Friday, 26 October 2040

Index by languages

I thought it would be nice to have an index by source and target language of the translations, and here it is. For reasons of space, I'll use language codes where available, and not distinguish between dialects of Hakka. I will also not distinguish between different Italian dialects in the same macrogroup, so Pescarese and Sanbenedettino will be under Neapolitan, and Aquilan, if I ever need it, will be under Romanesco, and Reggio-Calabrian is under Sicilian. Italiot Greek will, however, be treated as a separate language, not sure which code it will have, maybe grk? To figure out the codes, you can try Wiktionary, or just open a post from one of the lists related to the language.
Each cell shows the number of items for the respective language pairs. For example, in the English-Italian cell, we are counting 28 because we have 15 poems, 8 songs, 3 random thingies, and 2 hymns, for a total of 28. Even if an item has more than one translation, it still counts as 1. Hovering on a number, the list of posts related to that language pair will appear, and the multi-item posts will always show the number of items in them. The indices can be found at the bottom of the page, if someone wants to consult them without having to hover over the numbers in the tables. This is the goal, at least, and is a very long process that will stay partially done for ages.
Note that there are a few posts with tens of translations, most of them not "artistic", only Chinese Poetic Sappho (grc-zh) has poetic ones. The posts are Safo: Poemas (grc-es), Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta (grc-el), All the Chinese songs I have met (zh-it, zh-en, yue-it, yue-en, min-it, min-en, hak-it, hak-en, teo-it, tws-en), All the Indonesian songs I have met (id-en), and their Japanese and Korean equivalents (ja-it, ja-en, ko-en) when I get around to making them. I am not even counting Mandarinizations: half-way between a translation and the original and Despacito: a ton of versions as listable items. The intention is to mark the cells where one such post appears with a + after a number that doesn't count the translations in those posts. So for example the Mandarin-Italian cell will say 21+, and the translations in All the Chinese songs I have met are to be added to that 21. I formerly had 21+N, but it makes the cells too wide, or two-line.
This may not be up to date. Update history follows.
  1. Indeed, between posting it on 26/5/19 [23:43] and doing its checkup on 24/8/19 [23:06], I never touched it. So that date is probably how up-to-date it is :).
  2. OK, on 14/10/19 I decided to do another update, and I will also add a list of posts with no translations right below here, before the tables. [The update was actually on 15/10/19 0:31.]
  3. On 17/11/19 [23:23] I had a moment of spare time, and I decided I'd give this bad boy another update.
  4. On 25/1/20 [14:06] I finally updated this once again.
  5. The next update was on Holy Saturday, 11/4/20, and carrying over to 1:00 of Easter Sunday: Happy Easter y'all! [Three rounds: 18:06, 19:48, and 12/4/20 1:04.]
  6. Next update 27/6/20 [20:00].
  7. Next update 13/8/20 [12:48].
  8. Then 11/10/20 [22:24], when the material was already over.
  9. Then 11/11/20 [17:14].
  10. Then 22/11/20 [15:20].
  11. Then 7/12/20 [12:30], when I finally made this history a numbered list :);
  12. Then 23/1/21 [22:57].
  13. Then 20/2/21 [18:35].
  14. Then 21/3/21 [23:05:58.5].
  15. Then 24/3/21 [16:57].
  16. Then 1/5/21 [19:48].
  17. Then 8/5/21 [18:08].
  18. Then 22/5/21 [23:46].
  19. Then 5/6/21 [19:36].
  20. Then 12/6/21 [19:21].
  21. Then 19/6/21 [19:06].
  22. Then 20/6/21, but only because it was past midnight when I got to adding the new translation to this post [0:31 to be exact].
  23. Then 21/6/21, but only because it was past midnight when I got to adding the new translation to this post [1:16 to be exact].
  24. Then 3/7/21 [22:59].
  25. Then 11/7/21 [19:27].
  26. Then 24/7/21 [18:42].
  27. Then 1/8/21 [11:13], because by the time the video was ready it was bedtime and I updated this while uploading.
  28. Then 17/8/21 [23:50].
  29. Then 29/8/21 [23:19].
  30. Then 5/9/21 aka 4/9/21 past midnight [0:55 to be exact].
  31. Then 19/9/21 aka 18/9/21 past midnight [0:53 to be exact].
  32. Then 10/10/21 [23:48] aka super-delayed from 9/10/21.
  33. Then 1/11/21 [12:27].
  34. Then 6/11/21 shortly after midnight [0:02:01].
  35. Then 8/11/21 [16:19].
  36. Then 9/11/21, aka 8/11 after midnight (at 1:15 approx) [1:15:59 to be exact].
  37. Then 18/11/21, aka 17/11 after midnight (at 2am approx) [2:04 to be exact].
  38. Then 22/1/22 [14:52], where I updated things that should have been updated before this update.
  39. Then 29/1/22 [18:45].
  40. [Then 8/2/22 19:42, which was apparently a minor edit to remove «obsolete marking of Bella ciao contadina as unposted».]
  41. Then 5/3/22 [15:45].
  42. Then 22/3/22 [12:12].
  43. Then 14/5/22 [19:40].
  44. Then 15/6/22 [19:40].
  45. Then 6/8/22 [16:46].
  46. Then 2/11/22, bloody high time innit :). [Fb posts post says 1/11/22 17:03, confirmed by a post save frmo 1/11/22 17:01.]
  47. Then 24/12/22 [15:34], again, bloody high time innit :).
  48. Then 4/3/23 [1:03], once more, bloody high time innit :).
  49. Then 1/4/23 [14:38].
  50. Then 2/4/23 [18:10] to replace the Japanese and Portuguese columns of Table 3 with a Turkish row in Table 2, since Japanese-Turkish is the only pair from those columns not already in one of the other tables, and to remove the second Japanese row in Table 3.
  51. Then 8/4/23 [17:14].
  52. Then 24/6/23 at night [0:30 to be exact], and oh boy was it ever high time :).
  53. Then 14/8/23 at night [0:42 to be exact], and oh boy was… the number of additions surprisingly low :).
  54. Then 19/10/23 [16:56], also creating the Portuguese-Italian and Italian-Greek indices.
  55. Then 23/10/23 to create the Italian-Spanish, Portuguese-Spanish, Portuguese-Greek, Min-Greek, Min-Hindi, Japanese-Greek, Ancient Greek - Greek, Hindi-Italian, and Greek-Albanian indices, and then again for a technical tweak. Here's the full Fb posts post entry for this edit: «Updated Index by languages to replace (translation ignoring syllable weights, retranslation taking them into account) with (two translations) and convert the following cells to indices, 23/10/23 1:19 (indices) and 1:22 (the replacement). Italian-Spanish, Portuguese-Spanish, Portuguese-Greek, Min-Greek, Min-Hindi, Japanese-Greek, Ancient Greek - Greek, Hindi-Italian, Greek-Albanian».
  56. Then on 7/11/23 14:37, also adding timestamps to edit log, fixing its mismatches with the Fb posts post, editing the 19/10/23 entry above, and applying the ô and ê Japanese romanization style; but since I'm an idiot, I forget tonight's post "Leone", so I add it here and update the numbers of undrafted posts at 14:42;
  57. Then on 9/11/23 0:54, to place Stari Most below Unfinished work projects, add MickConlangs before Stari Most, fix spoilers that hid title and remove any trace of empty spoilers since they will never be used again, give reasonable dates to undrafted posts that had plan dates, and give Mbube its Zulu-Italian language pair;
  58. Then on 22/11/23 at 1:25, to [keep rows at consistent heights and columns at consistent widths,] overhaul the English-Italian cell of table 1 (cfr. here at a date within 21/11 to see what I mean by "overhaul") and add this weekend's post;
  59. Then on 22/11/23 at 16:29, to add the bracket to the previous item, reorder the post-bottom indices, and finish overhauling row 1 of table 1 (cfr. here at a date within 21/11 to see what I mean by "overhaul"); also, the heck was Che siano una sola cosa doing under French-Greek? Also updated the undrafted post numbers and added the Chôka anthology;
  60. Then on 23/11/23 at 0:43, to:
    1. Fix "video: Lela" to "song: Lela" in Galician-Italian hover menu and both Galician-X indices at post bottom;
    2. Add poem links in the overhauled row;
    3. Update Russian transliteration scheme to consistently no longer use ǎ for я etc.;
    4. Reduce the hover-divs' max width from the current 420px;
    5. Remove the part of the dropdown style script that causes linebreaks after every link, and reinstate the – and ; that I removed because of those linebreaks;
    6. Add the link for Blake's London which I forgot :);
    but it seems the previewer tricked me into thinking I needed to remove only one of two portions of code from that style script, so at 0:46 I remove the other one;
  61. Then on 1/12/23 at 1:26, to:
    1. Make sure multi-item posts in Index by Languages indices indicate the number of items in the post;
    2. Fix column widths;
    3. Fix up the intro, explaining this item thing there;
    4. Overhaul row 2 of table 1, pausing after one cell to hopefully reinstate all of the missing punctuation/séparés in the first row;
  62. Then on 2/12/23 at 1:14, to address the following:
    1. Close the edit log list at the end of the log (it previously left out an item, and still the code was OK for Blogger somehow);
    2. Italian-English cell has 21 items and El Grillo is not marked as a song;
    3. Italian column must be wider (and as a result of fixing that, many more will need that change :) );
    4. Cantonese-English cell has two "(Cantonese)" left, and Min Nan - English cell has two "(Min Nan)" left; also, the latter has 28 items, not 18;
  63. Then on 5/1/24 at 1:14, to update this and do some overhauling (Table 1, -French -German -Ukrainian rows);
  64. Then on 6/1/24 at 18:53, to address the following:
    1. Fix lã/go̊ to lã/gū in Conlang name;
    2. Widen Italian column;
    3. Overhaul single-translation rows of Table 1 (-Zulu -Irish -Romanian -Persian -Hungarian -Mende -Korean -Croatian -Arabic -Indonesian -Ancient Greek -Slovak), adding the link to the Ridi sol mio video to GrcIt and renaming any Min- index to Min Nan- in the process;
    4. Add in the new post Gentle Annie;
  65. Then on 17n/1/24 at 1:15, to address the following:
    1. Add Esí temón to akrivón Greek partial;
    2. Overhaul -Spanish -Portuguese rows of table 1;
    3. Add the explanation of the + cells;
    4. Overhaul -Romagnolo -Russian -Japanese -Latin -Sicilian -Turkish rows of table 1;
  66. Then on 1n/2/24 at 1:43, to address the following:
    1. Add the post Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene;
    2. Add the post A cover for Sappho translations;
    3. Add the post Morto dentro;
    4. Move Che siano una sola cosa from Greek-Italian to Italian-Greek;
    5. Overhaul -Chinese -Min Nan -Hindi -Czech -Hakka rows of table 1, and fixing the formating of Mandarin-Czech index during -Hindi;
  67. Then on 1/2/24 at 14:10 to:
    1. Finish overhauling table 1;
    2. Give more width to the Romagnolo column;
    3. Fix the headers Min Nan and Hakka to Min and Hak;
    4. Add the post Il ballo del qua-qua, somehow not here yet;
    5. Change Lingala to Lin and Teochew to Tws, and remove mention of Teochew's code uncertainty ("assuming Teochew is teo") from intro;
    6. Give some more padding to the Min column of table 1 and the first column of table 2;
  68. Then on 2/3/24 at 14:55 to fix the fact that Rosa fresca aulentissima is Old Neapolitan - Italian in the index but Italian - Italian in index by languages;
  69. Then on 18/5/24 at 1:40, also fixing the fact that Ciapa la galeina is Romagnolo and fixing any ``Spring dawn'' with that second capital;

List of non-translations:

  1. [OOP]Comments to my Sappho sources | 27/6/17 ~20:00;
  2. [OOP]The history of my translations | 1/7/17 14:53;
  3. [OOP]On my spelling and transliteration of Min, Hakka, and Teochew | 关于我写而拼写闽语和客话和潮州话的方法 | 8/8/17 ~17:38;
  4. [OOP]Ortografia Siculo-Calabra | 26/8/17 ~14:34;
  5. [OOP]Sulla mia ortografia del dialetto Romagnolo di Russi | 14/9/17 ~11:17;
  6. [OOP]Blog index | 30/9/17 ~12:58;
  7. [OOP]A few papyri transcribed | 7/12/2017 ~17:49:45 | Collection of papyri transcriptions;
  8. [OOP]Sappho Comparative Numbering Table | 12/9/18 22:08;
  9. [OOP]Posts on the blog's Facebook page | 26/10/18 20:57;
  10. [OOP]Index by languages | 26/5/19 23:43;
  11. [OOP]On spelling and transliteration | 16/8/20 15:28 | Me explaining how all my spelling and transliteration systems work;
  12. [OOP]Unfinished non-work projects Aug-Dec 2013 | 15/8/23 17:45;
  13. [OOP]Unfinished non-work projects 2024 | 31/12/23 13:32;
  14. The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in music | 17/2/24, 20:45 | History of my tune for the poem in the title, and text of the poem (and eventually Italian translation thereof);
  15. Woe in far-away lands | 23/3/24 0:09 | Combo of @ATajuddin poems made and musicated by me; @MickG: Woe in far-away lands;
  16. [UNDRAFTED, 474 for now]MickConlangs | 2/12/2023 | Description of my three attempts at conlanging, plus an extra;
  17. [UNDRAFTED, 475 for now]Stari Most and its horrors | Description of the mess that is the album Stari Most by the band Piccola Banda Ikona;

List of unclassifiable translations:

  1. INCOMPLETE/UNPUBLISHED TRANSLATIONS: Incompleta ac forsan inedita;
  2. Post 336 "[WIP]Despacito: a ton of versions" is a bunch of versions of Despacito with Italian and English literal translations and any other translation I made of them, but since those other translations are all posted separately, I only mention this post here.
  3. Post 335 "Adèss fa' sito" starts as a mix of Italian and Bergamasco (a variety of Lombard), and gets translated into the same mix (more or less) of Mandarin and Hokkien.
  4. Post 361 Love - când kô starts as a mix of Urdu and English and gets translated into swapped languages.
  5. Post 380 Problems starts as a mix of Lingala and Acholi, the Lingala gets translated both into Spanish and into Arabic, and the Acholi becomes Urdu, and all of that is mixed together in a hodgepodge of languages.
  6. Post 406 Vasa Miskin has a chorus in French translated to English, but the verses are somewhat mysterious; my reading is that they're "bombed Croatian", that is Croatian purposefully deformed to recreate the effect of a bombing, a thing I reproduced in my "bombed Italian" translation, meaning I think I found the originals (which are included in the lyrics), and translated them to Italian and then "bombed" them; someone else on Quora thinks it's a bizarre Croatian dialect with some loanwords, and gave a partial translation attempt which I continued working on in my video of the song, but we still have a translation for only verse 1, and with one and a half words missing; and another Quoran says «nope, cannot be a Croatian dialect, I think it's actually bombed as you say».
  7. Post 422 Mandarinizations: half-way between a translation and the original | Collection of all the Mandarinization of Min and Hakka songs I did in my second year of Chinese study;
  8. [UNDRAFTED, INCOMPLETE, 478 for now] "My kind is mankind" | Mix of 4 poems, 3 in English and one in Urdu, all by ATajuddin; I combined the poems into a 4-speaker dialog and am currently setting it to music and translating it from English/Urdu to French/English;

Index of translations I may or may not one day include in the table because they are from a language that doesn't have a column yet:
  1. Punjabi-French (pnj-fr): Mon amour | video: Soh'ṇīā sajjanā sajjanā;
  2. Turkish-English (tr-en): The taste of love | video: Tadı sevdanın;
  3. Zulu-English (zl-en): Freedom | video: Uhuru
  4. Zulu-Italian (zl-it): Your love | video: Your Love;
  5. Romagnolo-Lombard (rgn-lmo): Ciàpa la galéina | video: Ciàpa la galéina;
  6. Griko-Italian (grk-it): Kalinifta (Buonanotte) | video: Kalinifta (1), video: Calinifta (2);
  7. Griko-French (grk-fr): Kalinifta (Buonanotte) | video: Kalinifta (1), video: Calinifta (2);
  8. Zulu-Italian (zl-it): Leone | video: Mbube;
  9. Griko-Italian (grk-it): Pianto | video: Klama (Andra mu pai);;
  10. Pontic-Italian (pont-it): Tu sei il solo mio tesor | video: Esí temón to akrivón;
  11. Pontic-Greek (pont-el, partial): Tu sei il solo mio tesor | video: Esí temón to akrivón;
  12. Albanian-Romanesco (sq-rmn): Ne t'hâte pas | video: Mos u ngut';
  13. Chinese-Heĺno/vľna lä/gū (zh-hnl): Why can I not move you?! | video: Gǎndòng tiān gǎndòng dì;

Table 1

Source → Target ↓

Table 2

Source → Target ↓
Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget (four lines made as of 24/12/22 15:15)

Table 3

Target ↓ Source →
Viens-tu donc? (by lyricstranslate user Kamil-A), Te

Index of Albanian-French translations

  1. Te | video: Ty; @MickG: Gheg Albanian (Ty) + Italian (Te) + French (Toi);
  2. Quand nous nous aimions | video: Kur jemi dasht';
  3. Ne t' hâte pas | video: Mos u ngut';
  4. Viens-tu donc? | video: A po vjen?;
  5. Quanto t'ho amato | video: Sa t' kôm dasht';
  6. Larmes | video: Loti;
  7. Jaloux | video: Xheloz;
  8. Honte (Gheg) | video: Marre, video: E di + Marre (in case the other video isn't available for you);
  9. Ne t' cache pas | video: Mos u fsheh;

Index of Albanian-Italian translations

  1. Amica | video: Mike;
  2. Briciole d'amore | video: Thërrime dashurie:
  3. Profumo d'arancia | video: Aromë portokalli;
  4. Te | video: Ty; @MickG: Gheg Albanian (Ty) + Italian (Te) + French (Toi);
  5. Table of sadness | video: Tavolina e mërzis';
  6. Volpetta | video: Kunadhe;
  7. Ne t'hâte pas | video: Mos u ngut';
  8. Mentirai? | video: A ki mê rrejt'?;
  9. Il mio nome chiamato hai | video: Êmrin ma kê thirr'; @MickG: Gheg Albanian (Êmrin ma kê thirr') + Italian (Il mio nome chiamato hai);
  10. Le rose | video: Drandofilat;
  11. Quanto t'ho amato | video: Sa t' kôm dasht';
  12. Eternità | video: Përjet'si;
  13. La mia vita | video: Jeta ime;
  14. Il mio posto | video: Vendi im;
  15. Poco a poco | video: Pak nga pak;
  16. Solo un po' | video: Veç një pik';
  17. Molto è cambiato | video: Gjërat kan' ndryshuar; @MickG: Albanian (Gjërat kan' ndryshuar) + Italian (Molto è cambiato);

Index of Ancient Greek-English translations

  1. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Sappho 31 (E 2 LP 31 C 31);
  2. Hector and Andromacha | Sappho 44 (E 63+66, LP 44, C 44);
  3. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Epigrams from Herodotus;
  4. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 143, C 157D; E 144, C 158D; E 145, C 159; E 103, C 140(a);
  5. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C 1);
  6. Sappho: two divine epiphanies | Sappho 2 (E 4+6, LP 2, C 2), E 40 LP 17 C 17;
  7. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 37 LP 15 C 15, E 36 LP 5 C 5;
  8. An apparent captatio benevolentiæ (Sappho?) | C test. 8 (cfr. Greek Wikisource Απόσπασμα 26);
  9. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 148 (part 1) LP 111 C 111, E 154 ll. 1-3 (4-6 invented) LP 110a C 110(a), E "155,156"+158 LP 112 C 112, E 160 LP 117 C 117, E 161 LP 115 C 115, E 163 LP 113 C 113, E 162 LP 116 C 116, LP 161 C 161, E 128 LP 126 C 126;
  10. Let’s sing for the couple! | Sappho E 47 LP 30 C 30;
  11. Even gods celebrate marriages | Sappho E 146 LP 141 C 141(a)+(b);
  12. Morn is nigh | Sappho E 65 LP 43 C 43;
  13. Sing to me, o lyre | Sappho E 80 LP 118 C 118;
  14. I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… | Sappho E 48 LP 49 C 49, E 81 LP 130+131 C 130+131;
  15. O Atthis! | Sappho E 86 LP 96 C 96
  16. Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction | Sappho E 45 LP 22 part 2 C 22 part 2;
  17. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16);
  18. Ode to a beautiful woman | Sappho E 44 LP 23 C 23;
  19. I want to have died | Sappho 94 (E 83 LP 94 C 94), Athenaeus quote integrated into Sappho 94 translated separately;
  20. I wish to visit the underworld | E 85 LP 95 C 95;
  21. Love and grief | Sappho E 124+22 LP 129 C 129(a)+(b), E 98 LP 57 C 57, E 13+15 LP 26 C 26, E 52 LP 51 C 51, E 54 LP 47 C 47;
  22. The moon has set | Midnight Poem (Sappho E 111 C 168B);
  23. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 3 LP 34 C 34, E 112 LP 154 C 154, E 114 LP inc. 16 C inc. 16;
  24. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 152 LP Alc. 304 C 44A, E 140 LP 142 C 142, E 97 LP 166 C 166, E 5 LP 35 C 35, E 24 LP inc. 23 C inc. 23, E 69 LP 54 C 54;
  25. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 53 LP 52 C 52, E 72 LP 56 C 56, E 108 LP 150 C 150, LP 71 C 71, LP inc. 22 C 139, E 137 LP 158 C 158, E 74 LP 120 C 120, E 35 LP 3 C 3, E 58 LP 50 C 50, E 100 LP 148 C 148, E 51 LP inc. 5 v. 2 C inc. 5(a), E 99 LP 121 C 121, E 78 LP 145 C 145, G. Chaucer's Balade de bon conseyl;
  26. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 67 LP 125 C 125, E 118 LP 58 C 58, E 42 LP 21 C 21, E 43 LP 24(a) C 24(a), E 46 LP 27 C 27;
  27. Different nostalgia: daughter is far away | Sappho E 130 LP 132 C 132, LP 98(a)+(b) C 98(a)+(b);
  28. Children’s songs! | video: Tingelingelinge tåget går, video: Mors lilla Olle, video: Trasiga Trasse, video: Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo (Year 1 song 53), Sappho E 142 LP inc. 25, C inc. 25;
  29. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 71 LP 55 C 55, E 10 LP 32 C 32, E 76 LP 147 C 147, Edmond Spenser, One day I wrote her name upon the strand;
  30. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13, E 9 LP 33 C 33;
  31. A prayer to avert stormy journeys | Sappho E 41 LP 20 C 20;
  32. The joys of friendship | Sappho E 120 LP 138 C 138, E 89 LP 48 C 48;
  33. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | Sappho E 29 LP 163 C 163, video: Guá ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37); Min Nan (Guá ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí) + Italian (Nel mio cuor tu sola stai) (it's song number 4/4);
  34. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion | Sappho E 14 LP 41 C 41, video: Nǐ shì wǒ xiōngkǒu yǒngyuǎn de tòng (Year 2 song 17);
  35. The rest of Sappho;
  36. I don't want to get rich | video: Oyk ethélō ploýtein;
  37. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages;
  38. Sappho in "pop" culture | Far too many videos to show here;
  39. A cover for Sappho translations | Cover of my Sappho fragments files;
  40. Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō | Six accidental metrical translations of Sappho to English found in 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō;

Index of Ancient Greek-German translations

  1. Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia);
  2. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C 1);
  3. O Atthis! | Sappho E 86 LP 96 C 96
  4. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages;

Index of Ancient Greek - Greek translations

  1. Σαπφούς άπαντα (prose translations) | Modern Greek edition of Sappho;
  2. Sappho in "pop" culture | video: Sappho's Ode to Aphrodite (Hymn to Aphrodite, sung), video: Kélomai se, Goggýla (Gongyla, Khatzidákis), video: Yménaon (aka Pròs tḕn parthenían (1.A.vii), Avaton), video: Tais emais etairais (Avaton) (mashup of Ode to Anactoria (ll. 7-8), I wish I was dead (ll. 2-3), Dearest offspring (ll. 21-22 + τ' ἐξ ἀδοκήτω)), video: Aeríon epéon (aka Ex adokítō, Avaton mashup of I spoke to Aphrodite in a dream (1.F.ii), Sing to me o lyre, From airy words (4.ccvii));
  3. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages | "Two opinions" aka LP 51;
  4. Atela | video: Atela;

Index of Ancient Greek-Italian translations

  1. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Sappho 31 (E 2 LP 31 C 31);
  2. Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia);
  3. Hector and Andromacha | Sappho 44 (E 63+66, LP 44, C 44);
  4. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Epigrams from Herodotus;
  5. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 143, C 157D; E 144, C 158D; E 145, C 159; E 103, C 140(a);
  6. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C 1);
  7. Sappho: two divine epiphanies | Sappho 2 (E 4+6, LP 2, C 2), E 40 LP 17 C 17;
  8. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 37 LP 15 C 15, E 36 LP 5 C 5;
  9. An apparent captatio benevolentiæ (Sappho?) | C test. 8 (cfr. Greek Wikisource Απόσπασμα 26);
  10. Una versione… poetica | Menander, Theophoroumene, fr. 1;
  11. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 148 (part 1) LP 111 C 111, E 154 ll. 1-3 (4-6 invented) LP 110a C 110(a), E "155,156"+158 LP 112 C 112, E 160 LP 117 C 117, E 161 LP 115 C 115, E 163 LP 113 C 113, E 162 LP 116 C 116, LP 161 C 161, E 128 LP 126 C 126;
  12. Let’s sing for the couple! | Sappho E 47 LP 30 C 30;
  13. Even gods celebrate marriages | Sappho E 146 LP 141 C 141(a)+(b);
  14. Morn is nigh | Sappho E 65 LP 43 C 43;
  15. Sing to me, o lyre | Sappho E 80 LP 118 C 118;
  16. I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… | Sappho E 48 LP 49 C 49, E 81 LP 130+131 C 130+131;
  17. O Atthis! | Sappho E 86 LP 96 C 96
  18. Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction | Sappho E 45 LP 22 part 2 C 22 part 2;
  19. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16);
  20. Ode to a beautiful woman | Sappho E 44 LP 23 C 23;
  21. I want to have died | Sappho 94 (E 83 LP 94 C 94), Athenaeus quote integrated into Sappho 94 translated separately;
  22. I wish to visit the underworld | E 85 LP 95 C 95;
  23. Love and grief | Sappho E 124+22 LP 129 C 129(a)+(b), E 98 LP 57 C 57, E 13+15 LP 26 C 26, E 52 LP 51 C 51, E 54 LP 47 C 47;
  24. The moon has set | Midnight Poem (Sappho E 111 C 168B);
  25. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 3 LP 34 C 34, E 112 LP 154 C 154, E 114 LP inc. 16 C inc. 16;
  26. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 152 LP Alc. 304 C 44A, E 140 LP 142 C 142, E 97 LP 166 C 166, E 5 LP 35 C 35, E 24 LP inc. 23 C inc. 23, E 69 LP 54 C 54;
  27. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 53 LP 52 C 52, E 72 LP 56 C 56, E 108 LP 150 C 150, LP 71 C 71, LP inc. 22 C 139, E 137 LP 158 C 158, E 74 LP 120 C 120, E 35 LP 3 C 3, E 58 LP 50 C 50, E 100 LP 148 C 148, E 51 LP inc. 5 v. 2 C inc. 5(a), E 99 LP 121 C 121, E 78 LP 145 C 145, G. Chaucer's Balade de bon conseyl;
  28. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 67 LP 125 C 125, E 118 LP 58 C 58, E 42 LP 21 C 21, E 43 LP 24(a) C 24(a), E 46 LP 27 C 27;
  29. Different nostalgia: daughter is far away | Sappho E 130 LP 132 C 132, LP 98(a)+(b) C 98(a)+(b);
  30. Children’s songs! | video: Tingelingelinge tåget går, video: Mors lilla Olle, video: Trasiga Trasse, video: Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo (Year 1 song 53), Sappho E 142 LP inc. 25, C inc. 25;
  31. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 71 LP 55 C 55, E 10 LP 32 C 32, E 76 LP 147 C 147, Edmond Spenser, One day I wrote her name upon the strand;
  32. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13, E 9 LP 33 C 33;
  33. A prayer to avert stormy journeys | Sappho E 41 LP 20 C 20;
  34. The joys of friendship | Sappho E 120 LP 138 C 138, E 89 LP 48 C 48;
  35. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | Sappho E 29 LP 163 C 163, video: Guá ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37); Min Nan (Guá ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí) + Italian (Nel mio cuor tu sola stai) (it's song number 4/4);
  36. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion | Sappho E 14 LP 41 C 41, video: Nǐ shì wǒ xiōngkǒu yǒngyuǎn de tòng (Year 2 song 17);
  37. The rest of Sappho;
  38. Ridi, sol mio | song: Γέλα, ἥλιέ μου (Gélā, hḗlié moy) (by me, 1:12-11:59);
  39. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages;
  40. Sappho in "pop" culture;
  41. Pleiadi;
  42. Alceo?!;
  43. Un paio di classicate accoppiate a caso | 19/2/22 14:18 | Ovid, Metamorphoses, I 1-4, Callimachus 25;
  44. Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene | Homer, Iliad, Book 1, 1-7; Odyssey, Book 1, 1-10; Odyssey, Book 12, 184-191;
  45. A cover for Sappho translations | Cover of my Sappho fragments files;

Index of Ancient Greek-Latin translations

  1. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Sappho 31 (E 2 LP 31 C 31);
  2. Un piccolo off-topic: Elena (Gorgia);
  3. Hector and Andromacha | Sappho 44 (E 63+66, LP 44, C 44);
  4. Epigrams at the Thermopylae | Epigrams from Herodotus;
  5. Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song | Sappho E 143, C 157D; E 144, C 158D; E 145, C 159; E 103, C 140(a);
  6. Hymn to Aphrodite | Ode to Aphrodite (E/LP/C 1);
  7. Sappho: two divine epiphanies | Sappho 2 (E 4+6, LP 2, C 2), E 40 LP 17 C 17;
  8. Sappho and her brother: two prayers | Sappho E 37 LP 15 C 15, E 36 LP 5 C 5;
  9. An apparent captatio benevolentiæ (Sappho?) | C test. 8 (cfr. Greek Wikisource Απόσπασμα 26);
  10. Una versione… poetica | Menander, Theophoroumene, fr. 1;
  11. Daily life: marriage songs | Sappho E 148 (part 1) LP 111 C 111, E 154 ll. 1-3 (4-6 invented) LP 110a C 110(a), E "155,156"+158 LP 112 C 112, E 160 LP 117 C 117, E 161 LP 115 C 115, E 163 LP 113 C 113, E 162 LP 116 C 116, LP 161 C 161, E 128 LP 126 C 126;
  12. Let’s sing for the couple! | Sappho E 47 LP 30 C 30;
  13. Even gods celebrate marriages | Sappho E 146 LP 141 C 141(a)+(b);
  14. Morn is nigh | Sappho E 65 LP 43 C 43;
  15. Sing to me, o lyre | Sappho E 80 LP 118 C 118;
  16. I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… | Sappho E 48 LP 49 C 49, E 81 LP 130+131 C 130+131;
  17. O Atthis! | Sappho E 86 LP 96 C 96
  18. Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction | 30/12/18 11:04 | Sappho E 45 LP 22 part 2 C 22 part 2;
  19. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth | 2/1/18 10:04 | Sappho 16 (E 38+39 LP 16 C 16);
  20. Ode to a beautiful woman | 6/1/18 9:08 | Sappho E 44 LP 23 C 23;
  21. I want to have died | 9/1/18, 8:24:08 | Sappho 94 (E 83 LP 94 C 94), Athenaeus quote integrated into Sappho 94 translated separately;
  22. I wish to visit the underworld | 13/1/18 9:12 | E 85 LP 95 C 95;
  23. Love and grief | 16/1/18 8:01 | Sappho E 124+22 LP 129 C 129(a)+(b), E 98 LP 57 C 57, E 13+15 LP 26 C 26, E 52 LP 51 C 51, E 54 LP 47 C 47;
  24. The moon has set | Midnight Poem (Sappho E 111 C 168B);
  25. The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder? | Sappho E 3 LP 34 C 34, E 112 LP 154 C 154, E 114 LP inc. 16 C inc. 16;
  26. Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths! | Sappho E 152 LP Alc. 304 C 44A, E 140 LP 142 C 142, E 97 LP 166 C 166, E 5 LP 35 C 35, E 24 LP inc. 23 C inc. 23, E 69 LP 54 C 54;
  27. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 53 LP 52 C 52, E 72 LP 56 C 56, E 108 LP 150 C 150, LP 71 C 71, LP inc. 22 C 139, E 137 LP 158 C 158, E 74 LP 120 C 120, E 35 LP 3 C 3, E 58 LP 50 C 50, E 100 LP 148 C 148, E 51 LP inc. 5 v. 2 C inc. 5(a), E 99 LP 121 C 121, E 78 LP 145 C 145, G. Chaucer's Balade de bon conseyl;
  28. Nostalgia for youth | Sappho E 67 LP 125 C 125, E 118 LP 58 C 58, E 42 LP 21 C 21, E 43 LP 24(a) C 24(a), E 46 LP 27 C 27;
  29. Different nostalgia: daughter is far away | Sappho E 130 LP 132 C 132, LP 98(a)+(b) C 98(a)+(b);
  30. Children’s songs! | video: Tingelingelinge tåget går, video: Mors lilla Olle, video: Trasiga Trasse, video: Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo (Year 1 song 53), Sappho E 142 LP inc. 25, C inc. 25;
  31. Memory and being remembered | Sappho E 71 LP 55 C 55, E 10 LP 32 C 32, E 76 LP 147 C 147, Edmond Spenser, One day I wrote her name upon the strand;
  32. A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho | 23/10/18 7:21 | Sappho E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13, E 9 LP 33 C 33;
  33. A prayer to avert stormy journeys | 27/10/18 10:32 | Sappho E 41 LP 20 C 20;
  34. The joys of friendship | Sappho E 120 LP 138 C 138, E 89 LP 48 C 48;
  35. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | Sappho E 29 LP 163 C 163, video: Guá ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37);
  36. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion | Sappho E 14 LP 41 C 41, video: Nǐ shì wǒ xiōngkǒu yǒngyuǎn de tòng (Year 2 song 17);
  37. Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles | Homer, Iliad, Book 1 (both prooemium and pestis);
  38. A truce is established | Homer, Iliad, part of Book 3;
  39. The man of many skills and the Sirens | Homer, Odyssey, beginning and song of the Sirens;
  40. The rest of Sappho;
  41. Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene | Homer, Iliad, Book 1, 1-7; Odyssey, Book 1, 1-10; Odyssey, Book 12, 184-191;
  42. A cover for Sappho translations | Cover of my Sappho fragments files;

Index of Cantonese-Czech translations

  1. Who am I without you?song: Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 (Year 1 song 31);

Index of Cantonese-English translations

  1. I have nothingsong: Jat1-mou4-so2-jau5 (Year 1 song 38);
  2. Heartachesong: Sam1-tung3 (Year 1 song 12);
  3. All the Chinese songs I have met | Collection of all the Chinese songs I've ever come across (+);
  4. How do I know you love me?song: Ngo5 jyu4-ho4 zi1-dou3 nei5 ngoi3 ngo5 (Year 1 song 13);
  5. Who am I without you?song: Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 (Year 1 song 31);
  6. Have I been deceived?song: Ngo5 siu3 ngo5 huk1 (Year 1 song 43);
  7. Can I stop loving you?song: Nang4-fau2 bat1 soeng2 nei5 (Year 1 song 44);
  8. The role of history (alias I chose to leave you, but let’s give it the same title)song: Gu3-si6 dik1 gok3-sik1 (Year 1 song 20);
  9. Maybe she's testing me… or maybe we should just partsong: Ho2-nang4 (Year 1 song 47);
  10. Waiting till my heartbreaksong: Dang2 nei5 dang2 dou3 ngo5 sam1-tung3 (Year 1 song 60);
  11. Memories and forgetfulnesssong: Gei3-dak1 mong4-gei3 (Year 2 song 111);
  12. Cannot love yousong: Ngoi3 bat1 hei2 (Year 2 song 76);
  13. Kisses that cause sadnesssong: Jyut6 man5 jyut6 soeng1-sam1 (Year 2 song 18);
  14. Lifelongsong: Gam1-sang1 gam1-sai3;
  15. Heart addictionsong: Sam1 jan5 (Year 1 song 17);
  16. A life has fallen into the darknesssong: Soeng6-dai3 jaa5 huk1-jap1 (Year 1 song 9);
  17. Walking onsong: Gai3-zuk6 hang4;

Index of Cantonese-French translations

  1. Who am I without you?song: Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4;

Index of Cantonese-Hindi translations

  1. Who am I without you?song: Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 (Year 1 song 31);

Index of Cantonese-Italian translations

  1. All the Chinese songs I have met | Collection of all the Chinese songs I've ever come across (+);
  2. Heart addictionsong: Sam1 jan5 (Year 1 song 17);
  3. Who am I without you?song: Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 (Year 1 song 31);

Index of Cantonese-Japanese translations

  1. Heart addictionsong: Sam1 jan5 (Year 1 song 17);

Index of English-Albanian translations

  1. Three blind micesong: Three Blind Mice;
  2. Life goes on, brasong: Ob-la-di ob-la-da;

Index of English-French translations

  1. Anywheresong: Anywhere;
  2. Earth Angelsong: Earth Angel;
  3. Life goes on, brasong: Ob-la-di ob-la-da;

Index of English-Modern Greek translations

  1. Do you hear the people sing?song: Do you hear the people sing?;
  2. Life goes on, brasong: Ob-la-di ob-la-da;

Index of English-Italian translations

  1. A sad moon – Sir Philip Sydney, With how sad steps o moon;
  2. True love – W. Shakespeare, Let me not to the marriage of true minds (Impediment admit);
  3. Partner’s beautiful… – W. Shakespeare, Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day;
  4. …lover, not so much – W. Shakespeare, My mistress’s eyes;
  5. Memory and being remembered – Edmond Spenser, One day I wrote her name upon the strand;
  6. Contrast: Donne’s reaction to parting – J. Donne, Valediction;
  7. Another poem by Donne – J. Donne, Batter my heart (religious sonnet);
  8. Romeo and Juliet – Balcony speech and other excerpts (5);
  9. A few last poemsLondon by Blake;
  10. Easter 1916, Yeats surpriseW.B. Yeats, Easter 1916;
  11. The Disco beat – The song is not found online, not even the lyrics;
  12. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever – Random translations of dumb stuff (3);
  13. John Milton: another lost translationJohn Milton, Sonnet 19;;
  14. A few little songs of mine (4);
  15. Old mother Hubbardsong: Old mother Hubbard;
  16. We are the championssong: We are the champions;
  17. Random religious translations (3);
  18. Life goes on, brasong: Ob-la-di ob-la-da;

Index of English-Japanese translations

  1. More than words | video: More than words;

Index of English-Hakka translations

  1. The sound of silence (translated by Ånton Xiè)song: The sound of silence;

Index of English-Latin translations

  1. Mele Kalikimaka: a mere tweaksong: Mele Kalikimaka;

Index of English-Mandarin translations

  1. More than wordssong: More than words;
  2. Anywheresong: Anywhere;
  3. The wonders of a dancesong: Cheek to cheek;
  4. The things that I seesong: The things that I see;;
  5. Peacesong: Peace (2:41-3:24);
  6. Leads to Himsong: Leads to Him (embedded in an article);
  7. It all fades awaysong: It all fades away;
  8. Home is following my thoughtsPoem mix: Home is following my thoughts;
  9. White Christmassong: White Christmas;
  10. Earth Angelsong: Earth Angel;
  11. The Disco beatsong: The disco beat (0:45-1:16);
  12. Three blind micesong: Three Blind Mice;
  13. Do you hear the people sing?song: Do you hear the people sing?;

Index of English-Min Nan translations

  1. Dreamssong: Dreams (4:33-6:25);
  2. Three blind micesong: Three blind mice;

Index of Finnish-Italian translations

  1. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | video: Wasurenaide;
  2. Magic winter | video: Taikatalvi;
  3. Polka di Eva | video: Ievan polkka;

Index of French-English translations

  1. A few last poems | Correspondances by Baudelaire;
  2. Soft wind | song: Vent fin;

Index of French-Italian translations

  1. Dove sei?song: Seigneur, où es-Tu?;

Index of French-Mandarin translations

  1. Soft windsong: Vent fin;
  2. A few last poems – Correspondances by Baudelaire;
  3. Dove sei?song: Seigneur, où es-Tu?;

Index of German-Czech translations

  1. Come, make me happyLied: Ständchen;

Index of German-French translations

  1. Rêvessong: Träume;

Index of German-Italian translations

  1. A few last poemsEllens dritter Gesang verse 1;

Index of German-Mandarin translations

  1. Come, make me happyLied: Ständchen;

Index of German-Min Nan translations

  1. GoodnightLied: Gute Nacht;

Index of Galician-English translations

  1. Don't leave me, Lelasong: Lela;

Index of Galician-Modern Greek translations

  1. Don't leave me, Lelasong: Lela;

Index of Galician-Italian translations

  1. Ombra nerasong: Negra sombra;
  2. Don’t leave me, Lelasong: Lela;

Index of Galician-Mandarin translations

  1. Ombra nerasong: Negra sombra;
  2. Don’t leave me, Lelasong: Lela;

Index of Galician-Portuguese translations

  1. Don't leave me, Lelasong: Lela;

Index of Galician-Spanish translations

  1. Don't leave me, Lelasong: Lela;

Index of Spanish-Hakka translations

  1. Razón de vivirsong: Razón de vivir;

Index of Spanish-Italian translations

  1. El Chipi Chipisong: El Chipi Chipi;
  2. María Isabelsong: María Isabel;
  3. Ave Maria, splendore del mattinoverse 2 of Ave María esplendor de la mañana (1:18-1:44);
  4. Nulla ti turbisong: Nada te turbe;

Index of Greek-Albanian translations

  1. Non so quanto ti amo | video: De xérō póso s' agapṓ;
  2. Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :) | video: Mia agápi̱ gia to kalokä́ri;
  3. You don't love me | video: Den me agapás, video 2: Den me agapás;
  4. C'est la vie | video: Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱;

Index of Modern Greek-French translations

  1. La ballade d'Ouri | video: I̱ mpalánta toy Oýri;
  2. Un soir qu'il pleuvait | video: Éna vrády poy 'vrekhe;
  3. Ne demande pas ça au ciel | video: Mi̱n to rōtás ton oyranó;
  4. Étoile polaire | video: T' astéri toy voriá;
  5. Sappho in "pop" culture | Far too many videos to show here;
  6. Rouge profond | video: Kókkino vathý, video: Kókkino vathý (train mix);
  7. Terre et ciel | video: Gi̱ kä oyranós;
  8. C'est la vie | video: Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱;
  9. Personale | 2/9/23 0:43 | video: Prosōpikó;

Index of Modern Greek-Italian translations

  1. Andiamo sulla luna! | video: Páme mia vólta sto feggári;
  2. Sorgi, luna | video: Ánapse kanoýrgio moy feggári;
  3. Ferma le lancette | video: Stamáti̱se toy rologioý toys dë́khtes;
  4. Dammi la tua bocca | video: Dṓse moy to stóma soy;
  5. Non so quanto ti amo | video: De xérō póso s' agapṓ;
  6. Ci amavamo | video: Agapiómastan;
  7. Per cacciar via le nuvole | video: Na diṓxō ta sýnnefa;
  8. Piano piano muori sola | video: Argosví̱nës móni̱;
  9. Nuvoletta | video: Synnefoýla;
  10. Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :) | video: Μια αγάπη για το καλοκαίρι | Mia agápi̱ gia to kalokä́ri;
  11. Favoletta mia | video: Παραμυθάκι μου | Paramytháki moy;
  12. Questo silenzio mi soffoca | video: Me pnígë toýti̱ i̱ siōpí̱;
  13. Io nata son sol per soffrir | video: Genní̱thi̱ka gia na ponṓ;
  14. Amore: lama a doppio taglio | video: Agápi̱ poy 'gines díkopo makhä́ri;
  15. Giorno tzigano | video: Gýftissa méra;
  16. La conchiglia | video: To kokhýli;
  17. I ragazzi giù in pianura | video: Ta pädiá kátō ston kámpo;
  18. I ragazzi giù in pianura - originale | video: Ta pädiá kátō ston kámpo;
  19. Vuoi un pasticcio? | video: Thes pastítsio?;
  20. Berrò la luna | Tha piō apópse to feggári;
  21. Terra straniera | Ti̱s xenitiás;
  22. Domenica nuvolosa | Synnefiasméni̱ kyriakí̱;
  23. Due porte ha la vita | video: Dyo pórtes ékhë i̱ zōí̱;
  24. Dammi un pochino di cielo | Dóse moy ligáki oyranó;
  25. Sappho in "pop" cultures includes various Modern Greek renditions of Sappho, with some Italian translations;
  26. Il patriota | O filópatris;
  27. Niente finisce | Típota den telëṓnë;
  28. Dove le dirò | Poý na ta pō;
  29. Ti amo | S' agapáō;
  30. Come il fiore di gardenia | San ti̱s gardénias ton anthó;
  31. Non chiedermi perché dimentico | Mi̱ moy les giatí xekhnáō;
  32. Amami altrove | Alloý na m' agapás;
  33. La primavera | video: I̱ ánöxi̱; @MickG: Greek (I̱ ánöxi̱) + Italian (La primavera);
  34. Un tronchetto | video: Koytsoyráki;
  35. Libero uccello | video: To poylí;
  36. C'est la vie | video: Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱;
  37. Personale | 2/9/23 0:43 | video: Prosōpikó;
  38. Morto dentrosong: Apó mésa pethaménos;

Index of German-English translations

  1. Ask the evening windsong: Frag den Abendwind;

Index of Hakka-Albanian translations

  1. Deep love stillsong: Chim-chim kài òi (Year 1 song 36);

Index of Hakka-English translations

  1. Deep love stillsong: Chim-chim kài òi (Year 1 song 36);
  2. Yet more heartache – the Hakka version (Year 1 song 41) is not on Youtube beside my own video… Hakka (Sim-thùng) + English (Heartache);
  3. All the Chinese songs I have met | Collection of all the Chinese songs I've ever come across (+);
  4. Why can I not move you?! – "Kám-thùng thien kám-thùng thì" not on Youtube AFAIK;
  5. Still no way to move yousong: Thien kám-thùng thì kám-thùng (Year 1 song 40);
  6. I think of you at sunsetsong: Nyit-thêu lȯk-san tiam sióng tó nyî (Year 1 song 50);
  7. So many starssong: Kin-pu-yà àn to sen (1:11-1:56) (Year 4 song 7);
  8. A daughter to “get rid of”song: Láu-mòi A-fa (Year 1 song 57);
  9. Waiting till my heartbreaksong: Tén nyî tén táu ngâi sim-thùng (Year 6 song 10);
  10. Roosters vs. hens – Kai-kung vs. kai-mâ (Music of Stoney, I only have an audio clip, Year 7 song 17);
  11. No smoking!song: Yen-tsái ko (Year 1 song 46);
  12. If there wasn’t him?song: Hè-kóng mô kî-sâ nyî òi ngâi mô ná (Year 3 song 87), song: Yu-kwó hè mô kî nyî hân òi ngâi mô (Year 7 song 15), song: Yu-kwó hè mô kî nyî hân m òi ngâi mô (Year 7 song 13) (3);
  13. Missing supportsong: Phù-poi (Year 2 song 51);
  14. I have truly loved you – Ngâi hè cin-shıt òi-kwò nyî (not on Youtube, music of Wǒ shì zhēnde àishàng nǐ);
  15. Your heart – The video was taken down, here's mine: Hakka (Nyia kài sim) + English (Your heart);

Index of Hakka-Modern Greek translations

  1. Deep love stillsong: Chim-chim kài òi (Year 1 song 36);
  2. So many starssong: Kin-pu-yà àn to sen (1:11-1:56) (Year 4 song 7);
  3. Missing supportsong: Phù-poi (Year 2 song 51);

Index of Hakka-Italian translations

  1. All the Chinese songs I have met | Collection of all the Chinese songs I've ever come across (+);
  2. Gli Hakka devono avere canti proprisong: Yâu-kwún pa! San-ko;

Index of Hakka-Mandarin translations

  1. So many starssong: Kin-pu-yà àn to sen (1:11-1:56) (Year 4 song 7);

Index of Hakka-Romagnolo translations

  1. So many starssong: Kin-pu-yà àn to sen (1:11-1:56) (Year 4 song 7);

Index of Hakka-Sicilian translations

  1. Missing supportsong: Phù-poi (Year 2 song 51);

Index of Hindi-Italian translations

  1. Se mi hai rubato il cuore | video: Curā liyā hai;
  2. Ci sei tu o no? | video: Tū hai kê nahīṅ;
  3. Colla pioggia del tuo amor | Tere iśq' kī bāriś' meṅ;
  4. Lo giuro su di te | video: Sanam' terī qasam';
  5. Perdendo il cuore nel tuo amore | video: Tere pyārǝ meṅ;
  6. Balla un po' | video: Ājǝ nācǝ le;

Index of Indonesian-Italian translations

  1. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | 24/2/18 10:02 | video: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1), video: Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 27);
  2. Amore mio lontano | video: Ling ling ling (Year 1 song 3);
  3. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) | video: Gàosu wǒ nǐ bù ài wǒ (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 28), video: Katakan tak cinta aku (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 2);

Index of Indonesian-Mandarin translations

  1. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart) | video: Bulan menjadi saksi (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 1), video: Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 27), two translations;
  2. Amore mio lontano | video: Ling ling ling (Year 1 song 3);
  3. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) | video: Gàosu wǒ nǐ bù ài wǒ (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 28), video: Katakan tak cinta aku (Indonesian) (Year 1 song 2);
  4. Sei così perfetto... | video: Sempurna (Year 1 song 6); Indonesian (Sempurna) + Sicilian (Pirfetta) + Chinese (完美 | Wánměi);

Index of Italian-Ancient Greek translations

  1. Ridi, sol miosong: Γέλα, ἥλιέ μου (Gélā, hḗlié moy) (by me, 1:12-11:59);

Index of Italian-English translations

  1. Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge | Giacomo Leopardi: Alla luna, Infinito (2);
  2. We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing | Sempre cantiamo al rifiorir del giorno (not on Youtube);
  3. You are my life | song: Tu sei la mia vita;
  4. Fragments of the Divine Comedy | Inferno 1 1-12, Writing on the door of Hell (Inferno 3 1-9) (2);
  5. No greater pain in the world | Non è dolor nel mondo;
  6. Signore delle cime | song: Signore delle cime;
  7. Ma come hai fatto? | song: Come hai fatto?;
  8. The cricket | El grillo;
  9. O bella ciao | song: Bella ciao;
  10. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever (5);
  11. Pepito di Mallorca | song: Pepito di Maiorca;
  12. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | (2);
  13. Random religious translations;
  14. Azzurrosong: Azzurro;

Index of Italian-French translations

  1. Pepito di Mallorcasong: Pepito di Maiorca;
  2. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi (2);

Index of Italian-German translations

  1. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever (1);

Index of Italian-Hakka translations

  1. Un amore appassionato che felice non finìsong: Aveva un bavero;

Index of Italian-Modern Greek translations

  1. [INCOMPLETE]You are my lifesong: Tu sei la mia vita;
  2. O bella ciaosong: Bella ciao;
  3. Bella ciao (versione contadina)song: Bella ciao;
  4. Lo sai che i papaverisong: Papaveri e papere;
  5. La mamma mi dicevasong: La mamma mi diceva;
  6. Che siano una sola cosasong: Che siano una sola cosa;
  7. Il nostro cuoresong: Il nostro cuore non si è perduto;
  8. Se tu fossi (ovvero Nuovo Cinema Paradiso)song: Se tu fossi;
  9. Il ballo del qua-quasong: Il ballo del qua qua

  10. Index of Italian-Korean translations

    1. Se tu fossi (ovvero Nuovo Cinema Paradiso)song: Se tu fossi;

    Index of Italian-Mandarin translations

    1. «Una speranza e una follia»song: La casa in riva al mare;
    2. La strada del bosco – song: La strada del bosco (videos on YT have different tune);
    3. L’uselinsong: L'uselin de la comare;
    4. Canzone del melogranosong: Canzone del melograno;
    5. La mente tornasong: La mente torna;
    6. Favolasong: Favola;
    7. Posso averne tante, ma…song: Dieci ragazze per me;
    8. Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge – Giacomo Leopardi: Alla luna, l’infinito (2);
    9. Ballata dell’amore verosong: Ballata dell'amore vero;
    10. Meravigliososong: Meraviglioso;
    11. We always, when dawn blooms again, come singingsong: Sempre cantiamo al rifiorir del giorno (2:27-3:58);
    12. You are my lifesong: Tu sei la mia vita;
    13. Il semesong: Il seme;
    14. Al mattinosong: Al mattino;
    15. Il mio voltosong: Il mio volto;
    16. Povera vocesong: Povera voce;
    17. Non son sincerasong: Non son sincera;
    18. Il viaggiosong: Il viaggio;
    19. Tu scendi dalle stellesong: Tu scendi dalle stelle;
    20. Ma tu hai preferito mesong: La preferenza;
    21. L'Italianosong: L'Italiano;
    22. Un giudicesong: Un giudice;
    23. Il mondosong: Il mondo;
    24. Signore delle cimesong: Signore delle cime;
    25. Ma come hai fatto?song: Come hai fatto?;
    26. Placidosong: Placido;
    27. La stradasong: La strada;
    28. O bella ciaosong: Bella ciao;
    29. La notte che ho visto le stellesong: La notte che ho visto le stelle;
    30. Un'avventurasong: Un'avventura;
    31. Eccotisong: Eccoti;
    32. Ave Maria, splendore del mattinosong: Ave Maria, splendore del mattino;

    Index of Italian-Min Nan translations

    1. Favolasong: Favola;
    2. Però mi vuole benesong: Però mi vuole bene;
    3. Ma come hai fatto?song: Come hai fatto?;
    4. La stradasong: La strada;

    Index of Italian-Portuguese translations

    1. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi – Il letto è una rosa;

    Index of Italian-Spanish translations

    1. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever – Brindisi;
    2. Pepito di Mallorcasong: Pepito di Maiorca;
    3. Un bacio a mezzanottesong: Un bacio a mezzanotte;
    4. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi – Due proverbi (2);
    5. Ave Maria, splendore del mattinosong: Ave Maria, splendore del mattino;

    Index of Japanese-English translations

    1. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | video: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni;
    2. Happy Birthday da lontano | video: Happī Bāsudei;
    3. Realizzerai ogni sogno | video: Anata ga iru kara;
    4. Two anthems | Chinese anthem: Yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ (Year 1 song 1), Japanese anthem: Kimi ga yo;
    5. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget;
    6. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages;
    7. Iroha | Iroha poem; @MickG: Japanese (Iroha uta) + Italian (Iroha) + English (Iroha poem);
    8. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō;

    Index of Japanese-Greek translations

    1. Una prova | video: Akashi (not Stereopony);
    2. A night of moonlight | video: Still for your love;
    3. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | video: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni;
    4. Time after time | video: Time after time - Hana mau machi de;
    5. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | video: Wasurenaide;

    Index of Japanese-Italian translations

    1. Cartello stradale di luce lunare | video: Tsukiakari no michishirube;
    2. Un petalo di fiore | video: Hitohira no hanabira;
    3. Oltre le lacrime | video: Namida no mukô;
    4. Questa sera è Party Night | video: Bibara bibara;
    5. Una prova | video: Akashi;
    6. A night of moonlight | video: Still for your love;
    7. Romeo e Cenerentola | video: Romio to Shinderera;
    8. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | video: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni;
    9. Ti voglio rivedere! | video: Aitai yo, video: Nee ima sugu aitai yo;
    10. Happy Birthday da lontano | video: Happī Bāsudei;
    11. Romanesque | video: Romanesque;
    12. Non andartene! | video: Ikanaide;
    13. Time after time | video: Time after time - Hana mau machi de;
    14. Everlasting love | video: Everlasting love;
    15. Everlasting | video: Everlasting;
    16. Estate infinita | video: Owaranai natsu;
    17. Io ci sarò | video: Boku ga iru;
    18. Realizzerai ogni sogno | video: Anata ga iru kara;
    19. Se sei con me | video: Kimi ga ireba;
    20. Se il cuore fa male, la canzone è triste | video: Yeraishan;
    21. Puzzle | video: Pazuru;
    22. Una canzone d’amore | video: Ai no uta;
    23. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | video: Wasurenaide;
    24. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages;
    25. Iroha | Iroha poem; @MickG: Japanese (Iroha uta) + Italian (Iroha) + English (Iroha poem);
    26. 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō;

    Index of Japanese-Mandarin translations

    1. Cartello stradale di luce lunare | video: Tsukiakari no michishirube;
    2. Un petalo di fiore | 1/7/17 ~~9 according to page, Friday (?!) 30/6/17 according to blog | video: Hitohira no hanabira;
    3. Oltre le lacrime | video: Namida no mukô;
    4. A night of moonlight | video: Still for your love;
    5. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | video: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni;
    6. Ti voglio rivedere! | video: Aitai yo, video: Nee ima sugu aitai yo;
    7. Happy Birthday da lontano | video: Happī Bāsudei;
    8. Romanesque | video: Romanesque;
    9. Non andartene! | video: Ikanaide;
    10. Time after time | video: Time after time - Hana mau machi de;
    11. Everlasting love | video: Everlasting love;
    12. Everlasting | video: Everlasting;
    13. Io ci sarò | video: Boku ga iru;
    14. Realizzerai ogni sogno | video: Anata ga iru kara, two translations;
    15. Se sei con me | video: Kimi ga ireba;
    16. Two anthems | Chinese anthem: Yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ (Year 1 song 1), Japanese anthem: Kimi ga yo;
    17. Rouge (aka lipstick, I guess) | translated version of the translated part: 2:44-3:13, video: Rūju (full song);
    18. Puzzle | video: Pazuru;
    19. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget | video: Wasurenaide;
    20. Iroha | Iroha poem; @MickG: Japanese (Iroha uta) + Italian (Iroha) + English (Iroha poem);

    Index of Japanese-Neapolitan translations

    1. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | video: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni;
    2. Time after time | video: Time after time - Hana mau machi de;

    Index of Japanese-Romanian translations

    1. As if I had gone back to when I was a girl | video: Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni;
    2. Time after time | video: Time after time - Hana mau machi de;

    Index of Latin-Ancient Greek translations

    1. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Sappho 31 (E 2 LP 31 C 31);
    2. Tre favole di Fedro | 21/10/17 10:24:30 | Phaedrus, Fabulae, I, 10 15 31;
    3. Un frammento di vita quotidiana: graffito pompeiano | 28/10/17 9:18:03 | A Pompeiian graffiti;

    Index of Latin-Italian translations

    1. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Sappho 31 (E 2 LP 31 C 31);
    2. Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta | Aeneid book I, vv. 1-11, 33, and book IV, vv. 15-19; Horace, Epistulæ, book I, 8; Horace, Odes, book II, 10, and book I, 11;
    3. Barbarizzando Catullo | Carmina 5, 109, 72, 85, 76, 101;
    4. Barbarizzando Lucrezio | De rerum natura, I, 1-43; I, 62-79; I, 80-101; II, 1-22; III, 1054-1076;
    5. Un frammento di vita quotidiana: graffito pompeiano | A Pompeiian graffiti;
    6. Fragments of the Divine Comedy | Latin lines in Italian, Inferno 1 1-12 in English, writing on the door of Hell (Inferno 3 1-9) in English;
    7. Quando conveniunt | Just watch the video; @MickG: Latin (Quando conveniunt) + Italian (Quando s'incontran), then Latin alone in different version;
    8. Un paio di classicate accoppiate a caso | 19/2/22 14:18 | Ovid, Metamorphoses, I 1-4, Callimachus 25;

    Index of Mandarin-Albanian translations

    1. Only yousong: Zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 1 song 21);
    2. My future is no dreamsong: Wǒ de wèilái bù shì mèng (Year 1 song 5);

    Index of Mandarin-Arabic translations

    1. Spring DawnMèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo;

    Index of Mandarin-Czech translations

    1. Suddenly appeared, suddenly leftsong: Wǒ de gēshēng lǐ (Year 3 song 30);
    2. Yelaixiang (night-blooming jasmine?)song: Yèláixiāng (Year 2 song 31);
    3. Alone in a rainy nightsong: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16);

    Index of Mandarin-English translations

    1. Spring DawnMèng Hàorán, Chūn Xiǎo;
    2. Do I really have nothing?song: Shìfǒu wǒ zhēnde yīwúsuǒyǒu? (Year 1 song 3);
    3. Deep lovesong: Shēnshēn de ài (Year 1 song 48);
    4. All the Chinese songs I have met | Collection of all the Chinese songs I've ever come across (+);
    5. Heartachesong: Xīntòng (year 1 song 7);
    6. Yet more heartachesong: Xīntòng (Year 1 song 25);
    7. The final heartachesong: Xīntòng;
    8. I miss yousong: Xiǎngniàn nǐ (Year 2 song 95);
    9. Why can I not move you?!song: Gǎndòng tiān gǎndòng dì;
    10. O heaven, please, help me move her!song: Rúguǒ néng zài gǎndòng nǐ duō yī cì (Year 1 song 42);
    11. Mi manchi da moriresong: Zhēnde hǎoxiǎng nǐ (Year 2 song 19);
    12. Intimate strangers: powerful lovesong: Zuì shóuxī de mòshēngrén (Year 3 song 34);
    13. Being leftsong: Míngtiān (Year 2 song 58);
    14. Suddenly appeared, suddenly leftsong: Wǒ de gēshēng lǐ (Year 3 song 30);
    15. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart)song: Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn (Year 1 song 27);
    16. Yelaixiang (night-blooming jasmine?)song: Yèláixiāng (Year 2 song 31);
    17. Alone in a rainy nightsong: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16);
    18. Lone starsong: Gū xīng (Year 1 song 8);
    19. If you really caresong: Rúguǒ nǐ zhēnde zàihu wǒ (Year 1 song 15);
    20. Do you really love me?song: Shìfǒu zhēnde ài wǒ (Year 2 song 96);
    21. How do I know you love me?song: Wǒ rúhé zhīdào nǐ ài wǒ? (Year 1 song 14);
    22. Forgetting you is forgetting myselfsong: Wàngle nǐ wàngle wǒ (Year 1 song 45);
    23. ‘Tis yousong: Shì nǐ shì nǐ shì nǐ (Year 1 song 32);
    24. Children’s songs!song: Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo (Year 1 song 53);
    25. When will you come back?song: Hérì jūn zài lái (Year 2 song 25);
    26. I still love you all the samesong: Yíyàng àizhe nǐ (Year 1 song 39);
    27. Fool lovesong: Yú Ài (Year 2 song 24);
    28. I’ll be with yousong: Wǒ jiù yào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ (Year 2 song 63);
    29. Cannot forgetsong: Wàng bù liǎo (Bù pà shān gāo) (Year 1 song 24);
    30. Night fogsong: Yè wú (Year 2 song 49);
    31. The role of history (alias I chose to leave you, but let’s give it the same title)song: Gùshi de jiàosè (Year 1 song 19);
    32. Why do I cry?song: Wèihé liúlèi (Year 1 song 29);
    33. Crying starssong: Gū xīng lèi (Year 1 song 56);
    34. What should I do?song: Wǒ gāi zěnme zuò (Year 1 song 26);
    35. Poisonous perfumesong: Xiāngshuǐ yǒu dú (Year 2 song 157);
    36. A kind of love called breaking upsong: Yǒu yī zhǒng ài jiàozuò fàngshǒu (Year 3 song 5);
    37. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you)song: Gàosu wǒ nǐ bù ài wǒ (Year 1 song 28);
    38. Saying you love me is a torture: let’s partsong: Shuō nǐ ài wǒ (Year 1 song 18);
    39. Waiting till my heartbreaksong: Děng nǐ děng dào wǒ xīntòng;
    40. Calling your name in the windsong: Zài fēng zhōng hūhuàn nǐ de míngzi (Year 1 song 71);
    41. Your tomorrow won’t have mesong: Nǐ de míngtiān bù zài yǒu wǒ (Year 1 song 33);
    42. Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies – Hú Shì, Liǎng gè huáng húdié, Bìng zhōng dé tā shū (2);
    43. How you speaksong: Nǐ zěnme shuō (Year 2 song 21);
    44. Who decided to split up? (or rather, lifelong only you)song: Yīshēng zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 3 song 37);
    45. Only yousong: Zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 1 song 21);
    46. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinionsong: Nǐ shì wǒ xiōngkǒu yǒngyuǎn de tòng (Year 2 song 17);
    47. A thousand words swept away with the cloudssong: Qiānyánwànyǔ (Year 2 song 38);
    48. Who will love me?song: Shéi lái ài wǒ (Year 2 song 44);
    49. Silently crying at dusksong: Huánghūn lǐ (Year 2 song 50);
    50. Even God criessong: Shàngdì yě kūqì (Year 1 song 6);
    51. In our worldsong: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11);
    52. Really love yousong: Wǒ shì zhēnde àishàng nǐ (Year 2 song 11);
    53. Deep love - the returnsong: Shēnshēn de ài (Year 2 song 34);
    54. Deep love - quite possibly the last one :)song: Shēnshēn de ài (Year 2 song 53);
    55. Helplessnesssong: Wúnài (Year 2 song 35);
    56. A secret I can’t tellsong: Bù néng shuō de mìmì (Year 1 song 35);
    57. Cold sunsong: Lěnglěng de tàiyáng (Year 1 song 10;
    58. Two Chinese children's songssong: Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ, song: Bá luóbo (2);
    59. Our moving worldsong: Xiǎosǎ zǒu yī huí (Year 2 song 16);
    60. Two anthemsChinese anthem: Yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ (Year 1 song 1);
    61. Fish never stop swimmingsong: Yītiāndàowǎn yóuyǒng de yú (Year 2 song 99);
    62. If there wasn’t him?song: Rúguǒ méiyǒu tā nǐ hái ài wǒ ma (Year 2 song 84);
    63. Home’s so farsong: Jiā, tài yuǎnle (Year 2 song 112);
    64. When you're sad, listen to love songs!song: Shāngxīn de shíhou kěyǐ tīng qínggē (Year 2 song 91);
    65. Oceansong: Dàhǎi (Year 1 song 4);
    66. My future is no dreamsong: Wǒ de wèilái bù shì mèng (Year 1 song 5);
    67. Who can escape the world's sadness?song: Xīn yuānyāng húdié mèng (Year 2 song 105);
    68. Loving no more is one kind of lovesong: Bù àile yě shì yī zhǒng ài (Year 2 song 81);
    69. Heavenly marriagesong: Tiān jià (Year 1 song 49);
    70. Not brave enoughsong: Bù gòu yǒnggǎn (Year 2 song 28);
    71. Roar up to the sunsong: Xiàng tàiyáng nǔhòu (Year 2 song 72);
    72. Never turning back!song: Yǒngyuǎn bù huítóu (Year 2 song 67);
    73. Fragile womansong: Róngyì shòushāng de nǚrén (Year 2 song 122);
    74. Slowlysong: Mànmàn de;
    75. Song of the Civil Revolutionsong (version 1): Guómín gémìng gē, song (version 2): Guómín gémìng gē (decent vocals - also, bilingual Chinese-English captions);
    76. My brotherssong: Wǒ de hǎo xiōngdi (Year 2 song 52).
    77. Shipping Sappho overseas (or over Eurasia) – Collection/Laboratory of Sappho-inspired Chinese songs;

    Index of Mandarin-French translations

    1. Deep lovesong: Shēnshēn de ài (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 48);
    2. Heartachesong: Xīntòng (Mandarin) (year 1 song 7);
    3. Yet more heartachesong: Xīntòng (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 25);
    4. O heaven, please, help me move her!song: Rúguǒ néng zài gǎndòng nǐ duō yī cì (Year 1 song 42);
    5. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart)song: Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 27);
    6. Alone in a rainy nightsong: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16);
    7. Lone starsong: Gū xīng (Year 1 song 8);
    8. If you really caresong: Rúguǒ nǐ zhēnde zàihu wǒ (Year 1 song 15);
    9. How do I know you love me?song: Wǒ rúhé zhīdào nǐ ài wǒ? (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 14);
    10. ‘Tis yousong: Shì nǐ shì nǐ shì nǐ (Year 1 song 32);
    11. I still love you all the samesong: Yíyàng àizhe nǐ (Year 1 song 39);
    12. What should I do?song: Wǒ gāi zěnme zuò (Year 1 song 26);
    13. Saying you love me is a torture: let’s partsong: Shuō nǐ ài wǒ (Year 1 song 18);
    14. Your tomorrow won’t have mesong: Nǐ de míngtiān bù zài yǒu wǒ (Year 1 song 33);
    15. Dis-moi donc, pluiesong: Yǔshuǐ wǒ wèn nǐ (Mandarin) (Year 2 song 13);
    16. Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies – Hú Shì, Liǎng gè huáng húdié, Bìng zhōng dé tā shū (2);
    17. Helplessnesssong: Wúnài (Year 2 song 35);
    18. A secret I can’t tellsong: Bù néng shuō de mìmì (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 35);
    19. Cold sunsong: Lěnglěng de tàiyáng (Year 1 song 10;
    20. Two anthemsChinese anthem: Yìyǒngjūn jìnxíngqǔ (Year 1 song 1);
    21. Oceansong: Dàhǎi (Year 1 song 4);
    22. Heavenly marriagesong: Tiān jià (Year 1 song 49);
    23. Je t'aime et tu me blesses: pourquoi?song: Wèi shénme nǐ yào shānghài yī ge ài nǐ de rén? (Year 2 Song 109);
    24. Lentementsong: Mànmàn lái (1), song: Mànmàn lái (2);
    25. Quando sei sola, a chi penserai?song: Dāng nĭ gūdān nĭ huì xiăngqĭ shéi (Year 9 Song 22);

    Index of Mandarin-Modern Greek translations

    1. I miss yousong: Xiǎngniàn nǐ (Year 2 song 95);
    2. Suddenly appeared, suddenly leftsong: Wǒ de gēshēng lǐ (Year 3 song 30);
    3. Only yousong: Zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 1 song 21);

    Index of Mandarin-Hakka translations

    1. Being leftsong: Míngtiān (Year 2 song 58);
    2. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart)song: Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn (Year 1 song 27);
    3. Alone in a rainy nightsong: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16);
    4. When will you come back?song: Hérì jūn zài lái (Year 2 song 25), by Ånton Xiè;
    5. Fool lovesong: Yú Ài (Year 2 song 24), by Ånton Xiè;
    6. Night fogsong: Yè wú (Year 2 song 49);
    7. Waiting till my heartbreaksong: Děng nǐ děng dào wǒ xīntòng (Year 2 song 6), by Ånton Xiè;
    8. Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion |– song: Nǐ shì wǒ xiōngkǒu yǒngyuǎn de tòng (Year 2 song 17); by Ånton Xiè;
    9. Who will love me?song: Shéi lái ài wǒ (Year 2 song 44);
    10. Really love yousong: Wǒ shì zhēnde àishàng nǐ (Year 2 song 11), by Ånton Xiè;
    11. Our moving worldsong: Xiǎosǎ zǒu yī huí (Year 2 song 16), by Ånton Xiè;

    Index of Mandarin-Hindi translations

    1. Suddenly appeared, suddenly leftsong: Wǒ de gēshēng lǐ (Year 3 song 30);

    Index of Mandarin-Hungarian translations

    1. In our worldsong: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11);

    Index of Mandarin-Irish translations

    1. Yelaixiangsong: Yèláixiāng (Year 2 song 31)

    Index of Mandarin-Italian translations

    1. Do I really have nothing?song: Shìfǒu wǒ zhēnde yīwúsuǒyǒu? (Year 1 song 3);
    2. Deep lovesong: Shēnshēn de ài (Mandarin) (Year 1 song 48);
    3. All the Chinese songs I have met – Collection of all the Chinese songs I've ever come across (+);
    4. Mi manchi da moriresong: Zhēnde hǎoxiǎng nǐ (Year 2 song 19);
    5. Alone in a rainy nightsong: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16);
    6. Do you really love me?song: Shìfǒu zhēnde ài wǒ (Year 2 song 96);
    7. Children’s songs!song: Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo (Year 1 song 53);
    8. I’ll be with yousong: Wǒ jiù yào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ (Year 2 song 63);
    9. Why do I cry?song: Wèihé liúlèi (Year 1 song 29);
    10. L'ultima tenerezzasong: Zuìhòu de wénròu (Year 2 song 7);
    11. Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies – Hú Shì, Liǎng gè huáng húdié, Bìng zhōng dé tā shū (2);
    12. Only yousong: Zhǐyǒu nǐ (Year 1 song 21);
    13. Even God criessong: Shàngdì yě kūqì (Year 1 song 6);
    14. In our worldsong: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11);
    15. Deep love - the returnsong: Shēnshēn de ài (Year 2 song 34);
    16. Helplessnesssong: Wúnài (Year 2 song 35);
    17. Il nostro amorsong: Wǒmen de ài (Year 2 song 100);
    18. Never turning back!song: Yǒngyuǎn bù huítóu (Year 2 song 67);
    19. Piangerò segretamentesong: Tōutōu de kū (Year 2 song 68);
    20. Fragile womansong: Róngyì shòushāng de nǚrén (Year 2 song 122);
    21. Quando sei sola, a chi penserai?song: Dāng nĭ gūdān nĭ huì xiăngqĭ shéi (Year 9 Song 22);

    Index of Mandarin-Japanese translations

    1. Deep lovesong: Shēnshēn de ài (Year 1 song 48);
    2. Yet more heartachesong: Xīntòng (Year 1 song 25);
    3. Alone in a rainy nightsong: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16);
    4. Forgetting you is forgetting myselfvideo: song nǐ wàngle wǒ (Year 1 song 45);
    5. Cannot forgetsong: Wàng bù liǎo (Bù pà shān gāo) (Year 1 song 24);
    6. The role of history (alias I chose to leave you, but let’s give it the same title)video: Gùshi de jiàosè (Year 1 song 19);
    7. Why do I cry?song: Wèihé liúlèi (Year 1 song 29);
    8. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you)song: Gàosu wǒ nǐ bù ài wǒ (Year 1 song 28);

    Index of Mandarin-Latin translations

    1. My future is no dreamsong: Wǒ de wèilái bù shì mèng (Year 1 song 5);

    Index of Mandarin-Mende translations

    1. In our worldsong: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11);

    Index of Mandarin-Romagnolo translations

    1. Only yousong: Zhǐyǒu nǐ;

    Index of Mandarin-Romanian translations

    1. In our worldsong: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11);

    Index of Mandarin-Sicilian translations

    1. Why do I cry?song: Wèihé liúlèi (Year 1 song 29);
    2. L'ultima tenerezzasong: Zuìhòu de wénròu (Year 2 song 7);
    3. Helplessnesssong: Wúnài (Year 2 song 35);

    Index of Mandarin-Turkish translations

    1. Intimate strangers: powerful lovesong: Zuì shóuxī de mòshēngrén (Year 3 song 34);

    Index of Mandarin-Ukrainian translations

    1. Alone in a rainy nightsong: Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) (Year 1 song 16);

    Index of Mandarin-Zulu translations

    1. In our worldsong: Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ (Year 1 song 11);

    Index of Middle English-English translations

    1. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided | Sappho E 53 LP 52 C 52, E 72 LP 56 C 56, E 108 LP 150 C 150, LP 71 C 71, LP inc. 22 C 139, E 137 LP 158 C 158, E 74 LP 120 C 120, E 35 LP 3 C 3, E 58 LP 50 C 50, E 100 LP 148 C 148, E 51 LP inc. 5 v. 2 C inc. 5(a), E 99 LP 121 C 121, E 78 LP 145 C 145, G. Chaucer's Balade de bon conseyl;
    2. A few last poems | London by Blake, Correspondances by Baudelaire, Chantars no pot gaire valer, Ellens dritter Gesang verse 1;

    Index of Min Nan-Albanian translations

    1. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);
    2. Just yousong: Tsí-ū li (Year 1 song 22);

    Index of Min Nan-Croatian translations

    1. Just yousong: Tsí-ū li (Year 1 song 22);

    Index of Min Nan-Czech translations

    1. Thank you for your deep lovesong: Tshim-tshim ê ài (Year 2 song 70);
    2. You’re half of my soulsong: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98);
    3. The feelings of a loafer - with such a lonely heartsong: Lōng-tsú ê sim-tsîng (Year 2 song 87);
    4. Just yousong: Tsí-ū li (Year 1 song 22);
    5. Our moving worldsong: Phiau-lōng ê hái-sua (Year 2 song 82);

    Index of Min Nan-English translations

    1. Deep lovesong: Tshim-tshim ê ài (Year 1 song 61 - last one);
    2. Thank you for your deep lovesong: Tshim-tshim ê ài (Year 2 song 70);
    3. More heartachesong: Sim-thiànn (Year 1 song 37);
    4. The final heartachesong: Sim-thiànn (Year 2 song 56);
    5. Heartache, heartache, heartache… happiness? Nope. Helplessnesssong: Sann siann bô-nāi (Year 2 song 61);
    6. All the Chinese songs I have met | Collection of all the Chinese songs I've ever come across (+);
    7. Let’s drink!song: Kan tsi̍t pue (Year 2 song 151);
    8. Cheers!song: Liû-lōng kàu tām-tsuí (Year 2 song 74);
    9. My lover is a sailorsong: Ài-lîn sī kiânn-tsûn-lîn (Year 2 song 93);
    10. Helpless piningsong: Bô-nāi ê siunn-si (Year 1 song 52);
    11. You’re half of my soulsong: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98);
    12. Being leftsong: Bîn-á-tsài (Year 2 song 57);
    13. Leaving no tracessong: Lo̍k-suann-hong (Year 1 song 34);
    14. The feelings of a loafer - with such a lonely heartsong: Lōng-tsú ê sim-tsîng (Year 2 song 87);
    15. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);
    16. Stubbornly waitingsong: Bāng-tshuan-tshiu-suí (Year 2 song 54);
    17. Partingsong: Pàng-tshiú (Ài lí ê iau-kiû sī tham) (Year 2 song 110);
    18. Not miss himsong: M̄ siūnn i (Year 1 song 51);
    19. Who decided to split up? (or rather, lifelong only you)snog: It-sing tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 26);
    20. Holding your hand, I can walk my roadsong: Khan gún ê tshíu (Year 3 song 137);
    21. My only true lovesong: Tsin ài tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 36);
    22. Just yousong: Tsí-ū li (Year 1 song 22);
    23. Nel mio cuor tu sola staisong: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37);
    24. The power of lovesong: Ài-tsîng ê li̍k-liōng (Year 1 song 23);
    25. A secret I can’t tellsong: Buē-sái kóng ê pì-bi̍t (Year 1 song 30);
    26. Our moving worldsong: Phiau-lōng ê hái-sua (Year 2 song 82);
    27. No pain, no gainsong: Ài piànn tsiah ē iânn (Year 2 song 20);
    28. Always fought for myselfsong: Lâm-lîn (Tsa-poo-lâng) ê kuānn (Year 1 song 59);
    29. Destiny is not for us to decidesong: Miā-ūn m̄ sī lán kuat-tīng (Year 9 song 16);

    Index of Min Nan-French translations

    1. Thank you for your deep lovesong: Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Year 2 song 70);
    2. You’re half of my soulsong: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98);
    3. Leaving no tracessong: Lo̍k-suann-hong (Year 1 song 34);
    4. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);
    5. Stubbornly waiting (only one line done, not in post yet) – song: Bāng-tshuan-tshiu-suí (Year 2 song 54);
    6. Dis-moi donc, pluiesong: Hōo-tsuí guá mn̄g lí (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 12);
    7. Tu m'as jamais vraiment aimé(e)song: Guân-lâi lí m̄-bat ài-kuè guá (Year 2 song 80);
    8. Holding your hand, I can walk my roadsong: Khan gún ê tshíu (Year 3 song 137);
    9. Nel mio cuor tu sola staisong: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí;
    10. Je vais vaguersong: Ài liû-lōng (Year 2 song 73);
    11. Always fought for myselfsong: Lâm-lîn (Tsa-poo-lâng)--ê kuānn (Year 1 song 59);
    12. Si t'es là je remercie le cielsong: Tsîng-lōo ū lí kám-siā thinn (Year 3 song 139);
    13. A-huesong: A-hue (incomplete and not added in yet;

    Index of Min Nan-German translations

    1. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn sī kiânn-tsûn-lîn (Year 2 song 93);

    Index of Min Nan-Modern Greek translations

    1. My lover is a sailorsong: Ài-lîn sī kiânn-tsûn-lîn (Year 2 song 93);
    2. Being leftsong: Bîn-á-tsài (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 57);
    3. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);
    4. Holding your hand, I can walk my roadsong: Khan gún--ê tshiú (Year 3 song 137);
    5. Nel mio cuor tu sola staisong: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37);

    Index of Min Nan-Hakka translations

    1. You’re half of my soul song: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98);
    2. Holding your hand, I can walk my roadsong: Khan gún ê tshíu (Year 3 song 137);
    3. Nel mio cuor tu sola staisong: Guá ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37);

    Index of Min Nan-Hindi translations

    1. You're half of my soulsong: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98);
    2. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);
    3. Nel mio cuor tu sola staisong: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37);
    4. Je vais vaguersong: Ài liû-lōng (Year 2 song 73);

    Index of Min Nan-Indonesian translations

    1. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);

    Index of Min Nan-Italian translations

    1. Thank you for your deep lovesong: Tshim-tshim ê ài (Year 2 song 70);
    2. All the Chinese songs I have met | Collection of all the Chinese songs I've ever come across (+);
    3. You’re half of my soulsong: Siang-lâng tsím-thâu (Year 3 song 98);
    4. Leaving no tracessong: Lo̍k-suann-hong (Year 1 song 34);
    5. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);
    6. Holding your hand, I can walk my roadsong: Khan gún ê tshíu (Year 3 song 137);
    7. Nel mio cuor tu sola staisong: Guá ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37);
    8. The power of lovesong: Ài-tsîng--ê li̍k-liōng (Year 1 song 23);
    9. Un piccolo ombrellosong: Tsi̍t ki sió hōo-suànn;
    10. Se ci sei tu, sono tranquillosong: Piànn tshut-thâu (Year 3 song 138);

    Index of Min Nan-Japanese translations

    1. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);
    2. Nel mio cuor tu sola staisong: Guá ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37);

    Index of Min Nan-Latin translations

    1. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);

    Index of Min Nan-Mandarin translations

    1. Thank you for your deep lovesong: Tshim-tshim ê ài (Year 2 song 70);
    2. Cheers!song: Liû-lōng kàu tām-tsuí (Year 2 song 74);
    3. Being leftsong: Bîn-á-tsài (Min Nan) (Year 2 song 57);
    4. Leaving no tracessong: Lo̍h-suann-hong (Year 1 song 34);
    5. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);
    6. Nel mio cuor tu sola staisong: Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37);
    7. Se ci sei tu, sono tranquillosong: Piànn tshut-thâu (Year 3 song 138);
    8. A-huesong: A-hue;

    Index of Min Nan-Persian translations

    1. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);

    Index of Min Nan-Portuguese translations

    1. Holding your hand, I can walk my roadsong: Khan gún ê tshíu (Year 3 song 137);

    Index of Min Nan-Romagnolo translations

    1. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);
    2. Il mio amore se n'è andato…song: Ài-lîn-á tuè lâng tsáu (Year 2 song 4);
    3. Tu m'as jamais vraiment aimé(e)song: Guân-lâi lí m̄-bat ài-kuè guá (Year 2 song 80);
    4. Holding your hand, I can walk my roadsong: Khan gún ê tshíu (Year 3 song 137);
    5. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | song: Guá ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí (Year 2 song 37);

    Index of Min Nan-Russian translations

    1. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);

    Index of Min Nan-Slovak translations

    1. Thank you for your deep lovevideo: Tshim-tshim ê ài (Year 2 song 70);

    Index of Min Nan-Sicilian translations

    1. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);

    Index of Min Nan-Spanish translations

    1. Lonely nights of heartbreaksong: Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì (Year 2 song 176);

    Index of Min Nan-Vietnamese translations

    1. Thank you for your deep lovesong: Tshim-tshim ê ài (Year 2 song 70);
    2. Holding your hand, I can walk my roadsong: Khan gún ê tshíu (Year 3 song 137);

    Index of Neapolitan-Mandarin translations

    1. ‘O surdato ‘nnamurato | video: 'O surdato 'nnamurato;
    2. 'O sole mio | video: 'O sole mio;
    3. Più lontano delle stelle | Luntanë cchiù luntanë;

    Index of Portuguese-Albanian translations

    1. Come what maysong: Haja o que houver;
    2. Romaria (pellegrinaggio)song: Romaria;
    3. Mi fiesta | video: Minha festa;

    Index of Portuguese-English translations

    1. Come what maysong: Haja o que houver;
    2. Aconteceusong: Aconteceu;
    3. Romaria (pellegrinaggio)song: Romaria;
    4. Mantle of liliessong: Manto de açucenas;

    Index of Portuguese-French translations

    1. Aconteceusong: Aconteceu;
    2. Romarinsong: Alecrim dourado;

    Index of Portuguese-Greek translations

    1. Come what maysong: Haja o que houver;
    2. Aconteceusong: Aconteceu;
    3. Romaria (pellegrinaggio)song: Romaria;
    4. Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity)song: Balada da caridade;
    5. Mi fiestasong: Minha festa;
    6. Mantle of liliessong: Manto de açucenas;

    Index of Portuguese-Hakka translations

    1. Come what maysong: Haja o que houver;

    Index of Portuguese-Hindi translations

    1. Aconteceusong: Aconteceu;

    Index of Portuguese-Italian translations

    1. Barco negrosong: Barco negro;
    2. Come what maysong: Haja o que houver;
    3. Miracolosa Reginasong: Miraculosa rainha dos céus;
    4. Romaria (pellegrinaggio)song: Romaria;
    5. Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity)song: Balada da caridade;
    6. Mantle of liliessong: Manto de açucenas;
    7. Timonieresong: Timoneiro;

    Index of Portuguese-Japanese translations

    1. Romaria (pellegrinaggio)song: Romaria;
    2. Come what maysong: Haja o que houver;

    Index of Portuguese-Latin translations

    1. Aconteceusong: Aconteceu;

    Index of Portuguese-Min Nan translations

    1. Come what maysong: Haja o que houver;

    Index of Portuguese-Romagnolo translations

    1. Romaria (pellegrinaggio)song: Romaria;

    Index of Portuguese-Russian translations

    1. Romaria (pellegrinaggio)song: Romaria;

    Index of Portuguese-Sicilian translations

    1. Aconteceusong: Aconteceu;
    2. Mi fiestasong: Minha festa;

    Index of Portuguese-Turkish translations

    1. Come what maysong: Haja o que houver;

    Index of Romagnolo-English translations

    1. Un po' di indovinelli | A bunch of riddles (2);

    Index of Romagnolo-French translations

    1. Un po' di indovinelli | A bunch of riddles (1);

    Index of Romagnolo-Italian translations

    1. Un po' di indovinelli | A bunch of riddles – 3 riddles;

    Index of Romagnolo-Mandarin translations

    1. Sòt 'e lëtsong: Sòt 'e lët (0:48-1:19);

    Index of Russian-English translations

    1. Evening bell chimesong (version 1): Vĵećĵérnij zvon, song (version 2): Vĵećĵérnij zvon;
    2. The cranessong: Žuravlĵí;

    Index of Russian-Hakka translations

    1. I love youvideo: Ja tjebja ljublju;

    Index of Russian-Italian translations

    1. Io vi ho incontratasong (version 1 missing verse 4): Ĵa vstrĵétil vas song (version 2 missing verse 3): Ĵa vstrĵétil vas;
    2. Lunga stradasong: Dorógoj dlínnoĵu;
    3. The cranessong: Žuravlĵí;
    4. Il perosong: Grúšitsa;

    Index of Russian-Mandarin translations

    1. Nostalgia for the presentsong: Nostalgíĵa po nastoĵáśemu (0:41-2:20);

    Index of Portuguese-Mandarin translations

    1. Come what maysong: Haja o que houver;
    2. Barco negrosong: Barco negro;
    3. Aconteceusong: Aconteceu;
    4. Romarinsong: Alecrim dourado;
    5. Romaria (pellegrinaggio)song: Romaria;
    6. Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity)song: Balada da caridade;
    7. Timonieresong: Timoneiro;

    Index of Portuguese-Spanish translations

    1. Come what maysong: Haja o que houver;
    2. Aconteceusong: Aconteceu;
    3. Romaria (pellegrinaggio)song: Romaria;
    4. Mi fiestasong: Minha festa;
    5. Mantle of liliessong: Manto de açucenas;

    Index of Sicilian-Mandarin translations

    1. Vinni la primmavera | video: Si maritau Řosa; Chinese: Xiǎo Hóng yǐ jiéhūn;
    2. Mi tagghiu u mustazzu; Calabrian (U mustazzu) + Chinese (Húzi);
    3. Di mamma ce n'è una sola | video: La mamma;
    4. Lu ciuffu | video: Lu ciuffu;
    5. Cinque canzoni siciliane | video: Vitti na crozza, Mi vòtu e mi rivòtu, video: E vui durmiti ancòra, Stiđđa matutina (not on Youtube), Occhi 'nfatati (not on Youtube);
    6. A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi | Random translations of proverbs;

    Index of Sicilian-Min Nan translations

    1. Pareche Ponzipo | video: Pareche Ponzipo, Sicilian (Pareche Ponzipo) + Hokkien (Pà-lėh-ke Pòng-tsi-poh);
    2. La me zita | video: La me zita;

    Index of Spanish-English translations

    1. Piel canelasong: Piel canela;
    2. Despacitosong: Despacito;
    3. Nulla ti turbisong: Nada te turbe;

    Index of Spanish-Mandarin translations

    1. Razón de vivirsong: Razón de vivir;
    2. El Chipi Chipisong: El Chipi Chipi;
    3. ¿Cómo hacer para olvidarte?song: Como hacer para olvidarte;
    4. Piel canelasong: Piel canela;
    5. Hoy arriesgarésong: Hoy arriesgaré;
    6. Despacitosong: Despacito;

    Index of Spanish-Min Nan translations

    1. ¿Cómo hacer para olvidarte?song: Como hacer para olvidarte;
    2. Ojos de cielosong: Ojos de cielo;

    Index of Swedish-English translations

    1. Swedish religious hymnsong: Gud som haver barnen kär;

    Index of Swedish-Chinese translations

    1. Children's songs! (3);

    Index of Ukrainian-Chinese translations

    1. Sadness without boundssong: Odna kalyna;

    Index of Ukrainian-Romagnolo translations

    1. Sadness without boundssong: Odna kalyna;

    Index of Venetian-Mandarin translations

    1. Varda la luna | video: Varda la luna;
    2. Quel oselin dal bòsch | video: Quel oselin dal bosch (2 verses missing);
    3. La bomba imbriaga | video: La bomba imbriaga;


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