Friday, 26 October 2040

Posts on the blog's Facebook page

So, as many of you may know, this blog is associated to a Facebook page. However, many of my friends do not have Facebook. Because of this, I thought it would be nice to start a post where I transfer all posts from the blog's page, so that, when new stuff appears, anyone following the blog can see it - provided they check this post. So here we go! Note that the timestamps are those of the Facebook posts. The posting times are given in the index, if available, and as for the updates, I'll give both the update time and the Facebook post timestamp.

  1. Profile picture update, 23:08 11/6/17; just for the record;
  2. Post notification for Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anacoria, 11/6/17 23:21;
  3. Post notification for Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta, 11/6/17 23:12;
  4. Post notification for Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia), 11/6/17 23:15;
  5. Post notification for Barbarizzando Catullo, 11/6/17 23:16;
  6. Cover photo update, 00:17 12/6/17;
  7. Cover photo update, 00:20 12/6/17;
  8. Post notification for Barbarizzando Lucrezio, 13/6/17 11:42;
  9. Cover photo update, 12:35 13/6/17;
  10. Post notification for Hector and Andromacha, 17/6/17 20:16;
  11. Post notification for Epigrams at the Thermopylae, 20/6/17 10:22;
  12. Post notification for Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song, 24/6/17 12:42;
  13. Post notification for Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 27/6/17 10:52;
  14. Post notification for Comments to my Sappho sources, 27/6/17 19:59;
  15. Post notification for Un petalo di fiore, 1/7/17 9:00;
  16. Post notification for The history of my translations, 1/7/17 14:53;
  17. Post notification for Spring dawn, 4/7/17 12:58;
  18. Post notification for Vinni la primmavera, 4/7/17 14:41;
  19. Post notification for Oltre le lacrime, 8/7/17 12:29;
  20. Post notification for Questa sera è party night, 11/7/17 12:15;
  21. Post notification for Una prova, 15/7/17 8:26;
  22. Post notification for Do I really have nothing?, 18/7/17 9:14;
  23. Post notification for I have nothing, 22/7/17 10:40;
  24. Post notification for Hymn to Aphrodite, 25/7/17 10:54;
  25. Post notification for All of Sappho, 27/7/17 22:00;
  26. Post notification for Chinese poetic Sappho, 28/7/17 18:58;
  27. Post notification for Sappho: two divine epiphanies, 29/7/17 13:06;
  28. Post notification for Sappho and her brother: two prayers, 1/8/17 15:29;
  29. Post notification for An apparent captatio benevolentiae (Sappho?), 5/8/17 10:38;
  30. Post notification for On my spelling and transliteration of Min and Hakka, 8/8/17 17:52;
  31. Post notification for Deep love, 8/8/17 19:15;
  32. Post notification for Deep love once more, 12/8/17 14:23;
  33. Post notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, 14/8/17 17:49;
  34. Post notification for Deep love still, 15/8/17 11:31;
  35. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added two songs […] a sec ago», 15/8/17 18:15;
  36. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added two songs […] ~12:52», 16/8/17 12:57;
  37. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added two more songs […] ~00:44», 17/8/17 00:44;
  38. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added 8 songs […] ~11:51 17/8/2017», 17/8/17 11:58;
  39. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added 2 songs […] ~13:11 18/8/2017», 18/8/17 13:11;
  40. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added last two songs from year 1 […] ~14:08 18/8/2017», 18/8/17 14:08;
  41. Post notification for Heartache, 19/8/17 8:13;
  42. Post notification for More heartache, 22/8/17 12:31;
  43. Post notification for Yet more heartache, 26/8/17 11:55;
  44. Post notification for Ortografia Siculo-Calabra, 26/8/17 14:41;
  45. Update notification for Vinni la primmavera, «Almost entirely reworked the Sicilian song: […] ~17:00 26/8/2017, plus correcting 四等分 | sìděngfēn to 住宅区 | zhùzháiqū ~17:03 the same day.», 26/8/17 17:05;
  46. Update notification for Vinni la primmavera, «Added alternate lyrics to: […] ~19:30 27/8/2017 with last few fixes 7 mins later», 27/8/17 19:39;
  47. Question for viewers: «Qualcuno ha mai sentito l'espressione «mettere la porta a padellina» (o "a padella") o la versione siciliana «mettiri la porta a padidduzza» (o "a padedda")?», 28/7/17 19:27;
  48. Post notification for The final heartache, 29/8/17 12:40;
  49. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added two songs […] First lyrics ~20:20 30/8/2017, rest (including ruby Mandarin to first song and translation of first song) ~1:08 31/8/2017. Goodnight and watch out for the Youtube links to be added tomorrow morning :).», 31/8/17 01:09;
  50. Post notification for Heartache, heartache, heartache… happiness? Nope. Helplessness, 2/9/17 16:20;
  51. Post notification for «Una speranza e una follia», 5/9/17 10:21;
  52. Update notification for the Min and Hakka spelling post, 5/9/17 14:08;
  53. Post notification for Come what may, 9/9/17 8:59;
  54. Post notification for God to man, 12/9/17 7:53;
  55. Post notification for Sulla mia ortografia del dialetto Romagnolo di Russi, 14/9/17 11:18;
  56. Update notification for Vinni la primmavera, «Updated Si maritau Rosa […] 15/9/17 ~12:04», 15/9/17 12:06;
  57. Post notification for La strada del bosco, 16/9/17 9:45;
  58. Post notification for L'uselin, 19/9/17 16:50;
  59. Post notification for Mi tagghiu u mustazzu, 23/9/17 10:50;
  60. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added two songs (一条手巾仔 and 爱人仔綴人走) and the Hakka type distinctions […] 24/9/17 ~00:51.», 24/9/17 00:53;
  61. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Detailed explanation of how I produced the song list (~11:24) and added 2 songs (~12:24), 不了情 and 等你等到我心痛 […] Also, I worked on matching lyrics to videos yesterday, and replaced a couple now-deleted videos with extant videos and fixed a couple mistakes in lyrics and translations in the process. ~14:22: finished Chinese translation of Teochew part.», 25/9/17 12:30, the Teochew thing is probably mistakenly placed here, it should probably be placed in the next post;
  62. Update notification for the Min and Hakka spelling post, 25/9/17 14:07;
  63. Post notification for Di mamma ce n'è una sola, 26/9/17 15:16;
  64. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added (in various bits) the index […] In the last bit, which was ~17:11 28/9/17, I also improved the WIP notice and added the bit about the "random song" and the bit about how the dating info of the index is obtained. If anyone can check that the index links work, I'd appreciate. I checked the first 24 and numbers 37, 53, 60, 61 myself. The others may not work, which is why I ask you to check that they do.», 28/9/17 17:30;
  65. Post notification for Lu ciuffu, 30/9/17 9:39;
  66. Post notification for Blog index, 30/9/17 13:01;
  67. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added a bullet to the list production procedure and two items to the index (time not recorded), then the matching songs 最后的温柔 and 海南鸡饭 (~1:01) […] 2/10/17.», 2/10/17 01:02;
  68. Video notification:
    1. Favola (Chieffo) in Chinese (due Tuesday 17/10/2017, video uploaded 24/5/2014);
    2. Razón de Vivir in Chinese (due Saturday 14/10/2017, video uploaded 9/9/2015);
    3. Chūn Xiǎo | Spring Dawn (posted on blog on Jul 1 2017, video uploaded 2/6/2017);
    4. Wǒ de gēshēng lǐ | In my singing voice (will be posted on blog sometime, probably next year, video has Chinese and Czech, video uploaded 29/6/2017);
    5. Yǒu yī zhǒng ài jiàozuò fàngshǒu | There's a kind of love called parting (will be posted on blog sometime, probably next year, video uploaded 30/6/2017);
    6. U mustazzu in Chinese and Calabrian (posted on blog 23/9/2017, video uploaded 15/9/2017);
    7. Sòt 'e lët in Dialect and Chinese (posted on blog 3/10/2017, video uploaded 2/10/2017);
    8. Sim-thiànn - Heartache (posted on blog 22/8/17, video uploaded 2/10/2017);
    9. Sim-thùng - Heartache (posted on blog 26/8/17, video uploaded 2/10/2017).
    Also, around 11:50-11:51 today I added links for the last two items to the Chinese songs post, EXCEPT the idiot didn't register the click on Update, so I reclicked about midday :)», 2/10/17 11:56;
  69. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added 陈洁仪的“心痛” and two index items, and updated WIP notice […] ~12:48 2/10/17 (time is guessed, may be anywhere after 12:40 and before 12:48).», 2/10/17 12:48;
  70. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added shangxin 1999 […] ~13:19 2/10/17. And the video links for this and the previous song ~13:34. :)», 2/10/17 13:19;
  71. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added 我是真的爱上你 and 雨水我问你 […] ~16:42 2/10/17. Now I add them to the index.», 2/10/17 16:47;
  72. Post notification for Sòt 'e lët, 3/10/17 9:33;
  73. Post notification for Canzone del melograno, 7/10/17 08:30;
  74. Post notification for La mente torna, 10/10/17 07:05;
  75. Post notification for Razón de vivir, 14/10/17 08:55;
  76. Video upload: «Si maritau Rosa, Chinese version, recorded», 15/10/17 10:35;
  77. Video upload: «Siang-lâng tsím-thâu, Min and Hakka, recorded», 15/10/17 12:42;
  78. Video upload: «Khan gún ê tshiú, Min and English, recorded», 15/7/17 12:53;
  79. Post notification for Favola, 17/10/17 07:07;
  80. Post notification for Tre favole di Fedro, 21/9/17 10:26;
  81. Video upload: «Haja o que houver, Ài piánn tsiah ē iânn», 21/9/17 16:52;
  82. Update notification for Blog index, «Just added all possible Youtube links to the index […] I'll keep adding links whenever I upload videos, even if the sogs I upload are in the spoiler, in which case the Youtube links will naturally also go in the spoiler. 00:05 22/10/2017», 22/10/17 00:14;
  83. Post notification for Una versione… poetica, 24/10/17 9:48;
  84. Post notification for Un frammento di vita quotidiana: graffito pompeiano, 28/10/17 9:24;
  85. Update notification for All of Sappho, «Added 4 of tomorrow's post's 7 poems […] (talk about spoilers :) ). ~18:40, 30/10/2017.», 30/10/17 18:42;
  86. Post notification for Daily life: marriage songs, 31/10/17 9:19;
  87. Update notification for All of Sappho, «Added all soon-to-come poems […] ~11:52 31/10/2017», 31/10/17 11:54;
  88. Video upload: 流浪到淡水 | Liû-lōng kàu Tām-tsuí | Roam to waters new, 1/11/17 17:16;
  89. Video upload: 深深的爱 | Tshim-tshim ê ài | Hlbokú lásku | Hlubokou lásku | Deep love, 1/11/17 17:18;
  90. Post notification for Let's sing for the couple!, 4/11/18 9:18;
  91. Post notification for Even gods celebrate marriages, 7/11/17 6:43;
  92. Post notification for Morn is nigh, 11/11/17 9:12;
  93. Post notification for Sing to me, o lyre, 14/11/17 10:24;
  94. Post notification for Let's drink!, 18/7/17 8:10;
  95. Post notification for Cheers!, 21/11/17 8:15;
  96. Random post: «Workin' on the index to include links to original videos of songs (plus maxi-tampering with the spoiler). Hope to be done by tomorrow.», 22/11/17 19:34;
  97. Random post with video upload: «The index is fully updated. In the meantime, two new videos are on Youtube: 上帝也哭泣 Shàngdì yê kūqì | Even God cries | Anche Dio piange, 在我们的世界里 Zài wômen de shìjiè lî | In our world | Nel nostro mondo | Întru lumea noastră | Ebben a világban | Emhlabeni wethu», 23/11/17 22:09;
  98. Post notification for My lover is a sailor, 25/11/17 9:37;
  99. Post notification for I miss you, 28/11/17 7:05;
  100. Post notification for Why can I not move you?!, 2/12/17 9:19;
  101. Random post: «BREAKING NEWS Due to recent additions, the plan for the posts on this blog now reaches June 1st 2019, meaning two full years of non-stop regular posting (well, almost regular, but anyway). And the second birthday of the blog will be the end of the posts, unless new additions are made.», 3/12/17 00:21;
  102. Post notification for Still no way to move you, 5/12/17 8:37;
  103. Post notification for A few papyri transcribed, 7/12/17 17:52;
  104. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Just added P.Oxy. 2288 to the papyri transcriptions post. [link] 8/12/2017 12:16.», 8/12/17 12:23;
  105. Post notification for O heavens, please, help me move her!, 9/12/17 9:59;
  106. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «And the ostrakon florentinum is finally out the way, gone for good: [link] In a number of updates, the last of which at ~17:08 of 9/12/2017.», 9/12/17 17:13;
  107. Vieo upload: 4 canzoni - 四首歌 - 4 songs, «[…] Video uploaded between 20:00 and 20:30. To wannabe downloaders: be warned that it's 4GB big. Blog index updated with links to this video in the relevant items today, Dec 9 2017, ~21:14:44.», 9/12/17 20:"59;
  108. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added the sources of "Goddess Hera" […] In a number of updates the last of which at 7:05:?? on Dec 11 2017.», 11/12/17 19:20;
  109. Post notification for Helpless pining, 12/12/17 8:48;
  110. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added the two Oxyrhynchus sources of "Cypris and Nereids" to the transcriptions post […] 13/12/2017, 12:06:10», 13/12/17 12:08;
  111. Update notification for Chinese poetic Sappho, «Added Chinese translation of "Cypris and Nereids" to "Chinese poetic Sappho" […] ~12:23:25 13/12/2017. Translation done yesterday evening.», 13/12/17 12:25;
  112. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added the P.GC. source for Kypri kai Nereides to the transcriptions post […] 4-5 updates, the last of which at ~12:35:30, on 15/12/2017.», 15/12/17 12:38;
  113. Post notification for You're half of my soul, 16/12/17 10:31;
  114. Status update: «Bibidi bobidi boo, the blog has changed its look! Check it out y'all! 23:12 16/12/2017», 16/12/17 23:16;
  115. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added the P.GC. source for Sappho 16 to the transcriptions post […] 17/12/2017 12:46:04 Also, the blog has changed look! Check it out y'all!», 17/12/17 12:52;
  116. Post notification for Mi manchi da morire, 19/12/17 8:49;
  117. Post notification for I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me…, 23/12/17 9:34;
  118. Post notification for O Atthis!, 26/12/17 9:53;
  119. Update notification for Di mamma ce n'è una sola, «Edited [link] 26/12/2017 ~12:23:35.», 26/12/17 12:25;
  120. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added the rest of P.GC. inv. 105 to the transcriptions post […] Between 19:50 and 19:55 28/12/2017», 28/12/17 19:57;
  121. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added modern-style transcription of P.GC. inv. 105 frr. 1, 3 col. i, 4; transcription of P.Oxy. 2289 frr. 4 and 10; combined text of GC fr. 1 + Oxy 2289 fr. 4; Lobel-Page transcription of ostrakon; […] 00:05:10 28/12/2017», 29/12/17 00:08;
  122. Post notification for Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction, 30/12/17 11:06;
  123. Post notification for Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 2/1/18 10:10;
  124. Post notification for Ode to a beautiful woman, 6/1/18 9:10;
  125. Post notification for I want to have died, 9/12/17 8:25;
  126. Post notification for I wish to visit the underworld, 13/1/18 9:15;
  127. Post notification for Love and grief, 16/1/18 8:08;
  128. Post notification for Posso averne tante, ma…, 20/1/18 10:09;
  129. Video upload: «New video: Korean song translated to Hakka, Romagnolo, and English. 사랑해 Sarang-hae | 心爱啊 Sim-òi ah | A-t vòi bẽ | You I love 20/1/18 ~0:15 (I mean the night between 20/1 abd 21/1).», 21/1/18 00:15;
  130. Post notification for Intimate strangers: powerful love, 23/1/18 8:16;
  131. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added two of the three Oxyrhynchus sources for Sappho 16 […] In two edits, the last of which ~12:54 23/1/18, the other one the same day shortly before the 12:54 one. After lunch, I add 2166(a). Next thing to be added afterwards: sources for Gongyla poem, or rather source, but transcriptions, because «lectio nonnullis locis difficillima» (the reading in some places is very difficult) and gives rather disparate results in P.Oxy. X and in Lobel-Page, with even different reading notes.», 23/1/18 12:56;
  132. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Finished adding sources to Sappho 16, and added combined text […] In 4-5 edits, 2-3 of which condensed around 16, one at 15:53, the very first one not so long before 15:53, all 23/1/18.», 23/1/18 16:01;
  133. Post notification for Being left, 27/1/18 11:42;
  134. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added the source for the Gongyla poem to: […] 12:24 29/1/18.», 29/1/18 12:26;
  135. Post notification for Suddenly appeared, suddenly left, 30/1/18 9:10;
  136. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added the sources of "Let's sing for the couple!" to the transcriptions post […] Shortly before 16:26, 30/1/2018», 30/1/18 16:27;
  137. Post notification for Leaving no traces, 3/2/18 9:54;
  138. Post notification for I think of you at sunset, 6/2/18 7:22;
  139. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added image and my transcription of Gongyla papyrus to the discussion at [the transcriptions post.] 2 edits, 10:56 and 11:13, both 6/2/2018.», 6/12/18 11:15;
  140. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added poem on nostalgia for youth […] Two edits, one at 17:45, one at 18:15, on 6/2/2018.», 6/2/18 18:16;
  141. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 10 […] 8:59 8/2/2018. Modernized transcription and image size to be tackled in around 1/2h.», 8/2/18 9:01;
  142. Post notification for The moon has set, 10/2/18 9:10;
  143. Post notification for The stars and the moon, full moon, and… an intruder?, 13/2/18 9:09;
  144. Post notification for A sad moon, 17/2/18 9:35;
  145. Post notification for Leopard, the moon, and a hedge, 20/2/18 8:32;
  146. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added sources for another Sappho poem […] 22:01 21/02/2018», 21/2/18 22:02;
  147. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added source for "ode to a beautiful woman" […] 22:51 21/02/2018 And this time, P.Sapph. Obbink will actually be next up :). This is the end of the Oxy 1231 fragments.», 21/2/18 22:54;
  148. Post notification for The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 24/2/18 10:09;
  149. Update notification for The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), «Added Ånton Xiè's Hakka version of the Chinese song […] 17:16 25/2/18.», 25/2/18 7:25;
  150. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Finally added P.Sapph.Obbink […] 22:34 25/2/2018. Reading notes coming soon. Maybe tomorrow, depends on how long it takes to implement tomorrow's corrections to thesis and research project, and submit the application for the SNS (Normale di Pisa) PhD.», 25/2/18 22:37;
  151. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added reading notes to Obbink and transcription of another source for poem 1 in Obbink […] 16:50 26/02/2018.», 26/2/18 16:52;
  152. Post notification for So many stars, 27/2/18 8:15;
  153. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added other source to second poem of P.Sapph. Obbink […] 10:15 27/02/2018.», 27/2/18 10:17;
  154. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Transferred Oxyrhynchus sources of Tithonus poem &co. from unpublished draft of post 108 […] 17:25 2/3/2018», 2/3/18 17:29;
  155. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Transferred Köln sources of Tithonus poem &co. from draft […] 2/3/2018 19:32 Combined text coming soon.», 2/3/18 19:34;
  156. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Made combined text for Tithonus poem and co. […] 2/3/2018 25:58 (TWO MINUTES TO MIIII-IDNIIIGHT :) )», 3/3/18 00:08;
  157. Post notification for Yelaixiang (night-blooming jasmine?), 3/3/18 9:03;
  158. Post notification for Varda la luna, 6/3/18 12:30;
  159. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added P.Berol. 9722 fol. 5, source of "O Atthis", […] 16:26 9/3/2018 "Reformated" transcription done for 20 lines, some images missing in reading notes.», 9/3/18 16:35;
  160. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Finished work on P.Berol. 9722 fol. 5 […] 17:06 9/3/2018 Time to see if there is some trial-and-error BS to fix there.», 9/3/18 17:09;
  161. Post notification for A night of moonlight, 10/3/18 10:55;
  162. Update notification for Blog index, «Edited index 5 times today, last one just now, more edits coming tomorrow; improving appearance and fixing stuff (like wrong dates which should now all be fixed).», 10/3/18 23:58;
  163. Update notification for Blog index, «Two last edits to index, one just now.», 11/3/18 15:36;
  164. Post notification for Alone in a rainy night, «Quite an assortment of languages we have here eh :)», 13/3/18 9:56;
  165. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added source for "I want to have died" […] 14/3/2018 21:37.», 14/3/18 21:41;
  166. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added last P.Berol. 9722 […] 22:32 14/3/2018. Oh and good pi day to you all :)!», 14/3/18 22:34;
  167. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added P.Haun. 301 […] 15/3/2018 14:47. P.Mediol. coming right now,», 15/3/18 14:53;
  168. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added that P.Mediol. […] 15/3/2018 15:09.», 15/3/18 15:10;
  169. Post notification for The feelings of a loafer - with such a lonely heart, 17/3/18 9:54;
  170. Update notification for Dearest offspring of Heave and of Earth, «Added most of the critical note […] 19/3/2018 1:00.», 19/3/18 1:01;
  171. Update notification for Dearest offspring of Heave and of Earth, «Finished the critical note […] 19/3/2018 12:57. Time to fix critical notations, perhaps tweak the intro, and attempt a poetic translation of the version with P.GC. thrown in.», 19/3/18 13:00;
  172. Update notification for Dearest offspring of Heave and of Earth, «Modulo possibly a poetic translation of the P.GC. version, the post […] is complete. 19/3/2018 13:30.», 19/3/18 13:31;
  173. Update notification for Dearest offspring of Heave and of Earth, «The post […] is essentially complete, with the P.GC. version translated in all three languages. Formating fixes may be in order. 19/3/2018 16:40. / UPDATE The last tab (the P.GC. version) doesn't work!! / UPDATE 16:41 Now it works. Time for the formating fixes.», 19/3/18 16:41;
  174. Post notification for Lone star, 20/3/18 9:31;
  175. Post notification for If you really care, «Aaaand I'm 25!», 24/3/18 8:52;
  176. Post notification for Do you really love me?, 27/3/18 9:49;
  177. Post notification for All the Indonesian songs I have met, 28/3/18 17:35;
  178. Update notification for All the Indonesian songs I have met, «Added two more translations […] 29/3/2018 17:01.», 29/3/18 17:03;
  179. Update notification for All the Indonesian songs I have met, «Added two more translations […] 29/3/2018 18:02.», 29/3/18 18:03;
  180. Update notification for All the Indonesian songs I have met, «Added 3 more translations […] 30/3/2018 16:58 Only two translations missing now, plus the song missing its lyrics.», 30/3/18 17:00;
  181. Post notification for How do I know you love me?, 31/3/18 9:31;
  182. Update notification for All of Sappho, Added lots of texts (without translations) and revised a couple texts […] In a series of edits starting at least Mar 30 (perhaps even 29 or 28) and ending today at 16:46, i.e. 1/4/2018 16:46 (Easter sunday btw). Time to finish the Indonesian songs.», 1/4/18 16:49;
  183. Update notification for All the Indonesian songs I have met, «Added another translation and a half […] 1/4/2018 17:32. Only half a translation and almost a whole song's lyrics missing now.», 1/4/18 17:34;
  184. Update notification for All the Indonesian songs I have met, «Finally finished this post modulo the missing lyrics […] 1/4/2018 18:12.», 1/4/18 18:14;
  185. Update notification for All the Indonesian songs I have met, «Revised last translation from Indonesian at 18:35 and 18:39 on 1/4/2018.», 1/4/18 18:40;
  186. Post notification for More than words, 3/4/18 9:39;
  187. Update notification for Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction, «Finally added the critical note to the Gongyla poem […] In three edits, one on 3/4/2018 at 14:19, and two on 4/4/2018, one at 15:23 and one at 16:27.», 4/4/18 16:29;
  188. Update notification for A few papyri transcribed, «Added P.Berol. 5006 recto, P.Oxy. 424, the combined text of these two, and P.Berol. 5006 verso […] In 3 edits on 5/4/2018. Precisely: 1) Edited index and added the heading for the recto at 12:44, shortly before lunch; 2) Added all the papyri at 15:49, i.e. just now.», 5/4/18 15:52;
  189. Update notification for All of Sappho, «Added a poem's text […] 16:04 5/4/2018», 5/4/18 16:05;
  190. Post notification for Forgetting you is forgetting myself, 7/4/18 10:12;
  191. Update notification for Daily life: marriage songs, «Checking all Sappho was on my index, I realized two poems, "Be happy" and "Keep your guard on her", belonged in [this post.] Added them in at 23:02 on 7/4/2018. Time to add in their critical notes.», 7/4/18 23:05;
  192. Update notification for Daily life: marriage songs, «Added the two missing critical notes […] 7/4/2018 23:51.», 7/4/18 23:52;
  193. Update notification for Blog index, «There has been some movement in the index, especially in the spoiler, as I looked through Sappho and realized some fragments were missing and some others were fit for posts different than "The Rest of Sappho". 3-4 edits today, the last of which at 0:17, fixed the matter.», 8/4/18 00:19;
  194. Update notification for I want to have died, «Added separate translations of a relevant Athenaeus quote […] 8/4/2017 22:17.», 8/4/18 22:18;
  195. Update notification for Daily life: marriage songs, «Fixed line-up problem […] 8/4/2018 22:26.», 8/4/18 22:27;
  196. Update notification for Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction, «Fixed line-up problems, overhuge image, and display problem (all tabs were visible stacked vertically until the unactive one was toggled) […] 8/4/2018 23:00.», 8/4/18 23:01;
  197. Update notification for Love and grief, «Added P.Obbink. version of poem 3 […] 8/4/2018 23:20/21.», 8/4/18 23:21;
  198. Update notification for Blog index, «Tweaks to index […] 8/4/2018 22:24.», 8/4/18 23:24;
  199. Post notification for 'Tis you, 10/4/18 8:53;
  200. Post notification for Who am I without you?, 14/4/18 10:07;
  201. Update notification for Love and grief, «Added poetic translation of P.Obbink. version […] 16/4/2018 19:41», 16/4/18 19:43;
  202. Post notification for Have I been deceived?, 17/4/18 6:49;
  203. Update notification for I want to have died, «Added critical note […] 17/4/2018, two edits: 1) Major edit at 11:45; 2) Minor edit (adding in the sentence about ll. 19-21) at 11:49.», 17/4/18 11:52;
  204. Update notification for O Atthis!, «Added critical note […] 19/4/2018 15:27.», 19/4/18 15:28;
  205. Post notification for Can I stop loving you?, 21/4/18 7:29;
  206. Post notification for Mythic'lly good? Let's hear some myths!, 24/4/18 6:53;
  207. Post notification for Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 28/4/18 8:45;
  208. Update notification for All the Indonesian songs I have met, «Added another song […] 19:20 30/4/2018 Partially Google Translated, must fix. Another song is missing in the post which I only just met with.», 30/4/18 19:19;
  209. Update notification for All the Indonesian songs I have met, «De-googlization complete at 20:44/45. Adding other song in a sec.», 30/4/18 20:47;
  210. Update notification for All the Indonesian songs I have met, «Added last missing song […] 30/4/2018 22:45», 30/4/18 22:48;
  211. Post notification for Nostalgia for youth, 1/5/18 10:06
  212. Update notification for All the Indonesian songs I have met, «Fixed lyrics of last song […] 1/5/2018 17:46.», 1/5/18 17:48;
  213. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added songs 13 and 14 of Year 2 […] 1/5/2018 23:19.», 23:23;
  214. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added two songs (15&16) […] 2/5/2018 21:19.», 2/5/18 21:22;
  215. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added songs 17-20 […] 3/5/2018 12:09.», 3/5/18 12:11;
  216. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added songs 21-22 […] 4/5/2018 21:31.», 4/5/18 21:32;
  217. Post notification for Different nostalgia: daughter is far away, 5/5/18 10:00;
  218. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added songs 23-24 […] 5/5/2018 22:04.», 5/5/18 22:18;
  219. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added songs 25-26 […] 7/5/2018, failed attempts: 22:51, 22:52, success at 22:53. Stupid unexplainable Blogger errors...», 7/5/18 22:54;
  220. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added songs 27-28 […] 8/5/2018 11:50.», 8/5/18 11:51;
  221. Post notification for Children's songs!, 8/5/18 23:01;
  222. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added songs 29-30 […] 9/5/2018 10:28.», 9/5/18 10:29;
  223. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added songs 31-32 […] 9/5/2018 12:26.», 9/5/18 12:27;
  224. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «In case anyone was wondering, there was a <ruby> that should have been a <rt> in the code […] And that caused everything from the last line of song 20 (repetitions not counted) to the end of song 32 to be on a single huge line. Fixed that. 9/5/2018 14:14.», 9/5/18 14:18;
  225. Help request: «Can anyone help me verify the links to the songs in [the Chinese songs post] all work properly? Just fixed the one for Xiaosa Zou Yihui (Live an Unrestrained Life), 9/5/2018 19:17:32.», 9/5/18 19:20;
  226. Post notification for A daughter to "get rid of", 12/5/18 7:23;
  227. Post notification for Romeo and Cinderella, 15/5/18 9:04;
  228. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Revised spelling, interline glosses, and translation of song 29 […] 15/5/2018 14:00.», 15/5/18 14:03;
  229. Post notification for As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 19/5/18 10:22;
  230. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added songs 33-34 […] 19/5/2018 22:50.», 19/5/18 22:51;
  231. Post notification for When will you come back?, 22/5/18 7:24;
  232. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added index entries (not lyrics yet though) of songs 35-58 […] 22/5/2018 12:30», 22/5/18 12:37;
  233. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added index entries (not lyrics yet though) of songs 59-101 […] 22/5/2018 15:58», 22/5/18 15:59;
  234. Post notification for Love you till the end, «I'm thinking so much about the blog lately that I almost forget to post :).», 26/5/18 20:04;
  235. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added index entries (not lyrics yet though) of songs 103-106 […] 27/5/2018 23:03», 27/5/18 23:24;
  236. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added index entries (not lyrics yet though) of songs 107-108 […] 28/5/2018 10:26», 28/5/18 10:28;
  237. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added index entries (not lyrics yet though) of songs 109-112 […] 28/5/2018 15:25», 28/5/18 15:26;
  238. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added index entries (not lyrics yet though) of songs 113-116 […] 28/5/2018 17:27», 28/5/18 19:32;
  239. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added index entries (not lyrics yet though) of songs 117-122 […] 28/5/2018 19:45», 28/5/18 19:46;
  240. Post notification for Quel oselin dal bòsch, 29/5/18 8:44;
  241. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added index entries (not lyrics yet though) of songs 123-130 […] 31/5/2018 8:34», 31/5/18 8:38;
  242. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added index entries (not lyrics yet though) of songs 131-134 […] 31/5/2018 14:40 Actually, 130, 131 and a wrong 132 were added in another edit today at twelve twenty-something.», 31/5/18 14:43;
  243. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Added index entries (not lyrics yet though) of songs 135-160 […] 1/6/2018 12:52», 1/6/18 12:54;
  244. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Finished year 2 index with songs from 6-song video once song 136 (right?) and songs 166-173 1/6/2018 23:50 Video for last song found on Youku coming soon. Undatables coming tomorrow. UPDATE Video came at 00:05.», 2/6/18 00:03;
  245. Post notification for Ti voglio rivedere, 2/6/18 9:30;
  246. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Gimmicked with the year 2 order […] 3/6/2018 19:19, 4/6/2018 10:32 & 10:34.», 4/6/18 10:39;
  247. Post notification for Chipi Chipi, 5/6/18 20:39;
  248. Post notification for Amore mio lontano, 9/5/18 10:05;
  249. Video upload: Chipi Chipi, Youku equivalent, «Oh yeah, I'm on Youku too now. Fairly recent thing this is.», 9/6/18 22:09;
  250. Update notification for All the Chinese songs I have met, «Finally made undatables index […] In two edits at 17:34 and at 18:05 of 10/6/2018. Now fiddling with WIP notice. UPDATE: With an edit from 18:18, the fiddling was done with.», 10/6/18 18:09;
  251. Post notification for Un amore appassionato che felice non finì, 12/6/18 9:02;
  252. Update notification for Amore mio lontano, «Stumbled upon and added the Chinese translation […] 15/6/18 14:25.», 15/6/18 15:00;
  253. Post notification for I still love you all the same, 16/6/18 10:04;
  254. Post notification for Fool love, 19/6/18 7:49;
  255. Post notification for I'll be with you, 23/6/18 8:14;
  256. Post notification for Ballata dell'amore vero, 26/6/18 7:18;
  257. Update notification for You're half of my soul, «Added English and Czech versions […] 12:05 26/6/18», 26/6/18 11:07;
  258. Post notification for True love, 30/6/18 9:51;
  259. Post notification for Partner's beautiful…, 8:34 3/7/18;
  260. Post notification for …lover, not so much, 7/7/18 9:36;
  261. Post notification for 'O surdato 'nnamurato, 10/7/18 14:05;
  262. Post notification for Cannot forget, 14/7/18 9:44;
  263. Post notification for Meraviglioso, 17/7/18 7:27;
  264. Video upload: S't-a-m tẽ la mã, «17/7/18 ~10:50 Romagolo version of "As you hold my hand" (Min original 牵阮的手").», 17/7/18 10:52;
  265. Post notification for Night fog, 21/7/18 10:14;
  266. Post notification for Memory and being remembered, 24/7/18 9:43;
  267. Post notification for The role of history (alias I chose to leave you, but let’s give it the same title), 28/7/18 9:30;
  268. Post notification for Why do I cry?, 31/7/18 9:07;
  269. Update notification for Yelaixiang (night-blooming jasmine?), «Couple fixes to Czech […] 1/8/18 15:33.», 1/8/18 15:35;
  270. Post notification for Crying stars, 4/8/18 14:55;
  271. Oopsy-daisy on Blog index: «Accidentally reverted index to draft again, new link […] Republished 12:23 today.», 6/8/18 12:26;
  272. Update to page address (linked to previous item), 6/8/18 12:27;
  273. Post notification for What should I do?, 7/8/18 10:10;
  274. Update notification for All of Sappho, «Added a number of texts […] 16:20 8/8/18. More incoming.», 8/8/18 16:24;
  275. Update notification for All of Sappho, «Added a number of texts and one or two translations […] 17:33 8/8/18.», 8/8/18 17:34;
  276. Update notification for All of Sappho, «Added version 2 of Cypris and Nereids and solved huge lineup problem […] 8/8/18, failed attempts 18:44 18:45 18:46 18:47 18:48 18:49 18:51 (and this one sure wasn't coz idiot mobile turned hotspot off and I didn't notice) 18:52 CODING ERROR?!, succeeded at 18:58 FINALLY!!», 8/8/18 19:05;
  277. Update notification for Chinese Poetic Sappho, «Added a number of Sapphic stanza texts […] 8/8/18, failed attempts 19:20, succeeded at 19:22. More texts incoming.», 8/8/18 19:23;
  278. Update notification for Chinese Poetic Sappho, «Added a number of texts […] 8/8/18 19:34. More texts incoming.», 8/8/18 19:36;
  279. Update notification for Chinese Poetic Sappho, «Completed text addition […] 8/8/18 23:42.», 8/8/18 23:43;
  280. Update notification for Blog index, «Added what should be all the formerly missing fragments to the "rest of Sappho" post plan […] 9/8/18 00:01.», 9/8/18 00:02;
  281. Update notification for Blog index, «Added link to Romagnolo video of Khan gún ê tshiú to index 10/8/18 16:39.», 10/8/18 16:41;
  282. Post notification for Poisonous perfume, 11/8/18 10:10;
  283. INDEX SPOILER UPDATE: « Shifted two posts around and merged "The rest of Sappho" with "Untranslatable Sappho: too holey for a poetic translation" and "Single-word quotations of Sappho". Failed at 15:58 cos internet was terrible, succeeded at 16:00. 11/8/18.», 11/8/18 16:11;
  284. UPDATE TO ALL-SAPPHO POSTS: «Added poems from "The joys of friendship" (LP 138 & 48) to 23:06: All of Sappho, 23:07: Chinese poetic Sappho. 11/8/18.», 11/8/18 23:25;
  285. NEW POST: A kind of love called breaking up, 14/8/18 9:34;
  286. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Sappho Edmonds 29 Campbell 163 & Edmonds 14 Campbell 41 to 17:05 All of Sappho, 17:08 Chinese Poetic Sappho, 15/8/18.», 15/8/18 17:11;
  287. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Discovered a Facebook note with all Romanian translations collected and corrected only today, so I had to implement the corrections at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl 15/8/18 21:28.», 15/8/18 21:31;
  288. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added mention of Edmonds' 38/39 split to Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth 17/8/18 22:09.», 17/8/18 22:11;
  289. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added mention of Edmonds' 38/39 split and invented lines at fr. 154 to index. 17/8/18 22:29.», 17/8/18 22:33;
  290. NEW POST: Tell me you don't love me (so I can leave you), 18/8/18 9:22;
  291. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Besides adding the new post, I added a little annotation to the entry for the post "The rest of Sappho" [in the index]. 18/8/18 9:39.», 18/8/18 9:42;
  292. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Bergk number to quote sourcing milk poem at Nostalgia for youth. 19/8/18 18:36/37.», 19/8/18 18:40;
  293. NEW POST: Saying you love me is a torture: let's part, 21/8/18 9:11;
  294. WOW!: «+2400% [to the page visits]?! WOW!», 24/8/18 10:25;
  295. Update notification for Chinese Poetic Sappho, «Fixed typo in Chinese version of poem 9 […] 24/8/18 18:23», 24/8/18 18:30;
  296. Post notification for Maybe she's testing me… or maybe we should just part, 25/8/18 9:17;
  297. POST UPDATE NOTICE: « Fixed a couple errors in Love and Grief intro to poem 2: Love and grief. 10:52/53 25/8/18.», 25/8/18 10:58;
  298. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Oh my God what an error there was in Chinese Poetic Sappho regarding the ῎Υμμες πεδὰ Μοίσαν poem! Corrected it. 25/8/18 11:52.», 25/8/18 11:53;
  299. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Corrected typo and ordering mistake at Chinese Poetic Sappho 25/8/18 22:59. Idiot computer got stuck on posting so that's why I'm posting one day late about this.», 26/8/18 13:07;
  300. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed "nigra" typo in Spanish Hymn to Aphrodite, fixed title of fr. 73, fixed translation of fr. 74(a). All of Sappho, 13:03 26/8/18.», 26/8/18 13:10;
  301. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Greekified "sin" in "allodapoisin" in 83, fixed critical notation and translation of 88. All of Sappho, 26/8/18 16:05.», 26/8/18 16:06;
  302. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Corrected cross-reference error in poem 5 at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 26/8/18 21:53.», 26/8/18 21:56;
  303. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed the critical note and notation of poem 3 at Memory and being remembered, 26/8/18 23:10.», 26/8/18 23:12;
  304. NEW POST: Waiting till my heartbreak, 28/8/18 11:07;
  305. WOW: «+1300% [to the page visits]?! WOW again!», 29/8/18 12:37;
  306. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «I want to have died: Fixed typo in Greek text and added last sentence to critical note. 31/8/18 17:58.», 31/8/18 18:00;
  307. POST UPATE NOTICE: «Update the text according to the previous post and expanded the Τιμάδια single word quote at All of Sappho, 18:03, and Chinese Poetic Sappho, 18:06. 31/8/18», 31/8/18 18:08;
  308. NEW POST: Lonely nights of heartbreak, 1/9/18 10:16;
  309. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added 4 new songs to spoiler in index, 3/9/18 11:15.», 3/9/18 11:17;
  310. NEW POST: Calling your name in the wind, 4/9/18 11:48;
  311. NEW VIDEOS: «1. 爱人仔佗位去? Ài-lîn-á tó-uī khì? | Που πήγες ω αγαπητή? | Amôr, indô' si-t ãndêda? | Chérie où es-tu allé, the song from Lonely nights of heartbreak in all its language versions, uploaded 1/9/18. 2. The things that I see | 见到的事情 Jiàn dào de shìqíng, the song in the preview in its original English and its Chinese translation, uploaded 4/9/18. Videos added to index spoiler 4/9/18 21:47/48.», 4/9/18 21:41;
  312. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Corrected two wrong links for two Sicilian songs right after "The rest of Sappho" in [index] spoiler. 5/9/18 13:28/29.», 5/9/18 13:30;
  313. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Chinese version of post-P.GC. version of "Cypris and Nereids" to Chinese Poetic Sappho, 5/9/18 22:15.», 5/9/18 22:17;
  314. NEW POST: Soft wind, 8/9/18 9:16;
  315. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Video of "Home's so far" in [index] spoiler now works. 9/9/18 22:11/12.», 9/9/18 22:15;
  316. NEW VIDEO: «Nguqongqothwane | 黄粉虫子 Huángfěn chóngzi | The knock-knock beetle. Sorry, the link obtained by the mobile didn't generate a preview on the mobile, but now I can't generate the preview despite having put in the long link.», 10/9/18 14:59;
  317. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed the lyrics of "Only if you fight you can win" at All the Chinese songs I have met in two rounds, most of the work at 22:24, one wrong interline gloss at 22:39 (a 夜 for 也), both rounds on 10/9/18.», 10/9/18 22:43;
  318. NEW POST: Stubbornly waiting, 11/9/18 7:42;
  319. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added the missing 人 in the lyrics at A daughter to "get rid of" 11/9/18 15:25.», 11/9/18 15:29;
  320. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Dug up a previously missed English translation, added it to Mi manchi da morire 11/9/18 17:05.», 11/9/18 17:06;
  321. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «No idea how I managed to not put it in in the first place, but the Chinese song is now actually present at Children's songs!, 11/9/18 17:14.», 11/9/18 17:16;
  322. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Dug up Italian and French translations added at Deep love, 11/9/18 17:22.», 11/9/18 17:23;
  323. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Two or three fixes + two new items in the [index] spoiler […] 11/9/18 18:27.», 11/9/18 18:28;
  324. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Chinese translation and fixed the Greek text of fragment 5 at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 20:54 translation, 20:57 title, 23:45 UPDATE: did some notational fixes, eliminated a spurious bit, changed 能够这样说 to 能这样说着 (complete stanza, l. 3). 11/9/18.», 11/9/18 21:09;
  325. NEW VIDEO: «Pa ret ap domi | Do not stop to sleep | 别停别睡觉 Bié tíng bié shuìjiào, 12/9/18 shortly before 14. The song is in the blog index spoiler very near the end. Time to add it there. UPDATE Only got around to it at 18:30.», 12/9/18 15:50;
  326. NEW POST: Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 12/9/18 22:27;
  327. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added a new general warning and a third example of the now-second-last warning at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 13/9/18 9:59.», 13/9/18 10:01;
  328. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Five rounds of fixes to (mostly) line-up problem and (less) translations [at] All of Sappho, 13/9/18 10:18, 10:26, 10:29, 10:32, 10:49.», 13/9/18 10:53;
  329. POST UPDATE NOTICE: « Final fixes to the lineup, translation of titles, some translations, at All of Sappho, 13/9/18 11:56.», 13/9/18 11:57;
  330. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Translated a bunch of titles and even a poem atChinese Poetic Sappho, 13/9/18 12:58.», 13/9/18 13:03;
  331. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Translated titles up to fragment 80, and a bunch of poems on the way, at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 13/9/18 16:08.», 13/9/18 16:10;
  332. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Implemented a small change in the Chinese text att La mente torna, 14/9/18 11:21/22.», 14/9/18 11:27;
  333. NEW VIDEO: Pareche Ponzipo, 14/9/18 sometime in the 16:52-17:04 timespan. This is an uncut video with a billion cuts to make, so I won't put it in the index spoiler. Enjoy the billion errors and angry (or otherwise…) reactions :).», 14/9/18 17:26;
  334. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Finished translating titles and translated one or two poems at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 14/9/18 19:19.», 14/9/18 19:20;
  335. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Reordered the introduction at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 14/9/18 22:28... Nice try with that unclosed tag. Actual update time: 22:31.», 14/9/18 22:29;
  336. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added notice of P.Oxy. 2166(a) frr. 3a + 3b at Sappho: two divine epiphanies, 14/9/18 22:47. CONSEQUENT UPDATES 1. Text and Spanish translation at All of Sappho, 22:52. 2. Text at Chinese Poetic Sappho, failed at 22:55, 23:02, 23:03, 23:04, succeeded at 23:06.», 14/9/18 22:48;
  337. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed lineup problem at Mi tagghiu u mustazzu, 15/9/18 00:07.», 15/9/18 00:08;
  338. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Corrected pinyin at Canzone del melograno, 15/9/18 00:18.», 15/9/18 00:19;
  339. NEW POST: Memories and forgetfulness, 15/9/18 9:42;
  340. POST UPDATE NOTIEC: « Several formating improvement and a line breaking correction at Una versione… poetica, 15/9/18 12:30.», 15/9/18 12:31;
  341. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Removed spurious footnote marks and added explanation of Min Nan 阮 and 咱 at My lover is a sailor, 15/9/18 13:01.», 15/9/18 13:02;
  342. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed the naming of P.Berol. 9722, both in index and in titles, and added the versos of those at A few papyri transcribed, 15/9/18 14:08.», 15/9/18 14:09;
  343. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed lineup and line breaking problems, and even added a sentence to the critical note and a completion to the text, at O Atthis!, 15/9/18 18:35.», 15/9/18 18:36;
  344. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added translation of l. 8 of the second multi-version poem at Love and grief, 15/9/18 19:31.», 15/9/18 19:32;
  345. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added some details to intro at Lone star, 15/9/18 21:35.», 15/9/18 22:20;
  346. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed lineup problem, reworked index (adding 4 missing songs), and did a couple minor fixes to the translations at All the Indonesian songs I have met, 15/9/18 22:19/20.», 15/9/18 22:23;
  347. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed lineup problem and italianized title at Romeo e Cenerentola, 15/9/18 23:43. Related index update: 23:45.», 15/9/18 23:46;
  348. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed lineup problem and tweaked lyrics at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 15/9/18 23:55.», 15/9/18 23:56;
  349. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed lineup problem at Love you till the end, 16/9/18 00:04.», 16/9/18 00:04;
  350. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed lineup problem at Un amore appassionato che felice non finì, 16/9/18 00:17.», 16/9/18 00:18;
  351. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed translation and mentioned correction in intro at Stubbornly waiting, 16/9/18 00:48.», 16/9/18 00:49;
  352. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Italian and Sicilian versions at Why do I cry?, 16/9/18 13:56.», 16/9/18 13:57;
  353. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Ånton Xiè's Hakka version at When will you come back?, 16/9/18 19:16.», 16/9/18 19:17;
  354. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Ånton Xiè's new version and hid the old one in a nav-tab at When will you come back?, 16/9/18 22:10.», 16/9/18 22:11;
  355. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added dating info for Ånton Xiè's versions at When will you come back?, 16/9/18 22:20.», 16/9/18 22:21;
  356. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed the coding problems at When will you come back?. Now you can actually see Ånton Xiè's new version, whereas before both tabs showed the old one. Whoops :)! 16/9/18 22:22.», 16/9/18 22:23;
  357. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added new song to come up soon and fixed the dates accordingly at Blog index, 16/9/18 23:19.», 16/9/18 23:21;
  358. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added translation of fr. 8 at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 11:18 translation, 11:20 dating info, 17/9/18.», 17/9/18 11:22;
  359. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Dated translation of fr. 1 more precisely, fixed a bunch of typos in said translation, dated translation of fr. 2 at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 17/9/18 13:40/41.», 17/9/18 13:42;
  360. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Marked a bunch of names with 「」 and did some tweaks (including typo fixes) at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 16:16 17/9/18. Also, at 16:25 I made the bold titles in the intro bigger and added blank lines before them.», 17/9/18 16:23;
  361. NEW POST: Parting, 18/9/18 8:01;
  362. NEW VIDEO: «Pareche Ponzipo, cut version, 19/9/18 ~12:45. Related index update: 12:53.», 19/9/18 12:48;
  363. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Tiga kata aishiteru to All the Indonesian songs I have met, 20/9/18 8:51.», 20/9/18 8:53;
  364. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Sempurna to All the Indonesian songs I have met, 20/9/18 9:24.», 20/9/18 9:26;
  365. NEW VIDEO: «最后的温柔 Zuìhòu de wēnróu | L'ultima tenerezza | L'ultima tinnirizza, 21/9/18 11:41. Spoiler alert: this is tomorrow's post. Related index edit, which included adding two new songs to spoiler and a bunch of date changes as a consequence: 13:00.», 21/9/18 11:44;
  366. NEW POST: L'ultima tenerezza, 22/9/18 9:43;
  367. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Corrected Czech version at Alone in a rainy night, 22/9/18, round 1 at 13:43, round 2 at 15:36.», 22/9/18 13:46;
  368. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Corrected Czech version at The feelings of a loafer – with such a lonely heart, 22/9/18 15:37. Correction dating info added 15:40.», 22/9/18 15:38;
  369. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Corrected Czech version at Who am I without you?, 22/9/18 15:56.», 22/9/18 16:35;
  370. NEW POST: Your tomorrow won't have me, 25/9/18 7:40;
  371. NEW POST: Il mio amore se n'è andato…, «Corrected Tâi-lô blooper and added song title to intro at 8:56.», 29/9/18 8:40;
  372. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Berharap suatu hari at All the Indonesian songs I have met, 30/9/18 18:18. Title translation: 18:20.», 30/9/18 18:19;
  373. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Kugadaikan cintaku to All the Indonesian songs I have met, 30/9/18 19:41. This completes the post, modulo the incomplete lyrics starting "Dua kali, dua kali" and the suspended bits of the just-added song where the video differs from the lyrics I had. Title translation, couple translation fixes, and fixing of lineup problem: 19:47.», 30/9/18 19:42;
  374. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Corrected wrong words in Kugadaikan cintaku at All the Indonesian songs I have met, 1/10/18 9:51.», 1/10/18 9:52;
  375. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added tentative transcription and translation of the spoken part of Kugadaikan cintaku [at] All the Indonesian songs I have met, 1/10/18 10:21.», 1/10/18 10:25;
  376. POST UPDATE NOTICE: « A couple more corrections at Kugadaikan cintaku. All the Indonesian songs I have met, 1/10/18 10:52.», 1/10/18 10:52;
  377. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added treatment of pronoun "in" to On my spelling and transliteration of Min, Hakka and Teochew | 关于我写而拼写闽语、客话、潮州话的方法, 1/10/18 14:59.», 1/10/18 14:59;
  378. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Apél to All the Indonesian songs I have met, 1/10/18 19:49, same day as I met it :).», 1/10/18 19:52;
  379. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Reviewed intro and made dating info more precise at All the Indonesian songs I have met, 1/10/18 19:49, same day as I met it :).», 1/10/18 20:54.», 1/10/18 20:56;
  380. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «The "improvised" version of the start of Apél is now finished at All the Indonesian songs I have met, 1/10/18 19:49, same day as I met it :).», 1/10/18 00:46.», 2/10/18 00:46;
  381. NEW POST: Dis-moi donc, pluie, 2/10/18 7:11;
  382. NEW POST: Tu m'as jamais vraiment aimé(e), 6/10/18 9:30;
  383. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Updated blog coordinates of some fragments due to reordering in "The rest of Sappho" draft. Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 8/10/18 9:40.», 8/10/18 9:42;
  384. NEW POST: Not miss him, 9/10/18 7:10;
  385. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed metrical definition of "book 4" poems in Chinese Poetic Sappho intro (hagesichoreans are the base, not hipponacteans which would have an extra anceps at the start), 9/10/18 9:58. Also, fixed crit not in Greek and 还远->海员 in Chinese of fr. 6, 10:10.», 9/10/18 10:00;
  386. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added translation of fr. 7 at Chinese Poetic Sappho 9/10/18 10:17. 10:18: fixed lineup problem caused by forgotten linebreak in said translation. 10:28: fixed translation of fr. 43.», 9/10/18 10:17;
  387. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Translated fr. 12 at Chinese Poetic Sappho 10:39 9/10/18.», 9/10/18 10:41;
  388. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Clarified source for SP 89 (00:48) then other colophons (00:56) at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 10/10/18.», 10/10/18 00:57;
  389. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Tweaked Greek and French at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 12/10/18 16:55.», 12/10/18 17:01;
  390. NEW POST: Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies, 13/10/18 11:21;
  391. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed the two non-working index links and made a number of other changes at A few papyri transcribed, 13/10/18 14:11.», 13/10/18 14:15;
  392. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added links to source transcriptions at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, Round 1 (up to LP 30 P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 56): 16:23. Round 2 (the rest, includes adding last two rows): 17:21. Blog coordinates of new fragments: 17:51. All on 13/10/18.», 13/10/18 16:43;
  393. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed index order and number of Lobel-Page 93 (formerly marked as 94) at A few papyri transcribed, 18:38/39 13/10/18. Snack time, then fixing P.Berol. 5066 to being 5006 and finally adding P.Berol. 9722 fol. 3.», 13/10/18 17:42;
  394. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added P.Berol. 9722 fol. 3 at A few papyri transcribed, First half: 19:46. Second half: 00:36. A couple underdots in the reordered transcription: 00:43. All on 13/10/18.», 13/9/18 19:51;
  395. NEW VIDEO: «Como hacer para olvidarte | 哪会当来放袂记得你 Ná ē tàng lâi pàng buē kì tit lí | 怎么会来全忘记你 Zěnme hui lái quán wàngjì nǐ. Finished processing about 18:06 14/10/18. Related index update: 15/10/18 10:14.», 14/10/18 18:07;
  396. Post notification for Contrast: Donne's reaction to parting, 16/9/18 9:25;
  397. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Hesychius source to Edmonds 134 and made "Aldi" sources more precise at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 19/10/18 9:40.», 19/9/18 9:41;
  398. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added some crit not and final remarks to P.Berol. 9722 fol. 3 at A few papyri transcribed, 10:01:00/01. Placed them outside of two-column for transcriptions. :) 10:03. 19/10/18.», 19/9/18 10:01;
  399. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Lekatsas numbers atat Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, Round 1 (up to LP 91): 20/10/18 19:20, Round 2 (up to LP 178): 20/10/18 20:08, Round 3 (up to C 2.3): 21/10/18 13:(48/)49, Round 4 (all the rest, including addition of newfound fragment): 21/10/18 17:16.», 20/10/18 19:21;
  400. NEW POST: Another poem by Donne, 21/10/18 2:35;
  401. NEW POST: A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho, 23/10/18 7:23;
  402. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 45 and the beginning of P.Berol. 9722 fol. 1 at A few papyri transcribed, 23/10/18 11:05.», 23/10/18 11:08;
  403. NEW POST: Posts on the blog's Facebook page, «Failed attempts: 20:54, 20:55, 20:56., Related index update: 23:33. Related Facebook page posts update: 23:30», 26/10/18 20:59;
  404. NEW VIDEO: Sempurna | Pirfetta | 完美 Wánměi, «26/10/18 sometime between 22:15 and 22:46. Related index update: 23:24. Related Facebook page posts update: 23:30», 26/10/18 23:20;
  405. NEW POST: A prayer to read stormy journeys, «Related index update: 10:36. Related Facebook page post update: 10:51.», 27/18/18 10:33
  406. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added P.Vindob. 29777a to A few papyri transcribed, 27/10/18 12:41. Related Facebook page post update: 12:49. Failed attempt: 12:45.», 27/10/18 12:43;
  407. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Italian version and completed Slovak version at Deep love once more, 27/10/18 13:09. Relate Facebook page post update: 13:12.», 27/10/18 13:10;
  408. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added original translations of quotes in P.Sapph. Obbink poem at Love and grief, 28/10/18, quote 1: 18:44, quote 2: 18:48. Related Facebook page post update: 18:52 28/10/18. Failed attempts: 18:51.», 28/10/18 18:45;
  409. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added original translation of part of poem 1 at Love and grief, 28/10/18 19:31. Related Facebook page post update: 19:41.», 28/10/18 19:33;
  410. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added translations of P.S.I. 1470 at Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria, 28/10/18 21:13. Related Facebook page post update: 21:16.», 29/10/18 21:13;
  411. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added last sentence to intro (the one with the last line) at Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 28/10/18 21:23. Related Facebook page post update: 21:26.», 28/10/18 21:23;
  412. NEW POST: We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing, «30/10/18 9:06. Related index update: 9:10. Related Facebook page post update: 9:19.», 30/10/18 9:08;
  413. POST UPDATE NOTICE: « Removed spurious "Alc. 88" from Bergk-column cell of inc. 4, added links to recent posts, fixed ROS numbers, at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, Round 1 (all but fixing categories 1.H-1.J): 10:33. Round 2 (categories 1.H-1.J): 11:05. 30/10/18. Related Facebook page post update: 11:10.», 30/10/18 11:08;
  414. POST UPDATE NOTICE: « Added all missing texts up to group 1 in "The rest of Sappho" and a couple translations at All of Sappho, Round 1 (categories 1.A-1.E): 30/10/18 18:33, Round 2 (categories 1.F-1.H + adding missing Greek filler text to fr. 59): 30/10/18 21:23, Round 3 (rest of ROS 1.X texts): 30/10/18 23:12, Round 4 (matching punctuation of new fr. 14 in Greek to edits in Spanish): 30/10/18 23:16, Round 5 (fixing WIP notice, adding some Edmonds versions, adding one translation, and fixing numbering up to cat 2 of untranslatables, leaving huge lineup problem): 31/10/18 10:05. BROKEN TAG FAILs 9:48 10:04, Round 6 (fixing lineup problems and adding last missing numbers in Greek): 10:21, Round 7 (fixing Spanish numbers till "150: Oh Sol"): 31/10/18 10:56. Round 8 (fixing Greek numbers and Spanish ones till "156: Llorar"): 31/10/18 11:09, Round 9 (fixing Spanish numbers till 176 which was ροζʹ=177): 31/10/18 11:15, Round 10 (fixing all numbers left to fix): 31/10/18 11:40, Round 11 (adding several Edmonds versions): 31/10/18 12:08, Round 12 (adding all other Edmonds versions): 31/10/18 15:50, Round 13 (adding all, or all but one, of the missing single-word quotes): 31/10/18 16:05, Round 14 (giving right side to missing single-word quotes and start of lineup fix): 31/10/18 16:51, Round 15 (fixing the lineup AFAICS): 31/10/18 17:12. Related Facebook page post update: 31/10/18 17:16», 30/10/18 18:37;
  415. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Transferred new texts from Spanish Sappho to Chinese Poetic Sappho. Round 1 (up to Edmonds version of "A marriage song"): 31/10/18 17:41. FAILED ATTEMPT: 17:39. Round 2 (up to the end of group 1): 31/10/18 22:48. FAILED ATTEMPT: 22:47. Round 3 (almost fixed lineup problem): 31/10/18 22:56. Round 4 (fixed lineup problem): 31/10/18 22:59. Round 5 (up to book 3 in Spanish post): 31/10/18 23:17. Round 6 (up to μή τι κατ ἀμμετέραν φρένα): 1/11/18 9:54. Round 7 (up to cicada): 1/11/18 16:47. Round 8 (all other texts): 1/11/18 22:18. Round 9 (fixing Greek numbers with probably either a double number or a missing fragment): 1/11/18 22:58. Round 10 (fixing and sinizing Chinese number up to start of untranslatables, will do those as I add them, and the rest sometime, also translated some version titles to Chinese): 1/11/18 00:14. Round 11 (fixing Greek numbers and some lineup problem): 2/11/18 00:22. Round 12 (fixing lineup as far as I'm willing to :) ): 2/11/18 00:28. Related Facebook page post update: 2/11/18 00:40.», 31/10/18 17:40;
  416. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «All of Sappho. Fixed "comparison datives" to genitives: 1/11/18 9:56. Removed double fragment and fixed numbers in Greek and up to Untranslatables in Spanish (too lazi to finish the (Spanish): OK guys, idk wtf happened. Sometime between 16:49 and 17:10, I pressed update, but idiot computer got stuck while saving, so I assumed I had to do it again. However, it seems it saved even more than I did, as the double fragment is gone and the numbers seem to be entirely fixed. Magic, I tell ye. :) Fixed grýthn to grýtan in single words: 22:19. Fixed newly emerged lineup problem and added --- --- message at top: 1/11/18 22:31. Added linebreaks before 119: 1/11/18 23:32. Related Facebook page post update: 2/11/18 00:40.», 1/11/18 10:03;
  417. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added contexts to all-Sappho posts: Round 1 Spanish (up to Epithalamians): 2/11/18 18:56. Round 1 Chinese (same as above): 2/11/18 18:57. Round 2 Spanish (up to but excluding "Mixed with all kinds of colors"): 2/11/18 19:59. Round 2 Chinese (same as above): 2/11/18 20:00. Round 3 Spanish (finished): 2/11/18 23:35. Round 3 Chinese (finished): 2/11/18 23:36. Related Facebook page post update: 2/11/18 23:40.», 2/11/18 18:57;
  418. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed lineup problems. Chinese: 3/11/18 00:08. Spanish: 3/11/18 00:33. Related Facebook page post update: 3/11/18 00:35.», 3/11/18 00:09;
  419. NEW POST: You are my life, «3/11/18 22:00. Related index update: 3/11/18 22:17. Related Facebook page post update: 3/11/18 22:14+22:20 for index.», 3/11/18 22:01/02;
  420. NEW POST: Σαπφούς άπαντα, «5/11/18 00:03. Related index update: 5/11/18 00:12. Related Facebook page post update: 5/11/18 00:15.», 5/11/18 00:11;
  421. NEW POST: Il seme, «6/11/18 7:38. Related index update: 6/11/18 7:42. Related Facebook page post update: 6/11/18 7:47. Just realised I completely forgot to paste the index entry in the right place after cutting it away from the spoiler. Yeah, I'm smart :). Fix coming 10/11/18 10:02 with Fb page post updated same day 10/11/18 10:04.», 6/11/18 7:40;
  422. NEW POST: Al mattino, «10/11/18 10:06. Related index update: 10/11/18 10:11. Related Facebook page post update: 10/11/18 10:18.», 10/11/18 10:08;
  423. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed punctuation (now ":" is used in Modern Greek whereas it was "·" like ";" before) at Σαπφούς άπαντα, 12/11/18 14:46. Related Facebook page post update: 12/11/18 14:53.», 12/11/18 14:51;
  424. NEW POST: Il mio volto, «13/11/18 7:25 Related index update: 13/11/18 7:30. Related Facebook page post update: 13/11/18 7:35.», 13/11/18 7:27;
  425. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Bergk 55 (fr. 81(a) in Spanish, 82(a) in Chinese and Greek) to all-Sappho posts: 00:26: All of Sappho, 00:34: Chinese Poetic Sappho, 00:36: correction to Spanish, 00:37: correction to Chinese, 00:42: Σαπφούς άπαντα, All on 15/11/18. Related Facebook page post update: 15/11/18 00:49.», 15/11/18 00:46;
  426. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added some new posts, a new link, and marks for undrafted posts, in the index, 15/11/18 23:00. Related Facebook page post update: 15/11/18 23:54, with unclosed tag error at 23:53.», 15/11/18 23:50;
  427. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added English, German, Italian, and Spanish versions at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 16/11/18 22:52, Related Facebook page post update: 16/11/18 22:55», 16/11/18 22:53;
  428. NEW POST: Povera voce, «17/11/18 8:15. Related Facebook page post update: 17/11/18 8:27, fail due to stray closin A-tag at 8:24.», 17/11/18 8:18;
  429. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Implemented a couple recent tweaks in the translations at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 19/11/18 19:27. Related Facebook page post update: 19/11/18 19:34.», 19/11/18 19:32;
  430. NEW POST: Povera voce, «20/11/18 8:16. Related index update: 20/11/18 8:24. Related Facebook page post update: 20/11/18 8:31.», 20/11/18 8:21;
  431. NEW POST: Non son sincera, «24/11/18 10:20. Related index update: 24/11/18 10:36 with fail at 10:35. Related Facebook page post update: 24/11/18 10:46. No idea what happened last Tuesday when I apparently reposted last Saturday's post. This was meant for that Tuesday, and now I'll post today's post too.», 24/11/18 10:27;
  432. NEW POST: How you speak, «24/11/18 10:29. Related index update: 24/11/18 10:36 with fail at 10:35. Related Facebook page post update: 24/11/18 10:51.», 24/11/18 10:31;
  433. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Made a correction in the German and added partial Hindi to Lonely nights of heartbreak, 24/11/18 16:55. Related Facebook page post update: 24/11/18 16:59», 24/11/18 16:57;
  434. NEW POST: Però mi vuole bene, «27/11/18 14:47. Related index update: 27/11/18 14:48. Related Facebook page post update: 27/11/18 14:54.», 27/11/18 14:50;
  435. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added rest of Hindi translation of verse and improved romanization at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 27/11/18 15:08. Related Facebook page post update: 27/11/18 15:11», 27/11/18 15:09;
  436. NEW POST: Roosters vs. hens, «1/12/18 10:36. Related index update (includes shifting last post out of spoiler): 1/12/18 10:41. Related Facebook page post update: 1/12/18 10:46», 1/12/18 10:38;
  437. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «The link for Min at the 4/12/18 post now works (also, a ton of Youtube links have lost their &= BS) at Blog index, 2/12/18 16:27. Related Facebook page post update: 2/12/18 16:36», 2/12/18 16:33;
  438. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added rest of Hindi and first two lines of Persian at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 3/12/18 22:51. Related Facebook page post update: 3/12/18 22:56», 3/12/18 22:53;
  439. NEW POST: Who decided to split up? (or rather, lifelong only you), «4/12/18 7:28. Related index update: 4/12/18 7:33. Related Facebook page post update: 4/12/18 7:40», 4/12/18 7:31;
  440. NEW POST: Fragments of the Divine Comedy, «8/12/18 8:00. Related index update: 8/12/18 8:04. Related Facebook page post update: 8/12/15 8:09», 8/12/18 8:02;
  441. NEW POST: Il viaggio, «11/12/18 7:29. Related index update: 11/12/18 7:35. Related Facebook page post update: 11/12/18 7:41», 11/12/18 7:32;
  442. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added rest of Persian to Lonely nights of heartbreak, 14/12/18 23:13. Related Facebook page post update: 14/12/18 23:16», 14/12/18 23:13;
  443. NEW POST: Holding your hand, I can walk my road, «15/12/18 10:26. Related index update: 15/12/18 10:30. Related Facebook page post update: 15/12/18 10:35», 15/12/18 10:28;
  444. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Removed [UNDRAFTED] mark from, and fixed titles of when necessary, the posts I drafted today at Blog index, 17/12/18 17:22, Related Facebook page post update: 17/12/18 17:26», 17/12/18 17:23;
  445. NEW POST: Sei così perfetto... , «18/12/18 7:23, Related index update: 18/12/18 7:31, Related Facebook page post update: 18/12/18 7:37», 18/12/18 7:29;
  446. NEW POST: Ombra Nera, «22/12/18 8:39. Related index update: 22/12/18 8:50. Related Facebook page post update: 22/12/18 8:56», 22/12/18 8:41;
  447. NEW POST: Tu scendi dalle stelle, «25/12/18 10:09. Related index update: 25/12/18 10:14. Related Facebook page post update: 25/12/18 10:19», 25/12/18 10:11;
  448. NEW POST: Happy Birthday da lontano, «29/12/18 10:50. Related index update: 29/12/18 10:55. Related Facebook page post update: 29/12/18 10:59», 29/12/18 10:53;
  449. NEW POST: ¿Cómo hacer para olvidarte? , «1/1/19 10:10. Related index update: 1/1/19 10:15. Related Facebook page post update: 1/1/19 10:22», 1/1/19 10:13;
  450. NEW POST: Barco negro, «5/1/19 10:23:59. Related index update: 5/1/19 10:27. Related Facebook page post update: 5/1/19 10:31», 5/1/19 10:26;
  451. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Changed half a line in the Italian at">Barco Negro, 6/1/19 14:59. Related Facebook page post update: 6/1/19 15:03 with inexplicable errors at 15:02», 6/1/19 15:00;
  452. NEW POST: Don't leave me, Lela, «8/1/19 7:39. Related index update: 8/1/19 7:48 (2 items not moved from spoiler cause selecting them makes them FUCKING DISAPPEAR!!!! Moved out of there 7:51). Related Facebook page post update: 8/1/19 7:57», 8/1/19 7:42;
  453. NEW POST: My only true love, «12/1/19 10:16. Related index update: 12/1/19 10:21. Related Facebook page post update: 12/1/19 10:29, fail at 10:27 because of stray <a>», 12/1/19 10:18;
  454. NEW POST: Come, make me happy, «15/1/19 7:33. Related index update: 15/1/19 7:38. Related Facebook page post update: 15/1/19 7:43», 15/1/19 7:35;
  455. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added 2 new entries (and updated draftedness status of Phù-poi) at Blog index, 19/1/19 00:21. Related Facebook page post update: 19/1/19 00:25», 19/1/19 00:22;
  456. NEW POST: Romanesque, «19/1/19 10:13. Related index update: 19/1/19 10:20. Related Facebook page post update: 19/1/19 10:26», 19/1/19 10:??;
  457. NEW POST: Non andartene, «22/1/19 9:38. Related index update (includes removing [UNDRAFTED] tags from newly drafted posts): 22/1/19 9:44. Related Facebook page post update: 22/1/19 9:50», 22/1/19 9:39;
  458. NEW POST: Ma tu hai preferito me, «26/1/19 10:02. Related index update: 26/1/19 10:11. Related Facebook page post update: 26/1/19 10:16», 26/1/19 10:08;
  459. NEW POST: The joys of friendship, «29/1/19 7:35. Related index update: 29/1/19 7:47. Related Facebook page post update: 29/1/19 7:52», 29/1/19 7:39;
  460. NEW POST: Time after time, «2/2/19 10:05. Related index update (includes removing [WIP DRAFT] tag from "Missing support" which I finished drafting this night at like 2:20): 2/2/19 10:13. Related Facebook page post update: 2/2/19 10:20», 2/2/19 10:09;
  461. NEW POST:Ojos de cielo, «5/2/19 9:50. Related index update: 5/2/19 9:55. Related Facebook page post update: 5/2/19 10:03», 5/2/19 9:52;
  462. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Ånton Xiè's Hakka version at Fool love, 5/2/19 14:48. Related Facebook page post update: 5/2/19 14:52», 5/2/19 14:49;
  463. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Ånton Xiè's Hakka version at Alone in a rainy night, 5/2/19 14:59. Related Facebook page post update: 5/2/19 15:02», 5/2/19 15:00;
  464. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added item for newly half-translated song (and did consequent date shifts) to Blog index, 5/2/19 15:20 (Youtube link 15:24). Related Facebook page post update: 5/2/19 15:27», 5/2/19 15:21;
  465. NEW POST: Everlasting love, «9/2/19 10:26. Related index update: 9/2/19 10:32. Related Facebook page post update: 9/2/19 10:38», 9/2/19 10:30;
  466. NEW POST: Everlasting, «12/2/19 7:34. Related index update: 12/2/19 7:41. Related Facebook page post update: 12/2/19 7:47», 12/2/19 7:37;
  467. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for new translations (13:08) and removed [UNDRAFTED] tag from newly drafted post (13:09) at Blog index, 12/2/19. Related Facebook page post update: 12/2/19 13:14, fail at 13:13 because of "</a"», 12/2/19 13:10;
  468. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added songs 35-38 at All the Chinese songs I have met, 15/2/19 15:43. Related Facebook page post update: 15/2/19 22:19», 15/2/19 22:16;
  469. NEW POST: Estate infinita, «16/2/19 9:25. Related index update: 16/2/19 9:28. Related Facebook page post update: 16/2/19 9:32», 16/2/19 9:26;
  470. NEW POST : Io ci sarò, «19/2/19 9:44. Related index update: 19/2/19 9:49. Related Facebook page post update: 19/2/19 9:56», 19/2/19 9:48;
  471. POST UPDATE NOTICES: «(1) Fixed ruby error at All the Chinese songs I have met, 21/2/19 11:45. (2) Added videos 4-5 for Shéi lái ài wǒ at All the Chinese songs I have met, 21/2/19 11:59. (3) Added entries for newly started (two of which partial as of now) translations at Blog index, 21/2/19 12:09. Single related Facebook page post update: 21/2/19 12:14», 21/2/19 12:12;
  472. NEW POST: Realizzerai ogni sogno, «23/2/19 10:01. Related index update: 23/2/19 10:08. Related Facebook page post update: 23/2/19 10:18», 23/2/19 10:05;
  473. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Removed [UNDRAFTED] tag from newly drafted post at Blog index, 23/2/19 16:43. Related Facebook page post update: 23/2/19 16:49», 23/2/19 16:45;
  474. NEW POST: Se sei con me, «26/2/19 7:43. Related index update: 26/2/19 7:49. Related Facebook page post update: 26/2/19 7:57», 26/2/19 7:48;
  475. NEW POST: Only you, «2/3/19 9:48. Related index update (includes adding item for the newly translated song): 2/3/19 10:00. Related Facebook page post update: 2/3/19 10:08», 2/3/19 9:53;
  476. NEW POST: Just you, «5/3/19 7:32. Related index update: 5/3/19 7:41. Related Facebook page post update: 5/3/19 7:53», 5/3/19 7:36;
  477. NEW POST: Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, «9/3/19 10:46. Related index update: 9/3/19 10:53. Related Facebook page post update: 9/3/19 10:59», 9/3/19 10:50;
  478. NEW POST: Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion, «12/3/19 7:34. Related index update: 12/3/19 7:42. Related Facebook page post update: 12/3/19 7:50», 12/3/19 7:39;
  479. NEW POST: Goodnight, «16/3/19 9:57. Related index update: 16/3/19 10:02. Related Facebook page post update: 16/3/18 10:09», 16/3/19 10:01;
  480. NEW POST: No greater pain in the world, «19/3/19 14:27. Related index update: 19/3/19 14:30. Related Facebook page post update: 19/3/19 14:32», 19/3/19 14:29;
  481. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Made a couple tweaks to the Chinese at 'O surdato 'nnamurato, 22/3/19 10:33. Related Facebook page post update: 22/3/19 10:37», 22/3/19 10:35;
  482. NEW POST: A thousand words swept away with clouds, «23/3/19 10:21. Related index update: 23/3/19 10:26. Related Facebook page post update: 23/3/19 10:33», 23/3/19 10:24;
  483. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added newly translated songs and removed a couple of [UNDRAFTED] tags at Blog index, 23/3/19 00:11. Related Facebook page post update: 23/3/19 00:17, fail 00:15 because of </a> instead of ">», 23/3/19 00:13;
  484. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added big song post references to Blog index fixing a couple errors in the process. 25/3/19 19:14. Related Facebook page post update: 25/3/19 19:18», 25/3/19 19:16;
  485. NEW POST: Who will love me?, «26/3/19 10:01. Related index update: 26/3/19 10:03. Related Facebook page post update: 26/3/19 10:06», 26/3/19 10:03;
  486. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added newly translated Mandarin song to Dit- moi donc, pluie, 26/3/19 14:58. Related index update (for video link): 26/3/19 15:04. Related Facebook page post update: 26/3/19 15:07 ERROR! 15:08 ERROR! 15:11», 26/3/19 15:03;
  487. POST UPDATE NOTICES: «Added Chinese and Vietnamese at Thank you for your deep love, 28/3/19 9:23. Added Russian and Japanese at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 28/3/19 10:29. Added newly translated songs to Blog index, 28/3/19 10:35. Related Facebook page post update: 28/3/19 10:40», 28/3/19 10:38;
  488. NEW POST: Silently crying at dusk, «30/3/19 10:35. Related index update: 30/3/19 10:40. Related Facebook page post update: 30/3/19 10:47», 30/3/19 10:38;
  489. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Corrected a bunch of mistakes, and added song counts and first 4 year 3 songs, at All Chinese songs I have met, 1/4/19 1:36. Related Facebook page post update: 1/4/19 1:40. Also, Facebook, fix your clock, it's 1:38, not 00:38», 1/4/19 1:38;
  490. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added songs 5-12 to year 3 index at All Chinese songs I have met, 1/4/19 16:47. Related Facebook page post update: 1/4/19 16:51», 1/4/19 16:50;
  491. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added songs 13-20 to year 3 index at All Chinese songs I have met, 1/4/19 20:28 with fail at 20:25 because of <a href=" without link. Related Facebook page post update: 1/4/19 20:30», 1/4/19 20:29;
  492. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added transliteration and Italian translation of songs 1-2 of year 1 at All Chinese songs I have met, 1/4/19 22:34, with fixes at 22:39. Related Facebook page post update: 1/4/19 22:41», 1/4/19 22:36;
  493. NEW POST: Even God cries, «2/4/19 7:25. Related index update: 2/4/19 7:32. Related Facebook page post update: 2/4/19 7:39», 2/4/19 7:28;
  494. POST UPDATES NOTICE: «Added "memories" sections to year 1 at All Chinese songs I have met, 2/4/19 15:00. Added two children's songs post and fixed song info for Mandarin "if there wasn't him" at Blog index, 2/4/19 15:13. Related Facebook page post update: 2/4/19 15:16», 2/4/19 15:06;
  495. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «All Chinese songs I have met, Added rest of memory sections and songs 20-28 of year 3: 2/4/19 17:59. Fixed hurriedly added songs 27-28 and added songs 29-36 of year 3: 2/4/19 23:28. Related Facebook page post update: 2/4/19 23:32», 2/4/19 23:31;
  496. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added missing [UNDRAFTED] tag and fixed typo at item for "Two Chinese children's songs" in Blog index, 2/4/19 23:34. Related Facebook page post update: 2/4/19 23:37», 2/4/19 23:36;
  497. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added songs 36-52 to index at All Chinese songs I have met, 3/4/19 00:54. Related Facebook page post update: 3/4/19 00:57», 3/4/19 00:56;
  498. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added actual song 52, shifting former 52 to 53, then added songs 54-60 to index at All Chinese songs I have met, 3/4/19 14:51. Related Facebook page post update: 3/4/19 14:55», 3/4/19 14:53;
  499. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added songs 61-76 to year 3 index at All Chinese songs I have met, 3/4/19 18:30. Related Facebook page post update: 3/4/19 22:47», 3/4/19 18:32;
  500. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added songs 77-92 to the year 3 index at All Chinese songs I have met, 3/4/19 23:39. Related Facebook page post update: 3/4/19 23:44», 3/4/19 23:43;
  501. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added songs 93-108 to year 3 index at All Chinese songs I have met, 4/4/19 1:20. Related Facebook page post update: 4/4/19 1:24», 4/4/19 1:23;
  502. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added songs 109-116 to year 3 index at All Chinese songs I have met, 4/4/19 12:58:59. Related Facebook page post update: 4/4/19 13:02», 4/4/19 13:01;
  503. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «All Chinese songs I have met: Added songs up to 132 in year 3 index: 4/4/19 14:57. Completed indexes for years 3-5: 5/4/19 00:45. Related Facebook page post update: 5/4/19 00:50», 5/4/19 00:48
  504. NEW POST: Sadness without bounds, «6/4/19 10:04. Related index update: 6/4/19 10:09. Related Facebook page post update: 6/4/19 10:15», 6/4/19 10:08;
  505. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Added undatable 27 and real year 5 song 1, shifted former 1 to 2, and added 8 songs from year 6 to indices: 6/4/19 1:09. dded real year 6 song 5, shifted 5-8 to 6-9, and added 10-24 to index, tampered with WIP notice, and added a footnote to the lyrics of year 2 song 26: 6/4/19 19:03. All Chinese songs I have met. Related Facebook page post update: 6/4/19 19:08», 6/4/19 19:06;
  506. POST QUADRUPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «All Chinese songs I have met, Added songs 25-48 to year 6 index: 7/4/19 1:46. Added songs 49-56 to year 6 index: 7/4/19 12:55. Added songs 57-64 to year 6 index: 7/4/19 17:04. Added actual songs 61-62, moving former 61-64 to 63-66, added songs 67-81 to year 6 index, updated WIP notice (which had badly miscounted bookmarks for year 7), and in the meantime corrected video 2 of year 3 song 125: 8/4/19 1:48. And with that the index of year 6 is DONE. Related Facebook page post update: 8/4/19 12:16», 8/4/19 2:10;
  507. NEW POST: Se il cuore fa male, la canzone è triste, «9/4/19 8:39. Related index update: 9/4/19 8:45. Related Facebook page post update: 9/4/19 8:51», 9/4/19 8:44;
  508. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «All Chinese songs I have met, Added songs 1-16 to index for year 7: 8/4/19 19:53, with fails at 19:47 and 19:50 for broken <a>s (aka single quotes instead of double quotes). Added songs 17-28 to index for year 7: 9/4/19 14:59. Related Facebook page post update: 9/4/19 15:06», 9/4/18 15:05;
  509. POST TRIPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «All Chinese songs I have met, Added songs 29-40 to year 7 index: 9/4/19 17:49. Added songs 40-58 to year 7 index, completing it, and fixed 8/6 to 10/6 in dating info of songs 38-39: 10/4/19 0:00. Added songs 1-20 to year 8 index: 10/4/19 1:43. Related Facebook page post update: 10/4/19 1:51», 10/4/19 1:49;
  510. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «All Chinese songs I have met, Added songs 21-30 to year 8 index: 10/4/19 12:37. Added songs 31-48 to year 8 index: 10/4/19 23:43. Related Facebook page post update: 10/4/19 23:46», 10/4/19 12:40;
  511. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Implemented a translation tweak at Heartache, 11/4/19 00:53. Related Facebook page post update: 11/4/19 00:55», 11/4/19 00:55;
  512. POST TRIPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «All Chinese songs I have met, Added songs 31-60 to year 8 index: 11/4/19 17:40 with fail at 17:39 for unclosed <a>. Added songs 61-66 to year 8 index and added all romanized titles and worked through songs 1-11 of Hakka songs le best series: 11/4/19 18:09. Worked through songs 12-23 of Hakka songs le best series: 11/4/19 23:09. Related Facebook page post update: 11/4/19 23:15», 11/4/19 23:14;
  513. NEW POST: In our world: «13/4/19 9:52. Related index update: 13/4/19 9:57. Related Facebook page post update: 13/4/19 10:03», 13/4/19 9:55;
  514. MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Tweak to Epigrams at the Thermopylae: 12/4/19 23:18. Tweaks to Comments to my Sappho sources: 12/4/19 23:33. "Future me" comment (and possibly tweaks) to The history of my translations: 12/4/19 23:47. Tweaks to Spring Dawn: 12/4/19 23:51. "Future me" comment (and possibly tweaks) to 13/4/19 0:14. Tweaks to An apparent captatio benevolentiæ (Sappho?): 13/4/19 0:21. Related Facebook page post update: 13/4/19 12:13, with fail 12:07 because of extra closing </a>.», 13/4/19 0:37;
  515. MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Furthered discussion on "âm'a 'ccattari" at Ortografia Siculo-Calabra: 13/4/19 12:28. Fixed spelling and Tai-lo at The final heartache: 13/4/19 12:49. Fixed a wrong "tā" character (masculine where feminine was right) at «Una speranza e una follia»: 13/4/19 12:54. Capitalized Neapolitan lines and moved "I" to l. 2 in English at God to man: 13/4/19 12:59. Fixed typo and added bracketed re-reading of "personal prefixes" at Sulla mia ortografia del dialetto Romagnolo di Russi: 13/4/19 13:12. Related Facebook page post update: 13/4/19 13:27:02», 13/4/19 13:17;
  516. MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed "<< >>" into "« »" at Di mamma ce n'è una sola: 13/4/19 16:46:01. Fixed "na" to "nnâ" with relative comment at Lu ciuffu: 13/4/19 16:50. dded song 10 in year 6 with consequent shiftings at All the Chinese songs I have met: 13/4/19 17:12. Added song 17 in year 7 with consequent shiftings at All the Chinese songs I have met: 13/4/19 17:29. Added song 3 in year 5 at All the Chinese songs I have met: 13/4/19 17:41. Added items for two new translations (damn they should be [UNDRAFTED]) and added Chinese song post references to "beyond year 3" songs at Blog index: 13/4/19 17:42. Fixed quartetto of three songs at Canzone del melograno: 13/4/19 17:46. Related Facebook page post update: 13/4/19 17:55», 13/4/19 17:53;
  517. MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed padding at Tre favole di Fedro: 13/4/19 18:01. Fixed couple typos and a non-scanning line in the Italian at Una versione… poetica: 13/4/19 18:07. Small tweak to Latin at Let's sing for the couple!: 13/4/19 18:14. Fixed typo at Even gods celebrate marriages: 13/4/19 18:32. Fixed typo at Sing to me, o lyre: 13/4/19 18:36. Fixed padding at Cheers!: 13/4/19 18:47. Two tweaks at Why can I not move you?: 13/4/19 18:54. Related Facebook page post update: 13/4/19 19:09», 13/4/19 19:06;
  518. MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Eliminated weird leftover Chorus from the end of Still no way to move you: 13/4/19 19:14. Fixed three typos at A few papyri transcribed: 13/4/19 19:26. Added missing "n" to a former "i" in Helpless pining: 13/4/19 19:31. Fixed typo at Mi manchi da morire: 13/4/19 19:38. Greekified a couple words and fixed a typo at O Atthis!: 13/4/19 19:48. Fixed couple typo and added "note added" statement at Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction: 13/4/19 20:20. Fixed typo and added "note added" statement at I wish to visit the underworld: 13/4/19 22:06. Fixed translations of l. 4 at Lone star: 13/4/19 23:25. Related Facebook page post update: 13/4/19 23:38», 13/4/19 23:35;
  519. MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed typo in Nostalgia for youth: 14/4/19 17:46. Fixed padding in 14/4/19 17:51. Fixed typo in El Chipi Chipi: 14/4/19 18:07. Added diacritics for some formerly unknown Hakka tones in Fool love: 14/4/19 18:24. Fixed a capitalization and a typo in True love: 14/4/19 18:29. Related Facebook page post update: 14/4/19 18:43», 14/4/19 18:36;
  520. MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed typo and expanded bracketed part of intro at A kind of love called breaking up: 15/4/19 15:41. Fixed typo in L'ultima tenerezza: 15/4/19 16:00. Fixed lineup and padding at A prayer to avoid stormy journeys: 15/4/19 16:24. Fixed typo at Σαπφούς άπαντα: 15/4/19 16:30. Added Vietnamese and French version with related intro part at Holding your hand, I can walk my road: 15/4/19 16:53. Fixed typo at Don't leave me, Lela: 15/4/19 17:03. Made the link to Romanesque not m=1 at Blog index: 15/4/19 17:10. Related Facebook page post update: 15/4/19 17:22», 15/4/19 17:19;
  521. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed a capitalization in A thousand words swept away with clouds: 15/4/19 18:37. Added two [UNDRAFTED] tags to Blog index: 15/4/19 19:28. Related Facebook page post update: 15/4/19 19:36», 15/4/19 19:30;
  522. NEW POST: Anywhere, «16/4/19 8:24. Related index update: 16/4/19 8:29. Related Facebook page post update: 16/4/19 8:52 with fail 8:49 for unclosed <a>», 16/4/19 8:28;
  523. NEW POST: Je vais vaguer, «20/4/19 10:04. Related index update (includes removing all but one [UNDRAFTED] tag as I drafted 7/9 posts yesterday and will draft "Dreams" today): 20/4/19 10:09. Related Facebook page post update: 20/4/19 10:14», 20/4/19 10:07;
  524. NEW VIDEO: Ständchen | 小夜曲 Xiăoyèqŭ | Serenáda, «21/4/19 12:~27. Related index update (includes modifying the part in the intro about the weird Sappho numbers): 21/4/19 17:18. Related Facebook page post update 21/4/19 17:29», 21/4/19 17:14;
  525. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added transcriptions of parts in the video of songs 6-7 of year 8 at All Chinese songs I have met, 21/4/19 18:44. Related Facebook page post update: 21/4/19 18:48», 21/4/19 18:47;
  526. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added mention of song list in intro to Undatables list and added song 67 to year 8 list at All Chinese songs I have met, 23/4/19 0:22. Related Facebook page post update: 23/4/19 0:29», 23/4/19 0:22;
  527. NEW POST: Romeo and Juliet, «23/4/19 9:33. Related index update (includes moving "balcony speech" from title to content summary and adding "and other excerpts" to it): 24/3/19 9:38. Related Facebook page post update: 23/4/19 9:44», 23/4/19 9:35;
  528. MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 35+40 + P.Oxy. XXI add. p. 136 to A few papyry transcribed, 23/4/19 15:55 with fails 15:47 and 15:48 because of an unclosed <a> in the index. Updated number correspondence as per papyrus transcription at: Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 23/4/19 15:59. Fixed pic size and centering of transcriptions at A few papyry transcribed, 23/4/19 16:02. Two edits to Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, Number update as per new division of former 2.A.xxxi at The rest of Sappho and partial number fix: 23/4/19 16:23, End of number fix after realizing three doublets in cat. A were to be scrapped: 23/4/19 16:35. Related Facebook page post update: 23/4/19 16:47 with fail 16:46 because of forgotten open <a> before the last link», 23/4/19 16:43;
  529. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added P.Oxy. 2293 frr. 1(a)+1(b) at A few papyri transcribed, 24/4/19 1:41. Related Facebook page post update: 24/4/19 1:44», 24/4/19 1:42;
  530. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Big number fix for 2.D fragments at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 24/4/19 14:54. Related Facebook page post update: 24/4/19 14:57», 24/4/19 14:56;
  531. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Big number fix for 2.A-2.B following some messing around with the categorization and division in "Rest of Sappho" draft at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 25/4/19 16:02. Related Facebook page post update: 25/4/19 16:06», 25/4/19 16:05;
  532. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Revised transcriptions of P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 12 and P.Oxy. 21656(a) fr. 1, added link to transcriptions of those, and added P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 19 and its joint 2166(a) fragment at A few papyri transcribed, 27/4/19 1:39 with fail 1:37 because of spurious closing </a>. Related Facebook page post update: 27/4/19 1:44», 27/4/19 1:43;
  533. NEW POST: A few last poems, «27/4/19 10:27. Related index update (includes adding authorship info for Chantars no pot gaire valer and Ellens dritter Gesang): 27/4/19 10:38. Related Facebook page post update: 27/4/19 10:44», 27/4/19 10:30;
  534. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 7 and company at A few papyri transcribed, 29/4/19 0:49. Related Facebook page post update: 29/4/19 0:54», 29/4/19 0:53;
  535. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed the numbers for ROS fragments, which should now be the correct final ones, at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 29/4/19 18:24, took THREE HOURS. Related Facebook page post update: 29/4/19 18:32», 29/4/19 18:31;
  536. NEW POST: Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles, «30/4/19 14:00. Related index update: 30/4/19 14:04. Related Facebook page post update: 30/4/19 14:06», 30/4/19 14:03;
  537. NEW POST: A truce is established, «4/5/19 10:16. Related index update: 4/5/19 10:25. Related Facebook page post update: 4/5/19 10:28», 4/5/19 10:19;
  538. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added new completion to P.Oxy. 1231 fr. 13 & co. at A few papyri transcribed, 5/5/19 16:41. Related Facebook page post update: 5/5/19 16:45», 5/5/19 16:43;
  539. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed 2.C numbers and added mention of new completion "ROS 7" at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 5/5/19 17:55. Related Facebook page post update: 5/5/19 17:58», 5/5/19 17:57;
  540. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed joining of P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 19 & co. and added transcription of P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 3 col. ii at A few papyri transcribed, 6/5/19 13:18. Related Facebook page post update: 6/5/19 13:22», 6/5/19 13:20;
  541. NEW POST: The man of many skills and the sirens, «7/5/19 9:36. Related index update: 7/5/19 9:41. Related Facebook page post update: 7/5/19 9:48», 7/5/19 9:40;
  542. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Tweaked intro, added links to blog column, and started Italian anthology mini-table at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 9/5/19 2:50. Related Facebook page post update: 9/5/19 2:59», 9/5/19 2:58;
  543. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Finished mini-table, center-aligned a few cells, and fixed links for LP 130-131 at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 9/5/19 13:51. Related Facebook page post update: 9/5/19 13:54», 9/5/19 13:54;
  544. NEW POST: The rest of Sappho, «11/5/19 10:41. Related index update: 11/5/19 10:52, shifting item out of spoiler: 11/5/19 11:02. Related Facebook page post update: 11/5/19 11:10», 11/5/19 10:45;
  545. NEW POST: Pareche Ponzipo, «14/5/19 9:27. Related index update: 14/5/19 9:32. Related Facebook page post update: 14/5/19 9:39», 14/5/19 9:31;
  546. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added retracing of P.Berol. 9722 fol. 1 and transcription with translation of P.Köln inv. 008 at A few papyri transcribed, 16/5/19 17:05 with fail 16:43 due to stray </span> and 17:00 due to stray </ul>. Related Facebook page post update: 16/5/19 17:08», 16/5/19 17:07;
  547. NEW POST: La mè zita, «18/5/19 10:09. Related index update: 18/5/19 10:13. Related Facebook page post update: 18/5/19 10:21», 18/5/19 10:11;
  548. NEW POST: L'Italiano, «21/5/19 9:34. Related index update: 21/5/19 9:40. Related Facebook page post update: 21/5/19 9:46»,21/5/19 9:37;
  549. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Closed unclosed list item (so the spoiler now works again), added "video:" to the video links for posts 268 and 106 at Blog index, 22/5/19 23:45. Related Facebook page post update: 22/5/19 23:49», 22/5/19 23:48;
  550. NEW POST: Cannot love you, «25/5/19 9:38. Related index update: 25/5/19 9:44. Related Facebook page post update: 25/5/19 9:49», 25/5/19 9:41;
  551. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added freshly-made Hakka and Italian versions at Holding your hand, I can walk my road, 26/5/19 1:09. Related Facebook page post update: 26/5/19 1:12», 26/5/19 1:11;
  552. NEW POST: Index by languages, «26/5/19 23:43. Related index update: 26/5/19 23:54 (includes adding post for "Malaika" and fixing mess of dates at end of spoiler). Related Facebook page post update: 26/5/19 23:56», 26/5/19 23:55»;
  553. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added original Vietnamese translation at Holding your hand, I can walk my road, 27/5/19 20:03. Added three Turkish versions at Intimate strangers: powerful love, 27/5/19 20:35. Related Facebook page post update: 27/5/19 22:30», 27/5/19 22:28;
  554. NEW POST: The wonders of a dance, «28/5/19 9:48. Related index update: 28/5/19 9:54. Related Facebook page post update: 28/5/19 10:02»,28/5/19 9:52;
  555. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added freshly-made Portuguese version to Holding your hand, I can walk my road, 28/5/19 12:14. Related Facebook page post update: 28/5/19 12:17», 25/8/19 12:16;
  556. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed English and added Italian translation and explanation of the translation blunder for the song at Children's songs!, 31/5/19 11:44. Fixed English translation and added Pinyin and Italian translation to Year 1 song 53 at All the Chinese songs I have met, 31/5/19 11:49. Related Facebook page post update: 31/5/19 11:54», 31/5/19 11:52;
  557. TRIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added new completion of "To the tender women" to Chinese poetic Sappho, 31/5/19 14:19. Added new completion of "To the tender women" to All of Sappho, 31/5/19 14:22. Added new completion of "To the tender women", changed post title to include something in Latin character (a transliteration of the Greek title for searching purposes), and translations of both versions of the poem at Sapphoýs ápanta, 31/5/19 15:27. Related index update: 31/5/19 15:31. Facebook page post update for all the above: 31/5/19 15:34», 31/5/19 15:32;
  558. NEW POST: things that I see, «1/6/19 10:26. Related index update: 1/6/19 10:35. Related Facebook page post update: 1/6/19 10:42. HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY BLOG!!», 1/6/19 10:33;
  559. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added translation of fr. 6, then fixed lineup and a couple other things at Chinese poetic Sappho, 1/6/19 16:20. Related Facebook page post update: 1/6/19 16:23», 1/6/19 16:22;
  560. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed column spacing, moved stray Hakka line from end of Italian to end of Hakka, fixed misspelling of não as no, at Holding your hand, I can walk my road, 2/6/19 23:31. Related Facebook page post update: 2/6/19 23:35», 2/6/19 23:33;
  561. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added sentence about corrections to Portuguese and made those corrections at Holding your hand, I can walk my road, 3/6/19 12:14. Related Facebook page post update: 3/6/19 12:18», 3/6/19 12:16;
  562. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed a lot of things (especially the code, which was full of BS from the Blogger IDE) at Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria, 3/6/19 13:34. Related Facebook page post update: 3/6/19 13:39», 3/6/19 13:38;
  563. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Post checkup of Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta, 4/6/19 0:44 with fail 0:44 due to stray </span>. Related Facebook page post update: 4/6/19 0:48», 4/6/19 0:45;
  564. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Post check-up of Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia), 4/6/19 1:44. And MY GOD had that STUPID IDE made a mess with those <>! Related Facebook page post update: 4/6/19 1:49», 4/6/19 1:46;
  565. NEW POST: The power of love, «4/6/19 9:27. Related index update: 4/6/19 9:34. Related Facebook page post update: 4/6/19 9:39», 4/6/19 9:30;
  566. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Post checkup of Barbarizzando Catullo, 4/6/19 15:19 with fail 15:18 due to stray </span>. Related Facebook page post update: 4/6/19 15:22», 4/6/19 15:21;
  567. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Barbarizzando Lucrezio, 4/6/19 15:32. Related Facebook page post update: 4/6/19 15:35», 4/6/19 15:34;
  568. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Post checkup of Hector and Andromacha. This took me waaaay longer than I should have spent on it. ≥1h in the morning, ~1h in the afternoon, >2h now.
    • First update attempt 6/6/19 0:39, failed due to unmatched </i>.
    • Second attempt: 0:40, unmatched </span>.
    • Third attempt: 0:43, unmatched <ul>.
    • And there I realized I wasn't done editing, so that the next attempt was only at 0:50, and unclosed <i>. Damn.
    • Then 0:52, unclosed </span>.
    Sixth and final attempt: 6/6/19 0:54. Related Facebook page post update: 6/6/19 1:00, with fail 0:59 because I had forgotten to HTML-ify the </span> in the last above item», 6/6/19 0:57;
  569. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Post checkup of Epigrams at the Thermopylae, 6/6/19 12:51. Related Facebook page post update: 6/6/19 13:00», 6/6/19 12:59;
  570. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Post checkup of Sappho: three epigrams and a mourning song, 6/6/19 17:17. Related Facebook page post update: 6/6/19 17:20», 6/6/19 17:19;
  571. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Post checkup of Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 7/6/19 20:41 with fail 20:39 for unmatched <div>. Related Facebook page post update: 7/6/19 20:44», 7/6/19 20:43;
  572. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Comments to my Sappho sources, 8/6/19 0:10 with fail 0:07 because of <i> closed as </a>. Related Facebook page post update: 8/6/19 0:13», 8/6/19 0:12;
  573. NEW POST: Really love you, «8/6/19 10:19. Related index update: 8/6/19 10:24. Related Facebook page post update: 8/6/19 10:31», 8/6/19 10:23;
  574. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Un petalo di fiore, 8/6/19 14:00. Related Facebook page post update: 8/6/19 14:04», 8/6/19 14:03;
  575. NEW POST: «Ti amo, mio angelo | I love you, my angel, 11/6/19 9:32. Related index update: 11/6/19 9:40. Related Facebook page post update: 11/6/19 9:58», 11/6/19 9:37;
  576. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of The history of my translations, 11/6/19 17:39. Related Facebook page post update: 11/6/19 17:43», 11/6/19 17:41;
  577. NEW POST: I love you, «15/6/19 11:55. Related index update: 15/6/19 11:57. Related Facebook page post update: 15/6/19 12:00», 15/6/19 11:58;
  578. NEW POST: Deep love - the return, «18/6/19 9:22. Related index update: 18/6/19 9:53. Related Facebook page post update: 18/6/19 9:5858», 18/6/19 9:47;
  579. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Removed [UNDRAFTED] tag from recently drafted post and added 3 new items to Blog index, 19/6/19 17:07. Related Facebook page post update: 19/6/19 17:09. And since I'm apparently dumb, 17:11 fix dates, 17:12 related update to the above F.p.p. update :).», 19/6/19 17:08;
  580. NEW POST: Deep love - quite possibly the last one :), «22/6/19 9:47. Related index update: 22/6/19 9:52. Related Facebook page post update: 22/6/19 9:57», 22/6/19 9:52;
  581. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Removed [UNDRAFTED] tags from last three recently drafted posts at Blog index, 22/6/19 14:55. Related Facebook page post update: 22/6/19 14:58», 22/6/19 14:57;
  582. NEW VIDEO: Malaika | Mio angelo | 哦天使 Ó tiānshǐ, «22/6/19 ~18:20. Related index update: 22/6/19 18:23. Related Facebook page post update: 22/6/19 18:25», 22/6/19 18:23; «UPDATE: Video had a bad cut. Uploaded correct video over here, 22/6/19 23:35. Related index update: 22/6/19 23:39. Related Facebook page post update: 22/6/19 23:42 with "error" 23:41», 22/6/19 23:36/37;
  583. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Spring Dawn, 24/6/19 15:45. Related Facebook page post update: 24/6/19 15:48», 24/6/19 15:47;
  584. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Vinni la primmavera, 24/6/19 16:24 with fails 16:22 and 16:23 because of "an error". Related Facebook page post update: 24/6/19 16:27», 24/6/19 16:26;
  585. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Oltre le lacrime, 24/6/19 16:37. Related Facebook page post update: 24/6/19 16:41», 24/6/19 16:39;
  586. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Questa sera è Party Night, 24/6/19 18:09. Related Facebook page post update: 24/6/19 18:13», 24/6/19 18:11;
  587. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Una prova, 24/6/19 18:15. Related Facebook page post update: 24/6/19 18:17», 24/6/19 18:17;
  588. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Hymn to Aphrodite, 24/6/19 18:47. Related Facebook page post update: 24/6/19 18:51», 24/6/19 18:50;
  589. NEW POST: 'O sole mio, «25/6/19 9:34. Related index update: 25/6/19 9:42. Related Facebook page post update: 25/6/19 9:58», 25/6/19 9:37;
  590. NEW VIDEO + POST UPDATE NOTICE: «'O sole mio | 我的太阳 Wǒ de tàiyáng | U suli mè, 25/6/19 17:36. Added sentence about changes made in video and made one of them in the lyrics at 'O sole mio, 25/6/19 18:48. Related Facebook page post update: 25/6/19 18:51», 25/6/109 18:50;
  591. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of All of Sappho, 25/6/19 23:15 with fail 23:12 due to unmatched <div>. Related Facebook page post update: 25/6/19 23:17», 25/6/19 23:16;
  592. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Chinese poetic Sappho, 26/6/19 14:06. Related Facebook page post update: 26/6/19 14:11», 26/6/19 14:10;
  593. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Sappho: two divine epiphanies, 28/6/19 22:56 with fail 22:54 because of "an error". Related Facebook page post update: 28/6/19 23:01 with fail 23:00 because of "an error"», 28/6/19 22:58;
  594. NEW POST + POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Kisses that cause sadness, 29/6/19 10:18. Related index update: 29/6/19 10:22. Added link to video of 'O sole mio at Blog index, 29/6/19 19:49. Related Facebook page post update: 29/6/19 19:54. (10:21 post - 19:52 added POST UPDATE NOTICE)», 29/6/19;
  595. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Sappho and her brother: two prayers, 30/6/19 11:49. Related Facebook page post update: 30/6/19 11:58», 30/6/19 11:53;
  596. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of An apparent captatio benevolentiæ (Sappho?), 30/6/19 14:02. Related Facebook page post update: 30/6/19 14:09», 30/6/19 14:08;
  597. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of On my spelling and transliteration of Min, Hakka and Teochew | 关于我写而拼写闽语、客话、潮州话的方法, 30/6/19 15:22. Related Facebook page post update: 30/6/19 15:27», 30/6/19 15:25;
  598. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Deep love, 30/6/19 19:53 with error at 19:52. Related Facebook page post update: 30/6/19 19:59», 30/6/19 19:56;
  599. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Thank you for your deep love, 30/6/19 20:14. Related Facebook page post update: 30/6/19 20:17», 30/6/19 20:16;
  600. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of All the Chinese songs I have met, 1/7/19 0:44. Related Facebook page post update: 1/7/19 0:50», 1/7/19 0:49;
  601. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Heartache, 1/7/19 11:56:59. Related Facebook page post update: 1/7/19 11:59», 1/7/19 11:58;
  602. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Yet more heartache, 1/7/19 18:54. Related Facebook page post update: 1/7/19 18:57», 1/7/19 18:56;
  603. NEW POST: Helplessness, «2/7/19 10:00. Related index update: 2/7/19 10:04. Related Facebook page post update: 2/7/19 10:09», 2/7/19 10:04;
  604. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Ortografia Siculo-Calabra, 3/7/19 23:54. Checkup of Sulla mia ortografia del dialetto Romagnolo di Russi, 4/7/19 1:15 with fail 1:11 due to unmatched <ul>. Related Facebook page post update: 4/7/19 1:23», 4/7/19 1:17;
  605. NEW VIDEO: Schubert: Gute Nacht | 晚安 Buán-an, «4/7/19, upload completed between 14:24:10 and 14:25:48. Related index update: 4/7/19 15:10. Related Facebook page post update: 4/7/19 15:13», 4/7/19 15:11;
  606. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of La strada del bosco, 4/7/19 15:17. Related Facebook page post update: 4/7/19 15:24 with "error"s 15:22 15:23», 4/7/19 15:21;
  607. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Di mamma ce n'è una sola, 4/7/19 15:40. Related Facebook page post update: 4/7/19 15:48», 4/7/19 15:47;
  608. NEW POST: A secret I can't tell, «6/7/19 10:29. Related index update: 6/7/19 10:33. Related Facebook page post update: 6/7/19 10:38», 6/7/19 10:33;
  609. TRIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup ofBlog index, 8/7/19 1:07. (Fb 1:10) Checkup of Razón de vivire, 8/7/19 1:27. (Fb 1:29/30) Checkup of Tre favole di Fedro, 8/7/19 1:36. (Fb 1:37) Related Facebook page post update: 8/7/19 1:41», 8/7/19 1:10;
  610. TRIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Un frammento di vita quotidiana: graffito pompeiano, 8/7/19 16:15. Checkup of Daily life: marriage songs, 8/7/19 16:55. Early partial checkup of Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 8/7/19 17:24. Related Facebook page post update: 8/7/19 17:30», 8/7/19 17:28;
  611. QUADRUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Let's sing for the couple!, 9/7/19 0:00. Checkup of Let's drink!, 9/7/19 0:07. Checkup of Cheers!, 9/7/19 0:15. Checkup of Why can I not move you?!, 9/7/19 0:26. Related Facebook page post update: 9/7/19 0:31», 9/7/19 0:30;
  612. NEW POST: Cold sun, «9/7/19 10:15. Related index update: 9/7/19 10:19. Related Facebook page post update: 9/7/19 10:26», 9/7/19 10:18;
  613. SEXTUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of O Heaven, please, help me move her!, 10/7/19 18:17. Checkup of Helpless pining, 10/7/19 18:22. Checkup of You're half of my soul, 10/7/19 18:27. Checkup of Mi manchi da morire, 10/7/19 18:30. Checkup of I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me…, 10/7/19 18:36. Checkup of O Atthis!, 10/7/19 19:17. Related Facebook page post update: 10/7/19 19:25», 10/7/19 19:21;
  614. QUINTUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction, 10/7/19 21:08. Checkup of Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 10/7/19 21:57. Checkup of Ode to a beautiful woman, 10/7/19 22:02. Checkup of I want to have died, 10/7/19 22:22. Checkup of Love and grief, 10/7/19 22:46. Related Facebook page post update: 10/7/19 22:55», 10/7/19 22:51;
  615. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of I think of you at sunset, 10/7/19 23:27. Checkup of The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder?, 10/7/19 22:35. Related Facebook page post update: 11/7/19 0:27», 11/7/19 0:20;
  616. NEW POST: No smoking!, «13/7/19 9:26. Related index update: 13/7/19 9:29. Related Facebook page post update: 13/7/19 9:31», 13/7/19 9:30;
  617. POST QUADRUPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of A few papyri transcribed, Part 1: 12/7/19 18:33. Part 2 (includes adding image of retraced sub-colophon in P.Oxy. 2076): 13/7/19 12:00. Part 3 (includes adding manual guess imitation of P.Oxy combination for Dearest Offspring): 13/7/19 20:33 with "error"s at 18:52 18:53 18:54 18:55 18:56 18:57. Part 4 (includes adding transcription and reading notes of first 11 lines of P.Berol. 9722 fol. 1): 13/7/19 21:14 with broken BR tag at 21:12 and "error" at 21:13. Related Facebook page post update: 13/7/19 21:27», 13/7/19 21:26;
  618. QUADRUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixes to 4 posts due to minor critical notation changes in the texts of "Dearest Offspring" (aka Sappho 16) and "Cypris and Nereids" (now "Divine Nereids"). All of Sappho, 13/7/19 21:39 with "error"s 21:37 and 21:38. Chinese Poetic Sappho, 13/7/19 21:51 with "error"s 21:43 21:44 21:45 21:46 21:48. Σαπφούς ἅπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, 13/7/19 21:56. Dearest Offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 13/7/19 22:07. Related Facebook page post update notice: 13/7/19 22:14», 13/7/19 22:13;
  619. SEPTUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Alone in a rainy night, 14/7/19 13:11. Checkup of The feelings of a loafer – with such a lonely heart, 14/7/19 13:16. Checkup of If you really care, 14/7/19 13:22. Checkup of Do you really love me?, 14/7/19 13:25. Checkup of All the Indonesian songs I have met, 14/7/19 14:06. Checkup of Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths!, 14/7/19 14:40. Checkup of Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 14/7/19 15:32 with fail 15:29 due to broken A tag. Related Facebook page post update: 14/7/19 15:43», 14/7/19 15:40;
  620. SEPTUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Nostalgia for youth, 14/7/19 16:34 with "error"s 16:32 and 16:33. Checkup of Children's songs!, 14/7/19 17:24. Checkup of A daughter to "get rid of", 14/7/19 17:29. Checkup of As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 14/7/19 17:36. Checkup of Quel oselin dal bòsch, 14/7/19 17:43. Checkup of Ti voglio rivedere!, 14/7/19 18:01 with "error" 18:00. Checkup of Amore mio lontano, 14/7/19 18:08. Related Facebook page post update: 14/7/19 18:17 with "error" 18:16», 14/7/19 18:13;
  621. TRIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of I still love you all the same, 14/7/19 18:21. Checkup of True love, 14/7/19 18:28. Checkup of …lover, not so much, 14/7/19 18:32. Related Facebook page post update: 14/7/19 18:35», 14/7/19 18:34;
  622. NEW POST: Two children's songs!, «16/7/19 9:50. Related index update: 16/7/19 9:56. Related Facebook page post update: 16/7/19 10:09 with fail at 10:02 because the idiot had screwed up the opening div tag for justifying the intro», 16/7/19 9:54;
  623. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «FINALLY COMPLETED the last transcription at A few papyri transcribed, 16/7/19 16:06. Related Facebook page post update: 16/7/19 16:12», 16/7/19 16:10;
  624. OCTUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of 'O surdato 'nnamurato, 16/7/19 17:21. Checkup of Memory and being remembered, 16/7/19 17:33. Checkup of Why do I cry?, 16/7/19 17:38. Checkup of What should I do?, 16/7/19 17:42. Checkup of Poisonous perfume, 16/7/19 17:47. Checkup of A kind of love called breaking up, 16/7/19 17:51. Checkup of Tell me you don't love me (so I can leave you), 16/7/19 17:57. Checkup of Lonely nights of heartbreak, 16/7/19 18:20. Related Facebook page post update: 16/7/19 18:28», 16/7/19 18:25;
  625. FAILED UPDATE NOTICE: «Idk what's up with Blogger today, but I hit update TWELVE TIMES (at 23:00 22:57 22:56 21:43 21:40:48/49 21:40 21:39 21:38 21:37 21:36 21:35 21:33) on the Checkup of the Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, and not once did it update. I give up. Hopefully tomorrow it will be up. And now we're at 13 fails with 17/7/19 23:04. UPDATE: FAILED? So today, 18/7/19, I tried again at 16:52 16:54 17:02. Then I experimented with Blogger, which seemed to work fine _except_ for this post. So I tried to post the checked-up version separately, on more than one attempt, one of them being, I believe, 17:19. Then I loaded the post list, and to my surprised, I saw 4 drafts and 2 posted posts exactly identical (at least in the title) to the checked-up version I was trying to post separately. Conclusion: did I really fail, or was the error BS? Well, at least once it was BS, because I reloaded the table, and it was updated. I noticed a few ?s in the safopoemas column, and decided I'd make them –s and re-update, just to have a time to give in the update notice», 17/7/19 23:06, edited between 17:24 and 17:33;
  626. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 18/7/19 17:24. Related Facebook page post update (includes the FAILED UPDATE NOTICE below): 18/7/19 17:33», 18/7/19 17:30;
  627. SEXTUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Checkup of L'ultima tenerezza, 18/7/19 17:39. Checkup of Il mio amore se n'è andato…, 18/7/19 17:44. Checkup of Di-moi donc, pluie, 18/7/19 17:50. Checkup of Tu m'as jamais vraiment aimé(e), 18/7/19 18:00. Checkup of Contrast: Donne's reaction to parting, 18/7/19 18:07. Checkup of A libation and a prayer: religious stuff in Sappho, 18/7/19 18:20. Related Facebook page post update: 18/7/19 18:30», 18/7/19 18:27;
  628. NEW POST: Un giudice, «20/7/19 9:22. Related index update: 20/7/19 9:26. Related Facebook page post update: 20/7/19 9:32», 20/7/19 9:26;
  629. POST TRIPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Spellcheck and a bunch of new translations, and fixing the numbers of the untranslatables, and adding the one missing one-word quote, at All of Sappho, Part 1: 19/7/19 17:26. Part 2: 20/7/19 10:51 with "error" 10:48. Part 3: 20/7/19 11:26. Related Facebook page post update: 20/7/19 11:34», 20/7/19 11:32;
  630. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Spellcheck, number fixes, adding missing one-word quote, and a couple translations at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 20/7/19 12:07. Related Facebook page post update: 20/7/19 12:12», 20/7/19 12:10;
  631. POST TRIPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Meter prospect, some fixes, and some new translations at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 21/7/19. Meter prospect and two fixes: 11:52. Some fixes and translation of Edmonds version of fr. 5: 12:10. Translations of all version of frr. 10-11: 16:12. Related Facebook page post update: 21/7/19 16:17», 21/7/19 16:16;
  632. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Mirrored texts of Chinese edition and added a bunch of translations at Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, 21/7/19 17:24, then 21/7/19 22:49. Related Facebook page post update: 22/7/19 11:55», 22/7/19 11:53;
  633. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Gave a bunch of formerly TBA fragments their numbers at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 22/7/19 22:16. Related Facebook page post update: 22/7/19 22:23», 22/7/19 22:23;
  634. NEW POST: Il mondo, «23/7/19 8:06. Related index update: 23/7/19 8:12. Related Facebook page post update: 23/7/19 8:17», 23/7/19 8:10;
  635. POST TRIPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Completed group 2.C at The Rest of Sappho. Up to 2.C.ix with viii not quite abiding by the transcription of the papyrus: 23/7/19 22:38. Completed: 24/7/19 10:57 with fail due to unmatched <span> at 10:55. Some final fixes: 24/7/19 11:08. Related Facebook page post update: 24/7/19 11:14», 24/7/19 11:13;
  636. NEW VIDEO: Aconteceu | 突如其来 Tūrúqílái | Il s'est passé, «26/7/19 18:21. Related index update: 26/7/19 18:25. Related Facebook page post update: 26/7/19 18:27», 26/7/19 18:24;
  637. POST QUADRUPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «First 20 2.D fragments at The Rest of Sappho, First 4: 25/7/19 8:52. Tweaks to that: 25/7/19 9:01. Next 4: 26/7/19 13:05. 9-20: 26/7/19 23:46. Related Facebook page post update: 26/7/19 23:58», 26/7/19 23:56;
  638. NEW POST: Our moving world, «27/7/19 10:23. Related index update: 27/7/19 10:30. Related Facebook page post update: 27/7/19 10:35», 27/7/19 10:27;
  639. TRIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added frr. 2.D.xxi-xxviii at The Rest of Sappho, 27/7/19 17:24 with "error" at 17:23. Added mention of mistranslation at Morn is nigh, 27/7/19 23:11. Corrected Spanish translation of that fragment accordingly at All of Sappho, 27/7/19 23:13. Related Facebook page post update: 27/7/19 23:22», 27/7/19 21:19;
  640. POST UPDATE + POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Added a bunch of translations at All of Sappho, 28/7/19 0:20. Added frr. 2.D.xxix-xl at The Rest of Sappho, 28/7/19. 29-36: 15:23 with error 15:22 because the < in the glossary must be typed in HTML code. 37-40: 15:48. Related Facebook page post update: 28/7/19 16:07», 28/7/19 16:06;
  641. NEW POST: Peace, «30/7/19 7:19. Related index update: 30/7/19 7:23. Related Facebook page post update: 30/7/19 7:29», 30/7/19 7:22;
  642. POST TRIPLE UPDATE + POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added discussions of completion notices in group 6 and frr. 2.D.xli-xlviii at The Rest of Sappho, 29/7/19 18:26 with error at 18:19 due to unmatched </ul>. Added frr. 2.D.xlix-lx at The Rest of Sappho, 30/7/19 17:13. Made some fixes to the above at The Rest of Sappho, 30/7/19 17:27. Fixed numbering of Voigt 103A fragments in ROS and editions at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 30/7/19 17:31. Related Facebook page post update: 30/7/19 17:42», 30/7/19 17:40;
  643. POST TRIPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Completed group 2 at The Rest of Sappho, 31/7/19. Completed category 2.D: 15:21 with "error"s at 15:20 15:19. Inserted category 2.E: 17:41. Fixed lineup of 2.E with 2.D: 17:45. Related Facebook page post update: 31/7/19 18:10 with "error"s at 18:09 18:08 18:07», 31/7/19 18:06;
  644. NEW POST: Signore delle cime, «4/8/19 22:53. Should have been posted yesterday, but I was on a tight schedule so I couldn't post it at the right moment, and then I forgot, and I only remembered this morning. Related index update: 4/8/19 22:54: "error" 22:59: update (includes adding item for song translated recently). 23:01: fixed dates for posts after added item. Related Facebook page post update: 4/8/19 23:07», 4/8/19 23:06;
    1. Some fixes at The Rest of Sappho, 3/8/19 18:37 with error due to unmatched </table> at 18:14.
    2. Added untranslatables and a bunch of translations (both thereof and in Edmonds stuff) at All of Sappho, 4/8/19 22:52.
    3. Fixed numbering issues discovered during previous edit at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 4/8/19 23:29.
    4. Split 381 into (a) and (b) and removed doublet and split of 319 (all following the previous edit) at All of Sappho, 4/8/19 23:36.
    5. Maybe I fixed the 381 thing in this edit here? Whatever it was, fixes at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 5/8/19 0:11:02.
    6. I guess the 381 was split at this point in All of Sappho, 5/8/19 11:12.
    7. Added untranslatables, a bunch of translations thereof (and maybe outside), and split of 381 at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 5/8/19 13:23.
    8. Added untranslatables and a bunch of translations of short non-untranslatable non-Edmonds fragments at Sapphoýs ápanta, 5/8/19 16:05 with "error"s at 16:04 and 16:03.
    Told you it was a HEKKIN FRIGGTON :). Related Facebook page post update: 5/8/19 16:23», 5/8/19 16:14;
  646. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Implemented a translation edit at Povera voce, 5/8/19 23:50. Related Facebook page post update: 5/8/19 23:52», 5/8/19 23:52;
  647. NEW POST: La bomba imbriaga, «6/8/19 9:54. Related index update: 6/8/19 9:58. Related Facebook page post update: 6/8/19, after an "error" 10:03 and a whatever-stupid-blockage at 10:05, I gave up on doing it via mobile. I'll do it from computer when I get to it. Finally did it 12:43», 6/8/19 9:57;
  648. POST TRIPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Added group 3 to The Rest of Sappho, 3.i-3.viii: 6/8/19 0:54, 3.ix-3.xvi: 6/8/19 15:24, 3.xvii-3.xxix: 7/8/19 23:51. Related Facebook page post update: 7/8/19 23:56», 7/8/19 23:55;
  649. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Revised transcription of P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 4 and added combination of that with P.Sapph. Obbink at A few papyri transcribed, 8/8/19 16:05 with unmatched </ul> at 16:01, unmatched </div> at 15:38, "broken" (more like unmatched) <li> at 15:32. Related Facebook page post update: 8/8/19 16:13 with unmatched </ul> at 16:10», 8/8/19 16:10;
  650. NEW POST: In Cil, «10/8/19 23:53. Related index update: 10/8/19 23:58. Related Facebook page post update: 11/8/19 0:06 with error 0:03 because of <a> meant to be a closing tag», 40/8/19 25:57;
  651. NEW POST: Piel Canela, «13/8/19 10:09. Related index update: 13/8/19 10:13. Related Facebook page post update: 13/8/19 10:19», 13/8/19 10:12;
  652. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Some tweaks at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table:
    1. Made numbering of P.Oxy. fragment sources for "beautiful gifts of the Muses" parts more precise: 9/8/19 23:50;
    2. Added line for combination of P.Sapph. Obbink and P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 4 and added last item (about Italian edition I plan on): 18:36 with error at 18:33 due to spurious < before the </tbody> tag at table end.
    Related Facebook page post update: 13/8/19 18:51», 13/8/19 18:49;
  653. NEW VIDEO: 我 Wǒ | 私 Watashi | Já | Я Ja, «Available since 13/8/19 21:50. Related index update: 13/8/19 22:00. Related Facebook page post update: 13/8/19 22:05 with "error" at 22:04», 13/8/19 22:00;
  654. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Quora link to ἀϝέϝελλαι in group 3, checked up the intro, added 7.2 at The Rest of Sappho, 13/8/19 22:32 with error due to "<ἄημι" at 22:30, due to "<κάτω+-ρης" at 22:28, and due to "<κατὰ+αρ" at 22:25. Added the other sources (other than P.GC. and P.Sapph. Obbink) to last row of Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 13/8/19 22:42. Related Facebook page post update: 13/8/19 22:49», 13/8/19 22:48;
  655. TRIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added version 3 of fr. 11, fixed single-word quotations to match the discussion at ROS, fixed the first version of fr. 29, and added some translations at the three editions. All of Sappho, 14/8/19 16:24. Chinese Poetic Sappho, 14/8/19 16:54 (includes fixing a couple 萨夫律师 and translating "Rendering the meters"). Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, 14/8/19 17:02. Related Facebook page post update: 14/8/19 18:03», 14/8/19 18:01;
  656. NEW POST: Aconteceu, «17/8/19 10:30. Related index update: 17/8/19 10:34. Related Facebook page post update: 17/8/19 10:38», 17/8/19 10:33;
    1. Added stanza breaks to the collage in item 25 (and completely forgetting to add them to the collages in item 24 :) ) at A few papyri transcribed, 15/8/17 12:04.
    2. Adding brackets for papyrus fragment separations, a bunch of translations, some supplements to frr. 83 and 338, and a new version of fr. 104 at All of Sappho:
      1. Brackets up to fr. 80: 16/8/19 00:36.
      2. Rest of brackets and a bunch of translations working my way up from the bottom: 17/8/19 0:24.
      NOTE: The bracketing additions were done going top to bottom on this edition, and then reported on the other editions. The supplements and new version were added while going on this task. The translations were partly interspersed with the task, partly after it. This also holds for the Chinese editions, though those after the task were few if any.
    3. Matching changes at Chinese Poetic Sappho:
      1. Matching first edit of Spanish edition: 16/8/19 00:37.
      2. Matching second edit of Spanish edition: 17/8/19 0:25.
      3. Fixing lineup problem due to the changes: 17/8/19 13:30.
    4. Matching changes at Σαπφούς άπαντα:
      1. Matching first edit of Spanish: 16/8/19 00:39.
      2. Matching second edit of Spanish and translating fragment addressed to Εἰρήνη, probably the only translation of this round of edits: 17/8/19 0:28.
    5. Added blank line at 1231 fr. 52 and commented on placement of l. 1 of 2289 fr. 6 into P.Oxy. 7 at A few papyri transcribed, 17/8/19 14:10.
    «Related Facebook page post update: bumped into that of next post», 17/8/19 14:30;
  658. POST DOUBLE UPDATE + POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Tweaks to Japanese, Czech, and Ukrainian, and a typo notice at Alone in a rainy night:
    1. All changes except "doko da to toitaku nai": 17/8/19 14:46.
    2. That change and the typo notice: 17/8/19 15:04.
    Added Greek version at Soft wind, 17/8/19 15:00. Related Facebook page post update: 17/8/19 15:18», 17/8/19 15:09;
  659. TRIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added item for just-finished (as of posting this notice) translation of Lifelong and shifted post dates accordingly at Blog index, 18/8/19 0:37:59.
    • Added συ from 2289 to item 13;
    • Specified the retracing just before that is from the GC-induced completion;
    • Specified that ἐσύνηκε is from an Alcaeus glossema;
    • Removed φέρην from collage;
    • Made notes on vestiges of l. 18 of P.Oxy. 7;
    • Fixed the Α€Υ€Τ' to δεύετ' change in P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 3 col. ii;
    • Added the [ to the Ὄσσα δὲ π line in the same papyrus.
    All at A few papyri transcribed, 18/8/19 11:09. Added English translation of song at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 18/8/19 23:30 with fake "error" - and I'm starting to think they're actually all fake. Related Facebook page post update: As soon as this awful-ass connection gives me the chance to do it. Which ended up being 18/8/19 23:56», 18/8/19 23:52;
  660. NEW POST: Lifelong, »20/8/19 9:27. Related index update: 20/8/19 9:32. Related Facebook page post update: 20/8/19 9:38»,20/8/19 9:31;
  661. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed misinterpretation of οιδε as οἰ δὲ to οἶδε in fr. 14 at All of Sappho, 20/8/19 18:34.
    • Specified that the papyrus split between 2.A.xxv and 2.A.xxvi is a 1787 fragment, not an add. on P.Oxy. XXI;
    • Supplemented 2.D.liv from Una mitra per Cleis;
    • Commented on the supplements in the relevant critical note;
    • Fixed "οἶδα κρ]" to "οἶδε κρ]" in l. 10;
    • Countered the "contra papyrum" accusation I had made to a supplement given by the Italian anthology to 6.A.v;
    • Noted that testimonia xii xxxvi lxiii ccx were present and added ccvii ccviii ccix xiii-xxi cxv i-xi;
    • Added "full quote required" and "full quote not required" at Edmonds e.g.s.
    All that at The Rest of Sappho, 20/8/19 23:33 with "error" 23:32. Related Facebook page post update: 20/8/19 23:54», 20/8/19 23:50;
  662. MULTIPLE POST MULTIPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed Greek of Brothers poem to be addressed to wetnurse, not mother, at All of Sappho, 21/8/19:
    • Fixed Greek text and title: 19:49.
    • Fixed Chinese title: 19:55.
    • Eliminated the "</u?" that had somehow slipped through the code check at posting time: 20:01.
    Same for All of Sappho, 21/8/19:
    • Edits to Greek and title: 19:54.
    • Removal of "</u?": 20:00.
    Same at Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, 21/8/19 19:59. Related Facebook page post update: 21/8/19 20:10», 21/8/19 20:07;
  663. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Capitalized a Hephaestio somewhere in group 1, fixed the meter indication in 2.D.xlvi, and commented on the meter some more in the note, added testimonia xxii-xxxv and xxxviii-xlvi, added mention of Edmonds article and corrected meter indication of Edmonds 1a, all at The Rest of Sappho, 22/8/19 00:04. Added testimonia xlvii-lxii at The Rest of Sappho, 23/8/19 00:25. Related Facebook page post update: 23/8/19 17:01», 23/8/19 16:58;
    1. 23/8/19 19:01: Il seme;
    2. 23/8/19 19:05: Al mattino;
    3. 23/8/19 19:12: How you speak;
    4. 23/8/19 19:23: Who decided to split up? (or rather, lifelong only you);
    5. 23/8/19 19:27: Fragments of the Divine Comedy;
    6. 23/8/19 19:36: Sei così perfetto…;
    7. 23/8/19 23:31: Happy Birthday da lontano;
    8. 23/8/19 23:35: ¿Cómo hacer para olvidarte?;
    9. 23/8/19 23:45: My only true love;
    10. 24/8/19 0:08: The joys of friendship;
    11. 24/8/19 0:11: Time after time;
    12. 24/8/19 0:13: Ojos de cielo;
    13. 24/8/19 0:22: Only you;
    14. 24/8/19 0:25: Just you.
    Related Facebook page post update: 24/8/19 0:38», 24/8/19 00:33;
  665. NEW POST: The knock-knock beetle, «24/8/19 12:36. Related index update: 24/8/19 12:47. Related Facebook page post update: 24/8/19 12:55», 24/8/19 12:39;
    1. 24/8/19 15:07: Nel mio cuor tu sola stai;
    2. 24/8/19 15:23: Eternam pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion;
    3. 24/8/19 15:58: Se il cuore fa male, la canzone è triste;
    4. 24/8/19 16:03: In our world;
    5. 24/8/19 16:12: Romeo and Juliet;
    6. 24/8/19 16:21: A few last poems;
    7. 24/8/19 16:36: the man of many skills and the Sirens;
    8. 24/8/19 17:16: Pareche Ponzipo.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 24/8/19 17:24», 24/8/19 17:21;
    1. 24/8/19 20:57: La mè zita;
    2. 24/8/19 21:49: L'Italiano;
    3. 24/8/19 22:04: Cannot love you;
    4. 24/8/19 23:06 with error due to unmatched <div> at 22:47: Index by languages;
    5. 24/8/19 23:14: The things that I see;
    6. 24/8/19 23:45: I love you, my angel;
    «Related Facebook page post update: 24/8/19 23:53», 24/8/19 23:51;
    1. 25/8/19 13:25: 'O sole mio;
    2. 25/8/19 13:30: Helplessness;
    3. 25/8/19 13:42: Two Chinese children's songs!;
    4. 25/8/19 13:49: Our moving world;
    5. 25/8/19 13:54: Peace;
      • 25/8/19 13:56: fixed padding at Peace;
    6. 25/8/19 14:02: In Cil;
    7. 25/8/19 14:12: Aconteceu;
    8. 25/8/19 14:23: The knock-knock beetle;
    «Related Facebook page post update: 25/8/19 14:35», 25/8/19 14:32;
  669. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed rotten link of knock-knock beetle and put link to my video inside item of The things that I see at Blog index, 25/8/19 21:53. Related Facebook page post update: 25/8/19 22:12», 25/8/19 21:59;
  670. NEW POST: Two anthems, «27/8/19 11:12. Related index update: 27/8/19 11:19. Related Facebook page post update: 27/8/19 11:23», 27/8/19 11:15;
  671. POST QUADRUPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «The Rest of Sappho:
    1. Added testimonia lxiv-lxxxvii: 27/8/19 22:59.
    2. Added testimonia lxxxviii-xcix: 28/9/19 10:47.
    3. Added testimonia c-cvii: 28/8/19 17:10.
    4. Added testimonia cviii-cxiv + cxvi-cxxxiv and made a couple tweaks (most notably expanded on the item where I link to the image of P.Oxy. 2506): 29/8/19 0:51.
    Related Facebook page post update: 29/8/19 00:58», 29/8/19 00:56;
  672. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Mandarin version (made overnight) at Lonely mights of heartbreak, 30/8/19 11:33. Related Facebook page post update: 30/8/19 11:37», 30/8/19 11:34;
  673. NEW POST: Rouge (aka lipstick, I guess), «31/8/19 10:54. Related index update: 31/8/19 10:58. Related Facebook page post update: 31/8/19 11:04», 31/8/19 10:56;
  674. NEW VIDEO + POST QUADRUPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «我 Wǒ | I | Io | Moi, 1/9/19, processed by 19:20:20, upload complete by 18:16:00.
    Tweaks to versions at Alone in a rainy night, 1/9/19.
    1. First round: 15:10.
    2. Second round: 15:47.
    3. In-recording tweaks: 16:16.
    4. In-editing tweaks: 19:27.
    Related Facebook page post update: 1/9/19 19:30 with fake error I wrote about at 19:32 Related index update: 1/9/19 19:35. Added to Facebook page post at 19:36», 1/9/19 19:27;
  675. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Finally FINISHED group 4 at The Rest of Sappho, 2/9/19.
    1. cxxxv-cl: 13:52.
    2. cli-ccvi: 1:10.
    Related Facebook page post update: 2/9/19 1:16», 2/9/19 1:12;
  676. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE + POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Added 5.A.i-5.A.viii at The Rest of Sappho, 3/9/19 1:59 with error due to "<ἵστημι" at 1:57. Added UPDATE to P.Oxy. 2289 fr. 6 at A few papyri transcribed, 3/9/19 2:21. Added French translation and English literal rendition at I love you, 3/9/19:
    1. Added translation 2:36.
    2. Fixed padding 2:38.
    Related Facebook page post update: 3/9/19 2:44», 3/9/19 2:41;
  677. NEW POST: Puzzle, «3/9/19 10:07. Related index update: 3/9/19 10:11. Related Facebook page post update! : 3/9/19 10:18», 3/9/19 10:09;
  678. POST QUADRUPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «The Rest of Sappho:
    1. 4/9/19 2:39: added 5.A.ix-xxiii and translation at 4.ccvi.
    2. 4/9/19 2:51: fixed lineup and linebreaking and padding problems in those.
    3. 4/9/19 23:03 with unmatched </ul> at 22:59: added all of group 5.B.
    4. 4/9/19 23:08: fixed linebreaking problems with slight misalignment of 5.B and 5.A.
    Related Facebook page post update: 4/9/19 23:20 with uncoded </ul> at 23:19», 4/9/19 23:16;
  679. NEW POST: Una canzone d'amore, «7/9/19 10:45. Related index update: 7/9/19 10:49 Related Facebook page post update: 7/9/19 10:54», 7/9/19 10:47;
  680. NEW POST: Una canzone d'amore, «7/9/19 10:45. Related index update: 7/9/19 10:49 Related Facebook page post update: 7/9/19 10:54», 7/9/19 10:47;
  681. NEW VIDEO: Vent fin | 轻风 Qīng fēng | Soft wind | Άνεμε απαλέ Áneme apalé, «Fully processed by 8/9/19 19:34. Related index update: 8/9/19 20:50. Related Facebook page post update: 8/9/19 20:52», 8/9/19 20:47;
  682. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: The Rest of Sappho:
    1. 9/9/19 3:18 with "error"s 3:11 3:13 3:14 3:17 and unmatched <div> when I finally gave up on mobile internet:
      • Split second sentence of part 2 paragraph in 1.C.ii;
      • Added new emendation of in-cruces of Campbell 46;
      • Added new version of 2.E.v from Edmonds suggestion;
      • Added all group 5.C.
    2. 9/9/19 13:00:
      • Fixed huge lineup and alignment problems in 5.C along with alignment problems of 2.E;
      • Added reading notes to P.Oxy. 2506.
    Both updates probably included typo fixes. The second one for sure at least two.
    Related Facebook page post update: 9/9/19 13:18 with unmatched <ol> at 13:17», 9/9/19 13:11;
  683. NEW POST: Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, «10/9/19 11:16. Related index update: 10/9/19 11:21. Related Facebook page post update: 10/9/19 22:19», 10/9/19 11:17;
  684. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «The Rest of Sappho, 11/9/19 3:56: Added group 6.A, and probably some fixes here and there, perhaps some details of critical notation fixed. 11/9/19 13:28: Fixed lineup of group above, changing translations a little bit, fixed the note to 2.D.xxi (which I fixed the text and translation of in the other edit), fixed a minor mix of old and new critical notes, fixed a bracketing error in fusion v, added item iv to group 7. Related Facebook page post update: 11/9/19 14:06 with unclosed <a> on the ROS link at 14:05», 11/9/19 14:02;
    1. The Rest of Sappho:
      1. 12/9/19 1:33 with "error" 1:32: Added 6.B.i-6.B.xiii.
      2. 13/9/19 3:17 added 6.B.xiv-6.B.xx and all of group 7.
    2. Fixed "geta in submissiveness" in Balade de bon Conseyl at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided: 13/9/19 11:32.
    3. A few papyri transcribed:
      1. 13/9/19 11:45:
        1. Fixed "P.Oxy. 7: line beginnings";
        2. Eliminated blue σύ descended from reading συ in 2289 fragment from the pre-P.GC. combination of Κύπρι καὶ Νηρήϊδες;
        3. Added final vestige to l. 5 of that poem in P.GC.;
        4. Made πάθαν χάλασσαι to have uncertain chi and vestigial αν in transcription of Obbink, combined text with Oxy fragment blue, and final supplemented version in final section.
      2. 13/9/19 12:16:
        1. Added mention of newfound image of P.Oxy. 424;
        2. FIxed the blue sy in post-P.GC. combined text;
        3. Added space between "ΦΙΛωΝ" and "are" in next-to-last note to 2166(a);
        4. Fixed text of Obbink in combined text with blue Obbink and in colorful collage in final section.
    «With this, the text discussions are complete. I just need to add the last 24 texts to ROS, fix whatever needs fixing in the Comparative Numbering Table, migrate everything to the editions (with a buttload of corrections in the mix), and then Sappho is confined to translations for the editions (and reordering for the planned Italian one). Related Facebook page post update: 13/9/19 12:47 with "error" 12:44», 13/9/19 12:30;
  686. NEW POST : Fish never stop swimming , «14/9/19 10:37. Related index update: 14/9/19 10:44. Related Facebook page post update: 14/9/19 10:50», 14/9/19 10:39;
  687. POST QUADRUPLE UPDATE NOTICE: «The Rest of Sappho:
    1. 14/9/19 1:21: added texts and translations of 6.B.i-viii, modifying the notes where necessary.
    2. 14/9/19 17:32: ditto for 6.B.ix-xii.
    3. 14/9/19 23:57: ditto for 6.B.xiii-xvi.
    4. 15/9/19 15:36: completed the post (includes adding SX link to note for 6.B.xiii, adding two newfound lines to 1.H.ii, and turning WIP notice to completion notice).
    Update to index to remove [WIP] tag (includes moving all WIP from descriptions to [OOP] tags): 15/9/19 16:17. Related Facebook page post update: 15/9/19 16:20», 15/9/19 16:17;
  688. QUADRUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Edits to editions:
    1. Removed brackets from Edmonds version of ὦ κάλα ὦ χαρίεσσα;
    2. Πεπτύγω->περπτύγω;
    3. Added length marks for missing syllables in Edmonds μέλημα τὦμον & παρθένοισι μελλιχοφώναις;
    4. Fixed spellings and "apostrophations" of ἀπύ μοι ϝ ἐπέσκηψ', ἄρασθα´μ' ἄμμ, κα` in Δίος πάις ὁ χρῦσος, ἀμφισβάτεις;
    5. Added Edmonds, middle, and Anthology version to Κύπρι καὶ Νηρήϊδες;
    6. Fixed bracketing of GC version of the above to not have συ outside brackets in ἐσύνηκε;
    7. Put in amendation of "τύλαν πάλιν";
    8. Added Edmonds version of Hesychius gloss which is last "new from Safopoemas" fragment in the Ametáphrasta;
    9. Specified that Diehl's version of the poem starting Αἰ κλ]ύτων is missing an Oxyrhynchus source;
    10. Fixed Edmonds version of "the curse" to start l. 2 with οἰ]δὲ instead of μη]δὴ;
    11. Added two newfound lines to τύχοισα and fixed the spelling of the last line to not have [.] .;
    12. Fixed +αν+ χ of πάθαν χάλασσαι in πῶς κε δή τις.
    1. Spanish (All of Sappho): 15/9/19 23:57.
    2. Chinese (Chinese Poetic Sappho): 15/9/19 23:58.
    3. Greek (Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta): 15/9/19 23:59.
    Edit to ROS: The Rest of SapphoM, fixed ungrammatical completion of 7.iii. 16/9/19 19:09. Related Facebook page post update: 16/9/19 19:26. Fixed last two dates from 15/9 to 16/9 here and in Fb post list 24/9/19 12:55.», 15/9/19 19:21;
  689. NEW POST: If there wasn't him, «17/9/19 9:37(:01). Related index update: 17/9/19 9:39. Related Facebook page post update: 17/9/19 9:43», 17/9/19 9:40;
  690. NEW POST: Home's so far, «21/9/19 8:03. Related index update: 21/9/19 8:07. Related Facebook page post update: 21/9/19 8:12», 21/9/19 8:05;
  691. YOUKU VIDEOS: «I think I'll start the trend to notify this page about Youku uploads. I already told you about Chipi Chipi back then. Right now, we have a few more:
    1. U mustazzu | 胡子, 2018-06-16 18:28:51;
    2. Como hacer para olvidarte | Ná ē-tàng lâi pàng buē-kì-tit lí | 怎么会来全忘记你, 2018-10-15 17:29:22;
    3. Pareche Ponzipo | Pà-lėh-ke Pòng-tsi-poh, 2018-10-17 03:19:23.
    And there's a new one: 'O sole mio | 我的太阳 | U suli mè, 2019-09-22 23:41:28. The timestamps seem to be upload start times. Also, they're apparently in some Chinese timezone which is 6h ahead of Italy, so e.g. the last one was uploaded at 14:53 on 22/9, not 20:53. Related Facebook page post update: 22/9/19 20:04 with unmatched </a> 19:56», 22/9/19 19:44;
  692. NEW POST: Missing support, «24/9/19 9:01. Related index update: 24/9/19 9:06. Related Facebook page post update: 24/9/19 9:11», 24/9/19 9:03;
  693. TRIPLE POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Eliminated ungrammatical completion and added combinations to:
    1. Spanish edition All of Sappho, 18/9/19 8:47.
    2. Chinese edition Chinese Poetic Sappho, 18/9/19 8:49 (includes removing (my ag) (my x) (my al) and adding «Σύστασις ιβʹ» in the Greek column and changing 你们又害怕 and adding translation of «Σύστασις ιβʹ» in the Chinese column).
    3. Greek edition Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, 18/9/19 8:50 (includes adding «Σύστασις ιβʹ» to both columns).
    Added 6.B.ii-6.B.xii to:
    1. Spanish edition All of Sappho, 25/9/19 12:47. Chinese edition Chinese Poetic Sappho, 25/9/19 12:57. Greek edition Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, 25/9/19 12:58 (includes removing (my 79) from left column).
    Related Facebook page post update: 25/9/19 13:11 with unmatched <a> at 13:10», 25/9/19 13:05;
  694. TRIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE : «Added 6.B.xiii-6.B.xx and 7.iv to:
    1. Spanish edition All of Sappho, Spanish edition, 26/9/19 0:22 (includes translating the manuscript version of fr. 40).
    2. Chinese edition Chinese Poetic Sappho, 26/9/19 0:23 (includes removing (my 90) (my 87) (my z) (my 27) (my 85) from one of the columns, I think Greek?).
    3. Greek edition Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, Greek edition, 26/9/19 0:24 (includes same remotions as Chinese plus fixing φαίναταί in fr. 15 and fixing l. 2 of Obbink versions of πῶς κε δή τις).
    And thus the editions finally have all the texts, and only require translations. "Only". Related Facebook page post update: 26/9/19 0:32», 26/9/19 0:28;
    1. Fixed ἀδύφωον in 6.B.iv, eliminated leftover "source sign" in 6.B.xi, fixed Κλέει at 6.B.xx in, 26/9/19 11:57;
    2. Fixed numbering, which had doubled 399 and no 391, in the Spanish column of, 26/9/19 12:01;
    3. Fixed rotten link of image of P.Oxy. 2288 at, 26/9/19 12:05.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 26/9/19 12:11», 26/9/19 12:09;
  696. NEW POST: When you're sad, listen to love songs, «28/9/19 10:22. Related index update: 28/9/19 10:27. Related Facebook page post update: 28/9/19 10:35», 28/9/19 10:24;
  697. NEW POST: Heart addiction, «1/10/19 9:54. Related index update: 1/10/19 9:58. Related Facebook page post update: 1/10/19 10:03», 1/10/19 9:56;
  698. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for new translations (280 and 281) at Blog index, 3/10/19 0:36. Related Facebook page post update: 3/10/19 0:39», 3/10/19 0:37;
  699. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Lingala translation to Non andartene, 4/10/19 11:45. Added item for "Ma come hai fatto?", a recent translation, to Blog index, 4/10/19 11:56. Related Facebook page post update: 4/10/19 11:59», 4/10/19 11:57;
  700. NEW POST: Ocean, «5/10/19 10:35. Related index update: 5/10/19 10:39. Related Facebook page post update: 5/10/19 10:44», 5/10/19 10:37;
  701. NEW POST: Più lontano delle stelle, «8/10/19 10:02. Related index update: 8/10/19 10:09. Related Facebook page post update: 8/10/19 10:14», 8/10/19 10:04;
  702. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for recent translations (and one that isn't even done yet) at Blog index, 10/10/19 17:21. Related Facebook page post update: 10/10/19 17:25», 10/10/19 17:23;
  703. NEW POST: Nottata di luna, «12/10/19 10:29. Related index update: 12/10/19 10:34. Related Facebook page post update: 12/10/19 10:39», 12/10/19 10:31;
    1. Finished translation: 11/10/19 12:38.
    2. Added definition of "tavulazzu" which I forgot to add in the previous edit while modifying the intro: 11/10/19 12:40.
    Added a few songs to the index at All the Chinese songs I have met, 13/10/19 20:40.
    Removed [UNDRAFTED] tag from recently drafted post 285 at Blog index, 14/10/19 1:20.
    Related Facebook page post update: 14/10/19 1:44 with unmatched </a> 1:43», 13/10/19 1:38;
    1. Eliminated spurious Czech title at end of Italian at Thank you for your deep love, 14/10/19 23:14.
    2. Updated Index by languages, 15/10/19 0:31.
    3. Fixed link to "Più lontano delle stelle" (was formerly link to Wiktionary entry on "baggataway") at Blog index, 15/10/19 0:33.
    4. Fixed hé to hér in beginning of Tai-lo of revised version and fixed tab handling (formerly the revised version would never show the Peng'im) at Nottata di luna, 15/10/19 0:38.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 15/10/19 0:45», 15/10/19 0:41;
  706. NEW POST, Ma come hai fatto?, «15/10/19 10:19. Related index update: 15/10/19 10:24. Related Facebook page post update: 15/10/19 10:29», 15/10/19 10:21;
  707. NEW POST: My future is no dream, «19/10/19 10:04. Related index update: 19/10/19 10:08. Related Facebook page post update: 19/10/19 10:14», 19/10/19 10:06;
  708. NEW VIDEO: Mi vòtu e mi rivòtu | 一再滚动 Yīzài gǔndòng, «Uploaded by 19/10/19 13:37. Related index update: 19/10/19 13:49. Related Facebook page post update: 19/10/19 13:51», 19/10/19 13:41;
  709. NEW POST: A life has fallen into the darkness, «22/10/19 10:02. Related index update: 22/10/19 10:06. Related Facebook page post update: 22/10/19 10:11», 22/10/19 10:04;
  710. NEW POST: Who can escape this world's sadness?, «26/10/19 10:27. Related index update: 26/10/19 10:32. Related Facebook page post update: 26/10/19 10:36», 26/ 10/19 10:30;
  711. NEW POST: Il nostro amor, «29/10/19 10:03. Related index update: 29/10/19 10:07. Related Facebook page post update: 29/10/19 10:12», 29/10/19 10:05;
  712. NEW POST: Loving no more is one kind of love, «2/11/19 10:11. Related index update: 2/11/19 10:15. Related Facebook page post update: 2/11/19 10:21», 2/11/19 10:13;
  713. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for posts 283 and 287 to Blog index, 3/11/19 23:37. Related Facebook page post update: 4/11/19 22:46», 4/11/19 22:43;
  714. NEW POST: Heavenly marriage, «5/11/19 9:33. Related index update: 5/11/19 9:37. Related Facebook page post update: 5/11/19 9:43», 5/11/19 9:35;
  715. NEW POST: No pain, no gain, «9/11/19 10:02. Related index update: 9/11/19 10:08. Related Facebook page post update: 9/11/19 10:18», 9/11/19 10:04;
  716. NEW POST: Dreams, «12/11/19 9:26. Related index update: 12/11/19 9:31. Related Facebook page post update: 12/11/19 9:36», 12/11/19 9:28;
  717. NEW POST: Time to work together, «16/11/19 9:59. Related index update: 16/11/19 10:04. Related Facebook page post update: 16/11/18 10:11», 16/11/19 10:01;
  718. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE + POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for first two of three new items (namely The cricket and the following item) at Blog Index, 17/11/19 22:47. Update which forgot about the third of the items mentioned above at Index by Languages, 17/11/19 23:23. Added the famous missing item and corrected Todara to Todora in the previous item at Blog Index, 17/11/19 23:30. Related Facebook page post update: 17/11/19 23:50 with double weirdess in Fb link at Nottata di luna NEW POST and link without «<a href="» in last item (the one with Index By languages) at 23:41, and «<: <a>» in Heart addiction NEW POST and «<a href="Added» at last item 23:37», 17/11/19 23:33;
  719. NEW POST: Always fought for myself, «19/11/19 9:29. Related index update: 19/11/19 9:34. Related Facebook page post update: 19/11/19 9:41 with li closed as a 9:39», 19/11/19 9:31;
  720. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Put the right line in place of the older version of the following line in the penultimate line of the French at I love you, 21/11/19 11:14. Removed tags for El grillo and following post, and placed the Italian title of the post at the latter, at Blog index, 21/11/19 11:15. Related Facebook page post update: 21/11/19 11:19», 21/11/19 11:17;
  721. NEW POST: Walking on, «23/11/19 10:09. Related index update (includes adding "video:" to El grillo link): 23/11/19 10:15. Related Facebook page post update: 23/11/19 10:22», 23/11/19 10:11;
  722. NEW POST: Not brave enough, «26/11/19 9:31. Related index update: 23/11/19 9:36. Related Facebook page post update: 26/11/19 9:42», 26/11/19 9:34;
  723. NEW POST: Not brave enough, «26/11/19 9:31. Related index update: 23/11/19 9:36. Related Facebook page post update: 26/11/19 9:41», 26/11/19 9:34;
  724. NEW POST: Placido, «30/11/19 10:04. Related index update: 30/11/19 10:08. Related Facebook page post update: 30/11/19 10:14», 30/11/19 10:06;
  725. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added item for "Più bella di un angelo", removed tags from "A small umbrella" (now "Un piccolo ombrello"), and fixed dates accordingly at Blog index, 30/11/19 16:39. Related Facebook page post update: 30/11/19 18:00», 30/11/19 17:57;
  726. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added corrected Persian, fixed original transliteration, and broke a line in the Hindi (former l. 3 of second part, now ll. 3-4) at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 2/12/19 17:14. Related Facebook page post update: 2/12/19 17:24», 2/12/19 17:21;
  727. NEW POST: Roar up to the sun, «3/12/19 9:46. Related index update: 3/12/19 9:50. Related Facebook page post update: 3/12/19 9:56», 3/12/19 9:48;
  728. NEW POST: Never turning back!, «7/12/19 7:39. Related index update: 7/12/19 7:42. Related Facebook page post update: 7/12/19 7:51 with stupid </a> for </li> at 7:47», 7/12/19 7:40;
  729. NEW POST: Hoy arriesgaré, «10/12/19 9:24. Related index update: 10/12/19 9:30. Related Facebook page post update: 10/12/19 9:35», 10/12/19 9:28;
  730. NEW VIDEO: Povera voce | 贫穷的声音 Pínqióng de shēngyīn, «Fully uploaded by 19:06 but apparently only public by 19:15 13/12/19. Related index update (includes adding item for La strada): 13/12/19 19:20. Related Facebook page post update: 13/12/19 19:23», 13/12/19 19:20;
  731. NEW POST: Work for the Lord, «14/12/19 10:09. Stupid auto-date of 4/10/19 2:37PM (which means 23:37) eliminated ~10:13:20. Related index update: 14/12/19 10:18. Related Facebook page post update: 14/12/19 10:23», 14/12/19 10:16;
  732. NEW POST: Venez!, «17/12/19 8:29. Related index update (includes removing [UNDRAFTED] tag from La strada): 17/12/19 8:35. Related Facebook page post update: 17/12/19 8:41», 17/11/19 8:31;
  733. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added UPDATE to "bozwi libiki" (now tozwi) and fixed lyrics accordingly at Work for the Lord, 18/12/19 16:06. Added "video:" to Mi vòtu e mi rivòtu link and fixed date of My brothers from 18/1 to 21/1 at Blog Index, 18/12/19 16:07. Related Facebook page post update: 18/12/19 16:12», 18/12/19 16:08;
  734. NEW POST: Winter girl, «21/12/19 10:35. Related index update: 21/12/19 10:39. Related Facebook page post update: 21/12/19 10:44», 21/12/19 10:36;
  735. NEW VIDEO: Povera Voce | 贫穷的声音 Pínqióng de shēngyīn, «This time the melody is audible and not lost amidst the other voices. 22/12/19 uploaded within 13:58, only published within 14:03. Related index update (replacing old link, includes adding item for newly translated Ja vstrétil vas): 22/12/19 14:09. Related Facebook page post update: 22/12/19 14:13», 22/12/19 14:05;
  736. NEW POST: I have truly loved you, «24/12/19 9:37. Related index update: 24/12/19 9:42. Related Facebook page post update: 24/12/19 9:47», 24/12/19 9:39;
  737. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added item for Taikatalvi at Blog index, 24/12/19 14:46. Related Facebook page post update: 24/12/19 14:50», 24/12/19 14:48;
  738. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Implemented a couple last corrections to the Finnish at Non ti dimenticar, 26/12/19 16:46. Related Facebook page post update: 26/12/19 16:50», 26/12/19 16:47;
  739. NEW VIDEO: Я встретил вас Ĵa vstrĵétil vas | Io t'ho incontrata, «27/12/19, uploaded by 10:29, published by 10:30. Related index update: 27/12/19 10:34. Related Facebook page post update: 27/12/19 10:36», 27/12/19 10:31;
  740. NEW POST: Cinque canzoni siciliane, «28/12/19 9:55. Related index update: 28/12/19 10:00. Related Facebook page post update: 28/12/19 10:05», 28/12/19 9:57;
  741. NEW POST: The cricket, «31/12/19 9:32. Related index update: 31/12/19 9:36. Related Facebook page post update: 31/12/19 9:42», 31/12/19 9:33;
  742. NEW VIDEO: Я встретил вас Ĵa vstrĵétil vas | Io ti ho incontrata, «Up and ready by 11:38 2/2/20. Related index update (aka substituting older link with this one): 2/2/20 11:42. Related Facebook page post update: 2/2/20 11:44», 2/1/20 11:40;
  743. NEW POST: Or sdraiata s'è Todora, «4/1/20 10:01. Related index update: 4/1/20 10:06. Related Facebook page post update: 4/1/20 10:11», 4/1/20 10:02;
  744. NEW POST: Or sdraiata s'è Todora, «4/1/20 10:01. Related index update: 4/1/20 10:06. Related Facebook page post update: 4/1/20 10:11», 4/1/20 10:02;
  745. NEW POST + NEW VIDEO: Più bella di un angelo, «8/1/20 9:55». پريا Pariyâ | Angelo , «Uploaded between 10:10 and 10:11 8/1/20. Related index update: 8/1/20 10:14. Related Facebook page post update: 8/1/20 10:18», 8/1/20 10:14;
  746. NEW POST: Un piccolo ombrello, «11/1/20 10:39. Related index update: 11/1/20 10:43. Related Facebook page post update: 11/1/20 10:48», 11/1/20 10:40;
  747. NEW POST: Nostalgia for the present, «14/1/20 9:29. Related index update: 14/1/20 9:37. Related Facebook page post update: 14/1/20 9:42», 14/1/20 9:31;
  748. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for new translations (Swedish religious hymn, Leads to Him) and fixed dates accordingly at Blog index, 16/1/20 23:23. Related Facebook page post update: 16/1/20 23:34», 16/1/20 23:24;
  749. NEW POST: Io vi ho incontrata, «18/1/20 10:17. Related index update: 18/1/20 10:22. Related Facebook page post update: 18/1/20 10:28», 18/1/20 10:19;
  750. NEW POST: Swedish religious hymn, «21/1/20 9:50. Related index update: 21/1/20 9:55. Related Facebook page post update: 21/1/20 10:00», 21/1/20 9:52;
  751. NEW POST: Leads to Him, «25/1/20 10:07. Related index update: 25/1/20 10:12. Related Facebook page post update: 25/1/20 10:17», 25/1/20 10:09;
  752. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Updated Index by languages, 25/1/20 14:06 with "error" at 13:56 and unmatched </div> at 13:57. Added item for undrafted post 297 at Blog index, 25/1/20 14:07. Related Facebook page post update: 25/1/20 14:14», 25/1/20 14:11;
  753. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added a few songs to index at All the Chinese songs I have met, 25/1/20 17:33 with unclosed <a> at 17:20. Related Facebook page post update: 25/1/20 17:40 with unclosed <a> at 17:39», 25/1/20 17:36;
  754. NEW POST: Magic winter, «28/1/20 9:36. Related index update (includes removing "(no, non è un'imprecazione :) )" from title of next post and [UNDRAFTED] tag from item of Ridi sol mio): 28/1/20 9:41:30. Related Facebook page post update: 28/1/20 9:48», 28/1/20 9:38;
  755. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for recent translations (297, 299) and Ånton Xiè translation of The sounds of Silence (300), and Chinese songs post coordinates for some posts at Blog index, 30/1/20 12:47. Related Facebook page post update: 30/1/20 12:52», 30/1/20 12:49;
  756. NEW POST: Polka di Eva, «1/2/20 10:04. Related index update (includes removing [UNDRAFTED] tag and substituting the link to the version by Disturbed with the link of the Simon and Garfunkel version in the Sound of silence item): 1/2/20 10:12. Related Facebook page post update: 1/2/20 10:18», 1/2/20 10:07;
  757. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed gross misprogramming that cause the Chinese version to be unviewable at ]On my spelling and transliteration of Min, Hakka, and Teochew | 关于我写而拼写闽语和客话和潮州话的方法, 1/2/20 17:17. Related Facebook page post update: 1/2/20 17:26», 1/2/20 17:19;
  758. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for songs 10-12 and 14 of Year 9 and updated song counts at All the Chinese songs I have met, 3/2/20 12:53. Related Facebook page post update: 3/2/20 12:57», 3/2/20 12:54;
  759. NEW POST: Lei vuol sol ballar, «4/2/20 9:31. Related index update: 4/2/50 9:36. Related Facebook page post update: 4/2/20 9:42», 4/2/20 9:33;
  760. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for songs 14 and 16-20 of year 9 at All the Chinese songs I have met, 4/2/20 12:47. Related Facebook page post update: 4/2/20 12:51», 4/2/20 12:49;
  761. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added item for newly drafted "Si t'es là, je remercie le ciel" and reformed the introduction at Blog index, 4/2/20 17:07. Related Facebook page post update: 4/2/20 17:11», 4/2/20 17:08;
  762. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added item for La ballade d'Ouri at Blog index, 5/2/20 14:52. Related Facebook page post update: 5/2/20 14:55», 5/2/20 14:53;
  763. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added item for "Camminiamo sotto la luna" and double-fixed dates (weren't fixed from previous update) at Blog index, 6/2/20 13:49. And we have officially broken into March :). Related Facebook page post update: 6/2/20 13:52», 6/2/20 13:50;
  764. NEW POST: Ridi, sol mio, «8/2/20 10:27. Related index update: 8/2/20 10:30. Related Facebook page post update: 8/2/20 10:40», 8/2/20 10:33;
  765. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for newly-drafted posts 303 and 306 at Blog index, 8/2/20 16:10. Related Facebook page post update: 8/2/20 16:13», 8/2/20 16:11;
  766. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for posts 303 and 305 at Blog index, 9/2/20 23:52. Related Facebook page post update: 9/2/20 23:55», 9/2/20 23:53;
  767. NEW POST: Se ci sei tu, sono tranquillo, «11/2/20 9:45. Related index update (includes adding Chinese songs post coordinates to item 304): 11/2/20 9:52. Related Facebook page post update: 11/2/20 9:58», 11/2/20 9:47;
  768. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for "Rêves" (310) and "It all fades away" (306) at Blog index, 12/2/20 12:39. Related Facebook page post update: 12/2/20 15:12», 12/2/20 15:06;
  769. NEW POST: Si t'es là je remercie le ciel, «15/2/20 10:08. Related index update: 15/2/20 10:12. Related Facebook page post update: 15/2/20 10:20», 15/2/20 10:09;
  770. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE + POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Lonely nights of heartbreak:
    1. Revised Hindi translation, fixed gloss of 嘛 from 夜 to 也, and tweaked translation as per the intro: 16/2/20 16:51.
    2. Fixed line-up problems: 16/2/20 17:02.
    Added item for new translation (post 305) at Blog index, 16/2/20 17:12. Related Facebook page post update: 16/2/20 17:16», 16/2/20 17:12;
  771. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Thank you for your deep love:
    1. Added French version: 17/2/20 11:48.
    2. Fixed lineup: 17/2/20 11:50.
    Related Facebook page post update: 17/2/20 11:54», 17/2/20 11:51;
  772. NEW POST: La ballada d'Ouri, «18/2/20 9:56. Related index update: 18/2/20 10:01. Related Facebook page post update: 18/2/20 10:06», 18/2/20 9:58;
  773. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for "Piangerò segretamente" (post 305) and "Fragile woman" (post 306) at Blog index, 19/2/20 17:57. Related Facebook page post update: 19/2/20 22:45», 19/2/20 22:42;
  774. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for "Romarin" (post 314), "Sorgi, luna" (post 303) and "Ferma le lancette" (post 304), and fixed dates accordingly at Blog index, 20/2/20 14:53 with unclosed <a> 14:52. Related Facebook page post update: 20/2/20 14:59», 20/2/20 14:55;
  775. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added just-drafted posts 312-313 at Blog index, 21/2/20 1:01. Related Facebook page post update: 21/2/20 1:05», 21/2/20 1:02;
    1. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for posts 307 and 305 at Blog index, 21/2/20 23:17»;
    2. NEW POST: Andiamo sulla luna!, 22/2/20 10:43. Related index update: 22/2/20 11:07»;
    3. NEW VIDEO: Critical Analysis: Salelaka Mokonzi (uploading…), 22/2/20, upload 10:46-11:17:52, fully processed by 11:20:44 it would seem.
    Related Facebook page post update for all 3: 22/2/20 11:26», 22/2/20 11:01;
  777. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for posts 306 and 309 at Blog index, 23/2/20 0:24. Related Facebook page post update: 23/2/20 0:29», 23/2/20 0:27;
  778. NEW POST: Sorgi, luna, «25/2/20 9:31. Related index update: 25/2/20 9:36. Related Facebook page post update: 25/2/20 9:42», 25/2/20 9:33;
  779. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for posts 305 307 320 at Blog index, 26/2/20 22:41. Related Facebook page post update: 26/2/20 22:45», 26/2/20 22:43;
  780. NEW POST: Ferma le lancette, «29/2/20 11:01. Related index update: 29/2/20 11:05. Related Facebook page post update: 29/2/50 11:10», 29/2/20 11:03;
  781. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for posts 307 309 321 at Blog index, 29/2/20 15:32. Related Facebook page post update: 29/2/20 15:36», 29/2/20 15:34;
  782. NEW POS: Dammi la tua bocca, «3/3/20 10:12 with "error" 10:11. Related index update (includes changing "Ci siamo amati" to "Ci amavamo" and removing [UNTRANSLATED] tag from item): 3/3/20 10:20. Related Facebook page post update: 3/3/20 10:26», 3/3/20 10:17;
  783. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for posts 307, 312, 315 at Blog index, 4/3/20 23:53. Related Facebook page post update: 4/3/20 23:57. Fixed language of post 312 from Italian «Una notte che pioveva» to French «Un soir qu'il pleuvait» at same as above, 5/3/20 00:45. Related Facebook page post update: 5/3/20 00:48», 4/3/20 23:54;
  784. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for posts 312-313 at Blog index, 6/3/20 12:47. Related Facebook page post update: 6/3/20 12:52», 6/3/20 12:49;
  785. NEW POST: Non so quanto ti amo, «7/3/20 10:20. Related index update: 7/3/20 10:24. Related Facebook page post update: 7/3/20 10:30», 7/3/20 10:21;
  786. NEW POST: Se m'hai rubato il cuore, «10/3/20 9:35. Related index update: 10/3/20 9:40. Related Facebook page post update: 10/3/20 9:47», 10/3/20 9:37;
  787. NEW POST: Ci amavamo, «14/3/20 10:03. Related index update: 14/3/20 10:08. Related Facebook page post update: 14/3/20 10:16», 14/3/20 10:05;
  788. NEW POST: Per cacciar via le nuvole, «17/3/20 9:47. Related index update: 17/3/20 9:54. Related Facebook page post update: 17/3/20 10:01», 17/3/20 9:49;
  789. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for posts 329 and 335 at Blog Index, 17/3/20 14:12. Related Facebook page post update: 17/3/20 14:18», 17/3/20 14:15;
  790. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for posts 330 and 331 at Blog index, 20/3/20 22:42. Related Facebook page post update: 20/3/20 22:46», 20/3/20 22:43;
  791. POST UPDATE NOTICE + NEW POST: «Added songs 21-23 from year 9 at Blog Index, 20/3/20 23:28.
    Piano piano muori sola, 21/3/20 10:40. Related index update (includes removing doubled "Happy belated birthday" from "La strada"): 21/3/20 10:45. Related Facebook page post update for both: 21/3/20 10:46», 21/3/20 10:41;
  792. NEW POST: Nuvoletta, «24/3/20 9:35. Related index update: 24/3/20 9:41 with missing closed <a> 9:40. Related Facebook page post update: 24/3/20 10:08», 24/3/20 9:37;
  793. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed typo in transliteration and error in literal translation at Andiamo sulla luna, 28/3/20 00:16. Related Facebook page post update: 28/3/20 00:20», 28/3/20 0:18;
  794. NEW POST: Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :), «28/3/20 10:25. Related index update (includes fixing title for this, and eliminating spurious asterisk on post 303 Sorgi luna): 28/3/20 10:32. Related Facebook page post update: 28/3/20 10:39», 28/3/20 10:28;
  795. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added info on song 21 and items for songs 24-25 of Year 9 at All the Chinese songs I have met, 28/3/20 21:57. Related Facebook page post update: 28/3/20 22:44», 28/3/20 22:42;
  796. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Implemented corrections from native Hindi-speaking friend to Se mi hai rubato il cuore, 30/3/20 00:28. Related Facebook page post update: 30/3/20 00:38», 30/3/20 00:35;
  797. NEW POST: Favoletta mia, «31/3/20 9:26. Related index update: 31/3/20 9:32. Related Facebook page post update: 31/3/20 9:38», 31/3/20 9:28;
  798. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Italian version to Time to work together, 3/4/20 00:22. Added items for posts 327 332 334 335 at Blog index, 3/4/20 00:45. Related Facebook page post update: 3/4/20 00:49», 3/4/20 00:46;
  799. NEW POST: Un soir qu'il pleuvait, «4/4/20 10:27. Related index update: 4/4/20 10:31. Related Facebook page post update: 4/4/20 10:37», 4/4/20 10:29;
  800. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Changed [UNDRAFTED] to [WIP] and added Cantonese Hakka and Neapolitan 1 versions and broke version list into bulleted list in the item for the Despacito versions post at Blog index, 4/4/20 14:31. Related Facebook page post update: 4/4/20 14:33», 4/4/20 14:31;
    1. Fixed zi̱tṓ = look for not ask and mistranslation of vrokhí̱ as notte in Per cacciar via le nuvole, 4/4/20 18:32;
    2. Fixed typo "in lutti" at Piano piano muori sola, 4/4/20 18:43;
    3. Fixed translation of mathä́name (18:47), added literal translation and fixed mistranslation of kontá (18:52) at Ci amavamo, 4/4/20.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 4/4/20 19:03», 4/4/20 19:00;
  802. NEW POST: Ne demande pas ça au ciel, «7/4/20 9:32. Related index update: 7/4/20 9:39. Related Facebook page post update: 7/4/20 9:47», 7/4/20 9:34;
  803. NEW POST: Questo silenzio mi soffoca, «11/4/20 10:26. Related index update: 11/4/20 10:29. Related Facebook page post update: 11/4/20 10:34», 11/4/20 10:28;
  804. POST TRIPLE UPDATE NOTICE + POST UPDATE NOTICE: Updated Index by Languages in 3 rounds:
    1. First 102 posts, 11/4/20 18:06 with unclosed <a> 17:58;
    2. First 201 posts, 11/4/20 19:48;
    3. Complete, 12/4/20 1:04.
    Various fixes to Blog index, 12/4/20 1:05. «Related Facebook page post update: 12/4/20 1:13 with stupid missed HTMLization of "unclosed <a>" above 1:11», 12/4/20 1:07;
    1. Fixed link to Greek version, added extra verse to it, and fixed horrible «l`ai'e» in one of the Sicilian versions at Vinni la primmavera, 12/4/20 12:20;
    2. Tweaked translation at You're half of my soul, 12/4/20 12:23;
    3. Fixed padding on combined texts at Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 12/4/20 12:25;
    4. Tweaked translation at A night of moonlight, 12/4/20 12:27;
    5. Fixed padding at Forgetting you is forgetting myself, 12/4/20 12:31;
    6. Fixed "remeber" at Nostalgia for youth, 12/4/20 12:32;
    7. Fixed padding at A daughter to "get rid of, 12/4/20 12:33;
    8. Fixed padding and tweaked translation at Romeo e Cenerentola, 12/4/20 12:40 padding and intro, 14:11 actual translation tweak :);
    9. Padding fix at Amore mio lontano, 12/4/20 14:15;
    10. «jiùs hì» fixed at Fool love, 12/4/20 14:16;
    11. Tianmi is sweetness, not beauty: fixed at Saying you love me is a torture, let's part, 12/4/20 14:19;
    12. Added Quora link at Saying you love me is a torture, let's part, 14:27 with missing «this link</a>» 14:26;
    13. Fixed that imperative is "dis" not "dit" not "di" and removed "&pjbreload" thing from Youtube link at Dis-moi donc, pluie, 12/4/20 18:54;
    14. In Min transliteration a period ended up in the wrong line of Not miss him, 12/4/20 18:56;
    15. Forgot "biasa" instead of "yin-tong kai" rhyming with "lok-vok ma" at Roosters vs. hens, 12/4/20 18:59;
    16. Spurious period in left column at Fragments of the Divine Comedy, 12/4/20 19:00;
    17. quán = tsuan not tuan, fixed at Ojos de cielo, 12/4/20 19:03;
    18. Changed line breaking and fixed padding at Everlasting, 12/4/20 23:00;
    19. Padding fix at Se sei con me, 12/4/20 23:04;
    20. Put three "A" in Japanese and Italian chorus instead of two at Se il cuore fa male, la canzone è triste, 12/4/20 23:07;
    21. Tweaked translation at The wonders of a dance, 12/4/20 23:09;
    22. Added missing line in English and in Hanzi Chinese at Signore delle cime, 12/4/20 23:13;
    23. Tweaked translation at Rouge (aka lipstick, I guess), 13/4/20 11:16;
    24. Spoilerized analysis at Work for the Lord, 13/4/20 11:21;
    25. Fixed padding and tweaked translation at Lei vuol sol ballare, 13/4/20 12:41;
    26. Padding fix to fix linebreaking at Ci amavamo, 13/4/20 12:44;
    27. Tweaked translation at Per cacciar via le nuvole, 13/4/20 13:34;
    28. Tweaked translation and fixed padding at Favoletta mia, 13/4/20 13:41.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 13/4/20 14:01 with errors 13:57», 13/4/20 13:43;
    1. Άναψε καινούργιο μου φεγγάρι Ánapse känoýrgio moy feggári | Sorgi orsù o nuova luna mia, 13/4/20, 17:03:52 uploaded, 17:06:03 processed;
    2. Μην το ρωτάς τον ουρανό Mi̱n to rōtás ton oyranó | Ne le demande pas aux cieux, 13/4/20, 17:13:07 uploaded, 17:15:51 processed.
    «Related index update: 13/4/20 18:08. Related Facebook page post update: 13/4/20 18:12», 13/4/20 17:19;
  807. NEW POST: Io nata son sol per soffrir, «14/4/20 9:30. Related index update: 14/4/20 9:35. Related Facebook page post update: 9:44», 14/4/20 9:32;
  808. NEW POST: Amore: lama a doppio taglio, «18/4/20 9:51. Related index update: 18/4/20 9:55. Related Facebook page post update: 18/4/20 10:01», 18/4/20 9:53;
  809. NEW POST: Destiny isn't for us to decide, «21/4/20 9:22. Related index update: 21/4/20 9:27 with "error" 9:26. Related Facebook page post update: 21/4/20 9:36 with "error" 9:33 9:32», 21/4/20 9:24;
  810. NEW POST: Piangerò segretamente, «25/4/20 10:03. Related index update: 25/4/20 10:07. Related Facebook page post update: 25/4/20 10:13», 25/4/20 10:05;
    1. «Tweaked translation at La mente torna, 25/4/20 15:08.
    2. La mente torna | 精神回来 Jīngshén huílái, 25/4/20, upload 15:12-15:21, processing 15:21-15:22.
    Related index update: 25/4/20 15:27. Related Facebook page post update: 25/4/20 15:30», 25/4/20 15:25;
  812. NEW POST: Fragile woman, «28/4/20 9:51. Related index update (includes adding item for newly translated 当你孤单你会想起谁): 28/4/20 9:56. Related Facebook page post update: 28/4/20 10:01», 28/4/20 9:54;
  813. NEW POST: Je t'aime et tu me blesses: pourquoi?, «2/5/20 10:20. Related index update: 2/5/20 10:26. Related Facebook page post update: 2/5/20 10:32», 2/5/20 10:22;
  814. NEW VIDEO + 2 NEW YOUKU VIDEOS UPLOADING: Dreams | 梦 Bāng, 2/5/20, Started upload 15:29:16, 95% processed 15:38:06, ready 15:39:24. La mente torna 精神回来 Jīngshén huílái, 2/5/20, started upload no later than 15:47:09. Dreams | 梦 Bāng, 2/5/20, started upload no later than 15:48:23. At 19:38:30+, since they were both still at 0%, I gave up. Related Facebook page post update: 2/5/20 19:46»; Stupid Facebook design change means, among a bunch of annoying stupidities, that I cannot get a timestamp, so I can only say 2/5/20, "3 hrs" before 19:44:56;
  815. NEW POST: Forse mi manchi..., «5/5/20 9:33. Related index update: 5/5/20 9:36. Related Facebook page post update: 5/5/28 9:41», 5/5/20 9:34;
  816. NEW POST: It all fades away, «9/5/20 9:50. Related index update: 9/5/20 9:54. Related Facebook page post update: 9/5/20 10:00», 9/5/20 9:52;
    1. 世上只有妈妈好 Shì shàng zhǐyǒu māma hǎo | Only mama's best in the world | Sol la mamma è la miglior, 10/5/20, upload 16:11:18-≤16:26:12, processing ≤16:26:12-16:27:02/03.
    2. 两只老虎 Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ | Two twin tigers, 10/5/20, upload 16:16:20-16:25:12, processing 16:25:12-≤16:25:55.
    3. Mors lilla Olle | 妈妈的欧乐 Māma de Ōulè, 10/5/20, upload 16:18:06-16:39:02 (sat at 0% till 16:24:32, then by 16:25:47 it was at 4%), processing 16:39:11-16:42:13.
    «Related index update: 10/5/20 16:48. Related Facebook page post update: 10/5/20 16:52», 10/5/20 16:31/32;
  818. NEW POST: Étoile polaire, «12/5/20 9:31. Related index update: 12/5/20 9:36. Related Facebook page post update: 12/5/20 9:41», 12/5/20 9:33;
  819. NEW POST: Giorno tzigano, «16/5/20 10:12. Related index update: 16/5/20 10:16. Related Facebook page post update: 16/5/20 10:22», 16/5/20 10:14;
  820. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Hindi version to Sorgi, luna, 16/5/20 18:40. Added items for posts 337 and 341 at Blog index, 16/5/20 18:45. Related Facebook page post update: 16/5/20 18:54», 16/5/20 18:49;
  821. NEW POST: La conchiglia, «19/5/20 9:24. Related index update: 19/5/20 9:28. Related Facebook page post update: 19/5/20 9:33», 19/5/20 9:25;
  822. NEW POST: I ragazzi giù in pianura, «23/5/20 10:17. Related index update: 23/5/20 10:20. Related Facebook page post update: 23/5/20 10:26», 23/5/20 10:19;
  823. NEW VIDEO: Salelaka Mokonzi: Critical Analysis Update, and Original Version, 25/4/20, uploaded 14:34:06-15:02:36, processed 15:02:42-15:10:56. Related index update (includes adding link to Critical Analysis in same item as this video): 25/4/20 15:16. Related Facebook page post update: 25/4/20 15:18», 25/4/20 15:13;
  824. NEW POST: I ragazzi giù in pianura - originale, «26/5/20 9:51. Related index update: 26/5/20 9:56. Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing Fb timestamp of 19/5 post from 9:26 to 9:25): 26/5/20 10:03», 26/5/20 9:53;
  825. NEW POST: Vuoi un pasticcio?, «30/5/20 10:17. Related index update: 30/5/20 10:22. Related Facebook page post update: 30/5/20 10:27», 30/5/20 10:19;
  826. NEW VIDEO: 当你孤单你会想起谁 | Quando sei sola a chi penserai? | Quand t'es seule à qui vas-tu penser?, «30/5/20, uploaded 21:35:05/6-21:44:09, processed 21:44:10-21:46:00. Related index update: 30/5/20 21:53. Related Facebook page post update: 30/5/20 21:56», 30/5/20 21:50;
  827. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed things (see update log in post) at Work for the Lord, 31/5/20 14:07. Related Facebook page post update: 31/5/20 14:11. (Fixed dumb lineup error 14:16, Fb posts update 14:18.)», 31/5/20 14:08/09;
  828. NEW POST: Despacito, «2/6/20 9:32. Related index update: 2/6/20 9:35. Related Facebook page post update: 2/6/20 9:42», 2/6/20 9:35;
  829. NEW POST: Slowly, «6/6/20 10:23. Related index update: 6/6/20 10:26. Related Facebook page post update: 6/6/20 10:32», 6/6/20 10:24;
  830. NEW VIDEO: Γύφτισσα μέρα Gýftissa méra | Giorno tzigano, «6/6/20, 2% uploaded 15:56:02, 0% processed 15:58:09, complete 15:59:31. Related index update (includes adding item for soon-to-be-drafted item 335): 6/6/20 16:06. Related Facebook page post update: 6/6/20 16:08», 6/6/20 16:02;
  831. NEW POST: Lentement, «9/6/20 9:36. Related index update: 9/6/20 9:40. Related Facebook page post update: 9/6/20 9:47», 9/6/20 9:37/38;
  832. NEW POST: Magical anklet - aisa jādū, «13/6/20 10:12. Related index update: 13/6/20 10:16. Related Facebook page post update: 13/6/50 10:21», 13/6/20 10:13;
  833. NEW POST: Adèss fa' sito, «16/6/20 9:28. Related index update: 16/6/20 9:33. Related Facebook page post update: 16/6/20 9:38», 16/6/20 9:30;
  834. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added new part of translation at Adèss fa' sito, 16/6/20 15:29. Related Facebook page post update: 16/6/20 15:33», 16/6/20 15:30;
  835. NEW POST: Despacito: a ton of versions (WIP), «20/6/20 10:22. Related index update: 20/6/20 10:26. Related Facebook page post update: 20/6/20 10:28», 20/6/20 10:23;
  836. NEW VIDEO: Γύφτισσα μέρα Gýftissa méra | Giorno tzigano, 20/6/20, uploaded 19:45:46-19:58:40, processed 19:58:44-20:00:52. Changed old version's video to include [MISTRANSLATION]: 20/6/20 20:04:06. Related index update (includes marking old video as mistranslated): 20/6/20 20:06:25. Related Facebook page post update: 20/6/20 20:09:00», 20/6/20 20:07;
  837. NEW VIDEO: Sáleláká Mokonzi | Keep on Working for the Lord | Lavora per il Signor | Travaillė pour le Seign[eur], 21/6/20, «uploaded 21:06:30-21:23:55, processed 21:23:55-21:[49:53,50:49]. Related Index update: 21/6/20 22:59. Related Facebook page post update: 21/6/20 23:50», 21/6/20 21:57;
  838. POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed translation and more at Giorno tzigano, 21/6/20 23:17:59. Completed translation at Adèss fa' sito, 21/6/20 23:38. Related Facebook page post update: 21/6/20 23:50», 21/6/20 23:43;
  839. NEW POST: The sound of silence (translated by Ånton Xiè), «23/6/20 9:48. Related index update: 23/6/20 9:52. Related Facebook page post update: 23/6/20 9:58», 23/6/20 9:50;
  840. NEW POSTSong of the Civil Revolution, «27/6/20 10:11. Related index update: 27/6/20 10:16. Related Facebook page post update: 27/6/20 10:23», 27/6/20 10:12;
  841. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Updated index by languages. 27/6/20 20:00. Related Fb page post update: 27/6/20 23:50», 27/6/20 23:46;
  842. TWO NEW VIDEOS: Taikatalvi | Inverno mágico | Magic winter | Inverno magico, 28/6/20, uploaded 22:07:42-22:13:44, processed 22:13:46-22:16:26. La playa: un miscuglio di storpiature, 29/6/20, uploaded 1:00:55-1:10:42, processed 1:10:44/45-1:17:23. «Related index update: 29/6/20 1:21. Related Facebook page post update: 29/6/20 1:23», 29/6/20 1:18;
  843. NEW POST: La strada, «30/6/20 -10:04. Related index update: 30/6/20 10:08. Related Facebook page post update: 30/6/20 10:14», 30/6/20 10:06;
  844. NEW POST: Romarin, «4/7/20 10:06. Related index update: 4/7/20 10:11. Related Facebook page post update: 4/7/20 10:16», 4/7/20 10:08;
  845. NEW POST: Il mio cuore, «7/7/20 9:40. Related index update: 7/7/20 9:44. Related Facebook page post update: 7/7/20 9:49», 7/7/20 9:42;
  846. NEW POST: May the mirror not hide her, «11/7/20 10:19. Related index update: 11/7/20 10:30. Related Facebook page post update: 11/7/20 10:38 with misclick 10:37», 11/7/20 10:32;
  847. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added items for posts 343-347 (4 Greek songs and a following Russian one), 350 (Bella ciao) and 352 (Your heart) at Blog Index, 11/7/20 23:10. Related Facebook page post update: 11/7/20 23:26», 11/7/20 23:23;
    1. दर्पण ना छुपाये Darpaṇ' nā chupāye | 镜子别隐藏她 Jìngzi bié yǐncáng tā, 13/7/20, uploaded 10:36:58-≤10:42:45, processed ≤10:42:45-10:46:48/49.
    2. Alecrim | 迷迭香 Mídiéxiāng | Romarin, 13/7/20, uploaded 10:37:26-10:42:40, processed 10:42:42-10:44:46.
    «Related index update: 13/7/20 10:55. Related Facebook page post update: 13/7/20 10:58», 13/7/20 10:50;
  849. NEW POST: Berrò la luna, «14/7/20 9:25. Related index update: 14/7/20 9:29. Related Facebook page post update: 14/7/20 9:34», 14/7/20 9:26;
  850. NEW POST: Terra straniera, «18/7/20 10:02. Related index update: 18/7/20 10:06. Related Facebook page post update: 18/7/20 10:12», 18/7/20 10:04;
    1. Fixed Chinese translation at May the mirror not hide her, 18/7/20 23:01 with "error" 23:00;
    2. Fixed the French at Work for the Lord, 18/7/20 23:18 "error" 23:17;
    3. Introduced tweak into Portuguese text that was forgotten in the video at Magic winter, 18/7/20 23:23;
    4. Added Indonesian and Albanian to Lonely nights of heartbreak, 18/7/20 23:34;
    5. Added Japanese version of Indonesian song unearthed from old notes to The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 19/7/20 0:04.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 19/7/20 0:12», 19/7/20 0:07;
  852. NEW VIDEO: 若个心 Nyia kài sim | Your heart, «19/7/20, uploaded 16:08:58-16:24:49, processed 16:24:52-16:25:53. Related index update: 19/7/20 16:35. Related Facebook page post update: 19/7/20 16:37», 19/7/20 16:31;
  853. NEW POST: Domenica nuvolosa, «21/7/20 9:28. Related index update: 21/7/20 9:33. Related Facebook page post update: 21/7/20 9:38», 21/7/20 9:30;
  854. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Updated year 9 list at All the Chinese songs I have met, 21/7/20 19:45. Related Facebook page post update: 21/7/20 19:49», 21/7/20 19:47;
  855. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added video for The Knock-Knock Beetle at Blog index, 24/7/20 18:33:55. Related Facebook page post update: 24/7/20 18:39:20», 24/7/20 18:37;
  856. NEW POST: Due porte ha la vita, «25/7/20 9:14 with "errors" 9:13 and 9:12. Related index update: 25/7/20… Idk which of the "errors" at 9:19, 9:20, and 9:21 were fake, but the index was updated through at least one of them. Related Facebook page post update: 25/7/20 9:37», 25/7/20 9:16;
  857. NEW POST: Evening bell chime, «28/7/20 9:41 with "error" 9:41. Related index update: 28/7/20 9:47. Related Facebook page post update: 28/7/20 9:55», 28/7/20 9:43;
  858. NEW VIDEO: Θες παστίτσιο; Thes pastítsio? | Vuoi un pasticcio?, «First upload attempt on 28/7/20 got insta-stuck at 0%. Second attempt started 28/7/20 21:22:47/48, was stuck at 7% forever up until at least 23:36:38, then at some point I slept the computer and, after waking it up, it continued, and at 23:41:12 it was at 8%, at 23:43:37 when I slept the computer again it was at 10%, I assume nothing happened until I opened it again at 11:30:18 the following day, at 11:36:56 it was at 15%, then I got distracted, and at 12:43:40 my brother viewed the video 🙂. Related index update: 29/7/20 14:06:30. Related Facebook page post update: 29/7/20 14:08:00», 29/7/20 14:04;
  859. NEW POST: Rêves, «1/8/20 9:48. Related index update: 1/8/20 9:50. Related Facebook page post update: 1/8/20 9:52», 1/8/20 9:48;
  860. NEW POST: Ask the evening wind, «4/8/50 9:33. Related index update! : 4/8/20 9:39:58. Related Facebook page post update: 4/8/20 9:47», 4/8/20 9:35;
  861. NEW VIDEO: Despacito (慢慢的 Mànmàn de | Slowly), «7/8/20, uploaded 10:57:38-11:06:35, processed 11:06:36-11:08:35. Related index update: 7/8/20 11:25. Related Facebook page post update: 7/8/20 11:30», 7/8/20 11:22;
  862. NEW POST: O bella ciao, «8/8/20 9:40. Related index update (includes reinstating the item for the last post which the new Blogger swallowed: 8/8/20, I was ready at 9:46 but I was deprived of connection, then I changed window on my phone, and at 10:03:30, 10:04, and 10:04:10, idiot blogger decided the UPDATE button would be unresponsive, so I gave up, and when I got back home from a walk in the mountains, I finally got the update done, at 14:24. Which is when I discovered one of the update attempts had actually worked. WTF. Related Facebook page post update: 8/8/20 14:28», 8/8/20 9:42;
  863. NEW VIDEO: Άναψε καινούργιο μου φεγγάρι | चमकीला बन मेरा नया चांद Cam'kīlā ban' merā nayā cāńdǝ, «8/8/20, uploaded 14:36:06-14:42:00, processed 14:42:02-14:44:45. Related index update: 8/8/20 14:49. Related Facebook page post update: 8/8/20 14:51», 8/8/20 14:46;
  864. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Added Japanese version at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 8/8/20 18:49. Added item for Lunga strada (song Dorógoj dlínnoĵu), which I will now proceed to draft, at Blog index, 8/8/20 18:58. «Related Facebook page post update: 8/8/20 19:02», 8/8/2020 18:59;
  865. NEW POST: Quando sei sola, a chi penserai?, «11/8/20 9:44. Related index update: 11/8/20 9:50. Related Facebook page post update: 11/8/20 9:54», 11/9/20 9:45;
    1. Added French translation at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 13/8/20 12:01;
    2. Fixed lineup problem in the same post, 13/8/20 12:03;
    3. Added item for "The cranes" at Blog index, 13/8/20 12:05;
    4. Updated Index by Languages, 13/8/20 12:48.
    5. Added item for "Dammi un pochino di cielo" at Blog index, 13/8/20 12:50.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 13/8/20 12:57», 13/8/20 12:52;
  867. NEW VIDEO: Журавли́ Žuravlí | Le gru | The cranes, «14/8/20, uploaded 10:03:44-10:24:02, processed 10:24:02-10:26:37. Related index update (includes adding item for Il pero and fixing Russian title to Žuravlí from Žuravlĵéj): 14/8/20 10:32. Related Facebook page post update: 14/8/20 10:35», 14/8/20 10:28;
  868. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Various fixes at Se m'hai rubato il cuore, 14/8/20 15:11. A couple transliteration fixes at May the mirror not hide her, 14/8/20 15:14. Related Facebook page post update: 14/8/20 15:25 (failed 15:21)», 14/8/20 15:18;
  869. NEW POST: Lunga strada, «15/8/20 10:00. Related index update: 15/8/20 10:04. Related Facebook page post update: 15/8/20 10:11», 15/8/20 10:00;
    Post: On spelling and transliteration, 16/8/20 15:28.
    List of all stuff:
    1. Fixed Hindi transliterations at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 14/8/20 18:07;
    2. Fixed Russian transliteration and tweaked Russian translation at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 14/8/20 18:21;
    4. Fixed Hindi transliteration at Magical anklet - aisā jādū, 16/8/20 15:53;
    5. Fixed Russian transliteration at Io vi ho incontrata, 16/8/20 16:00;
    6. Fixed Russian transliteration at I love you, 16:21;
    7. Fixed Russian transliteration at Nostalgia for the present, 16/8/20 16:31.
    «Related index update: 16/8/20 16:47. Related Facebook page post update: 16/8/20 16:53», 16/8/20 16:44;
  871. NEW POST: Il pero, «18/8/20 12:23. Related index update: 18/8/20 12:25. Related Facebook page post update: 18/8/20 12:27», 18/8/20 12:23;
  872. NEW POST: The cranes, «22/8/20 10:18. Related index update: 22/8/20 10:24. Related Facebook page post update: 22/8/20 10:28», 22/8/20 10:21;
  873. NEW VIDEO: U ciuffu | 那绺头发 Nà liǔ tóufa, 23/8/20, uploaded 12:02:23-12:08:08, processed 12:08:11-12:09:26. Related index update: 23/8/20 12:11. Related Facebook page post update: 23/8/20 12:15», 23/8/20 12:12;
  874. NEW VIDEO: Дорогой длинною Dorógoj dlínnoĵu | Su una lunga strada, «23/8/20, uploaded 15:01:46-16:18:33, processed 16:18:40-16:21:20. Related index update: 23/8/20 16:24. Related Facebook page post update: 23/8/20 16:29», 23/8/20 16:25;
  875. DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Italian version at Come what may, 23/8/20 19:29. Tweaked Italian at Lunga strada, 23/8/20 19:42. Related Facebook page post update: 23/8/20 19:46», 23/8/20 19:44;
  876. NEW POST: Dammi un pochino di cielo, «25/8/20 9:42. Related index update: 25/8/20 9:47. Related Facebook page post update: 25/8/20 9:52», 25/8/20 9:43;
    1. Fixed "dalam" to "dara" with matching note in the intro at Amore mio lontano, 25/8/20 21:05;
    2. Fixed marknigs of lengthened vowels in Korean with matching note in intro, and fixed 红色的 to 红色地 in first pre-chorus, at Io ci sarò, 25/8/20 21:15;
    3. Fixed çircari->circari and what is recounted in the final part of the intro at L'ultima tenerezza, 25/8/20 21:19;
    4. Fixed lineup problem at Missing support, 25/8/20 21:24;
    5. Fixed ruby "kousen" to go on the whole 交戦 instead of just 戦 at Heart addiction, 25/8/20 21:36;
    6. Fixed a bunch of Japanese transliteration to have oü and eï when those combinations are actual diphthongs and not just equivalent to ō and ē, namely:
      1. Alone in a rainy night, 21:42;
      2. Se il cuore fa male, la canzone è triste, 21:50;
      3. Romeo e Cenerentola, 22:04;
      4. Ti voglio rivedere, 22:06;
      5. Happy Birthday da lontano, 22:08;
      6. Time after time, 22:10;
      7. Puzzle, 22:15;
      8. Una canzone d'amore, 22:17;
      All on 25/8/20;
    7. Fixed wrong ruby on shou in Japanese at Cannot forget, 25/8/20 21:45;
    8. Fixed Swahili-Lingala lineup and Lingala translation at Non andartene, 25/8/20 22:34;
    9. Fixed lineup and quotation marks at Heavenly marriage, 25/8/20 22:39;
    10. Fixed Hindi transliteration at Sorgi, luna, 25/8/20 22:41;
    11. Fixed intro at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 25/8/20 22:51.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes a bunch of HTML fixes): 25/8/20 23:19», 25/8/20 22:53;
  878. NEW POST; Your heart, «29/8/20 10:15. Related index update: 29/8/20 10:22. Related Facebook page post update: 29/8/20 10:27», 29/8/20 10:16;
  879. NEW VIDEO: 爱人仔佗位去 Ài lin á tó uī khì | O priyī tum' kidhar' gaīṅ ho | Kojâ raftë-'ī deldâr man, «30/8/20, uploaded 15:44:25-16:24:30, processed 16:24:41-16:26:39. Related index update: 30/8/20 16:37. Related Facebook page post update: 30/8/20 16:42», 30/8/20 16:28;
  880. NEW POST: My brothers, «1/9/20 9:41. Related index update: 1/9/20 9:46. Related Facebook page post update: 1/9/20 9:51», 1/9/20 9:43;
    1. Грушица Grúšitsa | Il pero Грушица Grúšitsa | Il pero, 6/9/20, uploaded 11:01:31-11:09:44, processed 11:09:49/50-11:10:56;
    2. 新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦 Xīn yuānyāng húdié mèng | New dream of lovebirds, 6/9/20, uploaded 11:12:29/30-11:19:30, processed 11:19:32-11:20:24.
    «Related index update: 6/9/20 11:24. Related Facebook page post update: 6/9/20 11:30», 6/9/20 11:21;
  882. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added item for post 359 at Blog index, 6/9/20 18:46. Related Facebook page post update: 6/9/20 18:49», 6/9/20 18:47;
  883. NEW POST: La notte che ho visto le stelle, «8/9/20 9:34. Related index update: 8/9/20 9:40. Related Facebook page post update: 8/9/20 9:44», 8/9/20 9:37;
  884. NEW VIDEO: 今生今世 Gam1 sang1 gam1 sai3 | Lifelong, «12/9/20, uploaded 18:49:26-18:55:26, processed 18:55:28/29/30-18:58:06. Related index update: 12/9/20 19:0?. Related Facebook page post update: 12/9/20 19:08», 12/9/20 18:59;
  885. NEW VIDEO (UPLOADED WITH WRONG LOGIN DELETED) + DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: 拼出头 Piànn tshut thâu | Lotterò | Pīn chūtóu, 19/9/20, uploaded 15:37:08-15:42:01, processed 15:42:03-15:43:49/50.
    Tweaked translation at La notte che ho visto le stelle, 19/9/20 15:53.
    Added Mandarin and tweaked Italian at Se ci sei tu, sono tranquillo, 19/9/20 16:04.
    «Related index update: 19/9/20 16:09. Related Facebook page post update: 19/9/20 16:14», 19/9/20 16:04;
  886. NEW VIDEO (REUPLOADED TO RIGHT CHANNEL): 拼出头 Piànn tshut thâu | Lotterò | Pīn chūtóu, 19/9/20, uploaded 16:25:14-16:31:05, processed 16:31:07-16:34:24. Link replacement in index: 19/9/20 16:37. Related Facebook page post update (includes adding extra bit in previous post): 19/9/20 16:40», 19/9/20 16:37;
  887. NEW VIDEO: Я тебя люблю Ĵa tĵebĵá lĵublĵú | 我真正爱汝 Ngâi cin-kìn òi nyî | Moi je t'aimė bien, «27/9/20, uploaded 13:46:17-13:55:20, processed 13:55:20-13:57:15. Related index update: 27/9/20 14:23. Related Fb page post update: 27/9/20 14:25», 27/9/20 14:20;
  888. NEW POST: The pen of God, «3/10/20 10:22. Related index update: 3/10/20 10:28. Related Facebook page post update: 3/10/20 10:32», 3/10/20 10:23;
  889. NEW VIDEO: Rab kî qalam رب کی قلم | 天主的钢笔 Tiānzhǔ da gāngbǐ, «3/10/20, uploaded 15:54:52-15:56:40, processed 15:56:41-15:58:15. Related index update: 3/10/20 16:03. Related Facebook page post update (includes editing in last post because the new blogger is an idiot which displays fake text): 16:09», 3/10/20 16:00;
    1. Вечерний звон Vĵećĵérnij zvon | Evening bell, 11/10/20, uploaded 11:16:19-11:54:43, processed 11:54:57-11:57:08/09. Related index update 11/10/20 12:01.
    2. Evening bell chime:
      • Fixed translation, 10/10/20 22:18.
      • Fixed прощаясь->простясь, 11/10/20 11:18.
    3. Fixed Italian at Un amore per la primavera… ah no per l'estate; ops :), 11/10/20 11:22.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 11/10/20 12:06», 11/10/20 11:27;
  891. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed Pinyin mismatches on last changes at Nostalgia for the present, 11/10/20 21:12. Related Facebook page post update: 11/10/20 21:16», 11/10/20 21:13;
  892. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Updated index by languages, 11/10/20 22:24. Related Facebook page post update: 11/10/20 22:29», 11/10/20 22:26;
    1. Tweaked translation at Nostalgia for the present, 16/10/20 11:51;
    2. Fixed transliteration of यह and वह at Sorgi, luna, 16/10/20 11:54;
    3. Added item for tomorrow's post at Blog index, 16/10/20 11:56;
    4. Added Hindi translation at You're half of my soul, 16/10/20 12:20.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 16/10/20 12:27», 16/10/20 12:22;
  894. NEW POST: Love - cānd ko, «17/10/20 10:45. Related index update: 17/10/20 10:49. Related Facebook page post update: 17/10/20 10:54», 17/10/20 10:47;
    1. Носталгия по настоящему Nostalgíĵa po nastoĵáśemu | 为了现在的怀旧 Wèile xiànzài de huáijiù, 17/10/20, uploaded 22:26:33-22:37:13, processsed 23:37:16/17-22:39:00;
    2. Love - cānd ko | Pyār - to the moon, 17/10/20 uploaded 22:54:11-≤23:05:06, processed ≤23:05:06-23:06:52;
    3. Άναψε καινούργιο μου φεγγάρι | Sorgi orsù o nuova luna mia | Cam'kīlā ban' merā nayā cāńdǝ, 17/10/20, uploaded 22:55:08-≤23:05:29, processed ≤23:05:29-23:07:50.
    Related index update: 17/10/20 23:18. Related Facebook page post update: 17/10/20 23:23», 17/10/20 23:12;
  896. NEW VIDEO [correction of previous mis-upload]: Άναψε καινούργιο μου φεγγάρι | Sorgi orsù o nuova luna mia | Cam'kīlā ban' merā nayā cāńd, 18/10/20, uploaded 2:03:11-2:09:47, processed 2:09:48/49-2:[12:50,13:14]. «Related index update: 18/10/20 2:17. Related Facebook page post update: 18/10/20 2:19», 18/10/20 2:15;
  897. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Fixed translation and added score at Love – cānd ko, 19/10/20 12:10. Related Facebook page post update: 19/10/20 12:14», 19/10/20 12:11;
  898. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Since I'm an idiot, last time I forgot to update the Urdu translation part, and only fixed the English mistranslation. Well, now I fixed the Urdu thing: Love – când ko, 19/10/20 17:38. Related Facebook page post update: 19/10/20 17:41», 19/10/20 17:39;
  899. NEW VIDEO: Μια αγάπη για το καλοκαίρι | Un amor para el verano | Un amore per l'estate, «24/10/20, upload started 15:02:09, 88% uploaded at 15:15:07, 95% processed at 15:16:40, fully processed 15:17:09. Related index update: 24/10/20 15:28. Related Facebook page post update: 24/10/20 15:30», 24/10/20 15:25;
  900. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added literal French and singable Hindi, and fixed singable French at Je vais vaguer, 30/10/20 16:25. Related Facebook page post update: 30/10/20 16:30», 30/10/20 16:27;
  901. NEW VIDEO + POST UPDATE NOTICE: 爱流浪 Ài liû lōng | Je vais vaguer | घूंमूँगा Ghūmūḿgā, «31/10/20, uploaded 15:49:51-15:51:06, processed 15:51:06-15:53:28. Related index update: 31/10/20 16:07.
    Last tweaks to Hindi at Je vais vaguer, 31/10/20 16:05. Related Facebook page post update: 31/10/20 16:12», 31/10/20 16:07;
  902. TWO NEW VIDEOS: Συννεφούλα | Nuvoletta, 7/11/20, uploaded 16:57:17-16:58:14, processed 16:58:14-16:59:25. Η μπαλάντα του Ούρι | La balade d'Ouri, 7/11/20, uploaded 17:00:43-17:02:02, processed 17:02:03-17:05:29. Related index update: 7/11/20 17:10. Related Facebook page post update: 7/11/20 17:12», 7/11/20 17:06;
  903. NEW POST: Home is following my thoughts, «7/11/20 17:57. Related index update (i.e. adding the item for this): 7/11/20 17:59. Related Facebook page post update: 7/11/20 18:02», 7/11/20 17:59;
    1. Fixed lineup problem and tweaked Chinese at Home is following my thoughts, 8/11/20 16:04;
    2. Added item for Urdu at On spelling and transliteration, 8/11/20 17:08;
    3. Conformed Urdu transliteration to new standard at The pen of God, 8/11/20 17:15;
    4. Did the same at Love - când kô, 8/11/20 17:40.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 8/11/20 17:47», 8/11/20 17:42;
  905. POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Added Hindi Italian and French and tweaked English and Czech at Who am I without you?, 8/11/20 22:33. Related Facebook page post update: 8/11/20 22:36», 8/11/20 22:34;
  906. TRIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Tweaked Czech at, 11/11/20 16:52. Updated Index by languages, 11/11/20 17:14. Marked spelling and transliterations post as OOP and added item for "crazy language combo" at, 11/11/20 17:16. Related Facebook page post update: 11/11/20 18:29», 11/11/20 18:26;
  907. TWO NEW VIDEOS: Happy birthday Asmā! (incl Home is following my thoughts | 我家伴随我思想), 13-14/11/20, uploaded 23:51:20-24:00:04, processed 24:00:05/06-0:07:[35,55]. Home is following my thoughts | 我家伴随我思想 Wǒ jiā bànsuí wǒ sīxiǎng, 14/11/20, uploaded 15:31:46-15:37:47, processed 15:37:50-15:40:16. «Related index update: 14/11/20 16:10. Related Facebook page post update: 14/11/20 16:12», 14/11/20 16:06;
  908. NEW VIDEO: 明日我是谁 Ming4 jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi5 | Who will I be tomorrow? | Zítra kdo budu? | 🇮🇳 HI 🇮🇹 IT 🇫🇷 FR, «21/11/20, uploaded 16:36:37-16:42:54, processed 16:42:56-16:44:22. Related index update: 21/11/20 16:52. Related Facebook page post update: 21/11/20 16:55», 21/11/20 16:47;
  909. MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Three updates to Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 21/11/20, added Hindi and tidied up intro at 19:59, partially fixed lineup at 20:03, actually fixed lineup at 20:05.
    Three updates to Lonely nights of heartbreak, 21/11/20, added re-Hindi and tidied intro at 20:37, generic fixes at 20:39 and 20:40.
    Tweaked a few translations and tidied intro at Who am I without you?, 22/11/20 1:46.
    Replaced now-unavailable video link for post 69 and rewrote item for post 363 at Blog index, 22/11/20, 11:59.
    Fixed Hindi multiplying its versions and tidied intro at You're half of my soul, 22/11/20, 12:30, adding code for nav-tabs at 12:32 and making one tab active at 13:42.
    Added gender-switch version and fixed Hindi at Sorgi, luna, 22/11/20, 15:10.
    Updated Index by languages, 22/11/20, 15:20.
    Related Facebook page post update: 22/11/20 16:40», 22/11/20 15:27;
  910. NEW POST: Only a night, «28/11/20 9:59. Related index update: 28/11/20 10:03. Related Facebook page post update: 28/11/20 10:09», 28/11/20 10:04;
  911. NEW VIDEO: 忘れないで Wasurenaide | Non ti dimenticar | 千万不要忘记 Qiānwàn bù yào wàngjì | Älä unohda, «28/11/20, uploaded 16:49:29-16:59:29, processed 16:59:34-17:06:09/10. Related index update: 28/11/20 17:09:59. Related Facebook page post update: 28/11/20 17:12», 28/11/20 17:07;
  912. NEW VIDEO: Σταμάτησε του ρολογιού τους δείχτες | Dell'orologio ferma or le lancette | Ghaṛī hī kī sůī…, «5/12/20, uploaded 18:45:37-18:52:46, processed 18:52:47/48-18:53:41 95% assuming "processing will begin shortly" is the new "processing 0%", 18:53:41-18:57:~55 the rest. Related index update 5/12/20 19:04. Related Facebook page post update: 19:08», 5/12/20 19:01;
    1. Added verse two at Only a night, 13:02 6/12/20;
    2. Fixed text at Venez!, 7/12/20 11:21;
    3. Added Hindi translation and gender switch versions for Greek and Italian at Ferma le lancette, 7/12/20 11:40;
    4. Fixed active tab to match active content at Ferma le lancette, 7/12/20 11:42;
    5. Tweaked Albanian version at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 7/12/20 11:51;
    6. Added item for White Christmas (now post 364) at Blog index, 7/12/20 11:55;
    7. Updated Index by languages, 7/12/20 12:30;
    8. Put spoiler content in actual spoiler instead of between button and start of spoiler at Blog index, 7/12/20 12:31;
    9. Fixed `oléḥ->ḥolém and revised the Italian translation at Il mio cuore, 7/12/20 13:26;
    10. Sentence about fed up of verse and more revisions at Il mio cuore, 7/12/20;
    11. Tweaked Italian at Il mio cuore, 8/12/20 18:13;
    12. Added Finnish 5.0 as well as Hindi and Greek for the Japanese song, and tweaked Chinese for the Finnish song, at Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, 8/12/20 19:00:01;
    13. Added Hindi English Sicilian at Aconteceu, 8/12/20 19:15.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 8/12/20 19:30», 8/12/20 19:22;
  914. NEW VIDEO: Ḥa lev shel i הלב שלי | Il mio cuore, 10/12/20, «uploaded 10:49:08-10:50:46, processed 10:50:46-10:51:44. Post delayed to first add English captions. Related index update (delayed because lunchtime): 10/12/20 14:08. Related Facebook page post update (delayed because lunchtime): 10/12/20 14:10», 10/12/20 12:58;
  915. NEW POST: Io ne soffro, «15/12/20 9:24:02. Related index update: 15/12/20 9:31:01/02. Related Facebook page post update: 15/12/20 9:39:02», 15/12/20 9:27;
    1. Actually applied Hindi tweak noted in intro and fixed lineup at Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, 8/12/20 19:40;
    2. Paragraph-broke and tweaked intro and changed ruby glosses for 做伙 at Cheers!, 9/12/20 23:35;
    3. Added item for recently translated "Io ne soffro" (post 364) at Blog index, 12/12/20 15:35;
    4. Fixed linebreaking of original Turkish translation, edited intro and added last two versions at Intimate strangers, powerful love, 12/12/20 23:46;
    5. Removed spurious ending «noooo!» and added a couple things to the intro at Io ne soffro, 18/12/20 14:55;
    6. Rubyized original lyrics at Only a night, 18/12/20 17:41.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 18/12/20 17:54», 18/12/20 17:46;
  917. NEW VIDEO + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: E vuaj | U-m fa stêṙ mêl, 19/12/20, uploaded 15:33:06-15:40:02, processed 15:40:07-15:43:00. Related index update: 19/12/20 16:03.
    1. Added "sources" at end of item 1 in first <ul> of and fixed "pome" in item 4 of first <ol> at The rest of Sappho, 18/12/20 19:32;
    2. Fixed «two unnidentified line ends» to «P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 3 col. i» and the only col. i reference to col. ii at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 18/12/20 19:39;
    3. Removed «ll. 1-2» from col. i reference (see above) at Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, 18/12/20 19:42;
    4. Edited in retranslated chorus at Cheers!, 18/12/20 19:46;
    5. Linebroke and rearranged intro to Children's songs!, 18/12/20 19:52.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 19/12/20 16:04», 19/12/20 15:54;
  918. NEW POST: White Christmas, «25/12/20 9:46. Related index update: 25/12/20 9:53 (assuming, as it seemed, that 9:51, 9:52, and 9:52:30 didn't register). Related Facebook page post update: 25/12/20 10:03:30 (same assumption, 10:01, 10:02)», 25/12/20 9:47;
  919. NEW VIDEO: Tu scendi dalle stelle | 你从星星下来啊 + White Christmas | 雪白圣诞 Xuébái Shèngdàn, «25/12/20, uploaded 15:46:51-15:53:17, processed 15:53:22-15:54:24. Related index update: 25/12/20 16:49. Related Facebook page post update: 25/12/20 16:52», 25/12/20 16:44;
  920. NEW POST: Who do you miss when lonely?, 5/1/21 12:12. Related index update (includes adding tags UNDRAFTED and INCOMPLETE to item "My kind is mankind"): 5/1/21 12:15. Related Facebook page post update: 5/1/21 12:19», 5/1/21 12:16;
  921. NEW VIDEO: 国民革命歌 Guómín gémìng gē | Song of Civil Revolution, «6/1/21, uploaded 19:03:38-19:04:33, reverted to uploaded 79% 19:10:35, then fully uploaded 19:17:03 after getting to 99%, staying there for forever years, and reverting to 79% (WTF?!), processed 19:17:03-19:19:11. Related index update: 6/1/21 19:23. Related Facebook page post update: 6/1/21 19:25», 6/1/21 19:22;
  922. NEW POST: Ḥį’ raq rǫtzáḥ lirqǫ́d היא רק רוצה לרקוד | Lei vuol sol ballar, 16/1/21, uploaded 14:12:10-14:14:06, processed 14:14:07-14:16:09. Related index update: 16/1/21 14:20. Related Facebook page post update: 16/1/21 14:23», 16/1/21 14:21;
  923. DOUBLE NEW D-POST + POST UPDATE NOTICE: Albanian: Mike, 17/1/21 12:18. Xhosa: Nguqongqothwane, 17/1/21 12:32
    Removed analysis moved to decipherment blog from, and only left the translation following from said analysis at The knock-knock beetle, 17/1/21 12:34. Related D-index update: 17/1/21 12:44. Related D-Facebook page post update: 17/1/21 12:47. Related Facebook page post update: 17/1/21 12:48», 17/1/21 12:36;
  924. NEW POST: Amica, «23/1/21 10:39. Related index update: 23/1/21 10:43. Related Facebook page post update: 23/1/21 10:47», 23/1/21 10:40;
  925. NEW VIDEO, Leads to Him | 带到他 Dài dào Tā, «23/1/21, uploaded 12:50:53-12:51:54, processed 12:51:55-12:52:[19,28]. Related index update: 23/1/21 12:58. Related Facebook page post update: 23/1/21 13:00», 23/1/21 12:55;
    1. Added missing line in Hindi at Aconteceu, 18/12/20 20:05;
    2. Fixed video links for post 211 at Blog index, 27/12/20 17:23;
    3. Fixed wrong copypaste which inserted old last two lines into new version and fixed 想死 in old rubies at When will you come back?, 23/1/21 19:48;
    4. Fixed 移情别恋流连也都市 to 移情别恋流连夜都市 at Stubbornly waiting, 23/1/21 19:51;
    5. Edited in final tweak to Chinese and fixed traditional characters in 实现 at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 23/1/21 19:58;
    6. Edited in final note and tweak for Chinese at Aconteceu, 23/1/21 20:06;
    7. Edited in last tweaks to Italian and last intro sentence at Amore mio lontano, 23/1/21 20:10;
    8. Edited in last tweak to Hindi at Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, 23/1/21 21:17;
    9. Edited in last tweak to Japanese at Cannot forget, 23/1/21 21:22;
    10. Added last intro sentence to La bomba imbriaga, 23/1/21 21:28.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 23/1/21 21:41», 23/1/21 21:35;
  927. POST UPDATE NOTICE: Updated Index by languages, 23/1/21 22:57. Related Facebook page post update: 23/1/21 23:05», 23/1/21 23:03;
  928. NEW VIDEO: Δε ξέρω πόσο σ' αγαπώ | Non so quanto t'amo, «30/1/21, uploaded 13:26:06-13:29:49, processed 13:29:50-13:31:19/20. Related index update: 30/1/21 13:34. Related Facebook page post update: 30/1/21 13:38», 30/1/21 13:32;
  929. NEW VIDEO: Tingelingelinge tåget går | 顶啊顶啊顶啊火车来 Dīng a dīng a dīng a huǒchē lái, «6/2/21, uploaded 14:07:26-15:08:40, processed 14:08:41-14:10:08. Related index update: 6/2/21 15:05. Related Facebook page post update: 6/2/21 15:08», 6/2/21 15:02;
  930. NEW VIDEO + POST UPDATE NOTICE: Aργοσβήνεις μόνη | Piano piano muori sola, «13/2/21, uploaded 12:07:~<44M-12:12:54, processed 12:12:55-12:13:56. Related index update: 13/2/21 12:24.
    Fixed end of singable Italian from being Greek translit and modified translation at Piano piano muori sola, 13/2/21 12:22 FAILED 12:20 and 12:21. Related Facebook page post update: 13/2/21 12:28», 13/2/21 12:22;
  931. NEW POST + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Briciole d'amore, «20/2/21 10:19(:01). Related index update: 20/2/21 10:25».
    1. Added originals and history for Romanian and Hungarian, added some tweak stuff for most versions, added Mende at In our world, 14/2/21 23:42;
    2. Fixed lineup at In our world, 14/2/21 23:55;
    3. Edited in tweaks to Finnish at Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, 18/2/21 17:37;
    4. Tweaked Greek and Hindi and added first two lines of English, plus made sure the two versions of the intro matched, atNon ti dimenticar | Don't forget, 19/2/21 11:24.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 20/2/21 10:30», 20/2/21 10:20.
  932. NEW VIDEO + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: 忘れないで Wasurenaide | Älä unohda | ना भूलना Nā bhūl'nā | Μη ξεχνάς, «20/2/21, uploaded 18:45:03-18:57:24, processed 18:57:27-19:19:03:32. Related index update: 20/2/21 19:08».
    1. Italianized the explanation of the «m'» in «m'ike» at Amica, 20/2/21 18:07;
    2. Fixed intro about Mende and tweaked translation at In our world, 20/2/21 18:16;
    3. Added Italian and French at You're half of my soul, 20/2/21 18:25;
    4. Updated Index by Languages, 20/2/21 18:35;
    5. Fixed alignment of Italian and French with other translations (they were out of the <div> that constituted the table cell) at You're half of my soul, 20/2/21 18:37.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 20/2/21 18:16», 20/2/21 19:07.
  933. NEW VIDEO + NEW POST: Γέλα, ἥλιέ μου | Ridi, sol mio, «27/2/21, uploaded 18:51:50-19:10:32, processed 19:10:37-19:15:[39,40]»
    Earth Angel, «27/2/21 19:32. Related index update: 27/2/21 22:22. Related Facebook page post update: 27/2/21 22:25», 27/2/21 19:32;
  934. NEW VIDEO, Κέλομαί σε, Γογγύλα | Σε προτρέπω, Γογγύλα | Ti prego, Gongyla | I beseech you, Gongyla, «6/3/21, uploaded 15:02:10-15:05:43, processed 15:05:44-15:05:[24,41]. Related index update (includes creating and adding item for relevant post): 6/3/21 15:54. Related Facebook page post update: 6/3/21 15:58», 6/3/21 15:28;
    1. Added "actually final" version and relevant explanation, and fixed lineup at Intimate strangers, powerful love, 6/3/21 19:09;
    2. Added last tweak to male-singer Italian at Briciole d'amore, 6/3/21 19:15;
    3. Added German and Japanese, and fixed crit note, at The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder?, 6/3/21 19:32;
    4. Fixed "Aprhodite" in Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths!, 6/3/21 19:37;
    5. Fixed "solves (=buys?)" which came from löser where the text in the post has köper, fixed shàng rú to shàng rù, at Children's songs!, 6/3/21 19:40;
    6. Fixed ὀλόφῳ [ → ὀλοφώ[ϊος in fr. 305, λέγῳ → λέγῃ in fr. 85, title of one version of 118 to be Maas and Diehl (translated both versions), title of 156 from damno to daño, «σὺ ταῖς» in fr. 167; removed semicolon/colon after ἔννη in 169; added Lobel-Page version to 278; fixed, "Te es mezclada" fix in 396; gave number apexes to 78 and 79; fixed [muchos] to [much]os in 39, "Campbell" to "Ahrens aput Campbell" in 85, (a) and (b) to alpha and beta in 317 Greek, "Heseychio" and "Hesýchio" to "Hesíquio" in 359; at All of Sappho, 6/3/21 20:18;
    7. Fixed padding in P.Oxy. version of the Kypris poem at Love and grief, 6/3/21 21:43;
    8. Fixed Μ7lt;ν>ᾶσις, «doni precious gifts» and κέγῃ→λέγῃ, and added English equivalent to stress note about Cangoni, at The rest of Sappho, 6/3/21 23:48;
    9. Added «che scrivo la bozza del post» to intro after «oggi stesso» at Domenica nuvolosa, 6/3/21 23:50;
    10. Fixed «l'Hind, con rime» at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 6/3/21 23:52;
    11. Fixed giatréfō→giatrépsō (the Greek was right, the translit was flawed) at Ferma le lancette, 6/3/21 23:54;
    12. Fixed yearless date «4/7/» at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 6/3/21 23:57;
    13. Fixed Ὂποτα to Ὄπποτα at The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder?, 6/3/21 23:59;
    14. Edited in tweaks at Il mio volto, 7/3/21 24:09;
    15. Edited in storytime at Love you till the end, 7/3/21 24:17;
    16. Edited in Japanese and Hindi for poem 4, and fixed unescaped <τεον>, "apparetly", and "<div lass=" at Love and grief, 7/3/21 24:55;
    17. Edited in Japanese of Lato at Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths!, 7/3/21 1:10;
    18. Edited in Japanese for chickpeas at The rest of Sappho, 7/3/21 1:23.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 7/3/21 13:19», 7/3/21 13:03;
  936. NEW POST: I don't want to get rich, «9/3/21 9:52. Related index update (includes adding the item for this post drafted on Sunday): 9/3/21 9:56. Related Facebook page post update 9: 9/3/21 10:03», 9/3/21 9:59;
  937. NEW VIDEO: Nūŋgā wā ɔ̄ | Venez les gens, «13/3/21, uploaded 15:41:37-15:43:50, processed 15:43:51-15:44:28, checked 15:44:28-15:45:59. Related index update: 13/3/21 15:50. Related Facebook page post update: 13/3/21 15:52», 13/3/21 15:47;
  938. NEW VIDEO + POST UPDATE NOTICE: Óσ' άστρα γύρω βρίσκονται | Le stelle che si trovano | Whatever star happens to be, «20/3/21, uploaded 12:22:[15.348,19.187]-12:31:[9.116,13.586], processed 12:31:[9.116,13.586]-12:31:~22.915. Related index update (includes putting links to my videos for the spoiler post next to the "original" videos in yellow instead of after them all): 20/3/21 12:40. NOTE Program for said post was reordered with title changes for many videos and completed, and spoiler was fixed, 19/3/21 20:04. Related Facebook page post update: 20/3/21 12:45», 20/3/21 12:41;
    1. Updated Index by languages, 21/3/21 23:05:58.5.;
    2. Fixed link color of video ix of post 372 from cyan to yellow, reviewed program there again and added "section titles", added three undrafted posts (371, 373, 374) at Blog index, 21/3/21 23:52.
    3. Actually implemented last Romanian change mentioned in intro at In our world, 21/3/21 23:54
    4. Implemented last two Hindi tweaks at Ferma le lancette…, 22/3/21 24:05.
    5. Made the spoiler hidden by default, added "by Asmā Tājuddin" everywhere it appears, fixed UNDRAFTER tag in post 371 at Blog index, 22/3/21 24:09.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 22/3/21 9:52», 22/3/21 0:13;
  940. NEW POST + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Ci sei tu o no?, 27/3/21 0:37. Related index update: 27/3/21 0:39.
    1. Moved Japanese and Hindi of poem 1 into next Tuesday's post from The stars and the moon, the full moon and… an intruder?, 24/3/21 12:07;
    2. Ditto plus edited in new Italian and new Latin for poem 4 at Love and grief, 24/3/21 12:28 oyk oid';
    3. Moved Japanese for poem 2 into next Tuesday's post from Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths!, 24/3/21 12:44;
    4. Ditto for 1.C.i at The rest of Sappho, 24/3/21 13:00;
    5. Updated index to contain today's new post and the planned date for that and the next post, removing [UNDRAFTED] tag from the latter, 24/3/21 16:39;
    6. Updated index by languages, 24/3/21 16:57.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 27/3/21 0:55», 27/3/21 0:48;
  941. NEW VIDEO + POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: 在我们的世界里 | In our world | Nel nostro mondo | Întru lumea noastră | Ebben a világban | Zu+Men, 27/3/21, uploaded 17:55:59-18:01:56, processed 18:01:58-?, checked ?-18:08:19. Related index update: 27/3/21 18:17.
    In our world:
    1. Fixed the mess of Romanian where the last tweak was implemented in versions 1-2 and not 4, 27/3/21 16:21;
    2. Fixed nina to wena in Zulu and wrote about it in intro, 27/3/21 17:55.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 27/3/21 18:23», 27/3/21 18:13;
  942. NEW POST: Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, «30/3/21 00:18. Related index update (includes adding [UNDRAFTED] next post, changing a couple such tags to [INCOMPLETELY DRAFTED], reordering the videos of "pop Sappho" once again, fixing Josif to Josef in item for German edition and Yménaon to Ymḗnaon in item for Avaton Ymenaon video): 30/3/21 00:33, link fixed from Fb posts to actual post at 00:38. Related Facebook page post update: 30/3/21 00:39», 30/3/21 00:34;
  943. NEW POST: Mon amour, «3/4/21 10:23. Related index update: 3/4/21 10:28. Related Facebook page post update: 3/4/21 10:32», 3/4/21 10:25;
  944. NEW VIDEO + POST UPDATE NOTICE: तू है कि नहीं | 你在还是不 | Ci sei tu o no | Πες· είσ' ή όχι εσύ, «3/4/21, uploaded 18:28:18-18:35:57, processed 18:36:00-18:37:[30,31], checked 18:37:[30,31]-[18:38:20,18:39:02]. Related index update: 3/4/21 18:51».
    Implemented and reported the 3/4/21 tweaks to Italian and French at You're half of my soul, «3/4/21 18:46.
    Related Facebook page post update: 3/4/21 18:54», 3/4/21 18:47;
    «Related index update (includes edits to plan of «Sappho in "pop" culture»): 5/4/21 11:51. Related Facebook page post update: 5/4/21 11:55», 5/4/21 11:06;
  946. NEW POST: Colla pioggia del tuo amor, «10/4/21 10:15. Related index update %: 10/4/21 10:22. Related Facebook page post update: 10/4/21 10:28», 10/4/21 10:17;
  947. NEW VIDEO + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: 爱人仔佗位去 | 恋人はどこへ行った | Sayang ke mana kau pergi | ओ परिया तू अब है कहाँ, «10/4/21, uploaded 20:06:14-20:12:13, processed 20:12:15-20:13:[31,33], checked 20:13:[31,33]-20:14:27. Related index update: 10/4/21 20:23».

    1. Added item for post 374 and edited plan of pop Sappho at Blog index, 6/4/21 18:14.
    2. Fixed a bunch of wrong link spans in plan for pop Sappho at Blog index, 6/4/21 18:25.
    3. Fixed िशिर->शिशिर, क्योंकि->क्यूँकि, की->कि in the line कि मेरे बिना मर जाएगी, and eliminated spurious comma at start of एक साल पहले line, at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 10/4/21 19:50.
    4. Updated song list at All the Chinese songs I have met, 10/4/21 20:05.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 10/4/21 22:14», 10/4/21 20:27;
  948. NEW POST + DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Sappho in "pop" culture, «13/4/21 9:06. Related index update: 13/4/21 9:31».
    1. Removed [INCOMPLETELY DRAFTED] tag from item 375 and added posting date 13/4/21, edited video xxii to say it's a mashup not just Gongyla, fixed title of video xx from arkhinṓ to tragoýdi, swapped xxiv with xxv, added second part of title of last section in plan of said post, added hopeful posting year for all remaining posts (Sappho It, Sappho De, Monster Medley) at Blog index, 12/4/21 24:25.
    2. Actually implemented the last Hindi tweak, which was already in the intro, at Ferma le lancette…, 12/4/21 24:37.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 13/4/21 9:34», 13/4/21 9:27;
  949. NEW VIDEO + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Δέδυκε μὲν ἀ σελάννα | Si tuffa nel mar la luna, «17/4/21, uploaded 16:44:48-16:45:48, processed 16:45:49-16:46:[18,22], checked 16:46:[18,22]-16:46:≤35. Related index update: 17/4/21 17:01».
    1. Added English translation to Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, 17/4/21 12:47.
    2. Added original mistranslations to Heavenly marriage, 17/4/21 12:55.
    3. Added changelogs to Mi manchi da morire, 17/4/21 14:35.
    4. Added original Chinese and last sentence of intro and implemented tab structure at Don't leave me, Lela, 17/4/21 14:56.
    5. Leaving no traces:
      1. Added original mistranslation and recent tweak: 17/4/21 15:07.
      2. Fixed padding: 17/4/21 16:55.
      3. Implemented that recent tweak in the text (not just mentioned it in the intro): 17/4/21 16:56.
    6. Added "looking at file" section in intro to Always fought for myself, 17/4/21 15:17.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 17/4/21 17:06», 17/4/21 16:58;
  950. NEW POST: Lo giuro su di te, «24/4/21 10:13. Related index update: 24/4/21 10:17. Related Facebook page post update: 24/4/21 10:25», 24/4/21 10:15;
  951. NEW VIDEO + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Τ' αστέρι του βορειά | L'étoile polaire, «24/4/21, uploaded 17:09:21-17:11:32, processed 17:11:33-17:12:39, checked 17:12:39-17:13:14. Related index update (includes adding item 377 for recent translation): 24/4/21 17:21».
    1. Fixed cacumibe in Phoibo Chrysokoma at Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths!, 18/4/21 13:48.
    2. Fixed "feste" at L'étoile polaire, 23/4/21 24:04.
    3. Added item 376 to Blog index, 23/4/21 24:39.
    4. Fixed "Tu restera" at L'étoile polaire, 24/4/21 16:49.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 24/4/21 17:26», 24/4/21 17:17;
  952. NEW POST: The taste of love, «27/4/21 10:03. Related index update: 27/4/21 10:07. Related Facebook page post update: 27/4/21 10:13», 27/4/21 10:04;
  953. NEW POST: Freedom, «1/5/21 10:37. Related index update: 1/5/21 10:41/42, mobile's a moron and both times I clicked it seemed not to register. Related Facebook page post update: 1/5/21 10:47», 1/5/21 10:38;
    1. Il mondo | 这世界 Zhè shìjiè, 1/5/21, uploaded 17:55:10-17:56:57, processed 17:56:58-17:57:33, checked 17:57:33-17:57:53.
    2. Sevdanın tadı | The taste of love, 1/5/21, uploaded 17:59:29-18:01:34, processed 18:01:35-18:02:[39,43], checked 18:02:[39,43]-18:07:[50,56].
    «Related index update for both videos: 1/5/21 18:27».
    1. Reverted from از دستت داده ام | Az dastat dâde-am back to دلم برات تنگ شده | Delam barất tang šodë́ at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 27/4/21 13:25.
    2. Substituted * with «» in item 952 at Posts on the blog's Facebook page, 27/4/21 16:34.
    3. Edited in tweaks to Lingala at Non andartene, 29/4/21 16:31.
    4. Added changelog and added "it" to "Let [it] go with wind afar" at Ocean, 29/4/21 16:37.
    5. Added changelog and made tweak in English at Heart addiction, 29/4/21 17:16.
    6. Added item 378 for Uhuru at Blog index, 29/4/21 17:18.
    7. Removed [UNDRAFTED] tag from item 378 and added item 379 for Your Love at Blog index, 30/4/21 22:26.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 1/5/21 18:33», 1/5/21 18:20;


    1. Zulu: Your Love, 2/5/21 18:43.
    2. Haitian Creole: Pa ret ap domi, 2/5/21 19:06.
    «Related D-index update for both (includes adding a bunch of plans in the newly-created spoiler): 2/5/21 19:33.

    D-post update

    Added last sentence to Mende: Nunga wa ɔ, 2/5/21 19:14.

    Post updates

    1. Double
    2. Double
    3. Added retranslation of Butterflies poem to English and score, and put the spaces in the middle of l. 1 of that poem's Pinyin, at Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies, 1/5/21 22:39.
    4. Moved analysis to Decipherment blog from Time to work together, 2/5/21 19:11.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 2/5/21 20:00, Related D-Facebook page post update: 2/5/21 20:03», 2/5/21 19:49;
  956. NEW POST: Your Love, «4/5/21 10:01. Related index update: 4/5/21 10:06. Related Facebook page post update: 4/5/21 10:12», 4/5/21 10:03;
    1. Acholi and Lingala: Makambo, 6/5/21 11:06.
    2. Swahili: Malaika, 6/5/21 11:28.
    «Related D-index update for both: 6/5/21 11:31.»

    Moved analysis to D-blog from Ti amo, mio angelo | I love you, my angel, 6/5/21 11:33.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 6/5/21 11:41. Related D-Facebook page post update: 6/5/21 11:40», 6/5/21 11:35;
  958. NEW POST: Problems, «8/5/21 7:12. Related index update: 8/5/21 7:16. Related Facebook page post update: 8/5/21 7:46M», 8/5/21 7:18;
  959. NEW VIDEO: Πρὸς Μαῖαν ἢ Ἀδέλφων Πόημα | Alla Nutrice o Carme dei Fratelli, «8/5/21, uploaded 16:05:11-16:09:23, processed 16:09:25-16:10:[32,39], checked 16:10:[32,39]-16:11:[02,05]. Related index update (includes adding item 380): 8/5/21 16:22. Related Facebook page post update: 8/5/21 16:25», 8/5/21 16:18;
  960. NEW POST + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Profumo d'arancia, «11/5/21 00:10».
    1. Updated index by languages, 8/5/21 18:08.
    2. Removed announcement of Basque, changing it to Spanish, at Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, 8/5/21 18:11.
    3. Implemented Zulu tweak at In our world, 8/5/21 18:23
    4. Added Chinese to Work for the Lord, 9/5/21 18:59
    5. Adding more precise dating information extracted from metadata of old files, all on 10/5/21:
      1. A few last poems, 12:30;
      2. Fragments of the Divine Comedyl, 12:49;
      3. Balade De Bon Conseyl at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 12:52;
      4. Romeo and Juliet, 12:57;
      5. …lover, not so much, 13:19;
      6. Partner's beautiful…, 14:21;
      7. A sad moon, 14:30;
      8. Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta (includes fixing the wannabe imperative «dà» to «da'» in the translation of the carpe diem poem), 14:34.
    «Related index update: 11/5/21 00:18. Related Facebook page post update: 11/5/21 00:26C», 11/5/21 00:15;
    1. Τα παιδιά κάτω στον κάμπο | I ragazzi giù in pianura, 15/5/21, uploaded 16:23:36-16:27:54, processed 16:27:55-16:29:01, checked 16:29:01-16:29:≤20.
    2. Με πνίγει τούτη η σιωπή | Questo silenzio mi soffoca, 15/5/21, uploaded 16:30:43-16:33:42, processed 16:33:43-16:34:[21,23], checked 16:34:[21,23]-16:35:18.
    Related index update for both: 15/5/21 16:50.
    Made contents list for A few last poems complete at Blog index, 13/5/21 18:35. Related Facebook page post update: 15/5/21 16:54», 15/5/21 16:45;
  962. NEW D-POST + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Albanian: Aromë portokalli, «19/5/21 15:55. Related D-index update: 19/5/21 16:08».
    1. Updated Indonesian songs post, 15/5/21 21:43.
    2. Fixed displaying problem of versions and implemented some tweaks at I ragazzi giù in pianura, 15/5/21 21:50.
    3. Implemented 15/5/21 change to Questo silenzio mi soffoca, 15/5/21 21:55.
    4. Added old versions from old file to Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles, 16/5/21 20:09.
    5. Fixed tabs and closed divs at Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles, 16/5/21 20:12.
    6. Fixed lineup in that tab as much as I was willing to in Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles, 16/5/21 20:22.
    7. Implemented tweaks from old file to The moon has set, 16/5/21 23:23.
    8. Implemented tweaks from old file to Hymn to Aphrodite, 16/5/21 23:24.
    9. Implemented dating info to the opening of the Aeneid at Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta, 17/5/21 12:25.
    10. Implemented text change and fixed a typo in Profumo d'arancia, 19/5/21 16:18.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 19/5/21 16:28. Related D-Facebook page post update: 19/5/21 16:29», 19/5/21 16:22;
    1. Ty | Te | Toi, 22/5/21, uploaded 22:40:15-22:56:59, processed 22:57:04-23:00:[10,12], checked 23:00:[10,12]-23:01:12;
    2. Te, 22/5/21 23:25.
    «Related index update for both, including creating item for post: 22/5/21 23:32. Related Facebook page post update: 22/5/21 23:34», 22/5/21 23:28;
    1. Zulu(+Xhosa+English)/Xhosa: Mbube, «23/5/21 16:00. Related D-index update (includes removing Õÿö from Kidjo video link text and adding Disney video): 23/5/21 16:06».
    2. Updated index by languages, 22/5/21 23:46.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 23/5/21 16:10. Related Facebook page D-post update: 23/5/21 16:09», 23/5/21 16:02;
  965. NEW POST + POST UPDATE NOTICE: Table of sadness, «25/5/21 8:48. Related index update: 25/5/21 8:51 (fixing gloominess to sadness in the post title in the index: 8:54)».
    Implemented tweaks to Hindi translation at Sappho in "pop" culture, «23/5/21 19:53. Related Facebook page post update: 25/5/21 8:58», 25/5/21 8:55;
  966. NEW VIDEO + NEW POST + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: 烟仔歌 Yen-tsái ko | Cigarette song.mp4, «29/5/21, uploaded 16:14:39-16:19:[09,17], processed 16:19:[09,17]-16:20:[18,21], checked 16:20:[18,21]-16:21:42».
    Volpetta, «29/5/21 15:43.
    Related index update for both: 29/5/21 16:26».
    1. Implemented tweaks to Hindi translation at Sappho in "pop" culture, 23/5/21 19:53.
    2. Implemented tweaks at No smoking!, 29/5/21 15:52.
    3. Added rubies to Albanian at Te, 29/5/21 16:13.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 29/5/21 16:31», 29/5/21 16:22;
  967. NEW POST: Quand nous nous aimions, «1/6/21 9:54. Related index update (includes removing INCOMPLETE tag from Ne t'hâte pas, items for posts 385-386 added 31/5/21 19:26): 1/6/21 9:59. Related Facebook page post update: 1/6/21 10:12», 1/6/21 9:56;
  968. NEW POST + POST UPDATE NOTICE: Ne t'hâte pas, «5/6/21 10:41. Related index update (includes retagging "Quanto t'ho amato" as INCOMPLETE,UNDRAFTED): 5/6/21 10:46. Added items for 387-389 to index, 3/6/21 1:04. Related Facebook page post update: 5/6/21 10:53», 5/6/21 10:43;
  969. NEW VIDEO + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Kur jemi dasht' | Quand nous nous aimions, «5/6/21, uploaded 19:07:21-19:18:22, processed 19:18:27-19:19:[13,18], checked 19:19:[13,18]-19:19:[32,33]. Related index update: 5/6/21 19:23».
    1. Fixed kjan' to kja and added – – part in the brackets at Quand nous nous aimions, 5/6/21 15:38.
    2. Changed [UNMADE] tag of post 388 "Per nome m'hai chiamato" into [INCOMPLETE,UNDRAFTED] at Blog index, 5/6/21 15:40.
    3. Changed "a même moins sans" to "a même moins de sens" and added [] around "que je t'aime" (corrected from qui) at Quand nous nous aimions, 5/6/21 15:46.
    4. Added ruby glosses to Albanian in Table of sadness, 5/6/21 15:56.
    5. Updated index by languages, 5/6/21 19:36.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes putting in the item for a 23/5/21 post which had ended up into the index by languages somehow): 5/6/21 19:41», 5/6/21 19:37;
  970. NEW POST: Mentirai?, «8/6/21 9:46. Related index update (includes removing tags, changing title, and adding posting date to Il mio nome chiamato hai and creating item for Viens-tu donc?, video link for that added and date fixed from 5/6 to 15/6 same date 9:59): 8/6/21 9:52. Related Facebook page post update: 8/6/21 10:06», 8/6/21 9:55;
  971. NEW POST: Mentirai?, «8/6/21 9:46. Related index update (includes removing tags, changing title, and adding posting date to Il mio nome chiamato hai and creating item for Viens-tu donc?, video link for that added and date fixed from 5/6 to 15/6 same date 9:59): 8/6/21 9:52. Related Facebook page post update: 8/6/21 10:06», 8/6/21 9:55;
  972. NEW POST + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE + D-POST UPDATE NOTICE: Il mio nome chiamato hai, «12/6/21 10:27:59.5. Related index update (includes adding item for Le tue rose aka Drandofilat): 12/6/21 10:35».
    1. Fixed Pinyin where it gave 我在这儿 as Wŏ dào zhèr at Table of sadness, 9/6/21 13:21.
    2. Included the "(lei)" in l. 7 into translation at Volpetta, 9/6/21 13:26.
    3. Fixed "le rest" te "le reste" and implemented the «Non, ne t'hâte pas,» variant at Ne t'hâte pas, 9/6/21 13:30.
    4. Mentirai?
      1. Implemented tweak to English line (only in relevant item in intro), 9/6/21 13:34:01;
      2. Added ˆ on last two une, 10/6/21 10:51:59.
    D-post update: Fixed HTML list screwup at D-index, 9/6/21 13:39.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 12/6/21 10:50.
    Related Facebook page D-post update: 12/6/21 10:52», 12/6/21 10:42;
  973. NEW VIDEO + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE + D-POST DOUBLE UPDATE NOTICE: 明天 Míngtiān | Tomorrow, «13/6/21, upload started 2:02:00/02, by 2:07:00 processing had started, by 2:07:33 the checks were done, and my computer was way too slow to give me the missing endpoints. Related index update: 13/6/21 2:18».
    1. Updated index by languages, including removing the "incomplete" notice for Chinese Work for the Lord, fixing the Greek-Hindi cell of the table, and fixing references to Asmā so they read ATajuddin – 12/6/21 19:21.
    2. Sappho in "pop" culture (double):
      1. Added missing smooth breathings on rhos, 12/6/21 19:24;
      2. Fixed then mention of Asma to call her ATajuddin, 12/6/21 20:41.
    3. Put macra on all instances of "Hindi" (-> "Hindī"), made sure all references to Asma call her ATajuddin, ordered video links in the post's order at item 35 (The final heartache), made sure all of my videos are linked to and marked with @MickG in the relevant items, revised appearance of title of Brothers Poem video, at Blog index, 12/6/21 20:30.
    4. Edited all the following to call Asma ATajuddin:
      1. Love - când kô, 12/6/21 20:32;
      2. The pen of God, 12/6/21 20:34;
      3. May the mirror not hide her (including remotion of long rambling about what she did for me related to Hindi), 12/6/21 20:36;
      4. Home is following my thoughts, 12/6/21 20:37;
      5. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 12/6/21 20:39;
      6. Se m'hai rubato il cuore, 12/6/21 20:43;
      7. Lonely nights of heartbreak (includes referring to retranslation within history of first Hindi translation), 12/6/21 20:45;
      8. Who am I without you?, 12/6/21 20:47;
      9. You're half of my soul, 12/6/21 20:49;
      10. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 12/6/21 20:51;
      11. Sorgi, luna, 12/6/21 20:54;
      12. Ferma le lancette, 12/6/21 20:56.
    Update to D-blog index:
    1. Expanded the spoiler of D-index, 13/6/21 1:58;
    2. Made numbering go on into spoiler, 2:00.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 13/6/21 2:37. Related Facebook page D-post update: 13/6/21 2:36», 13/6/21 2:27;
  974. NEW POST + D-POST UPDATE NOTICE: Viens-tu donc?, «15/6/21 10:39. Related index update: 15/6/21 10:47».
    • Implemented @MickG mark;
    • Ensured videos are always linked to before lyrics;
    • Added any translations blog links or links to videos of mine missing;
    • Substituted Quora link with lyricstranslate link for Alida Duka's Vetëm një nat';
    • Rephrased link texts there;
    • Added link to Olti Marku video;
    • Replaced broken link at Malaika and added the duet link as well;
    • Changed title Khi Cô-Đơn Em nhơ ai into Cứ Phê Thôi at appropriate entry;
    • Closed brackets in text of link to recitation of Zemljanka.
    All at D-index, 13/6/21 20:21.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 15/6/21 10:57. Related Facebook page D-post update: 15/6/21 10:56», 15/6/21 10:50;
  975. NEW POST: Le rose: «19/6/21 10:29. Related index update: 19/6/21 10:35. Related Facebook page post update: 19/6/21 10:43», 19/6/21 10:31;
  976. NEW VIDEO + POST UPDATE NOTICE: 深深的爱 Shēnshēn de ài | Amore profondo | Deep love, «19/6/21, uploaded 19:07:16-19:12:12, processed weird (it went from "uploading 100%" to "processed 89%" in a blink), checked 19:12:29-19:12:≤41. And then I publish it, and it still says «processing HD version». When was HD processing made noticeable? Or did I just never notice because it was quicker than I was at getting the video ready to click "Publish"? Related index update (includes fixing date and tags for post 391 "Quanto t'ho amato"): 19/6/21 19:19». Updated index by languages, 19/6/21 19:06. «Related Facebook page post update (includes removing two doublets of previous post because Blogger on mobile is a complete idiot and just dupes anything you paste and re-dupes when you attempt to correct the dupe): 19/6/21 19:25», 19/6/21 19:21;
  977. NEW POST + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Quanto t'ho amato, «22/6/21 10:33. Related index update: 22/6/21 10:36».
    1. Added item for freshly made translation "Eternità" at Blog index, 20/6/21 0:34.
    2. Updated index by languages to add "Eternità", 20/6/21 0:38.
    3. Added item for freshly made translation "Larmes" (item 393) at Blog index, 21/6/21 1:12.
    4. Updated index by languages, 21/6/21 1:16.
    5. Implemented tweaks to English and Latin at My future is no dream, 21/6/21 1:35.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 22/6/21 10:45», 22/6/21 10:39;
  978. NEW POST: Eternità, «26/6/21 10:14. Related index update (includes adding item for recent translation, "La mia vita"): 26/6/21 10:20. Related Facebook page post update: 26/6/21 10:26», 26/6/21 10:16;
  979. NEW VIDEO + DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: A po vjen | Viens tu donc | Ты придёшь Ty pridĵóš', «27/6/21, uploaded 1:34:00-1:48:01, processed 1:48:03-1:48:[56,57], checked 1:48:[56,57]-1:49:05. Related index update: 27/6/21 1:54C».
    1. Fixed dating info at A daughter to "get rid of", 24/6/21 12:52;
    2. Edited intro and completely reworked translation at The power of love, 27/6/21 1:25C.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 27/6/21 1:58C», 27/6/21 1:54;
  980. NEW POST: Larmes, «29/6/21 10:05. Related index update (includes adding item for recent translation "Il mio posto"): 29/6/21 10:11. Related Facebook page post update: 29/6/21 10:18, moronic doublet chucked out 10:21», 29/6/21 10:07;
  981. NEW POST + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: «Facebook randomly decided to play huge bastard and ban me from posting links for about 2 days, so this post will have broken down links. This post, which I had to retype from scratch because banned posts are lost upon hitting the Post button.»
    La mia vita, «3/7/21 11:43. Related index update: 3/7/21 11:46».
    1. Fixed e/i -> i/e in Albanian and added remade Greek and Albanian at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 1/7/21 0:39.
    2. Fixed "specific dialect" -> "specific variety" in Romagnolo, added NOTE in Russian translit, added «(at least at the time)» in Cantonese translit, added note about possible distinction of ou=ō from ou=ou and similar for ei in Japanese translit, added note on αυ ευ in Greek translit, added note about Arabic romanization in "Problems", added top row in table 2 of Urdu translit, fixed aha->ɛh(ɛ) thing and added ahu/uha->ɔhɔ thing as well as [] in Hindi translit, added note on coincidence of presentation forms of nun and nun ghunna in Urdu translit, added any Devanagari you find in Urdu translit, fixed «now we hacve some of them written and some not» and «yê is of couirse used for y» in Urdu translit, fixed transcription comment in Hebrew translit, added scheme for Persian, all in On spelling and transliteration, 1/7/21 1:56.
    3. Made dating info more precise at The cranes, 1/7/21 16:13.
    4. Fixed 15:26 to 15:28 at Je vais vaguer, 1/7/21 16:21.
    5. Added story details and three older versions of Greek at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 2/7/21 0:53.
    6. Fixed different linebreaking of Fixed Persian and its trabsliteration, fixed raftë-'ī written raftī in Persian, fixed cherâ in transliteration, and added remakes of Persian and Spanish to Lonely nights of heartbreak, 3/7/21 11:30.
    7. Compressed translit tables into one and added "and translations" in Persian item at On spelling and transliteration, 3/7/21 11:33.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 3/7/21 12:21», 3/7/21 12:15;
  982. NEW VIDEO (still banned from links): Gud som haver barnen kär | God who hold your children dear, «3/7/21, uploaded 19:17:47-19:47:01, processed 19:47:[08,09]-19:47:31, checked 19:47:31-19:48:50. Related index update: 3/7/21 19:55. Related Facebook page post update: 3/7/21 19:59, item placed in correct place instead of in sub-list of previous item at 20:01», 3/7/21 19:52;
  983. NEW POST + TRIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Il mio posto, «6/7/21 16:17. Related index update: 6/7/21 16:18.
    1. Updated Index by languages, 3/7/21 22:59, update notice in index added 23:00.
    2. Implemented fixes to French, Spanish original, and Persian remade at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 6/7/21 16:16.
    3. Fixed code problem which led to transliteration of Persian remade being outside of the nav-tabs' sections at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 6/7/21 16:35.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing «Addressed the above» to «Fixed different linebreaking of Fixed Persian and its trabsliteration, fixed raftë-'ī written raftī in Persian, fixed cherâ in transliteration,» in item 6 of edits list two posts ago): 6/7/21 16:39», 6/7/21 16:30.
  984. NEW POST + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Poco a poco, «10/7/21 13:22. Related index update: 10/7/21 13:25.
    ##Cross-edition Sappho edits:
    1. ὀλόφῳ [ -> ὀλοφώ[ϊος in fr. 305 (Οὐ μὰν ἐφίλης);
    2. title of one version of 120=121 (Ζαελεξάμαν) to be Maas and Diehl (translated both versions);
    3. «σὺ ταῖς» in fr. 167=127 (περὶ τέττιγος);
    4. remove semicolon/colon after ἔννη in 169=129;
    5. add Lobel-Page version to 278 (Ἴαν ἦχον);
    6. fix "Campbell" to "Ahrens aput Campbell" in 85=81 (χερρόμακτρα);
    7. fix (a) and (b) to alpha and beta in 317 (Λάτως τε καὶ Διὸς παΐς &co.) Greek;
    8. remove all traces of alternate numberings of the fragments;
    9. Fix text of σχόλια εʹ as per recent transcription;
    10. Fix φιλοφ[ό]νως -> φιλοφ[ρό]νως in 2.D.xxxiii aka the fragment with χόρδαισι.
    1. Fixed whatever needed fixing in the above list for this edition, and changed title from "All of Sappho" to "Safo: poemas", at Safo: poemas (formerly "All of Sappho"), 7/7/21 19:38.
    2. Fixed what needed fixing in the above list in Chinese poetic Sappho, 7/7/21 19:39.
    3. Fixed what needed fixing in the above list for this edition and inserted translation of οὐκ οἶδ' ὄττι θέω at Σαπφούς Άπαντα | Sapphoýs Ápanta, 7/7/21 19:40.
    4. Fixed title of Sappho Spanish and added plan item for today's post (#396) at Blog index, 7/7/21 19:44.
    5. Fixed two instances of πάτα -> πἀντα as well as item j from the above list at The rest of Sappho, 7/7/21 19:46.
    6. Implemented Flora 40 fixes and added remake 2 for Greek, and fixed small typo in Persian text of remake, at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 10/7/21 13:05.
    7. Added Greek version at O bella ciao, 10/7/21 13:21.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 10/7/21 15:33», 10/7/21 13:32;
  985. NEW VIDEO + DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Êmrin ma kê thirr' | Il mio nome chiamato hai, «11/7/21, uploaded 17:07:25-17:32:55, processed 17:33:05/06-17:34:[30,32], checked 17:34:[30,32]-17:34:49/50. Related index update (includes adding items for recently started translations – posts 398-399 unless Italian Sappho bumps them down): 11/7/21 17:48».
    1. Itemized intro and added discussion of verb for "to die" in Greek at O bella ciao, 11/7/21 16:57 (failed 16:56).
    2. Implemented last change with doubts in remake 2 of Greek at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 11/7/21 17:06.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 11/7/21 17:52», 11/7/21 17:41;
  986. NEW POST + DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Bella ciao (versione contadina), «13/7/21 16:00. Related index update (includes adding item for post 398): 13/7/21 16:07».
    1. Updated index by languages, 11/7/21 19:27.
    2. Changed "o filopatrí̱s" to "o filópatri̱s" in video title for post "Il patriota" at Blog index, 11/7/21 19:28.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 13/7/21 16:11», 13/7/21 16:07;
  987. NEW POST + POST UPDATE NOTICE + POST OCTUPLE UPDATE NOTICE: Solo un po', «17/7/21 00:00. Related index update (includes fixing video title from "Pak nga pak" and adding item for "Le cose son cambiate" post 400): 17/7/21 00:04».


    Fixed filópatri̱s to filópatris, removed spurious timestamp in that item, moved and updated item for post 399, now planned for 20/7/21, added date 24?/7 to post now-401 then-400 and 0?/2021 to post now-402 then-401, at Blog index, 14/7/21 15:06.

    ----Multiple update----

    Lonely nights of heartbreak:
    1. Implemented Flora 40 fixes and added remake 3 of Greek, 14/7/21 15:53;
    2. Fixed lineup problem, 14/7/21 15:57;
    3. Fixed code problem in Greek fixed and elimminated fragêř from Romagnol, 14/7/21 16:02;
    4. Eliminated spurious "in active"s, 14/7/21 16:05;
    5. Implemented Spanish and Italian tweaks, 14/7/21 16:13;
    6. Fixed remade Spanish, added remade Italian, fixed remade Greek 3, 15/7/21 10:58;
    7. Last corrections to Spanish, 15/7/21 11:32;
    8. Added English remake and second Albanian remake, 16/7/21 23:59.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 17/7/21 00:17», 17/6/21 00:10;
  988. NEW VIDEO + POST QUADRUPLE UPDATE NOTICE: 爱人仔到位去? | ओ परिया तू अब है कहाँ? | Cariño ¿dónde estás tú hoy? | Αγάπη μου πού ν' έχεις πάει, «19/7/21, uploaded 12:11:09-13:15:40, processed 13:16:00-13:18:[02,13], checked 13:18:13(1%)-13:22:41(moving from 71% to complete). Related index update (includes putting ? next to 24 in date for "Le cose son cambiate"): 19/7/21 14:12».
    Lonely nights of heartbreak:
    1. Fixed name of corrector from Astrit Ismaili to Arbër Kosova and implemented Astrit's correction to the Albanian versions, 17/7/21 12:02:01;
    2. Made final fix to (Albanian, I assume) remake 1, 17/7/21 12:05;
    3. Fixed code problem in Italian, rateṅ->ratoṅ and dil' merā ṭūṭā se -> dil' mere ṭūṭe se in Hindi fixed, 17/7/21 15:26;
    4. Fixed "que sin te habrias muerto" at ES1 and implemented final changes to 2018 final Greek, 19/7/21 11:49.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 19/7/21 14:15», 19/7/21 13:31;
  989. NEW POST: Lo sai che i papaveri, «20/7/21 8:13. Related index update (includes switching "Il patriota" with "Le cose son cambiate" and removing the "?" from the date of the former and changing the latter's date to 27?/7): 20/7/21 8:18. Related Facebook page post update: 20/7/21 8:24», 20/7/21 8:15;
  990. NEW POST + RELATED VIDEO: Il patriota, «24/7/21 18:13».
    Ὁ φιλόπατρις | Il patriota, «24/7/21, uploaded 18:11:38-18:22:26, processed 18:22:27-18:23:02, checked 18:23:02-18:24:17 (was at ≤28%). Related index update for both (includes making date of Le cose son cambiate post 401 sure and removing [UNMADE] tag): 24/7/21 18:34. Related Facebook page post update: 24/7/21 18:35», 24/7/21 18:27;
  991. NEW POST + QUADRUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Molto è cambiato, «27/7/2021 13:18. Related index update (includes turning list of videos related to post 144 into a numbered list with plans for upcoming videos): 27/7/21 13:29».
    1. Updated Index by languages, 24/7/21 18:42.
    2. Blog index:
      1. Added item for "You don't love me" and removed spurious timestamp from "Le cose son cambiate" and changed the title of that item to "Molto è cambiato", 25/7/21 13:00;
      2. Fixed video links swap between posts 401 and 402, 25/7/21 13:02.
    3. Added item for "Niente finisce" (post 403) to Blog index, 26/7/21 14:28.
    4. Implemented tweaks to Hindi remake at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 27/7/21 13:35.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 27/7/21 14:47», 27/7/21 14:43;
  992. NEW POST AND RELATED VIDEO + QUINTUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: You don't love me, 1/8/21 10:52.
    Δεν με αγαπάς | Nuk më don ti mu, «1/8/21, uploaded 10:51:06-11:23:36, processed 11:23:47-11:24:[29,32], checked 9/10% 11:24:[29,32]-11:24:59.
    Related index update for both: 1/8/21 10:57».
    1. Updated Index by languages, 24/7/21 18:42.
    2. Added item for "You don't love me" (post 402) and removed spurious timestamp from "Le cose son cambiate" (post 401) and changed the title of that item to "Molto è cambiato" at Blog index, 26/7/21 13:00; video links swap fixed 13:02.
    3. Added item for "Niente finisce" (post 403) to Blog index, 26/7/21 14:28.
    4. Implemented tweaks to Hindi remake at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 27/7/21 13:35.
    5. Updated Index by languages (forgetting to update the post numbers for the planned posts), 1/8/21 11:13.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 1/8/21 15:41», 1/8/21 15:37;
  993. NEW POST: Niente finisce, «3/8/21 12:06. Related index update: 3/8/21 12:08. Related Facebook page post update: 3/8/21 12:13», 3/8/21 12:11;
    «Related index update for both: 8/8/21 24:40. Related Facebook page post update: 8/8/21 24:43», 8/8/21 24:33;
  995. NEW POST: Pleiadi, «10/8/21 10:16. Related index update: 10/8/21 10:20. Related Facebook page post update: 10/8/21 10:25», 10/8/21 10:17;
    Post: Vasa Miskin, 17/8/21 18:56.
    Video: Vasa Miskin, 17/8/21, «uploaded 18:49:09-22:[20:18,21:21], well, that was when 99% changed to 100%, then processing started 22:21:[56,57] and ended 22:[31:28,32:24], that second endpoint is when I say checking 5%, and then it switched from 5% to complete at 22:32:28».
    «Related index update for both (includes fixing posting dates for items 406 and 407): 18/8/21 00:13».
    1. Added items for Vasa Miskin (406) and Moi je te promets (407) to Blog index, 12/8/21 16:51.
    2. Updated Index by languages, «17/8/21 23:48:00-23:49:10 failed attempt (bad connectivity), 23:50».
    «Related Facebook page post update: 18/8/21 00:22», 18/8/21 00:17;
    Xheloz | Jaloux | Gilusu, «22/8/21, uploaded 15:24:10-15:55:11, processing starts 15:55:14, is at 95% at 15:55:47, then at 15:56:05 checking is at 2%, it barely reaches 14% when at 15:56:43 it's complete. It was at 12% only 8s prior.
    Jaloux, 21/8/21 12:48.
    «Related index update for both: 22/8/21 16:17».
    1. Fixed "amnazza" and "dda" (to đđa), 21/8/21 12:56;
    2. Fixed "just" to "juste" and implemented post-recording tweak, 21/8/21 18:55;
    3. Fixed "unë dritën" to "un' dritën", changed "vague" to "sors" in literal French, and implemented 22/8/21 2:37 tweak to French, 22/8/21 11:12.
    1. Added Italian translation of Γρήγορα η ώρα πέρασε to Sappho in "pop" culture, «20/8/21 12:11; moved it from below the following intro to its right place at 12:12;
    2. Added items for posts 407-410 and 412 and shifted old 407 to 411 at Blog index, 20/8/21 12:46.
    1. Fixed original version of Shakespeare couplet from "t'ha presa" to "ti ha presa" and made "Revised" the active tab in Geste of Robyn Hode at A few last poems, 22/8/21 11:34;
    2. Added bracket with file metadata at No greater pain in the world, 22/8/21 11:38;
    3. Tidied up intro and fixed "translatins" at … lover, not so much, 22/8/21 11:44;
    4. Fixed "Latin Bible quotes" to "Latin lines" and "Comedy" to "Divine Comedy", and noted that Dante Hell is not marked facienda in Created-20110111-2040-Modified-20110122-1830 index versionum poeticarum at Fragments of the Divine Comedy, 22/8/21 11:51;
    5. Implemented Lucrece Created-20120102-1426-Modified-20120102-1524 file into Barbarizzando Lucrezio, 22/8/21 12:09;
    6. Added mentions of two files in Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria, 22/8/21 12:14;
    7. Implemented variants from weird-date file at Una versione… poetica, 22/8/21 12:20;
    8. Fixed original of l. 2 of opening from «Achæis funera iecit» to «Achæis pœnas adiecit» and to «Sṓlvam͜ e͞am á͞utēm nṓn» (mark the scansion) and to «atqu'iussa capessiit», and noted the differences between Fixed 1 and Created-20100203-1435-Modified-20100205-1841 file, at Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles, 22/8/21 12:36;
    9. Implemented file info on Odyssey opening at The man of many skills and the Sirens, 22/8/21 12:40;
    10. Added original version at A truce is established, 22/8/21 12:56;
    11. Added dating info of last two stanzas of Idyll with garlands variant to Sappho: two divine epiphanies, 22/8/21 13:00;
    12. Added mention of 1/6/10 file at Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction, 22/8/21 13:05;
    13. Implemented Created-20110502-1847-Modified-20110502-1848 file ("file X" henceforth) for sonnet translation at Another poem by Donne, 22/8/21 13:14:30;
    14. Implemented file X at A prayer to avert stormy journeys, 22/8/21 14:10;
    15. The Rest of Sappho:
      1. Fixed the "whagt";
      2. Made sure Versio II is in Latin instead of the English it had;
      3. Implemented file X for 1.E.viii;
      22/8/21 14:16; took 37s to save;
    16. Nostalgia for youth:
      1. Implemented file X for Remember we did those things too;
      2. Ditto for You were also a tender young child;
      3. Implemented 21/8/21 tweaks to Beautiful gifts of the Muses and fixed the brackets on "know ye this thing also", which were absent;
      22/8/21 14:29;
    17. Implemented file X at Let's sing for the couple!, 22/8/21 14:44;
    18. Fixed the mistranslations of Εῦ μὲν ἴδμεν as if it were Εἰ μὲν ἴδμεν and fixed nāmque to nāmquĕ where needed at Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth, 22/8/21 14:56;
    19. Implemented 21/8/21 tweak to mourning song at Sappho: three epigrams and a mourning song, 22/8/21 14:59;
    20. Made Latin version of fragment about Eros to scan at Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths!, 22/8/21 15:17.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 22/8/21 18:15», 22/8/21 16:39;
  998. NEW POST: Dove le dirò?, «24/8/21 10:08. Related index update: 24/8/21 10:12. Related Facebook page post update: 24/8/21 10:17», 24/8/21 10:09;
    • Σ' αγαπάω | Ti amo, «28/8/21, uploaded 22:59:16-23:07:07, processed 23:07:10-23:07:44, checking started 23:07:44 and ended 23:08:00, being 4% 23:07:54.
    • Ti amo, 28/8/21 23:05.
    «Related index update for both (includes swapping items 410 and 411): 29/8/21 24:28.».
    • Added item for post 411 (Come il fiore di gardenia) and moved old 411 (Moi je te promets) to 413 at Blog index, 23/8/21 11:32.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 29/8/21 24:32», 29/8/21 24:29.
  1000. NEW POST: Come il fiore di gardenia, «31/8/21 10:23. Related index update: 31/8/21 10:26. Related Facebook page post update: 31/8/21 10:33», 31/8/21 10:28;
    • Video: Μη μου λες γιατί ξεχνάω | Non mi dir "Perché ti scordi?", «5/9/21, uploaded 12:19:48-12:27:52, processed 12:27:56-12:29:09, checked 12:29:09-12:29:24, which is when it went from 5% to complete»;
    • Post Non chiedermi perché dimentico, 5/9/21 0:54;
    • «Related index update for both (includes replacing all taken-down video in the first 111 posts and adding NOTE to intro): 5/9/21 12:37;
    • Added translations:
      1. Latin and Sicilian at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 4/9/21 23:17;
      2. Latin 2 and Albanian at My future is no dream, 4/9/21 23:35;
      3. Partial (4 lines) Latin at Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, 4/9/21 23:45;
    • Editing spree:
      1. The rest of Sappho:
        • Fixed "on th top" in 1.A.v English;
        • Added "ma" before "non seppe" in 1.A.v Italian;
        • "cupio n' adhuc" -> "cupion' adhuc" in 1.A.iii Latin
        4/9/21 19:11;
      2. Daily life: marriage songs:
        • Italicized heptorogyios in Latin "The porter";
        • "dear my groom" -> "my dear groom" in English "Another maiden";
        • Fixed oppia to oppida in Latin "Keep your guard on her";
        4/9/21 19:14;
      3. Mythic'lly good? Let's hear some myths!:
        • Implemented 29/8/21 tweak to the English of the first fragment;
        • Removed "single closed quote" from title to put a plain apostrophe in its place;
        4/9/21 19:19;
      4. O Atthis!: Implemented 29/8/21 tweaks to Italian, 4/9/21 19:23;
      5. Sappho and her brother: two prayers:
        • Added line beginnings Πάντα (l. 4) and μὰν διὰ (l. 16) in Cypris and Nereids;
        • Fixed ἄκοθσον -> ἄκουσον;
        • Capitalized "advelit" starting l. 10 of the Latin;
        4/9/21 19:27;
      6. Sappho: two divine epiphanies: altered scansion from Īli͞um to Īljūm in "Divine Hera" Latin, 4/9/21 19:30;
      7. Sappho: three epigrams and a mourning song: put in all missing line-beginning capitals in the Greek texts, 4/9/21 19:33;
      8. Hector and Andromacha: implemented 29/8/21 tweak to English, 4/9/21 19:49;
      9. Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth: added the circumflex on suûm and parentum in "carumque suum parentum" in all Latin versions, 4/9/21 19:56;
      10. Sappho in "pop" culture:
        • Fixed "tample" in the English of the deformed Idyll with Aphrodite;
        • Fixed the βάλλοος in the first paragraph of Modern Greek Elytis havoc;
        • Capitalized the Theòs starting Θεός μου φαίνεται;
        4/9/21 20:00;
      11. Ode to a beautiful woman: added the missing line-starting capitals in the Greek, 4/9/21 22:39;
      12. Let's sing for the couple!:
        • Fixed the ungrammatical «than the birds doth mend / That sweet voice bears» in the English;
        • Fixed typo dūlcũcãnēns in the Latin;
        4/9/21 22:42;
      13. I wish to visit the underworld:
        • Fixed Nequis should be Ne quis;
        • Added in missing line-starting capitals in the Greek;
        • Fixed inmetrical «nās lōt' aspicer' atque rore» (missing 2 syllables);
        4/9/21 22:48;
      14. Back to reality:
        • Fixed Greek of shortest fragment to μὴ κίνη χέραδας;
        • Shifted extras left 10px; can't line them up with rest of post because it would look terrible;
        • Fixed incorrect translation «does not so s[oftly] indulge / [to its rage.]» in extras;
        4/9/21 23:02;
      15. Hymn to Aphrodite: spellchecked French, 4/9/21 23:07.
    • More edits:
      1. Updated Index by languages, 29/8/21 23:19;
      2. All the Chinese songs I have met:
        • Replaced gone videos in songs from years 6-7 and 9;
        • Fixed that JiShiBen is by Chen 慧Lin, not Chen 薇Lin;
        • Translated title "Huizhibuqu" of Y7S1;
        • Fixed "bookmafrked" in Y6S48 and double 的 in Y7S33 and triple 的 in Y2S142;
        • Replaced "song two above" with Y8S6 in Y8S8;
        • Noted that in Y8S9 the chorus is now known to be French;
        • Added Feng Timo video to Y8S37;
        • Fixed mistranslation of title of Y8S49;
        • Moved last year 9 song to year 10, which was created and added up to song 6;
        5/9/21 0:46;
      3. Updated Index by languages, 5/9/21 0:55.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 5/9/21 13:19», 5/9/21 12:51;
  1002. NEW POST: Honte, «7/9/21 11:59. Related index update: 7/9/21 12:02. Related Facebook page post update: 7/9/21 12:04», 7/9/21 12:02;
    «Related Facebook page post update: 12/9/21 13:26», 12/9/21 13:11;
    我的未来不是梦 | What's in store for me is no dream | Somni' haud est quod mi fiet | Sōmnja nōn fūtūrum [sunt | Ardhmja ime nj' ëndërr s'ësht'], «18/9/21, uploaded 19:10:11-19:[31:54,32:16], processed 19:[31:54,32:16]-19:33:[50,52], checks started 19:33:[50,52], got to 99% for the first time ever at 19:38:44, then 2 secs later they were «still running» and «taking longer than expected», and that is still going now at 19:48. They were over between 19:52:36 and 19:53:02. No idea why it took so long for this copyright claim. Related index update (includes fixing "Anatoria" to "Anactoria" in item ii of content list for «Sappho in "pop" culture»): 18/9/21 23:16».
    1. Fixed passée and priée to masculine in the French alternative version and closed the quotation marks in the German at Hymn to Aphrodite, 18/9/21 23:12;
    2. Added double breve under synaeresis and stress on -si- to the word βασιλῆας, implemented 12/9/21 tweak to the Italian of the Catullus poem, at Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria, 18/9/21 23:29;
    3. Fixed missing vowel quantity of rosīsquĕ in Latin Idyll at Sappho: two divine epiphanies, 18/9/21 23:32;
    4. Double:
      1. Fixed doubled "understood" of GW+safopoemas version, implemented 12/9/21 tweak to GW+safopoemas, Oxy/GW+safopoemas, and Including P.GC. versions of Italian, 18/9/21 23:39;
      2. Fixed quoted original line which was actually modified line in notice of from item a. above, 18/9/21 23:54;
      Both at Dearest Offspring of Heaven and of Earth;
    5. Double:
      1. Implemented 13/9/21 change to Italian "I used to weave garlands", 18/9/21 23:48;
      2. Fixed φέροισα -> φέροισα[ν in Greek, removed spurious "factu'" from l. 15 of Latin, fixed quæror to queror in l. 17, fixed scansion of "soave amante" from "soave amante" in Italian l. 12, implemented 13/9/21 fix to English, all to Beautiful gifts of the Muses, 19/9/21 0:20;
      Both at Nostalgia for youth;
    6. The Rest of Sappho:
      • Fixed "affaciunt" and implemented 13/9/21 fix to Latin 1.E.i;
      • Implemented 17/9/21 fix to English 1.A.v;
      • Fixed cāprām to cāprăm in Latin 1.A.xv;
      19/9/21 0:07;
    7. Implemented 17/9/21 fix to Italian and changed "around 87ish" to "unnumbered between 87 and 90" at I want to have died, 19/9/21 0:27;
    8. Implemented September 2021 fixes to Daily life: marriage songs, 19/9/21 0:35;
    9. Implemented 17/9/21 fixes to "in pompa magna" beginning of Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths!, 19/9/21 0:38.
    1. Fixed consistent misspelling "adrhmja" and implemented recording-session fixes at My future is no dream, 19/9/21 0:45;
    2. Updated Index by languages, 19/9/21 0:53.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 19/9/21 1:18», 19/9/21 1:09;
    1. VIDEO: Αλλού να μ' αγαπάς Alloý na m' agapás | Altrove amami, «26/9/21, uploaded 23:10:26-23:15:20, processed 23:15:22-23:15:[51,56], checked 23:15:[51,56]-23:16:11, when it moved from 5% to complete.
    2. POST: Amami altrove, 26/9/21 0:52.
    3. Related index update for both: 26/9/21 1:52. This included:
      1. Adding my video of post 400's song;
      2. Fixing «Aeríō epéōn» in item xx of post 375 content index;
      3. Adding Latin and Sicilian to upcoming video of post 144;
      4. Moving the contents found under links to posts 29 77 87 88 116 (which required the addition of a comment) out of those links;
      5. Adding space between date and | in post 347;
      6. Moving link to video which contains post 362's musicated poem combo and much more to the end of that item;
      7. Adding NOTE 2 at the top.
    4. Link to my video added, and link to post 378 fixed, at 23:13 the same day.
      1. O Atthis! – Made the change mention quote "Pena, e ch'i' noi andiam" rather than just up to ch'i', and implemented Latin change from 19/9 and 25/9/21. 25/9/21 0:38;
      2. The rest of Sappho:
        1. Mentioned alternate Latin of 1.A.iii;
        2. Implemented changes of Italian 1.A.vii;
        3. Fixed "–uw]hen" to "–u w]hen" in English 1.A.ii;
        4. Added u- at end of l. 1 of Latin 1.C.v;
        25/9/21 0:49;
      3. Sappho and her brother: two prayers – Fixed ἄκοθσον->ἄκουσον in Cypris and Nereids. 25/9/21 0:51;
      4. Sappho: two divine epiphanies – Fixed "curre sum" to "curre *sub" and implemented 19/9 change to Divine Hera. 25/9/21 0:54;
      5. Hector and Andromacha:
        1. Added "note from myself on 25/9/21";
        2. Implemented change mentioned in said note;
        3. Reinstated "then" after "flute" in "Did the flute a-sing" for reasons of rhythm;
        25/9/21 1:03;
      6. Love and grief – Implemented changes to last line of first fragment. 25/9/21 1:08;
      7. Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided – Implemented Sep 2021 changes to Edmonds 35. 25/9/21 1:13;
      8. A prayer to avert stormy journeys – Implemented 20/9/21 change to the Italian version. 25/9/21 1:15;
      9. Nostalgia for youth – Implemented Sep 2021 change to "Remember: we did those things too". 25/9/21 1:18;
      10. Ode to a beautiful woman – Implemented 20/9/21 change to Latin version. 25/9/21 1:22;
      11. Let's sing for the couple! – Fixed iănŭīs to iānŭīs in Latin version. 25/9/21 1:25;
      12. Morn is nigh – Added missing accent on κατισδανει, 25/9/21 1:29;
      13. I wish to visit the underworld – Fixed "wish hath seized" to *seizèd in the English version. 25/9/21 1:32;
      14. Different nostalgia: daughter is far away – Fixed Cleanactdidum to Cleanactidum in the Latin version of the second poem. 25/9/21 1:34.
      1. Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge – Mentioned the original 发现 that became 出现 in Alla luna. 26/9/21 11:46;
      2. Heavenly marriage – Fixed "le nuées" to "les nuées" in French at Heavenly marriage, 26/9/21 11:47;
      3. Vinni la primmavera:
        1. Fixed "passa per questa strada" to "passan per …" in Italian version;
        2. Mentioned changes to Chinese version;
        3. Fixed μήτηερ in Greek;
        26/9/21 12:08;
      4. Oltre le lacrime – Fixed Pinyin of 粘附 from zhānfù to niánfù and added list of changes to Chinese. 26/9/21 12:14;
      5. You're half of my soul – Moved what is now the last sentence of the English item to that item from the Hakka one, and added the mention of "nga" originally being "ngai" in Hakka version. 26/9/21 12:18;
      6. Intimate strangers: powerful love – Fixed "you heart's void" and mentioned 19/9/21 change to English version. 26/9/21 12:21;
      7. Thank you for your deep love – Fixed typos "thought they went through the storm" and "for you deep love". 26/9/21 12:23:~43;
      8. Heartache, heartache, heartache… happiness? Nope. Helplessness – Mentioned that the "just" in last line was added after original translation. 26/9/21 12:26;
      9. «Una speranza e una follia» – Mentioned three changes. 26/9/21 12:30;
      10. Io ci sarò – Fixed typo 又一阵旋风在城市里来跑得快 and corresponding Pinyin, and implemented change in drawn-out vowels of Korean. 26/9/21 12:36:01;
      11. Posso averne tante, ma… – Added first section to both Italian and Chinese. 26/9/21 12:39;
      12. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai – Implemented 19/9/21 change and fixed spér->spir in "E me a spir che t vègna prëst aquà da me". 26/9/21 12:43;
      13. Fool love – Fixed typo "makes people said" (meant to be "sad"). 26/9/21 12:45;
      14. Cheers! – Added [] part before "I reloaded Stack Exchange" sentence. 26/9/21 12:48;
      15. Holding your hand, I can walk my road – Made intro into numbered list and mentioned the English change. 26/9/21 12:55;
      16. Calling your name in the wind – Added bracketed change mention. 26/9/21 12:57;
      17. Let's drink! – Mentioned undatable change. 26/9/21 13:05;
      18. When will you come back? – Added bracketed comment on the 8/1/18 "small addition". 26/9/21 13:08;
      19. The wonders of a dance – Fixed "Bēn wǒ tiàowǔ" in section 5 Pinyin. 26/9/21 13:13;
      20. Sadness without bounds – Made last two sections of Romagnolo to be chorus rather than verse 2 and added bracketed comment on "minor tweaks" in intro. 26/9/21 13:18;
      21. Yelaixiang (night-blooming jasmine?) – Fixed "al flowers" in English l. 3. 26/9/21 13:19;
      22. Two anthems – Added English version of Japanese anthem. 26/9/21 13:22;
      23. If there wasn't him? – Fixed typo "Why could if not be forever" and put comma between the two "think" in «Make me quietly think, think of you». 26/9/21 13:25;
      24. Ombra nera – Fixed typo "nel sole stessi". 26/9/21 13:26;
      25. Romanesque – Added brackets specifying the mentioned changes in Chinese version and fixed "zaibi shang wo de yan" in Pinyin. 26/9/21 13:32;
      26. Parting – Added missing "This so cruel world" after each of the two "Wandering through". 26/9/21 13:35;
      27. Ti voglio rivedere! – Fixed typo «Così come son io voglio sare con te». 26/9/21 13:36.
      1. Two anthems – Added variant report for last line of Chinese version of Japanese anthem and created current variant. 26/9/21 16:00;
      2. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai – Mentioned changes of Italian and Chinese. 26/9/21 16:59;
      3. My brothers – Revised linebreaking. 26/9/21 17:03;
      4. Being left – Added two Min-Mandarin translations. 26/9/21 19:18;
      5. Razón de vivir – Added all old version and history details, 26/9/21 20:55:59.5.
      1. All the Chinese songs I have met – Removed «The title is an idiom and I don't know what it means and Wiktionary doesn't have it» from Year 7 song 1. 26/9/21 1:02;
      2. Memory and being remembered – Implemented 26/9/21 change to Italian version of English sonnet. 26/9/21 1:58.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 27/9/21 0:23», 26/9/21 23:56;
  1006. NEW POST + DOUBLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Ciàpa la galéina, «28/9/21 15:11. Related index update: 28/9/21 15:12».
    1. Fixed tab problems and padding at Razón de vivir, 28/9/21 15:15;
    2. Fixed same things at Being left, 28/9/21 15:20.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 28/9/21 15:26», 28/9/21 15:23;
    1. VIDEO: Mos u ngut' | Et ne t'hâte pas, «4/10/21, uploaded 0:03:32-0:03:55, processed 0:03:55-0:04:[56,59] (was processed 99% at 56, and checked 1% at 59), checked 0:04:[56,59]-0:05:17, where it moved from 6% or 7% to complete;
    2. POST: Alceo?!, 3/10/21 2:16;
    3. Related index update for both: 4/10/21 0:02; correct video link added 0:07;
      1. Moved misplaced French edit notice from English to French items, added notice of later tweak to English, and fixed coding problem of English tabs, all at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 29/9/21 1:04;
      2. Fixed romanization of 吾心 in chorus from "ngâi kài sim" to "nga sim" in Un amore appassionato che felice non finì, 3/10/21 15:49;
      3. Fixed romanizations of all instances of 什么 in the last verse from "shé me" to "shénme" at Quel oselin dal bòsch, 3/10/21 15:51;
      4. Mentioned dating problem (blog vs. FTN28) and added "filler text" old versions to The knock-knock beetle, 3/10/21 17:29;
      5. Fixed "elser bro" to "elder bro" and "Was is your family" to "Why is your family" in Roosters vs. hens, 3/10/21 17:31;
      6. Fixed dešívyj to došívyj and íty to idy in Ukrainian transliteration at Alone in a rainy night, 3/10/21 17:33;
      7. Mentioned lost tweaks to original Turkish at Intimate strangers: powerful love, 3/10/21 17:41;
      8. Fixed "there ks no weight" typo at You're half of my soul, 3/10/21 17:43;
      9. Mentioned alternate version of l. 3 at Soft wind, 3/10/21 17:59;
      10. Added penultimate intro phrase about undatable change to an English line at Night fog, 3/10/21 18:06;
      11. Unelided «'pëdí̱» to «Epëdí̱» in romanized Recap and added missing linebreak before that line to corresponding Greek at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 3/10/21 18:19;
      12. Mentioned older versions of Mandarin songs and fixed old typo "something on the shore" in Min song at Our moving world, 3/10/21 19:06;
      13. Linked to lyricstranslate for the specification of the corrections to the French version received there and implemented double gender for ãndê in Romagnolo at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 3/10/21 19:13;
      14. Specified Mario Arash corrections to Chinese, mentioned older version of 3/9/18 English line, and mentioned title change, at Time to work together, 3/10/21 19:30;
      15. Fixed link to Quora question so it didn't lead to the question log at The things that I see, 3/10/21 19:32;
      16. Mentioned original Chinese chorus at O bella ciao, 3/10/21 19:36;
      17. Fixed probable typo "Non so quando potrò fermarlo" in Italian, mentioned original "Nun hai cchiù a èssiri mia" of Sicilian, and fixed the incorrect form "saiu" therein, at Why do I cry?, 3/10/21 19:42;
      18. Fixed ntî to ntê in Sei così perfetto…, 3/10/21 19:46;
      19. Mentioned and tried to timedate the cun->par change in Il mio amore se n'è andato…, 3/10/21 19:54;
      20. Fixed tengu->tegnu where it appeared in Sicilian at Helplessness, 3/10/21 19:57;
      21. Fixed plue->pluie in end of Min->French translation at Dis-moi donc, pluie, 3/10/21 20:02;
      22. Put edits to translations of song in items in translations list, added item for Greek there, specified the three corrections "presumably" alluded to by the post, added the missing 真 to at least some of the Min choruses, and fixed "u sustègnu sò" to "a gobba sò", mentioning that there was this old version which was changed in an undatable time, at Missing support, 3/10/21 20:22;
      1. Made original versions repeat the chorus each time like the most recent ones and added a couple missing linebreaks at Razón de vivir, 3/10/21 23:29;
      2. Fixed the transliteration of 等 from tá to tán and added rubies (Mandarin interline glosses) at Stubbornly waiting, 3/10/21 23:39;
      3. Mentioned inmetrical variant «Caner'ac volebas / Qu'in poesiis, volo comprehensa / Vertere recte.» alternative for cover fragment and added sentence warning that I'll come back to talk about what the tesina has to offer on the Hymn, at Hymn to Aphrodite, 3/19/21 23:43; date of said version added 4/10/21 0:01;
      4. Implemented recording-session tweaks to translation, and fixed spelling to «m'i ke *çel'», at Ne t'hâte pas, 3/10/21 23:50;
    6. Related Facebook page post update: 4/10/21 0:39».
    4/10/21 0:22;
    1. Video: 望穿秋水 Bāng-tshuan-tshiu-suí | Stubbornly waiting, «10/10/21, uploaded 23:03:43-23:04:04 (started at 9%), processed 23:04:04-23:04:[24,26], checked 23:04:[24,26]-23:04:42, when it moved from 5% to complete.
    2. Related index update (includes making date of Italian edition of Sappho completely uncertain as to the month and adding items for undrafted posts "Mandarinizations: half-way between a translation and the original" and "Stari Most and its horrors"): 10/10/21 23:23».
      1. Ode to Anactoria, 6/10/21 12:12.
      2. O Atthis!, 6/10/21 12:33.
      3. Hymn to Aphrodite:
        1. Added original of cover fragment and wrote out histories, 10/10/21 2:16;
        2. Added versions of Hymn, 10/10/21 17:07.
    4. NOTES 9-14 CHECK EDITS:
      1. Fixed «Quel douleur» and implemented 7/10/21 nighttime changes to French, also implemented Romagnol change from that night, at Tu m'as jamais vraiment aimé(e), 7/10/21 1:08.
      2. Added intro sentence mentioning out-of-note changes probably done while drafting at Però mi vuole bene, 7/10/21 1:19.
      3. Fixed romanization from guán to gún since it's supposed to mean "my" in last line of Ojos de cielo, 7/10/21 1:21.
      4. Fixed misplaced ruby in "tsukinu" and implemented 28/9/21 change to Italian at Se il cuore fa male, la canzone è triste, 7/10/21 1:25.
      5. Fixed typo «Perché qui nel muo cuor» in Italian and capitalized Pinyin of line 是温暖的期待 of Chinese at Thank you for your deep love, 7/10/21 1:37.
      6. Added second instance of line «I want to roar up to the sun» to English version at Roar up to the sun, 7/10/21 19:26.
      7. Mentioned original 做路 and its correction at Goodnight, 8/10/21 0:39.
      8. Mentioned original «ohne mich du würdest sterben» in German, respelled "soba" as 側 rather than 傍 and avoided spelling "shite" with the kanji 為て (a spelling the keyboard itself doesn't know) in Japanese, and included original Russian at Lonely nights of heartbreak8/10/21 1:01.
      9. Mentioned "lost tweak" to English at Never turning back, 8/10/21 1:05.
      10. Fixed typo «E de ne plus te penser» in French at Helplessness, 8/10/21 1:06.
      11. Fixed punctuation, removed mention of «good=>nice» change from translation, and made two changes (cfr. intro) at When you're sad, listen to love songs!, 8/10/21 1:17.
      12. Opted for "at peace" not "at rest" in l. 4 of verse 2 and added comma in "cold, hungry" at Who will love me?, 8/10/21 1:18.
      13. Added linebreak between «Oh so many words» and «Swept off I did see» at A thousand words swept away with the clouds, 8/10/21 1:20.
      14. Separated French Hakka and Italian in the intro list, and implemented the tweaks that "didn't make it into the post" originally at Holding your hand, I can walk my road, 9/10/21 20:01.
      15. Added Italian version list for the sails line at Barco negro, 9/10/21 20:06.
      16. Capitalized yìdàlì in artists line, yidali dangren, and shénfu, mentioned original 早安越来越少修人的女人, and fixed typo «Zawàn Italian zawàn Maria» at L'Italiano, 9/10/21 20:11.
      17. Added "pre-1.0" list at Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, 9/10/21 20:28.
      18. Capitalized line «zài lánlán de tiānkōng» at Il nostro amor, 10/10/21 19:46.
      19. Implemented 29/9/21 tweaks and fixed spaces on Pinyin line «Jiùshì kàn zàixīn nèi» at Peace, 10/10/21 19:52.
      20. Fixed 天是 to 天使 in first two lines of sections 1 and 2, and the corresponding Pinyin, at Ti amo, mio angelo | I love you, my angel, 10/10/21 19:55.
      21. Added mention of 20/4 tweaks at Dreams, 10/10/21 19:59.
      1. Added 22/6/13 file mention at Ballata dell'amore vero, 8/10/21 20:26.
      2. Included older Mandarin version and wrote its changelog at Thank you for your deep love, 8/10/21 20:42.
      3. Implemented 8/10/21 tweak to A prayer to avert stormy journeys, 9/10/21 11:02.
      4. Removed ruby from 暗 and added all the "recording day" corrections at Stubbornly waiting, 9/10/21 19:10.
      5. Updated index by languages Index by Languages, 10/10/21 23:48.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 11/10/21 0:30 and 0:27-~0:30, failed 0:18-0:22 and 0:23-0:26:14, update time mess final form saved 0:33 failed 0:32», 11/10/21 0:00;
    1. VIDEO: तेरे प्यार में Tere pyārǝ meṅ | Nel tuo amore, «17/10/21, uploaded 22:54:17 (5%) - 22:55:05, processed 22:55:18 - 22:56:02 (where it moved from processing 95% to checking 5 minutes left), checked 22:56:02 - 22:56:30 (when it jumped from 9% to complete)».
    2. POST: Perdendo il cuore nel tuo amore, 16/10/21 1:50.
    3. «Related index update for both (includes adding item for this post and the next two, namely 418 and 419): 16/10/21 1:54. Video link added 17/10/21 23:30».
    4. OTHER EDIT: «Implemented 16/10/21 tweak at today's post, 16/10/21 13:46».
      1. Fixed typo «ccom'erba è» at Children's songs!, 16/10/21 23:23;
      2. Capitalized first "héchàng" in Hoy arriesgaré, 16/10/21 23:24;
      3. Specified original of the "couple of 要 changed" edit and added bracketed part of intro at Più lontano delle stelle, 16/10/21 23:30;
      4. Fixed typos seulment and doît in French and added ruby to "vèntë", fixing a coding problem, at the same post as the previous edit, 16/10/21 23:33;
      5. Mentioned full line 没有的男人的贫穷的声音 instead of just 没有的男人 and implemented 11/10/21 change at Povera voce, 16/10/21 23:38;
      6. Listed changes from note to post's original version and mentioned the Pengim in the original version is the fixed one from the Quora self-answer at Nottata di luna, 17/10/21 0:11;
      7. Fixed typo «With my in my dreams each night» at Lifelong, 17/10/21 0:16;
      8. Fixed punctuation in English version of song at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 17/10/21 0:20;
      9. Made it clear that the change was 阿亲人 -> 爱人啊 -> 爱人你 at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 0:24;
      10. Fixed French typos jusre, decider (*décider), seulment, and mentioned undatable change in French version, at I love you, 17/10/21 0:42;
      11. Added link to post for Salelaka Mokonzi and removed bracketed post title, and changed «Che diamine è "ntika"» to «Che diamine è "Aa ntika"» in the intro to Non andartene!, 17/10/21 0:45;
      12. Fixed the fact that when the spoiler was hidden there was text beside the button and added bracketed comment to original «But today Christ, the life,» at Work for the Lord, 17/10/21 0:50;
      13. Separated syllables in single words with dashes in title Co-bé mùa-đông at Blog index, 17/10/21 0:52;
      14. Fixed wrong Pinyin nà'er in penultimate line, implemented 11/10/21 change to English, and reformated intro so as to have a list of the translations with their histories, at Winter girl, 17/10/21 0:59;
      15. Added bracket in intro to Ma come hai fatto?, 17/10/21 1:06;
      16. Fixed punctuation in English and marked the first "bring" as elongated (brīng) at Your heart, 17/10/21 1:09;
      17. Fixed intro (I removed "so" from l. 4, not l. 5) at Walking on, 17/10/21 1:11;
      18. Added bracket at intro end at Venez!, 17/10/21 1:17;
      19. Fixed Pinyin of 弹 to tán from dàn in Chinese of Stiđđa matutina at Cinque canzoni siciliane, 17/10/21 1:19;
      20. Fixed the fact the last verse still had the old first line 我不知道别人怎觉得, completed the punctuation in Hanzi and Pinyin, and checked capitals and spaces in Pinyin, at Nostalgia for the present, 17/10/21 19:36;
      21. Implemented 11/10/21 change, checked up the punctuation there, and added comment on alternation of "Se più piove" and "Se piove", at Un piccolo ombrello, 17/10/21 19:41;
      22. Added sentence about "sulla terrazza" vs. "alla terrazza" at Più bella di un angelo, 17/10/21 19:44;
      23. Added all line-final punctuation in all versions (original included) and removed the comma from l. 4 of Portuguese at Magic winter, 17/10/21 19:50;
      24. Fixed typo Trallalero in intro at Polka di Eva, 17/10/21 19:52;
      25. Implemented 11/10/21 change and mentioned alternate version at Si t'es là, je remercie le ciel, 17/10/21 19:57;
      26. Mentioned original «Et tout c’que j’veux maintenent» and fixed "cantable" in intro at La ballade d'Ouri, 17/10/21 22:46;
      27. Mentioned original «Da un anno già sulle sue gambe non può stare» at Il mio cuore, 17/10/21 22:51;
      28. Eliminated spurious «1 Oppure: » from bracket in intro at Forse mi manchi…, 17/10/21 22:53.
    6. «Related Facebook page post update: 18/10/21 0:20, failed 0:01-0:[05:59,06:06] and 0:15-0:19:01», 17/10/21 23:50;
  1010. NEW POST: Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, ^19/10/21 9:51. Related index update: 19/10/21 9:56. Related Facebook page post update: 19/10/21 10:01^, 19/10/21 9:53;
    1. Index update: added items for posts 419-421 and 423 and shifted the Mandarinizations post, once 419 now 422, to another planned date.
    2. D-index update: Added items for second Bulgarian song, Chechen song, fourth Hebrew song, and Pseudo-Latin song. 21/10/21 17:34.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 21/10/21 17:42. Related Facebook page D-post update: 21/10/21 17:43», 21/10/21 17:38;
    1. VIDEO: Η άνοιξη | La primavera, «24/10/21, uploaded 23:22:53 (4%) - 23:23:57 (100%), processed 23:23:58 (will begin shortly) - 23:24:24 (95%->check), checked 23:24:24 (0%) - 23:24:39 (5?3?%->complete). I have never seen so many percentages of processing :).
    2. POST: La primavera, 24/10/2021 0:21.
    3. Related index update for both: 24/10/21 0:24. Video link and item for post 423 added, and old post 423 pushed further down one place, 25/10/21 0:13.
      1. Added "original vs. edited" comparison at Je t'aime et tu me blesses: pourquoi?, 24/10/21 15:39;
      2. Mentioned lost tweak and 24/10/21 tweaks at Piangerò segretamente, 24/10/21 15:48;
      3. Implemented changes from 12/10/21 at Fragile woman, 24/10/21 15:54;
      4. Fixed typo Dui to Qui in l. 2 at Romarin, 24/10/21 15:55;
      5. Fixed «non stagione» -> «non "stagion"» and truncated all the "prendono" in intro, implemented «I ragazzi giù in pianura» in the actual text, and implemented "con il tempo non parlano" in the translation of the platano version, at I ragazzi giù in pianura, 24/10/21 16:03;
      6. Added period after «E anche Maggio, anche Maggio, / Nuvoletta mia» in singable translation at Nuvoletta, 24/10/21 16:05;
      7. Capitalized Greek title in intro, changed from «Deh luci e luna non m'illuminate» to «Di luci e luna lo splendor smorzate» in second repetition as well, and changed luci to fuochi in musical translation (with associated mention in the intro) at Amore: lama a doppio taglio, 24/10/21 16:09;
      8. Fixed κάτου->κάτω and mentioned unmentioned change at I ragazzi giù in pianura – originale, 24/10/21 16:31;
      9. Added alternate version at Ci amavamo, 24/10/21 16:39;
      10. Added bracket mentioning changes 请别欺骗->请别分心 and 僕/私を騙さないで->気をそらさないで (which I also implemented in the repetition and in both romaji instance) in intro, mentioned the fact it's kahīṅ not kahī unmentioned in intro, decided to spell "O" in Katakana, spelled the line «Kono hinichi kono negai de sugoshitaku nai» in Kanji as この日にちこの願いで過ごしたくない in intro and fixed typo graN in intro at Se m'hai rubato il cuore, 24/10/21 16:55;
      11. Fixed typo "rimarra" in quoted original version in intro at Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :), 24/10/21 16:57;
      12. Mentioned rejected "Non rovinar" at Favoletta mia, 24/10/21 17:00;
      13. Fixed typo "iere" and mentioned alternate "Khthes pastítsio" version in intro and how I keep it in the post and not in the video at Vuoi un pasticcio, 24/10/21 17:03;
      14. Noted that the "mystery part" is French, implemented 15/10/21 tweak, mentioned "lost change", and fixed table layout at Lentement, 24/10/21 19:13;
      15. Mentioned alternate Chinese version of "Cuanto amor a ti te cabe", fixed 的 mis-pinyinized to dì in last instance of zuì'ài de dìfāng, added missing linebreakings between what are now ll. 10&11 and 12&13 of section 3 (both Hanzi and Pinyin), noted the weirdness of "Favoritos favoritos baby" at the end of the English, and added bracket in intro pointing out what DY means at Despacito, 24/10/21 19:29;
      16. Guessed specifications of tweaks mentioned in intro at Magical anklet – aisā jādū, 24/10/21 19:34;
      17. Mentioned variant line in Chinese at Favola, 24/10/21 19:39;
      18. Made Italian chorus make its repetition at Time to work together, 24/10/21 19:41;
      19. Implemented 20/10/21 tweak to French at Quando sei sola, a chi penserai?, 24/10/21 19:44;
      20. Mentioned misgender in Hindi F-M original at Sorgi, luna, 24/10/21 19:46;
      21. Fixed misalignment at Song of the Civil Revolution, 24/10/21 19:49;
      22. Put Portuguese line versions at end of intro in quotes at Magic winter, 24/10/21 19:51;
      23. Made original «Sépse nuk je me mū» end with mūa and placed Sicilian outside of div of Albanian remake 2 at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 24/10/21 20:00;
      24. Added commas to «Beauty bye, bye bye» in all verses except possibly the first one, and a couple other commas in verse 1, at O bella ciao, 24/10/21 20:03;
      25. Added line-final punctuations to ll. 2 4 6 of last verse of Italian at Berrò la luna, 24/10/21 20:05;
      26. Fixed all instances of «Dai monti un pia(nto piove)» to have "il" at Terra straniera, 24/10/21 20:09;
      27. Fixed [un solo[ in literal Italian at Domenica nuvolosa, 24/10/21 20:10;
      28. Fixed typos «Taglierà tutto noi un dì» in singable Italian and dëlinǿ in Greek transliteration at Due porte ha la vita, 24/10/21 20:11;
      29. Edit related to two languages:
        • Mentioned Japanese original «きみに与えた» and changed «mo» to «mo'» in intro part about Japanese;
        • Implemented 22/10/21 tweaks to French, fixed typos heureses->heureuses and sincerité->sincérité, and mentioned alternate French versions of certain lines;
        Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 24/10/21 20:34;
      30. Fixed typo «E da ma lontano fuggi» at Dammi un pochino di cielo, 24/10/21 20:35;
      31. Mentioned alternate Italian versions at end of intro at The cranes, 24/10/21 20:37.
    5. OTHER EDIT: Eliminated 5 spurious </ruby> end tags and added missing wannabe-rubied character 晓 in last line of first section of second song at If there wasn't him?, 25/10/21 0:03.
    6. Related Facebook page post update: 25/10/21 0:40.
    25/10/21 0:26;
  1013. NEW POST: Un tronchetto, «26/10/21 1:53. Related index update (includes adding post 423 and shifting old 423 to place 425): 26/10/21 1:56. Related Facebook page post update: 26/10/21 1:59», 26/10/21 1:57;
    1. VIDEO: Mos u fsheh | Ne t' cache pas, «31/10/21, uploaded 19:19:[41,44]-19:40:00, processed 19:40:05-19:40:[46,48], checked couldn't run 19:40:46 but 3% 19:40:54 and skipped from 30% to complete at 19:42:16».
    2. POST: Ne t' cache pas, 30/10/21 12:11.
    3. Related index update for both (includes removing [INCOMPLETELY DRAFTED] tag from Mandarinizations post and changing title of "Personale" to "Personnel" and changing its tag from [UNSTARTED] to [UNDRAFTED, UNFINISHED]): 30/10/21 12:16. Video link added 31/10/21 21:25;
      1. Added missing empty rubies to Thank you for your deep love , 25/10/21 3:09; added one more 30/10/21 19:27;
      2. Changed "Ash song" to "Cigarette song" and renamed the internal link from ZLSAsh to ZLSCig, changed translations of 毋想伊 from "Won't think of him" (song list) and "Not want him" (song translation) to "Not think of him", replaced taken-down video of Y2S110 at All the Chinese songs I have met, 30/10/21 19:34.
    5. MORE EDITS:
      1. Removed all "(?)" from rubies, assuming the standard equivalents thus marked are all correct at Polka di Eva, 30/10/21 19:37;
      2. Implemented navigations tabs to switch between the two Chinese versions at Non andartene, 30/10/21 19:48;
      3. Feminized «Is'lie bhīk' māńgtā:» in F-M Devanagari, fixed «Terā baġair'» in both Hindi versions, at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 30/10/21 21:20;
      4. Added Quora-posted Chinese version as original at The things that I see, 30/10/21 21:44.
      1. Fixed Devanagari of duet which had swapped ko and se in ll. 1 and 3 of second part, fixed Merā pyār kī zāt and terā baġair every time they appeared, at You're half of my soul, 30/10/21 21:56;
      2. Fixed "soc'nī" to "soc'tī" and meṁ to meṅ and beganī to begānī at He vais vaguer, 30/10/21 21:59;
      3. Fixed चिंतां to चिंताएं and kal to kal' in l. 2 of section 2 and aillé to aillė in penultimate line of French at Who am I without you?, 30/10/21 22:06;
      4. Mentioned original मेंह अनंत ही गिर रहा in intro at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 30/10/21 22:41;
      5. Removed the spurious rubied 彼, a mispaste for an empty ruby, from the ends of ll. 11 18 22 23, made the line 犹我这首歌 start with 但 as per romanization, specified the last change mentioned in intro, specified that a change was done in chorus 2, added bracketed part to intro, and split the UPDATE into a new paragraph, at Only a night, 30/10/21 23:12;
      6. Implemented addition of ko after ghāvoṅ in M2F tab at Ferma le lancette…, 30/10/21 23:18;
      7. Made the intro into a numbered list of versions and made the comments to the Chinese a different kind of numbered list, implemented 26/10/21 change to Sicilian, and de-capitalized erroneously capital Ińtazār' in l. 2 of Hindi, at Aconteceu, 30/10/21 23:31;
      8. Fixed भूकना->भूलना in all instances of the word and आलिमगन->आलिंगन, mentioned 3/12/20 change to Hindi, and fixed vilmeisä to viimeisä in Finnish, at Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, 30/10/21 23:45:01;
      9. Implemented change to «E solo tu il mio lamento in gioia sai mutar» in first chorus and added bracketed intro part at Il mio cuore, 30/10/21 23:48;
      10. Fixed transliteration of 你就会实现 as Nǐ jiānghuì shíxiàn at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 30/10/21 23:49;
      11. Capitalized the tiānzhǔ in l. 6 of Chinese chorus at Work for the Lord, 30/10/21 23:51;
      12. Added original of first Japanese translation in intro of translations of that poem at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 30/10/21 23:56:01;
      13. Fixed typo in line «Nǐ de kě'ài dì nà mùjí» at Earth angel, 30/10/21 23:58;
      14. Added intro-final list of tweaks and implemented the last one at Intimate strangers: powerful love, 31/10/21 13:43;
      15. Gave a language code to each of the translations/remakes at Lonely nights of heartbreak, while also doing all the following:
        1. [HI-2]: Added Fb posts post quote to intro;
        2. [SQ-2]: fixed «me t' pres» to «me t' prit'» as per 30/6/21 18:47 tweak
        3. [ES-2]: Mentioned last alternate versions in intro item and eliminated «Con el corazón partido»/«Con corazón partido» oscillation;
        4. [FR]: Mentioned il fait -> ça fait change and implemented it, fixed allée -> allé, specified originals for changes in bulleted list in item for French in intro, spelled coeur as cœur;
        5. [EL-2]: fixed first instance of «Σπασμένη η μου καρδιά» from the «Σπασμένη η μου καρδιά» it was (not in romanization);
        6. [EL-1]: Added «I didn't implement those below to be closer to the actual 2018 final text; not sure why the third one's line reads Και άνεμος φυσά;» to intro item;
        7. [EL-4]: replaced spurious high dot / colon after éleges with the respective question signs and specified that έτος->χρόνον was a Quora suggestion;
        8. [IT-2]: mentioned alternate «La notte per passar!»;
        9. [SQ-3]: added all history bits referring to LT revisions;
        31/10/21 14:28.
    7. OTHER NOTE CHECK EDITS, PART 1 (Apr+May part 1, Jun part 1, Jul, Aug part 1, Sep, Oct):
      1. Fixed typo souflles at Mon amour, 31/10/21 14:32;
      2. Fixed mistransliterated «Què yǒu rén shéi nǐ» to «Què yŏu shéi zào nǐ» at Il mio volto, 31/10/21 14:34;
      3. Removed spurious "prenditi" from line «Vien, dagli occhi miei prenditi prendi quel che dīrei» at Colla pioggia del tuo amor, 31/10/21 14:37;
      4. Fixed typos Båhűt and päh'ke in Hindi Atthida at Sappho in "pop" culture, 31/10/21 14:39;
      5. Added comma in l. 3 of chorus and turned the Επωδός between the stellina and gocciolina verses to Rit. at Un tronchetto, 31/10/21 14:43;
      6. Implemented post-video tweaks at La primavera, 31/10/21 14:48;
      7. Mentioned gender tweak to Russian at Viens-tu donc?, 31/10/21 14:54;
      8. Put «and then to its current form at 1:18/19 on 21/6/21» in brackets in intro at My future is no dream, 31/10/21 18:52:30 failed 18:51 and 18:52;
      9. Added note on messed-up Chinese, fixed "ssi" to "sei" in ll. 4 and 8 of the Italian, added note on Greek originals, at Ci sei tu o no?, 31/10/21 19:07;
      10. Added last part of Greek item in intro at O bella ciao, 31/10/21 19:19.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 1/11/21 11:56», 1/11/21 11:53;
    1. Updated Index by languages, 1/11/21 12:27;
    2. D-index:
      1. Added Yā Qalb, 26/10/21 16:57;
      2. Added two Finnish songs, 27/10/21 19:20;
      3. Properly formatted the items for the Cypriot Greek song, 1/11/21 12:30;
    «Related Facebook page post update: 1/11/21 12:34; Related Facebook page D-post update: 1/11/21 12:35», 1/11/21 12:30;
  1016. NEW POST: Mandarinizations: half-way between a translation and the original, «2/11/21 10:43. Related index update: 2/11/21 10:45. Related Facebook page post update: 2/11/21 10:51», 2/11/21 10:48;
    1. D-index: added items for Dayanak, Szimpla egyszeregy, 'Anî lo' 'ašmáḥ, Ùn tace, Siyuvuya, Themba Lami, and Roždĵéniĵe, 5/11/21 23:56.
    2. Index: added item for post 425 "Libero uccello", shifting everything below it down one item, 5/11/21 23:58.
    3. Index by languages, 6/11/21 0:02:01.
    4. «Related Facebook page post update: 6/11/21 0:06:01. Related Facebook page D-post update: 6/11/21 0:07», 6/11/21 0:04;
    1. VIDEO: 阿花 A hue/Āhuā, «7/11/21, uploaded 12:38:47-12:44:35, processed (skipping the 99% phase) 12:44:38-12:45:50, checks 0% 12:45:50, went through every percentage and to "taking longer than usual" at 12:50:48, got fed up of waiting and published at 12:53:12, finished running at 12:53:59».
    2. POST: A-hue, 7/11/2021 0:35.
    3. Related index update for both: 7/11/21 0:37. Video link added in 7/11/21 13:01.
      1. Fixed typo "chedo" in all three instances of "chiedo" and fixed punctuation at Lo giuro su di te, 6/11/21 0:14;
      2. Fixed lineup problem at The taste of love, 6/11/21 0:17;
      3. Mentioned 快乐 vs. 幸福 uncertainty at Work for the Lord, 6/11/21 0:19;
      4. Mentioned hybridisation of a line in intro at Freedom, 6/11/21 0:28;
      5. Mentioned "lost change" in intro and implemented it at Your Love, 6/11/21 0:33;
      6. Fixed typo «Gli occhi miei to voglio dar» at Te, 6/11/21 0:35;
      7. Fixed typo 再大 tor 在大, mentioned oscillating line, and added partial Italian to intro at Table of sadness, 6/11/21 0:40;
      8. Fixed «da arrogante e smorfiosetta» by changing "e" to "a and mentioned timing of use of double version of "Jam ah ja" line at Volpetta, 6/11/21 0:44;
      9. Mentioned two changes at end of intro at Quand nous nous aimions, 6/11/21 1:00;
      10. Mentioned more versions of «Mos u bo» part and changed Italian version of it at Mentirai?, 6/11/21 1:06;
      11. Fixed typos "seulment", "Je.n'étais", "J'm'evole", "E m'laissasses", "Ma vie j'perdais, ai,", "Oh, du nous on n'a pas," (which lost a "temps"), "Pour retoruner c'est tard,", at Quanto t'ho amato, 6/11/21 22:34;
      12. Mentioned and implemented last change mentioned in intro of Il mio nome chiamato hai, 6/11/21 22:47;
      13. Fixed typo "E les rêves grands" in all 4 instances of the line at Viens-tu donc?, 6/11/21 22:49;
      14. Fixed typo tenenbra and first tweak mentioned in intro at Le rose, 6/11/21 22:51;
      15. Fixed typo "charo" in both instances of what is now "chiaro" at Eternità, 6/11/21 22:52;
      16. Fixed typo seulment in both Pre-choruses at Larmes, 6/11/21 22:54;
      17. Added bracketed part of intro and implemented change therein mentioned at Il mio posto, 6/11/21 23:07;
      18. Implemented and mentioned last tweak in intro at Pleiadi, 6/11/21 23:11;
      19. Mentioned appearance date of "Più non spreco altove" version and original of chorus at Ti amo, 6/11/21 23:16;
      20. Added nj' before ëndërr in ll. 3 and 7 of Albanian chorus at My future is no dream, 6/11/21 23:24;
      21. Fixed typos "seulment" and «ोना चाहती "मैं", / और याद करना» in intro, detailed @ATaj changes, implementing correction as per last item in that list, and fixed typo हरह in second "Tū śānt' räh'" of chorus at Moi je te promets, 7/11/21 0:16;
      22. Implemented last tweak mentioned in intro and added bracketed part therein at Honte, 7/11/21 0:19;
      23. Labeled après-réfrain and réfrain differently in non-French versions at Jaloux, 7/11/21 0:31.
    5. «Related Facebook page post update: 7/11/21 13:20».
    7/11/21 13:09;
  1019. NEW POST + QUADRUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE + D-POST UPDATE NOTICE: Rouge profond, 9/11/2021 1:13:01. Related index update: 9/11/21 1:~17.
    1. Made ORIG edit, added Czech completion and Hindi and Greek partial translations, at Suddenly appeared, suddenly left, 8/11/21 16:01;
    2. Updated Index by languages, 8/11/21 16:19;
    3. Added Italian at Table of sadness, 9/11/21 1:11:52;
    4. Updated Index by languages, 9/11/21 1:15:59.
    D-post update: Added Aramaic song to D-index, 8/11/21 16:07.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 9/11/21 1:28. Related Facebook page D-post update: 9/11/21 1:29», 9/11/21 1:20;
    1. VIDEO: Το πουλί To poylí | L'uccello, «14/11/21, uploaded 15:27:41-15:36:29, processed 15:36:32-15:37:11 (when it passed from 95% or 99% to Checking), checked 15:37:11-15:38:34, when it moved from 27% to complete».
    2. POST Libero uccello, 13/11/21 23:54.
    3. Related index update for both: 14/11/21 15:35.
      1. History edit for Czech and storytime fix for English at Who am I without you?, 9/11/21 15:32; improved padding 15:35;
      2. Added dating info to Saying you love me is a torture: let's part, 9/11/21 15:44;
      3. Implemented actual 27/7 version in Chinese song, which previously still had the 3/7 version, at Our moving world, 9/11/21 15:47. Added last sentence of that 16:02;
      4. Made history edit and fixed typo 给你拿->给您啊 at Signore delle cime, 10/11/21 11:52;
      5. Made history/original edit to Deep love still, 10/11/21 13:43;
      6. Made history/original edit to Why can I not move you?!, 10/11/21 16:09. Firefox session info added 12/11/21 15:24;
      7. Added dating info and end bonus at I think of you at sunset, 12/11/21 15:52;
      8. Added dating info and end bonus, and made a little change, at Yet more heartache, 12/11/21 16:35;
      9. Added dating info and made a couple changes at A secret I can't tell, 12/11/21 16:49;
      10. Added dating info and original versions and implemented 16/12/20 Neapolitan tweaks at Time after time, 13/11/21 15:52;
      11. Added dating info and original versions, implemented some tweaks (or at least I planned to) to translations and reformated intro at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 13/11/21 20:26. Neapolitan tweaks implemented 20:30;
      12. Added timestamps of files and date of FTN3 and made it clear what is in what version of the Romanian at In our world, 14/11/21 1:49(:01);
      13. Fixed a couple mistakes in intro and dated FTN3 more precisely at Time after time, 14/11/21 12:22;
      14. Added conlang translation at Why can I not move you?!, 14/11/21 12:31.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 14/11/21 15:55», 14/11/21 15:43;
  1021. NEW POST + MULTIPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE: Terre et ciel, 16/11/2021 15:53. «Related index update (includes fixing its date - it was planned for Saturday - and adding item for "Balla un po'"): 16/11/21 15:55». UPDATES:
    1. Diary dating edit at WHy do I cry?, 15/11/21 12:04:02;
    2. Diary dating edit at A secret I can't tell, 15/11/21 12:09;
    3. Diary dating edit at Who am I without you?, 15/11/21 12:12:01. Added missing linebreak in original before «Don't you follow» at 12:13;
    4. Diary dating edit at 'Tis you, 15/11/21 12:17;
    5. Fixed дощивій/došívyj to дощовий÷dośóvyj, implemented use of ĵa for "soft vowels", fixed transliteration mistakes doš | rozriěnǎ́ǔ | pustél'im | sušény, at Alone in a rainy night, 15/11/21 12:25;
    6. Added Τί θέλω τί to Sappho in "pop" culture, 15/11/21 12:43:06. Video link added 13:05;
    7. Added item for Terre et ciel, shifted Personnel to after Stari Most horrors, added item for Τί θέλω τί in content list for Sappho in "pop" culture and reformulated item for Γρήγορα η ώρα πέρασε therein, at Blog index, 15/11/21 13:03.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 16/11/21 16:05», 16/11/21 16:00;
    1. Video: आज नाच ले Ājǝ nācǝ le | Oggi balla un po', «21/11/21, uploaded 2:00:[42,44]-2:01:27 (it moved from receiving the video to 5% uploaded), processed 2:01:27-2:01:59, checked 2:01:59-2:03:49 where it moved from 37% to done.
    2. Post: Balla un po', 21/11/2021 1:59.
    3. Related index update for both: 21/11/21 2:06. Item moved out of spoiler 2:08.
    4. Edits:
      1. Original edit at Just you, 17/11/21 19:58;
      2. Removed [UNDRAFTED] tag from Balla un po' and added item for Easter 1916, Yeats surprise at Blog index, 18/11/21 1:52;
      3. Updated Index by languages, 18/11/21 2:04;
      4. Original edit at Thank you for your deep love, 19/11/21 2:25;
      5. Fixed unclosed div problem that caused nothing to be visible and created version 6 at Hymn to Aphrodite, 13:43;
        New unclosed div problem caused by version addition fixed 13:46;
        Added missing language names and fixed code problem due to which tabs 5 and 6 appeared together at 2:26;
      6. Original edit at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 19/11/21 14:35;
        Actually reimplemented those Italian changes 21/11/21 2:28;
      7. Original edit for the Czech translation at Our moving world, 20/11/21 2:31;
      8. Original edit for Czech of The feelings of a loafer - with such a lonely heart, 20/11/21 2:42;
      9. Original edit for Czech of You're half of my soul, 21/11/21 0:38;
      10. Original edit for Czech, which also includes making numbered list of translations, dating the first four precisely, and splitting all lines into two, at Alone in a rainy night, 21/11/21 1:43;
      11. Original edit for Czech and Irish at Yelaixiang (Night-blooming jasmine?), 21/11/21 1:57.
    «Related Facebook page post update (FINALLY): 21/11/21 23:50», 21/11/21 3:25;
  1023. NEW POST + SIX "ORIGINAL EDITS" + ANOTHER EDIT: Easter 1916, Yeats surprise, 23/11/2021 18:43(:01). Related index update: 23/11/21 18:44.
    1. You are my life, 21/11/21 23:42.
    2. La bomba imbriaga, 22/11/21 0:30.
    3. Children's songs!, 22/11/21 0:43.
    4. Don't leave me, Lela, 22/11/21 1:24.
    5. Come, make me happy, 23/11/21 1:34.
    6. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you), 23/11/21 16:16.
    OTHER EDIT: Added Fb link and timestamp at Varda la luna, 22/11/21 0:16. «Related Facebook page post update: 23/11/21 18:54», 23/11/21 18:49;
  1024. .
    1. Video: Eccoti | 你在这儿 Nǐ zài zhèr, «28/11/21, uploaded (at 29 it suddenly was at 4% uploaded) 19:13:[26,29]-19:16:41, processed 19:16:42-19:17:[42,44] (at 44 it moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), 19:17:[42,44]-19:19:51 (last % I saw was 41, pretty sure at this time it was about to go to 44%).
    2. Post: Eccoti, 28/11/2021 18:01.
    3. Related index update for both (includes adding item for this, fixing a code problem, and adding a proto-version of the second navigation tab): 28/11/21 19:16.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Original edit at Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 24/11/21 3:29;
      2. Original edit at Everlasting, 24/11/21 13:48; Fixed misrepresented diary info 25/11/21 0:51. Fixed stupid date error 15->14 at 0:55;
      3. Original edit at Se sei con me, 25/11/21 1:13; Diary dating info added 13:04;
      4. Added more dating info and alternate version of part for Italian translation at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 25/11/21 1:56; Diary info added 2:06;
      5. Added mentions of English notes [i.e. English notebook from HS5] at Ti voglio rivedere!, 25/11/21 15:41;
      6. Added diary dating info at Suddenly appeared, suddenly left, 25/11/21 16:10;
      7. Original edit at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 25/11/21 19:28; Bracketed part of item about Italian added 28/11/21 16:34;
      8. Added more precise dating info for Japanese-Chinese translation and made numbered list of translations of that anthem at Two anthems, 25/11/21 19:47;
      9. Added 2013 version to Do you really love me?, 27/11/21 23:34;
      10. Original edit to Do I really have nothing?, 28/11/21 0:53;
      11. Original edit for My future is no dream, 28/11/21 16:29; Coding and formatting issues fixed 17:25;
      12. Original edit for Happy Birthday da lontano, 28/11/21 17:21;
      13. Original edit at Non andartene!, 28/11/21 17:42;
      14. Added bracketed part to intro at Puzzle, 28/11/21 17:47.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 28/11/21 20:47», 28/11/21 19:45;
    1. Video: 两个黄蝴蝶 Liǎng ge huáng húdié | Two gold butterflies, «5/12/21, uploaded 2:07:30 (jumped from preparing to upload to 11% uploaded) - 2:07:45, processed 2:07:45-2:08:08 ("couldn't run checks"), checked 2:08:[08,10] (1% at 08:10) - 2:08:32 (moved from 8 or 9% to complete)».
    2. EDITS:
      1. Added more precise dating info to A night of moonlight, 29/11/21 1:58;
      2. Added more precise dating info at Un petalo di fiore, 29/11/21 2:09;
      3. Added more precise dating info at Questa sera è Party Night, 29/11/21 2:24;
      4. Added more precise dating info at Oltre le lacrime, 29/11/21 2:33;
      5. Added more precise dating info at Una prova, 29/11/21 2:44; mention of first appearance of lyrics added 12:31;
      6. Moved mention of Japanese translation into numbered list, removed part of that passage which was by now obsolete, and fixed typo Zolu->Zulu in Zulu item, at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 29/11/21 2:58;
      7. Added more precise dating info to Io ci sarò, 29/11/21 12:07;
      8. Original edit at Una canzone d'amore, 29/11/21 12:28;
      9. Added more precise dating info at Everlasting love, 29/11/21 12:40;
      10. Added dating info for meeting of second song at Ti voglio rivedere!, 29/11/21 12:59;
      11. Added more precise dating info at Romeo e Cenerentola, 29/11/21 13:27;
      12. Added more precise dating info at Romanesque, 29/11/21 16:08;
      13. Added more precise dating info at Estate infinita, 29/11/21 16:16;
      14. Original edit to Ocean, 30/11/21 1:41;
      15. Original edit to Even God cries, 30/11/21 2:24; diary mentions added 3/12/21 13:28;
      16. Original edit for Heartache, 30/11/21 14:39; "Cin Class" diary reference added 3/12/21 13:45;
      17. Added dating and evolution info to Lone star, 30/11/21 20:29; mention of mail with first two lines added 1/12/21 1:39;
      18. Original edit for Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies, 1/12/21 0:50; mentions of English class translation and decipherment file added 1/12/21 1:53; diary mention added 3/12/21 13:42;
      19. Original edit for A life has fallen into the darkness, 1/12/21 1:37; made intro into bulleted list 3/12/21 13:34;
      20. Added bracketed parts in items for English and Italian at In our world, 1/12/21 12:52;
      21. Added precise dating info for English infinito at Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge, 1/12/21 12:57;
      22. Fixed dating info on incomplete translation at Contrast: Donne's reaction to parting, 1/12/21 13:02;
      23. Added precise dating info at Cold sun, 2/12/21 1:32;
      24. Added "apology" for incorrect order stuck as it is and added items for three undatables from 25/4/12 Google file at All the Chinese songs I have met, 2/12/21 1:51;
      25. Fixed intro to The man of many skills and the Sirens, 2/12/21 2:09;
      26. Implemented nav-tabs and related additions at Balla un po', 2/12/21 2:30;
      27. Added dating info for Chinese anthem at Two anthems, 3/12/21 12:34;
      28. Added more diary stuff at Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 3/12/21 13:52; closed the italics in the diary quote including the title 4/12/21 1:09;
      29. Added more diary stuff at My future is no dream, 4/12/21 1:16;
      30. Added intro and spoiler and lots of new items to chronological tab, added Iroha item to both, and added link to today's video, at Blog index, 5/12/21 2:10.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 5/12/21 14:39», 5/12/21 14:27;
    1. Video: 色はうた Iroha uta | Iroha | Iroha poem, «11/12/21, uploaded 22:31:[00,03] (went from having to start to 10% done) - 22:31:32, processed 22:31:33-22:[32:57,33:07], and that ending timeframe was when, from 95% processed, it went to checking, and then from 2% checked it went to complete».
    2. Post: Iroha, 11/12/21 22:32.
    3. Related index update for both: 11/12/21 22:42.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 11/12/21 22:45», 11/12/21 22:41;
    1. Video 1: Quando conveniunt, «18/12/21, uploaded 23:06:18 (where it skipped 0% and went to 1% uploaded) - 23:07:02, processed 23:07:02-23:11:33 (where it went from Processed 95% to Checked 0%), checked 23:11:13-23:12:01 (where it went from [8,10]% to complete).
    2. Video 2: Frag' den Abendwind | Ask the evening wind, «18/12/21, uploaded 23:14:06 (where it went from preparing to Uploaded 2%) - 23:14:45, processed 23:14:46-23:15:28 (where it went from Processed 99% to Checked 0%), checked 23:15:28-23:16:24 (where it went from Checked [18,19]% or surely ≥16% ≤20%, to complete).
    3. Related post to video 1: Quando conveniunt, 18/12/2021 23:04.
    4. Related index update for all three (includes adding item for post into both versions of index): 18/12/21 23:17.
    5. Edits:
      1. Mentioned alternate line from 26/3/13 file and made 14/12 change at Everlasting, 14/12/21 0:47;
      2. Mentioned 26/3/13 alternative Chinese line at Happy Birthday da lontano, 14/12/21 0:51;
      3. Fixed misinsertion of ものを in line 話す構ものをわない, implemented the change «"Ai boku ni doko da toitakunai" gets "to" after "da";» from the intro, and fixed toitakunai to toitaku nai for consistency with the kiktaku nai above, at Alone in a rainy night, 14/12/21 0:54;
      4. Fixed jijinna to jishinna (romaji error) at Forgetting you is forgetting myself, 14/12/21 0:58;
      5. Fixed jutsu->jitsu Yakenaide->Mukenaide Ataeru->ataete in romaji of Indonesian-Japanese translation, made it clear the Japanese changes mentioned in the intro are for the translation of the Chinese song, fixed os->is in item for original of Indonesian-Chinese translation, all at Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you), 14/12/21 1:03;
      6. Implemented «Nni succiriu» change mentioned in intro at Aconteceu, 14/12/21 1:04;
      7. Fixed a few "e" to "et" at Terre et ciel, 14/12/21 1:06;
      8. Fixed code problem by which both versions were shown simultaneously with tab Originale being active by default, checked that the corrections were implemented in the Riveduta and suppressed "Sto col fiaton" therein, all at Balla un po', 14/12/21 1:12;
      9. Fixed messed-up chorus in Chinese remake at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 14/12/21 1:16;
      10. Original edit for How do I know you love me?, 15/12/21 1:38;
      11. Original edit for If you really care, 15/12/21 1:45;
      12. Original/Dating edit for Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta, 15/12/21 2:11;
      13. Dating/Original edits for Schubert's Ave Maria, Bernartz de Ventadorn's poem, Blake's London, and Correspondances, at A few last poems, 16/12/21 1:39:02; code problem showing both intermediate and final versions fixed 1:57;
      14. Dating info for Japanese versions and reformating of the intro at Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you), 16/12/21 2:17;
      15. Email mention added at Mi manchi da morire, 16/12/21 2:38;
      16. Email mention added at Romeo e Cenerentola, 16/12/21 12:05;
      17. Email mention added at Two anthems, 16/12/21 12:17:01;
      18. Email mention added at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 16/12/21 12:19;
      19. Email mention added at Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 16/12/21 12:23;
      20. Email mention added at Non andartene, 16/12/21 12:25;
      21. Email mention added at Una canzone d'amore, 16/12/21 12:26;
      22. Original edit for Chinese at Aconteceu, 17/12/21 0:39;
      23. Implemented 17/12/21 tweaks to Chinese at Più lontano delle stelle, 17/12/21 1:18;
      24. Implemented sub-bulleted list in intro, eliminated ψοφήσω from Greek, and pointed out alternation of mysterious origin found in first verse of Greek at O bella ciao, 17/12/21 17:53;
      25. Implemented numbered list of translations and tidied up the messy and partly incorrect dating info at Heart addiction, 17/12/21 18:31;
      26. Made bulleted list for Cantonese translation at Heartache, 17/12/21 18:39;
      27. Fixed rather messy dating info at Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge, 17/12/21 19:40;
      28. Paragraph-broke intro, fixed sorts->sortes, and introduced multiple versions of the translations, including the one made as I implemented it, at Venez!, 18/12/21 0:24;
      29. Edited Chinese and Hindi translations into Iroha, 18/12/21 0:36;
      30. Implemented tweaks from today at Ask the evening wind, 18/12/21 23:03.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 18/12/21 23:49», 18/12/21 23:37;
    1. 深深的爱 Tshim-tshim--ê ài | Amore profondo | Shēnshēn de ài, «25/12/21, uploaded 19:13:59-19:30:07, processed 19:30:10-19:32:[03,08], 5 secs in which it moved from Processed 99% to complete checks, possibly passing through Checked 0% and/or 1%.
    2. Related index update: 26/12/21 12:03.
    3. Dating edit for I still love you all the same, 19/12/21 0:54.
    4. Added lists to intro of chronological index, fixed dating info for Horace translations, correctly placed a few translations to HS4 which were originally in HS3, and added the remainder of A few last poems to chronological index, at Blog index, 19/12/21 19:00. &s in names written as &amp; 19:05.
    5. Fixed padding and linebreaking at Thank you for your deep love, 26/12/21 11:50.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 26/12/21 12:07», 26/12/21 12:03;
    1. 我的心內只有你 Guá ê sim lāi tsí ū lí | Nel mio cuor tu sola stai | Int''e cör a-j ò sôl te | JA [Japanese title 君は唯一の愛 Kimi wa yuitsu no ai], «2/1/22, uploaded 1:58:50-2:28:45, processed 2:28:57-2:30:13 (skipped from 0 to finish), checked 2:30:13-2:32:52 (skipped from 52% to finish), published 2:33:34-2:33:39».
    2. «Related index update (includes replacing link to original video): 2/1/22 2:14».
    3. Implemented gender versions outside Hindi and 1/1/22-2/1/11 changes to Japanese, replaced rotten video link, and fixed some historical info in item for Italian at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 2/1/22 1:57.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 2/1/22 12:00», 2/1/22 2:35;
    1. VIDEO: Aromë portokalli | Aroma d'arancia, «9/1/22, uploaded 11:15:00-11:35:≲01 (I was doing something else and, at 35:01, I looked and it was at 100%), processed 11:35:06-11:36:[04,07], a timeframe in which it shifted from 99% processed to checks complete».
    2. Related index update: 9/1/22 11:57.
      1. Implemented English notebook stuff at Hu Shi, his wife, and two butterflies, 2/1/22 12:15;
      2. Implemented English notebook stuff at Lone star, 2/1/22 12:24;
      3. Implemented English notebook stuff at A life has fallen into the darkness, 2/1/22 12:33;
      4. Implemented English notebook stuff at Cold sun, 2/1/22 12:50;
      5. Implemented English notebook stuff at In our world, 2/1/22 13:03:01;
      6. Added in-notebook edits to original Italian at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 2/1/22 13:08;
      7. Implemented English notebook stuff and other history things for Italian Japanese English and French and added the Original, Corrected 1, and Corrected 2 versions of Czech at Alone in a rainy night, 2/1/22 17:05;
      8. Mentioned notebook tweak at Easter 1916: Yeads surprise, 2/1/22 18:16;
      9. Implemented English notebook stuff and made history edit at More than words, 2/1/22 19:41.
      1. Fixed up the history at Saying you love me is a torture: let's part, 8/1/22 15:23;
      2. History edit for Anywhere, 8/1/22 23:30 with coding/layout fixes 9/1/22 0:30;
      3. History edit for 'O surdato 'nnamurato, 8/1/22 23:56, with diary quote added 9/1/22 0:04 and coding/layout fixes 9/1/22 0:34;
      4. History edit for We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing, 9/1/22 0:28, with coding fixes 9/1/22 0:35;
      5. Diary mentions added at Tre favole di Fedro, 9/1/22, 11:30.
      1. Fixed lineup and corrected Refurēn to Rifurēn in all instances at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 8/1/22 14:54;
      2. Mentioned undatable alternate Italian at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 8/1/22 15:12;
      3. Implemented in-recording changes to translation at Profumo d'arancia, 8/1/22 15:27.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 9/1/22 12:21», 9/1/22 12:01;
    1. Video: Earth Angel | 地上天使 Dì shàng Tiānshǐ, «16/1/22, uploaded 14:13:[50,53] (it moved from not started to 1%) - 14:40:17, processed 14:40:24-14:43:[01,07] (moved from 95% processed to 1% checked), checked 14:43:[01,07]-14:43:21 where I first saw it with complete checks».
    2. Post: Incompleta ac forsan inedita, 16/1/21 12:46.
    3. Related index update for both (includes removing year 2021 from all spoiler items and adding items for Incompleta ac forsan inedita and The Disco beat): 16/1/22 14:20.
    4. POST EDITS:
      1. History edit for Deep love, 9/1/22 13:26;
      2. History edit for Forgetting you is forgetting myself, 9/1/22 14:17;
      3. History edit for Yet more heartache, 9/1/22 15:49; Recent tweak to lost original implemented 16/1/22 12:21;
      4. Added Google file mentions in Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge, 9/1/22 16:09;
      5. Intro shenanigans at Mi manchi da morire…, 9/1/22 17:29;
      6. Added history numbered list and last sentence at Being left, 9/1/22 17:50;
      7. Specified "back in High School" to "back in the third-fourth year of High School", added "just lost to a random file and forgotten about", added reference to file lists and email list, eliminated gungmails, discussed suspicious absences, made Phaedrus dates precise, added year U1 translations and first U2 translation and some translations linked to those, at List of translations in Blog index, 9/1/22 20:49; Both instances of «it's absent in ZHJA23 too, which strengthens this hypothesis» added 9/1/22 20:53;
      8. Added Chinese version to So many stars, 15/1/22 20:07;
      9. Implemented 12/12/21 tweak at Canzone del melograno, 16/1/22 12:15;
      10. Mentioned possible tweaks thought up on 27 and 29/11/21 at Eccoti, 16/1/22 12:18;
      11. Implemented 15/1/21 tweak to Earth Angel, 16/1/21 12:30;
      12. Added English class version (original mistranslation) atJust you, 16/1/22 14:44;
      13. Moved tweak to Dàhǎi from incomplete translations post to Ocean, 16/1/22 15:02.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 16/1/22 15:27», 16/1/22 15:12;
    1. Video: The Disco Beat | Il ritmo della Disco | DISCO的节奏 Dīsīkǒu de jiézòu, «23/1/22, uploaded 1:03:[23,26] (moved from getting ready to 1% uploaded) – 1:14:53, processed 1:14:59-1:15:[21,25] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 1:15:[21,25]-1:15:41 (moved from 5% checked to complete)».
    2. Post: The Disco Beat, 22/1/22 14:49.
    3. Related index update for both: 23/1/22 1:07.
    4. Edits:
      1. Dearest Offpsring of Heaven and of Earth:
        1. Added first history list, 16/1/22 19:29;
        2. History of three versions and corresponding originals, 17/1/21 1:35;
        3. Fixed the nav-tabs code and added more on the two completions of stanza 6, 17/1/22 12:15;
        4. Finally completed the history + tesina edit, 18/1/22 18:01;
      2. Added original to Carmen V, bracketed parts of intros, and Carmen 70 at Barbarizzando Catullo, 18/1/22 20:11; coding fix for Carmen V 18/1/22 20:25;
      3. Implemented today's tweaks to Canzone del melograno, 19/1/22 14:26;
      4. Added Chinese remakes and English version to 'O surdato 'nnamurato, 22/1/22 14:30;
      5. Updated Index by languages, 22/1/22 14:52;
      6. Updated list of Chinese songs at All the Chinese songs I have met, 22/1/22 18:23.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 23/1/22 15:17», 23/1/22 1:16;
    1. John Milton: another lost translation, 25/1/22 12:09.
    2. Related index update (includes adding language pairs for posts up to 256 (included): 25/1/22 12:25. Item moved out of spoiler 25/1/22 15:02.
    3. Edits:
      1. Massive edit adding comments and last paragraph to The history of my translations, 23/1/22 16:51;
      2. Blog index:
        1. Added item about Dearest Offspring in problems list (chronological index tab), added item for Où donc es-tu and made the title Personnel into Italian Personale (post index tab), added list of non-listed posts and all translation pairs up to post 128 (aka up to and excluding 'O surdato 'nnamurato) to spoiler (chronological index tab), 23/1/22 20:24;
        2. Chronological index tab: implemented Dante notebook stuff into Latin lines and English notebook stuff for Sydney and Spenser, and added language pairs up to post 148 (up to and including "Stubbornly waiting"), 23/1/22 23:54;
        3. Chronological index tab: added some items to non-listed stuff list and language pairs up to post 240 (Un giudice), at chrono tab of Blog index, 24/1/22 1:18; iv. Added item for John Milton lost translation to both tabs, made year names into headers and fixed "13/5 years" to "13/5 years ago" in chronological index tab, 24/1/22 12:04;
        4. Added language pairs up to post 256 (aka up to and including "Fish never stop swimming") within index update for post.
      3. Fixed "alle right 3-4" to "alle righe 3-4" in Più lontano delle stelle, 24/1/22 11:52;
      4. Changed "Cara [lo] giuro su di te" to "Cara, su di te [lo] giuro" in literal Italian at Lo giuro su di te, 24/1/22 11:55;
      5. Centered nav-tabs in main tab and added pinyin of footnote at Just you, 24/1/22 12:11;
      6. Capitalized chorus 2 line 3 and chorus 3 line 2 of Pinyin at L'uselin, 24/1/22 12:13;
      7. Fixed layout, thus eliminating unwanted linebreak in translations, at Deep love still, 24/1/22 12:18;
      8. Fixed Japanese transliteration nav-tab coding problems at Alone in a rainy night, 24/1/22 12:25;
      9. Fixed incorrect linebreaking «Vui-liau / Nyi ngai kam-nyen […]» in first instance of those lines at Fool love, 24/1/22 12:28;
      10. Added final «<br> Héchàng<br>» in final tab of Pinyin at 'O surdato 'nnamurato, 24/1/22 12:31;
      11. Closed unclosed centering div at Two anthems, 25/1/222 12:43;
      12. Fixed layout (specifically padding) of Una canzone d'amore, 25/1/22 12:46.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 25/1/22 17:40», 25/1/22 15:14;
    1. VIDEO: 我的好兄弟 Wǒ de hǎo xiōngdì | My dear brothers, «30/1/22, uploaded 0:45:[39,41] (skipped 0% phase) - 1:07:14, processed 1:07:21-1:07:50 (at which time it moved from Processing 95%, which it reached at 1:07:39, to Checked 0%), checked 1:07:50-1:08:00 (at which time it moved from the Checked 3% of 2s prior to Checks complete)».
    2. Related index update (includes placing Milton in the HS4 list, indicatively placing Catullus in the HS3 list, and touching up the histories of the Virgil translations): 30/1/22 1:12.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Blog index:
        1. Added language pairs up to and including post 312 "Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :)", added item about gender versions of translations, and list of metadata problems, to "List of translations" tab, 27/1/22 20:11;
        2. Added language pairs up to post 360 (The pen of God), added Despacito version post to non-listed posts item, added "there may be further additions" to undatable translations item, and changed seul->seule in French of Quando sei sola a chi penserai in both tabs, 28/1/22 14:57;
        3. Added language pairs up to and including past 376 (Lo giuro su di te) at Blog index, 29/1/22 1:01;
      2. Added round-bracketed parts within square brackets at Barbarizzando Catullo, 28/1/22 12:10;
      3. Added 2011 "literal" translation of Chinese anthem at Two anthems, 28/1/22 12:17;
      4. Fixed "Lí kám ē-tàng" to "Lí ná ē-tàng" in Ma come hai fatto?, 28/1/22 12:52;
      5. Fixed code problems making both Italian versions appear at once and fixed lineup (the layout isn't what I want but dumb HTML just won't do what I want), at Ci amavamo, 28/1/22 13:06;
      6. Added mention of 9/11 file for Dido speech and last sentence of item about random line at Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta, 28/1/22 18:46;
      7. My brothers:
        1. Added bracketed part of intro and implemented today's tweak at My brothers, 28/1/22 19:15;
        2. Implemented tonight's tweaks to My brothers, 29/1/22 12:57;
      8. Added Greek to Quand nous nous aimions, 29/1/22 15:43;
      9. Added Albanian to Non so quanto ti amo, 29/1/22 15:50;
      10. Added Albanian to Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :), 29/1/22 15:56;
      11. Updated Index by languages, 29/1/22 18:45.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 30/1/22 10:57», 30/1/22 1:25;
    1. Video: 是否真的爱我 Shìfǒu zhēnde ài wǒ | Do you really love me, «6/2/22, uploaded 12:20:[07,09] (skipped from not uploading to 1% uploaded) - 12:30:06, processed 12:30:10-12:30:[48,51] (skipped from 99% processed to 1% checked), checked 12:30:[48,51]-12:31:17 (skipped from 9% to done)».
    2. Related index update (includes doubling the Latin Thermopylae epigrams, placing musical translation of Ridi sol mio, listing the other one as undatable, this all in the chronological tab, and adding item for Thus is life to spoiler in the other tab): 6/2/22 13:03.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Added remaining language pairs and fixed "69 70" in listing of first Alcaeus translation by removing the 70, in "List of translations" tab in Blog index, 30/1/22 11:50;
      2. Corrected musaká to musakà in both instances in the musical translation at Vuoi un pasticcio?, 30/1/22 17:53;
      3. Corrected musaká to musakà in both instances in the musical translation at Despacito: a ton of versions, 30/1/22 17:54;
      4. Corrected «ta ‘l dìghe» to have a regular apostrophe instead of a left quote in both instances at Adèss fa' sito, 30/1/22 17:58;
      5. Added more intercolumn spacing at May the mirror not hide her, 30/1/22 18:02;
      6. Tweaked layout and removed extra «Möázës me ti̱n kardiá moy» from romanization at Domenica nuvolosa, 30/1/22 19:11;
      7. Took table 20px to the left at Lunga strada, 30/1/22 19:13;
      8. Fixed Pinyin of first line of second chorus, which was stuck being identical to its first-chorus counterpart, at Canzone del melograno, 30/1/22 19:15;
      9. Fixed gànache to giànache (first word of l. 3) in both Italian versions at Balla un po', 30/1/22 19:17;
      10. Sappho in "pop" culture:
        1. Put transliteration of Γρήγορα η ώρα πέρασε (Grí̱gora i̱ ṓra pérase) next to Greek and English next to Italian, closed square brackets around "recte wrongeth", and added last 3 questions (now replaced as per edit iii) about the mysterious line of Atthída, 30/1/22 19:55;
        2. Added transcriptions of Rayor translations and implemented 1/2/22 tweak to Avaton Tais emais etairais, 2/2/22 12:39 with long-ass fail at 12:31;
        3. Added the fact that «Συ που μαγεύεις τους θνητους, παιδί της Αφροδίτης» in Atthida is probably from the Edmonds invention, 6/2/22 11:18;
      11. The rest of Sappho:
        1. Added newer translation of 1.A.viii, 2/2/22 13:16;
        2. Fixed Ἀφροδίας -> Ἀφροδίτας in intro to 5.A.xiv at The rest of Sappho, 6/2/22 11:11;
      12. Implemented 2/2/22 nighttime tweaks at Love you till the end, 2/2/22 13:32;
      13. A sad moon:
        1. History edit and remake implementation, 5/2/22 15:43;
        2. Fixed code problem that made remake appear in every tab and lineup of Original tab, 5/2/22 19:53;
      14. Implemented recent tweaks at Lo sai che i papaveri, 5/2/22 19:47;
      15. Fixed lineup of Englishes and wrong Pinyin "dehuà" at Do you really love me?, 6/2/22 1:01;
      16. Epigrams at the Thermopylae:
        1. Turned intro into list and added original Latin, 6/2/22 12:45;
        2. Fixed code problem showing "Latin" twice in Remake tab, 6/2/22 12:47.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 6/2/22 14:14», 6/2/22 14:00;
    1. Video: Kur jemi dasht' | Ὀτι αγαπιόμασταν, «13/2/22, uploaded 11:16:[02,05] (moved from not uploading to 1% uploaded) - 11:23:43, processed 11:23:45-11:24:21 (moved from 95% processed to checking), checked 11:24:21-11:24:50 (moved from 9% checked to completed checks)».
    2. Related index update (includes replacing Spring Dawn Chinese-English, Deep love Min-English, and A night of moonlight from U1 to HS5 in chrono tab: 13/2/22 11:24. New video link placed in right place (instead of in Ne t'hâte pas item of chrono tab) at 11:29.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Added square brackets at No smoking!, 6/2/22 14:40;
      2. Blog index:
        1. Added spoilers for single years and placed posts from HS3 to HS5 up to and including Love and grief, also placing anything in such posts that was past HS5, in chronological tab, 6/2/22 16:29;
        2. Placed HS-time posts up to and including Different nostalgia: daughter is far away into single-year spoilers, dealing with any past-HS content they had, and fixed the fact that C 139 is LP 139 and not LP inc. 22 in the numberings of wherever that number appears, 8/2/22 19:23;
        3. Placed HS material from posts up to and including "Non andartene" into spoilers, placing whatever was in those posts that was out of HS times as well, corrected that "Calling your name in the wind" is a Year 2 song, not Year 1, and placed the Galician-Chinese translation of "Don't leave me, Lela" into the list (not just the spoiler), all at Blog index, 9/2/22 19:57;
      3. Removed obsolete marking of Bella ciao contadina as unposted from Index by languages, 8/2/22 19:42;
      4. Fixed typo Ποιος το ξέρεις at Quand nous nous aimions, 12/2/22 15:56;
      5. Added 8/2/22 tweaks to Lo sai che i papaveri, 12/2/22 18:52;
      6. Implemented recent tweak and mentioned English re-remake and Italian version at Do you really love me?, 12/2/22 19:23.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 13/2/22 11:44», 13/2/22 11:34;
    1. VIDEO: 忘不了 Wàng bù liǎo | Cannot forget | 忘れれない Wasurerenai, «19/2/22, uploaded 23:17:[33,35] (went from preparing to 1% uploaded) - 23:23:29, then it went "processing will start shortly" at 23:23:32, processing 9% at 23:24:50, checks complete at 23:27:08».
    2. POST: Un paio di classicate accoppiate a caso, 9/2/22 14:18.
    3. Related index update for both (includes the things listed below): 19/2/22 23:19.
      1. Added items for today's post and the one after it, which will contain songs written by me in English and translated to Italian;
      2. Placed them both in chrono tab;
      3. Updated spoiler item for Cannot forget and added the remakes to the PhD4 spoiler;
      4. Placed random translations post into PhD4 spoiler for "silly cat thing";
      5. Placed HS Lela translations according to newfound file;
      6. Replaced Catullus aside from Carmen V to HS4 5/7-9/7;
      7. Replaced remakes of Phaedrus translations;
      8. Placed Heart addiction in HS5 spoiler;
      9. Updated items for Gorgias translations according to newfound files;
      10. Added link to today's video.
      1. Placed remaining HS5 translations, and anything that came with their posts, into spoilers at chronological tab of Blog index, 14/2/22 1:17;
      2. Added in re-remake and Italian version and made intro into numbered list at Do you really love me?, 19/2/22 13:43;
      3. Cannot forget:
        1. History edit and added in remakes and made intro into numbered list, 19/2/22 14:05;
        2. Fixed spelling of yingxiang 19/2/22 23:48;
      4. Quand nous nous aimions:
        1. Implemented recent tweak to Greek, 19/2/22 14:17;
        2. Implemented recent tweak to French (fixing a few typos along the way), 19/2/22 23:51;
      5. Added silly cat thing to Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 19/2/22 14:34;
      6. Implemented recent tweak to Neapolitan at Time after time, 19/2/22 23:55.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 20/2/22 0:20», 20/2/22 0:12;
    1. POST: A few little songs of mine, 22/2/22 0:08.
    2. Related index update (both tabs): 22/2/22 0:28.
    3. EDITS:
      1. History edit and added Italian version and made intro into numbered list at The power of love, 20/2/22 12:49;
      2. History edit to No smoking!, 20/2/22 13:01;
      3. Blog index:
        1. Eliminated dates from items all the way to U3, spoilers included, and placed stuff from U1-U3 and anything else in those posts in spoilers (or sometimes in list), 20/2/22 16:35;
        2. Added Eccoti to U3, 20/2/22 17:25.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 2/2/22 12:35», 22/2/22 0:31;
    1. VIDEO: Σαπφίκαν στρόφαν τινά θραύματα | Un po' di frammenti scritti in strofe saffiche, «26/2/22, uploaded 20:18:[12,15] (went from preparing to 1% uploaded) - 20:25:42, processed 20:25:46-20:26:[10,22] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 20:26:[10,22]-20:26:[32,40] (went from 5% checked to complete)».
    2. Related index update (includes re-placing the Odyssey translations from HS4 to HS3, adding info on re-Latin of Thermopylae epigrams, re-placing the non-Mandarinization Mandarin of Thank you for your deep love from U6 to :PhD1, and placing all pre-blog U3-U5 stuff in list, in chrono tab): 26/2/22 20:25.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Treated Mandarin version as separate from Mandarinization at Thak you for your deep love, 25/2/22 14:50;
      2. Added bracketed history parts to The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder?, 25/2/22 22:53;
      3. Edited in screenshot info for Deep love, 25/2/22 22:58;
      4. Edited in screenshot info for Mi manchi da morire, 25/2/22 23:24.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 26/2/22 23:03», 26/2/22 22:58;
    1. 千言万语 Qiānyán wànyǔ | Millions of words, «5/3/22, uploaded 23:12:[49,50] (moved from preparing to 1% uploaded) - 23:17:~04 (came back from index update and upload was complete), processed 23:17:[06,08] (screenshot probably 1-2 secs late) - 23:17:[30,32] (moved from 99% processed to 1% checked), checked 23:17:[30,32] - 23:17:50 (moved from 6% checked to complete)».
    2. Related index update (includes replacing video of song Akashi in both tabs): 5/3/22 23:17.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Placed all U1-U2 stuff outside Favola, placed Romagnolo Sappho, removed German stars and moon as well as Spenser from spoiler since it's already placed, placed Leopardi, placed Sappho tesina (forgetting the Hymn) in chrono tab at Blog index, 27/2/22 0:47;
      2. Added Chinese lost translation at Un petalo di fiore, 2/3/22 12:29; layout fixed 12:42;
      3. Updated Index by languages, 5/3/22 15:45;
      4. Mentioned older final line at Ombra nera, 5/3/22 16:24;
      5. Mentioned session 118 variant and implemented today's tweak at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 5/3/22 16:49.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 5/3/22 23:29», 5/3/22 23:24;
    1. VIDEO: 你怎么说 Nǐ zěnme shuō | How you speak, «20/3/22, uploaded 18:38:[45,48] (moved from not uploading to 2% uploaded) - 18:39:11, processed 18:39:11-18:44:[31,53] (got distracted and by the time I grabbed the second screen it was probably about 2s from moving to 1% checked from an eternal 95% processed), checked 18:44:[31,53]-18:45:[24,31] (guess it moved from 12% to done)».
    2. Related index update (includes revisiting the chrono items for the Sirens and for the German Encomium, and adding the post "Pepito di Mallorca" to the post index): 20/3/22 18:42.
    3. POST EDIT: Cut down numbers of S and SPN lists, added slot for date summary in items up to HS3 (not spoiler), fixed some items' histories, in Chrono tab at Blog index, 7/3/22 0:57.
    4. D-POST EDITS:
      1. Mende: Nunga wa ɔ, 20/3/22 17:49:
        1. Fixed the link under "here" in "as the quotation here clearly shows";
        2. Fixed ghia -> ghie in "the repeated «Jesu mia, mu bao mu ia ghia»";
        3. Added blank line before Italian-English sided translations;
        4. Added link under "this chat room";
        5. Fixed typo in "La voiz des Comores";
        6. Added bracketed part before list with auto-mis-prefixed links;
        7. Added bracketed part about Dwyer paper broken link.
      2. Added a bunch of songs, placed blank lines before section titles in Lang tab, moved Xhosa and French+Ewe to their rightful place from Other languages in Lang tab, at D-blog index, 20/3/22 18:23.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 20/3/22 21:00, Related D-Facebook page post update: 20/3/22 21:01», 20/3/22 20:54.
  1043. NEW POST: Pepito di Mallorca, 22/3/2022 11:44.
    «Related index update (placing this in both indexes though it ended up in the PhD4 spoiler, and including a fix to the German Encomium item in the chrono tab): 22/3/22 11:50.
    Related Facebook page post update: 22/3/22 12:02», 22/3/22 11:59.
    1. VIDEO: A few little songs of mine | Un po' di mie canzoncine, «27/3/22, uploaded 15:50:[03,07] (moved from preparing to 1% uploaded) - 15:56:39, processed 15:56:41 - 17:[01:33,04:19], because I got distracted and it moved from 95% through all the checks before I got back. It moved to 95% processed at 16:[21:35,23:14]».
    2. Related index update (includes adding links to Fb stuff referenced when possible and stating links are unfindable otherwise, adding rough time periods to all remaining non-spoiler items and formating them correctly, placing Un giudice in U3 rather than U4 and adding the post mention to the history, placing Pepito di Maiorca out of the spoiler of PhD4, fixing English to Italian in relevant item of Mi manchi da morire, improving sume histories, and adding the link of today's video to all the relevant chrono items), 27/3/22 16:16.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Updated Index by languages, 22/3/22 12:12;
      2. A few little songs of mine:
        1. Added bracketed parts at intro to "I love", 22/3/22 12:29;
        2. Fixed *gt; and Espero to > (renders as >) and E spero, 27/3/22 13:26;
      3. History edit at Favola, 24/3/22 17:56;
      4. Placed Favola, added mention of LT marking and mentions of science notebook in the intro, revised a few items, marked LTs up till and including HS5, and formated items up to and including HS5 correctly (post title, language pair, text, time interval, brief history), adding the time intervals where needed, at Blog index, 25/3/22 14:02;
      5. Added science notebook info to Even God cries, 27/3/22 13:20.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 27/3/22 17:19», 27/3/22 17:12;
    1. VIDEO: 情路有你感谢天 Tsîng lōo ū lí kám siā thinn | Si t'es là, le ciel j'en remercie, «3/4/22, uploaded 16:04:[45,48] (moved from preparing to 2% done) - 16:05:41, processed 16:05:41-16:06:[29,31] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 16:06:[29,31]-16:16:07:[15,16] (moved from 15% done to complete)».
    2. Related index update: 3/4/22 16:16; includes:
      1. Placing Barbarizzando Lucrezio;
      2. Correcting time range of No greater pain in the world from Start 20/9/11 to Start within 28/9/11, adding () to history in the process;
      3. Placing Ille mi par esse;
      4. Placing Fragments cover;
      5. Placing tesina hymn;
      6. Fixing the HS5 spoiler Bulan to "original" from "original, corrections lost";
      7. Fixing Who am I without you? in HS5 spoiler to have English alone;
      8. Moving Eternal pain in my chest from HS5 spoiler to U6 spoiler;
      9. Listing all Ãnton Xiè translations at the beginning where I list the stuff I won't list in the index, removing them from the spoilers;
      10. Mentioning Spenser's twk. 26/9/21 in time range;
      11. Marking Eccoti, both Bin-a-tsai translations, Kam-sia li tshim-tshim--e ai mandarinization, and A-hue as LT;
      12. Adding chrono item for Chinese Cheers! at Chrono index;
      13. Fixing link for song in Si t'es là je remercie le ciel.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Added Chinese version to Cheers!, 2/4/22 19:14;
      2. Fixed wrong link for Pang-tshiu in Mandarinizations (file index had this song's item link to Cheers! instead of Parting) Mandarinizations: half-way between a translation and the original, 2/4/22 19:17;
      3. Added padding between columns at The feelings of a loafer – with such a lonely heart, 2/4/22 19:19;
      4. Si t'es là je remercie le ciel:
        1. Implemented today's tweak and fixed link, 2/4/22 19:29;
        2. Fixed tormente -> tourmente and sim-sng* -> sin-sing, 3/4/22 0:36
        3. Improved strange mis-lineup that I cannot explain, 3/4/22 0:40;
      5. History edit at Barbarizzando Lucrezio, 2/4/22 20:49;
      6. Added braced part at Barbarizzando Catullo, 3/4/22 13:18.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 3/4/22 16:30», 3/4/22 16:20;
    1. VIDEO: 只有你 Zhǐyǒu nǐ | Only you | Tu sola, «10/4/22, 10:27:[22,26] (went from preparing to 2% done) - 20:28:33, processed 20:28:34-20:[29:57,30:00] (went from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 20:[29:57,30:00]-20:31:33 (went from 16% to done)».
    2. Related index update (including all the below): 10/4/22 20:32.
      1. Adding missing Ånton Xiè translation found in post Who will love me? to list in Chrono index;
      2. Placing English and Italian translations of post Do I really have nothing?;
      3. Placing English translation of post My future is no dream;
      4. Placing English and Italian translations of post Even God cries;
      5. Placing English and Chinese translations of post Signore delle cime;
      6. Placing Chinese-English, Chinese-French, and Cantonese-English translations of post Heartache;
      7. Placing Cantonese-English, Chinese-English, and Chinese-French translations of post How do I know you love me?;
      8. Placing Japanese-Italian, English-Italian, and English-Japanese translations of post A night of moonlight.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Heartache, 5/4/22:
        1. Implemented Science notebook stuff, 13:16;
        2. Implemented Printout stuff, 15:08;
        3. Fixed layout, 15:16;
        4. Mentioned handwritten changes on printout, 15:30;
      2. How do I know you love me?, 5/4/22:
        1. Implemented Science notebook and Printout stuff, 14:06;
        2. Implemented last bit of notebook stuff leading to split timeline, 15:55;
      3. Mentioned handwritten printout change at My future is no dream, 5/4/22 15:24;
      4. Fixed layout and made a tweak in penult fragment at Alceo?!, 8/4/22 18:09;
      5. Added songs 7-12 to Y11 at All the Chinese songs I have met, 9/4/22 19:17;
      6. Mentioned and implemented today's tweak at Amore: lama a doppio taglio, 9/4/22 19:19;
      7. Mentioned and implemented today's tweaks to both translations at Only you, 9/4/22 19:37;
      8. Who will love me?, 10/4/22:
        1. Added in Hakka version and fixed couple Pinyin errors, 0:04;
        2. Fixed lonely non-understood word, 0:46;
        3. Fixed the final wǒ of l. 4 to ngâi in characters, 0:51;
      9. Implemented English notebook stuff for Spenser poem at Memory and being remembered, 10/4/22 0:32;
      10. Implemented English notebook stuff at Partner's beautiful…, 10/4/22 1:00;
      11. Implemented English notebook stuff at Contrast: Donne's reaction to parting, 10/4/22 1:11;
      12. A night of moonlight, 10/4/22:
        1. Implemented Science notebook stuff, 14:28;
        2. Fixed layout and implemented 5/4 tweak, 14:37.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 10/4/22 23:10», 10/4/22 20:53;
    1. VIDEO: La preferenza | 那段喜爱 Nà duàn xǐ'ài, «17/4/22, uploaded 11:24:[04,08] (went from preparing to 1% done) - 12:04:01, processed 12:04:06-≤12:04:50 (gpt distracted with index update, went back to check on this and it was 2% checked), checked 12:04:[06,50]-12:06:[18,19] (went from 31% to complete)».
    2. Related index update (includes all the below): 17/4/22 12:21.
      1. Placing Dahai;
      2. Placing Ling Ling Ling Italians;
      3. Removing spurious Heartache item with multiple language pairs;
      4. Dating translation edit for Sam-thung to 30/4 as per intro and FTN1;
      5. Removing MickG video from Razón de vivir Hakka;
      6. Removing posting date from God to man;
      7. Adding comments to suspicious absences in 28/7 file;
      8. Noting that ZHJA32 is basically the same as a 17/3 mail attachment;
      9. Placing Ling Ling Ling Chinese.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Implemented English notebook stuff and fixed "ke kasihku" and corresponding Italian in last section at Amore mio lontano, 11/5/22 13:18;
      2. Implemented science notebook and printout stuff at If you really care, 16/4/22 15:23;
      3. Implemented science notebook and printout stuff at Saying you love me is a torture: let's part, 16/4/22 15:39; last little thing fixed 15:41;
      4. Fixed <sout> to <strike> and implemented science notebook stuff at Alone in a rainy night, 16/4/22 15:57;
      5. Fixed <sout> to <strike> in Realizzerai ogni sogno, 16/4/22 17:24;
      6. Fixed an </lI> to </li> at On my spelling and transliteration of Min, Hakka, and Teochew | 关于我写而拼写闽语和客话和潮州话的方法, 16/4/22 17:26;
      7. Added item 1 sentence stating exact date of original translation and fixed lineup at Do you really love me?, 16/4/22 17:59;
      8. Added FTN14 to blog changes to God to man, 16/4/22 18:08;
      9. Added FTN10 to blog changes and FTN10 date to La strada del bosco, 16/4/22 18:11;
      10. Made intro into numbered list at Love you till the end, 16/4/22 18:16;
      11. Added FTN12 variation to Il viaggio, 16/4/22 18:22;
      12. Added FTN8 variation to Il mondo, 16/4/22 18:26.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 17/4/22 18:37», 17/4/22 16:17;
    1. VIDEO: Αγάπη που ῾γινες δίκοπο μαχαίρι | Amor, tu sei per me lama a doppio taglio, «18/4/22, uploaded 18:17:09 (moved from preparing to 2% done) - 18:17:47, processed 18:17:47-18:18:[22,25] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 18:18:[22,25]-18:19:[12,19] (moved from 17% checked to done)».
    2. Related index update (includes all the below): 18/4/22 19:34.
      1. Placing the two Chinese-Latin translations of post My future is no dream;
      2. Placing all the translations of the Hu Shi post;
      3. Placing all the translations of the Tell me you don't love me post.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you), 18/4/22:
        1. Implemented English and Science notebook stuff and fixed a couple typos, 15:53;
        2. Fixed the exchange between the mega-intro infos of the two Japanese translations, 19:11;
      2. Printout shenanigans at the Latin forMy future is no dream, 18/4/22 16:13.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 18/4/22 19:45», 18/4/22 19:39.
    1. VIDEO: Papaveri e papere | Παπαρούνες και πάπιες, «24/4/22, uploaded 18:36:[27,30] (went from preparing to 2% uploaded) - 18:37:15, processed 18:37:15 - 18:[37:50,38:00] (may have taken the first check screenshot 1s late, pretty sure it went from 9% processed to 1% checked but it may have passed 99% since I was singing in the meantime), checked 18:[37:50,38:00] - 18:39:12 (went from 25% to done), published 18:39:26.
    2. Related index update (includes dealing with all the below imperatives): 24/4/22 18:40.
      1. Place Sempre cantiam;
      2. Place More than words;
      3. Place Anywhere;
      4. Place Zhiyou ni Wang Jie;
      5. Place Ni de mingtian bu zai you wo;
      6. Place 'O surdato 'nnammurato;
      7. Place Bulan and Yueliang;
      8. Place Tu sei la mia vita;
      9. Place Ruguo ni zhende zaihu wo;
      10. Place Shuo ni ai wo;
      11. Note that 31/3 and 8/5 file are much the same as the 17/3 mail attachment (which is X11 btw);
      12. Remove Chinese-French Xintong Huan Zi from HS5 spoiler and place in PhD1;
      13. Place Romanesque Chinese in U6.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Anywhere, 20/4/22:
        1. Implemented Lucrece notebook and printout stuff, 0:21;
        2. Fixed coding problems and lineup, and removed «close to a toneless half-Jyutping half-Yale romanization of the last section of Heart addiction», which would be true of the Anywhere Lucrece notebook thing, 1:22;
      2. Implemented Lucrece notebook and printout stuff at More than words, 20/4/22 1:11;
      3. Added mega-intro reference and implemented printout stuff at We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing, 20/4/22 12:17;
      4. Only you, 20/4/22:
        1. Implemented English notebook and printout stuff, 12:56;
        2. Added bracketed 28/7 after pre-blog, 12:59;
      5. History edit at Your tomorrow won't have me, 20/4/22 20:16;
      6. Added mega-intro and printout mentions at 'O surdato 'nnammurato, 20/4/22 20:25;
      7. Implemented English notebook and printout stuff at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 22/4/22 1:28;
      8. History edit at What should I do?, 22/4/22 2:17;
      9. History edit at The role of history (alias I chose to leave you, but let’s give it the same title), 22/4/22 12:55;
      10. History edit at More heartache, 22/4/22 13:23;
      11. Dealt with messy Indonesian-Japanese item and added the wo in l. 2 of the printout Japanese at Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you), 23/4/22 15:47;
      12. Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 23/4/22:
        1. Added owner's response to kitty's valentine, 16:06;
        2. Added "I cosi beddi s'hann'a talïari", 16:36;
      13. Implemented recording-day tweaks at Lo sai che i papaveri, 23/4/22 16:10;
      14. Implemented 12/4/22 tweak to Chinese at Work for the Lord, 23/4/22 16:18/16:17:59;
      15. Implemented printout version and fixed hyounin to byounin in final version at Why do I cry?, 23/4/22 19:26;
      16. History edit for Leaving no traces, 23/4/22 20:41(:01);
      17. Ocean, 23/4/22:
        1. Implemented printout stuff, 20:56;
        2. Added those last closing div tags and fixed lineup, 20:59;
      18. Two anthems, 23/4/22:
        1. Implemented English printout stuff and mysterious mega-intro dating thing, 21:09;
        2. Implemented French printout stuff, 23:26;
      19. Implemented printout stuff at Lone star, 23/4/22 23:46;
      20. Fixed coding problem (div "sci q" referred to as "#S") and changed manuscript dates from 26/7 to 9/8 at, 24/4/22 19:00.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 24/4/22 19:16», 24/4/22 19:00;
    1. Un bacio a mezzanotte, 30/4/22 12:33.
    2. Related index update: 30/4/22 12:39.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Did the below in Blog index, 28/4/22 14:37:
        1. Place Wo gai zenme zuo;
        2. Place Gushi de jiaose;
        3. Place Sim-thiann;
        4. Place Weihe liulei;
        5. Shove 1/9/12 Phaedrus down a few places, and place Correspondances higher up before all those August translations;
        6. Place Lok-suann-hong;
        7. Place Chinese anthem;
        8. Place Gu Xing
        9. Fix one of the Italian-English Sempre cantiam to say Italian-English instead of Italian-Chinese;
        10. Date gungumu correctly to 20/12 (not 2/12) and replace it (fix all references in your files as you do this);
        11. Place epigrams before fragments cover and update histories;
        12. Correctly date Door of Hell English to 3/20 instead of 7/1, as 7/1 is just the metadatum of the file I copied the history of this in, while the diary assigns this to 3/10;
        13. Updated the history part of Romagnolo Sappho translation;
        14. Included extra Sappho files in list (2/10/10, 9/1/11, 25/7/11) and updated references accordingly;
      2. Did the below in Blog index, 29/4/22 13:57:
        1. Fixed 15/2 to 15/3, stated results of searching diary of Rome trip, included date of writing Easter wish poem in item for German Encomium on Helen;
        2. Fixed tw to twk. in item for Ridi sol mio;
        3. Stated undecidability of date of "And nothing 'gainst time's scythe" and placed it before the epigrams;
        4. Placed non-Italian translations of Catullus LI correctly according to poem notebook, fixed the triple language pair in the Greek Catullus and the missing | between language paire and text in the Italian one;
        5. Fixed "within then and 21/12/10" of second 29/11 Dante item;
        6. Commented on dating assumptions for that, Sidney, and Spenser, where I put time after date in last tweak;
        7. Placed Latin translation of Sappho fragments cover correctly according to poem notebook, removing the cover fragment from the spoiler and fixing the double language pair of this translation;
        8. Fiddled with second Horace item to remove those huge spaces there used to be;
        9. Added to Milton item that diary usually ends a day with bedtime, so the night of day X is between day X and day X+1;
        10. Signore delle cime vs. Xintong: remark order in files and absence of former in email attachment is source of order
        11. Specified "corrections to this came in" in Sempre cantiamo item;
        12. Explicitly stated assuming Alceus done around date of tesina file, and condensed items to refer to the previous items for the common parts;
        13. Modified history item for LT of Amore mio lontano;
        14. Noted that Wo ruhe zhidao ni ai wo is possibly 26/6;
        15. Placed Japanese Gaosu wo ni bu ai wo and French Wo gai zenme zuo after the things done within 18/8, since one is a ZHJA23 residue and the other one is post-ZHJA23 and probs. pre-25/8;
        16. Marked Still for your love English-Italian remake as ZHJA23 residue;
        17. Correctly placed Tu sei la mia vita English is misplaced before 1/9 Phaedrus;
      3. Added 17/5/11 attachment file to "S" list and updated references to files accordingly at Blog index, 29/4/22 15:36.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 30/4/22 12:47», 30/4/22 12:39;
    1. VIDEO: Μια αγάπη για το καλοκαίρι | Një dashuri gjat' verës, «1/5/22, uploaded 23:35:[52,53] (moved from preparing to 3% done) - 23:38:17, processed 23:38:17 - 23:38:[52,56] (I'd say ≥54, I switched tabs to save the index update literally exactly when it moved from 95% processed to 2% checked), checked 23:38:[52,56] - 23:39:[15,18] (moved from 8% done to finished)».
    2. Related index update (including all the below): 1/5/22 23:39.
      1. Placing all three translations of Ai de moi galaktos (Sappho C21);
      2. Adding items for recent ad minchiam translations in chrono index (PhD4, except Sicilian-Italian undatable);
      3. Making sure all the "video:" in items up to and including Chinese-English Wo de gesheng li are replaced with "song:";
      4. Noting HS2 completion of translation of Geste;
      5. Noting that ZHJ7 is from later than ZHJA4, so one would assume Gu Xing was started precisely on 31/10/11;
      6. Implementing rule that file residues go in order of songs/poems in file as applies to Wo gai zenme zuo French vs. Still for your love Italian post-school;
      7. Placing lengleng de taiyang;
      8. Placing Sam-jan;
      9. Placing Chim-chim kai oi;
      10. Placing Jat-mou-so-jau;
      11. Placing Yiyang aizhe ni;
      12. Placing Bu neng shuo de mimi and its Min twin;
      13. Placing Xintong and Sim-thung;
      14. Placing Wo Wang Jie;
      15. Placing Wang bu liao;
      16. Placing Tsi-u li;
      17. Placing Ai-tsing--e lik-liong;
      18. Correctly dating Zhiyou ni Italian to 9/8 instead of 26/7;
      19. Placing Zai women de shijie li (both HS5 versions and Hungarian);
      20. Mentioning that the diary says I did the Romanian of that on 11 or 12/10;
      21. Placing LP 106 Latin.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Implemented recent tweaks at Un amore per la primavera - ah no, per l'estate; ops :), 30/4/22 13:03;
      2. Fixed layout at Un bacio a mezzanotte, 30/4/22 16:27;
      3. Added 2009 part of Geste translation at A few last poems, 30/4/22 16:37;
      4. Fixed up video text and introduced Anton original text at Who will love me?, 30/4/22 17:17;
      5. Implemented printout stuff at Cold sun, 30/4/22 20:54;
      6. Implemented mega-intro and printout stuff at Heart addiction, 1/5/22 0:16;
      7. Implemented printout stuff and linebroke the intro at Deep love still, 1/5/22 0:26; intro div closed 0:27;
      8. History edit at I have nothing, 1/5/22 0:38;
      9. Implemented printout stuff at I still love you all the same, 1/5/22 0:49;
      10. Implemented printout stuff at A secret I can't tell, 1/5/22 0:58;
      11. Added fourth Hakka verse at Who will love me?, 1/5/22 13:50;
        Implemented tweak and fixed spelling from 转 cón to 盏 tsón, 1/5/22 14:20;
        Gloss for choi con changed from 去 to 下 at 16:01;
      12. Added bracketed part in Hakka intro, character for tshê, alternate pronunciation màn for mài, and the items for tú tsiang tshiang, at On my spelling and transliteration of Min, Hakka, and Teochew | 关于我写而拼写闽语和客话和潮州话的方法, 1/5/22 14:03.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 2/5/22 1:17», 2/5/22 1:07;
    1. VIDEO: 我就要和你在一起 Wǒ jiù yào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ | I'm gonna always be with you, «8/5/22, uploaded 20:56:[06,09] (went from preparing to 2% uploaded) - 20:56:54, processed 20:56:55 - 20:57:[22,32] (went from 95% processed to 1% checked), checked 20:57:[22,32] - 20:58:[23,27] (went from 18% to done)».
    2. Related index update (includes all the below) 8/5/22 20:55; correct link put in place 21:00;
      1. Placing 'O surdato 'nnammurato Italian as a ZHJA22 residue and editing the story part;
      2. Placing Weihe liulei Japanese as the last of 10/8 since the printout says it was skipped;
      3. Placing Ikanaide Italian after Ling Ling Ling Italian and explaining why I did so;
      4. Marking Wang bu liao (original) as a lost translation;
      5. Placing Shi ni shi ni shi ni French and Wangle ni wangle wo Japanese with the other pre-25/8/12 ZHJA28 residues;
      6. Placing I want to have died Latin;
      7. Placing O Atthis! Italian;
      8. Placing LP 117 Italian;
      9. Placing LP 115 Italian.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Made separate English-class versions for Italian and English, cleared up the messy intro items for them, and noted that the Hungarian version seems to date to Oct, not Sep, at In our world, 2/5/22 12:43;
      2. Implemented mega-intro stuff at Deep love, 2/5/22 13:28:01;
      3. Placed Soeng-daai jaa huk-jap and Shenshen de ai, placed Tshim-tshim--e ai in U1, correctly placed the mandarinization of Thank you for your deep love before the post-22/8 stuff, and added file ZHJA36 to chrono index at Blog index, 2/5/22 13:54;
      4. History edit at Still no way to move you, 3/5/22 13:17;
      5. Implemented mega-intro stuff and made evolution of translations clear at Why can I not move you?!, 3/5/22 13:36;
      6. History edit at O heaven, please help me move her!, 3/5/22 16:41;
      7. History edit at Can I stop loving you?, 4/5/22 13:21;
      8. History edit at Have I been deceived?, 4/5/22 13:23;
      9. History edit at Maybe she's testing me… or maybe we should just part, 4/5/22 13:28;
      10. Implemented intro and files stuff at 'Tis you, 4/5/22 13:37;
      11. Added mega-intro mention at Forgetting you is forgetting myself, 4/5/22 13:46;
      12. Implemented mega-intro stuff and noted that the alternate ending is in no file at Who am I without you?, 4/5/22 13:56;
      13. History edit at Helpless pining, 4/5/22 19:18;
      14. History edit at Crying stars, 4/5/22 19:22;
      15. History refinement at Heavenly marriage, 4/5/22 19:35;
      16. Implemented intro stuff and paragraph-broke the intro better at Children's songs!, 4/5/22 20:55;
      17. History edit for the Cantonese song at Waiting till my heartbreak, 4/5/22 21:14;
      18. History edit at Not miss him, 5/5/22 12:46;
      19. History edit at Always fought for myself, 5/5/22 13:44; quotation of old intro closed at 13:45;
      20. Placed the following and noted the written-off appearances of Tshim-tshim--e ai in chrono tab at Blog index, 5/5/12 14:39:
        1. Gandong tian gandong di;
        2. Kam-thung thien kam-thung thi;
        3. Gu xing lei;
        4. Ruguo neng zai gandong ni duo yi ci;
        5. Bo-nai--e siunn-si;
        6. Nyit-theu lok-san;
        7. Shenshen de ai, which got bumped down because it's in the Chinese songs todo list from 25/8/12;
        8. Wangle ni wangle wo;
        9. Shi ni shi ni shi ni;
        10. Ming-jat ngo si seoi?;
        11. Ngo siu ngo huk;
        12. Nang fau bat soeng nei;
        13. Ho-nang;
        14. Yen-tsai ko;
      21. Noted the timestamp messup in the "S" list, placed the below, placed first Lucrece correctly after the 22/9 Blake translation that once preceded it, moved all post-25/8 3/9 residues after the 1/9 Phaedrus, and fixed the double English+Italian target language of the Italian translation of Alone in a rainy night, all in chrono tab at Blog index, 6/5/22 14:50:
        1. Dang nei dang dou ngo sam-seoi;
        2. M siunn i;
        3. Tian jia;
        4. Lam-lin--e kuann;
        5. Shi shang zhiyou mama hao;
        6. Thien kam-thung thi kam-thung;
        7. Everlasting;
        8. Kimi ga ireba;
        9. Aitai yo;
        10. Shoujo;
        11. Happy Birthday;
        12. Time after time;
        13. Tsukiakari no michishirube;
        14. Hitohira no hanabira;
        15. Namida no mukou;
        16. Bibara bibara;
        17. Akashi;
      22. Placed the below in chrono tab at Blog index, 6/5/22 21:06:
        1. Anata ga iru kara (and edited Sam1-tung4 to explain why it's after this one);
        2. Still for your love;
        3. Romio to Shinderera;
        4. Romanesque;
        5. Ikanaide;
        6. Everlasting love;
        7. Owaranai natsu;
        8. Boku ga iru;
        9. Pazuru;
        10. Ai no uta;
      23. Noted what S10 changes w.r.t. S9, placed the other two translations of LP 106 (Latin was placed before), and listed all fragments from The rest of Sappho at chrono tab at Blog index, 7/5/22 2:00;
      24. Added old Latin version of ROS 1.A.iv to The rest of Sappho, 7/5/22 13:26;
      25. Nostalgia for youth, 7/5/22:
        1. Implemented recent tweak to "I would marry but I'm old", 13:33;
        2. Fixed the date swap between English and Italian translations, 13:44;
      26. Duplicated Latin of LP 106, mentioned tweak for Italian C 21, removed that fragment from HS4 spoiler, added items for English remake and Chinese version of Lok-suann-hong, all at Blog index, 7/5/22 13:41;
      27. Added English remake and Chinese, and tidied up intro, at Leaving no traces, 7/5/22 14:07;
      28. Implemented/noted recent tweaks at Un bacio a mezzanotte, 7/5/22 14:37;
      29. Implemented recent tweak to Aerion epeon at Sappho in "pop" culture, 7/5/22 18;28;
      30. Implemented recent tweak to Chinese-English translation at Children's songs!, 7/5/22 18:31;
      31. History edit to Un piccolo off-topic: Encomio di Elena (Gorgia) , 8/5/22 0:0:[27,31] misclicked Update instead of Preview; fixed layout 0:16;
      32. Edited in Introduzione and formated all but the last part of it, also added {} comments, at The history of my translations, 8/5/22 2:11;
      33. Finished formating mega-intro (last paragraph had been left untouched) at The history of my translations, 8/5/22 18:21.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 8/5/22 23:49», 8/5/22 23:32;
    1. POST: , 14/5/22 15:19.
    2. Related index update (adding post to both indexes): 14/5/22 15:23.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Fixed "was sold my parents' work place", made tabs structure an actual tabs structure by adding the relevant style files or whatever at post end, marked "Future me" comment with 「」 rather than {}, and marked English tab as "not yet translated", at The history of my translations, 9/5/22 16:30;
      2. Implemented ZHJA18 printout stuff at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 10/5/22 13:50;
      3. Added printout version at Se sei con me, 10/5/22 13:59;
      4. Implemented mega-intro and manuscript stuff at Non andartene!, 10/5/22 14:09;
      5. Implemented mega-intro and manuscript stuff at Estate infinita, 10/5/22 14:12;
      6. Fixed title and posting date of "Thus is life" now "C'est la vie", fixed Saffo->Sappho in "Sappho auf barbarische Metern", correctly placed Hitohira no hanabira Chinese in U1, added last note on 2/12 tweaks to Lengleng de taiyang English, and updated the histories of Razón de vivir Chinese and Zhende haoxiang ni Italian, all at Blog index, 12/5/22 14:00;
      7. Noted the existence of the 17:25 file's printout for the Romanian version at In our world, 14/5/22 14:52;
      8. Noted existence of printouts for Romanian at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 14/5/22 15:04;
      9. Noted existence of printouts for Romanian at Time after time, 14/5/22 15:09;
      10. Added French and Italian at Leaving no traces, 14/5/22 15:17.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 14/5/22 15:34», 14/5/22 15:28;
    1. VIDEO: 落山风 Lo̍h-suann-hong | Wind that down mountains blows | Luòshānfēng, «15/5/22, uploaded 17:03:[44,46] (went from preparing to 2% done) - 17:04:34, processed 17:04:34 - 17:05:[06,13] (got distracted preparing to edit the video link into the blog index, went from 95% processed to 1% checked), checked 17:05:[06,13] - 17:06:[24,26] (got distracted at 25%, came back at complete), published 17:10:51».
    2. Related index update (includes all the below bare infinitives): 15/5/22 17:08.
      1. Note that the [5/8,18/8] tweaks to Everlasting Italian are annotated on a printout of part of the Japanese part of ZHJA19;
      2. Mention manuscript of Ikanaide Italian and tweaks from that to ZHJA23;
      3. Mention manuscript of Sim-thung English and why they're probably from 18/8/12;
      4. Fix the fact that the line of Lok-suann-hong translated later wasn't the last one;
      5. Fix history of Nang fau bat soeng nei English with its 12/8 incomplete status;
      6. Fix date of Ho2-nang2 English as per printout of 12/8 todo list;
      7. Note the manuscript-to-file tweaks of Nyit-theu lok-san siong to nyi English;
      8. Move «it seems 20-21/8 were Japanese days and a Chinese phase was had later from 26/8 on, so I'm placing this and a few more Japanese songs translated 20-21/8 before a Chinese-Japanese translation a few items down» from Romanesque Italian to the first pre-25/8 ZHJA28 residues and touch it up a bit;
      9. Fix all Lo̍k-suann-hong to Lo̍h-suann-hong.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Finally updated Index by languages, 14/5/22 19:40;
      2. Added manuscript Japanglish-Japanese translation at A night of moonlight, 14/5/22 20:11; Romanization added 20:16;
      3. Noted annotated printout at Everlasting, 14/5/22 20:21;
      4. Implemented manuscript Hakka-English version and touched up the history item for it at Yet more heartache, 14/5/22 20:40;
      5. Added manuscript mention at I think of you at sunset, 14/5/22 20:49;
      6. Mentioned partial manuscript at Not miss him, 14/5/22 20:53;
      7. Implemented manuscript and mega-intro date at Romanesque, 14/5/22 23:39;
      8. Implemented manuscript and mega-intro date at Io ci sarò, 14/5/22 23:45;
      9. Implemented manuscripts at Puzzle, 15/5/22 0:30.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 15/5/22 17:27», 15/5/22 17:18;
    1. VIDEO: 爱人是行船人 Ài lîn sī kiânn tsûn lîn | My lover is a sailor, «22/5/22, uploaded 0:25:[41,43] (moved from preparing to 2% done) - 0:26:35, processed 0:26:35 - 0:27:34 (moved from 95% processed to 1% checked), checked 0:27:34 - 0:29:[18,19] (moved from 35% to done), published 0:29:27».
    2. Related index update (includes all the below bare infinitives): 22/5/22 1:33.
      1. Add the alternate Japanglish-Japanese part of Still for your love as ZHJA23 residue before all other ZHJA23 residues;
      2. Note any tweaks that may have been uncovered from the manuscripts of B1E15-16; that affects Romanesque Italian, Pazuru both, Boku ga iru Italian, Shenshen de ai English and Japanese, Ruguo neng zai gandong ni duo yici both, Ngo siu ngo huk, Nang fau bet soeng nei;
      3. More precisely date original Thermopylæ;
      4. Fix Latin Phædrus with fact they were done literal in Jan and metricified only 28/6;
      5. Add in the Sappho stuff dated by the Paracritical Note;
      6. Correctly place and date the fake-28/3/11 file to 10/8/11.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Touched up intro, implemented manuscripts of English and Japanese, and made and added Spanish at Deep love, 18/5/22 12:30;
      2. Implemented English manuscript at Forgetting you is forgetting myself, 18/5/22 13:11;
      3. Implemented 12/8/12 manuscript at Can I stop loving you?, 18/5/22 13:17; coding mishap fixed 13:18;
      4. Added manuscript version at Still no way to move you, 18/5/22 13:25;
      5. Implemented manuscript stuff at O heaven, please, help me move her!, 19/5/22 12:29;
      6. Touched up Chinese note in intro, added rhyming version, and fixed padding at My lover is a sailor, 20/5/22 13:48;
      7. Added poem commentary mention and paragraph breaks to intro and tweaked it a little at Mi manchi da morire, 21/5/22 15:42;
      8. Added file list and subsequent part of item 1 at Razón de vivir, 21/5/22 15:58;
      9. Added gungumu version of safopoemas version of stanza 4 at Dearest offspring of heaven and of earth, 21/5/22 16:02;
      10. Implemented post-video tweak to rhyming version at My lover is a sailor, 22/5/22 1:38.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 22/5/22 1:45», 22/5/22 1:39;

    1. VIDEO: 明仔日 Bîn-á-tsài | 明天 Míngtiān | Tomorrow, «29/5/22, 23:31:[26,28] (moved from preparing to 2% done) - 23:34:48, processed 23:34:49 - 23:35:[47,54] (got distracted navigating upload dialog tabs, one moment it was 95% processed, the other it was 2% checked), checked 23:35:[47,54] - 23:36:[03,04] (moved from 4% to done), published 23:39:20».
    2. Related index update (includes placing Sappho 16 GW and Oxy/GW versions as well as moving the +TCPOS versions to the HS4 spoiler): 29/5/22 23:34.
    3. EDITS:
      1. History edit at Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria, 23/5/22 13:20; minor code fix (a div that was Div) 13:21;
      2. History edit at The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder?, 23/5/22 13:43; second part of English notes to Stars and moon added 13:53;
      3. Did the below in chrono index (Blog index), 25/5/22 13:07:
        1. Described the changes from S16 to S17;
        2. Mentioned the "– RES" label just before the lists spoiler;
        3. Described the changes from S2/3 to S4;
        4. Added the list of printouts;
        5. Added (hopefully) all non-tesina "– RES" labels.
      4. Fixed coding mishap causing 30/5 version not to appear and called that version 22/5 final at Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria, 25/5/22 13:48;
      5. Placed the below in chrono index (Blog index), 25/5/22 14:17 – and then it was taking over 2m so I saved this from another tab at 14:19, and in the meantime tab 1 finished –:
        1. Ode to Anactoria, all translations;
        2. "The stars and the moon", all translations;
        3. "Full moon", all translations;
        4. "intruder", all translation;
        5. LPC 137 aka ROS 1.H.i, all translations;
        6. Thee Cyprus or Panormus, Latin;
      6. Being left, quintuple:
        1. Implemented recording-day tweaks, 28/5/22 17:26;
        2. Fixed pinyin 29/5/22 0:04;
        3. Spurious line-final 予 eliminated and last-minute tweak implemented 29/5/22 0:27;
        4. Leftover gěi eliminated from after qǔ 29/5/22 0:31:01;
        5. Wrong linebreaking (我对你的爱寄 / 托孤寂) fixed 29/5/22 0:39;
      7. Implemented 22/5 tweak at I'll be with you, 28/5/22 23:57;
      8. Added Greek to My lover is a sailor, 29/5/22 1:06.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 30/5/22 1:31», 30/5/22 1:22;
    1. VIDEO: 谁来爱我 Shéi lái ài wǒ? | Who will love me? | 么侪爱涯 Mài-sâ òi ngâi, «6/6/22, uploaded 0:51:[41,42] (moved from preparing to 2%) - 0:52:58, processed 0:52:58 - 0:53:[54,56] (was distracted with video settings, so to speak, but probs passed from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 0:53:[54,56] - 0:54:[50,51] (moved from 15% to complete), published 0:54:45».
    2. Related index update (includes mentioning the mysterious "line fixing" mentioned in the 16/9/09 diary entry for the Phaedrus fables, placing HS3 Hymn to Aphrodite, and correctly placing version 4 of the hymn in the U5 spoiler alongside version 5-6): 6/6/22 0:59.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Paragraph-broke the intro and added paragraph about alternate line and its Greek translation at Lo sai che i papaveri, 1/6/22 14:07;
      2. Implemented 30/5 Min-English tweak and added Min-Greek at Being left, 3/6/22 17:01;
      3. Added Greek versions at Holding your hand, I can walk my road, 3/6/22 17:10; Late-evening tweak implemented, and romanization of male version called TMS instead of MS like the non-romanized one, at 23:56;
      4. Implemented 29-30/5 tweak to Un bacio a mezzanotte, 3/6/22 17:14;
      5. Implemented diary stuff at Hymn to Aphrodite, 5/6/22 0:47.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 6/6/22 1:07», 6/6/22 1:02;
    1. VIDEO: 爱人是行船人 Ài-lîn sī kiânn-tsûn-lîn | Η αγάπη μου είναι ναύτης, «12/6/22, uploaded 20:08:[02,06] (moved from preparing to 2% done) - 20:08:54, processed 20:08:54 - 20:09:[42,48] (got distracted saving the index update, saw 95% processed first and 0% checked then), checked 20:09:[42,48] - 20:10:[31,33] (moved from 7% to done), published 20:10:40».
    2. Related index update (includes the bare infinitives below): 12/6/22 20:10.
      1. Implement recently-added Virgil and Horace stuff;
      2. Place folia poematum stuff;
      3. Place Ai klyton and some of the diary pics HS3/4 translations;
      4. Place Timas Latin;
      5. Place Latin fragments cover correctly since it's 3/11 and is placed before a 24/9 thing (Romagnolo Sappho);
      6. Mark the nova Sapphus stuff I placed as RES;
      7. Add comment on PRES label.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Added Greek at 'O surdato 'nnamurato, 7/6/22 14:30;
      2. Fixed code problems with options for English at C'est la vie, 9/6/22 12:14; couple English typos in versions of verse 2 fixed 12:17:01;
      3. History edit for Idyll at Sappho: two divine epiphanies, 9/6/22 14:23; made final version "fade in active" at 14:27;
      4. Added "folia poematum" bracket to intro of Another poem by Donne, 11/6/22 20:19;
      5. History edit for Italian of "Remember: we did those things too" at Nostalgia for youth, 11/6/22 20:53;
      6. Implemented school notebooks stuff at Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta, 12/6/22 15:39;
      7. History edit for Latin of Timas at Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song, 12/6/22 19:37.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 12/6/22 20:38», 12/6/22 20:21;
    1. VIDEO: 明仔日 Bîn-á-tsài | Αύριο, 19/6/22:
      • Preparing for uploade at 20:53:30;
      • 8% uploaded at 20:53:31;
      • Uploaded 20:54:20;
      • Processing will start shortly at 20:54:20;
      • May have missed some %s;
      • 18% at 20:54:45;
      • Went 18-25-28-31-35-38-45-51-55-95;
      • Was at 95% from 20:55:03 to ≥20:59:56;
      • Published 20:59:33;
      • "Video processing is taking longer than expected" at 21:00:05;
      • 99% at 21:03:00;
      • I got distracted with Quora on mobile, so I next saw 7% checked at 21:03:43, where the 99% processed had gone on until at least 21:03:34;
      • Moved from 9% to checked at 21:04:00.
    2. Related index update (includes touching up the mention of the incorrectly metadated files and implementing categorization of lost translations): 18/6/22 21:08.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Added Spanish version at 'O surdato 'nnamurato, 14/6/22 20:01;
      2. Implemented recording-day tweak to Hakka at Who will love me?, 14/6/22 20:09;
      3. Added version 2E of English at C'est la vie, 14/6/22 20:13;
      4. Updated Index by languages, 15/6/22 19:40.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 20/6/22 2:24»20/6/22 2:29;
    1. VIDEO: Έτσ' είν' η ζωή | That's how life goes on | Jeta është k'shtu, «25/6/22, uploaded 20:05:[12,13] - 20:30:[53,54] (screenshot ≤1s late), processed 20:31:[55,56] (ditto) - 20:37:41 (where it went from 95% to checks complete (!!) after bing at 95% since 20:32:[27,29] and "taking longer than expected" since 20:37:00), published 20:38:33».
    2. Related index update (includes precise dating of LP 139 English, placing of Italian of that, and re-placing of Phaedrus with history tweaking): 25/6/22 20:09.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Added Romanian to C'est la vie, 24/6/22 0:22:[31,33], misclick, lineup problem caused by missing post-chorus repetition in Spanish fixed 0:27;
      2. Added toast to Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 24/6/22 1:10;
      3. Mentioned rejected tweak of Albanian at C'est la vie, 24/6/22 1:13;
      4. Dated checkup and implemented 17/6 tweak at Una prova, 24/6/22 1:17;
      5. Implemented recent tweak to Min-Chinese translation at Being left, 24/6/22 1:23;
      6. Added more diary info and changed lines list to Tre favole di Fedro, 25/6/22 20:03.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 26/6/22 0:11», 26/6/22 0:05;
    1. VIDEO: 'O surdato 'nnammurato | Il soldato innamorato | El soldado enamorado, «3/7/22, uploaded 18:41:[47,49] - 19:03:14, processed 19:03:16 - bunch of percentages - 19:[04:59,05:00] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 19:[04:59,05:00] - 19:07:[42,43] (moved from 27% to done), published 19:08:08».
    2. Related index update (includes all the below bare infinitives): 3/7/22 18:47.
      1. Update HS3 Catullus dates and history as per updated post; not sure why I wrote within 20/10;
      2. Fix the dating of the Catullus summa (started 4/7 not 5/7) and move the supportive chant after the non-lost Catullus translations;
      3. Note that Shuo ni ai wo English may be from 18/3;
      4. Note about HS2 Lela that: diary never mentions it until edit date; suspicion it was all from that date, but then the creation date and "termino" in diary don't make sense;
      5. Add timing of only diary mention of R&J and precise operation date to history;
      6. Add "after lunch" to HS2 Chaucer and precise diary quote;
      7. List all 7 Encomium versions with dating and histories;
      8. Note 28/9 diary says I translated Non è dolor nel mondo verse 1 on that day;
      9. Fix "discared Englishes" in the non-chrono itam for Wang bu liao (done after adding video link).
    3. EDITS:
      1. Implemented end-of-June tweaks to Italian at Iroha, 3/7/22 0:29;
      2. Implemented 28/6/22 tweak to Italian at C'est la vie, 3/7/22 0:37;
      3. Implemented 29/6/22 tweaks at Only you, 3/7/22 0:43;
      4. Fixed up history and implemented recent tweaks for first translation at Barbarizzando Catullo, 3/7/22 1:03;
      5. Implemented recent tweaks to Italian and Spanish at 'O surdato 'nnamurato, 3/7/22 12:31;
        Italian chorus tweak actually implemented 12:33.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 3/7/22 19:26», 3/7/22 19:17;
  1062. NEW POST: La mamma mi diceva, 5/7/22 14:13.   Related index update: 5/7/22 14:17.   Related Facebook page post update: 5/7/22 14:21», 5/7/22 14:18;
    1. VIDEO: Aconteceu | 未经宣布 Wèi jīng xuānbù, «10/7/22, uploaded 17:57:[22,23] (moved from preparing to 1% done) - 18:[21:32,24:00] (got distracted with Quora, moved away at 88% uploaded and came back to 95% processed), processed 18:[21:32,24:00] - 18:24:11 (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 18:24:11-18:24:[54,55] (went from 7% to done), published 18:25:02».
    2. Related index update (includes all the bare infinitives below): 10/7/22 17:59.
      1. Fix all the "Btw. 5/7 and 9/7" of translations found in the summa auctorum to "Btw. 4/7 and 9/7";
      2. Split Tesina Hymn into three translations for the three languages (it was "Italian+Latin+English" still);
      3. Touch up HS3 Catullus history by stating exactly what you have and haven't reread of 23/9-22/10 diary;
      4. Add "video:" (or "song:" in chrono index) prefix in links for Xin yuanyang hudie meng, Khi Co-Đơn, and La mamma mi diceva (which is actually already outside chrono spoilers with the prefix);
      5. Remove title in Greek letters in video link for Paramythaki moy
      6. Correctly date translation of writing on door of hell to 2010 instead of 2011.
    3. EDITS
      1. Revolutionized post to add new translations at Una prova, 10/7/22 2:28; Greek transliteration finished 14:24;
      2. Implemented rías->escribas tweak at 'O surdato 'nnamurato, 10/7/22 14:28;
      3. Implemented 4/7 tweak to Ma tu hai preferito me, 10/7/22 14:32;
      4. Implemented 7/7 tweak to Celso Albinovano at Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta, 10/7/22 14:35;
      5. Mentioned 8/7 variant of English at C'est la vie, 10/7/22 14:37.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 10/7/22 18:48», 10/7/22 18:43;
    1. VIDEO: 証 Akashi | Prova | Απόδειξη, «17/7/22, uploaded 18:46:59 - 18:59:37, processed 18:59:41 - 19:01:[43,44] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 19:01:[43,44] - 19:02:58 (moved from 12% to done), published 19:03:03».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 17/7/22 18:49 FAIL 18:52 FAIL 18:56.
      1. Update Aconteceu Chinese history (buncha tweaks missing);
      2. Video of time after time is currently unavailable, replace with
      3. 23-25/9 seem to have nothing noteworthy. In fact, the Catullus lesson from 23 is described as Lat, so check the lesson list to make sure no others have been missed due to such mislabeling.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Revolutionized post to add new translations at Time after time, 16/7/22 11:12;
      2. Implemented 10/7 tweak to Chinese at Aconteceu, 16/7/22 11:16;
      3. Added barbarous meter translation at Quando conveniunt, 16/7/22 11:22;
      4. Moved the "video:" prefix from post title to video link for La mamma mi diceva at Blog index Blog index, 16/7/22 11:24;
      5. Made intro into list and implemented recent tweak to Italian at Everlasting, 16/7/22 12:09 FAIL BECAUSE TUNNEL, 12:10;
      6. Fixed a couple typos in the Greek text at Una prova, 17/7/22 18:21.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 17/7/22 19:25», 17/7/22 19:20;
    1. VIDEO: 慢慢来 Mànmàn lái | Lentement, «24/7/22, uploaded 19:04:[14,15] (moved from preparing to 1% done) - 19:32:04, processed 19:32:07 - 19:33:13 (moved from 95% to checking), checked 19:33:13 - 19:36:[08,10] (moved from 29% to done), published 19:36:41».
    2. Related index update (includes noting what happens in 27-30/9/09 diary entries in history of HS3 Catullus): 24/7/22 19:06. Video link placed in correct tab at 19:39.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Implemented screenshot dating info and made intro bullets at More heartache, 20/7/22 15:17;
      2. Implemented screenshot dating info at Deep love still, 20/7/22 15:34;
      3. Implemented screenshot dating info at O heaven, please let me move her!, 20/7/22 15:38;
      4. Implemented screenshot dating info at Helpless pining, 20/7/22 15:47;
      5. Implemented absence of screenshot dating info at Leaving no traces, 20/7/22 15:56;
      6. Tidied up the first item of the intro bulleted list for the Italian translation(s) at Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 21/7/22 17:58;
      7. Implemented recent tweaks to old Italian and old Neapolitan, added nav-tabs and all the "Good news" tab, at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 23/7/22 22:57;
      8. Added Greek translations at Time after time, 24/7/22 0:30.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 24/7/22 19:50», 24/7/22 19:44;
    1. VIDEO: 我的心內只有你 Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí | Σ' έχω μόνη στην καρδιά, «31/7/22, uploaded 11:46:[29,30] - 12:12:51, processed 12:13:07 - 12:13:46 (moved from 28% to checking 0%), checked 12:13:46 - 12:15:[07,09] (moved from 13% to done), published 12:16:30».
    2. POST: A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi, 30/7/22 15:58.
    3. Related index update for both (first completed the picture on the HS3 Catullus history, then added entry for new post, then added it into chrono index, then removed "song" from before "stuff" in posting entry for ad minchiam post, then added video link): 31/7/22 12:04.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Added Greek and changed genders in Italian and Hindi, as well as fixing English and Romagnolo, according to the fact that the chorus is all said by the addressee, at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 30/7/22 15:20;
        Made that Greek appear 31/7/22 0:34, because I'm dumb and pasted it before the closure of the "div"s for the Hindi versions;
      2. Added Italian to I'll be with you, 30/7/22 15:26;
        Fixed lineup and padding 31/7/22 12:28;
      3. Added final version of Min-Greek at Being left, 30/7/22 15:36;
      4. Removed I cosi beddi from Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 30/7/22 15:53;
      5. Added French and Albanian I cosi beddi to A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi, 30/7/22 18:58;
      6. French gender fix at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 30/7/22 19:05.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 31/7/22 12:38», 31/7/22 12:29;
    1. VIDEO: 我就要和你在一起 Wǒ jiù yào hé nǐ zài yīqǐ | Insieme a te io voglio star | I want to always be w/ U, «6/8/22, uploaded 19:35:[39,42] (moved from preparing to 1% done) - 19:50:41, processed 19:50:47 - 19:56:[37,44] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 19:56:[36,44] - 20:00:[42,43] (moved from 39% to done), published 20:00:54».
    2. POST: A couple translations of Troubadour poems, 5/8/22 1:05.
    3. Related index update for both (includes fixing the "Chantars no pot gaire valer" chrono item to refer to the new post, fixing "A few last poems" to no longer include "Chantars no pot gaire valer", and fixing HS3 Catullus history): 6/8/22 19:55.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Implemented interpretation fixes and fix to end of Greek chorus at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 1/8/22 0:30;
      2. Removed Occitan poem (it went into the new post) from A few last poems, 5/8/22 1:06; link to new post added 1:07;
      3. Added rhyming English remake to Can I stop loving you?, 6/8/22 14:13;
      4. Added rhyming English remake to I'll be with you, 6/8/22 14:21;
      5. Implemented 1/8/22 tweak to Albanian I cosi beddi at A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi, 6/8/22 14:25;
      6. Implemented 1/8/22 tweak to Carmen LXXII and fixed date of start of Catullus summa from 5/7 to 4/7 at Barbarizzando Catullo, 6/8/22 14:33;
      7. Mentioned variants for first line of Chinese from 1/8 and 6/8/22 and fixed typo in Chinese (知道 for 直到) at Non andartene, 6/8/22 14:40;
      8. Implemented 2/8/22 Kika tweak to [EL-4] at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 6/8/22 14:46;
      9. Implemented Flora40 2/8/22 fix to Greek and added two lines of Hakka to Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 6/8/22 15:07;
      10. Implemented pseudo-Flora40 fix to Greek at C'est la vie, 6/8/22 15:11;
      11. Updated Index by languages Index by languages, 6/8/22 16:46;
      12. Fixed Japanese chorus, put furigana on all the "kimi" in both versions, and made M-F romanization correctly appear when clicking the tab at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 6/8/22 19:27;
        Fix tweak implemented 19:35;
      13. Implemented post-recording 6/8/22 tweaks to English remake at I'll be with you, 6/8/22 19:31.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 7/8/22 0:32», 7/8/22 0:23;
    1. VIDEO: Un'avventura | 一个奇遇 Yī ge qíyù, «14/8/22, uploaded 11:59:[57,58] (moved from preparing to 1%) - 12:14:09, processed 12:14:13 - 12:14:[47,52] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 12:14:[47,52] - 12:16:12 (moved from 13% to done), published 12:17:20».
    2. POST: Un'avventura, 13/8/22 1:23.
    3. Related index update for both (includes adding items for Three blind mice, Rosa fresca aulentissima, and Yaogun ba shange): 14/8/22 12:01.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Added Albanian version at Just you, 12/8/22 12:44;
      2. Implemented today's tweaks at Un'avventura, 13/8/22 13:27;
      3. Completed Hakka version at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 13/8/22 20:21.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 14/8/22 12:24», 14/8/22 12:20;
  1069. NEW POST: Rosa fresca aulentissima, 16/8/22 12:10. «Related index update (includes moving Un'avventura to its rightful place in the chrono index instead of after all the July 2022 translations): 16/8/22 12:15. Related Facebook page post update: 16/8/22 12:19», 16/8/22 12:15;
    1. VIDEO: Three blind mice | 三个盲目的鼠 Sān ge mángmù de shǔ | 三个青盲的鼠 Sann ê tshenn-mê--ê tshú | Tre minj t' verbër, «21/8/22, uploaded 18:22:[22,23] (moved from preparing to 1%) - 18:26:33, processed 18:26:36 - 18:26:<~57 (was recovering previous stamps, went back, and it was at 0% checking), checked 18:26:<~57 - 18:27:<~14 (again was distracted because I definitely didn't expect it not to even pass through 4%), published 18:28:48».
    2. POST: Three blind mice, 20/8/22 0:02.
    3. Related index update for both: 21/8/22 18:25.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Implemented Calcagno comment to Rosa fresca aulentissima, 17/8/22 18:47;
      2. Updated Italian Neapolitan Greek at Time after time, 20/8/22 20:23;
      3. Implemented 18/8/22 tweaks at Everlasting love, 20/8/22 23:45;
      4. Fixed two typos (nông-bîn->lông-bîn and tshin-tshiū->tshin-tshiūnn) in Tai-lo at Three blind mice, 21/8/22 0:35;
      5. Implemented double version setup at Three blind mice, 21/8/22 18:18.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 21/8/22 18:41», 21/8/22 18:35;
    1. VIDEO: Drandofilat | Le rose, «28/8/22, uploaded 14:17:21 (moved from preparing to 8% done in the span of a second) - 14:17:54, processed 14:17:55 - 14:18:[24,29] (bunch of random percentages, then 95% forever, then a super-fast appearance of what I suspect was 99% to then get to 0% checked), checked 14:18:[24,29] - 14:21:[14,23] (moved from 29% to done), published 14:22:16».
    2. POST: Un po' di indovinelli | A bunch of riddles, 27/8/22 1:51, title added 1:52 (because one can post an untitled post apparently; so dumb).
    3. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below imperatives): 28/8/22, 14:23.
      1. Place translations recently added to this post;
      2. Place the Sappho translations from here;
      3. Place Italian translation of Vulgate version of Gongyla poem.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Implemented 21/8/22 tweak to Italian at I'll be with you, 26/8/22 13:20;
      2. Discussed text and implemented tonight's tweaks to Italian at Le rose, 27/8/22 1:18;
      3. Implemented 23/8/22 "monsoon fixes" to English at Leaving no traces, 27/8/22 1:28;
      4. Implemented më->po change into text and mentioned and implemented recording-day tweak to Italian at Le rose, 27/8/22 12:21;
      5. Revised history, removing the dating doubts by mentioning the diary, and showing the changes made 29/7, at …lover, not so much, 27/8/22 15:16;
      6. Added history paragraph for Sappho translations and original Latin in brackets at Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion, 27/8/22 15:23;
      7. Added blank space before "Let's go" at end of intro at The moon has set, 27/8/22 15:28;
      8. Added entries for fan-kak and pun at On my spelling and transliteration of Min, Hakka, and Teochew | 关于我写而拼写闽语和客话和潮州话的方法, 27/8/22 15:53;
      9. Implemented Chinese-English tweak and added Chinese-Hakka at Being left, 27/8/22 17:05;
      10. Implemented tweak to Italian, and added Albanian remake and Min Nan and Hakka versions, at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 27/8/22 21:02;
        Romanizations and rubies (and titles for new translations) added 28/8/22 0:47;
      11. Added entry for tsim, and updated untranslated Chinese version of Hakka part, at On my spelling and transliteration of Min, Hakka, and Teochew | 关于我写而拼写闽语和客话和潮州话的方法, 28/8/22 1:33.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 28/8/22 15:57», 28/8/22 15:46;
    1. VIDEO: 明天 Míngtiān | 天光 Thien-kwong, «4/9/22, uploaded 3:44:[02,05] (misscreenshotted but 02 was preparing and 05 was 6% done) - 3:44:[26,34] (got distracted at 81% uploaded, came back to upload complete), processed 3:44:[26,34] - 3:44:58 (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 3:44:58 - 3:45:[19,21] (moved from 4% to done), published 3:45:55.
    2. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below imperatives): 4/9/22 3:48.
      1. Add all new partial translations from Love and grief, moving LP 35 Latin to after The stars and the moon 22/5 version and LP English to before Gongyla Vulgate Italian, and adding a category of Lost Translations, in the process;
      2. Place all translations from "A libation and a prayer", removing the extra fragment numbers in the HS4 "full moon" and co. translations in the process;
      3. Place translations of captatio benevolentiæ;
      4. Revised history of Latin Hymn to Aphrodite 1-3.
    3. EDITS:
      1. * History edit and paragraph breaking of intro at Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction, 2/9/22 1:53(:01);
        Why I am fixated on friggin' 7/7 for the Italian vulgate version, Idk; fixed that to 9/7 1:56;
      2. Fixed date of Italian vulgate Gongyla from 7/7 to 9/7, placed other versions of the vulgate text, moved the RES tags of the "Eternal pain in my chest" translations to their rightful place, added the 6/8 completion date to the Latin translations of GW and Oxy/GW Sappho 16, added SP2 to the list of printouts, placed the HS3 translations of LP 142 and LP 49, all in chrono tab at Blog index, 2/9/22 2:18;
      3. * Added history of remake and everything about remake 2, and the brackets around Megistia in remake 1, all regarding the Latin versions, at Epigrams at the Thermopylae, 3/9/22 2:48;
        Double active tab fixed 2:50;
      4. Added trivia section at end of Love and grief (for now containing only frr. 12 and 15, c and bb will come later), 3/9/22 3:06;
      5. Edited Blog index doing the things listed below, 3/9/22 3:44 (except it was taking forever so at 3:47 I saved from another tab, and in the meantime the first one had saved);
        1. Added the newly-found translations of the Thermopylae epigrams from June 2010;
        2. Removed the mention of the Italian remake of The moon has set from the HS4 unplaced item for the post;
        3. Revised the history and dating of Latin version and placed other two versions of LP 35;
        4. Fixed the dating and history of 1.H.i three versions and added the lost original (yet to be implemented in post);
      6. Paragraph-broke items in intro and made history edit at A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho, 3/9/22 19:49;
      7. Paragraph-broke intro and made history edit, adding Romagnolo, at An apparent captatio benevolentiæ (Sappho?), 3/9/22 20:45;
      8. Implemented 30/8/22 tweak to Chinese-English at Being left, 3/9/22 20:53;
      9. Paragraph-broke crit note and made history edit for 1.H.i, adding older translations, at The rest of Sappho, 4/9/22 0:14;
      10. Fixed lineup of version 0 and paddings of Frenchless versions, then fixed the history of Latin version 0 (as well as add one or two things to the messy copied form), all at Hymn to Aphrodite, 4/9/22 0:49.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 4/9/22 16:24, except the idiot got stuck forever so I changed tab and did it at 16:29, and then the other tab was still saving and didn't recognize the fail until I reloaded. This ending is from 16:30», 4/9/22 16:13;
    1. VIDEO: 我的心內只有你 Guá--ê sim lāi tsí-ū lí | 我的心里只有你 Wǒ de xīn lǐ zhǐ yǒu nǐ | 吾个心肚净有汝 […], «11/9/22, uploaded 2:49:[11,12] (moved from preparing to 3%) - 2:50:20, processed 2:50:21 - 2:52:[25,27] (went through a few %, stayed at 95 for ages, then moved to 0% checked), checked 2:52:[25,27] - 2:52:[42,43] (moved from 2% to done), published 2:53:18».
    2. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below imperatives): 11/9/22 2:54.
      1. Specify what is being translated between libation and prayer in the items for "A libation and a prayer";
      2. Implement the comparisons between "SPN" files;
      3. Place the translations of frr. c and bb as well as the combo of those two (post: "Love and grief");
      4. Place the translations of ROS 1.E.iv (aka LPC 82(a));
      5. Mention the undatable tweak to the original Latin translation of the epgram for the prophet Megistia;
      6. Turn videos of the new video's song into an item list to which the new video is added.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Paragraph broke intro, added English rhyming remake, added link to Chinese songs post, expanded English footnote, at Poisonous perfume, 6/9/22 23:59;
      2. Added dating info in intro and Italian tweaked version, both for 1.E.iv, at The rest of Sappho, 7/9/22 0:36;
      3. Noted that changes from 30/5 file to 25/7 (not 25/6) file are manuscripted in the 4/7 printout, added one missing such change, and noted, where I said the English was from after 30/5, that the diary actually begs to differ and the 30/5 file had no English, all at Hymn to Aphrodite, 8/9/22 2:13;
      4. Updated Blog index according to following points, 8/9/22 3:05, except the idiot took forever so I went into the other tab and hit Update at 3:07:30, it saved in no time, and then the other tab said Changes saved as soon as I went back to it;
        1. Placed the undatable translation from Un po' di indivinelli within the list of undatable translations, whereas I originally misplaced it outside the Lists spoiler;
        2. Altered the division of the years so as to make SPN1 an HS3 file;
        3. Revised history of Latin ROS 1.H.i;
        4. Place translations of LP 158;
        5. Placed Campbell Gongyla if enough of the diary has been read;
        6. Implemented SP2 annotations into the histories of the Italian and English versions 1-3 of the Hymn to Aphrodite;
      5. Paragraph-broke intro part on first poem, did history edit for it, and added fragments c and bb at bottom and anything relating to them, all at Love and grief, 10/9/22 19:49;
      6. Implemented missed diary tweaks to original and remake of Latin and commented on them and expanded on the history of the original, all at Epigrams at the Thermopylae, 10/9/22 20:42.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 11/9/22 14:20», 11/9/22 14:13;
    1. VIDEO: 爱情的力量 Ài-tsîng ê li̍k-liōng | Love has such great might | Forte è inver l'amor, «18/9/22, uploaded 3:19:[43,45] (moved from preparing at 43 to 14% done at 46) - 3:20:09, processed 3:20:09 - 3:20:[36,37] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 3:20:[36,37] - 3:21:[21,28] (moved from 8% to done), published 3:21:39».
    2. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below imperatives): 18/9/22 3:24.
      1. Place residue stuff of S18 (including fixing the relative order of the OS35 stuff);
      2. Make tesina Sappho toggle (fixed after placing the LP 71 non-English translations)
      3. Place residue stuff of S22 (includes fixing the state of 1.C.iii)
      4. Place residue stuff of S19.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Added list of Sappho emails "SE", fixed that OS31 is in the same folder as S17 not S18, revised history of Carpe Diem, placed 1.A.v and Latin, placed all translations of LPC 113, and implemented Sappho toggle button, all at Blog index, 16/9/22 3:35; except the idiot gets stuck again, so I go to the other tab and save 3:39; and as it saves, the other tab also has saved;
      2. Added comment on error on SPN11 about dating of S18 in "S" list, replaced LP 139 English and Latin accordingly, placed 1.E.ii, placed Latin from "A prayer to avert stormy journeys", placed LP 24(a) English, placed 1.C.iii Italian, placed 1.I.iii Latin, placed 1.E.viii all translations, all at Blog index, 17/9/22 3:58; and guess what? Stuck; so 3:59 other tab;
      3. Implemented recording-day tweak and fixed lineup at The power of love:, 17/9/22 16:33;
      4. Implemented today's tweak to Spanish at 'O surdato 'nnamurato, 17/9/22 16:38;
      5. Added male-singer version of Italian at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 17/9/22 16:41:01;
      6. Made history edit for the porter fragment and implemented the latest tweak to its Italian version at Daily life: marriage songs, 17/9/22 17:14;
      7. Mentioned 30/1 sci q variant at A night of moonlight, 17/9/22 19:23;
      8. Mentioned 30/1 sci q variant and its miscopying at How do I know you love me?, 17/9/22 19:31;
      9. Mentioned μετάτρεψαι->μετάγεσθαι->μεταφράζην tweak to cover fragment at Hymn to Aphrodite, 17/9/22 19:41;
      10. History edit and multi-Greek implementation at Hector and Andromacha, 17/9/22 23:18;
      11. Implemented last-minute tweak to Italian of porter fragment at Daily life: marriage songs, 17/9/22 23:36;
      12. Implemented last-minute tweak to Italian and added "xiaorenwu" ruby over "sio tsut-a" at The power of love, 18/9/22 0:35; except I'm an idiot and only mention the tweak, so I actually implement it at 0:37.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 18/9/22 16:12», 18/9/22 15:51;
    1. Bulan menjadi saksi | Testimon la luna m'è | Hëna ësh dëshmitar për mu, «25/9/22, uploaded 2:13:32 - 2:24:06, processed 2:24:11 - 2:24:[50,55] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 2:24:[50,55] - 2:25:[31,40] (moved from 7% to done), published 2:27:02».
    2. Related index update for both (includes placing all S16 residues) 25/9/22 2:16.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Did the below at Blog index, 19/9/22 3:23;
        1. Mention S15=S17 and conclude S16 is the PDF of S15;
        2. State that diary says I prepared Sappho for Croatia on 14/7, so perhaps S18 is from then;
        3. Fix the 1.E.ix situation (Italian+English currently placed together right after 15/6 Ciapa la galeina, and Latin entirely forgotten);
        4. Check Sappho is all toggled by button;
        5. Finish placing 1.C.iii (i.e. turn "Latin+English" to "Latin" and place it out the spoiler);
        6. Place Hector and Andromacha;
      2. Switched and 1.C.vii in the fragments part of the post to make them match with the crit notes, at The rest of Sappho, 19/9/22 3:28;
      3. Edited Blog index to address the below, 22/9/22 3:37;
        1. Index says diary says Italian translation of Megistia epigram is 17/9 morning, but that's only first three lines of Megistia, the rest are done after lunch;
        2. S19 residues are now from between 25/6 and 28/8, no 10/8 anymore; also, "prayer" English was marked as tweaked 28/8, but the tweak is just an S19 residue;
        3. Specified the "small tweak" to LP 3 Latin between S14 and S15;
        4. Placed LP 20 Italian;
      4. Added Spanish translation at end of Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 24/9/22 22:21;
      5. Implemented 18/9/22 1:22 tweak to Italian at The power of love, 24/9/33 22:25;
      6. Implemented 22/9/2 tweak to English at You are my life, 24/9/22 22:29;
      7. Added email version to Another poem by Donne, 24/9/22 22:44;
      8. Implemented 25/5/11 email about Carpe Diem at Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta, 24/9/22 23:02;
      9. Added fixed Albanian remake at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 25/9/22 1:14.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 25/9/22 11:29», 25/9/22 11:18;
    1. VIDEO: Haja o que houver | Sia quel che sia, «9/10/22, uploaded 1:18:[04,05] (moved from preparing to 1% done) – 1:24:20, processed 1:24:23 – 1:25:[07,12] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 1:25:[07,12] – 1:25:36 (moved from 3% to done), published 1:27:36».
    2. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below points): 9/10/22 1:20.
      1. Move 1.E.iv Latin to between 2/12 and 21/12 because OS7;
      2. Date the tweak to the Romagnolo HS4 Sappho translation;
      3. Place all translations of the separate Athenaeus quote found in the post "I want to have died";
      4. Implement diary dating info into German item for Encomium;
      5. Add current comparisons status for SP4 to its item, as well as suspicions on SP4's genesis and investigation plans.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Added original text of second fragment at Different nostalgia: daughter is far away, 27/9/22 15:48;
      2. Implemented 25/9/22 tweak to rhyming remake at Poisonous perfume, 1/10/22 11:52;
      3. Implemented 1/10/22 tweak to Latin of 1.E.iv at The rest of Sappho, 1/10/22 12:00:01;
      4. Updated chrono index at Blog index as per below list, 1/10/22 12:48:
        1. Paragraph broke and slightly modified the "S" item for S18;
        2. Changed "tried to cut the number of files like in the previous list" to "[…] like in the "S" list";
        3. Fixed the dating info of "SP" items (B2E2, B2E1, B2E10, B2E8, B2E4);
      5. Implemented remake of Kapalais Latin and dated original translations of that fragment, and paragraph broke intro of post, at I want to have died, 8/10/22 16:26;
      6. Implemented tweak to Italian of Edmonds 35 at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 8/10/22 16:31;
      7. Implemented tweak to Indonesian-Albanian translation and add Indonesian-Greek one at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 8/10/22 16:58;
      8. Implemented tweak to English of LP 166 at Mythic'lly good? Let’s hear some myths!, 8/10/22 17:02.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 9/10/22 11:14», 9/10/22 11:04;
    1. VIDEO: Romaria | Pellegrinaggio, «16/10/22, uploaded 1:05:[15,16] - 1:17:06, processed 1:17:11 - 1:18:[30,36] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 1:18:[30,36] - 1:18:[46,54] (moved from 2% to done), published 1:23:28».
    2. Post: Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 15/10/22 1:31.
    3. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below points): 16/10/22 1:07;
      1. Implement comparison of SP4 with S6/7 (no extra overlay or manuscript info apart from Beautiful gifts of the Muses though, that will come later);
      2. Date ROS 1.A.iv Latin remake as a consequence;
      3. Place OS29 stuff not found in OS28;
      4. Place all S13 residues after Carpe Diem as a consequence;
      5. Place Romaria in both indices and add Miraculosa to post index.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Implemented recent tweak to Italian at Come what may, 15/10/22 16:28;
      2. Added rhyming Italian remake at Alone in a rainy night, 15/10/22 17:47;
      3. History edit for "Beautiful gifts of the Muses" at Nostalgia for youth, 16/10/22 0:22.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 16/10/22 1:34», 16/10/22 1:28;
    1. VIDEO: Miraculosa Rainha dos Céus | Miracolosa Regina dei Ciel, «23/10/22, uploaded 1:32:[05,06] (moved from preparing to 1% done) - 1:42:05, processed 1:42:08 - 1:43:[47,50] (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 1:43:[47,50] - 1:[44:54,45:07] (moved from 10% to done), published 1:46:08».
    2. Post: Miracolosa regina, 22/10/22 14:54.
    3. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below points): 23/10/22 1:35.
      1. Place "I want to have died", and note the likely date 17/12 for SP5 as a consequence;
      2. Place Miraculosa in both indices;
      3. Remark, in preface to OS list, that, while these do not give the dates of their translations, I am assuming they give the dates of their first digitizations, and thus can still give bounds to printouts;
      4. Note that HS4 begins on 13/9/10 by diary, and point out that SPN1 is probably all written before then as the diary only says I copied Sappho stuff on computer.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Mentioned recent tweaks to Italian and added partial Greek version at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 22/10/22 16:02;
      2. Implemented 21-22/10 tweaks to Chinese at Work for the Lord:, 22/10/22 16:20;
      3. Implemented recent tweaks to Italian at Oltre le lacrime, 22/10/22 16:25;
      4. Tidied up intro at The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder?, 22/10/22 17:42;
      5. Implemented email version of sonnet translation at Another poem by Donne, 22/10/22 17:57;
      6. History edit at I want to have died, 23/10/22 0:55.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 23/10/22 11:01», 23/10/22 10:54;
    1. VIDEO: 告诉我你不爱我 Gàosu wǒ nǐ bù ài wǒ | Tell me you don't love me, «30/10/22, uploaded 0:08:[26,27] (went from preparing to 2%) - 0:22:21, processed 0:22:26 - 0:23:[14,25] (went from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 0:23:[14,25] - 0:24:[15,16] (went from 8% to done), published 0:29:09».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 30/10/22 0:11.
      1. i. Place Romaria Greek;
      2. Place A po vjen all versions;
      3. Place Gaosu wo ni bu ai wo English rhyming remake;
      4. Place "Beautiful gifts of the Muses";
      5. Place "Idyll with Aphrodite".
    3. EDITS:
      1. Updated Greek version at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 29/10/22 12:14; question link added 12:24;
      2. Added Greek and Chinese at Viens-tu donc?, 29/10/22 12:50;
      3. Added English rhyming remake at Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you), 29/10/22 13:10.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 30/10/22 15:12», 30/10/22 15:06;
    1. VIDEO: Je partirai, «1/11/22, uploaded 17:03:[01,04] (moved from preparing to 2% done) - 17:13:07, processed 17:13:09 - 17:14:49 (no % for ages, then 25 42 62 95, then straight to 0% checked), checked 17:14:49 - 17:15:[26,27] (moved from 6% to done), published 17:25:16».
    2. EDIT: Updated Index by languages, 1/11/22 17:03.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 1/11/22 17:31», 1/11/22 17:27;
    1. VIDEO: Old Mother Hubbard | Mamma Vincenza, «6/11/22, uploaded 12:17:[50,52] (went from preparing to 1% done) - 12:21:44, processed 12:21:47 - 12:22:[00,15] probs :12 (basically went from preparing to 1% checked, I was trying to save time by writing down the timestamps while it processed, and by the time I got back, it was 1% checked, like WTF?), checked 12:22:[00,15] probs :12 - 12:22:30 (from 3% to done), published 12:24:56».
    2. POST: Old mother Hubbard, 5/11/22 12:45.
    3. Related index update for both, includes placing post in both indices and marking post-OS28 SP7 manuscripts as such, 6/11/22 12:20;
      1. 1.A.ii Italian;
      2. C 21 Latin manerbet->maneret typo fix;
      3. 1.F.iii Latin;
      4. 1.H.iv Italian with variant "ne l'anima";
      5. 1.H.iv Latin in the form "Aljam', haud ull' animo devenit ull' animo meo";
      6. 1.C.v l. 2 Italian;
      7. 1.E.ix Italian in the partial form «S'adorna or la terra / Ché 'l servo»;
      8. LPC 139 Italian;
      9. Integration ἴλ[ιγγος in C 213B and related translations ("þe spinniŋ", Italian absent);;
      10. 1.E.ix Lat with l. 1 ending with ".";
      11. LPC 139 English original;
      12. LPC 139 Latin;
      13. LPC 71 English with variant line ending "and I won't let you";
      14. 1.H.ii Latin with alternate line endings «consiliumque comple», «ad corqu'iterum»;
      15. 1.H.ii English manuscript version;
      16. 1.I.iv Italian;
      17. 1.I.iv English;
      18. 1.A.ii English.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Added Romagnolo and one line of Albanian plus filler for the space at Only you, 2/11/22 0:38;
      2. Implemented tacuinum and folia poematum stuff for Horace at Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta, 5/11/22 18:51;
      3. Added Italian rhyming remake to Only you, 5/11/22 19:11;
      4. Implemented manuscript version of 1.A.ii Italian at The rest of Sappho, 5/11/22 23:50(:01);
      5. Implemented manuscripts of English 1.H.ii and 1.A.ii at The rest of Sappho, 6/11/22 0:22.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 6/11/22 12:38», 6/11/22 12:31;
    1. VIDEO 1: We are the champions | Siamo i campioni, «12/11/22, uploaded 19:34:32 - 19:43:41, processed 19:43:45 - 19:44:47 (moved from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 19:44:47 - 19:46:44 (moved from 19% to done), published 19:47:00».
    2. POST: We are the champions, 12/11/22 14:51.
    3. VIDEO 2: Romaria: traduzione e commento, «12/11/22, uploaded 23:26:51 - 0:51:[15,21] (was doing something else, it said 33s at 15 and 100% uploaded at 21), processed 0:51:49 - 0:[58:42,59:03] (was doing something else, it moved from 95& to 0% checked in that timeframe), checked 0:[58:43,59:03] - 1:03:28 (moved from 44% to done), published 1:03:57».
    4. Related index update for all three (includes addressing below points): 12/11/22 23:31;
      1. Add 17/4/11 diary quote to item for Licinius ode by Horace;
      2. Remove the bullshit Meais amicais difference between SP7 and S6/7 from the difference list;
      3. Expanded on placement of Italian cover vs. Italian epigrams, adding some diary quotes;
      4. Place We are the champions on both indices;
      5. Add SP1 vs. S1 comparison to SP list item for SP1.
    5. EDITS:
      1. Noted that the HS3 Italian stuff was found and doesn't include the mysterious lost translation, and added the translation that inspired it, at A couple translations of Troubadour poems, 12/11/22 15:02;
      2. Fixed "sufrida" to "sofrida", implemented 8/11/22 Italian of "à custa", mentioned alternate reading of Pirapora and consequent retranslations of the start of the chorus, all at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 12/11/22 15:09;
      3. History edit for Italian translations at Epigrams at the Thermopylae, 12/11/22 15:59;
      4. Fixed the date and added diary quote at Fragments of the Divine Comedy, 12/11/22 16:15.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 13/11/22 13:44», 13/11/22 13:36;
    1. VIDEO: A po vjen? | Έρχεσαι;, «20/11/22, uploaded 15:08:[43,44] (moved from preparing to 1%) - 15:15:54, processed 15:15:57 - 15:17:58 (moved from 95% processed to… no-percentage checked?), checked 15:17:58-15:18:11 (moved from 2% to done), published 15:19:44».
    2. Related index update (includes placing all S13/S14/OS28 residues aside from a few tweaks that happened in S14): 20/11/22 15:11.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Added Chinese and the whole double translation thing at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 19/11/22 17:57;
      2. Made 1.A.v English have "change" on the first line and the second line be indented, and fixed that English 1.H.ii had not default active tab, at The rest of Sappho, 20/11/22 15:05.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 20/11/22 15:27», 20/11/22 15:22;
    1. VIDEO: Romaria | Προσκύνημα, «27/11/22, uploaded 12:58:31-13:11:30, processed 13:11:35-13:15:16 (went from 95% processed to blank), checked 13:15:19 ("Checking 0%" appeared) - 13:21:28 (went from I'm-pretty-sure-61%-but-maybe-60% to done), published 13:23:36».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 27/11/22 13:00;
      1. Add comparison info of SP2 with S1/S2;
      2. Mention tacuinum poematim in items for 1.E.viii translations and add the English one of "A prayer to avert stormy journeys" to chrono index;
      3. Add Lam-lin--e kuann French to chrono;
      4. Add Wo de gesheng li all but Czech to chrono;
      5. Add Zhiyou ni English rhyming remake + Greek (+ Romagnolo and Italian remake?) to chrono.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Implemented latest alliterative version of Greek chorus at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 22/11/22 13:01;
      2. Added French to Always fought for myself, 22/11/22 13:11;
      3. Completed Greek and Hindi at Suddenly appeared, suddenly left, 22/11/22 14:32;
      4. Implemented the 21/4/22 tweak to the Chinese at Favola, 24/11/22 14:30;
      5. Added English remake and Greek version at Only you, 24/11/22 16:03;
      6. Implemented 22/11 Chinese chorus variant and the ori-ari in place of ari-ari in the Greek final partial chorus, and fixed lineup problem by correctly implementing the alliterative version in the partial Italian final chorus, also put some more padding between the columns and to the left of everything, at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 25/11/22 15:17;
      7. Implemented 26/11 Chinese chorus variant at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 26/11/22 16:20;
      8. Mentioned 26/11 Chinese chorus version at Work for the Lord, 26/11/22 16:24;
      9. Added Albanian at Only you, 26/11/22 18:26; order of "hold still" lines fixed in English remake, Greek, and Albanian at 18:29;
      10. Added Chinese remake at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 26/11/22 18:41;
      11. Implemented quaternum poematum stuff about Timad's epigram at Sappho: three epigrams and a mourning song, 26/11/22 18:47;
      12. History edit for English and creation of intro numbered list at A prayer to avert stormy journeys, 26/11/22 19:22;
      13. Made nav-tabs actually work and added intercolumnar padding at A prayer to avert stormy journeys, 27/11/22 12:46.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 27/11/22 14:21», 27/11/22 14:11;
    1. VIDEO: Balada da caridade | Μπαλάντα της φιλανθρωπίας, «4/12/22, uploaded 1:41:32-1:50:38, processed 1:50:≤43 (got distracted and missed the shift) - 1:53:[17,18] (moved from 9% processed to 0% checked), checked 1:54:[17,18] - 1:53:36 (moved from 2 or 3% to done), published 1:54:[20,21] (clicked PUBLISH then screenshotted the :21)».
    2. POST: Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity), 3/12/22 15:49.
    3. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below points): 4/12/22 1:44;
      1. Remove UNFINISHED tag from spoiler item for Où donc es-Tu and add French-Italian to the language pairs;
      2. Place Aganai gynaikes Latin;
      3. Add SD1.i-SD1.xii and SD2-SD21;
      4. Add UNDRAFTED tag to Gli hakka devono aver canti loro item.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Implemented recent tweaks to Italian and tidied up intro at Table of sadness, 3/12/22 15:57;
      2. Implemented recent tweak to Greek at Time after time, 3/12/22 16:02;
      3. Implemented recent tweaks for Chinese and Italian, update the intro accordingly, added the Spanish, put in that last line of the Italian chorus, fix komvo to kompo on the Greek, all at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 3/12/22 17:34;
      4. Added «4:32 «Αν, μπορώντας, σήμερα, / Αχ, δεν μεταβόλησα», », which had previously gotten lost in the eddition of the preceding [], at Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity), 3/12/22 18:06.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 4/12/22 11:38», 4/12/22 11:30;
    1. VIDEO: Να ζήσεις 🇬🇷 | Que vivas 🇪🇸🇵🇹, «8/12/22, uploaded 0:16:[42,43] (went from preparing to 1% done) - 0:21:08, processed 0:21:11 - 0:21:~44 (went from 95% processed to 0% checked), checked 0:21:~44 - 0:21:~55 (went from 1% to done), published 0:23:36».
    2. POST: Que vivas, 7/12/22 23:52.
    3. Related index update for both (includes placing all translations of lP 32 and the newly posted translations in the chrono tab): 8/12/22 0:20.
    4. EDITS:
      1. History edit for LP32 at Memory and being remembered, 7/12/22 20:05;
      2. Added mention of 25/3/11 file, added code to create nav-tabs, and had the "email version" tab actually open the email version (it previously referred to a non-existent "E" tab where the div it should have referred to used to be called "Start"), all at Another poem by Donne, 8/12/22 11:34.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 8/12/22 11:39», 8/12/22 11:34;
    1. VIDEO: Time after time – 花舞う町で Hana mau machi de | Time after time – Tra le danze dei fior | Time after time – Στων λουλουδιών των χορό, «11/12/22, uploaded 19:14:48-19:56:30, processed 19:56:43-20:01:[33,50] (left to do something else at 95% processed, came back at 2% checked), checked 20:01:[33,50] - 20:11:[32,34] (went from 94% to done), published 20:13:12».
    2. Related index update (includes placing new Romaria translations and the TCPOS translations of Sappho 16): 11/12/22 19:17.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Humongous edit to Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 10/12/22 2:16:
        1. Implemented "Cunzai fou" and 9/12/22 tweak in Chinese;
        2. Mentioned 5/12/22 alternate end for first verse, and 9/12/22 tweak to horse line;
        3. Added English;
        4. Added Japanese;
        5. Added missing linebreak in Spanish before "Mis hermanos";
        6. Implemented MdH corrections to Spanish;
        7. Mentioned disliked 9/12/22 Spanish tweak and its Italian untimestamped and so far unwritten analogue;
      2. Added rubies to Japanese and mentioned unimplemented possible Japanese tweak from today at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 10/12/22 15:21;
      3. Added mention of 8/12/22 re-remake of Chinese line at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 10/12/22 15:30;
      4. Implemented MdH corrections to Spanish at Que vivas, 10/12/22 15:41.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 11/12/22 22:54», 11/12/22 22:49;
    1. VIDEO 1: Romaria: commento | commentary, «19/12/22, uploaded 1:05:40-2:38:51, processed 2:38:14-(≤2) (was watching another vid, missed the change by ≤2 secs) - 2:44:[30,37], where, with a few seconds of showing nothing, it went from 3 minutes left for processing to CHECKS COMPLETE, like WTAF? And published 2:46:48».
    2. VIDEO 2: Romaria | Pellegrinaggio | Προσκύνημα | 朝圣 Cháoshèng, «19/12/22, uploaded 1:07:55-2:00:39, processed 2:00:48-2:03:13 where it went from 4mins remaining to checking 0%, checked 2:03:13-2:03:[26,27] (went from 2% to done), published 2:04:48».
    3. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below points): 19/12/22 1:10;
      1. Place Romaria Romagnolo;
      2. Edit the item for the Latin-English translation of Catullus to say I have the paper original of the poem notebook on my hands and will eventually consult it;
      3. Place the GW+safopoemas translations of Sappho 16;
      4. Place all translations of 1.C.vii 1.E.x 1.H.v and the Italian translation of 1.E.v, in chronological order.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Completed Chinese remake at Time after time, 17/12/22 15:57;
      2. Mentioned particle uncertainty of Japanese chorus, implemented 15/12/22 Spanish tweak, and added Romagnolo, all at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 17/12/22 19:23.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 19/12/22 11:47», 19/11/22 11:41;
    1. VIDEO: Mele Kalikimaka (English + Latīnē), «25/12/22, uploaded 1:19:[55,56] (went from preparing to 3%) - 1:31:48, processed 1:31:51 - 1:32:34 (went from preparing, to processing to SD, to almost done, and at this time it switched to Checking), checked 1:32:34 - 1:32:49/50 (moved from 2% to done), published 1:33:15».
    2. POST: Mele Kalikimaka: a mere tweak, 24/12/22 14:40.
    3. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below points): 25/12/22 13:19.
      1. Place Mele Kalikimaka as undatable;
      2. Place remaining translations of 1.E.v;
      3. Place all translations of LP 17;
      4. Touched up history of Italian of LP 96;
      5. Place Latin and Italian of 1.E.i;
      6. Place Italian of 1.A.xv;
      7. Note the tweak made to Catullus Italian today 24/12/22;
      8. Give Old Mother Hubbard its posting timestamp.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Implemented 17/12 and 21/12 tweaks to Italian and Romagnolo at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 21/12/22 14:21;
      2. History edit for 1.E.i at The rest of Sappho, 23/12/22 14:28; duplicate div ids between Latin and Italian fixed 14:30;
      3. History edit for the prayer to Hera at Sappho: two divine epiphanies, 24/12/22 11:46; fixed excess tags and a couple mistakes in the intro at 11:51;
      4. Updated index by languages, putting Moi je te promets in the table (it was in the "maybe one day I will make a column for" list), removing "(May be soon-to-be-added)" from Romagnolo of Only you and "as of 18/11/21" annotations and updating "as of 22/1/22 0:50" annutation of Wasurenaide Latin, and removing empty rows from tables 1-2, all at Index by languages, 24/122/22 15:34;
      5. Implemented 24/12/22 tweak to Latin-Italian translation at Catullus and Sappho: ode to Anactoria, 24/12/22 15:38;
      6. Implemented 24/12/22 fix and fixed the literal Italian at Andiamo sulla luna!, 24/12/22 17:07.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 25/12/22 16:39», 25/12/22 16:31;
    1. VIDEO: 慢慢的 Mànmàn de | Slowly, «3/1/23, uploaded 1:03:45/46 (moved from preparing to 1%) - 1:24:43, processed 1:24:51 - … it said 5 minutes, so I got distracted, and the next time I look back, 1:26:18, we're at 4% checked, and less than 4s later it is just done? WTF is this nonsense? Anyway, published 1:27:43».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 3/1/23 1:08; video link moved to post item from translation item at 1:11;
      1. Mark LP 17 Latin as Latin (not English);
      2. Replace rotten Piel Canela video link;
      3. Finish HS3 part of SD list, fixing any number typos in 1.E.v translations in the process.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Implemented 31/12/22 and 1/1/23 tweaks to English at Slowly, 2/1/22 1:34;
      2. Paragraph-broke intro of "Novità" tab, fixed miscoded spoiler in said tab, and fixed layout of other tab, all at Una prova, 2/1/23 1:52.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 3/1/23 13:58», 3/1/23 13:51;
    1. VIDEO 1: Τι θέλω, τι; | Quoi veux-je, quoi?, «7/1/23, uploaded 12:47:41/42 (moved from "preparing" to 1% done) - 12:52:22, processed 12:52:25 - 12:53:06 (passing from "5 minutes left" to "Almost done" at 12:53:04), checked 12:53:06 - 12:54:23 (12% to done), published 12:55:52».
    2. VIDEO 2: Il nostro cuore non si è perduto | Η καρδιά μας δε χάθηκε, «7/1/23, uploaded 23:18:[18,20] (moved from preparing to 1%) - 23:25:48, processed 23:25:51 - 23:26:47 (went from 5 minutes left to 0% checked), checked 23:26:47 - 23:27:03 (went from 2% to done), published 23:29:20».
    3. POST: Il nostro cuore, 7/1/23 12:47.
    4. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 7/1/23 23:20; link for first video moved from chrono spoiler to post index 8/1/23 12:03;
      1. Add post to both indices;
      2. Replace the rotten video links for Shi ni shi ni shi ni and Xiangshui you du;
      3. Ensure Piel canela is replaced in all instances (and it was only replaced in a spoiler in chrono!);
      4. Place LP 142 English;
      5. Make list of fragments in the files.
    5. EDITS:
      1. Implemented recording-day tweak to French of Τι θέλω τι at Sappho in "pop" culture, 6/1/23 13:02;
      2. Correctly placed Wo de gesheng li English in year U5 and placed all U5-U6 translations from the first two translations notes on Facebook, all at Blog index, 6/1/23 16:41;
      3. Implemented 1/1/23 tweak, fix 问 -> 吻 wěn, noting the possibility of 闻 wén in the intro, and pointed out the correction 凭->拼 in the intro, all at Slowly, 6/1/23 16:50;;
      4. Implemented 1/1/23 tweak to English at Despacito, 6/1/23 16:53;
      5. Implemented 5/1/23 tweak to Megistia English at Epigrams at the Thermopylae, 6/1/23 16:56.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 8/1/23 12:21», 8/1/23 12:12;
    1. VIDEO: María Isabel, «15/1/11, uploaded 0:57 (went from preparing to 1% done) - 1:03:~12 (was doing something else, looked up to see "complete", I'd say at most 2s after it popped up), processed 1:03:13/14 - 1:03:[47,50] (moved from 5 minutes left to 0% checked with a "blank moment" in between), checked 1:03:[47,50] - 1:04:20/21 (5% to done), published 1:08:00».
    2. POST: Maria Isabel, 14/1/23 15:14.
    3. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 15/1/23 0:59;
      1. Add post to both indices;
      2. Make spoiler items for all complete translations in IAFI (and remove UNFINISHED tag from Seigneur où es-Tu);
      3. Index has link for A-lev shel-i under link text for Pame mia volta;
      4. Replace Gei-dak mong-gei unavailable vid
      5. Place 1.I.v aka LP 104(b).
    4. EDITS:
      1. Implemented 6/1/23 tweak to Greek at Il nostro cuore, 14/1/23 15:29;
      2. Mentioned variants of start of Japanese verse 1 and chose the 10/1/23 one at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 14/1/23 15:38;
      3. Implemented Sicilian tweak and added Italian and Spanish to 'O sole mio, 14/1/23 15:59;
      4. Implemented 11/1/23 tweak to Italian at Non so quanto ti amo, 14/1/23 16:03;
      5. Implemented latest 14/1/23 tweak to Italian and fixed "BVon" in intro at Maria Isabel, 15/1/23 11:50.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 15/1/23 12:01», 15/1/23 11:53;
    1. VIDEO: 命运毋是咱决定 Miā-ūn m̄-sī lán kuat-tīng | We cannot choose our destiny, «22/1/23, uploaded 13:57:53/54 (moved from preparing to 1%) - 14:02:29, processed 14:02:32 - 14:03:[24,27] (moved from 4 minutes left to 0% checked), checked 14:03:[24,27] - 14:04:[04,09] (moved from 5% maybe 6% to done), published 14:07:20».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 22/1/23 13:59;
      1. Replace unavaiable video of Come hai fatto;
      2. Replace unavaiable video of Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni;
      3. Replace unavaiable video of Miā-ūn m̄-sī lán kuat-tīng;
      4. Duly note PN extracts in SD list except for the 9/9/10 and 10/9/10 ones;
      5. Add new translations to chrono index.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Mentioned Japanese variant second half-first-verse, implemented 16/1/23 Chinese chorus, and added Albanian, all at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 21/1/23 19:00;
      2. Fixed unavailable link and linebreakings at Destiny isn't for us to decide, 21/1/23 19:05;
      3. Implemented latest Chinese-English tweak at Heartache, 21/1/23 19:10;
      4. Implemented 20/1/23 Greek tweak at Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity), 21/1/23 19:14;
      5. Implemented tweaks to non-rhyming English and added rhyming English, Chinese, Albanian, and Greek, all at Deep love still, 21/1/23 19:53;
      6. Added rhyming English and Greek to I miss you, 21/1/23 23:48;
      7. Implemented latest 21/1/23 Greek tweak at Deep love still, 22/1/23 11:29.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 22/1/23 14:26», 22/1/23 14:19;
    1. VIDEO: 能否不想你 Nang4-fau2 bat1 soeng2 nei5 | Can I not miss thee?, «29/1/23, uploaded 12:39:01-12:48:04, processed 12:48:08-12:49:[32,34] (greyed out its 4 minutes left, then had a "nothing" moment, then "Checked 0%"), checked 12:49:[32,34] - 12:50:02 (moved from 4% to done), published 12:53:04».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 29/1/23 12:40;
      1. Place all translations of the lyre fragment and tweak the first SF46 item in the process;
      2. Add mention of extant files to SD1.xxiii;
      3. Add all the quotations to SD1.xix;
      4. Add expansion to SD40;
      5. Date Gongyla Campbell, discussing the dating with SD references;
      6. Add Hymn version 1.5 dated 21/8/10, and discuss the text and dating, referencing the opportune SD items.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Added file names from index to non-tesina files, added a few S1-S2 and S4-S5 changes, mentioned that 28/3 is a wrong metadatum and the πήλυι change is mentioned in the [paracritical] note way earlier than it first appears in the files, and implemented version 1.5 at Hymn to Aphrodite, 25/1/23 14:10;
      2. Noted the l. 1 change in the text of Gongyla Cambpell at Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction, 26/1/23 15:54;
      3. Added partial Italian version to Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity), 25/1/23 19:41; missing transliterated l. 1 of final version reinstated 19:47;
      4. History edit at Sing to me, o lyre, 28/1/23 1:42:59;
      5. Fixed mou4-gei1 to mou4-kei1 and implemented 29/1/23 tweak to rhyming remake at Can I stop loving you?, 29/1/23 11:45.
    «Related Facebook page post update 29/1/23 13:10», 29/1/23 13:03;
    1. VIDEO: Minha festa | Mi fiesta | Η γιορτή μου | A mè festa, «4-5/2/23, uploaded 23:55:29 - 0:06:58, processed 0:07:03 - 0:08:21 (4 minutes left), blankness at 0:08:25, then checked 0:08:25 - 0:08:[44,46] (3% to done), published 0:10:32».
    2. POST: Mi fiesta, 4/2/23 12:49.
    3. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below points): 4/2/23 23:57;
      1. Add Minha festa to chrono index;
      2. Note possible alternate end of "notam termino" of SD38 and justify the guess, mentioning the translations present in S5 past SF28;
      3. Mention in SD1.xxv the slew of translations mentioned in SPN1 before the extract quoted in that item;
      4. Duly note 9-10/9/10 PN extracts in SD list.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Fixed 1.C.vii Latin history to say "Lydi-/æ opu'" instead of "Ludi-/æ opu'", fixed SF44 to be 1.C.viii not 1.C.vii, placed French and German Hymn to Aphrodite, and fixed up history edit for Qongqothwane English, all in chrono index at Blog index, 2/2/23 20:57; German labeled as such and not French, and annotations dated, 3/2/23 0:47;
      2. Added French and German changelogs at Hymn to Aphrodite, 4/2/23 15:52;
      3. Implemented last-minute tweak to Sicilian at Mi fiesta, 4/2/23 22:54.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 5/2/23 11:52», 5/2/23 11:44.
    1. VIDEO: 黄昏里 Huánghūn lǐ | At twilight, «12/2/23, uploaded 17:20:05/06 (moved from preparing to 1%) - 17:27:06, processed 17:27:09 - 17:28:04/05 (moved from Almost done to 0% checked), 17:28:04/05 - 17:28:24/25 (moved from 3% to done), published 17:29:51».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 12/2/23 17:23;
      1. Place all translations from FTN26 except Heri jun zai lai which I must verify the date of;
      2. Update and bulleted-list-ize the guidelines for the placing of translations of Sappho 16 to reflect what was done, referencing SD; remove the accidental empty SD34 item, fix the fact that the dating reference for the safopoemas versions is SPN3, not SPN2, and rename SPN1 to SPN1/2 everywhere it appears relating to these versions, in the process;
      3. Fix the link under "Mi fiesta" from that of the Maria Isabel post to the correct one.
    3. EDIT: Updated Graham Lunch sung fragments section to reflect the info from Diane Raynor's email reply at Sappho in "pop" culture, 11/2/23 22:29.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 12/2/23 17:40», 12/2/23 17:37;
    1. VIDEO: A po vjen? | 要否来?Yào fǒu lái?, «26/2/23, uploaded 11:59:43/44 (moved from preparing to 1% done) - 12:08:01, processed 12:08:05 - 12:08:[57,59] (went from 5 minutes left, or maybe 4, to 0% checked), checked 12:08:[57,59] - 12:09:20 (went from 4% to done), published 12:11:20».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 26/2/23 12:02;
      1. Date Aconteceu Chinese to 30/9/16 not 1/10, and move to U4 list accordingly;
      2. «Youtube videos can get randomly taken down. If that happens, I will replace them here and ONLY here. The posts will then have unavailable videos.»: add "unless I have other reasons to edit the relevant posts";
      3. Cheek to cheek is wholly done on one day;
      4. Add the new translations (5 of Ty and the equimetrical Chun Xiao) to the chrono index.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Implemented Kika's correction to the Modern Greek version of the Παρθενία fragment, implemented the bracketing-spelling-punctuation of the Rayor translations as sent to me by Diane, integrated δήλωνται/δήλωθι/δήλωτε for "Reveal" in Gifts of the Muses, and added originals for the series of poetic English translations just before the Rayor translations, all at Sappho in "pop" culture, 25/2/23 19:01;
      2. Implemented recent tweaks to English at The taste of love, 25/2/23 19:11;
      3. Added Greek, Turkish, partial Russian, partial Sicilian, and partial Japanese, all at Te, 25/2/23 22:15;
      4. Mentioned 19/2/23 chorus variant of Chinese at Work for the Lord, 25/2/23 22:23;
      5. Added equimetrical English at the end of Spring Dawn, 25/2/23 22:28;
      6. Mentioned 23/2/23 rethinking of 22/9/22 tweak to English at You are my life, 25/2/23 22:32.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 25/2/23 12:22», 25/2/23 12:16;
    1. VIDEO: Haja o que houver | 无论什么 Wúlùn shénme | 无论啥物 Bô-lūn siánn-mih | Sia quel che sia, «5/3/23, uploaded 12:54:32-13:13:31, processed 13:13:35-13:17:28 (went from 2 minutes left to 0% checked), checked 13:17:28-13:17:42 (moved from 2% to done), published 13:18:56».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 5/3/23 12:56;
      1. Update histories of Russian Sicilian and Japanese Ty;
      2. Place translations of Haja o que houver;
      3. Update history of Everlasting love Chinese;
      4. Place Spanish translation of toast;
      5. Update history of Minha festa Greek and fix the link in the THREE entries of the chrono index, and make the Sicilian translation say Sicilian not Spanish;
      6. Update history of Chinese A po vjen;
      7. Place translations of Swedish nursery rhymes.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Mentioned 18/2/23 variants to my Chinese at L'Italiano, 27/2/23 0:58;
      2. Improved paddings at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 27/2/23 1:02;
      3. Closed unclosed div elements (thus making the post's contents appear) at Io ci sarò, 27/2/23 1:09;
      4. Implemented 25/2/23 tweak to Greek at Mi fiesta, 27/2/23 1:18;
      5. Implemented 25/2/23 tweak to French at I love you, 27/2/23 1:22;
      6. Implemented 25/2/23 tweak to Chinese at Viens-tu donc?, 27/2/23 1:28;
      7. History edit for Chinese and Min, and implementation of nav-tabs, at Come what may, 3/3/23 16:18;
      8. Updated the Index by languages, fixing the below points, 4/3/23 1:03;
        1. There are two ", Romaria" with nothing before them in the Index by languages, I'm assuming copypasting accidents;
        2. «Ne t' hâte past» needs fixing in index of Albanian-French translations;
        3. "C'est la vie" in Greek-Italian and Greek-French index still has posting date, as do "The power of love" in the Min Nan - Italian index and "Waiting till my heartbreak" in the Centonese-English index;
        4. Eccoti is misplaced in the Chinese-Italian index, and it also has a MickG video link;
        5. Un'avventura is missing its post link;
        6. At least one incomplete translation is listed in the index by language;
        7. There are some | with no preceding space;
        8. The entry for the Latin Sappho translation present at "Nel mio cuor tu sola stai" has MickG video link;
      9. Implemented recent tweaks to Chinese and Italian in the ``New video'' version, at Come what may, 4/3/23 14:52;
      10. Implemented 4/3/23 tweak to Spanish toast translation at Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 4/3/23 14:58;
      11. History edit and fixing 吧你欢迎 at Everlasting love, 4/3/23 15:47;
      12. Completed Sicilian and added parts of Russian and Japanese at Te, 4/3/23 16:23;
      13. History edit for translations from Swedish at Children's songs!, 4/3/23 18:50;
      14. Added linebreak after Italian line «Inevitabili d’ansïa» at Everlasting, 4/3/23 18:56.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 5/3/23 14:04», 5/3/23 13:50;
    1. VIDEO: Lela (+🇵🇹🇪🇸🇮🇹), «12/3/23, uploaded 15:29:20-15:40:25, processed 15:40:29-15:41:[46,59] (went to do something else at "4 minutes left", came back to "Checking 1%"), checked 15:41:[46,59]-15:42:25 (5% to done), published 15:43:44».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 12/3/23 15:31;
      1. Update history of Ikanaide Hungarian;
      2. Place all translations of Phu-poi;
      3. Placed dated translations from PhD1 spoiler: ROS 1.B.iv English and Italian (off to U6 they go!), Shi shang zhiyou mama hao Italian, "Thank you for your deep love" Mandarin, Barco negro Italian, In cil e jè une stele Italian;
      4. Place:
        1. Boku ga iru Korean;
        2. Piel canela English;
        3. Piel canela Chinese (in U2 spoiler);
        4. All three translations of Wo jiu yao he ni zai yiqi (date Rosa fresca aulentissima Italian in the process);
        5. Gei3-dak1 mong4-gei3 English;
        6. Jyut6 man5 jyut6 soeng1-sam1 English;
        7. Romanesque Chinese;
        8. Pang-tshiu (Ai li--e iau-khiu si tham) English;
        9. Aitai yo Italian;
        10. Yitiandaowan youyong de yu English.
    3. EDITS:
      1. History edit for Romagnolo (modulo dating of FTN19 corrections) at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 6/3/23 0:33;
      2. Placed U5 Deep love and Hymn 4, and updated history for Nel mio cuor tu sola stai Romagnolo, all at Blog index, 6/3/23 1:37;
      3. History edit and remake addition at Missing support, 9/3/23 2:24;
      4. Self-chat edit for Romagnolo (fixing «A-n vòi brìṣul bē» to have bẽ in the process), noted changes to Chinese in the drafting process, implemented recent tweak to Albanian, all at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 11/3/23 0:52;
      5. History edit at God to man, 11/3/23 1:27;
      6. History edit for Hungarian at Non andartene, 11/3/23 1:38;
      7. Paragraph broke intro for Hindi and fixed case/gender errors in associated translation at You're half of my soul, 11/3/23 23:42;
      8. Fixed śarāb' kā to śarāb' kī in all Hindi versions at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 11/3/23 23:48;
      9. Fixed oblique objects in perfectives in chorus to direct in Hindi versions at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 11/3/23 23:55;
      10. Made changes mentioned in last intro sentence to Hindi at Je vais vaguer, 12/3/23 0:20;
      11. Made "I don't know what to think" line feminine in Hindi versions at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 12/3/23 0:22;
      12. Made gender/case fixes in Hindi versions at Sorgi, luna, 12/3/23 0:37;
      13. Fixed code problems (namely the dive for the Cantante uomo version being labeled the sam as the other version) in Ferma le lancette, 12/3/23 0:39;
      14. Fixed mistransliteration of टंदी as ṭhańdā in Hindi of Atthída at Sappho in "pop" culture, 12/3/23 0:44;
      15. Fixed text and Chinese at Leads to Him, 12/3/23 0:48.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 12/3/23 16:06», 12/3/23 15:54;
    1. VIDEO: Do you hear the people sing? | 听到人们唱歌吗? Tīng dào rénmen chàng gē ma? | Τραγουδάν - τ' ακούς εσύ?, 19/3/23, «uploaded 14:26:29-14:34:56, processed 14:35:00-14:35:17 (I left it at "6 minutes left" to get to the screenshots with the previous two stamps and came back to the blank phase before, at this stemp, it had 0% checked), checked 14:35:17-14:36:37 (8% to done), published 14:38:32/33».
    2. POST: Do you hear the people sing?, 18/3/23 0:56.
    3. Index update for post (includes addressing points below): 18/3/23 1:10;
      1. Place new post's translations in chrono;
      2. Fix the fact that Aconteceu Chinese dates itself to 30/9/16 with no justification in the longer history, making it seem like that's a blog-time date;
      3. Place the new and yet-unpublished alexandrine verse translations of Romeo and Juliet excerpts.
    4. Index update for video (includes addressing the below points): 19/3/23 14:30:
      1. "Waiting till my heartbreak" has language pairs (Cantonese-English, Hakka-English) in non-chrono index and the posting date got stranded in the chrono index only;
      2. About 1.B.iv, note that the Italian «Appears in a self-message from 4/10/18 11:00 together with the next one, which follows it»;
      3. Mention FTN28's idea on the dating of Qongothwane Chinese and motivate them;
      4. Note that 11/8/17 SS have no trace of Gei3-dak1 mong4-gei3;
      5. Place Albanian Minha festa;
      6. Place:
        1. Aveva un bavero Hakka;
        2. Quel oselin dal bòsch Chinese;
        3. Sarang-hae Hakka needs more than just «Completed within (and probably started around) 1/4/15»;
        4. Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) Czech;
        5. Kai-kung vs. kai-mâ English;
        6. Jiā, tài yuǎnliǎo English;
        7. Ngoi3 bat1 hei2 English;
        8. Wǒ (Dúzì zǒu zài xiàyǔ de hēiyè lǐ) Ukrainian;
        9. Lōng-tsú--ê sim-tsîng English;
        10. Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 Czech.
    5. EDITS:
      1. Narrated intermediate revision histories and noted extent of latest revisions of the Chinese translations at Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge, 16/3/23 1:10;
      2. Deleted "nishui" from the intermediate revision of L'Infinito, implemented SS history for it, fixed that Alla luna's latest revision changes ll. 2-5 not just 2-4, fixed that the latest revision of L'Infinito changes the last line too, and implemented SS history for Alla luna, all concerning the Chinese translations at Leopardi, the moon, and a hedge, 16/3/23 13:41;
      3. Fixed «Hamāra pyār'» in Hindi transliteration, implemented original and Fb note tabs, paragraph broke first item of intro to Chinese and added final paragraph of it, at Aconteceu, 16/3/23 13:54;
      4. Noted self-chat messages for English translation at Leaving no traces, 16/3/23 14:00;
      5. Implemented last correction to Greek at Do you hear the people sing?, 18/3/23 18:43;
      6. Added Albanian at Mi fiesta, 18/3/23 18:47;
      7. Implemented tweak to Mors lilla Olle Chinese at Children's songs!, 18/3/23 18:54;
      8. Fixed typo «yest, 18/8: the 28/7 and 5/8 files» at We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing, 18/3/23 18:55;
      9. Added alexandrine versions of balcony speech and ending couplet, and implemented 17/3/23 tweak to balcony speech hendecasyllabics, both at Romeo and Juliet, 18/3/23 19:39;
      10. Implemented 15/3/23 "realization" about Atthida Hindi at Sappho in "pop" culture, 18/3/23 19:47;
      11. Implemented "my own spin" on the song, implemented the latest Greek tweak, and fixed "nongshi" to be a single word and "lieshi di xieye" to read "de", all at Do you hear the people sing?, 19/3/23 0:27.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 19/3/23 15:05», 19/3/23 14:56;
    1. VIDEO: Minha festa | Η γιορτή μου | Festa ime, «26/3/23, uploaded 13:18:31/32 (moved from preparing to 1% done) - 13:27:38, processed 13:27:42 - 13:28:53 (moved from "4 minutes left" to the blank moment), checked 13:28:55-13:29:04 (1% to done), published 13:29:52».
    2. POST: Random religious translations, 25/3/23 0:00.
    3. Related index update for post (includes addressing the below points): 25/3/23 1:03;
      1. Place new post's translations;
      2. All the changes from Hymn 4 to 5 are from 14/7/17, except for the one from the 24/9/12 PDF which isn'd even shown to happen by the SS;
      3. Place Me pnigei touti i siopi Italian translations;
      4. Remove the incomplete markings and complete the histories of Balcony speech alexandrines and Ty Sicilian, and the "yet unpublished" from both alexandrine translations;
      5. Get Sarang-hae English and Romagnolo, Thank you for your deep love Italian, Tu scendi dalle stelle Chinese remake, and the 1.B.iv translations out the dang U6 spoiler since they're dated;
      6. Place Chipi Chipi Chinese;
      7. Place Vent fin Chinese;
      8. Chipi Chipi in non-chrono has </a>|;
      9. Update history of Nguqongqothwane translations.
    4. Related index update for video (includes addressing the below points): 26/3/23 13:22 FAILED 13:21;
      1. Place Yelaixiang Czech;
      2. Place Yelaixiang Irish;
      3. Place Zui shouxi de moshengren Turkish;
      4. Place Siang-lang tsin-thau English;
      5. Place Siang-lang tsin-thau Czech;
      6. Place Vent fin English;
      7. Note that the 19/3/23 tweak to Kai-kung vs. kai-ma has indeed been implemented;
      8. Fix upper bound for date of Negra sombra Chinese from 12 to 17/11, and note the 10/8/18 tweak;
      9. Update histories of Un giudice;
      10. Note the 2012 tweaks to the HS3 Homer translations;
      11. Note the old HD findings for the history of Catullus V;
      12. Fix history of English Bin-a-tsai and;
      13. Note, in the history of English Loh-suann-hong, the pseudo-remake of 19/12/17 (also, fix "withihn").
    5. EDITS:
      1. Implemented 19/3/23 tweak to English at Roosters vs. hens, 20/3/23 1:28;
      2. Noted the 9/6/13 file containing the song at I'll be with you, 20/3/23 1:32;
      3. Placed 11/11/20 item of Czech history into the numbered list rather than the bulleted one for the 8/11 item, and split the 8/11 item's sublist into three items, at Who am I without you?, 20/3/23 1:37;
      4. Created bulleted list in intro and added a couple things, notably the dating of the tweak, to it at Ombra nera, 20/3/23 13:03;
      5. History edit at Un giudice, 20/3/23 15:49;
      6. Hid song analysis by default in intro at Work for the Lord, 21/3/23 0:41;
      7. Specified where the minidifference of manuscript vs. original version happens, implemented old HD stuff, and mentioned that the translation corpus from 2012 doesn't edit the translation, all about the translation of Catullus 5 at Barbarizzando Catullo:, 21/3/23 15:52;
      8. History edit and original version at The man of many skills and the Sirens, 21/3/23 17:15;
      9. Mentioned diary and manuscript and made tweak to penultimate line, all for second Italian translation at A couple translations of Troubadour poems, 21/3/23 17:24;
      10. Implemented Portuguese and Spanish tweaks, mentioned possible English tweak, and added Greek at Don’t leave me, Lela, 22/3/23 15:07;
      11. Implemented Youtube-comment tweak to Chinese at Do you hear the people sing?, 22/3/23 15:22;
      12. Added Italian remake at Questo silenzio mi soffoca, 22/3/23 15:36;
      13. Corrected translation year from 2009 to 2008, paragraph broke the intro, placed the file mention in the paragraph for the inmetrical translation where I added the brackets, and implemented today's tweak to iambic trimeters, all at Una versione… poetica, 22/3/23 16:20;
      14. Added pre-original Turkish and expanded on the Turkish translation's history at Intimate strangers: powerful love, 24/3/23 0:58;
      15. Precisely history-edited and provided version tabs for both translations at The knock-knock beetle, 24/3/23 1:50; English middle version actually implemented 2:01;
      16. Added middle-2 and middle-3 versions at The knock-knock beetle, 24/3/23 12:10;
      17. History edit for Chinese at Posso averne tante, ma…, 24/3/23 14:32;
      18. More history details added for Romagnolo and English at So many stars, 24/3/23 15:15:32;
      19. Timestamped the changes between versions 4 and 5 at Hymn to Aphrodite, 24/3/23 23:01;
      20. Implemented Kika answers to questions about Eirini corrections and added corrected remake of Greek at Missing support, 25/3/23 19:29;
      21. Fixed history of Min-English and added in the original version, putting them in the two columns between original and Greek, all at Being left, 25/3/23 19:54.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 26/3/23 15:00», 26/3/23 14:44;
    1. VIDEO: Manto de açucenas | Μανδύα κρίνων | Manto di gigli, «2/4/23, uploaded 12:55:48-13:09:14, processed 13:09:19-13:10:[09,45] (moved from 5 minutes left to 1% done, or at least that's what I saw), checked 13:10:[09,45]-13:12:07 (moved from 10% to done after going from 4% to 10% at 13:12:05), published 13:12:32».
    2. POST: Mantle of lilies, 1/4/23 0:55.
    3. Related index update for post (includes addressing the below points): 1/4/23 1:30;
      1. Place new post's non-English translations;
      2. Place new random religious translation;
      3. Note that the S5 version of SF28 is the final one, which previously was not displaying due to a code error – which amounts to removing the whole part of that item about the Italian :);
      4. Fix Nel mio cuor tu sola stai Romagnolo to be dated to 1/1/18, not 1/8/18;
      5. Place kin-pu-ya translations.
    4. Related index update for both (includes placing the below 14 translations of FTN30) 2/4/23 12:58:
      1. Khan gun--e tshiu Romagnolo;
      2. Ye wu English (and its Hakka brother too - and specify that Ni zenme shuo English is from 0:15);
      3. Ai-lin-a Greek (2018);
      4. Xiaosa zou yi hui English;
      5. Phiau-long--e hai-sua English;
      6. Ai-lin-a Romagnolo;
      7. Ai-lin-a French;
      8. Phiau-long--e hai-sua Czech;
      9. Pa ret ap domi Chinese;
      10. Pa ret ap domi English (and the Italian too);
      11. La mè zita Min Nan;
      12. Pareche ponzipo Min Nan;
      13. The things that I see Chinese;
      14. O bella ciao Chinese.
    5. EDITS:
      1. Implemented all but the manuscript version at Una versione… poetica, 28/3/23 1:44;
      2. Implemented manuscript versions and added manuscript pics at Una versione… poetica, 28/3/23 17:03;
      3. History edit at A truce is established, 29/3/23 3:19;
      4. The man of many skills and the Sirens, 30/3/23 0:33:
        1. Removed spurious "erepsit" from «where "erepsit" absolutely nothing happens»;
        2. Mentioned CoTAP on 16/8 states I didn't plan to musicate translations anymore;
        3. Noted the elision implemented in the 6/2 file at l. 2 of the Odyssey opening;
        4. Implemented prose and 22/7 versions;
        5. Noted the few differences between the final and 24/7 versions;
        6. Noted the dates given by CoTAP, replacing the item about Traduzioni di altrui poesie.doc with this;
        7. Added the actual code for nav-tabs;
      5. Actual history edit at Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles, 29/3/23 17:10;
      6. Removed fake difference at l. 6 of the Sirens which was just an extra end-of-line space from intro at The man of many skills and the Sirens, 30/3/23 0:33;
      7. Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles, 30/3/23 0:44:
        1. Fixed the fact the Muto version doesn't have a double-scanned "fiebat" in l. 5 of the opening;
        2. Actually implemented the 29/3/23 tweak to the Pestis;
        3. Pointed out the messup of l. 6 of the opening in the Adhuc version;
        4. Fixed the placement of all but the latest two versions on the page;
        5. Added the missing linebreaks on the 24/7 version;
      8. Mentioned 30/9/17 tweak to Chinese at Canzone del melograno, 30/3/23 0:47;
      9. Updated the index, to address the following points, 30/3/23 2:38:
        1. Mention the file containing Tu scendi dalle stelle Chinese original, and the fact the diary gives nothing about this translation;
        2. Place Heri jun zai lai English;
        3. Update the histories of the Homer translations;
        4. Minor-update history of Everlasting love Chinese;
        5. Add lists of stuff missing from S5;
      10. Added list of S1 stuff and S2 vs. S1 comparison, and tweaked the S4 vs. S2 comparison, at Blog index, 30/3/23 14:05;
      11. Did the below at Blog index, 31/3/23 2:50:
        1. Fixed the dating of HS1 Geste of Robyn Hode from Aug to Apr 2008;
        2. Placed Canzone del melograno Chinese;
        3. Added the S5 vs. S4 comparison, noting the appearance of SF31 Latin in S2/3 in the process;
      12. Fixed two typos (πνέοισιν and Hūnc)in the 30/5 version, eliminated second "Idyll" title and dragged "Divine Hera" out of the nav-tabs, fixed "frigig'" in original and 30/5 version, and removed the -que from motisque in motisque foliisque in 30/5 version, all about the Idyll at Sappho: two divine epiphanies, 31/3/23 14:02;
      13. Correctly labeled the div for the final version as F instead of O for the Italian of 1.H.i at The rest of Sappho, 31/3/23 14:13;
      14. Added the Santo to Random religious translations, 1/4/23 0:50;
      15. Implemented 31/3/23 tweak to English at Hymn to Aphrodite, 1/4/23 1:36;
      16. Updated Index by languages, merging duplicate cells and marking the duplicates as "See table X", 1/4/23 14:38;
      17. Implemented 1/4/23 tweak to Greek at Mantle of lilies, 1/4/23 17:26;
      18. Fixed typo "almda" in l. 2 of original chorus at Mantle of lilies, 2/4/23 0:38.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 2/4/23 14:30», 2/4/23 14:15;
    1. VIDEO: Aconteceu | It came to pass | Nni succiriu | वह बिता है Våḫ bītā hai, «9/4/23, uploaded 12:49:24/25 (moved from preparing to 1%) - 12:58:39, processed 12:58:43 - 12:59:45 (moved from 5 minutes left to checking 0%), checked 12:59:45-13:01:[30,34] (moved from 16/17% to done), published 13:02:48».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 9/4/23 12:51;
      1. Place translations from FTN32 (aside from Phu-poi):
        1. Weihe liulei Italian;
        2. Weihe liulei Sicilian;
        3. Zuihou de wenrou Italian;
        4. Zuihou de wenrou Sicilian;
        5. Sempurna Sicilian;
        6. Sempurna Chinese;
        7. Ai-lin-a tue lang tsau Romagnolo;
        8. Wunai Sicilian;
        9. Hoo-tsui gua mng li French;
      2. Add FTN list of Fb notes up to FTN32.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Removed Japanese and Portuguese columns and Japanese row from Table 3 and added Turkish row to Table 2 at Index by languages, 2/4/23 18:10;
      2. Added English, Albanian, Japanese, Spanish, and Greek at Come what may, 5/4/23 1:27;
      3. Added Italian at Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity), 6/4/23 1:14;
      4. Added Turkish and implemented last tweak to Greek and corrections to Japanese at Come what may, 6/4/23 1:28;
      5. Removed leftover shpesh from second verse of both versions of Albanian remake at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 7/4/23 1:06;
      6. Implemented 2/4/23 tweak to Min-French translation at Dis-moi donc, pluie, 7/4/23 1:11;
      7. Implement 4/4/23 tweak to Japanese at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 7/4/23 1:17;
      8. Added Hakka to Come what may, 7/4/23 1:24;
      9. Implemented line «Come mai potrò gioir» into Italian and added Chinese at Balada da caridade (Ballad of charity), 7/4/23 1:42;
      10. Added details to line evolution at Night fog, 7/4/23 13:19;
      11. Added square bracket about wrong date at La mè zita, 7/4/23 13:23;
      12. Edited Blog index to address the following, 8/4/23 2:20:
        1. Place Haja o que houver English Albanian Japanese Greek Turkish Hakka and Spanish, removing the posting date and time from Chinese Min and Italian in the process;
        2. Place Balada da caridade all three translations;
        3. Remove «twk. within 16/9/18» from Ye wu English; where did that date even come from?
        4. Fix the fact that the legs verse of La mè zita Min is from 19/*9*/18, not 19/8;
        5. Fix the fact that the SP1 text of the Idyll is not the same as S1, in that the stanza with the phyton integration has ˘¯ in place of it;
        6. The content description for random religious translations needs an update for the appearance of the Santo in it;
        7. Add in comparisons of SP3 with S5/S6/7;
      13. Updated Index by languages, 8/4/23 17:14;
      14. Placed Hindi last, fixed all ň to ṅ, fixed kathāeṅ and tārāeṅ to be spelled with candrabindu and baṛ'hā to be spelled with the one-letter ṛh, and added the trailing apostrophe to Jag, all at Aconteceu, 9/4/23 1:59.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 9/4/23 14:34», 9/4/23 13:52;
    1. VIDEO: Haja o que houver | Whate'er may pass | どんなにも Donna ni mo | Ο,τι αν γινεί, «11/4/23, uploaded 1:34:30-1:45:53, processed 1:45:58-1:47:[11,12] (moved from 5 minutes left to 0% checked), checked 1:47:[11,12] - 1:48:03 (moved from 10% to done), published 1:49:20».
    2. Related index update (includes tripling the translations of "Cypris and Nereids", putting the Main trio in U5m and the Alternative trio in PhD4m, and finishing the FTN note): 11/4/23 1:37.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Placed the ruby of the Japanese line "Kimi kara" over the "kimi" instead of over an accidental blank space and moved everything a bit to the left at Come what may, 10/4/23 20:17; made the Kanji match "sono daiji" instead of "kimi no daiji" at 23:49;
      2. Implemented 8/4/23 tweak to English at Aconteceu, 10/4/23 20:21;
      3. Fixed the typo in «Ἀλλ' ἄκοθσ]ον, αἴ κ[ε, θέα, μέλεσ]σ̤ι» (Main tab, first line of last stanza) and implemented nav-tabs at Sappho and her brother: two prayers, 10/4/23 23:12;
      4. Touched up intro, added HS4 tab, and made tabs actually work, all at Sappho and her brother: two prayers, 10/4/23 0:34.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 11/4/23 1:56», 11/4/23 1:52;
    1. VIDEO: Il seme | 种子 Zhǒngzi, «16/4/23, uploaded 16:51:[13,15] (moved from preparing to 1%) - 17:01:53 98% 39 seconds left, DUMBPUTER DIES FOR NO FUCKING REASON, 17:04:00 processing 5 minutes left, 17:04:02 everything done, published 17:05:04».
    2. Related index update (includes placing the translations from note FTN33 and FTN34, and making Où donc es-Tu an Italian post planned for next Sunday): 16/4/23 16:53;
      1. Guan-lai li m-bat ai-kue gua French;
      2. Guan-lai li m-bat ai-kue gua Romagnolo;
      3. Tsin-ai tsi-u li English;
      4. Però mi vuole bene Min;
      5. Ojos de cielo Min;
      6. ¿Cómo hacer para olvidarte? Min;
      7. 1.B.iv Latin got misplaced, time to put it after that 11/8/18 translation;
      8. Yelaixiang Japanese-Indonesian;
      9. Yelaixiang Japanese-Italian;
      10. ¿Cómo hacer para olvidarte? Chinese;
      11. Gute Nacht Min (first from FTN34);
      12. Xiang taiyang nuhou English;
      13. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi English;
      14. La preferenza Chinese (also, there's a couple Aug 2018 translations that are placed too low);
      15. Yongyuan bu huitou Italian;
      16. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi German;
      17. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Italian (original);
      18. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Spanish (original);
      19. Yongyuan bu huitou English;
      20. Wunai English;
      21. Wunai Italian;
      22. Wunai French.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Reinstated the "Main" version of the penultimate stanza in the "Alternative", renamed that tab to "With 2289", added missing blank line between last two stanzas of HS4 and ex-Alternative tab, and did history edit for both fragments (reinstating "Quæque prius erravit" into the HS4 tab in the process), all at Sappho and her brother: two prayers, 13/4/23 2:07;
        duplicate id's fixed and a couple of code things polished at 2:42;
      2. Added rhyming remake of Chinese at Il seme, 14/4/23 12:50;
      3. History edit at Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song, 15/4/23 0:55;
      4. Attempt at fixing lineups at Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song, 15/4/23 10:42;
      5. Eliminated line splittings in final mourning song, made final tab active in selection, and tried to fix line-ups of manuscript versions of Pelagon and mourning song, all at Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song, 15/4/23 10:51;
      6. Implemented today's tweaks to the Chinese at Il seme, 15/4/23 19:33;
      7. Updated Blog index to address the below, 15/4/23 23:21:
        1. Fix the date of the Inferno canto 1 translation from 29 to 30/1;
        2. Implement q.poem date for Italian LP 115;
        3. Place all translations of "Cypris and Nereids" from post Sappho and her brother: two prayers;
        4. Place those of the curse from the same post;
        5. Place all translations of the Timad epigram from the post Sappho: 3 epigrams and a mourning song (Latin only needs a history fix);
        6. Place those of the Aethopia epigram from the same post;
        7. Place those of the Pelagon epigram from the same post;
        8. Place those of the mourning song from the same post;
        9. Correctly place that 29/8/10 translation of my song to Italian which is currently after an 8/9/10 translation;
        10. Try to fix the layout of epigram manuscripts of SP3;
        11. Place the remade Il seme Chinese;
      8. Edited in today's retranslation of Catullus's poem at Catullus and Sappho: ode to Anactoria, 16/4/23 18:08.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 16/4/23 18:23», 16/4/23 18:13;
    1. VIDEO: Seigneur, où es-Tu? | 天竺,你在哪里? Tiānzhǔ, nǐ zài nǎlǐ? | Signore, dove sei?, «23/4/23, uploaded 13:07:48-13:19:48, processed 13:19:52-13:21:25 (went from 4 minutes left to blank), checked 13:21:28-13:22:20 (went from 4% to done), published 13:23:12».
    2. POST: Dove sei?, 22/4/23 1:59.
    3. Related index update for post (includes addressing the points below): 22/4/23 2:44;
      1. Place the translations of the new post;
      2. Place the remaining non-German translations of "O Atthis!";
      3. Place the non-Latin translations of SFac aka LP 148;
      4. Place Ellens dritter Gesang Italian correctly, as now it's before one thing that's from within 1/2 when it's from 6/2;
      5. Place the Latin translation of SFac aka LP 148, noting that the LP 24a OS24 residues is antedated by OS23 in the process;
    4. Related index update for the video (includes addressing the pints below): 23/4/23 13:09;
      1. Place translations from FTN35 and FTN36 (notes 11-12):
        1. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Hindi (original);
        2. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Persian (original) – refer to FTN47 for this one;
        3. Ikanaide Swahili;
        4. Ikanaide Chinese (remake);
        5. Khan gun--e tshiu Vietnamese;
        6. Khan gun--e tshiu French;
        7. Tshim-tshim--e ai Year 2 song 70 Vietnamese;
        8. Barco negro Italian (which was actually already placed, but Phu-poi Greek from 31/1/19 had been misplaced just above it);
        9. L'Italiano Chinese (why does that post have the date twice?);
        10. Placido Chinese;
        11. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Russian (FTN36);
        12. Ai liu-long French;
        13. 'O sole mio Chinese;
        14. Shangxin de shihou keyi ting qingge English;
        15. Huanghun li English;
        16. Shei lai ai wo English;
        17. Qianyanwanyu Chinese;
      2. Fix up the history of Spring Dawn Arabic and place the non-equimetrical English;
      3. Place SF101 aka LP 50 Latin;
      4. Place Gandong tian gandong di Anton Xie Hakka, changing video->song in Yitiandaowan youyong de yu English and dating it to «12/1/18 "in the evening", twk. 8/9/18» as per post instead of 15/1/18 in the process;
      5. Place Bulan menjadi saksi Spanish (Romagnolo has dating problem);
      6. Place Shifou zhende ai wo English 2018 remake;
      7. Place Deng ni deng dao wo xintong Chinese-English;
      8. Note the tweak to the new post's Italian translation from yesterday, and add the partial Greek.
    5. EDITS:
      1. Tried to fix the SP3 epigram manuscripts again at Blog index, 17/4/23 18:19; and again at 18:21; yet again at 18:24; finally managed at 18:27;
      2. History edit at The sound of silence (translated by Ånton Xiè), 19/4/23 2:09;
      3. Updated Blog index to address the below, 19/4/23 2:37;
        1. By q.poem's placing ot SF104 Italian on 10/12, SP5, which doesn't have it, must be max 9/12;
        2. As for SP4, definitely pre-11/11 thanks to epitaffi.doc, but in that range q.poem only mentions Sappho on 3/11, 7/11, and 8/11, the first being "pdf Sapphus systhemato", the latter "pdf Sapphus adjorno, alqt traduct faciens", and the last one a simple Sapphizo, so one would guess 7/11 is the date of SP4;
        3. The file epitaffi.doc has translations that were actually completed within 11/11, and is edited on 12/11 only because I corrected them a bit before resending them, as per diary;
        4. 2018 vacanzina: 29/7-4/8; La preferenza Chinese pretty sure was Wed or later, so 1-4/8;
        5. Note the SP5 manuscript of the Italian, and place the remaining translations of SF104 aka LP 115;
      4. History edit at Spring Dawn, 19/4/23 17:08;
      5. Updated Blog index to address the below, 20/4/23 0:52;
        1. Mark "Dove sei" as [DRAFTED] and move it to the top of the spoiler;
        2. Place Sicilian-Italian "I cosi beđđi" and Romagnolo-Italian riddle as undatable translations, not as Anton Xie undatable translations;
        3. Implement the meeting points for the first 5 Anton Xie translations as well as Xiaosa zou yi hui;
      6. Added the meeting point info for the Anton Xie version at Why can I not move you?!, 20/4/23 0:55;
      7. History edit at O Atthis!, 22/4/23 1:41;
      8. History edit for "Money without virtue" at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 22/4/23 1:58;
      9. Implemented Music version of Greek fragments cover at Hymn to Aphrodite, 22/4/23 18:49;
      10. Implemented recording-day tweak and added partial Greek at Dove sei?, 22/4/23 18:59.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 23/4/23 14:32», 23/4/23 14:17;
    1. VIDEO: 深深的爱 Shēnshēn de ài | Deep love (x2), «30/4/23, uploaded 12:26:47/48 (preparing to 1%) - 12:35:24, processing 12:35:28 - 12:[35:55,36:94] (looked away at Processing 5 minutes left, came back at Checking 1%) - 12:39:23 (35% to blank(?) to done), published 12:42:32».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 30/4/23 12:29;
      1. Place translations from FTN38 and maybe FTN41 (notes 13-14):
        1. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Japanese;
        2. Wasurenaide Chinese;
        3. Wasurenaide Italian;
        4. Wasurenaide Finnish;
        5. Bulan menjadi saksi Japanese;
        6. Shenshen de ai (Year 2 song 53) English;
        7. Shenshen de ai (Year 2 song 34) English;
        8. Shenshen de ai (Year 2 song 34) Italian;
        9. Tshim-tshim--e ai Min-Mandarin is from night between 23 and 24/3/19;
        10. Bu gou yonggan English;
        11. Yushui wo wen ni French (FTN41);
        12. Women de ai Italian;
        13. Bu aile ye shi yi zhong ai English;
        14. Liang zhi laohu English;
        15. Ba luobo English;
        16. Peace Chinese;
        17. Dreams Min Nan;
        18. Malaika Chinese;
        19. Malaika Italian;
        20. Khan gun--e tshiu Hakka
        21. Khan gun--e tshiu Italian;
        22. Khan gun--e tshiu Portuguese;
      2. Fix the </a>| of the entry for Il viaggio;
      3. U6 spoiler stuff:
        1. Place Ten nyi ten tau ngai sim-thung English;
        2. Place Lela English retranslation;
        3. Place agroiotis B English and Kypris poem English;
        4. Place M siunn i English remake;
        5. Place Bue-sai kong--e pi-bit English remake;
        6. Provisionally place Bulan menjadi saksi Romagnolo as a 25/12/17 residue.
    3. EDITS
      1. Implemented Latin manuscript of fragment cover at Hymn to Aphrodite, 26/4/23 11:41;
      2. Implemented B4E3 stuff at Sappho: three epigrams and a mourning song, 26/4/23 12:00;
        fixed lineup of Aithopia and made the B4E3 of Pelagon actually default at 12:02; fixed &nbs; typo in Aithopia at 12:03;
      3. Added rhyming remake to Deep love - quite possibly the last one :), 26/4/23 12:11;
      4. Updated Blog index to address the below, 28/4/23 12:11;
        1. Place German translation of "O Atthis!" (no t.poem manuscript for tercet 2 unfortunately);
        2. Add the info on the meeting points of the remaining Ånton Xiè translations;
        3. Planned Ai-lin-a videos should NOT include Hindi again, and the last three videos do not have the original title;
        4. Chipi Chipi has </a>| in main index;
        5. The MickG links for Ài-lîn sī kiânn-tsûn-lîn should be in the post index, not on the unplaced English translation in the chrono index;
        6. Place rhyming remake of Weifeng zhenzhen chui;
        7. Finish off the history of Seigneur où es-Tu Greek;
      5. Made sure all nav-tabs refer to the right divs at Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you), 28/4/23 12:19;
      6. Paragraph broke intro items, mentioned Chinese tweaks from very recent times, and completed Greek at Dove sei?, 28/4/23 12:45;
      7. Implemented tweak to Greek of "I don't know what to think" at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 28/4/23 12:48;
      8. Fixed lyrics (cfr. video description) and implemented recording-day tweak for original English at Deep love - quite possibly the last one :), 29/4/23 17:09;
        updated the Pinyin accordingly and fixed it up a bit at 23:55.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 30/4/23 12:59», 30/4/23 12:49;
    1. VIDEO: Ἐπιγράμματα τρία | Tre epigrammi, «7/5/23, uploaded 12:57:53-13:04:58, processed 13:05:01-13:06:[01,04] (moved from 5 minutes left to 0% checked), checked 13:06:[01,04]-13:06:20 (moved from about 1% to done, was writing description), published 13:14:40».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 7/5/23 14:30;
      1. Place translations from FTN42 and FTN44 (notes 15-16):
        1. Ethän unohda saa Italian (also, two Khan gun--e tshiu translations are from the night before 25/5 and should thus be before In cil);
        2. Ethän unohda saa Chinese;
        3. Shi shang zhiyou mama hao Italian is in the night before 30/5, and tweaked the night afterwards (that tweak is the same as the English btw);
        4. Hoy arriesgaré Chinese;
        5. Luntane cchiù luntane Chinese;
        6. Nuttate de lone Teochew;
        7. Luntane cchiù luntane French;
        8. Aconteceu French is 12-13/7, why did I ever place it as 17/7? And 2017?!
        9. Xin yuanyang hudie meng English;
        10. Povera voce Chinese 2/8/19 tweak;
        11. Gam1-sang1 gam1-sai3 English;
        12. Gua--e sim lai tsi-u li English (FTN44) was started 16/8;
        13. Ai-lin-a tau-te to-ui khi Chinese;
        14. Ja tjebja ljublju French;
        15. Salelaka Mokonzi English;
        16. Co-be mua-đong Chinese;
        17. Co-be mua-đong English;
        18. Come hai fatto? Min Nan;
        19. Ikanaide Lingala;
        20. Come hai fatto? English;
      2. Place Come hai fatto Chinese, which is only in the post (not in notes);
      3. Every single Pepito di Maiorca has </a>|;
      4. Place remade Japanese Gaosu wo ni bu ai wo and mark original as such;
      5. Continue the histories of Ty Japanese and Russian;
      6. Note the Weifeng tweak;
      7. Chun Xiao:
        1. Mark original Arabic as cantilated;
        2. Place new Arabic versions;
        3. Note the 6/5/23 tweak to the original Arabic;
      8. Place Il letto è una rosa Spanish and Portuguese.
    3. EDITS:
      1. Updated Blog index to address the below, 1/5/23 20:12;
        1. Place Xintong Huan Zi French;
        2. Place Gua--e sim lai tsi-u li:
          1. English;
          2. Japanese;
          3. French;
        3. Place Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Year 2 song 70) Czech;
        4. Place Tshim-tshim--ê ài (Year 2 song 70) French;
        5. Add index of @MickG videos as an extra tab;
      2. Placed forgotten blank line before the three last reconstructions and added the leading π- to on the last πολλὴν before the Saletti Italian translation, both at Atela, 3/5/23 12:24;
      3. Improved layout at Ti amo, 3/5/23 12:27;
      4. Paragraph broke last bit of intro and implemented the comment to the post at Eccoti, 3/5/23 12:34;
      5. Made the "Plural" div active by default at Three blind mice, 3/5/23 12:36;
      6. Made gender-neutral div active by default and fixed line-up trouble at Mele Kalikimaka: a mere tweak, 3/5/23 12:41;
      7. Updated Blog index, 3/5/23 16:43, to:
        1. Link to last weekend's video and get it out of the spoiler;
        2. Place the U6 Dearest Offsrping translations - Oxy/GW+safopoemas and P.GC.), dating the 2018 remake of Shifou zhende ai wo English while placing the P.GC. version;
        3. Date the Arabic tweak for Spring dawn precisely;
        4. Add "or in the night just before" in the non-equimetrical English of Spring Dawn;
        5. Timestamp the pre-Fb-page posts as well as possible;
        6. Add to the Tian jia translations that the reworks were probably done after 26/12 because that's when the Leopardi reworks happen and the Fb note has those before Tian jia;
        7. Make the non-existent Greek-Spanish-Albanian video from Mia agapi gia to kalokäri be just Greek-Albanian;
      8. Implemented yesterday's tweaks to Italian and Chinese at Dove sei?, 3/5/23 16:49;
      9. Implemented yesterday's tweak to English rhyming remake at Deep love - quite possibly the last one :), 3/5/23 16:52;
      10. Added Il letto è una rosa Spanish and Portuguese after moving the dating of the other proverb's Spanish French and Albanian to the correct intro item, all at A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi, 6/5/23 0:02;
      11. Added Chinese-Japanese remake at Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you), 6/5/23 0:28;
      12. Implement 4/5/23 tweak to English rhyming remake at Deep love - quite possibly the last one :), 6/5/23 0:32;
      13. Completed English at Mantle of lilies, 6/5/23 15:21;
      14. Tweaked cantilated Arabic as per 6/5/23 tweak, added Arabic equimetrical semifail and double-syllable success, implemented equimetrical English tweak, dated Arabic mistranslation fix (item 6.v in the intro to the Arabic), and added more info about the dating of the non-equimetrical English, all at Spring Dawn, 6/5/23 16:06;
      15. Continued Japanese and Russian at Te, 6/5/23 16:36;
      16. Implemented remake versions of English translations at Sappho: three epigrams and a mourning song, 7/5/23 0:05;
        Post-midnight tweak implemented and title of Aithopia epigram changed 7/5/23 0:10.
    «Related Facebook page post update 7/5/23 14:54», 7/5/23 14:29;
    1. VIDEO: Al mattino | 在早晨上 Zài zǎochén shàng, «13/5/23, upload started 19:43:[31,32] (moved from preparing to 2%), INTERRUPTED BECAUSE COMPUTER DUMB ≤19:53:34, resumed 20:03:[17,39], was at 80\% at 20:04:57, completed within 20:06:16 as I wrote my diary, processed 20:[04:57,06:16] - 20:06:49 (5 minutes left to 0% checked), checked 20:06:49-20:07:12 (3% to done), published 20:09:04».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the pints below): 13/5/23 19:46;
      1. Place translations from FTN51, FTN52, and FTN53 (notes 22-24):
        1. Me pnígë toýti i siōpí original Italian, add timestamps;
        2. De xérō póso s' agapṓ Italian;
        3. Synnefoýla Italian;
        4. Agápi poý 'gines díkopo makhä́ri Italian;
        5. Na diṓxō ta sýnnefa Italian;
        6. Dṓse moy to stóma soy Italian;
        7. Ta pädiá kátō ston kámpo original Italian;
        8. Gýftissa méra Italian;
        9. Whoops, got To kokhyli Italian from note 25 with these three, let's place it :);
        10. Argosvínës móni Italian;
        11. Agapiómastan Italian;
        12. Curā liyā hai Italian;
        13. Curā liyā hai Chinese;
        14. Curā liyā hai Japanese (FTN52);
        15. Ena vrády poý 'vrekhe French;
        16. Genníthika gia na ponṓ;
        17. Mia agápi gia to kalokä́ri Italian and Spanish;
        18. Paramytháki moy Italian;
        19. Frag den Abendwind English;
        20. Thes pastítsio? Italian;
        21. Mànmàn lái French;
        22. Despacito Chinese;
        23. Despacito English;
        24. Mànmàn de English;
        25. Despacito Hindi cover English;
      2. Mark Aconteceu Greek and Spanish as such instead of Latin (<facepalm>).
    3. EDITS:
      1. Updated Blog index to address the below, 8/5/23 2:44;
        1. Fix the <lI> in the video index (that's lowercase l and uppercase I);
        2. Prepare plan for next video;
        3. Place Co-be mua-đong French, which the post fails to date to 3/11/19, a date recovered from post saves;
        4. Mark Manto de açucenas Italian as such (it is currently Greek);
        5. Add Manto de açucenas English;
        6. Remove all undrafted posts from chrono index;
        7. Referenced FTN5, FTN7, FTN9-15, FTN24, in all items that mentioned it (or at least all those that linked to it, plus the Chinese In cil one for FTN9);
        8. Place translations from FTN45 and maybe FTN46 (notes 17-18):
          1. Nya kai sim English;
          2. Salelaka Mokonzi Italian (as well as post-exclusive French; also, why are all those Oct 3-4 2019 translations in PhD2?);
          3. Ngai he cin-shit oi-kwo nyi English;
          4. Gai-zuk hang English;
          5. Vitti na crozza Chinese;
          6. E vui durmiti ancura Chinese;
          7. Mi vòtu e mi řivòtu Chinese;
          8. Nunga wa oh French;
          9. Stiđđa matutina Chinese;
          10. Occhi 'nfatati Chinese;
          11. Co-be mua-đong Romagnolo (FTN46);
          12. Nostalgíĵa po nastoĵáśemu Chinese;
          13. El grillo English;
          14. Polégnala e Todora Italian;
          15. Tsit ki sio hoo-suann Italian;
          16. Pariyâ Italian;
          17. La strada Chinese;
          18. La strada Min Nan;
          19. Ĵa vstrĵétil vas Italian;
          20. Taikatalvi Portuguese;
          21. Taikatalvi English;
          22. Ievan polkka Italian;
      2. Updated Blog index to address the points below, 9/5/23 2:11;
        1. LT categorization consistency:
          1. 1.A.iv Latin original should be LTA (I probably forgot the A);
          2. The Back to reality "Italian (Tweaked)" is a lost update, i.e. LTF, not LTE;
          3. Hymn to Aphrodite 1.5 is not marked as LT, should be LTE;
          4. The English-class "LT"s of Ai-tsing--e lik-liong, Wang bu liao, and Sim-thung must be LTE;
          5. The tesina translations of "Dearest offspring" should be LTA, since I did forget about making them, and the English remake is a remake while the others are of different texts;
          6. There are two Min-English "LT"s of Deep love which should be LTE;
          7. LTB is an unused category, suppress it;
          8. Specify that LTE, which is now LTD, can mean both updates to final translations and older versions of translations;
        2. Note that, splitting the 12 pages of Catullus summa evenly over the 4 days of making it (since 5/7 is apparently all math and no summa), the lost translation would land squarely at the end of 6/7, and that this division is probably fallacious since the translations should take on average longer to type than the rest, so probably 7/7 is the date for the lost one; reference this probable placing in the translation's own item;
        3. Place translations from FTN48, FTN49, and FTN50 (notes 19-21):
          1. Gud som haver English;
          2. Taikatalvi Italian;
          3. Leads to Him Chinese (and its more recent fix for the fixed original);
          4. Piann tshut-thau Italian;
          5. I raq rotza lirqod Italian;
          6. Tsing-loo u li kam-sia thinn French;
          7. I mpalanta toy Oyri French;
          8. Pame mia volta sto feggari Italian (FTN49);
          9. Mia-un m-si lan kuat-ting English;
          10. A-lev shel-i Italian;
          11. Ata po khaser li Italian;
          12. Min to rōtas ton oyrano French;
          13. Träume French;
          14. It all fades away Chinese;
          15. Wei shenme ni yao shanghai yi ge ai ni de ren French (FTN50);
          16. Toutou de ku Italian;
          17. Rongyi shoushang de nüren English;
          18. Rongyi shoushang de nüren Italian;
          19. Alecrim Chinese;
          20. Alecrim French;
          21. Stamátise toy rologioý tis dëkhtes Italian;
          22. Ánapse, känoýrgio moy feggári Italian;
          23. T'astéri toy vorëá French;
          24. Ta pädiá kátō ston kámpo (post without "– originale") Italian, both versions, adding the non-mine version to the undatables;
      3. Added Greek, Latin, and Spanish at Aconteceu, 11/5/23 0:08;
      4. Added Indonesian-Japanese remake at Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you), 11/5/23 0:33;
      5. Implemented corrections to Spanish and added some intercolumn padding at Mantle of lilies, 11/5/23 0:43;
      6. Added last intro sentence and implemented the stagione->tempo change in Versione 2 as well at I ragazzi giù in pianura, 12/5/23 1:21;
      7. Implemented käroý tweak to Greek at Aconteceu, 12/5/23 1:26;
      8. Implemented voice-recording-day tweak to Chinese at Al mattino, 12/5/23 1:29;
      9. Mentioned 10/5/23 start of French remake and tweaked post version as inspired by it at Thank you for your deep love, 12/5/23 1:35;
      10. Updated Blog index to address the below points, 12/5/23 15:47;
        1. Make new LT category, LTG: translations remade because they were forgotten; members:
          1. LP 148 aka SPac English (Lost);
          2. Wo de weilai bu shi meng lost Latin (btw, the Latin versions of this should be labeled to distinguish them);
          3. The Italian and Japanese translations of the English final section of Still for your love found on the Science notebook;
          4. Ai-tsing--e lik-liong English (original);
          5. Wang bu liao English (original);
          6. Sim-thing English (terrible partial version);
          7. Ling ling Ling Italian (horrible incomplete thing);
          8. Deep love (A) and (B) English;
        2. Place Aconteceu Latin Greek Spanish;
        3. Note the correction of Manto Spanish;
        4. "Il letto è una rosa" Portuguese is currently marked as Spanish, fix that;
        5. Summa Catullus is actually finished by 8/7, which puts the lost translation somewhere on 6/7; update translation items accordingly;
        6. Plan next three videos (Manto Spanish-English, Aconteceu Latin-Greek-Spanish, Prosōpikó Greek-Italian-French) in video index, and prepare item for next Sappho video (LP 3); also, remove UNFINISHED label from Personale post plan and give the date of 3/6/23;
        7. S2/ "alters" should be the correct spelling "altArs";
        8. Ordering of Shôjo translations in diary order matches files, though the diary doesn't specifically place Danish on 6/9 but only says it was corrected on 7; also, the Google files for Chinese and Romanian, and the weird fact that the file with all 4 is only created 8/9;
      11. Added scripts for nav-tabs at end of post and improved layout at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 12/5/23 15:51;
      12. Added Italian translation of Music Cover at Hymn to Aphrodite, 13/5/23 16:13; wrongly referred nav-tabs fixed 16:17.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 13/5/23 22:24», 13/5/23 21:55;
    1. VIDEO: Manto de açucenas | Manto de azucenas | Mantle of lilies, «21/5/23, uploaded 1:36:15, I somehow lost the connection for like a couple minutes around 2:10), processed, I'm dumb and got distracted so the upload ended 2:23:[18,23] (99% to 100%), processed again I'm dumb and got distracted so 2:23:[23;32] - 2:25:09 (7 minutes left to 0% checked), checked 2:25:09-2:25:21 (1% to done), published 2:27:12».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the pints below): 21/5/23 1:39;
      1. Locate unmarked residues and mark them with RES:
        1. Sappho 2 Italian;
        2. What is up with the three "Ancient Italian" version 3? Time to fix that nonsense…;
        3. 1.C.vii Italian;
        4. 1.C.vii English;
        5. 1.C.vii Latin;
        6. Sappho C test 8 English;
        7. Sappho C test 8 Latin;
        8. LP 58 Italian;
        9. LP 58 Latin;
        10. LP 117 Italian;
        11. Sappho 16 GW+safopoemas Latin;
        12. LP 96 Latin;
        13. LP 110a Italian;
        14. LP 110a English;
        15. Sappho C 213B Italian;
        16. Sappho C 213B English;
        17. Sappho C 213B Latin;
        18. LP 26 English original;
        19. LP 20 Italian original (which is to be labeled as such);
        20. 1.I.iv Latin;
        21. LP 24(a) Latin;
        22. LP 148 Latin;
        23. LP 71 Latin;
        24. 1.C.v Italian;
        25. LP 20 Latin;
        26. LP 95 Latin;
        27. 1.F.iv Italian;
        28. 1.F.iv English;
        29. 1.F.iv Latin;
        30. LP 148 English (Blog);
        31. LP 150 Italian;
        32. 1.F.iii English;
      2. Prayer to avert stormy journeys English is marked as Latin;
      3. Place remaining translations from post-Facebook note 27:
        1. Salelaka Mokonzi Chinese;
        2. Thërrime dashurie Italian;
        3. Wasurenaide Finnish correction 2 (now marked "twk./corr.");
        4. Siang-lang tsin-thau Italian;
        5. Siang-lang tsin-thau French;
        6. Wasurenaide Greek tweak;
        7. Wasurenaide Hindi tweak;
        8. Wasurenaide English;
        9. The stars and the moon aka SF3 Japanese;
        10. Earth Angel Chinese;
        11. Two opinions aka SF36 Japanese;
        12. Latona and Niobe aka SF31 Japanese;
        13. Golden chickpeas aka SF30 Japanese;
        14. Leda aka LP 166 Japanese (for completeness, this is from March so outside the note);
        15. Two opinions aka SF36 Hindi (1);
        16. Oyk ethelo ploytën English;
        17. Parthenia Chinese;
        18. Parthenia English;
        19. Tais emais etairais Greek;
        20. Parthenia Greek;
        21. Aerion apeon Greek;
      4. Note FTN20 stuff about Tsukiakari no michishirube Chinese;
      5. Implement FTN20 for Nyit-theu lok-san siong to nyi, Leopardi translations, and Tian jia;
      6. Note FTN22 comment on zisha in Mustazzu;
      7. Place remake of Italian Thyellaisi;
      8. Handle recent tweaks to Manto English and Spanish.
    3. EDITS:
      1. History edit and final nav-tab addition at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 16/5/23 0:26;
      2. Implemented reviewed translation at end as well as last item of tweaks to old Italian and English translations and potential optative, all for LP 3 at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 16/5/23 22:47;
      3. Updated Blog index to touch up the histories of the LP 3 translations, place the recent ones, and split PhD5 from PhD4, moving the spoiler to the PhD4 year, 16/5/23 23:04;
      4. Updated Blog index to address the below, 17/5/23 19:50;
        1. Note the unavailability of Hindi Despacito even in post index;
        2. Place translations from FTN54, FTN55, and FTN56 (notes 25-27):
          1. Note Despacito Hindi-English is twk. next day;
          2. Dang ni gudan ni hui xiangqi shei Italian;
          3. Dang ni gudan ni hui xiangqi shei French;
          4. Ánapse känoýrgio moy feggári Hindi;
          5. Darpaṇ nā chupāye Chinese;
          6. Guomin geming ge English;
          7. Adess fa' sito Mandarin/Min;
          8. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Indonesian;
          9. Tweak Taikatalvi Portuguese;
          10. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Albanian (original);
          11. O bella ciao English (FTN55);
          12. Tha pio apópse to feggári Italian;
          13. Tis xenitiás Italian;
          14. Vĵéćĵernij zvon English;
          15. Synnefiasméni Kyriakí Italian;
          16. Dyo pórtes ékhë i zōí Italian;
          17. Dorógoj dlínnoĵu Italian (continues in FTN56);
          18. What the fuck is Haja o que houver Italian doing before the Gua--e sim lai translations?
          19. Dṓse moy ligáki oyranó Italian;
          20. Z̧uravlí Italian;
          21. Žuravlí English;
          22. Grúšitsa Italian;
        3. Implement non-main-line FTN notes into chrono items, adding (orrido vecchiume) and (horridous oldity) labels where needed; this edit excludes:
          1. The reworks of FTN20;
          2. FTN22 which needs more investigation;
          3. The Sappho history note FTN31;
          4. FTN39 whose translations seem to not even be in spoilers;
          5. FTN43 which is probably about the Italian Sappho edition that isn't launched yet;
      5. History edit at Mi tagghiu u mustazzu, 18/5/23 23:56;
      6. Added translation of fr. 24 (星星和月亮) and changed labels of versions of fr. 18 (因为你自己也曾是温柔的小女) at Chinese poetic Sappho, 19/5/23 0:10;
      7. Changed labels of versions of fr. 18 (Tú misma también una vez eras una tierna niña) at Safo: poemas, 19/5/23 0:14;
      8. Changed labels of versions of fr. 18 (Ἦσθα καὶ γὰρ δὴ σὺ παίς ποτ' ἄβρα) at Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, 19/5/23 0:17;
      9. History edit for LP 125 at Nostalgia for youth, 19/5/23 0:26, but since I'm dumb I didn't make the tabs for the Italian, so I went back and made them at 0:39;
      10. Updated Blog index to address the below, 19/5/23 1:21;
        1. Place translations of SF73 aka LP 125 aka "I once weaved";
        2. Place the translations of FTN39;
        3. Refer to FTN22 from the Romagnol "The stars and the moon" translation item (and OMG paragraph break that behemoth of a history!);
        4. Place U mustazzu Chinese, referring to FTN22;
        5. Mention FTN22 next to "Chinese poetic Sappho" in the undatables;
        6. Place PhD2 translations from post-Facebook note 27:
          1. La notte che ho visto le stelle Chinese;
          2. Piann tshut-thau Chinese;
          3. Siang-lang tsim-thau Hindi;
          4. Ai liu-long Hindi;
          5. Ai liu-long French 30/10/20 tweak;
      11. Updated Blog index to place the below translations from the post-Facebook note 27, 20/5/23 1:09;
        1. Ming-jat nei si seoi Hindi;
        2. Ming-jat nei si seoi Italian;
        3. Ming-jat nei si seoi French;
        4. Gua--e sim lai tsi-u li Hindi;
        5. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Hindi (remake);
        6. Vetëm një nat' Min (second verse is MUCH later);
        7. Stamatise toy rologioy tis dëkhtes Hindi;
        8. Vetëm një nat' English (second verse is MUCH later);
        9. Aconteceu English;
        10. Aconteceu Sicilian;
        11. Aconteceu Hindi;
        12. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Albanian (original) tweak;
        13. Ethän unohda saa Chinese tweak;
        14. Wasurenaide Hindi;
        15. Wasurenaide Greek (tweaked way later);
        16. White Christmas Chinese;
        17. Liu-long kau Tam-tsui English chorus remake;
        18. Zui shouxi de moshengren Turkish tweak dated "9/10/12" was supposed to be 9/10/20;
        19. Zai women de shijie li Mende;
        20. Zai women de shijie li Zulu tweak;
        21. Khi Cô Đơn Chinese;
        22. Mike Italian;
        23. Implemented today's Spanish tweak and today and yesterday's English tweaks at Mantle of lilies, 20/5/23 13:59;
        24. Implemented alternate completion mentioned in the intro into LP 148, and mentioned that I rethought of the older alternative at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 20/5/23 14:11;
        25. Added Italian remake at A prayer to avert stormy journeys, 20/5/23 15:03;
        26. Mentioned note comment making the zisha tweak at Mi tagghiu u mustazzu, 20/5/23 15:05;
        27. Noted FTN20's contribution to the Chinese translation at Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 20/5/23 15:11.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 21/5/23 12:22», 21/5/23 11:58;
    1. VIDEO: Romaria | Romería | Pilgrimage | 巡礼 Junrê, «28/5/23, uploaded 14:52:49-15:18:06, processed 15:18:14-15:20:46 (7 minutes left to 0% checked), checked 15:20:46-15:21:49 (5% 10 minutes left to done), published 15:27:04».
    2. Related Quora space post: 28/5/23 17:35:30.
    3. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 28/5/23 14:58 with FAIL 14:57;
      1. The Japanese translations of Chickpeas mislabel it as LP 30, that's the SF number, fix;
      2. The Japanese translations name the fragment "Latona" aka LP 31, when it is "Latona and Niobe" aka LP 142 aka SF31, fix;
      3. Maria isabel in chrono has \ in place of | before the history;
      4. Wo jiu yao he ni zai yiqi Italian says "rwk" but that is a typo for "twk";
      5. Start placing the 2022 translations from the below list;
        1. The disco beat Italian – 13 15 17/1/22;
        2. The disco beat Chinese – 14/1/22 (start 14:09) and following night and 17-18/1/22;
        3. Kin-pu-ya an to sen Chinese – 14/1/22 14:41-14:47 twk. 14/1/22;
        4. Earth Angel Chinese 15/1/22 tweak;
        5. 'O surdato 'nnamurato Chinese – 19-20/1/22;
        6. 'O surdato 'nnammurato English – 21/1/22;
        7. Kur jemi dasht' Greek – 26/1/22 and following night, corr. and twk. night betw. 27 and 28/1/22 and twk. 28/1/22 and 13/2/22;
        8. De xero poso s'agapo Albanian – 27/1/22 ≤22:11; give the Italian a language pair first;
        9. Mia agapi gia to kalokairi Albanian – 27/1/22 22:22-22:40 twk. night betw. 28 and 29/4/22 4:18;
        10. Wo de hao xiongdi English 28-29/1/22 tweaks;
        11. Avaton tais emais etairais Greek 31/1/22 tweak;
        12. "We shall give" aka LP 109 English remake – 1/2/22;
        13. Papaveri e papere Greek 1-3/2/22 and 8/2/22 tweaks;
        14. Sarang-hae English-Romagnolo-Chinese-English 2/2/22 tweaks;
        15. Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱ French – Half-chorus and verse 1 3/2/22 17:57-18:47, rest night betw. 10 and 11/5/22;
        16. Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱ Italian – Half-chorus and verse 1 3/2/22 18:02-19:04, rest night betw. 4 and 5/2/22, twk. next day and 28/6/22;
        17. Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱ English – Half-chorus and verse 1 18:53-18:55 twk. later and that night and night betw. 27 and 28/2/22, rest night betw. 10 and 11/5/22, verse 2 twk. 9/6/22 and 8/7/22;
        18. Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱ Albanian – Start 3/2/22 twk. 5/2/22 cont. 8/2/22 and next night and 11/2/22 and next night, twk. 12/2/22 and 17/6/22;
        19. Shifou zhende ai wo English 2022 – Up to "Love's hard to foresee" night betw. 8 and 9/2/22 (start 2:31) twk. 9/2/22, cont. 10 and 17/2/22;
        20. Shifou zhende ai wo Italian – Up to "Dilla pure a me" night betw. 8 and 9/2/22 (start 2:43) twk. next day, compl. 17/2/22;
        21. Dear, of my many thoughts you're queen Italian 10-11/2/22 tweak (the rest of the history is hiding in the PhD4 spoiler);
        22. "I love" Italian in spoiler;
        23. Callimachus 25 Italian is 18:03-18:20, not "between 18 and 18:30";
        24. Cat's Valentine Italian: give timestamp 21:38;
        25. Wang bu liao English remake – 15/2/22 22:31-23:22;
        26. Wang bu liao Japanese remake – 15/2/22 22:46-22:52;
        27. Liu-long kau Tam-tsui Chinese was hiding in the spoiler, recover the marking of LTC and the justification for it;
        28. Remove mention of Japanese from planned Romagnolo-Albanian video of Romaria.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Updated Blog index to place the below from the Mar-21, Apr/May-21, Jun-21, Jul-21 notes, 22/5/23 2:38:
        1. Kélomai se Gongyla Khatzidakis Greek;
        2. Kélomai se Gongyla Khatzidakis Italian;
        3. Kélomai se Gongyla Khatzidakis English;
        4. Il mio volto Chinese tweaks;
        5. Os'astra gyro vriskontai Italian;
        6. Os'astra gyro vriskontai English;
        7. "Two opinions" aka LP 51 Hindi barbarous;
        8. "Two opinions" aka LP 51 Greek barbarous;
        9. "Two opinions" aka LP 51 Russian;
        10. Stamatise toy rologioý tis dëkhtes Hindi tweak;
        11. "The stars and the moon" aka LP 32 Hindi German Italian (from sparse translations);
        12. Tū hai kê nahīṅ Chinese;
        13. Tū hai kê nahīṅ Italian;
        14. Tū hai kê nahīṅ Greek;
        15. Soh'ṇeyā sajjanā sajjanā French;
        16. "The stars and the moon" aka LP 32 English (from sparse translations);
        17. Hymn to Aphrodite MG pronunciation musication Modern Greek (continues in April);
        18. Tere iśq kī bāriś meṅ Italian (First from April);
        19. Siang-lang tsin-thau Italian tweak;
        20. Siang-lang tsin-thau French tweak;
        21. Atthida Hindi (tweaked later);
        22. Sanam Teri Qasam Italian;
        23. Sevdanın tadı English;
        24. Uhuru English;
        25. Your Love Italian;
        26. Makambo Spanish(/Basque)+Arabic/Urdu;
        27. Aromë portokalli Italian;
        28. Ty Italian;
        29. Ty French;
        30. Tavolina e mërzis' Italian (initially ditched, completed in November);
        31. Tavolina e mërzis' Chinese;
        32. Kunadhe Italian;
        33. Mos u ngut French (2/10/21 tweaks found in Sep note);
        34. Kur jemi dasht French;
        35. A ki me rrejt Italian+ (why is it not only in the June note?);
        36. Sa t'kom dasht' French (why is it not only in the June note?);
        37. Sa t'kom tasht' Italian (why is it not only in the June note?);
        38. Emrin ma ke thirr' Italian (why is it not only in the June note?);
        39. Drandofilat Italian (first one only in June note);
        40. A po vjen Russian tweak;
        41. Përjet'si Italian;
        42. Wo de weilai Latin 20/6/21 tweaks;
        43. Wo de weilai English 20/6/21 tweaks;
        44. Loti French;
        45. Jeta ime Italian;
        46. Ai-tsing--e lik-liong English (2021 remake);
        47. Vendi im Italian;
        48. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Greek (remake 1, tweaked in July);
        49. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Albanian (remake);
        50. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Spanish (remake, first from July);
        51. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Persian (remake);
        52. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Spanish (original) correction and tweaks;
        53. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Greek (remake 2);
        54. Pak nga pak Italian;
        55. Bella ciao (versione contadina) Greek;
        56. Bella ciao Greek;
        57. O filópatris Italian;
        58. Papaveri e papere Greek;
        59. Veç një pik' Italian;
        60. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Greek (remake 3);
        61. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Italian (original) tweak;
        62. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Italian (remake);
        63. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi English (remake);
        64. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Albanian (remake 2);
        65. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Latin (from August, to exhaust post);
        66. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Sicilian (from August, to exhaust post);
        67. Grigora i ora perase Italian (from August, to exhaust post);
        68. Ti thelo ti French (from November, to exhaust post);
        69. First ad minchiam single line English which was misplaced in PhD4;
        70. "Two opinions" aka LP 51, remade Italian and Latin (to leave the spoiler with only things from notes);
      2. Updated Blog index to place the following translations from the Jul-21, Aug-21, Sep-21, Oct-21, Nov-21, Dec-21 notes, to distribute the remaining translations between the spoilers, and to plan the upcoming few videos in the index, 23/5/23 1:54;
        1. Gjërat kan' ndryshuar Italian;
        2. Den me agapas Albanian;
        3. Tipota den telëṓnë Italian;
        4. Ai-lin-a Hindi (remake) tweaks;
        5. Atela Greek (first from August);
        6. Vasa Miskin bombed Italian / Italian / English;
        7. Pleiades Italian;
        8. Lam-lin--e kuann French (second half is NOT 22/11 but 21/11 twk. 22/11; already placed but misplaced);
        9. Beh-et ghol mi-dam French;
        10. Beh-et ghol mi-dam Hindi;
        11. Poy na ta pō Italian;
        12. S'agapao Italian;
        13. Mi moy les giati xekhnao Italian;
        14. Marre French;
        15. Xheloz French;
        16. Xheloz Sicilian;
        17. San tis gardenias ton antho Italian;
        18. Wo de weilai bu shi meng Classical Latin;
        19. Wo de weilali bu shi meng Albanian (tweaked on 18/9/21);
        20. Alloy na m'agapas Italian (only September thing that isn't already placed or incomplete);
        21. Tere pyār' meṅ Italian (first from October);
        22. Koytsoyraki Italian;
        23. Mos u fsheh French;
        24. Kokkino vathý French;
        25. Anöxi̱ Italian;
        26. Aconteceu Sicilian night betw. 25 and 26/10/21 tweak;
        27. To poyli Italian (first from November);
        28. Shoujo no koro ni modotta mitai ni Italian night betw. 7 and 8/11/21 tweak;
        29. Shoujo no koro ni modotta mitai ni Neapolitan night betw. 7 and 8/11/21 tweak;
        30. Gi̱ kä oyranós French;
        31. Ājǝ nācǝ le Italian;
        32. Bulan menjadi saksi Chinese (remake);
        33. Anata ga iru kara Chinese (remake, continued in later notes);
        34. Iroha Italian (first from December, tweaked 26/6/22 and night betw. 28 and 29/6/22);
        35. Iroha English;
        36. Iroha Chinese;
        37. Iroha Hindi;
        38. Quando conveniunt Italian (musical);
        39. Luntane cchiù luntane Chinese 17/12/21 tweaks;
        40. With how sad steps o Moon Italian (remake - mark original as such);
        41. Quando conveniunt Italian (barbarous meter);
      3. Updated index to include the below translation bits from 2022/3 notes, 26/5/23 13:50;
        1. Sevdanın tadı English 17-18/2/23 tweaks;
        2. L'Italiano Chinese 18/2/23 tweak;
        3. Ty Greek is twk. in the night and corr. and twk. 19/2;
        4. Ty Turkish should just be twk. 22/2/23;
        5. Ymenaon Avaton corr. 22/2/23;
        6. Ty Sicilian: the 26/2/23 part is twk. night;
        7. Tu sei la mia vita English 23/2/23 tweak;
        8. Aconteceu Latin has only l. 1 on 23/2, whilst ll. 2 and 4 are 24/2/23 (btw both it and the Greek are misplaced to Mar 2023);
        9. Ja tjebja ljublju French 26/2/23 0:53 tweak;
        10. A po vjen Chinese tweak is night betw. 25 and 26/2/23;
        11. Haja o que houver Chinese final tweaks are from 3/3 and the following two nights (not 4/3);
        12. Bulan menjadi saksi Albanian (remake) 6/3/23 tweak;
        13. Do you hear the people sing Chinese two more lines are 11/3 and following night (not 12/3); also there's a tweak 17/3 morning; and verse 2 is 17/3 compl. following night (not all in the night); and there's the YT comment tweak from 19/3 and a 20/3 tweak;
        14. Greek of that, two lines are night betw. 7 and 8/3/23 twk. 9/3 and night betw. 11 and 12/3 as well as 13/3, first "equiva" lost a "lent", verse 2 is probs. from night betw. 17 and 18 (not 18/3) , corr. 18 twk. following night;
        15. Phu-poi Greek (remake) corr. 11-13/3/23, and those tweaks have indeed been applied; also twk. 13 and 23/3/23;
        16. Leads to Him Chinese correct text: the text is from 9, the translation seems to be from 10/3/23;
        17. Lela Spanish and Portuguese tweaked 11-12/3/23;
        18. Mors lilla Olle Chinese 11/3/23 tweak;
        19. Lela Italian 11/3/23 tweak;
        20. Atthida Hindi 15/3/23 tweaks;
        21. Lela Greek – Night betw. 17 and 18/3/23 corr. 18-19/3/23;
        22. Me pnigë toyti i siōpi Italian (remake): "21/3/23 night" is not the standard phrasing :);
        23. Menander Latin iambic trimeters 22/3/23 tweak;
        24. Manto de açucenas Italian start 19:18 not 19:19;
        25. Menander hexameters 27/3/23 tweaks;
        26. 31/3/23 1:08 tweak «Insane at heart» to English Hymn to Aphrodite;
        27. Manto de açucenas Greek 1/4/23 tweaks;
        28. Hoo-tsui gua mng li French 2/4/23 tweak;
        29. Haja o que houver English, timestamps 1:17-1:22 and 11:01-11:06;
        30. Albanian of the same, 0:00-0:52;
        31. Japanese of the same, 0:57-1:21 and 10:23-10:31 twk. 16:24 and following night and afternoon (the latter for a Quora correction);
        32. Gua--e sim lai tsi-u li Japanese tweak is night betw. 3/4 and 4/4/23;
        33. Haja o que houver Spanish has twk. night after 4/4/23;
        34. Haja o que houver Greek is 4/4/23 corr. following night and day twk. 5/4/23 (not «4/4/23 corr. same day tw. 5/4/23»);
        35. Balada da caridade Italian has twk. following night;
        36. Chinese of that – two lines 5/4/23 21:18, compl. next morning (OK, couple lines 12:19 technically afternoon) (not «5/4/23 night and morning»);
        37. Aconteceu English twk. 8/4/23;
        38. Catullus LI (Bonus translation) – Stanzas 1-3 16/4/23 11:26-11:43, stanza 4 same day 17:51-17:53 twk. 18:05;
        39. Deep love - quite possibly the last one :) English (original) 29/4/23 tweak;
        40. "Two opinions| Greek 25/4/23 tweak;
        41. A po vjen Chinese is Night betw. 25 and 26/10/22 start 0:19-0:20 compl. 3:38-4:10 (where the 26-28/10/22 came from, I have no clue);
        42. Zhiyou ni Romagnolo should have its history end with "twk. following night";
        43. Zhiyou ni Italian (remake) has no «bit more 31/10», but lots in the night before;
        44. Zhiyou ni Albanian's "one line" is again at night; also, that 25/11 part goes on into the night, the actual 25/11 being only the pre-chorus and most of verse 1;
        45. Anywhere Chinese 31/10/22 tweaks; and there's 26/11 tweaks;
        46. Na ziseis Spanish 1:52, Portuguese 1:54, night betw. 5 and 6/11/22; which means they're first in PhD4, not 4th and 5th (and that 22/11 English remake should definitely not be before Romaria Chinese);
        47. Romaria Chinese also has tweaks on 17/11 and night betw. 18 and 19/11/22; also 9/12/22; also 16/1/23;
        48. Romaria Greek interpretation tweaks 11/11 corr. 18-19 and 21/11/22;
        49. We are the champions Italian 12/11/22 tweaks;
        50. Romaria Italian interpretation tweaks 17/11/22 and one 28/11/22; but also night betw. 30/11 and 1/12 and next day and next night; also, 9/12/22 not interpretation (also, dafuq is Miraculosa Italian doing in Romaria's vicinity?);
        51. Wo de gesheng li Greek should end with "twk. following night and day corr. 21/11/22";
        52. Zhiyou ni English remake should end with "twk. next night"; also, 23:23-23:48;
        53. Zhiyou ni Greek verses 23:31-0:06 (also, "Kika-fixed" is a term I only used in this entry, switch it to the standard "corr.");
        54. Romaria Spanish actually started night betw. 1 and 2/12/22 and tw. night betw 14 and 15/12/22;
        55. Tavolina e mërzis' Italian 2/12/22 tweak;
        56. Romaria English should be 4-5/12/22 (start 12:55);
        57. Il nostro cuore non si è perduto Greek should specify it started 15:59; also, done on 4 compl. night, corr. 5/12/22; also, twk. 7/1/23, and it has no language pair;
        58. Manto de açucenas Greek is twk. night betw. 6 and 7/12/22, and only corr. 7/12, the 8/12 message is just approval;
        59. Manto de açucenas Spanish is 7-8/12/22 compl. that night twk. next day, then the corrections;
        60. Bulan menjadi saksi Chinese (remake) 8/12/22 tweak;
        61. Na ziseis Spanish is corr. 8/12/22;
        62. Romaria Japanese 10 and 16/12/22 tweaks; and 10 11 15/1/23;
        63. Romaria Romagnolo is night betw. 14 and 15/12/22 cont. following night and 16/12/22, twk. following night and 17/12/22 and night betw. 20 and 21/12/22 (not «15-17/12/22»);
        64. Manman de English 31/12/22-1/1/23 tweaks;
        65. Despacito English 1/1/23 tweak;
        66. Megistia epigram English 5/1/23 tweak;
        67. 'O sole mio Italian, 10-11/1/23;
        68. 'O sole mio Sicilian, whenever + twk. 11/1/23 (also, the translation before it is not 23/3, and the two after are not 23/3 either, and specify the timestamps of the one after those two);
        69. De xero poso s'agapo Italian 11/1/23 tweak;
        70. 'O sole mio Spanish – 12/1/23;
        71. Romaria Albanian actually not touched on 16/1/23;
        72. Xintong Wang Jie English 17/1 and 21/1/23 tweaks;
        73. Xiangnian ni English (remake) – 17/1/23 19:13-19:37 twk. next day (already placed as "rhyming remake", specify timestamps);
        74. Chim-chim kai oi English (remake) – 17/1/23 19:46-20:07 twk. next day (ditto to previous);
        75. Xiangnian ni Greek – 18-19/1/23 (started morning) twk. 20/1/23 corr. 20/1/23 (not «18-19/1/23 twk. 21/1/23»);
        76. Chim-chim kai oi Chinese – 18/1/23 17:32-17:36 twk. next day (add those timestamps in);
        77. Chim-chim kai oi Albanian – 18/1/23 17:39 and 22:54-23:52 corrections came 20/1/23 and were implemented that night (so update the current «18/1/23 twk. night betw. 20/1/23 and 21/1/23»);
        78. Chim-chim kai oi Greek is CORR. 21/1/23 (not twk.);
        79. Balada da caridade Italian – "cont." -> "pre-chorus";
        80. Minha festa Spanish – 26-27/1/23 (started 23:23) twk. 29/1/23 (rather than «26/1/23 twk. 27 and 29/1/23»);
        81. Minha festa Greek – 26-27/1/23 (started 23:48) twk. and corr. 28/1/23 (upgrading current portion «26-27/1/23 twk. 28-29/1/23»);
        82. Minha festa Sicilian – 27/1/23 twk. 28 and 29/1/23 (not just 28);
      4. Fixed "Sento" -> "E sento" and "da baciata" -> "l'ha baciata" at La notte che ho visto le stelle, 26/5/23 14:25;
      5. Implemented 25/5 tweak to Japanese at Te, 26/5/23 14:32(:01);
      6. Implemented 25/5/23 English tweak at Mantle of lilies, 26/5/23 14:34;
      7. Updated Blog index to place the following translations or translation bits, 27/5/23 1:19;
        1. "Il letto è una rosa" Spanish is twk. 5, not 6, and ditto is the whole Portuguese version;
        2. Spring Dawn English (equimetrical) 2/5/23 tweak;
        3. Seigneur où es-Tu Italian 2/5/23 tweak;
        4. Ditto for Chinese;
        5. Deep love - quite possibly the last one :) English (remake) 2/5/23 tweak;
        6. Ty Russian should have its pre-chorus wholly in the night betw. 3 and 4/5/23 since the one thing of it I did on 3/5 was then modified at 0:00;
        7. Manto de açucenas English specify timing: 16:54-17:21 + 19:30-19:56;
        8. Sappho C 157D English (remake) | 6/5/23 22:11-22:25 twk. 0:06;
        9. Sappho C 158D English (remake) | 6/5/23 22:36-23:02;
        10. Sappho C 159D English (remake) | 6/5/23 23:11;
        11. Aconteceu Greek and Latin, specify respective completion timestamps, i.e. 18:42-19:19 and 22:23-22:57;
        12. Katakan tak cinta aku Japanese (remake) ll. 1-2 18/4/22, compl. 10/5/23; also, mark original as such;
        13. Thank you for your deep love French 10/5 and night betw. 11 and 12/5/23 tweaks;
        14. LP 3 Diehl version Italian is 12-13/5/23 twk. following two nights and 16/5/23 (not «12-14/5/23 twk. 15-16/5/23»);
        15. Looks like LP 3 Edmonds version Italian post-final version has two histories, both incorrect; the correct one would be: L. 5 and half of 6 night betw. 13 and 14/5/23 twk. night before 16/5 and 16/5, l. 4 night before 16/5/23, rest 16/5/23;
        16. LP 20 Italian remake | 20/5/23; what is this doing in PhD4?
        17. Romaria Japanese 25/5/23 tweak;
        18. Ty Japanese 25/5/23 tweak;
        19. Manto de açucenas English 25/5/23 tweak;
        20. Not in notes, but Italian musical fragments cover is 10-11/5/23, and the Greek tweak was from 18/4/23 at 22:16;
        21. I cosi beddi Albanian – 30/7/22 16:20-16:24 twk. 1/8/22;
        22. Gua--e sim lai tsi-u li Italian night betw. 30 and 31/7/22 tweak;
        23. Gua--e sim lai tsi-u li Mandarin 31/7/22 tweak (remove "mandarinization" label, there is no other translation);
        24. Gua--e sim lai tsi-u li Hindi 31/7/22 tweak;
        25. Gua--e sim lai tsi-u li Hakka – Start night betw. 31/7 and 1/8/22, cont. 1/8/22, compl. 9-10/8/22;
        26. Catullus 72 Italian 1/8/22 tweak;
        27. Ikanaide Chinese 1 and 6/8/22 tweaks;
        28. Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Greek 2/8/22 tweak;
        29. Wo jiu yao he ni zai yiqi English (remake), specify it's 14:45-14:57;
        30. We are the champions Italian 15/8/22 18/8/22 and the nights after those days (not 15-19/8/22);
        31. Everlasting love Italian 18/8/22 tweak;
        32. Wo jiu yao he ni zai yiqi Italian 21/8/22 tweak;
        33. Mingtian English 22/8 and 30/8/22 tweaks;
        34. Bulan menjadi saksi Albanian (remake) night betw. 23 and 24/9/22 and night betw. 5 and 6/10/22 tweaks;
        35. Bulan menjadi saksi Italian 25/8/22 and 17/9/22 tweaks;
        36. Loh-suann-hong English (remake) 23/8/22 tweak;
        37. Te ta-l é, me a-l ò French is placed as a duplicate of English, so the second English one must be French and dated 26/8/22 morning;
        38. "Mnasidica" aka 1.E.iv Italian 4/9/22 tweak;
        39. Bulan menjadi saksi Greek – First halves of first two sections made and corr. 15-17/9/22, compl. 5/10/22 corr. and twk. 6/10/22;
        40. Tade nyn etairais Spanish – 19/9/22 (forgot that this is in Sparse translations);
        41. Tu sei la mia vita English 22/9/22 tweak;
        42. "Mnasidica" aka 1.E.iv Latin 30/9-1/10/22 tweaks;
        43. Romaria Italian tweaks are 5/10 and 7-9/10 and 14 and 21/10; and 8/11/22; not 5/10 7/10 and 9/10;
        44. Namida no mukô Italian night betw. 20 and 21/10/22 tweak (get rid of all "mukou" spellings);
        45. Romaria Greek should skip 26/10 (no "21/10-28/10/22") and be "made and corr." on those days;
        46. A po vjen Greek is 21/10, then night betw. 22 and 23/10 all the way to 24/10 (not «21 23 and 24/10/22»); "made and corr.", of course;
        47. Old Mother Hubbard actually ends night betw. 26 and 27/10/22; also, twk. 5/11/22;
        48. Balada da caridade Greek has corrections from 27/10/22 as well; and 20/1/23 tweak;
        49. Gaosu wo ni bu ai wo English (remake) is Night betw. 25 and 26/10/22 0:07-0:56 twk. 28/10/22 (not «26-27/10/22, very shortly before the next»);
      8. Updated Blog index to place the below translation tidbits from notes, fix today's video's item to mention including Japanese version, and switch Pros Charaxon with Gua da feng shi in the video plan, 27/5/23 19:44;
        1. Kur jemi dasht' French 18/2/22 tweak;
        2. Ai-tsing--e lik-liong Italian – 20/2/22 12:08-12:41 twk. 17-18/9/22;
        3. Time after time Chinese (buona novità – MISSING IN CHRONO) – L. 1 9/3/22 twk. 12/5/22, cont. 16/7/22, compl. 13-14/12/22 twk. following night;
        4. 'O surdato 'nnammurato Spanish – Chorus and parts of verses 13/3/22 (start 9:25 – the Pepitos are Spanish 11:41 French 12:34 English 12:34/37) twk. 14/2/22 cont. night betw. 17 and 18/3/22 and 18-19/2/22 and twk. 22/2/22, cont. 13/6/22, compl. following night, twk. 2-3/7/22 and 17/9/22;
        5. Éts' ë́n' i̱ zōí̱ Spanish | Half-chorus 19/3/22 morning, compl. night betw. 11 and 12/5/22, Flora40 twk. 2/8/22;
        6. Liu-long kau Tam-tsui Chinese – 19/3/22 evening and 27/3/22 afternoon;
        7. Favola Chinese tweaks: night betw. 23 and 24/3/22, 21/4/22;
        8. Agapi poy 'gines Italian 9/4/22 tweak;
        9. I cosi beddi s'hann'a taliari Hakka specify "just after the previous";
        10. Un bacio a mezzanotte Spanish – Tweaks of nights before 1/5 5/5, 29/5/22 and following night tweaks;
        11. Wo Wang Jie Italian (remake) – Verse 1 and 1/4 of chorus night betw. 22 and 23/4/22 twk. following day, chorus compl. 11/8/22, compl. 11/10/22 twk. in the night; mark original Italian as such;
        12. Papaveri e papere Greek 23/4/22 tweak;
        13. Owner's response to cat's Valentine Italian is 23/4/22 15:11-15:13, not 21/4/22;
        14. Tsi-u li Albanian – Ll. 1-2 1/5/21, compl. 10-11/8/22;
        15. Lok-suann-hong English remake started 19:39 while Chinese started 19:48;
        16. Aerion epeon Avaton Greek 4/5/22 tweak;
        17. Shi shang zhiyou mama hao English 4/5/22 tweak;
        18. Nang fau bat soeng nei English (remake) – Start 4/5/22, cont. night betw. 13 and 14/5/22, compl. 5/8/22; twk. night betw 28 and 29/1/23; mark original as such;
        19. Lok-suann-hong Italian – 12/5/22 20:55-21:17 + 21:55, twk. following night;
        20. Lok-suann-hong French – Start 12/5/22 22:33, cont. following night 2:52, copml. 13/5/22 13:12-13:22;
        21. Ai-lin si kiann-tsun-lin English (remake) | 19/5/22 21:10-21:24; mark original as such;
        22. Un'avventura Chinese 20/5/22 tweak; also, the June tweak is on 14/6, NOT 24/6;
        23. Ai-lin si kiann-tsun-lin Greek – Night betw. 27 and 28/5/22, corr. 28/5/22;
        24. Bin-a-tsai Chinese 28/5/22 and 16/6/22 tweaks;
        25. Bin-a-tsai Greek – Night betw. 29 and 30/5/22 compl. following day, corr. 3/6/22, twk. 25/7/22;
        26. Khan gun--e tshiu Greek – 30/5/22 corr. 3/6/22;
        27. 'O surdato 'nnammurato Greek – Chorus and verse 1 l. 1 2/6/22, up to half verse 2 night betw. 4 and 6/6/22 twk. 6/6 morning, compl. 6/6/22, corr. 6-7/6/22;
        28. Xiangshui you du English (remake) – Pre-chorus 2/6/22, cont. 4/7/22, compl. 11/8/22, but the chorus is 5/9/22, also twk. 25/9/22; mark original as such afterwards;
        29. Mingtian Hakka – Ll. 1-2 3/6/22 11:56 twk. 11/8/22, compl. 22/8/22;
        30. Éts' ë́n' i zōí̱ Romanian | Start 14/6/22 19:38, cont. following night and 15/6/22, compl. 17/6/22;
        31. Akashi Italian (orrida vecchiezza - marking to be implemented) 17/6/22 tweak;
        32. Akashi Italian (novità) – Up to pre-chorus 28/6/22 21:30-21:39, compl. 30/6/22, twk. 1/7/22, 3/7/22, night betw. 5 and 6/7/22;
        33. Akashi Greek – Second half of first verse 30/6/22 20:06-20:08 twk. 20:33, verse 1 and chorus compl. 1/7/22 twk. and corr. following night, verse 2 3/7/22, verse 3 3/7/22 going on into the night, compl. that night besides the "tears" section, all corr. 4/7/22, twk. and compl. 6/7/22, further corr. and twk. 6 and 9/7/22;
        34. La mamma mi diceva Greek, make it "compl. and corr. 1-2/7/22";
        35. 'O surdato 'nnammurato Italian 2-3/7/22 tweaks;
        36. La preferenza Chinese 4/7/22 tweak;
        37. Farai un vers Italian is Night betw. 5 and 6/7/22 compl. night betw. 19 and 20/7/22, twk. 29/7/22, part of stanza 2 is 20/7/22 twk. 29/7/22, stanza 2 compl. night betw. 5 and 6/8/22 (not «Ll. 1-2 6/7/22, rest of stanza 1 20/7/22, l. 7 ditto, compl. 6/8/22 night»);
        38. Time after time Italian (buona novità) – Start 6/7/22 17:38, cont. 12/7/22, following night, 14/7/22, compl. following night, twk. that night and the following day, following night, 16/7/22, and 27/7/22, night betw. 1 and 2/8/22 and night betw. 7 and 8/8/22, and 18/8/22;
        39. Horace Epistles I 8 Italian 7/7/22 tweak;
        40. Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni Italian (good news) – Start night betw. 7 and 8/7/22 2:40, cont. 11/7/22 and following night, then 21/7/22, compl. 22/7/22 twk. 23/7/2;
        41. Everlasting Italian night betw. 15 and 16/7/22 tweak;
        42. Time after time Greek – 16-17/7/22 twk. following night and 18/7/22, corr. and twk. 19-20/7/22 and 24/7/22 and 26-29/7/22, 1/8/22 going into the night, night betw. 7 and 8/8/22, 15-18/8/22, 28/11/22;
        43. Rosa fresca aulentissima Italian is night betw. 19 and 20/7/22 twk. following afternoon and night betw. 12 and 13/8/22 (not «20/7/22 twk. 13/8/22»); also, the "Il letto è una rosa" are nighttime too; and so is that "cosi beđđi" from the same night;
        44. Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni Greek 21-22/7/22 corr. 22-23/7/22;
        45. Gua--e sim-lai tsi-u li Greek – 28/7/22 twk. night, corr. and twk. 29/7/22, Flora40 twk. 2/8/22;
        46. I cosi beddi Spanish – 30/7/22 15:54;
        47. I cosi beddi French – 30/7/22 16:09.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 28/5/23 18:31», 28/5/23 17:42;
    1. VIDEO: Ἐπὶ τὸ σταφαναπλόκην | Riguardo all'intrecciare ghirlande, «5/6/23, uploaded 18:24:[40,42] (went from preparing to 2% done) – 18:26:58, processed 18:26:59 – 18:[27:50,28:01] (left at 8 minutes left, came back to 0% Checked as soon as I saw the background change), checked 18:[27:50,28:01] 18:28:40 (from 6% to done), published 18:36:24».
    2. Related Quora space post, 5/6/23 18:43:20.
    3. Related Sappho space post, 5/6/23 18:49:24.
    4. Post: Shipping Sappho overseas (or over Eurasia), 5/6/23 18:12.
    5. Related index update for both (includes addressing the points below): 5/6/23 18:29;
      1. Add chrono "will not place" item for today's post;
      2. Remove now-empty end-of-index spoiler;
      3. Place Gua da feng shi from new post and add post link to next two planned videos;
      4. Fix typo in video title (σταφαναπλόκην) and upload date;
      5. Add video link to Nostalgia for youth entry.
    6. EDITS
      1. History edit for both English translations at The final heartache, 29/5/23 12:39;
      2. History edit for Chinese at Di mamma ce n'è una sola, 29/5/23 14:28;
      3. History edit for Chinese at Lu ciuffu, 29/5/23 16:32; tweaked Nota Sicilian 16:42;
      4. Updated Blog index to address the following points, 30/5/23 12:55;
        1. Add «Canzoni Calabresi/Siciliane da tradurre in Cinese» as FTN57;
        2. Empty the spoilers completely, placing the following translations:
          1. The final heartache, see post (U5 - Note that Sann siann bo-nai is dated by the post to the "evening");
          2. L'uselin Chinese, post says 13/7/17;
          3. La mamma Chinese, post says 30/8/17 betw. 15 and 16 (see post for more details), and FTN19 says Una casa in riva al mare Chinese is done by "~14:33";
          4. Sot 'e lët Chinese, post says 29/9/17;
          5. U ciuffu Chinese, see post;
          6. La mente torna Chinese, post says 6/10/17 twk. 13/9/18 and 25/4/20 (U6);
          7. Ai-lin si kiann-tshun-lin English (original), post says Night betw. 21 and 22/11/17 last line 23/11/17;
          8. Xiangnian ni English (original), post says night betw. 23 and 24/11/17;
          9. El Chipi Chipi Chinese 9/6/18 tweak;
          10. El Chipi Chipi Italian, post says 21/4/18;
          11. Ja tjebja ljublju Hakka, post says 18/11/17;
          12. Ai piann tsiah e iann English, post says "apparently" on recording day 21/10/17;
          13. Vent fin Greek, post says 15/8/19 corr. 16/8/19 (PhD1);
          14. Gai-zuk hang English, post says «on 10/10/19, between 16:15 and 16:52» twk. later;
          15. Rab kî qalam Chinese, post says 28/9/20 twk. 2/10/20 (PhD2);
          16. Love - când ko Urdu/English, post says «between 22:38 and 0:15 of 14/10/20» twk. next day and 17-18/10/20;
          17. Home is following my thoughts Chinese, post says 3/11/20 evening going on into the night, twk. 7/11/20 (PhD3);
          18. E vuaj Romagnolo, post says night betw. 11 and 12/12/20 2:01-2:27 twk. next morning and 14/12/20 and within 18/12/20;
          19. A-hue Chinese, post says night betw. 25 and 26/10/21 <1:27-1:35 twk. 6/11/21.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 5/6/23 19:02», 5/6/23 18:54;
    1. VIDEO: 刮大风时 Guà dà fēng shí | Strong winds blowing, «11/6/23, upload started 21:39:04/05 (preparing to 1%), 13% uploaded at 21:39:24, Processing 8 minutes left at 21:40:10, Checking started at 21:40:50 and moved from 4% to done at 21:41:19, published 21:45:12».
    2. Related Quora space post, 11/6/23 21:49:20.
    3. Related Sappho space post, 11/6/23 21:47:52.
    4. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 11/6/23 21:42;
      1. Plan Kalinifta post in index spoiler;
      2. Fix posting date of "The feelings of a loafer" from 17/3/17 to 17/5/18;
      3. Place the new Italian (noting the 17/12 tweak in the process), Greek (11/11 my ass, that reinterpretation is from 17/11; also, 27/5/23 tweak), and Chinese translations of Romaria;
      4. Complete playlist index by adding Shipping Sappho overseas;
      5. Plan the videos for Kalinifta and Romagnolo-Albanian-Russian Romaria.
    5. EDITS:
      1. Heavily reorganized intro, implemented final May 2023 tweaks to Spanish, English, and Greek, and added Russian, all at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 6/6/23 18:34;
      2. Implemented 22/4/23 alternate completion of fr. 74 "Money without virtue" at Safo: Poemas, 10/6/23 20:54;
      3. Did the same at Chinese poetic Sappho (where the fragment is 96), 11/6/23 20:59 with FAIL 20:57;
      4. Did the same at Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta (where the fragment is 96), 11/6/23 21:00.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 11/6/23 22:07», 11/6/23 21:58 but really 22:00;
    1. VIDEO: Πρὸς Χάραξον | Al fratello Carasso, «18/6/23, uploaded 0:22:10-0:32:13, processed 0:32:17-0:34:14 (from 7 minutes left to 0% checked), checked 0:34:14-0:34:42 (4% to done), published 0:36:48».
    2. Related Quora space post, 18/6/23 0:41:24.
    3. Related Sappho space post, 18/6/23 0:38:24.
    4. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 18/6/23 0:24;
      1. Fix up the chorus history of Chinese Salelaka Mokonzi;
      2. Note the existence of the 17/12 email in the English and French Anata ga iru kara entries;
      3. Add Italian remake of Anata ga iru kara, and mark older translations as "vecchiume incompleto";
      4. Put En thyellaisi before the love grief fragments video in the video index's spoiler.
    5. EDITS
      1. Implemented latest version of Chinese chorus, paragraph broke intro further, and listed all Chinese choruses conceived so far, at Work for the Lord, 14/6/23 0:13;
      2. Added "Milk and cereal" Italian to Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 14/6/23 11:31;
      3. Marked each item in the intro list by its language code, adding a few paragraph breaks in the process and moving a Romagnolo thing from the EN item to its rightful place, added back the pre-30/7/22 translations as a nav-tab, and heavily reformatted and history-edited the intro part about the Sappho fragment, at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 14/6/23 12:54;
      4. Tidied up the note vs. post comparison at God to man, 14/6/23 13:09;
      5. Implemented the recent intro tweak to the Italian version at Lei vuol sol ballar, 14/6/23 13:16;
      6. Implemented FTN20 version of English at Leaving no traces, 14/6/23 13:32;
      7. Updated Blog index to address the below points, 14/6/23 14:40;
        1. Fix up chrono item for Dio a l'ommo Min;
        2. Place translations of Sappho fragment at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai;
        3. Split old- and new-interpretation translations of Gua--e sim lai in chrono index;
        4. Add Milk and cereal Italian;
        5. Fix video titel «Πρὸς Χάραξον | A Carasso» to «Πρὸς Χάραξον | Al fratello Carasso»;
      8. Implemented 14/6/23 tweaks to the Chinese remake at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 15/6/23 0:23;
      9. Implemented 14/6/23 tweaks to Balade de bon conseyl English at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 15/6/23 0:26;
      10. Updated Blog index to note the previous two edits' tweaks, marking the Chinese original of Anata ga iru kara as "(original)" in the process, and add the video to the chrono entry for Gua da feng shi, 15/6/23 15:52;
      11. Added missing linebreaks to super-holey stanza in Italian remake of "To Charaxus" at the end and mentioned possible tweak bambinesco->puerile in intro, at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 17/6/23 16:38;
      12. Added mentions of 17/12/11 email, split intro into nav-tabs, implemented Italian remake, all at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 17/6/23 18:49.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 18/6/23 1:00», 18/6/23 0:43;
    1. VIDEO: Ἐν θυέλλαισι | In forti tempeste, «25/6/23, uploaded 12:28:32/33 (preparing to 1% done) - 12:47:40, processed 12:47:43-12:48:06 (X minutes left to 0% checked), checked 12:48:06-12:49:04/05 (9% to done), published 12:51:12».
    2. Related Quora space post, 25/6/23 12:54:48.
    3. Related Sappho space post, 25/6/23 12:53:44.
    4. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 25/6/23 12:32;
      1. Start implementing SF numbers into HS3 Sappho entries after the E-LP-C lists (why did I never delete extra lists from entries from the Stars and Moon post? Also, the Campbell Gongyla apparently has 3 Italian translations… and "Stars and Moon" is LP 34, not 32, my dear SF list…);
      2. Add Earth Angel French;
      3. Add completions of Ty Russian and Japanese to their histories;
      4. HS4 ends in 2011, not 2012, fix typo in chrono index intro;
      5. U5 is supposed to end at 27/9, so Sot 'e lët is U6;
      6. The second Italian Encomium pre-tedesco BD should be final;
      7. Label the old version of "I don't know what to think" Russian as "say" and add the two new ones, "think (imperfective)" and "think (perfective)";
      8. Change title of today's vid from former "Ἐν θυέλλαισι ζαφέλοισι | Nelle tempeste violente".
    5. EDITS:
      1. Implemented the 11/4/22 Italian thing from IAFI at A night of moonlight, 20/6/23 0:20;
      2. Updated Blog index to address the following points, 20/6/23 0:48;
        1. Note the tweak to Still for your love Italian;
        2. Mark the last video as uploaded, not upload planned!
        3. Fix the planned upload dates for the upcoming two videos;
        4. Place the Kalinifta video at the end of July and Romaria and Aconteceu in August;
        5. Add the item for the Tsit thiau tshiu-kin-a video, and any complete IAFI translations as well (Il ballo del qua qua, Ob-la-di ob-la-da, Yau-kwun pa! San-ko, Mbube, Timoneiro, Vuestra soy, Dušá moĵá v gitárĵe, Che siano una sola cosa, Algo se muere en el alma, Nada te turbe, Gentle Annie, Azzurro);
      3. Added French at Earth Angel, 21/6/23 12:50;
      4. Completed Russian and Japanese at Te, 23/6/23 0:59; fixed lineup 1:05;
      5. Updated Index by languages, 24/6/23 0:30;
      6. Implemented Gukov discussion for Russian barbarous meter translation at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 24/6/23 0:46;
      7. Fixed the following at Catullus and Sappho: ode to Anactoria, in two edits:
        1. L. 6 of Diary version of Latin from «Mī quĭdēm cŏr pēctŏrĕ Pēctŏr’ īn mĕ cŏr ăgĭtāvĭt īntŭs.» to correct version «Mī quĭdēm cŏr pēctŏrĕ Pēctŏr’ īn mĕ, cŏr', hōc m' ăgĭtāvĭt īntŭs.», 24/6/23 15:23;
        2. «da ciò» -> «di ciò» in Italian Diary 1, 24/6/23 15:32;
        3. «Quell'uom ch'innanzi a te ora vegg'io / Seder, e presso a te che e ascoltar ch'or vio -> che dolcemente <vio>» -> «Quell'uom ch'innanzi a te adora vegg'io / Seder, e presso a te che o ascoltar ch'or vio -> che dolcemente <vio>» in Italian Diary 2, 24/6/23 15:32;
        4. «E amabile» -> «E amabile» in Italian Diary 2, 24/6/23 15:32;
        5. «E di ciò» -> «E dai ciò» in Italian Diary 2, 24/6/23 15:32;
      8. Updated Blog index for the following SD implementations, 24/6/23 23:14;
        1. SD3 reference in German Encomium;
        2. SD6-8 references in Latin hymn version 1+ while deeply reworking the short history; also, long history edit;
        3. Add manuscripts to SD8-9, plus SD8 dating argument;
        4. SD3-4 mentions in Latin hymn 1+;
        5. SD9 in Italian Hymn 1; preface that item with diary quote;
        6. SD10 mentions in Latin Ode to Anactoria;
        7. SD11 in Latin Ode and "SD10-14" in long history;
        8. Expand diary quotes of SD11;
        9. SD12 and SD13 in Latin Ode;
        10. Put full manuscript and diary quote expansions in SD12;
        11. Italian Ode and Italian Stars and the Moon must be switched based on SD12;
        12. Implement SD12 in Italian ode;
        13. Implement SD14 in Italian ode;
        14. Implement SD12 in Italian Stars and the Moon (what the heck kind of tweaks did I even see on SP1?);
        15. Give SD13 manuscripts;
        16. Place all translations of Sappho Edmonds 31 as separate from Sappho 16, implement SD13 into the Latin, and date the other two with files and printouts;
        17. Give SD14 manuscripts and implement it in Latin GW and Oxy/GW Sappho 16;
        18. Implement SD14 in Italian Ode;
        19. Implement SD14 in Latin Idyll and explicitly state what "Start" is;
      9. Added nav-tab scripts and called the original version of "I don't know what to think" Russian "Say" (not "Do") at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 25/6/23 12:25.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 25/6/23 14:59», 25/6/23 14:44; update timestamp fixed from 15:59 at 15:00; added these two sentences 15:02;
    1. VIDEO: Σαπφίκοις λύπη φιλίας στίχοισι | Molti versi pieni di mal d'amore, «2/7/23, uploaded 11:17:09-11:55:22, processed 11:55:35-11:57:03 (8 minutes left to 0% checked), checked 11:57:03-11:58:03 (5% 10min left to done), published 11:59:28».
    2. Related Quora space post, 2/7/23 11:35:36.
    3. Related Sappho space post, 2/7/23 11:34:24.
    4. Related index update (i.e. placing the new vid in all tabs after removing the reference to the post's incorrect 2014 dating of Bulan menjadi saksi's original Albanian and calling the previous video Ἐν θυέλλαισιν | In forti tempeste, adding that -ν for the illusion of a long syllable): 2/7/23 11:28.
    5. EDITS:
      1. Updated Blog index to link musication Sappho videos in their chrono index entries under the fragment numbers (also the Pelagon epigram is C 159D not 157D) and implement SF numbers in spoiler items (also SF r is not 1.A.v, and that mono-Italian translation item has fragments that have never been placed and some that have more than just the Italian unplaced and even some completely placed!, and SF bf is LP 119 not 1.C.iii LP 100, and SF87 is 1.F.ii and LP 134 not 1.D.iv and LP 124, and 1.H.iv is fully placed not just Latin), 28/6/23 1:27;
      2. Updated Blog index to mark first 1.I.iii Latin as the Italian it is (adding the bracketed part of the long history in the process), add the tweaked translation of that fragment into the index, add manuscript info to all translations of it, and implement all remaining SF numbers (also, SF 79 is LP 58 not 88, and why did I consistently not remove spurious numbers from items for translations in the Stars and the Moon post? And the heck is up with 1.I.v "version 1" when there's only one version, and version 1 Italian is placed twice? SF bd is LP incc. 21+17, not LP 17+21, and the tesina Alcaeus translations shouldn't be categorized as Sappho and toggled by the button, decided not to add these numbers in translations where the LP numbers weren't given either), 29/6/23 1:25;
      3. Paragraph broke item for 1.I.iii and added [] parts there, and implemented Italian tweaked version, at The rest of Sappho, 30/6/23 0:43;
      4. Updated Blog index to address the following points, 30/6/23 1:24;
        1. Change video Ty | Tia to Ty | Tia | 你 Lí and update translations list accordingly;
        2. «One of the many loose sheets I have yet to analyse #IambicPentameter?» wha? Endecasillabo sdrucciolo, huh, with ànalyse a bit forced… made it common meter including more text and italicizing it;
        3. O Atthis German has l. 1 done after three stanzas of French and one line of German Hymn, so the current order is BS; also, the French is started on 1/10/10 with 4 stanzas, as per metadata and diary;
      5. Added Italian re-remake and implemented the newest tab at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 1/7/23 0:30;
      6. Fixed "moshi mo" to be translated to Italian and Chinese as "if" not "even if" at Time after time, 1/7/23 0:37;
      7. History edit for Latin, as well as tweak to Italian history to also mention OS21 and calling the English original a Manuscript version, at A prayer to avert stormy journeys, 1/7/23 1:10;
      8. Updated Blog index to label Anata ga iru kara Italian remake as "seminovità completa" and add "novita complete", and insert tweaks to Time after time Chinese and Italian "buona novità" versions, and A prayer to avert stormy journeys Latin, all 1/7/23 1:19;
      9. Fixed up version 0 of English at Hymn to Aphrodite, 1/7/23 18:57; I have no idea how the "0" in the intro list item got canceled, but I put it back at 19:16;
      10. Updated history, which completely missed the existence of the printouts, and implemented original Italian and English of Sappho fragment, and then completely reformated the dang intro, all at Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion, 1/7/23 22:39; placed </ul> in the right place 22:42; fixed miscoding of nav-tabs 22:44; removed "olim cogitatio" from blog version 22:46;
      11. Updated Blog index to do the following SD/SP1 implementation things, 1/7/23 23:05;
        1. Implemented SD15 in Idyll Latin;
        2. Implemented SD16 in Hymn v1-3 English;
        3. Added bracket after SP1 in history of Hymn v1-3 Latin;
        4. Fixed date of tweaks to ll. 7 12 16 of Ode to Anactoria Italian, mentioning SP1 and SP2;
        5. Swapped Idyll Latin with SF 6 Latin since they are both SP1 residues;
        6. Added "manuscripted with" in SP1 entry for libaition after "Latin";
        7. Implemented SD17 and SD18 into Idyll English and added manuscript notes to the SD entries;
        8. Fixed manuscript description for SF 9 "prayer" in SP1;
        9. Fixed manuscript description for SF 10 11 12 14 and unnumbered in SP1, adding a couple SF numbers as well;
        10. Placed translations of 1.I.viii after placing the fragment at the end of the SF list;
        11. Labeled blog translations of SF 14 as such and added original ones, then marked SF 14 blog English as betw. 4/7 and 25/7;
        12. Implemented SD17 in Ode English and Stars and Moon English;
        13. Added timing info to SD17;
      12. Fixed all instances of the original Indonesian-Albanian translation's date from 2014 to 2013 at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 1/7/23 23:08.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 2/7/23 12:13», 2/7/23 12:02;
    1. VIDEO: Πλείαδες | Pleiadi, «8/7/23, uploaded 23:25:33-23:40:49, processed 23:40:55-23:42:43 (7 minutes left to 0% checked 10 minutes left), checked 23:42:43-23:42:46 (from there straight to done, absolutely zero sense), published 23:44:24».
    2. Related Quora space post, 8/7/23 23:50:16.
    3. Related index update (includes noting the correction of Atela Greek and the 7/7 tweak to Povera voce Chinese, and fixing the upload date from 9 to 8/7 and the title from Πληΐαδες to Πλείαδες): 8/7/23 23:28.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Put "/" linebreak in second quoted fragment in first intro item and implemented recent tweaks and double version for that fragment at Love and grief, 3/7/23 13:25;
      2. Added mention of re-remake in intro start, fixed the fact that the novità and seminovità were linked to swapped contents, and added Greek at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 6/7/23 1:02;
      3. Updated Blog index to address the following points, 6/7/23 1:30;
        1. Add Anata ga iru kara Greek;
        2. Fix the title of the last vid from λύπη -> λύπα in all instances of the title (vid index, chrono index, post index);
        3. Kin-pu-ja Chinese is reported twice, remove the one with more imprecise history «14/1/22 twk. same day»;
        4. Remove the old translation's date range from the remake of With how sad steps o Moon Italian;
        5. Make 'O surdato 'nnammurato be two planned vids: English+Greek, and double Chinese;
        6. The explanation of the SD list reads «The list of all Sappho mentions in my diary, labeled "SD"; this may be a work in progress because it's huge; I will give the date, the Latin original of the various quotes, and the English translation;», but it should read «The list of all Sappho mentions in my HS3 diary, labeled "SD" (HS4, merged with info from poem notebook and norteblock, will be added as the SDQP list below); I will give the date, the Latin original of the various quotes, and the English translation;»;
        7. In the relevant translation entry, mention is the old version of SF 16 Latin l. 1 in SD14, the current one being SP1 anyways;
        8. SD22 is what dates SP2 and should be mentioned in the SP2 item;
        9. There is an "eml" in an SD item which should be "mel";
        10. Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria | Latin-Greek | Catullus, LI | 17/11/10 | Dated by poem notebook from the time; -> Ancient Greek;
        11. Made all language pairs ending in -Italian be "X - Y", not "X-Y"; fixed an -English one as well;
        12. "Not giving language pairs for Sappho translations not by me" in the items for Gongyla Khatzidakis is outdated, from a time when those were sitting in the spoiler;
        13. Add "By Asmā" ( to the playlist index in the blog index;
      4. The first two fragments had the same tab div names, fixed that at Love and grief, 7/7/23 13:15;
      5. Added "sweet" in English translation of Saletti Italian and implemented corrections to the Greek at Atela, 8/7/23 15:57;
      6. Implemented 7/7 tweak to Chinese at Povera voce, 8/7/23 16:06.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 9/7/23 0:03», 8/7/23 23:54;
    1. VIDEO: Atela, «16/7/23, uploaded 13:49:26-14:42:02/03, processed 14:42:22-14:44:27 (that's the end of a couple seconds of going from "7 minutes left" to "Checking 0%"), checked 14:44:27-14:45:30 (5% 10 minutes left to done), published 14:47:12».
    2. Related Quora space post: 16/7/23 14:51:36.
    3. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 16/7/23 13:52.
      1. Add Avemo fame English;
      2. Add Se tu fossi Greek after Kalinifta, and Korean somewhere;
      3. Add the Παραληρήματα Ikona after those;
      4. Make sure entries for unposted translations have IAFI linked, not "nothing-redirected-to-index";
      5. Remove plan date from Romaria;
      6. Update the plan date for Aconteceu Spanish etc.;
      7. Add Greek to Wasurenaide Japanese-English-Latin.
    4. EDITS
      1. Added Avemo fame English at Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 15/7/23 19:51;
      2. Implement today's correction to MG verse 5 at Atela, 15/7/23 19:56;
        put it IN THE RIGHT TAB as well as in the romanization at 19:58;
      3. Implemented Chinese re-remake (Novità complete) at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 16/7/23 14:19.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 16/7/23 23:21», 16/7/23 23:19;
    1. VIDEO: Se tu fossi | Αν ήσουν, «23/7/23, uploaded 12:39:40/41 (from preparing to 1% done) - 12:47:49, processed 12:47:52 - 12:48:52 (36 minutes left to done), checked 12:48:52… at 12:49:24 it was 5% checked 10 minutes left, at 12:49:28 it went back to processing 35 minutes left, at 12:49:30 it was done. Published 12:51:12».
    2. POST: Se tu fossi (ovvero Nuovo Cinema Paradiso), 22/7/23 19:40 FAIL because idiot turned hotspot off on its own, 19:43.
    3. Related Quora space post: 23/7/23 12:55:04.
    4. Related index update for both (includes addressing the points below): 23/7/23 12:41;
      1. Add today's post to both indices;
      2. Add Anata ga iru kara Chinese re-remake;
      3. Note corrections of Wasurenaide Greek;
      4. Note corrections of Tu hai ki nahin Greek (meaning I add the "Kika-remake" at the near-end of the index);
      5. Note corrections of Musicated Hymn to Aphrodite Greek;
      6. Note corrections to Gongyla Khatzidakis Greek;
      7. Note corrections to Aeríon epéon Greek;
      8. Note corrections to Tais emais etairais Greek;
      9. Note recent tweaks to Min to rotas ton oyrano French;
      10. Rearrange planned vids: Se tu fossi this weekend, Sempre cantiamo the next (how was this not even planned?), Kalinifta to start August, Prosopiko second we of Aug, then the Paralirimata;
      11. Last video is not "upload planned", obviously.
    5. EDITS:
      1. Implemented corrections to musicated Hymn Modern Greek, Gongyla MG, and both non-Parthenia Avaton MG, and added link under "the next video" in first section of "Sappho fragments, modern pronunciation", all at Sappho in "pop" culture, 22/7/23 22:30;
      2. Implemented corrections of Greek at Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, 22/7/23 23:11;
      3. Implemented 15/7/23 tweak to French chorus at Ne demande pas ça au ciel, 22/7/23 23:20;
      4. Implemented corrections to Greek at Ci sei tu o no?, 23/7/23 12:02.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 23/7/23 14:27», 23/7/23 14:19;
    1. VIDEO: Sempre cantiamo al rifiorir del giorno | We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing, «31/7/23, uploaded 14:56:12-15:04:51, prochecked starting 15:04:56, ticked from 40min left to 37min left, then moved to checking 0% 10min left at 15:08:05, got to 3% 10min left then switched to processing 36min left at 15:08:23, where it remained all the way till it was done at 15:09:31, published 15:11:52».
    2. Related Quora space post: 31/7/23 15:17:20.
    3. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 31/7/23 15:05;
      1. Add SP1 manuscript transcription for SF 6 Italian at SP1 entry in SP list;
      2. Add l. 2 of SF 7 manuscript to the same list;
      3. Complete the manuscript transcription for SF 9 at the same list;
      4. Complete transcription of l. 2 manuscript for SF 12 in same list;
      5. Add «manuscripted in SP1» to histories of SF 9 Italian and Latin;
      6. SF 14 entries should be after SF12 Latin, and marked as "manuscript", not "original";
      7. SF14 English has no "original" or "manuscript" version, so cross out that purported SP1 residue/manuscript missed when making SP2 file;
      8. SF 14 English shouldn't be marked "blog", and SF 14 should be marked "original and blog" not just "blog";
      9. Implement SD1.xv into Hymn Italian and English versions 1-3;
      10. Implement SD1.xii into Ode to Anactoria Italian;
      11. Add «, otherwise S2/3 residue manuscripted on SP2» to SD23 mention in short history of Idyll Italian;
      12. Added mention of S2/3/SP2 tweak of first line of second complete stanza of Idyll Latin, mentioning SD1.xii in it;
      13. Ode to Anactoria English twk. betw. 27/6/10 and 16/8/10 supposed to say 27/7 because it's an S5 tweak;
      14. Mention SD1.xv in Gongyla vulgate Latin;
      15. «that stanza, and the other one,» -> «the last stanza» near end of Idyll Latin long history;
      16. Added «(which is where this translation gets copied into S2)» to Gongyla vulgate Latin;
      17. Copypasted «Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S2 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10» into a few entries starting with SF 12 English;
      18. SF 14 blog versions should be in the S2 residues past SF12b but before SF15, rather than before SF 9; copypaste «Either betw 4/7/10 and 15/7/10 or on 25/7/10 | S2 residue not on SP2, hence probs. 25/7/10» into all but English, and integrate it into English;
      19. Added (S4) to Idyll English short history for ease of reference;
      20. Implemented SD30 into SF 16b Latin;
      21. Implemented SD31 into SF 16b Latin, removing the doublet mention «the completion is from 6/8/10 as per diary saying I "copy and finish the translations" of this poem» in the process;
      22. Implemented the same into SF 16 Latin;
      23. Mentioned SD31 on all other versions of SF16 and SF16b;
      24. Implemented SD31 into SF 31 Latin, and consequently SF 33 Latin;
      25. Implemented SD33-34 into Cover of the fragments file English;
      26. Added twk. mention to 1.H.i Italian original and mentioned SD34 there;
      27. Implemented SD35 into 1.H.i Italian remake, and noted S5 tweak to it in entry;
      28. Reworked "SF" PN-16 Italian to mention SD1.xvii, SD32, SD34, and SD35, and consequently mentioned all these in all the "SF" PN entries;
      29. Implemented SD34 into SD27 entries and 1.H.i English;
      30. Implemented SD35 into SF26 Italian A and Romagnolo;
      31. Implemented SD36 into SF26 Italian B;
      32. Fixed Enlgish to English in the relevant Sempre cantiamo al rifiorir del giorno entry;
      33. Got rid of trilingual planned video for today's song, which has been split into two bilingual ones;
      34. Gave Ἐν θυέλλαισι | In forti tempeste the proper post-index formatting in the post-index entry with that video linked.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Implemented 22-23/7/23 tweaks to musicated Hymn Greek at Sappho in "pop" culture, 29/7/23 13:37;
      2. Edited Blog index to address the following points, 29/7/23 15:10(-1s);
        1. Mention 22-23/7/23 tweaks to "song: Sappho's Ode to Aphrodite";
        2. Make -English pairs consistently look like X - Y instead of X-Y;
        3. Add Paralirimata Ikona to playlist index;
        4. Added line break after Lists button in chrono;
        5. Implemented SD19 in S1 residues;
        6. Copypasted the long history of Italian libation original into Latin libation original;
        7. Implemented SD20-21 and SD1.v into the first SP2 residue, and consequently in all the others;
        8. Copypasted the short history addition from the previous item into all SP2 residues;
        9. Implemented SD20-21, LW and CL mentions, SD1.v, and SD1.x in SF PN Latin and Italian;
        10. Referred to SD1.xii for the CL vacation explanation in SF12 Italian;
        11. Implemented SD24 into Italian vulgate Gongyla;
        12. Implemented SD23 into Latin and Italian Idyll, rebranding the SD23 "twk." as.a "change" since it was basically remaking the second complete stanza's Italian version (meaning «then night betw. 7/7 and 8/7/10 (SD23), then betw. 25 and 26/7» from the Italian short history changed to «stanza 2 remade night betw. 7/7 and 8/7/10 (SD23), rest then twk. betw. 25 and 26/7»);
        13. Implemented SD25-26 where they needed to be implemented;
        14. Implemented SD28-29 in all SF 16/16b entries, leaving Sappho 16 Latin for last;
        15. Implemented SD27 in relevant chrono entry;
      3. Implemented 15/7/23 tweak to French chorus at Ne demande pas ça au ciel, 22/7/23 23:20;
      4. Implemented corrections to Greek at Ci sei tu o no?, 23/7/23 12:02;
      5. Fixed up original versions at Sappho: two divine epiphanies, 31/7/23 11:19;
      6. Implemented yesterday's tweaks at We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing, 31/7/23 15:24.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 31/7/23 15:36», 31/7/23 15:27;
    1. VIDEO: Παραληρήματα Ikona: Thalatta, «7/8/23, uploaded 16:05:06-18:03:35, processed 18:04:[04,14] (probs closer to 14, got distracted writing the Quora space post) - … well now you tell me what the fuck this thing is. It got to 45/46mins left , then at 18:18:33 it suddenly moved to checking 0% 10mins left. It ticked up one by one to 5%, then 5 by 5 till 65%, then 71%, then 5 by 5 again, and after 96% it turned to «Checks are taking longer than usual to complete but are still running» at 18:28:47. it stayed there until 18:35:11, then suddenly bam, back to processing up to HD, 30/29mins. It ticked down, minute by minute, until «Less than a minute left» at 19:03:30, then «Almost done» at 19:04:30, and finally «Video processing is taking longer than expected. Please wait.» (you don't say?) at 19:06:31. And there it stayed until… well at least until I got fed up and published it at 19:19:12. And yeah, it's still going. Alright guys, I just watched the end of this vid, and it's still going. I won't keep tracking it. 19:22:55».
    2. Related Quora space post: 7/8/23 18:02:00.
    3. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 7/8/23 16:10;
      1. Prayer intermediate-final must be separate from original, and treated as S5 residue, because so is the integration that produces their text;
      2. Copy manus of Sappho 16(b) into index;
      3. SF 28 English is "otherwise S5 residue", not S4; should also have "poss. tw. within 16/8/10";
      4. Mention probable S4->S5 typo fix in Idyll English;
      5. Libation: note intermediate text is also S5 residue;
      6. SF 14 Latin original and blog tweak is S5 residue, not S3;
      7. Add English brindisi;
      8. Add the Neapolitan remake of Time after time;
      9. Reorder planned vids in the sequence Kalinifta-Paian-Aion-Prosopiko-Aconteceu.
    4. EDITS
      1. Added English brindisi at Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 5/8/23 17:35;
      2. Made the versions of Idyll in Latin and Greek in the 25/7 tab actually match S3 at Sappho: two divine epiphanies, 6/8/23 0:12;
      3. Completed Neapolitan remake and added first section of Romanian remake (last two lines are remade, the rest is provisionally recovered) at Time after time, 6/8/23 0:49.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 8/8/23 0:10», 8/8/23 0:03;
    1. VIDEO: Ματινάτα (Καληνύφτα) Matinata (Kalinifta) | Serenata (Buonanotte) | Sérénade (Bonne nuit), «13/8/23, uploaded 16:50:11-17:30:55, processing started 17:31:08, then I tried to figure out screen recording and fucking Quick Time Player screwed me over bigtime. Let's put some timestamps in. 17:33:25, processing 39 min left. 17:34:43, checking 0% 10min left. 17:35:14, checking 6% 10min left. 17:35:46, processing 37min left. 17:36:55, checks complete. Published 17:39:20».
    2. Related index update (includes substituting "S2" with "S2/3" wherever opportune): 13/8/23 16:55.
    3. Related Quora space post: 13/8/23 17:00:32.
    4. POST: Kalinifta (Buonanotte), 12/8/23 0:39.
    5. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 12/8/23 1:35;
      1. The full reasoning of that "diary seems to indicate" is that SD35 "termino Notam et traducere prosequor" would probably mean that I did small translations in numerical order, and then I reached SD26 and started skipping, going to SF28 and SF27 which are explicitly mentioned; implement this form of the reasoning in SF 12c Italian and just the SD reference at SF 17 Italian;
      2. Idyll Latin «the diary of 7/7/10 telling us that», convert that to SD reference; also, "an S2/3 residue", not "a";
      3. SF 16b Latin "S1 has final versions" is definitely wrong since S1 doesn't even have 16b; indeed, it's S5 that has them;
      4. «31/7/10 as per SD28, twk. within 5/1/11 (S9), then in 2012 within 20/5 probs. after 19/5 (T1)» requires review (SF 16b Italian short history);
      5. To the LTE Latin SF 53, add that the 11/11 upper bound is because once SP4 existed SP3 was put away, or so I assume;
      6. Substitute "S6" with "S6/7" whenever opportune;
      7. Add Kalinifta translations;
      8. SF re-59 Latin has English line 1 quoted in the history, give Latin!
      9. SF re-59 Latin has l. 1 and l. 2 with swapped numbers; the short history of l. 2 should be expanded, since the S6/7 part of it is simply the endpoint words;
      10. SF English 53 is a print-SP3 residue, not manuscripted on SP3; it's in blog form already.
    6. EDITS
      1. Updated Blog index, to address the below points, 8/8/23 14:28;
        1. "3/11 is before S6/7" is patently wrong up there after the SP3 epigrams sections in the SP list;
        2. One line of the English SF 16/16b manuscript has a missing closed ruby tag;
        3. SF 53 Latin should be marked as (blog) and an (updated) LTE version should be added;
        4. SF 53 Italian is tweaked in print-SP3;
        5. SF 53 English is manuscripted in SP3, in blog form;
        6. The line numbers in the history of SF re-59 English are swapped;
        7. Add German brindisi;
        8. Added SD15 residue to SF 6 Latin;
        9. Second single ad minchiam line has no capital at the start of the long history;
        10. Note somewhere that S5 aeolicizes the captation SF 26, and track the changes of κεῖνον and ἀγαῦος to the blog form;
        11. Note somewhere that S5 ditches ἐπιπλάζοντες ἄμοι for ἐπιπλάζοντ' ἄνεμοι in SF 17;
      2. Added updated Latin for Full moon fragment at The stars and the moon, full moon and… an intruder?, 8/8/23 14:39;
      3. Added German brindisi at Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 8/8/23 14:44.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 13/8/23 23:35», 13/8/23 23:21;
    1. VIDEO: Παραληρήματα Ikona: Paian, «20/8/23, uploaded 15:37:51-16:09:48/49, processing started 16:09:55, it said 40min, then 39min, then it was blank for a few seconds around 16:12:34, then it moved to Checking 0% 10mins left at 16:12:37, then from 4% 10mins left it moved back to processing 39mins left at 16:13:01, it ticked down to 38mins, and from there transitioned to Checks complete no issues found at 16:15:08. How that makes any sense, the world may never understand. Published 16:17:28».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 20/8/23 15:42;
      1. Index entry for Se tu fossi doesn't include timestamp in link text;
      2. The last video is marked as upload planned;
      3. Note SP1-SP2 changes in Italian and Latin SF 9, mark them as "manuscript and original" and all three other items as "intermediate and final", and the first English as "original";
      4. Added English and Latin version of updated fragments cover to Hymn to Aphrodite;
      5. Add Unfinished non-work projects to the "won't list" section of the chronological index alongside The history of my translations and Comments on my Sappho sources;
      6. Add SF 29 translations with reference to SD37;
      7. Ditto with SF 30;
      8. Implement SD37 into SF 31 English (actually, it said SD38, right?);
      9. Add SF 32 translations;
      10. Mark SF 33 Latin as "16 or 17/8", since SD37 (which should be referred to in that entry) doesn't say all translations up to SF 36 were done on 17, just that the missing ones were;
      11. Add SF 36 and 37 translations;
      12. Add SF 38 and 39 translations;
      13. Add SF 40-41, 42, 44 translations;
      14. SF 45 Italian changes histories from «Betw. 16/8/10 and 23/8/10, probs after 21/8/10, twk. Dec 2010 | SD3 and the fact this is SF45 put this before 23/8/10; the discussion of this text probably happened on 21/8/10 (cfr. SD1.xix), so I assume this was done after that; I would guess the fragments after it were done after it; this is an SP3 residue tweaked in SP5»;
      15. SF 45 English changes histories from «Betw. 16/8/10 and 23/8/10, probs after 21/8/10, twk. twice within 2/11/10 and once more betw. 21/12/10 and 5/1/11, probs Xmas holidays | Cfr. previous for 23/8 and 21/8; this is an SP3 residue with manuscripted tweak on SP3, tweaked in S6/7 and S9»;
      16. SF 45 Latin changes histories from «Betw. 16/8/10 and 23/8/10, probs after 21/8/10 twk. Dec 2010 | Cfr. above for the bounds, this is an SP3 residue».
    3. Related Quora space post: 20/8/23 15:54:00.
    4. Unfinished non-work projects update, 20/8/23 0:17:
      1. Add Paracritical Note post;
      2. Add "Operation history" for "Translating mega-intro and adding the translations notes in The history of my translations";
      3. Add Monthly Mathematics for Masters and Masses;
      4. Hajde luj qyqek item in translation candidates has the link in the link text because I forgot to remove it from there;
      5. RUSSIAN+ title is not centered;
      6. O anthos toy erí̱moy should be tis erimoy;
      7. The Pontic song should be under Greek and -Ontic, not -Untic;
      8. Add Quando ( to Portuguese translation candidates;
      9. Revise the Salve caput cruentatum item;
      10. Replace «the file "EKe_Men_a_EAnna_the_Pleiades_in_Mid"» with «a file called "EKe_Men_a_EAnna_the_Pleiades_in_Mid", probably downloaded from» in status of Saffo in metrica barbara;
      11. Status of Sappho auf barbariche Metern, "project 1" -> "Saffo in metrica barbara" both times;
      12. Chinese poetic Sappho: link has a spurious extra "html", and "should be explained in the intro" -> "intro has a prospect";
      13. Hyphenate description of All the Chinese songs I have met;
      14. Description of Translationifications, add "(but present in IAFI)" with link after "the last of which yet unposted";
      15. Add fragments list for first Sappho medley;
      16. Link to ROS post under all three instances of "ROS";
      17. Status of Shipping Sappho overseas, "essentially the same as medley b" -> "essentially the same as the corresponding Sappho medley";
      18. Status of Operation video replacement is missing a closed parenthesis;
      19. Split that description into two paragraphs and refer to it from the status by "[date 1] paragraph 1, [date 2] paragraph 2";
      20. Description of monster medley, "4 (IIRC) poems by @ATaj, organized as a mixed-language dialogue between four characters. IIRC, two speak English and the others speak Urdu" -> "4 poems by @ATaj, three in English and one in Urdu, organized as a mixed-language dialogue between the poet (English, two poems), an Uyghur woman (English, one poem), and the two protagonists of the last poem, the only one in Urdu";
      21. Add "(The two poems making it up are definitely supposed to be part of it)" after the mention of the Woe to me medley;
      22. Description of Despacito versions post: "linked to above", nope, it's linked to on the left; it's linked to above only in the code :); also, "post post"; also, try hyphenating that description;
      23. Add a new project to separate Teochew explanation in Chinese from Hakka one, to be listed right after the Hakka thing wherever that one ends up in the list;
      24. Description of Paralirimata Ikona, "previous project" -> «project "Stari Most Horrors"»;
      25. Status: "Two episodes are there, the other two are planned for the next two weekends" -> "Two episodes are there, one is in the making and will appear tomorrow, and the last one is planned for the next weekend";
      26. Description of Operation Stiđđa Matutina: link the post to "translated";
      27. Description of Operation Réunion Creole, make link clickable or maybe even hide it behind text; yeah, go with «Originally self-sent -link-this comment-/link- with comment "check that translation"»;
      28. Description of Operation L'etrangère, another link to be made clickable;
      29. Description of Asma erotiko, "partiel";
      30. At The pitfalls of Japanese songs and A lifetime of translations, mention in statuses that the openings exist, and in the latter note that I plan to add a fourth voice in Italian to the 3-voice English opening currently in existence;
      31. Change status of Sappho files post to "The draft currently contains S1 and SP1, along with a few notes. I have one last comparison to make with Draftable, then I'll write an inclusion plan before the notes section and keep going, making comparisons with TeXShop's search function as I go along: S2, SP2, S4, S6, downgrade that to SP3 and S5, and so on";
      32. "launched it in Sep/Oct 2021", nope, I launched the chrono index tab on 28/11/21;
      33. Osas video: hyphens in description? Status: add a note about language uncertainty;
      34. Description of Operation LaTeX CorPoM: mention CorPoM is in Latin, and "the previous project" -> "project Digitizations";
      35. Description of Operation LaTeX Canzoniere: "the previous two projects" -> "projects Digitizations and Operation LaTeX CorPom"; make appendix list an item list, and add COM; «either mine, or others'» needs no comma;
      36. Operation megadiary, "March 2018 - Sep 2020" -> "11/3/18 - 23/9/20";
      37. Operation diary, hyphenate "anything" in description;
      38. Description of Psappho a Lesbia: hyphenate, and "haiku Japanese translations and/or Chinese translations" -> "translations from projects Sapphic haikus and Chinese poetic Sappho";
      39. Operation mysteries: "the screenshot diary from a few projects ago" -> "the Screenshot diary project", and hyphenate description;
      40. A few more todo items: items 1-3 are done; also, hyphenation;
      41. IAFI description, add "leaving "Discarded" as the only non-empty tab";
      42. Update status of Operation iClou-dafuq;
      43. Update status of Operation Sibelius;
      44. Description of chrono index, "the previous project and the next one" -> "the Sappho files post and the SDQP list";
      45. Operation LaTeX Canzoniere status: "project 38 above" -> "project Digitizations";
      46. Operation megadiary description, "the following project" -> "the Screenshot diary";
      47. Delete sentence after table;
      48. Add live Turkish translation video;
      49. Add live decipherment video;
      50. Reorder projects according to a rough priority order, and fix numbers (there's currently two projects 40), and add link to D-blog project.
    5. EDITS
      1. Updated Index by languages, 14/8/23 0:42;
      2. Updated D-blog index, also moving the main index's Finno-Ugric songs under the correct header (they were accidentally under Albanian), 15/8/23 13:06;
      3. Fixed mistransliteration in Korean-Italian mix (sarang-ui jugyeok, not sarang jugyeok), at Se tu fossi (ovvero Nuovo Cinema Paradiso), 15/8/23 17:48;
      4. Implemented recording-day tweaks and fixed a couple typos at Kalinifta (buonanotte), 15/8/23 17:57;
      5. Put date into name of first tab at Unfinished non-work projects, 15/8/23 18:01;
      6. Fixed typo ,/tr> at Niente finisce, 19/8/23 19:45;
      7. Added manuscript tab at A libation and a prayer: religious stuff from Sappho, 19/8/23 20:03;
      8. Implemented rhythm tweak from 18/8/23 in Italian version of 1.C.ii at The rest of Sappho, 19/8/23 20:08;
      9. Added English and Latin version of updated fragments cover to Hymn to Aphrodite, 19/8/23 20:14.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 20/8/23 19:57. Related Facebook page D-post update: 20/8/23 19:58», 20/8/23 19:41;
    1. VIDEO: Παραληρήματα Ikona: Αἰῶν', «27/8/23, uploaded 23:13:37-23:39:01, processing started 23:39:10, 50 minutes left at 23:39:30, down to 44 at 23:45:02, then off to Checking 0% 10 minutes left at 23:46:32, but then I was distracted so when I looked again at 23:47:17 I found it at Processing 42 minutes left, got to 40 left at 23:49:10, and at 23:50:06 it was done, published 23:52:48».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 27/8/23 23:19;
      1. If a diary entry mentions a fragment by its number, translate it as SF; if title, cite title, then add [SF X];
      2. As you go through those items, add the mention of the text change for SF 35 in SD39;
      3. Then, move the translations of that fragment to the date 21/8 and explain in the histories what is going on with the dates;
      4. Add the discussion of SF 45 to the extract at SD1.xxv, with paragraph breaks, and translate that whole bit.
    3. Related Quora space post: 27/8/23 23:21:44.
    4. Unfinished non-work projects update, 26/8/23 19:38, code fix FAIL 19:50 SUCCESS 19:55:
      1. Update status of Paralirimata Ikona series;
      2. Add phonetic shenanigans vid (why English or is "open" when it sounds closed, about Australian "nor");
      3. Add megavideo on Griko songs;
      4. Add blank lines around titles;
      5. Update translation candidates to reflect the specification of the Griko list.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 28/8/23 0:02», 27/8/23 23:57;
    1. VIDEO: Προσωπικό | Personale | Personnel, «4/9/23, uploaded 0:23:[04,06] (preparing to 1%) – 0:28:33, processing started 0:28:37, was at 40mins left at 0:29:07, then dropped to 39, then to 38 at 0;30:17, then I can only assume it switched from that to checking 0% 10mins left at 0:31:19, but then at 0:31:47/48 it switched from Checking 4% 10mins left to Processing 37mins left, at 0:32:14 it was still there, and no sooner than 3s before 0:33:03 it switched to Checks complete, and after all that, published 0:37:20/21».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 4/9/23 0:26;
      1. Added "probs. within 30/8/10 (SD1.xxiii) and not on 25 or 26/8/10 (SD1.xx)" to all SP3 residues not dated by the diary (but only for makings, not tweaks);
      2. Plan Anata ga iru kara Italian+Greek for next weekend, removing Italian from already-present Italian-English-French-Chinese video;
      3. Remove spurious "for" from before the upload date of Αἰῶν'.
    3. Related Quora space post: 4/9/23 0:40:16.
    4. Post: Personale, 2/9/23 0:43.
    5. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 2/9/23 23:30;
      1. Note recently implemented Kalinifta Italian tweak;
      2. Aion video is marked as upload planned, and Paian video has the song title in romanization;
      3. SD1.xxi, mention "cuius fragm in diario habeo" probably refers to SP2;
      4. Mention in entry for SP3 that SD1.xxiii suggests it's from a 30/8/10 PDF;
      5. Add half-entry for S5b which just popped up from another computer.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects update, 2/9/23 21:19:
      1. Remove Paralirimata Ikona series;
      2. Move Paracritical Note post to slot 1;
      3. Add L'eraditê 'd i Gorini 'd Rumãgna just after Operation Stiđđa matutina;
      4. Add Operation invisible names as fourth-to-last;
      5. Add Operation color gradients as third-to-last;
      6. Update translation candidates.
    7. EDITS:
      1. Implemented 26/8/23 tweak to Italian at Kalinifta (Buonanotte), 2/9/23 20:03;
      2. Fixed lineup and spurious linebreak issues at Personale, 2/9/23 20:08;
      3. Implemented video version and fixed a couple typos in original version at Personale, 3/9/23 23:46.
    «Related Facebook page post update; 4/9/23 0:52», 4/9/23 0:45;
    1. VIDEO: あなたがいるから Anata ga iru kara | Siccome ci sei | Γιατί υπάρχεις εσύ, «10/9/23, uploaded 1:01:44/45 (moved from preparing to 1%) - 1:07:36, processing started 1:07:39, 40mins left at 1:08:04, 38mins by 1:10:02, blank at 1:10:18, Checking 0% 10mins left at 1:10:20, 4% 10mins left at 1:10:41, back to processing 38mins left at 1:10:49, 36mins left at 1:12:49 and 1:13:24, Checks complete no issues found at max 2s before 1:13:51, finally published 1:20:56».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 10/9/23 1:10;
      1. Make the link to Personale actually link there and not to IAFI, and fix the analogous problem of the planned Korean video for Se tu fossi (which also has an incomplete post title);
      2. «S13 residue not in OS28», when S13 is from 24/5 and OS28 is from 9/6, seems like a typo, since OS27 is from 24/5; also wanna mention OS29 consists of just that translation;
      3. «by files with dates on them that I remembered even prior to looking through my files»: might wanna refer to those OSs specifically;
      4. Mention the 5/8/12 file relevant to the Neapolitan translations of Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni and Time after time;
      5. Shift Latin Hymn 1.5 to betw. 7 and 15/8 given the newly-implemented SPN change there is in there, and mention said change in the version 6 Latin entry as well;
      6. Mention recording-day tweak of Italian of today's vid in relevant chrono entry;
      7. Replace Italian and English versions of E 31 aka title of SF 16 and 16b using S5b; also, there's two Italians, fix that;
      8. The video entry needs a bit of a rework, what with listing a billion translations and having the older titles «あなたがいるから Anata ga iru kara | Solo perché ci sei | Ξέροντας πως υπάρχεις εσύ».
    3. Related Quora space post: 10/9/23 11:54:00.
    4. Unfinished non-work projects update, 9/9/23 16:24:
      1. Update status Operation iClou-dafuq since the problem solved itself and then came back;
      2. Split IAFI into WIP IAFI, left at the current priority, and Complete IAFI, placed at near-top priority;
      3. Update status of Paracritical note post;
      4. Split Paracritical note post into Italian and English, the latter being low-priority;
      5. Turn Griko song post into Κατωιταλικά: Griko/Greko series, and update the part about the critical work-related questions;
      6. Update Translation candidates.
    5. EDITS:
      1. Made tabs actually work at Personale, 4/9/23 1:41;
      2. Fixed the below at Personale 9/9/23 16:38;
        1. Mark * as * in the Greek text and romanization, in both tabs;
        2. Con forza must be di forza in video version;
        3. Line «En des jours meiileurs» must end with period, not comma, in video version;
        4. Mentioned tradd_napolet in As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 9/9/23 16:48;
        5. Mentioned tradd_napolet in Time after time, 9/9/23 16:58;
        6. Mentioned 13/12 file with almost the reworked version at A sad moon, 9/9/23 17:04;
        7. Expanded on the "noted in note" changes between versions 1 and 2, and added the first change to version 1.5, all at Hymn to Aphrodite, 9/9/23 17:29;
        8. Fixed every instance of motehanasu to moteamasu and mentioned recording-day edits, implementing one of them, at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 10/9/23 0:17.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 10/9/23 12:16», 10/9/23 12:01;
    1. VIDEO: Che siano una sola cosa | Νά 'ναι όλοι όλα ένα, «16/9/23, uploaded 23:43:38 (moved from preparing to 3%) - 23:45:15, processing started 23:45:17, was at 36mins left at 23:46:07, moved to Checking 0% 10mins left at 23:46:09/10, reached 10% 9mins left at 23:47:07, moved back to processing 35mins left at 23:47:12/13, was at 33mins left at 23:49:11, and at 23:49:15 it was done, published 23:56:08».
    2. Related Quora space post: 17/9/23 0:12:00.
    3. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 16/9/23 23:52;
      1. Mention 13/12 sad moon file;
      2. Note the SPN1 mention of the change of Latin l. 17 of the Ode;
      3. Note the SPN1 mentions ([7/8,15/8] and 8/9 [SD1.xxv], where it is applied) of the change to Te brev' aspexi (aka "ll. 7-8 change");
      4. 1.I.viii English comes after Italian v2 (also, reference SD1.xxv in both and in the preceding two items for the remakes of SD 10 Italian and English;
      5. Retranslations of SF10: refer to SD1.xxv;
      6. Note the Cantonata 1 of SD1.xxv;
      7. Prayer intermediate English "tweaked in S6/7" is actually an SPN1 SD1.xxv tewak from 8/9;
      8. Alternate translations of SF 27! Mark already-placed ones as (Infinitive), and add (Imperative) ones;
      9. SF 19 change which is S6/7 residue annotated in SP3 is actually an 8/9/10 change found in SD1.xxv;
      10. Same goes for Latin Full moon updated, which is considered and rejected in SD1.xxv;
      11. Libation final Latin, as well as the completion of l. 2, are mentioned at the end of SPN1 past the 10/9 extract (see SD1.xxix);
      12. SF 48 non-Latin are blog in S5b, so within 21/8; English has "Dow", fixed in SP3, and neither have angled brackets, which are an SP5 addition aside from the "you" which gets them on the blog;
      13. SF 48 Latin is dated by SD40 to 22/8/10, and is blog in SP3 print, aside from angled brackets appearing in SP5;
      14. «Now I want to translate SF 53 [see above]. / / I will eventually condense the PN extract that follows. I probably will come back to other PN extracts as well, since they may include translations like this one;» -> «Now I want to translate SF 53 [recte 54, translation above follows, then SD1.xxvii]»;
      15. Replace SF 54 Italian as 10/9 by SD43, which has it in eventually-blog form; note how S6/7 miscopied it and ended up with «le Cretesi donne», which was fixed in S9 only;
      16. Add SF83 Latin as 6/9 by SD42 has, it's a Latin translation found in SD42 in eventually-blog form;
      17. SD42 should put the subscript σ' next to the first, not the second, word;
      18. Reference SD41 in LP 94 Latin, noting that it says part of this translation was done on 23/8/10;
      19. Last video is marked as upload planned.
    4. POST: Che siano una sola cosa, 16/9/23 0:45.
    5. Related index update (includes putting the post in both indices and planning the next two weekends' videos, thus splitting the 4-translation video of Haja o que houver into two): 16/9/23 1:10.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects update, 16/9/23 0:26:
      1. Update status of Paracritical note Italian;
      2. Update status of Griko/Greko series;
      3. Update iClou-dafuq.
    7. EDITS:
      1. Noted the SPN mentions of the ll. 7-8 and l. 17 changes to the Latin, paragraph breaking the intro to that translation in the process, at Catullus and Sappho: ode to Anactoria, 16/9/23 15:05;
      2. Respelled "hi" as 頃 as per Google lyrics in the default tab at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 16/9/23 15:09;
      3. Implemented Imperative versions of "fast-barking tongue" fragment and edited relevant intro at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 16/9/23 21:09.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 17/9/23 11:45», 17/9/23 11:38;
    1. VIDEO: Haja o que houver | Sea lo que sea | Ne olursa, «24/9/23, uploaded 12:45:25-12:48:25, processing started 12:48:26, blanked out at 12:49:45, was checking 0% 10mins left 12:49:48 coming from 37mins left of processing, got to 2% 10mins left at 12:49:56 and back to 37mins left of processing 12:50:03, was at 36mins left at 12:50:21, moved to checks complete no issues found at 12:50:30/31. Published 12:54:00».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 24/9/23 12:49;
      1. Mark translations of glossan mapsylakan pephylakhthe as LTA, and note the new thing in the English; except I'm stupid and the marking happened midway through the next item;
      2. Add English rhythmic remakes of SF 27 "Idle-barking tongue";
      3. Note the new addition to Hymn Latin 1.5;
      4. Mention OS1 alongside SD18;
      5. Plan two next videos.
    3. Related Quora space post: 24/9/23 13:43:44.
    4. Unfinished non-work projects update, 24/9/23 12:04:
      1. Implement script to make Java automatically number the rows;
      2. Split Chrono index into HS3 and HS4;
      3. Update status of Sibelius;
      4. Add new Italian translation candidate.
    5. EDITS
      1. Slapped the sī quānd’ ălĭōquĕ correction from SPN1 for the Latin onto 1.5 and mentioned this in the intro item, at Hymn to Aphrodite, 24/9/23 12:09;
      2. Implemented English rhythmic remakes of SF 27 "Idle-barking tongue" at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 24/9/23 12:20; code messup fixed 12:25.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 24/9/23 14:07», 24/9/23 13:57;
    1. VIDEO: Ob-la-di ob-la-da | Ο-μπλα-ντί ο-μπλα-ντά | O-bla-di o-bla-da, «1/10/23, upload started 0:26:[40,44] (got distracted, saw preparing then 1% done) and finished 0:32:08, processing started 0:32:11, was at 40mins left by 0:32:21, ticked down at 0:32:55, 0:33:56, blanked out just before 0:34:30, was checking 0% at 0:34:31, 6% 10min left 0:35:02, grayed out 0:35:07, 37mins left and copyright claim 0:35:08, done at 0:36:11, published 0:39:12».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 1/10/23 0:29;
      1. SF12b Latin got tweaked maxume->maxime past the files, allegedly on 3/9/22 (no post save exists), and presumably by copypaste accident;
      2. SF 31 Latin has no post-S2/3 changes, fix long history to not give the impression it does;
      3. I think the †Moti† in SD29 is actually a For overwritten with a To h[ave] and then abandoned;
      4. ogne->ogni change in SF 17 Italian is from… S9 (not SP5);
      5. SF53 Latin blog loses comma between SD27 and S5;
      6. Correction to «Lydi-/or' opu' pulchrum» in SF19 is not SP3, but S5b; the final form is from the SPN1 extract;
      7. SP3/SD37 residues are all S5b/SD37 residues; in fact, all SD37 residues are, and those not marked SP3/SD37 should also get marked as S5b/SD37; ditto for SP3/SD38 (or SD38/SP3) residues which are from S5b; viii. Hymn 1.5 Latin has become separated from the other translations, fix the Italian so it doesn't refer to a misplaced generic "above";
      8. SF29 English is tweaked in S9;
      9. Point out the alternate ending of the Chickpeas fragment in Latin;
      10. δοκίμοιμ'->δοκίμωμ' in SF 37 is also S5b residue;
      11. Note typos in «Anco sciogliemi ’il corpo e m’investe ’l cuor / Dolceamara infincibile fiera, Amor.», l. 2 fixed in SP5 and l. 1 in S9;
      12. Cangoni in S5b has "dei cangoni", as remarked as changed in S9, but also "Che un dì", also fixed in S9 to "Ch'un dì"; also, all three translations have "Cangoni" and equivalents in cruces, which the blog doesn't do; those are a blog-time change, being removed on 8/10/18 when the fragment was added to the post, aside from the second Italian instance where they are still there;
      13. Review the history of SF 92 Latin LTA;
      14. Add Greek Tu sei la mia vita;
      15. SP3-print gives upper bounds of 6/9, not of 23/8, so fix that in I want to have died Latin;
      16. Add all translations of SF 52;
      17. Add all translations of SF 50;
      18. Gongyla English: elision th'dress is SP3-print residue, it was "the dress" up to S5b.
    3. Related Quora space post: 1/10/23, written 0:40:32/40/48-0:41:38, posted 0:42:08.
    4. POST: Life goes on, bra, 30/9/23 1:55.
    5. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 30/9/23 2:28;
      1. Include new post in both indices, replacing its old title Ob-la-di;
      2. 1.A.viii English remake shouldn't be hidden by the button; fix that in the process; give it a "morning" timestamp too;
      3. Move Hakka and Min Bulan menjadi saksi before the 26-27/8/22 riddles, and fix the year from /12 to /22 in them;
      4. SF45 Italian is given an SP3 form in the index; that's the S5b form; also, Latin and English are SP3=S5b; also, point out that «this is confirmed by the final text being in S5b»;
      5. SFF 46-47 all translations are blog in S5b so betw. 16/8 and 21/8;
      6. SF 53 Italian goes from "Piena or si mostra" to "Piena ora si mostra" in S5b, and then SP3-print does auna->aduna;
      7. The new tethnaken latin title is from S5b.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects update: plan the steps to HS3 chrono index and Sappho files post, 30/9/23 17:00; added "is made" after that list in HS chrono index status at 17:03.
    7. EDITS
      1. Implemented today's tweaks to the translations and fixed éxoyke in the romanization of the Greek at Life goes on, bra, 30/9/23 15:06;
      2. Inserted verse 1 of Greek at You are my life, 30/9/23 15:25;
      3. Mentioned 23/9/23 remaking of tweak to Chinese at Il mio volto, 30/9/23 15:29;
      4. Placed the second lines of the original and blog versions of the Latin Sappho translation with the respective first lines at Eternal pain in my chest vs. unchanging opinion, 30/9/23 15:32;
      5. Fixed the clear typo «Rursus' nun amare» and addressed the following changes of S5 not currently acknowledged in the intro at Hymn to Aphrodite, 30/9/23 15:41:
        1. Greek Hymn ll. 5 and 10 get final comma;
        2. athánatōi -> athanátōi in l. 14;
        3. iugō -> iŭgō in l. 9 of Latin;
        4. It's not iniu-rjam, but iniu-ri͞am;
        5. adveniquē gets correct length mark on -que;
      6. Same thing at Catullus and Sappho: ode to Anactoria, 30/9/23 15:59:
        1. dēmănāt -> dēmānāt;
        2. Ll. 7 and 12 changes, as well as 16 "specchi", are from S1b aka 4/7 file, not S2 aka 25/7 file;
        3. Tutto s'può da sopportar is S5, fixed in S9;
      7. Noted cosmetic edits of 16/8/10 file to translations of Idyll at Sappho: two divine epiphanies, 30/9/23 16:04;
      8. Added «this file is also where the Latin dēsīdĕrĭūmque gets its short vowel mark on -quĕ, all translations go from ending stanza 2 with a period to having a colon there, and the Italian "io disìo" gets its final ellipsis» at Gongyla: a difficult reconstruction, 30/9/23 16:11;
      9. Fix typo «This post is gigantic clusterfuck (hey, iambic pentameter!)», where the missing "a" doesn't let the line scan, at Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 30/9/23 16:13;
      10. Added history paragraph for 1.C.i aka LP 143, and removed cruces from second instance of «de' Cangoni», at The rest of Sappho, 30/9/23 16:30.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 1/10/23 12:12», 1/10/23 11:58;
    1. VIDEO: Azzurro | Azure, «8/10/23, uploaded 11:41:[21,23] (preparing to 1%) – 11:46:[14,58] (was distracted at 84% 2 min left, came back at processing 39min left), processing started as you saw, ticked down twice, switched to checking 0% at 11:48:[31,33], got to 2% at 11:48:44 and 4% at 11:48:54, then 5%11:49:25 and started ticking up by 5 per time, until at 11:51:35 it was grayed out at 25% and at 11:51:38 it was at processing 34mins left, it ticked down once, then at 11:53:38 or at most 3s earlier it went from 33mins left to done. Published 11:57:12».
    2. Related index update (includes adding new post to both indices and linking to Obladi post from last vid's entry): 8/10/23 11:45.
    3. Related Quora space post: 8/10/23, written 11:03:20-11:04:26, posted 11:04:40.
    4. POST: Azzurro, 8/10/23 11:30 with DUMBFAIL 11:28.
    5. EDITS
      1. History edit at Even gods celebrate marriages, 2/10/22 0:53;
      2. Edited Blog index, to address the below, 2/10/23 1:20;
        1. Place SF 51;
        2. Shove its SD1.xxvi translations a bit to the left to avoid spurious linebreaks;
        3. Replace the [SP3?] referring to "the translations" with the explanation [probably Latin summer homework].
    «Related Facebook page post update: 8/10/23 12:18», 8/10/23 12:11;
    1. VIDEO: 今晡夜恁多星 Kin-pu-yà àn to sen | So many stars tonight | Stanòt u-j è tãnti 'd ch'al stël, «15/10/23, upload started 1:45:[35,37] (moved from preparing to 2% dont) and ended1:47:49; processing started 1:47:52, was at 37min left at 1:48:05, ticked down 1:48:46, moved to checking 0% 10min left at 1:48:47, moved from 3% to 36min left processing at 1:49:08, ticked down to 35 a few seconds before 1:49:45, and was done 2-3s before 1:50:30. Published 1:55:28».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 15/10/23 1:50.
      1. Di Saünaïadé -> il Saünaïadé is S7b, note it;
      2. Add Haiku English and Italian translations of "Two opinions" (LP 51) from the Japanese Haiku;
      3. «and it's almost certainly the basis for SP4; it is for sure at least strictly posterior to SP4» -> «and it's the basis for SP4»;
      4. Why did I put English before Romagnolo in the entry for the vid? Fix.
    3. Related Quora space post: 15/10/23, written 1:56:40-2:00:30, posted 2:00:40.
    4. Unfinished non-work projects update, 14/10/23 15:39:
      1. Remove HS3 chronological index;
      2. The plan is to start working on the Sappho files post right away, so that goes before the Paracritical note post;
      3. Review the Sapphic Haikus project;
      4. Add Operation Kajla.
    5. EDITS
      1. Added rhythmic remake and original of Romagnolo at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 10/10/23 0:32;
      2. Updated Blog index to address the following points, 10/10/23 1:32.
        1. Add Romagnolo Stars and moon from "unconventional" translations post;
        2. Mark last video as uploaded, not upload planned for;
        3. Move planned vid for next weekend to top of spoiler;
        4. SF 54 English is from 10/9 cfr. SD1.xxvii; SP3 has it manuscripted in blog form, save perhaps for the unreadable "in rhythm right around", and note the correction The lovely -> Th'lovely; SD1.xxvii has it with "The lovely altar, with their feed thus to the ground" for l. 2;
        5. SF 62 Italian and English come before it and are on SP3 manuscripted in blog form, the Italian starting with "Percuotiamoci, donne" and switching to fanciulle, and the English being unsure between "and rend your clothes" and "rend your nice clothes"; S6/7 has everything in blog form;
        6. Fix "withih" in entry for Italian Aithopia;
        7. SF 60 gets all manu translations in blog form; place them;
        8. SF 92 Italian and English are SP3-print residues, not S6/7 ones! Move also the Latin lost version to the rightful place in HS3, since it's from S5b; why they were all in HS4, I have no clue;
        9. SF 55 is translated to Italian and English (not Latin because dictionary is upstairs) straight after 54 English; place it;
        10. Add French Ob-la-di Ob-la-da;
        11. Note the clash of OS3's date with the diary's mention of the Latin fragments cover, and review its history (tweak is missing and manuscript isn't even mentioned!);
      3. Updated Blog index to make/fix translations of SPN extracts in SD list, 10/10/23 13:53;
        1. "In inglese" in SD1.xxv before "To these here friends, of mine indeed and yours." is untranslated;
        2. The unrealizable wish sentence loses "in ing." in translation;
        3. SD1.xxvi has no translations for its extracts (also, that «"avvolgimenti" θλίσματα» is not in superscript and doesn't have the strikeout);
        4. The whole SD1.xxvii is untranslated, both the SPN extracts and the intertwined diary sentences;
      4. Added Greek at So many stars, 12/10/23 0:46;
      5. Updated Blog index to address the below points, 12/10/23 1:41;
        1. Add Kin-pu-yà Greek;
        2. Split up the massive ROS accumulator into 3-4 smaller items;
        3. After SF55, SD1.xxvii features the discussion of SF56, then that of SF57, and then it says «Quod facillime Latine verto, difficilius Italice et Anglice.»;
        4. Then there's SF 59, which tweaks the Italian (I don't think other translations existed by them?); change «a part of SPN1 that is dated to 10/9 by the diary» to «the SD1.xxvii extract of SPN1»;
        5. Then 5 versus ex τεθνάκην verto Latine, meaning ll. 5-9, aka the SP3 manuscript, must be from 10/9/10 poss. twk. within 2/11/10;
        6. Finally discussion of SF64 and Quod verto Latine, a metro declinans cum longum in breve pænultimum opus sit mi positu;
        7. That comment is why I remade this translation on 4/9/21, so I have to add that version separately;
        8. Add interline Glosses to Greek SP3 Timas in SP3 item, note arrows in Latin (i.e. change «see arrows» to «see arrows dragging this and the end of the previous line to the end of the manuscript, in this order»), English manu has honoured (with U), include link to pic of manu replacing «modulo glosses of Greek words» with it;
        9. Split Kin-pu-yà video to Romagnolo+English (planned) and Chinese+Greek (unplanned);
      6. Implemented nav-tabs for Latin of Eros fragment and updated intro accordingly (includes a history edit for the Latin versions) at Mythic'lly good? Let’s hear some myths!, 12/10/23 1:50;
      7. Updated Blog index to address the below, 13/10/23 1:49;
        1. Add SF60 Italian and English, or rather, move them to their 10/9 spot thanks to SD1.xxvii, which is thus fully implemented, completing the HS3 section;
        2. Plan three videos after the next one, splitting Tu sei la mia vita into two videos;
        3. "uploaded for 1/10/23"? Seriously?
        4. Add entry for video «Sparse translations of Sappho | Traduzioni sparse di Saffo»;
      8. Updated Blog index to address the below, 14/10/23 2:24;
        1. SP3 has annotations on SF17 Latin;
        2. There isn't a single SP3 annotation to SF51 Latin that is taken up in S6/7; list the two rejected ones and say they were rejected or missed by S6/7;
        3. Place SF 56 all three, S6/7 residues manuscripted on SP3 aside from Latin (also, libation Italian and English final are marked as post-16/8 but they're post-23/8 thanks to SP3);
        4. SF59 English has the whole manuscript on SP3, not just the first and last words;
        5. Place SF 84 Latin, S6/7 residue manuscripted on SP3 in blog form (like a complete idiot, I didn't put the short history on SF60 Latin just above this thing…);
        6. Mention the hæcc' ei -> hæc ei tweak from S6/7 in I want to have died;
        7. SF60 English and Latin are not quite blog on SP3, they gain their commas in S6/7;
        8. SF62 English turns comma to semicolon after a-dying in S6/7;
        9. SF64 Latin also gains a final period in S6/7;
        10. Aithopia Italian: «even these lines get tweaked in S6/7» -> «even the second of these lines gets tweaked in S6/7»;
        11. Timad in S6/7 vs. SP3: Latin adds comma after ant' and period at end; Italian ending needs to be deeply reviewed, because not only is l. 4 tweaked from S6/7 into SP5 (NOT S9!) as found in OS7, but S6/7 itself tweaks the end; English also has S6/7 tweaks;
        12. Pelagon Italian does Rete->Reti in S6/7;
        13. Rename the sequence S1-S1b-S2/3-S4-S5-S5b-S6/7-S7b to S1-S2-S3-S4-S5-S6-S7-S7b;
      9. Added Haiku-English and Haiku-Italian translations of «I don't know what to say/think, I have two thoughts» to Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 14/10/23 15:45.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 15/10/23 12:27», 15/10/23 12:03;
    1. VIDEO: Ατθίδα | अत्थीदा Atthīdā, «22/10/23, upload started 1:43:[32,34] (moved from preparing to greyed-out 1% done) and finished 1:46:29, processing started 1:46:30, 38mins left at 1:46:51 and 1:47:18, 37mins at 1:37:27, checking 0% 10mins at 1:48:04-[2s,3s], went up 1 by 1 till 7% which it reached 1:49:00 with 10mins left, shot up to 12% 9mins left at 1:49:[14,17], then to 17% 9mins at 1:49:47, then 22% 8mins at 1:50:16, pretty sure it went back to processing at some point, but at 1:50:47 it finished. Published 1:56:16».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 22/10/23 1:47.
      1. Anata ga iru kara Japanese-Italian-Greek video ended up in the entry for Tsí-ū lí (post title Just you);
      2. Make it consistent that -Portuguese -Mende -Lingala -Zulu and -Romagnolo language pairs are "X - Y", not "X-Y";
      3. Add translations of edit 8 (last) below.
    3. Related Quora space post: 22/10/23, written 1:58:24-2:00:42, posted 2:00:56.
    4. Unfinished non-work projects update, 19/10/23 17:36:
      1. Note items ii and iii of 16/10/23 Index update (edit 1 below), as well as general item 4 (the Aveva un bavero thing, probably to be done tonight);
      2. Copypaste action plan for Sappho files post from draft, and note that that was the last thing I did in the draft;
      3. Move "A few more todo items" items that refer to the editions into each of the editions, as a mini-list drawn from that project;
      4. Remove the bavero item wherever it was added;
      5. Add note to keep an eye on bavero things in Operation diary;
      6. Remove Operation Réunion Creole, as well as the Réunion Creole entry in Translation candidates;
      7. In Index by languages shenanigans, replace item 3 with messages from self-chat, split item 2 into two. and note that the newly-formed item 3 has progress in that I created, just today, the Portuguese-Italian and Italian-Greek indices.
    5. EDITS
      1. Updated Blog index to address the following points, 16/10/23 17:44:
        1. Look for all instances of SP2 and make them S(P)2 if they're not marked as manuscripts; there's 14 changes [apparently 13 plus one in the middle of the residues], then you see S3 residues, and then you go to Hymn 1.5 and there's one change there, and the last one is in 1.A.xv Italian;
        2. Make it consistent that -French -German and -Spanish language pairs are "X - Y", not "X-Y"; also, some -Italian pairs escaped the conversion, so check -Italian and -English pairs again; this only applies within the chronological index; any language pairs in videos or in the main index will be left as they are;
        3. Specify Modern on all MG translations and Ancient on all AG ones that aren't specified; fix the various τ�ρποντα and τ�ρπνα and τ�ρποισα in chrono along the way; this, after checking -Modern and -Ancient don't exist, makes sure that all language pairs with - X Greek are dealt with in the way of the previous point;
      2. Added sentences about dating of meeting of song at Un amore appassionato che felice non finì, 17/10/23 17:24;
      3. Fixed duplicate id problem, making the Printout/Final option for the Cantonese work, at How do I know you love me?, 19/10/23 0:45;
      4. Fixed lineup problem at Amore mio lontano, 19/10/23 0:53;
      5. Fixed the misspelled tshiâng from 情 to 晴 at So many stars, 19/10/23 1:54;
      6. Updated Index by languages, addressing the following, 19/10/23 16:56:
        1. Kalinifta French is marked Griko-Italian (grk-fr);
        2. Assuming all non-translations are [OOP], the only missing one is the todo list; also, all the planned posts have incorrect numbers; unless they are not present, that is, in which case they should be added;
        3. It's high time to make a Portuguese-Italian index;
        4. Why is there so much space after index titles up to the English-Italian one? ONE blank line is enough!
        5. The posts Personale, Che siano una sola cosa, Life goes on, bra, and Azzurro are either entirely absent or marked as unposted; first one is actually present as a planned post;
        6. Tu sei la mia vita Greek should be added, as it's already in the post; it's also high time to create an Italian-Greek index;
        7. Petty sure The stars and the moon rhythmic Romagnolo is in unconventional, so better add that to Grc-Rgn;
        8. Kin-pu-yà àn to sen Greek;
        9. I guess unconventional Sappho ends up in Japanese-English and Japanese-Italian because of the translations of the Japanese haiku of Oyk oid' otti theo;
      7. Added this week's Haiku translations and the Japanese Haiku - Italian hendecasyllabics one, at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 21/10/23 19:11; do note that I've been using "haiku" improperly so far, the correct term being either tanka or chōka, usually the latter – the former is rare in my work.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 22/10/23 12:05», 22/10/23 11:55;
    1. VIDEO: Tu sei la mia vita | You are my life, o Lord, «29/10/23, upload started 0:40:25/26 (preparing to 1% done) and ended 0:44:59; processing started 0:45:02, was at 39mins left by 0:45:19, ticked down 1min at 0:45:[46,48], then 0% checked 10mins left 0:46:48, 2% checked 10mins left 0:46:59, grayed out 0:47:03 and 37mins of processing left 0:47:04, then outta nowhere it was done at 0:48:[10,12]; published 0:50:32».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 29/10/23 0:43;
      1. Haiku is an incorrect term, my translations are chōkas (or sometimes tankas);
      2. Add Chi è causa del suo mal to index (also, the Sicilian-Chinese I cosi beđđi has spurious «Most random translations ever» in the title, eliminate);
      3. Make it consistent that -Japanese and -Chinese language pairs are "X - Y", not "X-Y";
      4. Implemented tweaks from edits 2-3-4-5 (also, why the hell are the translations of Ming4-jat6 ngo5 si6 seoi4 marked as from Chinese?!);
      5. Note tweak from edit 6 below;
      6. Note tweak of edit 7 below;
      7. Note 25/10/23 tweaks to Ballata dell'amore vero Chinese;
      8. Note tweaks of Tu sei la mia vita English from 28/10/23;
      9. Fix "You are my lift", current link text for the post relevant to today's video and another planned one for the same song.
    3. Related Quora space post: 29/10/23, written 0:50:56-0:52:20, posted 0:52:40.
    4. Unfinished non-work projects update, 24/10/23 16:01:
      1. Specify the languages of all the translations to be remade;
      2. Add a check for needed conlang Gandong tian gandong di reworks/tweaks;
      3. Remove «Check all uses of kā, and any suggestions of changes around them» from A few more todo items, and update status of language pairs item; in fact, split this thing into two: Operation language pair formatting, and Operation Hector and Andromacha history; the latter's status should be I want to get to the rework by implementing the various change points one by one, as I do the rest of the chrono index, and after finishing the Sappho files post and the Paracritical Note post (Italian only);
      4. Sapphic Haikus becomes Chōka no Saffō, and implements the list of fragments to be translated; revise status/plan, detailing the nature of the post to be made and its current situation;
      5. In Operation circumflexes in Romaji, list the posts which will be subject to revision;
      6. «Implement the S7b/SP4 new stuff» has already been done: remove it;
      7. Remove big-ass cell conversion from index by language shenanigans, and replace wondering about timestamps in edit logs with making it match with the Fb page post;
      8. The fourth voice for the opening of A lifetime of translations has been made;
      9. Revise «a lot of translations are lacking, and what's missing now is the initial index of the fragments» in the status of Saffo in metrica barbara;
      10. Revise status of Sappho auf barbarische Metern;
      11. What the HELL is "All the Chinese songs I have met" doing AFTER "All the Indonesian songs I have met"?
      12. Réunion Creole wasn't fully removed, leaving a partial ``No time to do anything about this now'' line; remove;
      13. The two things from a few more todo items moved into each Sappho edition project were removed for some reason; reinstate them.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects update, 28/10/23 23:52:
      1. Remove Operation l'Étrangère;
      2. Add O dikastis and Mi amor to translation candidates, merge the two Klama items, and add Ascensori;
      3. Update status of Chôka no Saffō: post drafting started, lots of new translations; also, chôka with circumflex, not macron;
      4. Update status of reworks: remove Ballata dell'amore vero Chinese and Bulan Japanese;
      5. Add mention of titles of episodes I thought of in A lifetime of translations;
      6. Update status of Operation Southern dialects (transcription), and rename it to Operation Re i l'Asprumunti;
      7. Update status of Operation Bamses födelsedag.
    6. EDITS
      1. Updated Index by languages to replace (translation ignoring syllable weights, retranslation taking them into account) with (two translations) and convert the following cells to indices, 23/10/23 1:19 (indices) and 1:22 (the replacement);
        1. Italian-Spanish (T1), or maybe abbreviate the title of the ad minchiam post;
        2. Portuguese-Spanish (T1);
        3. Portuguese-Greek (T1);
        4. Min-Greek (T1);
        5. Min-Hindi (T1);
        6. Japanese-Greek (T2);
        7. Ancient Greek - Greek (T2);
        8. Hindi-Italian (T3);
        9. Greek-Albanian (T3);
      2. Fixed miscorrection of śarāb' kā to śarāb' kī in rhyming versions of Hindi at Lonely nights of heartbreak, 28/10/23 14:59; matched fix in Devanagari at 15:11;
      3. Corrected merī rūh' kī ādhā -> merī rūh' kā ādhā in all Hindi versions at You're half of my soul, 28/10/23 15:05; matched fix in Devanagari at 15:10;
      4. Corrected की -> कि in l. 2 of # at Who am I without you?, 28/10/23 15:08;
      5. Corrected की -> कि in final line of every Hindi version at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 28/10/23 15:14;
      6. Implemented 21/10/23 correction to Hindi and related correction to literal Italian at Ferma le lancette, 28/10/23 16:42;
      7. Fixed the below in Safo: Poemas, 28/10/23 19:35:
        1. "Y bene se cubriba" *bien;
        2. Swapped all but "Oh Hecata" of l. 1 with l. 2 in "Azafata de Afrodita" to better line up with Greek, changed the translation date from "31/10/18 9:19";
        3. Hephesto -> Hefesto in "Ares dice";
        4. Delete "a" from "a todos" in "Abriendo";
        5. Switch seré olvidada and después de morir in "Me hicieron feliz" to match the Greek;
      8. Fixed the below about Atthída in Sappho in "pop" culture, 28/10/23 19:45:
        1. Ātmā is spelled with virāma;
        2. It's āvaraṇ', not āvaran';
        3. The line "kar'tī thī pyār" has pkar'tī in Devanagari;
        4. ठंडी ends in -ḍī, not -dī;
        5. Implement recording-day tweak;
      9. Implement 25/10/23 tweaks to Chinese at Ballata dell'amore vero, 28/10/23 19:58;
      10. Added English Chi è causa del suo mall to A couple proverbs | Un paio di proverbi, 28/10/23 20:02;
      11. Added recorded version of English at You are my life, 28/10/23 23:09.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 29/10/23 1:10», 29/10/23 1:00;
    1. VIDEO: Bulan menjadi saksi | Lõna, di-j-a-l nẽca te! | Mi testigo la luna es, «4/11/23, upload started 22:41:[08,10] (preparing to 1% done) and ended 22:47:23. Processing started 22:47:26, 38mins left within 22:47:55, 37mins left at 22:48:37, checking 0% 10mins left 22:49:10, grayed-out 5% 10mins left 22:49:44, 36mins left 22:49:48, grayed-out 35mins left 22:51:09-12, 33mins 22:53:14, 32mins left shortly before 22:54:16, done at 22:55:15. Published 22:59:20».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 4/11/23 22:42;
      1. Make it consistent that -Indonesian, -Korean, -Danish, -Czech, -Slovak, -Finnish, -Hungarian, -Romanian, -Persian, -Russian, -Sicilian, -Lombard, -Latin, -Hakka, -Irish, -Swahili, -Turkish, -Ukrainian, -Arabic, -Vietnamese, -Mandarin, -Neapolitan, -Hindi;
      2. Last two videos still marked "upload planned"…;
      3. Add 我 Wǒ | Io | 僕 Boku video for recent (and not-so-recent) remakes, turn the Chinese-Italian video currently present into a Chinese-Hakka-English-French video for the recent remakes, and add a video for Tu sei la mia vita Greek;
      4. Chôka-Italian "Two opinions" is there twice, the second one should be -English; also, where the hell did I get the stamps 1:39-2:40 and 1:40-2:40?
      5. Add Wo Wangjie Japanese English French, all remakes (originals to be marked thus), and Shôjo English (good news);
      6. Note recent tweaks to Gua--e sim lai Hindi;
      7. Note recording-day tweaks to Spanish Bulan;
      8. Note today's tweaks to Il viaggio Chinese;
      9. Put the video next to the post! As well as the older one with Italian and Albanian! 23:32.
    3. Related Quora space post: 4/11/23, written 23:20:08-23:27:12, posted 23:27:36.
    4. Unfinished non-work projects update, 4/11/23 16:08:
      1. Update status of Chôka no Saffō;
      2. Remove Operation Bamses födelsedag;
      3. Update reworks with the status of Wo (Wang Jie) Japanese, Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni, Il viaggio Chinese;
      4. Remove Operation circumflexes in Romaji;
      5. Mention «I created the Portuguese-Italian and Italian-Greek indices on 19/10/23» in Index by languages shenanigans;
      6. Note that -Chinese and -Japanese language pairs are dealt with at Operation language pair formatting; adding the list of unhandled pairs came after the next point;
      7. Update MickConlangs status, and make it a post and video instead of just a post.
    5. EDITS
      1. Added English and Japanese remakes to Alone in a rainy night (why the hell was Japanese original the default tab, when the default displayed div was correctly Japanese final?), 30/10/23 18:59;
      2. Fixed duplicate div problems, reflected correct genders of Devanagari in romanization, and made fix mentioned with the l. 6 fix in the intro, all at Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 3/11/23 15:56;
      3. Fixed the fact that 401 had some text mishaps and some Greek texts had lacuna indications in English, at Safo: Poemas, 4/11/23 1:04;
      4. Added English remake to New translations tab, implementing ô romanization in both tabs and fixing the horrendous punctuation «Naze? Wake mo nai no ni / Koe wo agete nakitaku naru» in the new one in the process, at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 4/11/23 1:26;
      5. Added French remake and implemented ê/ô romanization changes at Alone in a rainy night, 4/11/23 1:36;
      6. Operation circumflexes in Romaji:
        1. Everlasting (with padding tweaks), 4/11/23 14:10;
        2. Se sei con me, 4/11/23 14:14;
        3. Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 4/11/23 14:15;
        4. Ti voglio rivedere!, 4/11/23 14:16;
        5. More than words (also, the divs are all messed up), 4/11/23 14:23;
        6. Questa sera è Party Night, 4/11/23 14:28;
        7. Tell me you don’t love me (so I can leave you) (includes padding fixes), 4/11/23 14:33;
        8. Una canzone d'amore, 4/11/23 14:35;
        9. Heart addiction, 4/11/23 14:37;
        10. Happy birthday da lontano, 4/11/23 14:38;
        11. Realizzerai ogni sogno, 4/11/23 14:41;
        12. Un petalo di fiore, 4/11/23 14:43;
        13. A night of moonlight, 4/11/23 14:45;
        14. Nel mio cuor tu sola stai, 4/11/23 14:48;
        15. Oltre le lacrime, 4/11/23 14:49;
        16. Why do I cry?, 4/11/23 14:52:01;
        17. Cannot forget, 4/11/23 14:54;
        18. The role of history (alias I chose to leave you, but let’s give it the same title), 4/11/23 14:55;
        19. Forgetting you is forgetting myself, 4/11/23 14:57;
        20. Una prova, 4/11/23 14:58;
        21. Romeo e Cenerentola, 4/11/23 15:01:30;
        22. Estate infinita, 4/11/23 15:02;
        23. Romanesque, 4/11/23 15:04;
        24. Se mi hai rubato il cuore, 4/11/23 15:05;
        25. Puzzle, 4/11/23 15:07;
        26. Everlasting love, 4/11/23 15:08:02;
        27. Deep love, 4/11/23 15:10;
        28. Yet more heartache, 4/11/23 15:12;
        29. Se il cuore fa male, la canzone è triste (just for nioü), 4/11/23 15:13;
        30. Non ti dimenticar | Don't forget, 4/11/23 15:14:59;
        31. The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 4/11/23 15:15:59;
        32. Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages (also includes Tthat -> That at start of last intro sentence), 4/11/23 15:19;
        33. Iroha (also the Ei in the reconstructed pronunciation should be Wefi), 4/11/23 15:21;
        34. Implemented recording-day tweaks to Spanish and fixed menyejukan->menyejukkan at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 4/11/23 23:06;
        35. Implemented today's tweaks to Chinese at Il viaggio, 4/11/23 23:16.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 4/11/23 23:53», 4/11/23 23:37;
    1. POST: Leone, 7/11/23 0:05.
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 7/11/23 1:16.
      1. Add Mbube to chronological, and create its entry in video index;
      2. The latest video is misdated to 5/11 and marked as "upload planned for";
      3. Make it consistent that -Albanian, -Min, -Croatian, -Conlang pairs, as well as Chi è causa del suo mal Italian-English, are X - Y not X-Y; that will end the operation, unless there are non-capitalized languages as targets, which should be a rare enough occurrence to ignore it;
      4. Replace a couple taken-down videos;
      5. It's 'nnammurato, two ms; fix in song title, leave post title incorrect;
      6. Note latest tweaks to Il viaggio Chinese made while implementing the previous batch into the post;
      7. It's Να 'ναι όλοι κι όλα ένα, not without the "ki" as is currently in the index;
      8. Place all versions of 1.A.xiv, making two triplets for the incomplete HS4 and complete U6 (2/10/18) versions;
      9. «"Como hacer" line pairs» was misplaced in history of Ojos de cielo, which mysteriously read «"Cómo hacer" line pairs 30/9/18, compl. 1/10/18» when the post only mentions 29/9.
    3. Unfinished non-work projects update, 7/11/23 15:42:
      1. Remove Operation language pair formatting;
      2. Update reworks:
        1. Still for your love Italian has been remade and English is planned as a column-filler;
        2. The languages of the translations to be remade shouldn't be in the link texts;
        3. Where there are no double language indications, "maybe" goes in brackets after bracketless language indications;
        4. No need to mark Gandong tian gandong di as Mandarin, the title already says it;
        5. Piel canela English is already at Operation rhyming remakes, don't have it doubled;
      3. Morph Index by languages shenanigans into Index by languages: overhaul;
      4. Update status of MickConlangs by specifying the form of "to be" starting the discussion of Wingisharunian and coming up with names for the other conlangs, as well as expanding on "Conlang 0", which won't be called that because it isn't a conlang; oh, and specify which declension starts the discussion of Ñýva Špráxja;
      5. "Literally today" in A lifetime of translations should not be like that anymore :);
      6. Remove Operation Google Elytis;
      7. «I do plan to do a chunk within the week though! » has been in Chat log of antiquity for ages, time to remove it;
      8. Operation rhyming remakes: Liu-long kau Tam-tsui Chinese (possibly);
      9. Update Operation video replacement with full list of videos to be replaced, marking Hitohira no hanabira, … as replaced.
    4. EDITS
      1. Sided Elytis quote with its translation and corrected the latter at Sappho in "pop" culture, 6/11/23 15:53;
      2. Updated Index by languages, 7/11/23 14:37, also addressing the following:
        1. Add timestamps to edit log, and fix its mismatches with the Fb posts post;
        2. Edit 19/10/23 edit log;
        3. Operation circumflexes in Romaji!
        4. Except I'm an idiot so I go back in to add tonight's post and update the numbers of unmade posts at 14:42.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing the wrong date 5/11 of the last Fb post to the correct 4/11): 7/11/23 15:52», 7/11/23 15:45;
    1. VIDEO: Still for your love 🇯🇵🇮🇹, «12/11/23, upload started 12:01:29/30 (preparing to 1% done) and ended 12:06:14, processing started 12:06:17, 38mins left at 12:06:24, 37mins 12:07:17, blank at 12:08:09 and 0% checked 10mins left 12:08:10, 20% 8mins left at 12:10:08, greyed-out processing 35mins left at 12:10:13, 34mins left at 12:10:33 (which also almost coincided with a split-second greying-out), 33mins at 12:11:36, 32mins 12:12:41, complete no issues found 12:13:36. Published 12:17:52».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 12/11/23 12:04.
      1. Complete 1.A.xiv should be Italian-Latin-English, cfr. post;
      2. Como hacer Min was night betw. 29 and 30/9/18, compl. 1/10/18;
      3. Ojos de cielo Min was indeed 29/9/18, but twk. 30/9 and 1/10;
      4. Add MickConlangs right before Stari Most;
      5. Next videos: Still for your love (also make the entry for the English), Yao-kwun pa! San-ko (which should say "canzone di collina", and also, why is Ob-la-di given as Greek+Albanian and Italian+French when Greek and Albanian already have a video?), Il ballo del qua-qua;
      6. Add Still for your love remake to chronological;
      7. Why is "Chi è causa del suo mal", dated 25/10, before that thing with "2 lines 24/10"?
    3. Related Quora space post: 12/11/23, written 12:20:08-12:35:28, posted 12:35:36.
    4. EDITS
      1. Updated Index by languages to address the below, 9/11/23 0:54;
        1. Stari Most is unmade and should be at the end of its list;
        2. MickConlangs should get an entry;
        3. A few spoilers don't have "spoiler" in their names, so they end up hiding the h2 of the index, which has the same id; fix that, and delete all traces of empty spoilers, since incomplete translations or unposted ones will not be in spoilers anymore, but in IAFI;
        4. Make all undrafted posts have reasonable dates;
        5. Mbube didn't get a language pair;
      2. Added Italian remake to A night of moonlight, 9/11/23 15:01; fixed crappy padding at 15:07;
      3. Mentioned undone tweak to Balcony speech Italian hendecasyllabics at Romeo and Juliet, 9/11/23 23:55;
      4. Added [] on order of translations of complete 1.A.xiv and corrected Πολυάακτος, at The rest of Sappho, 10/11/23 0:18;
      5. Como hacer Min was started en plena noche between 29 and 30/9/18, and then completed on 1/10; edited accordingly and corrected mesa to misa, desayuno to almuerzo, and antés to antes, and vémo to veamos,, and "versión en Mi Nan" to "… en Min Nan", at ¿Cómo hacer para olvidarte?, 10/11/23 0:39;
      6. Fixed "va premento" -> "van premendo" and "nelle notte" -> "nelle notti" (both grammar errors), capitalized Final Song in the Italian, broke the line «Come nella mia culla, sento una calma final song!», and added last sentence to intro's first paragraph, all in reverse order at A night of moonlight, 12/11/23 0:54.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 12/11/23 12:47», 12/11/23 12:39;
    1. VIDEO: 摇滚吧!山歌(客家人爱有自家个歌) [Yâu-kwún pa! San-ko (Hak-ka nyîn òi yìu tshìi-ka kè ko)] | Vai di rock'n'roll! Canzone di montagna (Gli Hakka devono avere canzoni proprie), «19/11/23, upload started 15:09:02/03 (preparing to 1% done) and ended 15:17:05. Processing started 15:17:09, 39mins left by 15:17:25, 38mins left by 15:17:52, 37mins left 15:18:29/30, checking 0% 10mins left 15:18:33, grayed-out 29% 8mins left 15:21:27/28 and again 15:21:31, processing 34mins left 15:21:33, done at 15:22:32. Published 15:25:04».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 19/11/23 15:12.
      1. Hopefully make sure all HS3-4 Sappho translations into Latin Italian or English are toggled by the button, while translations to other languages or outside those two school years are not toggled (tesina Sappho was for example also partially toggled);
      2. Reforming the explanation of the button and changing its name from «Toggle Sappho translations from HS times»;
      3. Note today's tweak to tonight's post's translation.
    3. POST: Gli Hakka devono avere canti propri, 18/11/23 2:07.
    4. Related index update (includes adding Still for your love English to chrono and moving Shôjo English since it was started 22n/7/22): 18/11/23 2:15.
    5. Related Quora space post: 19/11/23, written 15:36:16-15:57:05, posted 15:57:36.
    6. UNFINISHED NON-WORK PROJECTS update, 18/11/23 16:45:
      1. Chôka no Saffō has vastly progressed, having the left column fully ready and only the translations of 32 fragments missing in the right column of tab 1;
      2. Add series: Mick Gorro e i classici, with list of planned episodes;
      3. Add Series: Reviewing old Sappho badslations;
      4. Add Project: Post(s) for Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία intros;
      5. Update translation candidates.
    7. EDITS
      1. Added English translation and dealt with today's possible tweaks to the Italian one at A night of moonlight, 13/11/23 0:35;
      2. Implemented recording-day tweak to Italian at Gli Hakka devono avere canti propri, 18/11/23 15:28;
      3. Edited Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 18/11/23 15:51:
        1. Moved item for Haiku-italian/English translation of "Two opinions" down to its rightful chronological place;
        2. Fixed its timestamps 2:08->1:39 and 2:12->1:40;
        3. Reformed "this Haiku" to "the Haiku translation at the top of this list";
        4. Fixed lineup of translations of that fragment;
        5. Fixed lineup of latest Chôka translations.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 19/11/23 16:28», 19/11/23 16:19;
    1. POST: 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō, 21/11/23 0:07.
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 26/11/23 0:36;
      1. Fix the nonsense «(yet unposted), Hakka with Italian translation, upload planned for 19/11/23» given in last video's entry;
      2. Add tonight's post to both indices, making sure to replace all the Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages links, leaving only those where the translation is still found there, and as an "Also found here" note; also, Latona and Chickpeas are not marked as corrected, and Still for your love good news is placed after some 20-23/10 chôkas while it was started on 9/10.
    3. Related Sappho space post: 26/11/23, written 0:37:00-0:45:32, posted 0:45:44.
    4. EDITS:
      1. Fixed typos (穷竟 -> 究竟, vòn chòng -> vòi chòng) at Gli Hakka devono avere canti propri, 21/11/23 0:10;
      2. Left only 2021 Chôkas, removing the 2023 ones, at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 21/11/23 0:14.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 21/11/23 0:52», 21/11/23 0:47;
    1. VIDEO: Il ballo del qua-qua | Ο χορός του πα-πα-πα, «26/11/23, upload started 11:31:52 (went from grayed out to 1%) and ended 11:35:55, processing started 11:35:58, 38mins by 11:36:10 and 37mins by 11:36:30, grayed out going to checks 11:37:11 and checking 0% 10mins left 11:37:12, 15% 9mins left by 11:38:44, grayed out 11:38:47, back to processing 35mins left 11:38:50, 34mins left 11:39:26, grayed out 11:39:30, ungrayed 11:39:33, done 11:40:35. published 11:46:08».
    2. Related index update (includes fixing up today's video's item): 26/11/23 11:34.
    3. Related Quora space post: 26/11/23, written 11:50:00-11:52:36, posted 11:53:36.
    4. POST: Il ballo del qua-qua, 25/11/23 0:07.
    5. Related index update (includes planning next 5 videos after this weekend's one, removing the doublet Mbube, and fixing "Hitorhira no hanabira" in video plan): 25/11/23 0:31; the videos planned are:
      1. MickConlangs;
      2. Ave Maria splendore del mattino (Italian with Spanish and Mandarin translations);
      3. Gǎndòng tiān gǎndòng dì (Mandarin with English translation);
      4. Timoneiro (Portuguese with Mandarin and Italian translations);
      5. Nada te turbe (Spanish with two Italian translations and an English one).
    6. UNFINISHED NON-WORK PROJECTS update, 26/11/23 15:15:
      1. Update status of Chôka no Saffō (it's been posted, also, check the fragments' statuses to make sure it's up to date) and add the link to the post;
      2. Update status of Index by languages: overhaul:
        1. Remove current status entirely;
        2. Note that row 1 is overhauled;
        3. Note that I must «Make sure multi-item posts in Index by Languages indices indicate the number of items in the post» and «Explain this item thing somewhere in the intro»;
        4. Add «unless there's multiple items in a single post, in which case I either list them all or don't list them; the latter is typically done in case of riddles or proverbs or presumably hard-to-find songs» to item 2 of description, explaining what an "item" is in the status;
      3. Update status of Operation Re i l'Asprumunti;
      4. Update status of MickConlangs: list conlangs, and state that Wingisharunian is drafted along with the phonetic alphabet;
      5. Remove A canoa, Ela ela mu kondà supermix, and Klama (Andra mu pai) from translation candidates;
      6. Add Operation E Allora.
    7. EDITS
      1. Made cells of a column keep a constant width and cells of a row keep a constant height, added last weekend's post, and overhauled English-Italian cell of table 1 at Index by languages, 22/11/23 1:24:59;
      2. Edited Index by languages, 22/11/23 at 16:29, to:
        1. Add the bracket to the previous edit's entry in the log;
        2. Reorder the post-bottom indices;
        3. Finish overhauling row 1 of table 1;
        4. Move Che siano una sola cosa from French-Greek to Italian-Greek;
        5. Update the undrafted post numbers;
        6. Add the Chôka anthology;
      3. Edited Index by languages, 23/11/23 0:43, to:
        1. Fix "video: Lela" to "song: Lela" in Galician-Italian hover menu and both Galician-X indices at post bottom;
        2. Add poem links in the overhauled row;
        3. Update Russian transliteration scheme to consistently no longer use ǎ for я etc.;
        4. Reduce the hover-divs' max width from the current 420px;
        5. Remove the part of the dropdown style script that causes linebreaks after every link, and reinstate the – and ; that I removed because of those linebreaks;
        6. Add the link for Blake's London which I forgot :);
        but the stupid HTML previewer tricked me, so I had to remove another style part at 0:46;
      4. Mentioned 20/10/23 tweak to 1.A.iv Latin as well as its oldest "Perrochus" version at The rest of Sappho, 25/11/23 14:22.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 26/11/23 12:17», 26/11/23 12:05;
    1. VIDEO: MickConlangs, «5/12/23, upload started 15:18:24, first time remaining estimate given 20:21:48 with 3h left, upload completed 21:32:49, processing started 21:35:55, 3h left at 21:40:06, 2h left 21:41:43, 120mins left 21:41:45, at 21:45:40 I was out of space for the screen recording, I came back from rehearsals and saw 48mins left at 22:53:58, says 39mins left by 23:03:29, and by 23:05:04, as I was getting the screen recording's timestamp, it was done, so checking I have no clue. If only I had more space and could record a single window… anyway, published 23:08:32».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 6/12/23 0:32;
      1. Mention corrections of Conlang translation, say it will be remade, say te same about the Japanese-Conlang thing, and mark the former as original;
      2. Add the "Children's songs" and "By me" playlists to the video index;
      3. Start Operation: MickG in chrono by putting this video into the appropriate entries of the chronological index;
      4. Add first paragraph to intro of chronological index.
    3. Related Quora space post: 5/12/23, written 23:15:28-23:20:08, posted 23:20:16.
    4. Related Cult of Linguists post: 5/12/23, written 23:21:04-23:22:34, posted 23:22:48.
    5. POST: MickConlangs, 2/12/23 0:00.
    6. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 2/12/23 0:20;
      1. Remove the starting IT from videos 37-39 (Ständchen, Malaika, 'O sole mio);
      2. A po vjen Chinese was uploaded 26/2, not 12/2; also, why the two / before 2023?
      3. Move Gandong tian gandong di further down, make it unplanned, and replace it with Yueliang daibiao wo de xin English-French-Hakka;
      4. Mentioned 20/10/23 tweak to 1.A.iv Latin;
      5. Mentioned 11/11/23 tweak to Still for your love (good news) Italian, and made the English translation actually say English instead of italian;
      6. Mentioned hitherto unimplemented 28/11/23 tweak to Tipota den telëṓnë Italian.
    7. Unfinished non-work projects update, 2/12/23 0:56:
      1. Replace MickConlangs with Operation: Conlang glossaries and translation remake, where I link to the MickConlangs post, saying the script is out and the video is scheduled for recording, and state that I will make a post with what the operation name says, which is for now wholly undone – though the translation has its full first section by now;
      2. Add Operation MickG in Chrono at top, and move SDQP list to just below it, saying both will hopefully start this weekend with the next index update;
      3. Add Operation Romagnolo dash reduction (not sure what exact rules I'll implement for dash usage);
      4. Add Fun songs playlist; remove "though I may get started" part from status of playlists by target language;
      5. Add Gandong tian gandong di to Operation rhyming remakes and remove the Conlang from revisions since that is part of another project;
      6. Add Operation: LaTeX COM;
      7. Add Operation: Picless COM;
      8. Put colons in all Operations, updating Re i l'Asprumunti in the process;
      9. Update status of Index by languages: overhaul;
      10. Remove Eimai kala and Apo mesa pethamenos from translation candidates.
    8. EDITS
      1. Updated Index by languages, 1/12/23 1:26, to address the below points:
        1. Make sure multi-item posts in Index by Languages indices indicate the number of items in the post;
        2. Fix column widths;
        3. Explain this item thing somewhere in the intro;
        4. Overhaul row 2 of table 1;
        5. Update the numbers of undrafted posts in the index (should only be Navigante);
      2. Fixed back-translation of Greek to say "sottobraccio" instead of "risoluto" at Il ballo del qua-qua, 2/12/23 1:00;
      3. Implemented 28/11/23 tweak to Italian at Niente finisce, 2/12/23 1:04;
      4. Updated Index by languages to address the following points, 2/12/23 1:14:
        1. Close the edit log list at the end of the log (it previously left out an item, and still the code was OK for Blogger somehow);
        2. ItEn has 21 items and El Grillo is not marked as song;
        3. Italian column must be wider (and as a result of fixing that, many more will need that change :) );
        4. YueEn has two "(Cantonese)" left;
        5. MinEn has two "(Min Nan)" left, and has 28 items not 18;
      5. Fixed Conlang translation, making it reflect the corrected version of the script, and link to the script itself from Why can I not move you?!, 2/12/23 1:24;
      6. Fix fixed version of Conlang translation so the repetition of the refrain is actually a repetition (at the moment the two repeated lines are reverting to the old version) at MickConlangs, 2/12/23 1:26.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing date 19/11 for the Il ballo del qua-qua video to 26/11 and givine the dash to that qua-qua): 6/12/23 0:51», 6/12/23 0:40;
    1. VIDEO: Ave Maria splendore del mattino | Ave María esplendor de la mañana | 万福,玛丽亚,万福,黎明的辉煌 Wànfú, Mǎlìyà, wànfú, límíng de huīhuáng, «9/12/23, upload started 0:30:20 and completed by 0:37:37, at which point it was processing with 37mins left, then by 0:38:10 it was Checking 1% 10mins left, at which point I finally started, you know, PAYING ATTENTION, so at 0:38:29 it was 4% 10mins left, then 0:38:29 processing 37mins left, which ticked down at 0:38:32, and it stayed at 36minsg left up to 0:39:10 at least, and at 0:39:45/46 it was done. Published 0:42:40».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 6/12/23 0:37.
      1. The Italian-English Leopardi translation in August should be Italian-Chinese;
      2. In Cil has wrong order of entry elements;
      3. The following entries have video: instead of song:
        1. Si maritau Řosa Chinese;
        2. Odna Kalyna Romagnolo;
        3. Three entries for the post "If there wasn't him?";
        4. Gei-dak mong-gei and the following;
        5. Pang-tshiu and Quel oselin dal bosch;
      4. Find replacement for Sim-thiànn (Year 2 song 56), and remove bracketed language mark from both it and the following Mandarin entry;
      5. The following entries should have the song: marker instead of a language name:
        1. Děng nǐ děng dào wǒ xīntòng (Mandarin) two entries below the "If there wasn't him?" entries, and the doublet from 1/1 is misdated due to an error in the post, so delete it;
        2. Waiting till my heartbreak post (Hakka):
      6. Kin-pu-yà needs video link, do MickG in chrono on its entries;
      7. Gute Nacht should be marked as Lied: rather than song:
      8. Add new vid to all three indices, using the previously-inserted empty links for the purpose, which do MickG in chrono as well.
    3. Related Quora space post: 10/12/23, written 0:44:48-0:47:52, posted 0:48:00.
    4. POST: Ave Maria, splendore del mattino, 9/12/23 0:36.
    5. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 9/12/23 1:30.
      1. Tiānzhǔ da gāngbǐ is a typo that spread from YT to video index;
      2. Wo de weilai bu shi meng vid is missing Albanian translation in video index entry;
      3. Fix the formatting of MickG in chrono for the Conlang translations;
      4. Give the planned date for the Yueliang daibiao wo de xin video;
      5. Add Fun songs playlists and playlists by target language to video index;
      6. Implement MickG in chrono for HS3 up to and excluding first Sappho translations, and also on the last three Latin translations of the Herodotus epigrams as well as the Italian and English ones.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects update, 9/12/23 16:34:
      1. Rename "Reviewing old Sappho badslations" to "Reviewing old badslations" and update its description and status;
      2. Add "Reviewing non-rhythmic Sappho translations"; note this and the previous may have crossovers;
      3. Add "Mick Gorro and a few poems outside the Classics";
      4. Update status of Operation: MickG in Chrono, stating how much is done and describing the tagging system;
      5. Rename the Conlang glossaries operation to "MickConlangs 2: glossaries and translation remake", which will be the post title for it;
      6. Remove Project: Fun songs playlist;
      7. Remove Project: Playlists by target language;
      8. Add Mad world to Translation candidates and remove Átoma and Esý temón to akrivón, as well as one of the two copies of Irthes mia nykhta.
    7. EDITS
      1. Updated Blog index, 8/12/23 1:10, to address the following points:
        1. List and explain the markers of Operation: MickG in chrono;
        2. Make it "Future videos" not "Planned videos";
        3. Both Yuèliang dàibiǎo videos, as well as the Zài wǒmen de shìjiè lǐ, use circumflexes for carons; the former is also missing the Chinese-English separator |;
        4. Plan Klama for 31/12, Esí temón to akrivón for New Year's day, and Gentle Annie for Epiphany;
        5. Plan next video in chrono too;
        6. Do the MickG in chrono of HS1 and HS2, adding links for the Phaedrus fables, and making I 21 correctly read I 31 in all instances; also, links for the other poem translations from HS2; ALL of them;
      2. Implemented 5/12/23 to Italian at La mente torna, 9/12/23 0:26;
      3. Replaced «nothing changes between the file mentioned above and a file edited 5/2/10 18:41, a set of changes happens that leads to the Muto version» with «this translation, by which I mean the Verti version, is found in a file last edited 3/2/10; the 5/2 files of Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles do not feature this translation» in bullet 3, and added «(presumably also harboring the Verti version)» in bullet 4 of the intro to A truce is established, 9/12/23 0:30
      4. Made sure the two repetitions of the chorus are the same for all versions of the song, and implemented recording-day tweaks to the Chinese, at Ave Maria, splendore del mattino, 9/12/23 23:35.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 10/12/23 1:07», 10/12/23 0:56;
    1. VIDEO: 月亮代表我的心 | It's all written on the moon | Car c'est écrit sur la lune | 月光代表吾个心 Nyiėt-kwong thòi-piáu nga kài sim, «17/12/23, upload started 0:[54:59,55:05] (got stuck for a few seconds and then it seemed to start at 2% done) and ended 1:03:00, processing started 1:03:04, 39mins left about 2s before 1:03:13, then it ticked down at 1:03:46 and 1:04:45, grayed out at 1:05:15 with 37mins left, checked 0% 10mins left 1:05:16, 8% 10mins left 1:06:03, grayed out 1:06:05 and processing 36mins left 1:06:07, grayed out 1:06:29 but was still 36mins 1:06:31, ticked down 1:07:33 and 1:08:34, went from 34mins left to done at 1:09:34. Copyright protected content found, what a surprise, this song has a famous singer attached to it :). Published 1:14:56».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 17/12/23 1:01;
      1. Put the MickG in chrono stuff next to the language pairs instead of after the content indication, separating the two only if there is a video link to include; put the latter before the two former; in other words, if no video, then "content | language pair (tag)", if video, then "content | language pair | tag with link"; also, do more MickG in chrono;
      2. While applying the above principles to stuff up to pre-Sappho HS3, the Romeo and Juliet translations that need to be tagged "(hendecasyllabics)" are the Balcony Speech and the final couplet; remove the tag from all the others; plan the first Classics video in its entry;
      3. Add Mick Gorro and the Classics 1: Catullus 5, as well as Apó mésa pethaménos, to Future videos;
      4. Place Sappho 16 GW+safopoemas pre-tesina Italian;
      5. Cite OS12-13 for Kypri kai Nereides Italian and English probable post-dating;
      6. Fix κἀνήτῳ to κἀνήτω in the last paragraph of the observations on SP4 "I wish I were dead";
      7. Add item about fragments after Hector and Andromacha to SP4 missing list;
      8. Note the corrections to Tu sei la mia vita partial Greek;
      9. Note the 14/12/23 tweaks from the below edits;
      10. The entry «The rest of Sappho; Ancient Greek - English – RES | 1.H.i (LPC 137 SF 28 not E) | 15/8/10 poss. twk. within 16/8/10 | Dated, but not reported, by SD35, otherwise S5 residue» is misformatted;
      11. Split the entries for Yuèliàng dàibiǎo wǒ de xīn and figure out how to order all those 24/1/18 translations, fixing the Yuèliàng entries' MickG formatting in the process;
      12. Add in the Italian translation of the Spanierds' verse two of Ave Maria splendore del mattino;
      13. Fix formatting of MickG in chrono in all the Ave Maria entries.
    3. Related Quora space post: 17/12/23, written 1:20:16-1:24:38, posted 1:24:48.
    4. Unfinished non-work projects update, 14/12/23 16:22:
      1. Update status of Operation: MickG in Chrono, noting that a bunch of translations were classified as BR or NRR one or two nights ago, and add the @PC tag to the list;
      2. Update status of Operation: CD (playlists updated);
      3. A lifetime of translations has an "as I'm writing" dated 28/10/23, give explicit date;
      4. Update status of Mick Gorro and the Classics, noting the existing opening and cancelling the Divine Comedy episode which is now in another series;
      5. Mick Gorro and a few poems outside the Classics: list content of Divine Comedy episode and replace empty item at end of episode list with list end; how this got saved, I have no clue; there was literally an unclosed list;
      6. Update Katoitaliotika, noting that I'm leaving the Ela ela mu kondà supermix alone for a while, as I gotta go back to that billion questions and systhematize everything and see what questions remain after all those Nick Nicholas answers;
      7. Make it Operation: Canzoniere anthology;
      8. Translation reworks: Remove Still for your love English, already made a while ago, and fix bracket mishap of Kimi ga ireba (aka close the brackets of "(Chinese and Italian)");
      9. Update status of Index by languages: overhaul;
      10. "I only just remembered about it yesterday" in Un pö 'd ignaquël refers to 2/9/23;
      11. Remove Bekuar and Musolino(!) from Translation candidates.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects update 2, 15/12/23 16:02:
      1. Add the partial episode lists to Reviewing old badslations and Reviewing non-rhythmic Sappho translations;
      2. Update the status of Catullus V in Mick Gorro and the Classics; point out in that series that the Catullus Sappho imitation episode (to be addeed!) features two Italian versions and a Greek one;
      3. Add a Balade de bon conseyl episode to Mick Gorro and a few poems outside the Classics;
      4. Remove Să cântăm, chitara mea from Translation candidates and add Ich schicke meine Träumen zu den Sternen.
    6. EDITS
      1. Fixed en Française and added Romanesco and Italian, and improved padding, at Ne t'hâte pas, 11/12/23 14:50;
      2. Add Greek version to A night of moonlight, 12/12/23 1:08;
      3. Updated status of Neapolitan remake at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 12/12/23 1:26;
      4. Fixed the wrong date 1/1 of the Mandarin-English translation to the correct 11/1 at Waiting till my heartbreak, 12/12/23 1:28;
      5. Updated Blog index to address the following points, 12/12/23 16:49:
        1. In Cil has wrong order of entry elements (language pair is supposed to come before song link); forgot to fix this last time and accidentally reported it as fixed;
        2. Remove «can't find replacement for taken-down video» from Sim-thiànn (Year 2 song 56) entry;
        3. Entries with video: marker:
          1. Jyut6 man5 jyut6 soeng1-sam1 (reported as fixed, but forgotten);
          2. Quel oselin dal bosch (ditto);
          3. Ai liu-long;
          4. Both Malaika entries;
          5. In Cil;
          6. Shi shang zhiyou mama hao Italian; also, "(Shi shang zhiyou mama hao)" is perfectly pointless;
          7. El grillo;
          8. Piann tshut-thau;
          9. To kokhýli;
          10. Guomin geming ge (two markers);
          11. Tu hai kî nahīṅ Greek (both entries);
          12. Vasa Miskin;
          13. Ti thélō ti;
          14. Ai-lin si kiann-tshun-lin English remake and Greek;
        4. Do MickG in chrono on Sarang hae, all entries; also, the English and Romagnolo ones have language pair after song link, fix that;
        5. Dang2 nei5 dang2 dou3 ngo5 sam1-tung3 should not be marked Cantonese:
        6. Expand the Sappho toggle button text;
        7. Add Greek Still for your love and Romanesco and Italian Mos u ngut to chronological index;
      6. Added OS31 version of Italian 1.H.ii to The rest of Sappho, 15/12/23 15:22; fixed the duplicate div id problem at 15:45;
      7. Added OS31 stuff to Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 15/12/23 15:50;
      8. Edited Blog index to address the points below, 15/12/23 16:58:
        1. Update the OS31 entry in the OS list to note the date thing and the discrepancies with S17; fix the latter's entry to say the email was sent 22:01 not 22:02;
        2. Completely overhaul the SP4 entry, leaving the old form in a spoiler;
        3. «OS5 has it as «Έσπερε πάντα φέρων όσα φαίνολις εσχέδασ' αύως / φέρρες όϊν, φέρες αίγα, φέρες (δ') άπυ μάτερι παίδα.»» isn't really correct, list all forms given in OS5;
        4. Add the tag «@PC: Planned for (or featured in) an episode of "Mick Gorro and a few poems outside the Classics"», to the intro's list after @Pit.
      9. Implemented Kika's corrections to partial Greek at You are my life, 16/12/23 1:01;
      10. Added Italian translation of Spaniard verse 2 at Ave Maria, splendore del mattino, 16/12/23 1:05;
      11. Fixed padding at The moon has set, 16/12/23 1:08;
      12. Implemented 14/12/23 tweak to Γρήγορα η ώρα πέρασε Italian at Sappho in "pop" culture, 16/12/23 1:11;
      13. Implemented 14/12/23 tweak to Celso Albinovano Italian at Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta, 16/12/23 1:15;
      14. Relabeled versions (English 1-2-3 -> Me-AX1-AX2 and French 1-2 -> Me-AX), added AX+ versions, and added in the missing 个s in the Hakka character spelling, all at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 16/12/23 14:49.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing date of last video upload from 9/12 and date of related index update from 6/12 both to 10/12): 17/12/23 12:30», 17/12/23 12:12;
    1. VIDEO: Nada te turbe | Nulla ti turbi | May nothing upset you, «25/12/23, upload started 1:45:50, then I didn't follow it, so let's see what I can get… 77% uploaded 7mins left at 2:02:25, then I saw the "Checking" flash up at 2:07:55 and started paying attention. 2:08:07 it was at processing 36mins left, 2s later it ticked down to 35, 2:08:24 Checks complete, but then it got grayed out… but within 2:08:49 it was done with the BS and now I'mma publish this at 2:13:52. And I was 1s late :)».
    2. Related index update, putting vid in all three indices in chrono-vid-post order, and putting the new post into the vid index: 26/12/23 13:01.
    3. VIDEO: Timoneiro | Timoniere | 舵手 Duòshǒu, «25/12/23, upload started 16:28:35 and finished 18:02:[29,31] (was momentarily distracted), processing started 18:02:56, 39mins left 18:03:04, ticked down to 38 by 18:03:11, to 37 at 18:04:09, to 36 at 18:05:10, to 35 by 18:06:09, to 34 at 18:07:10, grayed out at 18:07:[28,30], blank at 18:07:32, checking 0% 10mins at 18:07:33, 7% 10mins at 18:07:14 and :16 with a grayout at :15, ticked up 1 by 1 till 8%, then from 8 jumped to 13 9mins at 18:08:48 and to 20 8mins 18:09:30, grayed out for a split second at that 20 and at 18:10:00/01 it was done. Published 18:16:48».
    4. POST: Nulla ti turbi, 25/12/23 15:56.
    5. Related index update for the latter two items (includes addressing the points below): 25/12/23 16:36.
      1. Add new post to all indices, preparing MickG in chrono, and fixing the formating of Spaniards' Ave Maria verse 2 in the process;
      2. The Ave Maria splendore del mattino are from 5/11 and thus shouldn't be after Still for your love English which is 12/11;
      3. Implement remake completion of Shuo ni ai wo French and do MickG in chrono for all of its entries;
      4. Recent tweaks:
        1. Zhiyou ni English remake, 20/12/23;
        2. Zhende haoxiang ni Italian, 20/12/23;
        3. Khan gun--e tshiu Italian, 20/12/23;
        4. Shi ni shi ni shi ni English, 22/12/23 night;
        5. Tere iśqǝ ki bariś meṅ Italian, 22/12/23;
        6. Mos u ngut' Italian, 22/12/23;
        7. Gam1-sang1-gam1-sai3 English, 22/12/23;
        8. Tsit ki sio hoo-suann Italian, 22/12/23;
      5. Add recording dates to MickG in chrono videos up to pre-Sappho.
    6. Related Quora space post for both videos: 24/12/23, written 13:02:24-13:06:59, posted 13:07:12.
    7. POST: Timoniere, 23/12/23 16:00.
    8. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 24/12/23 1:07.
      1. Rename post from Navigante to Timoniere and add it to all three indices (except of course I'd forget the video one till after doing everything else :) ), doing MickG in chrono for it (also, Balada da caridade Greek has no business being before A po vjen Greek, and Old mother Hubbard Italian should not be after A po vjen Chinese);
      2. Fix last weekend's video title adding the missing kài character;
      3. 1.H.i English is lacking a space before its first |; do MickG in chrono there;
      4. Spaniards' Ave Maria is in the Anton Xie translations list, get it outta there!;
      5. Add remake of English Ming-jat ngo si seoi, marking original thus;
      6. Add remake of Everlasting Italian, marking it as Remake and the other translations as Originali;
      7. Add remake of Shuo ni ai wo English, marking it as good news and the old one as horridous oldity;
      8. Add incomplete remake of Shuo ni ai wo French, same markings as English.
    9. Unfinished non-work projects, 22/12/23 1:24:01:
      1. Updated status of Reviewing old badslations, noting the opening ideas;
      2. Added a Psappho a Lesbia plan with an episode to discuss the old translations/badslations of the pre-combo fragments of Oxy 1787, like Mika;
      3. Updated status of Operation: CD for remade playlists;
      4. Removed Operation Sibelius, with a note at the top of the post stating it should have been updated before and it got solved by upgrading to Mojave;
      5. Removed Murka, Ti einai afto pou to lene agapi, and Sotto un verde e alto cipresso (never liked it that much, should probably never have included it) from Translation candidates, and merged last three groups into one, putting the lone Latin hymn at the top of the merged group.
    10. EDITS
      1. Fixed 已经打动吾心 in character spelling of Chinese-Hakka translation at The moon is my witness (aka manifests my heart), 20/12/23 0:11;
      2. Separated spoiler from other text and renamed it from Future posts to Greek original verse 1 at You are my life, 20/12/23 0:13;
      3. Implemented corrections to Greek and fixed specificallt to specifically in second sentence of English intro item at So many stars, 20/12/23 0:16;
      4. Implemented corrections to Russian at Te, 20/12/23 0:56;
      5. Implemented 20/12/23 tweaks to English remake at Only you, 22/12/23, 14:31;
      6. Implemented 20/12/23 tweak to Italian at Mi manchi da morire, 22/12/23 14:33;
      7. Implemented 20/12/23 tweak to Italian at Holding your hand, I can walk my road, 22/12/23 14:36;
      8. Added English remake at Who am I without you?, 22/12/23 14:47;
      9. Implemented 22/12/23 tweak to Italian at Un piccolo ombrello, 22/12/23, 14:49;
      10. Added remake of Italian at Everlasting, 22/12/23, 14:55;
      11. Implemented today's tweak to English at 'Tis you, 22/12/23, 14:57;
      12. Implemented today's tweak to Italian at Colla pioggia del tuo amor, 22/12/23, 14:59;
      13. Implemented today's tweak to Italian at Ne t'hâte pas, 22/12/23 15:02;
      14. Implemented today's tweak to English at Lifelong, 22/12/23 15:04;
      15. Mentioned 23/12/23 tweak idea for Italian and paragraph-broke intro at Colla pioggia del tuo amor, 23/12/23 23:53;
      16. Made the repetition markers in the translations show up in the text as well as the repetition coda, and fixed typo "qu'il doit importe", at 'Tis you, 23/12/23 23:56;
      17. Added English remake and partial French remake in new tab at Saying you love me is a torture: let’s part, 24/12/23 0:33;
      18. Completed the French remake at Saying you love me is a torture: let’s part, 24/12/23 13:59.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes adding missing 个 in title of last weekend's video): 26/12/23 14:54», 26/12/23 14:28;
    1. VIDEO: Εσύ τεμόν το ακριβόν Esí temón to akrivón | Tu sei il solo mio tesor, «25/12/23, upload started 1:36:43 and completed 1:40:12, processing started 1:40:14, 37mins left 1:40:19, 36mins 1:40:28, grayed out 1:41:10/11, checking 0% 10mins left 1:41:19, 4% 10mins 1:41:34, grayed out 1:41:37, processing 35mins left 1:41:38/39, random gray-out 1:41:50, back to normal 1:41:51, done at 1:42:54. Published 1:49:52».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 2/1/23 1:45.
      1. Add partial Greek Esí temón to akrivón to chronological;
      2. Add È Natale e a Natale English to chronological;
      3. Do more MickG in chrono (in particular, classify LP 94 Latin as a badslation, and rename the second LP 51 English to Latin); do it up to the end of HS3 (why do the 1.B.i translations have content after short history?).
    3. VIDEO: Klama (Ándra mu pái) | Pianto (Il mio uomo va via), «25/12/23, upload started 1:31:48 and completed 2:11:03, processing started 2:11:[08,10], 39mins left by 2:11:25, 38mins left by 2:12:02, and then it never ticked down until… well until it was completely done at what I assume where 3ish seconds before 2:17:57. I guess my Internet sucked giant firebar tonight… couldn't load one of my playlists or search YT without trying twice? Yup, sucks massive firebar :). Anyway, publised 2:25:36».
    4. POST: Tu sei il solo mio tesor, 1/1/24 1:21.
    5. Related index update for the latter two items (includes addressing the points below): 1/1/24 1:35.
      1. Deal with recent tweaks to Timoneiro Italian and Chinese;
      2. Do MickG in chrono up second English "Two opinions", which will probably become the Latin badslation but I have no checking time now (why was 1.H.i English marked as @BR when it's @NRR? Didn't classify "I wish I were dead", should do soon; also, SF 31 English PRES became RES);
      3. Add post to video, post, and chrono index;
      4. Preparing video slot in chrono, placing video in video index, post index, chrono index.
    6. Related Quora space post for both: 2/1/24, written 1:56:56-2:01:41, posted 2:01:56.
    7. POST: Pianto, 30/12/23 0:38.
    8. Related index update (includes addressing the below points): 30/12/23 1:14.
      1. Add new post to all indices;
      2. Implement Russian corrections to Ty;
      3. Do MickG in chrono up to re-remake of Spartans' epigrams.
    9. Unfinished non-work projects update, 31/12/23 13:31:
      1. Add Fovámä to Translation candidates;
      2. Remove Aquilan songs and Pedro pedreiro therefrom;
      3. Add some caveats to definition of items in Index by languages: overhaul;
      4. Remove «Fix translations of Shuo ni ai wo» from translation reworks;
      5. Add Shuo ni ai wo horridous oldity to @BR;
      6. Update status of Operation: MickG in chrono: it's done up to the Latin re-remakes of the Thermopylae epigrams;
      7. Update A lifetime of translation to append "(post) and (playlist)" to the name and state that I decided to have a single script for the whole series and then split it up into episodes of roughly the same length by stopping after a certain recording time;
      8. Change the post name to limit it to Aug-Dec 2023, editing this thing is way too slow for me to bear it any longer :).
    11. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 2/1/24 0:15:
      1. Move LP 160 Latin translations from Psappho a Lesbia recovery episode to relevant Badslation review episode;
      2. Review Psappho a Lesbia Kypris poem plans;
      3. Quote SF PN in the "Possibly Sappho, possibly Athenaeus", since otherwise I read that and don't know what it is;
      4. Update status of Operation: MickG in chrono: it's done up to LP 51 English skipping LP 94 Latin, which will be done along with at least LP 51 Latin (currently mis-marked as a second English) in the next index update; also, «with the addition of the @PC tag which I will add to the index tonight (writing 14/12/23)» is uber-obsolete;
      5. Classify the translations of LP 39 "Sandal" and of "I wish I were dead" (LP 94) as badslations;
      6. Add Arní-m, m' apovradäşkese to translation candidates (Pontic).
    12. Related index update for the latter two items (includes addressing the points below): 31/12/23 15:17:[38,40] auto-restarted saving after FAIL at 15:16.
      1. Add new todo list to both indices, renaming the old one in the post index, and starting a parts list in chrono;
      2. Do more MickG in chrono up to My mistress' eyes.
    13. EDITS
      1. Implemented recording-weekend tweaks to Italian and Chinese and mentioned interpretative doubts in intro at Timoniere, 31/12/23 19:43;
      2. Edited in new Romanian remake bit at Time after time, 31/12/23 19:49;
      3. Actually implemented the latest tweak (previously mentioned in the intro but never implemented in the translation), and added the partial Greek, at Tu sei il solo mio tesor, 2/1/23 0:32;
      4. Added È Natale e a Natale English at Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 2/1/23 0:38.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing date of index update related to post Timoniere from 24/11 to 24/12): 2/1/23 2:21», 2/1/23 2:09;
    1. VIDEO: Gentle Annie | Dolce Annina, «7/1/24, upload started 0:35:21/22 (preparing to 1% done) and completed 0:43:45. Processing 0:43:46, 38mins left 0:44:02, 37mins 0:44:44, grayed out 0:45:41, checking 0% 10mins 0:45:41, 4% 10mins 0:46:06, grayout 0:46:08-~1s, 36mins left processing 0:46:08, 35mins 0:46:46, done 0:47:16. Thought I'd got that second grayout, indeed I wrote "grayout slightly late, ditto 4% and grayout after, and 35mins", but nope, I just missed it. I had the 36mins at 0:46:09. Published 0:55:20».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 7/1/24 0:40.
      1. The stars and the moon is LP 34 not 32, fix that in post-2020 translations;
      2. Unfinished non-work projects 2024's index entry got the link for the older todo list;
      3. Recent tweaks:
        1. Papaveri e papere Greek (2/1/24);
        2. LP 96 Latin (2/1/24);
        3. Hector and Andromacha (LP 44) Latin (3/1/24);
        4. Catullus V Italian (4/1/24);
      4. 1.C.ii English has MickG in chrono tag with no @, and the translations of the Sappho 16 title should be BR since it's not offspring of heaven and earth but of Uranus and Gaia;
      5. MickG in chrono videos with no recording date:
        1. Ridi, sol mio, AG-Italian;
        2. LP 47 AG-English;
        3. The moon has set, AG-Italian;
        4. A few little songs of mine, My love for you, Italian;
        5. LP 125 Latin;
        6. LP 125 English;
        7. Sim-thung (Y1S41): do MickG in chrono to it, and remove its video from the entry for the Chinese-English translation of the same post;
        8. Sim-thung from above, complete English: ditto;
        9. Gandong tian gandong di, Heĺno/vľna lä/gū: change Conlang to that name, and do MickG in chrono;
        10. Ditto for other Conlang bit;
        11. Sarang-hae Hakka;
        12. Chun Xiao English: do MickG in chrono in it (and in its Arabic twin);
        13. Kin-pu-ya an to sen Romagnolo (reorder elements!);
        14. Kin-pu-ya an to sen English (reorder elements!);
        15. Sarang-hae Romagnolo;
        16. Sarang-hae English;
        17. Yueliang daibiao wo de xin AX English;
        18. Yueliang daibiao wo de xin AX French;
        19. Darpaṇ' nā chupāye: do MickG in chrono;
        20. Guomin geming ge: do MickG in chrono;
        21. LP 125 Italian remake;
        22. Kin-pu-ya an to sen Chinese: put @TP in brackets and order elements right;
        23. Nada te turbe Italians;
        24. Nada te turbe English;
        25. Kin-pu-ya an to sen Greek should have @TP in brackets and elements correctly ordered;
        26. Ave Maria splendore del mattino Spanish;
        27. Ave Maria splendore del mattino Chinese;
        28. Klama Italian;
        29. Esí temón to akrivón Italian;
      6. Timoneiro post index entry is missing final semicolon;
      7. Nada te turbe post index entry says English has title Many nothing scare you which is wrong;
      8. Do HS5 MickG in chrono up to end of 2011 (also, I swapped the video links on Even God cries);
      9. Put right post link for next vid after preparing video link slots in video index and chrono;
      10. Remove video doublet (why was there even another video item for this thing with IAFI link and unplanned upload?).
    3. POST: Gentle Annie, 6/1/24, 0:03.
    4. Related index update (includes finishing HS4 MickG in chrono): 6/1/24 1:47 with FAIL 1:46.
    5. Related Quora space post for both: 7/1/24, written 0:58:08-1:01:33, posted 1:01:52.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 5/1/24 12:53:
      1. Classify the following as @BR:
        1. Non-English LP 178;
        2. English LP 140(a);
        3. All translations of the epigrams outside the English remakes;
        4. Italian LP 166 (Leda);
        5. Italian LP 127 (Deuro deute);
        6. Non-English LP 58 (Ymmes peda Moisan);
        7. All versions of all versions of LP 5 (Kypri kai Nereides - the ep' aglaḯāi variants of HS4 should be mentioned);
        8. Non-Latin O Atthis (LP 96);
        9. English and older Italian versions of LP 82(a) (Mnasidica);
        10. All versions of LP 104(a) (Espere panta phereis);
        11. All versions of LP 81(b) (Dica), where Latin has a single bad line and the others «are more unconvincing than particularly bad»;
        12. Non-Italian LP 44 (Hector and Andromacha);
        13. Non-Latin "E tin'allon / Mallon anthrōpōn emethem philēistha?";
      2. The stars and the moon is LP 34 not 32, fix that in recoveries episode and @NRR episode list; give that recoveries episode a numbered list for its content;
      3. Classify the following as @Ψ:
        1. Non-English LP 140(a);
        2. Non-Italian LP 128;
        3. Non-Italian LP 127 (Deuro deute);
        4. English LP 57 (Ymmes peda Moisan);
        5. Latin LP 15 (Curse);
        6. Latin LP 96 (O Atthis!);
        7. English and newer Italian LP 82(a) (Mnasidica);
        8. Italian LP 44 (Hector and Andromacha, barely not @BR);
        9. Latin "E tin'allon" (LP 129(b));
        10. All versions of "Emethen d' ekhēistha lathan" (LP 129(a));
        11. All versions of Asteron panton o kalistos (LP 104(b));
      4. Classify Italian LP 128, old Romagnolo The stars and the moon, non-Latin LP 15 (Curse), and older Italian LP 125 (Auta kai gar ego pota) as @NRR;
      5. Concerning LP 40 + inc. 13, plan an @NRR/@Ψ crossover, where Italian and English are @NRR and Latin is @Ψ;
      6. Add English remakes of epigrams to recoveries episode;
      7. Update status of Index by languages: overhaul: it's now got three more rows done, so 5 rows of Table 1 in total, -Italian -English -French -German -Ukrainian.
    7. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update 2, 6/1/24 19:47:
      1. Classify the following as @BR:
        1. English LP 21 (If I still had milk);
        2. All versions of LP 24(a) (Tender women);
        3. All versions of LP 27 (You were also a tender young maid);
        4. Non-Latin Prayer to avert stormy journeys;
        5. English LP 155 (Polyanactid);
        6. Non-Italian LP 144 (Satisfied Gorgo);
        7. All versions of LP 30 (Let's sing for the couple, unless Latin stanza 2 is appropriately remade);
        8. Non-English LP 122 (Picking flowers);
        9. Italian version of LP 135 (Pandionid swallow);
        10. All versions of LP Alc. 347(b) (Cicada – will probably end up in critical note of @Ψ vid);
        11. All versions of LP 71 (Mika);
        12. All versions of LP incc. 21+17 (Malis was spinning);
        13. Non-English LP 105(a) (Sweet apple);
        14. Latin LP 105(c) (Hyacynth);
        15. Italian LP 95 (Gongyla 2);
        16. Latin LP 159 (You and my servant Eros);
        17. Older English LP 109 (We will give);
        18. Original Italian LP 149 (Night-long sleep);
        19. English LP 103 (En to gar enne.e probaton);
        20. Non-Italian versions of LP 96 (Kleis 2);
        21. All versions of LP inc. 5(b) (Naught in my soul);
      2. Classify the following as @Ψ:
        1. Non-English LP 21 (If I still had milk – assuming Italian can properly fix "che raia / Duol che non cede");
        2. Latin Prayer to avert stormy journeys;
        3. Non-English LP 155 (Polyanactid – Italian got tweak);
        4. Italian LP 144 (Satisfied Gorgo);
        5. English LP 122 (Picking flowers);
        6. All versions of LP 100 (Delicate shag);
        7. English version of LP 135 (Pandionid swallow);
        8. English LP 105(a) (Sweet apple);
        9. Non-Latin LP 105(c) (Hyacynth);
        10. Non-Italian LP 95 (Gongyla 2, assuming English can properly fix « By th’ [Goddess] sadness ne’er doth choke,» and the "to hi" tercet);
        11. All versions LP 165 "With what eyes?";
        12. All versions of LP 91 (Eirana);
        13. Non-Latin LP 159 (You and my servant Eros);
        14. Non-older-English LP 109 (We will give);
        15. All versions of LP 149 (Night-long sleep), Italian tweaked;
        16. All versions of Poikilletai (two lines, one in LP, one not – Italian needs fix);
        17. Non-English LP 103 (En to gar enne.e probaton);
        18. All versions of LP 60 (Tykhoisa);
        19. Italian version of LP 98 (Kleis 2);
      3. Classify Latin version of LP 135 (Pandionid swallow) as @NRR;
      4. Add Operation: CSE (Chrono for Sappho Editions, namely Chinese Sappho and the Italian and German ones once they are launched);
      5. Update description of Index by languages: overhaul with two more items, and status to reflect today's overhauling.
    8. EDITS
      1. Updated Blog index to do MickG in chrono up to and including the original translation of Sydney (why was 1.D.ii Latin with short history before contents?), 3/1/24 0:44;
      2. Updated Blog index to do MickG in chrono up to and including the first two Donne translations (where 4-line stanzas and 6-line stanzas are now called quatrains and sextains) and in the remade Italian LP 125, 3/1/24 16:21;
      3. Updated Index by languages, overhauling the -French -German -Ukrainian rows of Table 1 in the process, 5/1/24 1:14;
      4. Implemented 2/1/24 tweak to Greek at Lo sai che i papaveri, 6/1/24 17:40;
      5. Implemented 2/1/24 tweak to Latin at O Atthis!, 6/1/24 17:43;
      6. Implemented 3/1/2$ tweak to Latin at Hector and Andromacha, 6/1/24 17:46;
      7. Implemented 4-6/1/24 tweaks to Catullus V Italian at Barbarizzando Catullo, 6/1/24 17:54;
      8. Fixed *lt;> just before Gitosen in intro to Sappho and her brother: two prayers, 6/1/24 17:56;
      9. Added missing two lines at start of Greek in Edmonds version of post-final poem, thus fixing lineup problems, at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 6/1/24 18:02;
      10. Placed alternate endings of A Natale puoi English on separate lines, thereby fixing lineup problems, at Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 6/1/24 18:07;
      11. Implemented 6/1/24 tweak to 1.A.xiv, and paragraphed its critical note, at The rest of Sappho, 6/1/24 18:14;
      12. Removed all "Rit." from the Italian, added missing blank line before verse 3 in the English, and added last "chorus" to the Italian, all at Gentle Annie, 6/1/24 18:17;
      13. Edited Index by languages, 6/1/24 18:53, to:
        1. Fix lã/go̊ to lã/gū in Conlang name;
        2. Widen Italian column.
        3. Overhaul single-translation rows of Table 1 (-Zulu -Irish -Romanian -Persian -Hungarian -Mende -Korean -Croatian -Arabic -Indonesian -Ancient Greek -Slovak), adding the link to the Ridi sol mio video to GrcIt and renaming any Min- index to Min Nan- in the process;
        4. Add in the new post Gentle Annie.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 7/1/24 13:07», 7/1/24 12:38;
    1. VIDEO: Mick Gorro e i Classici: Catullo V, «14/1/24, upload started 1:01:06/07 (preparing to 1%) and completed 1:07:06, processing started 1:07:09, 36mins left 1:07:20, 35mins 1:08:10, 34mins 1:09:08, grayout 1:09:44, 0% checked 10mins left 1:09:46, 4% 10mins 1:10:07, grayout gagin 1:10:15, 33mins left for processing 1:10:16, done 1:10:19, with delays «36mins ~1, 35mins ~2 grayout and 0% ~1 grayout2 and 33mins ~1 complete ~2» (in seconds), published 1:15:36».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 14/1/24 1:05 WITH FAIL 1:04.
      1. Add Shôjo Neapoitan remake;
      2. Note Shôjo Italian remake 9/1/24 tweak;
      3. Note the 12/1/24 tweak to Catullus V Italian and prepare the MickG in chrono slot for the upcoming video;
      4. Create and add to the video index all the playlists for all the series;
      5. Do U1-U4 MickG in chrono (Qongqothwane definitely needs translation splits and full MickG in chrono).
    3. Related Quora space post: 14/1/24, written 1:17:28-1:22:53, posted 1:23:04.
    4. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 10/1/24 2:07:
      1. Add new series: Beginner Chinese and Japanese Badslations, to review HS5 badslations into Ja/Zh;
      2. Update status of MickG in chrono (HS5 done, and @BBR item in index quote);
      3. Add those Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία groups to the series plan;
      4. Update status of Translationifications: started with 浪子的心情 ages ago;
      5. Move lists from description to status in Operation: rhyming remakes and Operation: mysteries;
      6. Give more details on Replacement inactive stuff;
      7. Add Operation: ROS paragraph breaks to replace the edit item «Paragraph break all crit notes in The rest of Sappho;
      8. Update status of PC, aka "Poetry after the Classics | Poesie dopo i Classici": the opening is composed, and may be recorded soon; also, allow for crossovers with BR in the description;
      9. Note that the minimal opening for Badslation Reviews (to be thus renamed from Reviewing old badslations) is definitely getting used for crossover episodes, but I'm still not sold on not giving it a longer form; record that the first recorded use of "badslation" was on 28/10/22;
      10. Add tags to series since the names may change but the chrono index may not keep up (and is already out of date, in fact).
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 13/1/24 19:57:
      1. Make list of fragments that need ROS intro paragraph breaks;
      2. Update status of Mick Gorro and the Classics, which becomes 2-paragraph, and was woefully outdated even at Christmas;
      3. Update status of a bunch of series that got their openings recently: Badslation Reviews, Beginner Japanese and Chinese Badslation Reviews (which just needed to say the opening will be in next video's bonus), Poetry after the Classics (ditto plus recording), Katoitaliotiká, Non-rhythmic reviews;
      4. Remove Hajde luj qyqek, Aguas de Março, Ave Maria splendore del mattino, and Arní-m m' apovradä́şkese, and add Gurpan s' esón to théleman and Dragostea din tei to the Translation candidates.
    6. EDITS
      1. Fixed duplicate id issues at Cannot forget, 7/1/24 23:51;
      2. Updated Blog index to address the following points, 8/1/24 1:25:
        1. Finish HS5 MickG in chrono;
        2. Fix 36/12 to 13/6/12 in the entry for Alc. Voigt 332 in the process;
        3. Remove double | from entry for GW+safopoemas English remake of Sappho 16 (more like move one of the two to where one is missing);
        4. Add new tag to intro (@BBR) in the process and retroactively apply it;
        5. Remove the empty year spoilers: HS5miss, HS3miss, U1miss, U3miss, U4miss, U5miss, U6miss, PhD1miss, PhD2miss, PhD3miss, PhD4miss;
        6. Review the description of the index by languages in intro to post index;
        7. Go over all HS5 and check where recording dates are missing, and add them in.
      3. Implemented 12/1/24 tweak to Catullus V Italian at Barbarizzando Catullo, 20:00;
      4. Completed Neapolitan remake, implement 9/1 tweak to Italian, and paragraph break Italian remake's intro, all at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 13/1/24 22:23.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 14/1/24 13:18», 14/1/24 13:09;
    1. VIDEO: Από μέσα πεθαμένος | Morto dentro, «21/1/24, upload started 0:02:03/04 (preparing to 1%) and completed 0:06:52, processing started 0:06:54, 22mins left 0:07:02, 21mins 0:07:32, grayout 0:08:31, 0% checked 10mins left 0:08:31, 4% t0mins 0:08:57, grayout 0:08:57, 19min 0:09:59, 18mins 0:11:00, 17mins 0:11:59, 16mins 0:13:00, 15mins 0:14:01, done 0:15:01, with delays (~1s unless otherwise specified): «21min grayboth, back to process by 2s, 18m by Idk how long, 15m by I'd say ≤3s, end by about 2-3s.». Published 0:19:04».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 21/1/24 0:03.
      1. Do all PhD2 MickG in chrono (also, first Žuravlí English should be Italian);
      2. Do the first 4 of PhD3 too;
      3. Prepare the slots for the video, but not in post index because that one is ready already.
    3. POST: Morto dentro, 20/1/24, 0:14.
    4. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 20/1/24 1:49.
      1. GW+safopoemas Italian cites OS20 but should quote OS9 instead, since the version in there is nowhere in the post except in the intro; note that the post refers to OS9 by its name gungumu.doc;
      2. Cite OS15 in the French Hymn and both German Sappho translations;
      3. Add SF w Italian as a separate LTD item;
      4. Add full comparison of OS31 with S17;
      5. Add the new post, and remove the comma between date and time of posting in the Gentle Annie post;
      6. In OS list, note that OS30 and OS32 are identical, and so are 33 and 34; also, OS36 should say "Contents identical to OS1", not refer to OS1 with its name; moreover, OS36 is actually the attachment of SE3, which is the contents of SE2, of which SE1 is a subset, and OS1 is those contents again;
      7. Do more MickG in chrono up to first 2 PhD2 entries (what was Vietnamese Thank you for your deep love doing DATELESS before Khan gun--e tshiu Vietnamese friend's remake?).
    5. Related Quora space post for both: 21/1/24, written 0:20:16-0:25:57, posted 0:26:08.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 19/1/24 0:54:
      1. Update status of MickG in chrono;
      2. Update status of Mick Gorro and the Classics with first episode, playlist link, and some synthesis on the intro and episode status, as well as moving the 3-passage Homer episode to second spot and updating it and the Lucrece opening episode;
      3. Turn Replacement inactive stuff into Misc info, and update its description and status;
      4. Update status of HS4 chrono index;
      5. Add second paragraph in status of Chat Log of antiquity;
      6. Update status of Index by languages: overhaul;
      7. Remove Anata ga iru kara English from Translation reworks, since it's been remade on 18/1/24, and add ALL before "(Chinese and Italian)" in the Kimi ga ireba entry therein;
      8. Remove Des me from Translation candidates.
    7. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update 2, 20/1/24 18:08:
      1. Update status of MickG in chrono: done up to first two PhD2 translations;
      2. Move the misc info partial timestamped thing from description to status of Chat Log of antiquity; it was always meant to go there, but I mis-copypasted because HTML code without indentation can be hard to parse;
      3. Drop OS9, OS15, and OS31 from the uncited OS files in Misc info, update the item for OS36, delete the list of Replacement inactive stuff points, and expand "Former Replacement inactive stuff" with the two remaining points of that list;
      4. Remove Ùn tace from Translation candidates, as it is inaccessible for me at present, and I can't seem to find it on YT.
    8. EDITS
      1. Implemented 12/1 and 15/1/24 tweaks to Neapolitan remake at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 16/1/24 0:17;
      2. Updated Blog index to address the following points, 16/1/24 1:21;
        1. Note 12/1/24 and 15/1/24 tweaks to Shôjo Neapoitan remake;
        2. Videos Esí temón to akrivón and Catullo V, saying «upload planned for 1/1/24» and «upload planned for 13/1/24», DEFINITELY need fixing; also, why did I plan the last vid and the next to be uploaded on Saturdays? I upload on Sundays!
        3. Add Greek dialects playlist to source language playlist list;
        4. Fix Auf Deutsch übergesetzt to Auf Deutsch übersetzt, as has been done to the playlist;
        5. "love shook my heart" should not appear in brackets in an HS4 spoiler entry, and "agroiotis" is a bad way to present it;
        6. The "magic trio x10" spoiler entry for the post "Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided" is actually only x3;
        7. LP 120 has an entry with no SF number, it's SF af;
        8. Do U5 MickG in chrono, adding "tuneless" to Spring Dawn U5 English, and continuing until the one 1/1/18 translation;
      3. Updated Index by languages, also overhauling a bunch of rows and implementing the + thing (see post for full details), 17/1/24 1:15;
      4. Updated Blog index to address the points below, 18/1/24 0:53
        1. Fix the tagging of Ob-la-di as unposted in a Future video entry;
        2. One "Thank you for your deep love" Future video, as well as the two entries before it, all link to Oltre le lacrime, fix;
        3. Neapolitan and English titles of Shôjo are outdated, fix;
        4. Scrap Rouge vid;
        5. Do remainder of U6 MickG in chrono (also, La preferenza has an unavailable video) as well as Vent fin Greek;
      5. Fixed χαυχάσα̣ν̣το->καυχάσα̣ν̣το and χαυχάσ[α]ι̣το analogously in the intro to 5.C.1 at The rest of Sappho, 18/1/24 1:00;
      6. Add MickG links and intro/outro stuff to Shipping Sappho overseas (or over Eurasia), 18/1/24 1:12;
      7. Updated Blog index to order the elements in MickG in chrono style in the HS4 spoiler entries, and separate ≤S9 translations from post-S9 ones, 18/1/24 15:56;
      8. Added date and time of intro line 这首歌就是由许多莎孚诗歌编制的 at Shipping Sappho overseas (or over Eurasia), 19/1/24 14:53;
      9. Implement Chinese tweak, put that paragraph relating to the Italian in the Italian item, and add English remake to Realizzerai ogni sogno, 20/1/24, 17:54.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 21/1/24 12:07», 21/1/24 11:55;
    1. VIDEO: Mick Gorro e i Classici: Proemi Omerici e Canto delle Sirene, «28/1/24, upload started 17:24:20 and completed 17:37:28, processing started 17:37:34, 40mins left 17:37:47, ticking down 1 in screenshots timed 17:38:16, 17:39:17, 17:40:16, 17:41:16, 17:42:16, then grayed out at 17:43:15, 0% checked 10mins left 17:43:17, back to processing 34mins 17:43:26, 17:44:17 33mins left, 17:44:32 grayed out, 32mins left 17:45:36, ticked down by one at 17:47:36, 17:48:36, 17:49:38, then swept down to done at 17:50:[35,37].Times delayed by 1s unless otherwise specified: «40min, 39min, 38min poss. 2s, 36min, 35min, 0% checked (welp 1% checked 10min moved to 34min), grayout (was about 1s long), poss. 32min, 31min by Idk how long, 29min, 28min by like 2-3s». Scheduled for 29/1/24 13:00 publicness at 17:56:24. Made unlisted at 18:45:00, which cancelled the schedule. Hopefully I remember to make it public tomorrow».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 28/1/24 17:32.
      1. Split U6 at 22/3/18 (graduation) and make the rest between then and PhD1 into PhDS (PhD search);
      2. Zui shouxi de moshengren Turkish is 11/3 but follows a 19/3 thing, fix;
      3. Stop PhD5 at 21/9/23 (defence) and make the following 4 months into PDS (Post-Doc Search), to then have PD1 be Feb 24 - Jan 25;
      4. Split HS5 at 9/7 for maturity exam; motivate that in the Correspondances Chinese entry with diary references, and treat that entry as a 9/7 residue, along with its English twin;
      5. «the study for the oral exam seems to have started on 26/7», nope, 26/6, or maybe 27/6;
      6. Tsi-u li Cs and Hr are both in 6/7/12 FF files (session 18), specify that;
      7. «chorus BADLY NEEDS FIXING» for Hindi Gua--e sim lai is outdated;
      8. Do more MickG in chrono (up to Guà dà fēng shí English).
    3. POST: Proemi omerici e canto delle Sirene, 23/1/24, 23:00.
    4. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 24/1/24 1:26;
      1. Note latest Catullus V Italian tweak;
      2. Plan Kim-pu-ja Chinese-Greek for two weekends from now (i.e. 4/2) and next Classics episode for next Sunday (i.e. 28/1);
      3. Add post to post index, and remove "(coming soon)" from @MickG part of Morto dentro post entry;
      4. Add Italian translations in post to chrono index, and replace older posts with this one in chrono, leaving older posts for history of Latin translations up to 23/1/24;
      5. Note that intros will not be added to the chronological index;
      6. Do more MickG in chrono (up to and including Sevdanın tadı English), adding the @Ch tag for Chôka no Saffō to the tag list after the first Chôka pops up.
    5. Related Quora space post for both: 21/1/24, written 17:59:20-18:04:39, posted 18:05:04.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 24/1/24 15:07:
      1. Update status of MickG in chrono: made up to and including Sevdanın tadı English, and new tag @Ch;
      2. Update status of Mick Gorro and the Classics: second episode is ready, pseudo-recto-tono simultaneous bilingual intro planned… each episode item should get a status of its own;
      3. «Miscellaneous diary-related info is point 7 in todo list misc info and shouldn't have a «;
      4. Add to Chôka no Saffō that it will also be a YT series, with related status updates;
      5. Add Dacă tace chitara to Translation candidates.
    7. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update 2, 27/1/24 23:22:
      1. Update status of MickG in chrono: only PhD5 and HS4 spoiler missing (PDS doesn't exist yet, but it is also missing); also, spoiler will be MickG in chrono'ed before the entries are placed;
      2. Update status of Mick Gorro and the Classics: second episode is to be captioned;
      3. Sappho translations to be placed in series:
        1. Spell out that LP 26 HS4 Italian and English are badslations while Latin is good, and plan a TP for the un-updated English post-Obbink translation;
        2. Plan two epithalamia episodes: one for textual work and crossovers with BR and NRR if need be, and one with the wedding descriptions and only the Italian TPs (or maybe some non-Italian too, depends on how much it slows the progression down);
        3. LP 126 Italian and English should not be in NRR but in @Ψ;
        4. LP inc. 23 are all badslations;
        5. Campbell 44A English isn't that good, Latin is bad;
        6. LP 132 Italian is good, English is BR, Latin needs work but may be salvageable;
        7. About the other Kleis poem (LP 98), note how Latin starts good then devolves into BR;
        8. LP 43 all translations need work but can be saved; fix mistranslation, touch up English, figure out that apylexomen which seems to be a future indicative but should be exhortative subjunctive based on context;
        9. LP 23 Latin is good, Italian is BR, English needs a remake of stanza 1 to be saved; also, there's a near-rhyme in stanza 2;
        10. LP 108 all are good except the Latin;
        11. LP 107 all OK, aside from virginity which should probably be maidenhood, and starting the line with it in It+En which is kinda weird;
        12. LP 114 Latin is bad, English is good, Italian has u' vai as its only bad thing, modulo the virginity/maidenhood question;
        13. LP 152 are all probably bad, gotta figure out what is mixed and if mixed is the correct word;
        14. LP 168 are all good;
        15. LP inc. 24 l. 1 are all good, and so are those of l. 2;
        16. LP 192 are probably all bad;
        17. LP 167 are all good except maybe Latin for the added adest;
        18. LP 156 Latin is bad, others use she but what the heck is this pair of hyperbolae referring to?
        19. LP 53 English is good, Italian is good except meter and words don't line up well, Latin has Rosatæ Gratiæ brachia in weird order;
        20. LP 124 are all good, assuming English can actually do Calliopè;
        21. LP inc. 11 are all good once English is tweaked;
        22. LP 134 are all good, interpretation is kinda doubtful;
        23. LP 38 are all good;
        24. LP 164 are all good, Italian and English assume the caller is he not she, which is doubtful;
        25. E49 and E50/LP45 are all good and already in Ps episode!; well actually, Dumque velitis dumque doesn't convince, dropping As in Long as you wish ditto, Italian got the 'l dropped for the episode;
        26. LP 102 English l. 2 bad with two th' and Aphrodite mispronounced, l. 1 OK; Italian "Afrodite molle" hmm but otherwise good, no rhyme though; Latin has dubious construction and elision at line end;
        27. LP 42 are all good and already in an episode with a different Italian version;
        28. LP 36 are all good, and also in an epsiode right?
        29. For LP 4, figure out how to touch up antilampen and then all good;
        30. LP inc. 27(1) Latin is good, others are bad;
        31. LP 136 are all good, maybe Dulcicanente can be avoided?
        32. LP 146 are all good;
        33. LP 153 are all good aside from the Italian's "vergine";
      4. «Beautiful gifts of the Muses (LP 57) English»: nope, that's 58, fix.
    8. EDITS
      1. Implemented tweaks to Italian Homeric openings on the fly at Proemi Omerici e Canto delle Sirene:, 23/1/24 23:08;
      2. Implemented 20/1/24 Catullus V tweak at Barbarizzando Catullo, 24/1/24 0:09;
      3. Updated Blog index to address the points below, 25/1/24 1:28;
        1. Every entry for Proemi Omerici e Canto delle Sirene links to Morto dentro, except the video index one, where the nonexistent episode has a link to the Catullus V episode which must be removed;
        2. Do the rest of PhD3 MickG in chrono, don't split Atela into 3 translations, give the video link to Wo de weilai English;
      4. Updated Blog index to address the below points, 25/1/24 16:19;
        1. Second Italian The Disco Beat should be Chinese;
        2. Give Time after time orrido vecchiume Italian its TP link;
        3. Nice three Couple of Proverbs entries with Most random translations ever left in!
        4. Do all PhD4 MickG in chrono;
      5. Implemented latest tweak to Greek intro at Proemi Omerici e canto delle Sirene, 27/1/24 0:14;
      6. Added meeting history at Morto dentro, 27/1/24 0:17; Idk what got into Blogger, but apparently this edit changed the posting date to 26/1 (because it's on another time zone)…
      7. Made final Italian version of 1.A.ii display by default at The rest of Sappho, 28/1/24 19:24.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing last video's upload date from 14/1 to 21/1): 28/1/24 19:44», 28/1/24 19:27;
    1. VIDEO: A cover for Sappho translations | Una copertina per traduzioni di Sappho, «4/2/24, upload started 17:27:34 (preparing to 3%) and completed 17:31:24, processing started 17:31:25, 37m remaining 17:31:34, 36m at 17:31:51, 35m by 17:32:40, possibly grayout missed, blank at 17:33:27, checking 0% 10min at 17:33:30, 4% 10min by 17:33:52, processing 34min at 17:33:53, 33min by 17:35:05, finished 1 or 2s before 17:36:04. Couldn't even finish the description, which took 17:[27:34,28:30]-17:37:43+~10s. Delays «35m super late 4% late grayout missed 33m late finish 1/2s» Saved as unlisted 17:45:52, will make public at 13 tomorrow hopefully».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 4/2/24 17:59.
      1. Add 3/2/10 diary quotation to Odyssey opening Latin;
      2. Place all SF u translations; SE4 should not be considered a Sapphus nova, but a partial one;
      3. Switch the current Rime link with this one;
      4. Add gender-neutral version of Ton won paida kalei Italian to chrono index;
      5. «song (4:33-6:25): Dreams»: timestamps after title.
    3. POST: A cover for Sappho translations, 30/1/24 16:53.
    4. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 30/1/24 17:22.
      1. PD1 is still PhD5 in section list;
      2. Move Classics episode 2 out of the spoiler and write it was uploaded on 28/1;
      3. Note 27-28/1/24 tweaks to Latin Sirens;
      4. Note 27/1/24 completion of Odyseey opening;
      5. Note 27/1/24 tweak to Italian Sirens;
      6. Note 28/1/24 and 30/1/24 tweaks to Apo mesa pethamenos Italian;
      7. Add gender-neutral version of ROS 1.G.ii to chrono index;
      8. Add the post to post index (where the last post should't have "coming soon" in the @MickG section) and chrono index (where the Latin should not be classed as Sappho, and the Latin quick fix is from 19/8 not 18/8), supplanting the Hymn post in the latter, and remember the musical retranslation into English;
      9. Plan the video for next weekend, shove the older plan to the following one, and plan Coleridge right after it.
    5. Related Quora space post: 4/2/24, written 18:00:16-18:04:[30,35] (I'm dumb; I forgot to add the post link, and that was done by 18:03:47, then I forgot to screenshot when I added it), posted 18:05:44.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 3/2/24 22:30:
      1. Remove MickG in chrono, which is now complete;
      2. Update status of Mick Gorro and the Classics: add link to episode 2, close unclosed link element, preface the episode list with "I will not include the title in all the episodes here, just imagine it's there at the beginning in the appropriate language", remove the title from ep. 1; make the pairings of Catullus 85 with 72 together, and 70 with Callimachus into separate episodes; pair Catullus 109 with graffiti; Ovid stays alone, at least for now;
      3. Tender women is LP 24(a), not 23(a): fix in Shipping Sappho overseas project;
      4. Update status of Operation: ROS paragraph breaking, as 1.E.iii has been dealt with;
      5. Update the status of Index by languages: Overhaul, as Table 1 is now fully done;
      6. Remove Dacă tace chitara from Translation candidates.
    7. EDITS
      1. Updated Blog index to complete MickG in chrono and change Still for your love Greek to Modern Greek and remove the (incomplete) tag from French remake of Shuo ni ai wo, 29/1/24 16:16;
      2. Implemented 26/1/24 tweaks to Latin and English at Ode to a beautiful woman, 30/1/24 0:07;
      3. Implemented 26/1/24 tweaks to English 1.E.iii (paragraph breaking the intro item and fixing "flash" to "flesh"), Italian and English 1.H.viii, Latin 1.H.ix, and Italian 1.I.vii, and implemented gender-neutral English 1.G.ii, at The rest of Sappho, 30/1/24 0:33;
      4. Updated Italian Sirens, noted missed line in music and Italian of Odyssey opening, updated Latin intro, and Latin Sirens, added bracket with 5/2/10 date to intro, fixed typo "anime forte" in Latin Iliad, and added Latin rendering from captions with long vowels all marked, all at Proemi Omerici e Canto delle Sirene, 30/1/24 1:01;
      5. Noted Kika comment to my post and implemented necessary fixes at Morto dentro, 30/1/24 1:09;
      6. Updated Index by languages, adding the latest three posts and overhauling the -Chinese -Min Nan -Hindi -Czech -Hakka rows of table 1, 1/2/24 1:43;
      7. Updated Index by languages to address the below, 1/2/24 14:10;
        1. Finish overhauling table 1;
        2. Give more width to the Romagnolo column;
        3. Fix the headers Min Nan and Hakka to Min and Hak;
        4. Add the post Il ballo del qua-qua, somehow not here yet;
        5. Change Lingala to Lin and Teochew to Tws, and remove mention of Teochew's code uncertainty ("assuming Teochew is teo") from intro;
        6. Give some more padding to the Min column of table 1 and the first column of table 2;
      8. Add Italian gender-neutral version of 1.G.ii at The rest of Sappho, 4/2/24 15:32;
      9. Implemented recent tweaks to Italian at A night of moonlight, 4/2/24 15:50;
      10. Fixed musica to canto in intro and took μετάτρεψαι out of the updated Greek at A cover for Sappho translations, 4/2/24 15:52.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 4/2/24 18:28», 4/2/24 18:16;
    1. VIDEO: 今晡夜恁多星 Kim-pu-yà àn to sen | 今晚上很多星 Jīn wǎnshàng hěn duō xīng | Πολλά 'ναι τ' άστρα απόψε, «11/2/24, upload started 0:24:58/59 (from preparing to 5%) and completed 0:26:16, processing started 0:26:18, 22mins 0:26:26, 21min 0:26:46, checking 0% 10mins 0:27:36 with a millisecond grayout probably missed, checking 4% 10mins 0:28:00, 20mins 0:28:05, done 0:28:12, with delays «22min probs late, 21mins by like 1-2s, checking 0% maybe, finished maybe, saved as unlosted 0:40:16, hopefully will publish overmorrow around 13».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 11/2/24 0:35.
      1. Prepare chrono slots for new video and note 3/2/24 and 10/2/24 tweaks to Kin-pu-ya Greek;
      2. 17/12/23 video and last video are not "upload planned";
      3. Fix Greek title from Να τ'άστρα τόσο πολλά to Πολλά 'ναι τ' άστρα απόψε;
      4. Plan Poetry after the Classics: Baby Gorro vs. Lord Randall (fix "Ppoem" and change "No post for this one" to "Post for tune will appear" in next video's entry) and Woe to me for the two weekends after the next one;
      5. Put the videos in the empty slots for Wo de hao xiongdi English, Ĵa tĵebĵá lĵublĵú Hakka, Pleiades Italian, Che siano una sola cosa Greek in chrono index, and Tsing-loo u li kam-sia thinn in post index.
    3. Related Quora space post: 11/2/24, written 0:43:44-0:46:12, posted 0:46:40.
    4. Latest video made public: 5/2/24 13:15:12.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 10/2/24 16:27:
      1. Add note 1;
      2. Update status of Monster medley (history started);
      3. Add Coleridge's Rime of the Ancyent Marinere to @PC; add Lord Randal vs. Baby Gorro there too, episode 2; add Chun Xiao to @PC, putting old video as episode 3, and planning a follow-up episode 4 as a reaction to the old video;
      4. Remove Quelli che benpensano from Translation candidates, and split the Spanish Que sera from the Italian original Cosa sei.
    6. EDITS
      1. Fixed "a canto" to "da canto", "the recent updates" to "their recent updates", "file più ricenei" to "file più recente", and added "on this channel" and matching Italian, at A cover for Sappho translations:, 10/2/24 15:38;
      2. Implemented 3/2/24 and 10/2/24 tweaks to Greek at So many stars, 10/2/24 15:45;
      3. Discussed alternate titular lines of Latin at Aconteceu, 10/2/24 15:48;
      4. Fixed dal ngadal -> dal'ngadal', added commas in ll. 2 3 4 9 11, and replaced ë with ' wherever there is ' except at the various T'më (in the middle of which I actually did the dal'ngadal' fix), all at Poco a poco, 10/2/24 15:55.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 11/2/24 12:40», 11/2/24 12:26;
    1. VIDEO: Poetry after the Classics: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancyent Marinere (parts 1-2), «18/2/24, upload started 20:20:17/18 (preparing to 1%) and completed 20:30:19, processing started 20:30:24, 42min 20:30:39, 41min 20:31:05, 40min 20:32:06, 39min 20:33:06, 38min 20:34:05, grayout 20:35:02, 0% checked 10mins 20:35:03, 6% 10mins 20:35:38, 37min 20:35:42, 36mins 20:36:06, 34mins 20:38:04, 33mins 20:39:08, 32mins 20:40:06, 31mins 20:41:05, 30mins 20:42:06, 29mins 20:43:05, 28mins 20:44:07, done 20:45:06, saved as unlisted 20:52:16. Delays: «41m, 39m maybe even 2s, 38m, grayouts, 37m maybe 2s, 33m by 2-3s, 32m by ages i was distracted, 30m 1-2s, 28m by 1-3s». Also, missed split-second grayout by 1-2s at 20:37:02».
    2. POST: The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in music, 17/2/24, 20:45.
    3. Related index update for both (includes addressing the points below): 18/2/24 20:24.
      1. Fix any Kin-pu-yà to Kim-, except in video titles;
      2. Add the post and video everywhere, and split the planned video into the now-5 planned videos, fixing their titles, and planning Woe to me before Lord Randall so I have the latter on Easter Sunday.
    4. Related Quora space post: 18/2/24, written 20:55:04-20:58:28, posted 20:58:40.
    5. Latest video made public: 13/2/24 8:14:08.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 18/2/24 14:49:
      1. Update status of Monster medley, reviewing the end of it and adding the two-parter paragraph;
      2. Remove Cervi Kalfa song (link does not have a song) and Gini gini lits (only Armenian song but I don't like it) from Translation candidates;
      3. Move Žepa from translation candidates to D-blog where it should be analysed;
      4. Add Operation: translate the Rime.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 18/2/24 23:41», 18/2/24 23:35;
    1. VIDEO: Poetry after the Classics: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancyent Marinere (parts 3-4), «25/2/24, upload started 1:03:08, saved as unlisted 1:27:36, upload completed 1:44:49; processing started 1:45:00, 42mins left 1:45:14, 41mins 1:46:01, 40mins 1:47:01, 39mins 1:48:00, infinite "grayout" 1:48:56, and now I continue with the delays; 42mins by 1-2s, 40mins 1-2s, 39mins, infinite grayout by 3-4s, WTF is even happening? 38mins by I have no clue how long because it wasn't showing until I closed the progress window and then I saw it! There was probably some checking in between… oh and now it's done and I probably missed that as well. Fuck this nonsense. Never save before it's done. Where the last three stamps are 1:50:03, 1:50:21, 1:51:06».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 25/2/24 1:05.
      1. Send @MickG to its own line in Rime entry in the post index;
      2. Note the 24/2/24 tweak to Time after time Italian "buona novità";
      3. Time after time Neapolitan "buona novità" twk. 15/2/24 20/2 22-24/2, also following my consultant's 14/2 response;
      4. Note the 20/2/24 tweak of Pak nga pak Italian.
    3. Related Quora space post: 25/2/24, written 1:28:24-1:29:41, posted 1:30:00.
    4. Latest video made public: 19/2/24 10:24:32.
    5. UNFINISHED NON-WORK PROJECTS 2024 update, 24/2/24 17:36:
      1. Split Monster medley into two projects, since it will be made into two-parter with "My kind is mankind" as opening; part 1 should be among the top projects, and say the history is complete and I will soon resume compposition; part 2 should be lower, maybe in the current position of the single project;
      2. Everlasting is definitely getting an @Pit episode, not just "Possibly"; add post numbers to episodes of the series;
      3. Add link to @PC episode 1, and add the other 4 Coleridge ones;
      4. Add Soul dog to translation candidates, and remove Les copains d'abord therefrom;
      5. Make an index of the projects at the top of the table and reorder the projects in both.
    6. EDITS
      1. Implemented 20/2/24 tweak to Italian at Poco a poco, 24/2/24 15:52;
      2. Implemented 15-24/2/24 tweaks to Neapolitan remake, mentioning interaction with "G", and Italian tweak from 24/2/24, all at Time after time, 24/2/24 19:35.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes getting rid of QUINTUPLE POST UPDATE NOTICE from last Fb posts post entry without editing the corresponding post): 25/2/24 11:56; except I'm an idiot, so I did the "including" later, and the 11:56 failed so I saved everything 11:59.», 25/2/24 11:49; and I'm a double idiot and left "for both" in here, so with ANOTHER fail I HOPEFULLY will save this shit at 12:03; and since the tab seems just fucking stuck, I change tab, and try again at 12:06; OK I FUCKING QUIT FIREFOX, LAST TRY HERE 12:10; HOW ABOUT WITH MY HOTSPOT INSTEAD OF THE FUCKING WIFI? 12:12;
    1. VIDEO: Poetry after the Classics: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancyent Marinere (part 5), «2/3/24, upload started 19:27:20 and completed 19:38:27, processing started 19:38:30, 43mins left 19:38:42, 42mins 19:38:51, grayout 19:38:56, 0% checked 10mins left 19:38:57, 20% 8mins left 19:40:54, then Idk what happened because I saw 21%, grayout, done, I took SS of both the last, and the former turned out the same as the latter, so those would have been 19:41:05 and 19:41:06, delays «43mins by like 2s, ditto 42mins, 21% grayout and end, saved as unlisted 19:46:38/39 because I'm an idiot».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 2/3/24 19:43.
      1. Morto dentro Greek-Italian: put 1 and 3 in same version with tweaks from edit 1 (and apparently before too), and leave 2 alone, fixing up «not counting it as a mere tweak because it doesn't convince me; twk. 28/1/24 and 30/1/24» in its entry;
      2. Für Alena Italian, «may have been altered unknowingly in Dec 10», give precise date (night betw. 25 and 26/12/09 in bed);
      3. Fix «the translation os post-OS27» in SF w Italian Old;
      4. Add all there is to the long history of SF x Italian final aside from up to "residue", and place the OS31 version of it;
      5. Add the Baby Gorro playlist to the video index.
    3. Related Quora space post: 2/3/24, written 19:49:20-19:51:00, posted 19:51:28.
    4. Latest video made public: 26/2/24 20:27:12.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 2/3/24 16:05:
      1. Update description and status of Monster Medley part 1;
      2. Clean up the description of part 2, and update its status;
      3. Updated status of Operation: Invisible names;
      4. Separate index from table by two blank lines;
      5. Add «Chinese and Japanese songs from the recent past» section Misc info;
      6. Add Si un' to Translation candidates, as well as lyrics to Greko songs and an extra video link for itto asce chimona, and the recent translation ideas from Italian.
    6. EDITS:
      1. Noted two latest tweak to Italian and created version 3 at Morto dentro, 2/3/24 14:33; version 1 untweaked at 14:38;
      2. Listed and implemented the tweaks at the end of the intro at The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in music, 2/3/24 14:47;
      3. Implemented the «solo sto» -> «io da sol» in Remake finale instead of Remake originale at Time after time, 2/3/24 14:49;
      4. Fixed the fact that Rosa fresca aulentissima was Old Neapolitan - Italian in the Blog index but Italian - Italian in the Index by languages by editing the latter, 2/3/24 14:55.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 2/3/24 20:08 with FAIL 20:06 from other tab. Well apparently the FAIL managed to succeed just before the second try finished», 2/3/24 19:59;
    1. VIDEO: Poetry after the Classics: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancyent Marinere (part 6), «10/3/24, 0:52:46 (moved from preparing to 1% done) and completed 0:59:46; processing started0:59:49, 40mins left 1:00:03, 39min 1:00:25, 38min 1:02:24, 37min 1:02:24, grayout 1:03:14, 0% checked 10mins left 1:03:15, got to 2% 10mins then grayout then 36mins 1:03:29, 35min 1:04:42, 34min 1:05:41, 33min 1:06:41, 32min 1:05:42, over 1:08:42; delays: «39min, 37min, grayouts (second one happened at 2% 10 mins), 35min, 34min, 32min by maybe 2s, end by like 2s»; saved as unlisted 1:13:28».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 10/3/24 saved 0:55-0:59.
      1. Put Rime post into chrono index in "posts I won't place" section;
      2. Add Italian remake of Tsukiakari, marking the original as "Orrido vecchiume" and the remake as "Buona novità";
      3. Note 5/3 tweak to Romaria Greek (Traduzioni finali);
      4. Add version 4 of Apó mésa pethaménos Greek, marking the others appropriately if needed;
      5. Plan Tsukiakari Italian and Apó mésa pethaménos Italian remake (version 4 in post) for two weekends after Easter;
      6. Mark Part 7 as "next weekend's video" instead of "upcoming" in post index.
    3. Related Quora space post: 10/3/24, written 1:17:44-1:20:02, posted 1:20:16.
    4. Latest video made public: 6/3/24 12:13:44.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 10/3/24, saved 0:10-0:13:~12:
      1. Update status of Monster Medley part 1: draft of Woe and a dream is ready;
      2. Fix code problem in 2/3/24 todo list update;
      3. Add Wo de hao xiongdi to translations needing remakes (rhyming remakes, in fact);
      4. Add old Wo de hao xiongdi to @BR;
      5. Update status of Chat Log of Antiquity: copypasted all messages from 2017 and 2018, and up to 6/1/19 included;
      6. Rename Operation: Translate the Rime to Operation: Rime Shenanigans, to add to the translation the creation of the "video version";
      7. Add Hua Xin to Translation candidates and remove Lege lege thence.
    6. EDITS
      1. Created Baby Gorro versions and added Italian remake at Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 18:31;
      2. Implemented 5/3/24 tweak to Greek at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 18:40;
      3. Implemented Italian version 4 and mentioned all the alternate versions at Morto dentro, 19:49.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes adding «Well apparently the FAIL managed to succeed just before the second try finished» to previous "Related Facebook page post update" section): 10/3/24 14:01», 10/4/24 13:48; except SOMEHOW this IDIOT managed to leave ONLY THE PREVIEW in the post, so now I do it ALL OVER AGAIN!
    1. VIDEO: Poetry after the Classics: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancyent Marinere (part 7), «17/3/24, upload started 0:17:31 (preparing to 1% done) and completed 0:22:44, processing started 0:22:46, 41mins left at 0:22:56, 40mins 0:23:41, 39mins 0:24:41, 38mins 0:25:40, grayout like 1s then blank at 0:26:33, 0% checked 10mins left 0:26:36, 4% 10mins 0:26:57, grayout 2 0:27:03, 5% 10mins 0:27:04, grayout 3 0:27:36, processing 37mins oeft 0:27:37, done 0:28:37, with delays «40min, 39min possibly, 38min possibly, grayout 2, checking 5%, grayout 3 possibly, end», saved as unlisted 0:32:32».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 17/3/24 0:19.
      1. Close the Rime post's ul so as to make the Future posts spoiler work as intended, and mark the recording date of each entry;
      2. Split My kind is Mankind into two posts;
      3. Fix "Woe to me" to "Woe in far-away lands";
      4. Note the 10/3/24 tweak to Apó mésa pethaménos versions 1-3 and the 9-10/3/24 tweaks to version 4;
      5. Change "Asmā poem" to "ATajuddin poem" in plan for next weekend;
      6. Plan Με πνίγει τούτη η σιωπή (which has way too many holdovers from the older vid), Però mi vuole bene, and Chun Xiao for the three weekends after Morto dentro remake;
      7. Change Italian title of Tsukiakari no michishirube from "Cartello stradale di luce lunare" to "Indicami la strada, o luna".
    3. Related Quora space post: 17/3/24, written 0:33:04-0:36:19, posted 0:36:40.
    4. Latest video made public: 11/3/24 18:49:04.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 16/3/24, clicked save 23:56, started saving between 23:58:15 and 23:58:21:
      1. Change all project IDs to include update div id in any update that has such IDs, including the present one;
      2. Update status of Monster Medley part 1: base text history and part of music are post-ified;
      3. Update status of Chat Log of Antiquity with the copypaste having reached mid-January 2022;
      4. Rename Sappho files post to Mick Sappho: Evidence (outside diary and poem notebooks/noteblocks);
      5. Split the whatever-date translation ideas from Italian to Greek into 3 items in Translation candidates, and remove Öldüğümde Mezarıma Gelir Misin thence.
    6. EDITS:
      1. Implemented tune tweaks from 9-10/3/24 at The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in music, 16/3/24 16:01;
      2. Implemented 9-10/3/24 tweaks (see paragraph just below big table in intro) at Morto dentro, 16/3/24 16:10.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 17/3/24 12:17. This thing is unbelievably broken. How the fuck did it manage to post a completely empty post, deleting literally everything I pasted into it, and even the preview?», 17/3/24 12:08;
    1. VIDEO: Woe in far-away lands, «23/3/24, upload started 22:49:07/08 (preparing to 2% done) and completed 22:53:12, processing started 22:53:14, 39mins left 22:53:25, 38mins 22:54:00, 37mins 22:55:01, 36mins 22:56:00, grayout 22:56:06, checking 0% 10mins left 22:56:07, 12% 9mins 22:47:19, grayout 22:57:23, back to previous state but 13% 22:57:25, grayout from 18% 9mins at 22:58:27, processing 34mins left at same second, 33mins 22:59:28, done 23:00:28, with delays «38mins possibly, 37mins possibly, grayout 1 and checking 0%, checking 4%, out-of-grayout2, last grayout from checking, saved as unlisted 23:04:32».
    2. Related index update (includes noting the Chun Xiao novelties below and fixing the "upload planned for" of the last Rime video): 23/3/24 22:50.
      1. What the hell is this cantilated history «Betw. 27 and 29/9/13, rwk. 2 and 4/1/16, twk. 1/6/17, fixed 19/4/23 | First found in this post from 29/9/13, taken up again in Jan 2016 and modified, mistranslation fixed on 31/5/18 going from «kam faqadta» to «kam zuhūrun waqa'ū» (21:26), then «waqařū» (21:27), then the final version at 21:37, as per self-chat, and the video is from 2/6/17; twk. 6/5/23 because 'awrāqun doesn't mean flowers»? Make them match!
      2. Note the fixes to the English Iambic Pentameter version;
      3. Why did I add the equimetrical English without the poem link?
      4. Note the fixes to the non-remade equimetrical Arabic;
      5. Note the fixes to the double-syllable Arabic;
      6. Some entries have the video in place of the poem link, and all of them have no poem: tag: fix that;
      7. Add in remade equimetrical translations, Arabic-English equimetrical version, AI version;
      8. Make sure the labels of the various translations match those in the sum-ups (was done while doing the others);
      9. Arabic title is al-fajrU fī ar-rabīŕi; fix from fajri in old video index entry and from fajr in post entry; remove doublet video plan;
      10. Adjust the tags to the last post edit, done in the middle of this update.
    3. POST: Woe in far-away lands, 23/3/24 0:09.
    4. Related index update (includes making the video plans below and retitling the planned Classics pseudo-recto-tono episode to include as per the todo list): 23/3/24 0:27.
      1. Wo Italian and French remakes and Hakka version, 12/5;
      2. Wo English and Japanese remakes, 9/6;
      3. Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni Italian remake, 19/5;
      4. Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni Greek, 16/6;
      5. Mick Gorro and the Classics: Homer, Iliad, book 1, "Pestis" (in "pseudo-recto-tono"), 26/5;
      6. Balada da caridate Italian and Chinese, 2/6.
    5. Related Quora space post for both: 23/3/24, written 23:06:40-23:08:38, posted 23:08:48.
    6. Latest video made public: 23/3/24 0:11:52.
    7. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 23/3/24 15:27:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Add Chun Xiao double-syllable Arabic to Translation reworks (where Ty Russian should be removed since it has been fully corrected for a while now) and double-syllable English to rhyming remakes;
      3. Update status of Chat Log of Antiquity with completed copypaste;
      4. Add missing Rime video links (all but first vid) and unlink old Chun Xiao vid from second Chun Xiao video entry; do a couple more touch-ups to the entries up to the Geste;
      5. Plan next episode of Mick Gorro and the Classics (scheduled for 25/5/24): Homer, Iliad, book 1, "Pestis" (in "pseudo-recto-tono"); reduce the following explanations to «PRT, or "Pseudo-recto-tono", is a way to get quickly out of musicating this behemoth, where I follow the pitch accent by using a fixed note for non-accented vowels and moving the pitch according to the accents; intro in simultaneous English-Italian bilingual pseudo-recto-tono» for both this and the "A truce is established" episode;
      6. Turn «definitely pseudo-recto-tono, probably use that term in the bilingual Latin-Italian intro, ensuring this comes out after the notion has been introduced» to «PRT, probably use that term in the bilingual Latin-Italian introduction» in all relevant entries;
      7. Remove Hatixhe from Translation candidates and add Më fal and Edi beo thu, hevene quene there; remove the numbers from the last two Italian items, since they are already given by the HTML list format;
      8. Add note 2 at the top, and accordingly remove Operation: Invisible names.
    8. EDITS:
      1. Implemented 16/3/24 tune tweak and added part headers at The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in music, 22/3/24 14:47;
      2. Mentoined undone English tweak at Iroha, 22/3/24 14:49;
      3. Added the yo to the line "Tashika ni atta" and dealt with the 17/3/24 tweak ideas for the Italian remake, all at Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 22/3/24 14:57;
      4. Addressed the below points at Spring Dawn, 23/3/24 17:22:
        1. "The original text" appears twice too many;
        2. It's yèlái not yè lái; fix for new translations, leave asterisk in top section;
        3. «which I'm fixing on 19/4/23 at 14:09-?», figure out the ?;
        4. Put transliteration issues before all of the history;
        5. «Should ta-ha, dal-ha or kaf-ha ever occur, to avoid confusion with tha, dhal and kha, I'd use t.h, d.h and k.h respectively», shift one point down and include sin-ha;
        6. «At 14:29 on 6/5/23 I realize 'awrāqun or however it's spelled does NOT mean flowers, so I change it to zuhūrun» join with the "one more thing" into a "two more things";
        7. «Lau-moi A-fa, a song I will post sometime», link!
        8. «A few final remarks»: definitely not final :);
        9. «"Impossible", huh?» should read «"impossible to keep the meter", huh?»;
        10. «see score below» in double-syllable Arabix: no, it's score above;
        11. Pretty sure «'Ušŕur al-fajru» should have fajra; in fact, it should be 'Ušŕur bi-l-fajri;
        12. Make collection of all old-interpretation translations at end, then continue with reinterpretation;
        13. Fixes to double-syllable Arabic and Iambic pentameter English;
      5. Noted tune tweaks at Spring Dawn, 23/3/24 18:50;
      6. Put old English equimetrical into old interpretation sum-up, fixed tags (adding "old" and "new" where they now are, and suppressing "my" from former "my equi" which is now "new equi", and Arabic new equi should be new near-equi), actually put "modified answer" in its place (where so far there was one correct line and the others were from "answer's attempt", all at Spring Dawn, 23/3/24 22:45.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 24/3/24 12:17», 24/3/24 12:07;
  1157. NEW VIDEO:
    1. VIDEO: Poetry after the Classics: Baby Gorro vs. Lord Randall, «31/3/24, upload started 20:25:44 and ended 20:56:53, processing started 20:57:01, 38mins left 20:57:11, 37mins 20:57:57, 36mins 30:58:55, 35mins 20:59:56, grayout then checking 0% 10mins left 21:00:27, 6% 10mins 21:01:0, grayout then processing 34mins 21:01:08, another grayout 21:01:32, still 34mins 21:01:33, 33mins 21:02:37, 32mns 21:03:38, 31mins 21:04:39, 30mins 21:05:40, 29mins 21:06:39, 28mins 21:07:40, 27mins 21:08:41, 26mins 21:09:43, 25mins 21:10:45, 24mins 21:11:46, 23mins 21:12:45, 22mins 21:13:48, 21mins 21:14:47, 20mins 21:15:48, 19mins 21:16:49, 18mins 21:17:49, done 21:18:50, with delays «38mins, 35mins 2s, grayout both, 33mins, 32mins ≥2s, 31mins ~2s, 30mins 2s, 29mins 1s, mmaayybe 28 and 27, 25mins super, 24mins maybe 2s, 23mins, 22mins maybe even 3s, 20mins ditto, 18mins possibly», saved as unlisted 22:22:16».
    2. Related index update: 31/3/24 20:50 FAIL 20:49.
    3. Related Quora space post: 31/3/24, written 0:53:52-0:55:14, posted 0:55:28.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 1/4/24 11:26», 1/4/24 11:22;
    1. VIDEO: ツキアカリのミチシルベ Tsukiakari no michishirube | Indicami la strada, o luna, «7/4/24, upload started 16:16:36/37 (preparing to 1%) and completed 16:20:52, processing started 16:20:54, 39mins 16:21:04, 38mins 16:21:53, 37mins 16:22:51, 36mins 16:23:52, then missed 35mins and "grayout0" and Checking start, 3% checked 10mins left 16:24:32, 7% 10mins 16:24:[51,58], 12% 9mins 16:25:24, 17% 9mins 16:25:55, grayout 16:26:25, processing 34mins 16:26:26, 33mins 16:27:26, done 16:28:27, with delays / live commentary «38min probably, 37min 1-2s, 36min possibly, welp the checking happened as I was working on the index, so… whoops, grayout1 1s, ungraying missed, from 7 to 12% instantly, then to 17% 1s late, end 1-2s», saved as unlisted 16:33:52».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 7/4/24 16:39.
      1. Note the 3/4/24 corrections to Shojo Romanian remake;
      2. Add "Incuntřai na picciutteđđa" to video index (where the new translation should be noted) and to post plans, along with Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō;
      3. Properly order Sicilian Sappho entries w.r.t. the nearby chrono entries, and give those 5 and the post index entry the correct link instead of that to Chôka no Saffō!
    3. POST: Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 6/3/24 0:27.
    4. Related index update (includes addressing points below): 6/3/24 1:15.
      1. Add new post to both indices;
      2. Note Chun Xiao novelties from edit 2;
      3. Note the Shojo novelties from edit 1;
      4. Update «the Hymn to Aphrodite and Dearest Offspring, which is such a freaking mess I haven't implemented the tesina stuff yet [...] Well, there's one for the 2010-2011 timeline, then there will have to be one for the tesina files, one for the other timeline which loses the tesina changes, and finally one for the final version that takes the best of both… and then the text changes cause yet another version!» in the chrono intro;
      5. Add further caveat to item i of Dearest Offspring;
      6. I no longer plan to do three chrono indices, so update «I plan to do all three; and yes, they will all be different»;
      7. Note that OS2 will never be cited;
      8. How is the first Rime video still "upload planned"?!
      9. Video plans:
        1. Tsukiakari no michishirube Italian, 7/4/24;
        2. Apó mésa pethaménos re-remade Italian, 14/4/24;
        3. Me pnígë toýti̱ i̱ siōpí̱ remade Italian, 21/4/24;
        4. All'autřa jeri iu mi nn'ìa in campagna (to have the Sicilian online), 28/4/24 (if cousin visits);
        5. Però mi vuole bene Min, 5/5/24;
        6. Chūn Xiǎo behemoth, 12/5/24;
        7. Wǒ remade Italian+French, + Hakka, 19/5/24;
        8. Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni remade Italian, 26/5/24;
        9. Pseudo-recto-tono Pestis, 2/6/24;
        10. Occhi 'nfatati Chinese, 9/6/24;
        11. Balade da caridade Italian+Chinese, 16/6/24;
        12. Wǒ remade *English+Japanese, 23/6/24;
        13. Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni remade English, 30/6/24;
        14. E vui durmiti ancora Chinese, 7/7/24;
        15. Vitti na crozza Chinese, 14/7/24;
        16. Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni Greek, 21/7/24;
        17. Tsukiakari no michishirube Chinese, 28/7/24/24.
    5. Related Quora space post for both: 7/4/24, written 16:39:28-16:44:06, posted 16:44:32.
    6. Latest video made public: 1/4/24 12:40:00.
    7. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 6/4/24 14:33, but it didn't register until… 14:33:59/14:34:00; came back 14:43 to remove the table of the Urdu couplet (which also was completely unclosed and started with table, tbody, td, tr, div class colun) and add the relevant "headnote";
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always; also, how the fuck did I put 16/3 on the 23/3 update?!
      2. Remove Chun Xiao double-syllable English from rhyming remakes, and ditto for double-syllable Arabic in reworks;
      3. In Translation reworks, «Neapolitan Romanian Chinese German Danish (i.e. all but Italian and English) are being remade» was outdated since a while ago and should now be replaced with «German and Danish are to be remade (the former has been started), the others have been remade»;
      4. Chat Log of Antiquity moves to after the @PC-@Cl pair in todo list, and is to be preceeded by the new "Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu";
      5. Remove Accireme from Translation candidates and add the two Sicilian candidates there;
      6. Misc info has lost the to-be-cited OS files and gained the Baby Gorro video list in its place; mention this replacement at the top of the status, and mention how OS25 will potentially be used to post-date translations; misc info also gained a Korean song in the Chinese and Japanese department, which became CJK songs; expand on item 10 there;
      7. Update plan of Recoveries episode according to «Start with generic Greek intro then switch to English and materialize the Italian doublet» (Had the idea while wheeling through Modica) and «Add Sicilian translations to Sappho recoveries episode, which is now more of a pot-pourri than strictly a recoveries episode»;
      8. Note the following in Operation: Mysteries:
        1. English non-equimetrical Spring Dawn is not in self-chat, so either SS or made for the video;
        2. All instances of loafer in self-chat are from 2023, so that change cannot be dated better via self-chat;
        3. "Roma-gnolo" delete hyphen, and the mysterious date of Bulan Romagnolo is «partly in a December night between the 8th and the 20th, partly on Dec 24, and partly on Dec 25th 2017», and the self-chat only chimes in on Xmas night 2017, namely the night between 24 and 25/12;
      9. Fix typo "specificallt" in HS4 chrono and any other instance, and remove «Once what's written in the HS3 chronological index is done» thence;
      10. Add note «Half of the 6/4/24 update's news were actually from within 31/3, the other half being the rework of the plan of the Recoveries Episode for @Ψ, the Korean song and item-10 epansion in misc info, the Sicilian translation candidates, the project reordering, the Sicilian Sappho anthology project, the Operation: Mysteries update, and the HS4 chrono update. Unfortunately that weekend was incredibly busy so I had no time to make that update».
    8. EDITS
      1. Implemented 26/3/24 tweaks to English remake and added Romanian and Chinese remakes from the same day, as well as the 1/4/24 partial German remake, at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 3/4/24 14:57;
      2. Edited Spring Dawn, 3/4/24 15:43, to:
        1. Implement tweak to equimetrical English remake from SE comments;
        2. Fix the padding on the earlier English double-syllable translation and the Arabic equimetrical remake;
        3. Change ? to ! in new interpretation;
        4. Add the five double-syllable English remakes;
        5. Add double-syllable Arabic remake;
        Fixed padding of final table at 15:45;
      3. Fixed the following at Chôka no Saffō, 6/4/24 13:06:
        1. Divine Hera is fragment 2, not 1, in its post;
        2. It's supposed to be Queen Hera, not Divine;
        3. «i really wish I were dead» is missing a capitalization;
      4. Implemented Romanian remake corrections by Adriana at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 6/4/24 13:10.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 7/4/24 19:50», 7/4/24 19:39;
    1. VIDEO: Morto dentro, «14/4/24, upload started 12:54:49/50 (preparing to 13%, WTAF?) and completed 12:55:28, processing started 12:55:31, 20mins left 12:55:38, grayout, 0% checked 10mins left 12:56:22, grayout from 7% 10mins left at 12:57:05, 19mins processing 12:57:06, 18mins 12:57:27, grayout 12:57:52, done 12:57:53, delays «1s grayout pre-check completely missed, 18mins maybe, last two stamps maybe», saved as unlisted 13:04:32».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 14/4/24 12:59.
      1. Note the Tsukiakari Italian remake 7+9/4/24 tweaks;
      2. Note new Sicilian Sappho:
        1. Completion of Sappho 16(a);
        2. Sappho 16(b);
        3. Stammi ṙavanti;
        4. Campagnola;
        5. Ntřabbunau a luna (A+B);
        6. O matři ṙuçi;
        7. Â Çìpridi;
        8. Kleis;
        9. Amuri ṙuçi e amaru;
      3. Note Morto dentro Italian version 4 13/4/24 tweak;
      4. Note Sicilian fragments cover;
      5. Add @Sic tag to list, having used it in the middle of the previous item for the Sicilian Sappho anthology translations;
      6. Fix the fact Ciapa la Galeina is Romagnol, not Emilian;
      7. Move latest video's item out of spoiler and mark it uploaded (not upload planned for);
    3. POST: Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō, 9/3/24 14:22.
    4. Related index update (addressing the points below): 9/3/24 14:46.
      1. Note the new Sappho translations from the new post;
      2. Try to make sure all the language pairs in the chrono index are the same type.
    5. Related Quora space post for both: 14/4/24, written 13:17:12-13:23:01, posted 13:07:12, addendum written 13:24:00-13:25:31 and published 13:25:36.
    6. Latest video made public: 8/4/24 20:33:52.
    7. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 14n/4/24 1:10:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Index has U20SapphSic, table has U20@SapphSic; add that @ in the index, both in U20 and in U19;
      3. Backpedal on including Sappho in the Recoveries episode: plan instead a Saffu in Siçilianu series, whose opening is recorded and edited, save for putting the images on top of part 2; add list of planned episodes;
      4. Add my interactions about the song with Sicilians at Operation Stiđđa Matutina;
      5. Add Stiđđa d'amuri to translation candidates.
    8. EDITS
      1. Implemented tweak to "Someone will remember" at Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō, 9/4/24 14:32;
      2. Fixes at Chôka no Saffō, 13/4/24 17:42:59:
        1. Repeats only implemented in the hidden tab:
          1. Divine Hera is fragment 2, not 1, in its post;
          2. It's supposed to be Queen Hera, not Divine;
        2. «i really wish I were dead» is missing a capitalization in the hidden tab;
        3. Often turning her mind to here / [And] how we used to live: with certainty she believed -> […] hither / [And to] […];
        4. take, not taking / Your milky-white robe;
        5. Move the tab header of "You came" (13) above the fragment header, reflect it in the Greek, and add the blank lines there to match the double-line Italian;
        6. Removing one line before English fr. 5 (default tab only apparently) and one before English fr. 2 seems in order;
        7. Don'e -> Don't;
        8. «And the men yoked the horses to the chariots, and together there went» spuriously linebroken after "there";
        9. Changed up «Maidens before these doors / Are staying up all night, very happy bridegroom, / May they sing the love of you and of» to avoid the "Are";
        10. Group 5 header should be translated to English and linebroken in all its non-Kanji forms;
        11. Reduce padding from 40 on the left and 60 in the middle to 0 and 30, and fix the spurious linebreaks of 32 and 33;
        12. Group 6 header should be linebroken before "and" in Greek and English;
        13. πόνς in brothers poem;
        14. Penult line of fr. 40 version 1 is way too long, and used to be spuriously linebroken, so give it an "artificial" linebreak and change "with certainty" to "for sure"; also, that - at the end is a holdover from the Greek;
        15. 44 Greek has ll. 2 5 9 12 spuriously linebroken; send Aýōn from l. 9 to l. 10, and make that text a div with right margin -20px to solve the rest;
        16. «Though I will keep the noble privilege of the servants of the Muses, as is befitting,» spuriously linebroken;
        17. Group 9 header is spuriously linebroken only in the Greek, manually linebreak both languages;
        18. «κεκοσμημένος, καιρίως τῶν τε ἑαυτοῦ ἀγαθῶν καὶ τῆς ἀρετῆς» is spuriously linebroken; this requires an extra Greek line, which must be reflected in the English;
        19. «Fueki ni hoeru» matches «意味なく騒ぐ»… not! Fix!
        20. «Having mingled with the great-named son of Cronus, god of the high clouds,» spuriously linebroken;
        21. Group 11 header should be linebroken before ékhei / possesses;
        22. Ll. 9-10 of Kypris Poem should be «[Νῦν με, λίσσομαί] σε· θέλω [δύνασθαι / Μήκετ' οὔτως] τοῦτο πάθην [», and l. 7 should end with a ];
      3. Fixes at Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 13/4/24 18:14:
        1. It's actually kyô ga shiawase nara, fix translit; and the other kyô wa is also kyô ga;
        2. Also, that yo in tashika ni atta yo seems to not have been added yet, what became of the annotation to do so in past Replacements? Looks like I forgot about it entirely, and the other thing in it, the tweaks from 17/3, were listed, but the one that's marked accepted is not in the final translation;
        3. Miswritten lyrics according to Google:
          1. Tada sugite: tada should be written in hiragana;
          2. Ditto wakaranai…
          3. Both instances of dareka…
          4. The dzu in kidzuite;
          5. kaban should be in Katakana;
          6. Dareka ga itta has the itta kanji (how did I leave that in Hiragana?);
          7. Write aru in Hiragana…
          8. boku in Katakana…
          9. the following in Hiragana: koro…
          10. atta;
          11. koe has wrong kanji;
          12. Write the following in Hiragana: both atte…
          13. The tsu in kizamitsuke…
          14. aru mono da kara…
          15. akiramenaide…
          16. koto wo yamenaide…
          17. The sugite in kanashisugite…
          18. bokura;
        4. The Baby Gorro div has id BG but the tab tries to call non-existent IBG; make BG into IBG, since there's a ZBG for the Chinese Baby Gorro;
        5. Tweaks to Baby Gorro version:
          1. confuso/a. must be -o in Baby Gorro version;
          2. "Dentro la" is eating up its l, so make it "Dentro [l]a";
          3. Put [] around in of "in niente andar";
          4. d{i}entro il mio cuor;
        6. Give the Chinese Baby Gorro div the ZBG id instead of the current CBG;
        7. The Baby Gorro vids are from 4/7/17, not 11/7;
        8. Implement the 7/4/24 and 9/4/24 tweaks to the Italian remake, creating a video version for reference;
      4. Fixes at Spring Dawn, 13/4/24 19:59:
        1. 31/5/18 is a typo, should be 17;
        2. Make Video - Blog original comparison;
        3. Fixing the Arabic took WAY less than 14:08-≤17:08; in fact, the fixes were done outside the Blogger sandbox in a separate TeX file, where the list of corrections was complete by 15:01:12 and started between 14:08:11 and 14:10:02, presumably at something approximatable as 14:09;
        4. It's nā'im not nāřim;
      5. Implemented Romanian remake correction "Mie părul mângâie" in second instance of the line at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 13/4/24 20:00;
      6. Added Sicilian translation at A cover for Sappho fragments, 13/4/24 20:07;
      7. Dealt with the recent tweaks to version 4 at Morto dentro, 13/4/24 20:13;
      8. Completed Sappho 16 and added new translations and fragments cover at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 13/4/24 21:25;
      9. Fixed l. 7 and integrated 9-10 of "Â Çìpridi", and near-fixed lineup, at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 14/4/24 0:25.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 14/4/24 16:35», 14/4/24 16:17;
    1. VIDEO: Με πνίγει τούτη η σιωπή | Il silenzio soffoca il mio cuor, «21/4/24, upload started 13:53:34 (preparing to 11%) and completed… well I missed the completion. This is one that went WAY TOO FAST, and I was trying to finish the index update. So I saw 68% 20s left at 13:54:06, and suddenly complete at 13:54:34, in fact processing was started then. It then moved to 34mins left at 13:54:38 or 1s earlier, then checking 0% 10mins where 13:54:46 is late "by whatever", then 12% 9mins at 13:55:53, and done at 13:56:21. Usual complete nonsense of this YT procedure. Saved as unlisted 14:04:40/41».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 21/4/24 13:59.
      1. Add Final LP 148 Italian (split timeline, three translations);
      2. Note the new Sappho translations from the Antuluggia post;
        1. Epigrams;
        2. Mi lassasti;
        3. Quaṛcunu s'hâ řicurdari;
        4. O Àttide!
        5. Idilliu;
      3. Sicilian fragments cover is not at Hymn to Aphrodite: link to Sicilian anthology was placed in wrong section of entry;
      4. The item with LP 102 (1.H.iii) has two other fragments, and tags all of them the same; verify;
      5. Place translations of LP 102, noting tweak to Italian, adding new Latin, marking HS4 English as @BR, and adding the new one;
      6. Mark latest video as uploaded (not upload planned for);
      7. Add new Kypris Poem English;
      8. Plan Kypris Poem triad: 1/9 Sicilian first episode is already there, following three vids are two-part text history with badslation reviews / translation performances, and final text and translation.
    3. Related Quora space post: 21/4/24, written 14:10:00-14:12:54, posted 14:13:12.
    4. Latest video made public: 17/4/24 15:11:20.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 20/4/24 17:26:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Update Sicilian Sappho (which has the dang Choka link!) with a bunch of new translations and the third piece of the opening being ready; Â lira and Pî mè cumbagni should not have their own episodes, but rather be in the Cantari episode: fix that; give the following titles to the episodes:
        1. Si scùtula u cori a mmia - crossover for English (maybe including translation of Kypris Poem without the PGC fragment as bonus);
        2. Anattoria;
        3. Fimmini-stiđđi e Anattoria-luna - crossover for Latin;
        4. Biđđizza;
        5. Duluri ṙ'amuri - crossover for English? Bittersweet love needs work… Dead shalt thou lie needs a barbarous meter remake (and is a badslation too)… and Someone will remember is also a badslation;
        6. Třistizza e raggia in teřřa střanièra;
        7. Raggia prima ṙû disteřřu;
        8. Gioia e natura;
        9. Invucazziuni ê dei;
        10. Canti ṙi matřimòniu - English crossover requires fixes/remakes for May you sleep (LP 126), Hymenaeum (LP 111+106), and Happy bridegroom (LP 112+);
        11. Nozzi ṙ'Èttore e Andròmaca;
        12. Urazziuni pû frati sò;
        13. Urazziuni contř'ê buřřaschi - crossover for Latin;
        14. Puisia ṙî frati;
        15. Ô frati sò: dui virsioni;
        16. Nustalgia ṙâ juvintuti o difesa 'i n'amuri cuccaniatu?
        17. A ṙi fìmmini tènniri - crossover for Latin;
        18. Si tinissi ancora latti - crossover for Latin;
        19. I doni ṙî Musi - crossover for English;
        20. Cantari - crossovers for this would need to make the Köln extras translation and fix the pre-Ymmes translations;
        21. Pařřannu a amici - this gobbled up some cunzigghi, split them properly;
        22. Cunzigghi - crossover for English if LP 56 (Nun creṙu ca nuđđu) and LP 148 (Money without virtue) are remade;
        23. Frammenti mituloggici - crossover for Latin (maybe English if mourning and chickpeas are retranslated);
        24. U giuramèntu ṙi Artèmide - crossover for English if touched up appropriately;
        25. Mi teni u disìu ri mòriri - crossover for English (if touched up) and Latin;
        26. Vulissi aviri murutu;
        27. Epigrammi - crossover for English;
      3. Update recoveries episode and further list to not include the fragments marked as "crossover" above, which should feature in crossover Ψάπφω ά Λεσβία - Saffu in Siçilianu episodes, with three-voice second part of the opening; also, Kypris poem is three-parter, update the whole thing;
      4. Move older English LP 102 to @BR, keep both Latin versions in Ψάπφω ά Λεσβία; in the latter, note the openings for crossovers with Saffu in Siçilianu;
      5. Add Operation: Index shenanigans for the two things I partially did in the night between 19 and 20/4/24;
      6. Update MMMM to say it's no longer stuck in pre-PhD :);
      7. Remove All'autřa ieri and Accélère from Translation candidates.
    6. EDITS
      1. Updated Blog index, 20/4/24 2:16, to:
        1. Put all RES and such tags in [] instead of having them follow a dash; such tags should go after the @ tags, not before them, fix any mis-orderings you see; up to HS3 only for now;
        2. While doing that, mark all translations not covered by the channel with a double @, so they are easy to count; some of those translations have their tags not wrapped in brackets: fix; up to HS3 only for now;
        3. Also, some translations got their tags after the text description instead of right after the language pair, fix; some translations (like the first Latin Sappho LP 41) are not marked for MickG in chrono, fix; up to HS3 only for now;
        4. Plus, almost all unlisted translations are unmarked, and those that are marked have at least one instance of "@TP " instead of "@TP:": fix; up to HS3 only for now;
        5. «the post from 23/3/24, which is not up yet because I'm writing 10/3/24», um, no :), that's actually "Woe in far-away lands" in the "post I won't deal with" section of the intro;
        6. Repeat i-iv for U1-PhDS;
        7. Plan "Sappho 16 month" for August:
          • Chapter 1: P.Oxy. 1231 frr. 1 (coll. i-ii) and 36, plus indirect quotes; includes badslation reviews of all Oxy/GW versions;
          • Chapter 2: P.Oxy. 2166(a) fr. 2; includes badslation reviews of all GW versions;
          • Chapter 3: P.GC. inv. 105 frr. 2a (coll. i-ii) and 2b; includes badslation reviews of PGC version;
          • Chapter 4: Final text and translation (from yet-unlaunched Italian barbarous meter edition);
          • Plan first Saffo in Siçilianu episode for 1/9/24;
      2. Added the letters below and make the roman-numbered fixes below at Antuluggia ṙi Saffu 'n Siçilianu, 20/4/24 23:58:
        1. Epigrams;
        2. Mi lassasti;
        3. Quaṛcunu s'hâ řicurdari;
        4. O Àttide!
        5. Idilliu;
        1. Put fragment titles inside tabs (for  Çìpridi and Ntřabbunau a luna);
        2. Give tabs to choose between fragment index and translation histories;
        3. Change Çìçiri to Cìçiri;
        4. The 30/10/23 0:12-0:37 in the history of Campagnola is spurious;
        5. O Atthis! is missing ]ρατι line after Αδωνίδηον;
        6. It currently has two lines 33;
        7. It should probably drop the integration of χρο';
        8. New integrations: ΗCΕΝΗ could be εθέλησεν η-, ]κις could be πόλλ]ακις, Μαλ[ could be Μαλ[λον, make it απυστον ουδεν ο[ττι;
      3. Implemented the text fixes from the previous Sicilian edit and gave empty headers to the Greek titles at 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō, 21/4/24 0:07;
      4. De-kanjified the second tada sugite yuku in "Buona novità" at Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 21/4/24 0:11;
      5. Implemented recent tweak to Italian Money without virtue at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 21/4/24 0:24;
      6. Marked the ř in cantřariatu in Stiđđa matutina at Cinque canzoni siciliane, 21/4/24 0:25;
      7. History edit plus remake/tweak implementation for Sweet mother (1.H.iii) at The rest of Sappho, 21/4/24 1:00;
      8. Paragraph broke and touched up intro item for Kypris Poem and added new version at Love and grief, 21/4/24 1:25;
      9. Implemented recording-day tweaks to remake and removed the macron from "gran" (gran dolor) at Questo silenzio mi soffoca, 21/4/24 1:31.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 21/4/24 16:22», 21/4/24 15:53;
    1. VIDEO: All'autřa jeri | L'altro ieri, «28/4/24, upload started 17:21:37/38 (preparing to 5% done) and completed 17:24:18; processing started 17:24:20, 35mins left 17:24:27, 34min 17:24:48, 33min 17:25:50, grayout 17:26:05 (I did catch it then!), checking 0% 10mins 17:26:05, 6% 10mins 17:26:40, grayout 17:26:46-47 (this one too!), back to processing 32min left 17:26:47, apparently misseda grayout 17:27:24, 31min 17:28:27, 30min 17:29:27, 29min 17:30:27, 28min 17:31:28, 27min 17:32:27, 26min 17:33:28, 25min 17:34:29, 24min 17:35:29, done 17:36:29, with delays «34min by maybe 2s but <4s, 33min I was changing position to see better, grayouts, that was a second grayout, 31min maybe, 30min, 27min up to 2s, 25s by up to 2s, end»; saved as unlistead 17:48:08».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 28/4/24 17:23.
      1. Do HS4 Index shenanigans, replacing any PRES tag with a RES one since the distinction is forgotten, and putting the @ of Latin SF bj in the right place instead of next to SF bj;
      2. Place LP 42 according to «Coming to the translations, the original Italian is an S9 residue not in SP5 (even the fragment wasn't there), so it was made between 9/12/10 and 5/1/11. Latin and English are both OS17 residues not in S11, which puts them between 1/2 and 8/2/11. Both are manuscripted on SP6. The Latin is identical between the manuscript and the OS except for eis being ei in the manuscript (probably forgot the -s). The English is "were turned" in the manuscript and "did turn" in the OS. The alternate Italian is instead from 22/4/24 at 19:54, inspired by my Sicilian attempt.»;
      3. Note 24/4/24 tweak to Pelagon epigram Sicilian as per one of the edits;
      4. Fix the "entireky" in the SF h entry of the "SF" list.
    3. POST: Incuntřai na picciutteđđa, 23/4/24 15:33.
    4. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 23/4/24 16:08.
      1. Add Picciutteđđa to all indices;
      2. Plan Tsukiakari Chinese for 29/9 and fix Chapters 2-3 of Kypris Poem to be planned for 15/9 and 22/9 respectively;
      3. Plan Romagna mia Chinese for 28/7 and the relevant post for 27/7;
      4. Continue Index shenanigans (do PhD1-PhD4);
      5. Plan Ata po khaser li and Poy na ta pō for the first two videos in October.
    5. Related Quora space post for both: 28/4/24, written 17:57:44-17:59:37, posted 17:59:44.
    6. Latest video made public: 23/4/24 11:29:20.
    7. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 24/4/24 14:37:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Update misc info with new Japanese songs;
      3. Add Operation: Video versions, where for every video I add a tab to the relevant post with the translation sung in the video and leave that tab ever untouched; also, Index shenanigans kept a two-line name cell from Monster Medley 1, but shouldn't have;
      4. Add Operation: Sensible links in Fb posts post to shorten the nonsensically long links of some entries of that post;
      5. Add Operation: Sappho fragment-wise plans, where for each fragment I detail the video plans I have for that fragment; this will be wholly contained in the todo list, and maybe the three Sappho series (aside from @Sic) should refer to it instead of listing stuff;
      6. Add Operation: Index customization where I want to implement a bunch of buttons to customise what you see of the chrono index and what you don't, as a very remote-in-time project;
      7. Update COM to note that I must include "Milan fuck you", "Il più grande uomo-scimmia del Pleistocene", and perhaps "Pro-prot pro-prot pro-prot prot prot";
      8. Add Project: Crush Piece (super old idea with that tune in A- near start of COM);
      9. Add Operation: History of Chinese Sappho, whose status should list all fragments and state which are translated and the history of those translations, as far as I can reconstruct;
      10. Remove La vérité blesse from, and add Wo ai ni I love you Tokyo Square to, Translation candidates.
    8. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update 2, 28/4/24 1:54:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Start fragments list at Operation: Sappho Fragment-wise Plans, giving their total number, their CPS ranges, and including in each entry the LPC, CPS, and SF numbers (where applicable);
      3. Update @Sic with the mythological translations and the addition of the Edmonds version of LP 27.
    9. Added Edmonds 46 (Edmonds version of LP 27 "Macari tu eri na picciriđđa tènnira") and the translations of the mythology fragments (except Pi sèmpri aj'a èssiri puseđđa), and fixed Latina to Latona, at Antuluggia ṙi Saffu 'n Siçilianu, 25/4/24 0:28;
    10. Fixed "literal" translation «Andare in un angolo per ancorarmi» and implemented tweak to "L'āurora" line which was not implemented in text of remake but was mentioned in intro, at Questo silenzio mi soffoca, 25/4/24 0:30;
    11. Fixed Latina to Latona at 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō, 25/4/24 0:34(:01);
    12. Removed spurious « / / 13:45» from intro and mentioned undone tweak to Italian remake at Morto dentro, 25/4/24 0:38;
    13. Paragraph broke intro entry, did history edit, and added alternate Italian, all for Doves fragment ( at The rest of Sappho, 25/4/24 0:52;
    14. Updated All the Chinese songs I have met to address the below, 25/4/24 13:19 FAIL? 13:22 redo with extra fix:
      1. Link the «Video with same audio which is now gone» for 你是你 我是我, and replace video;
      2. Ditto for 曹雅雯 - 心疼, and replace video;
      3. Ditto for 下雨了,一首好听闽南语歌; fix bookarked and replace video;
      4. Link to bookmark at 你的承諾 in Y6, and replace video;
      5. Link to bookmark from 江蕙~安平追想曲;
      6. At 长崎蝴蝶姑娘 add "first video" after "Bookmarked"; why I didn't find this link when it was there, Idk;
      7. Bu dao san fenzhong and Qiaoqiao men should get a link under «What seems to be the same video with worse quality»;
      8. Y5639 should link to the bookmarked video;
      9. Ditto for Y6S40;
      10. Add bookmark link to Autumn cherry blossoms in Hakka songs le best;
      11. Wang Jie's song Annie should link to the original bookmark, the replacement being from 30/4/18 (so says the bookmark, the replacement itself is not found in the bookmarks);
      12. Add lyrics link to 包容;
      13. Liangshan bozhu yingtai chaqu mentions two videos, «one titled 费玉清 凌波 张菲 《梁山伯祝英台 插曲(1)》, the other one with the two last names swapped and the (1) changed to (2)»; add links and fix titles;
      14. Link to bookmark and replacement for 相爱变伤害;
      15. Link to bookmark for 一场游戏一场梦;
      16. Link to bookmark for "Account book of life" (命运簿);
      17. Link to original bookmark for 我不是你的人; both this and the following "Half drunk half sober" are bookmarked 28/9, not 27/9;
      18. Add entry for 大唐山 in Hakka songs le best, video provided by Ånton Xiè himself;
      19. Add extras to 罗俊海的“SAN FUNG SHUI (散风水?)”, and change the title to 山风水;
      20. Add extras to 妹仔人个心;
      21. Link to gone video for 怀念青春;
      22. 老司机带带我: version 1 gets replacement video, version 2 gets lyrics link; both are 6/10/18, not '19;
      23. Link to 21/1/19 bookmark for 我怎么这么好看;
      24. Properly mark last linebreak in approximate transcription at 目不转睛, and add bookmark link;
      25. Add 容易傷心个女人 to Hakka songs le best;
      26. Add alternate link to 忘情果;
    15. Marked newly inserted translations as [T] instead of [NT], changed nuđđu to nuđđa in title of LP 56 in chronological index, and implemented 24/4/24 tweak to Pelagon epigram (Campbell 159D), all at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 28/4/24 0:21;
    16. Update All the Chinese songs I have met to address the below, 28/4/24 14:13;
      1. Add the 6 translation candidates;
      2. Two unidentified songs in Fb video;
      3. Learn to meow: add «I also bookmarked this gone video of it on 15/10/18, along with this gone video which probably had a bunch of songs including this one»;
      4. Teresa Teng "Sweet sweet sweet" gets video replacement and Fb link;
      5. Song in video (慕陌凌 - 黎明前的黑暗 (原版)「抖音最火—风伴着黎明的歌声 敲响命运的钟」高音質【動態歌詞Lyrics】 ♪ MaHaMusic ♪);
      6. Untraceable song in video sent 16:15 3/5/22 BM 4/5/22 12:44;
      7. Cover of More than words;
      8. One night in Beijing
      9. Tan Yan's "Light";
      10. 好心好報;
      11. Add different-dialect version to 出外靠朋友, found 27/9/22;
      12. 贺子玲的“目光”;
      13. Unidentified song in YT short from Dec 2022;
      14. Ditto but Fb video from Dec 2022;
      15. Add video 2 and weird lyrics to 想念你;
      16. 夏天的风;
      17. Hakka songs with five sentences;
      18. 最后今晡夜;
      19. 窗外的雨聲;
      20. Extra video 谢宜君的“心疼“;
      21. 客家山歌五句板 2;
      22. Fake Su Zi video goes into "One person's loneliness two people's fault", which also gets a replacement video;
      23. Update song counts;
    17. Fixed aggarbata to agghiarbata and accusare to (a)mpusari in intro, added possible explanations of singing errors in intro, and fixed paroli to palori in lyrics, at Incuntřai na picciutteđđa, 28/4/24 16:38.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 28/4/24 19:36», 28/4/24 19:16;
    1. VIDEO: Però mi vuole bene | 但伊共我惜命命 Tān i kā guá sioh-miā-miā, «5/5/24, upload started 17:22:35, where it was still gray from the preparing and it already said 3%, and completed 17:24:55, processing started 17:24:57, 34mins 17:25:10, 33mins 17:26:01, missed grayout (see delays), Checking 0% 10mins left 17:26:44, grayout with 4% 10mins 17:27:14 (but that's a midpoint, the endpoints are lost), back to 32mins left by 17:27:15, 31mins 17:27:59, grayout at 31mins 17:28:25 (maybe this is the one with the lost endpoints), 30mins 17:29:28, done 17:30:28, delays «33min, first grayout I was changing tabs on the windo so I got confused, second grayout and 32mins, second grayout only has delayed onset, 30min», saved as unlisted 17:31:04».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 5/5/24 17:34.
      1. Hymn translations should all be badslations, definitely not NRR for Italian up to v3 and then BR because the first three versions still had the terrible and wrong "Chiedete cosa chiesta o già passata". Also, «sung)|» needs a space;
      2. «Sappho… basically E 13+15 LP 26 C 26 SF re-12B-and-15 | Ancient Greek - English (Kypris poem with P.GC., @@Sic)» -> «Sappho Kypris poem with P.GC. (basically E 13+15 LP 26 C 26 SF re-12B-and-15 | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ/Sic)»;
      3. Analogously, «Sappho… basically E 13+15 LP 26 C 26 SF re-12B-and-15 | Ancient Greek - English (Kypris poem without P.GC., @@Ψ)» -> «Sappho Kypris poem without P.GC. (basically E 13+15 LP 26 C 26 SF re-12B-and-15 | Ancient Greek - English (@@Ψ)»;
      4. Add manuscript info for English re-12B-and-15;
      5. Place other versions of that fragment;
      6. The mythological translations of the Antuluggia were not added, add them;
      7. Fix «uploaded for 28/4/24» in the last video.
    3. Related Quora space post: 5/5/24, written 17:50:00-17:54:04, posted 17:54:16.
    4. Latest video made public: 29/4/24 15:52:24.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 2/5/24 2:28;
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Add Operation: Ela ela, where I have to finish figuring out the lyrics of the supermix, finish translating it to Italian, and finish doing the Greko-Teochew and Griko-Min Nan translation for which I prepared the intro bit «Σήμμερι εσά ππρεσεντέω ένα τραούδι... κατωιταλιωτικό τι εβώ μετέφρασα άcε Γρίκο ες Μιν Ναν τcαι άcε Γρέκο ες Τιότcιου» at 11:18 on 6/4/24;
      3. Add Operation: Check Sappho Comparative Numbering Table, with description "I have found a couple errors and incompletenesses at that table, so I plan to first check all of it to ensure it's correct, then, assuming at least LP, Campbell, and Edmonds are fully in the table, check all ROS stuff to ensure it's in. That should make the table correct and complete. Then maybe check table 2.";
      4. Update misc info with the uploading of Tsukiakari Italian Baby Gorro, which means four todo list updates were out of date; add info on planned videos as well; also, Zai women de shijie li, Shangdi ye kuqi, Favola zh… a bunch of items are already uploaded, note that;
      5. Index shenanigans: missing years are HS5, PreU, PhD5, PDS, PD1;
      6. Add Operation: Translation anthology for self-publishing;
      7. Rename Operation: Sappho Fragment-wise plans to Mick Gorro and Sappho: progress and plans, and change the tag to @MGS; mention eventual tune histories post in the description there; continue the fragments list up to CPS 102, leaving the one fragment to be comboed;
      8. Remove Paura dei tuoi occhi from Translation candidates, and link to the Leopardi poems candidated for Greek translations.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update 2, 4/5/24 20:55:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Remove Operation: Index shenanigans, as I completed it the night before this edit;
      3. Two new Japanese songs appeared in misc info's CJK songs;
      4. New Sappho editions stuff appeared in misc info, put into all Sappho edition projects;
      5. Add Harmonize Hatsune Miku to Japanese translation candidates;
      6. Finish the @MGS fragments list (Mnasidica was given an incorrect CPS 92).
    7. EDITS:
      1. Updated Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 4/5/24 1:11:
        1. Add line «Τὸν Ἔρωτ' ἐν ὀνείρῳ τιν' ἔβλεψ' αύτα ἔγω ποτα», which started as «Τὸν Ἔρωτα ἔγω νυκτ' ἐν ὀνείρῳ ἔβλεπόν ποτα» on 31/1/21 21:32 for the Sappho medleys, then changed to «Έβλεψα τον Έρωτ' αύτα έγω...» (26/4/24 16:32), «Τον Έρωτ' εν ονείρωι ποτ' έβλεψ' αύτα έγω ποτα» (16:34), «ονείρωι τιν'» (16:34), thus reaching its final form;
        2. Add that line's Sicilian translation;
        3. Fix "dia" to "dassi" in "Ca iđđa dia successu";
      2. Updated Blog index, 4/5/24 2:11, to:
        1. Do HS5 and PreU index shenanigans (Shangdi ye kuqi English somehow wasn't tagged, nor was the Italian); in fact finish the operation (tagging English non-barbarous-meter fragments cover with @@NV);
        2. Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō entries have no tags and the language pairs are before the content indications (done while doing previous item);
        3. Add language pairs to (almost) all @Sic entries, and replace «song: All'autřa jeri iu mi nn'ìa in campagna» with the language pair and move it after the next section of the entry (done during index shenanigans);
        4. Move Kypris Poem month to August, @Ψ then @Sic, then Sep is the Sappho 16 month, and ends with @Sic episode 2 which contains Sappho 16;
        5. Plan Shojo Romanian with Baby Gorro bonus on 6/10/24;
        6. Plan Shojo Chinese for 27/10/24;
        7. Split PD from PDS between gender-neutral SF aj Italian and English musical fragments cover (which deleted the post title instead of its posting date and time!), and mark PD1 as the current year, not PDS;
        8. Final Italian SF ac, «tw. 21/4/24» write "twk.";
      3. Updated All the Chinese songs I have met to address the below, 5/5/24 1:23:
        1. Add the Chinese song from misc info in the todo list;
        2. Note that unidentified song 1 at the end of the current year is the same as 0:35-0:46 of the next two song's Fb video; also, that song should be 2, not 1;
        3. Add the songs at 0:11-0:21 and 0:47-0:56 in that video as more unidentified songs, unless the relevant Quora question identifies them; note in one of them that a fourth "song" clip is in the vid, but won't be counted because it's just a spoken phrase over music;
        4. Add the Chinese songs from the past from misc info in the todo list, and ««Found 20/4/24 while looking for Liang shou ge song 2», I wrote; no idea what those songs are, but I bookmarked» needs a touch-up since now I know what they are :);
        5. Deal with items 5-6 therein; item 6 is for Japanese stuff, not Chinese.
      4. Added missing linebreaks before last two instances of "Ma le voleva bene", fixed the "Sioh mia-mia, tsin sioh-mia-mia" of the Min where the characters had no "tsin", and fixed "Lui vuole sempre stringermi" to "Lui vuol sempre stringermi", all at Però mi vuole bene, 5/5/24 16:29.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 5/5/24 19:18», 5/5/24 19:05.
    1. VIDEO: Poetry after the Classics: 孟浩然 Mèng Hàorán, 春晓 Chūn Xiǎo | Spring Dawn | الفجر في الربيع 'al-fajru fī 'ar-rabīṙi, «13/5/24, upload started 13:17:45 and completed 12:23:33+12m37=13:36:21, processing started 13:23:44+12m41=13:36:25, 90mins 13:23:44+14m42=13:38:26, 80mins 13:23:44+18min=13:41:44, 70mins 13:23:44+28m01=13:51:45, 60mins 13:23:44+38m01=14:01:45, 59mins 13:23:44+39m59=14:03:43, 58mins 13:23:44+40m59=14:04:43, 57mins 13:23:44+42m00=14:05:44, 56mins 13:23:44+43m00=14:06:44, 55mins 13:23:44+44m00=14:07:44, 54mins 13:23:44+44m59=14:08:43, 53mins 13:23:44+45m59=14:09:43, 52mins 13:23:44+46m59=14:10:43, 51mins 13:23:44+48m00=14:11:44, 50mins 13:23:44+49m00=14:12:44, 49mins 13:23:44+49m59=14:13:43, 48mins 13:23:44+51m38=14:15:22, 47mins 13:23:44+52m38=14:16:22, 46mins 13:23:44+53:39=14:17:23, then dumbputer did the idiot 5s later. So, I had to go out while processing was ongoing, I left it on with a screen recording going (hence all the sums), but at 53:44 in the recording the idiot just turned the screen off, so the SR then skips straight to… a few seconds before 15:07:12, which is when I took an SS where everything was done. Since the 1min tickdowns seemed pretty accurate, I'd venture that it should have finished around 15:03. Published 16:11:52».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 13/5/24 13:21.
      1. Add Mandarin Long-tsu--e sim-tsing, and the mandarinization of Bin-a-tsai is still misformatted as "- LTC";
      2. Note all Arabic translations of Chun Xiao minus the double-syllable old-interpretation Arabic got tweaked 11/5/24;
      3. Plan Tavolina e mërzis' for after the next item, because putting it after the Kypris Poem messes up the Sappho months;
      4. Plan Avaton Ode to Anactoria mishmash after related @Sic episode, i.e. 6/10;
      5. Fix the dates of all videos planned after that;
      6. Plan the Recoveries episode (updating its contents) and Tsit thiau tshiu-kin-a to fill up the remainder of November;
      7. Change the upload date of today's video to 13/5;
      8. As you prepare the spaces for the new video, the translations in it were listed as in a post "Spring dawn", but the actual post has "Dawn" with a capital: fix; and remove the "new" from the DS translations and fix that "not new near-equi" label.
    3. Related Quora space post: 13/5/24, written 16:21:12-16:25:30, posted 16:25:36.
    4. Latest video made public: 6/5/24 15:11:12.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 10/5/24 23:28.
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. «What is the point of the Italian Anthology version of Sweet mother? The only difference with mine is it's 4 lines instead of 2, and oýtoi is broken as two words!»: add to editions stuff along with "«[Κ]α̣λλ̣[οόπα» needs fixing";
      3. @MGS: Remove final part of status (the one that's easy to forget to update); turn 405 to 404 in the ranges at the top, as there is no 405;
      4. Remove C1 song from CJK misc info, and items 1-6 from Chinese stuff popping up from the past, as all those have been duly compiled into the Chinese songs post. Item 7 of Chinese stuff is actually Japanese stuff, so move it there;
      5. Note the intro for the two remaining Iliad passages, which will be the same bilingual pseudo-recto-tono intro composed 7/5/24 in the morning;
      6. Add poem list to Operation: Canzoniere anthology;
      7. Add No need to say goodbye to Translation candidates.
    6. EDITS:
      1. Paragraph-broke intro and added Mandarinization and Mandarin version at The feelings of a loafer - with such a lonely heart, 12/5/24 16:34.
      2. Fixed all four instances of duõshǎo to duōshǎo (tilde to macron), implement waqaŕū->waqaŕa tweak from 11/5/24 to Arabic versions, and fixed "brids" in translations DS4 and DS5, all at Spring Dawn, 12/5/24 16:48.
      3. Edited Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, to address the below, 12/5/24 17:04;
        1. Implement Sappho 16(b) tweak from 10/5;
        2. Note the 9/5 tweak to Love shook my heart;
        3. Fix μήλετ' to μήκετ' in Kypris Poem;
        4. The following links don't work in the Antuluggia's index:
          1. Â Çìpridi (missing h2);
          2. Dui pinzieri (missing h2);
          3. Èttore e Andròmaca (missing hash in the href);
          4. Ntřabbunau a luna (h2 in tab content);
          5. Campagnola (missing hash in the href);
          6. Stammi ṙavanti (missing hash in the href);
          7. Quaṛcunu s'hâ řicurdari (missing hash in the href);
          8. A Apollo (missing hash in the href);
          9. Â lira (missing hash in the href);
          10. Riguardu â stati (missing hash in the href);
          11. Tegnu a menti ṙuçi (missing hash in the href);
          12. Cìçiri d'oru (h2 DKEau, link KE).
      4. Fixed μήλετ' to μήκετ' in Kypris Poem at Love and grief, 12/5/24 17:05.
      5. Updated Chôka no Saffō, to address the below, 12/5/24 17:24 with FAIL 17:23:
        1. "Coming down from the sky" got an extra context line in the Sicilian Anthology;
        2. Sweet mother English has no need for the line split: put that l. 2 back together, and add a blank line below the translation;
        3. The following links don't work:
          1. You came (h2 in tab content);
          2. Hector and Andromacha (missing hash in the href);
          3. Rustic woman (missing hash in the href);
          4. Stand before me (missing hash in the href);
          5. Someone will remember (missing hash in the href);
          6. To Apollo (missing hash in the href);
          7. To the lyre (missing hash in the href);
          8. On summer (missing hash in the href);
          9. I have a gentle mind (missing hash in the href);
          10. Golden chickpeas (h2 (C)DKEau, link (C)KE).
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing the upload date of the last vid from 21/4 to 5/5 and that of the previous one from 21 to 28/4): 13/5/24 17:06», 13/5/24 16:47;
    1. VIDEO: 我 Wǒ | Io | Moi | 涯 Ngâi, «21/4/24, upload started 18:57:29/30 (preparing to grayed-out 1%) and completed 19:02:35, processing started 19:02:38, 38mins left 19:02:46, 37mins 19:03:01, 36mins 19:04:00, 35mins 19:05:02, checking 0% 10mins 19:05:24, 4% 19mins 19:05:44, grayout 19:05:55, 35mins again 19:05:56, 34mins 19:06:04, all done 19:06:41, delays «38m maybe 2s, 37m, 35m can't tell 5 from 6 thought it went 35-36-35, checking 0% I was writing the 35m thing, grayout and 35min and 34min, end by 1s», saved as unlisted 19:11:04».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 19/5/24 18:59.
      1. Make the second video of this song be Chinese-English-Japanese! How have I not fixed the double Italian yet?!
      2. Add E45 and LP45 to Recoveries episode as per todo list item 6.ii below; mark it for the series, and put "Recoveries" in the title;
      3. Add the billion new Sappho translations from the edits, as well as the ones I'm doing the history edit for (LP 126 Italian is OK, English is @BR tho, English originals of chickpeas, mourning song, Someone will remember, and SF 40-41 (which was already placed btw) nead tags) and the new Sicilian translations;
      4. Add the new English Chun Xiao translation and not the YT corrections to the Arabic old interpretation non-cantilated translations;
      5. Add the Chinese remake of Tsukiakari, and place the final SF ac Italian correctly instead of before 14/4/24 things;
      6. Plan "A truce is established" for 8/12;
      7. Plan Wo gai zenme zuo English for 15/12;
      8. Plan last Tshim-tshim--e ai "Thank you for your deep love" vid for 22/12;
      9. Plan ήττο άcε χειμώνα as the Christmas special;
      10. Plan Wo gai zenme zuo French for 29/12;
      11. Plan next @Sic episode (with O Atthis!) for 12/1;
      12. Plan Conlang thing for 5/1/25;
      13. Plan L'uselin de la comare for New Year's day special;
      14. Nice Un petalo di fiore link with Cartello stradale di luce lunare as its link text in the Chinese Hitohira no hanabira planned video!
      15. Note recording-day tweak to Italian remake of Wo (post Alone in a rainy night).
    3. Related Quora space post: 19/5/24, written 19:17:12-19:20:04, posted 19:20:08.
    4. Latest video made public: 13/5/24 16:11:52.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 18/5/24 16:32:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. At Baby Gorro:
        1. No need to point out the delay in writing about the Tsukiakari Italian upload in that list;
        2. Shôjo Romanian has been planned for 20/10, fix; mark all other planned uploads, with dates; and give the upload date for Lord Randal and Tsukiakari Italian;
        3. Add all vids up to Nov '17 to the list, along with A few little songs (for the old video clips which are to be dated) and the Chun Xiao behemoth (for the reaction to the older vid);
      3. @MGS: Plan out Kypris poem and mythology stuff, recalling that I plan to «Use the metrical translation from Chôka no Saffō for the Sicilian crossover of Dead shalt thou lie, giving it its own tune»; also, give this the tag in the projects list; should all projects have a tag?
      4. Make the Frammenti mituloggici @Sic episode a three-way crossover (adding that musication note), and make the Duluri ṙ'amuri and Canti ṙi matřimoniu ones crossovers for English;
      5. Reorder @Sic episodes as follows, and implement a tag system for crossoverings and to mark which translations are made and which aren't:
        1. Si scùtula u cori a mmia;
        2. Anattoria;
        3. A luna ca ammuccia i stiđđi (new title of former Fimmini-stiđđi e Anattoria-luna);
        4. Biđđizza;
        5. Pařřannu a amici;
        6. Cunzigghi;
        7. Frammenti mituloggici;
        8. U giuramèntu ṙi Artèmide;
        9. Nozzi ṙ'Èttore e Andròmaca;
        10. Canti ṙi matřimòniu (where it's Cantassimu, not Cantemu);
        11. Gioia e natura;
        12. Invucazziuni ê dei;
        13. Urazziuni contř'ê buřřaschi;
        14. Urazziuni pû frati sò;
        15. Ô frati sò: dui virsioni;
        16. Puisia ṙî frati;
        17. Raggia prima ṙû disteřřu, which should begin with Malidizziuni and end with the Polyanactid thing;
        18. Třistizza e raggia in teřřa střanièra;
        19. Duluri ṙ'amuri;
        20. Vulissi aviri murutu;
        21. Epigrammi;
        22. Mi teni u disìu ri mòriri;
        23. Cantari;
        24. I doni ṙî Musi;
        25. Si tinissi ancora latti;
        26. Nustalgia ṙâ juvintuti o difesa 'i n'amuri cuccaniatu?
        27. A ṙi fìmmini tènniri;
      6. For @Ψ:
        1. Delete The moon has set from the @Ψ forget-me-nots, since the @Sic episode is now a crossover (with two translations to be remade);
        2. Note the planning of the Recoveries episode, and in that episode, replace the "Possibly some stuff mentioned below" with «Ye are naught to me / As long as you wish (E 45 and LP 45) English and Latin, with fixes maybe»;
      7. Note the newly-made Sicilian Sappho translations at @Sic;
      8. Add Operation: Salelaka memes;
      9. Add J9 from misc info;
      10. Remove Tsukiakari no michishirube from Translation reworks;
      11. Fix code problems in this div and in the previous div too (entry for "Quando finisce l'anno" has no starting li tag, CanzAnth is also the ID of TranslAnth (that also two updates ago), entry for Phalecean song has ,a instead of <a to start its link, link to Stiðða d'amuri ends in li tag instead of a tag ever since 14n/4 update).
    6. EDITS
      1. Updated Index by languages, fixing the fact that Ciapa la galeina is Romagnolo and fixing any ``Spring dawn'' with that second capital, 18/5/24 1:40;
      2. Added Sicilian versions of Cu è beđđu, Â lira, and Ti preju Gongyla to Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 18/5/24 17:32;
      3. Edited in Chinese remake at Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 18/5/24 18:19;
      4. Edited Daily life: marriage songs to address the below, 18/5/24 19:10:
        1. History edit plus new English translation Happy bridegroom;
        2. History edit and English remake of May you sleep, where everything is an S8 residue except the diary-dated 6/9/10 Latin is 6/9;
        3. Add English remake of The porter;
        4. History edit and new English of Hymenaeum;
      5. Added English remake of 1.C.i at The rest of Sappho, 18/5/24 19:19;
      6. Add English remake of mourning song at Sappho: three epigrams and a mourning song, 18/5/24 19:26;
      7. Added English remake of "Someone will remember" at Memory and being remembered, 18/5/24 19:33;
      8. Edited I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me… to address the below, 18/5/24 19:44:
        1. Paragraph break the intro and add the [];
        2. Do the history edit for fragment 2;
        3. Add its English remake for second fragment;
      9. Implemented recording-day tweak to Italian remake and fix blessurent typo in French remake at Alone in a rainy night, 18/5/24 19:47;
      10. Added the newest English remake and fix the following at Spring Dawn, 18/5/24 23:33:
        1. "وَقَعَُ زُهُورٌ" is a typo; its pre-sum-up twin is weird in that it appears right in the post, but the code has the words switched;
        2. "dawman" is "always", not "everywhere";
        3. «You will know at night» in old arabic double-sllable is missing the jayyid;
        4. Not "The flowers have fallen!", but "The blossoms have fallen!";
        5. Try to implement the commenter's corrections;
        6. In the sum-up of the old interpretation, under "old equi", there is actually the ANE translation (which is duplicated in the sum-up);
      11. Fixed the two following at Daily life: marriage songs, 19/5/24 18:21:
        1. Happy bridegroom English has nothing shown by default;
        2. Hymenæum Greek should have 3 blank lines before it for the tabs of the Latin;
      12. Made second fragment show English remake by default at I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me…, 19/5/24 18:22.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 19/5/24 20:42», 19/5/24 20:24;
    1. VIDEO: 少女の頃に戻った見たいに Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Come se io tornata fossi piccola, «26/5/24, upload started 14:11:09 (from preparing to 8% done) and completed 14:12:36, processing started 14:12:37, 37mins left 14:12:49, then I was trying to get done with the damn index update, so here is my Google bar with delays and "9-33m" meaning it went from 9% checked to processing 33mins left: «37min maybe, 36min probs and 35mins too, WHATEVER, 4% 2s bc it wouldn't take the SS, 9-33min, 32mins, 31m, possibly end»; SS show 37mins 14:13:22 and 36mins 14:13:43, 36mins still 14:14:34 and 35mins 14:14:57, 35mins still 14:15:21 then checking 1% 10mins 14:15:54, 4% 10mins 14:16:09, 8% 10mins 14:16:31 and processing 33mins 14:16:47, 32mins 14:17:40, 31mins 14:19;08, and all done 14:20:09; saved as unlisted 14:25:44».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 26/5/24 14:18.
      1. All currently existing @Ψ videos have no series marker, add it to the titles in [];
      2. Today's vid still says upload planned…;
      3. Chinese title: Yueliang de mingguang qing ni lai wo zheli;
      4. Complete list of posts with no content indications probably are more than just those listed;
      5. Split up the Anata ga iru kara plan to have Chinese+English and French+? (probably either Albanian or Spanish, needs to be Latin alphabet, is column-filler);
      6. Plan Anata ga iru kara Chinese+English for 5/1;
      7. Move the Conlang thing to 19/1;
      8. Plan La casa in riva al mare for 19/1;
      9. Dusha moja v gitarje for 2/2;
      10. Plan Trasiga Trasse for 9/2;
      11. Plan Chinese and Japanese Romagna mia for same video;
      12. Plan Să cântăm chitara mea for 16/2;
      13. Japanese - Chinese re-remake of Anata ga iru kara is missing a space after its song link;
      14. Add Anata ga iru kara English and French remakes to chronological index;
      15. What is a 29/1/24 translation doing in PD1? Move that English fragments cover Musical to PDS at once!
      16. Add Latin remake of fragments cover, plus the two fourth voices;
      17. Note 23/5/24 tweaks to Italian Aeneid opening and "Yanlei fix" tweaks to the translations of Wo;
      18. Catullus V doesn't link to the musication performance;
      19. Ditto for Homer stuff; also, Homer Iliad opening is marked @@;
      20. The recent Homer translations do not have Homer in their text descriptions and don't link to the texts either.
      21. Chun Xiao entries should have @Cl, not @TP; also, TWELVE of them (all but 5 of the already-recorded ones) still have lowercase dawn in the post title… and even the post entry still has that lowercase!
      22. Shojo Romanian horridous oldity does get TP, thanks to Baby Gorro.
    3. Related Quora space post: 26/5/24, written 16:09:20-16:21:31, posted 16:22:16.
    4. Latest video made public: 26/5/24 16:47:20: «I literally remembered to do this because I saw "Latest video made public: 20/5/24 ." in the stuff I'd copypasted for this Fb post».
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 25/5/24 21:04:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Note «Dig into SS eventually, hoping to date the recording of Baby Gorro vids» at Operation: mysteries;
      3. @MGS:
        1. Plan out Sappho 16, leaving @Ψ episodes 2-3 undetailed because man is it ever long to do this shit…;
        2. Plan out Dead shalt thou lie, recalling that I plan to «Use the metrical translation from Chôka no Saffō for the Sicilian crossover of Dead shalt thou lie, giving it its own tune» (missed in previous update);
        3. Previous update messed up the nested lists, fix that;
        4. Give this the tag in the projects list (also missed in previous update);
        5. Plan out He who's fair, noting that I will «Use Edmonds translation (E58) of He who's fair with its own tune for the relevant @Sic episode. That episode is now only missing a Money without virtue English remake, an "I don't believe anyone" English remake, and a bunch of tunes.»;
      4. Episode 2 of @Sic is marked [LA] but that is nonsense, none of the old translations of Sappho 16 into any language are good or complete; add «include both Edmonds and older English versions» in the @Sic episode containing Cu è beđđu;
      5. @Cl:
        1. Organize episodes by author, not by episode order; give episode number in brackets where the episodes already exist;
        2. One episode per Phaedrus fable, with Latin original, Latin remake, and Italian;
        3. Horace: one episode per poem;
        4. Alcaeus: Νῦν χρῆ μεθύσθην to be compared with the Horace imitation (yet to be translated), other poems as standalone episodes;
        5. Precisely decide what to do with the Catullus imitation of Sappho;
        6. Only one Virgil episode, with a bunch of musications missing;
        7. Epigrams: one @BR crossover to tell the tale of the translations and review the multiple Latins, one episode with all the final translations;
        8. What can I pair Ovid with? Probs nothing… not much sense pairing it with the Aeneid opening or the Lucrece opening, I don't think;
      6. Add second paragraph to status of Katoitaliotika;
      7. Add Operation: CoTAP post.
    6. EDITS
      1. Implemented Yaneli fixes at Alone in a rainy night, 25/5/24 1:36;
      2. Mentioned "Todo list integration" at Love and grief, 25/5/24 1:42;
      3. Fixed «Listen to the birds everywhere» to «[…] always» in old-interpretation sum-up, where it was previously fixed only in the history section of the old interpretation, at Spring Dawn, 25/5/24 1:44;
      4. Implemented 23/5/24 and 25/5/24 tweaks to Italian Aeneid opening at Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta, 25/5/24 1:48;
      5. Edited Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 25/5/24 2:20, to address the following:
        1. ὄ]σσοις φαέθων̣ [Ἀέλοις φέγγεσιν ἀμφιβ]άσ̣κ[ει should close the bracket at the end;
        2. "from you hair" in Saṛvietti needs a typo fix;
      6. Edited 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō, 25/5/24 2:45, to address the following:
        1. ὄ]σσοις φαέθων̣ [Ἀέλοις φέγγεσιν ἀμφιβ]άσ̣κ[ει should close the bracket at the end;
        2. "from you hair" in Saṛvietti needs a typo fix;
        3. The line «For no-one halted the arrogance in her, [so she] doesn't hold back [her] insolence» needs fixing;
        4. Kypris Poem has updated Greek but not English;
        5. Some O Atthis! integrations, as well as the «] . . . το[. . . .] . ρατι» line, are only in the "hidden" tab; both tabs have English that didn't reflect the Greek changes; also, new Greek integration.
      7. Added French remake and did away with the "Japanese" «Yū wiru riaraizu» and «Ā, yū ā za wan» in the English at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 25/5/24 15:46;
      8. Added Latin remake as well as multi-voice score and fourth-voice lyrics (both versions) at A cover for Sappho translations, 25/5/24 16:41.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing the fact that «The latest video is somehow marked as uploaded on 21/4, because that date came up in my edits message AGAIN, somehow»): 26/5/24 17:09», 26/5/24 16:48;
    1. VIDEO: Mick Gorro and the Classics: Homer, Iliad, book 1, "Pestis" (in "pseudo-recto-tono"), «2/6/24, upload started 23:23:01 (from preparing to 2% done) and completed 23:25:53, processing started 23:25:55, 34mins 23:26:10, 0% checked 10mins 23:26:34, then got to 32% 7mins 23:29:43, then… let's see the delays: «34min, 24%, 28%, did it just go 32-37? And now to 42, and then straight to done», it was 37% 7mins by 23:30:17, then 42% at 23:30:44 6mins left, then done at 23:31:15, I had a description to finish, then saved as unlisted 23:46:40».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 2/6/24 23:24.
      1. Songs only found on YT via @MickG should be reformated:
        1. Sim-thùng;
        2. Sempre cantiamo al rifiorir del giorno;
        3. Nostalgíĵa po nastoĵáśemu;
        4. Géla th', hḗlié moy;
        5. All'autřa jèri;
      2. Content indication of Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages should be linebroken and mention Gukov;
      3. «Random translations of dumb stuff», list some of it;
      4. IAFI contents are not just "My incomplete translations";
      5. A couple proverbs also includes Chi è causa del suo mal pianga se stesso;
      6. «少女の頃に戻った見たいに Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | 好像我有回到少女的时候 Hǎoxiàng wǒ yǒu huí dào shàonǚ de shíhòu, As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, Japanese with Chinese and Romanian translations, upload planned for 17/11/24», yeah no, there is no Romanian here…;
      7. Guess what? Latest video is still "upload planned";
      8. Plan Amastasia Guy ]αν Αφροδίταν reaction @Ψ episode, and pilot of @Pit, to complete February;
      9. But that actually overflows to March, so complete that by planning Il merlo ha perso il becco, Átoma, Shojo Neapolitan before that Sappho episode so the previous item is entirely in March, then Shojo German and Heri jun zai lai;
      10. Add DETECTIVE CONAN: to latest video title, and to any planned video's title where it's appropriate; also, DARKER THAN BLACK: to the planned Tsukiakari video;
      11. Add the Spanish to the planned Salelaka Mokonzi vid;
      12. Note recent tweak to old-interpretation Arabic equi of Chun Xiao;
      13. Note most recent part of Shojo German remake;
      14. Note new Sicilian and English Sappho translations from the edits, as well as the 30/5/24 tweaks to O Àttide Sicilian;
      15. Place translations of LP 56;
      16. Video plan for A truce is established links to Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles;
      17. Reformat presentation of Catullus V @Cl episode and add Homer video links to the early posts in the post index.
    3. Related Quora space post: 2/6/24, written 23:50:48-23:53:59, posted 23:54:08.
    4. Latest video made public: 27/5/24 10:40:08 (with a title change).
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update 2, 1/6/24 1:07; made this update's div display by default 1:09;
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. «if LP 56 and 148 get remade; include both Edmonds and older English versions» in @Sic: a) refers to Cu è beđđu, b) the two things have been remade; note the newest Sicilian translations, which in particular complete those of episode 4;
      3. Finish planning out Sappho 16 at @MGS;
      4. Mention ad Safo: Poemas the recently found barbarous meter translations I want to include therein;
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 28/5/24 15:19;
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Phaedrus in @Cl opened the sublist with ll instead of ol and messed up the list; Homer has an empty first item from a spurious open and unclosed li element;
      3. @PC:
        1. Add the opening quotation :);
        2. Sort episodes by author, not by upload order; give episode number where they exist (so Rime and Randall);
        3. Link to Chun Xiao behemoth video and the Lord Randall video, and plan new Meng Haoran episode with the newest English and the updated Arabics;
        4. Add Hu Shi vid and Iroha vid in as first episodes;
        5. For Romeo and Juliet, plan three episodes: two for the Balcony speech (one per translation), one for everything else;
        6. Divine Comedy gets a Latin-Italian and an Italian-English episode (crossover with @BR);
        7. Leopardi: for each poem, one @BR for all the old translations, and one non-@BR for the unmade remakes; also, there's Pensiero dominante in Greek;
        8. Valediction and Batter my heart, Geste, and My mistress' eyes;
        9. Hu Shi needs an @BR crossover and an extra episode for the second poem; for "Two butterflies", I suppose just try to force all the final translations into the tune, maybe with a couple tweaks here and there;
        10. Order the authors as in the opening;
      4. Add song J10 to misc info;
      5. Make Shojo the first episode of @Pit, and note as a proto-script that I want to take the first chorus and compare it to the Turkish rendition «küçük kız olduğum sırada dönmüşüm gibi şefkatlice saçı okşayan elin gibi ılık el daima bekliyordum».
    7. EDITS
      1. Updated main-tab Kypris Poem English to reflect the updates to the matching Greek at 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō, 30/5/24 14:43;
      2. Edited Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 30/5/24 15:07, to address the following:
        1. Remove mònfrici from O Attide, since that comes probably from an ἀπάλαισι which isn't in the original Greek;
        2. Implement the new «You have Adonis-like beauty,« «ἐξίσω- / σθ̣αι· σὺ [κάλ]λ̣ος ἔχησθ' Ἀ[δ]ωνίδηον,» integration and translate it;
        3. «câ třaduzziuni siciliana ca fiçi l'autřa jeri.»: 1. ca fiçi -> chi fiçi, 2. Specify date;
        4. «Saffi cû suřřisu ṙi mèli, pura»: fix typo in anthology history of Sicilian cover, both times;
        5. Add the translations of Innu pi na fimmina beđđa and U dinaru e a virtuti;;
        6. Fix lineup (befitting linebroken spuriously in Köln extras some version and two blank lines after Kleis Sicilian but only one after Greek);
      3. Edited As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 30/5/24 15:20, to address the following:
        1. 何故? 訳も無いのに is obsolete punctuation;
        2. Fix the sona in the romanization of Shojo;
        3. Fix the typo "da ne verrai";
        4. Implement new German remake part;
        5. Fix up «The German will probably be wholly remade, not sure what I'll do about Danish. Maybe one day I will also do the Conlang translation» in the intro;
      4. Fixed typo «non mi mane» -> «non mi rimane» in new Italian at Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria, 31/5/24 0:15;
      5. Spelled "wefi" as ゑひ, not えい, in the Hiragana pangram version at Iroha, 31/5/24 0:17;
      6. Added nav-tabs script to A couple translations of Troubadour poems, 31/5/24 0:19;
      7. Fixed lineup at A few last poems, 31/5/24 0:23;
      8. Implement 28/5/24 tweak to old equi Arabic at Spring Dawn, 1/6/24 1:43;
      9. History edited LP 56 and added English remakes for both it and LP 148, all at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 1/6/24 2:38; code problems fixed 2:42; made Blog active by default in Original translations tab at 2:44.
    «Related Facebook page post update 3/6/24 0:21», 2/6/24 23:56;
    1. VIDEO: Occhi 'nfatati | 魔力双眼 Mólì shuāngyǎn, «9/6/24, upload started 0:42:40 (from preparing to 14%) and completed 0:43:47, processing started 0:43:49, 19mins left 0:43:58, grayout 0:44:18, checking 0% 10mins left 0:44:20, 12% 9mins left 0:45:27, done at 0:45:51, with a possible delay on the 19mins of processing, saved as unlisted 0:49:28».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 9/6/24 0:44.
      1. List comboed fragments in relevant video entries;
      2. Split Happy birthday into three videos, and leave Italian planned where the megabehemoth is now and the others unplanned;
      3. Shojo Danish still isn't marked DETECTIVE CONAN:;
      4. Ty Russian and Japanese and Ty Sicilian and Min were swapped in the plan;
      5. Why do Vitti na crozza, Occhi 'nfatati, and E vui durmiti ancora have spurious doublet plans? Delete!
      6. Note the Shojo tweaks from the relevant edit.
    3. Related Quora space post: 9/6/24, written 0:59:28-1:01:32/37, posted 1:01:44.
    4. Latest video made public: 3/6/24 15:00:04.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update 2, 8/6/24 17:26:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Mark long vowels on Virgil and Lucrece Latin intros, implement fix and add Italian in the Lucrece one;
      3. Add song J11 to misc info.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 4/6/24 12:42:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Link to latest video in @Cl, remove intro from item, and add PRT Lucrece Latin intro and Virgil bilingual intro to @Cl, noting that no PRT will be used in it; order the authors as per the opening, adding in Callimachus in the process;
      3. Added item «Perform tesina translations, with some touch-ups, and re-adapted to perskethoisa without the misunderstanding» to Sappho 16 episode 2;
      4. Mark @Sic episode Biđđizza as T, and In Cunzigghi mark U dinaru e a virtuti as T;
      5. Program a button that hides or shows all the plans in @MGS.
    7. EDITS
      1. Included barbarous meter translations of Como la dulce manzana and Otra chica no habrá into Safo: Poemas, 4/6/24 14:19; the others from that site are for poems. Updated title from "No creo que una" to "Otra chica no habrá, creo" at 14:22;
      2. Fixed lineup of Beautiful gifts of the Muses Diane Rayor version and added end-of-May-2024 Hymn to Aphrodite video at Sappho in "pop" culture, 4/624 14:37;
      3. Implemented 1/6 tweaks to Pestis at Sing to me of the wrath of Achilles, 4/6/24 14:54;
      4. Updated Blog index to address the below, 6/6/24 16:02:
        1. Mark the HS4 translations of SF 110 as @@BR, and the SF 16 tesina translations as @@TP;
        2. Note the 1/6/24 tweaks to the Pestis;
        3. Plan O Atthis! (critical note, @BR, translation) for April, a month closed off with the @Sic episode with the poem;
        4. Dedicate May to Potniai Nereides: main papyrus + scrap, @BR, GC, translations (may be too finely split, if so, add Peace Chinese to this month);
        5. Τίποτα δεν τελειώνει is Greek, not Albanian;
        6. Plans for June '25:
          1. Ty Greek and Turkish 1/6;
          2. Pak nga pak 8/6;
          3. A ki me rrejt 15/6;
          4. Iroha Mandarin and Hindi 22/6;
          5. Shojo Danish 29/6;
        7. Plans for July:
          1. Ty Russian and Japanese 6/7;
          2. La strada Chinese and Min 13/7;
          3. Pa ret ap domi Italian 20/7;
          4. Earth Angel French 27/7 (repurposing spurious Mandarin entry);
        8. Plans for August '25:
          1. Translation review and crit note for Gongyla 3/8;
          2. Translation performances for Gongyla 10/8;
          3. @Sic Biddizza 17/8;
          4. Ode ad Anattoria 24/8;
          5. Catullo 51 crossover 31/8;
        9. Plans for September '25:
          1. Ty Sicilian and Min 7/9;
          2. Përjet'si 14/9;
          3. Thërrime dashurie 21/9;
          4. Last Anata ga iru kara 28/9;
        10. Make Oct '25 the 只有你 month.
        11. Plans for Nov '25:
          1. Namida no mukou Italian 2/11;
          2. Ob-la-di Albanian French 9/11;
          3. Haja o que houver Albanian Hakka 16/11;
          4. Bulan Zulu Japanese Greek 23/11 (has spurious "." after Japanese title, delete it);
          5. Namida no mukou Chinese 30/11;
        12. Plans for Dec '25 (Detective Conan month):
          1. Kimi ga ireba Italian Chinese 7/12;
          2. Aitai yo Italian Chinese 14/12;
          3. Still for your love English 21/12 (the English and Chinese of this at least didn't get marked DETECTIVE CONAN, fix);
          4. Happy birthday Italian 25/12 (Xmas special);
          5. Everlasting 28/12 (split this and Everlasting love into two, one for Italian and one for Chinese, and mark all as DETECTIVE CONAN);
        13. Plans for Jan '26:
          1. New year's day special: Ling Ling Ling;
          2. Fragments that go into comboes: any crit note, old translations, and translations from Saffo in metrica barbara;
          3. Actually, those get comboed as such and such, and then crit note for any integrations to those comboes;
          4. Mica;
          5. Parrannu a amici;
      5. Moved the correction paragraph from the Chinese to the Romanian translation, implemented 6/6/24 tweaks to Italian-English-Neapolitan-Romanian, and implemented the 5/6/24 tweak to the German, all at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 8/6/24 17:08.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 9/6/24 12:34», 9/6/24 12:21;
    1. VIDEO: Balada da caridade | Ballata della carità | 慈善的短歌 Císhàn de duǎngē, «16/6/24, upload started 17:03:06 (preparing to 1%) and completed 17:07:04, processing started 17;07:07, 36mins left 17:07:15, 35mins 17:07:39, 17:08:39 34mins, missed grayout then checking 0% 10mins 17:09:10, checking 8% 10mins at 17:10:03, done 17:10:03, with potential delays «36mins poss, 35mins maybe, 34mins poss 2s, grayout maybe missed, if not very late and moves into 1% 10mins left checking, 8% maybe, and ending maybe», saved as unlisted 17:16:32».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 16/6/24 17:05.
      1. 12/1/25 plan is doublet with April (and also has the post links for the following episode Anattoria), replace it with 'O surdato nnammurato English+Greek;
      2. Replace «which is apparently LP 61 so… what?» with «which apparently was never included in a Sappho edition and confined in the papyrus transcription until the papyri were combined, and with 7 letters and some vestiges it doesn't give much»;
      3. Plan the Duluri ṙ'amuri @Sic episode, which includes Γρήγορα η ώρα πέρασε just before Δέδυκε μεν α σελάννα (and changes its Italian title to Il tempo è volato via);
      4. Format the planned @Sic episodes so they list their fragments in bulleted lists rather than inline, each indicating its original language and translation language(s);
      5. Note 8/6/24 tweak to Occhi 'nfatati;
      6. Update unlisted translations section, splitting the point concerning the Sappho editions into two;
      7. Add the new @Sic translations;
      8. Make Italian O Atthis! an @@Ψ; English stays @@BR;
      9. Occhi 'nfatati video still says upload planned….
    3. Related Quora space post: 16/6/24, written 17:20:56-17:25:15 , posted 17:25:28.
    4. Latest video made public: 10/6/24 14:08:32.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 15/6/24 18:52:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Note the half a billion new translations both in the episode list (where  lira is somehow still not T) and in the fragments list, fix typo Latina to Latona in episode plans (how is this still around?!), place Γρήγορα η ώρα πέρασε in the Duluri ṙ'amuri episode where the relevant fragment resides, and update opening status, at @Sic;
      3. Add Operation: Durations in video index;
      4. Plan out comboed fragments episode 1, noting that:
        1. Comboed fragments: 2.C.ii UTL 59, SF w Mika, 2.A.xxxvii, 2.C.iii UTL 60, 2.A.xxxvi, 2.D.xxii UTL 63, 2.D.xxvi UTL 68, 2.B.xxii, 2.D.xl (somehow not in the fragments list), 2.D.xli,, 2.D.xliv, 2.D.xxi UTL 62, 2.D.xx UTL 61, 1.H.ii SF x, 2.A.xx;
        2. lexti hmm;
        3. Pentilean girls hmm;
        4. Investigate δᾰ κᾰ̣[κό]τροπ’, ἄμμα[: how does it turn to dakne polytrop' ammais?
        5. Stridenti brezze?
        6. Old version changes a metrical thing plus the Pentilus line, and then aēdoi vs. aētai;
        7. As for SF x, translations are OK, though xlidanai pitheisa "posta sulla delicata" is probs wrong;
      5. Remove the «[Κ]α̣λλ̣[οόπα» item from Chinese Poetic Sappho, remove the mention of the barbarous meter translations to be added to Safo: Poemas since that's dealt with, and add the following to the stuff for Spanish, Greek, and unlaunched editions:
        1. «Three lost lines» and «6 lost lines» in Andromeda combo need to be rendered into whatever language;
        2. Ἀέλοις typo in same combo;
        3. δίαιται χ]λιδάνᾳ 'πίθεισα -> διαίτᾳ χ]λιδάνᾳ 'πίθεισα in same combo;
        4. Make it ἄμμι γ]έλα[ν in Mika;
        5. Make it τοῦτο φρένας] δάκνε in Mika;
        6. Make it μελλιχόφων[ος] in Mika;
        7. Where is the integration σ̣ὺ μὰν ἐφίλης̣ [καί μ' ἐτέλης πάντα γ]ε, τῶν κάλημ‹μ›ι in the editions?
        8. Fix ὡς αἱ Σαπφοῦς to ὡς καἱ Σαπφοῦς in Χρυσαστράγαλοι;
        9. CPS/SP/SA 281 (Italian 326), 337 (Italian 284), and 355 (Italian 41) have either lost lines or untranslatable ones, so there IS no translation there (also for CPS);
        10. Typo μεταξύ των γυαίκων in Greek O Atthis;
      6. Start planning out O Atthis!
      Came back to make general comments on O Atthis! Italian and English not be items in the comments list, and to have the fragments past O Atthis! be out of the O Atthis! plan list, at 18:59.
    6. EDITS
      1. Implemented 8/6/24 tweak to Occhi 'nfatati at Cinque canzoni siciliane, 12/6/24 14:41;
      2. Edited Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 12/6/24 15:11, to address the following:
        1. Add translations of Vinisti, Lingua chi abbaia a votu, Nun zi pirmetti lamentu, A Dica, and A Mica;
        2. Translate «Three lost lines» and «6 lost lines» in Andromeda combo, to Greek in the Greek and to Sicilian in the wannabe Sicilian;
        3. Fix typo Ἀέλοις in the same combo;
        4. Fix δίαιται χ]λιδάνᾳ 'πίθεισα -> διαίτᾳ χ]λιδάνᾳ 'πίθεισα in the same combo;
        5. Integrate Mika as τοῦτο φρένας] δάκνε;
        6. Fix the integration μελλιχόφων[ον] to μελλιχόφων[ος] in Mika;
      3. Edited Chinese Poetic Sappho, 12/6/24 15:33, to address the following:
        1. «Three lost lines» and «6 lost lines» in Andromeda combo need to be rendered into whatever language;
        2. Where is the integration σ̣ὺ μὰν ἐφίλης̣ [καί μ' ἐτέλης πάντα γ]ε, τῶν κάλημ‹μ›ι in the editions?
        3. δίαιται χ]λιδάνᾳ 'πίθεισα -> διαίτᾳ χ]λιδάνᾳ 'πίθεισα in same combo;
        4. Ἀέλοις typo in same combo;
        5. Make it ἄμμι γ]έλα[ν in Mika;
        6. Make it τοῦτο φρένας] δάκνε in Mika;
        7. Make it μελλιχόφων[ος] in Mika;
        8. Fix ὡς αἱ Σαπφοῦς to ὡς καἱ Σαπφοῦς in Χρυσαστράγαλοι;
        9. «[Κ]α̣λλ̣[οόπα» needs fixing;
      4. Edited Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 15/6/24 2:01, to address the following:
        1. Implement integration ἄμμι γ]έλα[ν at Mica;
        2. Implement tweak to translation of Dica;
        3. Add translations of:
          1. Nun mi spittu;
          2. Pî mè cumbagni;
          3. Tègnu a mènti ṙuçi;
          4. Nun crèṙu ca nuđđa;
          5. Imenèo;
          6. Pomu ṙuçi;
        4. Change title Cantemu pî sposi to Cantassimu in the fragment index and body;
        5. Linebreak the intro to U dinaru e a virtuti better;
      5. Edited 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō, 15/6/24 2:07 to address the following:
        1. Translate «Three lost lines» and «6 lost lines» in Andromeda combo to Greek in the Greek;
        2. Fix δίαιται χ]λιδάνᾳ 'πίθεισα -> διαίτᾳ χ]λιδάνᾳ 'πίθεισα in the same combo;
        3. Fix typo Ἀέλοις in the same combo;
        4. Implement integration ἄμμι γ]έλα[ν at Mica, and translate it;
        5. Integrate Mika as τοῦτο φρένας] δάκνε;
        6. Fix the integration μελλιχόφων[ον] to μελλιχόφων[ος] in Mika;
      6. Added translation of Giacintu to Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 15/6/24 16:06.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 16/6/24 19:56», 16/6/24 19:37;
    1. VIDEO: 王杰 Dave Wong – 我 Wǒ | I | 僕 Boku, «23/6/24, upload started 15:01:02/03 (preparing to 1% done) and completed 15:05:12, processing started 15:05:14, 21mins left at 15:05:22, then I wrote this stuff and went back at 15:05:51 to find Checking 0% 10mins, then at 15:07:20/21 checking 16% 9mins left, and at 15:07:32 it was done after a ≤1s grayout, saved as unlisted 15:09:20».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 23/6/24 15:03.
      1. Add all @Sic episodes to video index, with their fragments lists; note that Biđđizza does NOT crossover with English, while Třistizza e řaggia 'n teřřa střanièra crossovers with Italian (i.e. the main series); Duluri ṙ'amuri should list the translations for each fragment and say "upload yet unplanned" instead of nothing, and also link to Love and Grief instead of Back to reality [etc] for Mi lassasti; this episode got fixed before Hector and Andromacha was planned;
      2. Add the name of Dave Wong to today's video's title;
      3. Put the English translation of Ode to a beautiful woman in the relevant @Ψ episode instead, together with the Italian; add an entry for said episode;
      4. Add the new translations of the KP in the posts Love and grief and Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, and mark the old Sicilian as "virzioni 1" ;
      5. Note corrections to Chinese Leads to Him;
    3. Related Quora space post: 23/6/24, written 15:15:28-15:29:00, posted 15:29:12.
    4. Latest video made public: 21/6/24 13:14:00.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 22/6/24 19:57:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. @Sic: Biđđizza does NOT crossover with English, while Třistizza e řaggia in teřřa střanièra crossovers with Italian; episode 1 has double Kypris Poem, still crossover;
      3. Add «Change the σι of σαλοισι to have uncertain iota» to all-editions stuff;
      4. @MGS:
        1. Fix plan of episode 2 so that it starts with brief Obbink intro, bilingual without doppelgänger, then goes to the translation of the pre-GC versions, then goes into the P.GC and the Benelli stuff; @Sic has two translations, @Ch has one, CPS is also missing Benelli, as is the Greek;
        2. Episode 3 of the KP (that's what I'm talking about here) is just the translations of the post-PGC version;
        3. Episode 2 should plan out the references to the papyrus too;
        4. Expand on @Sic item to plan episode (summarily);
        5. Add a memento Benelli to Ymmes peda Moisan if there is no plan (and there almost certainly isn't); note «Gotta say, that synekphonesis with two long vowels is kinda crammed 🙂»;
        6. Plan out textual note to O Atthis! (no point planning out every detail of the papyrus review);
        7. Complete plans for O Atthis!
        8. Start planning out episode 2 of the book IV fusions
    6. EDITS
      1. Implemented 15/6/24 tweak to Latin at O Atthis!, 21/6/24 14:13;
      2. Added Benelli+ Kypris Poem and its English version to Love and grief, 21/6/24 15:03;
      3. Added new Kypris Poem, mentioned P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 4 in numering of Kypris Poem, and fix Ymmes peda Moisan érōi line, all at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 21/6/24 15:35;
      4. Fixed texts of Ymmes peda Moisan and Kypris Poem as per Antuluggia edit and update the translations accordingly at 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō, 22/6/24 14:42;
      5. Fixed texts of Kypris Poem and Ymmes peda Moisan as per Antuluggia edit at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 22/6/24 14:46;
      6. Fixed texts of Kypris Poem and Ymmes peda Moisan as per Antuluggia edit, at Safo: Poemas, 22/6/24 15:08;
      7. Fixed texts of Ymmes peda Moisan and Kypris Poem as per Antuluggia edit, and fix the translation of Ymmes peda Moisan, at Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, 22/6/24 15:15;
      8. Implemented corrections to Chinese at Leads to Him, 23/6/24 12:51.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 23/6/24 16:02», 23/6/24 15:46;
    1. VIDEO: DETECTIVE CONAN (ZARD): 少女の頃に戻った見たいに Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | As if once more I'd gone back to that time of yore, «30/6/24, upload started 17:32:17 and completed 18:15:[18,27] processing started 18:15:35, 21mins left 18:15:47, missed grayout ≥18:15:56, then Checking 0% 10mins left 18:16:23, 12% 9mins left 18:17:33, grayout 18:17:37, done 18:17:41, with delays «end of upload, 21mins left, missed grayout of about 1s, grayout 2 and possibly end», saved as unlisted 18:23:04».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 30/6/24 17:34.
      1. 25/12/2021 video entry is missing a space before the post title;
      2. «the change of 13/9 when the range is 11-13 is lower than it being before 13», *chance;
      3. @Sic episode Cunzigghi is lacking U dinaru e a virtuti;
      4. cuntř'ê buřřaschi, not contř', Latin is not barbarous meter;
      5. Nozzi ṙ'Èttore e Andròmaca got planned twice, remove the entry after the Epigrams;
      6. Macari tu eri na picciriđđa tènnira episode has "U upload yet unplanned";
      7. Add new translations from edits 2 (changing the old version of this into @@MV and retitling the fragment) and 8 (which is @@BR like its original shall be), plus the tweaks to KP translations from edits 3 and 1;
      8. Recoveries episode should include translations A-B of Tais kalais ymmin from Italian edition;
      9. Check those badslation counts in the index since the tesina barbarous meter English (and maybe Italian?) were deemed performable;
      10. Put ZARD in all Shojo plans, and make the @MickG section for the Shôjo post entry into a numbered list;
      11. "Ca iđđa dia successu â vucca migghiuri" is retitled as "Putissi iđđa cantari cu na vuçi migghiuri" in the Cantari episode, and "Scinninu ṙû çièlu" got rititled to "Scinnìu ṙû çièlu" in the Mituloggici episode; and "Ca tu dorma" should be "Ca tu durmissi" in Canti ṙi matřimòniu; and the second of these should happen in the translation entry as well;
      12. Go through HS3 Sappho, fix any ordering issue, and put in the missing [RES] tags and bracket the unbracketed ones; in the meantime:
        1. Given the gloss of "noctu in lecto", "Either late 7/6 or 8/6/10" should be changed for the Thermopylæ epigrams Jun '10 remakes;
        2. «between the next item and the completions of Sappho 16» sounds like an ordering error but is a poor ordering of the "between" things;
        3. Add specification «I placed it after the 15/8 SPN1 extract as the diary does not mention SPN work after dinner» to SF 27 Infinitive Italian;
        4. «I reached SD26» *SF26";
        5. Italian Ode to Aphrodite 1.5 should point to Latin above, not Italian above;
        6. SF 51 Latin blog is double, remove the one with just "9/9/10 (SD1.xxvi)" as short history).
    3. Related Quora space post: 30/6/24, written 18:26:48-18:30:48, posted 18:31:04.
    4. Latest video made public: 24/6/24 16:36:56.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update, 24/6/24 16:52;
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Add Operation: performer names in video index, just before Operation: Rime shenanigans;
      3. @Sic:
        1. Episode one should be "Mi si scùtula u cori a mmia" and is now lacking the "Mi";
        2. Should be cuntř'ê buřřaschi, not contř';
        3. Puisia ṙî frati gets the poem title  nuřřizza;
        4. Video index elided in after řaggia;
        5. Since we use the IP translation for Muruta hâ jàçiri, the #5M tag is obsolete;
        6. "Ca iđđa dia successu â vucca migghiuri" is retitled as "Putissi iđđa cantari cu na vuçi migghiuri" in the Cantari episode, and "Scinninu ṙû çièlu" got rititled to "Scinnìu ṙû çièlu" in the Mituloggici episode;
        7. Review the contents list for the Macari tu eri na picciriđđa tènnira episode;
      4. @MGS:
        1. Put the O Atthis! vague crit note plan in episode 1 where it belongs, rather than after what is supposed to be episode 2 with the translation reviews;
        2. Modify the plans of Kypris Poem episode 2 to mention whatever the Spanish edition is doing with the post-GC version.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 update 2, 29/6/24 23:47;
      1. Change the title to Unfinished non-work projects Jan-Jun 2024;
      2. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      3. @MGS:
        1. It's γονοῦμαι, not γουνοῦμαι;
        2. Explicitly point yourself to the integration history in the Kypris Poem post;
        3. Finish planning out episode 2 of the book IV fusions;
      4. At @Sic, note that Ca tu dorma, which should be durmissi, is translated;
      5. Where LP 126 (May you sleep) is mentioned as "musicated and translated", apparently both have happened twice;
      6. Add Operation: Chinese Poetic Sappho Chinese intro;
      7. Add Operation: Sapphoýs Ápanta Greek intro;
      8. Add Operation: Safo: Poemas Spanish intro;
      9. Add «Versión con el papiro de Obbink (trad. 19/7/19 15:07) -> Versión con el papiro de Obbink (o de Obbink segunda, trad. 19/7/19 15:07)» to Safo: Poemas entry, and «ὡς αἱ Σαπφοῦς was correct and I miscorrected it, fix back» to Spanish Chinese Italian and German edition, removing everything in those lists except the first two points, and do that in Sapphoýs Ápanta too.
    7. EDITS
      1. Implemented new integration for the Kypris poem (Benelli+), and added the missing linebreaks in its English, at Love and grief, 29/6/24 0:28;
      2. Edited 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō, 29/6/24 1:32, to address the below:
        1. The following have one more blank line after the Greek than after the English in the old translations tab:
          1. O Atthis!
          2. Titles of group 2;
          3. Frr. 8 and 9;
          4. Frr. 10-11 and 13;
          5. Frr. 14-17;
          6. Frr. 19-25 (also 23-25 are misnumbered as 13-15 in the English);
          7. Fr. 26;
          8. Frr. 27-33;
          9. Frr. 34-35;
          10. Frr. 37-39;
          11. Frr. 41-43;
          12. Fr. 44 is in the opposite situation;
          13. Frr. 45-47;
          14. Frr. 49-53;
          15. Frr. 54-57;
          16. Frr. 58-62, and possibly 63;
        2. Eliminate the double double breve in the newly-integrated line of Gifts of the Muses;
        3. Implement the new text and translation of "Perform with a better voice", fixing the dang [Κ]α̣λλ̣[οόπα in the process;
        4. Add context line for "Coming down from the sky" to the new translations tab, and put it in [] in both tabs;
        5. δίαιτᾳ is impossible accentuation, and the new tab still has adscript iota;
        6. [Καὶ τέ]λει κούφως τ[ό κε πο]⌟ι νοήσῃ̣⌞ *κέ;
      3. Edited Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 29/6/24 1:50 to:
        1. Make the -i of σάλοισί uncertain in  Çipride virzioni 1;
        2. Implement newest integration and translation in virzioni 2;
        3. Eliminate the double double breve in the newly supplemented I doni ṙî Musi line;
        4. Implement the new integrations to Putissi iđđa cantari cu na vuçi migghiuri;
        5. Retitle Puisia ṙî frati to  nuřřizza;
        6. Put the context line for Scinninnu ṙû çielu in [], and retitle it to Scinnìu ṙû çièlu;
        7. Fix the impossible accentuation of δίαιτᾳ;
        8. [Καὶ τέ]λει κούφως τ[ό κε πο]⌟ι νοήσῃ̣⌞ *κέ;
      4. Edited Safo: Poemas, 29/6/24 15:40, to
        1. Fix all but the first two todo list items, fixing the impossible accentuation of δίαιτᾳ in the process; note how the "Three lost lines" item was already dealt with in the Spanish and Chinese editions; and the ὡς αι point was done in the Chinese one; also, the σι of σαλοισι has an underlined iota in all editions, so scratch that point; also, note that καἱ has a wrong accent in the todo list;
        2. Call the first KP Ἐκδοκὴ ἡ σὺν τοῦ παπύρου τοῦ Ὄββιγκ (ἢ ἡ τοῦ Ὄββιγκ ἡ δευτέρα), and implement newest integration to Ἐκδοκὴ ἡ τοῦ Βενέλλεως και ἐμή;
        3. Add new Ἐκδοκή ἡ ἐμή to "Lo que es en el papiro de Oxirrinco antes de "Vos a los donos de las Musas"" for the new integrations;
        4. [Καὶ τέ]λει κούφως τ[ό κε πο]⌟ι νοήσῃ̣⌞ *κέ;
      5. Ditto at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 29/6/24 19:26;
      6. Ditto at Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, where the three fragments mentinoed in the todo list were not translated yet, and I finally realized ὡς αἱ Σαπφοῦς was correct and I miscorrected it (which will go in the todo list for other editions), 29/6/24 20:00;
      7. Made English and Czech pre-Yanlei fix tabs not active by default at Alone in a rainy night, 29/6/24 20:03;
      8. Added tweaked Italian 1.E.ii and made the final 1.A.ii English's div active by default at The rest of Sappho, 29/6/24 20:09.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 30/6/24 20:36», 30/6/24 20:18;
    1. VIDEO: Giovanni Formisano, Gaetano Emanuel: E vui durmiti ancora (Giovanni Formisano, Gaetano Emanuel Calì) | 而你还在睡觉 Ér nǐ hái zài shuìjiào, «7-8/7/24, upload started 23:44:14, was at 15\% 45mins left at… 23:54:56, then the wifi broke down, so it stopped; then I never reopened the computer, yet it finished uploading just before I did; the guess is that, somewhere between 14:48:42 (when we parked) and 15:00:15 (when I reopened), it connected to the Uni Wifi and went Speedy Gonzalez; at any rate, when I opened, it was at 81%, then 71% 4s later, then 88% 2h7min left at 15:00:24, I missed the 87% and 77% which I saw, and by 15:00:26 it was starting the processing; so processing started 15:00:26, 21mins left 15:00:35, grayout 15:00:56, Checking 0% 10mins left 15:00:57, 8% 10mins left 15:01:41, all done 15:01:53, at which point I just published it at 15:06:16. Delayed 21mins and possibly the end. I missed a second grayout just before the end».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 7/7/24 23:46.
      1. Add the new todo list post to post and chrono index, reflecting the old post's title change wherever needed;
      2. Mark the English and Latin translations to be included in @Sic episodes with that tag (also, Latin chickpeas is somehow Latin+English, fix; how LP 105(a) ended up marked as SF r I have no clue, fix);
      3. Add poet and musicator to next video;
      4. Note the 2/7/24 tweaks to the new Latin Sappho fragments covers (both the main translation and the fourth-voice one);
      5. Add new and "semiold" Signore delle cime English;
      6. Add the new translations of E31, as well as the Sicilian one;
      7. Update the Potniai Nereides plans as per todo list update, and also, add Peace to complete the month.
    3. Related Quora space post: 7/7/24, written 15:09:44-15:13:15, posted 15:13:28.
    4. Latest video made public: 7/7/24 0:32:08.
    5. New Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec post, 7n/7/24 0:33; updates from the previous:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. @MGS: start planning out Potniai Nereides;
      3. Add «Throw out δράσ' for Ferrari's ἔρξ' in Andromeda λελάθην line» to the Spanish, Greek, and Chinese editions' todo lists;
      4. Fix typo "a tripled of" in item 4 of episode 2 of KP;
      5. Add song J12 to relevant list.
    6. EDITS
      1. Threw out δράσ' for Ferrari's ἔρξ' in Against Andromeda at 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō, 6/7/24 15:43;
      2. Threw out δράσ' for Ferrari's ἔρξ' in Against Andromeda, and added translation of Ca tu durmissi (and fixed its title from Ca tu dorma), at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 6/7/24 15:52;
      3. Implemented the tweak to Italian 1.E.ix, linebroke the intro entry for it and did the history edit there in, at The rest of Sappho, 6/7/24 16:11:00/01;
      4. Added the section «About the "title" of this poem» and made the images appear again at Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 6/7/24 22:51;
      5. Implemented 29/6/24 tweaks to English at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 6/7/24 23:07;
      6. Put capta in the third voice text and Sappho in the fourth voice text at A cover for Sappho fragments, 6/7/24 23:15;
      7. Added new English at Signore delle cime, 6/7/24 23:22;
      8. Moved the English twocolumn 20px to the left, moved the Original Italian Catullus l. 8 down a line and moved that twocolumn 20px to the right, and changed the paddings of the bonus translation from 40px-40px to 120px-120px, all at Catullus and Sappho: ode to Anactoria, 6/7/24 23:30;
      9. Added the post-final section «More on the lines in "Beautiful gifts of the muses" that come before the Köln part in the Oxyrhynchus papyrus» at Nostalgia for youth, 7/7/24 1:31.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 9/7/24 0:02. IDK WHAT is up with this IDIOT called Fb, but it WON'T make a preview for the video, it loses THE WHOLE POST anytime I try to edit it, and pasting a YT link on a blank line is IMPOSSIBLE. So I guess we preview the Quora space post?», 8/7/24 23:49;
    1. VIDEO: Ignoto, Franco Li Causi, Vitti na crozza | 看到头骨 Kàn dào tóugǔ, «14/7/24, upload started 20:17:23/24 (preparing to 1%) and completed 20:20:49, processing started 20:20:51, 21mins left about 1s before 20:21:02, grayout at 20:21:30 with 21mins left, checked 0% 10mins left 20:21:31, grayout at 12% 9mins left at 20:22:50, all done 20:22:51, saved as unlisted 20:25:52».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 14/7/24 20:19.
      1. Add Sicilian Ca tu durmissi;
      2. Note Shojo English remake tweaks from 29/6/24;
      3. Add the new 1.E.ix Italian, marking old one as Original;
      4. Move latest video above spoiler button, and add lyricist and musicator names to all the remaining July and/or Shojo videos; add that data to uploaded Shojo videos, in brackets after the video title;
      5. Note the completion of Shojo German remake;
      6. Swap Shojo German with Heri jun zai lai to avoid overconcentration of Shojo videos;
      7. Plan Pařřannu a amici not for 17/8/25, but for 25/1/26;
      8. Split Time after time into Chinese+Neapolitan, to be planned for 1/2/26 with updated Naepoltian title (tra 'e danze ri sciore is long since obsolete), and Albanian+Romanian;
      9. Plan Ode to a beautiful woman critical note and translations (@Ψ) for 8/2/26;
      10. Plan Cunzigghi (@Sic) for 15/2/26;
      11. Plan A lifetime of translations episode 1 (up to HS1) for 22/2/26;
      12. Add Saffo in metrica barbara to post index, and its translations up to but excluding Sappho 16, in the order of its index; meanwhile:
        1. Add timestamps to Pak nga pak Italian;
        2. Move the new Edmonds 31 translations before Signore delle cime 4/7/24, and make them not toggled by the HS3-HS4 translation toggler;
        3. Make the Latin remake for Elthont' (SF 64) not toggled either;
      13. In the middle-2 and beyond Qongqothwane translations, note that the Chinese had its chorus modified 23:13-23:14 and its verse modified 23:18-23:20, while the English had timestamps 23:22 and 23:25-23:26 respectively; «Order relative to the next one needs a clear-up» in the previous item is now obsolete;
      14. Note the recording-day tweak to E vui durmiti ancora Chinese;
      15. Add incomplete Time after time Romanian remake.
    3. Related Quora space post: 14/7/24, written 22:18:08-22:26:05, posted 22:26:16.
    4. POST: Saffo in metrica barbara, 13/7/24 3:51.
    5. Related Sappho space post: 13/7/24, written 15:23:12-15:28:44, posted 15:28:56.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec UPDATE, 14/7/24 1:14:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. @MGS: At Potniai Nereides, add the changes list «HS4 to main: ἐπ’ ἀγ̣[λαΐ]ᾳ -> ἐ̤παγ[ορί]ᾳ, δαῦτ' οὐ -> δ' αὖτ' οὐ; κακ̣αν[θε͜α -> κακ̣αν[θε'»; no time to plan further, unfortunately;
      3. Make the necessary updates to the translation candidates list;
      4. Status of Saffo in metrica barbara: launched; index is complete, but the translation histories therein are not; crappy lineup to be fixed;
      5. Rename Performer names in video index to Lyricist and musicator names in video index, and update its status;
      6. Stafus of Sappho auf barbariche metern: debating whether to reduce this to an anthology larger than the Chôka and Sicilian one or keep it an edition;
      7. Add Spanish Chinese and Greek edition "Add second version of Tande phylassete";
      8. Add Operation: Saffo in metrica barbara interline Attic glosses.
    7. EDITS
      1. Partially fixed lineup, added tag explanation, and changed WNM to NSM, all at Saffo in metrica barbara, 13/7/24 19:35;
      2. Made the English remake tabi active by default for the mourning song, thus aligning with the default active div, at Sappho: three epigrams and a mourning song, 14/7/24 0:25;
      3. Implemented recording-day tweaks for E vui durmiti ancura Chinese at Cinque canzoni siciliane, 14/7/24 0:32;
      4. Injected dates into post-final section at Nostalgia for youth, 14/7/24 12:12;
      5. Removed mention of German in final intro paragraph, expanded on Danish plans therein, and completed German remake at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 14/7/24 12:57;
      6. Added new bits of Romanian remake at Time after time, 14/7/24 13:11.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 14/7/24 23:17», 14/7/24 23:08;
    1. VIDEO: DETECTIVE CONAN: 少女の頃に戻った見たいに Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Λες κι αν εγώ είχα γυρίσει [στον καιρό που ήμουν κορίτσι νεαρό], «21/7/24, upload started 18:30:34/35 (preparing to 1%) and completed 18:38:51, processing started 18:38:54, 21mins left 18:39:00 (possibly a delayed timestamp), 0% checked 10mins left 18:39:[19,22], then went from 15% 9mins left to done at 18:40:55, saved as unlisted 18:43:12».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 21/7/24 18:37.
      1. Add SF r translations;
      2. Add incomplete Vulissi aviri murutu;
      3. Complete history of Time after time Romanian Buona novità;
      4. Place the translations of C 44A "Aiparthenos":
        1. Italian is S9 residue post-OS10, with "scioglier sue membra" twk. 17/9/21 13:57;
        2. English is S11 residue, with «I indeed always bear will» twk. 17/9/21 13:58, and the last line tweaked 29/8/21 at 12:49;
        3. Latin is OS19 residue modulo typo cacumibe, fixed in blog times;
      5. Add fixed-up tesina translations of Sappho 16;
      6. Add new Latin translation of "Remember: we did those things too", marking old one as without P.Oxy. whatever and as @@BR;
      7. Add Danish remake of Shojo;
      8. Change title of Shojo Danish from «Som om jẹg var vendt tilbagė til når jẹg var en lillė barnlig pigė» to «Som om jeg var vendt tilbage til når jeg var et lille barn»;
      9. Plan March '26 to have the @Ψ episodes corresponding to @Sic Frammenti mitulòggiçi and U giuramèntu ṙi Artèmide and those @Sic episodes, alternating between the series; to close off that March, tentatively plan Time after time Albanian and Romanian;
      10. List all the translations included in the Recoveries episode in the corresponding video entry, adding in the ditched Edmonds 41 (In violent storms) stanza 1 and a bunch of alternate Saffo in metrica barbara translations.
    3. Related Quora space post: 21/7/24, written 18:47:36-18:50:07, posted 18:50:16.
    4. Latest video made public: 20/7/24 20:30:48.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects Jul-Dec 2024 UPDATE, 21n/7/24 1:04:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Add the BP mystery to the Status of Saffo in metrica barbara todo list;
      3. In Translation reworks, remove Shojo and Time after time; tag them all so they are easier to find; merge the two entries for More than words;
      4. Recoveries episode under @Ψ probably needs a significant update reflecting that of index edit item ix; also, The stars and the moon Latin is in @Sic now, so get it out of the Recoveries episode; add the two Italian edition translations to be recovered in the first Epithalamia episode, namely "May you sleep" (one of the two with associated tune) and "To whom can I compare you?" (one of the two);
      5. Add "Remove δ from «Υ]μμε̤ δ' ὀ[ξ]είαις δ[άκε μοι βλεποίσᾳ»" to Spanish, Greek, and Chinese editions' todo lists;
      6. Add «Relabel the non-Edmonds "Let's sing for the couple" as updated instead of correct» to Chinese, Spanish, Greek, Italian, and German editions stuff;
      7. Add Operation: no underlines or double underdots in editions;
      8. Add Pancho Vaniglia and Cocciu d'amuri to Translation candidates;
      9. @MGS "To the Nereids" (CPS 4): list the missing Chinese translations, and plan out episodes 1-2 in a not-too-specific way; note «cannot crossover with Italian because it is a super-late episode» in the @Sic item;
      10. @Sic:
        1. Make the puseđđa episode an English-Italian crossover;
        2. Note that episode 1 will use two Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō versions, only one of which is already musicated;
        3. The Edmonds Cu è beđđu needs a tune;
        4. Move the note on musicating Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō Muruta hâ jàçiri from Frammenti mituloggiçi to Duluri ṙ'amuri.
    6. EDITS
      1. Fixed lineup at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 15/7/24 12:01;
      2. Added the new Ai klyton info and some note on the Brothers Poem, fix typos «le18:07» and «Completzata», fixed up the nonsense of "che poi alle 14:24 va a «Tema pei gran venti li nauti afferra»", and continued the index up to and including "Invero voglio esser morta", all at Saffo in metrica barbara, 15/7/24 16:09;
      3. Fixed up history of the tune for "Invero voglio esser morta", added in a few missing empty headers in the Italian, continued the index up to and including the two translations and two tunes of "Che tu dorma", and added versions B and C of "Se avessi ancora latte in seno", reflecting it duefully in the index, all at Saffo in metrica barbara, 18/7/24 15:56;
        eliminated artificial blank lines at the top of the Greek, improving lineup (from Italian 5 lines above to Italian 10 lines above it was, from Italian 3 lines above to Italian 3 lines below it is) at 16:02;
      4. Added repetitions of the tsutsumikondekureru sections to Horridous oldity non-final German Romanian and Danish, and added Danish remake, all at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 19/7/24 15:15;
      5. Completed Romanian remake, fixing typo "Răunând" in the process, at Time after time, 19/7/24 15:36;
      6. Added "tesina remade" translations at Dearest offsrping of Heaven and of Earth, 20/7/24 15:56;
      7. Implement recent tweaks to Vitti na crozza Chinese, fixing the typo 矿上 in the process, fix the spelling in that song to be consistently haju instead of using both aju and haju, implement that song's video version and fix the typo déi, all at Cinque canzoni Siciliane, 20/7/24 19:38;
      8. Fixed dorma->durmissi in the fragments list, removed the δ' from «Υ]μμε̤ δ' ὀ[ξ]είαις δ[άκε μοι βλεποίσᾳ», and added partial translation of Vulissi aviri murutu at Antuluggia ṙi Saffu 'n Siçilianu, 20/7/24 19:46;
      9. Removed the δ from «Υ]μμε̤ δ' ὀ[ξ]είαις δ[άκε μοι βλεποίσᾳ» at 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō, 20/7/24 19:48;
      10. Added new Latin "Remember: we did those things too" and gave "Weaving garlands" a table structure at Nostalgia for youth, 20/7/13 20:14. Gave that thing the needed linebreaks at 20:15;
      11. Fixed up Sappho Comparative Numbering Table in regards to "P.Oxy. lines" parts of Poem 2 at Nostalgia for youth, 20/7/24 23:01;
      12. Fixed duplicate ID problems for fragment 20 at Saffo in metrica barbara, 21/7/24 0:02. There's probably a lot more to look into.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 21/7/24 23:13», 21/7/24 22:58;
    1. VIDEO: Casadei: Romagna mia | 亲爱罗马涅 Qīn'ài Luómǎniè | 我がロマーニャ Wa ga Romānya, «29/7/24, upload started 0:10:56/56 (preparing to 2% done) and completed 0:15:37, processing started 0:15:39, 19mins left 0:15:47, grayout 1 missed because 0:15:50 was already blank, 0% checked 16mins remaining at 0:15:54, 4% 10mins 0:16:14, grayout 2 0:16:29 with 6% 10mins, ungrayout 0:16:30, grayout 3 0:17:02 with 7% 10mins (which appeared at 0:16:56), all done 0:17:04, delays «19mins left, grayout 1-2 and un-grayout2, grayout 3», saved as unlisted 0:19:36».
    2. POST: Romagna mia, 28/7/24 23:36.
    3. Related index update for both (includes addressing the points below): 29/7/24 0:13.
      1. Note tweaks to Shojo Greek;
      2. Note tweak to Sappho 16 tesina remade Italian;
      3. Add newest English for Sapppho 16 "title", marking the earlier one as such;
      4. Note the completion of Vulissi aviri murutu Sicilian.
    4. Related Quora space post: 28/7/24, written 0:24:48-0:27:51, posted 0:28:00.
    5. Latest video made public: 22/7/24 11:03:52.
    6. EDITS
      1. Edited Blog index to address the below, 24/7/24 18:56:
        1. Give Saffo in metrica barbara translations their Saffo in metrica barbara fragment numbers, and add those of frr. 16 20 21 22, removing the ? from the tag of the Spanish "To my friends" translation and giving that translation timestamps in the process;
        2. Remove spurious Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo from @Sic videos that are not crossovers with Italian;
        3. Plans:
          1. @Ψ episode for "I loved you, Atthis" (LP 49): 5/4/26; how the Italian translation was marked @BR when it was recovered is beyond me: fix!
          2. @Ψ episode about the fragments of @Sic "Cunzigghi": 12/4/26;
          3. @Ψ episode about the fragments of @Sic "Gioia e natura" minus the Idyll with Aphrodite: 26/4/26;
          4. What is that Atoma plan for 16/3/25? Move it to 19/4/26!
          5. Aconteceu Latin-Greek-Spanish: Christmas day 2024;
          6. Itto asce khimona: Some Xmas day to be specified past 2026;
          7. Move the Conlang translation to 3/5/26;
          8. Se tu fossi Korean: 19/1/25;
          9. Si maritau Řosa Italian: 10/5/26;
          10. Algo se muere en el alma Italian: 17/5/26;
          11. Αμυγδαλάκι τσάκισα Italian-Spanish: 24/5/26;
          12. Τι 'ν' αυτό που το λένε αγάπη Italian: 31/5/26;
          13. Alugalug cat Italian: April Fools special 2025;
          14. A canoa Italian: 7/6/26;
          15. Mi amor Italian: 14/6/26;
          16. Vuestra soy Portugyese: 21/6/26;
          17. Se tu sapessi Chinese (hopefully completed by then): 28/6/26;
          18. Everlasting Chinese: 5/7/26;
          19. A lifetime of translations: Reaching the Sappho doors (episode 2): 12/7/26;
          20. @Ψ episode for Idyll with Aphrodite: 19/7/26;
          21. @Ψ episode for Hector and Andromacha: 26/7/26;
          22. @Sic episode for Hector and Andromacha: 2/8/26.
      2. Fixed «I will always indeed a virgin’s name» -> «I will always indeed bear a virgin’s name» in the poem and «I will always bear will a virgin’s name» -> «I indeed always bear will a virgin’s name» in the intro at Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths!, 28/7/24 15:54;
      3. The "one last batch of translations" is called "tesina remade" not "tesina fixed": fixed that, implemented latest "tesina remade" Italian tweak, and added newest "title" English, all at Dearest offsrping of Heaven and of Earth, 28/7/24 16:01;
      4. Implemented recent tweaks to Greek at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 28/7/24 16:09;
      5. Completed Vulissi aviri murutu at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 28/7/24 16:42.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 30/7/24 15:29», 30/7/24 15:19;
    1. VIDEO: Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Kypris Poem, Chapter 1: Indirect quotations and papyrus fragment, «4/8/24, upload started 18:57:31 and completed 20:50:56, processing started 20:53:34, 32mins left 20:53:46, 31mins 20:54:47, grayout at 20:54:55, 0% checked 10mins left at 20:54:56, grayout 20:56:03, all done 20:56:04, saved as unlisted 21:51:28».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 4/8/24 19:03.
      1. Note the remaking of stanza 6 of tesina remade Sappho 16 and add the PGC cross with tesina remade Latin;
      2. Note Italian tweaks to Shojo;
      3. Add new Tade nyn etairais Spanish versions;
      4. Note corrections to Shojo Neapolitan and Time after time Neapolitan;
      5. Split Ling Ling Ling into Italian New Year's special '26 and the others unplanned;
      6. What is Ballata dell'amore vero doing linked to from two 'O surdato 'nnammurato video entries?
      7. Guide viewers to the @@NV English translation of the cover, and update cover entries with relevant parts in today's video; also, 10:52-11:08 for the original Latin fourth voice of the cover is wrong.
    3. Related Sappho space post: 4/8/24, written 22:12:32-22:20:21, posted 22:20:32.
    4. Related Quora space post: 4/8/24, written 22:23:20-22:24:00, posted 22:24:08.
    5. Latest video made public: 29/7/24 9:51:04.
    6. EDITS
      1. Implemented Neapolitan corrections at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 31/7/24 16:11;
      2. Implemented Neapolitan corrections at Time after time, 31/7/24 16:26;
      3. Table-ified the other Sapphic stanza fragments and fixed the lineup and padding of the latest translation in the post, at Nostalgia for youth, 4/8/24 12:27;
      4. Did history edit for "I will always indeed bear a virgin's name" (C 44A) at Mythic’lly good? Let’s hear some myths!, 4/8/24 12:44:01;
      5. Implemented "tesina remade" Latin stanza 6 and added PGC Latin cross with tesina remade at Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 4/8/24 13:11;
      6. "Il giorno dopo" for the Chinese-Italian back-translations refers to 21/6, made that explicit at Romagna mia, given the intervening tweaks shifting the last previously mentioned date, 4/8/24 13:14;
      7. Implemented alternate Spanish versions for Tade nyn etairais at Sparse translations of Sappho into "unconventional" languages, 4/8/24 13:19;
      8. Implemented Italian tweak at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 4/8/24 13:22;
      9. Updated Blog index to address the below, 4/8/24 14:30;
        1. Place all Saffo in metrica barbara versions of Se avessi ancora latte in seno in chrono index;
        2. Note that C 44 SF 96 English was started «10/1 nct in lct» and then completed by S11, and place it accordingly;
        3. «Half-chorus and verse 1 18:53-18:55 twk. later and that night and night betw. 27 and 28/2/22», that would be on 3/2/22;
        4. «9/4//2023» fix typo, and Aconteceu is Christmas special 2024, not 25.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 4/8/24 23:04», 4/8/24 22:55;
    1. VIDEO: Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Kypris Poem, Chapter 2: 2014 papyri, «12/8/24, upload started 16:11:30 and completed 17:07:38, processing 34mins 17:08:15, grayout at 17:09:09, 9% checked 10mins left 17:09:11, grayout at 52% 5mins left 17:14:20, ungrayouted same status 17:14:22, grayout 53% 5minsg left 17:14:57, all done 17:15:13, saved as public 17:22:40».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 12/8/24 16:14.
      1. Put the added Ψάπφω α Λεσβία markers outside the links and remove the brackets: the links' extents will show they are not part of the video titles;
      2. Playlist By Asmā has been renamed, update index accordingly;
      3. Ατθίδα 23/5/21 is start of correction;
      4. 明日我是谁 Hindi was corrected, but chrono index says twk instead, and ditto 我的心里只有你;
      5. Put the latest video's link in video index (moving it with today's upload out of the spoiler, and changing P.Oxy. to papyrus fragment); fix the title of today's upload to have 2014 instead of 2015, and the next upload from «Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Kypris Poem, Chapter 3: Final text and translations» to «Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Kypris Poem, Chapter 3: Post-P.GC. texts and translations»;
      6. Remove (translation incomplete) from Se tu sapessi Chinese plan;
      7. Plan E poi vieni dietro me Chinese for 12/7/26, Ling Ling Ling Chinese and Hakka for 19/7/26, shove the current occupiers of 12/7 and onwards into August, removing Antuluggia from the @Ψ Ettore ed Andromaca video and completing the month with Sann-siann bo-nai English, and plan Happy Birthday English for 26/7;
      8. Make Ode to Anactoria Latin a BR;
      9. Make sure the various entries relevant to the last vid and today's upload have the video link for the poem, besides the translation; the quotations, however, do not get such a link, because I didn't read them out or perform them separately, and fr. 12 was never performed at all;
      10. Since dumbass you forgot to put last vid into the post index in item v, put both it and today's upload in said index now.
    3. Related Sappho space post: 11/8/24, written 17:46:48-17:48:10, posted 17:48:16.
    4. Related Quora space post: 11/8/24, written 17:49:28-17:49:57, posted 17:50:16.
    5. Latest video made public: 5/8/24 11:40:00.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects Jul-Dec 2024 update, 10n/8/24 1:45:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Add Operation: Saffo in metrica barbara comparative numbering table;
      3. In @MGS:
        1. Add link to @Ψ episode 1 of the Kypris Poem, and mark episode 2 as upcoming;
        2. Remove Latin performance from Sappho 16 episode 1;
        3. Add tesina remade translations performance to episode 2, removing the incomplete text;
        4. Episode 4 is 4 Italian performances (not 3), with intro (add Greek, Italian yet unmade);
        5. @Sic episode is a Latin crossover with the P.GC. crossed with tesina remade;
        6. Ode to Anactoria: add @Sic episode, Italian edition, German edition, and old translations are all badsnlations;
      4. In @Sic, make the puseđđa episode a no-Italian crossover again, and make the Sappho 16 one a Latin crossover;
      5. In @Ψ:
        1. Add «and @BR the Latin, while the English should be touched up and put in the @Sic episode» to the item about "Forever a maiden" C 44A;
        2. Note that mitulòggiçi is a double crossover, meaning Coming down from the sky, Niobe and Latona, and Leda, have English and Latin in that episode; the last of those three should have @NRR for older Latin version;
        3. Note that Cunzigghi is an English crossover, and thus takes the English versions of Taming the tongue, I have a gentle mind, and Kalokagathia out of @Ψ;
        4. Remove the details of the Kypris Poem and note that the series is already started;
        5. Remove «Next one should be about either Sappho 16 or the Kypris poem (fragment 2, version with P.Obbink)» from intro to list in status;
        6. Remove «Ode to Anactoria Italian+Latin» item, which was wrong ab initio since the Italian was at most @NRR, and now is even wronger since the Latin has been rebranded as @BR;
        7. Replace «I might feed this Italian (assuming the latter can properly fix "che raia / Duol che non cede")» with «Italian needs a bit of history and then has like 3 performable versions»;
        8. Remove Sweet apple English since it's in Sicilian crossover;
      6. Add Operation: Playlist links in video descriptions;
      7. Remove Ena dio tria from Translation candidates and add Aj, T' omátä m' çartilízne, Gulābī āṁkheṅ jo terī dekhī, Iś'q', and Bëla burdëla frèsca e cãmpãgnöla there.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes dating latest Quora space post to 4/8/24 instead of 28/7/24): 12/8/24 18:52», 12/8/24 18:42;
    1. VIDEO: Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Kypris Poem, Chapter 3: Post-P.GC. texts and translations, «18/8/24, upload started 16:40:59 and completed [16:42:39,16:43:05] (was trying to make the description when, as I got the first playlist link, the fucked completed the thing, previous SS was at 83% 31s left), processing started [16:42:39,16:43:05], 21mins left 16:43:07/08, grayout missed, checking 0% 10mins left 16:43:14, 12% 9mins 16:44:25, completed 16:44:42/43, saved as unlisted 16:50:00».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 18/8/24 16:42.
      1. Note the tweak to Remember: we did those things too (LP 24(a)) Latin remake;
      2. Note latest Romaria Spanish tweaks;
      3. Note latest Everlasting Italian tweaks;
      4. Note corrections and tweak to Iroha Hindi;
      5. Note tweak to Latin Ode to Anactoria;
      6. Add remake of Latin Ode to Anactoria, marking the old translation as original or old;
      7. Note tweak to Sempre cantiamo Chinese;
      8. Add Banana phone Italian;
      9. How did both Ling Ling Ling entries in video index end up saying it's a Hakka song when it's Indonesian?!
      10. Add new Latin O Atthis!, marking old one as @@BR, and add the other incipit, and mark the partial German as @@TP;
      11. Add Gud som haver Italian hendecasyllabics;
      12. Last video still says upload planned for.
    3. Related Sappho space post: 18/8/24, written 16:56:00-16:58:04, posted 16:58:08.
    4. Related Quora space post: 18/8/24, written 17:02:32-17:02:48, posted 17:02:56.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects Jul-Dec 2024 update, 18/8/24 12:41:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Add new Arignota incipit to Spanish-edition Sappho todo, alongside the following recent integrations:
        1. αμμαι γλυκιαι μελαοιδιαι in Invero voglio esser morta (134), 13/8/24 12:24;
        2. ἀστίβης ὄδος μέγαν εἰς Ὄλυμπον / Ἔστιν] ἀνθρώ[πῳ in Eri infatti anche tu una tenera bimba (19), Anthology version, 13/8/24 19:38;
        3. –u– ]⌟αταις̣⌞ [ἀ]ν̣εμ̣[– κρέτησαι / σὺν κάλᾳ τύχᾳ λίμενος κλύτοιο in Alla Cipride (3) Campbell version, 14/8/24, 0:13 l. 2, 0:26 l. 1;
        4. Αὔτ' ἐς ἴερον ἴξομαι in Ad Attide (136) both versions, 13/8/24 19:21;
      3. In @MGS:
        1. Add new alternate version of Arignota at the end of episode 1 of this fragment;
        2. Remove spurious «Πρῶτα Ἐλλήνιστί γε, δεύτερόν δε» from 5-line stanza 3 of Sappho 16 episode 4 intro;
        3. Add intro to today's video's item, marking it as upcoming, and add link to last vid;
      4. «The opening is essentially done, and you can see an early build of most of it at the end of» in @Sic todo is followed by an unclosed link with no text, so fix that in all tabs; make sure the translation progress is up to date in both the translations list and the episodes list (whence «Ca iđđa dassi successu â vucca migghiuri» should be removed);
      5. Add the two openings to Monster Medley (the joke one and the current playlist name).
    6. EDITS:
      1. Added Italian hendecasyllabics translation to Swedish religious hymn, 16/8/24 14:55;
      2. Implemented recent Spanish tweaks at Romaria (pellegrinaggio), 17/8/24 15:39;
      3. Fixed typo «erani gli "Originali"» in intro and Implemented recent Italian tweak at Everlasting, 17/8/24 15:46:20;
      4. Implemented lost 19/7 tweak to Latin remade Remember: we did those things too at Nostalgia for youth, 17/8/24 15:51;
      5. Implemented corrections and tweak to Hindi at Iroha, 17/8/24 16:00;
      6. Reinstated m' in Latin, erroneously removed from between hoc and agitavit between tesina and blog, and added Latin remake, all at Catullus and Sappho: Ode to Anactoria, 17/8/24 20:01;
      7. Added the missing linebreak in «Ὄττι τοὶς βρ]ό̣τοις [ποτ]ε̣ [οὔ κεν εἴη Πάμπαν εὐτύχην·] ἔνα μ[οι ποθήω», and noted that first integrations to KP stanza 4 are from 19/6/24, at Love and grief, 17/8/24 20:03:59;
      8. Implemented recent tweak to Chinese at We always, when dawn blooms again, come singing, 18/8/24 0:18;
      9. Added Banana phone Italian to Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 18/8/24 0:24;
      10. Titled part with old stuff "Old translation", added "New incipit, new Latins" for new table with fixed Latin and new incipit, and fixed padding of both tables, at O Atthis!, 18/8/24 1:05.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes removing NINEFOLD from latest Fb post item and removing the , from after 2024 in the todo list update item for the last entry): 18/8/24 18:49», 18/8/24 18:30;
    1. VIDEO: Saffo in Siçilianu: Mi si scùtula u cori a mmia, «25/8/24, upload started 22:27:42 and completed 22:32:27, processing started 22:32:30, 31mins left 22:32:39, 30mins left 22:32:53, grayout into checked 0% 10mins at 22:33:00, 24% 8mins left 22:35:24, all done 22:35:59, skipping from 27% to done, with delays on «30min, grayout missed, 27% to done», saved as unlisted 22:40:56».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 25/8/24 22:31.
      1. Note the tweak to KP Antologia;
      2. Note the tweak to Prese (7);
      3. Add O Attide version 2 and Malidizziuni and Sposu filiçi and new "title" translation (old one is now only at the post), and note tweak to Mika, from Antuluggia;
      4. Note the translations of l. 2 of I loved you Atthis, and the English semi-remake;
      5. Place translations "Marry someone younger" (LP 121) and "Don't move the gravel" (LP 145), noting tweaks to Italian of former and English and Italian remakes of latter;
      6. Note the tweak to Sappho 16 post-GC in Italian edition, and the new Italian and Sicilian translations of the "title" of SF 16 (aka Edmonds 31);
      7. SF 36 / LP 51 stuff:
        1. English original is in this vid, give timestamps;
        2. Latin original needs [RES] before @@BR as well as "Original" tag;
        3. Sicilian version same as item a, plus needs performance-of-original link;
        4. Some of the other versions have a shortened performance-of-original link with no timestamsps, fix; some others have it long and with timestamps but no recording date; either one or both of these categories also hold for LP 47;
      8. Once the video is in all but the post index, create the @Sic and @Ch playlist and put them into the playlist list, and add the former next to the Antuluggia entry of the post index in lieu of today's video and others.
    3. Related Sappho space post: 25/8/24, written 22:48:00-22:51:15, posted 22:51:28.
    4. Related Quora space post: 25/8/24, written 22:52:00-22:52:24/25, posted 22:52:40.
    5. Latest video made public: 19/8/24 11:11:20.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec update, 25/8/24 12:55:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always; btw, that caused a U1 in a quoted self-chat message to be changed, so rectify it first;
      2. Add the recently-added Spanish-edition Sappho todo entries to Chinese and Greek editions as well; add the remotion of the subscript iota from any instance of ᾖσθ in versions of the KP to all the todos;
      3. In @MGS, add the link to the last video, and remove the KP intro altogether, and fix up the Sappho 16 one, adding the Italian version;
      4. Review Recoveries episode and plan second one, and split the religious group video as per what happens in the index;
      5. In @Sic, note the appearance of O Arignota, and the translation of Sposu filiçi; change all sposu/sposi to spusu/spusi; remove the Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō version of Dui pinzieri from the first episode; give mituloggici its ç in the episode list; always there, it's Scinnìu, not Scinninnu, ṙû çièlu.
    7. EDITS
      1. Did the following at Saffo in metrica barbara, 22/8/24 17:24:
        1. Remove the spurious : after the end of the history of Sacrificio per un'amica versione mia, which causes a :-only line, and the spurious ;-only item at the end of the history of Sull'amore;
        2. Fix «Dopo aver fatto tutta la famosa parte (b) post-GC, ecco alle 19:69 finalmente» *49;
        3. Rename the translations of fr. 22 to A B C, and B is not from 8/10/21 15:44, both B and C are from 18/2/22 15:58 given as options to one another;
        4. Remove the repeated but spuriously-integrated stanza 3 from Kypris Poem Obbink version;
        5. Remove translation dating from Sulle muse, Al vespero, Accadde, Imeneo;
        6. Implement alternate completion to Un'altra fanciulla così, and make its index entry;
        7. Update the index entry for O lieta sposa;
        8. Put correct titles in the entries for Gli dèi libano per uno sposo and Sposa dai bei piedi in place of the current "Un'altra fanciulla così", clearly a copypaste fail; the (T,M) is probably also a fail like that;
        9. Complete index up to Niobe e Latona, adding Ceci's versions A B D to the edition;
        10. Make sure there are no duplicate IDs of DIVs;
      2. Made the following updates at Blog index, 24/8/24 19:45:
        1. «Sappho Kypris poem without P.GC» yet @@Sic? Should be with GC, fix;
        2. "Two opinions" Latin remake should go from «@@Ψ: ">6:55-7:03» to «@Ψ: 6:55-7:03»;
        3. Review Recoveries episode. It should include anything left out of "I don't know what to think", "Love shook my heart", and "To my friends", as well as of frr. c and bb, but not "Se avessi ancora latte in seno" or anything else which still needs its @Ψ episode; add "Saffo di Lesbo" to its title, as well as to that of all planned episodes up to Ode to a beautiful woman;
        4. The following should be added to the @Ψ advice episode: Non si permette lamento, Gli dèi lodino chi non piange, Non vantarti dell'anello, Sposa una più giovane, Non spostar la ghiaia;
        5. Rid the Italian Myths episode of its current Sicilian fragment titles;
        6. Besides the Myths episode, plan an "A libation and a prayer" episode for 6/9/26;
        7. E 7+8 LP 40 + inc. 13 C 40 + inc. 13, E 9 LP 33 C 33 SF 7 (libation) has too many numbers, the «, E 9 LP 33 C 33» part must have gotten inserted by mistake;
        8. Plan another @Ψ episode with the rest of the religious "group video" idea from the todo list for 13/9/26;
        9. Move Atoma to 27/9/26 and place @PC Balade de bon conseyl on 19/4/26;
        10. Plan episode for Se avessi ancora latte in seno for 20/9/26;
        11. Fix the playlist name to असमा की कविताएं Asmā kī kavitāeṅ (Asmā's poems - اسما کی کوتائیں) (kī, not ke);
        12. @Sic ep. 2 starts with Sappho 16 then goes to Anactoria; we're coming from 16 and going into Ταῖς ἔμαις ἐταίραις, makes no sense to have the fragments in the other order in the Sicilian;
        13. Add recording dates to @BRs for Oxy/GW(+) translations of Sappho 16 (rec. 21/8/24) and entries from next vid (rec. 24/8/24, and note that the Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō LP 51 is no longer @@Sic, and @Sic 2 says Sappho 16 is LP 26+, fix to 16+, and why is Benelli+ English marked as @@Ψ? And why are the translation of To Charaxus classed as @TP?);
        14. Add video links to Saffo in metrica barbara entries;
        15. Add recording day of 21/8/24 for entries for "title" of Sappho 16, fixing the tesina remade to not be of the title;
      3. Implemented new incipit for O Atthis (to be renamed to "To Arignota") and integrations below at Chôka no Saffō, 24/8/24 20:03:
        1. αμμαι γλυκιαι μελαοιδιαι in I wish I were dead;
        2. ἀστίβης ὄδος μέγαν εἰς Ὄλυμπον / Ἔστιν] ἀνθρώ[πῳ in You were also a tender young child; that fragment is titled as said in the indices but «For you were also a tender child» in body, fix the body;
        3. –u– ]⌟αταις̣⌞ [ἀ]ν̣εμ̣[– κρέτησαι / σὺν κάλᾳ τύχᾳ λίμενος κλύτοιο in The curse;
        4. Αὔτ' ἐς ἴερον ἴξομαι in To Arignota;
      4. Implemented tweaks to Italian "Marry someone younger" and Italian and English remakes of "Don't move the gravel", with history edits for those two, at Back to reality: some things are impossible, and some best avoided, 24/8/24 22:17;
      5. Fixed c'a to câ at start of intro, and implemented new start of O Attide, translations of Malidizziuni and Sposu filiçi (fixing all instances of sposu to spusu), integrations listed at Italian edition item, tweak to Mika, and new translation of "title" of fr. 16, and translate intro to A Dica, at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 25/8/24 0:34;
      6. Fixed [Versions 2&4 as above] to have a code for the ampersand and implemented new title stuff (third table) at Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 25/8/24 0:44;
      7. Added newest translations, and did history edit (noting the Edmonds translation «I loved you, Atthis, long ago, when my own girlhood was still all flowers, and you—you seemed to me a small ungainly child.»), for fragment 1 at I loved you, Atthis… but now you hate me…, 25/8/24 1:13;
      8. Did the following at Saffo in metrica barbara, 25/8/24 14:33 never saved, at 14:41 I went in to fix something and then it saved:
        1. Add alternate Arignota version for O Atthis!
        2. In KP Antologia, tweak Il suo dolore to La sua passione;
        3. Double index, probably pasted updated one on only header of old one;
        4. Remove the (Urbe?) suggestion from Prese (7);
        5. New integrations:
          1. αμμαι γλυκιαι μελαοιδιαι in Invero voglio esser morta (134);
          2. ἀστίβης ὄδος μέγαν εἰς Ὄλυμπον / Ἔστιν] ἀνθρώ[πῳ in Eri infatti anche tu una tenera bimba (19), Anthology version;
          3. –u– ]⌟αταις̣⌞ [ἀ]ν̣εμ̣[– κρέτησαι / σὺν κάλᾳ τύχᾳ λίμενος κλύτοιο in Alla Cipride (3) Campbell version;
          4. Αὔτ' ἐς ἴερον ἴξομαι in Ad Attide (136) both versions (done as I added the alternate start);
        6. Drop γόνωμ' from Versione dopo il papiro P.GC.;
        7. Fix typo "Fermail" in Versione di Benelli e mia, and fix "in cuore![" to "in cuore!]" and soffirer->soffrire in there as well; also, note the recent now-discarded tweak;
        8. προ̣[τέρᾖσθ' should be πρό̣[τερἦσθ', from πρότερ(α) + ἦσθα with no iota subscript; fix in all KP versions;
        9. «[Ma possiamo solo pregar d'averlo,» in all pre-GC versions should close the ] after solo;
        10. Incomplete linebreak tags in post-GB Sappho 16(b):
          1. Ben l'ho> / [Qiu si possono esser perse delle strofe.] (with bonus typo Qiu);
          2. diventarebr;
        11. «L'oblio ha ingannato alcuni» should be «La dimenticanza […]» and be numbered 582, so the ones after it should have their numbers upped by 1 too;
        12. Implement new "title" of Sappho 16; add that translation to the edition and make the index entry;
        13. Implement tweak in Sappho 16 post-GC;
        14. Implement choice in partial Che io metta sotto;
        15. The Edmonds Sappho 16 is badly messed up:
          1. Κρίννεν κάλ]ι̣στον is inmetrical;
          2. [Ἄμ]λ̣ε̣ νῦν is a Frankenstein integration;
          3. π̣αρ̣εοίσα‹ι'ς has ' in place of closing angled bracket;
          4. Edmonds has ἔμμεναι κάλιστον, a stupid useless emendatoin;
          5. It's ὄττω, not ὄττῳ, fix all versions;
          6. ὄ]λεσσ̣[εν] no -n;
          7. [Οὐδὲν] ἐμνάσθ no, mãllon!
          8. Not Κύπρις but Ὦρος;
          9. εὔκαμπτον γὰρ ἀεὶ τὸ θῆλυ / Αἴ κε τις κούφως τὸ πάρον νοήσῃ;
          10. Papyrus has ἀμάρυλμα so both -g- and -kh- are corrections; fix all versions.
    «Related Fb page post update (includes fixing the date of the last upload and Quora posts from 11/8 to 18/8 and closing the link to the Quora space post after "post" and not at the end of the item): 25/8/24 23:27», 25/8/24 23:04;
  1179. NEW VIDEO:
    1. VIDEO: Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Sappho 16, Chapter 1: P.Oxy. 1231 and quotations, «9/9/24, upload started 15:40:16 and completed 16:[32:57,34:07], processing started 16:34:18, 27mins 16:34:54, 26mins 16:35:49, 0% checked 16:36:52 10mins, gets all the way to 99% percent by percent (never seen that happen) at 16:46:44 1min left, «checks are taking longer than usual to complete but are still running» at 16:46:51, then ends at 16:51:05, possible delays «27mins, 26mins, grayout ~1s missed, missed grayout ~1s 16:50:xx, and another ~1s just before end», published 16:54:48».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 9/9/24 15:43.
      1. «traduct fragmenti 37 scribo» in SD37 doesn't let one deduce how many translation; comment on that; remove «see the comparative numbering table for a full list, at least till I implement it here for my own reference» from there, and use SF 36 instead of fr. 36 in the translation, and similar;
      2. «twk. betw. 25/6/11 and 28/8/11» for S19 residues is outdated ever since S18 was dated to 10/8; fix that in SF 32 Latin [RES] @@BR, and eliminate any instance of a short link for 2ep0JGCGHPU;
      3. Mark the old "title" translation as «"title", original», and note that it is now only at the post; mark the Latin remade "title" as such, instead of Sicilian;
      4. Note tweak to Mika Sicilian;
      5. Make the Saffo in metrica barbara entry for the "title" of Sappho 16, or note that the latest Italian translation is in that post;
      6. L'uselin says New Year's special but not for which day, fix;
      7. Fix upload date of today's vid and plan next for 12/9, also, Chapter 4 should not be titled «Final text and translation»;
    3. Related Sappho space post: 8/9/24, written 16:59:52-17:02:55, posted 17:03:12.
    4. Related Quora space post: 8/9/24, written 17:03:36-17:04:38, posted 17:04:44.
    5. Latest video made public: 26/8/24 11:26:40.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing NINETFOLD in latest Fb post entry): 9/9/24 17:13», 9/9/24 17:07.
    1. VIDEO 1: Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Sappho 16, Chapter 2: P.Oxy. 2166(a), «15/9/24, upload started 15:26:06 and completed 15:27:18, processing started 15:27:19, stayed as "processing will start shortly" for ages, then 58mins at 15:32:[24,34], 57mins 15:[32:34,33:13], 56mins 15:34:09/10, 55mins 15:[34:44,35:12], checking 0% 10mins 15:35:40, 48% 6mins 15:40:28, went up to 51%, then straight to all done 15:41:[19,22], delays «58min, 57min, 56min, 55min, 51->done», saved as unlisted 15:46:24.
    2. VIDEO 2: Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Sappho 16, Chapter 3: P.GC. inv. 105, «15/9/24, upload started 22:10:52/53 (preparing to 8%, WTH is this madness?) and completed 22:11:14, processing started 22:11:16, 60mins 22:12:08, grayout 22:12:46, 0% checked 10mins 22:12:49, 40% 9mins 2:16:44, all done 22:16:48, delays «60min, maybe grayout and 0% checked, 40%->done was like a fraction of a second after the 40%», saved as unlisted 22:30:24.
    3. Related index update for both (includes addressing the points below): 15/9/24 22:37.
      1. Split 16 and 16b in @Sic and explain in @Ψ ep. 4 why @Sic splits them but ep. 4 doesn't; implement the "title stanzas"' titles into the fragment entries;
      2. Make April half-Arignota half-songs, open May with the other two Arignota videos (talking 2025 here), put Atoma and Τι 'ν' αυτό που το λένε αγάπη to fill the April gaps, close off May with Peace and Ty Greek-Turkish, put the May Sappho things in June with Pak nga pak on 8/6 and Iroha on 22/6, and shove the rest down until you put La strada on 31/5/26 and Pa ret ap domi on 27/9/26;
      3. Add half a billion badslation reviews to the chrono index :), and the tesina translaitons are all to Latin apparently so fix that, and the tesina translations are no longer TPs but BRs;
      4. Add the entry for the latest English pseudotitle, even though it's not on the post yet;
      5. Add the text performance link to 21-22/8/24 Italian and Sicilian pseudotitle entries.
    4. Related Sappho space post for both: 15/9/24, written 22:37:36-22:44:12, posted 22:44:32.
    5. Related Quora space post for both: 15/9/24, written 22:45:04/22:44:56-22:46:27, posted 22:46:40.
    «Related Fb page post update (includes fixing the latest entry to date its Quora space posts to 8/9 instead of 1/9, and closing the latest entry's item, which I have no idea how it was accepted without a closure!! And ditto for the lates entry's Fb link): 15/9/24 23:02», 15/9/24 22:54;
    1. VIDEO: Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo – Sappho 16, Chapter 4: Quattro versioni, quattro traduzioni, «23/9/24, upload started WTF-0:42:25 where it was still grey and said 19%, and completed 0:42:32, processing started 0:42:34, 60mins 0:42:44, blanked out 0:43:14, 0% checked 10mins left 0:4:17, 20% 8mins 0:45:15, 22% 8mins within 0:45:29, all done 0:46:01, delays as per Google bar «start processing, 60mins, blanking, 0% poss. 2-3s, possibly pseudo-grayout», saved as unlisted 0:54:32».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 23/9/24 0:49.
      1. Note the alternate Sicilian O ṙuçi matři, and add it to Recoveries episode;
      2. Note the recent Benelli+ KP English tweak;
      3. Add Μὴ κίνη χέραδας quadruple Sicilian, and add the fragment to the Cunzigghi episode;
      4. Update the titles of the two parts of Sappho 16 (both of which are still ""Tu ṙi Gaia e Uranu cchiù amata figghia), split Arignota as per the Antuluggia's splits, and note the tweak to the Timas epigram;
      5. Note the tweak to Sweet mother English;
      6. Move Si maritau Rosa to before the Italian Cunzigghi episode, and shove stuff down as a consequence;
      7. Move Sann siann bo-nai between Idyll and Hector and Andromacha;
      8. Swap Se avessi ancora latte in seno with Pa ret ap domi;
      9. Oti agapiomastan has post link for Earth angel, fix;
      10. Latin PGC cross with tesina remade shoud be @Sic; add new Latin remade Sappho 16 and note the 26/8/24 tweak to tesina remade Italian and 24/8/24 tweak to corresponding English;
      11. Note in video index that @Sic episode 2 will have double Latin for Sappho 16… uh, why does it not say anything about ANY Latin?
      12. Prepare slots for this and next video's links in chrono index;
      13. Video plans:
        1. 4/10/26: Happy birthday Chinese;
        2. 11/10/26: Still for your love Chinese;
        3. 18/10/26: Everlasting love Italian;
        4. 25/10/26: Boku ga iru Italian (split off from others);
        5. 1/11/26: Αερίων επέων;
        6. 8/11/26: Ουκ εθέλω πλουτείν;
        7. 15/11/26: ᾽Υμήναον;
        8. 22/11/19: @Ψ Hymn to Aphrodite;
        9. 29/11/26: Ύμνος προς την Αφροδίτην;
        10. 6/12/26: Boku ga iru Chinese+Korean (split off from Italian);
        11. 13/12/26: Everlasting love Chinese;
        12. 20/12/26: Pazuru Italian;
        13. Xmas special 2026: Sempre cantiamo al rifiorir del giorno Chinese;
        14. 27/12/26: Pazuru Chinese;
        15. New year's special 2027: 真的好想你, which is not Venetian and will get two videos, Italian on new year's, English 31/1;
        16. 3/1/27: 最熟悉的陌生人 English;
        17. 10/1/27: 我的歌声里 English+Czech;
        18. 17/1/27: Bulan menjadi saksi Chinese+Min+Hakka;
        19. 24/1/27: @Pit Boku ga iru;
        20. 31/1/27: 真的好想你 English;
        21. 7/2/27: @Ψ Πότνια Ήρα pre-GC;
        22. 14/2/27: 最熟悉的陌生人Turkish;
        23. 21/2/27: @Ψ Πότνια Ήρα post-GC;
        24. 28/2/27: @Ψ Πότνια Ήρα edition translations;
        25. 7/3/27: 我的歌声里 Hindi+Greek;
        26. 14/3/27: 浪子的心情;
        27. 21/3/27: Hitohira no hanabira Italian;
        28. 28/3/27: Dieci ragazze per me;
        29. 4/4/27: 我如何知道你爱我 Cantonese;
        30. 11/4/27: Quel oselin dal bòsch;
        31. 18/4/27/ Hitohira no hanabira Chinese;
        32. 25/4/27: 'O surdato 'nnammurato double Chinese;
    3. Related Sappho space post: 23/9/24, written 1:00:56-1:02:37, posted 1:02:48.
    4. Related Quora space post: 23/9/24, written 1:03:28-1:03:55/56, posted 1:04:16.
    5. Latest videos made public: 16/9/24 11:21:20 and 11:21:44.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec UPDATE, 17/9/24 16:04:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. In todo lists for Spanish Greek and Chinese Sappho, add the addition of the Edmonds version of Sappho 16; remove the ὡς αἱ Σαπφοῦς and Brothers poem mystery items from the Italian list, and add a few items there;
      3. @Sic:
        1. Mark Spusu filiçi as T instead of N;
        2. Get rid of the old title «Ca iđđa dassi successu â vucca migghiuri» in the fragments list;
        3. Mark the Canti ṙi matřimoniu episode as #2M not #2,6M;
        4. Add Μὴ κἰνη χέραδας (both translations list and Cunzigghi episode);
        5. Count 16 and 16b as separate fragments for the episode;
        6. Add link to episode 1 and remove any mention of Dui pinzieri English from Metrical English in Chôka no Saffō there;
        7. Split episode 2 into a fragments list with the "title stanzas";
        8. Prepare the formatting for the other episodes, just without the title stanzas, which are to be made soon, even for unplanned episodes;
        9. Give a big update to the final part;
      4. Thoroughly update the CJK song part of misc info, and remove Wannabe new Replacement intactive stuff part 3 thence;
      5. Add Target language candidates with Klingon and Esperanto (both considered 31/8/24 23:37) as a project;
      6. At Chôka no Saffō, make a todo list with the titling of Sappho 16b and probably some stuff from the other todos as items;
      7. Add Tình Thôi Xót Xa, 'Na sera 'e maggio, Aber wie, Zai yiqi, and Giati akoma s'agapo, to translation candidates; check the list matches the file. close those links as links, not as list items, in the last three entries of the list.
    7. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec UPDATE 2, 21/9/24 17:47, consisting of the project ID shenanigans and the following @Sic changes:
      1. List the translations included in episode 2;
      2. Turn the fragments list into a bulleted lists and make single bullets for split fragments (Sappho 16-16b for now, plus the next item);
      3. Split Arignota into two and add O Atthis too;
      4. Add the title stanzas for that episode;
    8. EDITS
      1. Edited Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 20/9/24 15:22, to:
        1. Implement 26/8/24 tweak to Italian tesina remade, noting that it started by noting (24/8/24 12:55) the synaeresis «fianco͜ a lei» appeared to not be supposed to exist;
        2. Add newest English pseudotitle;
        3. Give the ampersand in 1&3 in the Paracritical note extract its escape code;
        4. Add latest Latin Sappho 16 remake;
      2. Implemented recent tweak to English Benelli+ KP at Love and grief, 20/9/24 15:27;
      3. Did the following at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 20/9/24 16:07:
        1. Fix all three instances of "Cantassimu pî sposi" to have "spusi";
        2. Add Μὴ κίνη χέραδας as bonus fragment with four versions in Cunzigghi group;
        3. Add alternate version of O ṙuçi matři;
        4. Give a title to 16b in the body;
        5. Put Persephone in the TImas epigram instead of Aphrodite;
        6. Title 16b in the indices;
      4. Implemented recent tweaks to 1.H.iii (Sweet mother) English at The rest of Sappho, 20/9/24 16:17;
      5. Implemented recent English tesina remade tweak at Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 20/9/24 16:25;
      6. Split Arignota after the Κῆθι δ' ἔλθην stanza, made O Atthis continue with the rest of that, and basically fixed lineup, all at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 21/9/24 17:14.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 23/9/24 1:31», 23/9/24 1:12;
    1. VIDEO: Saffo in Siçilianu: Anattoria, «30/9/24, upload started 13:46:57 (2% but still grayed out!!) and completed 13:47:31, processing started 13:47:31, 60mins 13:47:[38,45], then I was busy putting the video in playlists but 13:48:[34,38] it moved to checking 1% 10mins left, 16% 9mins 13:50:09, then all done 13:50:12/11, published 13:56:24 IF ONLY IT WOULD REGISTER MY CLICKS… 13:56:40 AGAIN WTF, 13:56:49».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 30/9/24 15:54.
      1. Mark the two Sicilian O ṙuçi matři as Original and Alternative;
      2. Happy birthday Chinese ended up as an extra item in the @Sic episode including "Nun fussi na marfarata";
      3. Swap Boku ga iru Chinese+Korean with Pazuru Italian;
      4. Split 双人枕头 into English+Czech and the rest;
      5. Love and grief post entry is missing links to @Ψ episode 4 of KP and @Sic episode 1;
      6. Add new translations of Ταῖς ἔμαις ἐταίραις;
      7. Note recent tweaks to I murtali 'un tègnunu gioia china (also, the hell is the history «Stanza 1 28/3/24 19:03-19:08 twk. 29/3/24, rest yet to be done»? And there's three versions!);
      8. Ditto for Sappho 16b Latin;
      9. Note 21/9/24 tweak to Saffo in metrica barbara (16) Edmonds;
      10. Note 22/9/24 tweak to Saffo in metrica barbara (16) pre-2166(a);
      11. Note 22/9/24 tweak to Saffo in metrica barbara (16) pre-GC;
      12. Ταις εμαις εταιραις needs a video title update, given the new translations;
      13. Place the Rickroll as New Year's Special 2025;
      14. May 2027:
        1. 2/5 L'uselin de la comare;
        2. 9/5 Tu sei la mia vita Chinese;
        3. 16/5 Shifou wo zhende yiwusuoyou;
        4. 23/5 Nel silenzio della notte;
        5. 30/5 Tu sei la mia vita Greek;
      15. June 2027:
        1. Il viaggio;
        2. 13/6: Negra sombra;
        3. 20/6: Barco negro;
        4. 27/6: Ojos de cielo;
      16. A ri fìmmini tènniri missing overdot on r in video index;
      17. Note new translated part of Tshim-tshim--e ai Vietnamese and French;
      18. Note tweak to Greek of Tais emais etairais;
      19. Note new I don't know what to think English, marking the HS one as Original;
      20. Note tweak to Manto de açucenas Spanish;
      21. Latest video says upload planned for 22/9 but it was uploaded on 23/9, fix;
      22. Make the upload date for this video 30/9 not 29/9;
      23. The previous 2 videos also say upload planned for;
      24. Wo de weilai bu shi meng English has @@ with video link, fix; ditto Odna kalyna Romagnolo, Tu scendi dalle stelle Chinese remake, E vui durmiti ancora Chinese, Gua--e sim lai tsi-u li Chinese traduzioni finali, Fragments cover English updated version.
    3. Related Sappho space post: 30/9/24, written 14:03:12-14:05:34, posted 14:05:52.
    4. Related Quora space post: 30/9/24, written 14:06:08-14:06:53, posted 14:07:12.
    5. Latest video made public: 23/9/24 11:02:24.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec UPDATE, 28/9/24 20:26 (with «the onnly thing changing», <u;> in the list just before that fixed and moved after that changed bit of text, and the </i> closing the Brilatin item fixed, at 20:29):
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. In todo lists for Spanish Greek and Chinese Sappho, add the dropping of Ὄλβιον and . βὰ̣ς̣ out of Sappho 16b;
      3. @Sic:
        1. Check the accuracy of the history of the Anattoria title stanzas, and fix the 16b one as per video;
        2. Check the same for the A luna ca ammuccia i stiđđi title stanzas and fix the meter on the A biđđizza divina nun è pi nui tercet;
      4. Plan badslation reviews for CPS 4 Nereids.
    7. EDITS
      1. Added new translations of Ταῖς ἔμαις ἐταίραις, implemented recent tweak to Greek of that, made it have two parts, not three (so join the first two couplets), and fixed its padding at Sappho in "pop" culture, 28/9/24 17:51;
      2. Implemented recent tweak to Sappho 16b Latin (re-remade only), and dropped Ὄλβιον and . βὰ̣ς̣ from Sappho 16b, at Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 28/9/24 18:03. Tried to fix the lineup in the P.GC. tab at 18:06;
      3. Did the following at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 28/9/24 18:12:
        1. Implement recent tweak to I murtali 'un tègnunu gioia china;
        2. Drop Ὄλβιον and . βὰ̣ς̣ from that fragment;
        3. «chisto l'accuminzai cu «xx-uu beððu comu Adoni (Αδωνίδηον)» ê 0:52 ṙû 15/4/24» 1. *chistu, 2. No, 16/4;
      4. Implemented newly-translated Vietnamese and French part at Thank you for your deep love, 28/9/24 18:31;
      5. Mentioned 25/9/24 confusing tweak message at Volpetta, 28/9/24 18:38:59;
      6. Implemented recent tweak to Spanish at Mantle of lilies, 28/9/24 18:46; why the tabs for that translation were text-align:justified, I have no clue, but that went away as well;
      7. Did history edit for the fragment's old translations and added recent English remake of "I don't know what to think" at Love and grief, 28/9/24 18:57;
      8. Do the following at Saffo in metrica barbara, 29/9/24 1:56:
        1. Translate the final bit of Sappho 16 in the Edmonds version;
        2. Change «al momento non mi sono disponibili» to «non esistono, quindi più di così non si può dire»;
        3. Split Arignota after Κῆθι δ' ἔλθην stanza and remove [Προέρχεται ἶσον τῷ ἄνω] replacing it with the next 5 tercets to have a complete O Attide;
        4. Add translations of 104 (tweaked from old one) and 268 (remade);
        5. Fix the Edmonds version: docile sempre a lUi, not lEi;
        6. Implement the 22/9/24 tweaks to the pre-2166(a) and pre-GC versions of Sappho 16;
        7. Amass all translations of Delle colombe from The rest of Sappho in the post at hand, thus fixing the spurious linebreak of Italiain l. 1;
        8. Give μ̣[εγα]⌟λ̣οις its stress in GC Era divina;
        9. Integrated τὦμον into Anthology version of Se avessi ancora latte in seno, marking it as such in the version header;
        10. Implemented the NST label up to and including 460; also:
          1. 2289 fr. 7 is labeled 8 so fix that;
          2. Collane was lost in the index and has a Greek word leftover in its Itaian title;
          3. Ceci doesn't show any version in any tab, make it show the same version in all of them I guess :);
          4. Κυπρογεήᾳ is typo;
          5. 2293 fr. 10 is actually 10b;
          6. 369 is missing all linebreaks except after l. 3;
          7. 375 was missing all but last 3 linebreaks and a kephála integration in l. 2;
          8. The second fr. 40 is a 41 in 2503 or whatever fragments 417 and neighbors are from);
          9. 167-171 are mistitled in index, will fix in another edit.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes editing last Fb post entry to date the video to 23/9, not 22/9): 30/9/24 16:18», 30/9/24 15:50.
    1. VIDEO: Ταῖς ἔμαις ἐταίραις | Για τις φίλες μου | Per le mie compagne | Para mis compañeras, «6/10/24, upload started 23:12:26 (preparing to 56%) and completed 23:12:28, processing started 23:12:29, 21mins left 23:12:37, 20ins 23:12:43, grayout flash missed, Checking 0% 10mins 23:12:49, 4% 10mins 23:13:10, got to 7% 10mins then skipped to all done 23:13:32, delays «21mins, 20mins», saved as unlisted 23:20:00».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 6/10/24 23:15.
      1. Note the Kypri kai Nereides Latin and English tweaks (Main only);
      2. Note 3/10 tweak to Spanish Tais emais etairais;
      3. Note 3-4/10 tweaks to Italian Tavolina e mërzis';
      4. To the Nereids:
        1. Chapter 1 now performs Main Italian translation;
        2. Chapter 2 includes both other papyri with two incomplete texts;
        3. Chapter 3 is the 5 Italian edition translations;
      5. July 2027:
        1. 4/7: Lela;
        2. 11/7: Aveva un bavero;
        3. 18/7: @Ψ Sapphic stanza tatters;
        4. 25/7: Ye wu;
      6. August 2027:
        1. 1/8: Mick Gorro and the Classics: tria proœmia (Ovid, Virgil, Lucrece);
        2. 8/8: Liu-long kau Tam-tsui;
        3. 15/8: @Ψ Eirana and Mnasidika;
        4. 22/8: Book IV Sappho tatters;
        5. 29/8: Mick Gorro and the Classics, Alcæus vs. Ovid;
      7. Remove spurious ῎ at beginning of video title.
    3. Related Sappho space post: 6/10/24, written 23:37:20-23:47:52, posted 23:48:08.
    4. Related Quora space post: 6/10/24, written 23:48:40-23:50:51, posted 23:51:04.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec UPDATE, 5/10/24 22:44:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. In todo lists for Spanish Greek and Chinese Sappho, add the integration of ἔπερ]θ̣ε θῦμ̣ον / ἄμ]μι πάμπ̣αν and consequent ditching of that fragment's title;
      3. Note the tatter episodes (Sapphic stanzas and book 4) both at @MGS (removing the plan item for CPS 307) and at @Ψ;
      4. @MGS:
        1. The tatter epsiodes from item 3;
        2. Link to all @Ψ episodes covering a single fragment wherever needed, and remove protoscripts for badslation reviews, postfixing the review items with (protoscript removed <date>);
        3. CPS 4 has changed plan; also, list post-GC uncertainties;
      5. @Sic:
        1. Fix typo Ὄλωον;
        2. Add link to second episode;
        3. Fix typo Composied 20/9/24 at episode 3, and hide the full history of its title stanzas in a spoiler;
        4. Note that the one for I stiđđi e a luna was composed Greek, Sicilian, Latin, then put together;
        5. «ἐστιν... 21/9/24 17:33» missing linebreak.
    6. EDITS
      1. Implemented recent Latin (28/9/24-1/10/24) and English (28/9/24) tweaks to the Main of the first fragment at Sappho and her brother: two prayers, 4/10/24 16:28;
      2. Implemented 3/10/24 Spanish tweak for Ταῖς ἔμαις ἐταίραις at Sappho in "pop" culture, 4/10/24 16:37;
      3. Implemented 3-4/10/24 Italian tweak at Table of sadness, 4/10/24 16:40;
      4. Did the following at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 4/10/24 16:49:
        1. Point out the "ntira" mis-singing of 16b l. 1;
        2. Fix typo «mtâ menti» in Figghia 'i Uranu e Gaia cchiù amata i tutti;
      5. Split Arignota and Sappho 16, and dropped Ὄλβιον and . βὰ̣ς̣ from 16, at Chôka no Saffō, 4/10/24 17:07;
      6. Did the following at Saffo in metrica barbara, 5/10/24 16:37:
        1. Missing blank line in Ad Attide after 2 tercets;
        2. Change «la prima versione» -> «la versione 19/9/21 originale» and «ora, alle 23:23 cambio ancora, e arrivo alla versione finale, che inizialmente si era persa per quanto riguarda questa edizione» -> «la versione 19/9/21 finale arriva alle 23:23 dello stesso giorno, e inizialmente si era persa per quanto riguarda questa edizione», to make it clear that item 1 of the history list covers two translations out of three;
        3. Integrate ἔπερ]θ̣ε θῦμ̣ον / ἄμ]μι πάμπ̣αν into 94 and ditch the Kong makkai title, to be reassigned maybe;
        4. Add traslation and tune for Dolce madre and Daremo;
        5. Recover l. 1 and provisionally l. 2 of 318;
        6. Complete the translation of 317;
        7. Fix the typo «Στίχου ιβʹ-ιθʹ τῆς αʹ κολύμνης», and translate that into Italian;
        8. Add a reading note to 441;
      7. Implemented recording-time Latin re-remade tweaks at Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 5/10/24 17:59.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes editing last Fb post entry to change "re-remade only, I guess" to not include "I guess", properly format the relevant link, and remove mention of Edmonds version from Arignota Italian edition item): 7/10/24 0:15», 6/10/24 23:57;
    1. VIDEO: Tavolina e mërzis' | 哀伤的桌子 Āishāng de zhuōzi | Mensa del dolor, «13/10/24, upload started 19:23:32 (still grayed out, 40%) and completed 19:23:35, processing started 19:23:36, 50mins 19:23:49, then I went to put the video link into the blog index and came back to 3% checked 10mins 19:24:26, yet it still said 50mins left at 19:24:03, then at 19:25:34 it went from 14% checked 9mins left to all done, delays «poss. end of upload, defo start of processing and 50mins left, then I went to put the video link in the blog index till 2% checked», saved as unlisted 19:30:32».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 13/10/24 19:28.
      1. Note 5/10 tweak to English Curse (LP 15);
      2. Note 5/10 tweak to Latin re-remade Sappho 16;
      3. Added Pinyin title to Liu-long kau Tam-tsui «English and Mandarin translations» video plan;
      4. Review the "I will not list" list:
        1. «I will only list complete translations», not true; review the «so as to avoid having to edit this every time a new thing gets started»;
        2. Add a long precisation to the item about the Spanish and Greek Sappho editions;
        3. «as well as those of the two editions I have yet to launch; the latter two's translations will be listed on launch, and then as I make and add them to the editions I will add them here, with the same limitations as for the Chinese editions (see further)», one of them is launched :);
        4. Add a "year" for the undateables, and put them just before HS1 and older;
      5. Why the video plan «感动天感动地 Kám-thùng thien kám-thùng thì | I move heaven and earth | Aga/nèks ti ga/nèks těx, Why can I not move you?!, Hakka (Ånton Xiè) with English translation, upload yet unplanned», which was since planned for 11/2/29, includes a Conlang translation, I have no clue; the Conlang translation was of the Chinese original, not Anton's Hakka cover;
      6. The plan for that Chinese original has the Conlang title without stress slashes, add them;
      7. Markings like "Original" go to the left of tags like [RES], while @@ tags go to the right; non-compliant items fixed, getting through all of HS3:
        1. SF 6 «Italian (@@NRR) [RES]»;
        2. SF 9 «Italian (manuscript and original) (@@BR) [RES]»;
        3. Same but Latin;
        4. SF 10 «Italian (original) (@@BR)»;
        5. Same but Latin;
        6. SF 11 «Italian (version 1) (@@BR) [RES]»;
        7. Same but Latin;
        8. SF 8 «Latin (vulgate) (@@BR) [RES]»;
        9. SF 9 «English (original) (@@BR) [RES]»;
        10. SF 10 «English (fragment 2, original) (@@NRR) [RES]»;
        11. SF 11 «English (version 1) (@@BR) [RES]»;
        12. SF 11b «Italian (version 2) (@@BR) [RES]»;
        13. Same but English;
        14. Same but Latin;
        15. SF 14 «Italian (blog) (@@NRR) [RES]»;
        16. Same but English;
        17. Same but Latin (@@Ψ);
        18. SF 28 «Latin (@@BR) [RES]»;
        19. SF 8 «English (vulgate) (@@BR) [RES]»;
        20. SF 9 «Italian (prayer, intermediate and final) (@@BR) [RES]»;
        21. Same but English;
        22. Same but Latin;
        23. SF 11 annotation «Italian (version 3) (@@BR) [RES]»;
        24. Same but English;
        25. Same but Latin;
        26. SF 17 «Italian (@@BR) [RES]»;
        27. Same but English;
        28. Same but Latin;
        29. SF 18 «Italian (@@NRR) [RES]»;
        30. Same but English;
        31. Same but Latin (@@Ψ);
        32. SF 19 «Italian (@@BR) [RES]»;
        33. Same but English;
        34. Same but Latin;
        35. SF 26 «English (@@BR) [RES]»;
        36. Same but Latin;
        37. SF 33 «English (Original, @@Ψ)»;
        38. SF 53 «Italian (Full moon) (@@BR) [RES]»;
        39. SF re-59 «Italian (@@BR) [RES]»;
        40. SF 88/89 «Latin (@@BR) [RES]»;
        41. SF 29 «Italian (@@BR) [RES]»;
        42. Same but English;
        43. Same but Latin;
        44. SF 30 «English [RES] (Original, @@NRR)»;
        45. SF 31 «English (@@Sic) [RES]»;
        46. SF 32 «Italian (@@Ψ) [RES]»;
        47. SF 32 «English (Original, @@BR) [RES]»;
        48. SF 32 «Latin (@@BR) [RES]»;
        49. SF 36 «Italian [RES] (@@Ψ) [RES]» (why the double [RES] though?);
        50. SF 36 «Latin [RES] (Original, @@BR)»;
        51. SF 39 «Italian (@@BR) [RES]»;
        52. Same but English (@@Ψ);
        53. Same as Italian but Latin;
        54. SF 40-41 «Italian (@@BR) [RES]»;
        55. SF 40-41 «English (Original, @@BR) [RES]»;
        56. SF 42 «Italian (@@BR) [RES]»;
        57. Same but Latin;
        58. SF 44 «Italian (@@BR) [RES]»;
        59. Same but English;
        60. Same but Latin;
        61. SF 45 «English (@@BR) [RES]»;
        62. Same but Latin;
        63. SF 1 «Italian (version 1.5) (@@BR) [LTE]»;
        64. Same but English;
        65. SF 46 «Italian (@@Ψ) [RES]»;
        66. Same but English (@@BR);
        67. Same fragment «Latin (original) (@@Ψ) RES]»;
        68. SF 47 «Italian (@@BR) [RES]»;
        69. Same but English (@@Ψ);
        70. Same as Italian but Latin;
        71. SF 48 «Italian (@@Ψ) [RES]»;
        72. Same but English;
        73. SF 92 «Latin (original) (@@BR) [LTA, RES]»;
        74. SF 48 «Latin (@@BR)» missing a [RES] tag;
        75. SF 50 «Italian (@@Ψ) [RES];
        76. Same but English;
        77. SF 50 «Latin (@@Ψ) RES]»;
        78. SF 51 «Italian (blog) (@@BR) [RES]»;
        79. Same but English;
        80. Same but Latin;
        81. SF 52 «English (@@Sic) [RES]»;
        82. Same but Latin (@@BR);
        83. SF 92 «Italian (@@Ψ) [RES]»;
        84. Same but English (@@BR);
        85. SF 27 «Latin (Imperative) (@@NRR) [LTA]»;
        86. Same but Italian;
        87. SF 27 «English (Imperative, original) (@@NRR) [LTA]»;
        88. SF 53 «Latin (Full moon, updated) (@@BR) [LTE]»;
        89. SF 54 «Italian (intruder) (@@NRR) RES]»;
        90. SF 54 «English (intruder) (@@BR) [RES]»;
        91. SF 7 «Latin (libation, final) (@@Ψ) [RES]»;
        92. SF 51 «English (SPN) (@@BR) [RES]»;
      8. Give LP 15 number to Curse @Ψ episode;
      9. Give recording dates for all Aug-Oct vids, from next weekend's to the first Sep one; hopefully I can do 2-3 months per index update and complete Operation: recording dates in video index that way. also, «performance of Oxy/GW+safopoemas Latin» isn't a thing in that video, and chapter 2 of KP was not uploaded on the 11th but on the 12th;
    3. Related Quora space post: 13/10/24, written 19:36:00-19:59:35, posted 19:59:44.
    4. Latest video made public: 7/10/24 11:12:00.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec UPDATE, 13/10/24 0:24:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. In Chinese Poetic Sappho, note the Chinese intro bits for the series' Sapphic stanza episodes;
      3. At Mick Gorro and the Classics, remove PRT from Homer episode 3 and mention 7/8 and hemiolic, note that the three openings are now a single episode, and add the date for any planned episode, also noting that some episodes are planned to be hemiolic;
      4. Link to multifragment @Ψ episodes at MGS;
      5. Add Operation: MickG in posts just before the live videos;
      6. Add Operation: Recording dates in video index after the Antuluggia;
      7. In Chôka Chinese Spanish and Greek todos, add «Prefix a .] to the ρ̣απικε that ends "Divine Hera"»;
      8. At @Ψ, the list of Epithalamia in the group video idea should not be the same I-II… format as the outer group list; also, the Miscellanea group says LP 197 for no reason, since all the other hyperbolae are in the 3 parts of LP 156, so delete that extra number;
      9. Sappho medley 1, Gifts of the Muses is not LP 79 but part of LP 58;
      10. Remove Mad world from Translation candidates.
    6. EDITS
      1. Edited Blog index to do the below, 12/10/24 3:31:
        1. Replace the original Ta paidia link with;
        2. Plans:
          1. September 2027, Alcaeus month:
            1. 5/9: Zeus padre;
            2. 12/9: Maledetto Pittaco!;
            3. 19/9: Fermati!;
            4. 26/9: A Era regina;
          2. October 2027:
            1. 3/10: Alcaeus: Il triste esilio;
            2. 10/10: Epigrams at the Thermopylae: a tale of retranslations;
            3. 17/10: Amore lieto ed eterno: Catullo CIX e un graffito di Pompei;
            4. 24/10: Epigrams at the Thermopylae: the final result, plus English and Italian;
            5. 31/10: Bugie e tradimento: Catullo, carme LXX; Callimaco, XXV;
          3. November 2027, 7/8 month:
            1. 7/11/27: Ta pädiá;
            2. 14/11/27: Mick Gorro e i Classici: Elogio di Epicuro (Lucrezio) | hemiolic;
            3. 21/11/27: Mick Gorro e i Classici: Contro le superstizioni (Lucrezio) | hemiolic;
            4. 28/11/27: Na diṓxō ta sýnnefa;
          4. December 2027, sad Greek month (with happy-ish delayed Xmas special):
            1. 5/12: Gennithika gia na ponó;
            2. 12/12: Dyo portes ekhei i zoi;
            3. 19/12: Ena vrady poý 'vrekhe;
            4. 26/12 (replacing Xmas special): De xero poso s' agapó;
          5. January 2028, sad Elvana Gjata month:
            1. 2/1 (replaces New year's special): Koutsouraki (replaces 2/1);
            2. 9/1: Jeta ime;
            3. 16/1: Vendi im;
            4. 23/1: Veç një pik';
            5. 30/1: Loti;
          6. February 2028, Japanese month:
            1. 6/2: Nee ima sugu aitai yo;
            2. 13/2: Ai no uta;
            3. 20/2: Owaranai natsu;
            4. 27/2: Ikanaide Italian and Chinese;
          7. March 2028, African month:
            1. 5/3: Ikanaide Swahili and Lingala;
            2. 12/3: Makambo;
            3. 19/3: Uhuru;
            4. 26/3: Your love;
          8. April 2028, Indian month:
            1. 2/4: Tere ishq;
            2. 9/4: Sohniya;
            3. 16/4: Sanam teri qasam;
            4. 23/4: Despacito Hindi;
            5. 30/4: Monster Medley part 1 (hopefully);
          9. May 2028, Japanese month 2:
            1. 7/5: Ikanaide Hungarian;
            2. 14/5: Wasurenaide English Latin Greek;
            3. 21/5: Kimi ga yo;
            4. 28/5: Yeraishan;
          10. June 2028, Chinese month:
            1. 4/6: Yelaixiang English and Czech;
            2. 11/6: Yiyongjun jinxingqu;
            3. 18/6: Ni de mingtian bu zai you wo;
            4. 25/6: Zai feng zhong huhuan ni de mingzi;
          11. July 2028, Deep love month:
            1. 2/7: Deep love Hakka-Englishx2-Chinese;
            2. 9/7: Deep love Mandarin-English-Japanese;
            3. 16/7: Deep love Min-English;
            4. 23/7: Deep love Hakka-Albanian-Greek;
            5. Deep love Mandarin-Italian-French-Spanish;
          12. At Divine Hera chapter 1, note that the English is an @NRR;
          13. August 2028, Sappho month:
            1. 6/8: You were also a tender young child: crit and @BRs;
            2. 15/8: You were also a tender young child: edition translations;
            3. 22/8: Curse (a couple words on recent integrations, @BR for English and Italian, performance of Latin and edition's translation);
            4. 29/8: Celebrare una festa;
          14. Video for Ode to a beautiful woman links to Sappho and her brother: two prayers, fix;
          15. September 2028, Sappho month 2:
            1. 3/9: Epithalamia chapter 1 (text comments, badslation reviews, @NRR where needed, performances where anything is left out by @Sic and Italian episodes);
            2. 10/9: @Sic "Canti ṙi matřimòniu";
            3. 17/9: Epithalamia chapter 2: following a Greek wedding;
            4. 24/9: @Ps Group video Miscellanea;
          16. October 2028, Xintong month:
            1. 1/10: Huan Zi English and French;
            2. 8/10: Wang Jie;
            3. 15/10: Lei Tingting (Wo ai ni shengguo wo ziji, btw video entry has it as 心疼, fix);
            4. 22/10: Deng ni deng dao wo xintong;
            5. 29/10: Huan Zi Japanese;
          17. November 2028, Fangyan xintong month:
            1. 5/11: Sam-tung Wang Jie (not San1-tung3);
            2. 12/11: Sim-tiann (Lei Tingting in Min);
            3. 19/11: Dang nei dang dou ngo sam-seoi;
            4. 26/11: Ten nyi ten teu ngai sim-thung;
          18. December 2028, dialect-to-fangyan or viceversa month:
            1. 3/12: Phu-poi English and Sicilian;
            2. 10/12: Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Latin and Sicilian;
            3. 17/12: Ai-lin-a te lang tsau;
            4. Xmas special replacing 24/12: Dio a l'ommo;
        3. Split Ai-lin-a to-ui khi 6-translation video into Latin+Sicilian, German+English, and French+Italian;
      2. Did micro-history-edit for fragment 2 and implemented 5/10 tweak to its English at Sappho and her brother: two prayers, 12/10/24 14:30;
      3. Implemented 5/10 Latin re-remade Latin tweak at Dearest offspring of Heaven and of Earth, 12/10/24 14:39;
      4. Fixed typos «the Italian tweak is from 28?6/24» (intro item for 1.E.ix) and «So apart from possibly wanting to support Brgk's conjecture of βραδίνω» (intro item for 1.H.iii) at The rest of Sappho, 12/10/24 14:42;
      5. Edit Blog index to do the following, 12/10/24 17:20:
        1. Plans:
          1. January 2029, Fangyan month:
            1. New year's special replacing 31/12: Kan tsit pue;
            2. 7/1 replacing Epiphany: Phu-poi Min and Greek;
            3. 14/1: Bo-nai--e siunn-si;
            4. 21/1: Nyit-theu lok-san;
            5. 28/1: Loh-suann-hong;
          2. February 2029, "can't move you" month:
            1. 4/2: Kam-thung thien kam-thung thi Lily Wu;
            2. 11/2: same but Anton Xie;
            3. 18/2: Thien kam-thung (Zhang Shaolin);
            4. 25/2: Ruguo zai neng gandong ni duo yi ci;
          3. March 2029, lonely after breakup month:
            1. 4/3: Ai-lin-a to-ui khi German and English;
            2. 11/3: Yushui wo wen ni;
            3. 18/3: Ai-lin-a to-ui khi French and Italian;
            4. 25/3: Hoo-tsui gua mng li;
          4. April 2029, Sappho month:
            1. 1/4: Cherromaktra @Ψ;
            2. 8/4: @Sic Gioia e natura;
            3. 15/4: @Sic invucazziuni ê dèi;
            4. 22/4: @Sic Urazziuni cuntř'ê buřřaschi;
            5. 29/4: @Sic Urazziuni pû frati sò;
          5. May 2029, Sicilian Sappho month:
            1. 6/5: @Sic Ô frati sò: dui virsioni;
            2. 13/5: @Sic Puisia ṙî frati;
            3. 20/5: @Sic Řaggia prima ṙû disteřřu;
            4. 27/5: @Sic Třistizza e řaggia 'n teřřa střanièra;
          6. June 2029, Sappho month 2:
            1. 3/6: Agroiotis @Ψ; place the fragment's translations in the chrono index, and give the other English translation its SF number; Latin is not @NRR, no idea why I thought it was non-scanning;
            2. 10/6: @Sic Duluri ṙ'amuri (con Γρήγορα η ώρα πέρασε | Il tempo è volato via);
            3. 17/6: @Ch 心ゆる / 恋のせいでは;
            4. 24/6: @Ch アナクトリアー;
          7. July 2029, canti alpini month:
            1. 1/7: Varda la luna;
            2. 8/7: In cil e jè une stele;
            3. 15/7: Quel oselin dal bòsch; replace its 11/4/27 plan with La notte che ho visto le stelle;
            4. 22/7: La bomba imbriaga;
            5. 29/7: Signore delle cime;
          8. August 2029, Sappho month 3:
            1. 5/8: Tethnaken @Ψ crit;
            2. 12/8: Tethnaken @Ψ edition translation;
            3. 19/8: @Sic Vulissi aviri murutu;
            4. 26/8: @Sic Epigrammi;
          9. September 2029, Sappho month 4:
            1. 2/9: Venne Ermes @Ψ crit;
            2. 9/9: Venne Ermes edition translations;
            3. 16/9 @Sic Mi teni u disìu ri mòriri;
            4. 23/9: Gifts of the Muses and neighbors, @Ψ pre-Köln;
            5. 30/9: Sappho medley;
          10. October 2029, Sappho month 5:
            1. 7/10: Gifts of the Muses and neighbors, @Ψ Köln;
            2. 14/10: Gifts of the Muses and neighbors, edition translations;
            3. 21/10: @Sic Cantari;
            4. 28/10: @Sic I doni ṙî Musi;
          11. November 2029, Chôka no Saffō month:
            1. 4/11: @Ch 星々は/月の周りに/輝き隠す;
            2. 11/11: @Ch 美しさ;
            3. 18/11: @Ch 友達に申す言葉;
            4. 25/11: @Ch 助言と注意;
          12. December 2029, CL month:
            1. 2/12: Favola Min;
            2. 9/12: Razón de vivir Hakka;
            3. 16/12: Favola Chinese;
            4. 23/12: Melograno;
            5. 30/12: Razón de vivir Chinese
        2. List out the tatters at both tatter episodes, as well as the Epithalamia in both Marriage songs episodes;
        3. Swap Hector and Andromacha with Sann siann bo-nai: doing Idyll and Hector in consecutive videos is folly;
      6. Prefixed a .] to the ρ̣απικε that ends Era riggina, and integrated κρέτησαι, κλ[ύτοιο, and ἄγνα at Malidizziuni so that it matches the translation, at Antuluggia ṙi Saffu 'n Siçilianu, 12/10/24 20:12;
      7. Did the following at Saffo in metrica barbara, 13/10/24 0:58:
        1. At Daremo (269), «La prima traduzione» -> «La traduzione A», «La seconda» -> «La B», remove «né l'una né l'altra mi piace, quindi forse ci torno ancora» and add C-E, with a "not convinced" note on E, then put them all in the body (where there is currently only A); and then, F-G, thought up while adding the others to the body, which still doesn't have the lineup edits to the Greek;
        2. Remove «Note pic for reading uncertainty» from 374 col. 2 l. 11 and translate κολ. βʹ and such into Italian;
        3. "Sacrificio per un'amica" is 21 in index but 20 in body, where there are two 20: fix that;
        4. Fix the last line of post-GC non-Anthology Era divina to be .]ρ̣απικε instead of just ρ̣απικε;
        5. Make a bulleted list of the tags and add the definitions of the new BSS and BL4 tags;
        6. Review «Sono ben conscio del fatto che l'allineamento fa cagare al quadrato, e prima o poi arriverò a sistemarlo, ma ora sono le 3:50 di notte ed è ora di basta, quindi lancio così e poi si vedrà», which ends the intro;
    «Related Facebook page post update: 13/10/24 23:36», 13/10/24 22:55;
    1. VIDEO: DETECTIVE CONAN (Izumi Sakai, Aika Ohno, ZARD): 少女の頃に戻った見たいに Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | Că și cum la tineretul meu întors mi-am, «20/10/24, upload started 22:34:49 (15% but grayed out) and completed 22:34:57, immediately started processing, then I was trying to do things in parallel so I got a delayed 60mins left at 22:35:27, a delayed 1% checked 10mins left at 22:35:56, an 8% 10mins left at 22:36:38, and a delayed "all done" at 22:36:56 after a 10% 9mins left 22:36:49; saved as unlisted 22:42:32».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 20/10/24 22:38.
      1. Note 13/10 tweak to Italian Tavolina;
      2. Note 13/10 tweaks to Chinese Tavolina;
      3. Add manuscript Latin «Nesciens sibi pannos eiu' talos traher' adsuper» to chrono index entry (LP 57);
      4. Change "pesisma» (last line = blog)" to "pessima / [last line = blog]»" in the corresponding Italian entry;
      5. Title the undatables list "Undatables" instead of "HS1 and prior";
      6. Recoveries need to feature Dedyke men a selanna, English of that is probably worth remaking for @Sic, Latin is @BR, Japanese is there too;
      7. Remove betw. from «twk. betw. 14/9/12» and note 14/10/24 tweak at SF 52 English;
      8. Note 14/10 tweaks to Licinio Italian and fix «twk. btw. June 2011 21/9/12»;
      9. Note 14/10/24 tweaks to Carpe Diem Italian;
      10. Add Chupatelo Spanish to index;
      11. Add recording dates for two more months (note the 7/7 upload which was actually 7-8/7), and for this and the next weekend's Baby Gorro bonuses, and maybe a couple publishing dates;
      12. Sydney's sad moon should not link to Fragments of the Divine Comedy.
    3. Related Quora space post: 20/10/24, written 22:46:24-22:51:44, posted 22:51:52.
    4. Latest video made public: 14/10/24 11:04:00.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects Jul-Dec 2024 UPDATE, 20n/10/24 0:41:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Sappho edition todo lists, fixed in the order Spanish Greek Chinese:
        1. Spanish one needs to linebreak «Versión con el papiro de Obbink (o de Obbink segunda, trad. 19/7/19 15:07»;
        2. All three lose all points from the third onweards (or past the previous item's relevant point for the Spanish), except the Tande phylassete version, the O Atthis incipit, the Edmonds version of Sappho 16;
        3. All three should figure out how to say "updated" in Greek;
        4. The curse needs to update its Spanish and Chinese translations because of the new integrations;
        5. Sappho 16b should have caminabas and fix its first stanza in Spanish;
        6. Κώνγ μακκάῖ in all three should update its translated title;
        7. Greek needs to fix the integrations to the curse, differently on the two sides,
        8. The Αὔτ' ἐς ἴερον ἴξομαι integration needs to be reflected in the MG translation;
        9. Sappho 16b MG needs fixes because of the integrations;
        10. In all three make sure ὡς αἱ Σαπφοῦς was fixed to this form on both sides;
        11. The two Sappho 16b text fixes should probably happen on both sides of the Chinese;
      3. At Mick Gorro and the Classics:
        1. Note that Tria proœmia (now Tria proœmia hemiolica) will be hemiolic while Sparsa Vergilii fragmenta won't, so that the two versions of the Aeneid opening aren't exact duplicates; more thought may need to be put into this, like, same tune but alter the values for this rhythm thing, or different tunes? Maybe ponder, or leave this for another todo list update;
        2. For the next Homer episode, establish a couple "templates" for lines. These give you a base 7/8 with variants to choose from on a whim depending on what you're saying and what feet you have, so a spondee will end in at least two different notes while dactyls will tend to keep the note fixed because the two syllables give it motion which the spondee would lack. Hopefully, upon mistakes, you don't create two unjoinable improvs 🙂;
      4. Change Operation: Recording dates in video index to Operation: recording and publishing dates in video index, and note the current state of the art for the recording part;
      5. @Ψ Recoveries episode needs to feature Dedyke men a selanna, English of that is probably worth remaking for @Sic, Latin is @BR, Japanese is there too;
      6. Note any planned episodes from @PC, @Cl, and @LT, with planned dates included; also, «A lifetime of translations: (post) and (playlist)» needs the playlist's link, and there is no post yet and there will be many, so leave (post) as is for now; list all @LT episodes, planned or not;
      7. Chôka todo list becomes:
        1. Change the translation from «having walked to the summit» to «you walked on the summit», and «It's not possible for happiness to wholly / Happen to men» -> «It is not possible for men / To become fully happy»;
        2. Change title Two opinions in index to reflect the Two thoughts in the body;
        3. Ditto Kypris Poem -> To Cypris;
        4. The links to the parts of Sappho 16 (fr. 10 of the anthology) don't work (final tab only);
        5. Change title Hymenæon to Hymenæum to match index and body;
        6. Ditto Sweet apple -> Like the sweet apple;
        7. Ditto Hyacynth -> Like the hyacynth; also, fix hyatyncth in the body;
        8. Ditto Thou hast left me -> You have left me;
        9. Ditto The curse -> Curse;
        10. Ditto A prayer to avert stormy journeys losing its A;
        11. Ditto Oh tender women losing its h;
        12. Ditto The gifts of the Muses losing its The;
        13. Ditto Success to the mouth -> Perform with a better voice, and the link doesn't work (final tab only);
        14. Ditto To the lyre -> To her lyre;
        15. Ditto Leda -> On Leda;
        16. Ditto About the doves -> On the doves;
        17. Ditto Chickpeas -> Golden chickpeas in the body;
        18. Ditto Latona and Niobe -> Niobe and Latona in the body;
        19. Ditto Forever a maiden I shall be -> […] I will be in the index;
        20. Ditto There diath, oh Cytherea losing its oh;
        21. Ditto I wish I were dead gaining a "really";
        22. Timas in body is bicapitalized, fix (final tab only);
        23. Change titrle O sweet mother to Oh sweet mother to match the body;
        24. Integrate ἀστίβης ὄδος μέγαν εἰς Ὄλυμπον / Ἔστιν] ἀνθρώ[πῳ in ἦσθα καὶ γὰρ δὴ σὺ πάις ποτ' ἄβρα (Original tab only);
        25. Integrate that -αι (ἴξο[μαι) in Arignota.
    6. EDITS
      1. Implemented the following plans and fixes at Blog index, 17/10/24 17:12:
        1. Xmas special 2029: Itto asce chimona;
        2. Jan '30, Romance month:
          1. New Year's special: Piel canela Chinese;
          2. 6/1: Seigneur où es-Tu? Turkish;
          3. 13/1: Romaria Romagnolo-Albanian-Russian;
          4. 20/1: Seigneur où es-Tu? Greek;
          5. 27/1: Piel canela English;
        3. Feb '30, Gheg month:
          1. 3/2: Vetëm një nat' English;
          2. 10/2: Sa t' kom dasht;
          3. 17/2: Marre;
          4. 24/2: Vetëm një nat' Min;
        4. Mar '30, Greek month:
          1. 3/3: Pame mia volta;
          2. 10/3: Dose mou to stoma sou;
          3. 17/3: Agapiomastan;
          4. 24/3: To kokhyli;
          5. 31/3: Paramythaki mou;
        5. Apr '30, Sappho month:
          1. 7/4: @Sic Si tinissi ancora latti;
          2. 14/4: @Ψ LP 27 (Anche tu eri una tenera fanciulla) + LP 24(a) (Tenere donne): @BRs, crit, edition translations;
          3. 21/4: @Sic Nustalgia ṙâ juvintuti o difesa 'i n'amuri cuccaniatu?
          4. 28/4: @Sic A ṙi fìmmini tènniri;
        6. May '30, Chôka month:
          1. 5/5: 神話の欠片 (Shinwa no kakera, mythology fragments);
          2. 12/5: アルテミスは 契た誓約 (Arutemisu wa / chigita sêyaku, The oath Artemis swore);
          3. 19/5: ヘクターと アンドロマけー;
          4. 26/5: 婚礼の詩 (Konrê no uta, Wedding songs); btw, Sicilian Canti ṙi matřimònio still has Sposu filiçi as a title, fix;
        7. June '30, Greek month again:
          1. 2/6: Ets' ein' i zoi French Italian;
          2. 9/6: Synnefiasmeni Kyriaki;
          3. 16/6: Gi kai ouranos;
          4. 23/6: San tis gardenias ton antho;
          5. 30/6: Ets' ein' i zoi Spanish Romanian;
        8. July '30, Greek translation month:
          1. 7/7: Xiangnian ni;
          2. 14/7: Bella ciao WW2;
          3. 21/7: La mamma mi diceva;
          4. 28/7: Bella ciao mondine;
        9. Aug '30, Sappho month:
          1. 4/8: LP 35 (E se Kypros), Captatio benevolentiæ, LP 9 (Parkaleisi), Stalagmon, Asteron panton o kalistos (kinda exhausting the edition's Sapphic stanzas);
          2. 11/8: Let's sing for the couple!
          3. 18/8: Due frammenti ingiustamente uniti (crit, badslation reviews, final translations for Eraman LP 49);
          4. 25/8: Cuscini;
        10. Sep '30, Chôka month again:
          1. 1/9: 自然と愉快 (Shizen to yukai, Nature and joy);
          2. 8/9: 神への祈り (Kami e no inori, prayers to gods);
          3. 15/9: 暴風を 避けることにの 祈祷の言葉 (Bôfū wo / sakeru koto ni no / kitô no kotoba, Words of prayer to avoid storms);
          4. 22/9: 兄のために 祈る詩 (Ani no tame ni / Inoru uta, Poem praying for brother);
          5. 29/9: 兄への言葉 (Ani e no kotoba, words for brother);
        11. Oct '30, Wang Jie month:
          1. 6/10: Jat-mou-so-jau;
          2. 13/10: Wo ruhe zhidao ni ai wo?
          3. 20/10: Ruguo ni zhende zaihu wo;
          4. 27/10: Shi ni shi ni shi ni;
        12. Nov '30:
          1. 3/11: @LT 3 Sappho, chunk 1 (finishing HS3);
          2. 10/11: Bella ciao WW2 English (the Greek is left alone in the 14/7/30 video);
          3. 17/11: @LT 4 The rest of Sappho (stops at Aug '11);
          4. 24/11: Bella ciao WW2 Chinese;
        13. Dec '30:
          1. 1/12: @Pit Time after time;
          2. 8/12: Phiau-long--e hai-sua;
          3. 15/12: @Pit Ai no uta;
          4. 22/12: Dose mou ligaki ouranó;
          5. Xmas special: Tsit ki sio hoo-suann;
          6. 29/12: Kunadhe;
        14. Jan '31:
          1. New Year's special: @LT 5 Finishing High School;
          2. 6/1 replacing 5/1: @LT 6 Blogless university;
          3. 12/1: Ruguo mei you ta;
          4. 19/1: He-kong mo ki-sa;
          5. 26/1: Yu-kwo he mo ki;
        15. Feb '31, Chôka month:
          1. 2/2: 兄弟の詩 (Kyôdai no uta, Brothers Poem);
          2. 9/2: 亡命の 前にの怒り (Bômei no / mae ni no ikari, Anger before the exile);
          3. 16/2: 外国中の 怒りと悲哀 (Gaikoku naka no / ikari to hiai, Anger and sorrow in foreign lands);
          4. 23/2: 恋からの 深い悲しみ (Koi kara no / fukai kanashimi, Deep sorrow from love);
        16. Mar '31, Chinese translation month:
          1. 2/3: More than words;
          2. 9/3: Anywhere;
          3. 16/3: Katakan Chinese and Japanese;
          4. 23/3: Ai-lin-a to-ui khi Russian Chinese Albanian;
          5. 30/3: Baudelaire, Correspondances;
        17. Apr '31, @PC month:
          1. 6/4: Hu Shi and butterflies;
          2. 13/4: Hu Shi and his wife, badslation reviews;
          3. 20/4: Hu Shi and his wife, good translation(s);
          4. 27/4: London by Blake, translation perhaps in altered Romagna mia tune, not sure what to do about original;
        18. May '31, Chôka month again:
          1. 4/5: 本当死んで しまいたい (Hontô shinde shimaitai);
          2. 11/5: 三つの警句 (Mittsu no kêku);
          3. 18/5: 死ぬことの 願いが深い (Shinu koto no / negai ga fukai, Deep is [my] wish to die);
          4. 25/5: 歌う事;
        19. Jun '31, Wang Jie month:
          1. 1/6: Ngo siu ngo huk;
          2. 8/6: Gushi de jiaose English;
          3. 15/6: Ho-nang;
          4. 22/6: Gu xing;
          5. 29/6: Gushi de jiaose Japanese;
        20. Jul '31, @PC month again:
          1. 5/7: Storck (Ave Maria di Schubert verse 1);
          2. 12/7: Geste of Robyn Hode in Pokemon theme tune :);
          3. 19/7: Dante 1;
          4. 26/7: Dante 2;
        21. Aug '31, Chinese Sappho month:
          1. 2/8: Hymn to Aphrodite (LP 1);
          2. 9/8: Idyll with Aphrodite (LP 2);
          3. 16/8: To the Nereids (LP 5+);
          4. 23/8: Queen Hera (LP 17+);
          5. 30/8: Kypris Poem (LP 26+);
        22. Sep '31, Chôka month 3:
          1. 6/9: ムーサがあげる 贈り物 (Mūsa ga ageru / okurimono, Gifts the Muses give);
          2. 13/9: おっぱいは 牛乳が今 まだあれば (Oppai wa / gyūnyū ga ima / mada areba, If [my] breasts now still had milk);
          3. 20/9: 若者に 深い懐旧 (Wakamono ni / fukai kaikyû, Deep nostalgia for youth);
          4. 27/9: サッフォーが 優しい女に 言う言葉 (Saffō ga / yasashii me ni / iu kotoba, Words Sappho says to tender women);
        23. Oct '31, @PC Leopardi month:
          1. 4/10: Infinito @BR;
          2. 11/10: Infinito final;
          3. 18/10: Alla luna @BR;
          4. 25/10: Alla luna final;
        24. Nov '31, Wang Jie month again:
          1. 1/11: Weihe liulei English Japanese;
          2. 8/11: Wangle ni wangle wo;
          3. 15/11: Gu-si dik gok-sik;
          4. 22/11: Weihe liulei Italian Sicilian;
          5. 29/11: Sam1 jan5;
        25. Dec '31:
          1. 6/12: Co-be mua-đong English Chinese;
          2. 13/12: Kai-kung vs. kai-ma;
          3. 20/12: Co-be mua-đong Romagnolo French;
          4. Xmas special: Tsin-ai tsi-u li;
          5. 27/12: El grillo;
        26. Jan '32:
          1. New Year's special: Todora;
          2. 3/1: Adess fa sito;
          3. 10/1: Ievan Polkka;
          4. 17/1: Khi em thay ko-đon;
          5. 24/1: Traduzioni ad minchiam;
          6. 31/1: Kokkino vathý;
          7. Epiphany special: Random religious translations;
        27. Feb '32:
          1. 7/2: Tipota den teleionei;
          2. 14/2: Monster medley 2;
          3. 21/2: @LT 7 From opening the blog to Graduation #IP
          4. 28/2: Placido;
        28. Mar '32, Classics month:
          1. 7/3: Menander bad;
          2. 14/3: Menander good;
          3. 21/3: Odi et amo;
          4. 28/3: Catullo: Tristezza;
        29. Apr '32, death month:
          1. I wish I were dead Chinese;
          2. 11/4: Epigrams Chinese;
          3. 18/4: Catullo a suo fratello;
          4. 25/4: Epigrams German;
        30. May '32, Sappho German month:
          1. 1/5: I wish I were dead German;
          2. 8/5: Idyll with Aphrodite (LP 2);
          3. 15/5: To the Nereids (LP 5+);
          4. 22/5: Queen Hera (LP 17+);
          5. 29/5: Kypris Poem (LP 26+);
        31. Tria prooemia gives me Barbarizzando Catullo as the relevant post, and should be called Tria proœmia hemiolica;
        32. Ai-tsing--e lik-liong «(original) – LTG» should be «(original) [LTG] (@@BR)»;
        33. Why is SF 6 Latin @NRR? Was the original Aut te Cyprus aut Paphus aut Panormus, which is indeed NRR? Only in the manuscript, which itself corrects it; make it @Ψ;
        34. Libation Lartin intermediate should be @Ψ, not @NRR.
      2. Implemented 12/10/24 tweaks to Oxy pre-Ymmes Latin, Oxy post-Ymmes Latin, Oxy pre-Ymmes Italian, and Oxy post-Ymmes Italian, and 14/10 tweak to Oxy pre-Ymmes Latin, all under fragment 2 at Nostalgia for youth, 19/10/24 2:02;
      3. Implemented 13/10 tweaks to both translations at Table of sadness, 19/10/24 2:27;
      4. Implemented 14/10 tweak to English at The moon has set, 19/10/24 2:32;
      5. Added "that start out" and "of non-English things" to the first paragraph of the intro, and implemented tweaks to Italian of Licinio and Carpe Diem from 14/10, at Sparsa Vergilii et Horatii fragmenta, 19/10/24 18:25;
      6. Added translation of Chupatelo tu! to Le traduzioni più ad minchiam di sempre | Most random translations ever, 19/10/24 18:32;
      7. Did the following at Saffo in metrica barbara, 19/10/24 19:27:
        1. Add « questi non saranno musicati, e molti non saranno tradotti; quelli che saranno tradotti saranno BSS';» and its BL4 twin to the tag list in the intro;
        2. Implement BSS and BL4 tags in the index;
        3. Mark 81 as "music taken from Ode to Anactoria";
        4. Fix the title of Distrusse il cuore in index, where it is still «Kong makkai (= Che dice?)»;
        5. Added PC tag;
        6. Give frr. 167-171 the correct titles in the index, as they currently have those of the last few combo pieces;
      8. Remove all instances of http://michelegorini, turning them to http, because Firefox the complete dumbass will throw a security error with that s, at Blog index, 19/10/24 19:34;
      9. Did the following at Safo: Poemas, 19/10/24 19:57:
        1. Change Versión con el papiro de Obbink (trad. 19/7/19 15:07) to Versión con el papiro de Obbink (o de Obbink segunda, trad. 19/7/19 15:07);
        2. ὡς αἱ Σαπφοῦς was correct and I miscorrected it to ὡς καἱ Σαπφοῦς, fix back;
        3. Throw out δράσ' for Ferrari's ἔρξ' in Andromeda λελάθην line;
        4. Relabel the non-Edmonds "Let's sing for the couple" as updated instead of correct;
        5. Integrate αμμαι γλυκιαι μελαοιδιαι in Τεθνάκην;
        6. Fix ἄμμεων to ἀμμέων in Μνάσεσθαι;
        7. Integrate ἀστίβης ὄδος μέγαν εἰς Ὄλυμπον / Ἔστιν] ἀνθρώ[πῳ in ἦσθα καὶ γὰρ δὴ σὺ πάις ποτ' ἄβρα;
        8. Integrate –u– ]⌟αταις̣⌞ [ἀ]ν̣εμ̣[– κρέτησαι / σὺν κάλᾳ τύχᾳ λίμενος κλύτοιο / … ἄγνα in Κύπρι, καί σε πικροτάταν ἐπεύροι (/ Κατάρα);
        9. Integrate –u– Αὔτ' ἐς ἴερον ἴξομαι in O Atthis! / Arignota;
        10. Get the subscript iota out of ᾖσθ in the last two versions of fr. 11;
        11. Eliminate the wrong integrations Ὄλβιον and . βὰ̣ς̣ from Sappho 16b;
        12. Integrate ἔπερ]θ̣ε θῦμ̣ον / ἄμ]μι πάμπ̣αν in the fragment currently titled Κώνγ μακκαῖ, and ditch that title in favour of the integrated first line, and update translation accordingly;
        13. Prefix a .] to the ρ̣απικε that ends "Divine Hera";
      10. Did items ii-xiii at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 19/10/24 20:17;
      11. Did items iii-xiii at Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, 19/10/24 20:26;
      12. Did the following at 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō, 19/10/24 20:33:
        1. Added the ἄγνα at Κατάρα;
        2. Add –u– to last line of Arignota part b;
        3. Get the subscript iota out of ᾖσθ' in fr. 1;
      13. Updated Blog index to make tatter lists one-by-one with LP, CPS, and Italian edition numbers, 21/10/24 1:15.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 21/10/24 1:57», 21/10/24 1:18.
    1. VIDEO: DARKER THAN BLACK: ツキアカリのミチシルベ Tsukiakari no michishirube | 月亮的明光请你来我这里 Yuèliàng de míngguāng qǐng nǐ lái wǒ zhèlǐ, «27/10/24, upload started 13:13:01 (went from preparing to 21% within the 01 second) and completed 13:13:08, processing started 13:13:09, 60mins (yeah, right) 13:13:23, 0% checked 10mins 13:14:[08,20], 8% 10mins 13:15:03, all done 13:15:12, delays «upload complete and processing start, 60min, checking start», saved as unlisted 13:21:36».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 27/10/24 13:17.
      1. Make all non-middle parts of SF 79 @Ψ (only the English isn't changing);
      2. Shojo Romanian was recorded 12/10, not 19/10, fix in chrono;
      3. Add recording date for next weekend's video;
      4. SF7 (libation) Latin intermediate should be @Ψ, not @NRR;
      5. @Ψ Curse (LP 15) episode gives Nostalgia for youth as link, fix;
      6. Mention LP 165 SMB 81 in Ode to Anactoria episode;
      7. Sapphic stanza tatters use Gongyla tune because one of them is put together with Gongyla into LP 22 (or whatever number);
      8. Alcæus vs. Horatius, not vs. Ovidius!
    3. Related Quora space post: 27/10/24, written 13:24:40-13:31:54, posted 13:32:00.
    4. Latest video made public: 21/10/24 11:49:44.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec UPDATE, 24/10/24 17:18:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. At MGS for CPS 159 LP inc. 23, note that Χρυσοφάνης ὦ Ϝεκάτα θέραπνα is either inmetrical or doesn't show the shortened final of the vocative (cfr. Aphrȯdita), and there doesn't seem to be any ground for the W in Wekata; note that I have musicated one line of CPS 81, all of CPS 82, 4 lines of CPS 58, and 1.5 lines of CPS 126 Bergk;
      3. Add playlist links for @PC @Pit @BR @BBR @NRR @Sic @Ch;
      4. Add «Fix typo 两百九十斯» and «Remove ++ from combo header "四百零四:反对「安德罗咩大」(三百二十九+三百零五++三百零四++九十八+一百九十二+P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 3 col. i)"» at Chinese Sappho todo list;
      5. Add to Chinese Greek and Italian todo lists to figure out the Greek for glyconic;
      6. Add musication state to @Cl and @PC things, starting by including the tune for the last Homer episode; also, Alcæus vs. Horatius, not Alceo e Ovidio;
      7. Add Operation: Urdu spelling for Sanam;
      8. Fix "Nee, ia sugu aitai" in @Pit list;
      9. Chôka todo list is left with just:
        1. «To the lyre -> To her lyre» in final tab;
        2. «Decapitalize Thoughts in Two Thoughts» in final tab;
        3. «Ἐρέβινθοι -≥ Χρύσειοι ἐρέβινθοι» in both tabs;
        4. «The gifts of the Muses -> Gifts of the Muses» in translation history list;
      10. At misc info:
        1. Note that «Chinese stuff popping up from the past» has been ditched from the file for some reason;
        2. Update the Baby Gorro item with the recent uploads (count the next one as done);
        3. Change the Japanese songs list to a numbered one, add J15 and J16, and remove "typa="A"" from Chinese list;
        4. Ditch the Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία stuff item at the end;
        5. Add the fragments list for the Italian edition with Chinese and German-related tags.
    6. EDITS
      1. Implemented the MdH choices for the Spanish at Aconteceu, 23/10/24 15:41;
      2. Noted that the manuscript translation is on B4E31 at A night of moonlight, 23/10/24 15:43;
      3. Added new Chickpeas English, labeled "Remake" when the other remake is now "Barbarous meter remake", at The rest of Sappho, 23/10/24 15:46;
      4. Implement recording-day tweaks to Chinese at Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 23/10/24 15:52;
      5. Edit Blog index, 23/1/24 16:28, to split the translations of SF 79 into three parts each, fix up the Leopardi @PC episode plans, and list the two missing Leopardi episodes with unmade Greek translations (aside from pastore errante); for archival purposes, here are the former histories of the combined translations and the errors in the former plans:
        1. Italian: Betw. 3 and 13/11/10, twk. within 5/1/11 and after 21/12 (probs. Xmas holidays 2010-2011), then in blog times | S8 residue manuscripted on SP4, tweaked in S9 and in blog times;
        2. Latin: Start betw. 3 and 13/11/10, twk. and compl. within 19/11, twk. within 5/1/11 and after 21/12/10 (probs Xmas holidays), then in blog time | Start is S8 residue manuscripted on SP4, rest is also manuscripted there (save for three lines in the 17/11 entry of the diary), 19/11 diary entry says the English translation is done on that day and then remarks «quod demum adrelinquere possum», i.e. that I can finally abandon the fragment, meaning the translations were all done by then; no OS has them because they ended up printed in the extra pages of SP4 and then in SP5, to then get tweaked in S9 and in blog times;
        3. English: 19/11, twk. within 5/1 and after 21/12/10 (probs. Xmas holidays '10-'11), then within 17/6/11, then in blog time | 19/11/10 entry of diary says «Traducto Anglice ῎Υμμες πεδὰ Μοίσαν, quod demum abrelinquere possum» (Having at last translated [this fragment], which I can finally abandon), hence the translation date; otherwise SP4 extra pages / SP5 residue; tweaked in S9, S12, and blog times;
        4. @BR episodes had singular "review";
        5. Alla luna good had «Italian with English translation»;
      6. Did the following at Saffo in metrica barbara, 24/10/24 1:40:
        1. 123: Ero is actually 124;
        2. "Gruppo 3: Ipponattei espansi con due coriambi" in the index hrefs to Gr3 instead of #Gr3;
        3. Fix the combo bits' numbers in the combo headers, as they are still the Chinese edition (CPS) numbers (except the 71 which in CPS is 155, apparently an LP number slipping in, and the inexplicable 76 which was to be CPS 98 SMB 156 LP 60);
        4. O sogno attraverso la nera notte (272+208) missing fragment number;
        5. 275 seems overly linebroken; translate the prose, fix the overkill linebreaking, fix "ttrad." in transation history bracket, include the translation for which there is a history; then remember to fix the numbers of item iii in the Greek as well :);
        6. 15:Ode ad Anattoria needs a space;
        7. 18: Paragonarti alla bionda Elena has a false header in the middle of the link text, right after its number, and is thus linebroken after the number;
        8. 20: Ma mi hai scordata should be titled Mi hai lasciata;
      7. Did the following at 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō:, 24/10/24 1:58:
        1. Change the translation from «having walked to the summit» to «you walked on the summit», and «It's not possible for happiness to wholly / Happen to men» -> «It is not possible for men / To become fully happy»;
        2. Title changes to match index and body:
          1. Two opinions -> Two thoughts;
          2. Hymenæon -> Hymenæum;
          3. Kypris poem -> To Cypris;
          4. Sweet apple -> Like the sweet apple;
          5. Hyacynth -> Like the hyacynth;
          6. Thou hast left me -> You have left me;
          7. The curse -> Curse;
          8. A prayer to avert stormy journeys -> Prayer to avert stormy journeys;
          9. Oh tender women -> O tender women;
          10. The gifts of the Muses -> Gifts of the Muses;
          11. Success to the mouth -> Perform with a better voice;
          12. To the lyre -> To her lyre;
          13. Leda -> On Leda;
          14. About the doves -> On the doves;
          15. Chickpeas -> Golden chickpeas (change in the body);
          16. Niobe and Latona -> Latona and Niobe;
          17. Forever a maiden I shall be -> Forever a maiden I will be;
          18. There dieth, oh Cytherea -> There dieth, Cytherea;
          19. I wish I were dead -> I really wish I were dead;
          20. O sweet mother -> Oh sweet mother;
        3. The links to the parts of Sappho 16 (fr. 10 of the anthology) in the final tab link to 16 and 16b instead of C16 and C16b;
        4. Perform with a better voice has no fake header in the final tab;
        5. Timas in body is bicapitalized, fix (final tab only);
        6. Integrate ἀστίβης ὄδος μέγαν εἰς Ὄλυμπον / Ἔστιν] ἀνθρώ[πῳ in ἦσθα καὶ γὰρ δὴ σὺ πάις ποτ' ἄβρα (Original tab only);
        7. Integrate that -αι (ἴξο[μαι) in Arignota.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 27/10/24 15:19», 27/10/24 15:04;
    1. VIDEO: Atáḥ pǫḥ ħasér lį | אתה פה חסר לי | Qua tu mi manchi, «4/11/24, upload started 0:45:26 (from preparing to 62%, how in the world does that make sense?) and completed within 0:45:27, processing started within 0:45:28, 50mins left 0:45:42, then I went to get the post link for the description and came back to 1% checked 10mins left at 0:45:58, 4% 10mins left 0:46:12, 8% 10mins within 0:46:39, all done within 0:46:43, saved as unlisted 0:58:08».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 4/11/24 0:53.
      1. Add translations of 1.B.iii, removing that fragment from the magic trio entry in the spoiler;
      2. Note just-discovered manu-to-SP5 change in SF 79 part 3 English;
      3. Finish listing Shakesepeare @PC episodes (the sonnet excerpts are missing);
      4. Make sure no Troubadour entry has nothing to do with A few last poems;
      5. List the Everlasting episode of @Pit;
      6. «upload planned for 20/10/24» and «upload planned for 27/10/24» need an obvious revision;
      7. The intro and Greek part of the 1/12 video have been recorded, add recording date, and planned recording date for the rest;
      8. Change latest video from 3/11 to 4/11.
    3. Related Quora space post: 4/11/24, written 1:02:40-1:14:16, posted 1:14:32.
    4. Latest video made public: 28/10/24 8:18:32.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec UPDATE, 3/11/24 0:05:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Remove spurious link display from My s vami raznyĵe in Translation candidates list;
      3. At @PC:
        1. Remove «The opening will be in the bonus of this weekend's (13-14/1/24) video», since the series has long since launched;
        2. Review the division of Shakespeare into episodes;
        3. Review «Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? and My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun (@BR for this one) in Italian; no tune as of 24/10/24» and «True love (Let me not to the marriage of true minds) and the closing couplet of When I do count the clock that tells the time; no tune as of 24/10/24» to include nice titles;
        4. Note that Atoma just so happens to be in octosyllabe for its chorus and iambic pentameters for its verses, so Italian London can be the verses and English London can be the chorus; the Valediction will have both a BR and a performance, abusing the tune of Atoma in a similar fashion;
        5. Add «prayer sonnet, so maybe recto tono is appropriate?» to religious sonnet;
      4. At @LT:
        1. Add the @LT tag;
        2. Fix «Blogless university (Episode 6: up to May 2017), upload planned for 6/1/31From opening the blog to Graduation (Episode 7: up to March 2018), upload planned for 21/2/32» to be two items and have the correct planning dates;
        3. Add the actual Episode 8, update the numbers of those after it, and add Episode before those numbers;
        4. Note the term "paraSchrödingal", coined 26/10/24 12:05 presumably to refer to translation tweaks tucked away into the PN that never made it into the files, and to be used in @LT;
      5. At @CPS and Sappho auf barbarische Metern, note that openings for the respective series have been composed;
      6. Add to Safo: Poemas todo list to fix typo Ναρίσσω τερενώτερον;
      7. At @Pit, rearrange the episodes as per their order in the list, noting their planning status, and add the following todo list:
        1. Ask question on verse 2 of Ikanaide;
        2. Ask question to clarify the nomikomare line of Happy birthday;
        3. Work more on Pazuru;
        4. Use English Owaranai natsu to figure out what to comment on about that song;
        5. Ask question on wake mo nai (relates to Kimi ga ireba);
        6. Wait for English of Aitai yo to clarify second part;
        7. Wait for English of Nee ima sugu aitai yo to make sure you got it right;
        8. Ask question to clarify gaman (relates to Hitohira no hanabira);
        9. Romio to Shinderera might require an episode;
        10. Add Bibara bibara to LT and request English;
        11. When gets an answer, work it into the relevant @Pit episode;
      8. At @Cl:
        1. Revise «Imitazione di Saffo: Catullo, carme LI, Italiano (once @Ψ has sorted out its shit, this is to be a @Ψ/@Cl crossover with all the Italian translations); tune will be same as Ode to Anactoria» and eliminate the further Catullus/Sappho crossover episode;
        2. Fix the Ovid entry to title its episode "Tria proœmia hemiolica" (not -lic);
        3. Remove that Alceo e Ovidio error and give the actual title of that epsiode;
        4. Revise «Phaedrus (probably with bilingual English-Italian intros to tell the tale of each Latin translation pair and each Italian translation; don't think I want to have a bilingual AG-Latin intro, period; will keep iambic trimeters for Menander, where I have an Italian translation too, not sure about tune as of now)», and give each fable a Latin title with the English translation in brackets.
    6. EDITS
      1. Paragraph broke intro item and did history edit for 1.B.iii, implemented new English . 1 for that, and fix typo Ναρίσσω τερενώτερον in 1.B.iv, all at The rest of Sappho, 2/11/24 0:28;
      2. Fix the 换气 to 唤起, and consequently huànqì to huànqǐ, at Cartello stradale di luce lunare, 2/11/24 0:31;
      3. Fixed the SF 79 ("Beautiful gifts of the Muses") tabs by making the final tab have the right ID instead of being a duplicate ID, and made sure the recent tweaks are implemented in the final tab, not the manuscripts one, at Nostalgia for youth, 2/11/24 0:58;
      4. Paragraph broke relevant intro item, fixing «which I translated sometime in spring/summer 2009» to «[…] 2008» and making the translation of the diary quote end in ) not «, and implemented new beginning of Geste translation, adding the + in the non-Original tab's name, at A few last poems, 2/11/24 1:11; went back for the 2/11/24 tweaks at 1:18;
      5. Did the following at Saffo in metrica barbara, 2/11/24 1:24:
        1. Fix typo Ναρίσσω τερενώτερον;
        2. Implement new translation of fr. 81;
      6. Fixed the following at 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō, 2/11/24 1:34:
        1. «To the lyre -> To her lyre» in final tab;
        2. «Decapitalize Thoughts in Two Thoughts» in final tab;
        3. «Ἐρέβινθοι -≥ Χρύσειοι ἐρέβινθοι» in both tabs;
        4. «The gifts of the Muses -> Gifts of the Muses» in «P.Köln before "The gifts of the Muses" from above» (non-final tab), in translation history list, and in that list in «P.Köln before "The gifts of the Muses" from above»;
      7. Did the following at Blog index, 2/11/24 19:44:
        1. Video entries that need attention:
          1. «Delete or not-fully-uploaded duplicate of the below»;
          2. Je partirais, which should have no -s;
        2. Plans:
          1. Move the Homer episode to 1/12, rename it "A truce... e i campann", and remove pseudo-recto-tono from its entry, noting the origin of the tune used in the Homer part;
          2. Place Atoma on 15/12, and move Tsit thiau tshiu-kin-a to the place of Atoma;
          3. Move Tshim-tshim--e ai Fr+Viet from 15/12 to the place of La casa in riva al mare, which goes into the place of the Geste;
          4. Put the Geste on 8/12, noting the tune to be used for it;
          5. Move Wo gai zenme zuo English to the place of Δώσε μου λιγάκι ουρανό, whch goes to the place of @LT episode 6;
          6. Put London by Blake on 22/12, and the Valediction on 29/12, noting the origins of the respective tunes, and replacing the former with the Donne sonnet;
          7. Put @LT episode 6 in the place of episode 7;
          8. Plan June 2032 to be @LT 6, Toutou de ku, Bu gou yonggan, Wo gai zenme zuo French;
          9. Plan July 2032 to finish off the Lucrece and Horace @Cl episodes;
          10. Plan August 2032 to deal with Phaedrus and the remaining Virgil;
          11. List out all the unplanned @Cl, @PC, @Pit, @LT, and Katoitaliotika episodes;
        3. Add Cheerful songs playlist to video index.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 4/11/24 1:37», 4/11/24 1:21;
    1. VIDEO: Πού να τα πω | Dove dirò, «10/11/24, upload started 20:06:35 (66% yet still grayed out) and completed 20:06:37, processing started 20:06:37, 50mins left 20:06:58/59, Checking 0% 10mins 20:07:08, 4% 10mins 20:07:31, not sure what percentage it reached between 5% and 8% before it was all done at 20:07:47, saved as unlisted 20:12:40».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 10/11/24 20:09.
      1. Change "Orazio a Licinio" to "Aurea mediocritas (Horatius ad Licinium)";
      2. Why does the Valediction link to A few last poems?!
      3. Concoct a Religious fragments list from the @Ψ plan and some more short fragments to make for both Chinese and German; plan the Chinese for 1/5/33;
      4. Complete a Sappho month with the two exile-related comboes for Chinese, the violent storms fragment for Chinese, and the religious fragment and exile episodes for German;
      5. Add Chun Xiao update to @PC list;
      6. There are two multifragment videos in the Itaian series, namely «Σαπφίκοις λύπα φιλίας στίχοισι | Molti versi pieni di mal d'amore» and «Σαπφίκαν στρόφαν τινά θραύματα | Un po' di frammenti scritti in strofe saffiche»; make their entries list their fragments, with LP and CPS numbers, and blog coordinates.
    3. Related Quora space post: 10/11/24, written 20:16:00-20:23:35/36, posted 20:23:44.
    4. Latest video made public: 4/11/24 11:21:20.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec UPDATE, 10/11/24 13:51:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. At HS4 chronological index, note that the unplaced Sappho translations are currently 57 pre-S9 and 60 post-S9, and that I'm sometimes adding translations I just happen to have to work on;
      3. Remove "unlisted" from Akashi @Pit episode;
      4. Update Ssaffo in metrica barbara todo list as per the edit below;
      5. Add «三百零五:你七十不曾爱 is typo» to @CPS todo list;
      6. Add Project: Standard Sappho selection, with the list I titled «Potential Romagnolo Sappho» in misc info partial timestamped, perhaps removing a few choices, and noting the fragments in @Ch that aren't on the list;
      7. Add Project: Alcaeus anthology, where to the 6 translations I made in the tesina I add translations of whatever fragments seem interesting in Campbell, noting the one voice I made for the opening of the related series,the fact the first fragment in Campbell order is C 5, the partial comparative numbering between Edmonds and Campbell, and the idea I had of crossovering it with @Cl for the @Cl Alcaeus episodes, and the vague idea of a @Alc/@Ψ crossover with who knows what fragment, maybe Θέλω τί τ' εἴπην?
      8. Note the Spanish barbarous meter episode at Safo: Poemas, with the partial Spanish intro I wrote for it;
      9. Rename @BBR from «Beginner Chinese and Japanese Badslations» to «Beginner Badslation reviews», merge the episodes for translations of the same song (only More than words and Bulan menjadi saksi, not sure if the latter's Japanese was even on the list), and add the last three which were somehow missed;
      10. CSE says zero work, but the Italian edition has some chrono entries, so fix that;
      11. Add Jat gaa jat to translation candidates.
    6. EDITS
      1. Fixed the translation "Cosa [sarà] caro se all'improvviso", noting the ambiguities in the intro, and implemented recent tweaks at Forse mi manchi…, 9/11/24 15:11;
      2. Made 1.B.iii's «hence why I remade it as below on» part end with «25/10/24 at 13:48;» at The rest of Sappho, 9/10/24 15:18;
      3. Removed empty 6th intro item from intro list at A few last poems, 9/10/24 15:22;
      4. Did the following at Saffo in metrica barbara, 9/10/24 19:50:
        1. Integrate αμμαι γλυκιαι μελαοιδιαι in Τεθνάκην Greek;
        2. Integrate ἀστίβης ὄδος μέγαν εἰς Ὄλυμπον / Ἔστιν] ἀνθρώ[πῳ in ἦσθα καὶ γὰρ δὴ σὺ πάις ποτ' ἄβρα in Greek too;
        3. Integrate –u– ]⌟αταις̣⌞ [ἀ]ν̣εμ̣[– κρέτησαι / σὺν κάλᾳ τύχᾳ λίμενος κλύτοιο in the Κύπρι καί σε πικροτάταν ἐπεύροι in Greek too;
        4. Relabel the non-Edmonds "Let's sing for the couple" as updated instead of correct;
        5. Until Calcagno says otherwise (if he does), assume the Greek word for glyconic is Γλυκώνειος, so fix Γλυκώνιοι;
        6. Fix "Versoine mia" in index for Sull'intrecciar ghirlande to Versione;
        7. Change the title "Dia successo alla bocca" to "Canti con una voce migliore";
        8. Address the fact that the link from 229 has Gykymslon instead of Glykymalon in its reference hence doesn't work, and there's a spurious blank 230 which causes the numbers in the index to be 1 higher than those in the body from there onwards;
        9. Translate Τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ παπύρου P.Oxy. 1787 ἐξῃρημένα to Italian for the Italian column;
        10. Fix the fact that the index mistitles "Sulla cicala" (316) as the mistyped "Verspero, Imeneo";
        11. Note the tune for Era regina, and maybe other fragments;
      5. Edited Blog index, 10/10/24 1:07, to do the following:
        1. List out @BBR episodes;
        2. Put an @BR episode for Shuo ni ai wo on the list;
        3. List out Video ideas and fix the plan dates, which are all 1 day back from 5/7/31 to Feb '31, moving Κόκκινο βαθύ to 15/2 so My kind is mankind 2 is closer to 10/2, the date I met Asmā, and then 1/5 is not only one day back, as are all other dates, but has a double plan, so drop Queen Hera and adjust everything;
        4. Plans for Sep '32, Chinese Poetic Sappho month:
          1. 5/9/32: Ode to Anactoria;
          2. 12/9/32: Gongyla;
          3. 19/9/32: Ode to a beautiful woman;
          4. 26/9/32: Sappho 16;
        5. Plans for Oct '32, @PC month:
          1. 3/10/32: Romeo e Giulietta, passi scelti;
          2. 10/10/32: Romeo e Giulietta, discorso del balcone e finale in alessandrini;
          3. 17/10/32: Partner's beautiful, loved not so much;
          4. 24/10/32: True love, and a little bonus;
          5. 31/10/32: Troubadour excerpts;
        6. Plans for Nove '32, Chinese translation month:
          1. 7/11/32: La strada del bosco;
          2. 14/11/32: La mamma;
          3. 21/11/32: L'Italiano;
          4. 28/11/32: Cheek to cheek;
        7. Plans for Dec '32, Sad love in Hokkien month (minus Christmas):
          1. 5/12/32: Pang-tshiu;
          2. 12/12/32: Guan-lai li m-bat ai-kue gua;
          3. 19/12/32: It-sing tsi-u li;
          4. 26/12/32 (or 25/12 Christmas day if possible): Ma come hai fatto?
        8. Plans for Jan '33, CL month (minus New Year's):
          1. 2/1/33 (or 1/1 if possible): Un bacio a mezzanotte;
          2. 9/1/33: Il mio volto;
          3. 16/1/33: Ma non avere paura;
          4. 23/1/33: Non son sincera;
          5. 30/1/33: Nel silenzio della notte;
        9. Plans for Feb '33, Sappho month:
          1. 6/2/33: Safo en métrica bárbara en Español (LP 2 "Idilio con Afrodita", LP 22 part 2" Gongula", LP 30 "¡Que cantemos para los novios!", LP 56 "Otra chica no habrá", 105(a) "Como la dulce manzana");
          2. 13/2/33: Shipping Sappho overseas 2;
          3. 20/2/33: CPS remaining inspirations for Shipping Sappho overseas 2, part 1;
          4. 27/2/33: Part 2 of the above;
        10. Rename «Mick Gorro and the Classics: Homer, Iliad, book 1, "A truce… e i campann"» to «Mick Gorro and the Classics: ΚαλαματανιΌμηρος - A truce... e i campann»;
        11. Plan Divine Hera for 22/8/28 and 29/8/28, and move the current plan for those dates to 6/3/33 and 13/3/33 respectively;
        12. Plan Sappho proverbs episode for 20/3/33;
        13. Plan "ditched" Sappho fragments episode for 27/3/33;
        14. Plans for April '33, Sappho month again:
          1. 3/4/33: Queen Hera German;
          2. 10/4/33: Sappho and her daughter (the two Cleis fragments);
          3. 17/4/33: Glossemata;
          4. 24/4/33: Edmonds inventions;
        15. LP 85(ai) should be just 85(a) (4TAT list).
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing the last video's upload date from 3 to 4/11): 11/11/24 0:11», 10/11/24 23:35;
    1. VIDEO: DETECTIVE CONAN (Izumi Sakai, Aika Ohno, ZARD): 少女の頃に戻った見たいに Shôjo no koro ni modotta mitai ni | 好像我有回到少女的时候 Hǎoxiàng wǒ yǒu huí dào shàonǚ de shíhòu, «17/11/24, upload started 19:47:24/25 (preparing to 56% done) and completed 19:47:28, processing started 19:47:29, 51mins 19:47:39, 50mins 19:47:47, blank 19:47:58 and 0% checked 10mins 19:48:02, 25% 8mins 19:50:22, all done 19:50:26, delays as per Google bar «end of upoad, 51mins maybe split second, 50mins, blankout and check start, 4%, (maybe 10% 11%), 12%, 16%, end», saved as unlisted 19:57:12».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 17/11/24 19:54.
      1. List out Glossemata and Edmonds inventions, making those episodes crossovers with Alcæus;
      2. Give «ow did you manage?» its initial H :);
      3. Chrono has spurious blank line between Ai-lin-a Greek remake 1 and Ai-lin-a Albanian remake, caused by a spurious post-end-tag `;
      4. ΚαλαματανιΌμηρος recordings were finished on 9/11, not 8/11 as is currently "planned";
      5. Note 8 and 11/11 tweaks to A truce is established;
      6. «The moon hiding the stars, part 1» should not be part 1;
      7. «Remaining inspiration to the song in the previous video, part 1» should be named «Remaining inspirations to 我的渴望 叫我发狂 Wǒ de kěwàng jiào wǒ fākuáng»;
      8. Why TF is the prayer not in the religious fragment episodes for CPS and German Sappho?
      9. Exile German episode is tagged Chinese Poetic Sappho;
      10. Spenser PC episode should include Someone will remember;
      11. Why TF is I pray not in Religious fragments?
      12. Curse is LP 15, not LP 5, fix Religious episodes;
      13. "About the Muses" is CPS 25 not 35 and LP 32 not 165;
      14. Margon should be in religious fragments episode for Italian.
    3. Related Quora space post: 17/11/24, written 20:02:24-20:05:34, posted 20:05:44.
    4. Latest video made public: 11/11/24 11:33:04.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects Jul-Dec 2024 UPDATE, 12/11/24 16:40:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Add the partial Spanish intro for the Spanish Ssappho episode at Safo: Poemas;
      3. Complete Edmonds-Campbell number comparison and start Bergk-Campbell one at Project: Alcaeus anthology, noting that the next step is to make a comparative numbering table to add Bergk numbers to, with columns Campbell, LP, Edmonds, Bergk, and Me, where initially Me only gets ticks, and LP just says = whenever it's the same number as Campbell, and if there's differences … well see what I wrote there, this item is getting too long :); add the opening's first voice (which apparently got lost in the previous update and has since been edited), as well as the tune for Εμε δειλαν εμε πασαν κακοτατος πεδεχοισαν and the idea of meter-standard tunes; as for crossovers with Sappho, mention Glossemata and Proverbs; mention that there will be an episode with a bunch of drinking or wine-related songs;
      4. Update Saffo in metrica barbara todo list to only retain the first 3 items; should have been point 4 of the previous todo list update, but I missed it;
      5. Update the opening situation at Chôka no Saffō, mentining the two kinds of episodes.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects Jul-Dec 2024 UPDATE 2, 17n/11/24 1:55, jumping in again to add item 6's project to the todo list index and to remove the spurious number-only row just after said project at 1:58:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Complete Bergk-Campbell/Edmonds number comparison in Project: Alcaeus anthology, include the Sappho crossover opening, mention the episodes I will list in the index soon; also, I musicated two drinking fragments and translated one; also, «It's Μιτυλήναος, not Μιτυλήνιος. Or maybe Μυτι-» (13/11/24 1:07);
      3. Update the misc info Sappho plan list, noting that it will match the index once I update that this weekend;
      4. Note the start of the translation of Puseđđa at @Sic (translations list only);
      5. Update Spanish, Chinese, and Greek Sappho edition todo lists;
      6. Add Operation: Retroactive Captions.
    7. EDITS
      1. Edited A truce is established, 15/11/24 2:37, to address the following:
        1. Fix the title placement nonsense;
        2. Fix tu͜ hăbé͞as -> tu͜ hăbĕā́s and cum͜ hăbé͞at -> cum͜ hăbĕā́t in Demum version (the Homeri Versiones is I assume straight out the file, and the ones before it don't have those two things);
        3. Set up a fourth Latin version, with vowel quantites indicated instead of syllable quantities, and with the recording-day and 11/11 tweaks implemented, calling it "Final";
        4. Make a "Video" version without the 11/11 tweaks.
      2. Implement 11/11/24 tweaks to Romanian, also setting up the video 1 and video 2 versions, at In our world, 16/11/24 15:14;
      3. Added titular line of Puseđđa at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 16/11/24 15:20(:01);
      4. Did the following at Saffo in metrica barbara, 16/11/24 16:04:
        1. Add the translations of Arignota and coordinate fragments at Saffo in metrica barbara;
        2. SMB 22 has way too much space between Greek title and Greek text;
      5. Did the following at Chinese poetic Sappho, 16/11/24 22:40:
        1. The two Sappho 16b text fixes should probably happen on both sides;
        2. Κώνγ μακκαῖ, now ἔπερθε θῦμον, should update its translated title and do its two integrations on the Chinese side as well;
        3. Fix ὡς καἱ Σαπφοῦς to ὡς αἱ Σαπφοῦς on the Chinese side;
        4. Fix typo 两百九十斯;
        5. Remove ++ from combo header «四百零四:反对「安德罗咩大」(三百二十九+三百零五++三百零四++九十八+一百九十二+P.Oxy. 1787 fr. 3 col. i)»;
        6. Use Γλυκώνειοι instead of Γλυκόνιοι for glyconic in Greek;
        7. 三百零五:你七十不曾爱 is a typo;
        8. CPS τιζʹ should be numbered in Chinese on the Chinese side;
      6. Did the following at Safo: Poemas, 16/11/24 23:56:
        1. Label the non-Edmonds "Let's sing for the couple" as ἐνημερωθεῖσα, not ἐνημερωμένη;
        2. "Κύπρι, καί σε πικροτάταν ἐπεύροι" should mark the missing long syllable before κρέτησαι and remove the [ on the line below that on the Greek side, and translate those intragrations to Spanish (and presumably put the ¡ before the que instead of before the Oh);
        3. Sappho 16b should have caminabas and fix its first stanza from «[La felizidad] no se puede pasar / [Completamente] a los hombres, pero [se puede] rezar / [De tener su parte de bien]»;
        4. Κώνγ μακκαῖ, now ἔπερθε θῦμον, should update its translated title;
        5. Use Γλυκώνειοι for glyconic in Greek instead of Γλυκόνιοι;
        6. Fix typo Ναρίσσω τερενώτερον;
      7. Did the following at Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, 17/11/24 0:11:
        1. "Κύπρι, καί σε πικροτάταν ἐπεύροι" needs to integrate the κρέτησαι update its translation because of the new integrations;
        2. Κώνγ μακκαῖ, now ἔπερθε θῦμον, should update its translated title;
        3. Use Γλυκώνειοι for glyconic in Greek instead of Γλυκόνιοι;
        4. Arignota part 2 should fix its translation from «ανήκουστο κανένος [ / Στον] ίρον θα πηγαίνω».
    «Related Facebook page post update: 17/11/24 23:45», 17/11/24 23:26;
    1. VIDEO: Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo: Recoveries episode | Puntata dei recuperi (Sparse translations of Sappho | Traduzioni sparse di Saffo), «25/11/24, upload started 12:56:02/03 (grayed out yet 1%) and completed 12:59:35, processing started 12:59:37, 58mins left 13:[03:54,04:01], 57mins 13:04:55, 56mins 13:05:54, 55mins 13:06:56, blankout 13:07:02, Checking 0% 10mins 13:07:04, 12% 9mins 13:08:11, jump 14%-19% 13:08:55, jump from 19% to done 13:09:26, delays «58mins unknown delay (was writing description), 57mins, 55mins, blank probs, maybe end», published 13:32:40».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 25/11/24 1:49, with video link added 13:37.
      1. Fix some tags, remove the ["RES"] tags from after the tags, and add the Edmonds "The moon has set" translation to the undatables;
      2. Change the upload date of this video to 25/11 and give it its recording dates;
      3. Remove «to be recorded 3/11/24» from next video.
    3. Related Sappho space post: 25/11/24, written 13:40:00-14:01:05, posted 14:01:20.
    4. Related Quora space post: 25/11/24, written 14:02:08-14:02:23, posted 14:02:40.
    5. Latest video made public: 18/11/24 11:29:44.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec UPDATE, 24/11/24 14:00:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Update the todo lists of Spaninsh, Greek, and Chinese editions;
      3. Add «Gruppo 11 is ended by Fine Gruppo 1» and «SMB 330 is misnumbered as 340 in the body» to the Italian edition's todo list;
      4. At the Alcaeus project, fix the fact that E112A = C 395 was missed, note the 21/11/24 1:20 non-crossover opening and the 21/11/24 21:46 maxi-crossover opening;
      5. Rename Sappho auf barbarische Metern to Deutsche Anthologie Sappho and note the new series title for German Sappho, reviewing the project description and status, and including part 2 of the opening into the status;
      6. Note the new series title for Chinese Sappho, the new opening, and part 2 of the Chinese opening;
      7. Note the Chôka-@Ψ crossover opening and the chôka part 2;
      8. At Standard Sappho selection, write the "update from 24/11/24" to the status;
      9. At misc info, make a thorough update:
        1. Note that SMB 6 is now NG, not GP;
        2. Complete the list at point 2;
        3. Add points 3-4 (Sappho German list reorganized in groups and Sappho Comparative Numbering Table mishaps);
    7. EDITS
      1. Reflected the integrations to Κύπρι καί σε πικροτάταν ἐπεύροι in the translation, fixed the misaccented ἔβὰς, and fixed the incorrect blank line placement «三百七十五 / / πολυΐδριδι», at Chinese poetic Sappho, 22/11/24 14:27. Came back at 14:31 to fix that misaccented thing on the Greek side too;
      2. Linebroke «Versión con el papiro de Obbink (o de Obbink segunda, trad. 19/7/19 15:07)» as it goes outside the post margin, and fixed the misaccented ἔβὰς, at Safo: Poemas, 22/11/24 14:30;
      3. Placed the κρέτησαι of Κύπρι καί σε πικροτάταν ἐπεύροι in the right line instead of the same line one stanza above (Greek side), and fixed the misaccented ἔβὰς, at Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, 22/11/24 14:34;
      4. Switched out 变为 for 变成, matching the Pinyin, in the Chinese version at As if I had gone back to when I was a girl, 22/11/24 14:38;
      5. Paragraph-broke pre-history part of intro, mentioned 15/11/24 tweak attempts to Zeus padre, and implemented 22/11/24 tweak to that, all at Alceo?!, 22/11/24 14:50;
      6. Edited Blog index to address the below, 22/11/24 16:09:
        1. Sam jan badslation is not Chinese!
        2. Sam1 jan5 and Wangle ni wangle wo Japanese should be broken off from the video of the other versions;
        3. Plans for June '33, badslation vs. remake month:
          1. 5/6/33: @BBR Sam1 jan5 Japanese;
          2. 12/6/33: Sam1 jan5 Japanese video;
          3. 19/6/33: Wangle ni wangle wo Japanese @BR;
          4. 26/6/33: Wangle ni wangle wo Japanese;
        4. Plans for July '33, @PC month, just take the remaining English-Italian videos and plan them in that order for 3/7 10/7 17/7 24/7, and for 31/7 put in a complete Italian "When I do count the clock that tells the time", still to be made; Aug '33 should be an Alcæus month, leave it to be figured out;
        5. Plans for Sep '33, HS5 translation month:
          1. 4/9/33: Dahai;
          2. 11/9/33: Lengleng de taiyang;
          3. 18/9/33: Yiyang aizhe ni;
          4. 25/9/33: Gu xing lei;
        6. Typo in video index: Xāosǎ zǒu yī huí;
        7. Other typo: March 2018 - October 2019;
        8. Plans for Oct '33, @LT-then-translation-from-it month:
          1. 2/10/33: @LT 8 (PhDS);
          2. 9/10/33: Xiaosa zou yi hui;
          3. 16/10/33: @LT 9 (PhD1);
          4. 23/10/33: Ai-lin-a English and Italian originals;
          5. 30/10/33: Yongyuan bu huitou;
          Remove discarded translations from Ai-lin-a Italian and English videos, and reflect the 23/10 plan in the video list for the song's post, splitting the monstruous like 6-language video as per the plans;
        9. Note: Ai-lin-a English and Italian originals become @@TP;
        10. Plans for Nov '33, CL month:
          1. 6/11/33: Luntane cchiù luntane;
          2. 13/11/33: It all fades away;
          3. 20/11/33: Hoy arriesgaré;
          4. 27/11/33: La ballata dell'amore vero;
        11. Plans for Dec '33, Chinese translation month:
          1. 4/12/33: Romanesque;
          2. 11/12/33: Un giudice;
          3. 18/12/33: Ethan unohda saa;
          4. 25/12/33: Salelaka Mokonzi Chinese and Spanish;
          5. Another typo: Newpolitan;
          6. The series should be called Sappho auf Deutscher Sprache and 汉语诗歌的莎芙 Hànyǔ Shígē de Sāfú, not Sappho auf barbarische Metern and Chinese Poetic Sappho;
          7. «"Non vantarti dell'anello" (LP inc. 5 l. 2)», um no, it's l. 1, fix in Advice to friends episode;
          8. SMB 290 should be 4TAT, add it to episode;
          9. Fix title of Shojo Romanian and put transliterations into [] in titles of Shojo Chinese and Tsukiakari Chinese;
          10. LP 123 and 32 are listed twice in the Chinese and German Religious fragments episodes;
          11. Remove CPS 26 and 351 from German religious episode;
          12. Religious and Exile German episodes should probably not include CPS numbers, use SMB provisionally instead;
      7. Did history edits for 1.G.iv, 1.G.v (adding original translation to the body), and 1.H.vii at The rest of Sappho, 24/11/24 0:42;
      8. Edited Blog index to address the below, 24/11/24 1:43:
        1. Place all translations of SF e p q (including the lost one of the latter) and s;
        2. Prepare the slots for tomorrow's video, marking the German and English LP 34 as @Ψ not @TP, giving the Spanish "To my friends" (29/7/24 2) its 2 which was a 1 before, adding video links to the entries for Italian SF p and q, and turning English re-c-and-bb's (also @@Sic) to a tag after the video link as per the newly established convention, and marking both that and its Latin as @Ψ not @TP.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing the last Quora space post date from 3 to 4/11): 25/10/24 16:16», 25/11/24 15:53.
    1. VIDEO: Mick Gorro and the Classics: ΚαλαματανιΌμηρος - A truce... e i campann, «2/12/24, upload started 18:16:32 (preparing to 3% done) and completed 18:17:46, processing started 18:17:47, 60mins left 18:18:16, 0% checked 10mins left 18:18:52, 66% 4mins ≤18:25:28, greyout 18:25:32, ungreyed 18:25:34 at 67%, re-greyed 18:26:05, all done 18:26:07, delays «60mins, 0% check, greyout, ungrey was at 66 still, second greyout, end», published 18:40:00».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 2/12/24 18:33.
      1. Note the new English and Greek Urdu meter versions of LP 51 (25/11/24), the Spanish (30/11/24 twk. 1/12/24) and Albanian (1/12/24) versions, the barbarous meter ki version, and the Urdu meter KI version from 27/11/24, labeling the previous Urdu meter version as Urdu meter;
      2. Note the 27/11/24 tweak to A truce is established Latin;
      3. Note the 26-27/11/24 tweaks to English remake of Pelagon epigram;
      4. LP 82(b), which is the papyrus tied to Mnasidica, should be discussed in the Mnasidica episode;
      5. List a Sappho episode with the en to gar ennepe pinax for both Italian and Chinese;
      6. Συνδυγος from Commento 4 should be a glossema;
      7. Add recording dates for non-Christmas December 2024 videos;
      8. Remove (with badslation reviews) from Valediction and add (with a couple comments on the translation) to London;
      9. Note the "patches" of this weekend's video and their recording dates;
      10. Add video link to translation entry in original section, as was done with the Pestis above it.
    3. POST: Le campane in periferia, 30/11/24 0:31:59.
    4. Related index update (includes addreesing the below): 30/11/24 1:13.
      1. Romagna mia post has "video: Romagna mia" linking to my Fb profile, that is obviously not right :);
      2. Rename Sappho auf barbarische Metern to Deutsche Anthologie Sappho and add Antulugìa 'd Saffo in Rumãgnöl;
      3. Fix the latest video's title in video index;
      4. Add new post to chrono (post index got it before anything else);
      5. LP 51 English remake is from 25/9/24 22:30 not from 2010!
      6. SMB (Italian edition) and LP numbers to @Ψ videos:
        1. First 4 videos have no numbers at all;
        2. Fifth video, the first group video, should have the Edmonds number for E 49 rather than LP –;
        3. The other 2023 videos have no numbers at all, except the second group video which has the numbers it needs;
        4. The KP and Sappho 16 videos have no numbers;
        5. Recoveries episode is missing SMB numbers (but SMB 86 is E 49 not 45!);
      7. Add post to video index entry for upcoming video.
    5. Related Quora space post: 2/12/24, written 18:43:04-18:48:32, posted 18:48:40.
    6. Related Sappho space post: 2/12/24, written 18:49:28/36-18:51:57/58/59, posted 18:52:08.
    7. UNFINISHED NON-WORK PROJECTS 2024 Jul-Dec UPDATE, 30/11/24 19:13:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Update the title of German Sappho in the projects index;
      3. Standard Sappho selection needs a status review;
      4. Note that the new openings (i.e. German and Romagnolo Sappho, plus all things Alcaeus) are all gonna appear in this weekend's video;
      5. Misc info:
        1. Reintegrate SMB 6 Ad Afrodite into G in the planning status list;
        2. SMB 81, 85-87, 89, 93-94, 99, 106, 116, 124, 126, 131, 136c, 139, and 141 are NG;
        3. SMB 218 has been integrated into G;
        4. SMB 224, 226, 243, 254-256, 267, 275, 300, 302, 310-314, 317 are NG; also, updates in the class plans at the end;
        5. Sappho German/Romagnolo needs an update to almost complete the reordering;
      6. Note the chorus created for the Geste and its many prior versions at @PC;
      7. Chinese Poetic Sappho and Sapphoýs Ápanta need «add integrations to stanza 1 of the Brothers Poem» in their todo lists.
      8. Add the video index entries for the existing episodes of @Ψ to the relevant project.
    8. EDITS
      1. Added the new versions of the cover at A cover for Sappho translations, 1/12/24 0:07;
      2. Fixed the following at Saffo in metrica barbara, 1/12/24 0:18:
        1. "Ma mi hai scordata" should be called "Mi hai lasciata" (Καλλέλοιπάς μ');
        2. That fragment's 19/9/21 finale version should have mia cara, not carissima, as it is inmetrical at present;
        3. SMB 490 has sτουβιωνο, that s is a typo;
        4. Gruppo 11 is ended by Fine Gruppo 1;
        5. SMB 330 is misnumbered as 340 in the body;
      3. Did the following at Chôka no Saffō, 1/12/24 0:26:
        1. Give "You left me" the final line Τίς δέ κεν εἴην in both tabs;
        2. Change «Strings, firendlily banqueting / With such people} -> «Strings, banqueting / Friendlily with such people» in both tabs;
      4. Gave "You left me" the final line Τίς δέ κεν εἴην and changed «Strings, firendlily banqueting / With such people} -> «Strings, banqueting / Friendlily with such people» at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 1/12/24 0:28;
      5. At fr. 16 «Versión con el papiro de Obbink», fix the &mbsp; and add integrations to stanza 1 of the Brothers Poem at Safo: Poemas, 1/12/24 0:31. Translated said integrations at 0:37;
      6. Implemented the 27/11/24 Latin tweak performed in the video at A truce is established, 1/12/24 0:40;
      7. Implemented recent tweak to English remake of Pelagon at Sappho: three epigrams and a mourning song, 1/12/24 0:44;
      8. Mentioned the 30/11/24 repeat tweak to the Spanish at Un bacio a mezzanotte, 1/12/24 0:48;
      9. Did the following at Sparse translations of Sappho into ``unconventional'' languages, 1/12/24 1:15:
        1. Put the final kī versions of the barbarous meter Hindi translation in evidence in the translations section;
        2. Add the Urdu meter kî version;
        3. Add the Urdu meter to English and Greek translations of Οὐκ οἶδ' ὄττι θέω;
        4. Add the Spanish and Albanian barbarous meter translations;
      10. Fixed paddings, put tab-nav code in, doubled the wèn in both transliterated versions, and fixed 工作房 to 工作坊 and consequently gōngzuòfáng to gōngzuòfāng, all at Le campane in periferia, 2/12/24 17:38.
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing the last video's upload date from 24 to 25/11): 3/12/24 11:44», 3/12/24 11:27.
    1. VIDEO: Poetry after the Classics: A lityl Geste of Robyn Hode and his Meiny ll. 1-48, «8/12/24, upload started 20:31:33/34 (from preparing to 29%) and completed 20:31:40, processing started 20:31:41, 60mins left 20:31:51, checking 0% 10mins left 20:32:16, 16% 9mins left done 20:34:01, delays «end of upload, start of processing by 2-3s, 60mins left by Idk how long, start of checks, 16%», looks like my perception of delays is enlarged :), anyway saved 20:38:06/07 as unlisted».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the points below): 8/12/24 20:35.
      1. «upload planned for 1/12/24», well no, upload done on 2/12;
      2. Note the "caption tweaks" to A truce is established Latin;
      3. Add Japanese Romagnolo Chinese German covers to chrono; also, what is the 26/11 Urdu meter ki version of LP 51 doing after the 1/12 Albanian one?
      4. Note the recording-day tweaks to the Geste and the hendecasyllabics Valediction;
      5. List second Recoveries episode for:
        1. BR of older Violent storms;
        2. Newly discovered older Latin "Quæriti' donec";
        3. Doves, which has 2 different uncorrected Choka versions;
        4. Kalleloipas Japanese;
        5. Latin Dedyke which should have gotten its BR in this video;
        6. Any missed chôka versions and badslations/performances;
        7. "Two thoughs" (LP 51): Hindi versions with kî, Urdu meter English and Greek versions, and barbarous meter Spanish and Albanian versions;
        8. "To my friends" (LP 160), edition translations;
        9. "Su di voi, o belle" (SMB 22), edition translations A+B;
        10. Midnight Poem, older versions of Italian edition translation;
      6. Complete MickG in chrono for the translations in the Recoveries episode:
        1. L'amore m'ha scosso (107);
        2. Queste cose alle mie amiche ora (84), all versions, to be added to the recoveries episode 2 as well;
        3. Sulle colombe (92), alternativa and alternativa 2;
        4. Sull'amore (91), edition translations;
        5. Original versions of (20) are actually in already, just MickG in chrono them;
        6. Edition version of È tramontata la luna, for now there is only one, new recoveries episode should dig into its history and "early builds";
      7. Add SMB 7 to the Chinese KP episode;
      8. Add Povero Adone to the Un po' di miti episode;
      9. Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Saffo di Lesbo: Some Sapphic stanza fragments needs titles and SMB numbers for its fragments.
    3. Related Quora space post: 8/12/24, written 20:43:28-20:47:10, posted 20:47:44.
    4. Unfinished non-work projects Jul-Dec 2024 UPDATE, 7/12/24 18:33:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. At Alcæus, note the status of the table and point out that βλῆρ (some Campbell glossema) is ascribed to Ἀλκμαιωνι, so either Alcæus or Alcman, hence why it's Edmonds Alcman 148;
      3. Fix typo "mixed colorus" in the @BR project;
      4. Replace the last two items from the Italian Sappho todo list with "«Alcune testimonianze di altri scrittori» in the index should be postfaced by (quelli titolati "Fr. <numero>" sono commenti dal P.Oxy. 2506)" and «Ἀπαλάμνῳ | Al malvagio» to Italian todo list; the former was misplaced in my edits todo list under the edits list for the Chinese edition, the latter was just missed in a long item; also, add "Add video links!";
      5. Misc info:
        1. Number the groups with Roman numerals instead of giving them letters, since the order is chosen;
        2. SMB 362 Επιτμεζον quote goes between SMB 22 and SMB 142;
        3. SMB 316 goes in Singing group after SMB 219;
        4. SMB 252 goes after SMB 162 because both mention ἄβα(ν) (youth);
        5. SMB 276 goes after SMB 278: with what eyes did she see that girl?
        6. SMB 247 goes after SMB 263;
        7. Group C misplaced the two fragments with incorrect formatting (SMB 12 and 13), which should be before the other one; this was exclusive to the todo list, the file was fine;
        8. Shift Se io solo to end of Group G, and put Pinakes between P Mythology and Q Fear-related;
        9. Discard SMB 367;
        10. Quotation 1 of SMB 374 goes into Sappho and her daughter after the first fragment, and quotation 2 goes after SMB 289 because the μάργον is the wicked one (ἀπαλάμνῳ); really, because I have no idea where to place this :);
        11. Put Pinakes after Mythology as SMB 345, already the first member of the group, links to mythology with some of its incipits;
        12. The SMB 374 quotations are handled one in misc info partial timestamped and one in misc info, include that stuff as a critical note;
        13. All of this gets moved to Standard Sappho selection, with German Sappho referring to it, and the Italian-Chinese-German plan status gets removed, a note being added «I have devised a plan to list or plan everything Sappho Italian Chinese German and Romagnolo, and hope fo implement it in the next index update. The fragments marked N? have been turned into an episode "Brandelli di boh" for Italian and ditched for everything else, while "Forse su Saffo" will be left out if they have no quotations, otherwise (like SMB 374) they will feature in the Commentaries episode»;
      6. The German todo item «ὡς αἱ Σαπφοῦς was correct and I miscorrected it, fix back» is obsolete since the fragment is not on the list, and «Relabel the non-Edmonds "Let's sing for the couple" as updated instead of correct», having been carried out in the Italian edition where I will be taking the texts from, is also obsolete; and «Some titles are uncapitalized in editions (e.g. a group title "Ex Lógōn Állōn")» is also irrelevant since the title will all change; place the one remaining item inline, with a parenthetical comment;
      7. Choka todo list is now empty, and should have been in the previous update;
      8. @PC todo list:
        1. Plan Time's scythe separately from True love, noting that the former is an incomplete translation as of 7/12/24;
        2. Fix the tune shenanigan annotations to Donne: «Neither has any tune as of 24/10/24, and if I don't make a good translation, neither wiill ever» is even contradicted in the Valediction item; «prayer sonnet, so maybe recto tono is appropriate?»… new idea :);
        3. Consider the old Liang ge huang hudie vid as an episode;
        4. «Unknown, Iroha uta (2, @BR), English and Italian; planned for 12/7/31» was probably meant to be the two translations, so drop the bracket and give the upload date 11/12/21;
      9. Add «Rename the one Ἀσύλληπτον | Incomprensible to Ἀραιά γράμματα | Letras esparcidas, and the two No entendible to Incomprehensible» and «ἀ-/παλάμνῳ -> Al / Malo», forgotten in the todo list, to the Safo: Poeams todo list;
      10. Add to all edition todo lists (Spanish, Greek, Chinese, Italian) that the commentaries should make their non-Sappho parts smaller in font;
      11. In the list of @Ψ episodes, make the nested fragments lists into type "i"; remove «Three-part series on the Kypris poem, already started, cfr. @MGS for details» and update the Recoveries episode to be the new one;
      12. Add Operation Mick GorRAWs, noting the channel exists but is as of now videoless.
    5. EDITS
      1. Implemented recording-day and 3-4/12/24 tweaks to the Geste at A few last poems, 7/12/24 0:26;
      2. Implemented recording-day tweaks to the hendecasyllbics version at Contrast: Donne’s reaction to parting, 7/12/24 0:32;
      3. Implemented "caption tweaks" to Latin at A truce is established, 7/12/24 0:45; came back to fix the spurious ˘ before tum in l. 47 at 2:38;
      4. Addressed the following ad Saffo in metrica barbara, 7/12/24 2:36:
        1. ] χν̍ह[।]ोयके[ ] . ὄλ-: Something is definitely amiss in SMB 374;
        2. Get the complete version of SMB 367 from the Chinese edition;
        3. Review the linebreakings of all Commentaries as well as SMB 374, i.e. put the linebreaks where they are needed or where the quotations have a line change or where there is a passage from commentary to quotation or the other way around;
        4. The three Incomprensibile are not ordered according to their titles, and two are title Incomprensibile without a number; this is a result of one of them being Ἀσύλληπτον in the Greek while the others are Ἀκατάληπτον; change the former to Lettere sparse, or in Greek Σπαρνά γράμματα;
        5. Add aternate version of Salute (252);
      5. Addressed the following at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 7/12/24 15:46:
        1. 就在不上喉咙来 (Ode to Anactoria l. 8) has its zài misspelled;
        2. Review the linebreakings of the commentaries as per the Italian edition;
        3. Insert SMB 374 as Bonus commentary with ἀ-/παλάμνῳ -> 给恶人;
        4. Rename the one Ἀσύλληπτον | 无可明白的 to Ἀραιά γράμματα | 疏字;
        5. Change the title 愿你叫少女人跟随 to 愿你将少一些女人跟随;
        6. Add second version of CPS 111;
      6. Addressed the following at Safo: Poemas, 7/12/24 16:04:
        1. Review commentary linebreakings as per SMB;
        2. Insert SMB 374 as Bonus commentary;
        3. Add second version of Salud (117);
      7. Addressed the following at Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta:, 7/12/24 16:18:
        1. Review commentary linebreakings as per SMB;
        2. Insert SMB 374 as Bonus commentary;
        3. Add second version of Υγιείαν (111);
        4. Rename the one Ἀσύλληπτον to Ἀραιά γράμματα;
      8. Edited Blog index, 8/12/24 1:31, to address the following:
        1. Partner's beautiful, loved not so much typo. Also, add Shakespeare to episodes with Shakespeare poems;
        2. Pinakes episode shall be Italian-German-Romagnol (with original and target languages mentioned and no CPS numbers), and needs Romagnol controcanto;
        3. Plan Chinese Edmonds inventions for 29/8/28;
        4. The Chinese is an appendix to the commentary episodes along with the Chinese versions of the commentaries; those can't get German or Romagnol because they only have some quotations, not the full commentaries; this episode should be planned in place of the doublet Queen Hera, so 22/8/28;
        5. Take the German out of Death month (April 2032), putting Chinese Hermes came after Chinese I wish I were dead;
        6. For May 2032:
          1. 2/5/32, first 8 of "A few religious fragments";
          2. 9/5/32, all the rest but Queen Hera;
          3. 16/5/32, Queen Hera;
          4. 23/5/32, 7 Morals fragments;
          5. 30/5/32, the other 6;
        7. In place of Queen Hera on 2/4/33, put the Chinese Sappho religious fragments episode;
        8. Chinese exile episode goes before Glossemata episode, shoving that down one;
        9. Edmonds inventions goes to 8/5/33, while 1/5/33 gets Al fratello Carasso German+Romagnol;
        10. German religious fragments episode is canceled;
        11. 22/5/33 gets German wetnurse, 29/5/33 gets German Nereids and Curse, and German exile gets unplanned;
        12. Further German-Romagnol episodes:
          1. Idyll;
          2. Hymn;
          3. KP;
          4. Anactoria;
          5. Sappho 16;
          6. Gongyla and Ode to a beautiful woman;
          7. Rest of Beauty minus Arignota;
          8. Arignota;
          9. I wish I were dead;
          10. Hermes came;
          11. Two epigrams;
          12. The whole Related to Aphrodite group;
          13. Against Andromeda and derision of Andromeda;
          14. The rest of Exile group minus last fragment;
          15. On her exile;
          16. The whole daughter group;
          17. The whole memory group;
          18. All the short invocations;
          19. The first two singing-related;
          20. The other two;
          21. The first two Nostalgia for youth;
          22. The other two;
          23. The first 5 Love and grief;
          24. The rest of the group;
          25. 10 epithalamia;
          26. The other Epithalamia;
          27. All of Mythology minus Hector and Andromacha;
          28. Hector and Andromacha;
          29. Pinakes;
          30. Fear-related;
          31. Proverbs;
          32. Mentioning place names;
          33. Hyperbolæ;
          34. The rest
    «Related Facebook page post update (includes fixing the last space posts' posting dates from 1 to 2/12): 8/12/24 23:52», 8/12/24 23:27.
    1. VIDEO: Άτομα | Persone, «15/12/24, upload started 0:03:25 (0% to 66%) and completed 0:03:26, processing started 0:03:27, 20mins 0:03:[37,40], 0% checked 10mins left 0:04:08, 8% 10mins 0:04:55, 11% 9mins by 0:05:19, all done 0:05:19, I guess the 11% was a grayout? Anyway, delays «100% uploaded, 20mins, missed grayout pre-checks, grayout at end», saved as unlisted 0:13:28».
    2. POST: Come ci siamo ridotti così?, 14/12/24 23:26.
    3. Related index update for both (starts by addressing the below): 15/12/24 0:09.
      1. Give SMB numbers to the ditched fragments episode and mark the fragments with Chinese translations in the episode as CPS*;
      2. List an episode for LP 88 CPS 316 SMB 288, which comes out of the book-IV tatters episode;
      3. Add recording date for Anata ga iru kara Chinese and English.
    4. Related Quora space post: 15/12/24, written 0:18:00-0:23:38, posted 0:23:44.
    5. Latest video made public: 9/12/24 11:12:32.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects 2024 Jul-Dec UPDATE, 13/12/24 15:23:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Fix «comparativa numbering table» in the Alcaeus project, and state which C fragment the table is at;
      3. At Standard Sappho selection:
        1. Note that «German-Romagnol series should introduce each fragment in its episodes (\#endeca) in German and Romagnol, explaining the links thought up between fragments briefly. No poetry there» at Standard Sappho selection;
        2. Make the brother group include the Curse, which is no thus longer in Prayers to Aphrodite;
        3. «This was a partial sequence. I have another group of 2, plus some remaining fragments:» is spurious; register the status of the ammassing of the texts;
        4. Note the Greek and Spanish ideas, with the Greek cover and the Greek-Spanish opening; «I conceived the idea of doing Spanish to include the other guy's translations, and maybe to do Greek for barbarous meter, but maybe not :)» is most definitely obsolete :);
      4. «The first tab will be the posting date of this post» at the top needs to be specified with something like «(except Blogger has some kind of American time so it says this was posted on 6/7 when I actually posted it past the midnight of 6, making it 7/7)»;
      5. Point out the Benelli paper on CPS 316 in the Book-IV tatters episode at @MGS ad memoriam;
      6. Add to Chôka anthology, and Spanish Chinese Greek Italian edition, todo lists:
        1. The titles should be in Aeolic + target language, no Attic;vThe Idyll should integrate «Μέλλιχα πνέοισ' ὀρέων καράνο- / θεν κατίοισαι» instead of «[…] πνέοισι [φύτων] […]» (no can do in Sicilian anthology though);
      7. Italian todo list: add «SMB 105 must drop the "di nuovo" and pass it to SMB 584» and drop the last, third-last, and fourth-last items;
      8. Drop last two items of Chinese Poetic Sappho todo list and add «Implement 给恶人 into the translation of quote 2 from Πρόσθετα σχόλια»;
      9. Drop last three items of Safo: Poemas todo list with «Al / Hombre malo» for quote 2 of Comentário extra;
      10. Drop last three items of Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta todo list; note that the edition is on long standby because it is at least for the foreseeable future downscaled to an extension of the standard selection;
      11. Note the new Sicilian Sappho translations (Puseđđa and Si ancora tinissi latti, the latter having changed its title);
      12. Delete the Spanish Sappho episode from the plans, given there is now a Greek-Spanish series planned.
    7. EDITS
      1. Addressed the following at Saffo in metrica barbara, 11/12/24 15:17:
        1. «Alcune testimonianze di altri scrittori» in the index should be postfaced by (quelli titolati "Fr. <numero>" sono commenti dal P.Oxy. 2506);
        2. Implement «Ἀπαλάμνῳ | Al malvagio», complete the translation of the quote, and give its history;
        3. The commentaries should make their non-Sappho parts smaller in font;
        4. In comment 2, ἐ|γὼ τὸ κάλλος should start with ἔ]γω, and in that quote, ἐπετ[ίμαν ποτα should be followed by ] and have ποτά;
        5. ἀστέρας, not ἀστέρους, in the title «Τὰ περὶ νύκτα ἢ ἀστέρους τι λέγοντα»;
        6. Δεῦρο δεῦτε Μοῖσαι is numbered σνς in place of σνζ, fix; should also get the [Δῶμα] that starts l. 2, since it's translated as casa;
      2. Addressed the following at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 11/12/24 15:27:
        1. Add integrations to stanza 1 of the Brothers Poem;
        2. The commentaries should make their non-Sappho parts smaller in font;
        3. In comment 2, ἐ|γὼ τὸ κάλλος should start with ἔ]γω, and in that quote, ἐπετ[ίμαν ποτα should be followed by ] and have ποτά;
        4. Δεῦρο δεῦτε Μοῖσαι shuold get the [Δῶμα] that starts l. 2;
      3. Addressed the following at Safo: Poemas, 11/12/24 15:34:
        1. Rename the one Ἀσύλληπτον | Incomprensible to Ἀραιά γράμματα | Letras esparcidas, and the two No entendible to Incomprehensible;
        2. ἀ-/παλάμνῳ -> Al / Malo;
        3. The commentaries should make their non-Sappho parts smaller in font;
        4. In comment 2, ἐ|γὼ τὸ κάλλος should start with ἔ]γω, and in that quote, ἐπετ[ίμαν ποτα should be followed by ] and have ποτά;
        5. Δεῦρο δεῦτε Μοῖσαι shuold get the [Δῶμα] that starts l. 2;
      4. Addressed the following at Σαπφούς άπαντα | Sapphoýs ápanta, 11/12/24 15:56:
        1. Sappho 16b needs fixes because of the integrations;
        2. Add integrations to stanza 1 of the Brothers Poem;
        3. The commentaries should make their non-Sappho parts smaller in font;
        4. In comment 2, ἐ|γὼ τὸ κάλλος should start with ἔ]γω, and in that quote, ἐπετ[ίμαν ποτα should be followed by ] and have ποτά;
        5. Commentary 4 didn't get last edit's memo on the translation side, and the bonus comment ended up after commentary 5 on that side AND at the end, hence crappy lineup;
        6. Δεῦρο δεῦτε Μοῖσαι shuold get the [Δῶμα] that starts l. 2;
      5. Implementn 10/12/24 tweak to Latin Campbell 44A (fragment 1) at Mythic'lly good? Let's hear some myths!, 11/12/24 16:01; came back for the 9/12/24 one at 16:16;
      6. Completed the translation of Pi sempri aj'a èssiri puseđđa, changed its title to match the translation, and added the translation of Si tinissi ancora latti, moving tinissi after ancora to match the translation, all at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 11/12/24 16:12;
      7. Fixed mistyped titles "Nostalgia giuvintuti" and "cantari" in index and updated English translation of Putissi iđđa cantari cu na vuçi migghiuri, at Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu, 13/12/24 15:47;
      8. Edited Blog index, 13/12/24 16:53, to address the following:
        1. Make the Sicilian episode about the exile a crossover with Mick Gorro and the Classics for Alcaeus Il triste esilio;
        2. Put Tria proœmia hemiolica on 3/10/27;
        3. Push Liu-long kau Tam-tsui and Eirana e Mnasidica up by one entry;
        4. SDS=SIR group XX's «Ancient Greek with unmade German and Romagnol barbarous meter translations, upload yet unplanned» got stranded below the group XXII episode;
        5. Put La mè zita on 15/8/27;
        6. Point out the Benelli paper on CPS 316 in the relevant episode ad memoriam; get the fragment out of the ditched fragments episode;
        7. Eliminate «Ψάπφω ἀ Λεσβία | Safo de Lesbo en métrica bárbara en Español» episode from the plans; move the rest of the month up one, complete the month with the first Greek-Spanish episode, plan the second one for the next date, and move Celebrare una festa to unplanned;
        8. Give up on Alcaeus august and replace it with 4 Greek-Spanish episodes (Queen Hera, Moral fragments 1 and 2, To Charaxus);
        9. List the Greek-Spanish episodes;
        10. Drop the Spanish of Two thoughts from Recoveries episode 2 as it's in the anthology and thus will feature in a Greek-Spanish episode.
        11. Split the unplaced Sappho translations into microbes and the rest; eventually I'll probably do a mass history edit of the former.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 15/12/24 1:01», 15/12/24 0:44.
    1. VIDEO: Poetry after the Classics: London by Blake, «23/12/24, upload started 0:34:27/28 (preparing to 5%) and completed… well, 87% 11s left 0:34:59, then I went to put the link in the index, and when I came back at 0:35:08 it had started processing, which was 51mins left at 0:35:13, 50mins 0:35:17, blankout 0:35:30, 0% checked 10mins 0:35:33, 8% 10mins left 0:36:18, all done 0:36:21, delays «51mins, 50mins», saved as unlisted 0:42:24».
    2. POST: Deutsche Anthologie Sappho, 17/12/24 16:57.
    3. Related index update for both (starts by addressing the below): 23/12/24 0:37.
      1. Add remade London Blake, with an extra @PC episode suggesting a compare and contrast with Wordsworth's London;
      2. Fix the typo danseazăupload to «dansează", upload»;
      3. Place Chapter 1 of the Idyll trilogy on 5/4/26, moving Two unjustly joined fragments to the place of the current Idyll Italian plan (9/8/27);
      4. Chapters 2-3 19/4 and 26/4/26;
      5. Book IV tatters on 15/8/27, Advice to friends on 22/8/27, Chaucer 29/8/27;
      6. Alcæus vs. Horatius crossovers with 2029 New Year's special, while La mè zita just becomes unplanned;
      7. Add all German Sappho translations to chrono index (also, dafuq does SMB 91 (A) have date 22/4/24 19:54 for?);
      8. Note partial remake of Latin idyll, to be marked as @Ψ while the old version is still @BR at least in part;
      9. Replace every instance of SDS in the video index with SDS with link to Deutsche Anthologie Sappho.
    4. Related Quora space post: 22/12/24, written 0:44:16-0:47:32, posted 0:47:52.
    5. Latest video made public: 16/12/24 11:07:12.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects Jul-Dec 2024 UPDATE, 21/12/24 18:09:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Add to Chinese Spanish Greek Italian edition todo lists (updating the «The Idyll should integrate «Μέλλιχα πνέοισ' ὀρέων καράνο- / θεν κατίοισαι» instead of «[…] πνέοισι [φύτων] […]»» item after they all have the list), and (for i ii vi, and changing "two things" to "five things" for the Chôka anthology) to both anthology todo lists:
        1. Pais pot abra Antologia has δέ, should have grave accent because acute is leftover from δέ γ' οισθα in my version;
        2. Aeolicize all titles;
        3. Στρῶφαι -> στροφαί/στρόφαι;
        4. Κλεῖδα->Κλέιν;
        5. διορθήσεσιν -> διορθώσεσιν (-σισιν);
        6. ἐπτάξατε̣, [μέν, παῖδες, ὐπ' ἔρνη] δροσ[ό]εσσα[ν ἄγνας] -> ἐπτάξατε̣, [παῖδες, ὐπὸ χαίταν] δροσ[ό]εσσα[ν ἄγνας];
        7. ἔσσετα λάθα fix;
      3. Mark the episodes "U giuramèntu ṙi Artèmide" and "Si tinissi ancora latti" as [T] at @Sic;
      4. At Standard Sappho selection:
        1. Mark each fragment with the codes of the languages it was translated to, with (P) in case of partial translations and (Z) for the translations of this link, removing any G or GP tag in the number brackets, and noting that the Idyll will have two versions in Greek and Spanish but not the other two languages;
        2. Note that the German is published, and needs:
          1. The fragment and group titles translated;
          2. The links between fragments explained;
          3. The cover added at the start;
          4. The Idyll's text updated;
          5. A minor lineup fix;
          6. The Aeolicization of the Greek titles;
        3. Note that the Idyll business is going to keep the Greek, with all the translations it has, from being posted, hopefully not too long, but probably for quite a while;
      5. Note the crossover opening ideas for @Cl-Alcaeus crossovers at Project: Alcaeus Anthology;
      6. Add Operation: Explanation of SMB text crit marks (parentheses and +s are easy, then there's the marks for parts from different papyri).
    7. EDITS
      1. Edit Saffo in metrica barbara to address the following, 21/12/24 13:02:
        1. Pais pot abra Antologia has δέ, should have grave accent because acute is leftover from δέ γ' οισθα in my version;
        2. From Timadia on, the Greek numbers don't match the Italian ones;
        3. SMB 249 has no numeral sign in the Greek;
        4. Σαπφὼ δ' ὅταν λέγῳ -> λέγῃ in Greek-side Cherromaktra;
        5. Στρῶφαι -> στροφαί/στρόφαι and τῃδε->τυίδε in Kleis 2 both versions;
        6. Κλεῖδα->Κλέιν in both Kleis poems;
        7. διορθήσεσιν -> διορθώσισιν in cicada fragment;
        8. ἐπτάξατε̣, [μέν, παῖδες, ὐπ' ἔρνη] δροσ[ό]εσσα[ν ἄγνας] -> ἐπτάξατε̣, [παῖδες, ὐπὸ χαίταν] δροσ[ό]εσσα[ν ἄγνας] on both sides;
        9. ἔσσετα λάθα fix in SMB 574 on both sides;
      2. Fix the tenses of «The only part of the order that isn't random was that "Chantars no pot gaire valer" is the last one, because it had two translations only and I was too lazy to do two tables to have the centered second translation in the middle of the two-column part| and add remake of Blake's London, all at A few last poems, 21/12/24 13:58;
      3. Edit Deutsche Anthologie Sappho to address the following, 21/12/24 16:41:
        1. Reduce Tedeschi Ymmes to an alternate incipit;
        2. The groups are missing their numbers on the German side;
        3. Finish translating group and fragment titles, translating also the text parts of I.6 VII.3 VII.5, the version titles for Love shook my heart (XIV.5) and XV.16, and a few more fragments, and changing «Der Kypris» to «An die Kypris», and dropping «Ἐξ οὐκ ἐυθοῦς παραδόσεος» which got there by accident before "Like a child";
      4. Fixed the mistransliteration "Pṓs sṓpases me tétöa epokhí̱" to "[…] mia tétöa epokhí̱" in both versions, added the nav-tabs code, and updated «l'ho beccata a caso su LT chissà quando» with more info on how I found the song, at Come ci siamo ridotti così?, 21/12/24 16:44;
      5. Added Greek translation of cover at A cover for Sappho fragments, 21/12/24 16:49;
      6. Implemented partial remake of Idyll Latin at Sappho: two divine epiphanies, 21/12/24 16:55;
      7. Added Chinese Dedyke, changing its title from 月亮已落山 to 月已落, at Chinese Poetic Sappho, 21/12/24 16:59.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 23/12/24 1:44», 23/12/24 1:27;
  1195. NEW VIDEO:
    1. VIDEO: Aconteceu | Hoc accidit | Συνέβηκε | Así pasó, «26/12/24, upload started 19:41:04 (preparing to 2%) and completed 19:52:42, processing started 19:42:45, 51mins 19:42:52, 50mins 19:43:02, 0% checked 10mins 19:43:04, 8% 10mins 19:43:50, "grayout" showed within 19:44:14 as it was at 11% 9mins left, all done 19:44:14, delays besides the grayoud «51mins, 50mins, 8%», published 19:48:56».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below): 26/12/24 19:43.
      1. Fix the video title to have Así pasó instead of Pasado se ha;
      2. Make sure the Wasurenaide Latin-English and the Ethän unohda saa post links do not say Aconteceu;
      3. Change the upload date of the video from 25 to 26 (and turn upload planned for to uploaded).
    3. Related Quora space post: 25/12/24, written 22:19:28-22:22:10, posted 22:22:16.
    4. Latest video made public: 23/12/24 11:16:00.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 26/12/24 22:29», 26/12/24 22:24;
    1. VIDEO: Poetry after the Classics: Donne's Valediction, «30/12/24, upload started 13:47:40 and completed 13:54:26, processing started 13:54:33, 51mins 13:54:40, 50mins 13:54:54, grayout 13:55:07, 0% checked 10mins left 13:55:08, 16% 9mins 13:56:41, grayout 2 13:57:00 at 18% 8mins, all done 13:57:01, delays «50mins, grayout, 16%, grayout 2, end», published 14:01:28… except the idiot just decided to disconnect from the Hotspot, so published 14:02:24».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below): 30/12/24 13:49.
      1. Note recording-day tweaks for Aconteceu Latin;
      2. Poetry after the Classics: Blake vs. Wordsworth: London is most certainly not «recorded 1/12/24» :);
      3. Change the label of the Anthology toggle button to say so instead of repeating that of the Edition toggle button;
      4. List all extra Greek Sappho episodes;
      5. Alla lira + Pizzicare le corde + Ad Apollo for Italian+Chinese and drop all Asmā kī kavitāeṅ (?!) links from unplanned Sappho videos, as well as Kypris Poem chapter 1!
      6. Add the www to the Asmā kī kavitāeṅ playlist entry, just for the heck of it;
      7. Change the upload date for this video to 30/12/24.
    3. Related Quora space post: 30/12/24, written 14:06:08-14:08:14, posted 14:08:32.
    4. Unfinished non-work projects Jul-Dec 2024 UPDATE, 27/12/24 23:48:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always;
      2. Add to Spanish, Chinese, and Greek edition todo lists:
        1. Integrate [Καίτ' άραμαι τανδε διπλασιαν μοι] / Νυκτ[α γένεσθαι] into incomplete first stanza of whatever Cantassimu pî spusi is called here;
        2. Integrate και]τ̣' ἄπουρ̣[" ἀπάλαισ]ι̣ χέρσ̣ι̣ Π̣εί̣θω into Non è facile essere belle come dee (Greek will need a translation update);
        3. Integrate ἀπὺ τῶδ' ἐ|[στι με]μόρμενον and remove emmormenon;
        4. Amend «‹x–uu– –uu– – περιοισί'› ἴδρως / ‹Κὰτ› ἀμφότερα [–uu––uu–u–x]» into 310;
        5. Ditch the stupid ἤβα emendation from Edmonds Salute (252), and put a high dot before that word;
        6. Integrate «γ' οὐ δύνατόν μοι ὔμμαν» to complete l. 4, «τᾶν ὀνίαν φέρ]η̣σθα» to complete l. 5, and «[κεν]ό̣[φρων» in l. 7 of Ὄνοιρε combo.
      3. At Standard Sappho selection, add the list of MG Sappho extras, with their groups and ordering, and the corresponding Greek-only episodes, and reflext the translation progress made (mostly on the Greek which translated several long fragments); as for «The Greek has its cover, see the relevant post, and has a list of extra fragments I will add here within next weekend (hopefully), all grouped and ordered» at German anthology, update it, and add «I've translated what should be the new text, and am in the process of taking a detailed look at the blasted ostrakon to confirm said text. I've gone through 6 of the 17 lines of that thing.» at the end of that paragraph;
      4. Aside from adding the new Idyll text, the Choka anthology should have no todo items, and the Sicilian should have only «Change cà to ccà in l. 29 of "Pi nuautři nun è facili èssiri beđđi comu dèi"»;
      5. Add links to recent @PC episodes and note the new Blake-Wordsworth @PC episode in the todo list.
    5. EDITS
      1. Edited Deutsche Anthologie Sappho to address the following, 27/12/24 19:37:
        1. Fix Kommt ich noch hier to Kommt ihr etc, and implement the dan gold'nen -> das gold'ne fix;
        2. Integrate [Καίτ' άραμαι τανδε διπλασιαν μοι] / Νυκτ[α γένεσθαι] into incomplete first stanza of Ein Hochzeitslied (XV.3);
        3. Ditch the stupid ἤβα emendation from Edmonds Ygieian (I.9), and put a high dot before that word; also, fix the Campbell version to have the accusative ában; translate "version von Campbell" and its twin, and get rid of the header markings;
        4. Integrate «γ' οὐ δύνατόν μοι ὔμμαν» to complete l. 4, «τᾶν ὀνίαν φέρ]η̣σθα» to complete l. 5, and «[κεν]ό̣[φρων» in l. 7 of Onoire (I.8), and get the combo text in, not the non-combo one!
      2. Edited Antuluggia ṙi Saffo 'n Siçilianu to address the following, 27/12/24 20:04:
        1. Pais (πάϊς, not παίς) pot abra αʹ has δέ, should have grave accent because acute is leftover from δέ γ' οισθα in my version;
        2. Integrate [Καίτ' άραμαι τανδε διπλασιαν μοι] / Νυκτ[α γένεσθαι] into incomplete first stanza of Cantassimu pî spusi!, updating English accordingly;
        3. Integrate και]τ̣' ἄπουρ̣[" ἀπάλαισ]ι̣ χέρσ̣ι̣ Π̣εί̣θω into Pi nuautři nun è facili èssiri beđđi comu dèi and fix translation, with note in translation history about the integration changing the translation;
        4. Aeolicise titles Εὔμαρες ἄμμιν οὔκ ἐστιν ἰσόθεαι εἶναι τὸ κάλλος (Στρωφαί τινες δύνανται τῇδε ἀπολωλεκέσθαι !!), Ἄστερες καὶ σελήνη, Ὕμνος πρὸς τὴν Ἀφροδίτην, Ἀείσωμεν ὑπὲρ τοῦ ζεύγεος, Πρὸς χελώνην, πλούτος (not a matter of Aeolic!), Ἐπιφορά, ἀϊπάρθενος (capitalise!);
      3. Edited 長歌のサッフォー Chôka no Saffō to address the following, 27/12/24 20:12:
        1. Pais (πάϊς, not παίς) pot abra αʹ has δέ, should have grave accent because acute is leftover from δέ γ' οισθα in my version;
        2. Integrate [Καίτ' άραμαι τανδε διπλασιαν μοι] / Νυκτ[α γένεσθαι] into incomplete first stanza of Let's sing for the couple!, updating English accordingly;
        3. Integrate και]τ̣' ἄπουρ̣[" ἀπάλαισ]ι̣ χέρσ̣ι̣ Π̣εί̣θω into Divine beauty is not easy for us to attain;
        4. Aeolicise titles (Στρωφαί τινες δύνανται τῇδε ἀπολωλεκέσθαι !!), Ἄστερες καὶ σελήνη, Ὕμνος πρὸς τὴν Ἀφροδίτην, Ἀείσωμεν ὑπὲρ τοῦ ζεύγεος, Πρὸς χελώνην, πλούτος (not a matter of Aeolic!), ἀϊπάρθενος (capitalise!);
      4. Edit Saffo in metrica barbara to address the following, 27/12/24 22:20:
        1. SMB 105 must drop the "di nuovo" and pass it to SMB 584;
        2. πάϊς, not παίς;
        3. Στρωφαί τινες δύνανται τῇδε ἀπολωλεκέσθαι -> Στρόφαι τινὲς δύνανται τυίδε ἀπολωλέκεσθαι;
        4. Integrate [Καίτ' άραμαι τανδε διπλασιαν μοι] / Νυκτ[α γένεσθαι] into incomplete first stanza of 98 corretta, and change that to aggiornata;
        5. Integrate και]τ̣' ἄπουρ̣[" ἀπάλαισ]ι̣ χέρσ̣ι̣ Π̣εί̣θω into Non è facile essere belle come dee, fix the translation accordingly, mentioning this in the translation history, and add the translation for "Multa", changing its title to "Ate";
        6. Integrate ἀπὺ τῶδ' ἐ|[στι με]μόρμενον and remove emmormenon;
        7. Mention previous ‹πλῆθος› ἴδρως ‹κὰτ› ἀμφότερα, implement «‹x–uu– –uu– – περιοισί'› ἴδρως / ‹Κὰτ› ἀμφότερα [–uu––uu–u–x]» into 310;
        8. Ditch the stupid ἤβα emendation from Edmonds Salute (252), implement the emendation ἄβα‹ν› into Campbell, translate the version headers, and put a high dot before the un-emendated word;
        9. Integrate «γ' οὐ δύνατόν μοι ὔμμαν» to complete l. 4, «τᾶν ὀνίαν φέρ]η̣σθα» to complete l. 5, and «[κεν]ό̣[φρων» in l. 7 of Ὄνοιρε (162);
      5. Edited Blog index to address the following, 28/12/24 0:59:
        1. Note 27/12 tweak to SDS XI.1;
        2. Add CPS 82(a) to Chinese I wish I were dead episode;
        3. Note recent tweaks to Sicilian Sappho 6c;
        4. List an @Ψ episode for A Dica (SMB 140 LP 81(b)) including SMB 197 LP 81(a);
        5. List an @Ψ-Hanyu shige de Safu crossover for "Gli dèi libano per uno sposo" (SMB 242 CPS 148 LP 141);
        6. Add the translations of Puseđđa and Si ancora tinissi latti;
        7. Implement "Anthology Sappho" button to toggle Sappho translations from the German, Sicilian, and Japanese anthologies, and eventually the Greek, Romagnolo, and Spanish ones too, removing German from the Editions Sappho button, removing the code «if(getElementById('Sappho').style.display=='none') {getElementById('Sappho').style.display=''&l;#125 else{getElementById('Sappho').style.display='none'}» from all three buttons since it seems perfectly pointless;
        8. Add an "Ad Ecate" entry to the Edmonds inventions episode, for SMB 273; fix «Figlio di Zaus è l'oro» to have Zeus;
        9. P.Berol. 9722 vs. Edmonds: Italian and Chinese;
        10. P.Oxy. 2357 fragments (Itaian);
      6. Fix the wrongly-marked long vowels in the Latin, implement the recording-day tweaks therein, noting both in the intro, and erase «o; o; o; o; *Or No hubo luna para brillar», since that version is non-MdH and the other one is MdH, all at Aconteceu, 28/12/24 15:42.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 30/12/24 23:27», 30/12/24 23:11.
    1. VIDEO: Never gonna give you up | Mai con te mi arrenderò, «1/1/25, upload started 19:34:44 and completed 19:39:50, processing started 19:40:01, 20mins 19:40:10, greyout 19:40:31, 0% checked 10mins 19:40:32, 4% checked 10mins 19:40:53, greyout (the delayed one) 19:41:12 at 6% 10mins, all done 19:41:13, delays «20mins, 4%, greyout, end», saved as unlisted 19:43:44».
    2. POST: Never gonna give you up, 1/1/25 18:10.
    3. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below): 1/1/25 19:36.
      1. Add post to all indices, and add recording date 28/12/24 to New Year's Special; also, fix special5 to "Special 2025";
      2. Note caption tweaks for Valediction Italian hendecasyllabics.
    4. Related Quora space post: 1/1/25, written 19:47:28-19:48:50, posted 19:48:56, posted to the right space 2/1/25 0:50:25 with accompanying message written 0:50:08-0:50:23.
    5. EDITS
      1. Implemented caption tweaks to Italian hendecasyllabics, giving it three versions, at Contrast: Donne's reaction to parting, 1/1/25 18:05;
      2. Matched linebreaking of English chorus to Italian (where "and desert you" and "and hurt you" were separate lines), noted the amor->amore in the video, eliminated "non" from "Mai con te non mi arrenderò" pointing this apparent change out in the index, and removed the ¨ from addïo, all at Never gonna give you up, 1/1/25 19:24.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 2/1/25 0:56», 2/1/25 0:47;
    1. VIDEO: DETECTIVE CONAN: あなたがいるから Anata ga iru kara | 因我知道世上有你 Yīn wǒ zhīdào shì shàng yǒu nǐ | Since you ex[ist], «5/1/25, upload started 14:25:23 (preparing to still-grey 22%) and completed 14:25:29, processing started 14:25:30, 60mins left 14:25:41, blank at 14:26:08, 0% checked 10mins 14:26:11, 16% 9mins 14:27:44, all done 14:28:09, delays «100% and processing, greyout and 0% checked probably, 16%?, done», saved as unlisted 14:36:08».
    2. POST: Unfinished non-work projects Jan-Jun 2025, 3/1/25 1:33.
    3. Related index update for both (includes addressing the below): 5/1/25 14:32.
      1. Add the Italian series title to the @Ψ videos lacking it, the SMB label for the numbers of the Epigrams, the LP number for "In violent storms" in the recoveries episode, and SMB numbers to the yet-unmade videos (where the Anastasia Guy nonsense needs the pieces other than SMB 55 and 209 listed), except SMB 81 already had its number in the relevant video;
      2. Add planned recording date 6/1/25 to 12/1/25 video;
      3. SMB 322-339: Brandelli di boh (Italian);
      4. Markings like "Original" go to the left of tags like [RES], while @@ tags go to the right: fix SF 83 69 91 ak English, SF b ak v w bh-original w-LTD Italian, Still for your love Italian horridous oldity, and Bin-a-tsai Mandarinization which has @@NV to the left of the [] tag, in that respect;
      5. Add the post once the video is already fully in.
    4. Related Quora space post: 5/1/25, written 14:39:20-14:46:22, posted 14:46:32.
    5. Latest video made public: 2/1/25 11:27:52.
    6. Unfinished non-work projects Jan-Jun 2025 NEW POST, UPDATES from last todo list version:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always; which here means copypasting the whole old post into a draft, tweaking the intro, removing the notes, and removing all but the most recent div;
      2. Add to Chinese Spanish and Greek edition todo lists:
        1. To the Pais pot'abra entry, add «also πάϊς not παίς»;
        2. Integrate «ἐπτάξατε̣ [παῖδες, κὐπὸ χαίταν] δροσ[ό]εσσα[ν ἄγνας» in l. 7 of Ὄνοιρε combo (will be a correction to a previous entry);
        3. Eliminate Στρωφαὶ Σαπφικαί (also added to a previous entry);
        4. Integrate καὶ μέλαινα τὰ̣ [γ]ᾶν μύγις δ' ἔπερθε in Apalamno;
        5. Integrate l. 4 of Ypisso;
      3. At Standard Sappho selection, fix the fact that SSN episode 43 does not include group XXVII. also, «First candidate: Romagnolo» in Standard Sappho selection is a bit outdated; in fact, the project name should include all the planned anthologies; update the translation status;
      4. Update Misc info;
      5. Give the Italian edition and German anthology todo lists thorough updates which take the edits below into account, though the are not made yet as the new post is put together;
      6. Update @BR with episode links;
      7. Ditto for @NRR, which has only the recoveries episode for now.
    7. EDITS
      1. Edited Saffo in metrica barbara to address the following, 3/1/25 14:49:
        1. Στρῶφαι is still in the title of group 1, Aeolicise that title;
        2. ᾽Υπίσσω translates an integration in l. 4 that isn't in the Greek!
        3. Add the translation of that fragment and of Adylogoi d' Erotes;
        4. Integrate καὶ μέλαινα τὰ̣ [γ]ᾶν μύγις δ' ἔπερθε in Al malvagio, and update translation;
        5. Fix the ἐπτάξατε̣ integration to have κὐπὸ;
      2. Edited Chinese Poetic Sappho to address the following, 3/1/25 15:22:
        1. Implement 给恶人 into the translation of quote 2 from Πρόσθετα σχόλια;
        2. Pais pot abra Antologia has δέ, should have grave accent because acute is leftover from δέ γ' οισθα in my version; also πάϊς not παίς;
        3. Στρῶφαι -> στροφαί/στρόφαιι, both in Σαπφικαὶ στρῶφαι for the title of group 1 (Aeolicize!), and in Φίλτατον Γαῖας γένος Ὀρράνω τε (16, Aeolicize) and Πρὸς Κλεῖδα (85, Aeolicize);
        4. Κλεῖδα->Κλέιν (in both Kleis poems);
        5. διορθήσεσιν -> διορθώσεσιν (-σισιν) (Voigt corrections in cicada fragment);
        6. ἐπτάξατε̣, [μέν, παῖδες, ὐπ' ἔρνη] δροσ[ό]εσσα[ν ἄγνας] -> ἐπτάξατε̣, [παῖδες, κὐπὸ χαίταν] δροσ[ό]εσσα[ν ἄγνας];
        7. ἔσσετα λάθα fix; also 85 has two version you only fixed your own…;
        8. Integrate [Καίτ' άραμαι τανδε διπλασιαν μοι] / Νυκτ[α γέ]ν̣[εσθαι] into incomplete first stanza of Ἐπιθαλάμιόν τι ᾆσμα;
        9. Integrate και]τ̣' ἄπουρ̣[" ἀπάλαισ]ι̣ χέρσ̣ι̣ Π̣εί̣θω into Πρὸς Ἄτθιδα (84);
        10. Integrate ἀπὺ τῶδ' ἐ|[στι με]μόρμενον and remove ἐμ]μ̣όρμενον from Σχόλια εʹ;
        11. Amend «‹x–uu– –uu– – περιοισί'› ἴδρως / ‹Κὰτ› ἀμφότερα [–uu––uu–u–x]» into 167;
        12. Ditch the stupid ἤβα emendation from Edmonds Υγιείαν (111), and put a high dot before that word;, also, Campbell ἄβα to be accusativised;
        13. Integrate «γ' οὐ δύνατόν μοι ὔμμαν» to complete l. 4, «τᾶν ὀνίαν φέρ]η̣σθα» to complete l. 5, and «[κεν]ό̣[φρων» in l. 7 of Ὄνοιρε combo (400);
        14. Integrate καὶ μέλαινα τὰ̣ [γ]ᾶν μύγις δ' ἔπερθε in quotation 2 of Πρόσθετα σχόλια (405);
        15. Integrate l. 4 of ᾽Υπίσσω (288);
      3. Edit Deutsche Anthologie Sappho to address the following, 3/1/25 16:55:
        1. Add the translation of Goldener als Gold;
        2. Make the integration of 1.iv above;
        3. Make the integration of 1.v above;
        4. Add the cover at the beginning;
        5. Aolicise titles Ἠθικά σπαράγματα, Ἐκδοκὴ ἡ ἐμὴ et simm (I.9, II.2, II.9, XVI.3 where it gets ditched, XXIII.1)., both ἐπιγράμμα, Πρὸς Καλλιόπην, Μυθολογικά, Ἀρχαὶ στίχων πλειόνων ποιητῶν, Ὑπερβολαὶ ἑπτά, and Χαρά (->τέρψις); as you go, ditch Κλεῦιν in all three Kleis poems, and fix Συγγένες in group XII and παίς in XIII.3, and ditch the emendation ‹τὠ›ελίω;
        6. Delete the empty h2s in Υγιείαν (Greek) and Μέλημα (German), and translate the version titles to German in the latter;
        7. Add a blank large-size line after group 10's Greek title since the German one is linebroken; match it in the German;
        8. Υμμες πεδὰ Μοίσαν (XII.4) has a spurious linebreak on the Greek side; two, in fact, but one is matched in the German;
        9. XIV.7 has a spurious linebreak in the German;
        10. Delete the empty h2 at "Anfang von Tedeschi" and at the versions of Ψαύην ὀράνω, Ἀποθναίσκην κάκον, Πρὸς Χάραξον κασίγνητον, Γογγύλα, Τεθνάκην δ' ἀδόλως θέλω, Θεράπαιναν Ἀφροδίτας, Ἐπιλείψω τοι (Edmonds version only), Πρὸς Κλέιν, Εὔχομαι, Περὶ τέττιγος, Υμμες πεδὰ Μοίσαν, Ἔρος δ' ἐτίναξέ μοι, Οἴαν τὰν ὐάκινθον, Ὦ χαρίεσσα, Χαίροισα νὐμφα, Ἔπταζον (which has only one version with l. 1 carryhing the h2), Στάθι κἄντα (where I hadn't Aeolized the version titles), Ἦλθες, κάλ' ἐπόησας, Den Himmel zu berühren, in Übel ist das Sterben, Dem Bruder Charaxus, Gongyla, Wirklich möcht' ich gestorben sein, Begleiterin von Aphrodite, Für dich wird ich libatieren (Edmonds version only), An Kleis, Ich bete, Über die Zirpe, Nach die Gabe der Musen, Eros erschüttete mein Herz, Sowie die Hyazinthe, O anmutige, Glücklige Braut, Sie furchten (predictably in the same situation as Ἔπταζον), Steh' vor mich, and Dann kamst du, wohl mir tatest;
        11. Add such empty h2s to the titles of Ein Gott, Ein untödlicher Gott;
        12. Remove empty h2s with ids from version titles of Υγιείαν, where the version titles were not Aeolised;
        13. Add blank line before Ἄρχα ἀ τῶ Τεδέσκι.
    «Related Facebook page post update: 5/1/25 15:29», 5/1/25 15:14;
    1. VIDEO: 'O surdato 'nnammurato | The soldier in love | Ο ερωτευμένος στρατιώτης, «12/1/25, upload started 14:55:24 (preparing to 38%) and completed 14:55:28, processing started 14:55:29, 51mins left 14:55:40, 50mins 14:55:49, came back from adding video link to index 14:56:33 finding 0% checked 10mins, 4% 10mins 14:56:57, got to at least 7% then all done 14:57:28, delays «upload done and processing started probably, 51mins by max 1s, 50mins too», saved as unlisted 15:02:48».
    2. Related index update (includes addressing the below): 12/1/25 14:57.
      1. Sappho recoveries still says planned for;
      2. Recoveries 2 should include versions (A) and (B) of Sicilian 16b;
      3. Still for your love Greek seems to not even be listed in the video index;
      4. Finish adding numbers to brandelli di boh;
      5. Add Mick GorRAWs for:
        1. This weekend's video (still says recording planned);
        2. Last weekend's video;
        3. The New Year's special (says rec., don't abbreviate!);
        4. The 29/12/24 video;
        5. The Christmas special (doesn't have recording date!);
        6. The 22/12/24 video;
        7. The 15/12/24 video;
        8. The 8/12/24 video;
        9. Next weekend's video (add recording date);
        10. The 26/1 video (ditto);
      6. Push the @@ tags to the right of the [] tags at:
        1. Tshim-tshim--e ai Min-English (A) and (B) and Mandarinization;
        2. SF 7 Italian and Latin originals;
        3. all three Thermopylae epigrams Remake 2;
        4. SF 7 English original;
        5. SF PN Italian v1 and Latin;
        6. Second single line English;
        7. SF 31 Latin;
        8. SF 1 Latin 1.5 and SF 28 Italian original;
        9. Captatio benevolentiæ Romagnolo;
        10. SF 7 intermediate all 3;
      7. Shift () translation specification to the left of [] tag at:
        1. SF 4 Latin Excluding Partially Remade;
        2. SF 90 Old Final English;
        3. SF 90 Old final and SF 97 Old translation both Latin;
        4. SF 99 English Original;
        5. SF l Latin Without P.Oxy. 2166(a)7a;
        6. Still for your love English-Japanese LTD;
        7. SF v Italian Tweaked;
        8. SF bh Italian Tweaked;
      8. Note the 4/1/25 to hendecasyllabics Valediction;
      9. Note 6/1/25 tweak to Greek 'O surdato 'nnammurato;
      10. Add the German translation of XXIII.1 (Stathi kanta);
      11. Note 6/1/25 tweak to French Anata ga iru kara remake;
      12. Switch the Nereids trio (currently planned for 1/6 15/6 and 29/6/25) with GongylaBR-Gongyla-Biđđizza (currently planned for 3/8 10/8 17/8/25), and do not space out the Italian Gongyla vids; add the Mystery Gongyla at the end of the multi-translation Italian video;
      13. Drop the (yet unposted) tag from the below, titling the Alugalug cat post appropriately instead of "Cos'è l'amore?" in the process:
        1. The Kalinifta video;
        2. The Nada te turbe video;
        3. The Gongyla new translations vid (linking the edition there instead, and adding in the Mystery Gongyla with the tag).
    3. Related Quora space post: 12/1/25, written 15:10:00-15:12:49, posted 15:12:56.
    4. Latest video made public: 6/1/25 11:34:00.
    5. Unfinished non-work projects Jan-Jun 2025 UPDATE, 10/1/25 3:07:
      1. Project ID shenanigans, as always; which here means copypasting the whole old post into a draft, tweaking the intro, removing the notes, and removing all but the most recent div;
      2. Review Chinese edition todo list after the round of fixes done last week, with the planned edit in mind;
      3. At Standard Sappho selection, leave only the list, updated to reflect multiversions as per the Replacement, the critical stuff about the quotations, and the episode list; note that the Midnight Poem is fully dealt with on the Greek side;
      4. Add "Sappho auf Deutscher Sprache + Saffo in Rumãgnöl" (overwriting Deutsche Anthologie Sappho (post) | Sappho auf deutscher Sprache (series)) and "Ψάπφω στη Νεοελληνική + Safo en Español", both depending on the Standard Sappho selection list, the latter including all the Neogreek extras-related stuff and noting that these will have the old Idyll version; these two shall include the progress percentages and the things related to openings and cover versions; the Neogreek extras list should also reflect multiversions and drop Kleennas as per Replacement;
      5. Remove Anata ga iru kara French from translation reworks, and make those entries not begin with Rwk stuck to what follows;
      6. Review the Spanish edition todo list, bearing the edit below in mind;
      7. At Translationifications, note that 浪子的心情 has been completed;
      8. Add to Greek edition todo list "Add the Reiner-Kovacs version of the Midnight Poem";
      9. Add to the Italian edition todo list "Show the two versions of the Midnight Poem in the index and move the translation indication from the body to the index" and "Add the translation of Reiner-Kovacs Midnight Poem".
    6. EDITS
      1. Edited Saffo in metrica barbara, 9/1/25 3:13, to:
        1. Add translation of "Gli amori dalle dolci parole" (209) to SMB where it is only dated and timestamped in the index;
        2. Fix the use of ἐκδοκὴ, which is a non-word, replacing it with appropriate uses of κατὰ; use the Gongyla version names from the German Anthology, and keep in mind point v; no change needed on the Italian side; while scrolling for this, Aeolize the titles:
          1. Πρὸς θεούς;
          2. Τὸ ποίημα ὃ μόνον πλήρην ἔχομεν;
          3. Ὕμνος πρὸς τὴν Ἀφροδίτην;
          4. Ὑπὲρ τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ;
          5. Πρὸς Νηρηΐδας;
          6. Πρὸς Κυπρίδα;
          7. Ἰδύλλιον σὺν τῇ Ἀφροδίτῃ;
          8. Πρὸς Ἀφροδίτηνi;
          9. Ἄλλαι εὐχαί;
          10. Πότνια Ἥρα;
          11. Σαπφὼ πρὸς αὐτῆς φίλους;
          12. Σαπφὼ πρὸς τοὺς συνοίκους αὐτῆς;
          13. Πρὸς Χάραξον ἀδελφόν(?);
          14. Πρὸς μητέρα;
          15. Πρὸς Ἀνακτορίαν ἢ ὑπὲρ αὐτήν;
          16. ᾨδὴ εἰς τὴν Ἀνακτορίαν;
          17. Τὰ λοιπά (4);
          18. Ξανθῇ δ' Ἑλένῃ σ' ἐΐσκην;
          19. Θῦμα πρὸς φίλην (ἢ πρὸς Ἀφροδίτην εὐχή;) -> Ἐπίλειψις | Libagione;
          20. Ταῖς καλαῖσ' ὔμμιν;
          21. Πρὸς γυναῖκας ἀγάνας;
          22. Ἀρχαὶ καὶ τέλη στίχων;
          23. Πρὸς Γυριννώ?
          24. Ἀρχαὶ στίχων τινῶν;
          25. Ἐπὶ Μουσῶν;
          26. Ἐπιθαλάμιόν τι ᾆσμα;
          27. Γλυκώνειοι καθαροὶ και ἐπεκτεταμένοι;
          28. Καθαροί;
          29. Ἐπὶ τὸ στεφανοπλοκεῖν;
          30. Διὰ δύω δακτύλω ἐπεκτεταμένοι;
          31. Συγγενικά τῷ Ἔροτι;
          32. Λοιπά (5);
          33. Διὰ δύω χωριάμβω ἐπεκτεταμένοι;
          34. Θεοὺς ἀναφέροντα;
          35. Πρὸς ἀπαίδευτον γυναῖκα;
          36. Σκῶψις τῆς Ἀνδρομέδας;
          37. Περὶ Λήδην;
          38. Ἄδηλαι ἐπεκτομαί;
          39. Πρὸς χελώνην;
          40. οικιλώτεραι ἐπεκτομαί;
          41. ἱππωνακτικοὶ διὰ δύω χωριάμβω ἐπεκτεταμένοι;
          42. Πρὸς φίλους;
          43. Πρὸς Δίκην;
          44. Πρὸς Εἰρήνην;
          45. Πρὸς Μνησιδίκην;
          46. Ποτέ οὐ συταγμένα;
          47. Ἀρχαί στίχων;
          48. Τὶς πρὸς Σαπφώ?
          49. Πρὸς Μίκην (2);
          50. Χαλεπά;
          51. Συνδυασμοί;
          52. Κατὰ Ἀνδρομέδην;
          53. Πλήρη ἐξ τοῦ P.Oxy. 1787;
          54. Ἀραιά γράμματα;
          55. Εἰκασίαι;
          56. Ἀρχαί καὶ τέλη στίχων;
          57. Ἆλλά τιν'ἀσύλληπτα (not Aeolized, just fixed);
          58. ὅ ἐστιν ἐν τῷ παπύρῳ τῷ ἐξ / Ὀξυῥύγχου πρὸ τοῦ "῎Υμμες πεδὰ Μοίσαν" (ditto, and its μετὰ τοῦ twin);
          59. Φερηκρατικοὶ καθαροὶ και ἐπεκτεταμένοι;
          60. Διὰ ἑνὸς δακτύλου ἐπεκτεταμένοι;
          61. Λοιποί (2);
          62. Περὶ ἀηδώ;
          63. Ἑξάμετροι (note the breathing);
          64. Μέτροι ῥυθμῷ τροχαικῷ;
          65. Περὶ θυρώρου;
          66. Θεοὶ ἐπιλείβουσιν ἐπὶ γάμον;
          67. Λοιπὰ δῆλα μέτρα;
          68. Στροφαὶ Ἀλκαικαί;
          69. Ἰωνικοὶ μέτροι;
          70. Ἀπὸ μακροῦ;
          71. Ψαπφοί;
          72. Πρὸς Χάριτας καὶ Μοῦσας;
          73. Πρὸς Καλλιόπην;
          74. Ἐξ οὐκ ἐυθοῦς παραδόσεος;
          75. Ἐν ὀργῇ μὴ εἰπέ;
          76. Ἀπὸ τῆς διφθέρας P.Berol. 9722;
          77. Ἀδμήτου λόγον;
          78. Ὑπερβολαὶ ἑπτά;
          79. Τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ παπύρου P.Vindob. 29777;
          80. Τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ παπύρου P.Oxy. 2299 ἀπὸ τῆς τῆς Φοίγτ ἐκδόσεως;
          81. Σπαρνά γράμματα;
          82. Τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ παπύρου P.Oxy. 1787 ἐξῃρημένα;
          83. Ἀρχαὶ στίχων πλειόνων ποιητῶν;
          84. Ἴσως περὶ Σαπφοῦς;
          85. Τὰ ὑπὸ τῶν κριτικῶν πεπλασμένα;
          86. Τὰ ἐκ τῆς τοῦ Ἔδμονδζ φαντασίας;
        3. Edit in the more daring integrations to Onoire combo on the Italian side;
        4. Add the Reiner-Kovacs version od the Midnight Poem (262), labeling the current version as Hephæstion's;
        5. Label the versions of Custoditela (238) as Tedeschi with my integrations vs. mine;
        6. Fix διπλάσιάν to διπλασίαν at "Un canto nuziale" (98).
      2. Fixed 他美丽吧 to use 它 and implemet 6/1/25 tweak to French remake at Realizzerai ogni sogno, 10/1/25 16:07;
      3. Implemented the 4/1/25 tweak to the hendecasyllabics translation at Contrast: Donne’s reaction to parting, 10/1/25 16:10;
      4. Fixed typo "but one though" (*thought), implement 6/1/25 tweak to Greek, and replace the currently-present unavailable video, at 'O surdato 'nnamurato, 10/1/25 16:16;
      5. Edited Safo: Poemas, 10/11/25 17:13, to address the following:
        1. «Al / Hombre malo» for quote 2 of Comentário extra; finish translating that;
        2. Integrate καὶ μέλαινα τὰ̣ [γ]ᾶν μύγις δ' ἔπερθε in quotation 2 of Πρόσθετα σχόλια (405);
        3. Pais pot abra Antologia has δέ, should have grave accent because acute is leftover from δέ γ' οισθα in my version; also πάϊς not παίς;
        4. Στρῶφαι -> στροφαί/στρόφαι, both in Σαπφικαὶ στρῶφαι for the title of group 1, and in Φίλτατον Γαῖας γένος Ὀρράνω τε (16) and Πρὸς Κλεῖδα (84);
        5. Κλεῖδα->Κλέιν;
        6. διορθήσεσιν -> διορθώσεσιν;
        7. ἐπτάξατε̣, [μέν, παῖδες, ὐπ' ἔρνη] δροσ[ό]εσσα[ν ἄγνας] -> ἐπτάξατε̣, [παῖδες, κὐπὸ χαίταν] δροσ[ό]εσσα[ν ἄγνας];
        8. ἔσσετα λάθα fix;
        9. Integrate [Καίτ' άραμαι τανδε διπλασιαν μοι] / Νυκτ[α γένεσθαι] into incomplete first stanza of Ἐπιθαλάμιόν τι ᾆσμα (31);
        10. Integrate και]τ̣' ἄπουρ̣[" ἀπάλαισ]ι̣ χέρσ̣ι̣ Π̣εί̣θω into Πρὸς Ἄτθιδα (83);
        11. Integrate ἀπὺ τῶδ' ἐ|[στι με]μόρμενον and remove ἐμ]μ̣όρμενον from Σχόλια εʹ;
        12. Amend «‹x–uu– –uu– – περιοισί'› ἴδρως / ‹Κὰτ› ἀμφότερα [–uu––uu–u–x]» into 152;
        13. Ditch the stupid ἤβα emendation from Edmonds Υγιείαν (117), and put a high dot before that word;
        14. Integrate «γ' οὐ δύνατόν μοι ὔμμαν» to complete l. 4, «τᾶν ὀνίαν φέρ]η̣σθα» to complete l. 5, and «[κεν]ό̣[φρων» in l. 7 of Ὄνοιρε combo (400);
        15. Integrate l. 4 of ᾽Υπίσσω (288);
        16. Deal with ἐκδοκὴ as per 1.iii above;
        17. Add the Reiner-Kovacs version of the Midnight Poem, labeling the current version as Hephæstion's;
      6. Edited Deutsche Anthologie Sappho, 10/1/25 18:02, to:
        1. Add the Edmonds version of the Gongyla;
        2. Add the translation of my version of XXIII.1;
        3. Fix ἐκδόκα as per 1.iii above, translate those version titles for XXIII.1 (only case where the German side stil has ἐκδοκὴ0 and for XV.11, where they should be labelled Tedeschi with my integrations vs. mine;
        4. Add the Reiner-Kovacs version od the Midnight Poem, labeling the current version as Hephæstion's;
        5. Move Fluch with the brother group and out of the Prayers to Aphrodite group (so IV.1 becomes III.4);
        6. Fix the Ode to Anactoria to have ‹ἕς› σ' ἴδω βροχέως;
        7. XV.3 and XV.4 are separated by only one blank line instead of the canonical 3;
      7. Edited Chinese Poetic Sappho, 10/1/25 18:32 to:
        1. Fix the ἐκδοκὴ problem, fixing Καίτ' άραμαι τανδε διπλασιαν μοι to have the appropriate diacritics and removing that integration from Edmonds to mirror the Edmonds nyx from the Chinese side on the Greek side, and the integration on my version's Greek side;
        2. Add the Reiner-Kovacs version of the Midnight Poem;
      8. Edited Chinese Poetic Sappho, 11/1/25 1:21, to:
        1. Put the integration Καίτ' άραμαι τανδε διπλασιαν μοι on the Chinese side;
        2. Include the space in ἀπάλαισ]ιχέρσ̣ι̣;
        3. Fix the integration of Eptaxate on the Chinese side too;
        4. Add scansion signs to incomplete lines of Ὄνοιρε combo (400).
    «Related Facebook page post update: 12/1/25 17:37», 12/1/25 16:33;

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