/9/12;
  623. I still love you all the same | song: Yīyàng àizhe nǐ (Year 1 song 39) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 11/8/12 as dated by mega-intro and manuscripted on ZHJA19 printout, tweaks within 18/8/12 (ZHJA23);
  624. I still love you all the same | song: Yīyàng àizhe nǐ (Year 1 song 39) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | 11/8/12 as dated by mega-intro and manuscripted on ZHJA19 printout, tweaks within 18/8/12 (ZHJA23) and then one on 19/12/21;
  625. A secret I can’t tell | song: Bù néng shuō de mìmì (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 35) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 11/8/12 twk. within 18/8/12 then 12/11/21 | Manuscript on ZHJA19 printout dated by mega-intro, tweaks in ZHJA23 and a last one on 12/11/21;
  626. A secret I can’t tell | song: Bù néng shuō de mìmì (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 35) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | 11/8/12 twk. within 18/8/12 then 12/11/21 | Manuscript on ZHJA19 printout dated by mega-intro, tweaks in ZHJA23 and a last one on 12/11/21;
  627. Deep love still | song: Chim-chim kài òi (Year 1 song 36) | Hakka - English (original) | 11/8/12, twk. within 18/8/12, then betw. 17/9/12 and 17/3/13, then betw. 13 and 15/8/17, twk. night betw 20 and 21/1/23 | Manuscript on printout of ZHJA19 dated by mega-intro, tweaks in ZHJA23, then in ZHJA31 aka ZHJA32 aka the attachment to X11;
  628. Still no way to move you | song: Thien kám-thùng thì kám-thùng (Year 1 song 40) | Hakka - English (@@TP) | 11/8/12, twk. within 18/8/12 then within 3/9/12 then 27/11/17 | Dated by mega-intro, tweaks may have occurred within ZHJA23, one occurred in ZHJA28, another one in ZHJA34 which was reversed in a 18/8/13 file I haven't included in the list, then 27/11/17 fixes the many errors of the translation;
  629. A night of moonlight | song: Still for your love (the English section) | English - Japanese [LTD, RES] (horridous oldity, @@Pit, @@BBR) | Found only on a manuscript, didn't make it into the ZHJA23 file, so I'm pretending it's a ZHJA23 residue and placing it before all other such residues;
  630. Amore mio lontano | song: Ling ling ling (Year 1 song 3) | Indonesian - Italian (complete final, @@TP) | 11/8/12 twk. 25/8/20 22/12/20 | Dated by mega-intro; ZHJA23 residues, i.e. things that happen between ZHJA22 and ZHJA23 thus between 5/8 and 12/8, will be treated as coming after this and any other thing the mega-intro places before or on 18/8; tweaks are in blog times;
  631. Non andartene! | song: Ikanaide | Japanese - Italian (@@TP) | 11/8/12 compl. within 18/8 | Dated by mega-intro, which informs us that the part «Atatakai anata ni / Fureta no ga ureshikute» was translated late, as is confirmed by the manuscript; the intro doesn't tell us when that was translated, but ZHJA23 has the full translation, with tweaks from the manuscript version; the intro lists this separately from other 11/8 translations, so I decided to put it as the last of 11/8;
  632. Yet more heartache | song: Sim-thùng (0:47-2:04) (Year 1 song 41) | Hakka - English (version completed back then) | @TP: 2:04-3:26 (rec. 2/10/17) | 12/8/12 as per mega-intro;
  633. O heaven, please, help me move her! | song: Rúguǒ néng zài gǎndòng nǐ duō yī cì (Year 1 song 42) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 12/8/12, twk. within (and prob. on) 18/8/12 | Dated by mega-intro, there are tweaks from manuscript to ZHJA24, which I assume were done on 18/8 since both ZHJA23 and ZHJA24 are from that day and ZHJA23 doesn't have the translation, which suggests the translation was copied, and probably altered, on that day;
  634. O heaven, please, help me move her! | song: Rúguǒ néng zài gǎndòng nǐ duō yī cì (Year 1 song 42) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | 12/8/12 as per mega-intro, twk. within 18/8/12 (ZHJA23);
  635. Have I been deceived? | song: Ngo5 siu3 ngo5 huk1 (Year 1 song 43) | Cantonese - English (@@TP) | 12/8/12 as per mega-intro, twk. within 18/8/12 (ZHJA23);
  636. Can I stop loving you? | song: Nang4-fau2 bat1 soeng2 nei5 (Year 1 song 44) | Cantonese - English (original, @@TP?) | Start 12/8/12, compl. within 18/8/12 | Dated by mega-intro, which also tells us some parts were done later, but within 18/8 because of ZHJA23, twk. within 18/8/12 (ZHJA23); also included in FTN5;
  637. Forgetting you is forgetting myself | song: Wàngle nǐ wàngle wǒ (Year 1 song 45) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 12/8/12 as per mega-intro;
  638. No smoking! | song: Yen-tsái ko (Year 1 song 46) | Hakka - English | @TP: 1:25-2:09 (rec. 29/5/21) | 13/8/12 | Mega-intro gives this date, and lists this translation before the two in the 12-15/8/12 range;
  639. Io ci sarò | song: Boku ga iru | Japanese - Italian (@@Pit) | Betw. 12/8 and 15/8/12, probs. not 12/8, twk. within 18/8/12 (ZHJA23) | Dated by mega-intro;
  640. Maybe she's testing me… or maybe we should just part | song: Ho2-nang4 (Year 1 song 47) | Cantonese - English (@@TP) | 16/8/12 | Dated by a printout of the 12/8 todo list to 16/8, although the mega-intro would place it between 12/8 and 15/8, probs. not 12/8;
  641. Deep love | song: Shēnshēn de ài (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 48) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 17/8/12 twk. within 18/8/12 (ZHJA23), then after 2/12/17 | Dated by mega-intro, translation was once rather difference, it got changed after 2/12/17, as evidenced by a couple of files from then that have the older version; should probably check screenshots, but it's a huge task; maybe just those of the posting date;
  642. Deep love | song: Shēnshēn de ài (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 48) | Chinese - Japanese (@@BBR) | 17/8/12 twk. within 18/8/12 (ZHJA23), then within 3/9/12 | Dated by mega-intro, tweaked in ZHJA28; after the previous because it is on its right in ZHJA23 and ZHJA28, and because the mega-intro lists «Inglese e Giapponese»;
  643. Heavenly marriage | song: Tiān jià (Year 1 song 49) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | Start 18/8/12, compl. within 3/9/12, rwk. betw. 25/6/17 and 15/1/18 probs. after 26/12/17 (FTN20) | Mega-intro dates the first part, which is the mistranslation save for the first two lines of section 2, to 18/8/12; the rest of the English mistranslation is a ZHJA28 residue; the song appears in the 25/8 todo list, so either the English or the French had at least parts done after 25/8; the rework is unfortunately only dated vaguely, I will probably go check screenshots; for now I can tell you that FTN20 has both translations of this song reworked after Leopardi, and those reworks are dated to 26/12/17 by SS;
  644. Non andartene! | song: Ikanaide | Japanese - Chinese (1.0, @@BBR) | 18/8/12, twk. betw. 17/9/12 and 17/8/13, then on 10/8/18 | Dated by mega-intro, one tweak happens in ZHJA35, others in blog time;
  645. What should I do? | song: Wǒ gāi zěnme zuò (Year 1 song 26) | Chinese - French [RES] (@@TP) | betw. 12/8 and 18/8 | This is a ZHJA23 residue not recorded anywhere; well, except for the todo list in the mega-intro, which is from 12/8 and tells me it wasn't done on that day; as a rule, when I have "residues" of a file, I order them according to the order of the songs in the file, which means this comes before any Japanese ZHJA23 residue;
  646. A night of moonlight | song: Still for your love (the English section) | English - Italian [RES] (horridous oldity, @@Pit) | Betw. 5/8/12 and 18/8/12 | ZHJA23 residue; it is different from the version made during Science class on 18/1, which is in an item above;
  647. Estate infinita | song: Owaranai natsu | Japanese - Italian (@@TP) | 20/8/12 as per mega intro, earliest record ZHJA30;
  648. Romanesque | song: Romanesque | Japanese - Italian (@@TP) | 20/8/12 as per mega-intro, twk. within 17/9/12 (ZHJA30);
  649. Puzzle | song: Pazuru | Japanese - Italian (@@Pit) | 20/8/12 as per mega-intro, twk. within 17/9/12 (ZHJA30);
  650. Puzzle | song: Pazuru | Japanese - Chinese (@@Pit, @@BBR) | Start 20/8/12, compl. presumably 21/8/12, twk. within 17/9/12 (ZHJA30) | Mega-intro says this started on 20/8, was interrupted just before the "Pazuru mitai" line by the completion of Aitai yo Italian version, and then continued until just before "Demo itsuka mitsuketai" on the same day, to be completed presumably the next day;
  651. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) | song: Gàosu wǒ nǐ bù ài wǒ (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 28) | Chinese - Japanese (original) [RES] (@@BBR) | Betw. 12/8 and 3/9/12, prob. after 18/8, would expect before 25/8, twk. 5/8/18 | So, the mega-intro lists this translation as a todo on 12/8, and ZHJA28, last edited 3/9, has it; ZHJA23 doesn't have it, hence prob. after 18/8; the mega-intro curiously doesn't mention it at all, which would make me expect it to date from past 28/8, since there is a "diary part" of the mega-intro explicitly dated to then; however, a file of song lyrics for manuscript translations doesn't have the song, and is last edited 25/8, so I'm placing this before that date; the old version of the post mentioned tweaks happening 5/8/18; will be placed after anything within 18/8, because ZHJA23; it seems 20-21/8 were Japanese days and a Chinese phase was had later from 26/8 on, so I'm placing these pre-25/8 ZHJA28 residues after the above few Japanese - Italian translations from that phase;
  652. Yet more heartache | song: Xīntòng (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 25) | Chinese - Japanese [RES] (@@BBR) | Betw. 18/8/12 and 25/8/12, twk. betw. 17/9/12 and 17/3/13 probs. after 1/3/13 | Mega-intro has 12/8 todo list with this translation, so after 12/8; it is also absent in ZHJA23, hence done after 18/8/12; it is in the 3/9/12 file ZHJA28, so it was done within then; there is a lyrics file from 25/8 which doesn't have this, so I guess this was done before the last edit to that file; tweaks happen in the attachment to X11, so between the 17/3/13 of that email and the 17/9/12 of ZHJA29, but since they are consequences of corrections in a Facebook post, they probably happened after those, which can be dated to 1/3/13; "lista_canzoni_zh_faciende", the todo list of Chinese songs, dated 25/8, doesn't list this one;
  653. ‘Tis you | song: Shì nǐ shì nǐ shì nǐ (Year 1 song 32) | Chinese - French [RES] (@@TP) | Betw. 18/8/12 and 25/8/12 | ZHJA28 residue not appearing in the 25/8/12 todo list;
  654. Forgetting you is forgetting myself | song: Wàngle nǐ wàngle wǒ (Year 1 song 45) | Chinese - Japanese [RES] (@@BBR) | Betw. 18/8/12 and 25/8/12 | ZHJA28 residue not appearing in the 25/8/12 todo list;
  655. Why can I not move you?! | song: Gǎndòng tiān gǎndòng dì (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 54) | Chinese - English | @TP: 2:59:34-3:00:48 (rec. 2/12/23) | 26/8/12 as per mega-intro;
  656. Why can I not move you?! | song: Kám-thùng thien kám-thùng thì (Hakka) (Year 1 song 55) | Hakka - English (Lily Wu, @@TP) | 26/8/12 as per mega-intro;
  657. Crying stars | song: Gū xīng lèi (Year 1 song 56) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 26/8/12 as per mega-intro;
  658. Always fought for myself | song: Lâm-lîn (Tsa-poo-lâng)--ê kuānn (Year 1 song 59) | Min - English (in the process of being remade, @@BR) | Start 26/8/12, rwk. betw. 17/9/12 and 17/3/13, rwk. and compl. 11/9/18 11:04 | Start is dated by mega-intro and is a messy incomplete mistranslation; rework 1 is in X11's attachment; my corrector at the time had trouble understanding the song, so this rework fixes some issues and leaves some with suggestions; rework 2 is in blog times and finally completes the thing;
  659. Waiting till my heartbreak | song: Dang2 nei5 dang2 dou3 ngo5 sam1-tung3 (Year 1 song 60) | Cantonese - English (@@TP) | 26/8/12 as per mega-intro;
  660. Everlasting love | song: Everlasting love | Japanese - Italian (@@TP) | 26/8/12 as per mega-intro, earliest record ZHJA30, twk. 18/8/22;
  661. Una canzone d’amore | song: Ai no uta | Japanese - Italian (@@Pit) | 26/8/12 as per intro, twk. betw. 17/9/12 and 17/8/13 (i.e. in ZHJA35);
  662. Una prova (orrida vecchiezza) | song: Akashi (not Stereopony) | Japanese - Italian (@@Pit) | 26-27/8/12 as per mega-intro, tweaked upon post checkup in blog times, also on 17/6/22;
  663. Romeo e Cenerentola | song: Romio to Shinderera | Japanese - Italian (@@TP) | Start 26/8/12, near-compl. within 17/3/13, compl. within 17/8/13, twk. 11-12/4/20 | This is a weird one. The mega-intro says it was done on 26/8/12; in effect, ZHJA30 has a version… which stops at the line «Nee watashi to ikite kureru»; so I assume that part was done on 26/8/12; then within the attachment to X11 the translation gets completed except for the line «Ma ha significato questo o no?», which is left as "??" in that attachment and only appears in ZHJA35; then we have blog-time tweaks;
  664. Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge | Giacomo Leopardi: L’infinito | Italian - Chinese (@@PC, @@BBR) | 27/8/12, revised 19 and 26/12/17 (probably FTN20), tweaked 29/12;
  665. Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge | Giacomo Leopardi: Alla luna | Italian - Chinese (@@PC, @@BBR) | 27/8/12, rev. 19 and 26/12/17 (probably FTN20), twk. 24/9/12 and 9/8/13 | Same date as the previous, order uncertain, this is the revision order; this got a tweak between 24/9/12 and 9/8/13, and then went through the same revision and tweak dates as the preivous one;
  666. Children’s songs! | song: Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo (Year 1 song 53) | Chinese - English | @TP: 1:44-2:34 (rec. 9/5/20) | 28/8/12, twk. night betw. 30 and 31/5/19 and 4/5/22 | Dated by mega-intro, tweak in blog times because of FACEPALM-worthy error;
  667. Why can I not move you?! | song: Gǎndòng tiān gǎndòng dì (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 54) | Chinese - Heĺno/vľna lä/gū (original) | @TP: 3:00:48-3:02:04 (rec. 2/12/23) | 29/8/12 revised 29/11/23 | A noteblock bears that date and then the full history and final version of the translation, modulo the revision; this will be remade;
  668. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - Heĺno/vľna lä/gū (line 1, horridous oldity) | @TP: 1:24:12-1:24:24 (rec. 2/12/23) | Probs. betw. 29/8/12 and 1/9/12 | I'm assuming I did this after the other Conlang translation and before the 1/9/12 translations because by then I probably abandoned my Conlang; maybe one day I will remake and complete it;
  669. Tre favole di Fedro | Phaedrus, Fabulae, I, 10: The wolf, the fox, and the monkey-judge | Latin iambic trimeters to Ancient Greek iambic trimeters (@@Cl) | 1/9/12 | This, like the two other Ancient Greek trimeter translations of Phaedrus below, is dated by the 2/9/12 diary to 1/9, when I reordered my study headquarters, found the HS2 translations, copied them onto my computer, and remade them, as per the diary; assuming I remade them in the same order as I found them;
  670. Tre favole di Fedro | Phaedrus, Fabulae, I, 15: The donkey and the old shepherd | Latin iambic trimeters to Ancient Greek iambic trimeters (@@Cl) | 1/9/12 | Cfr. above;
  671. Tre favole di Fedro | Phaedrus, Fabulae, I, 31: The hawk and the doves | Latin iambic trimeters to Ancient Greek iambic trimeters (@@Cl) | 1/9/12 | Cfr. two above;
  672. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - English (horridous oldity, @@Pit) | 1/9/12 | Diary dates all these four, from English to German, to 1/9/12, listing them in this order; it also places Phaedrus on this date; Phaedrus is recounted earlier, dating to 1/9/12; these four are the last thing in the 2/9/12 entry, dating to "ieri" (yesterday); hence why I'm putting these after Phaedrus; not sure if that was the complete version, or if I did the cut-up version and completed the translation within 8/9/12;
  673. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - Chinese (horridous oldity, @@Pit, @@BBR) | 1/9/12 twk. 5/3/22 | Cfr. above; there are a couple Google files from 1/9/12 confirming this was indeed the day it was made: one at 17:47 showing some words translated via Google, and one showing the complete translation at 17:49; curiously enough, the Romanian file (see below) is from earlier still at 17:47;
  674. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - Romanian (horridous oldity, @@Pit, @@TP) | 1/9/12 twk. Oct-Nov 2011 | Cfr. two above; a Google translate file shows some words looked up for this translation at 17:47; the tweaks, aka the corrections by my native friend of the time, are at least partly found in FTN3;
  675. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - German (horridous oldity, @@Pit) | 1/9/12 corr. 7/9/12 | Cfr. three above; corrections made by friends from Germany who came over on 6/9
  676. Deep love | song: Shēnshēn de ài (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 48) | Chinese - Italian [RES] (@@TP) | Betw. 25/8/12 and 3/9/12, probs. before 25/8 | Mega-intro doesn't mention this at all, so it's a ZHJA28 residue; it is not in the zh_lyrics file, so I'd assume it was done by that file's date of 25/8; unfortunately the list of todo Chinese songs from that date does list this song, so this is just a ZHJA28 residue; I order these as per the file, and shove them basically to 3/9;
  677. Deep love | song: Shēnshēn de ài (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 48) | Chinese - French [RES] (@@TP) | Betw. 18/8/12 and 3/9/12, probs. before 25/8 | Ditto to previous, which is previous because in ZHJA28 we have Italian on the left and French on the right;
  678. Heavenly marriage | song: Tiān jià (Year 1 song 49) | Chinese - French [RES] (@@TP) | Betw. 18/8 (probs. 25/8) and 3/9/12, rwk. betw. 25/6/17 and 15/1/18 probs. after 26/12/17 (FTN20) | ZHJA28 residue whose song appears in the 25/8 todo list so either the English or this had at least parts done post-25/8; the rework is vaguely dated, screenshots may help; for now I can tell you that FTN20 has both translations of this song reworked after Leopardi, and those reworks are dated to 26/12/17 by SS;
  679. I think of you at sunset | "Nyit-thêu lȯk-san tiam sióng tó nyî" (Year 1 song 50) is not available on Youtube, but the tune is the same as this other song | Hakka - English [RES] (@@TP) | Betw. 25/8/12 and 3/9/12 twk. within 3/9/12, rwk. 19/12/17 (FTN20) | ZHJA28 residue appearing in the todo list of Chinese songs from 25/8, found the manuscript and there are a couple slight tweaks from that to ZHJA28, it was reworked much later on 19/12/17 in blog times;
  680. Not miss him | song: M̄ siūnn i (Year 1 song 51) | Min - English (original) [RES] (@@TP) | Betw. 25/8/12 and 3/9/12 | ZHJA28 residue appearing in the 25/8 todo list of Chinese songs;
  681. Helpless pining | song: Bô-nāi--ê siunn-si (Year 1 song 52) | Min - English [RES] (@@TP) | Betw. 25/8/12 and 3/9/12 | ZHJA28 residue found in the todo list of Chinese songs from 25/8;
  682. You are my life | song: Tu sei la mia vita | Italian - Chinese [RES] (@@TP/BBR) | Betw. 18/8/12 and 3/9/12, twk. betw. 9/7/13 and 9/8/13 | This is a residue of ZHJA28 that was then tweaked between ZHJA33 and ZHJA34; for the sake of ordering, I'm throwing such translations as near as 3/9 as I need to, but no later; if anything dated exactly 3/9 pops up, I will put it after these; I'm also assuming I did the Chinese before the English, because the English was presumably done to help my corrector;
  683. You are my life | song: Tu sei la mia vita | Italian - English [RES] | @TP: 3:35-6:39 (rec. 28/10/23) | Same as the previous, but with 22/9/22 and 23/2/23 tweaks, plus the recording-day tweaks from 28/10/23;
  684. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - Danish (horridous oldity, @@Pit) | Probs. 6/9/12 corr. 7/9/12 | Corrected by the same friends, who live in Denmark; correction date from diary, the "probs." part is my guess, because I made it because they were coming, thus probably while they were with us and they came on 6, and I seem to remember having two correction chances for this and missing the first, so 7/9 wouldn't be the making date; the fact that the file with the translations is only created 8/9/12 is indeed very weird;
  685. Happy Birthday da lontano | song: Happī Bāsudei | Japanese - Chinese (@@Pit, @@BBR) | 7/9/12 as per diary | Assuming Chinese comes before English because English was as a response to a horrible translation that hardly fits the tune and in a time when I was working on Chinese;
  686. Happy Birthday da lontano | song: Happī Bāsudei | Japanese - English (@@Pit) | 7/9/12 as per diary | Cfr. above;
  687. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Chinese (corrected and similar) [LTE] (@@BBR) | The corrections came in 11/9/12, and were commented on on 5/10/12, but never turned into a full corrected singable version, which I did in two different ways on «19/11/21 dead of night»;
  688. Everlasting | song: Everlasting | Japanese - Chinese (Originali) [RES] (@@TP) | Betw. 18/8/12 and 17/9/12, then within 26/3/13, then 14/12/21 | ZHJA30 residue, there is a file from 26/3/13 which isn't in ZHJA for some reason where a tweak happens that I then considered and improved on 14/12/21;
  689. Se sei con me | song: Kimi ga ireba | Japanese - Chinese [RES] (@@Pit, @@BBR) | Betw. 18/8/12 and 17/9/12 | ZHJA30 residue;
  690. Ti voglio rivedere! | song: Aitai yo | Japanese - Chinese (song 1) [RES] (@@Pit, @@BBR) | Betw. 18/8/12 and 17/9/12, twk. between 17/8/13 and 7/6/14 | ZHJA30 residue; there are a Chinese and Ancient Greek translations of one line in the English notebook for 29/11/11, but I write them off as random things done in class and never taken into account later; tweak happens in ZHJA39, and is reversed in a 13/8/14 file;
  691. A night of moonlight | song: Still for your love | Japanese - Chinese (horridous oldity, @@Pit, @@BBR) | Betw. 22/9/12 and 27/9/12 twk. 5/4/22 | First recorded in Session 45 from 27/9/12, 44 is from 22/9; the next one was lost and this one wasn't, so I assume I did this one early enough for it to end up in a file while the other one was so late it got squished out of the files by Uni starting;
  692. U1

  693. In our world | song: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11) | Chinese - Hungarian | @TP: 7:43-8:40 (rec. 27/3/21), older version 4:45-5:49 (rec. ≤14/2/13) | Within (probs on) 3/10/12 | I have no idea why the post says this is from Sep 2012; memory? How could I trust that? It's not on the diary, and the files are from Oct 3, hence the date given here; I do remember making it non-singable in origin, and correcting and musicalifying it afterwards with the Hungarian guest we had at the time; if the metadata are to be trusted, the original non-singable one was finished by 21:29, whereas the correction and musicalification were done by 22:38;
  694. In our world | song: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11) | Chinese - Romanian | @TP: 6:47-7:43 (rec. 27/3/21), older version 3:41-4:45 (rec. ≤14/2/13) | Either 11 or 12/10/12, twk. 27/12/20 | First recorded in 12/10/12 in a complete version, last tweak 27/12/20; Diary says it was done either on 11 or 12/10/12; the tweaks, aka the corrections by my native friend of the time, are at least partly found in FTN3;
  695. Don’t leave me, Lela | song: Lela | Galician - Chinese (@@TP, @@BBR) | Within (prob. on) 16/12/12, twk. 10/8/18 | First record is a file from 16/12/12 between 14:57 and 15:02, along with mail X5 from that date, then we have corrections in mail X9 from 5/3, where we get to the post's corrected version except one line, which is found fixed in file ZHJA37 C 18/7 E 22/8, and then tweaked for the last time on «Aug 10 2018, at 18:30-18:36»;
  696. Two anthems | Japanese anthem: Kimi ga yo (Year 1 song 1) | Japanese - Chinese (@@TP) | Betw. 14/12/12 and 16/12/12, twk. 26/9/21 | First found in Session 88 in a file from 16/12/12 22:48 saved less than a minute before one with the previous translation, the previous one being from 14/12/12 within 16:22; the fact it's absent from X5 from 16/12, and in fact appears in X6 from the next day, suggests it was made after the previous one; this doesn't seem to have gotten corrections; it did get a few tweaks by me, most of them in 2013, the last one on 26/9/21;
  697. In our world | song: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11) | Chinese - Zulu | @TP: 8:40-9:34 (rec. 27/3/21), older version 5:49-6:49 (rec. ≤14/2/13) | 8/1/13, twk. 27/12/20 and 5/5/21 | The diary states «Martedì […] zai women de shijie li in Zulù», it's the entry of 9/1/13 and the previous Tuesday is 8/1, on which date we have the earliest record of a complete translation, so that is settled; tweaks all in blog times;
  698. Mi manchi da morire | song: Zhēnde hǎoxiǎng nǐ (Year 2 song 19) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | Betw. 6/2 and 20/2/13, twk. 17/4/21 | Earliest record is a Facebook post dated 20/2/13, or more precisely the only comment to that post, the song seems to have been rediscovered between 6/2 and 9/2 after first finding it the previous June; tweaked on 17/4/21 as per post;
  699. Cartello stradale di luce lunare | song: Tsukiakari no michishirube | Japanese - Chinese (Orrido vecchiume, @@TP, @@Pit, @@BBR) | Skipping the date summary; earliest record is in the attachment to X11, missing from ZHJA30 and from X9; this suggests it was made between 5/3 and 17/3/13; in that period, there are a lot of other possibly occurring translations; I decided to just place this at the beginning of the list of such works; reworked 25/6/17 (FTN20 has that version, except for the weird 早晨 in place of 早霞 which is exclusive to it), further tweaked in a 11/7/17 video, last tweak 24/11/21;
  700. Mi manchi da morire | song: Zhēnde hǎoxiǎng nǐ (Year 2 song 19) | Chinese - Italian | @TP: 14:34-17:03 (rec. ≤9/12/17) | Betw. 6/2 and 25/4/13, twk. betw. 16/12 and 19/12/17, then 20/12/23 | Earliest record is FTN5, last edited 5/5/13, where a comment to the translation is dated 27/4/13; in fact, a comment to a poem of mine mentions "«真的好想你» (Ti amo davvero), canzone mandarina la cui traduzione inizia con «T’amo da morir»" («真的好想你» (I really love you), a Mandarin song whose traslation begins with «T’amo da morir»), and appears in a 25/4 file, so by then the translation was finished; cannot date it any further back; the song seems to have been rediscovered between 6/2 and 9/2 after first finding it the previous June; I place this after the English because I can't date it back enough to place it before it; the titular line was changed as per a Chinese guy's suggestion from back in 2013 only between 16/12, when the post wasn't drafted, and 17/12/17, when I posted it;
  701. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Mandarin (traduzioni pre-30/7/22, @@NV) | Start betw. 2/4 and 3/4/13, compl. within 8/4, twk. within 5/5/13, and 31/7/22 | This was actually started all the way back in Session 127 from 3/4/13, session 126 being from 2/4, and it was over in session 128 from 8/4, where we find the variants «爱你永远不后悔», «望你才能赶快» (which the second version in the same file changes to «望你才能赶紧»), «回到我身边» (which the second version has as per the Mandarinizations post), «不要给我离开你», «只有写批送給你»; in the FTN5 mentioned above, thus within 5/5/13, we get to the Mandarinizations post's version; whatever, I just trust the note's order, even though I just put the Italian second among the previous two because of higher upper bound on the date :);
  702. The knock-knock beetle | song: Qongqothwane | Xhosa - Chinese (Original and Middle, @@NV) | Betw. 3/4 and 8/4/13, rwk. 23/1/18 | First version made in Session 128 from 8/4/13, the previous one dating to 3/4; Translations note 5 says «Sometime between 28/3/13 and 4/4/13, probably close to the latter. Second verse is totally wrong because I trusted some now-vanished online translation. Correct rendition from 17:18:30 23/1/18: 它已在快过这条路.»; I have no record of why I wrote this, but my assumption is this is based on the position of the translation in the translations file; it is immediately followed by a poem that was started on 4/4, which would give that date; as for the 28/3, let's see… a bunch of stuff before it, here is a 28/3 poem; so those are the dates; just before it is Nel mio cuor tu sola stai Italian, which would thus be from before this thing, so within 8/4; not sure how reliable the ordering is, however, considering the file was only put together on 22/8, and earlier versions didn't even have this song;
  703. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Italian (traduzioni pre-30/7/22) | @TP: 4:02-6:12 (rec. 1/1/22) | Betw. 5/3 and 20/4, hopefully after 8/4 and before 19/4, twk. night betw. 30 and 31/7/22 | Song first appears in Session 118 from 10/3/13, the previous one being from 5/3; the translation is found in that same FTN5 from above, I'm ordering those as they appear in the note, trusting they appear in the order I did them; the files (ZHJA37-38) have a different version, and the blog version may be hybridizing the note and the files, plus maybe some extra changes from more recent times; the files "only" reach 22/8/13; I have a mental association of this translation with the train station, but no idea whether I made it there or not, and when I sung this translation there; a version of my poem collection from 20/4 already contains this status, translating the title of the song as the Italian translation in the post; the only reason for "stai" instead of "sei" in that translation is the rhyme, so if the translation of the title existed, the translation also did, at least in part; hence, the start of this was before 20/4, and I bet it was way before it, including before 19/4, but not so long before as to be before 8/4, because otherwise the previous item clashes with it in an absolutely unsolvable manner;
  704. Everlasting love | song: Everlasting love | Japanese - Chinese (@@TP) | 19/4/13 with tweaks, twk. probs. within early May 2013 def. within 20/8/13, then within 7/6/14 OR on 12/8/18 | First found in a 19/4/13 file which already has corrections done while making the translation, tweaks happened both in FTN5, whose first datable appearance is on 20/8/13 but it was probably typed around the start of May 2013 (the current Facebook metadata are baloney, an older save of the note shows it as "5 May 2013, 16:38"), then one last tweak was suggested in a later edit of the note, appears as a suggestion in ZHJA39 (the first appearance of this translation in that series of files), and is validated in the post draft on 12/8/18;
  705. Being left | song: Bîn-á-tsài (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 57) | Min - Mandarin (mandarinization) (@@NV) [LTC] | Betw. 27/4 and 5/5/13 | Same old note FTN5, thus within 5/5/13; I date it to after 27/4 simply because the song first appears (apart from way back in 2012) in session 131, the part from 9/5/13, and session 130 is from 27/4; also appears in FTN6;
  706. Being left | song: Míngtiān (Mandarin) (Year 2 song 58) | Chinese - English | @TP: 1:33-2:32 (rec. 12/6/21) | Betw. 27/4 and 5/5/13, twk. 22/8/22 and 30/8/22 | FTN7, dated 5/5/13, broke off from the "same old note", and has this first, thus this was done within 5/5/13; I date it to after 27/4 simply because the song first appears (apart from way back in 2012) in session 131, the part from 9/5/13, and session 130 is from 27/4;
  707. My brothers | song: Wǒ de hǎo xiōngdi (Year 2 song 52) | Chinese - English | @TP: 1:50-3:04 (rec. 29/1/22) | Betw. 3/4 and 5/5/13, twk. 28-29/1/22 | Same note FTN7 as the previous one, so within 5/5/13, putting it here because of the note's order; song apparently met between 3/4 (session 127) and 8/4 (session 128, where it first appears);
  708. Ballata dell’amore vero | song: Ballata dell'amore vero | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | Betw. 20/6 and 22/6/13, twk. 25/10/23 | First recorded in a 22/6/13 17:35 file from Session 138, the previous one being from 20/6, tweaks are from blog times;
  709. Do you really love me? | song: Shìfǒu zhēnde ài wǒ (Year 2 song 96) | Chinese - English (2013 version) | @TP: 1:45-2:52 (rec. 5/2/22) | 26/7/13 | 27/7/13 diary entry dates it to «ieri» (yesterday);
  710. Il seme | song: Il seme | Italian - Chinese (original, @@NV) | Start betw. 28/7 and 3/8/13, compl. 11/1/18 | Both this and the following are said to have been started on the CLU vacanzina, meaning between 28/7/13 and 3/8/13; I don't remember starting the next one in that period, so I'm putting this one here, because otherwise I have absolutely no idea how to order them; only the first two lines were done back then, the rest is from 11/1/18;
  711. Razón de vivir | song: Razón de vivir | Spanish - Chinese | @TP: Full video (rec. ≤9/9/15) | Start betw. 28/7 and 3/8/13, compl. betw. 3/8 and 12/8/13, rwk. within betw. 9/11/14 and 18/11/14, twk. within 7/9/15 then on 9/10/17 | Cfr. above for the purported start period; as for the earliest record, there is a file in Session 145 from 12/8/13 which contains its original version, so that's a bound, and I'd place it after the vacanzina, so between 3/8 and 12/8; the previous session, from 19/7, doesn't help date it at all; the Youtube version (save for «和为来考虑» in the first instance of that phrase and «活我的生活的理由») is found in a file from Session 233 (18/11/14), the previous session being from 9/11/14; both of those things are fixed in a 7/9/15 file, and I assume they are fixed done shortly before the 9/9/15 video; a final tweak is made on 9/10/17;
  712. Un petalo di fiore | song: Hitohira no hanabira | Japanese - Chinese - LTA (@@BBR, @@Pit) | Lost translation found handwritten on a printout of some Japanese songs; does not appear in ZHJA30 from 17/9/12, so it's probably after that; my original guess was «I did it close to the end of the holidays, so I didn't manage to copy it onto the computer, and then Uni work overwhelmed me, and I forgot about it and archived the printout, until I dug it up this month together with a bunch of old notebooks in order to dig up info for this index»; however, the printout seems to be an intertwining of three files from March 2013, and the 17/8 diary says «Oggi […] ho aspettato il pranzo iniziando finalmente a riprendere una trad ja-zh, dopo pranzo l'ho finita e poi ho scritto il diario» (Today I waited for lunch finally starting to come back to a Japanese - Chinese translation, I finished it after lunch and then wrote the diary), so at least part of this is almost certainly from 17/8/13; I'm just randomly assuming this was all done in the context of «ho finito le canzoni dell'anno scorso e cominciato a radunare le cinesate di quest'anno» (I finished last year's songs and started gathering the Chinese stuff from this year), again from the 17/8 diary; placing this anywhere between March and this place is a mess and I don't want anything to do with that :); it was missing one or two lines, which I completed upon adding it in on 2/3/22;
  713. Deep love | song: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Min Nan) (Year 1 song 61 - last one; the video is a replacement and contains a slightly different version than the post) | Min - English (A) (@@NV) [LTG, RES] | Within 18/8/13 | ZHJA36 residue, like the following; cannot date more precisely; assuming the "within 22/8" thing below was from close to 22/8 for the sake of ordering; it appears in the 5/10/12 list of to-be-corrected Chinese things, as well as on the 28/3/13 list of made or half-made Chinese songs marked as 未正 "uncorrected", but I'm writing both of these off as unreliable since the same is true for 深深的爱 by Lai Bingxia, which I never translated;
  714. Deep love | song: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Min Nan) (Year 1 song 61 - last one; the video is a replacement and contains a slightly different version than the post) | Min - English (B) (@@NV) [LTG] | Ditto to previous;
  715. Thank you for your deep love | song: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Year 2 song 70) | Min - Mandarin, mandarinization (@@NV) [LTC, RES] | Betw. 28/3 and 22/8/13, twk. within 1/9 and within 3/6/17 | ZHJA37 residue, so made within 22/8/13, todo list of Chinese songs from 28/3 marks it as not done (未做), then tweaked in ZHJA38 (so within 1/9) and ZHJA40 (so within 3/6/17), so last tweak God knows when; also appears in FTN7, I probably missed this when I dated this translation, but since the edit metadata of notes aren't trustworthy I won't say it was made within… yeah well it's 5/5/21 so no use there :); I will however note that it's different from the blog's Original version, in that it has 因为放在心中 for l. 5, 陪我面对困难和艰苦 for l. 7, 站在这舞台 for l. 1 of chorus, 难道知 for the next-to-last line, and the following last section: «千言万语 / 一句话来表明 / 有你的鼓励关怀 / 我会认真为将来»;
  716. Being left | song: Bîn-á-tsài (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 57) | Min - Mandarin [LTC] | @TP: 2:12-3:10 (rec. 28/5/22) | Betw. 22/8 and 1/9/13 | First appears in file ZHJA38 from 1/9 and not in file ZHJA37 from 22/8, so that's the timeframe; twk. 28/5/22 and 16/6/22
  717. Rouge (aka lipstick, I guess) | translated version of the translated part: 2:44-3:13, song: Rūju (full song) | Japanese - Chinese (@@NV) | Sep 2013, twk. 13/4/20 | Sep 2013 in Russi, after 1/9 since the last file from back then (ZHJA38) doesn't have it; last tweak 13/4/20;
  718. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:32:13-1:32:38) | Chinese - Arabic (cantilated) | @PC: 1:34:30-1:35:00 (rec. 5/5/24), older version 16:55-17:28 (rec. 1/6/17) | Betw. 27 and 29/9/13, rwk. 2 and 4/1/16, twk. 30/5/17, fixed 19/4/23, twk. 6/5/23 and 11/5/24 | First found in this post from 29/9/13, taken up again in Jan 2016 and modified, mistranslation fixed on 31/5/17 going from «kam faqadta» to «kam zuhūrun waqa'ū» (21:26), then «waqařū» (transliteration fix 21:27), then the final version at 21:37, as per self-chat, and the video is from 2/6/17; fixed 19/4/23 because of some terrible grammar, and twk. 6/5/23 because 'awrāqun doesn't mean flowers;
  719. U2

  720. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Albanian (non-remake, @@NV) | Diary points to 5/10/13 as the date this was made; it also says that 7/10 brought corrections in to this; that is also the date of the file that first records the Zulu version and also includes this version;
  721. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Zulu (@TP) | Earliest record is a 7/10/13 file; there appear to have been no tweaks; my memory of making it in 2015 is apparently wrong, but perhaps that's when I sent it to my corrector, who gave no comments that I can recall;
  722. Ombra nera | song: Negra sombra | Galician - Chinese (@@TP) | Betw. 10/11 and 17/11/13 twk. 10/8/18 | Earliest record is a file from Session 163, 17/11/13, the previous one being from 10/11/13; the tweak was made in the post draft as per screenshots;
  723. Thank you for your deep love | song: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Year 2 song 70) | Min - Slovak | @TP: 2:28-3:45 (rec. ≤1/11/17) | Compl. betw. 6/1 and 20/1/14, twk. lots of dates | Started and completed between 6/1/14 and 20/1/14, subsequently tweaked on 12/5/17, 30/7/17, 11/8/17 (FTN16), and 19/11/21;
  724. Suddenly appeared, suddenly left | song: Wǒ de gēshēng lǐ (Year 3 song 30) | Chinese - Czech | @TP (partial): 0:47-1:34 (rec. ≤29/6/17) | 8/2/14, twk. 12/5/17, compl. 19/12/20 | 8/2/14, last tweak 12/5/17 (represented in FTN16?), but first complete version is from 19/12/20, because I originally only translated the first verse and chorus;
  725. Favola | song: Favola | Italian - Chinese | @TP: Full video (rec. ≤25/5/14) | Betw. 28/2 and 1/3/14, twk. within 31/3, rwk. betw. 20/5 and 25/5, twk. 10/10/17 and night betw. 23 and 24/3/22, 21/4/22 | First recorded in a 1/3 file, then in a 3/3 file from Session 184, Session 183 being from 28/2, so it was made on 28/2 or 1/3; it underwent three tweaks on 31/3, then was heavily modified between 20/5 and 23/5 via the comments to this post (which is where those three tweaks happened), then got one or two more tweaks within 25/5, when I uploaded my video of it; last tweak 10/10/17 while drafting the post;
  726. Favola | song: Favola | Italian - Min (@@TP) | Betw. 28/2 and 1/3/13, twk. within 11/3, rwk. prob. around 25/5/13 but def. within 29/1/18 | First recorded in similar circumstances as the previous one, looks like a minnanification and traditionalization of the Mandarin, hence the order; it suffered some tweaks within 11/3, and then a massive change, in the spirit of the changes to the Chinese version, presumably around the time of the vid, definitely within a save of the post on 29/1/18;
  727. Non andartene! | song: Ikanaide | Japanese - Hungarian (@@TP) | Between 9/5/14 and 11/5/14 (it's found in a session from the latter date preceded by one from the former); in fact, as per the history in the post, it's from 10/5/14, with one tweak presumably happening on drafting day; the Google file in that session was copypasted into FTN25;
  728. U3

  729. Varda la luna | song: Varda la luna | Venetian - Chinese (@@TP) | 23/12/14;
  730. Razón de vivir | song: Razón de vivir | Spanish - Hakka (@@TP) | 20/12/14, with edits on 27 and 28/12/14;
  731. Un giudice | song: Un giudice | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | Within 13/3/15, probs around that time | Made in this 13/3/15 post has it, twk. same day in an edit to the post, one corr. 25/6/16, the other between then and 6/9/18;
  732. Love you till the end | song: Sarang hae (2:09-4:54) | Korean - Hakka | @TP: 4:54-7:30 (rec. 20/1/18) | Completed within (and probably started around) 1/4/15; posted 1/4/15 to Hakka Verse, twk. by 2/4 comments, then twk. 16/1/18 2/2/22;
  733. Eccoti | song: Eccoti | Italian - Chinese - LTA | @TP: 3:50-7:00 (rec. 27/11/21) | Start 26/7/15, rwk. and compl. 23-27/11/21 | Chorus made 26/7/15 and improved 23-27/11/21, in which time period all other changes and the completions also happened;
  734. Il mondo | song: Il mondo | Italian - Chinese | @TP: 1:30-2:31 (rec. 30/4/21) | Made 27/9/15, as per post; at least, that's when the notes containing (now condensed into FTN8 and deleted) it were last edited;
  735. U4

  736. Meraviglioso | song: Meraviglioso | Italian - Chinese | @TP: 3:36-5:44 (rec. ≤9/12/17) | Found in a note (can't find link) dated 19/10/15;
  737. Tu scendi dalle stelle | song: Tu scendi dalle stelle | Italian - Chinese (original, @@NV) | Within 30/12/15, since a file from 13:36 on this date contains the Pinyin of the translation; too bad the diary never mentions the song…;
  738. Barco negro | song: Barco negro | Portuguese - Chinese (@@TP) | Within 22/6/16 | First found in FTN9, dated 22/6/16;
  739. In Cil | song: In cil e jè une stele | Friulian - Chinese (@@TP) | Within 22/6/16 | First found in the same FTN9 as the above, kept the posting order for these two;
  740. La strada del bosco | song: La strada del bosco (slightly different version than what I translated) | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | Within and prob. around 7/8/16, twk. prob. within 16/9/17 | Made in FTN10, dated 7/8/16; there were subsequent tweaks, presumably within the posting date of 16/9/17;
  741. Come what may | song: Haja o que houver | Portuguese - Chinese | @TP: 2:53-4:00 (rec. 4/3/23), older version 2:20-3:39 (rec. ≤21/10/17) | 15/9/16, twk. 16/9/16 and on FTN11's 17/9/16, and within (probs. after 9/9/17 and near) 21/10/17 and 3/3/23 and following two nights;
  742. Do you hear the people sing? | song: Do you hear the people sing? | English - Chinese | @TP: 2:02-3:07 (rec. 18/3/23) | First two lines prob. Aug 2016 but maybe Sep I really can't tell, then two more lines only 11/3/23 and following night twk. 17/3/23, rest of chorus and verse 1 17/3/23 (night betw. 16 and 17), verse 2 17/3/23 compl. following night, twk. 19-20/3/23;
  743. Come what may | song: Haja o que houver | Portuguese - Min | @TP: 4:00-5:08 (rec. 4/3/23), older version 3:39-4:56 (rec. ≤21/10/17) | 15/9/16, twk. 16/9/16 and on FTN11's 17/9/16, then 18/9/17 per correction by Cai Boquan (see FTN11), then within (probs. after 9/9/17 and near) 21/10/17, finally 4/3/23;
  744. Il viaggio | song: Il viaggio | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | Original version made in FTN12, dated 28/9/16, tweaked version 4/11/23 15:35-15:47 and in the evening;
  745. Aconteceu | song: Aconteceu | Portuguese - Chinese | @TP: 1:34-2:24 (rec. 9/7/22), older version 2:09-3:01 (rec. ≤26/6/19) | 30/9/16 poss. twk. 1/10/16, rwk. 17/10/16, twk. 7/9/18 9/12/20 10/7/22 at 16:19 | First found in self-chat messages from 30/9/16, then in FTN13, dated 1/10/16, 17/10 is email from corrector, the other dates are from blog times;
  746. U5

  747. God to man | song: Dio a l'ommo | Neapolitan - Min (@@TP) | Made in self-chat on 8/10/16, twk. same day in FTN14, twk. 4/9/17 in post draft;
  748. La bomba imbriaga | song: La bomba imbriaga | Venetian - Chinese (@@TP) | 10/11/16, twk. 22/11/21 | Made in a file dated 10/11/16, last tweak 22/11/21;
  749. Al mattino | song: Al mattino | Italian - Chinese | @TP: 2:22-4:44 (rec. 9/5/23) | 4/2/17 twk. 9/5/23 | This and the next 3 were made on 4/2/17, as per post; the order follows the one with which I sent them in to a Chinese priest I met that evening so he could correct them; they are all also included in FTN17, with the same order as here except the next one is shoved to the bottom; this one has nothing new from FTN17, which reports the pre-blog aka pre-9/5/23, version; this will be true of those below as well;
  750. Il mio volto | song: Il mio volto | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | 4/2/17 | See above; twk. 4/3/21;
  751. Povera voce | song: Povera voce | Italian - Chinese | @TP: 1:31-2:53 (rec. ≤22/12/19), older recording 1:34-2:54 (rec. ≤13/12/19) | 4/2/17 twk. 2/8/19 and 7/7/23 | See above;
  752. Non son sincera | song: Non son sincera | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | 4/2/17 | See above;
  753. Children’s songs! | song: Mors lilla Olle | Swedish - Chinese | @TP: 2:38-4:24 (rec. 9/5/20) | 21/2/17(+) twk. 9/4/18 14/7/19 14/2/23 11/3/23 | This was done 21/2/17 starting with verse 4, then 1-2, then 3 minus last line, then in FTN15 one or two tweaks, then last line, then possibly more tweaks; further tweaks happened on or within the drafting date of 9/4/18, and then one happened on 14/7/19 and one last one on 14/2/23;
  754. Children’s songs! | song: Tingelingelinge tåget går | Swedish - Chinese | @TP: 1:01-1:24 (rec. 5/2/21) | 21/2/17(+) | Made in that FTN15 on 21/2/17, missing two lines in the last SS, so those either on 21/2/17 or within drafting 9/4/18;
  755. Children’s songs! | song: Trasiga Trasse | Swedish - Chinese (@@TP) | 21/2/17(+) twk. 9/4/18 | Made in that same FTN15 on 21/2/17, minus possibly the last line which was definitely done within drafting date 9/4/18; last tweak on that date;
  756. Come, make me happy | Lied: Ständchen | German - Chinese | @TP: 5:16-8:49 (rec. 21/4/19) | 4/5/17 | The post is a bit contradictory, as it dates this one to 7/5/17, but then says it came before the Czech, which is hard-dated by the Whatsapp chat with my corrector as started on 4/5; I will assume I mistyped and meant 4/5/17;
  757. Come, make me happy | Lied: Ständchen | German - Czech | @TP: 8:49-12:22 (rec. 21/4/19) | Start 4/5/17, compl. and rwk./twk. within 7/5/17 | Started 4/5/17 and completed/corrected over the following days up to and including 7/5;
  758. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:32:13-1:32:38) | Chinese - English (iambic pentameters) | @PC: 1:32:38-1:33:01 (rec. 5/5/24), older version 10:47-10:58 (rec. 1/6/17, tuneless) | "Just before the posting of the video", the video was shot 1/6/17, so within then, possibly on 1/6/17 just before shooting, or in the night just before; twk. 21-22/3/24;
  759. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 1 | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - English rhyming hendecasyllabics (@@Cl) | 3 or 4/6/17 | All three translations were done in a row, specifically for the post, and were posted to Facebook at 0:04 on 4/6/17;
  760. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 2 | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - English rhyming hendecasyllabics (@@Cl) | 3 or 4/6/17 | See above;
  761. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Herodotus, book 7, chap. 228, sect. 3 | Ancient Greek elegiac couplets - English rhyming hendecasyllabics (@@Cl) | 3 or 4/6/17 twk. 5/1/23 | See above;
  762. Suddenly appeared, suddenly left | song: Wǒ de gēshēng lǐ (Year 3 song 30) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 4/6/17, with the feeling it had been made earlier and not written down;
  763. Fool love | song: Yú Ài (Year 2 song 24) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 4/6/17;
  764. Who decided to split up? (or rather, lifelong only you) | song: It-sing tsí-ū lí (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 26) | Min - English (@@TP) | 4/6/17;
  765. The knock-knock beetle | Xhosa - English (Middle, @@NV) | song: Qongqothwane | Betw. 4/6 and 10/6/17 twk. 23/1/18 | The "first version" mentioned by the post appears in this Fb note between translations from 4/6 and from 10/6/18; indeed, some of those translations are seen being typed into the note in screenshots from the correct dates, including the ones of the Epigrams, which start the note; I almost certainly wouldn't have put those in first if I had Nguqongqothwane already made, so after 4/6 for sure; as for before 10/6, that rests on the assumption that the note was written in order; otherwise, it was definitely over by 21/6/18, when I started the next translations note; on 23/1/18, I changed the second line as per the post; the explanation of the grammar and meaning of the song on Quora came in on 9/1/18, but the post seems to imply that on 7/9/18, when I drafted the post and first saved it, with the fixes resulting from Quora already in place, I still had to implement that analysis into the translation; 23/1 brings us to middle;
  766. Poisonous perfume | song: Xiāngshuǐ yǒu dú (Year 2 song 157) | Chinese - English (original, @@MV) | 10/6/17;
  767. Amore mio lontano | song: Ling ling ling (Year 1 song 3) | Indonesian - Chinese (@@TP) | 10/6/17;
  768. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C 1) | Ancient Greek - Latin (hymn in version 4, @@BR) | The difference between versions 3 and 4 is due to annotations in S22b, which were made… well, one of those in the Ancient Greek was made on 6/6/17, the other Ancient Greek ones and one Latin one are from 15/6/17, and I'd assume the missing Latin «Vultu' sine morte cum adrideret» annotation is also from 15/6;
  769. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C 1) | Ancient Greek - Italian (hymn in version 4, @@BR) | Cfr. above, the Italian annotations are all seen in the 15/6/17 screenshots, with an intermediate status of «Chiedevi cosa chiesta, o già passata»;
  770. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C 1) | Ancient Greek - English (hymn in version 4, @@BR) | Cfr. above, the English annotations from 15/6/17 have an intermediate «Asked what I'd passed,», and are missing «Whom should I persuade thee», which I assume was made just afterwards;
  771. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 36 LP 5 C 5 SF 110 | Ancient Greek - English (With 2289, @@BR) | 19-20/6/17 | These are the result of two text changes, which happened in my critical note to this, whence the dates; now, as for ordering, I take the order of the retranslations in the note, which first translates the last stanza in the version integrated with P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 6, into English Italian Latin, then the changed stanza 4, which gives the main version when taken on its own, into Latin Italian English;
  772. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 36 LP 5 C 5 SF 110 | Ancient Greek - Italian (With 2289, @@BR) | 19-20/6/17 | Cfr. above;
  773. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 36 LP 5 C 5 SF 110 | Ancient Greek - Latin (With 2289, @@BR) | 19-20/6/17 twk. 16/7/17 | Cfr. two above, the tweak is in l. 5;
  774. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 36 LP 5 C 5 SF 110 | Ancient Greek - Latin (Main, @@BR) | 19-20/6/17 twk. 16/7/17, 1/10/24 15:01/02, and 4/10/24 16:24 | Cfr. three above, again the tweak in l. 5 as the above item;
  775. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 36 LP 5 C 5 SF 110 | Ancient Greek - Italian (Main, @@BR) | 19-20/6/17 | Cfr. four above;
  776. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 36 LP 5 C 5 SF 110 | Ancient Greek - English (Main, @@BR) | 19-20/6/17 twk. 28/9/24 20:06 | Cfr. five above;
  777. Cheers! | song: Liû-lōng kàu Tām-tsuí (Year 2 song 74) | Min - English | @TP: 2:32-4:28 (rec. ≤1/11/17) | 20/6/17, chorus remade 10/12/20;
  778. Holding your hand, I can walk my road | song: Khan gún--ê tshiú (Year 3 song 137) | Min - English | @TP: 1:24-2:15 (rec. ≤15/10/17) | 20/6/17;
  779. Calling your name in the wind | song: Zài fēng zhōng hūhuàn nǐ de míngzi (Year 2 song 71) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 20/6/17;
  780. Let’s drink! | song: Kan tsi̍t pue (Year 2 song 151) | Min - English | @TP: 7:16-7:59 (rec. ≤9/12/17) | 20/6/17;
  781. A kind of love called breaking up | song: Yǒu yī zhǒng ài jiàozuò fàngshǒu (Year 3 song 5) | Chinese - English | @TP: 2:30-3:47 (rec. ≤30/6/17) | 20/6/17;
  782. Vinni la primmavera | song: Si maritau Řosa | Sicilian - Chinese | @TP: 0:24-2:57 (rec. ≤15/10/17) | 22-24/6/17 except last verse 2/7/17;
  783. Oltre le lacrime | song: Namida no mukô | Japanese - Chinese (@@TP, @@Pit) | 2/7/17;
  784. You’re half of my soul | song: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98) | Min - Hakka | @TP: 2:08-3:10 (rec. ≤15/10/17) | 2/7/17;
  785. The feelings of a loafer - with such a lonely heart | song: Lōng-tsú--ê sim-tsîng (Year 2 song 87) | Min - English (@@TP) | 2/7/17;
  786. Intimate strangers: powerful love | song: Zuì shóuxī de mòshēngrén (Year 3 song 34) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 2/7/17;
  787. L’uselin | song: L'uselin de la comare (different than lyrics in post) | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | 13/7/17 | FTN23 contains the translation and says «2017年7月13号在SDC翻译的» (translated 13/7/17 during SdC); it also says «Maybe I doffed that cos xiaoque everywhere and suddenly xiaoniao, but I doubt I could come up with anything else.» about the last line, and yet the post implemented xiaoniao in the final chorus, distinct from the xiaoque of every other instance of "L'uselin de la comare";
  788. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C 1) | Ancient Greek - Latin (hymn in version 5-6, @@BR) | 14/7/17 twk. 19/11/21 | Getting from version 4 to version 5 requires changes that happened all on 14/7/17, except for a single one in the Latin that comes from a 24/9/12 PDF; getting to version 6 is the tweaks from 2021; the only reason this, and the following two, are separate from 4 is the change of the Ancient Greek stanza 5; the change in stanza 4 doesn't change the meaning so I don't count it as a reason to split this from version 4;
  789. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C 1) | Ancient Greek - Italian (hymn in version 5-6, @@BR) | 14/7/17 twk. 19/11/21 | See above;
  790. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C 1) | Ancient Greek - English (hymn in version 5-6, @@BR) | 14/7/17 twk. 19/11/21 and night betw. 30 and 31/3/23 | See above;
  791. Mi tagghiu u mustazzu | song: U mustazzu (1:35-3:21) | Calabro-Sicilian - Chinese | @TP: 3:27-5:14 (rec. ≤15/9/17) | Chorus night betw. 17 and 18/7/17 compl. following day twk. 2/8/17 in comment to FTN22, verses 1 and 3 18/7/17, verse 2 6/8/17; dates up to 18/7 given by FTN22, which also hints at 6/8 with its "around 5/8";
  792. Canzone del melograno | song: Canzone del melograno | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | 4/8/17 twk. 30/9/17 and 12/12/21 and 19/1/22 | I remember doing this while the last meeting of a CL vacation was going on, so I'd assume I saved it directly to FTN24; the first tweak is in a comment to that note, and if it were not I wouldn't know its date; the other tweaks are dated by the post (#IambicPentameter);
  793. Deep love | song: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Min Nan) (Year 1 song 61 - last one; the video is a replacement and contains a slightly different version than the post) | Min - English (Blog, @@TP) | 8/8/17 while drafting post | As per 8/8/17 screenshots, 18:46-18:48 ll. 1-6 with «What a waste that I was sincere to you», 18:49 it's complete with «Will abandon me» and «And come back to my embrace» (the last one shows this is the Mandarin translation copypasted); 18:50 it's complete as it now appears in the post;
  794. Thank you for your deep love | song: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Year 2 song 70) | Min - Czech | @TP: 3:45-5:00 (rec. ≤1/11/17) | 11/8/17, corr. and twk. 13/8/17, twk. within 1/11/17; probably all documented in FTN16;
  795. Thank you for your deep love | song: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Year 2 song 70) | Min - English | @TP: 5:00-6:14 (rec. ≤1/11/17) | 11/8/17;
  796. Lu ciuffu | song: Lu ciuffu | Sicilian - Chinese | @TP: 0:29-3:22 (mixed with original, rec. 22/8/20) | 23/8/17 17:40-18:23 twk. 4/9/17 and 27/9/17;
  797. The final heartache | song: Sim-thiànn (Year 2 song 56) | Min - English (@@TP) | 29/8/17 12:09-12:13;
  798. The final heartache | song: Xīntòng (Year 2 song 59) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 29/8/17 12:27/28-12:[34,39];
  799. Heartache, heartache, heartache… happiness? Nope. Helplessness | song: Sann siann bô-nāi (Year 2 song 61) | Min - English (@@TP) | 29/8/17 evening;
  800. «Una speranza e una follia» | song: La casa in riva al mare | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | 30/8/17 (~14:33 as per FTN19);
  801. Di mamma ce n'è una sola | song: La mamma | Sicilian - Chinese (@@TP) | 30/8/17 15:00-16:41 twk. 4/9/17 17:41;
  802. Vinni la primmavera | song: Si maritau Řosa | Sicilian - Italian (@@TP) | 14-15/9/17 twk. 24/6/19;
  803. U6

  804. Sòt 'e lët | song: Sòt 'e lët (0:48-1:19) | Romagnolo - Chinese | @TP: 1:19-1:47 (rec. ≤2/10/17) | 29/9/17;
  805. La mente torna | song: La mente torna | Italian - Chinese | @TP: 3:54-7:13 (rec. 24/4/20) | 6/10/17 twk. 13/9/18 and 25/4/20;
  806. Una versione… poetica | Menander, Theophoroumene, fr. 1 | Ancient Greek - Latin iambic trimeters (@@Cl) | 19/10/17 as per post, twk. 22/3/23;
  807. Una versione… poetica | Menander, Theophoroumene, fr. 1 | Ancient Greek - Italian barbarous iambic trimeters (@@Cl) | 19/10/17 as per post;
  808. Un frammento di vita quotidiana: graffito pompeiano | A Pompeiian graffiti | Latin - Italian (@@Cl) | 20/10/17;
  809. No pain, no gain | song: Ài piànn tsiah ē iânn (Year 2 song 20) | Min - English | @TP: 1:13-1:59 (rec. ≤21/10/17) | A 20/10/17 13:05 message has the translation up to "Strive" with «How can you lose all hope,» for l. 5 (well, 3, the lines are split different) and «Heavens choose three parts, / you make seven parts,» for the penult two lines; the last line is in another message timestamped the same; my 21/10/17 video has the final version; the tweaks seem to have been made in the tex helper; namely, on 21/10/17 at 16:21 we see l. 5 (also, l. 6 gains an "And" at the beginning which isn't in the post), 16:29:02 shows "make" highlighted ready to become "shape", and 16:37:13 we see "Heavens choose" highlighted, yet 21 seconds later it's still there (?), 17:24:50 the video description is being edited yet the tex helper is last edited 17:25, Idk wtf is up with this, but within 21/10 the final version was there;
  810. Io ci sarò | song: Boku ga iru | Japanese - Chinese (@@TP, @@Pit) | 5/11/17;
  811. I love you | song: Ja tjebja ljublju | Russian - Hakka | @TP: 2:58-4:42 (rec. 26/9/20) | 18/11/17 | The spiritual exercises that year came unusually early, between Friday 17/11/17 and Sunday 10/11/17;
  812. My lover is a sailor | song: Ài-lîn sī kiânn-tsûn-lîn (Year 2 song 93) | Min - English (original, @@NV) | Night betw. 21 and 22/11/17 last line 23/11/17;
  813. I miss you | song: Xiǎngniàn nǐ (Year 2 song 95) | Chinese - English (original, @@MV) | Night betw. 23 and 24/11/17;
  814. When will you come back? | song: Hérì jūn zài lái (Year 2 song 25) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 2/12/17 twk. 8/1/18 but twk. was undone | So, IIRC on that day I went to dinner with dad's Chinese students, and on the way back home I made and self-sent this translation; I definitely self-sent it back on that day, and then again on 8/1/18, at which point I also included it in a translation note, with an 8/1/18 addition that is mentioned in the post as undone "probably because I didn't like it";
  815. Posso averne tante, ma… | Italian - Chinese | song: Dieci ragazze per me | 19/12/17;
  816. I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… | Sappho E 48 LP 49 C 49 SF 33 | Ancient Greek - English (Remake, @@Ψ) | L. 2 from 18/12/17 21:15/16 was combined with l. 1 of the original and a remade l. 3 from 19/8/24 12:43;
  817. Being left | song: Bîn-á-tsài (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 57) | Min - English | @TP: 3:09-4:07 (rec. 28/5/22) | 19/12/17 (self-chat) twk. 28/5/22 and 30/5/22;
  818. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Oxy/GW+safopoemas) | @BR: 1:36:19-1:47:25 + :48:24-1:48:38 (rec. 21/8/24) | Blend of old translations made on 22/12/17, no screenshots to choose the order so I go in the order they appear in in the code for the post, the Italian was the only one to get "a quick fix" on 22/12/17 and a tesina tweak much later;
  819. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16) | Ancient Greek - Latin (Oxy/GW+safopoemas) | @BR: (rec. 21/8/24) | 22/12/17, cfr. previous;
  820. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16) | Ancient Greek - English (Oxy/GW+safopoemas) | @BR: (rec. 21/8/24) | 22/12/17, cfr. two above;
  821. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Romagnolo – RES | @TP: 2:48-4:18 (rec. 3/11/23) | Betw. 8 and 25/12/17 | The post says «partly in a December night between the 8th and the 20th, partly on Dec 24, and partly on Dec 25th 2017», but the earliest record of this is in the night between 24 and 25/12/17, in a self-chat message; I will look through the screenshots for evidence of earlier dating, and if I find any, I will replace this, otherwise it stays as a Christmas 2017 self-chat residue;
  822. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Spanish | @TP: 4:18-5:46 (rec. 3/11/23) | 25/12/17 between 15:05 and 15:17 twk. 4/11/23 morning and evening;
  823. Love and grief | Sappho E 98 LP 57 C 57 | Ancient Greek - English ("Rustic woman" reconstruction B, @@Sic) | 25/12/17 around 23:15;
  824. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Romagnolo (traduzioni pre-30/7/22) | @TP: 6:12-8:19 (rec. 1/1/22) | 1/1/18 (start 14:30), corr. 8/1/18, twk. 19/9/21 2/1/22 | Screenshots from 1/1/18 basically show this being typed into this Facebook note; as per said note, «Corrections 8/1/18 ~23:45:30. The rest probably sometime between Dec 25 2017 and Jan 4 2018. Probably after Dec 28, and I think before Jan 1. **’s ~23:55:20 8/1/18.»; those dates are all given by the post, and the chorus reinterpretation is dated by Facebook page posts post, which also tells us spér->spir was implemented in chorus on 26/9/21;
  825. So many stars | song: Kim-pu-yà àn to sen (1:11-1:56) (Year 4 song 7) | Hakka - Romagnolo | @TP: 1:56-2:37 (rec. 14/10/23) | 3-4/1/18 twk. 4/1, corr. betw. 4 and 8/1/18;
  826. So many stars | song: Kim-pu-yà àn to sen (1:11-1:56) (Year 4 song 7) | Hakka - English | @TP: 2:37-3:17 (rec. 14/10/23) | 3-4/1/18;
  827. The wonders of a dance | song: Cheek to cheek | English - Chinese (@@TP) | Chorus 6/1/18, most of rest 8/1/18, the "will carry me through right up to" part being misdated to 8/8/18 when it's still from 8/1;
  828. Sadness without bounds | song: Odna kalyna | Ukrainian - Chinese | @TP: 3:25-5:20 (rec. ≤27/3/18) | 6/1/18 twk. 7/1 and 22/1/18;
  829. Night fog | song: Yè wú (Year 2 song 49) | Chinese - Hakka (@@TP) | 7/1/18;
  830. Sadness without bounds | song: Odna kalyna | Ukrainian - Romagnolo | @TP: 5:20-7:12 (rec. ≤27/3/18) | 8/1/18 with later twks, then twk. 12-13/1/18;
  831. Yelaixiang (night-blooming jasmine?) | song: Yèláixiāng (Year 2 song 31) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 8/1/18;
  832. How you speak | song: Nǐ zěnme shuō (Year 2 song 21) | Chinese - English | @TP: 1:35-2:19 (rec. 19/3/22) | 9/1/18 within 0:15;
  833. Really love you | song: Wǒ shì zhēnde àishàng nǐ (Year 2 song 11) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | Ll. 1-2 night betw 8 and 9/1/18, rest 9/1;
  834. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion | song: Nǐ shì wǒ xiōngkǒu yǒngyuǎn de tòng (Year 2 song 17) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | Night betw. 8/1/18 and 9/1/18 with a couple lines reconstructed the following day;
  835. Two anthems | Japanese anthem: Kimi ga yo (Year 1 song 1) | Japanese - Chinese (@@TP) | 9/1/18;
  836. A daughter to “get rid of” | song: Láu-mòi A-fa (Year 1 song 57) | Hakka - English (@@TP) | 11/1/18;
  837. If there wasn’t him? | song: Hè-kóng mô kî-sâ nyî òi ngâi mô ná (Year 3 song 87) | Hakka - English (@@TP) | 11/1/18;
  838. If there wasn’t him? | song: Rúguǒ méiyǒu tā nǐ hái ài wǒ ma (Year 2 song 84) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 11/1/18;
  839. If there wasn’t him? | song: Yu-kwó hè mô kî nyî hân òi ngâi mô (Year 7 song 15) | Hakka - English (@@TP) | 11/1/18;
  840. Stubbornly waiting | song: Bāng-tshuan-tshiu-suí (Year 2 song 54) | Min - English | @TP: 1:33-2:22 (rec. 9/10/21) | 11/1/18;
  841. Waiting till my heartbreak | song: Děng nǐ děng dào wǒ xīntòng (Year 2 song 6) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 11/1/18;
  842. Ombra nera | song: Negra sombra | Galician - Italian (@@TP) | 11/1/18;
  843. Io ci sarò | song: Boku ga iru | Japanese - Korean (@@Pit, @@BR?) | 11/1/18 twk. 19/9/21;
  844. Piel canela | song: Piel canela | Spanish - English (@@TP?) | 11/1/18;
  845. I’ll be with you | song: Wǒ jiù yào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ (Year 2 song 63) | Chinese - English (original) | @TP: 1:47-2:44 (rec. 7/5/22) | 11/1/18 twk. 22/5/22;
  846. Memories and forgetfulness | song: Gei3-dak1 mong4-gei3 (Year 2 song 111) | Cantonese - English (@@TP) | Post and note say 11/8/17, but I'm betting this is also 11/1/18, since it's after the previous in the note, and there's no evidence for it in 2017; I will see the SS from 11/8/17, because there's no chance in hell I did this all back then, kept it in my memory with the date, and only wrote it down on 11/1/18 or later; as expected, 11/8/17 screenshots have no trace of this, so I'm calling bullshit on that date;
  847. Kisses that cause sadness | song: Jyut6 man5 jyut6 soeng1-sam1 (Year 2 song 18) | Cantonese - English (@@TP) | 11/1/18;
  848. Romanesque | song: Romanesque | Japanese - Chinese (@@TP) | 11/1/18 twk. 12/1/18;
  849. Parting | song: Pàng-tshiú (Ài lí--ê iau-kiû sī tham) | Min - English (@@TP) | 11/1/18 twk. 12/1/18 (Year 2 song 110);
  850. Ti voglio rivedere! | song: Nee ima sugu aitai yo | Japanese - Italian (song 2, @@TP) | 12/1/18 between 16 and 17 twk. 15/1/18;
  851. Fish never stop swimming | song: Yītiāndàowǎn yóuyǒng de yú (Year 2 song 99) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 12/1/18 "in the evening", twk. 8/9/18;
  852. Why can I not move you?! | Other Hakka (Year 5 song 3) "Kám-thùng thien kám-thùng thì" not on Youtube AFAIK | Hakka - English (Anton Xie, @@TP) | 15/1/18 as per post;
  853. Un amore appassionato che felice non finì | song: Aveva un bavero | Italian - Hakka (@@TP) | 15/1/18 (start 13:58);
  854. Quel oselin dal bòsch | song: Quel oselin dal bosch (2 verses missing) | Venetian - Chinese (@@TP) | 15/1/18;
  855. Love you till the end | song: Sarang hae (2:09-4:54) | Korean - Romagnolo | @TP: 7:30-10:00 (rec. 20/1/18) | 17/1/18, partly in the night, partly in the morning, twk. 2/2/22;
  856. Love you till the end | song: Sarang hae (2:09-4:54) | Korean - English | @TP: 10:00-12:28 (rec. 20/1/18) | Same day as the previous, twk. 2/2/22;
  857. Soft wind | song: Vent fin | French - Chinese | @TP: 1:19-2:17 (4-voice canon with original and other translations, rec. ≤8/9/19) | 22:13 22/1/18, mostly the evening before, set down then because that’s when I finally brought myself to looking up “sapin” and “bout” for translation purposes.;
  858. El Chipi Chipi | song: El Chipi Chipi | Spanish - Chinese | @TP: 6:47-9:24 (rec. ≤9/6/18) | 16:35:46 23/1/18, first conceived and made but not written on 17/11/17 in the afternoon, possibly with English or Italian too, twk. 9/6/18;
  859. Roosters vs. hens | song: Kai-kung vs. kai-mâ (I only have an audio clip, Year 7 song 17) | Hakka - English (@@TP) | Choruses 24/1/18 8:03-8:04 twk. 19/3/23, rest 24/1/18 10:07-10:13;
  860. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 27) | Chinese - French (AX-AX+) | @TP: 4:59-6:28 (AX+, rec. 16/12/23) | AX 24/1/18 9:34 (AX) then twk. 16/12/23 (AX+) | Exactly in the same boat as the previous;
  861. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 27) | Chinese - English (AX1-AX2-AX+) | @TP: 3:27-4:59 (AX+, rec. 16/12/23) | AX 24/1/18 11:31 (AX1) then 12:22 (AX2), twk. 16/12/23 (AX+) | I'm now treating this as an Anton Xie remake, which I date to 24/1/18 because that is when I received it; the tweaks by me are from recording day;
  862. Home’s so far | song: Jiā, tài yuǎnle (Year 2 song 112) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 24/1/18 14:48-15:17;
  863. Cannot love you | song: Ngoi3 bat1 hei2 (Year 2 song 76) | Cantonese - English (@@TP) | 24/1/18 15:44-15:58 except one line 5/9/18;
  864. Alone in a rainy night | song: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16) | Chinese - Czech | @TP: 5:42-7:24 (rec. ≤13/8/19) | 31/1/18 twk. 10/9/18 21/9/18 13/8/19, "Yanlei fix" 25/5/24;
  865. Alone in a rainy night | song: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16) | Chinese - Ukrainian | @TP: 7:24-9:06 (rec. ≤13/8/19) | 31/1/18 twk. "around Easter 2018" then 13/8/19, "Yanlei fix" 25/5/24;
  866. Yelaixiang (night-blooming jasmine?) | song: Yèláixiāng (Year 2 song 31) | Chinese - Irish (@@TP) | 2/2/18 corr. 3/2/18;
  867. The feelings of a loafer - with such a lonely heart | song: Lōng-tsú--ê sim-tsîng (Year 2 song 87) | Min - Czech (@@TP) | 3/2/18 corr. 10/9 and 22/9/18; FTN16 probably has nothing to give us about this;
  868. Who am I without you? | song: Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 (Year 1 song 31) | Cantonese - Czech | @TP: 5:42-7:06 (rec. 20/11/20) | 4/2/18 corr. 10/9 and 22/9/18, twk. 8/11/20 and 11/11/20 and 21/11/20 and 9/11/21; FTN16 probably has nothing to give us about this;
  869. Yelaixiang (night-blooming jasmine?) | song: Yèláixiāng (Year 2 song 31) | Chinese - Czech (@@TP) | 16/2/18 twk. 17/2/18 corr. 30/7/18-1/8/18; FTN16 probably has nothing to give us about this;
  870. Intimate strangers: powerful love | song: Zuì shóuxī de mòshēngrén (Year 3 song 34) | Chinese - Turkish (@@TP?) | 4 lines 11/3/18, 2 more 11/4/18, compl. and twk. 28-29/4/18, rwk. 2/5/18 and 7/5/18 and 13-15/6/18, twk. 9/10/20, Quora-corr. 10-13/12/20 | The post is wrong about that 7/5; what actually happened is that me and my Turkish friend met up for the first rework (literal translation from English to Turkish of the English version with intervention by a Chinese friend) on 2/5, then on 7/5 we interacted again about this translation via Messenger; original, literal back-translation, and rework are in FTN37;
  871. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 – 36:28-38:40, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (P.GC.) | @BR: 19:00-19:40 + 30:40-31:53 (rec. 7/9/24) | 19/3/18 | Blend of old translations with one fix 13:49 and more and completion 14:03-14:06 and 15:43, says self-chat;
  872. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 – 36:28-38:40, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English (P.GC.) | @BR: 19:40-21:28 + 31:53-33:39 (rec. 7/9/24) | 19/3/18 | Blend of old translations with one fix 14:13 and more and completion 14:42 and 15:24, says self-chat;
  873. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 – 36:28-38:40, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (P.GC. original) | @BR: 14:35-18:43 + 21:48-30:24 (rec. 7/9/24) | 19/3/18 | Blend of old translations with fixes and continuation 15:30-15:38, one fix 15:37, and completion 15:58, says self-chat;
  874. Do you really love me? | song: Shìfǒu zhēnde ài wǒ (Year 2 song 96) | Chinese - English (2018 remake) | @TP: 2:53-3:58 (rec. 5/2/22) | 19/3/18 (about 1/2h as per post, ending within 23:24 as per self-chat) twk. 20/3/18 and 9/2/22;
  875. PhDS

  876. You’re half of my soul | song: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98) | Min - English (@@TP) | Up to l. 8 13/4/18, compl. 14/4/18, twk. 11-12/4/20;
  877. You’re half of my soul | song: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98) | Min - Czech (@@TP) | 14/4/18 corr. 26/4/18, 3-4/5/18, 30/7/18, poss. twk. 31/7/18; FTN16 probably has nothing to give us about this;
  878. Love and grief | Sappho Kypris poem without P.GC. (basically E 13+15 LP 26 C 26 SF re-12B-and-15) (12:07-13:04, rec. 10/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English | @Ψ: 13:50-14:35 (rec. 10/8/24) | 16/4/18;
  879. El Chipi Chipi | song: El Chipi Chipi | Spanish - Italian | @TP: 4:01-6:38 (rec. ≤9/6/18) | 21/4/18;
  880. True love | W. Shakespeare, Let me not to the marriage of true minds (Impediment admit) | English - Italian (@@PC) | 23/4/18;
  881. Soft wind | song: Vent fin | French - English | @TP: 1:19-2:17 (4-voice canon with original and other translations, rec. ≤8/9/19) | 24/4/18;
  882. Holding your hand, I can walk my road | song: Khan gún--ê tshiú (Year 3 song 137) | Min - Romagnolo | @TP: 0:35-3:05 (rec. ≤17/7/18) | 4 lines 14/6/18, most of second part 16/6/18, compl. and heavily twk. 18/6/18;
  883. Night fog | Chinese - English | song: Yè wú (Year 2 song 49) | 16/6/18;
  884. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Modern Greek (2018) | @TP: 16:35-17:59 (rec. 18/7/21), older recording 3:23-4:57 (rec. ≤2/9/18) | 18/6/18 twk. 19/6/18, 21/6, poss. 22/6, 14/7, 12/11/18, 13-14/7/21;
  885. Our moving world | song: Xiǎosǎ zǒu yī huí (Year 2 song 16) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 18/6/18 twk. 25/6, 3/7, 27/7/18;
  886. Our moving world | song: Phiau-lōng--ê hái-sua (Year 2 song 82) | Min - English (@@TP) | 20/6/18 twk. poss. within 22/6 then def. on 11/7/18;
  887. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Romagnolo | @TP: 4:57-6:31 (rec. ≤2/9/18) | 20/6/18 twk. and corr. 21/6/18 and 23/6/18 | This was actually done mostly between the first three lines of the previous and the rest of it;
  888. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - French | @TP: 6:31-8:03 (rec. ≤2/9/18) | 22-23/6/18 twk. 11/10/18 4-5/7/21;
  889. Our moving world | song: Phiau-lōng--ê hái-sua (Year 2 song 82) | Min - Czech (@@TP) | 9/7/18 corr. 10/9 and 22/9/18; FTN16 probably has nothing to give us about this;
  890. Time to work together | song: Pa ret ap domi; unfortunately I have no lyrics for verses 3-4 and only learnt they existed later than I made either the post or my video of the song | Haitian - Chinese | @TP: 4:47-6:40 (rec. ≤12/9/18) | 27/7/18 corr. 28/7/18, "Vini nan jan ou ye" 3/9/18 twk. 12/9/18;
  891. Time to work together | song: Pa ret ap domi; unfortunately I have no lyrics for verses 3-4 and only learnt they existed later than I made either the post or my video of the song | Haitian - English | @TP: 2:56-4:47 (rec. ≤12/9/18) | 27/7/18 twk. within 11/9/18, "Vini nan jan ou ye" 3/9/18 twk. 12/9/18;
  892. Ma tu hai preferito me | song: La preferenza | Italian - Chinese | @TP: 2:35-4:36 (rec. ≤13/4/22) | First two lines of chorus betw. 29/7 and 3/8/18, rest 14-15/11/18, twk. 4/7/22 | Those first two lines were thought up but never written on a day of the 2018 vacanzina, where, coming back from a meeting where the song had been sung, I translated those lines, then got stuck on the "sons of creation" of the next line and stopped; the vacanzina in question was 29/7-4/8, 29/7 was Sun, and I'm pretty sure this happened after a Wed, and in fact pretty close to the end of the vacanzina; the very last day had no meetings, because it's the day we go back home; unfortunately the diary won't tell me anything about this, because it stopped at March 2018 and only resumed in Sep 2020;
  893. Waiting till my heartbreak | song: Tén nyî tén táu ngâi sim-thùng (Year 6 song 10) | Hakka - English (@@TP) | Night betw. 5 and 6/8/18 twk. morning, l. 2 afternoon;
  894. Not miss him | Min - English (retranslation) | song: M̄ siūnn i (Year 1 song 51) | 7/8/18;
  895. Who decided to split up? (or rather, lifelong only you) | song: Yīshēng zhǐyǒu nǐ (Mandarin) (Year 3 song 37) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 9/8/18;
  896. Don’t leave me, Lela | Galician - English (retranslation) | song: Lela | 10/8/18;
  897. Tu scendi dalle stelle | song: Tu scendi dalle stelle | Italian - Chinese (remake) | @TP: 1:31-2:20 (rec. 25/12/20) | Made on 11/8/18;
  898. The rest of Sappho | ROS 1.B.iv (Bergk 54, not in LP C E or SF) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Ψ) | 16/8/18;
  899. La me zita | song: La me zita | Sicilian - Min (@@TP) | Chorus 16/8/18 twk. 23/8/18, belly verse THEN first verse nose verse sides verse mouth verse THEN eyes verse money verse (potentially with tweaks intervening) 5/9/18, legs verse 19/9/18, alternate nose verse 30/9/18, face verse and feet verse 11/10/19, rest presumably within 5/9/18;
  900. Pareche Ponzipo | song: Pareche Ponzipo | Sicilian - Min | @TP: 4:25-6:19 (rec. ≤14/9/18), uncut version 5:47-26:04 (rec. ≤14/9/18) | Mason and gravedigger verses 23/8/18, Christian fisher and snail verses 5/9/18, corr. 5/9/18;
  901. The things that I see: Happy Second Birthday, Blog! | song: The things that I see | English - Chinese | @TP: 2:44-4:35 (rec. 4/9/18) | 31/8/18 corr. 3-4/9/18;
  902. A secret I can’t tell | song: Buē-sái kóng--ê pì-bi̍t (Min Nan) (Year 1 song 30) | Min - English (remake, @@TP)| 11/9/18;
  903. O bella ciao | song: Bella ciao | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | Start within 13/9/18, 3 verses compl. 6/7/20, rest 22/7/20;
  904. Why do I cry? | song: Wèihé liúlèi (Year 1 song 29) | Chinese - Italian (@@TP) | 16/9/18 night;
  905. Why do I cry? | song: Wèihé liúlèi (Year 1 song 29) | Chinese - Sicilian (@@TP) | 16/9/18 morning;
  906. L'ultima tenerezza | song: Zuìhòu de wénròu (Year 2 song 7) | Chinese - Italian | @TP: 2:24-3:37 (rec. ≤21/9/18) | 16/9/18 evening;
  907. L'ultima tenerezza | song: Zuìhòu de wénròu (Year 2 song 7) | Chinese - Sicilian | @TP: 3:37-4:49 (rec. ≤21/9/18) | 16/9/18 very late carrying over into 17/9/18 night and finished in the morning;
  908. Sei così perfetto... | song: Sempurna (Year 1 song 6) | Indonesian - Sicilian | @TP: 4:04-6:50 (rec. ≤26/10/18) | 20/9/18 morning twk. afternoon and 27/9/18;
  909. Sei così perfetto... | song: Sempurna (Year 1 song 6) | Indonesian - Chinese | @TP: 6:50-9:35 (rec. ≤26/10/18) | start 20/9/18 evening, cont. 21/9/18 morning, compl. evening, twk. 22/9/18 night;
  910. Il mio amore se n'è andato… | song: Ài-lîn-á tuè lâng tsáu (Year 2 song 4) | Min - Romagnolo (@@TP) | 20/9/18 late evening carrying over into 21/9/18 night and morning, twk. afternoon;
  911. Helplessness | song: Wúnài (Year 2 song 35) | Chinese - Sicilian (@@TP) | 21/9/18;
  912. Missing support | song: Phù-poi (Year 2 song 51) | Hakka - Sicilian (@@TP) | 23/9/18 and the previous night, "Khan tshoi khan a" line 28/9, twk. 20/1/19 and 30/1/19;
  913. Missing support | song: Phù-poi (Year 2 song 51) | Hakka - Min (@@TP) | Start 23/9/18 and the previous night, cont. 2-3/10/18, compl. 20/1/19, twk. 31/1 and 1/2/19;
  914. Missing support | song: Phù-poi (Year 2 song 51) | Hakka - English (@@TP) | 23/9/18 and the previous night, "Khan tshoi khan a" line 28/9, twk. 20/1/19;
  915. Dis-moi donc, pluie | song: Hōo-tsuí guá mn̄g lí (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 12) | Min - French (@@TP) | 23/9/18 evening twk. 24/9/18 and 2/4/23;
  916. Tu m'as jamais vraiment aimé(e) | song: Guân-lâi lí m̄-bat ài-kuè guá (Year 2 song 80) | Min - French (@@TP) | 24/9/18;
  917. Tu m'as jamais vraiment aimé(e) | song: Guân-lâi lí m̄-bat ài-kuè guá (Year 2 song 80) | Min - Romagnolo (@@TP) | 24-25/9/18;
  918. My only true love | song: Tsin ài tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 36) | Min - English (@@TP) | 25/9/18, ll. 1-2 allegedly "Probably between 23/9 & 24/9";
  919. Però mi vuole bene | song: Però mi vuole bene | Italian - Min | @TP: 2:53-5:17 (rec. 4/5/24, last chorus mixed with Italian) | 26-27/9/18 with corrections 27/9, chorus apparently "formalization of a very old idea";
  920. Ojos de cielo | song: Ojos de cielo | Spanish - Min (@@TP) | 29/9/18 twk. 30/9 and 1/10/18;
  921. ¿Cómo hacer para olvidarte? | song: Como hacer para olvidarte | Spanish - Min | @TP: 3:20-4:36 + 6:26-7:00 (rec. ≤14/10/18) | Start night betw. 29/9/18 and 30/9 compl. 1/10/18;
  922. Se il cuore fa male, la canzone è triste | song: Yeraishan | Japanese - Indonesian (@@TP) | 2/10/18 start at night cont. morning/afternoon/evening, twk. 3/10/18;
  923. Se il cuore fa male, la canzone è triste | song: Yeraishan | Japanese - Italian (@@TP) | 2/10/18 evening twk. 3/10/18;
  924. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.xiv (LP 155 E 121 C 155 SF be) (complete text) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Completion is night betw. 2 and 3/10/18 and translation is following morning; Latin was definitely done before English, it's seen in the SS; as for Italian being first, the SS let you assume it, unless I didn't look far enough into them; cfr. post about that;
  925. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.xiv (LP 155 E 121 C 155 SF be) (complete text) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Ψ) | Completion is night betw. 2 and 3/10/18 and translation is following morning; cfr. the Italian above for the order of the translations;
  926. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.xiv (LP 155 E 121 C 155 SF be) (complete text) | Ancient Greek - English (@@BR) | Completion is night betw. 2 and 3/10/18 and translation is following morning; cfr. the Italian above for the order of the translations;
  927. ¿Cómo hacer para olvidarte? | song: Como hacer para olvidarte | Spanish - Chinese | @TP: 4:36-6:26 (rec. ≤14/10/18) | 14/10/18;
  928. The rest of Sappho | ROS 1.B.iv (Bergk 54, not in LP E C or SF) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | 4/10/18 | Appears in a self-message from 4/10/18 11:00 together with the next one, which follows it;
  929. The rest of Sappho | ROS 1.B.iv (Bergk 54, not in LP E C or SF) | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ) | 4/10/18;
  930. Thank you for your deep love | song: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Year 2 song 70) | Min - Italian (@@TP) | Made 26/10/18;
  931. Goodnight | Lied: Gute Nacht | German - Min | @TP: 7:18-13:28 (rec. ≤4/7/19) | Verse 1 29/10/18, verse 2 16/11/18, compl. 17/11/18;
  932. Roar up to the sun | song: Xiàng tàiyáng nǔhòu (Year 2 song 72) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 31/10-1/11/18 poss. twk. 14/11/18;
  933. PhD1

  934. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - English (original, @@MV) | 14/11/18 twk. 19/11 and 23/11/18;
  935. Never turning back! | song: Yǒngyuǎn bù huítóu (Year 2 song 67) | Chinese - Italian (@@TP) | 15-16/11/18;
  936. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - German (@@TP) | 15/11/18 late evening going on into the night, compl. 16/11/18, twk. 19/11/18;
  937. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Italian (original, @@MV) | Night betw. 15 and 16/11/18 twk. 14/7/21;
  938. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Spanish (original) | @TP: 13:51-15:13 (rec. 18/7/21) | 16/11/18 afternoon twk. 18 and 19/11/18 and 5/7/21 and following night;
  939. Never turning back! | song: Yǒngyuǎn bù huítóu (Year 2 song 67) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | Night betw. 16 and 17/11/18 twk. the following day;
  940. Helplessness | song: Wúnài (Year 2 song 35) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 18/11/18 within 15:40;
  941. Helplessness | song: Wúnài (Year 2 song 35) | Chinese - Italian (@@TP) | [18/11/18 within?] 15:57;
  942. Helplessness | song: Wúnài (Year 2 song 35) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | Night betw. 22 and 23/11/18;
  943. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Hindi (original) | @TP: 12:27-13:51 (rec. 18/7/21), older version 3:03-4:28 (rec. 29/8/20) | 23-24 and 26-27/1/18 going on into the night, corr. 14/2/20 fix 15-16/2/20;
  944. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Persian (original) | @TP: 4:28-5:55 (rec. 29/8/20) | 27-28/11/18 and 11-14/12/18 corr. 22/11/19 and 1/12/19, twk. 26/4/21 | The corrections can be found in FTN47;
  945. Non andartene! | song: Ikanaide | Japanese - Swahili (@@TP) | 13/12/18 except chorus 2 14/12/18;
  946. Non andartene! | song: Ikanaide | Japanese - Chinese remake (@@TP) | 14/12/18 twk. 1 and 6/8/22;
  947. Holding your hand, I can walk my road | song: Khan gún--ê tshiú (Year 3 song 137) | Min - Vietnamese (my version, @@MV) | 15/12/18 twk. 25/12/18;
  948. Holding your hand, I can walk my road | song: Khan gún--ê tshiú (Year 3 song 137) | Min - French (@@TP) | 21/12/18 twk. 26/12/18;
  949. Holding your hand, I can walk my road | song: Khan gún--ê tshiú (Year 3 song 137) | Min - Vietnamese (friend's remake, @@TP) | 26/12/18 twk. by me 3/1/19;
  950. Thank you for your deep love | song: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Year 2 song 70) | Min - Vietnamese (@@TP) | Ll. 1-2 1/1/19, 3-4 3/1/19, compl. 22/1/19, last little bit 23-25/9/24;
  951. Barco negro | song: Barco negro | Portuguese - Italian (@@TP) | 4-5/1/19;
  952. L'Italiano | song: L'Italiano | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | 16-18/1/19 (start 11:00) twk. 18/2/23;
  953. Placido | song: Placido | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | 16-19/1/19 (start 18:53);
  954. Missing support | song: Phù-poi (Year 2 song 51) | Hakka - Modern Greek (original, @@MV) | 31/1/19, corr. 6-7/6/19;
  955. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Russian (@@TP) | 2-3/2/19 twk. ≪12/2/19, corr. 20/2/19 twk. 21/2/19;
  956. Je vais vaguer | song: Ài liû-lōng (Year 2 song 73) | Min - French | @TP: 2:10-3:10 (rec. 30/10/20) | Part 1 night betw. 4 and 5/2/19, part 2 6/2/19 twk. 30/10/20;
  957. 'O sole mio | song: 'O sole mio | Neapolitan - Chinese | @TP: 3:55-6:22 (rec. ≤25/6/19) | 9/2/19 twk. 24/2/19;
  958. When you're sad, listen to love songs! | song: Shāngxīn de shíhou kěyǐ tīng qínggē (Year 2 song 91) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 11/2/19;
  959. Silently crying at dusk | song: Huánghūn lǐ (Year 2 song 50) | Chinese - English | @TP: 2:02-3:31 (rec. 11/2/23) | Last 2 lines of chorus 1 night betw. 17 and 18/2/19 (sent in same message as first bit of next item, but before it) twk. 19/2/19, compl. 21/2/19;
  960. Who will love me? | song: Shéi lái ài wǒ (Year 2 song 44) | Chinese - English | @TP: 3:23-5:33 (rec. 5/6/22) | Start night betw. 17 and 18/2/19, compl. following day;
  961. A thousand words swept away with the clouds | song: Qiānyánwànyǔ (Year 2 song 38) | Chinese - English | @TP: 1:15-1:55 (rec. 4/3/22) | Ll. 1-2 18/2/19, compl. 21/2/19, twk. 23/2/19;
  962. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Japanese | @TP: 3:31-4:55 (rec. 9/4/21) | 26/2/19 twk. 27/2/19;
  963. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | song: Wasurenaide | Japanese - Chinese | @TP: 8:34-11:59 (rec. 27/11/20) | 1/3/19, end of chorus 2 13/3/19, twk. 18/3/19 and 19/6/19 and 7/7/19;
  964. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | ROS 1.C.i "Golden chickpeas" | Ancient Greek - Finnish (@@MV) | 6-7/3/19 (cfr. FTN39) corr. 8/3/19;
  965. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | LPC2 "Idyll with Aphrodite" | Ancient Greek - Finnish (@@MV) | 7-8/3/19 (cfr. FTN39), ll. 10-11 remade 1/5/21;
  966. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | song: Wasurenaide | Japanese - Italian | @TP: 5:08-8:34 (rec. 27/11/20) | 11/3/19 late and mostly the following night, twk. 12/3/19 morning, end of chorus 2 13/3/19, twk. 14/3/19 and 18/3/19 and 7/7/19;
  967. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | song: Wasurenaide | Japanese - Finnish | @TP: 5:30-8:56 (rec. 19/2/21), older version 11:59-15:25 (rec. 27/11/20) | 13-14/3/19, corr. 15-17/3/19, twk. 19/6/19, 6-7/7/19, corr. 28/11/20-2/12/20, twk./corr. 16-17/2/21;
  968. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Japanese (@@TP) | 21-22/3/19;
  969. Deep love - quite possibly the last one :) | song: Shēnshēn de ài (Year 2 song 53) | Chinese - English | @TP: 1:45-2:56 (rec. 29/4/23) | Night betw. 22 and 23/3/19 twk. following day;
  970. 'O sole mio | song: 'O sole mio | Neapolitan - Sicilian | @TP: 6:22-8:46 (rec. ≤25/6/19) | 23/3/19 evening twk. 11/3/23;
  971. Deep love - the return | song: Shēnshēn de ài (Year 2 song 34) | Chinese - English | @TP: 3:10-4:16 (rec. 18/6/21) | Night betw. 23 and 24/3/19 (start <2:29) compl. 24/3/19;
  972. Deep love - the return | song: Shēnshēn de ài (Year 2 song 34) | Chinese - Italian | @TP: 2:04-3:10 (rec. 18/6/21) | Night betw. 23 and 24/3/19 (start <2:29) compl. 24/3/19;
  973. Thank you for your deep love | song: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Year 2 song 70) | Min - Mandarin | @TP: 3:56-5:21 (rec. 24/12/21 | Night betw. 23 and 24/3/19, 3:12-3:15;
  974. Not brave enough | song: Bù gòu yǒnggǎn (Year 2 song 28) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 25/3/19 going on in the night;
  975. Dis-moi donc, pluie | song: Yǔshuǐ wǒ wèn nǐ (Mandarin) (Year 2 song 13) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | 26/3/19;
  976. Il nostro amor | song: Wǒmen de ài (Year 2 song 100) | 27/3/19 | Chinese - Italian (@@TP);
  977. Loving no more is one kind of love | song: Bù àile yě shì yī zhǒng ài (Year 2 song 81) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 27-28/3/19;
  978. Two Chinese children's songs | song: Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ | Chinese - English | @TP: 0:50-1:20 (rec. 9/5/20) | 28/3/19;
  979. Two Chinese children's songs | song: Bá luóbo | Chinese - English (@@TP) | 29/3/19;
  980. Peace | song (2:41-3:24): Peace | English - Chinese (@@TP) | Night betw. 11 and 12/4/19 with "Anning" chosen on 26/4/19, twk. 29/9/21;
  981. Dreams | song: Dreams (4:33-6:25) | English - Min | @TP: 2:56-3:54 (rec. 1/5/20) | First half verse night betw. 11 and 12/4/19 twk. morning and 15/4/19, compl. 19/4/19 going on in the night and twk. morning;
  982. Ti amo, mio angelo | I love you, my angel | song: Malaika | Swahili - Chinese | @TP: 5:03-7:02 (rec. ≤22/6/19) | L. 1 18/4/19, compl. night betw. 26 and 27/5/19;
  983. Ti amo, mio angelo | I love you, my angel | song: Malaika | Swahili - Italian | @TP: 3:06-5:03 (rec. ≤22/6/19) | L. 1 18/4/19, compl. 27/5/19;
  984. Holding your hand, I can walk my road | song: Khan gún--ê tshiú (Year 3 song 137) | Min - Hakka (@@TP) | Night betw. 24 and 25/5/19 twk. afternoon;
  985. Holding your hand, I can walk my road | song: Khan gún--ê tshiú (Year 3 song 137) | Min - Italian (@@TP) | Night betw. 24 and 25/5/19, twk. 20/12/23;
  986. In Cil | song: In cil e jè une stele | Friulian - Italian (@@TP) | 25/5/19;
  987. Holding your hand, I can walk my road | song: Khan gún--ê tshiú (Year 3 song 137) | Min - Portuguese (@@TP) | Night betw. 27 and 28/5/19 compl. following morning with from "Sou disposto a" on;
  988. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | song: Ethän unohda saa | Finnish - Italian (@@TP) | 28/5/19 twk. 1/12/20 | Both translations of this song have their start in the same 28/5/19 12:33 message, in the order I report them in; the song is the effect of a translation adjustment for Wasurenaide that went too far for me and is thus counted as a separate song; therefore, it will only be on Youtube when I put it there;
  989. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | song: Ethän unohda saa | Finnish - Chinese (@@TP) | 28/5/19 | Both translations of this song have their start in the same 28/5/19 12:33 message, in the order I report them in; the song is the effect of a translation adjustment for Wasurenaide that went too far for me and is thus counted as a separate song; therefore, it will only be on Youtube when I put it there;
  990. Children’s songs! | song: Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo (Year 1 song 53) | Chinese - Italian | @TP: 2:34-3:24 (rec. 9/5/20) | Night betw. 29 and 30/5/19 twk. night afterwards;
  991. Hoy arriesgaré | song: Hoy arriesgaré | Spanish - Chinese (@@TP) | 12-13/6/19 started morning;
  992. Più lontano delle stelle | song: Luntanë cchiù luntanë | Atri Neapolitan - Chinese (@@TP) | 12/6/19 evening, twk. night betw. 16 and 17/12/21;
  993. Nottata di luna | song: Nuttatë dë lónë | S. Benedetto del Tronto Neapolitan - Teochew (@@TP) | 16-17/6/19, "lancette" line 18/6/19, twk. 20/6/19, corr. within 26/6/19, twk. 14/8/19;
  994. Saffo in metrica barbara | Inno ad Afrodite (1) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Stanza 1 17/6/19 0:12 twk. 7:33 and 5/1/21 betw. 16:33 and 18:07, rest yet unmade;
  995. Più lontano delle stelle | song: Luntanë cchiù luntanë | Atri Neapolitan - French (@@TP) | 21/6/19;
  996. Yet more heartache | song: Xīntòng (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 25) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | 1/7/19 twk. 9/1/22;
  997. Aconteceu | song: Aconteceu | Portuguese - French | @TP: 3:01-3:52 (rec. ≤26/7/19) | 12-13/7/19;
  998. Saffo in metrica barbara | Alla nutrice (13) (3:22-5:25, rec. 8/5/21) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione col papiro di Obbink) | @Ψ: 5:30-7:34 (rec. 8/5/21) | 28/7/19 ≤0:44, , twk. next day 16:33 and 3/5/21 19:[15,17], incomplete stanza 30/4/21 18:58-19:02 twk. 8/5/21 11:41;
  999. Saffo in metrica barbara | Più amata discendenza di Gaia e Urano (Terra e Cielo) (16) (1:46-3:22, rec. 21/9/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione prima dei papiri P.Oxy. 2166(a) | @Ψ: 3:22-4:54 (rec. 21/9/24) | Stanza 1 28/7/19 0:54-1:07 twk. 11/5/24 15:12, compl. 9/5/24 19:13-19:49, except the two one-word lines made 10/5/24 15:23, twk. 22/9/24 0:04;
  1000. Who can escape the world's sadness? | song: Xīn yuānyāng húdié mèng (Year 2 song 105) | Chinese - English | @TP: 1:42-2:44 (rec. 5/9/20) | 1/8/19 twk. that night;
  1001. Soft wind | song: Vent fin | French - Modern Greek | @TP: 1:19-2:17 (4-voice canon with original and other translations, rec. ≤8/9/19) | 15/8/19 corr. next day;
  1002. Lifelong | song: Gam1-sang1 gam1-sai3 | Cantonese - English | @TP: 2:57-5:07 (rec. 11/9/20) | End of chorus 16/8/19, cont. 17/8 and following night, compl. 18/8/19, twk. 22/12/23;
  1003. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - English (traduzioni pre-30/7/22, @@MV) | Start 16/8/19 compl. 18/8/19;
  1004. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Chinese (@@TP) | Night betw. 29 and 30/8/19 cont./twk. next morning;
  1005. I love you | song: Ja tjebja ljublju | Russian - French | @TP: 4:41-6:22 (rec. 26/9/20) | Verse 1 and chorus night betw. 1 and 2/9/19, verse 2 next evening, twk. 26/2/23 0:53;
  1006. Signore delle cime | song: Signore delle cime | Italian - English (Early rework, @@TP/BR) | Tweaked from original 7/9/18 12:15;
  1007. The knock-knock beetle | song: Qongqothwane | Xhosa - Chinese (Middle-2 and beyond) | @TP: 3:01-4:18 (rec. ≤10/9/18) | 7/9/18 (chorus 23:13-23:14, verse 23:18-23:20) | On 7/9/18, I drafted the post and implemented the corrections from Khumbulani to the Middle version; since that means everything but the "filler" was remade, I count that a remake; I assume I did Chinese then English because of how they appear in the post's code;
  1008. The knock-knock beetle | Xhosa - English (Middle-2 and beyond) | @TP: 4:18-5:35 (rec. ≤10/9/18) | song: Qongqothwane | 7/9/18 (chorus 23:22, verse 23:25-23:26), twk. twice on 10/9/18 | 7/9/18, the drafting of the post and implementation of Khumbulani corrections, brings to middle-2, split from Middle as per the previous item; the other versions are from two tweaks in separate draft saves from 10/8;
  1009. Work for the Lord | version 1: Sáleláká Mokonzi, version 2 (2:54-5:38): Sáleláká Mokonzi | Lingala - English | @TP: 8:39-15:39 (rec. ≤21/6/20) | Verse 1-2 and chorus 26/9/19, verse 3-4 29/9/19, verse 2 twk. 30/9/19, verse 3 twk. 1/10/19, compl. 1/10/19, tweaks 8/10/19, night betw. 29 and 30/10/19 and 31/5/20 and 16-17/4/20;
  1010. Winter girl | song: Co-bé mùa-đông | Vietnamese - Chinese (@@TP) | Night betw. 1 and 2/10/19 (start 0:23) twk. next morning;
  1011. Winter girl | song: Co-bé mùa-đông | Vietnamese - English (@@TP) | Night betw. 1 and 2/10/19 (start 1:09) twk. next morning;
  1012. Ma come hai fatto? | song: Come hai fatto? | Italian - Min (@@TP) | 3/10/19 (start 12:33);
  1013. Ma come hai fatto? | song: Come hai fatto? | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | 3/10/19 within 19:33 as per post;
  1014. Non andartene! | song: Ikanaide | Japanese - Lingala (@@TP) | Start 3/10/19 23:04, compl. that evening and the following night twk. 25/8/20 and 28/4/21;
  1015. Ma come hai fatto? | song: Come hai fatto? | Italian - English (@@TP) | Night betw. 3 and 4/10/19;
  1016. Your heart | song: Nyia kài sim (0:47-2:01) | Hakka - English | @TP: 2:01-3:12 (rec. 18/7/20) | 4/10/19;
  1017. Work for the Lord | version 1: Sáleláká Mokonzi, version 2 (2:54-5:38): Sáleláká Mokonzi | Lingala - Italian | @TP: 15:44-22:46 (rec. ≤21/6/20) | 7/10/19 twk. 8/10/19 and 20/10/19 and 16-17/4/20 and betw. 24 and 31/5/20;
  1018. Work for the Lord | version 1: Sáleláká Mokonzi, version 2 (2:54-5:38): Sáleláká Mokonzi | Lingala - French | @TP: 22:51-29:28 (rec. ≤21/6/20) | 8/10/19 morning+evening twk. 20/10/19 and 16-17/4/20 and betw. 24 and 31/5/20 and 14/6/20;
  1019. I have truly loved you | Ngâi hè cin-shıt òi-kwò nyî (not on Youtube, Year 8 song 71) | Hakka - English (@@TP) | 8/10/19 afternoon;
  1020. Walking on | song: Gai3-zuk6 hang4 (Year 2 song 88) | Cantonese - English (@@TP) | 10/10/19 16:15-16:52;
  1021. Cinque canzoni siciliane | song: Vitti na crozza | Sicilian - Chinese | @TP: 1:27-7:26 (rec. 13/7/24, mixed with original) | Night betw. 10 and 11/10/19 twk. night betw. 12 and 13/10/19;
  1022. Cinque canzoni siciliane | song: E vui durmiti ancòra | Sicilian - Chinese | @TP: 3:24-6:08 (rec. 6/7/24) | Night betw. 11 and 12/10/19 cont. the following morning, twk. 6/7/24 12:11 and 12:18;
  1023. Cinque canzoni siciliane | song: Mi vòtu e mi rivòtu | Sicilian - Chinese | @TP: 3:39-6:35 (rec. ≤19/10/19) | 16/10/19 going on into the night, "Palumma" verse 18/10/19;
  1024. Venez! | song: Nunga ua oh | Mende - French | @TP: 2:29-4:04 (rec. 12/3/21) | 26/10/19 ("Jesu mia mu Baomoi a ngie" 11:42, rest post-20) twk. 27/10/19 and 7/12/20 and night betw. 17 and 18/12/21;
  1025. Cinque canzoni siciliane | song: Stiđđa matutina (not on Youtube) | Sicilian - Chinese (@@TP) | 26/10/19 19:06-19:33 twk. 27/10/19;
  1026. Cinque canzoni siciliane | song: Occhi 'nfatati (0:30-2:33) (my video, rec. 8/6/24) | Sicilian - Chinese | @TP: 2:33-4:35 (rec. 8/6/24) | 26/10/19 (start around 21) twk. 8/6/24;
  1027. PhD2

  1028. Winter girl | song: Co-bé mùa-đông | Vietnamese - Romagnolo (@@TP) | 1-2/11/19;
  1029. Winter girl | song: Co-bé mùa-đông | Vietnamese - French (@@TP) | 3/11/19 23:15-23:28 | Post is dumb and just gives timestamps, but a post save clarifies the date;
  1030. Nostalgia for the present | song: Nostalgíĵa po nastoĵáśemu (0:41-2:20), lyrics mostly those of song: Nostalgíĵa po nastoĵáśemu | Russian - Chinese | @TP: 2:20-3:59 (rec. 16/10/20) | 3/11/19 start 23:47 going on into the night, twk. following morning;
  1031. The cricket | song: El grillo | Italian - English (@@TP) | 13-16/11/19;
  1032. Or sdraiata s'è Todora | song: Polégnala e Todóra | Bulgarian - Italian (@@TP) | Night betw. 18 and 19/11/19 twk. following morning;
  1033. Un piccolo ombrello | song: Tsi̍t ki sió hōo-suànn (Year 3 song 99) | Min - Italian (@@TP) | Night betw. 24 and 25/11/19, twk. 22/12/23;
  1034. Più bella di un angelo | song: Pariyâ | Persian - Italian | @TP: 1:19-2:33 (rec. ≤8/1/20) | Night betw. 28 and 29/11/19;
  1035. La strada | song: La strada | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | 8/12/19 (10:07-10:22) twk. 9/12/19;
  1036. La strada | song: La strada | Italian - Min (@@TP) | 8/12/19 (presumably Minnanified from Mandarin above within 10:41) twk. 9/12/19;
  1037. Io vi ho incontrata | version 1 (missing verse 4): Ǎ vstrě́til vas, version 2 (missing verse 3: Ǎ vstrě́til vas | Russian - Italian | @TP: 3:28-6:41 (rec. ≤2/1/20), other recording 3:28-6:41 (rec. ≤27/12/19) | Verse 1 night betw. 19 and 20/12/19, compl. 21/12/19, twk. 23/12/19;
  1038. Magic winter | song: Taikatalvi | Finnish - Portuguese | @TP: 3:31-5:11 (rec. 27/6/20) | 22/12/19 twk. 24/12/19 and 23/6/20;
  1039. Magic winter | song: Taikatalvi | Finnish - English | @TP: 5:11-6:50 (rec. 27/6/20) | Night betw. 23 and 24/12/19;
  1040. Polka di Eva | song: Ievan polkka | Finnish - Italian (@@TP) | Start probs. night betw. 7 and 8/1/20 (l. 1 is "ages ago" and a bunch more is "within 8/1/20 1:52"), cont. following morning, 12/1/19 and following night, night betw. 13 and 14/1/20, 14/1/20, night betw. 21 and 22/1/20, compl. night betw. 26 and 27/1/20 and following morning;
  1041. Swedish religious hymn | song: Gud som haver barnen kär | Swedish - English | @TP: 1:08-1:37 (rec. 2/7/21) | 12/1/20;
  1042. Magic winter | song: Taikatalvi | Finnish - Italian | @TP: 6:50-8:07 (rec. 27/6/20) | 14/1/20;
  1043. Leads to Him | song: Leads to Him (embedded in an article) | English - Chinese (incorrect text) | @TP: 1:20-1:56 (rec. 22/1/21) | 16/1/20;
  1044. Se ci sei tu, sono tranquillo | song: Piànn tshut-thâu (Year 3 song 138) | Min - Italian | @TP: 2:09-3:06 (rec. 18/9/20) | Night betw. 27 and 28/1/20, punct. twk. next day;
  1045. Lei vuol sol ballar | song: I raq rotzá lirqód | Hebrew - Italian | @TP: 1:58-3:21 (rec. 15/1/21) | Start night betw. 28 and 29/1/20 twk. next morning, compl. 29-30/1/20;
  1046. Si t'es là je remercie le ciel | song: Tsîng-lōo ū lí kám-siā thinn (Year 3 song 139) | Min - French | @TP: 2:32-4:10 (rec. 2/4/22) | Start night betw. 1 and 2/2/20 compl. 2-3/2/20;
  1047. La ballade d'Ouri | song: I̱ mpalánta toy Oýri | Modern Greek - French | @TP: 2:34-4:29 (rec. 6/11/20) | 4/2/20;
  1048. Andiamo sulla luna! | song: Páme mia vólta sto feggári | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 5/2/20 twk. 6/2/20 and 24/12/22;
  1049. Destiny is not for us to decide | song: Miā-ūn m̄ sī lán kuat-tīng (Year 9 song 16) | Min - English | @TP: 1:29-2:11 (rec. 21/1/23) | 8/2/20 12:35-12:38;
  1050. Il mio cuore | song: A-lev shel-i | Hebrew - Italian | @TP: 3:19-6:04 (rec. 9/12/20) | 8/2/20 start 13:24 twk. 7-8/12/20;
  1051. Forse mi manchi… | song: Atá po khasér li | Hebrew - Italian (@@TP) | 9/2/20 started night before;
  1052. Ne demande pas ça au ciel | song: Mi̱n to rōtás ton oyranó | Modern Greek - French | @TP: 3:14-5:43 (rec. 12/4/20) | 9/2/20 evening, twk. 15/7/23;
  1053. Rêves | song: Träume | German - French (@@TP) | 10-11/2/20;
  1054. It all fades away | song: It all fades away | English - Chinese (@@TP) | 11/2/20;
  1055. Thank you for your deep love | song: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Year 2 song 70) | Min - French (@@TP) | Night betw. 12 and 13/2/20 finished next day, twk. 10/5/23 and night betw. 11 and 12/5/23, last little bit 28/9/24 18:25-18:27;
  1056. Je t'aime et tu me blesses: pourquoi? | song: Wèi shénme nǐ yào shānghài yī ge ài nǐ de rén? (Year 2 Song 109) | Chinese - French (@@TP) | Start night betw. 13 and 14/2/20, compl. 14-15/2/20 and going on into the night;
  1057. Piangerò segretamente | song: Tōutōu de kū (Year 2 song 68) | Chinese - Italian (@@TP) | Night betw. 17 and 18/2/20 twk. following day;
  1058. Fragile woman | song: Róngyì shòushāng de nǚrén (Year 2 song 122) | Chinese - English (@@TP) | Start night betw. 18 and 19/2/20 compl. next day;
  1059. Fragile woman | song: Róngyì shòushāng de nǚrén (Year 2 song 122) | Chinese - Italian (@@TP) | 19/2/20 morning;
  1060. Romarin | song: Alecrim dourado | Portuguese - Chinese | @TP: 1:49-2:32 (rec. 12/7/20) | 19/2/20 evening;
  1061. Romarin | song: Alecrim dourado | Portuguese - French | @TP: 2:32-3:16 (rec. 12/7/20) | Night betw. 19 and 20/2/20;
  1062. Ferma le lancette | song: Stamáti̱se toy rologioý toys dë́khtes | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 3:08-5:08 (rec. 4/12/20) | 20/2/20 morning twk. 5/12/20;
  1063. Sorgi, luna | song: Ánapse kanoýrgio moy feggári | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 3:25-5:23 (rec. 17/10/20), older version 2:34-4:34 (rec. 12/4/20) | 20/2/20 around 14 in F-M version, the M-F version will be left undated;
  1064. Étoile polaire | song: T' astéri toy voriá | Modern Greek - French | @TP: 1:52-3:21 (rec. 23/4/21) | 20/2/20 betw. 15 and 16;
  1065. I ragazzi giù in pianura | song: Ta pädiá kátō ston kámpo | Modern Greek - Italian (Versione 1, right side) | @TP: 2:55-5:28 (rec. 14/5/21) | 20/2/20 after 16, twk. 4/4/20 (includes all undated tweaks except the last one) and 15/5/21;
  1066. I ragazzi giù in pianura | song: Ta pädiá kátō ston kámpo | Modern Greek - Italian (Versione 2, right side, @@NV) | 20/2/20 after 16, twk. 4/4/20 (includes all undated tweaks) and 15/5/21;
  1067. Questo silenzio mi soffoca | song: Me pnígë toýti̱ i̱ siōpí̱ | Modern Greek - Italian (original) | @TP: 2:28-4:32 (rec. 14/5/21) | 21/2/20 13:48-14:02, twk. 15/5/21;
  1068. Non so quanto ti amo | song: De xérō póso s' agapṓ | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 2:34-4:35 (rec. 29/1/21) | 21/2/20 14:32-15:51 twk. 11/3/23;
  1069. Nuvoletta | song: Synnefoýla | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 1:32-2:36 (rec. 6/11/20) | 22/2/20 afternoon and evening;
  1070. Amore: lama a doppio taglio | song: Agápi̱ poy 'gines díkopo makhä́ri | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 0:23-2:49 (rec. 13/4/22, mixed with original) | 22/2/20 late evening going on into the night, twk. 9/4/22;
  1071. Per cacciar via le nuvole | song: Na diṓxō ta sýnnefa | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | Night betw. 24 and 25/2/20 twk. following morning;
  1072. Dammi la tua bocca | song: Dṓse moy to stóma soy | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 26/2/20 around 14;
  1073. I ragazzi giù in pianura - originale | song: Ta pädiá kátō ston kámpo | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 26/2/20 around 14:30;
  1074. Giorno tzigano | song: Gýftissa méra | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 1:00-3:03 (rec. 19/6/20), mistranslation 0:46-2:46 (rec. 5/6/20) | Start 28/2/20 compl. the following night;
  1075. Piano piano muori sola | song: Argosví̱nës móni̱ | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | Night betw. 28 and 29/2/20;
  1076. Ci amavamo | song: Agapiómastan | Modern Greek - Italian (alternativa, @@TP) | 29/2/20 twk. 4/4/20;
  1077. Ci amavamo | song: Agapiómastan | Modern Greek - Italian (postata in origine, @@TP) | 29/2/20 twk. 4/4/20;
  1078. Se mi hai rubato il cuore | song: Curā liyā hai | Hindi - Italian (@@TP) | Night betw. 2 and 3/3/20 start 0:11;
  1079. Se mi hai rubato il cuore | song: Curā liyā hai | Hindi - Chinese (@@TP) | Night betw. 2 and 3/3/20 start 0:31 twk. following day;
  1080. Se mi hai rubato il cuore | song: Curā liyā hai | Hindi - Japanese (@@TP) | 3/3/20;
  1081. Un soir qu'il pleuvait | song: Éna vrády poy 'vrekhe | Modern Greek - French (@@TP) | 4/3/20 12:54-13:09;
  1082. Io nata son sol per soffrir | song: Genní̱thi̱ka gia na ponṓ | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 4/3/20 13:17-13:50;
  1083. Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :) | song: Mia agápi̱ gia to kalokä́ri | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 2:39-3:33 (rec. 23/10/20) | 5/3/20 16:12 + 16:34-16:37 twk. night betw. 5 and 6/3/20;
  1084. Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :) | song: Mia agápi̱ gia to kalokä́ri | Modern Greek - Spanish | @TP: 1:45-2:39 (rec. 23/10/20) | 5/3/23 16:15-16:28;
  1085. Favoletta mia | song: Paramytháki moy | Modern Greek - Italian | 5/3/20 23:07-23:55;
  1086. Ask the evening wind | song: Frag den Abendwind | German - English | @TP: 2:28-4:19 (rec. 19/12/21) | 14 and 16/3/20;
  1087. Vuoi un pasticcio? | song: Thes pastítsio? | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 2:51-4:46 (rec. ≤29/7/20) | Mostly 16, compl. 17/3/20;
  1088. Lentement | song: Mànmàn lái (1), song: Mànmàn lái (2) | Chinese - French | @TP: 3:07-4:29 (rec. 23/7/22) | First two sections 17/3/20 twk. in the night, compl. 19/3/20;
  1089. Despacito | song: Despacito | Spanish - Chinese | @TP: 3:34-5:39 + 7:57-8:07 (rec. 6/8/20) | Night betw. 18 and 19/3/20 twk. following afternoon, except the "Si te pido un beso" part which is from that afternoon;
  1090. Despacito | song: Despacito | Spanish - English | @TP: 5:40-7:57 (rec. 6/8/20) | Up to "my plan" 20/3/20 late evening, tweaks and rest of section following night, compl. 21/3/20, twk. 1/1/23;
  1091. Slowly | song: Mànmàn de | Chinese - English | @TP: 2:58-5:03 (rec. 1/1/23) | 30/3/20 twk. 31/12/22-1/1/23;
  1092. Magical anklet - aisā jādū | UNAVAILABLE song: Despacito Hindī half-rap parody | Hindi - English (@@TP) | 30/3/20 late evening going on into the night, twk. next day;
  1093. La conchiglia | song: To kokhýli | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 1/4/20 around 23;
  1094. Time to work together | song: Pa ret ap domi; unfortunately I have no lyrics for verses 3-4 and only learnt they existed later than I made either the post or my video of the song | Haitian - Italian (@@TP) | 2/4/20;
  1095. Quando sei sola, a chi penserai? | song: Dāng nĭ gūdān nĭ huì xiăngqĭ shéi (Year 9 Song 22) | Chinese - Italian | @TP: 2:18-3:35 (rec. 29/5/20) | 26/4/20 start 21:52;
  1096. Quando sei sola, a chi penserai? | song: Dāng nĭ gūdān nĭ huì xiăngqĭ shéi (Year 9 Song 22) | Chinese - French | @TP: 3:35-4:49 (rec. 29/5/20) | 26/4/20 start 22:51;
  1097. Sorgi, luna | song: Ánapse kanoýrgio moy feggári | Modern Greek - Hindi | @TP: 5:23-7:18 (rec. 17/10/20), older version 2:48-4:44 (rec. 7/8/20) | 28/4/20;
  1098. May the mirror not hide her | Poem by ATajuddin, set to music by me: 0:49-2:53 | Hindi - Chinese | @TP: 2:54-4:17 (rec. 12/7/20) | 6/5/20;
  1099. Song of the Civil Revolution | song: Guómín gémìng gē (full lyrics), song: Guómín gémìng gē (decent vocals - also, bilingual Chinese - English captions), song: Guómín gémìng gē (my performance, mixed with the translation, 0:39-1:39) | Chinese - English | @TP: 0:39-1:39 (mixed with original) | 13/5/20;
  1100. Adèss fa' sito | song: Adèss fa' sito, song: Adèss fa' sito Karaoke | Italian/Lombard - Mandarin/Min (@@TP) | Start 2/6/20 going into the night, cont. 6/6/20 15-16/20, compl. 20/6/20;
  1101. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Indonesian | @TP: 4:56-6:21 (rec. 9/4/21) | 30/6/20;
  1102. Lunga strada | song: Dorógoj dlínnoĵu | Russian - Italian | @TP: 5:37-10:36 (rec. 22/8/20) | Chorus 2/7/20 23:39 twk. 24/7/20 and night betw. 26 and 27/7, cont. 24/7 night betw. 28 and 29/7 29/7 1/8, compl. 2-3/8/20;
  1103. O bella ciao | song: Bella ciao | Italian - English (@@TP) | Verse 1 3/7/20, rest 6/7/20;
  1104. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Albanian (original, @@MV) | 4-6/7/20 corr. 8/7/20 twk. 30/11/20;
  1105. Berrò la luna | song: Tha piō apópse to feggári | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 6/7/20 around 14:30;
  1106. Terra straniera | song: Ti̱s xenitiás | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 6/7/20 around 17:30;
  1107. Evening bell chime | version 1: Vĵećĵérnij zvon (almost full text), version 2: Vĵećĵérnij zvon (from super-bass to super falsetto) | Russian - English | @TP: 2:52-5:08 (rec. 10/10/20) | 7/7/20 21:47-22:42;
  1108. Domenica nuvolosa | song: Synnefiasméni̱ Kyriakí̱ | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 11/7/20 start 18:03;
  1109. Due porte ha la vita | song: Dyo pórtes ékhë i̱ zōí̱ (@@TP) | 11/7/20 start 18:14;
  1110. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Japanese (traduzioni pre-30/7/22) | @TP: 8:18-10:23 (rec. 1/1/22) | 28-29 and 31/7/20 twk. 8/8/20, 1-2/1/22;
  1111. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - French (traduzioni pre-30/7/22, @@MV) | Night betw. 8 and 9/8/20 twk. 22/10/21;
  1112. Dammi un pochino di cielo | song: Dóse moy ligáki oyranó | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 9/8/20;
  1113. The cranes | song: Žuravlĵí | Russian - Italian | @TP: 2:34-4:13 (rec. 13/8/20) | 10/8/20;
  1114. The cranes | song: Žuravlĵí | Russian - English | @TP: 4:13-5:48 (rec. 13/8/20) | 11/8/20;
  1115. Il pero | song: Grúšitsa | Russian - Italian | @TP: 1:52-3:14 (rec. 5/9/20) | 13/8/20;
  1116. Come what may | song: Haja o que houver | Portuguese - Italian | @TP: 5:08-6:15 (rec. 4/3/23), older version 1:48-2:55 (rec. 8/10/22) | 21/8/20 twk. 12/10/22 and 4/3/23;
  1117. La notte che ho visto le stelle | song: La notte che ho visto le stelle | Italian - Chinese (@@TP) | Start 1/9/20, cont. 3 and 5, compl. 6/9/20, twk. 12/9/20;
  1118. Se ci sei tu, sono tranquillo | song: Piànn tshut-thâu (Year 3 song 138) | Min - Chinese | @TP: 3:06-4:02 (rec. 18/9/20) | 12/9/20 twk. 19/9/20
  1119. The pen of God | Poem by ATajuddin: Rab kî qalam (0:57-1:59) | Urdu - Chinese | @TP: 2:05-3:07 (rec. 2/10/20) | 28/9/20 twk. 2/10/20;
  1120. You’re half of my soul | song: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98) | Min - Hindi (@@TP) | 14/10/20 15:48-16:36, twk. 15-16/10/20 and 20/11/20 corr. 20/11/20 twk. 28/10/23;
  1121. Love – cānd ko | Mix of poems by ATajuddin: Love - când ko (0:57-3:22) | Urdu/English - English/Urdu | @TP: 3:22-5:46 (rec. 16/10/20) | 14/10/20 16:15-16:52 twk. next day and 17-18/10/20;
  1122. Je vais vaguer | song: Ài liû-lōng (Year 2 song 73) | Min - Hindi | @TP: 3:10-4:09 (rec. 30/10/20) | 30/10/20;
  1123. PhD3

  1124. Who am I without you? | song: Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 (Year 1 song 31) | Cantonese - Hindi | @TP: 7:05-8:29 (rec. 21/11/20) | 1/11/20 corr. 2-3/11/20 twk. 28/10/23;
  1125. Who am I without you? | song: Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 (Year 1 song 31) | Cantonese - Italian | @TP: 8:29-9:50 (rec. 21/11/20) | Night betw. 2 and 3/11/20;
  1126. Home is following my thoughts | Mix of poems by ATajuddin: Home is following my thoughts (0:35-2:56) | English - Chinese | @TP: 2:59-5:23 (rec. 13/11/20) | 3/11/20 evening going on into the night, twk. 7/11/20;
  1127. Who am I without you? | song: Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 (Year 1 song 31) | Cantonese - French | @TP: 9:50-11:10 (rec. 21/11/20) | 8/11/20;
  1128. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Hindi (traduzioni pre-30/7/22, @@MV) | 10/11/20 corr. 12 and 16/11/20 twk. 28/10/23;
  1129. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Hindi (remake) | @TP: 6:20-7:47 (rec. 9/4/21) | 15/11/20 twk. 16 corr. 17/11/20 twk. 27/7/21 and 28/10/23 and 3/11/23;
  1130. Only a night | song: Vetëm një nat' | Albanian - Min (parts in English left in English, @@TP) | Start late evening 22/11/20, cont. night, "compl." 24/11/20, twk. 25/11/20, verse 2 only found out later and handled 5/12/20;
  1131. Io ne soffro | song: E vuaj | Albanian - Romagnolo | @TP: 3:12-5:46 (rec. 18/12/20) | Night betw. 11 and 12/12/20 2:01-2:27 twk. next morning and 14/12/20 and within 18/12/20;
  1132. Ferma le lancette | song: Stamáti̱se toy rologioý toys dë́khtes | Modern Greek - Hindi | @TP: 5:08-7:08 (rec. 4/12/20) | 23/11/20 twk. following night, corr. and twk. evening 29/11/20, twk. 15/3/21 and 21/10/23;
  1133. Only a night | song: Vetëm një nat' | Albanian - English (@@TP) | 25/11/20, verse 2 only discovered later and translated 4/12/20;
  1134. Aconteceu | song: Aconteceu | Started on the same day as the following two | Portuguese - English | @TP: 2:30-3:20 (rec. 8/4/23) | 29/11/20 twk. 8/4/23;
  1135. Aconteceu | song: Aconteceu | Portuguese - Sicilian | @TP: 3:20-4:10 (rec. 8/4/23) | 29/11/20 twk. 30/11/20 and night betw. 25 and 26/10/21;
  1136. Aconteceu | song: Aconteceu | Portuguese - Hindi | @TP: 4:10-5:00 (rec. 8/4/23) | 29/11/20 and following night and 30/11/20, "drama" line 9/12/20;
  1137. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | song: Wasurenaide | Japanese - Hindi | @TP: 8:56-12:22 (rec. 19/2/21) | 1-2/12/20 (start 19:27) twk. 18/2/21;
  1138. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | song: Wasurenaide | Japanese - Modern Greek | @TP: 12:22-15:48 (uncorrected version, rec. 19/2/21) | 1-2/12/20 (start 20:20) twk. 18/2/21 and 9/7/23, corr. and twk. 10/7/23, verse 2 corr. 11/7/23 twk. night betw. 11 and 12/7/23;
  1139. White Christmas | song: White Christmas | English - Chinese | @TP: 3:45-4:44 (rec. 25/12/20) | 2/12/20 twk. 14 and 16/12/20;
  1140. In our world | song: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11) | Chinese - Mende | @TP: 9:33-10:28 (rec. 27/3/21) | L. 1 23/12/20 twk. 26/12/20, rest 26-27/12/20;
  1141. Who do you miss when lonely? | song: Khi Cô-Đơn Em nhơ ai | Vietnamese - Chinese (@@TP) | 2-3/1/21;
  1142. Amica | song: Mike | Albanian - Italian (@@TP) | Night betw. 19 and 20/1/21 twk. following day;
  1143. Work for the Lord | version 1: Sáleláká Mokonzi, version 2 (2:54-5:38): Sáleláká Mokonzi | Lingala - Chinese (@@TP) | Chorus and verses 1-2 31/1/21 mostly morning, verse 3 24/4/21, verse 4 following night, verses 5-6 9/5/21, the final version of the chorus is from 10 and 13/6/23, a billion different versions were made in the meantime;
  1144. Briciole d'amore | song: Thërrime dashurie | Albanian - Italian (@@TP) | Start 31/1/21 evening, cont. 1/2/21, compl. 17/2/21 1:46-1:57, twk. 20 and 22/2/21:
  1145. You’re half of my soul | song: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98) | Min - Italian (@@TP) | Night betw. 9 and 10/2/21 twk. following afternoon and 3/4/21;
  1146. You’re half of my soul | song: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98) | Min - French (@@TP) | Start night betw. 9 and 10/2/21 2:24-2:26, compl. following morning, twk. following afternoon and 3/4/21;
  1147. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | song: Wasurenaide | Japanese - English (@@TP) | Ll. 1-2 18/2/21, rest 13/4/21;
  1148. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō (also at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages) | "The stars and the moon" aka LP 34 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (@@Ch) | 24/2/21 corr. 26/2/21;
  1149. Earth Angel | song: Earth Angel | English - Chinese | @TP: 2:18-3:58 (rec. 15/1/22) | 25/2/21 twk. 15/1/22;
  1150. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō (also at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages) | "Two opinions" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Japanese (original, @@Ch) | 25/2/21 19:09-19:21;
  1151. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō (also at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages) | "Latona" aka LP 142 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (original, @@Ch/Ψ) | 25/2/21 <19:22-19:58;
  1152. Love and grief | "Two opinions" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Italian (remake) | @Ψ: 6:46-6:54 (rec. 1/7/23) | 25/2/21 20:46-20:47;
  1153. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō (also at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages) | "Golden chickpeas" aka LP 143 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (original, @@Ch/Ψ) | Night betw. 25/2/21 and 26/2/21;
  1154. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō (also at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages) | "Two opinions" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Japanese (corrected, @@Ch) | 26/2/21 11:43:20, in the same comment as the next three, presumably in the order I give them, twk. 13:41;
  1155. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō (also at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages) | "Latona" aka LP 142 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (corrected, @@Ch/Ψ) | See above, but twk. 14:51;
  1156. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō (also at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages) | "Golden chickpeas" aka LP 143 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (corrected, @@Ch/Ψ) | See two above, but no twk.;
  1157. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | "Two opinions" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Hindi (1, @@Ψ) | 26/2/21 ≥17:30;
  1158. I don't want to get rich | song: Oyk ethélō ployteín | Ancient Greek - English (@@TP) | Night betw. 27 and 28/2/21 ≤3:03;
  1159. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Yménaon (aka Pròs tḕn parthenían (1.A.vii), Avaton) | Ancient Greek - Chinese (@@TP) | Night betw. 27 and 28/2/21 3:08-3:12 twk. following evening, corr. 22/2/23;
  1160. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Yménaon (aka Pròs tḕn parthenían (1.A.vii), Avaton) | Ancient Greek - English (@@TP) | Night betw. 27 and 28/2/21 3:13-3:14;
  1161. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Tais emais etairais (Avaton) (mashup of Ode to Anactoria (ll. 7-8), I wish I was dead (ll. 2-3), Dearest offspring (ll. 21-22 + τ' ἐξ ἀδοκήτω)) | Ancient Greek - Modern Greek | @TP: 2:18-3:02 (rec. 22/9/24) | 28/2/21 18:56-19:08 twk. later and 31/1/22, twk. 16/7/23, corr. and twk. 17/7/23 and 23/9/24 18:42;
  1162. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Yménaon (aka Pròs tḕn parthenían (1.A.vii), Avaton) | Ancient Greek - Modern Greek (@@TP/Ψ) | 28/2/21 19:12-19:14;
  1163. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Aeríon epéon (aka Ex adokítō, Avaton mashup of I spoke to Aphrodite in a dream (1.F.ii), Sing to me o lyre, From airy words (4.ccvii)) | Ancient Greek - Modern Greek (@@TP) | 28/2/21 19:39-19:46 twk. following day and 4/5/22, twk. 16/7/23, corr. and twk. 17/7/23;
  1164. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Kélomai se, Goggýla (Gongyla, Khatzidákis)| Ancient Greek - Modern Greek | @TP: 2:53-3:55 (rec. 5/3/21) | 1/3/21, twk. 9 and 16/7/23;
  1165. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Kélomai se, Goggýla (Gongyla, Khatzidákis) | Ancient Greek - Italian | @TP: 3:55-4:54 (rec. 5/3/21) | 3/3/21 13:59-14:03;
  1166. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Kélomai se, Goggýla (Gongyla, Khatzidákis) | Ancient Greek - English | @TP: 4:54-5:52 (rec. 5/3/21) | 3/3/21 19:18-19:42;
  1167. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages (also found at The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder?) | "The stars and the moon" aka LP 34 (1:15-1:36) | Ancient Greek - German | @TP: 1:40-2:02 (rec. 4/4/21) | Made and corr. 5/3/21;
  1168. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Ós' ástra gýrō vrískontä (Odysséas Elýti̱s's Modern Greek rendition of The stars and the moon, set to music) | Ancient Greek - Italian | @TP: 1:40-2:19 (rec. 19/3/21) | 11/3/21 18:39-18:41 twk. 20/3/21;
  1169. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Ós' ástra gýrō vrískontä (Odysséas Elýti̱s's Modern Greek rendition of The stars and the moon, set to music) | Ancient Greek - English | @TP: 2:19-2:58 (rec. 19/3/21) | 11/3/21 18:42-18:44;
  1170. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | "Two opinions" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Hindi (barbarous meter, @@Ψ) | 11-12/3/21 start 20:46;
  1171. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | "Two opinions" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Modern Greek (@@Ψ) | 12/3/21 twk. 25/4/23;
  1172. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō (also at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages) | "Leda" aka LP 166 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (@@Ch/Ψ) | 13-14/3/21;
  1173. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | "Two opinions" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Russian ("say", @@Ψ) | 14/3/21;
  1174. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | "The stars and the moon" aka LP 34 (1:15-1:36) | Ancient Greek - Hindi | @Ψ: ">2:12-2:34 (rec. 4/4/21) | 15/3/21;
  1175. Saffo in metrica barbara | Alle Nereidi (2) pre-P.Oxy.2289 | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Stanza 1 16/3/21 19:17-19:18 twk. 17/3/21 21:55, rest yet unmade;
  1176. Saffo in metrica barbara | Alle Nereidi (2) pre-P.GC. | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Stanza 1 16/3/21 19:17-19:18 twk. 17/3/21 21:55, rest yet unmade;
  1177. Love and grief | "Two opinions" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Latin (remake) | @Ψ: 6:55-7:03 (rec. 1/7/23) | 17/3/21 20:36 - 18/3/21 0:32;
  1178. Ci sei tu o no? | song: Tū hai kê nahīṅ | Hindi - Chinese | @TP: 1:15-11:32 (rec. 2/4/21, mixed with original and two translations below) | Start night betw. 22 and 23/3/21, compl. following day;
  1179. Ci sei tu o no? | song: Tū hai kê nahīṅ | Hindi - Italian | @TP: 1:15-11:32 (rec. 2/4/21, mixed with original and two translations around this entry) | 23/3/21 11:22-12:29;
  1180. Ci sei tu o no? | song: Tū hai kê nahīṅ | Hindi - Modern Greek (Originale and Intermedia) | @TP: 1:15-11:32 (rec. 2/4/21, mixed with original and two translations above) | 23/3/21 evening, twk. 9/7/23;
  1181. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | "The stars and the moon" aka LP 34 (1:15-1:36) | Ancient Greek - Italian | @Ψ: ">1:41-2:02 (rec. 4/4/21) | 25/3/21 around 20:08 twk. around 22;
  1182. Mon amour | song: Soh'ṇīā sajjanā sajjanā | Punjabi - French (@@TP) | 25/3/21 ≥23:05 compl. 26/3/21;
  1183. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | "The stars and the moon" aka LP 34 (1:15-1:36) | Ancient Greek - English | @TP: 2:04-2:25 (rec. 4/4/21) | Night betw. 28 and 29/3/21;
  1184. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Sappho's Ode to Aphrodite (Hymn to Aphrodite, sung)| Ancient Greek - Modern Greek (@@Ψ) | Ll. 1-4 30/3/21, cont. night betw. 3 and 4/4/21, compl. 4/4/21, twk. 9/7/23 and following night (the latter following a Kika correction), twk. 10/7/23, corr. and twk. 17/7/23, last tweaks 22-23/7/23 discussed on 23/7;
  1185. Colla pioggia del tuo amor | Tere iśq' kī bāriś' meṅ | Hindi - Italian (@@TP) | Two lines 2/4/21, compl. 5/4/21, twk. 6/4/21 and 22/12/23;
  1186. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Atthída (Modern Greek song inspired by Sappho) | Modern Greek - Hindi | @TP: 3:01-5:09 (rec. 21/10/23) | 6/4/21 twk. 23/5/21 (start of correction) and 15/3/23 and 21/10/23;
  1187. Lo giuro su di te | song: Sanam' terī qasam' | Hindi - Italian (@@TP) | Chorus 7/4/21 compl. 21/4/21;
  1188. Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies | Hú Shì: Liǎng gè huáng húdié, Sung to my tune (0:37-1:19) | Chinese - English remake (butterflies) | @TP: 1:19-2:00 | 19 and 20/4/21;
  1189. The taste of love | song: Sevdanın tadı | Turkish - English | @TP: 1:58-3:21 (rec. 30/4/21) | Start night betw. 23 and 24/4/21, compl. 24/4/21, twk. 25 and 26/4/21 and 17-18/2/23 on a plane to Turkey and in Istanbul;
  1190. Freedom | Zulu - English | song: Uhuru | Night betw. 28 and 29/4/21 compl. following day;
  1191. Your love | song: Your Love | Zulu/English - Italian/English (@@TP) | 29/4/21;
  1192. Just you | song: Tsí-ū lí (Year 1 song 22) | Min - Albanian (@@TP) | Ll. 1-2 1/5/21, compl. 10-11/8/22;
  1193. Problems | song: Makambo | Lingala/Acholi - Spanish(/?)+Arabic/Urdu (@@TP) | Spanish parts 6/5/21 12:38-12:43, nothing feasible could be found to pair with Spanish, hence the Arabic/Urdu pair, Arabic 6/5/21 14:46-15:00, Urdu 6/5/21 15:10-15:34 twk. 22:42;
  1194. Profumo d'arancia | song: Aromë portokalli | Albanian - Italian | @TP: 1:41-2:43 (rec. 8/1/22) | 7/4/21 twk. 8/4/21;
  1195. Te | song: Ty | Albanian - Italian | @TP: 3:32-5:52 + 8:22-8:35 (rec. 21/5/22) | 20/5/21 (start 15:14) and following night, twk. 22/5/21;
  1196. Te | song: Ty | Albanian - French | @TP: 5:52-8:22 (rec. 21/5/22) | 20/5/21 (start 15:28) and following night, twk. 22/5/21;
  1197. Table of sadness | song: Tavolina e mërzis' | Albanian - Italian | @TP: 3:00-5:03 (rec. 11/10/24) | Start 22/5/21 23:47-23:48, cont. following night, ditched, cont. night betw. 5 and 6/11/21 and next day and 8/11, compl. next night, twk. 2/12/22 and 3/10/24 19:50 and 4/10/24 9:33;
  1198. Table of sadness | song: Tavolina e mërzis' | Albanian - Chinese | @TP: 5:03-7:04 (rec. 11/10/24) | 22/5/21 23:50 - 23/5/21 0:19;
  1199. Viens-tu donc? | song: A po vjen? | Albanian - Russian (not mine) | @TP: 4:36-6:18 (rec. 26/6/21) | Originally posted 24/5/21, revised 10/6 and 14/6/21, apparently twk. 15/6/21;
  1200. Volpetta | song: Kunadhe | Albanian - Italian (@@TP) | 28/5/21;
  1201. Ne t'hâte pas | song: Mos u ngut' | Albanian - French | @TP: 1:30-2:31 (rec. 3/10/21) | 30/5/21 twk. 2/10/21;
  1202. Quand nous nous aimions | song: Kur jemi dasht' | Albanian - French | @TP: 2:41-4:46 (rec. 4/6/21) | Night betw. 30 and 31/5/21 twk. next day and 18/2/22;
  1203. Mentirai? | song: A ki mê rrejt'? | Albanian - Italian+ (@@TP) | 1-2/6/21 twk. 3/6/21 and night betw. 8 and 9/6/21;
  1204. Quanto t'ho amato | song: Sa t' kôm dasht' | Albanian - French (@@TP) | Start just before the Italian in a 3/6/21 11:33 message, cont. night betw. 4 and 5/6/21, 8OR9/6/21, 18/6/21, compl. 19/6/21;
  1205. Quanto t'ho amato | song: Sa t' kôm dasht' | Albanian - Italian (@@TP) | Start 3/6/21 see above, cont. night betw. 4 and 5/6/21, 18/6/21, compl. 19/6/21;
  1206. Il mio nome chiamato hai | song: Êmrin ma kê thirr' | Albanian - Italian | @TP: 2:47-4:53 (rec. ≤10/7/21) | Start 5/6/21 compl. 7/6/21 twk. 9/6/21;
  1207. Viens-tu donc? | song: A po vjen? | Albanian - French | @TP: 2:54-4:36 (rec. 26/6/21) | Night betw. 7/6/21 and 8/6/21, shortly after midnight;
  1208. Le rose | song: Drandofilat | Albanian - Italian | @TP: 2:18-4:08 (rec. 27/8/22) | 11-12 and 14/6/21;
  1209. Eternità | song: Përjet'si | Albanian - Italian (@@TP) | 19/6/21 twk. following night;
  1210. Larmes | song: Loti | Albanian - French (@@TP) | 20/6/21;
  1211. La mia vita | song: Jeta ime | Albanian - Italian (@@TP) | Verse 1 night betw. 24 and 25/6/21, rest next day, twk. next night;
  1212. The power of love | song: Ài-tsîng--ê li̍k-liōng (Year 1 song 23) | Min - English (2021 remake) | @TP: 1:40-2:20 (rec. 17/9/22) | 24/6/21 and night betw. 26 and 27/6/21;
  1213. Il mio posto | song: Vendi im | Albanian - Italian (@@TP) | 28/6/21;
  1214. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Modern Greek (remake 1) | @TP: 17:59-19:23 (rec. 18/7/21) | Start night betw. 28 and 29/6/21 compl. next day, twk. 7-10/7/21 corr. 13/7/21 twk. 13/7/21;
  1215. `
  1216. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Albanian (remake, @@TP) | Start night betw. 29 and 30/6/21 compl. following day;
  1217. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Spanish (remake) | @TP: 7:15-8:40 (rec. 18/7/21) | Night betw. 1 and 2/7/21 twk. 11 13 15/7/21;
  1218. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Persian (remake) | @TP: 8:40-10:04 (rec. 18/7/21) | 2/7/21 twk. following night and day and 6/7/21;
  1219. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Modern Greek (remake 2) | @TP: 19:23-20:51 (rec. 18/7/21) | 7-11/7/21 corr. and twk. 13/7/21;
  1220. Poco a poco | song: Pak nga pak | Albanian - Italian (@@TP) | 8/7/21 15:41-15:51 twk. 20/2/24 11:17;
  1221. Saffo in metrica barbara | Alle Nereidi (2) Edmonds | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Stanza 1 modified from older one (16/3/21 19:17-19:18 twk. 17/3/21 21:55) at 18:42 and 18:44 of 8/7/21, rest yet unmade;
  1222. Saffo in metrica barbara | Se io solo (5) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione 1, @@Ψ) | 8/7/21 18:50;
  1223. Saffo in metrica barbara | Ad Afrodite (6) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | 8/7/21 18:52;
  1224. Saffo in metrica barbara | Alla nutrice (13) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione senza il papiro di Obbink, @@NV) | 8/7/21 18:59;
  1225. Bella ciao (versione contadina) | song: Bella ciao | Italian - Modern Greek (@@TP) | 9-10/7/21 (start 13:50, includes corrections);
  1226. O bella ciao | song: Bella ciao | Italian - Modern Greek (@@TP) | 9-11/7/21 (start 14:05, includes corrections);
  1227. Il patriota | song: O filópatris | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 0:30-4:30 (mixed with original, rec. 23/7/21) | 11-13/7/21 (start 11:28) and 19/7/21, twk. 22/7/21;
  1228. Lo sai che i papaveri | song: Papaveri e papere | Italian - Modern Greek | @TP: 2:52-4:47 (rec. 23/4/22) | 11-13/7/21 (start 15:47, includes corrections), twk. 1-3/2/22 and 8/2/22, then 23/4/22, then 2/1/24;
  1229. Solo un po' | song: Veç një pik' | Albanian - Italian (@@TP) | 11/7/21 22:41-23:00;
  1230. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Modern Greek (remake 3) | @TP: 10:03-11:28 (rec. 18/7/21) | Night betw. 13 and 14/7/21 - 15/7/21 twk. 2/8/22;
  1231. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Italian (remake, @@TP) | 14/7/21 17:36-19:36;
  1232. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - English (remake, @@TP) | 14-15/7/21 (start 23:05);
  1233. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Albanian (remake 2, @@TP) | 15/7/21 corr. same day twk. 15-16/7/21;
  1234. Molto è cambiato | song: Gjërat kan' ndryshuar | Albanian - Italian | @TP: 0:24-5:32 (rec. 7/8/21, mixed with original) | 24/7/21 15:49-18:06;
  1235. You don't love me - delayed to post while uploading video | version 1: Den me agapás, version 2: Den me agapás | Modern Greek - Albanian | @TP: 0:32-4:40 (rec. 31/7/21, mixed with original) | 24/7/21 19:50-23:57 and 25/7/21 11:18-11:46;
  1236. Niente finisce | song: Típota den telëṓnë | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 25/7/21 cont. overnight, twk. 28/11/23;
  1237. Atela | song: Atela | Ancient Greek - Modern Greek | @TP: 2:46-3:06 + 3:26-3:46 + 4:09-4:28 + 4:47-5:07 + 5:25-5:46 (rec. 15/7/23) | Part night betw. 5 and 6/8/21, part 7/8/21, corr. 3-5/7/23; this is 5 different reconstructions of an AG mess, sung each first in original then in translation; the timestamps given are of the translations;
  1238. Pleiadi | song: Pleiades | Ancient Greek - Italian | @TP: 6:48-7:47 (rec. 7/7/23) | Night betw. 7 and 8/8/21 twk. following morning;
  1239. Vasa Miskin | song: Vasa Miskin, My explanation of what's going on in this song (0:14-38:21), plus the song (38:36-41:10) and its translation | Bombed Croatian / Croatian / French - Bombed Italian / Italian / English | @TP: 41:10-43:41 (rec. 14/8/21) | Chorus night betw. 8 and 9/8/21, rest 9 and 11/8/21;
  1240. Always fought for myself | song: Lâm-lîn (Tsa-poo-lâng)--ê kuānn (Year 1 song 59) | Min - French (@@TP) | First night betw. 10/8/21 and 11/8/21 after midnight, second half 21/11/22 twk. 22/11/22;
  1241. Moi je te promets | song: Beh-et ğôl mî-dam | Persian - French | @TP: 3:45-6:23 (rec. 11/9/21) | 12/8/21 11:51-12:50 twk. later;
  1242. Moi je te promets | song: Beh-et ğôl mî-dam | Persian - Hindi | @TP: 6:23-9:00 (rec. 11/9/21) | 12/8/21 18:58-19:57 + following night 0:23-1:36, twk. following morning;
  1243. Dove le dirò? | song: Poy na ta pō | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | Night betw. 18 and 19/8/21 0:10-0:39 twk. 20/8/21;
  1244. Ti amo | song: S' agapáō | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 2:33-4:33 (rec. 27/8/21) | Night betw. 18 and 19/8/21 1:02-1:23;
  1245. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Grí̱gora i̱ ṓra pérase (Elýti̱s's translation of a mashup including The moon has set) | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 19/8/21 11:33-11:47 twk. 11:51 and on 14/12/23;
  1246. Non chiedermi perché dimentico | song: Mi̱ moy les giatí xekhnáō | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 2:30-4:37 (rec. 4/9/21) | 19/8/21 11:59-12:19;
  1247. Honte | song: Marre, double song: E di + Marre (in case the other video isn't available for you) | Albanian - French (@@TP) | 19/8/21 22:45-23:18 twk. night betw. 20 and 21/8/21;
  1248. Jaloux | song: Xheloz | Albanian - French | @TP: 2:31-4:36 (rec. 21/8/21) | 19/8/21 23:57-0:31 twk. 21/8/21 and following night;
  1249. Jaloux | song: Xheloz | Albanian - Sicilian | @TP: 4:36-6:21 (rec. 21/8/21) | Night betw. 19 and 20/8/21 compl. following morning;
  1250. Come il fiore di gardenia | song: San ti̱s gardénias ton anthó | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 22/8/21 twk. 23/8/21;
  1251. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Latin (@@TP) | First half 25/8/21, second half 29/8/21;
  1252. My future is no dream | song: Wǒ de wèilái bù shì mèng (Year 1 song 5) | Chinese - Latin (Right column) | @TP: 8:09-10:06 (rec. 18/9/21 | Ll. 1-2 night betw. 26 and 27/8/21, up to and excluding pre-chorus night betw. 28 and 29/8/21, pre-chorus and l. 1 of chorus night betw. 29 and 30/8/21 twk. next morning, compl. 30-31/8/21, twk. 31/8/21 and 2/9/21;
  1253. Lonely nights of heartbreak | song: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176) | Min - Sicilian (@@TP) | 29/8/21 late evening finishing just after midnight;
  1254. My future is no dream | song: Wǒ de wèilái bù shì mèng (Year 1 song 5) | Chinese - Albanian | @TP: 10:06-11:59 (rec. 18/9/21 | 30-31/8/21;
  1255. Saffo in metrica barbara | Se io solo (5) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione 3, @@Ψ) | 3/9/21 16:43;
  1256. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 69 LP 54 C 54 SF 64 | Ancient Greek - Latin (remake, @@Sic) | 4/9/21 | This is timestamped in the post, but, as oftentimes, I forgot to date it; luckily I have a post save on 4/9/21 which is the first one to have the săgūm version; the previous edit should be 22/8/21, and also fixed this translation, but I guess we have to trust the current intro because no post save exists for it; the edit prior to that, 18/4/21, still has the S7 form;
  1257. Saffo in metrica barbara | Più amata discendenza di Gaia e Urano (Terra e Cielo) (16) (8:05-9:40, rec. 21/9/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione di prima della scoperta dei papiri P.GC. e dopo di quella dei papiri P.Oxy. 2166(a) | @Ψ: 9:40-11:14 (rec. 21/9/24) | Stanza 1 7/9/21 11:51, compl. 9/5/24 19:05-19:49, twk. 22/9/24 0:10;
  1258. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 67 LP 125 C 125 | Ancient Greek - Italian (remake) | @TP: 3:16-3:25 (rec. 4/6/23) | 13/9/21 10:52;
  1259. Saffo in metrica barbara | Ma mi hai scordata (20) | Ancient Greek - Italian (19/9/21 originale and finale, @@Ψ) | 19/9/21 18:54-18:57 twk. 21:17 and 23:23;
  1260. Suddenly appeared, suddenly left | song: Wǒ de gēshēng lǐ (Year 3 song 30) | Chinese - Hindi (@@TP) | Chorus 18/9/21 intertwined with Modern Greek chorus, verse 1 7/11/21, verse 2 21/11/22;
  1261. Suddenly appeared, suddenly left | song: Wǒ de gēshēng lǐ (Year 3 song 30) | Chinese - Modern Greek (@@TP) | Chorus 18/9/21 intertwined with Hindi chorus, rest 20/11/22 twk. following night and day corr. 21/11/22;
  1262. Amami altrove | song: Alloý na m' agapás | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 1:56-3:29 (rec. 25/9/21) | 23/9/21 twk. that night;
  1263. Saffo in metrica barbara | Su di voi, o belle (22) | Ancient Greek - Italian (First tab, @@Ψ) | 8/10/21 15:44;
  1264. Perdendo il cuore nel tuo amore | song: Tere pyārǝ meṅ | Hindi - Italian | @TP: 0:32-6:06 (rec. 16/10/21, mixed with original) | Night betw. 13 and 14/10/21;
  1265. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | First single line | Italian - English (@@TP) | 14/10/21;
  1266. Un tronchetto | song: Koytsoyráki | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | 19/10/21;
  1267. Ne t'cache pas | song: Mos u fsheh | Albanian - French | @TP: 0:36-5:16 (rec. 30/10/21, mixed with original) | 20-21/10/21 twk. 23/10/21;
  1268. Rouge profond | song: Kókkino vathý, song: Kókkino vathý (train mix) | Modern Greek - French (@@TP) | 20/10/21;
  1269. La primavera | song: I̱ ánöxi̱ | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 0:18-2:36 (rec. 23/10/21, mixed with original) | 21/10/21 twk. night betw. 26 and 27/10/21;
  1270. A-hue | song: A-hue | Min - Chinese [LTC] | @TP: 2:03-3:10 (rec. 6/11/21) | Night betw. 25 and 26/10/21 <1:27-1:35 twk. 6/11/21;
  1271. Personale | song: Prosōpikó | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 0:32-10:22 (rec. 3/9/23, mixed with original and French) | Ll. 1-3 26/10/21 11:02-11:05 twk. 14/12/21 midnight, compl. 11/5/23 16:05-16:57 twk. following night and morning, and 2/9/23;
  1272. Personale | song: Prosōpikó | Modern Greek - French | @TP: 0:32-10:22 (rec. 3/9/23, mixed with original and Italian) | Ll. 1-3 26/10/21 11:06 twk. 13/12/21 5:11, compl. 11/5/23 16:57-17:30, twk. following night and 2/9/23;
  1273. PhD4

  1274. Libero uccello | song: To poylí | Modern Greek - Italian | @TP: 2:36-4:49 (rec. 13/11/21) | 2/11/21 twk. 5/11/21;
  1275. Terre et ciel | song: Gi̱ kä oyranós | Modern Greek - French (@@TP) | 14/11/21 16:54-17:05;
  1276. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Tí thélō tí (Elýti̱s's translation of another one of his mashups) | Modern Greek - French | @TP: 0:50-2:38 (rec. 6/1/23) | 14/11/21 22:03-22:09;
  1277. Balla un po' | song: Ājǝ nācǝ le | Hindi - Italian | @TP: 1:51-2:51 (rec. 20/11/21) | Start night betw. 15 and 16/11/21 compl. following day twk. night betw. 1 and 2/12/21;
  1278. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Chinese (remake, @@TP) | Night betw. 18 and 19/22/21 compl. following day, twk. 8/12/22;
  1279. Realizzerai ogni sogno | song: Anata ga iru kara | Japanese - Chinese (remake, vecchiume incompleto, @@Pit) | Ll. 1-4 25/11/21, compl. 26/11/22, twk. 14/6/23;
  1280. Iroha | Iroha poem, My musication of it (0:53-1:21) | Japanese - Italian | @TP: 1:21-1:47 (rec. 10/12/21) | 8/12/21 15:58-16:05, twk. 26/6/22 and night betw. 28 and 29/6/22;
  1281. Iroha | Iroha poem, My musication of it (0:53-1:21) | Japanese - English | @TP: 1:47-2:12 (rec. 10/12/21) | 8/12/21 16:07-16:10;
  1282. Iroha | Iroha poem, My musication of it (0:53-1:21) | Japanese - Chinese (@@TP) | 13/12/21 17:53-17:57 + 19:53-20:07 twk. 0:16;
  1283. Iroha | Iroha poem, My musication of it (0:53-1:21) | Japanese - Hindi (@@TP) | First half 13/12/21 20:17-20:25, rest following night 0:20-0:26, corr. 6/8/24 twk. 9/8/24;
  1284. Quando conveniunt | song: Quando conveniunt (1:20-1:30) | Latin - Italian (musical) | 1:30-1:42 | 14/12/21 twk. following night;
  1285. A sad moon | Sir Philip Sidney, With how sad steps o moon | English - Italian (remake, @@PC) | L. 1 30/12/21, cont. night betw. 3 and 4/2/22 and 4/2/22, compl. next night;
  1286. The Disco beat | song: The disco beat (0:45-1:16) | English - Italian | 1:16-1:45 (rec. 22/1/22) | 13 15 17/1/22;
  1287. The Disco beat | song: The disco beat (0:45-1:16) | English - Chinese | 1:45-2:15 (rec. 22/1/22) | 14/1/22 (start 14:09) and following night and 17-18/1/22;
  1288. So many stars | song: Kim-pu-yà àn to sen (Year 4 song 7, 1:11-1:56) | Hakka - Chinese | @TP: 2:22-3:07 (rec. 10/2/24) | 14/1/22 14:41-14:47 twk. 14/1/22;
  1289. Dove sei? | song: Seigneur, où es-Tu? | French - Chinese | @TP: 2:42-4:28 (rec. 22/4/23) | Chorus 1 and last three lines of verse 2 16/1/22, line 5 of said verse 29/7/22 with tweak of l. 6, rest 20/11/22 after completing the Italian, but chorus 2 22/11/22, twk. 2/5/23;
  1290. ‘O surdato ‘nnamurato | song: 'O surdato 'nnammurato | Neapolitan - Chinese (remake, @@MV) | Night betw. 18 and 19/1/22 all the way to 20/1/22;
  1291. ‘O surdato ‘nnamurato | song: 'O surdato 'nnammurato | Neapolitan - Chinese (rhyming remake, @@TP) | 20/1/22;
  1292. ‘O surdato ‘nnamurato | song: 'O surdato 'nnammurato | Neapolitan - English (@@TP) | 21/1/22;
  1293. Quand nous nous aimions | song: Kur jemi dasht' | Albanian - Modern Greek | @TP: 1:54-3:04 (rec. 12/2/23) | 26/1/22 and following night, corr. and twk. night betw. 27 and 28/1/22 and twk. 28/1/22 and 13/2/22;
  1294. Non so quanto ti amo | song: De xérō póso s' agapṓ | Modern Greek - Albanian (@@TP) | 27/1/22 ≤22:11;
  1295. Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :) | song: Mia agápi̱ gia to kalokä́ri | Modern Greek - Albanian | @TP: 1:30-2:24 (rec. 6/5/23) | 27/1/22 22:22-22:40 twk. night betw. 28 and 29/4/22 4:18;
  1296. Il ballo del qua-qua | song: Il ballo del qua-qua | Italian - Modern Greek | @TP: 2:20-4:05 (rec. 25/11/23) | 3 lines 28-29/1/22 twk. and cont. 6 and 9/2/22 twk. 12/22/22 cont. 30/7/22 and 6-7/10/22, corr. and compl. by both of us 8/10/22;
  1297. The rest of Sappho | 1.A.viii (LP 109 E 153 C 109) | Ancient Greek - English (remake, @@Ψ) | 1/2/22 morning;
  1298. Life goes on, bra | song: Ob-la-di ob-la-da | English - Modern Greek | @TP: 3:17-5:52 (rec. 29/9/23) | Chorus 1/2/22 18:18 twk. night betw. 2 and 3/2/22, ending 3/2/22, compl. and corr. 22/8/22, twk. 3/9/22;
  1299. Life goes on, bra | song: Ob-la-di ob-la-da | English - Albanian (@@TP) | Chorus 2/2/22, ending 3/2/22, compl. 23/1/23, twk. next day;
  1300. C'est la vie | song: Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱ | Modern Greek - French (@@TP) | Half-chorus and verse 1 3/2/22 17:57-18:47, rest night betw. 10 and 11/5/22;
  1301. C'est la vie | song: Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱ | Modern Greek - Italian (@@TP) | Half-chorus and verse 1 3/2/22 18:02-19:04, rest night betw. 4 and 5/2/22, twk. next day and 28/6/22;
  1302. C'est la vie | song: Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱ | Modern Greek - English | @TP: 0:43-4:05 (rec. 24/6/23, mixed with original and Albanian) | Half-chorus and verse 1 3/2/22 18:53-18:55 twk. later and that night and night betw. 27 and 28/2/22, rest night betw. 10 and 11/5/22, verse 2 twk. 9/6/22 and 8/7/22;
  1303. C'est la vie | song: Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱ | Modern Greek - Albanian | @TP: 0:43-4:05 (rec. 24/6/23, mixed with original and English) | Start 3/2/22 twk. 5/2/22 cont. 8/2/22 and next night and 11/2/22 and next night, twk. 12/2/22 and 17/6/22;
  1304. Do you really love me? | song: Shìfǒu zhēnde ài wǒ (Year 2 song 96) | Chinese - English (2022 re-remake, @@TP) | Up to "Love's hard to foresee" night betw. 8 and 9/2/22 (start 2:31) twk. 9/2/22, cont. 10 and 17/2/22;
  1305. Do you really love me? | song: Shìfǒu zhēnde ài wǒ (Year 2 song 96) | Chinese - Italian (@@TP) | Up to "Dilla pure a me" night betw. 8 and 9/2/22 (start 2:43) twk. next day, compl. 17/2/22;
  1306. A few little songs of mine | song: Dear, of my many thoughts you're queen (28:42-28:58) | English - Italian | @TP: 28:58-29:14 (rec. 26/3/22) | 10/2/22 2:50-2:54, tweaked the following morning 12:19 and the following night 0:20, also 10-11/2/22;
  1307. A few little songs of mine | song: I love (13:31-13:51) | English - Italian | @TP: 13:53-14:12 (rec. 26/3/22) | 10/2/22 3:07;
  1308. Un paio di classicate accoppiate a caso | Callimachus 25 | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Cl) | Made on 14/2/22 between 18:03 and 18:20 "for completeness", since I had translated one comparandum I'd found for Catullus way back when, I decided I'd translate the other now;
  1309. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever | Cat's Valentine | English - Italian (@@TP) | 14/2/22 21:38;
  1310. Cannot forget | song: Wàng bù liǎo (Bù pà shān gāo) (Year 1 song 24) | Chinese - English (right-hand version) | @TP: 1:32-2:00 (rec. 18/2/22) | 15/2/22 22:31-23:22;
  1311. Cannot forget | song: Wàng bù liǎo (Bù pà shān gāo) (Year 1 song 24) | Chinese - Japanese (remake) | @TP: 2:00-2:27 (rec. 18/2/22) | 15/2/22 22:46-22:52;
  1312. Dove sei? | song: Seigneur, où es-Tu? | French - Italian | @TP: 4:28-6:08 (rec. 22/4/23) | First halves of two choruses 16/2/22 (l. 1 of chorus 1 is actually from 18/2), rest 20/11/22, twk. 22/4/23 2/5/23;
  1313. Saffo in metrica barbara | Su di voi, o belle (22) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Second tab, @@Ψ) | 18/2/22 15:58;
  1314. Saffo in metrica barbara | Su di voi, o belle (22) (2:50-2:58, rec. 26/2/22) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Third tab) | @Ψ: 2:58-3:07 9rec. 26/2/22) | 18/2/22 15:58 - this is the second option given in the single message containing both this and the previous;
  1315. The power of love | song: Ài-tsîng--ê li̍k-liōng (Year 1 song 23) | Min - Italian | @TP: 2:20-2:58 (rec. 17/9/22) | 20/2/22 12:08-12:41 twk. 17-18/9/22;
  1316. Un'avventura | song: Un'avventura | Italian - Chinese | @TP: 2:51-5:10 (rec. 13/8/22) | Start 22/2/22, cont. 19/3, twk. 20/3, cont. 19/5, twk. next day and 14/6, compl. 29/7, twk. 12/8 and 13/8/22;
  1317. Saffo in metrica barbara | Ma mi hai scordata (20) (3:13-3:35, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Italian (3 e 5/3/22) | @Ψ: 3:39-4:01 (rec. 1/7/23) | 3/3/22 22:51-22:52 with last line recovered from old HS translatino at 14:25 on 5/3/22;
  1318. Time after time | song: Time after time - Hana mau machi de | Japanese - Chinese (buona novità, @@TP) | L. 1 9/3/22 twk. 12/5/22, cont. 16/7/22, compl. 13-14/12/22 twk. following night and night betw. 30/6/23 and 1/7/23;
  1319. ‘O surdato ‘nnamurato | song: 'O surdato 'nnammurato | Neapolitan - Spanish | @TP: 5:56-8:17 (rec. 2/7/22) | Chorus and parts of verses 13/3/22 (start 9:25) twk. 14/2/22 cont. night betw. 17 and 18/3/22 and 18-19/2/22 and twk. 22/2/22, cont. 13/6/22, compl. following night, twk. 2-3/7/22 and 17/9/22;
  1320. Pepito di Mallorca | song: Pepito di Maiorca | Italian - Spanish (@@TP) | 13/3/22 11:41;
  1321. Pepito di Mallorca | song: Pepito di Maiorca | Italian - French (@@TP) | 13/3/22 12:34;
  1322. Pepito di Mallorca | song: Pepito di Maiorca | Italian - English (@@TP) | 13/3/22 12:34/37;
  1323. C'est la vie | song: Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱ | Modern Greek - Spanish (@@TP) | Half-chorus 19/3/22 morning, compl. night betw. 11 and 12/5/22, Flora40 twk. 2/8/22;
  1324. Cheers! | song: Liû-lōng kàu Tām-tsuí (Year 2 song 74) | Min - Chinese - LTC (@@TP) | 19/3/22 evening and 27/3/22 afternoon | Fixed mandarinization, hence technically LT;
  1325. Ne t'hâte pas | song: Mos u ngut' | Albanian - Romanesco (@@TP) | 6 lines of chorus 12/4/22, rest of chorus 28/12/22, last 4 lines of verse 25/5/23 twk. 11/12/23, compl. 10/12/23 15:43-15:55;
  1326. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | "I cosi beđđi s'hann'a talïari" | Sicilian - Chinese (@@TP) | 14/4/22;
  1327. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | "I cosi beđđi s'hann'a talïari" | Sicilian - Hakka (@@TP) | 14/4/22;
  1328. Only you | song: Zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 1 song 21) | Chinese - Romagnolo (@@TP) | Start 15/4/22, one line of chorus 14/5, verse 1 compl. 5/10, one more line 8/10, compl. 30/10/22 twk. following night;
  1329. Only you | song: Zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 1 song 21) | Chinese - Italian (remake, @@TP) | One line 15/4/22 in the middle of the Romagnolo stuff, some more night betw. 30 and 31/10, compl. 2/11/22;
  1330. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) | song: Katakan tak cinta aku (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 2) | Indonesian - Japanese (remake, @@TP) | Ll. 1-2 18/4/22, compl. 10/5/23;
  1331. Un bacio a mezzanotte | song: Un bacio a mezzanotte | Italian - Spanish (@@TP) | Start 21/4/22, compl. 29/4/22, twk. 30/4/22, night before 1/5, night before 5/5, 29/5/22 and following night;
  1332. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever | Owner's response to cat's Valentine | English - Italian (@@TP) | 23/4/22 15:11-15:13;
  1333. Alone in a rainy night | song: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16) | Chinese - Italian (remake) | @TP: 4;05-5:53 (rec. 18/5/24) | Verse 1 and 1/4 of chorus night betw. 22 and 23/4/22 twk. following day, chorus compl. 11/8/22, compl. 11/10/22 twk. in the night, twk. recording-day 18/5/24, "Yanlei fix" 25/5/24;
  1334. Saffo in metrica barbara | Se avessi ancora latte in seno (23 version A) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Modified from version in Nostalgia for youth post, ll. 1-3 1/5/22 1:20, ll. 7-8 19/7/22 19:35-19:38, l. 6 19/7/22 19:35, l. 13 19/7/22 19:39;
  1335. Leaving no traces | song: Lo̍h-suann-hong (Year 1 song 34) | Min - English (remake) | @TP: 2:16-3:10 (rec. 14/5/22) | Start 3/5/22 compl. and twk. 7/5/22 and 23/8/22 | First two lines 3/5 (start 19:39), the rest in the dead of night between 6/5 and 7/5;
  1336. Leaving no traces | song: Lo̍h-suann-hong (Year 1 song 34) | Min - Chinese | @TP: 3:10-4:04 (rec. 14/5/22) | 3/5/22 (start 19:48) twk. 4/5/22;
  1337. Can I stop loving you? | song: Nang4-fau2 bat1 soeng2 nei5 (Year 1 song 44) | Cantonese - English (remake) | @TP: 2:38-3:59 (ec. 28/1/23) | Start 4/5/22, cont. night betw. 13 and 14/5/22, compl. 5/8/22; twk. night betw 28 and 29/1/23;
  1338. My lover is a sailor | song: Ài-lîn sī kiânn-tsûn-lîn (Year 2 song 93) | Min - English (remake) | @TP: 2:26-4:04 (rec. 21/5/22) | 19/5/22 21:10-21:24;
  1339. I’ll be with you | song: Wǒ jiù yào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ (Year 2 song 63) | Chinese - Italian | @TP: 1:57-2:58 (rec. 5/8/22) | First half 9-10/5/22 twk. 23/6 and 1/7/22, compl. 29/7/22, twk. 21/8/22;
  1340. Leaving no traces | song: Lo̍h-suann-hong (Year 1 song 34) | Min - Italian (@@TP) | 12/5/22 20:55-21:17 + 21:55, twk. following night;
  1341. Leaving no traces | song: Lo̍h-suann-hong (Year 1 song 34) | Min - French (@@TP) | Start 12/5/22 22:33, cont. following night 2:52, compl. 13/5/22 13:12-13:22;
  1342. My lover is a sailor | song: Ài-lîn sī kiânn-tsûn-lîn (Year 2 song 93) | Min - Modern Greek | @TP: 2:31-4:07 (rec. 11/6/22) | Night betw. 27 and 28/5/22, corr. 28/5/22;
  1343. Being left | song: Bîn-á-tsài (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 57) | Min - Modern Greek | @TP: 1:51-2:49 (rec. 18/6/22) | Night betw. 29 and 30/5/22 compl. following day, corr. 3/6/22, twk. 25/7/22;
  1344. Holding your hand, I can walk my road | song: Khan gún--ê tshiú (Year 3 song 137) | Min - Modern Greek (@@TP) | 30/5/22 corr. 3/6/22;
  1345. ‘O surdato ‘nnamurato | song: 'O surdato 'nnammurato | Neapolitan - Modern Greek (@@TP) | Chorus and verse 1 l. 1 2/6/22, up to half verse 2 night betw. 4 and 6/6/22 twk. 6/6 morning, compl. 6/6/22, corr. 6-7/6/22;
  1346. Poisonous perfume | song: Xiāngshuǐ yǒu dú (Year 2 song 157) | Chinese - English (remake, @@TP) | Pre-chorus 2/6/22, cont. 4/7/22, compl. 11/8/22, but the chorus is 5/9/22, also twk. 25/9/22;
  1347. Being left | song: Míngtiān (Mandarin) (Year 2 song 58) | Chinese - Hakka | @TP: 1:57-2:58 (rec. 3/9/22) | Ll. 1-2 3/6/22 11:56 twk. 11/8/22, compl. 22/8/22;
  1348. C'est la vie | song: Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱ | Modern Greek - Romanian (@@TP) | Start 14/6/22 19:38, cont. following night and 15/6/22, compl. 17/6/22;
  1349. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Brindisi (toast) | Italian - Spanish (@@TP) | 16/6/22 twk. 4/3/23;
  1350. Gli Hakka devono avere canti propri | song: Yâu-kwún pa! San-ko | Hakka-Italian | @TP: 0:47-5:12 (rec. 18/11/23) | Start 18/6/22 18:11 twk. foll. night 0:31, compl. 9-10/8/22 twk. 9/11/22, twk. 18/11/23 12:13/14 and 15:02;
  1351. La mamma mi diceva | song: La mamma mi diceva | Italian - Modern Greek (@@TP) | Chorus 23/6/22 compl. and corr. 1-2/7/22;
  1352. Una prova | song: Akashi (not Stereopony) | Japanese - Italian (novità) | @TP: 3:34-6:13 (rec. 16/7/22) | Up to pre-chorus 28/6/22 21:30-21:39, compl. 30/6/22, twk. 1/7/22, 3/7/22, night betw. 5 and 6/7/22;
  1353. Una prova | song: Akashi (not Stereopony) | Japanese - Modern Greek | @TP: 6:13-8:55 (rec. 16/7/22) | Second half of first verse 30/6/22 20:06-20:08 twk. 20:33, verse 1 and chorus compl. 1/7/22 twk. and corr. following night, verse 2 3/7/22, verse 3 3/7/22 going on into the night, compl. that night besides the "tears" section, all corr. 4/7/22, twk. and compl. 6/7/22, further corr. and twk. 6 and 9/7/22;
  1354. A couple translations of Troubadour poems | Farai un vers de dreit nien by William IX of Aquitaine | Occitan - Italian (@@PC) | Night betw. 5 and 6/7/22 compl. night betw. 19 and 20/7/22, twk. 29/7/22, part of stanza 2 is 20/7/22 twk. 29/7/22, stanza 2 compl. night betw. 5 and 6/8/22;
  1355. Time after time | song: Time after time - Hana mau machi de | Japanese - Italian (buona novità) | @TP: 5:31-8:54 (remake finale, rec. 10/12/22), 19:35-22:57 (remake originale, rec. 10/12/22) | Start 6/7/22 17:38, cont. 12/7/22, following night, 14/7/22, compl. following night, twk. that night and the following day, following night, 16/7/22, and 27/7/22, night betw. 1 and 2/8/22 and night betw. 7 and 8/8/22, and 18/8/22, and night betw. 30/6/23 and 1/7/23, and 24/2/24;
  1356. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - Italian (good news) | @TP: 4:39-8:25 | Start night betw. 7 and 8/7/22 2:40, cont. 11/7/22 and following night, then 21/7/22, compl. 22/7/22 twk. 23/7/22 and 9/1/24 and 6/6/24 11:58 and 31/7/24 10:31;
  1357. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - Neapolitan (good news, @@TP) | Koi section 11/7/22 19:01 twk. 25/7, l. 1 23/10/22 21:32, l. 2 28/12/22 19:13, ll. 3-4 11/12/23 17:41-42 twk. 17:43, rest 9/1/24 13:22-13:54, twk. 12 and 15/1/24 and 8/6/24 17:00, corr. 31/7/24 10:37-10:53;
  1358. Quando conveniunt | song: Quando conveniunt (4:59-5:14) | Latin - Italian (barbarous meter, @@TP) | L. 1 13/7/22, l. 2 16/7/22, to exhaust post;
  1359. Time after time | song: Time after time - Hana mau machi de | Japanese - Neapolitan (buona novità, @@TP) | Petal couplet 14/7/22, stuff before it 16/7/22 twk. 18-20/8/22, petals section 20/8/22 but Taisetsu line 5/10/22, compl. 2/8/23 twk. following night and night betw. 5 and 6/8/23, "corr." 14/2/24, twk. 15/2/24 20/2 22-24/2/24, both following the "corr." and of my own decision, corr. 31/7/24 10:55-11:05;
  1360. Time after time | song: Time after time - Hana mau machi de | Japanese - Modern Greek | @TP: 8:54-12:16 (versione finale, rec. 10/12/22), 12:50-16:13 (versione 1, rec. 10/12/22) | 16-17/7/22 twk. following night and 18/7/22, corr. and twk. 19-20/7/22 and 24/7/22 and 26-29/7/22, 1/8/22 going into the night, night betw. 7 and 8/8/22, 15-18/8/22, 28/11/22;
  1361. Saffo in metrica barbara | Prese (7) (26:14-26:26, rec. 10/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian | @Ψ: 26:28-26:42 (rec. 10/8/24) | 18/7/22 19:15 twk. 6/7/24 0:17-0:18, removed suggestion "Urbe" from l. 3 within 12:15 of 10/8/24;
  1362. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | "Il letto è una rosa" | Italian - English (first version, @@TP) | Night betw. 20 and 21/7/22 1:02;
  1363. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | "Il letto è una rosa" | Italian - French (@@TP) | Night betw. 20 and 21/7/22 1:03/04;
  1364. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | "Il letto è una rosa" | Italian - English (second version, @@TP) | Night betw. 20 and 21/7/22 within 1:10;
  1365. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | "I cosi beđđi s'hann'a talïari" | Sicilian - English (@@TP) | Night betw. 20 and 21/7/22 1:24-1:25;
  1366. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - English (Good news) | @TP: 4:43-8:20 (rec. 29/6/24) | "Playing risky" couplet night betw. 21 and 22/7/22 0:15, cont. 1/11/23 23:51-0:40, compl. 2/11/23 23:11-23:38, twk. 26/3/24 and 6/6/24 11:58, and 29/6/24 12:35+14:37;
  1367. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | "I cosi beđđi s'hann'a talïari" | Sicilian - Spanish (@@TP) | 30/7/22 15:54;
  1368. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | "I cosi beđđi s'hann'a talïari" | Sicilian - French (@@TP) | 30/7/22 16:09;
  1369. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | "I cosi beđđi s'hann'a talïari" | Sicilian - Albanian (@@TP) | 30/7/22 16:20-16:24 twk. 1/8/22;
  1370. Rosa fresca aulentissima | Rosa fresca aulentissima (contrasto di Cielo D'Alcamo, prima strofa) | Old Neapolitan - Italian (@@PC) | Night betw. 19 and 20/7/22 twk. following afternoon and night betw. 12 and 13/8/22;
  1371. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - Modern Greek | @TP: 4:36-8:17 (rec. 20/7/24) | 21-22/7/22 corr. 22-23/7/22, twk. 20/7/24 14:49 and 21/7/24 16:06
  1372. Three blind mice | song: Three blind mice | English - Chinese (both versions) | @TP: 1:24-2:21 (rec. 20/8/22, 4-voice canon with original, Chinese, Min, and Albanian) | Start 23/7/22, cont. 24/7/22, compl. 8/8/22, twk. 21/8/22 (singular version);
  1373. Three blind mice | song: Three blind mice | English - Min Nan (both versions) | @TP: 1:24-2:21 (rec. 20/8/22, 4-voice canon with original, Chinese, Min, and Albanian) | Start 23/7/22, cont. 24/7/22, compl. 8/8/22, twk. 21/8/22;
  1374. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Modern Greek (traduzioni pre-30/7/22) | @TP: 2:58-5:04 (rec. 30/7/22) | 28/7/22 twk. night, corr. and twk. 29/7/22;
  1375. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Hakka | @TP: 5:58-8:02 (rec. 10/9/22) | Start night betw. 31/7 and 1/8/22, cont. 1/8/22, compl. 9-10/8/22;
  1376. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - English (traduzioni finali, @@TP) | 30/7/22 15:07 for chorus, 31/7/22 23:37-38 for l. 6;
  1377. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Romagnolo (traduzioni finali, @@MV) | 30/7/22 15:17 for chorus reinterpretation, 31/7/22 14:21 23:34 23:51 for l. 6;
  1378. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - French (traduzioni finali, @@TP) | 30/7/22 16:47 for chorus, 31/7/22 23:39 for l. 6;
  1379. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Italian (traduzioni finali, @@MV) | This is here for consistency, and consists only of a single night-betw.-30-and-31/7/22 1:11 tweak which changed l. 6;
  1380. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Modern Greek (traduzioni finali, @@MV) | 31/7/22 15:16-17 for l. 6, chorus twk. 31/7/22 15:13, Flora40 twk. to chorus 2/8/22;
  1381. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Mandarin (traduzioni finali) | @TP: 3:54-5:58 (rec. 10/9/22) | This is also (like the one two above) just here for consistency, changing l. 6 on 31/7/22 at 23:36-37;
  1382. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Japanese (traduzioni finali, @@MV) | 31/7/22 23:42-43 for l. 6, 6/8/22 twk. night betw. 3 and 4/4/23 for chorus;
  1383. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37) | Min - Hindi (traduzioni finali, @@TP) | 31/7/22 23:46 for l. 6, twk. and 28/10/23;
  1384. I’ll be with you | song: Wǒ jiù yào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ (Year 2 song 63) | Chinese - English (remake) | @TP: 2:58-3:56 (rec. 5/8/22) | 5/8/22 14:45-14:57 twk. 6/8/22 and 21/8/22;
  1385. Three blind mice | English - Albanian (both versions) | @TP: 1:24-2:21 (rec. 20/8/22, 4-voice canon with original, Chinese, Min, and Albanian) | song: Three blind mice | 8/8/22, twk. 21/8/22 (plural version);
  1386. Leone | song: Mbube | Zulu - Italian (@@TP) | Start 14/8/22, compl. 20/8/22 and following night, twk. night betw. 5 and 6/11/23;
  1387. We are the champions | song: We are the champions | English - Italian | @TP: 2:28-4:24 (rec. 11/11/22) | 15/8/22 and 18/8/22, going on into each night, twk. 12/11/22;
  1388. Life goes on, bra | song: Ob-la-di ob-la-da | English - Italian | @TP: 5:52-8:24 (rec. 29/9/23) | Ll. 1-2 22/8/22, ending night betw. 7 and 8/9/22, compl. and twk. 5/10/22;
  1389. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Albanian (remake) | @TP: 4:04-5:29 (rec. ≤25/9/22) | 23/8/22, start 2:35-2:41, cont. 10:<41-11:01, compl. 14:22-15:04; twk. 25/8/22 14:06-14:08, night betw. 23 and 24/9/22, night betw. 5 and 6/10/22, and 6/3/23;
  1390. Un po' di indovinelli | A bunch of riddles | Riddle "Te ta-l é, me a-l ò" | Romagnolo - English (@@TP) | 23/8/22 3:12;
  1391. Un po' di indovinelli | A bunch of riddles | Romagnolo - Italian | Riddle "Int''e prê 'd i Brãnzulẽ" | 23/8/22 3:17-3:18;
  1392. Un po' di indovinelli | A bunch of riddles | Riddle "Quat'r él e quat'r òs" | Romagnolo - English (@@TP) | 23/8/22 3:20/21;
  1393. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Hakka (@@TP) | Start 23/8/22 11:~40, cont. 25/8/22 15:32-15:42, compl. 26/8/22 0:45-1:05;
  1394. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Min (@@TP) | Start 23/8/22 11:~40, compl. 24/8/22 0:18-0:52, twk. that day 2:15 and 26/8/22 0:40;
  1395. Un po' di indovinelli | A bunch of riddles | Riddle "Te ta-l é, me a-l ò" | Romagnolo - French (@@TP) | 26/8/22 morning;
  1396. Un po' di indovinelli | A bunch of riddles | Riddle "Quat'r él e quat'r òs" | Romagnolo - Italian (@@TP) | 27/8/22 1:40;
  1397. Miracolosa regina | song: Miraculosa rainha dos céus | Portuguese - Italian | @TP: 2:58-5:13 (rec. 22/10/22) | Night betw. 7/9/22 and 8/9/22, twk. 1/10/22 late evening and 22/10/22 early afternoon;
  1398. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | song: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1) | Indonesian - Modern Greek (@@TP) | First halves of first two sections made and corr. 15-17/9/22, compl. 5/10/22 corr. and twk. 6/10/22;
  1399. Saffo in metrica barbara | Sacrificio per un'amica (21) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione mia, @@Ψ) | L. 1 19/9/22 9:20, l. 3 24/9/22 22:31, compl. with twks. to l. 1 22:33-22:34 that day;
  1400. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | ROS "To my friends" | Ancient Greek - Spanish (original, @@Ψ) | 19/9/22 12:23 twk. 12:24;
  1401. I want to have died | Athenaeus quote integrated into Sappho 94 translated separately | Ancient Greek - Latin (remake, @@Ψ?) | 5/10/22 22:54-55 (ignoring the previous fails);
  1402. Romaria (pellegrinaggio) | song: Romaria | Portuguese - Italian (Traduzioni vecchie) | @TP: 3:26-6:09 (rec. 15/10/22) | Night betw. 4 and 5/10/22, twk. 5/10/22 7-9/10/22 14/10/22 21/10/22 and 8/11/22;
  1403. Maria Isabel | song: María Isabel | Spanish - Italian | @TP: 0:19-3:17 (rec. 14/1/23) | Night betw. 27 and 28/9/22, twk. 14/1/23;
  1404. Romaria (pellegrinaggio) | song: Romaria | Portuguese - Modern Greek (Traduzioni vecchie) | @TP: 3:59-6:51 (rec. 26/11/22) | Made and corr. 21-25 and 27-28/10/22;
  1405. Viens-tu donc? | song: A po vjen? | Albanian - Modern Greek | @TP: 2:12-3:46 (rec. 19/11/22) | Made and corr. 21/10 and night betw. 22 and 23/10 – 24/10;
  1406. Old mother Hubbard | song: Old mother Hubbard | English - Italian | @TP: 1:09-2:05 (rc. 5/11/22) | 24-27/10/22 (ends night before 27), twk. 5/11/22;
  1407. Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity) | song: Balada da caridade | Portuguese - Modern Greek | @TP: 2:56-4:52 (rec. 3/12/22) | 25-26/10/22 corr. 26-27/10/22 twk. 27/10/22 and 3/12/22 and 20/1/23;
  1408. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) | song: Gàosu wǒ nǐ bù ài wǒ (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 28) | Chinese - English (rhyming remake) | @TP: 1:48-3:02 (rec. ≤30/10/22) | Night betw. 25 and 26/10/22 0:07-0:56 twk. 28/10/22;
  1409. Viens-tu donc? | song: A po vjen? | Albanian - Chinese | @TP: 2:36-4:10 (rec. 25/2/23) | Night betw. 25 and 26/10/22 start 0:19-0:20 compl. 3:38-4:10, twk. night betw. 25 and 26/2/23;
  1410. Timoniere | song: Timoneiro | Portuguese - Chinese | @TP: 2:44-4:27 (rec. 23/12/23) | Chorus 26/10/22 17:xx, first verse l. 1 21/11/22 ll. 2-3 next night compl. 22/11/22, rest 22/11/22, twk. 24-25/12/23;
  1411. Life goes on, bra | song: Ob-la-di ob-la-da | English - French (yet to be completed, @@TP) | Chorus 26/10/22 19:18, ending following night 0:16, and that's it for now;
  1412. Only you | song: Zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 1 song 21) | Chinese - Albanian (@@TP) | One line night betw. 30 and 31/10/22, compl. besides chorus and l. 1 25/11 and following night, compl. 26/11/22;
  1413. PhD5

  1414. Que vivas | song: Na zí̱sës | Modern Greek - Spanish | @TP: 1:32-1:54 (rec. 8/12/22) | Half night betw. 5 and 6/11/22 (start 1:52), other half and twks. on 18/11/22, corr. 8/12/22;
  1415. Que vivas | song: Na zí̱sës | Modern Greek - Portuguese | @TP: 1:54-2:17 (rec. 8/12/22) | Half night betw. 5 an 6/11/22 (start 1:54), other half and twks. on 18/11/22 right after the previous, twk. 5/12/22;
  1416. Romaria (pellegrinaggio) | song: Romaria | Portuguese - Chinese (Traduzioni vecchie) | @TP of chorus: 6:50-7:07 (rec. 26/11/22) | Chorus 7-8/11/22, rest 13/11/22, twk. 22/11 and 26/11/22;
  1417. Romaria (pellegrinaggio) | song: Romaria | Portuguese - Italian (Traduzioni finali) | @TP: 5:14-8:09 (rec. 18/12/22) | Reinterpr. 17/11/22 twk. 28/11/22, twk. night betw. 30/11 and 1/12 and next day and next night, and 9/12/22 and 17/12/22;
  1418. Romaria (pellegrinaggio) | song: Romaria | Portuguese - Chinese (Traduzioni finali) | @TP: 11:00-13:50 (rec. 18/12/22) | Reinterpr. 17/11/22 and night betw. 18 and 19/11/22 and following day and 1/12/22, twk. 22/11 and 26/11/22, 1/12 and 9/12/22, and 16/1/23;
  1419. Romaria (pellegrinaggio) | song: Romaria | Portuguese - Modern Greek (Traduzioni finali) | @TP: 8:09-11:00 (rec. 18/12/22) | Reinterpr. 11/11/22 corr. 18-19 and 21/11/22, twk. 27/5/23 and 5/3/24;
  1420. Only you | song: Zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 1 song 21) | Chinese - English (remake, @@TP) | 22/11/22 (the one line from 31/10 was then remade) twk. next night then 20/12/23;
  1421. Only you | song: Zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 1 song 21) | Chinese - Modern Greek (@@TP) | Verses 22/11/22 23:31-0:06 compl. twk. corr. 23/11/22 and twk. 24/11/22;
  1422. Timoniere | song: Timoneiro | Portuguese - Italian | @TP: 4:27-6:06 (rec. 23/12/23) | Verse 3 23/11/22 1:01-1:02, chorus ll. 1-2 same time, all compl. night betw. 24 and 25/11/22 0:29-0:38, twk. 25/12/23;
  1423. Saffo in metrica barbara | Nelle tempeste violente (10) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Stanza 1 tucked away in index, @@Ψ) | 30/11/22 11:20-11:22 did stanza 1, then ditched it;
  1424. Romaria (pellegrinaggio) | song: Romaria | Portuguese - Spanish | @TP: 4:57-8:06 (rec. 27/5/23) | Night betw. 1 and 2/12/22 corr. 9/12/22 twk. night betw 14 and 15/12/22, and 30/7/24;
  1425. Romaria (pellegrinaggio) | song: Romaria | Portuguese - English | @TP: 8:06-11:10 (rec. 27/5/23) | 4-5/12/22 (start 12:55);
  1426. Mantle of lilies | song: Manto de açucenas | Portuguese - Modern Greek | @TP: 3:03-5:08 (rec. 1/4/23) | 6/12/22 twk. following night, corr. 7/12/22, twk. 25/12/22 and 31/3/23-1/4/23;
  1427. Mantle of lilies | song: Manto de açucenas | Portuguese - Spanish | @TP: 3:11-5:21 (rec. 20/5/23) | 7-8/12/22 compl. night after that, corr. 10/5/23 twk. 20/5/23 and 25/9/24 22:43;
  1428. Romaria (pellegrinaggio) | song: Romaria | Portuguese - Japanese | @TP: 11:10-14:15 (rec. 27/5/23) | 8-9/12/22, twk. 10/12/22 and 16/12/22 tweaks, and 10/1 11/1 15/1/23 25/5/23;
  1429. Romaria (pellegrinaggio) | song: Romaria | Portuguese - Romagnolo (@@TP) | Night betw. 14 and 15/12/22 cont. following night and 16/12/22, twk. night after that and 17/12/22 and night betw. 20 and 21/12/22;
  1430. Il nostro cuore | song: Il nostro cuore non si è perduto | Italian - Modern Greek | @TP: 2:03-3:35 (rec. 6/1/23) | 4/12/22 (start 15:59) compl. following night, corr. 5/12/22, twk. 7/1/23;
  1431. 'O sole mio | song: 'O sole mio | Neapolitan - Italian (@@TP) | 10-11/1/23;
  1432. 'O sole mio | song: 'O sole mio | Neapolitan - Spanish (@@TP) | 12/1/23;
  1433. Romaria (pellegrinaggio) | song: Romaria | Portuguese - Albanian (@@TP) | 15 and 17/1/23;
  1434. I miss you | song: Xiǎngniàn nǐ (Year 2 song 95) | Chinese - English (rhyming remake, @@TP) | 17/1/23 19:13-19:37 twk. 18/1/23;
  1435. Deep love still | song: Chim-chim kài òi (Year 1 song 36) | Hakka - English (rhyming remake, @@TP) | 17/1/23 19:46-20:07 twk. 18/1/23;
  1436. I miss you | song: Xiǎngniàn nǐ (Year 2 song 95) | Chinese - Modern Greek (@@TP) | 18-19/1/23 (started morning) twk. 20/1/23 corr. 20/1/23;
  1437. Deep love still | song: Chim-chim kài òi (Year 1 song 36) | Hakka - Chinese (@@TP) | 18/1/23 17:32-17:36 twk. 19/1/23;
  1438. Deep love still | song: Chim-chim kài òi (Year 1 song 36) | Hakka - Albanian (@@TP) | 18/1/23 17:39 and 22:54-23:52 corrections came 20/1/23 and were implemented that night;
  1439. Deep love still | song: Chim-chim kài òi (Year 1 song 36) | Hakka - Modern Greek (@@TP) | 19/1/23 corr. 21/1/23;
  1440. Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity) | song: Balada da caridade | Portuguese - Italian | @TP: 3:18-5:35 (rec. 15/6/24) | Chorus 22/1/23 pre-chorus 25/1/23, compl. 5/4/23 twk. following night;
  1441. Mi fiesta | song: Minha festa | Portuguese - Spanish | @TP: 2:35-3:35 (rec. 4/2/23) | 26-27/1/23 (started 23:23) twk. 29/1/23;
  1442. Mi fiesta | song: Minha festa | Portuguese - Modern Greek | @TP: 2:11-3:10 (rec. 25/3/23), older version 3:35-4:34 (rec. 4/2/23) | 26-27/1/23 (started 23:48) twk. and corr. 28/1/23 and 25/2/23;
  1443. Mi fiesta | song: Minha festa | Portuguese - Sicilian | @TP: 4:34-5:34 (rec. 4/2/23) | 27/1/23 twk. 28-29/1/23;
  1444. Te | song: Ty | Albanian - Modern Greek (@@TP) | 18/2/23 twk. following night, corr. and twk. 19/2/23 and 21/2/23;
  1445. Te | song: Ty | Albanian - Turkish (@@TP) | One line 18/2/23, rest 21/2/23 twk. 22/2/23;
  1446. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:32:13-1:32:38) | Chinese - English (old equi) | @PC: 1:33:01-1:33:24 (rec. 5/5/24) | 19/2/23 twk. 2/5/23;
  1447. Romeo and Juliet | Final couplet from Romeo and Juliet | English to Italian (alexandrines, @@PC) | 21/2/23;
  1448. Romeo and Juliet | Romeo's balcony speech from Romeo and Juliet | English to Italian (alexandrines, @@PC) | Sparse lines 21/2/23 and 4/3/23, big chunks night betw. 16/3 and 17/3/23, compl. 18/3/23;
  1449. Te | song: Ty | Albanian - Russian (@@TP) | Chorus 21-22/2/23, ll. 1-2,5 27/2/23, l. 5 twk. 4/3, verse 1 3/5/23, pre-chorus night betw. 3/5/23 and 4/5/23, last non-chorus section 4/5/23, verse 2 22/6/23 14:30-14:46 twk. 15:58;4 lines corr. 2/7/23, 4 more 2-4/7, pre-chorus corr. 4-5/7, chorus corr. 23-24/7, rest corr. 19/12/23
  1450. Te | song: Ty | Albanian - Sicilian (@@TP) | 5 lines 22/2/23, pre-chorus chorus (minus l. 18) ll. 29-30 26/2/23 twk. night, compl. 2/3/23;
  1451. Aconteceu | song: Aconteceu | Portuguese - Latin (@@TP) | L. 1 23/2/23 23:16, ll. 2 and 4 following day, compl. 9/5/23 22:23-22:57;
  1452. Aconteceu | song: Aconteceu | Portuguese - Modern Greek (@@TP) | 4 lines night betw. 23 and 24/2/23 twk. next evening corr. 25/2/23, rest 9/5/23 18:42-19:19 corr. 10/5/23 twk. 11/5/23;
  1453. Te | song: Ty | Albanian - Japanese (@@TP) | Pre-chorus and 2 lines of chorus 24/2/23 twk. 25/5/23, ll. 1 5 1/3/23 twk. 3/5/23, chorus ll. 3-4 3/5/23 l. 6 6/5/23, rest almost all 22/6/23 14:42-15:12 twk. 16:03 and 16:07, verse 2 half 1 16:07-16:12 22/6/23;
  1454. Come what may | song: Haja o que houver | Portuguese - Spanish | @TP: 2:22-2:32 (rec. 23/9/23) | Title 4/3/23 twk. night betw. 4 and 5/4/23, rest 4/4/23;
  1455. Missing support | song: Phù-poi (Year 2 song 51) | Hakka - Modern Greek (remake, @@TP) | 8/3/23, twk. following night, corr. 11-13/3/23 twk. 13 and 23/3/23;
  1456. Do you hear the people sing? | song: Do you hear the people sing? | English - Modern Greek | @TP: 3:07-4:12 (rec. 18/3/23) | Two lines night betw. 7 and 8/3/23 twk. 9/3 and night betw. 11 and 12/3 as well as 13/3, rest of chorus 13/3/23, chorus corr. 13/3/23, verse 1 16/3/23 before its Chinese equivalent, verse 2 probs. night betw. 17 and 18/3/23 after its Chinese equivalent corr. 18 twk. following night;
  1457. Leads to Him | song: Leads to Him (embedded in an article) | English - Chinese (correct text, @@TP) | Text correction 9/3/23, translation update 10/3/23, corr. on YT 17/6/24, twk. 18 and 23 to apply corrections as I could | This is just because on that day I realized a misheraing and fixed text and translation; the rest of the translation stayed the same as it was on 16/1/20;
  1458. Mi fiesta | song: Minha festa | Portuguese - Albanian | @TP: 3:10-4:10 (rec. 25/3/23) | 16/3/23 twk. 17/3/23;
  1459. Don’t leave me, Lela | Galician - Modern Greek | song: Lela | Night betw. 17 and 18/3/23 corr. 18-19/3/23;
  1460. Questo silenzio mi soffoca | song: Me pnígë toýti̱ i̱ siōpí̱ | Modern Greek - Italian (remake) | @TP: 2:28-4:26 (rec. 20/4/24) | Night betw. 20 and 21/3/23 twk. 22/3/23;
  1461. Random religious translations | Mystery of faith | English - Italian (@@TP) | 21/3/23 morning twk. 23/3/23 0:32;
  1462. Random religious translations | Holy | English - Italian (@@TP) | 21/3/23 morning;
  1463. Mantle of lilies | song: Manto de açucenas | Portuguese - Italian | @TP: 5:08-7:12 (rec. 1/4/23) | 23/3/23 (start 19:18) twk. 29-30/3/23;
  1464. Random religious translations | Santo | Italian - English (@@TP) | Two lines 26/3/23, compl. 31/3/23;
  1465. Come what may | song: Haja o que houver | Portuguese - English | @TP: 2:40-3:48 (rec. 10/4/23) | 3/4/23 1:17-1:22 and 11:01-11:06;
  1466. Come what may | song: Haja o que houver | Portuguese - Albanian (@@TP) | 4/4/23 0:00-0:52;
  1467. Come what may | song: Haja o que houver | Portuguese - Japanese | @TP: 3:48-4:56 (rec. 10/4/23) | 4/4/23 0:57-1:21 and 10:23-10:31 twk. 16:24 and following night, and afternoon due to Quora corr.;
  1468. Come what may | song: Haja o que houver | Portuguese - Modern Greek | @TP: 4:56-6:02 (rec. 10/4/23) | 4/4/23 corr. following night and day twk. 5/4/23;
  1469. Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity) | song: Balada da caridade | Portuguese - Chinese | @TP: 5:35-7:46 (rec. 15/6/24) | Two lines 5/4/23 21:18, compl. next morning (OK, couple lines 12:19 technically afternoon);
  1470. Come what may | song: Haja o que houver | Portuguese - Hakka (@@TP) | 5/4/23 over lunch;
  1471. Come what may | song: Haja o que houver | Portuguese - Turkish | @TP: 3:32-4:39 (rec. 23/9/23) | 5/4/23 afternoon;
  1472. Aconteceu | song: Aconteceu | Portuguese - Spanish (@@TP) | L. 1 9/4/23 17:22 alternative 10/5/23 11:48, rest 9/5/23 18:13-18:24 before other three completions;
  1473. Il seme | song: Il seme | Italian - Chinese (remake) | @TP: 1:34-2:39 (rec. 15/4/23) | Night betw. 13 and 14/4/23 twk. 15/4/23;
  1474. Saffo in metrica barbara | Se io solo (5) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione 2, @@Ψ) | 15/4/23 14:54;
  1475. Che siano una sola cosa | song: Che siano una sola cosa | Italian - Modern Greek | @TP: 1:30-2:32 (rec. 15/9/23) | Chorus and V1L1 15/4/23 17:08-17:17, l. 2 and last couplet of verse 1 18/4/23 evening twk. next day within 12:39, edits and completion by Kika within the follwoing 15:45, twks by me night betw. 24 and 25/4/23, corr. following day;
  1476. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Catullus, LI | Latin - Italian (Bonus translation, @@Cl) | 16/4/23 (3 stanzas 11:26-11:43, last stanza 17:51-17:53 twk. 18:05);
  1477. Dove sei? | song: Seigneur, où es-Tu? | French - Modern Greek (@@TP) | Chorus 1 22/4/23 corr. 22/4/23 revised night betw. 23 and 24/4, compl. night betw. 23 and 24/4/23, corr. 24-25/4/23;
  1478. Deep love - quite possibly the last one :) | song: Shēnshēn de ài (Year 2 song 53) | Chinese - English (remake) | @TP: 2:56-4:06 (rec. 29/4/23) | 24/4/23 twk. 2/5/23 4/5/23;
  1479. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | "Il letto è una rosa" | Italian - Spanish (@@TP) | 1/5/23 afternoon twk. 29/4/23 5/5/23;
  1480. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:32:13-1:32:38) | Chinese - Arabic (old near-equi) | @PC: 1:33:24-1:33:46 (rec. 5/5/24) | Equimetrical lines 1/5/23 close to midnight, hypermetric lines 6/5/23 afternoon, twk. 18/3/24 and 11/5/24, part-corr. 17/5/24 with comments processed by me the same day, twk. 28/5/24 14:23;
  1481. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:32:13-1:32:38) | Chinese - Arabic (old double-syllable) | @PC: 1:34:08-1:34:30 (rec. 5/5/24) | Night betw. 1 and 2/5/23, twk. 19/3/24, part-corr. 17/5/24 with comments processed by me the same day;
  1482. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) | song: Gàosu wǒ nǐ bù ài wǒ (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 28) | Chinese - Japanese (remake, @@TP) | 3/5/23, with one line technically done twice or thrice rather long before this date but I won't count those versions for this index;
  1483. Mantle of lilies | song: Manto de açucenas | Portuguese - English | @TP: 5:22-7:31 (rec. 20/5/23) | 4/5/23 16:54-17:21 + 19:30-19:56 twk. 19 and 20/5/23 and 25/5/23;
  1484. Nulla ti turbi | song: Nada te turbe | Spanish - Italian (Lett.) | @TP: 1:27-1:47 (rec. 25/12/23) | 4/5/23 21:02;
  1485. Nulla ti turbi | song: Nada te turbe | Spanish - Italian (SM) | @TP: 2:08-2:29 (rec. 25/12/23) | 4/5/23 21:03;
  1486. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | "Il letto è una rosa" | Italian - Portuguese (@@TP) | 5/5/23;
  1487. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 143, C 157D (Aithopia epigram) | Ancient Greek - English (remake, @@Sic) | 6/5/23 22:11-22:25 twk. 0:06;
  1488. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 144, C 158D (Timad epigram) | Ancient Greek - English (remake, @@Sic) | 6/5/23 22:36-23:02;
  1489. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 145, C 159D (Pelagon epigram) | Ancient Greek - English (remake, @@Sic) | 6/5/23 23:11;
  1490. A cover for Sappho translations (also at Hymn to Aphrodite) | song: Cover of my Sappho fragments file (6:47-7:03) (updated version) | Ancient Greek - Italian (musical) | @TP: 32:09-32:30 (rec. 2/7/24; also in most @Ψ videos, correct tune from Aug 2024 on) ┆ @TP in wrong tune: 7:20-7:37 (rec. 1/2/24) ┆ @TP as third voice: 32:34-32:54 (rec. 2/7/24) | 10-11/5/23 | After tweaking the original on 18/4/23 at 22:16 and initially deciding to only include this in the opening of my Sappho videos in Ancient Greek, on 10 in the evening I start translating, and I finish the translation the day after, so here it is;
  1491. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided (also at Saffo in metrica barbara under fr. 12 "Al fratello Carasso, versione di Diehl") | Sappho E 35 LP 3 C 3 (Diehl version) | Ancient Greek - Italian | @Ψ: 5:04-5:47 (rec. 17/6/23) | 12-13/5/23 twk. following two nights and 16/5/23;
  1492. Gentle Annie | song: Gentle Annie | English-Italian | @TP: 3:22-6:11 (rec. 6/1/24) | Title 13/5/23 1:28, all but 2 lines 31/5/23 22:10-22:29, last two lines of penult stanza 5/6/23 22:40-45, twk. 5/1/24 23:13-14;
  1493. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided (also at Saffo in metrica barbara under fr. 12 "Al fratello Carasso, versione di Edmonds") | Sappho E 35 LP 3 C 3 (Edmonds version) | Ancient Greek - Italian (2023 post-final translation) | @Ψ: 2:47-4:09 (rec. 17/6/23) | L. 5 and half of 6 night betw. 13 and 14/5/23 twk. night before 16/5 and 16/5, l. 4 night before 16/5/23, rest 16/5/23 | This would technically be a rework, but since almost nothing besides the rhymes is left of the original, I'm counting it as a separate translation;
  1494. Saffo in metrica barbara | Nelle tempeste violente (10) (0:52-1:54, rec. 24/6/23) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Complete version, @Ψ) | Complete stanza 1 18/5/23 8:34 + 14:24 + 20/5/23 14:14-14:53, which includes the next two stanzas, rest 6/7/24 1:34-1:37;
  1495. A prayer to avert stormy journeys | Sappho E 41 LP 20 C 20 | Ancient Greek - Italian (remake) | @TP: 1:56-:58 (rec. 24/6/23) | 20/5/23; differs from the previous only in the incomplete stanzas, which were remade for the previous;
  1496. Shipping Sappho overseas (or over Eurasia) | song: Guà dà fēng shí (0:31-1:21) | Chinese - English | @TP: 1:21-2:10 (rec. 10/6/23);
  1497. Kalinifta (Buonanotte) | song: Kalinifta (1), song: Calinifta (2) | Griko - Italian | @TP: 0:39-12:27 (rec. 12/8/23, mixed with original and French) | 4-5/6/23 and 7/6/23, twk. 12/8/23 and 26/8/23;
  1498. Kalinifta (Buonanotte) | song: Kalinifta (1), song: Calinifta (2) | Griko - French | @TP: 0:39-12:27 (rec. 12/8/23, mixed with original and Italian) | Start night betw. 7 and 8/6/23 compl. 8/6/23, twk. 12/8/23;
  1499. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Milk and cereal | English - Italian (@@TP) | 14/6/23 10:12;
  1500. Earth Angel | song: Earth Angel | English - French (@@TP) | L. 1 14/6/23 12:58 remade later, quasi-compl. 20/6/23, last section 21/6/23;
  1501. Realizzerai ogni sogno | song: Anata ga iru kara | Japanese - Modern Greek | @TP: 6:10-8:53 (rec. 9/9/23) | First version of ll. 1-2 14/6/23 19:20-23, verse 1 + # + chorus 1 + chorus 1' 2/7/23 afternoon, compl. night betw. 2 and 3/7/23, corr. 3-5/7/23;
  1502. Realizzerai ogni sogno | song: Anata ga iru kara | Japanese - Italian (seminovità completa, @@MV, @@Pit) | 16/6/23 and night before;
  1503. Azzurro | song: Azzurro | Italian - English | @TP: 1:53-5:19 (rec. 7/10/23) | Chorus and verse 1 16/6/23, verse 3 17/6/23, vere 2 start 16 twk. 17 compl. 18/6/23, couple tweaks on recording day (see post);
  1504. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | "Two opinions" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Russian ("think" (imperfective), @@Ψ) | 23/6/23 19:19;
  1505. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | "Two opinions" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - Russian ("think" (perfective), @@Ψ) | 23/6/23 22:38;
  1506. Realizzerai ogni sogno | song: Anata ga iru kara | Japanese - Italian (novità complete) | @TP: 3:43-6:10 + 8:3-9:10 (rec. 9/9/23) | «Io fino a che di pietra diventerò / Voglio pregar» 29/6/23, rest 30/6/23, and Voglio->Vorrò 9/9/23;
  1507. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Avemo fame | Italian - English (@@TP) | 7/7/23 20:18;
  1508. Se tu fossi (ovvero Nuovo Cinema Paradiso) | song: Se tu fossi | Italian - Modern Greek | @TP: 0:22-3:58 (rec. 23/7/23) | 7/7/23 twk. 8-9/7/23;
  1509. Realizzerai ogni sogno | song: Anata ga iru kara | Japanese - Chinese (re-remake, novità completa, @@TP) | 11/7/23 morning and evening compl. following night twk. 12/7/23;
  1510. Ci sei tu o no? | song: Tū hai kê nahīṅ | Hindi - Modern Greek (Kika and Final, @@TP) | One line tweaked 11/7/23 evening and Kika-tweaked 14/7/23, rest basically remade by Kika 14/7/23, twk. by me 14 and 16/7/23, and 17 and 23/7/23;
  1511. Se tu fossi (ovvero Nuovo Cinema Paradiso) | song: Se tu fossi | Italian - Korean (@@TP) | 13/7/23, language mix 14/7/23;
  1512. Time after time | song: Time after time - Hana mau machi de | Japanese - Romanian (buona novità, @@TP) | «Kasumu hana hitohira» 3/8/23 10:07-10:10, «Nidoto kimi no te wo hanasanai» night betw. 24 and 25/12/23 0:15 twk. 27/12/23 13:35, from start to «Ima mo wasurenai yakusoku» 10/7/24 23:45 - 11/7/24 0:28, compl. 16/7/24 20:17-20:38 + 20:44 + 21:09-21:17 + 17/7/24 16:06-16:21 + 19:41-20:00 + night betw. 17/7 and 18/7/24 0:24-0:43, twk. 17/7/24 19:38;
  1513. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Brindisi (toast) | Italian - English (@@TP) | 4/8/23 last line 5/8/23;
  1514. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Brindisi (toast) | Italian - German (@@TP) | 6/8/23 8:35-36;
  1515. Hymn to Aphrodite | song: Cover of my Sappho fragments file (6:47-7:03) (updated version) | Ancient Greek - English (updated version) | @NV, mention: 6:05-6:13 | 18/8/23 | Quick fix applied to the translation of the original version, unfortunately with no regards to meter;
  1516. A cover for Sappho translations (also at Hymn to Aphrodite) | song: Cover of my Sappho fragments file (6:47-7:03) (updated version) | Ancient Greek - Latin (updated version, found just below «Thought, 18/8/23 12:26») | @TP: 7:03-7:20 (rec. 1/2/24) and 10:19-10:36 (rec. 20/5/24) | 19/8/23 | Quick fix applied to the translation of the original version;
  1517. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 137 LP 158 C 158 SF 27 | Ancient Greek - English (Imperative, rhythmic remake, @@Sic) | 17/9/23;
  1518. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 137 LP 158 C 158 SF 27 | Ancient Greek - English (Infinitive, rhythmic remake, @@Ψ) | 19/9/23;
  1519. PDS

  1520. Swedish religious hymn | song: Gud som haver barnen kär | Swedish - Italian (@@MV) | Ll. 4 and 6 12/11/23 10:38 twk. 19/11/23 15:00, ll. 5 and 3 19/11/23 15:00 and 15:02, compl. 18/8/24 0:32-0:34;
  1521. You are my life | song: Tu sei la mia vita | Italian - Modern Greek (incomplete, @@TP) | Verse 1 23/9/23 19:56-20:12 twk. 20:34 corr. 13/12/23 18:03;
  1522. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | "The stars and the moon" aka LP 34 | Ancient Greek - Romagnolo (right-hand: rhythmic remake, @@Ψ) | 7/10/23 16:04-06, twk. 16:17 and 9/10/23 21:59;
  1523. Romagna mia | song: Romagna mia | Italian-Chinese | @TP: 2:17-3:23 (rec. 26/7/24) | 7/10/23, last two lines 16:17, compl. 17:46-17:50, twk. that evening and 25/11/23 and 29/2/24 and 3/4/24 and 23/5/24;
  1524. A night of moonlight | song: Still for your love | Japanese - Italian (good news) | @TP: 3:03-5:20 (rec. 11/11/23) | Two lines 9/10/23 11:09 twk. 23/10/23, compl. 5/11/23 twk. 8-9/11/23 and 11/11/23;
  1525. So many stars | song: Kim-pu-yà àn to sen (Year 4 song 7, 1:11-1:56) | Hakka - Modern Greek | @TP: 3:07-3:52 (rec. 10/2/24) | Night betw. 10 and 11/10/23, twk. 3/2/24 16:27 and 10/2/24 12:44;
  1526. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō (also at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages) | Chôka version of "Two opinions" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Japanese - Italian (@@Ch) | 13/10/23 1:39-2:24;
  1527. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō (also at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages) | Chôka version of "Two opinions" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Japanese - English (@@Ch) | 13/10/23 1:40-2:24;
  1528. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "Love shook my heart", aka LP 47 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (original, @@Ch) | 20/10/23 at 13:52-14:22;
  1529. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "You came", aka LP 48+ | Ancient Greek - Japanese (version A, @@Ch) | 20/10/23 16:51-17:40;
  1530. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "You came", aka LP 48+, Japanese version (just above) | Japanese - Italian (@@Ch?) | 20/10/23 17:08-17:44;
  1531. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "Love shook my heart", aka LP 47 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (corrected, @@Ch) | 21/10/23 at 0:45;
  1532. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "Idle-barking tongue", aka LP 158 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (original, @@Ch) | 21/10/23, at 0:56-1:44;
  1533. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "Idle-barking tongue", aka LP 158 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (corrected, @@Ch) | 21/10/23, at 2:23;
  1534. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "You came", aka LP 48+ | Ancient Greek - Japanese (version B, @@Ch) | 23/10/23 23:57 - 24/10/23 1:21;
  1535. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "The moon has set", aka Campbell 168B | Ancient Greek - Japanese (@@Ch) | Last line 24/10/23 11:11, rest 27/10/23 1:57-2:06;
  1536. Alone in a rainy night | song: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16) | Chinese - Japanese (remake) | @TP: 4:52-6:40 (rec. 21/6/24) | 2 lines 24/10/23 14:46 compl. 29/10/23 at 9:14-9:20 + 9:37-9:47 + 9:52-9:53 + 10:00-10:14 twk. foll. evening, "Yanlei fix" 25/5/24;
  1537. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | Chi è causa del suo mal | Italian - English (@@TP) | 25/10/23;
  1538. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "Perform with a better voice" (under the title of "Success to the mouth"), aka LP 58 ll. 1-10 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (Old text, @@MV) | Ending 26/10/23 15:44-15:51, compl. following night 1:29-1:44;
  1539. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "To my friends", aka LP 160 with τέρποισα emendation | Ancient Greek - Japanese (@@Ch) | 27/10/23 14:58-15:05;
  1540. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "May you sleep", aka LP 126 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (@@Ch) | 27/10/23 19:00-19:02;
  1541. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "I don't expect", aka LP 52 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (@@Ch) | 27/10/23 19:10-19:15 twk. 20/11/23 0:51/52;
  1542. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "To the lyre", aka LP 118 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (@@Ch) | 27/10/23 19:20;
  1543. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "Thou hast left me", aka LP 129+ | Ancient Greek - Japanese (@@Ch) | 27/10/23 19:25-19:41;
  1544. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "Kleis", aka LP 132 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (@@Ch) | 27/10/23 19:42-20:24;
  1545. Alone in a rainy night | song: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16) | Chinese - English (remake) | @TP: 3:01-4:52 (rec. 21/6/24) | 29/10/23 10:25-10:34 + 10:45-10:47 + 13:25-13:50 + 19:25-19:32, "Yanlei fix" 25/5/24;
  1546. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "About the doves", aka LP 42 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (version A, @@Ch) | 29/10/23 23:58-23:59;
  1547. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "About the doves", aka LP 42 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (version B, @@Ch) | 30/10/23 0:03-0:08;
  1548. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "Rustic woman", aka LP 57 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (@@Ch) | 30/10/23 0:12-0:37;
  1549. Alone in a rainy night | song: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16) | Chinese - French (remake) | @TP: 5:55-7:38 (rec. 18/5/24) | 3/11/23 at 10:00-11:02 twk. foll. night 1:14, "Yanlei fix" 25/5/24;
  1550. Ave Maria, splendore del mattino | song: Ave Maria, splendore del mattino | Italian - Spanish (Originale and Finale) | @TP: 3:12-4:34 (rec. 9/12/23) | Two lines 5/11/23 11:51, compl. 7/11/23 22:08-22:21, save for chorus 8/11/23 13:34-13:37, corr. 9/12/23 within 15:49;
  1551. Ave Maria, splendore del mattino | song: Ave Maria, splendore del mattino | Italian - Chinese | @TP: 5:17-6:40 (rec. 9/12/23) | Two lines 5/11/23 11:56-57, compl. 8/11/23 17:51-18:13, twk. 19:37-19:38;
  1552. A night of moonlight | song: Still for your love | Japanese - English (good news, @@TP) | 12/11/23 15:28-16:53;
  1553. Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō | "Two thoughts" aka LP 51 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ) | 14/11/23 16:08:[28,55];
  1554. Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō | "Love shook my heart", aka LP 47 (5:38-5:47, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English | @Sic: 6:06-6:14 (rec. 24/8/24) | 14/11/23 16:[08:55,13:36];
  1555. Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō | "May you sleep", aka LP 126 | Ancient Greek - English (@@Sic) | 15/11/23 15:[29:30,30,25];
  1556. Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō | "Stand before me", aka LP 138 | Ancient Greek - English (@@TP) | 16/11/23 0:[50:54,55:54] twk. 6/4/24 16:34:~30;
  1557. Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō | "Dead shalt thou lie", aka LP 55 | Ancient Greek - English (@@Sic) | 16/11/23 0:[55:54,58:24];
  1558. Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō | "Someone will remember", aka LP 147 | Ancient Greek - English (@@Sic) | 16/11/23 0:58:[24,45] twk. for meter 6/4/24 16:38;
  1559. Nulla ti turbi | song: Nada te turbe | Spanish - English | @TP: 1:48-2:08 (rec. 25/12/23) | 21/11/23 15:39-15:44;
  1560. Pianto | song: Klama (Andra mu pai) | Griko - Italian | @TP: 4:36-8:20 (rec. 30/12/23) | Verse 1 23/11/23 0:54-1:08, twk. to that and completion 5/12/23 0:20-0:53, twk. 29/12/23 morning;
  1561. The feelings of a loafer - with such a lonely heart | song: Lōng-tsú--ê sim-tsîng (Year 2 song 87) | Min - Mandarin [LTC] (@@TP) | Last line 15/12/23 2:20, rest 5/4/24 11:31-11:36;
  1562. Morto dentro | song: Apó mésa pethaménos | Greek - Italian (1+3) | @TP: 2:30-4:05 (rec. 20/1/24) | 1/12/23 15:44-16:00 twk. 28/1/24, 30/1/24, 25/2/24, 1/3/24, and 10/3/24;
  1563. Morto dentro | song: Apó mésa pethaménos | Greek - Italian (2) | @TP: 2:30-3:37 + 4:05-4:22 (rec. 20/1/24) | 1/12/23 15:44-16:00 except last half-verse, which is 16/1/24 22:51, l. 1 twk. 10/3/24; not counting it as a mere tweak because now there's branching paths and tweaks only applied to the other version (1);
  1564. Tu sei il solo mio tesor | song: Esí temón to akrivón | Pontic Greek - Italian | @TP: 0:27-3:48 (mixed with original, rec. 30/12/23) | 6/12/23 14:47-15:19 twk. 26/12/23 and 28/12/23;
  1565. A night of moonlight | song: Still for your love | Japanese - Modern Greek (@@TP) | 10/12/23 start 16:06;
  1566. Ne t'hâte pas | song: Mos u ngut' | Albanian - Italian (@@TP) | 6 lines of chorus 10/12/23 15:51-52, compl. same day 15:56-15:58, twk. 22/12/23;
  1567. Ave Maria, splendore del mattino | verse 2 of Ave María esplendor de la mañana (1:18-1:44) | Spanish - Italian (@@TP) | 11/12/23;
  1568. Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene | Homer, Iliad, Book 1, ll. 1-7 as musicated by me (2:07-3:07) | @Cl: 4:10-5:10 (rec. 27/1/24) | Ll. 1-2 16/12/23 21:35-21:36 twk. 6/1/24 11:27, compl. 5/1/24 23:35-23:53 twk. 23/1/24 23:01;
  1569. Who am I without you? | song: Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 (Year 1 song 31) | Cantonese - English (remake, @@TP) | 20/12/23 21:48-22:23 twk. 22:33;
  1570. Everlasting | song: Everlasting | Japanese - Italian (remake, @@TP) | 21/12/23 22:35-23:11 twk. 22/12/23 10:15 and 31/7/24 and 17/8/24;
  1571. Saying you love me is a torture: let’s part | song: Shuō nǐ ài wǒ (Year 1 song 18) | Chinese - English (good news, @@TP) | 23/12/23 10:51-11:28 twk. later that day;
  1572. Saying you love me is a torture: let’s part | song: Shuō nǐ ài wǒ (Year 1 song 18) | Chinese - French (good news, @@TP) | First section 23/12/23 13:09-13:12, second section same day 18:43-18:47 but remade 24/12/23 13:25-13:32, rest 24/12/23 13:33-13:49;
  1573. Tu sei il solo mio tesor | song: Esí temón to akrivón | Pontic Greek - Modern Greek (incomplete, @@TP) | 27/12/23 morning l. 1, first half-chorus, second verse, first half-third verse, rest is yet to be done;
  1574. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | È Natale e a Natale si può amare di più | Italian - English (@@TP) | 31/12/23 morning;
  1575. Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene | Homer, Odyssey, I, 1-10 as musicated by me (5:15-6:41) | @Cl: 8:08-9:33 (rec. 27/1/24) | 8/1/24 10:13-10:31 twk. 23/1/24 23:02, l. 7 completely missed and translated later, 27/1/24;
  1576. Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene | Homer, Song of the Sirens (Odyssey, XII, 184-191) as musicated by me (5:15-6:41) | @Cl: 9:39-10:47 (rec. 27/1/24) | 8/1/24 12:28-12:40 twk. 9/1/24 15:53-15:57 and 27/1/24;
  1577. Realizzerai ogni sogno | song: Anata ga iru kara | Japanese - English (novità completa, @@TP) | 18/1/24;
  1578. The rest of Sappho | 1.G.ii (LP 164 E 79 C 164 SF aj) | Ancient Greek - English (Gender-neutral, @@Ψ) | 27/1/24 23:07;
  1579. The rest of Sappho | 1.G.ii (LP 164 E 79 C 164 SF aj) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Gender-neutral, @@Ψ) | 29/1/24 15:00;
  1580. A cover for Sappho translations | song: Cover of my Sappho fragments file (6:47-7:03) (updated version) | Ancient Greek - English (Musical) | @TP: 33:21-33:40 (rec. 2/7/24; also in English-crossover @Sic episodes) ┆ early @TPs: 9:48-10:06 (rec. 20/5/24) and 7:39-7:56 (rec. 1/2/24) | 29/1/24 19:27-19:29;
  1581. PD1

  1582. Cartello stradale di luce lunare | song: Tsukiakari no michishirube | Japanese - Italian (Buona novità) | @TP: 4:17-7:50 (rec. 16/3/24) | 3-4/3/24 twk. 7/3 and following night, and 7/4 and 9/4/24;
  1583. Morto dentro | song: Apó mésa pethaménos | Greek - Italian (4) | @TP: 0:41-2:12 (rec. 13/4/24) | First half of verse 2 6/3/24, compl. 9/3/24, twk. 9-10/3/24 and 13/4/24;
  1584. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - English (answer's attempt) | @PC: 1:46:30-1:46:53 (rec. 5/5/24) | 6/3/24 by this SE answer;
  1585. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - English (modified answer) | @PC: 1:46:53-1:47:15 (rec. 5/5/24) | 17/3/24 modifying the previous;
  1586. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - English (new equi) | @PC: 1:47:15-1:47:37 (rec. 5/5/24) | 17/3/24 twk. 24/3/24;
  1587. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - Arabic (new near-equi) | @PC: 1:47:37-1:47:58 (rec. 5/5/24) | 17/3/24 twk. 21/3/24 and 11/5/24;
  1588. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - English (AI) | @PC: 1:47:58-1:48:22 (rec. 5/5/24) | 18/3/24 by this SE answer;
  1589. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:32:13-1:32:38) | Arabic - English (ANE equi) | @PC: 1:33:46-1:34:08 (rec. 5/5/24) | 21/3/24;
  1590. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - English (DS1) | @PC: 1:48:44-1:49:05 (rec. 5/5/24) | Betw. 23/3/24 23:55 and 24/3/24 0:22;
  1591. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - English (DS2) | @PC: 1:49:25-1:49:45 (rec. 5/5/24) | Betw. 23/3/24 23:55 and 24/3/24 0:22;
  1592. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - English (DS3) | @PC: 1:48:22-1:48:44 (rec. 5/5/24) | Betw. 23/3/24 23:55 and 24/3/24 0:22;
  1593. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - English (DS4) | @PC: 1:49:45-1:50:06 (rec. 5/5/24) | Betw. 23/3/24 23:55 and 24/3/24 0:22;
  1594. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - English (DS5) | @PC: 1:49:05-1:49:25 (rec. 5/5/24) | Betw. 23/3/24 23:55 and 24/3/24 0:22;
  1595. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - Arabic (new double-syllable) | @PC: 1:50:06-1:50:29 (rec. 5/5/24) | 24/3/24 23:40-0:12 twk. next day 14:18 and 11/5/24 19:30;
  1596. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "I stiđđi e a luna" (LP 34) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 28/3/24 12:25-12:32 twk. 13:00;
  1597. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Figghia 'i Uranu e Gaia cchiù amata 'i tutti", o "Saffo 16" (part a, LP 16 + – 0:47-2:12, rec. 21/9/24) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian | @Sic: 2:12-3:31 (rec. 21/9/24) | Stanza 1 28/3/24 19:03-19:08 twk. 29/3/24, compl. 9/4/24 twk. 10/4/24;
  1598. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Innu pi Anattorìa" (LP 31 – 9:25-11:16, rec. 22/9/24) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian | @Sic: 11:16-12:56 (rec. 21/9/24) | 29/3/24 11:31-12:18 twk. 14:20, 23:40, and 31/3/24 20:55;
  1599. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Love shook my heart", aka LP 47 (5:38-5:47, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian | @Sic: 5:47-5:55 + alternate version up to 6:02 (rec. 24/8/24) | 30/3/24 22:32-22:39 twk. 31/3/24, alternate version from 2/4/24;
  1600. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - Romanian (Good news, @@TP) | First two sections basically 26/3/24 0:12-0:30, all but "choruses" same day 9:44-10:22, rest except "Anata dake wa […] tsutsumikondekureru" section 11:05-11:31, compl. 1/4/24 18:26-27, corr. 3/4/24 and 6/6/24 11:59;
  1601. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - Chinese (Good news, @@TP) | 26/3/24, partly 13:10-13:17, partly 13:23-13:27, partly 13:36-15:10;
  1602. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - German (Good news, @@TP) | Verse 1 2/4/24 13:05-13:08 rmk. 9/7/24 10:33-10:46, first half-chorus 26/5/24 at 2:38-2:47 twk. next morning and 5/6/24 11:36, compl. 9/7/24 10:51-11:31 twk. 10/7/24 15:24-15:27;
  1603. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Dui pinzieri" (LP 51) (4:11-4:17, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian | @Sic: 4:17-4:23 (rec. 24/8/24) | 5/4/24 16:28;
  1604. Incuntřai na picciutteđđa | song: All'autřa jeri (0:41-4:51, mixed with Italian) | Sicilian - Italian | @TP: 0:41-4:51, mixed with Sicilian) | 7/4/24 twk. 15/4/24;
  1605. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "I murtali 'un tègnunu gioia china", o "Saffo 16b" (part b, LP 16 +) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (A, @@TP) | 9/4/24 20:37-21:01 twk. 21/9/24 ê 15:28;
  1606. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "I murtali 'un tègnunu gioia china", o "Saffo 16b" (part b, LP 16 +) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (B, @@TP) | 10/4/24 8:49-9:02 twk. 21/9/24 ê 15:28;
  1607. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "I murtali 'un tègnunu gioia china", o "Saffo 16b" (part b, LP 16 + | 6:39-7:23, rec. 21/9/24) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (C) | @Sic: 7:26-8:09 (rec. 21/9/24) | 10/4/24 13:29-13:32 twk. 9/5/24 ê 19:47 and 21/9/24 ê 15:28;
  1608. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho E 31 (title of SF 16 and 16b) (0:30-0:36, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian ("title", original) | @Ψ: 1:15:47-1:15:53 (rec. 21/8/24) | 5/4/24 16:37 | This is Edmonds reconstructing a line out of someone stating Sappho called Eros the offspring of Gaia and Oyranos; used to be at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, but no more;
  1609. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Stammi ṙavanti" (LP 138) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 10/4/24 15:46+50;
  1610. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Campagnola" (LP 57) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 10/4/24 15:55-16:04;
  1611. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Ntřabbunau a luna" (Campbell 168B, A) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 10/4/24 21:56-22:02 twk. 20:50;
  1612. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Ntřabbunau a luna" (Campbell 168B, B) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 10/4/24 22:11-22:35;
  1613. A cover for Sappho translations (also at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu) | song: Cover of my Sappho fragments file (6:47-7:03) (updated version) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian | @TP: 31:44-32:05 (rec. 2/7/24; also in any @Sic episode) ┆ early @TP: 8:56-9:15 and 9:18-9:36 (Greek rec. 1/2/24, Sicilian rec. night betw. 12 and 13/4/24) | 11/4/24 17:20 + 19:10-19:20;
  1614. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "O matři ṙuçi" (LP 102) (4:38-4:52, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (Original) | @Sic: 4:52-5:07 (rec. 24/8/24) | Night betw. 11 and 12/4/24 1:12-1:17;
  1615. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Â Çìpridi" (LP 26 +++) (6:22-7:16, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (virzioni 1) | @Sic: 7:16-7:56 (rec. 24/8/24) | Last 2 lines recovered night betw. 11 and 12/4/24 0:57, version A 1:40-2:14, version B next morning 9:02-9:06;
  1616. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Kleis" (LP 132) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 12/4/24 12:28-12:41;
  1617. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Amuri ṙuçi e amaru" (LP 130) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 12/4/24 16:49-16:57;
  1618. Cartello stradale di luce lunare | song: Tsukiakari no michishirube | Japanese - Chinese (Buona novità, @@TP) | "Mado kara" line 14/4/24 9:31, up to "itsumo no basho e" 12/5/24 13:12-14:08, compl. 15/4/24 21:24-22:47, twk. 18/5/24 18:09 and 18:10;
  1619. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Epigramma 'i Timas" (C 158D) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 14/4/24 13:38-13:48, twk. 20/9/24 15:59;
  1620. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Epigramma 'i Pelagon" (C 159D) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 14/4/24 13:52-14:00 twk. 24/4/24;
  1621. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Ufferta a Artèmide" (C 157D) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 14/4/24 14:02-14:20;
  1622. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Mi lassasti" (LP 129(a)+(b) + me) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 15/4/24 16:42-16:52;
  1623. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Quaṛcunu s'hâ řicurdari" (LP 147) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 15/4/24 16:57;
  1624. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "O Àttide!" (LP 96 7 tercets) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 3 lines 15/4/24 18:00, all but last stanza 16/4/24 0:49-0:52 + 1:12-1:42, compl. with remake of first tercet 14:56-15:24 twk. shortly afterwards;
  1625. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Pi nuautři nun è facili èssiri beđđi comu dèi" (LP 96 rest) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | Start 16/4/24 0:52, 1 tercet complete 1:44-1:52, compl. 14:56-15:11 twk. shortly afterwards, twk. 30/5/24 and 24/8/24 23:59;
  1626. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Idìlliu cu Afrodite" (LP 2) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | Early version of ll. 13-14 15/4/24 ~20:15, compl. 16/4/24 8:40-9:06;
  1627. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 100 LP 148 C 148 SF ac | Ancient Greek - Italian (Final) (@@Ψ) | L. 1 is entirely recovered, l. 2 was made 16/4/24 and twk. 21/4/24;
  1628. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.iii (LP 102 E 135 C 102 SF 90) (4:38-4:52, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English (Remake) | @Sic: 5:07-5:23 (rec. 24/8/24) | 18/4/24, l. 2 16:15, l. 1 16:18, twk. 3/9/24;
  1629. The rest of Sappho | 1.H.iii (LP 102 E 135 C 102 SF 90) (4:38-4:52, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (Final, @@Ψ) | 18/4/24 16:26-27 twk. 21/4/24 0:56-57;
  1630. A cover for Sappho translations | song: Cover of my Sappho fragments file (6:47-7:03) (updated version) | Ancient Greek - Latin (Original fourth voice) | @TP: 10:49-11:09 (rec. 20/5/24) | 18/4/24, up to pura 19:08-19:30, compl. 23:43-0:04;
  1631. Love and grief | Sappho Kypris poem with P.GC. (basically E 13+15 LP 26 C 26 SF re-12B-and-15) (6:22-7:16, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English | @Sic: 7:56-8:38 (rec. 24/8/24) | 18/4/24 21:30-21:40 twk. 21/4/24 1:23;
  1632. The rest of Sappho | (LP 42 E 16 C 42 SF b) | Ancient Greek - Italian (alternate, @@Ψ) | 22/4/24 at 19:54, inspired by matching Sicilian translation;
  1633. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Scinnìu ṙû çièlu" (LP 54) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | L. 2 22/4/24 19:44, l. 1 29/4/24 1:20;
  1634. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Leda" (LP 166) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 22/4/24 19:46-19:50;
  1635. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Riguardu ê palummi" (LP 42) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 22/4/24 19:52-19:54;
  1636. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Cìçiri d'oru" (LP 143) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 22/4/24 19:57;
  1637. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Niobe e Latona" (LP 142) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 22/4/24 20:00-20:02;
  1638. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Sta a mòriri, o Citerèa", o "Canzuni 'i luttu" (LP 140(a)) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 22/4/24 20:05-20:08;
  1639. Saffo in metrica barbara | Come potrebbe mai qualcuno (8) (12:07-13:04, rec. 10/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione di Obbink seconda) | @Ψ: 13:04-13:50 (rec. 10/8/24) | 9/5/24 16:56-17:14 twk. 10/5/24 14:16-15:17;
  1640. Saffo in metrica barbara | Come potrebbe mai qualcuno (8) (14:40-15:39, rec. 10/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione dell'Antologia Italiana) | @Ψ: 15:39-16:39 (rec. 10/8/24) | 9/5/24 16:58-17:29 except l. 13 27/6/24 15:32, twk. 11/8/24 18:00;
  1641. Saffo in metrica barbara | Come potrebbe mai qualcuno (8) (1:38-2:33, rec. 17/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione P.GC.) | @Ψ: 2:33-3:20 (rec. 17/8/24 | 9/5/24, mostly taken from Obbink seconda, non-shared parts 17:07-17:09, l. 5 twk. 10/5/24 15:17;
  1642. Saffo in metrica barbara | Come potrebbe mai qualcuno (8) (3:23-4:20, rec. 17/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione di Benelli e mia) | @Ψ: 4:20-5:24 (rec. 17/8/24) | Ll. 1-2 taken from Obbink seconda, rest 19/6/24 14:43-15:09 + 15:43 + 20/6/24 17:50 (with twk. 21/6/24 14:27) + 24/6/24 20:28-20:30 twk. 6/7/24 1:12;
  1643. Saffo in metrica barbara | Più amata discendenza di Gaia e Urano (Terra e Cielo) (16) (11:16-13:24, rec. 21/9/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione di dopo la scoperta dei papiri P.GC. | @Ψ: 13:27-15:34 (rec. 21/9/24) | 9/5/24 19:05-19:49, twk. 21/8/24 19:04-19:07;
  1644. The rest of Sappho | 1.C.i (LP 143 E 139 C 143 SF 30) | Ancient Greek - English (Remake, @@Sic) | 13/5/24 17:47;
  1645. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 103, C 140(a) SF 62 (mourning song) | Ancient Greek - English (Remake, @@Sic) | 13/5/24 17:48-17:50;
  1646. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 76 LP 147 C 147 SF 32 | Ancient Greek - English (Remake, @@Sic) | 13/5/24 17:53-17:55;
  1647. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E "155,156"+158 LP 112 C 112 SF 99 | Ancient Greek - English (Remake, @@Sic) | Ll. 1-2 13/5/24 18:03-18:05 twk. 0:12 and 8:43, rest 14/5/24 0:14-0:16;
  1648. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - English (Answer 2, other fix, @@TP) | 13/5/24 21:31 by this SE answer, twk. by one comment 14/5/24 3:23 and by me 14:44 that day;
  1649. Spring Dawn | poem: Mèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo, as set to music by me (1:46:06-1:46:30) | Chinese - English (Answer 2, my fix, @@TP) | 13/5/24 21:31 by this SE answer, twk. by me 14/5/24 14:47;
  1650. I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… | Sappho E 81 LP 130+131 C 130+131 SF 40-41 | Ancient Greek - English (Remake, @@Sic) | 13/5/24 23:48-14/5/24 0:10;
  1651. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 128 LP 126 C 126 SF 83 | Ancient Greek - English (Remake) | Night betw. 13 and 14/5/24 0:17-0:22;
  1652. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 154 ll. 1-3 (4-6 invented) LP 110a C 110(a) SF 98 | Ancient Greek - English (Remake) | 14/5/24 10:48-14:53;
  1653. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 148 LP 111+106 C 111+106 SF 91+92 | Ancient Greek - English (Remake, @@Sic) | 14/5/24 19:42-19:48;
  1654. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Cu è beđđu" (LP 50) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 17/5/24 0:22-0:23;
  1655. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Â lira" (LP 118) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 17/5/24 0:24;
  1656. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Ti prèiu, Gongyla" (LP 22 part 2, Lekatsas 36, Khatzidakis) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 17/5/24 0:27-0:40 twk. 18/5/24 17:30;
  1657. Romagna mia | song: Romagna mia | Italian-Japanese | @TP: 3:23-4:24 (rec. 26/7/24) | 21/5/24, chorus morning verse evening, twk. next morning and 23/5/24 and 14/6/24 and 8/7/24;
  1658. Realizzerai ogni sogno | song: Anata ga iru kara | Japanese - French (novità completa, @@TP) | Up to first chorus + last chorus 21/5/24 18:20-19:01, compl. 22/5/24 19:47-20:09;
  1659. A cover for Sappho translations | song: Cover of my Sappho fragments file (6:47-7:03) (updated version) | Ancient Greek - Latin (Remake) | @TP: 32:58-33:17 (rec. 2/7/24) | 23/5/24 9:10-9:13 twk. 22:05 and 2/7/24 ≤16:32;
  1660. Romagna mia | song: Romagna mia | Chinese-Italian | @TP (partial): 4:24-4:38 (rec. 26/7/24, superimposed with next item) | 21/5/24 12:23-12:24 twk. 14:40;
  1661. Romagna mia | song: Romagna mia | Chinese-Italian | @TP (partial): 4:24-4:38 (rec. 26/7/24, superimposed with previous item) | 23/5/24 17:23 twk. 25/5/24 0:53;
  1662. A cover for Sappho translations | song: Cover of my Sappho fragments file (6:47-7:03) (updated version) | Ancient Greek - Latin (Remade fourth voice) | @TP: 33:44-34:05 (rec. 4/7/24) | 25/5/24 16:11-16:19 twk. 2/7/24 ≤16:32;
  1663. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Innu a na fìmmina beđđa" (LP 23) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | Night betw. 29 and 30/5/24 1:02-1:33;
  1664. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "U dinaru senza a virtuti" (LP 148) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 30/5/24 8:45-8:47;
  1665. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 72 LP 56 C 56 SF 69 | Ancient Greek - English (Remake, @Sic) | 27/5/24 13:38-13:40;
  1666. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 100 LP 148 C 148 SF ac | Ancient Greek - English (Final) (Remake 1, @@Ψ) | 27/5/24 14:43-14:44;
  1667. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 100 LP 148 C 148 SF ac | Ancient Greek - English (Final) (Remake 2, @@Ψ) | L. 1 from Remake 1, l, 2 27/5/24 14:45;
  1668. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 100 LP 148 C 148 SF ac | Ancient Greek - English (Final) (Remake 3, @@Ψ) | 27/5/24 14:47-14:49;
  1669. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 100 LP 148 C 148 SF ac | Ancient Greek - English (Final) (Remake 4, @@Ψ) | L. 1 from Remake 3, l. 2 27/5/24 14:50;
  1670. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 100 LP 148 C 148 SF ac | Ancient Greek - English (Final) (Remake 5, @@Sic) | L. 1 from Remake 3, l. 2 27/5/24 14:52;
  1671. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Vinisti" (LP 48+) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 9/6/24 19:09-19:14;
  1672. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Lingua chi abbaia a vòtu" (LP 158) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 9/6/24 19:16-19:17;
  1673. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Nun zi pirmètti lamèntu" (LP 150) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 9/6/24 19:25-19:28;
  1674. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "A Dica" (LP 81.2) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | Ll. 1-2 9/6/24 19:30-19:36, compl. same day 22:33-22:37, twk. 12/6/24 15:21-22;
  1675. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "A Mica" (LP 71.1-7 + 61 + 87(14).1-3) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 10/6/24 12:15-12:47 twk. 18/8/24 12:17;
  1676. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Nun mi spittu" (LP 52) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 12/6/24 15:15;
  1677. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Pî mè cumbagni" (LP 160 + τέρποισα) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 13/6/24 1:19-1:21;
  1678. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Tegnu a menti ṙuçi" (LP 120) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 13/6/24 1:28-1:34;
  1679. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Nun crèṙu ca nuđđa" (LP 56) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 13/6/24 1:36-1:38 twk. 21:50-22:01 and 15/6/24 1:44;
  1680. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Imenèo" (LP 111 + 106) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 14/6/24 12:47-12:59;
  1681. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Pumu ṙuçi" (LP 105(a)) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 14/6/24 13:05-13:14;
  1682. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Giacintu" (LP 105(c)) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 15/6/24 2:29-2:34;
  1683. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Â Çìpridi" (LP 26 +++) (8:48-9:42, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (virzioni 2) | @Sic: 9:42-10:35 (rec. 24/8/24) | 19/6/24 15:11-15:27 + 15:44, twk. 20/6/24 17:45-17:52, latest stanza 3 integration handled 24/6/24 20:21 twk. 29/6/24 1:36;
  1684. Love and grief | Sappho Kypris poem Benelli+ (basically E 13+15 LP 26 C 26 SF re-12B-and-15 (8:48-9:42, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English | @Sic: 10:35-11:28 (rec. 24/8/24) | 19/6/24 15:45-16:02 twk. 20/6/24 1:57 and 22:21 and 21/6/24 15:00, stanza 3 remade 24/6/24 20:25 and 20:31, stanza 2 twk. 29/6/24 0:20, made fully gender-neutral 25/8/24 19:25;
  1685. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.ii (LP 91 E 116 C 91 SF v) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (Tweaked, @@BR) | 22/6/24 2:47;
  1686. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | "Perform with a better voice", aka LP 58 ll. 1-10 | Ancient Greek - Japanese (Revised text, @@Ch) | 24/6/24 at 0:54-1:34 twk. same night;
  1687. The rest of Sappho | 1.E.ix (Not in LP E 133+134 C 168C+missing SF bh) | Ancient Greek - Italian [RES] (Tweaked, @@Ψ) | 28?6/24 16:45 twk. 18:02 | The tweak was changing "ingannevol" to "ingannante";
  1688. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Ca tu durmissi" (LP 126) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | 28/6/24 20:06-20:16;
  1689. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho E 31 (title of SF 16 and 16b) (0:30-0:36, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English ("title", remake earlier version) | @Ψ: 13:42-13:48 (rec. 21/8/24) | 30/6/24 17:12 | This is Edmonds reconstructing a line out of someone stating Sappho called Eros the offspring of Gaia and Oyranos;
  1690. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho E 31 (title of SF 16 and 16b) (0:30-0:36, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian ("title", remake 1) | @Ψ: 13:28-13:34 (rec. 21/8/24) | 30/6/24 17:12 | This is Edmonds reconstructing a line out of someone stating Sappho called Eros the offspring of Gaia and Oyranos;
  1691. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho E 31 (title of SF 16 and 16b) (0:30-0:36, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian ("title", remake 2) | @Ψ: 0:45-0:51 (rec. 21/8/24) | 30/6/24 17:12 | This is Edmonds reconstructing a line out of someone stating Sappho called Eros the offspring of Gaia and Oyranos;
  1692. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho E 31 (title of SF 16 and 16b) (0:30-0:36, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin ("title", remake) | @Ψ: 0:38-0:44 (rec. 21/8/24) | 30/6/24 17:12 | This is Edmonds reconstructing a line out of someone stating Sappho called Eros the offspring of Gaia and Oyranos;
  1693. Signore delle cime | song: Signore delle cime | Italian - English (Final rework, @@TP) | Reworked from Original 4/7/24 15:04 and 6/7/24 23:18-23:20;
  1694. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF 16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (tesina remade) | @Ψ: 1:19:58-1:21:32 (rec. 24/8/24) | Reworked from tesina translations 5/7/24 18:37 and 19/7/24 15:39-16:07 twk. 16:13, except for stanza 6, initially outsourced to Calcagno, but then he wasn't replying so on 29/7/24 I remade it, l. 1 21:29-21:30 twk. 21:47, rest 21:21:48-22:02;
  1695. Saffo in metrica barbara | Alle Nereidi (2) post-P.GC. | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Stanza 1 modified from older one (16/3/21 19:17-19:18 twk. 17/3/21 21:55) at 0:04/05 and 0:06 of 6/7/24, rest yet unmade;
  1696. Saffo in metrica barbara | Perché quelli che (8) | Ancient Greek - Italian | @Ψ: 25:18-26:22 (rec. 3/8/24) | 6/7/24 0:28-0:35;
  1697. Saffo in metrica barbara | Più amata discendenza di Gaia e Urano (Terra e Cielo) (16) (4:55-6:30, rec. 21/9/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (Versione di Edmonds | @Ψ: 6:30-8:04 (rec. 21/9/24) | Modified from Versione prima dei papiri P.Oxy. 2166(a) 11/7/24 15:53-15:56, twk. 21/9/24 13:20;
  1698. Saffo in metrica barbara | Se avessi ancora latte in seno (23 version B) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Modified from version A, ll. 4+8 12/7/24 0:57, ll. 5-6 2:38, ll. 7-8 17/7/24 19:52, l. 8 again 18/7/24 0:06;
  1699. Saffo in metrica barbara | Se avessi ancora latte in seno (23 version C) | Ancient Greek - Italian (@@Ψ) | Modified from version A, ll. 4+8 12/7/24 0:57, ll. 5-6 2:34, ll. 7-8 18/7/24 0:11-0:13;
  1700. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Vulissi aviri murutu" (LP 94) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | Ll. 1-2 16/7/24 16:32, l. 2 remade at 19:18, all but 4 tercets 22/7/24, compl. following night;
  1701. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | song: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Japanese - Danish (good news, @@TP) | 18/7/24 12:30-12:54 (section 1) + 18:12-18:28 (section 2) + 18:29-18:39 (chorus 1 part 1) + 18:40-18:41 (change to make that chorus 2 part 1) + 18:46-18:53 (chorus 1 part 2 minus last couplet) + 18:55 (recovering that couplet and the analogous one from chorus 2) + 18:54 (chorus 2 part 2) + 18:57 (recovered section 6) + 20:11-20:26 (section 5), twk. 0:09 and 19/7/24 15:15, first section corr. same day 16:03 and 16:33;
  1702. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho E 31 (title of SF 16 and 16b) (0:30-0:36, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English ("title", remake) | @Ψ: 0:51-0:57 (rec. 21/8/24) | 19/7/24 2:22 | This is Edmonds reconstructing a line out of someone stating Sappho called Eros the offspring of Gaia and Oyranos;
  1703. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF 16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian (tesina remade) | @Ψ: 1:21:32-1:23:05 (rec. 24/8/24) | Reworked from tesina translations 19/7/24 16:18-16:55, twk. 19/7/24 17:52 and 26/8/24;
  1704. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 SF 16 – 1:18:22-1:19:58, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English (tesina remade) | @Ψ: 1:23:07-1:24:42 (rec. 24/8/24) | Reworked from tesina translations 19/7/24 16:59-17:31, twk. 24/8/24;
  1705. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 43 LP 24(a) C 24(a) SF l | Ancient Greek - Latin (With P.Oxy. 2166(a)7a, @@Sic) | 19/7/24 19:42-20:22 twk. that day;
  1706. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | ROS "To my friends" | Ancient Greek - Spanish (29/7/24 1, @@Ψ) | Misremembering of the original version, after ditching the "por ellas" ending from 23:25, I put the para with synecphonesis in at 23:25 on 29/7/24;
  1707. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | ROS "To my friends" | Ancient Greek - Spanish (29/7/24 1, @@Ψ) | Misremembering of the original version, as I thought of the synecphonesis from the previous item, I thuoght of dodging it with the clipping pa', so still at 23:25 on 29/7/24;
  1708. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 – 0:47-2:12 + 6:39-7:23, rec. 21/9/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (P.GC. cross with tesina remade) | @Sic: 3:31-4:52 + 8:10-8:55 (part 1 rec. 21/9/24, part 2 rec. 22/9/24) | 4/8/24 | So this is a blend of tesina remade Latin, whence stanzas 1-3, the second half of 4, and all of 5, with P.GC., whence the first half of stanza 4 and the second part of the poem, put together on 4/8/24 with two tweaks at 12:49 in part 2 of the poem;
  1709. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "O Arignota!" (LP 96) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (@@Sic) | Listed as 13/8/24 19:39 for change from "O Àttide", whose history reads «3 lines 15/4/24 18:00, all but last stanza 16/4/24 0:49-0:52 + 1:12-1:42, compl. with remake of first tercet 14:56-15:24 twk. shortly afterwards»;
  1710. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Sappho 31 (E 2 LP 31 C 31 SF 2 – 9:25-11:16, rec. 22/9/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (remake) | @Sic: 12:56-14:37 (rec. 22/9/24) | 9/8/24 18:10-18:54 twk. 17/8/24 19:48-19:59;
  1711. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | song: Banana phone | Italian - English (@@TP) | 13/8/24 17:52;
  1712. O Atthis! | Sappho E 86 LP 96 C 96 SF 97 (New incipit) | Ancient Greek - Latin (@@Sic) | Modified from old translation 13/8/24 19:14-19:38, twk. 15/8/24 19:21-19:26 and 18/8/24 0:49;
  1713. O Atthis! | Sappho E 86 LP 96 C 96 SF 97 (Edmonds incipit) | Ancient Greek - Latin (Version B, @@Sic) | Modified from original 13/8/24 19:28-19:31;
  1714. O Atthis! | Sappho E 86 LP 96 C 96 SF 97 (Edmonds incipit) | Ancient Greek - Latin (Version B, @@Sic) | Modified from original 13/8/24 19:35;
  1715. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 78 LP 145 C 145 SF ak | Ancient Greek - English (Remake, @@Ψ) | Changed the third of four words on 20/8/24 18:24;
  1716. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 78 LP 145 C 145 SF ak | Ancient Greek - Italian (Remake, @@Ψ) | 23/8/24 13:12;
  1717. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth (the latest of these versions is also at Saffo in metrica barbara as the translation of fr. 577 "A Eros" and as the title of fr. 16) | Sappho E 31 (title of SF 16 and 16b) (0:30-0:36, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Italian ("title", four translations from the last table) | @Ψ: 0:48-0:54-0:59-1:05-1:11 (rec. 20/8/24) | 21/8/24 18:32, 18:33, 22/8/24 0:35, 0:39 | This is Edmonds reconstructing a line out of someone stating Sappho called Eros the offspring of Gaia and Oyranos;
  1718. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho E 31 (title of SF 16 and 16b) (0:30-0:36, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian ("title", last table) | @Ψ: 1:11-1:18 (rec. 20/8/24) | 22/8/24 0:42-0:44 | This is Edmonds reconstructing a line out of someone stating Sappho called Eros the offspring of Gaia and Oyranos;
  1719. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Nun mòviri a ghiaia" (LP 145) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (V1, @@Sic) | 28/8/24 2:36;
  1720. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Nun mòviri a ghiaia" (LP 145) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (V2, @@Sic) | 28/8/24 14:04;
  1721. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Nun mòviri a ghiaia" (LP 145) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (V3, @@Sic) | 30/8/24 17:51;
  1722. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "O matři ṙuçi" (LP 102) (4:38-4:52, rec. 24/8/24) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (Alternative, @@Ψ) | L. 1 from other version, l. 2 2/9/24 20:06;
  1723. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho E 31 (title of SF 16 and 16b) (0:30-0:36, rec. 21/8/24) | Ancient Greek - English (last English) | @Ψ: 0:48-0:54 (rec. 14/9/24) | 7/9/24 18:04;
  1724. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | "Nun mòviri a ghiaia" (LP 145) | Ancient Greek - Sicilian (V4, @@Sic) | 8/9/24 11:42;
  1725. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16 – 0:47-2:12 + 6:39-7:23, rec. 21/9/24) | Ancient Greek - Latin (P.GC. re-remade) | @Sic: 4:52-6:13 + 8:10-8:55 (part 1 28/9/24, part 1 rest rec. 21/9/24, part 2 rec. 22/9/24) | 18/9/24 in various sittings starting 17:34 or the likes and finishing 20:27, twk. 21/9/24 15:40 and 15:41, and 5/10/24 20:36;
  1726. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Tais emais etairais (Avaton) (mashup of Ode to Anactoria (ll. 7-8), I wish I was dead (ll. 2-3), Dearest offspring (ll. 21-22 + τ' ἐξ ἀδοκήτω)) | Ancient Greek - Italian | @TP: 3:07-3:51 (rec. 22/9/24) | 22/9/24 12:51-12:53;
  1727. Sappho in "pop" culture | song: Tais emais etairais (Avaton) (mashup of Ode to Anactoria (ll. 7-8), I wish I was dead (ll. 2-3), Dearest offspring (ll. 21-22 + τ' ἐξ ἀδοκήτω)) | Ancient Greek - Spanish | @TP: 3:51-4:34 (rec. 22/9/24) | 22/9/24 12:56-12:59 twk. 13:12/13 and 3/10/24 15:07;
  1728. Love and grief | Sappho E 52 LP 51 C 51 SF 36 (6:38-6:45, rec. 1/7/23) | Ancient Greek - English (Remake, @@Ψ) | 16 or 17/8/10 poss. twk. within 21/8/10, twk. betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11 | Another SD37/S6 residue, the tweak is an S9 residue not in OS10 so Christmas holidays;
  1. 寓言 (克劳迪奥·且否) (Favola - Claudio Chieffo) - 汉语版 (versione Cinese): Favola, Mandarin version; upload 25/5/2014;
  2. Razón de vivir (versión en Chino) - 活下去的理由(汉语版) - edited: Razȯn de vivir, Mandarin version; upload 9/9/2015;
  3. Three ways of reading Greek: Me reading the opening of Herodotus's Histories in Modern, Scholastic, and Classical pronunciation (not sure about the order); uploaded 13/7/2016;
  4. Uvuvwevwevwe Anyetnwemwebfwe Ugwemubwyem Osas: Me reading the longest African name, which is/was viral here in Italy, in my best attempt at accurately transcribing it, to contrast the blatantly inaccurate transcriptions floating around online; upload 3/2/2017;
  5. 春晓 | Chūn xiǎo | Spring dawn | الفجر في الربيع | 'Al-fajru fī 'ar-rabīṙi: Spring Dawn, original in Mandarin and reconstructed Middle Chinese pronunciations, English and Arabic versions, with storytime; upload 2/6/2017;
  6. 我的歌声里 | Wǒ de gēshēng lǐ | Ve zpěvu mém: Suddenly appeared, suddenly left, intertwined Mandarin original and partial Czech translation (I originally only translated the part needed for the mix); upload 29/6/2017;
  7. 有一种爱叫做放手 | Yǒu yī zhǒng ài jiàozuò fàngshǒu | There's a kind of love called parting: A kind of love called breaking up, Mandarin and English versions intertwined; upload 30/6/2017;
  8. U mustazzu - 胡子 - Húzi: Mi tagghiu u mustazzu, Sicilian with Mandarin translation; upload 15/7/2017;
  9. Sòt 'e lët - 在床下: Sòt 'e lët, Romagnolo with Mandarin translation; upload 2/10/2017;
  10. 心疼 - Sim-thiànn - Heartache: More heartache, Min Nan with English translation; upload 2/10/2017;
  11. 心痛 - Sim-thùng - Heartache: More heartache, Hakka with English translation; upload 2/10/2017;
  12. Si maritau Rosa (virsioni Cinisi) - 小红已结婚(汉语版): Vinni la primmavera, Mandarin version; upload 15/10/2017;
  13. 双人枕头(闽南语原版 “Siang-lâng tsím-thâu”+客家话翻译 “Sung-nyîn cim-thêu”): You're half of my soul, Min Nan with Hakka translation; upload 15/10/2017;
  14. 牵阮的手 (Khan gún ê tshiú) - As you hold my hand: Holding your hand, I can walk my road, Min Nan with English translation; upload 15/10/2017;
  15. Haja o que houver - 无论什么 - Wúlùn shénme - Bô-lūn siánn-mıh: Come what may, Portuguese with Mandarin and Min Nan translations; upload 21/10/2017;
  16. 爱拼才会赢 - Ài piànn tshiah ē iânn - No pain, no gain: No pain, no gain, Min Nan with English translation; upload 21/10/2017;
  17. 流浪到淡水 | Liû-lōng kàu Tām-tsuí | Roam to waters new: Cheers!, Min Nan with English MISTRANSLATION; upload 1/11/2017;
  18. 深深的爱 | Tshim-tshim ê ài | Hlbokú lásku | Hlubokou lásku | Deep love: Thank you for your deep love, Min Nan with Slovak, Czech, and English translations; upload 1/11/2017;
  19. 上帝也哭泣 Shàngdì yê kūqì | Even God cries | Anche Dio piange: Even God cries, Mandarin with English and Italian translations; upload 23/11/2017;
  20. 在我们的世界里 Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lî | In our world | Nel nostro mondo | Întru lumea noastră | ...: In our world Mandarin with English, Italian, Romanian, Hungarian (Ebben a világban), and Zulu (Emhlabeni wethu) translations; upload 23/11/2017;
  21. 4 canzoni - 四首歌 - 4 songs:
    1. Meraviglioso, Italian with Mandarin translation;
    2. Let's drink!, Min Nan with English translation;
    3. Mi manchi da morire, Mandarin with Italian translation;
    4. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, Min Nan with Italian translation;
    upload 9/12/2017;
  22. 月亮代表我的心 | Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn - The moon speaks for my heart - La lune éclaire à mon cœur: The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), Mandarin with English and French translations; upload 20/12/2017;
  23. 사랑해 Sarang-hae | 心爱啊 Sim-òi ah | A-t vòi bẽ | You I love: Love you till the end, Korean with Hakka, Romagnolo, and English translations; upload 21/1/2018;
  24. Delete or not-fully-uploaded duplicate of the below;
  25. Одна калина (Odna kalyna) | 一丛荚谜 (Yī cóng jiámí) | Un bël bruitĩ: Sadness without bounds, Ukrainian with Mandarin and Romagnolo translations; upload 27/3/2018;
  26. Chipi Chipi | 唭噼唭噼: El Chipi Chipi, Spanish with Mandarin and Italian translations; upload 9/6/2018;
  27. S-t-a-m tẽ la mã: Holding your hand, I can walk my road, Romagnolo version; upload 17/7/2018;
  28. 爱人仔佗位去? Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì? | Που πήγες ω αγαπητή? | Amôr indô' si-t ãndêda? | Chérie où es-tu allée: Lonely nights of heartbreak, Min Nan with Greek, Romagnolo, and French translations; upload 2/9/2018;
  29. The things that I see | 见到的事情 Jiàn dào de shìqíng: The things that I see, English with Mandarin translation; upload 4/9/2018;
  30. Nguqongqothwane | 黄粉虫子 Huángfěn chóngzi | The knock-knock beetle: The knock-knock beetle, Xhosa with Mandarin and English translations; upload 10/9/2018;
  31. Pa ret ap domi | Do not stop to sleep | 别停别睡觉 Bié tíng bié shuìjiào: Time to work together, Haitian Creole with English and Mandarin translations; upload 12/9/2018;
  32. [UNCUT, Min Nan DESTROYED] Pareche Ponzipo | Pá-lėh-ke Pòng-tsi-poh: Pareche Ponzipo, Sicilian with Min Nan translation; upload 14/9/2018;
  33. Pareche Ponzipo | Pá-lėh-ke Pòng-tsi-poh: Pareche Ponzipo, Sicilian with Min Nan translation; upload 19/9/2018;
  34. 最后的温柔 Zuìhòu de wēnróu | L'ultima tenerezza | L'ultima tinnirizza: L'ultima tenerezza, Mandarin with Italian and Sicilian translation; upload 21/9/2018;
  35. Como hacer para olvidarte | 哪会当来放袂记得你 Ná ē-tàng lâi pàng buē-kì-tit lí | 怎么会来全忘记你 Zěnme hui lái quán wàngjì nǐ: ¿Cómo hacer para olvidarte?, Spanish with Mandarin and Min Nan translations; upload 14/10/2018;
  36. Sempurna | Pirfetta | 完美 Wánměi, Sei così perfetta…, Indonesian with Sicilian and Mandarin translations, upload 26/10/18;
  37. Ständchen | 小夜曲 Xiăoyèqŭ | Serenáda, Come, make me happy, German with Mandarin and Czech translations, upload 21/4/19;
  38. Malaika | Mio Angelo | 哦天使 Ó Tiānshǐ, Ti amo, mio angelo | I love you, my angel, Swahili with Italian and Mandarin translations, upload 22/6/19;
  39. 'O sole mio | 我的太阳 Wŏ de tàiyáng | U suli mè, 'O sole mio, Neapolitan with Mandarin and Sicilian translations, upload 25/6/19;
  40. Schubert: Gute Nacht | 晚安 Buán-an, Goodnight, German with Min Nan translation, upload 4/7/19;
  41. Aconteceu | 突如其来 Tūrúqílái | Il s'est passé, Aconteceu, Portuguese with Mandarin and French translations, upload 26/7/19;
  42. 我 Wǒ | 私 Watashi | Já | Я Ja, Alone in a rainy night, Mandarin with Japanese, Czech, and Ukrainian translations, upload 13/8/19;
  43. 我 Wǒ | I | Io | Moi, Alone in a rainy night, Mandarin with English, Italian, and French translations, upload 1/9/19;
  44. Vent fin | 轻风 Qīng fēng | Soft wind | Άνεμε απαλέ Áneme apalé, Soft wind, French with Mandarin, English, and Greek translations, sung each by one of the four voices making a canon, upload 8/9/19;
  45. Mi vòtu e mi rivòtu | 一再滚动 Yīzài gǔndòng, Cinque canzoni Siciliane (song 2), Sicilian with Mandarin translation, upload 19/10/19;
  46. Povera voce | 贫穷的声音 Pínqióng de shēngyīn, Povera voce, Italian with Mandarin translation, upload 13/12/19;
  47. Povera voce | 贫穷的声音 Pínqióng de shēngyīn, Povera voce, Italian with Mandarin translation, improved version, upload 22/12/19;
  48. Я встретил вас Ĵa vstrĵétil vas | Io t'ho incontrata, Io vi ho incontrata, Russian with Italian translation, uploaded 27/12/19;
  49. Я встретил вас Ĵa vstrĵétil vas | Io t'ho incontrata, Io vi ho incontrata, Russian with Italian translation, uploaded 2/1/20;
  50. ا Pariyâ _ Angelo پريا, Più bella di un angelo, Persian with Italian translation, upload 8/1/20;
  51. Critical analysis: Salelaka Mokonzi, Work for the Lord, analysis of Lingala (older version of this decipherment post, upload 22/2/20;
  52. Άναψε καινούργιο μου φεγγάρι Ánapse känoýrgio moy feggári | Sorgi orsù o nuova luna mia, Sorgi, luna, Greek with Italian translation, upload 13/4/20;
  53. Μην το ρωτάς τον ουρανό Mi̱n to rōtás ton oyranó | Ne le demande pas aux cieux, Ne demande pas ça au ciel, Greek with French translation, upload 13/4/20;
  54. La mente torna | 精神回来 Jīngshén huílái, La mente torna, Italian with Mandarin translation, upload 25/4/20;
  55. Dreams | 梦 Bāng, Dreams, English with Min Nan translation, upload 2/5/20;
  56. 两只老虎 Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ | Two twin tigers, Two Chinese children's songs (song 1), Mandarin with English translation, upload 10/5/20;
  57. 世上只有妈妈好 Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo | Only mama's best in the world | Sol la mamma è la miglior, Children's songs! (only Chinese song), Mandarin with English and Italian translations, upload 10/5/20;
  58. Mors lilla Olle | 妈妈的欧乐 Māma de Ōulè, Children's songs! (Swedish song 2), Swedish with Mandarin translation, upload 10/5/20;
  59. Salelaka Mokonzi: Critical Analysis Update, and Original Version, update to this 22/2/20 video, upload 25/5/20;
  60. 当你孤单你会想起谁 | Quando sei sola a chi penserai? | Quand t'es seule à qui vas-tu penser?, Quando sei sola, a chi penserai?, Mandarin with Italian and French translations, upload 30/5/20;
  61. [MISTRANSLATION]Γύφτισσα μέρα Gýftissa méra | Giorno tzigano, Giorno tzigano, Greek with Italian MISTRANSLATION, upload 6/6/20;
  62. Γύφτισσα μέρα Gýftissa méra | Giorno tzigano, Greek with Italian translation (revision of previous video), upload 20/6/20;
  63. Sáleláká Mokonzi | Keep on Working for the Lord | Lavora per il Signor | Travaillė pour le Seign[eur], Work for the Lord, Lingala with English, Italian, and French translations, upload 21/6/20;
  64. Taikatalvi | Inverno mágico | Magic winter | Inverno magico, Magic winter, Finnish with Portuguese, English, and Italian translations, upload 28/6/20;
  65. La playa: un miscuglio di storpiature, breakdown of a medley of Spanish songs, upload 29/6/20;
  66. Alecrim | 迷迭香 Mídiéxiāng | Romarin, Romarin, Portuguese with Mandarin and French translations, upload 13/7/20;
  67. दर्पण ना छुपाये Darpaṇ' nā chupāye | 镜子别隐藏她 Jìngzi bié yǐncáng tā, May the mirror not hide her, Hindi with Mandarin translation, upload 13/7/20;
  68. 若个心 Nyia kài sim | Your heart, Your heart, Hakka with English translation, upload 19/7/20;
  69. Θες παστίτσιο; Thes pastítsio? | Vuoi un pasticcio?, Vuoi un pasticcio?, Greek with Italian translation, upload 29/7/20;
  70. Despacito 慢慢的 Mànmàn de | Slowly, Despacito, Spanish with Mandarin and English translations, 7/8/20;
  71. Άναψε καινούργιο μου φεγγάρι | चमकीला बन मेरा नया चांद Cam'kīlā ban' merā nayā cāńdǝ, Sorgi, luna, Greek with Hindi translation, upload 8/8/20;
  72. Журавли́ Žuravlí | Le gru | The cranes, The cranes, Russian with Italian and English translations, upload 14/8/20;
  73. U ciuffu | 那绺头发 Nà liǔ tóufa, Lu ciuffu, Sicilian with Mandarin translation, Sicilian starts and Mandarin replies, upload 23/8/20;
  74. Дорогой длинною Dorógoj dlínnoĵu | Su una lunga strada, Lunga strada, Russian with Italian translation, upload 23/8/20;
  75. 爱人仔佗位去 Ài-lin-á tó-uī khì | O priyī tum' kidhar' gaīṅ ho | Kojâ raftë 'ī deldâr man, Lonely nights of heartbreak, Min Nan with Hindi-1 and Persian-1 translations, upload 30/8/20;
  76. Грушица Grúšitsa | Il pero, Il pero, Russian with Italian translation, upload 6/9/20;
  77. 新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦 Xīn yuānyāng húdié mèng | New dream of lovebirds, Who can escape the world's sadness?, Mandarin with English translation, upload 6/9/20;
  78. 今生今世 Gam1 sang1 gam1 sai3 | Lifelong, Lifelong, Cantonese with English translation, upload 12/9/20;
  79. 拼出头 Piànn tshut thâu | Lotterò | Pīn chūtóu, Se ci sei tu, sono tranquillo, Min Nan with Italian and Mandarin translations, upload 19/9/20;
  80. Я тебя люблю | Ngâi cin kìn òi nyî | Moi je t'aimė bien, I love you, Russian with Hakka and French translations, upload 27/9/20;
  81. Rab kî qalam رب کی قلم | 天主的钢笔 Tiānzhǔ de gāngbǐ, The pen of God, Urdu with Mandarin translation, upload 3/10/20;
  82. Вечерний звон Vĵećĵérnij zvon | Evening bell, Evening bell chime, Russian with English translation, upload 11/10/20;
  83. Носталгия по настоящему Nostalgíĵa po nastoĵáśemu | 为了现在的怀旧 Wèile xiànzài de huáijiù, Nostalgia for the present, Russian with Mandarin translation, upload 17/10/20;
  84. Love - cānd ko | Pyār - to the moon, Love - când ko, Urdu/English mix with swapped-languages translation, upload 17/10/20;
  85. Άναψε καινούργιο μου φεγγάρι | Sorgi orsù o nuova luna mia | Cam'kīlā ban' merā nayā cāńd, Sorgi, luna, Greek with Italian and Hindi translations, all adapted to a male singer and a female addressee (the original had the genders swapped), upload 18/10/20;
  86. Μια αγάπη για το καλοκαίρι | Un amor para el verano | Un amore per l'estate, Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :), Greek with Spanish and Italian translations, upload 24/10/20;
  87. 爱流浪 Ài liû lōng | Je vais vaguer | घूंमूँगा Ghūmūḿgā, Je vais vaguer, Min Nan with French and Hindi translations, upload 31/10/20;
  88. Συννεφούλα | Nuvoletta, Nuvoletta, Greek with Italian translation, upload 7/11/20;
  89. Η μπαλάντα του Ούρι | La balade d'Ouri, La ballade d'Ouri, Greek with French translation, upload 7/11/20;
  90. Happy birthday Asmā!, birthday present for a friend, uploaded on her birthday, namely 14/11/20;
  91. Home is following my thoughts | 我家伴随我思想 Wǒ jiā bànsuí wǒ sīxiǎng, Home is following my thoughts, English with Mandarin translation, upload 14/11/20;
  92. 明日我是谁 Ming4 jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi5 | Who will I be tomorrow? | Zítra kdo budu? | 🇮🇳 HI 🇮🇹 IT 🇫🇷 FR, Who am I without you?, Cantonese with English, Czech, Hindi, Italian, and French translations, upload 21/11/20;
  93. 忘れないで Wasurenaide | Non ti dimenticar | 千万不要忘记 Qiānwàn bù yào wàngjì | Älä unohda, Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, Japanese with Italian, Mandarin, and Finnish-bad translations, upload 28/11/20;
  94. Σταμάτησε του ρολογιού τους δείχτες | Dell'orologio ferma or le lancette | Ghaṛī hī kī sůī… [ko roke], Ferma le lancette, Greek with Italian and Hindi translations, upload 5/12/20;
  95. Ḥa lev shel i הלב שלי | Il mio cuore, Il mio cuore, Hebrew with Italian translation, upload 10/12/20;
  96. E vuaj | U-m fa stêṙ mêl, Io ne soffro, Albanian with Romagnolo translation, upload 19/12/20;
  97. Tu scendi dalle stelle | 你从星星下来啊 + White Christmas | 雪白圣诞 Xuébái Shèngdàn, Tu scendi dalle stelle Italian with Mandarin translation + White Christmas English with Mandarin translation and Mandarin cover, upload 25/12/20;
  98. 国民革命歌 Guómín gémìng gē | Song of Civil Revolution, Song of the Civil Revolution, Historical Chinese Anthem in Mandarin with English translation, 4-voice canon with two voices singing in each language, upload 6/1/21;
  99. Ḥį’ raq rǫtzáḥ lirqǫ́d היא רק רוצה לרקוד | Lei vuol sol ballar, Lei vuol sol ballar, Hebrew with Italian translation, upload 16/1/21;
  100. Leads to Him | 带到他 Dài dào Tā, Leads to Him, English with Mandarin translation, upload 23/1/21;
  101. Δε ξέρω πόσο σ' αγαπώ De xérō póso s'agapṓ | Non so quanto ti amo, Non so quanto ti amo, Greek with Italian translation, upload 30/1/21;
  102. Tingelingelinge tåget går | 顶啊顶啊顶啊火车来 Dīng a dīng a dīng a huǒchē lái, Children's songs!, Swedish with Mandarin translation, upload 6/2/2021;
  103. Aργοσβήνεις μόνη | Piano piano muori sola, Piano piano muori sola, Greek with Italian translation, upload 6/1/21;
  104. 忘れないで Wasurenaide | Älä unohda | ना भूलना Nā bhūl'nā | Μη ξεχνάς, Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, Japanese with Finnish, Hindi, and Greek translations, upload 20/2/21;
  105. Γέλα, ἥλιέ μου | Ridi, sol mio, Ridi, sol mio, Ancient Greek with Italian translation, upload 27/2/21;
  106. Κέλομαί σε, Γογγύλα | Σε προτρέπω, Γογγύλα | Ti prego, Gongyla | I beseech you, Gongyla, Sappho in "pop" culture, Ancient Greek with Modern Greek, Italian, and English translations, upload 6/3/21;
  107. Nūŋgā wā ɔ̄ | Venez les gens, Venez!, Mende with French translation, upload 13/3/2021;
  108. Óσ' άστρα γύρω βρίσκονται | Le stelle che si trovano | Whatever star happens to be, Sappho in "pop" culture, Modern Greek with Italian and English translations, upload 20/3/21;
  109. 在我们的世界里 | In our world | Nel nostro mondo | Întru lumea noastră | Ebben a világban | Zu+Men, Nel nostro mondo, Mandarin with English, Italian, Romanian, Hungarian, Zulu, and Mende translations, upload 27/3/2021;
  110. तू है कि नहीं | 你在还是不 | Ci sei tu o no | Πες· είσ' ή όχι εσύ, Ci sei tu o no?, Hindi with Mandarin, Italian, and Greek translations, all versions mixed together; upload 3/4/2021;
  111. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία: Ἄστερες μὲν ἀμφὶ κάλαν σελάνναν | Ogni stella attorno alla bella luna | तारे सारे ही सुंदर चा, Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, Ancient Greek with Italian and Hindi translations, upload 5/4/2021;
  112. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία: Ἄστερες μὲν ἀμφὶ κάλαν σελάνναν | Um den schönen Mond ihr Gesicht verdecken | All around the beautiful moon, the stars, Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, Ancient Greek with German and English translations, upload 5/4/2021;
  113. 爱人仔佗位去 | 恋人はどこへ行った | Sayang ke mana kau pergi | ओ परिया तू अब है कहाँ, Lonely nights of heartbreak, Min Nan with Japanese, Indonesian, and Hindi translations, upload 10/4/2021;
  114. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία: Δέδυκε μὲν ἀ σελάννα | Si tuffa nel mar la luna, The moon has set, Ancient Greek with two Italian translations, upload 17/4/2021;
  115. Τ' αστέρι του βορειά | L'étoile polaire, Étoile polaire, Greek with French translation, upload 24/4/2021;
  116. Il mondo | 这世界 Zhè shìjiè, Il mondo, Italian with Mandarin translation, upload 1/5/2021;
  117. Sevdanīn tadı | The taste of love, The taste of love, Turkish with English translation, upload 1/5/2021;
  118. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία: Πρὸς Μαῖαν (ἢ Ἀδέλφων Πόημα) | Alla Nutrice (o Carme dei Fratelli), The rest of Sappho, Ancient Greek with Italian translation, upload 8/5/2021;
  119. Τα παιδιά κάτω στον κάμπο | I ragazzi giù in pianura, I ragazzi giù in pianura, Greek with Italian translation, upload 15/5/2021;
  120. Με πνίγει τούτη η σιωπή | Questo silenzio mi soffoca, Questo silenzio mi soffoca, Greek with Italian original translation, upload 15/5/2021;
  121. Ty | Te | Toi, Te, Albanian with Italian and French translations, upload 22/5/2021;
  122. 烟仔歌 Yen tsái ko | Cigarette song, No smoking!, Hakka with English translation, upload 29/5/2021;
  123. Kur jemi dasht' | Quand nous nous aimions, Quand nous nous aimions, Albanian with French translation, upload 5/6/2021;
  124. 明天 Míngtiān | Tomorrow, Being left, Mandarin with English translation, upload 13/8/2021;
  125. 深深的爱 Shēnshēn de ài | Amore profondo | Deep love, Deep love - the return, Mandarin with Italian and English translations, upload 19/6/2021;
  126. A po vjen | Viens tu donc | Ты придёшь Ty pridĵóš', Viens-tu donc?, Albanian with French and Russian translations, upload 27/6/2021;
  127. Gud som haver barnen kär | God who hold your children dear, Swedish religious hymn, Swedish with English translation, upload 3/7/2021;
  128. Êmrin ma kê thirr' | Il mio nome chiamato hai, Il mio nome chiamato hai, Albanian with Italian translation, upload 11/7/2021;
  129. 爱人仔到位去? | ओ परिया तू अब है कहाँ? | Cariño ¿dónde estás tú hoy? | Αγάπη μου πού ν' έχεις πάει,Lonely nights of heartbreak, Min Nan with Hindi, Spanish, and Greek translations, plus discarded translations, upload 17/7/2021;
  130. Ὁ φιλόπατρις | Il patriota, Il patriota, Greek with Italian translation, upload 24/7/2021;
  131. Δεν με αγαπάς | Nuk më don ti mu, You don't love me, Greek with Albanian translation, upload 1/8/2021;
  132. Gjërat kan' ndryshuar | Molto è cambiato, Molto è cambiato, Albanian with Italian translation, upload 8/8/2021;
  133. Vasa Miskin,Vasa Miskin, "Bombed Coratian" + French with "Bombed Italian" + English translation, upload 17/8/2021;
  134. Xheloz | Jaloux | Gilusu, Jaloux, Albanian with French and Sicilian translations, upload 22/8/2021;
  135. Σ' αγαπάω | Ti amo, Ti amo, Greek with Italian translation, upload 28/8/2021;
  136. Μη μου λες γιατί ξεχνάω | Non mi dir "Perché ti scordi?", Non chiedermi perché dimentico, Greek with Italian translation, upload 5/9/2021;
  137. Beh-et ğôl mî-dam بهت قول می‌دم | Moi je te promets | वादा हूँ करता Vādā hūṃ kar'tā,Moi je te promets, Persian with French and Hindi translations, upload 12/9/2021;
  138. 我的未来不是梦 | What's in store for me is no dream | Somni' haud est quod mi fiet | Sōmnja nōn fūtūrum[ sunt | Ardhmja ime nj' ëndërr s' ësht'], My future is no dream, Mandarin with English, School Latin, and Classical Latin translations, upload 18/9/2021;
  139. Αλλού να μ' αγαπάς Alloý na m' agapás | Altrove amami, Amami altrove, Greek with Italian translation, upload 26/9/2021;
  140. Mos u ngut' | Et ne t'hâte pas, Ne t'hâte pas, Albanian with French translation, upload 4/10/2021;
  141. 望穿秋水 Bāng-tshuan-tshiu-suí | Stubbornly waiting,Stubbornly waiting, Min Nan with English translation, upload 10/10/2021;
  142. तेरे प्यार में Tere pyārǝ meṅ | Nel tuo amore, Perdendo il cuore nel tuo amore, Hindi with Italian translation, upload 17/10/2021;
  143. Η άνοιξη | La primavera, La primavera, Greek with Italian translation, upload 24/10/2021;
  144. Mos u fsheh | Ne t' cache pas, Ne t' cache pas, Albanian with French translation, upload 31/10/2021;
  145. 阿花 A hue/Āhuā,A-hue, Min Nan with Mandarin translation, upload 7/11/2021;
  146. Το πουλί To poylí | L'uccello, Libero uccello, Greek with Italian translation, upload 14/11/2021;
  147. आज नाच ले Ājǝ nācǝ le | Oggi balla un po', Balla un po', Hindi with Italian translation, upload 21/11/2021;
  148. Eccoti | 你在这儿 Nǐ zài zhèr, Eccoti, Italian with Mandarin translation, upload 18/11/2021;
  149. 两个黄蝴蝶 Liǎng ge huáng húdié | Two gold butterflies,Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies, Mandarin with English translation, upload 5/12/2021;
  150. 色はうた Iroha uta | Iroha | Iroha poem, Iroha, Japanese with Italian and English translations, followed by Japanese in reconstructed pronunciation; upload 11/12/2021;
  151. Quando conveniunt, Quando conveniunt, Latin with Italian translation, followed by metrical musication of Latin; upload 18/12/2021;
  152. Frag' den Abendwind | Ask the evening wind, Ask the evening wind, German with English translation, upload 20/12/2021;
  153. 深深的爱 Tshim-tshim--ê ài | Amore profondo | Shēnshēn de ài, Thank you for your deep love, Min Nan with Italian and Mandarin translations, upload 25/12/2021;
  154. 我的心內只有你 Guá ê sim lāi tsí ū lí | Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | Int''e cör a-j ò sôl tè | JA, Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, Min Nan with Italian, Romagnolo, and Japanese translations, upload 2/1/2022;
  155. Aromë portokalli | Aroma d'arancia, Profumo d'arancia, Albanian with Italian translation, upload 9/1//2022;
  156. Earth Angel | 地上天使 Dì shàng Tiānshǐ, Earth Angel, English with Mandarin translation, upload 16/1/2022;
  157. The Disco Beat | Il ritmo della Disco | DISCO的节奏 Dīsīkǒu de jiézòu,The Disco beat, English with Italian and Mandarin translations, upload 23/1/2022;
  158. 我的好兄弟 Wǒ de hǎo xiōngdì | My dear brothers, My brothers, Mandarin with English translation, upload 30/1/2022;
  159. 是否真的爱我 Shìfǒu zhēnde ài wǒ | Do you really love me, Do you really love me?, Mandarin with two English translations, upload 6/2//2022;
  160. Kur jemi dasht' | Ότι αγαπιόμασταν, Quand nous nous aimions, Albanian with Greek translation, upload 13/2/2022;
  161. 忘不了 Wàng bù liǎo | Cannot forget | 忘れれない Wasurerenai,Cannot forget, Mandarin with two English and two Japanese translations, upload 19/2/2022;
  162. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία: Σαπφίκαν στρόφαν τινά θραύματα | Un po' di frammenti scritti in strofe saffiche, The rest of Sappho and Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion, Ancient Greek with Italian translations, upload 26/2/2022;
  163. 千言万语 Qiānyán wànyǔ | Millions of words, A thousand words swept away with the clouds, Mandarin with English translation, upload 5/3//2022;
  164. 你怎么说 Nǐ zěnme shuō | How you speak, How you speak, Mandarin with English translation, upload 20/3/2022;
  165. A few little songs of mine | Un po' di mie canzoncine,A few little songs of mine, English with Italian translations, upload 27/3/2022;
  166. 情路有你感谢天 Tsîng lōo ū lí kám siā thinn | Si t'es là, le ciel j'en remercie, Si t'es là je remercie le ciel, Min Nan with French translation, upload 3/4/2022;
  167. 只有你 Zhǐyǒu nǐ | Only you | Tu sola, Only you, Mandarin with English and Italian original translations, upload 10/4//2022;
  168. La preferenza | 那段喜爱 Nà duàn xǐ'ài, Ma tu hai preferito me, Italian with Mandarin translation, upload 17/4/2022;
  169. Αγάπη που ῾γινες δίκοπο μαχαίρι | Amor, tu sei per me lama a doppio taglio,Amore: lama a doppio taglio, Greek with Italian translations, upload 18/4/2022;
  170. Papaveri e papere | Παπαρούνες και πάπιες, Lo sai che i papaveri, Italian with Greek translation, upload 24/4/2022;
  171. Μια αγάπη για το καλοκαίρι | Një dashuri gjat' verës, Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :), Greek with Albanian translation, upload 7/5//2022;
  172. 我就要和你在一起 Wǒ jiù yào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ | I'm gonna always be with you, I'll be with you, Mandarin with English translation, upload 8/5/2022;
  173. 落山风 Lo̍h-suann-hong | Wind that down mountains blows | Luòshānfēng,Leaving no traces, Min Nan with English and Mandarin translations, upload 15/5/2022;
  174. 爱人是行船人 Ài lîn sī kiânn tsûn lîn | My lover is a sailor, My lover is a sailor, Min Nan with English translation, upload 22/5/2022;
  175. 明仔日 Bîn-á-tsài | 明天 Míngtiān | Tomorrow, Being left, Min Nan with Mandarin and English translations, upload 29/5//2022;
  176. 谁来爱我 Shéi lái ài wǒ? | Who will love me? | 么侪爱涯 Mài sâ òi ngâi, Who will love me?, Mandarin with English and Hakka (Anton Xie) translations, upload 6/6/2022;
  177. 爱人是行船人 Ài lîn sī kiânn tsûn lîn | Η αγάπη μου είναι ναύτης,My lover is a sailor, Min Nan with Greek translation, upload 12/6/2022;
  178. 明仔日 Bîn-á-tsài | Αύριο, Being left, Min Nan with Greek translation, upload 19/6/2022;
  179. Έτσ' είν' η ζωή | That's how life goes on | Jeta është k'shtu, C'est la vie, Greek with English and Albanian translations, upload 25/6//2022;
  180. 'O surdato 'nnammurato | Il soldato innamorato | El soldado enamorado, ‘O surdato ‘nnamurato, Neapolitan with Italian and Spanish translations, upload 3/7/2022;
  181. Aconteceu | 未经宣布 Wèi jīng xuānbù,Aconteceu, Portuguese with Mandarin updated translation, upload 10/7/2022;
  182. 証 Akashi | Prova | Απόδειξη, Una prova, Japanese with Italian and Greek translations, upload 17/7/2022;
  183. 慢慢来 Mànmàn lái | Lentement, Lentement, Mandarin with French translation, upload 23/7//2022;
  184. 我的心內只有你 Guá ê sim lāi tsí ū lí | Σ' έχω μόνη στην καρδιά, Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, Min Nan with Greek translation, upload 31/7/2022;
  185. 我就要和你在一起 Wǒ jiù yào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ | Insieme a te io voglio star | I want to always be w/ U,I'll be with you, Mandarin with Italian and English translations, upload 6/8/2022;
  186. Un'avventura | 一个奇遇 Yī ge qíyù, Un'avventura, Italian with Mandarin translation, upload 14/8/2022;
  187. Three blind mice | 三个盲目的鼠 Sān ge mángmù de shǔ | 三个青盲的鼠 Sann ê tshenn mê ê tshú | Tre minj[ t' verbër], Three blind mice, English with Mandarin, Min Nan, and Albanian translations, upload 21/8//2022;
  188. Drandofilat | Le rose, Le rose, Albanian with Italian translation, upload 28/8/2022;
  189. 明天 Míngtiān | 天光 Thien kwong,Being left, Mandarin with Hakka translation, upload 4/9/2022;
  190. 我的心內只有你 Guá ê sim lāi tsí ū lí | 我的心里只有你 Wǒ de xīn lǐ zhǐyǒu nǐ | 吾个心肚净有汝 [Nga kài sim tú tshiàng yìu nyî], Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, Min Nan with Mandarin and Hakka translations, upload 11/8/2022;
  191. 爱情的力量 Ài tsîng ê li̍k liōng | Love has such great might | Forte è inver l'amor, The power of love, Min Nan with English and Italian translations, upload 18/9//2022;
  192. Bulan menjadi saksi | Testimon la luna m'è | Hëna ësh dëshmitar për mu, The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), Indonesian with Italian and Albanian translations, upload 25/9/2022;
  193. Haja o que houver | Sia quel che sia,Come what may, Portuguese with Italian outdated translation, upload 9/10/2022;
  194. Romaria | Pellegrinaggio, Romaria (pellegrinaggio), Portuguese with Italian MISTRANSLATION, upload 16/10/2022;
  195. Miraculosa Rainha dos Céus | Miracolosa Regina dei Ciel, Miracolosa regina, Portuguese with Italian translation, upload 23/10//2022;
  196. 告诉我你不爱我 Gàosu wǒ nǐ bù ài wǒ | Tell me you don't love me, Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you), Mandarin with English translation, upload 30/10/2022;
  197. Je partirais,IAFI, French, upload 1/11/2022;
  198. Old mother Hubbard | Mamma Vincenza, Old mother Hubbard, English with Italian translation, upload 6/11/2022;
  199. We are the champions | Siamo i campioni, We are the champions, English with Italian translation, upload 12/11//2022;
  200. Romaria: traduzione e commento, Romaria (pellegrinaggio), Italian outdated commentary to Portuguese song, upload 13/11/2022;
  201. A po vjen? | Έρχεσαι;,Viens-tu donc?, Albanian with Greek translation, upload 20/11/2022;
  202. Romaria | Προσκύνημα, Romaria (pellegrinaggio), Portuguese with Greek MISTRANSLATION, upload 22/11/2022;
  203. Balada da caridade | Μπαλάντα της φιλανθρωπίας,Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity), Portuguese with Greek translation, upload 4/12/2022;
  204. Να ζήσεις 🇬🇷 | Que vivas 🇪🇸🇵🇹, Que vivas, Greek with Spanish and Portuguese translations, upload 8/12/2022;
  205. Time after time 花舞う町で Hana mau machi de | Tra le danze dei fior | Στων λουλουδιών τον χορό, Time after time, Japanese with Italian and Greek translations + discarded translations, upload 11/12//2022;
  206. Romaria | Pellegrinaggio | Προσκύνημα | 朝圣 Cháoshèng;,Romaria (pellegrinaggio), Portuguese with Italian, Greek, and Mandarin translation, upload 19/12/2022;
  207. Romaria: commento | commentary, Romaria (pellegrinaggio), bilingual Italian/English commentary to Portuguese song, upload 19/12/2022;
  208. Mele Kalikimaka English + Latīnē, Mele Kalikimaka: a mere tweak, English with Latin translation, upload 25/12/2022;
  209. 慢慢的 Mànmàn de | Slowly, Slowly, Mandarin with English translation, upload 3/1/2023;
  210. Τι θέλω, τι; | Quoi veux-je, quoi?, Sappho in "pop" culture, Greek with French translation, upload 7/1/2023;
  211. Il nostro cuore non si è perduto | Η καρδϊά μας δε χάθηκε, Il nostro cuore, Italian with Greek translation, upload 7/1//2023;
  212. Maria Isabel, Maria Isabel, Spanish with Italian translation, upload 15/1//2023;
  213. 命运毋是咱决定 Miā ūn m̄ sī lán kuat tīng | We cannot choose our destiny, Destiny isn't for us to decide, Min Nan with English translation, upload 22/1//2023;
  214. 能否不想你 Nang4 fau2 bat1 soeng2 nei5 | Can I not miss you?, Can I stop loving you?, Cantonese with English translation, upload 29/1//2023;
  215. Minha festa | Mi fiesta | Η γιορτή μου | La mè festa, Mi fiesta, Portuguese with Spanish, Greek, and Sicilian translations, upload 5/2//2023;
  216. 黄昏里 Huánghūn lǐ | At twilight, Silently crying at dusk, Mandarin with English translation, upload 12/2/2023;
  217. A po vjen? | 要否来?Yào fǒu lái?, Viens-tu donc?, Albanian with Mandarin translation, upload 26/2/2023;
  218. Haja o que houver | 无论什么 Wúlùn shénme | 无论啥物 Bô lūn siánn mi̍h | Sia quel che sia, Come what may, Portuguese with Mandarin, Min Nan, and Italian updated translations, upload 5/3//2023;
  219. Lela +🇵🇹🇪🇸🇮🇹, Don’t leave me, Lela, Galician with Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian translations, upload 12/3//2023;
  220. Do you hear the people sing? | 听到人们唱歌吗? Tīng dào rénmen chàng gē ma? | Τραγουδάν τ' ακούς εσύ, Do you hear the people sing?, English with Mandarin and Greek translations, upload 5/3//2023;
  221. Minha festa | Η γιορτή μου | Festa ime, Mi fiesta, Portuguese with updated-Greek and Albanian translations, upload 5/3//2023;
  222. Manto de açucenas | Μανδύα κρίνων | Manto di gigli, Mantle of lilies, Portuguese with Greek and Italian translations, upload 2/4//2023;
  223. Aconteceu | It came to pass | Nni succiriu | वह बिता है Våḫ bītā hai, Aconteceu, Portuguese with English, Sicilian, and Hindi translations, upload 9/4/2023;
  224. Haja o que houver | Whate'er may pass | どんなにも Donna ni mo | Ο,τι αν γινεί, Come what may, Portuguese with English, Japanese, and Greek translations, upload 11/4//2023;
  225. Il seme | 种子 Zhǒngzi, Il seme, Italian with Mandarin translation, upload 16/4//2023;
  226. Seigneur où es Tu? | 天主你在哪里? Tiānzhǔ Nǐ zài nǎlǐ? | Signore dove sei?, Dove sei?, French with Mandarin and Italian translations, upload 23/4//2023;
  227. 深深的爱 Shēnshēn de ài | Deep love, Deep love - quite possibly the last one :), Mandarin with two English translations, upload 30/4/2023;
  228. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία: Ἐπιγράμματα τρία | Tre epigrammi, Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song, Ancient Greek with Italian translation, upload 7/5//2023;
  229. Al mattino | 在早晨上 Zài zǎochén shàng, Al mattino, Italian with Mandarin translation, upload 13/5/23;
  230. Manto de açucenas | Manto de azucenas | Mantle of lilies, Mantle of lilies, Portuguese with Spanish and English translations, upload night betw. 20 and 21/5/23;
  231. Romaria | Romería | Pilgrimage | 巡礼 Junrê, Romaria (pellegrinaggio), Portuguese with Spanish, English, and Japanese translations, upload 28/5/23;
  232. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία: Ἐπὶ τὸ στεφαναπλόκην | Riguardo all'intrecciare ghirlande, Nostalgia for Youth (also Shipping Sappho overseas (or over Eurasia)), Ancient Greek with Italian and Chinese translations, uploaded 5/6/23;
  233. 刮大风时 Guà dà fēng shí | Strong winds blowing, Shipping Sappho overseas (or over Eurasia), Chinese with English translations, upload 11/6/23;
  234. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία: Πρὸς Χάραξον | Al fratello Carasso, Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, Ancient Greek with Italian translations (two fragments), uploaded 18/6/23; cfr. also Shipping Sappho overseas (or over Eurasia);
  235. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία: Ἐν θυέλλαισιν | In forti tempeste, A prayer to avert stormy journeys, Ancient Greek with Italian translation, uploaded 25/6/23;
  236. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία: Σαπφίκοις λύπα φιλίας στίχοισι | Molti versi pieni di mal d'amore, Love and grief, The rest of Sappho (1.H.vii), I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me…, Ancient Greek with Italian translations (5 fragments), uploaded 2/7/23;
  237. Πλείαδες | Pleiadi, Pleiadi, "Ancient Greek" with Italian translation, uploaded 8/7/23;
  238. Atela, Atela, "Ancient Greek" with Modern Greek translation, uploaded 16/7/23;
  239. Se tu fossi | Αν ήσουν, Se tu fossi (ovvero Nuovo Cinema Paradiso), Italian with Greek translation, uploaded 23/7/23;
  240. Sempre cantiamo al rifiorir del giorno | We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing, We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing, Italian with English translation, uploaded 31/7/23;
  241. Παραληρήματα Ikona: Thalatta, Stari Most and its horrors (yet undrafted), Commentary and possible fixes to that delirium, uploaded 7/8/23;
  242. Ματινάτα (Καληνύφτα) Matinata (Kalinifta) | Serenata (Buonanotte) | Sérénade (Bonne nuit), Kalinifta (Buonanotte) (yet unposted), Griko with Italian and French translations, uploaded 13/8/23;
  243. Παραληρήματα Ikona: Παιάν, Stari Most and its horrors (yet undrafted), Commentary and possible fixes to that delirium, uploaded 20/8/23;
  244. Παραληρήματα Ikona: Αἰῶν', Stari Most and its horrors (yet undrafted), Commentary and possible fixes to that delirium, uploaded 27/8/23;
  245. Προσωπικό | Personale | Personnel, Personale, Greek with Italian and French translations, uploaded 4/9/23;
  246. あなたがいるから Anata ga iru kara | Siccome ci sei | Γιατί υπάρχεις εσύ, Realizzerai ogni sogno, Japanese with Italian and Greek translations, uploaded 10/9/23;
  247. Che siano una sola cosa | Νά ‘ναι όλοι κι όλα ένα, Che siano una sola cosa, Italian with Greek translation, uploaded 16/9/23;
  248. Haja o que houver | Sea lo que sea | Ne olursa, Come what may, Portuguese with Spanish and Turkish, uploaded 24/9/23;
  249. Ob-la-di ob-la-da | Ο-μπλα-ντί ο-μπλα-ντά | O-bla-di o-bla-da, Life goes on, bra, English with Greek and Italian translations, uploaded 1/10/23;
  250. Azzurro | Azure, Azzurro, Italian with English translation, uploaded 8/10/23;
  251. 今晡夜恁多星 Kim-pu-yà àn to sen | Stanòt u-j è tãnti 'd ch'al stël | So many stars tonight, So many stars, Hakka with Romagnolo and English translations, uploaded 15/10/23;
  252. ῎Ατθίδα | अत्थीदा Atthīdā, Sappho in "pop" culture, Modern Greek with Hindi translation, uploaded 22/10/23;
  253. Tu sei la mia vita | You are my life, You are my life, Italian with English translation, uploaded 29/10/23;
  254. Bulan menjadi saksi | Lõna, di-j-a-l nẽca te! | Mi testigo la luna es, The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), Indonesian with Romagnolo and Spanish translations, uploaded 4/11/23;
  255. Still for your love 🇯🇵🇮🇹, A night of moonlight, Japanese with Italian translation, uploaded 12/11/23;
  256. 摇滚吧!山歌(客家人爱有自家个歌) [Yâu-kwún pa! San-ko (Hak-ka nyîn òi yìu tshìi-ka kè ko)] | Vai di rock'n'roll! Canzone di montagna (Gli Hakka devono avere canzoni proprie), Gli Hakka devono avere canti propri, Hakka with Italian translation, uploaded 19/11/23;
  257. Il ballo del qua-qua | Ο χορός του πα-πα-πα, Il ballo del qua-qua, Italian with Greek translation, uploaded 26/11/23;
  258. MickConlangs, script at MickConlangs, description of my three conlanging attempts ending with the one complete Chinese-Conlang translation I made, "Aga/nèks ti ga/nèks těx" from the Chinese song two videos below, uploaded 5/12/23;
  259. Ave Maria splendore del mattino | Ave María esplendor de la mañana | 万福,玛丽亚,万福,黎明的辉煌 Wànfú, Mǎlìyà, wànfú, límíng de huīhuáng, Why can I not move you?!, Italian with Spanish and Mandarin translations, uploaded 10/12/23;
  260. 月亮代表我的心 [Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn] | It's all written on the moon | Car c'est écrit sur la lune | 月光代表吾个心 [Nyiėt-kwong thòi-piáu nga kài sim]: The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), Mandarin with English, French, and Hakka translationsm uploaded for 17/12/23;
  261. Timoneiro | 舵手 Duòshǒu | Timoniere, Timoniere, Portuguese with Mandarin and Italian translations, uploaded 25/12/23;
  262. Nada te turbe | Nulla ti turbi | May nothing scare you, Solo Dio basta (yet unposted), Spanish with two Italian translations and one English one, uploaded 26/12/23;
  263. O ándra mu pái | Il mio uomo va via, Pianto, Griko with Italian translation, uploaded 1/1/24;
  264. Εσύ τεμόν το ακριβόν Esí temón to akrivón | Tu sei il solo mio tesor, Tu sei il solo mio tesor, Pontic Greek with Italian translation, uploaded 2/1/24;
  265. Gentle Annie | Dolce Annina, Gentle Annie, English with Italian translation, uploaded 7/1/24;
  266. Mick Gorro e i Classici: Catullo V, Barbarizzando Catullo, Latin phaleceans with Italian barbarous meter translation, uploaded 14/1/24;
  267. Από μέσα πεθαμένος | Morto dentro, Morto dentro, Greek with Italian translation, uploaded 21/1/24;
  268. Mick Gorro e i Classici: Proemi Omerici e Canto delle Sirene, Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene, Ancient Greek hexameters with Latin hexameter with Italian barbarous meter translations, uploaded 28/1/24;
  269. A cover for Sappho translations | Una copertina per traduzioni di Sappho, A cover for Sappho translations, Ancient Greek with Latin, Italian, and English translations, two of each, plus history of everything, uploaded for 4/2/24;
  270. 今晡夜恁多星 Kim-pu-yà àn to sen | 今晚上很多星 Jīn wǎnshàng hěn duō xīng | Πολλά 'ναι τ' άστρα απόψε, So many stars, Hakka with Mandarin and Greek translations, uploaded for 11/2/24;
  271. Poetry after the Classics: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancyent Marinere (parts 1-2), The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in music (contains tune history and poem text), Poem here, English only, uploaded 18/2/24;
  272. Poetry after the Classics: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancyent Marinere (parts 3-4), The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in music (contains tune history and poem text), Poem here, English only, uploaded 25/2/24;
  273. Poetry after the Classics: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancyent Marinere (part 5), The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in music (contains tune history and poem text), Poem here, English only, uploaded 2/3/24;
  274. Poetry after the Classics: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancyent Marinere (part 6), The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in music (contains tune history and poem text), Poem here, English only, uploaded 10/3/24;
  275. Poetry after the Classics: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancyent Marinere (part 7), The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in music (contains tune history and poem text), Poem here, English only, uploaded 17/3/24;
  276. Woe in far-away lands, Woe in far-away lands, English only, uploaded 23/3/24;
  277. Poetry after the Classics: Baby Gorro vs. Lord Randall, Poem here, English only, uploaded 31/3/24;
  278. ツキアカリのミチシルベ Tsukiakari no michishirube | Indicami la strada, o luna, Cartello stradale di luce lunare, Japanese with Italian translation plus older "Baby Gorro" Italian translation, uploaded 7/4/24;
  279. Morto dentro: remake, Morto dentro, Italian retranslation only (verson 4 in the post), uploaded 14/4/24;
  280. Με πνίγει τούτη η σιωπή | Il silenzio soffoca il mio cuor, Questo silenzio mi soffoca, Greek with Italian remade translation, uploaded 21/4/24;
  281. All'autřa jeri | L'altro ieri, Incuntřai na picciutteđđa, Sicilian with Italian translation, uploaded 28/4/24;
  282. Però mi vuole bene | 但伊共我惜命命 Tān i kā guá sioh-miā-miā, Però mi vuole bene, Italian with Min Nan translation, uploaded 5/5/24;
  283. Poetry after the Classics: 孟浩然 Mèng Hàorán, 春晓 Chūn Xiǎo | Spring Dawn | الفجر في الربيع 'al-fajru fī 'ar-rabīṙi, Spring dawn, Classical Chinese with translation history and multiple English and Arabic translations, uploaded 13/5/24;
  284. 我 Wǒ | Io | Moi | 涯 Ngâi, Alone in a rainy night, Mandarin with Italian and French remade translations and Hakka translation by Ånton Xiè, uploaded 19/5/24;
  285. DETECTIVE CONAN: 少女の頃に戻った見たいに Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Come se io tornata fossi piccola (Izumi Sakai, Aika Ohno, ZARD), As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, Japanese with Italian translation, uploaded 26/5/24;
  286. Mick Gorro and the Classics: Homer, Iliad, book 1, "Pestis" (in "pseudo-recto-tono"), Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles, Ancient Greek with Latin translation, uploaded 2/6/24;
  287. Occhi 'nfatati | 魔力双眼 Mólì shuāngyǎn, Cinque canzoni siciliane, Sicilian with Mandarin translation, uploaded 9/6/24;
  288. Balada da caridade | Ballata della carità | 慈善的短歌 Císhàn de duǎngē (8:09), Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity), Portuguese with Italian and Mandarin translations, uploaded 16/6/24;
  289. 王杰 Dave Wong – 我 Wǒ | I | 僕 Boku, Alone in a rainy night, Mandarin with Italian and Japanese remade translations, uploaded 23/6/24;
  290. DETECTIVE CONAN (ZARD): 少女の頃に戻った見たいに Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | As if once more I'd gone back to that time of yore (Izumi Sakai, Aika Ohno), As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, Japanese with English remade translation, uploaded 30/6/24;
  291. Giovanni Formisano, Gaetano Emanuel: E vui durmiti ancora | 而你还在睡觉 Ér nǐ hái zài shuìjiào, Cinque canzoni siciliane, Sicilian with Mandarin translation, uploaded 7/7/24;
  292. Ignoto, Franco Li Causi, Vitti na crozza | 我已看头骨 Wǒ yǐ kàn tóugǔ, Cinque canzoni siciliane, Sicilian with Mandarin translation, uploaded 14/7/24;
  293. DETECTIVE CONAN: 少女の頃に戻った見たいに Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Λες κι αν εγώ είχα γυρίσει [στον καιρό που ήμουν κορίτσι νεαρό] (Izumi Sakai, Aika Ohno, ZARD), As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, Japanese with Greek translation, uploaded 21/7/24;
  294. Casadei: Romagna mia | 亲爱罗马涅 Qīn'ài Luómǎniè | 我がロマーニャ Wa ga Romānya, Romagna mia, Italian with Chinese and Japanese translations, uploaded 29/7/24;
  295. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Kypris Poem, Chapter 1: Indirect quotations and papyrus fragment, Love and grief, Ancient Greek with Latin Italian and English translations, recorded 3/8/24, uploaded 4/8/24;
  296. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Kypris Poem, Chapter 2: 2014 papyri (P.Sapph.Obbink and P.GC. inv. 105), Love and grief, Ancient Greek with Italian and English translations, recorded 10/8/24, uploaded 12/8/24;
  297. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Kypris Poem, Chapter 3: Post-P.GC. texts and translations, Love and grief, Ancient Greek with Italian translation, recorded 17/8/24, uploaded 18/8/24;
  298. Saffo in Siçilianu: Mi si scùtula u cori a mmia, Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu:
    • "Dui pinzieri" (LP 51) at Love and grief, Ancient Greek with Sicilian and English barbarous meter translation;
    • "O matři ṙuçi" (LP 102) at The rest of Sappho, Ancient Greek with Sicilian and English barbarous meter translation;
    • "L'amuri mi scutulau u cori " (LP 47) at Love and grief, Ancient Greek with Sicilian and English barbarous meter translation;
    • "Â Çìpridi" (LP 26+) at Love and grief, Ancient Greek with Sicilian and English barbarous meter translation;
    Recorded 24/8/24, uploaded 25/8/24;
  299. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Sappho 16, Chapter 1: P.Oxy. 1231 and quotations, Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth, Ancient Greek text's critical note part 1, with review of 8 badslations (3 to each of Italian, English, Latin, minus Oxy/GW+safopoemas Latin), and performance of incomplete text, recorded 21/8/24 except final sung part recorded 24/8/24, uploaded 9/9/24;
  300. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Sappho 16, Chapter 2: P.Oxy. 2166(a), Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth, Ancient Greek text's critical note part 1, with review of 11 badslations (4 to each of Italian and English, and 4 to Latin), and performance of touched-up tesina translations and incomplete text, title part recorded 29/8/24, Panarea part recorded 6/9/24, final sung part recorded 24/8/24, uploaded 12/9/24;
  301. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Sappho 16, Chapter 3: P.GC. inv. 105, Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth, Ancient Greek text's critical note part 1, with review of 3 badslations (1 to each of Italian, English, Latin), title audio recorded 14/9/24, Panarea part recorded 7/9/24, final sung part recorded 24/8/24, uploaded 15/9/24;
  302. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Sappho 16, Chapter 4: Quattro versioni, quattro traduzioni, Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth, Ancient Greek with Italian barbarous meter translation, recorded 21/9/24, uploaded 23/9/24;
  303. Saffo in Siçilianu: Anattoria, Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu:
    • "Figghia 'i Uranu e Gaia cchiù amata 'i tutti" (LP 16a+) at Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth (stanzas 1-5), Ancient Greek with Sicilian barbarous meter translation and double Latin Sapphic stanza translation;
    • "I murtali 'un tègnunu gioia china" (LP 16+) at Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth (rest of P.GC. versions), Ancient Greek with Sicilian barbarous meter translation and Latin Sapphic stanza translation;
    • "Innu 'i gilusïa pi Anattoria" at Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria, Ancient Greek with Sicilian barbarous meter translation and Latin Sapphic stanza translation;
    First two recorded 21/9/24, last one recorded 22/9/24, uploaded 30/9/24;
  304. Ταῖς ἔμαις ἐταίραις | Για τις φίλες μου | Per le mie compagne | Para mis compañeras, Sappho in "pop" culture, Ancient Greek with Modern Greek translation, recorded 22/9/24, uploaded 6/10/24;
  305. Tavolina e mërzis' | Mensa del dolor | 哀伤的桌子 Āishāng de zhuōzi, Table of sadness, Albanian with Mandarin and Italian translations, recorded 11/10/24, uploaded 13/10/24;

I feel like I'd be remiss if I didn't list all my playlists here as well, which categorize the above videos by original language of the songs.
  1. Canzoni in Italiano (Italian);
  2. Canciones en Español (Spanish);
  3. Non-songs;
  4. 汉语歌 (Chinese);
  5. Other songs;
  6. 闽南语歌 (Min Nan);
  7. 客家歌 (Hakka);
  8. Canzoni in Sicilianu/Calabbrisi (Sicilian);
  9. Canções em Português (Portuguese);
  10. Songs in English;
  11. Songs in African languages (Xhosa, Swahili, Lingala, Mende);
  12. Lagu-lagu diBahasa Indonesia (Indonesian);
  13. Lieder auf Deutsch (German);
  14. Canzoni 'n Napuletano (Neapolitan);
  15. Chansons en Français (French);
  16. Песни по-Русски (Russian);
  17. آهنگ‌ها به فارسی (Persian);
  18. Τραγούδια στην Ελληνική (Greek);
  19. Låtar på Svenska (Swedish);
  20. Lauluja Suomeksi (Finnish);
  21. Gāne Hindustānī meň (Hindustani: Hindi and Urdu);
  22. 粤语歌 (Cantonese);
  23. Mixed-language songs;
  24. 日本語での歌 (Japanese);
  25. שירים בעברית (Hebrew);
  26. Këngë në Shqip (Albanian);
  27. Other Albanian songs, Mick Gorro edition;
  28. Ὠδαὶ τῇ Ἀρχαιοελληνικῇ (Ancient Greek);
  29. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία (Saffo di Lesbo);
  30. Yll Limani, Mick Gorro edition;
  31. Elvana Gjata, Mick Gorro edition;
  32. 日本語での歌 (Japanese);
  33. Carmina Latine (Latin);
  34. Canciones en Galego (Galician).
  35. Τραγούδια σε ελληνικούς διαλέκτους (Greek dialects).
I also have a few thematic collections:
  1. Shipping Sappho overseas;
  2. असमा की कविताएं Asmā kī kavitāeṅ (Asmā's poems - اسما کی کوتائیں);
  3. Παραληρήματα Ikona;
  4. Children's songs | Canzoni per bambini;
  5. By me | Scritte da me;
  6. Fun songs | Canzoni divertenti.
Moreover, I have a whole bunch of playlists organizing the videos by target language:
  1. 翻译成汉语的 (To Chinese);
  2. Translated to English;
  3. مُتَرْجَم إلى العربية (To Arabic);
  4. Přeložena do Češtiny (To Czech);
  5. 译转客譮个 (To Hakka);
  6. 翻做闽南语的 (To Min Nan);
  7. Preložena do Slovenčiny (To Slovak);
  8. Tradotte in Italiano (To Italian);
  9. Tradus în Română (To Romanian);
  10. Magyarra fordítva (To Hungarian);
  11. Ihunyushelwe kwisiZulu (To Zulu);
  12. Traduit en Français (To French);
  13. Tradòtt in Rumãgnöl (To Romagnolo);
  14. Μεταφρασμένα στα Ελληνικά (To Modern Greek);
  15. Třadutti 'n Siçilianu (To Sicilian);
  16. 日本語に翻訳された (To Japanese);
  17. Переклад Українською (To Ukrainian);
  18. Traduzidas pra Português (To Portuguese);
  19. हिंदुस्तानी में अनुवादित (To Hindustani);
  20. به فارسی ترجمه کرده (To Persian);
  21. Suomeksi käännetty;
  22. Na ngi pōtēnga Mɛndē yīei hũ (To Mende);
  23. Auf Deutsch übersetzt;
  24. Diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia (To Indonesian);
  25. Переведённые на Русский (To Russian);
  26. Traducidas en Español (To Spanish);
  27. Përkthyer në Shqip (To Albanian);
  28. Lātīnē versa (To Latin);
  29. Türkçeye çevrildi (To Turkish).
Finally, here's a playlist for each series I've launched or plan to launch, in order of launching (or of opening composition in case of unlaunched series):
  1. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία (Saffo di Lesbo) (@Ψ);
  2. Παραληρήματα Ikona (@Ik);
  3. Mick Gorro and the Classics | Mick Gorro e i Classici (@Cl);
  4. The Pitfalls of Japanese Songs (@Pit);
  5. A Lifetime of Translations | Traduzioni di una Vita (@Life);
  6. Κατωιταλιωτικά: Italiot Greek (@KI);
  7. Beginner Badslation Reviews | Review di Traduschifi da Principiante (@BBR);
  8. Poetry after the Classics | Poesie dopo i Classici (@PC);
  9. Badslation Reviews (@BR);
  10. Non-Rhythmic Translation Reviews (@NRR);
  11. Feat. Baby Gorro;
  12. Saffu in Siçilianu;
  13. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō;
This is an index of all the posts in this blog, in order of posting date. There is also a spoiler with a list of all the posts I plan to make at some point in the future, some with a planned posting date, some without. You may click on the button and spoiler the whole rest of the blog, or keep the surprise element for future posts. This is entirely your choice.
NOTE Youtube videos can get randomly taken down. If that happens, I will replace them here and ONLY here. The posts will then have unavailable videos, unless I have other reasons to edit the relevant posts.
NOTE 2 If you see any post where the post's link is under anything more than post title and posting date and time, please notify me.
All of the posts have indications of their content, whether in the form of a video of the songs in the post, or some reference to the poems in them. Sappho posts used to have the numbering of my files as explained at the Comparative Numbering Table, but only in the unmade ones, so that now that they're all posted that has gone away. The only posts with no indications of the contents are:
  1. Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia), where the indication is in the post title;
  2. Comments to my Sappho sources, where the indication is in the post title;
  3. The history of my translations, where the indication is in the post title;
  4. On my spelling and transliteration of Min, Hakka, and Teochew | 关于我写而拼写闽语和客话和潮州话的方法, where the indication is in the post title;
  5. Ortografia Siculo-Calabra, where the indication is in the post title;
  6. Sulla mia ortografia del dialetto Romagnolo di Russi, where the indication is in the post title;
  7. La strada del bosco, where the videos I find on YT have a different tune that what I've heard;
  8. This index of course;
  9. All the Indonesian songs I have met, where I was apparently too lazy to do what I did with the Chinese analogue, and the indication is in the title anyway;
  10. Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, where the indication is in the post title, as this is a giant table comparing the numbers of Sappho fragments in my various sources, and also listing the sources for each fragment (papyri, parchments, ostraka, other authors' quotations, …);
  11. Posts on the Blog's Facebook page, where every post on the page gets an item with link to it, indication of content, links to what the post is about, and dating info;
  12. the Rest of Sappho, where it is understood that the contents have to be viewed from the infinite list at the beginning of the post;
  13. Index by languages, which is an index like this one but arranged by languages, i.e. there are three big tables… «containing posts or links to lists below which are arranged so that a cell lists, or links to a list of, all the songs/poems translated from language X (given by the row) to language Y (given by the column)» is what's currently happening in most cases, though table 3 may have swapped columns and rows; my intention is to overhaul this, so that the tables contain buttons with the numbers of items (i.e. songs, poems, whatever) translated with the cell's language pair, and then hovering on the buttons reveals indices and clicking them leads to the same indices at the bottom of the post; overhauling a single row can take ages, hence why the index is in a somewhat sorry intermediate state; there are also a couple indexes where I was too lazy to add a new row for a single translation, and then the indices linked to by the cells;
  14. A few little songs of mine, where the indication is in the post title;
  15. Unfinished non-work projects Aug-Dec 2023, where the indication is in the post title;
  16. Unfinished non-work projects Jan-Jun 2024, where the indication is in the post title.
  17. Unfinished non-work projects Jul-Dec 2024, where the indication is in the post title.
That should be all of them.
The posts are published twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Posts outside this regularity, which were not planned well ahead of the posting date, are tagged [OOP], "out of plan". There are some late posts which I forgot to post on the right day and posted one day later, there is one post I purposefully delayed for reasons explained in the post (which is in Italian), and there is one post which I apparently posted twice, which caused me to skip one posting date. That should be all the irregularities in the posting schedule.
The posts are usually in English, except in cases where:
  1. There is no English translation and the song isn't in English;
  2. There is a translation in Italian, French, or Spanish, or in an "Italian dialect", or the original is in one of those;
  3. I didn't make the above translation after writing the intro (which is why I love you isn't in French);
  4. I didn't just decide to write the post in English, adding a literal English translation as an excuse (which is why God to man isn't in Italian, and that should be the only post where this item is relevant).
In such cases, I write the post in the above languages, prioritizing Italian over French over Spanish if more than one of those languages would be eligible as per the above criteria.
The editions of Sappho usually have bilingual intros in English and the language of the edition. Indexes are in English, as are all critical notes excluding the one to Vinni la primmavera and the comments on Più bella di un angelo which are in Italian. Ti amo, mio angelo | I love you, my angel and Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget have bilingual Italian-English intros because they were meant to be read by non-Italian speakers (for the former, it was my Swahili-speaking friend, and for the latter, the Finns on Quora who helped me with my Finnish stuff). That should be all about the languages of the intros.
Let's get to this list then!
  1. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | 1/6/17 23:[13:44,18:25] | Sappho 31 (E 2 LP 31 C 31); @MickG: Saffo in Siçilianu: Anattoria;
  2. Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta | 6/6/17 13:[7:35,10:43] | Aeneid book I, vv. 1-11, 33, and book IV, vv. 15-19; Horace, Epistulæ, book I, 8; Horace, Odes, book II, 10, and book I, 11;
  3. [OOP]Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia) | 7/6/17 ≥9:58:33;
  4. Barbarizzando Catullo | 10/6/17 ≥13:20:07 probs. ≤15:39:44 | Carmina 5 (Vīvāmus, mea Lesbia, atque amēmus (0:59-2:11) + Deh viviamo ed amiamo, Lesbia mia (2:11-3:28)), 109, 72, 85, 76, 101, 70;
    ---- Created Blog's Facebook page | 11/6/17 evening; ----
  5. Barbarizzando Lucrezio | 13/6/17 ~~11:42 | De rerum natura, I, 1-43; I, 62-79; I, 80-101; II, 1-22; III, 1054-1076;
  6. Hector and Andromacha | 17/6/17 ~~20:16 | Sappho 44 (E 63+66, LP 44, C 44);
  7. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | 20/6/17 ~~10:22 | Epigrams from Herodotus;
  8. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | 24/6/17 ~~12:42 | Sappho E 143, C 157D; E 144, C 158D; E 145, C 159D; E 103, C 140(a); @MickG: Ἐπιγράμματα τρία | Tre epigrammi (Epigrams)
  9. Cartello stradale di luce lunare | 27/6/17 ~~10:52 | video: Tsukiakari no michishirube; @MickG: Japanese (Tsukiakari no michishirube) + Italian (Indicami la strada, o luna) + early Italian (Cartello stradale di luce lunare);
  10. [OOP]Comments to my Sappho sources | 27/6/17 ~20:00;
  11. Un petalo di fiore | 1/7/17 ~~9 according to page, Friday (?!) 30/6/17 according to blog | video: Hitohira no hanabira;
  12. [OOP]The history of my translations | 1/7/17 14:53;
  13. Spring Dawn | 4/7/17 ~12:58; @MickG: Chinese (Chūn Xiǎo) + English (Spring Dawn) + Arabic (al-fajru fī ar-rabīṛi), Full history and a bunch of translations;
  14. Vinni la primmavera | 4/7/17 ~14:37 | video: Si maritau Řosa; @MickG: Chinese: Xiǎo Hóng yǐ jiéhūn;
  15. Oltre le lacrime | 8/7/17 ~~12:29 | video: Namida no mukô;
  16. Questa sera è Party Night | 11/7/17 ~~12:15 | video: Bibara bibara;
  17. Una prova | 15/7/17 ~8:26 | video: Akashi (not Stereopony); @MickG: Japanese (Akashi) + Italian (Prova) + Greek (Apódëxi̱);
  18. Do I really have nothing? | 18/7/17 ~9:15 | video: Shìfǒu wǒ zhēnde yīwúsuǒyǒu? (Year 1 song 3);
  19. I have nothing | 22/7/17 ~10:40 | video: Jat1-mou4-so2-jau5 (Year 1 song 38);
  20. Hymn to Aphrodite | 25/7/17 ~10:54 | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C 1);
  21. [OOP-WIP]Safo: Poemas | 27/7/17 ~21:58 (originally All of Sappho) | Full readable Spanish edition of Sappho;
  22. [OOP-WIP]Chinese poetic Sappho | 28/7/17 ~19 | Full translation of Sappho into Chinese poems;
  23. Sappho: two divine epiphanies | 29/7/17 ~13 | Sappho 2 (E 4+6, LP 2, C 2), E 40 LP 17 C 17;
  24. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | 1/8/17 ~15:30 | Sappho E 37 LP 15 C 15, E 36 LP 5 C 5;
  25. An apparent captatio benevolentiæ (Sappho?) | 5/8/17 ~10:37 | C test. 8 (cfr. Greek Wikisource Απόσπασμα 26);
  26. [OOP]On my spelling and transliteration of Min, Hakka, and Teochew | 关于我写而拼写闽语和客话和潮州话的方法 | 8/8/17 ~17:38;
  27. Deep love | 8/8/17 ~18:50-~19:26/7 | video: Shēnshēn de ài (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 48), video: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Min Nan) (Year 1 song 61 - last one; the video is a replacement and contains a slightly different version than the post);
  28. Thank you for your deep love | 12/8/17 ~14:14 | video: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Year 2 song 70); @MickG: Min (Tshim-tshim--ê ài) Slovak (Hlbokú lásku) Czech (Hlubokou lásku) English (Deep love), Min Nan (Tshim-tshim--ê ài) + Italian (Amore profondo) + Chinese (Shēnshēn de ài);
  29. [OOP-WIP]All the Chinese songs I have met | 14/8/17 ~17:47 | Collection of all the Chinese songs I've ever come across;
  30. Deep love still | 15/8/17 ~11:26 | video: Chim-chim kài òi (Year 1 song 36);
  31. Heartache | 19/8/17 ~8:13 | video: Xīntòng (Mandarin) (year 1 song 7), video: Sam1-tung3 (Cantonese) (Year 1 song 12);
  32. More heartache | 22/8/17 ~12:30 | video: Sim-thiànn (Year 1 song 37); @MickG: Min Nan (Sim-thiànn) + English (Heartache);
  33. Yet more heartache | 26/8/17 ~11:54 | video: Xīntòng (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 25), song: Sim-thùng (Year 1 song 41, my own video); @MickG: Hakka (Sim-thùng) + English (Heartache);
  34. [OOP]Ortografia Siculo-Calabra | 26/8/17 ~14:34;
  35. The final heartache | 29/8/17 ~12:39 | video: Sim-thiànn (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 56, can't find replacement for taken-down video), video: Xīntòng (Mandarin) (Year 2 song 59);
  36. Heartache, heartache, heartache… happiness? Nope. Helplessness | 2/9/17 ~16:13 | video: Sann siann bô-nāi (Year 2 song 61);
  37. «Una speranza e una follia» | 5/9/17 ~10:21 | video: La casa in riva al mare;
  38. Come what may | 9/9/17 8:56 | video: Haja o que houver; @MickG:
    1. Portuguese (Haja o que houver) + Chinese (Wúlùn shénme) + Min Nan (bô-lūn siánn-mih);
    2. Portuguese (Haja o que houver) + Italian (Sia quel che sia);
    3. Portuguese (Haja o que houver) + Chinese (Wúlùn shénme) + Min Nan (bô-lūn siánn-mih) + Italian (Sia quel che sia);
    4. Portuguese (Haja o que houver) + English (Whate'er may pass) + Japanese (Donna ni mo) + Greek (O,ti an ginë́);
    5. Portuguese (Haja o que houver) + Spanish (Sea lo que sea) + Turkish (Ne olursa);
  39. God to man | 12/9/17 ~7:51 | video: Dio a l'ommo;
  40. [OOP]Sulla mia ortografia del dialetto Romagnolo di Russi | 14/9/17 ~11:17;
  41. La strada del bosco | 16/9/17 ~9:44;
  42. L’uselin | 19/9/17 ~16:50 | video: L'uselin de la comare (different than lyrics in post);
  43. Mi tagghiu u mustazzu | 23/9/17 ~10:49; @MickG: Calabrian (U mustazzu) + Chinese (Húzi);
  44. Di mamma ce n'è una sola | 26/9/17 ~15:12 | video: La mamma;
  45. Lu ciuffu | 30/9/17 9:57 | video: Lu ciuffu; @MickG: Sicilian (U ciuffu) + Chinese (Nà liǔ tóufa);
  46. [OOP]Blog index | 30/9/17 ~12:58;
  47. Sòt 'e lët | 3/10/17 9:28; @MickG: Romagnolo (Sòt 'e lët) + Chinese (Zài chuáng xià);
  48. Canzone del melograno | 7/10/17 ~8:28 | video: Canzone del melograno;
  49. La mente torna | 10/10/17 6:56 | video: La mente torna; @MickG: Italian (La mente torna) + Chinese (Jīngshén huílái);
  50. Razón de vivir | 14/10/17 8:49:03 | video: Razón de vivir; @MickG: Chinese (Huó xiàqù de lǐyóu);
  51. Favola | 17/10/17 7:05:03 | video: Favola; @MickG: Chinese (Yùyán);
  52. Tre favole di Fedro | 21/10/17 10:24:30 | Phaedrus, Fabulae, I, 10 15 31;
  53. Una versione… poetica | 24/10/17 9:47:04 | Menander, Theophoroumene, fr. 1;
  54. Un frammento di vita quotidiana: graffito pompeiano | 28/10/17 9:18:03 | A Pompeiian graffiti;
  55. Daily life: marriage songs | 31/10/17 ~9:18 | Sappho E 148 (part 1) LP 111 C 111, E 154 ll. 1-3 (4-6 invented) LP 110a C 110(a), E "155,156"+158 LP 112 C 112, E 160 LP 117 C 117, E 161 LP 115 C 115, E 163 LP 113 C 113, E 162 LP 116 C 116, LP 161 C 161, E 128 LP 126 C 126;
  56. Let’s sing for the couple! | 4/11/17 ~9:17:30 | Sappho E 47 LP 30 C 30;
  57. Even gods celebrate marriages | 7/11/17 ~6:42:10 | Sappho E 146 LP 141 C 141(a)+(b);
  58. Morn is nigh | 11/11/17 9:11 | Sappho E 65 LP 43 C 43;
  59. Sing to me, o lyre | 14/11/17 10:19 | Sappho E 80 LP 118 C 118;
  60. Let’s drink! | 18/11/17 ~8:06:50 | video: Kan tsi̍t pue (Year 2 song 151); @MickG: Min Nan (Kan tsi̍t pue) + English (Let's drink, friends: cheers to you) (it's song number 2/4);
  61. Cheers! | 21/11/17 8:10 | video: Liû-lōng kàu tām-tsuí (Year 2 song 74); @MickG: Min (Liû-lōng kàu tām-tsuí) and English (Roam to waters new – mistranslation);
  62. My lover is a sailor | 25/11/17 9:36 | video: Ài-lîn sī kiânn-tsûn-lîn (Year 2 song 93); @MickG: Min Nan (Ài lîn sī kiânn tsûn lîn) + English (My lover is a sailor), Min Nan (Ài lîn sī kiânn tsûn lîn) + Greek (I̱ agápi̱ moy ë́nä náf̆ti̱s);
  63. I miss you | 28/11/17 7:00 | video: Xiǎngniàn nǐ (Year 2 song 95);
  64. Why can I not move you?! | 2/12/17 9:18 | video: Gǎndòng tiān gǎndòng dì (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 54), video: Kám-thùng thien kám-thùng thì (Hakka) (Year 1 song 55), other Hakka (Year 5 song 3) "Kám-thùng thien kám-thùng thì" not on Youtube AFAIK;
  65. Still no way to move you | 5/12/17 8:29 | video: Thien kám-thùng thì kám-thùng (Year 1 song 40);
  66. [OOP]A few papyri transcribed | 7/12/2017 ~17:49:45 | Collection of papyri transcriptions;
  67. O heaven, please, help me move her! | 9/12/17 9:55 | video: Rúguǒ néng zài gǎndòng nǐ duō yī cì (Year 1 song 42);
  68. Helpless pining | 12/12/17 8:46 | video: Bô-nāi--ê siunn-si (Year 1 song 52);
  69. You’re half of my soul | 16/12/17 10:29 | video: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98); @MickG: Min Nan (Siang-lâng tsím-thâu) + Hakka (Sung-nyîn cím-thêu);
  70. Mi manchi da morire | 19/12/17 8:45 | video: Zhēnde hǎoxiǎng nǐ (Year 2 song 19; the video doesn't repeat the "colorful clouds pursuing the moon" part as the post does); @MickG: Mandarin (Zhēnde hǎoxiǎng nǐ) + Italian (Mi manchi da morir) (it's song number 3/4);
  71. I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… | 23/12/17 9:29:04 | Sappho E 48 LP 49 C 49, E 81 LP 130+131 C 130+131; @MickG: Σαπφίκοις λύπα φιλίας στίχοισι | Molti versi pieni di mal d'amore (fr. 2)
  72. O Atthis! | 26/12/17 ~9:50/51:35 | Sappho E 86 LP 96 C 96
  73. Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction | 30/12/18 11:04 | Sappho E 45 LP 22 part 2 C 22 part 2;
  74. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | 2/1/18 10:04 | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16); @MickG:
    1. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Sappho 16, Chapter 1: P.Oxy. 1231 and quotations;
    2. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Sappho 16, Chapter 2: P.Oxy. 2166(a);
    3. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Sappho 16, Chapter 3: P.GC. inv. 105;
    4. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Sappho 16, Chapter 4: Quattro versioni, quattro traduzioni;
    5. Saffo in Siçilianu: Anattoria;
  75. Ode to a beautiful woman | 6/1/18 9:08 | Sappho E 44 LP 23 C 23;
  76. I want to have died | 9/1/18, 8:24:08 | Sappho 94 (E 83 LP 94 C 94), Athenaeus quote integrated into Sappho 94 translated separately;
  77. I wish to visit the underworld | 13/1/18 9:12 | E 85 LP 95 C 95;
  78. Love and grief | 16/1/18 8:01 | Sappho E 124+22 LP 129 C 129(a)+(b), E 98 LP 57 C 57, E 13+15 LP 26 C 26, E 52 LP 51 C 51, E 54 LP 47 C 47; @MickG:
    1. Σαπφίκοις λύπα φιλίας στίχοισι | Molti versi pieni di mal d'amore (frr. 1 and last two);
    2. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Kypris Poem, Chapter 1: Indirect quotations and papyrus fragment (fragments 12 12B 15 at end, the Kypris Poem in pre-Obbink version);
    3. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Kypris Poem, Chapter 2: 2014 papyri (Kypris Poem performed in pre-GC version and GC versions announced);
    4. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Kypris Poem, Chapter 3: Post-P.GC. texts and translations (Kypris Poem performed in pre-GC version and GC versions announced);
    5. Saffo in Siçilianu: Mi si scùtula u cori a mmia (Kypris Poem and a couple more in Sicilian and English);
  79. Posso averne tante, ma… | 20/1/18 10:03 | video: Dieci ragazze per me;
  80. Intimate strangers: powerful love | 23/1/18 8:15 | video: Zuì shóuxī de mòshēngrén (Year 3 song 34);
  81. Being left | 27/1/18 | video: Míngtiān (Mandarin) (Year 2 song 58), video: Bîn-á-tsài (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 57); @MickG: Chinese (Míngtiān) + English (Tomorrow) (song 1 of post), Min Nan (Bîn-á-tsài) + Chinese (Míngtiān) + English (Tomorrow) (song 2 of post), Min Nan (Bîn-á-tsài) + Greek (Áv̆rio), Chinese (Míngtiān) + Hakka (Thien-kwong);
  82. Suddenly appeared, suddenly left | 30/1/18 9:09 | video: Wǒ de gēshēng lǐ (Year 3 song 30); @MickG: Chinese (Wǒ de gēshēng lǐ) + Czech (Ve zpěvu mém);
  83. Leaving no traces | 3/2/18 | video: Lo̍h-suann-hong (Year 1 song 34); @MickG: Min Nan (Lo̍h-suann-hong) + English (Wind that down mountains blows) + Chinese (Luòshānfēng);
  84. I think of you at sunset | 6/2/18 7:21 | "Nyit-thêu lȯk-san tiam sióng tó nyî" (Year 1 song 50) is not available on Youtube, but the tune is the same as this other song;
  85. The moon has set | 10/2/18 9:09 | Midnight Poem (Sappho E 111 C 168B); @MickG: Greek (Dédyke mèn a selánna) + Italian (Si tuffa nel mar la luna) + Italian 2 (La luna è tramontata);
  86. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | 13/2/18 9:04 | Sappho E 3 LP 34 C 34, E 112 LP 154 C 154, E 114 LP inc. 16 C inc. 16;
  87. A sad moon | 17/2/18 9:33 | Sir Philip Sydney, With how sad steps o moon;
  88. Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge | 20/2/18 8:25 | Giacomo Leopardi: Alla luna, l’infinito;
  89. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | 24/2/18 10:02 | video: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1), video: Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 27); @MickG: Chinese (Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn) + English (And the moon speaks for my heart) + French (La lune éclaire à mon cœur), Indonesian (Bulan menjadi saksi) + Italian (Testimon la luna m'è) + Albanian (Hëna ësh dëshmitar për mu), Indonesian (Bulan menjadi saksi) + Romagnolo (Lõna, di-j-a-l nẽca te!) + Spanish (Mi testigo la luna es), Chinese (Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn) + English (It's all written on the moon) + French (Car c'est écrit sur la lune) + Hakka (Nyiėt-kwong thòi-piáu nga kài sim);
  90. So many stars | 27/2/18 8:13 | Kim-pu-yà àn to sen (Year 4 song 7); @MickG: Hakka (Kim-pu-yà àn to sen) + Romagnolo (Stanòt u-j è tãnti 'd ch'al stël) + English (So many stars tonight), Hakka (Kim-pu-yà àn to sen) + Chinese (Jīn wǎnshàng hěn duō xīng) + Greek (Πολλά 'ναι τ' άστρα απόψε);
  91. Yelaixiang (night-blooming jasmine?) | 3/3/18 9:01 | video: Yèláixiāng (Year 2 song 31);
  92. Varda la luna | 6/3/18 12:26 | video: Varda la luna;
  93. A night of moonlight | 10/3/18 10:54 | video: Still for your love; @MickG: Still for your love 🇯🇵🇮🇹;
  94. Alone in a rainy night | 13/3/18 9:54 | video: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16); @MickG:
  95. The feelings of a loafer - with such a lonely heart | 17/5/18 9:52 | video: Lōng-tsú--ê sim-tsîng (Year 2 song 87);
  96. Lone star | 20/3/18 9:29 | video: Gū xīng (Year 1 song 8);
  97. If you really care | 24/3/18 8:50: Happy Birthday to me! | video: Rúguǒ nǐ zhēnde zàihu wǒ (Year 1 song 15);
  98. Do you really love me? | 27/3/18 9:46:28/29 | video: Shìfǒu zhēnde ài wǒ (Year 2 song 96); @MickG: Chinese (Shìfǒu zhēnde ài wǒ?) + double English (Do you really love me?);
  99. [OOP]All the Indonesian songs I have met | 28/3/2018 17:34;
  100. How do I know you love me? | 31/3/18 9:29 | video: Wǒ rúhé zhīdào nǐ ài wǒ? (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 14), video: Ngo5 jyu4-ho4 zi1-dou3 nei5 ngoi3 ngo5 (Year 1 song 13);
  101. More than words | 3/4/18 9:38 | video: More than words;
  102. Forgetting you is forgetting myself | 7/4/18 10:10 | video: Wàngle nǐ wàngle wǒ (Year 1 song 45);
  103. ‘Tis you | 10/4/18 8:52 | video: Shì nǐ shì nǐ shì nǐ (Year 1 song 32);
  104. Who am I without you? | 14/4/18 10:06 | video: Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 (Year 1 song 31); @MickG: Cantonese (Ming4 jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi5) + English (Who will I be tomorrow?) + Czech (Zítra kdo budu?) + Hindī (Kal kā maiṅ hūṃ kaun'?) + Italian (Chi sarò domani?) + French (Demain je s'rais qui?);
  105. Have I been deceived? | 17/4/18 6:48 | video: Ngo5 siu3 ngo5 huk1 (Year 1 song 43);
  106. Can I stop loving you? | 21/4/18 7:27 | video: Nang4-fau2 bat1 soeng2 nei5 (Year 1 song 44); @MickG: Cantonese (Nang4-fau2 bat1 soeng2 nei5) + English (Can I not miss you?);
  107. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | 24/4/18 | Sappho E 152 LP Alc. 304 C 44A, E 140 LP 142 C 142, E 97 LP 166 C 166, E 5 LP 35 C 35, E 24 LP inc. 23 C inc. 23, E 69 LP 54 C 54;
  108. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | 28/4/18 8:36 | Sappho E 53 LP 52 C 52, E 72 LP 56 C 56, E 108 LP 150 C 150, LP 71 C 71, LP 139 C 139, E 137 LP 158 C 158, E 74 LP 120 C 120, E 35 LP 3 C 3, E 58 LP 50 C 50, E 100 LP 148 C 148, E 51 LP inc. 5 v. 2 C inc. 5(a), E 99 LP 121 C 121, E 78 LP 145 C 145, G. Chaucer's Balade de bon conseyl; @MickG: Πρὸς Χάραξον | Al fratello Carasso
  109. Nostalgia for youth | 1/5/18 9:58 | Sappho E 67 LP 125 C 125, E 118 LP 58 C 58, E 42 LP 21 C 21, E 43 LP 24(a) C 24(a), E 46 LP 27 C 27; @MickG: Ἐπὶ τὸ στεφαναπλόκην | Riguardo all'intrecciare ghirlande;
  110. Different nostalgia: daughter is far away | 5/5/18 9:58 | Sappho E 130 LP 132 C 132, LP 98(a)+(b) C 98(a)+(b);
  111. Children’s songs! | 8/5/18 23:00 | video: Tingelingelinge tåget går, video: Mors lilla Olle, video: Trasiga Trasse, video: Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo (Year 1 song 53), Sappho E 142 LP inc. 25, C inc. 25; @MickG: Chinese (Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo) + English (Only mama's best in the world) + Italian (Sol la mamma è la miglior) (song 4 of post), Swedish (Mors lilla Olle) + Chinese (Māma de Ōulè) (song 2 of post), Swedish (Tingelingelinge tåget går) + Chinese (Dīng a dīng a dīng a huǒchē lái) (song 1 of post);
  112. A daughter to “get rid of” | 12/5/18 7:21 | video: Láu-mòi A-fa (Year 1 song 57);
  113. Romeo e Cenerentola | 15/5/18 9:02 | video: Romio to Shinderera;
  114. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | 19/5/18 10:10 | video: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni; @MickG:
    1. Japanese (Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni) + Italian (Come se io tornata fossi piccola);
    2. Japanese (Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni) + English (As if once more I'd gone back to that time of yore);
    3. Japanese (Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni) + Greek (Les ki an egṓ ë́kha gyrísë ston käró poy í̱moyn korítsi nearó);
  115. When will you come back? | 22/5/18 7:22 | video: Hérì jūn zài lái (Year 2 song 25);
  116. Love you till the end | 26/5/18 20:02 | Sarang hae, a Korean song that isn't on Youtube; @MickG: Korean (Sarang hae) + Hakka (Sim-òi ah) + Romagnolo (A-t vòi bẽ) + English (You I love);
  117. Quel oselin dal bòsch | 29/5/18 8:43 | video: Quel oselin dal bosch (2 verses missing);
  118. Ti voglio rivedere! | 2/6/18 9:28 | video: Aitai yo, video: Nee ima sugu aitai yo;
  119. El Chipi Chipi | 5/6/18 20:38| video: El Chipi Chipi; @MickG: Spanish (El Chipi Chipi) + Italian (Il Chipi Chipi) + Chinese (Nà Qīpī Qīpī);
  120. Amore mio lontano | 9/6/18 10:03 | video: Ling ling ling (Year 1 song 3);
  121. Un amore appassionato che felice non finì | 12/6/18 9:01 | video: Aveva un bavero;
  122. I still love you all the same | 16/6/18 10:01 | video: Yíyàng àizhe nǐ (Year 1 song 39);
  123. Fool love | 19/6/18 8:48 | video: Yú Ài (Year 2 song 24);
  124. I’ll be with you | 23/6/18 9:13 | video: Wǒ jiù yào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ (Year 2 song 63); @MickG: Chinese (Wǒ jiù yào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ) + English (I'm gonna always be with you), Chinese (Wǒ jiù yào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ) + Italian (Insieme a te io voglio star) + English (I want to always be with);
  125. Ballata dell’amore vero | 26/6/18 8:14 | video: Ballata dell'amore vero;
  126. True love | 30/6/18 9:49 | W. Shakespeare, Let me not to the marriage of true minds (Impediment admit);
  127. Partner’s beautiful… | 3/7/18 8:32 | W. Shakespeare, Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day;
  128. …lover, not so much | 7/7/18 9:34 | W. Shakespeare, My mistress’s eyes;
  129. ‘O surdato ‘nnamurato | 10/7/18 14:04 | video: 'O surdato 'nnammurato; @MickG: Neapolitan ('O surdato 'nnammurato) + Italian (Il soldato innamorato) + Spanish (El soldado enamorado);
  130. Cannot forget | 14/7/18 9:39 | video: Wàng bù liǎo (Bù pà shān gāo) (Year 1 song 24); @MickG: Chinese (Wàng bù liǎo) + English (Cannot forget) + Japanese (Wasurerenai) + two discarded Englishes with the same title + discarded Japanese with the same title;
  131. Meraviglioso | 17/7/18 7:26 | video: Meraviglioso; @MickG: Italian (Meraviglioso) + Mandarin (Qíqímiàomiào a) (it's song number 1/4);
  132. Night fog | 21/7/18 10:10 | video: Yè wú (Year 2 song 49);
  133. Memory and being remembered | 24/7/18 9:40-ε | Sappho E 71 LP 55 C 55, E 10 LP 32 C 32, E 76 LP 147 C 147, Edmond Spenser, One day I wrote her name upon the strand;
  134. The role of history (alias I chose to leave you, but let’s give it the same title) | 28/7/18 9:25 | video: Gùshi de jiàosè (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 19), video: Gu3-si6 dik1 gok3-sik1 (Cantonese) (Year 1 song 20);
  135. Why do I cry? | 31/7/18 9:05 | video: Wèihé liúlèi (Year 1 song 29);
  136. Crying stars | 4/8/18 14:54 | video: Gū xīng lèi (Year 1 song 56);
  137. What should I do? | 7/8/18 10:08 | video: Wǒ gāi zěnme zuò (Year 1 song 26);
  138. Poisonous perfume | 11/8/18 10:08 | video: Xiāngshuǐ yǒu dú (Year 2 song 157);
  139. A kind of love called breaking up | 14/8/18 9:32 | video: Yǒu yī zhǒng ài jiàozuò fàngshǒu (Year 3 song 5); @MickG: Chinese (Yǒu yī zhǒng ài jiàozuò fàngshǒu) + English (There's a kind of love called parting);
  140. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) | 18/8/18 9:19 | video: Gàosu wǒ nǐ bù ài wǒ (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 28), video: Katakan tak cinta aku (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 2); @MickG: Chinese (Gàosu wǒ nǐ bù ài wǒ) + English (Tell me you don't love me);
  141. Saying you love me is a torture: let’s part | 21/8/18 8:51 | video: Shuō nǐ ài wǒ (Year 1 song 18);
  142. Maybe she's testing me… or maybe we should just part | 25/8/18 9:15 | video: Ho2-nang4 (Year 1 song 47);
  143. Waiting till my heartbreak | 28/8/18 11:06 | Cantonese: Dang2 nei5 dang2 dou3 ngo5 sam1-tung3 (Year 1 song 60), Mandarin: Děng nǐ děng dào wǒ xīntòng (Year 2 song 6), Hakka: Tén nyî tén táu ngâi sim-thùng (Year 6 song 10);
  144. Lonely nights of heartbreak | 1/9/18 10:14 | video: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176); @MickG:
    1. Min Nan (Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì?) + Greek (Που πήγες, ω αγαπητή?) + Romagnolo (Amôr, indô' si-t ãndêda?) + French (Chérie, où es-tu allée?);
    2. Min Nan (Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì?) + Hindī (O priyī tum' kidhar' gaīṅ ho) + Persian (Kojâ raftë-'ī deldâr man);
    3. Min Nan (Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì) + Japanese (Koibito wa doko e itta) + Indonesian (Sayang ke mana kau pergi) + Hindī (O priyā tū ab' hai kahāṃ);
    4. Min Nan (Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì?) + Hindi (O priya, tū ab' hai kahāṃ?) + Spanish (Cariño, ¿dónde estás tú hoy?) + Persian (Deldâr-am, tô kojâ raftë-'î?) + Greek (Agápi̱ moy, poý n' ékhës páë?) + bonus: discarded Hindi (O priyī, tum' kidhar' gaīṅ ho?) + discarded Spanish (¿A dónde has ido, mi amor?) + discarded Persian (Kojâ raftë-'î, deldâr man?) + discarded Greek 1 (Poý pí̱ges, ō agapi̱tí̱?) + discarded Greek 2 (Agapi̱tí̱ moy, poý na 'sä?) + discarded Greek 3 (Agápi̱ moy, sy poý na 'sä?);
    5. Upcoming: Min Nan (Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì?) + Russian (Kudá šla, mílaĵa? – may be remade) + Mandarin (Àirén, nǐ dàodǐ qù nǎlǐ?) + Albanian (E dashur, ti ku më ke shků?) + discarded Albanian 1 (Në ç’vend ke shkúar, e dáshur?) + discarded Albanian 2 (E dáshur, ku je shkúar ti?);
    6. Upcoming: Min Nan (Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì?) + Updated French (Chérie, enfin où es-tu allée?) + English (My darling love, where did you go?) + German (Liebchen wohin bist du gegangen? – may be remade) + Italian (Amor, dove hai voluto andar?) + Latin (Ō cāra, tū īvīstī quō?) + Sicilian (Amuri, aunni jisti tu?) + discarded English (My darling love, where did you go?) + discarded Italian (Dove sei andata, amore mio?);
  145. Calling your name in the wind | 4/9/18 11:45 | video: Zài fēng zhōng hūhuàn nǐ de míngzi (Year 2 song 71);
  146. Soft wind | 8/9/18 9:13 | video: Vent fin; @MickG: French (Vent fin) + Chinese (Qīng fēng) + English (Soft wind) + Greek (Áneme apalé);
  147. Stubbornly waiting | 11/9/18 7:37 | video: Bāng-tshuan-tshiu-suí (Year 2 song 54); @MickG: Min Nan (Bāng-tshuan-tshiu-suí) + English (Stubbornly waiting);
  148. [OOP]Sappho Comparative Numbering Table | 12/9/18 22:08;
  149. Memories and forgetfulness | 15/9/18 9:40/41 | video: Gei3-dak1 mong4-gei3 (Year 2 song 111);
  150. Parting | 18/9/18 7:59 | video: Pàng-tshiú (Ài lí--ê iau-kiû sī tham) (Year 2 song 110);
  151. L'ultima tenerezza | 22/9/18 9:41 | video: Zuìhòu de wénròu (Year 2 song 7); @MickG: Chinese (Zuìhòu de wēnróu) + Italian (L'ultima tenerezza) + Sicilian (L'ultima tinnirizza);
  152. Your tomorrow won’t have me | 25/9/18 7:36 | video: Nǐ de míngtiān bù zài yǒu wǒ (Year 1 song 33);
  153. Il mio amore se n'è andato… | 29/9/18 8:38 | video: Ài-lîn-á tuè lâng tsáu (Year 2 song 4);
  154. Dis-moi donc, pluie | 2/10/18 07:09 | video: Hōo-tsuí guá mn̄g lí (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 12), video: Yǔshuǐ wǒ wèn nǐ (Mandarin) (Year 2 song 13);
  155. Tu m'as jamais vraiment aimé(e) | 6/10/18 9:28 | video: Guân-lâi lí m̄-bat ài-kuè guá (Year 2 song 80);
  156. Not miss him | 9/10/18 7:08 | video: M̄ siūnn i (Year 1 song 51);
  157. Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies | 13/10/18 11:20 | Hú Shì, Liǎng gè huáng húdié, Bìng zhōng dé tā shū; @MickG: Chinese (Liǎng ge huáng húdié) + English (Two gold butterflies);
  158. Contrast: Donne’s reaction to parting | 16/10/18 9:24 | J. Donne, Valediction;
  159. Another poem by Donne | 21/10/18 2:30 – I forgot to post it until after midnight, hence the apparently wrong date (should be 21/10) | J. Donne, Batter my heart (religious sonnet);
  160. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | 23/10/18 7:21 | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13, E 9 LP 33 C 33;
  161. [OOP]Posts on the blog's Facebook page | 26/10/18 20:57;
  162. A prayer to avert stormy journeys | 27/10/18 10:32 | Sappho E 41 LP 20 C 20; @MickG: Ancient Greek (Ἐν θυέλλαισι) + Italian (In forti tempeste);
  163. We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing | 30/10/18 9:06 | hymn: Sempre cantiamo al rifiorir del giorno (my video); @MickG: Italian (Sempre cantiamo al rifiorir del giorno) + English (We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing)
  164. You are my life | 3/11/18 22:00 | video: Tu sei la mia vita; @MickG: Italian (Tu sei la mia vita) + English (You are my life);
  165. [OOP-WIP]Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta | 5/11/18 00:03 | Modern Greek edition of Sappho;
  166. Il seme | 6/11/18 7:38 | video: Il seme; @MickG: Italian (Il seme) + Chinese (Zhǒngzi);
  167. Al mattino | 10/11/18 10:06 | video: Al mattino; @MickG: Italian (Al mattino) + Chinese (Zài zǎochén shàng);
  168. Il mio volto | 13/11/18 7:25 | video: Il mio volto;
  169. Povera voce | 17/11/18 8:27 "AND 20/11/18 8:16" | video: Povera voce; @MickG: Italian (Povera voce) + Chinese (Pínqióng de shēngyīn);
  170. Non son sincera | 24/11/18 10:20 | video: Non son sincera;
  171. How you speak | 24/11/18 10:29 | video: Nǐ zěnme shuō (Year 2 song 21); @MickG: Chinese (Nǐ zěnme shuō) + English (How you speak);
  172. Però mi vuole bene | 27/11/18 14:47 | video: Però mi vuole bene; @MickG: Italian (Però mi vuole bene) + Min Nan (Tān i kā guá sioh-miā-miā);
  173. Roosters vs. hens | 1/12/18 10:36 | Kai-kung vs. kai-mâ (I only have an audio clip, Year 7 song 17);
  174. Who decided to split up? (or rather, lifelong only you) | 4/12/18 7:28 | video: It-sing tsí-ū lí (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 26), video: Yīshēng zhǐyǒu nǐ (Mandarin) (Year 3 song 37);
  175. Fragments of the Divine Comedy | 8/12/18 8:12 | Latin lines in Italian, Inferno 1 1-12 in English, writing on the door of Hell (Inferno 3 1-9) in English;
  176. Il viaggio | 11/12/18 7:29 | video: Il viaggio;
  177. Holding your hand, I can walk my road | 15/12/18 10:26 | video: Khan gún--ê tshiú (Year 3 song 137); @MickG: Min Nan (Khan gún--ê tshiú) + English (As you hold my hand), Romagnolo: S't-a-m tẽ la mã;
  178. Sei così perfetto... | 18/12/18 7:23 | video: Sempurna (Year 1 song 6); @MickG: Indonesian (Sempurna) + Sicilian (Pirfetta) + Chinese (完美 | Wánměi);
  179. Ombra nera | 22/12/18 8:39 | video: Negra sombra;
  180. Tu scendi dalle stelle | 25/12/18 10:09 (posted on Xmas since it's a carol) | video: Tu scendi dalle stelle; @MickG: Italian (Tu scendi dalle stelle) + Chinese (Nǐ cóng xīngxīng xiàlái) (song 1/2);
  181. Happy Birthday da lontano | 29/12/18 10:50 | video: Happī Bāsudei;
  182. ¿Cómo hacer para olvidarte? | 1/1/19 10:10 | video: Como hacer para olvidarte; @MickG: Spanish (¿Cómo hacer para olvidarte?) + Min (哪会当来放袂记得你? | Ná ē-tàng lâi pàng buē-kì-tit lí?) + Mandarin (怎么会来全忘记你? | Zěnme huì lái quán wàngjì nǐ?);
  183. Barco negro | 5/1/18 10:23:59 | video: Barco negro;
  184. Don’t leave me, Lela | 8/1/19 7:39 | video: Lela; @MickG: Galician/Portuguese/Spanish/Italian (Lela);
  185. My only true love | 12/1/19 10:16 | video: Tsin ài tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 36);
  186. Come, make me happy | 15/1/19 7:33 | video: Ständchen; @MickG: video: German (Ständchen) + Chinese (Xiăoyèqŭ) + Czech (Serenáda);
  187. Romanesque | 19/1/19 10:13 | video: Romanesque;
  188. Non andartene! | 22/1/19 9:38 | video: Ikanaide;
  189. Ma tu hai preferito me | 26/1/19 10:02 | video: La preferenza; @MickG: Italian (La preferenza) + Chinese (Nà duàn xǐ'ài);
  190. The joys of friendship | 29/1/19 7:35 | Sappho E 120 LP 138 C 138, E 89 LP 48 C 48;
  191. Time after time | 2/2/19 10:05 | video: Time after time - Hana mau machi de; @MickG: Japanese (Time after time – Hana mau machi de) + Italian (Time after time – Tra le danze dei fior) + Greek (Time after time – Stōn loyloydiṓn ton khoró) + discarded Greek (Time after time – Stōn loyloydiṓn ton khoró) + discarded old-ass Italian (Time after time – Nella città dei vortici di fiori) + discarded Italian (Time after time – Tra le danze dei fior);
  192. Ojos de cielo | 5/2/19 9:50 | video: Ojos de cielo;
  193. Everlasting love | 9/2/19 10:26 | video: Everlasting love;
  194. Everlasting | 12/2/19 7:34 | video: Everlasting;
  195. Estate infinita | 16/2/19 9:25 | video: Owaranai natsu;
  196. Io ci sarò | 19/2/19 9:44 | video: Boku ga iru;
  197. Realizzerai ogni sogno | 23/2/19 10:01 | video: Anata ga iru kara; @MickG: Japanese (Anata ga iru kara) + Italian (Siccome ci sei) + Greek (Γιατί υπάρχεις εσύ);
  198. Se sei con me | 26/2/19 7:43 | video: Kimi ga ireba;
  199. Only you | 2/3/19 9:48 | video: Zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 1 song 21); @MickG: Chinese (Zhǐyǒu nǐ) + English (Only you) + Italian (Tu sola);
  200. Just you | 5/3/19 7:32 | video: Tsí-ū lí (Year 1 song 22);
  201. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | 9/3/19 10:46 | Sappho E 29 LP 163 C 163, video: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37); @MickG:
  202. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion | 12/3/19 7:34 | Sappho E 14 LP 41 C 41, video: Nǐ shì wǒ xiōngkǒu yǒngyuǎn de tòng (Year 2 song 17);
  203. Goodnight | 16/3/19 9:57 | video: Gute Nacht; @MickG: German (Gute Nacht) + Min Nan (Buán-an);
  204. No greater pain in the world | 19/3/18 14:27 | Non è dolor nel mondo;
  205. A thousand words swept away with the clouds | 23/3/19 10:21 | video: Qiānyánwànyǔ (Year 2 song 38); @MickG: Chinese (Qiān yán wàn yǔ) + English (Millions of words);
  206. Who will love me? | 26/3/19 10:01 | video: Shéi lái ài wǒ (Year 2 song 44); @MickG: Chinese (Shéi lái ài wǒ) + English (Who will love me) + Hakka (Mài-sâ òi ngâi);
  207. Silently crying at dusk | 30/3/19 10:35 | video: Huánghūn lǐ (Year 2 song 50); @MickG: Chinese (Huánghūn lǐ) + English (At twilight);
  208. Even God cries | 2/4/19 7:25 | video: Shàngdì yě kūqì (Year 1 song 6); @MickG: Chinese (Shàngdì yě kūqì) + English (Even God cries) + Italian (Anche Dio piange);
  209. Sadness without bounds | 6/4/19 10:04 | video: Odna kalyna; @MickG: Ukrainian (Odná kalýna) + Chinese (Yī cóng jiámí) + Romagnolo (Un bël bruitĩ);
  210. Se il cuore fa male, la canzone è triste | 9/4/19 8:39 | video: Yeraishan;
  211. In our world | 13/4/19 9:52 | video: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11); @MickG: Chinese (Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ) + English (In our world) + Italian (Nel nostro mondo) + Romanian (Întru lumea noastră) + Hungarian (Ebben a világban) + Zulu (Emhlabeni wethu), Chinese (Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ) + English (In our world) + Italian (Nel nostro mondo) + Romanian (Întru lumea noastră) + Hungarian (Ebben a világban) + Zulu (Emhlabeni wethu) + Mende (Mu lunyii hũ);
  212. Anywhere | 16/4/19 8:24 | video: Anywhere;
  213. Je vais vaguer | 20/4/19 10:04 | video: Ài liû-lōng (Year 2 song 73); @MickG: Min Nan (Ài liû-lōng) + French (Je vais vaguer) + Hindī (Ghūmūḿgā);
  214. Romeo and Juliet | 23/4/19 9:33 | Balcony speech and other excerpts;
  215. A few last poems | 27/4/19 10:27 | London by Blake, Correspondances by Baudelaire (link in French), Final couplet of Shakespeare's Sonnet 12, Ellens dritter Gesang verse 1 (aka Schubert's Ave Maria, text by Adam Storck, music by Franz Schubert), First few lines of the Geste of Robyn Hode;
  216. Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles | 30/4/19 14:00 | Homer, Iliad, Book 1 (both prooemium and pestis); @MickG: Proœmium (Greek 2:07-3:07, Latin 3:07-4:07, Italian 4:10-5:10) and Pestis (8:44-14:58);
  217. A truce is established | 4/5/19 10:16 | Homer, Iliad, part of Book 3;
  218. The man of many skills and the Sirens | 7/5/19 9:36 | Homer, Odyssey, song of the Sirens; @MickG: Proœmium (Greek 5:15-6:40, Latin 6:42-8:07, Italian 8:08-9:33), Sirens (Greek 9:38-10:47, Latin 10:48-11:57, Italian 11:58-13:06);
  219. The rest of Sappho | 11/5/19 10:41; @MickG: Greek (Pròs Maîan, ḕ Adélphōn póēma) + Italian (Alla Nutrice, o Carme dei Fratelli), Σαπφίκαν στρόφαν τινὰ θραύματα | Un po' di frammenti scritti in strofe saffiche (1.G.iv, 1.G.v, another one, 1,,, Σαπφίκοις λύπα φιλίας στίχοισι | Molti versi pieni di mal d'amore (1.H.vii);
  220. Pareche Ponzipo | 14/5/19 9:27 | video: Pareche Ponzipo, @MickG: Sicilian (Pareche Ponzipo) + Hokkien (Pà-lėh-ke Pòng-tsi-poh);
  221. La me zita | 18/5/19 10:09 | video: La me zita;
  222. L'Italiano | 21/5/19 9:34 | video: L'Italiano;
  223. Cannot love you | 25/5/19 9:38 | video: Ngoi3 bat1 hei2 (Year 2 song 76);
  224. [OOP]Index by languages | 26/5/19 23:43;
  225. The wonders of a dance | 28/5/19 9:48 | video: Cheek to cheek;
  226. The things that I see | 1/6/19 10:26: Happy Second Birthday, Blog! | video: The things that I see; @MickG: English (The things that I see) + Chinese (Jiàn dào de shìqíng);
  227. The power of love | 4/6/19 9:27 | video: Ài-tsîng--ê li̍k-liōng (Year 1 song 23); @MickG: Min Nan (Ài-tsîng--ê li̍k-liōng) + English (Love has such great might) + Italian (Forte è inver l'amor);
  228. Really love you | 8/6/19 10:19 | video: Wǒ shì zhēnde àishàng nǐ (Year 2 song 11);
  229. Ti amo, mio angelo | I love you, my angel | 11/6/19 9:32 | video: Malaika; @MickG: Swahili (Malaika) + Italian (Mio angelo) + Chinese (Ó tiānshǐ);
  230. I love you | 15/6/19 11:55 | video: Ja tjebja ljublju; @MickG: Russian (Ĵa tĵebĵá lĵublĵú) + Hakka (Ngâi cin-kìn òi nyî) + French (Moi je t'aimė bien);
  231. Deep love - the return | 18/6/19 9:22 | video: Shēnshēn de ài (Year 2 song 34); @MickG: Chinese (Shēnshēn de ài) + Italian (Amore profondo) + English (Deep love);
  232. Deep love - quite possibly the last one :) | 22/6/19 9:47 | video: Shēnshēn de ài (Year 2 song 53); @MickG: Chinese (Shēnshēn de ài) + English 1 (Deep love) + English 2 (Deep love);
  233. 'O sole mio | 25/6/19 9:34 | video: 'O sole mio; @MickG: Neapolitan ('O sole mio) + Chinese (Wǒ de tàiyáng) + Sicilian (U suli mè);
  234. Kisses that cause sadness | 29/6/19 10:18 | video: Jyut6 man5 jyut6 soeng1-sam1 (Year 2 song 18);
  235. Helplessness | 2/7/19 10:00 | video: Wúnài (Year 2 song 35);
  236. A secret I can’t tell | 6/7/19 10:29 | video: Bù néng shuō de mìmì (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 35), video: Buē-sái kóng--ê pì-bi̍t (Min Nan) (Year 1 song 30);
  237. Cold sun | 9/7/19 10:15 | video: Lěnglěng de tàiyáng (Year 1 song 10);
  238. No smoking! | 13/7/19 9:26 | video: Yen-tsái ko (Year 1 song 46); @MickG: Hakka (Yen-tsái ko) + English (Cigarette song);
  239. Two Chinese children's songs | 16/7/19 9:50 | video: Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ, video: Bá luóbo; @MickG: Chinese (Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ) + English (Two twin tigers) (song 1 of post);
  240. Un giudice | 20/7/19 9:22 | video: Un giudice;
  241. Il mondo | 23/7/19 8:06 | video: Il mondo; @MickG: Italian (Il mondo) + Chinese (Zhè shìjiè);
  242. Our moving world | 27/7/19 10:23 | video: Xiǎosǎ zǒu yī huí (Year 2 song 16), video: Phiau-lōng--ê hái-sua (Year 2 song 82);
  243. Peace | 30/7/19 7:19 | video (2:41-3:24): Peace;
  244. Signore delle cime | 4/8/19 22:53 [LATE POST] | video: Signore delle cime;
  245. La bomba imbriaga | 6/8/19 9:54 | video: La bomba imbriaga;
  246. In Cil | 10/8/19 23:53 | video: In cil e jè une stele;
  247. Piel canela | 13/8/19 10:09 | video: Piel canela;
  248. Aconteceu | 17/8/19 10:30 | video: Aconteceu; @MickG: Portuguese (Aconteceu) + Chinese (Tūrúqílái) + French (Il s'est passé), Portuguese (Aconteceu) + Chinese (Wèi jīng xuānbù), Portuguese (Aconteceu) + English (It came to pass) + Sicilian (Nni succiriu) + Hindi (Våḫ bītā hai);
  249. Lifelong | 20/8/19 9:27 | video: Gam1-sang1 gam1-sai3; @MickG: Cantonese (Gam1-sang1-gam1-sai3) + English (Lifelong);
  250. The knock-knock beetle | 24/8/19 12:36 | video: Qongqothwane; @MickG: Xhosa (Nguqongqothwane) + Chinese (Nà huángfěn chóngzi) + English (The knock-knock beetle);
  251. Two anthems | 27/8/19 11:12 | Chinese anthem: Yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ, Japanese anthem: Kimi ga yo (Year 1 song 1);
  252. Rouge (aka lipstick, I guess) | 31/8/19 10:54 | translated version of the translated part: 2:44-3:13, video: Rūju (full song);
  253. Puzzle | 3/9/19 10:07 | video: Pazuru;
  254. Una canzone d’amore | 7/9/19 10:45 | video: Ai no uta;
  255. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | 10/9/19 11:16 | video: Wasurenaide; @MickG: Japanese (Wasurenaide) + Italian (Non ti dimenticar) + Chinese (Qiānwàn bù yào wàngjì) + Finnish (Älä unohda), Japanese (Wasurenaide) + Finnish (Älä unohda) + Hindī (Nā bhūl'nā) + Greek (Mi̱n xekhnás);
  256. Fish never stop swimming | 14/9/19 10:37 | video: Yītiāndàowǎn yóuyǒng de yú (Year 2 song 99);
  257. If there wasn’t him? | 17/9/19 9:37(:01) | video: Rúguǒ méiyǒu tā nǐ hái ài wǒ ma (Year 2 song 84), video: Hè-kóng mô kî-sâ nyî òi ngâi mô ná (Year 3 song 87), video: Yu-kwó hè mô kî nyî hân òi ngâi mô (Year 7 song 15), video: Yu-kwó hè mô kî nyî hân m òi ngâi mô (Year 7 song 13);
  258. Home’s so far | 21/9/19 8:03 | video: Jiā, tài yuǎnle (Year 2 song 112);
  259. Missing support | 24/9/18 9:01 | video: Phù-poi (Year 2 song 51);
  260. When you're sad, listen to love songs! | 28/9/19 10:22 | video: Shāngxīn de shíhou kěyǐ tīng qínggē (Year 2 song 91);
  261. Heart addiction | 1/10/19 9:54 | video: Sam1 jan5 (Year 1 song 17);
  262. Ocean | 5/10/19 10:35 | video: Dàhǎi (Year 1 song 4);
  263. Più lontano delle stelle | 8/10/19 10:02 | video: Luntanë cchiù luntanë;
  264. Nottata di luna | 12/10/19 10:29 | video: Nuttatë dë lónë;
  265. Ma come hai fatto? | 15/10/19 10:19 | video: Come hai fatto?;
  266. My future is no dream | 19/10/19 10:04 | video: Wǒ de wèilái bù shì mèng (Year 1 song 5); @MickG: Chinese (Wǒ de wèilái bù shì mèng) + English (What's in store for me is no dream) + "High School Latin" (Somni' haud est quod mi fiet) + "Classical Latin" (Sōmnja nōn fūtūrum sunt) + Albanian (Ardhmja ime nj' ëndërr s'ësht');
  267. A life has fallen into the darkness | 22/10/19 10:02 | video: Soeng6-dai3 jaa5 huk1-jap1 (Year 1 song 9);
  268. Who can escape the world's sadness? | 26/10/19 10:27 | video: Xīn yuānyāng húdié mèng (Year 2 song 105); @MickG: Chinese (Xīn yuānyāng húdié mèng) + English (New dream of lovebirds);
  269. Il nostro amor | 29/10/19 10:03 | video: Wǒmen de ài (Year 2 song 100);
  270. Loving no more is one kind of love | 2/11/19 10:11 | video: Bù àile yě shì yī zhǒng ài (Year 2 song 81);
  271. Heavenly marriage | 5/11/19 9:33 | video: Tiān jià (Year 1 song 49);
  272. No pain, no gain | 9/11/19 10:02 | video: Ài piànn tsiah ē iânn (Year 2 song 20); @MickG: Min Nan (Ài piànn tsiah ē iânn) + English (No pain no gain);
  273. Dreams | 12/11/19 9:26 | video (4:33-6:25): Dreams; @MickG: English (Dreams) + Min Nan (Bāng);
  274. Time to work together | 16/11/19 9:59 | video: Pa ret ap domi; @MickG: Haitian Creole (Pa ret ap domi) + English (Do not stop to sleep) + Chinese (别停别睡觉); unfortunately I have no lyrics for verses 3-4 and only learnt they existed later than I made either the post or my video of the song;
  275. Always fought for myself | 19/11/19 9:29 | video: Lâm-lîn (Tsa-poo-lâng)--ê kuānn (Year 1 song 59);
  276. Walking on | 23/11/19 10:09 | video: Gai3-zuk6 hang4 (Year 2 song 88);
  277. Not brave enough | 26/11/19 9:31 | video: Bù gòu yǒnggǎn (Year 2 song 28);
  278. Placido | 30/11/19 10:04 | video: Placido;
  279. Roar up to the sun | 3/12/18 9:46 | video: Xiàng tàiyáng nǔhòu (Year 2 song 72);
  280. Never turning back! | 7/12/18 7:39 | video: Yǒngyuǎn bù huítóu (Year 2 song 67);
  281. Hoy arriesgaré | 10/12/19 9:24 | video: Hoy arriesgaré;
  282. Work for the Lord | 14/12/19 10:09 | video 1: Sáleláká Mokonzi, video 2 (2:54-5:38): Sáleláká Mokonzi; @MickG: Critical Analysis, Critical Analysis Update, and Lingála (Sáleláká Mokonzi), Lingála (Sáleláká Mokonzi) + English (Keep on working for the Lord) + Italian (Lavora per il Signor) + French (Travaille pour le Seigneur);
  283. Venez! | 17/12/19 8:29 | video: Nunga ua oh; @MickG: Mende (Nūŋgā wā ɔ̄) + French (Venez les gens);
  284. Winter girl | 21/12/19 10:35 | video: Co-bé mùa-đông;
  285. I have truly loved you | 24/12/19 9:37 | Ngâi hè cin-shıt òi-kwò nyî (not on Youtube, Year 8 song 71);
  286. Cinque canzoni siciliane | 28/12/19 9:55 | video: Vitti na crozza, video: Mi vòtu e mi rivòtu, video: E vui durmiti ancòra, Stiđđa matutina (not on Youtube), Occhi 'nfatati (not on Youtube); @MickG: Sicilian (Mi vòtu e mi rivòtu) + Chinese (Yīzài gǔndòng) (song 2 of post), Sicilian (Occhi 'nfatati) + Chinese (Mólì shuāng yǎn) (song 5 of post), Sicilian (E vui durmiti ancora) + Chinese (Ér nǐ hái zài shuìjiào) (song 3 of post), Sicilian (Vitti na crozza) + Chinese (Wǒ yǐ kàn tóugǔ) (song 1 of post);
  287. The cricket | 31/12/19 9:32 | video: El grillo;
  288. Or sdraiata s'è Todora | 4/1/20 10:01 | video: Polégnala e Todóra;
  289. Più bella di un angelo | 8/1/20 9:55 (delayed because… see post) | video: Pariyâ, nonsense italianization: Esce ma non mi rosica; @MickG: Persian (Pariyâ) + Italian (Angelo);
  290. Un piccolo ombrello | 11/1/20 10:39 | video: Tsi̍t ki sió hōo-suànn (Year 3 song 99);
  291. Nostalgia for the present | 14/1/20 9:29 | The version I translated is only recorded by me in song: Nostalgíĵa po nastoĵáśemu, the lyrics are mostly those of this song; @MickG: Russian (Nostalgíĵa po nastoĵáśemu) + Chinese (Wèile xiànzài de huáijiù);
  292. Io vi ho incontrata | 18/1/20 10:17 | video 1 (missing verse 4): Ǎ vstrě́til vas, video 2 (missing verse 3: Ǎ vstrě́til vas; @MickG: Russian (Ĵa vstrĵétil vas) + Italian (Io t'ho incontrata);
  293. Swedish religious hymn | 21/1/20 9:50 | video: Gud som haver barnen kär; @MickG: Swedish (Gud som haver barnen kär) + English (God who hold your children dear);
  294. Leads to Him | 25/1/20 10:07 | video: Leads to Him (embedded in an article); @MickG: English (Leads to Him) + Chinese (Dài dào Tā);
  295. Magic winter | 28/1/20 9:36 | video: Taikatalvi; @MickG: Finnish (Taikatalvi) + Portuguese (Invérno mágico) + English (Magic winter) + Italian (Inverno magico);
  296. Polka di Eva | 1/2/20 10:04 | video: Ievan polkka;
  297. Lei vuol sol ballar | 4/2/20 9:31 | video: I raq rotzá lirqód; @MickG: Hebrew (Ḥį' raq rǫtzáḥ lirqǫ́d) + Italian (Lei vuol sol ballar);
  298. Ridi, sol mio | 8/2/20 10:27 | video: Géla th', hḗlié moy (my video, song written by me); @MickG: Greek (Gélā, hḗlié moy) + Italian (Ridi, sol mio);
  299. Se ci sei tu, sono tranquillo | 11/2/20 9:45 | video: Piànn tshut-thâu (Year 3 song 138); @MickG: Min Nan (Piànn tshut-thâu) + Italian (Lotterò) + Mandarin (Pīn chūtóu);
  300. Si t'es là je remercie le ciel | 15/2/20 10:08 | video: Tsîng-lōo ū lí kám-siā thinn (Year 3 song 139); @MickG: Min Nan (Tsîng-lōo ū lí kám-siā thinn) + French (Si t'es là le ciel j'en remercie);
  301. La ballade d'Ouri | 18/2/20 9:56 | video: I̱ mpalánta toy Oýri; @MickG: Greek (I̱ mpalánta toy Oýri) + French (La balade d'Ouri);
  302. Andiamo sulla luna! | 22/2/20 10:43 | video: Páme mia vólta sto feggári;
  303. Sorgi, luna | 25/2/20 9:31 | video: Ánapse kanoýrgio moy feggári; @MickG: Greek (Ánapse kanoýrgio moy feggári) + Italian (Sorgi orsù o nuova luna mia), Greek (Ánapse kanoýrgio moy feggári) + Hindī (Cam'kīlā ban', merā nayā cāńdǝ), Greek (Ánapse kanoýrgio moy feggári) + Italian (Sorgi orsù o nuova luna mia) + Hindī (Cam'kīlā ban', merā nayā cāńdǝ), male singer and female addressee version;
  304. Ferma le lancette | 29/2/20 11:01 | video: Stamáti̱se toy rologioý toys dë́khtes; @MickG: Greek (Stamáti̱se toy rologioý toys dë́khtes) + Italian (Dell'orologio ferma or le lancette) + Hindī (Ghaṛī hī kī sûī ko roke);
  305. Dammi la tua bocca | 3/3/20 10:12 | video: Dṓse moy to stóma soy;
  306. Non so quanto ti amo | 7/3/20 10:20 | video: De xérō póso s' agapṓ; @MickG: Greek (De xérō póso s'agapṓ) + Italiano (Non so quanto t'amo);
  307. Se mi hai rubato il cuore | 10/3/20 9:35 | video: Curā liyā hai;
  308. Ci amavamo | 14/3/20 10:03 | video: Agapiómastan;
  309. Per cacciar via le nuvole | 17/3/20 9:47 | video: Na diṓxō ta sýnnefa;
  310. Piano piano muori sola | 21/3/20 10:40 | video: Argosví̱nës móni̱; @MickG: Greek (Argosví̱nës móni̱) + Italian (Piano piano muori sola);
  311. Nuvoletta | 24/3/20 9:35: Happy Birthday to me! | video: Synnefoýla; @MickG: Greek (Synnefoýla) + Italian (Nuvoletta);
  312. Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :) | 28/3/20 10:25 | video: Mia agápi̱ gia to kalokä́ri; @MickG: Greek (Mia agápi̱ gia to kalokä́ri) + Spanish (Un amor para el verano) + Italian (Un amore per l'estate), Greek (Mia agápi̱ gia to kalokä́ri) + Albanian (Një dashuri gjat' verës);
  313. Favoletta mia | 31/3/20 9:26 | video: Παραμυθάκι μου | Paramytháki moy;
  314. Un soir qu'il pleuvait | 4/4/20 10:27 | video: Éna vrády poy 'vrekhe;
  315. Ne demande pas ça au ciel | 7/4/20 9:32 | video: Mi̱n to rōtás ton oyranó; @MickG: Greek (Mi̱n to rōtás ton oyranó) + French (Ne le demande pas aux cieux);
  316. Questo silenzio mi soffoca | 11/4/20 10:26 | video: Me pnígë toýti̱ i̱ siōpí̱; @MickG: Greek (Me pnígë toýti̱ i̱ siōpí̱) + Italian (Questo silenzio mi soffoca), Greek (Με πνίγει τούτη η σιωπή) + Italian 2 (Il silenzio soffoca il mio cuor);
  317. Io nata son sol per soffrir | 14/4/20 9:30 | video: Genní̱thi̱ka gia na ponṓ;
  318. Amore: lama a doppio taglio | 18/4/20 9:51 | video: Agápi̱ poy 'gines díkopo makhä́ri; @MickG: Greek (Agápi̱ poy 'gines díkopo makhä́ri) + Italian (Amor, tu sei per me lama a doppio taglio);
  319. Destiny is not for us to decide | 21/4/20 9:22 | video: Miā-ūn m̄ sī lán kuat-tīng (Year 9 song 16); @MickG: Min Nan (Miā-ūn m̄ sī lán kuat-tīng) + English (We cannot choose our destiny);
  320. Piangerò segretamente | 25/4/20 10:03 | video: Tōutōu de kū (Year 2 song 68);
  321. Fragile woman | 28/4/20 9:51 | video: Róngyì shòushāng de nǚrén (Year 2 song 122);
  322. Je t'aime et tu me blesses: pourquoi? | 2/5/20 10:20 | video: Wèi shénme nǐ yào shānghài yī ge ài nǐ de rén? (Year 2 Song 109);
  323. Forse mi manchi… | 5/5/20 9:33 | video: Atá po khasér li;
  324. It all fades away | 9/5/20 9:50 | video: It all fades away;
  325. Étoile polaire | 12/5/20 9:31 | video: T' astéri toy voriá; @MickG: Greek (T'astéri toy voriá) + French (L'étoile polaire);
  326. Giorno tzigano | 16/5/20 10:12 | video: Gýftissa méra; @MickG: Greek (Gýftissa méra) mixed with Italian (Giorno tzigano) - MISTRANSLATED, Greek (Gýftissa méra) mixed with Italian (Giorno tzigano);
  327. La conchiglia | 19/5/20 9:24 | video: To kokhýli;
  328. I ragazzi giù in pianura | 23/5/20 10:17 | video: Ta pädiá kátō ston kámpo; @MickG: Greek (Ta pädiá kátō ston kámpo) + Italian (I ragazzi giù in pianura);
  329. I ragazzi giù in pianura - originale | 26/5/20 9:51 | video: Ta pädiá kátō ston kámpo;
  330. Vuoi un pasticcio? | 30/5/20 10:17 | video: Thes pastítsio?; @MickG: Greek (Thes pastítsio?) + Italian (Vuoi un pasticcio?);
  331. Despacito | 2/6/20 9:32: Happy belated third birthday Blog! | video: Despacito; @MickG: Spanish (Despacito) + Chinese (Mànmàn de) + English (Slowly);
  332. Slowly | 6/6/20 10:23 | video: Mànmàn de; @MickG: Chinese (Mànmàn de) + English (Slowly);
  333. Lentement | 9/6/20 9:36 | video: Mànmàn lái (1), video: Mànmàn lái (2); @MickG: Chinese (Mànmàn lái) + French (Lentement) + Mixed Chorus (Part-Spanish, part-French);
  334. Magical anklet - aisā jādū | 13/6/20 10:12 | UNAVAILABLE: Despacito Hindī half-rap parody;
  335. Adèss fa' sito | 16/6/20 9:28 | video: Adèss fa' sito, video: Adèss fa' sito Karaoke;
  336. [WIP]Despacito: a ton of versions | 20/6/20 10:22 | Versions:
  337. The sound of silence (translated by Ånton Xiè) | 23/6/20 9:48 | video: The sound of silence;
  338. Song of the Civil Revolution | 27/6/20 10:11 | video: Guómín gémìng gē (full lyrics), video: Guómín gémìng gē (decent vocals - also, bilingual Chinese-English captions); @MickG: Chinese (Guómín Gémìng gē) + English (Song of the Civil Revolution);
  339. La strada | 30/6/20 10:04 | video: La strada;
  340. Romarin | 4/7/20 10:06 | video: Alecrim dourado; @MickG: Portuguese (Alecrim) + Chinese (Mídiéxiāng) + French (Romarin);
  341. Il mio cuore | 7/7/20 9:40 | video: A-lev shel-i; @MickG: Hebrew (A-lev shel-i) + Italian (il mio cuore);
  342. May the mirror not hide her | 11/7/20 10:19 | Poem by ATajuddin, set to music by me, only available as sung by me; @MickG: Hindī (Darpaṇ' nā chupāye) + Chinese (Jìngzi bié yǐncáng tā);
  343. Berrò la luna | 14/7/20 9:25 | video: Tha piō apópse to feggári;
  344. Terra straniera | 18/7/20 10:02 | video: Ti̱s xenitiás;
  345. Domenica nuvolosa | 21/7/20 9:28 | video: Synnefiasméni̱ Kyriakí̱;
  346. Due porte ha la vita | 25/7/20 9:14 with "errors" 9:13 and 9:12 | video: Dyo pórtes ékhë i̱ zōí̱;
  347. Evening bell chime | 28/7/20 9:41 with "error" 9:40 | video: Vĵećĵérnij zvon (almost full text), video: Vĵećĵérnij zvon (from super-bass to super falsetto); @MickG: Russian (Vĵećĵérnij zvon) + English (Evening bell);
  348. Rêves | 1/8/20 9:48 | video: Träume;
  349. Ask the evening wind | 4/8/20 9:33 | video: Frag den Abendwind; @MickG: German (Frag' den Abendwind) + English (Ask the evening wind);
  350. O bella ciao | 8/8/20 9:40 | video: Bella ciao;
  351. Quando sei sola, a chi penserai? | 11/8/20 9:44 | video: Dāng nĭ gūdān nĭ huì xiăngqĭ shéi (Year 9 Song 22); @MickG: Chinese (Dāng nǐ gūdān nǐ huì xiǎngqǐ?) + italian (Quando sei sola a chi penserai?) + French (Quand t'es seule à qui vas-tu penser?);
  352. Lunga strada | 15/8/20 10:00 | video: Dorógoj dlínnoĵu; @MickG: Russian (Dorógoj dlínnoĵu) + Italian (Su una lunga strada);
  353. [OOP]On spelling and transliteration | 16/8/20 15:28 | Me explaining how all my spelling and transliteration systems work;
  354. Il pero | 18/8/20 12:23 | video: Grúšitsa; @MickG: Russian (Grúšitsa) + Italian (Il pero);
  355. The cranes | 22/8/20 10:18 | video: Žuravlĵí; @MickG: Russian (Žuravlí) + Italian (Le gru) + English (The cranes);
  356. Dammi un pochino di cielo | 25/8/20 9:42 | video: Dóse moy ligáki oyranó;
  357. Your heart | 29/8/20 10:15 | The video was taken down (undatable 4); @MickG: Hakka (Nyia kài sim) + English (Your heart);
  358. My brothers | 1/9/20 9:41 | video: Wǒ de hǎo xiōngdi (Year 2 song 52); @MickG: Chinese (Wǒ de hǎo xiōngdì) + English (My dear brothers);
  359. La notte che ho visto le stelle | 8/9/20 9:34 | video: La notte che ho visto le stelle;
  360. The pen of God | 3/10/20 10:22 | Poem by ATajuddin; @MickG: Urdu (Rab kî qalam) + Chinese (Tiānzhǔ de gāngbǐ);
  361. Love – cānd ko | 17/10/20 10:45 | Mix of poems by ATajuddin; @MickG: Urdu+English (Love - când ko) + English+Urdu (Pyâr - to the moon);
  362. Home is following my thoughts | 7/11/20 17:56 | Mix of poems by ATajuddin; @MickG: English (Home is following my thoughts) + Chinese (Wǒ jiā bànsuí wǒ sīxiǎng) – with captions, English (Home is following my thoughts) + Chinese (Wǒ jiā bànsuí wǒ sīxiǎng) – 10:04-15:04;
  363. Only a night | 28/11/20 9:59 | video: Vetëm një nat';
  364. Io ne soffro | 15/12/20 9:24:02 | video: E vuaj; @MickG: Albanian (E vuaj) + Romagnolo (U-m fa stêṙ mêl);
  365. White Christmas | 25/12/20 9:46 (because it's a carol) | video: White Christmas; @MickG: English (White Christmas) + Chinese (Xuébái Shèngdàn, 2 versions) (song 2/2);
  366. Who do you miss when lonely? | 5/1/21 12:12 | video: Khi Cô-Đơn Em nhơ ai;
  367. Amica | 23/1/21 10:39 | video: Mike;
  368. Briciole d'amore | 20/2/21 10:19(:01) | video: Thërrime dashurie:
  369. Earth Angel | 27/2/21 19:32 | video: Earth Angel; @MickG: English (Earth Angel) + Chinese (Dì shàng de Tiānshǐ);
  370. I don't want to get rich | 9/3/21 9:52 | video: Oyk ethélō ployteín;
  371. Ci sei tu o no? | 27/3/21 0:37 | video: Tū hai kê nahīṅ; @MickG: Hindī (Tū hai kê nahīṅ) + Chinese (Nǐ zài háishì bù) + Italian (Ci sei tu o no) + Greek (Ë́sä í̱ ókhi esý) mixed together;
  372. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | 30/3/21 00:18 | Translations of random Sappho fragments into various languages, at the moment we have Japanese Hindī Greek Russian;
    Japanese translations corrected by Takashi Takeuchi (except the last one);
    Hindī corrected with ATajuddin and Tony Singh will at some point send suggestions too;
    Russian corrected by Alexey Gukov;
    @MickG: Greek (Ásteres mèn amphì kálan selánnan) + Italian (Ogni stella attorno alla bella luna) + Hindī (Tāre sāre hī suńdar' cāḿd' ke ās'-pās'), Greek (Ásteres mèn amphì kálan selánnan) + German (Um den schönen Mond ihr Gesicht verdecken) + English (All around the beautiful moon, the stars);
  373. Mon amour | 3/4/21 10:23 | video: Soh'ṇīā sajjanā sajjanā;
  374. Colla pioggia del tuo amor | 10/4/21 10:15 | Tere iśq' kī bāriś' meṅ;
  375. Sappho in "pop" culture | 13/4/21 9:06 | A bunch of songs related to Sappho, listed below; links in yellow are my videos;
      Videos about Sappho and English translations
    1. video: About Sappho (in Greek);
    2. video: Poetry from Ancient Greece - Sappho of Lesbos (About Sappho in English, with English translations of the following poems: Hymn to Aphrodite, Ode to Anactoria, Country maiden, Dead shalt thou lie, Death is an ill (1.J.viii), Delicacy (Beautiful gifts of the Muses, P.Oxy. lines, ll. 24-25), Someone will remember us, The moon has set, I spoke to Aphrodite in a dream (1.F.ii), Graces and Muses (1.D.ii), Happy bridegroom (ll. 3-4), May you sleep);
    3. video: Sappho Fragments - Graham Lynch (musicated English translations of: Beautiful gifts of the Muses (Köln extras), Beautiful gifts of the Muses (P.Oxy. lines, ll. 10-25), Gongyla, Cretan women, For you were also a tender young child);
    4. Single fragments, reconstructed pronunciation
    5. video: Phainetai (Ode to Anactoria, sung, music allegedly in the style of the time);
    6. video: Sappho's songs (For you were also a tender young child (ll. 5-10) + "Let's sing for the couple!" sung, Hymn to Aphrodite sung with music allegedly in the style of the time);
    7. Single fragments, modern Greek pronunciation
    8. video: Sappho's Ode to Aphrodite (Hymn to Aphrodite, sung);
    9. video: Ymḗnaon (Hymenæum, sung);
    10. video: Kẽ d'ambrosías men ("Even gods celebrate marriages", read out);
    11. video: Kélomai se, Goggýla (Gongyla, Khatzidákis); @MickG: Ancient Greek (Kélomaí se, Goggýla) + Modern Greek (Se protrépō, Goggýla) + Italian (Ti prego, Gongyla) + English (I beseech you, Gongyla);
    12. video: Dédyke mèn a selánna + Édys' i̱ Poýlia tṓra (The moon has set set to music in original and in a Modern Greek translation);
    13. video: Afrodíti̱, éla moy apó ti̱n Krí̱ti̱ (deformed musicated version of "Idyll with Aphrodite");
    14. video: Yménaon (aka Pròs tḕn parthenían (1.A.vii), Avaton);
    15. Mashups and the Elyti̱s havoc, Ancient Greek edition
    16. video: Tais emais etairais (Avaton) (mashup of Ode to Anactoria (ll. 7-8), I wish I was dead (ll. 2-3), Dearest offspring (ll. 21-22 + τ' ἐξ ἀδοκήτω));
    17. video: Sappho's Angel (musicated mashup of O Atthis! (ll. 14-15), The full moon (l. 1), The messenger of spring (1.I.i);
    18. video: Aeríon epéon (aka Ex adokítō, Avaton mashup of I spoke to Aphrodite in a dream (1.F.ii), Sing to me o lyre, From airy words (4.ccvii));
    19. video: Lyre / I̱ lýra (random stanza from Cypris and Nereids with random parts removed and parts of a completion added in, plus some Modern Greek thing, plus Elytis's Modern Greek rendition of said stanza with random parts removed, all sung);
    20. video: Sapfṓ 1 (aka Aýōs «]an Aphrodí[ta», musicated mashup of incomplete and corrupted pieces of Sappho drawn from 2.D.iv, Just now Dawn (1.E.x), 2.D.xxv l. 3, On the cicada (1.I.iii));
    21. Mashups and the Elyti̱s havoc, Modern Greek edition
    22. video: Sapfṓ 2 (Elýti̱s translation of his own mashup of 2.D.xxv (ll. 3 4 6 9), Golden chickpeas (1.C.i), On the cicada (1.I.iii) – a mashup that evidently was drawn from in Sapfṓ 1); @MickG: AG (Ταῖς ἔμαις ἐταίραις) + MG (Για τις φίλες μου) + Italian (Per le mie compagne) + Spanish (Para mis compañeras);
    23. video: Yménäos (Modern Greek something, not sure if Sappho, perhaps intruder);
    24. video: Aeríōn epéōn árkhom' (musication of Elýti̱s's translation of his first mishmash, which consists of From airy words (4.ccvii), Second quotation in commentary 2.D.xlvi, They made me famous, Someone will remember me);
    25. video: Theós moy fä́netä (Part of Elýti̱s's Modern Greek rendition of the Ode to Anactoria);
    26. video: Goggýla (Recited Elýti̱s Modern Greek rendition of his mashup of the Gongyla fragment with random parts of I wish to visit the underworld);
    27. video: Ós' ástra gýrō vrískontä (Odysséas Elýti̱s's Modern Greek rendition of The stars and the moon, set to music); @MickG: Greek (Ós' ástra gýrō vrískontä) + Italian (Le stelle che si trovano) + English (Whatever star happens to be);
    28. video: Nykhtōdía (yet another Modern Greek rendition of The moon has set);
    29. More Modern Greek Sappho-inspired songs – Elýti̱s mashups done right, in a way
    30. video: Grí̱gora i̱ ṓra pérase (Elýti̱s's translation of a mashup including The moon has set);
    31. video: Tí thélō tí (Elýti̱s's translation of another one of his mashups); @MickG: Greek (Tí thélō, tí?) + French (Quoi veux-je, quoi?);
    32. video: Í̱rthe kä trýpōse o Ermí̱s (Modern Greek rendition of some form of I wish to visit the underworld, sung);
    33. video: Athánati̱ Afrodíti̱ (Modern Greek rendition of the Hymn to Aphrodite, sung);
    34. video: Atthída (Modern Greek song inspired by Sappho); #MickG: Modern Greek (Ατθίδα) + Hindi (Atthīdā);
  376. Lo giuro su di te | 24/4/21 10:13 | video: Sanam' terī qasam';
  377. The taste of love | 27/4/21 10:03 | video: Sevdanın tadı; @MickG: Turkish (Sevdanın tadı) + English (The taste of love);
  378. Freedom | 1/5/21 10:37 | video: Uhuru;
  379. Your love | 4/5/21 10:01 | video: Your Love;
  380. Problems | 8/5/21 7:12 | video: Makambo;
  381. Profumo d'arancia | 11/5/21 00:10 | video: Aromë portokalli; @MickG: Albanian (Aromë portokalli) + Italian (Profumo d'arancia);
  382. Te | 22/5/21 23:25 | video: Ty; @MickG: Gheg Albanian (Ty) + Italian (Te) + French (Toi);
  383. Table of sadness | 25/5/21 8:48 | video: Tavolina e mërzis'; @MickG: Albanian (Tavolina e mërzis') + Italian (Mensa del dolor) + Chinese (Āishāng de zhuōzi);
  384. Volpetta | 29/5/21 15:43 | video: Kunadhe;
  385. Quand nous nous aimions | 1/6/21 9:54 | video: Kur jemi dasht'; @MickG: Albanian (Kur jemi dasht') + French (Quand nous nous aimions), Albanian (Kur jemi dasht') + Greek (Óti agapiómastan);
  386. Ne t'hâte pas | 5/6/21 10:41 | video: Mos u ngut'; @MickG: Albanian (Mos u ngut') + French (Et ne t'hâte pas);
  387. Mentirai? | 8/6/21 9:46 | video: A ki mê rrejt'?;
  388. Il mio nome chiamato hai | 12/6/21 10:27:59.5 | video: Êmrin ma kê thirr'; @MickG: Gheg Albanian (Êmrin ma kê thirr') + Italian (Il mio nome chiamato hai);
  389. Viens-tu donc? | 15/6/21 10:39 | video: A po vjen?; @MickG: Albanian (A po vjen?) + French (Viens-tu donc?) + Russian (Ty pridĵóš'?), Albanian (A po vjen?) + Greek (Érkhesä?), Albanian (A po vjen?) + Chinese (Yào fǒu lái?);
  390. Le rose | 19/6/21 10:29 | video: Drandofilat; @MickG: Albanian (Drandofilat) + Italian (Le rose);
  391. Quanto t'ho amato | 22/6/21 10:33 | video: Sa t' kôm dasht';
  392. Eternità | 26/6/21 10:14 | video: Përjet'si;
  393. Larmes | 29/6/21 10:05 | video: Loti;
  394. La mia vita | 3/7/21 11:43 | video: Jeta ime;
  395. Il mio posto | 6/7/21 16:17 | video: Vendi im;
  396. Poco a poco | 10/7/2021 13:22 | video: Pak nga pak;
  397. Bella ciao (versione contadina) | 13/7/21 16:00 | video: Bella ciao;
  398. Solo un po' | 17/7/2021 00:00 | video: Veç një pik';
  399. Lo sai che i papaveri | 20/7/2021 8:13 | video: Papaveri e papere; @MickG: Italian (Papaveri e papere) + Greek (Paparoýnes kä pápies);
  400. Il patriota | 24/7/2021 18:13 | video: O filópatris; @MickG: Greek (O filópatris) + Italian (Il patriota);
  401. Molto è cambiato | 27/7/2021 13:18 | video: Gjërat kan' ndryshuar; @MickG: Albanian (Gjërat kan' ndryshuar) + Italian (Molto è cambiato);
  402. You don't love me | 1/8/2021 10:52 - delayed to post while uploading video | video: Den me agapás, video 2: Den me agapás; @MickG: Greek (Den me agapás) + Albanian (Nuk më don ti mu);
  403. Niente finisce | 3/8/2021 12:06 | video: Típota den telëṓnë;
  404. Atela | 7/8/21 19:52 | video: Atela; @MickG: Atela
  405. Pleiadi | 10/8/21 10:16 | video: Pleiades; @MickG: Ancient Greek (Pleiades) + Italian (Pleiadi);
  406. Vasa Miskin | 17/8/21 18:56 | video: Vasa Miskin; @MickG: Vasa Miskin;
  407. Jaloux | 21/8/21 12:48 | video: Xheloz; @MickG: Albanain (Xheloz) + French (Jaloux) + Sicilian (Gilusu);
  408. Dove le dirò? | 24/8/21 10:08 | video: Poy na ta pō;
  409. Ti amo | 28/8/21 23:05 | video: S' agapáō; @MickG: Greek (S'agapáō) + Italian (Ti amo);
  410. Come il fiore di gardenia | 31/8/21 10:23 | video: San ti̱s gardénias ton anthó;
  411. Non chiedermi perché dimentico | 5/9/21 0:54 | video: Mi̱ moy les giatí xekhnáō; @MickG: Greek (Mi̱ moy les giatí xekhnáō) + Italian (Non mi dir "Perché ti scordi?")
  412. Honte | 7/9/21 11:59 | video: Marre, video: E di + Marre (in case the other video isn't available for you);
  413. Moi je te promets | 12/9/21 12:45 | video: Beh-et ğôl mî-dam; @MickG: Persian (Beh-et ğôl mî-dam) + French (Moi je te promets) + Hindi (Vādā hūṃ kar'tā);
  414. Amami altrove | 26/9/21 0:52 | video: Alloý na m' agapás; @MickG: Greek (Alloý na m' agapás) + Italian (Altrove amami);
  415. Ciàpa la galéina | 28/9/21 15:11 | video: Ciàpa la galéina;
  416. Alceo?! | 3/10/21 2:16 | Translations to Italian in barbarous meters of Alcaeus Voigt 69 70 119 129 332 130b;
  417. Perdendo il cuore nel tuo amore | 16/10/21 1:50 | video: Tere pyārǝ meṅ; @MickG: Hindi (Tere pyārǝ meṅ) + Italian (Nel tuo amore);
  418. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever | 19/10/2021 9:51 | Random translations of dumb stuff (like a support chant for games on a CL vacation, or a toast song, or Cat's Valentine and owner's response);
  419. La primavera | 23/10/2021 0:21 | video: I̱ ánöxi̱; @MickG: Greek (I̱ ánöxi̱) + Italian (La primavera);
  420. Un tronchetto | 26/10/21 1:53 | video: Koytsoyráki;
  421. Ne t'cache pas | 30/10/21 12:11 | video: Mos u fsheh; @MickG: Albanian (Mos u fsheh) + French (Ne t' cache pas);
  422. Mandarinizations: half-way between a translation and the original | 2/11/2021 10:43 | Collection of all the Mandarinization of Min and Hakka songs I did in my second year of Chinese study;
  423. A-hue | 7/11/2021 0:35 | video: A-hue; @MickG: Min Nan (A-hue) + Mandarin (Āhuā);
  424. Rouge profond | 9/11/2021 1:13:01 | video: Kókkino vathý, video: Kókkino vathý (train mix);
  425. Libero uccello | 13/11/2021 23:54 | video: To poylí; @MickG: Greek (To poylí) + Italian (L'uccello);
  426. Terre et ciel | 16/11/2021 15:53 | video: Gi̱ kä oyranós;
  427. Balla un po' | 21/11/2021 1:59 | video: Ājǝ nācǝ le; @MickG: Hindi (Ājǝ nācǝ le) + Italian (Oggi balla un po');
  428. Easter 1916, Yeats surprise | 23/11/2021 18:43(:01) | Easter 1916, by W.B. Yeats;
  429. Eccoti | 28/11/2021 18:01 | video: Eccoti; @MickG: Italian (Eccoti) + Chinese (Nǐ zài zhèr);
  430. Iroha | 11/12/2021 22:32 | Iroha poem; @MickG: Japanese (Iroha uta) + Italian (Iroha) + English (Iroha poem);
  431. Quando conveniunt | 18/12/2021 23:04 | Just watch the video; @MickG: Latin (Quando conveniunt) + Italian (Quando s'incontran), then Latin alone in different version;
  432. Incompleta ac forsan inedita | 16/1/21 12:46 | My incomplete and/or unpublished, or discarded, translations;
  433. The Disco beat | 22/1/22 14:49 | The song is not found online, not even the lyrics; @MickG: English (The disco beat) + Italian (Il ritmo della disco) + Chinese (Dīsīkǒu de jiézòu);
  434. John Milton: another lost translation | 25/1/22 12:09 | John Milton, Sonnet 19;
  435. Un paio di classicate accoppiate a caso | 19/2/22 14:18 | Ovid, Metamorphoses, I 1-4, Callimachus 25;
  436. A few little songs of mine | 22/2/2022 0:08; @MickG: A few little songs of mine | Un po' di mie canzoncine (contains all 4 songs, in English and Italian, and with history and anecdotes);
  437. Pepito di Mallorca | 22/3/2022 11:44 | video: Pepito di Maiorca;
  438. Un bacio a mezzanotte | 30/4/2022 12:33 | video: Un bacio a mezzanotte;
  439. C'est la vie | 14/5/2022 15:19 | video: Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱; @MickG: Greek (Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱) + English (That's how life goes on) + Albanian (Jeta është k'shtu);
  440. La mamma mi diceva | 5/7/22 14:13 | video: La mamma mi diceva;
  441. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | 30/7/22 15:58 | I cosi beđđi s'hann'a talïari, Il letto è una rosa, Chi è causa del suo mal pianga se stesso;
  442. A couple translations of Troubadour poems | 5/8/22 1:05 | Farai un vers de dreit nien stanzas 1-2, Chantars no pot gaire valer stanza 1;
  443. Un'avventura | 13/8/22 1:23 | video: Un'avventura; @MickG: Italian (Un'avventura) + Chinese (Yī ge qíyù);
  444. Rosa fresca aulentissima | 16/8/22 12:10 | Rosa fresca aulentissima (contrasto di Cielo D'Alcamo, prima strofa);
  445. Three blind mice | 20/8/22 0:02 | video: Three blind mice; @MickG: English (Three blind mice) + Chinese (Sān ge mángmù de shǔ) + Min Nan (Sann ê tshenn-mê--ê tshú) + Albanian (Tre minj t' verbër);
  446. Un po' di indovinelli | A bunch of riddles | 27/8/22 1:51 | Three Romagnolo riddles (for now);
  447. Romaria (pellegrinaggio) | 15/10/22 1:31 | video: Romaria; @MickG:
    1. Portuguese (Romaria) + outdated Italian (Pellegrinaggio) (old interpretation);
    2. Romaria: traduzione e commento (commentary in Italian);
    3. Portuguese (Romaria) + outdated Greek (Proskýni̱ma) (old interpretation);
    4. Romaria: commento | commentary (bilingual updated commentary);
    5. Portuguese (Romaria) + Italian (Pellegrinaggio) + Greek (Proskýni̱ma) + Chinese (Cháoshèng);
    6. Portuguese (Romaria) + Spanish (Romería) + English (Pilgrimage) + Japanese (Junrê);
  448. Miracolosa regina | 22/10/22 14:54 | video: Miraculosa rainha dos céus; @MickG: Portuguese (Miraculosa Rainha dos Céus) + Italian (Miracolosa Regina dei Ciel);
  449. Old mother Hubbard | 5/11/22 12:45 | video: Old mother Hubbard; @MickG: English (Old mother Hubbard) + Italian (Mamma Vincenza);
  450. We are the champions 12/11/22 14:51 | video: We are the champions; @MickG: English (We are the champions) + Italian (Siamo i campioni);
  451. Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity) | 3/12/22 15:49 | video: Balada da caridade; @MickG: Portuguese (Balada da caridade) + Greek (Mpalánta ti̱s filanthrōpías), Portuguese (Balada da caridade) + Italian (Ballata della carità) + Chinese (Císhàn de duǎngē);
  452. Que vivas | 7/12/22 23:52 | video: Na zí̱sës; @MickG: Greek (Na zí̱sës) + Spanish (Que vivas) + Portuguese (Que vivas);
  453. Mele Kalikimaka: a mere tweak | 24/12/22 14:40 | video: Mele Kalikimaka; @MickG: English + Latin (Mele Kalikimaka);
  454. Il nostro cuore | 7/1/23 12:47 | video: Il nostro cuore non si è perduto; @MickG: Italian (Il nostro cuore non si è perduto) + Greek (Η καρδιά μας δε χάθηκε);
  455. Maria Isabel | 14/1/23 15:14 | video: María Isabel; @MickG: Maria Isabel;
  456. Mi fiesta | 4/2/23 12:49 | video: Minha festa; @MickG: Portuguese (Minha festa) + Spanish (Mi fiesta) + Greek (I̱ giortí̱ moy) + Sicilian (La mè festa), Portuguese (Minha festa) + Greek (I̱ giortí̱ moy) + Albanian (Festa ime);
  457. Do you hear the people sing? | 18/3/23 0:56 | video: Do you hear the people sing?; @MickG: English (Do you hear the people sing?) + Chinese (Tīng dào rénmen chàng gē ma?) + Greek (Tragoydán - t' akoýs esý?);
  458. Random religious translations | 25/3/23 0:00 | Three church hymns I am not willing to dig up online;
  459. Mantle of lilies | 1/4/23 0:55 | video: Manto de açucenas; @MickG: Portuguese (Manto de açucenas) + Greek (Mandýa krínōn) + Italian (Manto di gigli), Portuguese (Manto de açucenas) + Spanish (Manto de azucenas) + English (Mantle of lilies);
  460. Dove sei? | 22/4/23 1:59 | video: Seigneur, où es-Tu?; @MickG: French (Seigneur où es-Tu?) + Chinese (Tiānzhǔ Nǐ zài nǎlǐ?) + Italian (Signore dove sei?);
  461. Shipping Sappho overseas (or over Eurasia) | 5/6/23 18:12 (forgot to post it two days ago on Sat) | Collection/Laboratory of Sappho-inspired Chinese songs; recordings of them @MickG:
    1. Ἐπὶ τὸ στεφαναπλόκην | Riguardo all'intrecciare ghirlande
    2. 刮大风时 Guà dà fēng shí | Strong winds blowing
  462. Se tu fossi (ovvero Nuovo Cinema Paradiso) | 22/7/2023 19:43 | video: Se tu fossi; @MickG: Italian (Se tu fossi) + Greek (An í̱soyn);
  463. Kalinifta (Buonanotte) | 12/8/23 0:39 | video: Kalinifta (1), video: Calinifta (2); @MickG: Griko (Matinata (Kalinifta)) + Italian (Serenata (Buonanotte)+ French (Sérénade (Bonne nuit))
  464. [OOP]Unfinished non-work projects Aug-Dec 2023 | 15/8/23 17:45;
  465. Personale | 2/9/23 0:43 | video: Prosōpikó; @MickG: Greek (Prosōpikó) + Italian (Personale) + French (Personnel);
  466. Che siano una sola cosa | 16/9/23 0:45 | video: Che siano una sola cosa; @MickG: Italian (Che siano una sola cosa) + Greek (Νά ‘ναι όλοι όλα ένα);
  467. Life goes on, bra | 30/9/23 1:55 | video: Ob-la-di ob-la-da; @MickG: English (Ob-la-di ob-la-da) + Greek (Ο-μπλα-ντί ο-μπλα-ντά) + Italian (O-bla-di o-bla-da);
  468. Azzurro | 8/10/23 11:30 with DUMBFAIL 11:28 | video: Azzurro; @MickG: Italian (Azzurro) + English (Azure);
  469. Leone | 7/11/23 0:05 | video: Mbube;
  470. Gli Hakka devono avere canti propri | 18/11/23 2:07 | video: Yâu-kwún pa! San-ko; @MickG: Hakka (Yâu-kwún pa! San-ko (Hak-ka nyîn òi yìu tshìi-ka kè ko)) + Italian (Vai di rock'n'roll! Canzone di montagna (Gli Hakka devono avere canzoni proprie));
  471. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō | 21/11/23 0:07 | Anthology of Sappho translated to Japanese chôka poems;
  472. Il ballo del qua-qua | 25/11/23 0:07 | video: Il ballo del qua-qua; @MickG: Italian (Il ballo del qua-qua) + Greek (Ο χορός του πα-πα-πα);
  473. MickConlangs | 2/12/23 0:00 | Script for my video about my attempts at conlanging during high school; @MickG: MickConlangs;
  474. Ave Maria, splendore del mattino | 9/12/23 0:36 | video: Ave Maria, splendore del mattino; @MickG: Italian (Ave Maria, splendore del mattino) + Spanish (Ave María, esplendor de la mañana) + Chinese (Wànfú Mǎlìyà, wànfú límíng de huīhuáng);
  475. Timoniere | 23/12/23 16:00 | video: Timoneiro; @MickG: Portuguese (Timoneiro) + Chinese (Duòshǒu) + Italian (Timoniere);
  476. Nulla ti turbi | 25/12/23 15:56 | video: Nada te turbe; @MickG: Spanish (Nada te turbe) + Italian x2 (Nulla ti turbi) + English (May nothing upset you);
  477. Pianto | 30/12/23 0:38 | video: Klama (Andra mu pai); @MickG: Griko (O ándra mu pái) + Italian (Il mio uomo va via);
  478. [OOP]Unfinished non-work projects Jan-Jun 2024 | 31/12/23 13:32;
  479. Tu sei il solo mio tesor | 1/1/24 1:21 | video: Esí temón to akrivón; @MickG: Pontic (Esí temón to akrivón) + Italian (Tu sei il solo mio tesor);
  480. Gentle Annie | 6/1/24 0:03 | video: Gentle Annie; @MickG: English (Gentle Annie) + Italian (Dolce Annina);
  481. Morto dentro | 20/1/24 0:14 | video: Apó mésa pethaménos; @MickG: Greek (Apó mésa pethaménos) + Italian (Morto dentro), Italian remake (Morto dentro);
  482. Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene | 23/1/24 23:00 | Homeric openings (Il. I 1-7, Od. I 1-10) and song of the Sirens (Od. XII 184-191); @MickG: Mick Gorro e i Classici: Proemi Omerici e Canto delle Sirene;
  483. A cover for Sappho translations | 30/1/24 16:53 | The cover I came up with for my Sappho fragments files, as well as part of my opening for @Ψ videos; @MickG: A cover for Sappho translations | Una copertina per traduzioni di Sappho;
  484. The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in music | 17/2/24, 20:45 | History of my tune for the poem in the title, and text of the poem (and eventually Italian translation thereof);
  485. Woe in far-away lands | 23/3/24 0:09 | Combo of @ATajuddin poems made and musicated by me; @MickG: Woe in far-away lands;
  486. Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu | 6/3/24 0:27 | Anthology of Sappho translated to Sicilian in barbarous meter; @MickG: Saffu in Siçilianu;
  487. Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō | 9/4/2024 14:22 | Collection of all the English translations in 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō which ended up metrical, one on purpose, the others probably randomly;
  488. Incuntřai na picciutteđđa | 23/4/2024 15:33 | video: All'autřa jeri (my video); @MickG: Sicilian (All'aitřa jeri) + Italian (L'altro ieri);
  489. [OOP]Unfinished non-work projects Jul-Dec 2024 | 7/7/24 0:33;
  490. Saffo in metrica barbara | 13/7/24 3:51 | Italian barbarous meter edition of Sappho, collab with Mattia Calcagno;
  491. Romagna mia | 28/7/24 23:36 | video: Romagna mia; @MickG: Italian (Romagna mia) + Chinese (Qīn'ài Luómǎniè) + Japanese (Wa ga Romānya);